Pohx的正义之火酋长建造指南(Poe Kalguur殖民者3.25版本)





Righteous Fire Righteous Fire has been in Path of Exile since Closed Beta. It has had many variations ranging from Juggernaut, Occultist, low life Guardians, Hybrid Inquisitors & now I bring you the Chieftain.
You can expect to charge through your enemies & burn them to death while maintaining the absolutely fantastic defences a Chieftain brings you. For tougher targets, we’ll be cursing with our Punishment Punishment & Throwing Fire Trap Fire Trap. Don’t forget for full single target, we want to stand still to gain the full effect of Ramako Sun’s Light.

FAQ 部分可以在我的 RF Wiki 上找到




  • 联赛入门 - 也许你不能立即用这个技能升级,但不用担心,你可以在第二幕开始,大约在17到20级时开始。你也不需要升级装备。
  • 极高的坦度 - 90% 最大元素抗性,1.5k+ 生命回复。易于获得混沌抗性。
  • SSF友好 – 这个构建在进图过程中不需要任何独特装备。首领伤害可能有点不足,但你完全可以通过获取更多装备来克服末游戏。


伤害 – 这个构建并不是最适合单一目标的。但不要因此而放弃玩它。你仍然可以在地图中快速前进,但我会说当伤害超过 2-4 百万(守护者/塑界者 DPS)时,成本就会变得昂贵。

地图词缀 & 近战 – 你会想要避开一些地图词缀,比如“无法回复生命,最大抗性 & 生命回复降低” 对于新手来说,近战可能有些棘手。当你装备不是很好时,你需要更多地注意一些稀有怪物。

  • 打BOSS - 在这3个版本中,这个版本在预算有限的情况下打BOSS的时间最长,主要是因为我们的伤害来自站立不动,而在预算有限的情况下很难抵挡BOSS的攻击。(您绝对可以在生命和抗性装备上获得虚空石)


Activate Righteous Fire (Every time you go into a new zone) Shield charge or walk it’s your preference really. Occasionally use your Flammability Flammability on blue & rare packs of monsters. Later on we replace this with Punishment Punishment. When encountering tougher enemies you’ll be chucking Fire Trap Fire Trap while dancing around them or just straight sitting on their faces if you’re tanky enough.

For bossing on say Guardians I usually try to stand right next to them and Frostblink Frostblink through them to chill and dodge the heavy hits. You can alternatively keep them on the edge of your ring from Righteous Fire Righteous Fire and throw Fire Trap Fire Trap from a safer distance.

When you engage a large pack of monsters. Do not forget to use your Infernal Cry Infernal Cry



Note: Righteous Fire Righteous Fire scales off maximum Health so it’s important to keep up with the health rolls on items. (You can often ignore the life mod on a chest if you take the 15% Max life mastery) Note: that life does not scale your Fire Trap Fire Trap so you don’t want to neglect your other damage modifiers.


  • % 火焰伤害(权杖、盾牌、被动技能树、珠宝)
  • % 燃烧伤害(珠宝、被动技能树)
  • % 元素伤害(被动技能树)
  • % 使魔伤害(被动技能树和武器)(因为 灵性援助


  • % 点燃伤害持续加成(被动技能树、权杖、珠宝)
  • % 伤害持续加成(被动技能树、权杖、珠宝)

** 提升至宝石等级**

  • +1 to Level of all spell skills (Sceptre and Amulet)
  • +1 to Level of all fire spell skills (Sceptre, Shield and Amulet)
    (Only Scales Fire Trap Fire Trap. So DOT Multi is preferred, this is a bonus stat)

PoB 和 被动技能树


这个全面 PoB将帮助您在每个等级阶段进行升级,无论是从联赛开始的角度还是 SSF 环境。







Here we’ll be looking for an Armour helmet with Elder influence ilvl 82, Essence of Horror Essence of Horror helmet modifier with Socketed Gems are Support by either level 16/18/20 Burning Damage OR Concentrated Effect (IF YOU HIT BOTH YOU GOT A GOD HELM) The level doesn’t matter in particular as long as you can get these modifiers. Beyond this, getting the + level to AoE gems craft will be huge for your Fire Trap Fire Trap. Alternatively, you can purchase Burning Damage & Concentrated effect helmets on trade. You can usually find these really cheap after the first week. For SSF players you can reforge Fire with Harvest.


这篇文章介绍了《流放之路》中的一种基于 Chieftain Ascendancy 的 Righteous Fire Chieftain 构建。该构建在地图探索时非常坚固,同时保持了最佳的清图速度。文章详细介绍了构建的优缺点、游玩风格以及伤害和防御层面的提升方式。构建的优点包括适合新联赛开始、简单易上手、极高的坦度和适合 SSF 玩家。缺点则包括单体伤害不足、对某些地图词缀和近战有一定难度、以及对 Boss 的挑战。游玩风格包括激活 Righteous Fire、使用技能和陷阱对付敌人。文章还提供了 PoB 和被动技能树链接以及装备建议。