在这个页面上,您将找到 WotLK 经典版中圣骑士神圣奶骑的最佳 PvE 天赋选择和配装,以及建议的雕文。
Holy Paladin talents focus on survivability, throughput, gaining powerful cooldowns such as Divine Illumination, and maximizing the strength of your blessings.
Holy Paladin has several talent points that are up to personal preference and can be changed around to better fit your group or personal playstyle. In the build listed above two points are put into Improved Devotion Aura in order to increase healing done by those in range of your Auras but those point can be moved to various other place like
Purifying Power or
Blessed Hands.
Improved Lay on Hands does a massive heal and reduces Physical damage taken depending on how many points you have in this talent. This buff helps mitigate a ton of damage against any Physical-damage-heavy encounter.
Healing Light increases the amount of healing done by your
Holy Light and
Flash of Light by 4% per rank, which is the single largest healing increase you can get per talent point spent.
Illumination refunds 30% of the Mana cost of your
Flash of Light,
Holy Light, and
Holy Shock if you crit. This vastly increases the amount of incoming Mana you will receive in a fight and there are many talents that synergize extremely well with this.
Divine Favor is a 2-minute cooldown that guarantees your next heal will crit. Not only is this a massive burst of throughput, but it also guarantees you will receive the benefit of
Light's Grace reduces the cast speed of your
Holy Light by 0.5 seconds when the buff is active. This bonus cast speed can help greatly in a situation where you are required to be doing the maximum healing you can output.
Holy Shock is an instant cast heal or damaging spell that is extremely potent. Holy Shock is not a spell you use on cooldown because of how much Mana it costs, but it is a great tool for an emergency where you do not have time to cast or are moving and cannot stop to cast.
Holy Guidance grants 20% of your total Intellect as Spell Power. This drastically increases the value of Intellect for Holy Paladins, as it now directly increases the amount healed by each spell, in addition to already increasing the Mana pool and Spell Crit chance.