Roxy Music


Gromet's PlazaBound Stories

Dawn stepped off the train, checked the time on her Fitbit and set off at a hurry. Dawn hated being late and thanks to the trains running with their typical levels of punctuality, she would now have to hurry to make her 11.00am appointment.

At 5ft 9 inches, even without the extra height the heels provided from her boots, she cut an imposing figure. The crowd milling on the platform parted for her as if she were Moses and they were the red sea as she hastily made her way through the station. The tails of her long coat snapped angrily behind her, echoing her own irritation at being delayed, and the click of her boot heels provided a staccato accompaniment that alerted the people in the crowd to the approaching woman bearing down on them. All moved out of the way, and several turned to watch as she strode past, admiring her figure-hugging black jeans with extra rivets up the side and a tight-fitting black t-shirt that accentuated her breasts. In a nod to the professional nature of the appointment, she had chosen glasses today over contact lenses, and she wore her hair up in a high ponytail. The cumulative effect of her boots, attire and attitude caused several men who stared too long to get an elbow in the ribs and more than a few stern words from their wives.

Emerging from the station, Dawn took a deep breath of fresh air and momentarily enjoyed the cool breeze, a welcome relief after the oppressive heat of the station and the masses within. The exhibition center which was her goal was only a short walk away, and she began to form the structure of the interview that she was to be conducting. Her appointment was with Mitzi Green, the Head of Marketing for a new company called Roxy Equipment Ltd. The company made BDSM equipment, and had recently shot to fame when some of their sex toys were used in a popular show on Netflix.

Dawn's interest was mostly professional, although she was interested to see some of the toys up close. By trade she was a psychologist and wrote articles and recorded podcasts for a global psychology publication. Her purpose today was to discuss the psychology of BDSM, and more specifically how the company had applied this to an enormously successful ad campaign that appealed to housewives and hardened Dommes alike.

Arriving at the exhibition centre, Dawn announced herself to the receptionist who bade her take a seat and offered her a coffee. With a curt nod Dawn accepted a latte and glanced again at her Fitbit. The time was 11.02, and she fumed slightly at her unintentional tardiness.

After a few moments, Mitzi appeared in the doorway. Her bleach-blonde hair was cut in a graduated bob, and her outfit was a study in purple latex. From neck to ankle, she gleamed as she moved towards Dawn and offered a hand, which Dawn accepted.

"Dawn I assume?" she purred, "I'm Mitzi."

"Pleased to meet you and thank you for giving me some of your time today," Dawn responded courteously. She stood and together they walked into the main exhibition center. Roxy was holding an expo here that afternoon, and hundreds of people would pass through here for the event.

"We expect to make more sales today than we have in the last quarter," explained Mitzi as they walked past the various stalls. Each stand was manned by a latex-clad model, garbed in a similar fashion to Mitzi although the latex outfits varied in cut and colour. None however, Dawn noted, wore purple other than Mitzi.

Dawn admired the stalls as she passed. The items on show ranged from the kind of accessories she expected to see, such as blindfolds and ball gags, to some things that she didn't recognize at all. At the back of the exhibition hall were several stands that were given over entirely to Roxy's flagship model: the S-space wand. 

"We've sold more of these since we hit Netflix than we ever dreamed," elaborated Mitzi. "We saw a gap in the market and pitched all our marketing efforts to women who were tired of their husband's lackluster attention. Armed with an S-space wand, any man with a little imagination can give their wives what they long for." 

This was of course the premise of the Netflix show, a reality show where couples would receive counselling to rekindle the missing spark in their sex lives. Unsurprisingly, as Roxy sponsored the show, the use of Roxy products was almost always the prescribed cure.

"Follow me please Dawn, we have a room we can use at the back of the hall." She followed Mitzi towards a black door with no windows, and noted a sign that read, "Demonstration Area, Members Only". Mitzi swiped her access card through the reader mounted on the doorframe, and the pair stepped into the room behind. 

Dawn stifled a gasp of surprise. She had never seen a working dungeon before, but she knew of their existence of course. Far from being the dirty, seedy environment she had imagined, this place bristled with all sorts of shiny new toys and equipment. Surrounding the walls were a variety of metal frames and a couple of St. Andrew's Crosses, each with cuffs dangling invitingly from their mountings. The walls were adorned with a variety of Roxy products, many of which Dawn recognized from the stands in the main hall.

"Some of our more exclusive members like to test the merchandise here," explained Mitzi, gesturing with her arm at the surrounding equipment. "Most of our sales team out there are trained in using the equipment here to help make a sale."

Dawn's mind drifted as she perused the range of toys, floggers and other instruments of pleasure and pain. She had often fantasized about having such things used on her but had never met a partner adventurous enough to try.

Mitzi cut across her daydreams. " Shall we move onto the interview?" she asked. "I appreciate this isn't your typical interview environment, but we are using the offices as changing rooms for the staff. I thought you would be more... comfortable here."

Unnoticed by Dawn, Mitzi's eyes contained a glint of mischief as she watched Dawn take off her coat and take a seat on the edge of what Mitzi knew to be a birching bench. Dawn pulled out a purple notepad and pen, and focused her attention on Mitzi standing before her.

“So,” Dawn began, “The Roxy S-space wand is now a household name. How much of that is associated with Netflix?”

“Well, Netflix certainly helped us. However, the product speaks for itself really. Netflix just helped us reach a wider audience.”

“Undeniably true,” Dawn nodded, “but what interests me for the purpose of my podcast is the why? Thousands of what you would class as “vanilla” housewives are now buying your wands as well as other BDSM accessories. I’m curious if you are taking advantage of any specific consumer psychology or social manipulation in your advertising model?”

Mitzi leaned back and smiled to herself. “Again, it’s really the products that sell themselves, we are not consciously ‘manipulating’ anyone.”

“Let me ask you a question,” posed Mitzi, resting a finger on her chin. “Have you ever tried one of our wands? I feel if you had, you would pursue a different tack in this interview.”

“I haven't,” Dawn responded. “I would like to, but I’m not sure how that would influence this interview?”

“Herein lies the problem,” replied Mitzi. She was leaning forwards now, looking at Dawn intensely. “If you had, you would realize that all your questions are most likely pointless.”

“Pointless! Fine. If you give me a goody bag to take home like you do with most journalists, I will absolutely give it a try.”

Mitzi, adopted a contrite expression. “Alas, we have no freebies today. You are welcome to try one now however...?”

This was of course the exact situation Mitzi was hoping for, and as she observed Dawn looking thoughtfully at the rack of multi-coloured wands on the wall behind her, she thought that just one little push would be enough.

“The majority of people I give interviews to haven't tried our products, it is quite irritating.” She stood as if to leave the room and conclude the interview with an air of annoyance.

“Wait,” said Dawn. She had read several interviews that Mitzi had given previously, and she had noted they lacked the passion with which she typically spoke about Roxy products at times. This could give her quite a unique insight for her podcast. “Very well, will you show me how it works please?”

Mitzi smiled to herself. You’re mine now, she thought to herself.

“Very well, happy to oblige,” said Mitzi. “Step over here please, that’s it. The wands are actually best when used in conjunction with a few other accessories – all sold separately of course!”

“This is called an O-frame. Would you like to give it a try? It helps mount the wand in the correct position.”

Dawn examined the contraption in front of her. It was a black metal frame, and the shape followed the outline of a human body if viewed from the front, as if someone had drawn around a person lying on the floor with a crayon. The frame had several brackets to the sides that she assumed were for restraints, and one very prominent arm at the front mounted at mid-height that was obviously for the wand. The base was securely bolted to the floor, and other metal brackets and runners were attached to the floor and the base of the frame.

Mitzi walked around the frame confidently. “This is one of our less popular items, mainly because most households don’t have a way of mounting them to the floor in their houses. We hope however that sales will pick up today....”

I assume you won’t be using any of the other accessories as well?” asked Dawn. Mitzi tried to read the tone in Dawn’s voice, was that nervousness, excitement? Well, worth a shot... Mitzi thought.

“To get the best experience from this, it is advised that we use a couple of things, just to keep you in place,” she replied nonchalantly, holding up a hand and glancing at her fingernails. “When you use the wand for the first time, you do tend to get a bit....wriggly. For safety reasons, it is best we use at least a couple.”

Dawn mulled this over, seeing the sense in what Mitzi had said, but also because she was curious to be cuffed to the frame and see what it felt like. Doing that with someone who clearly knew how to use the kit seemed like as good an opportunity as any.

“Very well, where do you want me?”

“We’ll soon get you strapped in,” said Mitzi, walking to the nearest wall and picking up a set of cuffs, “but would you mind taking your jeans off please? We would like to sell this unit, and the very lovely-looking rivets on your jeans are likely to scratch the paint.”

If there was a moment Dawn was going to smell a rat, Mitzi thought it would be now, but to her surprise Dawn took her boots off, stripped out of her jeans and tossed her t-shirt after them. Well, thought Mitzi speculatively, well, well well...

Dawn stepped up to the frame with a confidence she didn’t entirely feel and took her place inside the frame. It was a good fit to her body, and Mitzi noted that no adjustment would be needed to make the frame fit. Stepping to the front, MItzi used the cuffs to attach Dawn’s wrists to the frame. Each cuff attached directly to the metal framework, so there was very little give or wriggle room. She tightened each one, then reached into her pocket and unbeknownst to Dawn, attached a small padlock through the buckle of each cuff.

Mitzi walked quickly over to the wall with the mutli-coloured wands and selected a purple one. Turning, Mitzi allowed some of her Domme persona to emerge and gave Dawn a stare. She was pleased to see Dawn give a small quiver, which she decided to interpret as excitement. She decided correctly as it turns out, Dawn was most definitely feeling the effects of even just the two cuffs.

Mitzi attached the wand to the frame and moved the head of the wand to within an inch of Dawn’s pussy. “It will be nicer with these off…?” Mitzi asked softly, motioning to Dawn’s underwear. Dawn nodded hastily, and Mitzi carefully pulled them down and over her ankles. “You will also need some lube,” Mitzi explained. “This model is quite powerful, and it can get a little warm.” Without waiting for a response, MItzi took a handful of lube from a nearby dispenser and rubbed it over Dawn’s labia and her clit. She’s already wet, she noted to herself. Good.

“Are you ready?” asked Mitzi, and she pushed the wand into place and flicked a small lever into place on the frame to lock in to position snuggly against Dawn’s clit. Looking straight in Dawn’s eyes as she did so, Mitzi switched on the wand. Dawn’s mind went into freefall.

“Oh my, what the...?” she started to say, but she could feel herself beginning to melt. The feeling was intense and relentless, it was like the wand reached around the usual, gradual feelings of arousal and leading up to an orgasm and went straight there. No moment of let-up, no ebb and flow, just constant pleasure. 

“This is the medium setting,” Mitzi explained, “it has two more settings above this one but for now this setting will be fine.” Dawn was beginning to writhe against the head of the wand, her eyes closed as she began to lose herself in that moment.

“I think for safety purposes, you may need a few more restraints. I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself...” Mitzi collected several more cuffs and began to attach them to various points of the frame. She added two more to each arm at the elbow and shoulder and then proceeded to cuff Dawn’s legs to the side of the frame. This action finally pushed Dawn over the edge, as Mitzi pulled Dawn’s legs to the sides of the frame, her clit was held completely in place against the wand. The orgasm that had been threatening since the wand had been turned on simply appeared in no time at all. She felt her tummy and her vaginal muscles beginning to clench involuntarily against the constant stimulation of the wand, and she came. It was the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced with a toy by some degree, and it seemed to last for an age. As her orgasm subsided, Dawn became aware of Mitzi regarding her and smiling.

“You like?” she asked. Dawn could only nod. 

“Let’s give you one more on the next setting up shall we?” Before Dawn could respond, Mitzi flicked the switch on the wand up a notch, and Dawn’s world became a kaleidoscope of sensations. She could still feel the tingles of the last orgasm and the next one was making itself known already. 

“Oh fuck, I'm coming again,” Oh fuuuuuuck!” moaned Dawn loudly. Mitzi glanced toward the door, conscious that visitors to the exhibition would be arriving now and starting to walk around the stalls. With haste, she took a panel gag with a two-inch resin penis mounted on the panel and a matching blindfold from the wall with the cuffs and pushed the phallic gag into Dawn’s unsuspecting mouth. Wide-eyed, Dawn stared at Mitzi with disbelief as the intruder was pushed into her mouth, and with expert hands Mitzi attached the buckles behind her head. The blindfold quickly followed, and Dawn was lost then to her emotions. The wand was still whirring away, and the combination of that and the silicon cock in her mouth were too much for her to bear. For the third time in what seemed like a few minutes, she came again – grunting around the artificial cock in her mouth.

Got you, thought Mitzi, and she reached down and turned the wand off. Dawn mewed in surprise as the wave of sensations suddenly ended.

“You want more?” asked Mitzi, stroking Dawn’s hardened nipples through her bra. 

“Not yet, my princess. You need a couple more accessories...” Mitzi then added the final touches to Dawn’s bondage. The first was a pair of nipple clamps, that elicited another mewl of surprise when Mitzi cut her bra off, and finally Mitzi attached two large metal brackets to the front and back of the frame. These pressed securely against Dawn’s body, holding her firmly in place.

Dawn took a second to assess her bondage. She had gone from merely fantasizing about being tied up to being thoroughly immobile in the space of about half an hour. She couldn’t see around the blindfold, and the gag in her mouth and the leather panel covering her lips prevented any form of communication. Her limbs felt like they were bolted to the frame itself, and she could barely move. Since Mitzi had added the final piece of the frame over her chest, any movement she was allowed was very small. She was completely held in place and utterly helpless now before this woman.

“Now,” said Mitzi, her tone suddenly business-like. “As you were such a willing participant, and I usually charge for providing the services I have just given you, I have decided to enroll you for the day. For one day only, you are an employee of Roxy Equipment Ltd. You will be a demonstration model, and in a couple of minutes I’m going to open that door and anybody who chooses to do so will come in and see you coming over and over on that wonderful wand there. You just need one final thing however.”

Dawn began to struggle even more against her bondage. She had fantasies of being seen or watched having sex, but this was something else. It was like someone had taken her fantasies, added them up and multiplied them tenfold. Mitzi returned with a placard and rested it against the frame by Dawn’s feet.

“You can’t see this obviously, so I will read it out to you. ‘This is a demonstration model of the O-frame and the S-space wand working in conjunction. If you purchase both today you will get a twenty five percent discount. Please do not touch the model! She has consented willingly to try these devices. Any visitors caught in violation of this rule will be ejected from the exhibition.”

With that, Mitzi flicked the wand onto a low setting and left the room. Dawn began to struggle against the cuffs, but she had no idea that the padlocks meant the cuffs weren’t coming off until Mitzi released her. The lower wand setting seemed to hold her just before the point of orgasm, which after a few moments became both unbearable and wonderful. She didn’t know if she was scared or excited at the prospect of being seen in this predicament - maybe both? “At least no-one will recognize me behind the gag and blindfold,” she thought.

The constant rumble of the wand began to take over, and eventually it became all she could focus on. After a time, she became aware of footsteps and voices around her, and the susurrus of voices talking around her. The exhibition goers may not be touching her, though some did by accident, but they got up very close to examine what was going on and to look at the devices. A female voice near her ear said,” My god, look at her! George, can we get one?”

Dawn started and twitched against her cuffs as she felt a hand on her ass and heard Mitzi's voice in her ear. 

“Thank you all for coming today and enjoying the event. I hope you are all having a good time! I know at least one of us is,” she said as she slapped Dawn’s ass. The crowd gathered gave a laugh.

“So,” continued Mitzi, this is the O-frame, with the full complement of locking cuffs, gag, blindfold, nipple clamps and of course, the star of the show, the S-space wand!” The crowd gave a polite applause at this. 

“Let’s give you a proper demonstration, shall we?” and reaching over, she flicked the wand up to full power. 

Dawn went into meltdown and came almost immediately. The effects of the wand on low, her rigid bondage and the feelings she felt of being seen had held her in a state of constant horniness and near orgasm for some time now. The moment that stimulation was ramped up she could no longer contain herself, and she came as hard as she ever had.

“Ooo-mmph –mmph-mmph MMPH!” was all that could be heard behind her gagged mouth. Even more of a surprise was that she could feel she was going to cum again almost immediately.

“Multiple orgasms are something you should expect and get used to ladies! To the men in the room, take note!” Mitzi again gave Dawn a resounding slap on the ass and that was enough to push her over the edge once more. If Dawn thought it had been intense before when she came, this was several levels up. It was like her pussy was locked in orgasm mode, her muscles were tight and she couldn’t get any respite from the wand pressed against her clit. She moaned into her gag again heavily, breathing hard through her nose. She could feel her own juices running down her thighs, and she was sure she was probably standing in a puddle by now. She had never felt like this before, and after what examination she could complete through the fog of all her orgasms, she decided she rather liked it.

Mitzi, however, wasn’t done yet it seemed. She switched off the wand and Dawn sagged into the frame.

“You have seen the S-Space wand in action, and as we all know it is a thing of wonder. But today, we want to introduce you to a new product in our range. We at Roxy know it as test model FM2, but you chaps out there will most definitely recognize this as the first ever Roxy Equipment Ltd model of fucking machine! Give it up for the FM2!”

Dawn could hear the rumble of footsteps on the platform around her and unseen by her, two more latex-coated assistants attached the machine to the runners at the base of the frame. Mitzi checked the attachments were secure and adjusted the tip of the phallus so it was almost touching Dawn’s dripping cunt, just behind where the wand was still firmly pressed against her now throbbing clit.

“Now then,” said Mitzi in a quieter voice, and the crowd visibly drew in to listen. Everyone watching was staring intently at Dawn in silence, the chemistry was palpable in the air, married to the excitement and expectation of what was about to happen in front of them. 

“Listen now please because this is important. What makes the FM2 different from other fucking machines on the market is that it is self-lubricating, so no need to be constantly watching your subject! You can use your hands for other things!” Mitzi gave her another slap on the ass, but this time there was no laugh, the crowd were entirely engrossed in the show.

“Tough crowd,” murmured Mitzi, and she switched on the fucking machine.

The mechanism moved the plastic cock up straight into Dawn’s pussy and it thrust implacably into her and withdrew. Dawn stiffened and arched as much as she could against her restraints, and she felt the lifelike phallus moving in and out of her insistently. 

Mitzi flicked the wand back up to medium this time and increased the fucking machine up to a higher speed. Dawn began to buck and pull against the cuffs – this felt so good, and with each moan she emitted from her gagged mouth she was reminded of the crowd watching her, and the sense of combined shame and excitement from that entirely fueled her next orgasm as she thought of the rapt faces watching her. She came even harder this time, and panting for breath she knew she was almost at the limit of what she could endure.

Mitzi had one final addition for her though.

“Give a big hand for the FM2!” she clapped, but she noted no-one else did. If anything, the demonstration was not quite having the effect she thought, and she could see one horny couple in the crowd kissing and motioning towards the door to leave and go fuck somewhere. Time to up the ante, she thought.

“And now, time for the big finale! What’s better than a fucking machine i hear you ask? Well I'll tell you! TWO fucking machines!” Dawn heard a slight gasp from the audience members nearest the front as second fucking machine was attached to the railings. Mitzi again adjusted the phallus, this time directly below her ass. Slowly, Mitzi worked some lube into Dawn’s anus and carefully switched the machine on, so the mechanical cock slowly pushed its way inside her. Dawn moaned and struggled against the intrusion, but she was helpless to prevent it.

“And now, ladies and gentlemen, this is what the combined effects of all these Roxy toys can do! Please speak to a member of our sales team for more information!”

Dawn felt a lot of things all at once. Mitzi had turned the wand up to full power and the fucking machine in her cunt was also at full speed. Mercifully, the one penetrating her ass over and over was not at full speed, and she shuddered to think what that would feel like. 

Dawn could do nothing but focus on what was happening to her crotch. The wand was vibrating away furiously with no sign of ever stopping, the fucking machine in her pussy pounded into her relentlessly again and again, and the other machine in her ass was moving in and out at roughly half the speed of the rhythmically pumping cock in her cunt. She didn't know what to focus on, it was almost too much and too many things happening at once. The machines however did not take this into consideration, and the constant and overpowering stimulation in both holes and on her clit forced her into another orgasm. Dawn was panting for breath as she gushed around the dildo constantly fucking her pussy, and before she knew it a second orgasm overtook the first. Dawn was rigid now, pulling the restraints, her breathing ragged and as she moaned and screamed as this final orgasm was pulled from her helpless body.

Mitzi pulled the plug on the master power switch, and all the devices ceased their motions. The lights dimmed, and several latex-clad assistants appeared around Dawn and began to release her. 

“Ladies and gentlemen, please make your way to the main hall where our CEO will be giving a short presentation. We thank you for your custom!”

The crowd began to disperse, and Dawn felt the cuffs released one by one. She felt a stinging pain as the clamps were removed and blood returned to her aching nipples. She knew she couldn’t stand, and only the central bracket of the frame and three pairs of hands were holding her up right now. Through her reverie, Dawn knew she had never been fucked so completely and wonderfully as that, and with a pang of regret she knew she most likely would never again. Her mind drifted to her credit card balance, and she momentarily wondered if she could buy this equipment herself.

She was carried to a bench in the center of the room, and a blanket was draped over her shoulders. As her senses returned, she noted three assistants around her, one on each side holding her up and one behind her, massaging her shoulders. A drinking straw was offered to her mouth, and she drank deeply. Next a piece of chocolate appeared, which she devoured equally as quickly. Her pussy was numb from the experience, and she felt a tenderness in her ass, but mostly she felt the warming sensation of multiple orgasms and the contentment that goes with that feeling. The chocolate was helping too.

Mitzi came back into the room and approached her, a strange expression that was a mix of happiness and sheepishness on her face.

“That was incredible!” she exclaimed, her excitement winning through in the end. “We smashed our sales projections by thousands! All down to you my dear, all down to you.” Mitzi sat next to her and put an arm around her, stroking Dawn’s thigh with the other.

“I’m sorry for the subterfuge”, she began, “but you seemed to be into it so I kinda went with it. The model who was supposed to do that today was a no-show, but honestly she wasn’t a patch on you. How are you feeling?”

Dawn’s full range of words hadn’t yet returned. She wasn’t sure whether to be furious at this woman who had restrained and fucked her moments previously, or whether to thank her for the best sexual experience she had ever had. She opted for the latter. 

“You could have asked,” she said, her mouth still felt dry from the gag, so she took another drink.

“And you would have agreed?” asked Mitzi, “I think not. But now you have experienced it, what do you think?”

“It was amazing,” replied Dawn. More than amazing she thought, but words were still not forthcoming.

“I know, right?” said Mitzi. “I tested all the prototypes myself and I know how good it is. I know if people would just try it, we’d sell millions!”

“I want to make you an offer,” she continued. “We took a lot of money today, in no small part to you. I’ll give you the rig you just used, and a tidy cheque to go with it, or... you come work for us..... and you could do the same show every week on our tour. It’s once a week, so you would have time to recover, and the salary and medical are great. Think about it, yeah?”

Dawn nodded and took another bite of chocolate, but she knew what she was going to do.

Dawn, a psychologist and podcaster, rushes to an appointment with Mitzi Green, Head of Marketing for Roxy Equipment Ltd., a company specializing in BDSM products. After navigating through a crowded train station, she arrives at an exhibition center where Roxy is showcasing its products, notably the S-space wand, which gained popularity after being featured in a Netflix show. Mitzi, dressed in striking purple latex, leads Dawn to a demonstration area that resembles a well-equipped dungeon, challenging Dawn's preconceived notions about such spaces. As they discuss the marketing strategies that appeal to a diverse audience, including housewives, Mitzi suggests that the products sell themselves, prompting Dawn to question the psychological aspects of their advertising. The conversation takes a turn when Mitzi offers Dawn the chance to try one of the wands, hinting at a deeper exploration of the products. Intrigued yet hesitant, Dawn contemplates the implications of her participation, setting the stage for a unique interview that blurs professional boundaries and personal curiosity.