The AI Text Detector is a fine-tuned GPT model that predicts how likely it is that a piece of text was generated by AI from a variety of sources, such as ChatGPT.
Requires a minimum of 1,000 characters, which is approximately 150 - 250 words.
The detector isn`t always accurate; it can mislabel both AI-generated and human-written text.
AI-generated text can be edited easily to evade the detector.
The detector is likely to get things wrong on text written by children and on text not in English, because it was primarily trained on English content written by adults.
Copy or input the text to be detected into the text box below, and click the Detect button to start the detection process for about 2-3 seconds
or, choose a file to upload (Accepted file types: pdf, docx, txt)
Detection completed
Detection failed