Morse Code AI

Alphabet A in Morse Code is **.-** . NATO Pronunciation is **Alpha** . Sound is **di-dah** .
Alphabet B in Morse Code is **\-...** . NATO Pronunciation is **Bravo** . Sound is **dah-di-di-dit** .
Alphabet C in Morse Code is **\-.-.** . NATO Pronunciation is **Charlie** . Sound is **dah-di-dah-dit** .
Alphabet D in Morse Code is **\-..** . NATO Pronunciation is **Delta** . Sound is **dah-di-dit** .
Alphabet E in Morse Code is **.** . NATO Pronunciation is **Echo** . Sound is **dit** .
Alphabet F in Morse Code is **..-.** . NATO Pronunciation is **Foxtrot** . Sound is **di-di-dah-dit** .
Alphabet G in Morse Code is **\--.** . NATO Pronunciation is **Golf** . Sound is **dah-dah-dit** .
Alphabet H in Morse Code is **....** . NATO Pronunciation is **Hotel** . Sound is **di-di-di-dit** .
Alphabet I in Morse Code is **..** . NATO Pronunciation is **India** . Sound is **di-dit** .
Alphabet J in Morse Code is **.---** . NATO Pronunciation is **Juliett** . Sound is **di-dah-dah-dah** .
Alphabet K in Morse Code is **\-.-** . NATO Pronunciation is **Kilo** . Sound is **dah-di-dah** .
Alphabet L in Morse Code is **.-..** . NATO Pronunciation is **Lima** . Sound is **di-dah-di-dit** .
Alphabet M in Morse Code is **\--** . NATO Pronunciation is **Mike** . Sound is **dah-dah** .
Alphabet N in Morse Code is **\-.** . NATO Pronunciation is **November** . Sound is **dah-dit** .
Alphabet O in Morse Code is **\---** . NATO Pronunciation is **Oscar** . Sound is **dah-dah-dah** .
Alphabet P in Morse Code is **.--.** . NATO Pronunciation is **Papa** . Sound is **di-dah-dah-dit** .
Alphabet Q in Morse Code is **\--.-** . NATO Pronunciation is **Quebec** . Sound is **dah-dah-di-dah** .
Alphabet R in Morse Code is **.-.** . NATO Pronunciation is **Romeo** . Sound is **di-dah-dit** .
Alphabet S in Morse Code is **...** . NATO Pronunciation is **Sierra** . Sound is **di-di-dit** .
Alphabet T in Morse Code is **\-** . NATO Pronunciation is **Tango** . Sound is **dah** .
Alphabet U in Morse Code is **..-** . NATO Pronunciation is **Uniform** . Sound is **di-di-dah** .
Alphabet V in Morse Code is **...-** . NATO Pronunciation is **Victor** . Sound is **di-di-di-dah** .
Alphabet W in Morse Code is **.--** . NATO Pronunciation is **Whiskey** . Sound is **di-dah-dah** .
Alphabet X in Morse Code is **\-..-** . NATO Pronunciation is **X-ray** . Sound is **dah-di-di-dah** .
Alphabet Y in Morse Code is **\-.--** . NATO Pronunciation is **Yankee** . Sound is **dah-di-dah-dah** .
Alphabet Z in Morse Code is **\--..** . NATO Pronunciation is **Zulu** . Sound is **dah-dah-di-dit** .

Page 2

The article provides a list of the alphabet letters from A to Z in Morse Code, along with their NATO pronunciations and corresponding sounds. It also includes links to pages for numbers 0 to 9 in Morse Code. Each alphabet letter is represented in Morse Code, followed by its NATO pronunciation and the sound it makes in Morse Code.