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This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. https://books.google.com 346 Book B (p.52)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomethisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e a p t a i n e ; B e it k n o w n t h a t I Isaac Horner of ye vince of West N e w Jersey for & in ye Con- sidrationofyeSume ofSixteenpounds SilverMoney Currantof this Collony in hand paid in full Satisfaction before ye Sealing & Diliveryhereof& forothergoodcauses& considerationsmeyeSd IsaacespeciallymoovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED alienated, made over,Bargained Sold & confirm'd And by these pṛsents I ye SdIsaacdogivegrantAlienateMake overSell& confirmeallmy right Title & Interest claime & Demand whatsoever wch I ye Sd Isaac now have,or wch any of my Heires Executrs AdministratTM or Assignes may hereafter have of & in a piece or Tract of Land & Swamp Lying & being at Bever Swamp in Matenacock in in the bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke unto John Rogers of Oysterbay aforesaid his Heires Executrs Administrats or Assignes which Sd Tract of Land & Swamp is Bounded from from a Chesnutt Tree upon ye Hill neer ye High way from thence to Run East Sixty eight Rod & ye Middle of the Brook to be ye East Bounds, And from the aforesd Chesnutt Tree to runn North one Hundred & Twenty Rod to a Black oake Standing be- twixt two Branches of ye Run Called ye Midle Run halfe of that Run & Swamp to be ye Lyne from thence Easterly Sixty Eight rod to ye full value of ffifty Acres be it more or Less wthall Pfits & Comodities thereto belonging or Aptaining T O H A V E AND TO HOLD yeSdTractofLand& SwampwithitsAppur- tenances unto ye Sd John Rogers his Executrs Administratrs or As- signes&tohis&theironelyPP use&behoofeforever.Andthe Sd Isaac hath putt ye Sd John into a Lawfull & peaceable posses- sion of & in ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of Turf & Twigg & by the Diliveryofthesep'sentsAND theSdIsaacDothfurthercovenant to & wth the Sd John that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd John his Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,occupy,possesse & enjoy all & Singu- lar ye p'mises forever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or In- teruption of him ye Sd Isaac his Heires Executrs Administrat or Assignes or any other son or sons L a w fully claiming for by or under them or either of them by meanes of any former gift, grant, bargaine or Sale whatsoever ; A n d further I the S d Isaac Do bind my Self my Heires Executrs and Administratrs firmly by these p'sents to Defend Save & keep harmles ye Sd John Rogers his Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes against all claimes or Demands Law Suits or other Incumbrances that Shall or may hereafter be made by any son or sons whether Indeans or Christians upon,unto or concerning ye Sd Tract of Land ;And I ye Sd Isaac do also Declare that I a m ye true owner & Pprietor of ye p'mises & yt this m y Deed Shall Stand good & effectuall according to ye true Intent & meaning hereof not- Book B 347 withstanding any error or errors that may be found herein wch is not according to Law IN W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Setmyhand& Sealyetwo&twentiethDayofMayinyeyeareof our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & Six Signed Sealed & dd in ye p'sence of us John Newman George Townsend Isaac Horner O This Deed owned & acknowledged by Isaac Horner before me vide lxxv : John Townsend Ser Be it known by these p'sents yt I David Underhill ye wthin Named in this wthin Written Deed,have Assigned,Made over & Confirm'd, And by these p'sents I ye Sd David do Assigne Make over and Confirme unto John Rogers of Oysterbay in queens County in the Collony of N e w Yorke this wthin written Deed wch beareth Date ye ffourth Day of Aprill 1695, wth ye Meadow therein Mentioned & Conveyed to me Sd David by Samuel Dickinson, wthall ye right, title & Interest Claime & Demand w'sover wch I ye Sd David now have, or wch any or either of m y Heires Executrs or Assignes m a y hereaft' have thereunto:to him ye Sd John Rogers his Heires & Assignes for ever as ffully & Amply as it is made unto me ye Sd David by this wthin written Deed he ye Sd John having pd & Satisfied me for ye Same before ye Sealing & Diliv'y hereof by a Bill bearing Date wth these p'sents und'his hand & Seale to ye value of Ten pounds,Currant Money of New Yorke,to my full Content & Satisfaction; As Witnes my hand & Seal ye Twelfth Day of Aprill in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety ffive Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us david Underhill O Nathaneill Coles Sen' April ye 15: 1695: David Underhill came before m e one of their Maties Justices of ye peace for queens County & Acknowledged this to be his reall act & Deed Nathanell Coles This Assignm'is of a Deed from Sam" Dickinson to David Underhill for Meadow at South,and is entred in ye 357th page of this Booke (The deed on p.351,though with same date,grantors and grantees,differsfrom thisfollowing one. Apparently itwas ex- ecuted first,then on reflection itwas deemed wiser to draw a new deed,with consideration and guaranty,to be witnessed by Indians as well as by Christians.) (p.53)-Know allpeopletowhom thesep'sentsmay Come that wee whose names are here under written,to Say Tackapoosha the Sachem of Massepeago upon ye South Side of Long Island and Chopeyconnaws ye Young Sachem Brother to ye abovesd Tacka- poosha have granted, Bargined for, and Sold & Doe hereby grant,Bargian for & Sell unto ye Inhabitants of Oysterbay;to UNIVER ERSITY STANFOR LIBRARIES D pl. سرت  alix Mohemnes have sold ouro, Beeren. William Washer (Mohener Autho FIRST PURCHASE DEED,1653 Fromtheoriginal,stilpreserved,betweenglassplates,intheTown Clerk'soffice. Theoriginalis7% x55%,onthinandfragilepaper,notmuchwornexceptatthefolds See actualtext,p.670,and variantcopies,p.334 and p.354. ismeGrethe is siapu wright, Savewith Muro william Lendrid, and lying desutnaté ven Scituate 522 Guided byover OysterBay toye Eastside & papaqnaturksmon ony wishside withallzuwederinder marshes orlands Bends & allother the axonitoname lying botwodne les Coun ahorenained;to fallye Islands bysigts yosonward,exvotingoneIslandSome called stogJolam :& bounded- Spistbevandeby a sint of the Cansaing. Bar gainedesate lie isto nordand as satisfaction sixe Indian Fouter, size Keller,wieFathomohnwameum,dexo hors, sige hathosts, clan, 2 ofshort thirty anti -blades,orMuxen prives,UnseFunds,& asmakevod asroillamounttosomewounds In winner white T h e Crathi get tolus 2yb:༤ 7;y ouse o fum schiap on Sheuyntdereend h, we antem nemed same scheio.Phen wrighed,I will Liverich,dos arrept oh as joyng furchasers with 5 prons verdensperified to the like night Winsirden wo have à séluesin& Lorouspurchased offAsiona pricularly mentioneleinze vriseingmade tosute by himselfe 23other Zündiregpisportwithiwiress. thenamesofsuchasworéabsingarsedl 20Comall:Swingin hands. William so joyn'spurchaser's wife's m r n e. washbour Che: e strmitag Dani rahierehead Ante; voriget Pol: williamo. Joh , washbourn fit . Holbrooks Recorded in the OfficeatNew Yo 7R18 27 7thgasofMarch5667 mee MatthiasNicottsS R e c o r d e d i n O y s t e r b a y i n L i b e. B e p a g e & OrKn.Neriman FIRST PURCHASE DEED (Reverse) OYSTER BAY TOWN RECORDS Volume I- 1653-1690 WITH AN APPENDIX Containing an Historical Sketch by George W. Cocks (who also prepared part of the copy for this volume in 1898 for the Oyster Bay Historical Society) and various important documents. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BY FREDERICK E. WILLITS DANIEL UNDERHILL EDWARD T.PAYNE Committee COMPARED,ANNOTATED AND INDEXED BY JOHN COX,JR. NEW YORK TOBIAS A. WRIGHT PRINTER AND PUBLISHER 1916 F127 198085 v.l I hereby certify that I have compared or caused to be compared this printed volume with the original manuscript records in m y office, and that I believe the same to be a correct and exact copy of said original records, excepting interpolated matter as explained in introduction. April 6th, 1916. Town of Oyster Bay, County ofNassau,N. Y. Official Seal. CHARLES WEEKS, Town Clerk. Heb.2,1942 PREFACE ThepublicationoftheoldrecordsoftheTown ofOysterBay is being carried on by the Committee under the following resolu- tionadoptedattheTown ElectiononApril4th,1911. R E S O L V E D , That Townsend D. Cock, Frederick E. Willits and James Malcolm be, and they are hereby appointed a com- mittee to have the Town Records of the Town of Oyster Bay transcribed, annotated as fully as possible, thoroughly indexed and printed at the lowest cost commensurate with good work and that the sum of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated to meet the expense of transcribing, annotating, indexing, printing and binding the records of the Town of Oyster Bay. That said work be done under the super- vision of the Committee above named,who are hereby appointed for that purpose and are to serve without pay ; that the Supervisor of the Town of Oyster Bay cause the said sum to be inserted in the next budget,to be raised by tax,and paid over by the Col- lector,to the Supervisor,to be drawn on the order of the said Commission,or a majority of them. The Historical Society of the Town of Oyster Bay had previ- ously,in 1898,undertaken this work,and had,through its secre- tary and historian,George W. Cocks of Glen Cove,prepared a typewritten copy of Book A ,of the Book of Purposes, of the Court of Assize records and of some important unrecorded documents. These copies were carefully compared with the originals by Mr. Cocks and his daughter. The lack of financial support prevented the Society from continuing its work, and after the adoption of the above resolution by the town electors, t h e H i s t o r i c a l S o c i e t y , o n N o v e m b e r 2 3 r d , 1 9 1 1 , p l a c e d its m a n u - script at the disposal of this Committee. Before the next biennial Town Election,James Malcolm,one of the Committee, died, and since the original resolution con- tained no provision for the appointment of his successor, and since ithad then been ascertained that the appropriation was not sufficientto complete the work,a further resolution,empowering the survivors of the Committee to fill vacancies and authorizing them to sell printed copies of the records as issued, and to use the proceeds to carry on the work,was adopted at the Town Election of April 2nd,1913. James Malcolm died September 16th,1912,and James H. Lud- lam was appointed in his place April 1st, 1913. Townsend D. Cock died June 19th,1913,and was succeeded by Daniel Under- hill, appointed February 19th, 1914. James H. Ludlam died February 17th,1915,and Edward T. Payne was appointed his successor September 3rd, 1915. vi Preface It was intended that George W. Cocks,whose many years of research in Colonial history, both general and local, and in the records of the Town,peculiarly qualified him for the purpose, would be employed by the Committee to take the active super- vision and conduct of the work,but his illness and the infirmities of age made it impossible for him to carry out such a laborious task. It was apparent to the Committee that for the copied rec- ords to be of value the copy must be prepared and verified by an expert in such matters. After having the records transcribed down to about 1850,the Committee found in Mr. John Cox,Jr., a cousin of Mr. George W. Cocks,who has had large experience in examinations of early records, a worthy substitute to verify the transcript and read the proof,and to annotate and index the printed records. The Committee considers that its duty is to furnish an exact copy of the records, leaving it to the reader to adopt interpreta- tions and constructions of the matter recorded wherever the meaning is doubtful. The time expended in producing such a copy of the ancient volumes,with their many obsolete forms of spelling and writing, has largely increased the expense of the publication;but we feel that the production of a dependable copy isthe greatest necessity,and that to publish an incorrect or only approximately correct copy would be to waste the money of the Town. It is planned to publish the records,when funds are provided, down atleastto1800,insixvolumes,ofwhichthisfirstincludes, in general down to 1690,although some deeds and proceedings of an earlier date will appear in the next volume,as the old books were not always filled in exact chronological order. The Musketo Cove record shows the acts of the five proprietors of that Patent in subdividing and sellingtheir land. It is of great importance in the history of titles to real property in the Township,but as the record has never been in the custody of the Town officials,itishere given as an appendix. The extracts from the records of the Court of Assizes are those originally furnished to this T o w n as particularly pertaining to it. TheyexplainandilluminateinterestingmattersintheTown rec- ords, as this Court was a body of plenary power, both admin- istrative as well as judicial. There are also included in the appendix several deeds from the Indians not recorded in the Town records,but of prime im- portance, and a few unrecorded wills which are also important inthehistoryoflandtitles. Therearealsoincludedcertaindocu- ments of importance in the Town's history, which, though in print,were not before accessible to the average reader. The record book of Robert Williams'Patent,nearly as impor- tant as the Musketo Cove record,will,be available for the appen- dix in a later volume as also the Book of Marks, referred to Preface vii in these pages, and which contains interesting data. A n index or digest of such very early deeds and wills pertaining to the T o w n as appear in the County Records of Queens County would also be of great value in connection with the T o w n records. The early Town records show to us a small band of pioneers struggling to establish themselves in their new homes and con- ducting their affairs in the Town Meeting,in which all took part, andthemajoritycontrolled. Theirproblemsmay seemsimpleto us,but their administration was excellent,and we who have had so many years of experience since then to guide us,would do well to study the direct way in which our forefathers met their diffi- culties and answered the questions coming before them. FREDERICK E. WILLITS, DANIEL UNDERHILL, EDWARD T. PAYNE, Committee. INTRODUCTION Seventeenth Century chirography is rendered more difficult by now disused forms of several of the letters,the many signs,ab- breviations and contractions used,the very small and frequently crabbed penmanship of many writers, as well as by the use of wordsandphrasesnowobsolete. ManyoftheOysterbayImmi- grants were good penmen, and their spelling and grammar as shown in these records is fairly correct for that period. The second generation in the Colonies usually lacked in some degree, a n d t h e t h i r d still m o r e , t h e c u l t u r e o f O l d E n g l a n d , a n d t h e i r spellingand writing inthese records show it,though not so much here as in some localities. Many words that appear to be badly spelled inthese records are simply obsolete forms,as accar,acer, acker,acree,and aker,all ancient forms of the word which once meant the area an ox team could plow in a day. The eighteen foot pole is another example of forgotten custom, and not an attempt to defraud the Indians. The ancient English pole was ofvariouslengthsindifferentlocalities,9,12,15,16 ,18,20, 21 and 24 feet. That of eighteen feet was called "woodland measure." The most common contraction was the use of y for th,at the beginning of a word,with the remainder of the word raised,as ye forthe,yt forthat,ym forthem,yn forthen orthan,etc. Theselettershavenotbeenraisedinthiscopy. AnnoqDom:,is Annoque Domini, now reduced to Anno Domini ; Instrumt is clearlyinstrument,yorisyourandDecemb orXbrisclearlyDe- cember,but the many cases of such words as December where all the letters are used show the subconscious mind of the penman haltingbetweenthecontractionandthefullword. A contraction of various forms, but always meant for the word delivered is best rendered by dd. Another contraction is in such words as wthin,considration,etc.,where letters are raised in the middle of a word,usually to save a single vowel. A sign frequently used, and puzzling to the unaccustomed eye,is P ,used at the beginning of a word for par,per,por,also for pre,pri,pro,etc.,as Pt for part, Pcel for parcel, form for perform, son or con for person, mises for premises,Ptence for pretence,P P for proper, Ppty forproperty,andinthemiddleofaword,asapptenance for appurtenance, appbacon for approbation, etc. This sign properly should not be used for pre, pri, or pro, but a slightly different character,yet in John Newman's minute hand this dif- viii Introduction ix ference is not noticeable. W h e n c was substituted for ti, as in consideracon,a mark was used to indicate the sound. Writers generally did not double m in such words as common,but put a mark over the letter to indicate the omission of the second con- sonant. No attempt has been made to reproduce the superior marks and specially formed letters, except as here stated, as no increased clarity would result and the text would be confusing to the average reader. The use of capitals presents difficulties, and no two copyists would produce the same result. With some good penmen a large proportion of the words were capitalized, regardless of their importance, but omitting capitals in striking instances, as "god." The capitalization has been followed as closely as may well be done,rendering for the ancient capital F the nearest printable approximation, ff, and rendering capital I as such,though by some penmen written J. Among the letters whose forms have changed, are c, frequently made like a very short lower case t;e,so much like an o as to require much care in deciphering;g,made like a y with a dash across it;k,much like our b ;r,especially when raised,so much like the Greek e,as to be very generally mistaken therefor by untrained copyists,and when not raised sometimes so peculiarly formed as to easily be mistaken for rr. U and v are frequently but not regularly inter- changed,but in this particular they are here generally rendered as they were intended to sound. In the case of capitals they are rendered as given, as in Vnderhill. B y the Eighteenth Century the present forms of the letters had generally prevailed,and fewer contractions were used. Where the mark used as a signature is an initial of the given or surname of the signer, it is here so given in parenthesis, as his John(J)Wright. Inallothercasesthemarkisrenderedasan mark X. The seal is always rendered by an O. Where the original is worn away the letters or words are restored,in so far as could safelybedone,therestoredmatterbeingplacedinsquarebrackets, thus "Jo[hn N e w m ]an." Interpolations of letters, words or sentences are in Italics in acute brackets,thus-"shall (not) mo- lest"- a n d are put in to explain or elaborate the text. Annota- tions are similarly printed. It may be remarked that this form of bracket has never before been used,and was specially made for this publication. The result is a copy verbatim et literatim et punctuatim,with the exceptions as to the peculiar marks herein noted. Many apparently clerical errors are faithful reproduc- tions of the original. The Book of Purposes,containing (with the exception of the First Purchase Deed) the oldest extant records,is largely in the hand of Matthew Bridgman,and the first few pages in an ink as black and distinct as if written two days ago instead of two and a half centuries. X Introduction OldBookA is,forthemostpart,inthelargehandofThomas Townsend,whose ornate capital R distinguishes him. He used few contractions or abbreviations,but made up by using a plethora of commas,without regard to their location or sense,and whose doubling of unnecessary letters is notable. Matthias Harvey's hand appears on some early pages,identified by the Greek e,rarely used at that period. A few documents are recorded in the hand ofThomasWebb,schoolmaster,andsometimeTown Clerk,whose remarkable wrist movement produced interesting, if unusual, results. Book B was,by the internal evidence,begun 1684/5,and its 480 tall pages were filled (except a few pages and parts of pages leftblank)by1698. Inthisbriefperiodanenormousnumberof conveyances were recorded. The joint purchase of common land, the subdivision by allotment, the further subdivision of small plots,and the shifting and exchanging to get the land more con- veniently arranged,explain this. This Book B is mostly in the excellent penmanship of the Town Recorder, John Newman, who wrote a very small hand,full of the space saving devices in- herited from the age of parchments ;but an occasional page is in the large hand of John Townsend,who used few contractions, and no punctuation,and though apparently a rapid writer,formed each letter perfectly and to a true alignment at top and bottom. The map at the back of this volume is a necessary and impor- tant addition to clarify and explain the text, and to show the geographical relation of the various settlements to each other and to the adjoining towns. It has been prepared with the aid of George W. Cocks,and shows some of the early geographical names and places,and a few homes of the settlers,approximately correct. So many errors are made in copying old dates that the follow- ing explanation seems useful. D o w n to 1752 the Julian Calendar,established by Julius Caesar, remained in use in England. The Gregorian Calendar,by which most ofthe world now computes time,was introduced by Pope Gregory in 1582, at which time the greater part of continental Europe adopted it. The English Parliament considered it in 1585,but did not adopt it until 1751,when it was ordered that theNew Stylegointoeffectthefollowingyear,1752,whichwas to begin January 1st,and that eleven days should be omitted after the 2d of September 1752,making the following day the 14th. Russia still uses the Julian Calendar, and the difference is now thirteen days. The year formerly began March 25th (The Feast of Our Lady) but had been generally changed to January 1st (The Feast of the Circumcision) long before the English reform. In the Old Style December was the tenth month as its name indicates, January the eleventh, and February the twelfth, and Introduction xi while March was the first month,the first 24 days in it belonged to the previous year. Therefore for a long period preceding the reform , English dates between January 1st and March 24th inclusive,were com- monly expressed in both styles, as 1/Jan. 1695/6,24/Mar. 1695/6orinQuaker parlance,1/11 mo.1695/6,24/3 mo.1695/6. The month is frequently denominated numerically in these earlier records,and by some who had no connection with the Society of Friends. The N e w Style was enjoined in the Dutch patent of Gravesend, 1645. The difference between Old and New Style is shown by the following table. Old Style. 11th Mo. 12th Mo. 1st Mo. 2nd Mo. 3rd Mo. 4th Mo. 5th Mo. 6th Mo. 7th Mo. 8th Mo. 9th Mo. 10th Mo. January February March April May June July August September October November December New Style. 1st Mo. 2nd Mo. 3rd Mo. 4th Mo. 5th Mo. 6th Mo. 7th Mo. 8th Mo. 9th Mo. 10th Mo. 11th Mo. 12th Mo. One noteworthy fact shown prominently in these records isthe amity between the newcoming race and the old in this community. The land was purchased from the Indians,who were always re- ferred to as the proprietors, for a valuable consideration, or in some cases given by them "for ye many kindnesses and favours byusyesdIndiansRecd." ThereisnocasewheretheIndians make a claim of being defrauded or having their land taken by men of this Town without their consent and recompense. The one apparent exception appears in Nicholas Simkins' affidavit (see Appendix ) and that shows only their impatience at the de- layed delivery of the eel spears and other useful things promised, and then needed,and was doubtless accentuated by the massacre of their people that year at Fort Neck. The prices paid appear reasonable when considered in connection with related matters. "One Kersey Coat each & every yeare of ye aforesd Indian's Nat- urall Life" might be worth more to the native than a piece of landgoodonlyforraisingcorn. Fewparcels,however,werecon- veyed by individual Indians. The land was generally sold by a few Indian Proprietors by and with the consent of the rest of the Indians,who had deputed them to that service. Life rights in hunting and camping on unimproved portions were frequently stipulated. The Immigrant population of this Township, together with most of the English on Long Island,differed from the Puritans xii Introduction of New England in degree rather than in kind. They may be considered as a modified wave of the Puritan migration, some being Immigrants who had spent some time in New England, some the children of such Immigrants;few,ifany,direct from England, and no Dutch till a later period. Although the Con- gregational Church did not take root here,Days and Times were not much recognized,and deeds were dated on December 25th. The earliest religious edifice was the Quaker Meeting House, builtnearMainStreet,inOysterBay,in1672. TheTownMeet- ingwasalittleParliament,asinNew England,atfirstanabso- lute democracy,and the majority vote of the freeholders accepted new comers as Townsmen,on their application,sometimes with a proviso to live in the Town for five years, or, for land or privileges granted,to build a mill or bridge in a definite time. The bounty on wolves'heads or ears was frequently provided for, and the necessary "woulfe trap" had very probably been con- structed by joint action of the freeholders before the date of our earliest records,and probably consisted of a deep pit covered by light brush,with bait thereon. The oyster industry had not been developed,but the beds of shells,doubtless from the Indian feasts, were found so valuable for lime burning that the exportation of shells out of the Township was rigorously prohibited. Remains of such a shell bed still exist in Glen Cove,near the Landing. In the long struggle of the Colonists for civil and religious liberty, the position of "no taxation without representation" was here takenin1681,probablytheearliestinstanceintheColonies. The high character of the citizens of this new community is only partly indicated by the absence from the records of much refer- ence to social disorders or crimes,by the comparatively few cases of difference brought to the attention of the Town Court,and by the general adoption of arbitration to settle such differences. That the community spirit of the Settlers is not yet extin- guished, this present enterprise of the T o w n , rising above the multifarious activities of the present to consider and perpetuate the fading records of the past,is ample evidence. New York,April19th,1916. JOHN COX,JR. BOOK OF PURPOSES "THE FIRST BOOK USED FOR PURPOSES in the T o w n of Oysterbay, 1658 to 1663," (so named by Jacob T. Bowne,of Glen Cove,who placed a new cover on the book in 1868) a thin volume with all pages injured, and many entirely or partly worn away. The inside of previous cover contains a document in a dif- ferent hand from any other in the book and now so badly worn as to be practically illegible, hence not here included. As its contents now begin with 1660, there may have been another leaf lost since 1868,and perhaps several previous to that date. Certainly several leaves near the back have been largely worn away since Mr. Cocks made this copy in 1898,and the little volume is in such a state of decay that every touch wears away something. (p.1and2missing;p.3)-Decemberthe13day1660 Itisthis Day ordered and Agred by the towne that the fifte parte of all the south medows is John Richbells And to be layd out of the fortt-necke of midow belonging to oyster-bay. The towne have given unto Daniell Whithead a swamp lying betwene Robart Williams and M r Leaveredg for and in Consid- eration of A Deed delivered unto the townes hands Conserrning oake necke And matinecoke the A bovesayd swamp Daniell Whitehead have sould unto John Richbell Merchant December the 13 day 1660 Sould by Daniell Whitehead unto John Richbell one lott which Did formerly be long unto Edward Tytus sould by the A bove named Daniell with all the apertinances there unto be longing unto John Richbell merchant with A house december the 13 day 1660 Bought of William Levereg by John Richbell two lotts with the midows and all other apertanments there unto belonging are John Richbells December the 13 day 1660 I 2 Book ofPurposes The house and land that Daniell Whitehead bought of Robart Williams with all the apertanments thereunto belonging is b y the before named danyell Whithead sould to Allexander Bryand of millford with the sixtenth lott of land at matinecok with A lottment of midow any where In our bounds December the 13 day 1660 (p.4 blank; p.5 and 6 missing; p.7)—December the 13 day 60 It is this D a y ordered by the towne that every inhabitant shall procure or caus to be procured one bushell of hayseed to be sowne upon the comon with in the space of one yeare after coming in to be an inhabitante It is this day ordered that noe man shall take in any swine or great cattell with out the consent of the towne ore that the Abovesaid cattell be properly his owne. ItisthisDayorderedthatallthemidows upontheeastsideof the millriver shall be sufficiently and well fenced in by ore before [ ] next insuing the date heareof It is this D a y ordered that noe person ore persons whatsoever shall Dyrecktly ore indirectly sell eyther wine ore strong lickors to the Indians upon the forfiture of five shillings the first defalt and tenn shillings for the second And the third time to forfit his righte of midow to the Towne It isthis Day ordered and Agred that ther shall noe man what soeversettAnystrangerorefarrinerA worketofalleorecleave A n y clapbord ore pipestaves tres for to be transported out of the towne ore the bounds thereof ore Any other timber whatsover Itis(this)Dayallsoagreedthatallthemdows shallbesuffic- ently fensed with A generall fens made betwene this And the tweneth of Aprill next insuing the Date hereof It is allso Agreed that all Cornefeilds and hous lotts shall be suficiently fensed and the fens foure foute one hallfe hy at the least and this fense is to be looked over by three men and thay to give notis to the owners of the fense if it be not suficiente then the owner of the fense shall presently make it suficiente within foure dayes time or ellsthees three men have full power to pull the sayd fense Downe (p.9) The 13 day of december It is this day allso Agreed that theare shall be A pound made by the holl townsmen and to be fineshed by the laste of [ It is likequise Agreed this day that all the wholl townesmen shall goe the first munday in march to the bever swampe midows and matinecoke meddows to lay them out Ordered that Anthony Gill shall be survayer for the fences Peter Wright hath layn Downe his right of middow and the Towne have given him the hasackes bounded on the south side Book ofPurposes 3 with John Dickesons and on the north side with willium Smithes Antony wright hath layd Downe his middowing and have Taken up that which is bounded on the south with willium Smithers and on the north side with peter wrights that was Edward Tytus T h i s m a y s e r t y f i e w h o m it m a y c o n s e r n e t h a t I N i c o l a s W r i g h t for and in consideracion of an horse received of thomas Arm- itage I doe acknowleg to have sould m y lott of midow being the sixth in number and lying betwene his owne and frances wilckes Is this day ordered and agreed by the towne that John batts shall have A h o m lott containeing five Accores previded the said John doe buld an habitable house on the sayd lott with in the time of one yeare after the date heare of ore ells the A fore said lott to returne to the towne again for non@ rformence & it is allredy forfuted to the T o w n e The firstday of february 1661 It isthis day ordered by the Towne that every Townesman shall bring in all ther dews for wolf killing Against the next towne meting unto antony wright it being thre shillings A m a n (p.11)-John Dickenson have taken up foure acores of planting land bounded on the west side of the woods : and at the south eand:with the swamp:and on the east of henry disbrow:on the north End one corner upon the side of A round hill:and the other corner butting upon A swamp :december the ninetene Day 1660 Henry Disbrow have taken up foure Acores of planting land buttingagainstA roundhill:onthenorthend:lyingontheEast side of John Dickenson and bounding upon the same swamp lying on the wast side of nicolas wright December 19day 1660 Nicolas Wright have taken up foure Acares of land lying be- twene henry disbrows and nicolas simkins and boath ends bound- ed with the coman December the 19 day 1660 Nycolas simkines have taken up foure Acores of land lying up on the east side of nycolas wright boath ends butting upon the comon the east side lying nere the soute path goeing to hempsted December the 19 Day 1660 John Richbell have taken up tenn Acarres of land the norte end of cove neck lying East and wast december the one & twentyeth Day 1660 Daniell Whithead have taken up tenn Acares of planting land lying in cove neck lying east and west Aioyneing to John Rich- bells December the one and twenteth 1660 The first Day of february 1661 All we whose names are heare under writen doe hereby Ingage our sellves that w e will give frely towards the maintenans of the widdow croker so much Indian corne for a yeare begining at the 4 Book of Purposes first D a y of february 1661 and to end the first of february 1662 previded we may be no more troubled with her more then the rent of the hous and that there be a person appointed to receiv it and t o l o o k t o it a n d h e r t h a t it m a y n o t b e w a s t e d , v i s : s o m u c h c o r n as followeth John Richbell- 3 bushells John Tounsin- 2 bushells frances wekes- 2 bushells & hallf henry Tounsin- 1 bushells Robarte fforman- 2 bushells Moyses fforman- 1 bushells Jonas hallsted- 2 bushells Antony wright- 2 bushells Samuell Andrews- 2 bushells Nicolas wright- 2 bushells Thomas Armatag- 2 bushells John Tounsin- bushells Ben hubard- 2 bushells John Bates- 1 bushells John Dickenson- 2 bushells (p.13)-John Dickenson have one house and lott lying at the south E n d of the street the east side of the lott bounds upon the Carte path the north end upon the comon and on the west side upon henry Disbrow with the first share of middow lying to the foresayd cart path the south end butting upon the street the swamp on the Est side on the north end peter wrights midow the fiftene day of february one thousand six hundred and sixty ThelastdayofJenuaryitisthisdayorderedbytheTowne that John Dickenson have and is granted by the towne A n Adiccon of land lyin and AdJoyning To the reare of his lott being teen rod depe nortward January the last day 1661 next to his hom lott The first day of february 1661 It isthis day ordered by the towne that John Townsand siner shall have his tenn Acar lott lying on the west side of the mill river About hallf A mild from the mill and betwene toe hills [ ] the land being five Acares more ore les [ ] A towne Meeting,held this 29th Janry 1668 Ordered yt forthwith ye Surveors are to lay out ye Ash Swamp & soe much upland to it,as yt shall see Convenyent:unto Nich- olas Davis, being a guift from ye towne : & also to lay out at ye poynt,of ye East side of Matthias,Harvys Medowe,a peece of Land Containeing,in length 30 foote & breadth 20 foot,& ye sd Nicholas hath Liberty, for ye makeing of a wharfe in to ye sea (p.15) oysterbay the twelf day of february 1660 K n o w all m e n b y this presents ore h o m e it m a y conserne that wee the inhabitants and purshesers of oyster-bay have bargained and sould and doe by this presents bargaine and salle from us oure Eayrs and Asignes for ever unto John Richbell merchant his Eaires and Asignes for-ever one river comonly called the could spring river And allso A sertaine trackt of land and trees in maner and form as followeth from the marked tree on the est side of the could spring River and is on the eat side of oure Book ofPurposes 5 bounds the lyne to rune south and by est unto the utermost end ofourboundsthelyneistorun:And fromthesaydmarked tree upon A west and by south lyne A mild and A hallfe unto a tree by us then marked and from thence upon A south and by est lyne unto the utermoste of our limite A n d this trackt of land and Timber we the Aforesayd partyes have bargained and sould and doe this day allinate and Estrang from us our eaires and Asignes forever unto the Abovenamed John Richbell his eayres and Asignes forever secondly we doe bargaine and salle and have by this presents bargained and sould unto the Aforesayd John Richbell his Eaires and Asignes A right and preveledg of cuting of timber This Abovewriten was forbiden and so void and of no Efect. I Nycholas wright have sould unto Robart forman two w h o m (home) lotts which did formerly pertaine and belong to Thomas smith and John Tytus with all the share of midows and all other apertainements thear unto belonging exsepting one share of midow at hom which lyeth nere the Dock which did belong to John Tytus and all the land that was fenced in lying beyond the hilland on this side which was by them fenced in all this have I Nycolas wright sould unto Robart forman and owne mysellf fully satisfied and paid fourth day of June 1661 Nisholas wright Matthew Bridgman Robart fforman have one hollow vallue of land containeing too Acres and half and eaight acares of upland ore planting land AJoyning thearunto lying on the est side of hempsted path the sixst day of november 1661 (p.17)-ffrances weks have one house with A hom lottbounded upon the hollow south west with an Adicion upon the south side he hath more or over teen Acers of planting land lying on this side of mattinecook at the botom of the Endian feeld bounded by sagemore hill and the river on the west side and Richard Crabb on the east side the first day of November 1661 September the 25 day 1660 Know allmenbythispresentsthatIAnn Crokerofoysterbay have sould to Richard Lattin of hunting Towne all my Right Tytle of housing and land which now we doe posses in oyster bay with all the preveliges belonging thereunto with all the Apple Trees now standing inthe ground and the right that we have at thesouthmiddowesandthisIAnn CrokerhavesouldtoRichard Latin Aires and Asignes exsecutors Administrators quietly to posses from me my Ayres exsecutors Admynistrators and Asignes witnes AnCrocker Richard ogden John carpenter 6 Book ofPurposes (Þ.— )— ItisagreeduponbytheTownethatalltreesgreatand smale inthe street inthe high way buting against any mans lot may not be cut nor gerdeled by any other man that is not the owner of the lot or land but all such trees are to be cut downe or let stand as the owner of the lot or land shall see good and if two mens lots meet on ye high way then each is to have the ordering the trees on halfe the breadts of the streete Joyning to his lot This 14th of the 7th m o 1663 Nicklas Wright ffrances Weeks and henry Townsend are chosen and apoynted to lay out the bovesaid teene eakers lots as neare as thay can keeping to quantitie and qualitie and not to spoyle conveniant high ways neither to suffer on man to chos a lotto the spoyling of other lots and thay are to have sixpence and eaker for laying it out (p. )- On this sixteene day of the tenth mo 1663 ffrances Weeks Niclas Wright and henry Townsend This14thDayofthe7thmo 1663nicklasWrightffrancesWeek and henry Townsend are chosen and Appoynted by the Towne to lay out to evry Townes man that have a lot and right in common- ing 20 Eakers of land in the commone according to the order of the Towne as may be seene in the 42th pag of the Towne book W e e layd out to ffrances Weekes on the north west of saggamor hile neare Matinicuck Crick a peace of land 66 pole long and 26 pole and ahalfe brood By the South end of the said ffrances Weeks his land abovesaid Nicklas Simkens have 7 eakers and 32 pole; 48 long and 24 pole brood Next to the South side of the Above said Saggomore hill is a highway runing northest ward betweene the hils and west South west wards to the South sid of a little hassakie swamp on the South side of the said Nicklas Simkens his land and from thences the high w a y is to rune betweene the north west end of the next swamp one the South end of the same highway And so it runs down to the mars and along by it And next to the South side of the abovesaid highway being henry Townsends land it is 92 pole long and 40 pole brod in con- sideration of the swamp was the more land alowed for tweenty eakers Next to the south side of The abovesaid Henry Townsends Land abovsaid his Brother John Townsend had teen eakers it was lay out 40 pole square More southward Antony Wright had Teene Eakers layd out 40 pole square One to the south of saggomor hill henry Townsend have 20 Book of Purposes 7 eakers with alowance ecoumpt of the swamp his right is 92 pole long and 40 pol brod (p.— )- Wee layd out for Als Crab on the west side of the Mile River two teen eakers lots about 40 pole square each lot both the said lots ar neare ajoyning to that is cald the olde plant- ingfield but the two lots doe not Joyn togather wee laid out two Joseph sutten 20 eakres on the south of the mile river hollow to wards the head of the river It is 62 pole long and 55 pole brod and next to the said Joseph suttens estward sid Thomas armi- tag have 10 eakers It lyeth 48 pole long nex to the said Josep Sutten and 38 pole brood Beniemine hubard have 13 Eakers it is on the west ward sid of Joseph suttens It is 46 pole in breath and neare to the mil river streme and therfor alowance was given Mathias harvie have 20 eakers laid out on the estend of the runs that neare the begining of the mile streame betweene the runs and it reacheth neare the highway that goeth to hemsteed It is abought 60 pols long and 54 pole brod ffrances weeks have a teen eaker lot at huckelberie poynt it lyeth 48 pole long and 34 pol brod James Cok have a teene eaker on the south side of ffrances weeks his lot abovesaid it lyeth 48 pole long and 35 pole brod John Townsend Junior have a peace of land on the south sid ofthe way to bever swamp neare the ould feeld itis 64 long and 40 pol brod wee laid out for Robard furman at first 68 pole long & 24 pol brod and as much mor in breath or langht as he see cause to tak it as wil be 20 eakers is by the could spring bay soe that by himsilf and Moyses wee did conklud was 20 eakers on the 11 of ye 10. mo- 1664 and then wee layd out to Jonas halsteed on oacke neck 20 eakers 107 pole long and 30 pole brod John Undrell have 10 eakers between Nicklas wright land by the way to hemsteed and the high way it is 80 pole long and 20 pole brod (p.27)-To allpepletowhom thespresentsmay cum IThomas Armatage of oyster Bay on long Iland planter send greeting know ye that I the said Thomas Armatage for divers good causes and consideracons to me there unto especially moved have and by thes presents doe frely and Absolutly with out any reservasion fraud ore covin (a secret agreement to defraud or injure another. Obsolete legal term ) and notwithstanding any act of mine all redie past by m e in m y Last will and testament which will and testa- ment I Doe heareby declare voyd and as to any thing contra-. 8 Book of Purposes dicktingthis my deed of gift I grant give and bequeath Unto And Lyllestone likequies of oyster bay Aforesayd whom by gods permission I entend to make my weded wife To say A bay mare of five years oald ore there A bouts with A starr in the forehead of the sayd mare with all the increass that shall Aries ore shall Aries out of the sayd mare from this day forwarde forever more and keping for the sayd mare and all her increass as from her may Ariess and hers deuering my lyfe freely allso at my deseas I the sayd Thomas Armatage doe by this presents frely and Ab- solutly from me give and bequeath unto her the sayd Ann Lille- stone m y entended wife toe of m y best cowes millsh ore not millshwhichthesaydAnn LillestonshalllikebestofAmongstall m y catell remayning at m y death to have posses and inJoy frely peasablely quietly forever to her her executors Administrators ore Asignes more over I give and bequeath to the sayd Ann lillestone m y n o w dwelling house settuated in oyster bay Afore- sayd with all m y holl lott of orchard and garden there unto belonging to be by her frely posesed After m y deceass deuering her life and no longer but all the furniteur houshould stuf apper- tainements and movAbles therto at my deceass appertaining or belonging I frely grant give and bequeath to her her heires for- ever notwithstanding that aforesayd any clauses ore act in my A foresayd last will and testament contradickting ought in the deed of gift mencioned which sayd will and testament I as above- sayd by thes presents null and make voyd as to all intents and purposses contradickting this m y deed of gift but upon the de- ceass of Ann lillestone then the sayd house land orchard and garden are to returne unto m y eayres exceceutors Administrators unles ther remaine issue of m y body begotten of the body of the sayd A n n lillestone then the sayd house orchard garden and land to remaine unto the sayd Issue forever (p.33)—OysterBaythe24thofyefirstmo 1661. Thesep❜sentsdeclarethtoallpeopleandnationswhom itmay consarneytyeTowneofOysterBayinLongIlandinNew Eng- land on considerations of barks and other Vessels yt coms into our harbor lest any should bring to-backo heather to deprive ye king of his custom ether derectly or inderectly by a pretence of landingitheereandthenseleittoyeDuch And lestitshouldbe reported or Understood that wee doe countinance or connive at such prosedings wee doe manifest our dislike and doe alsoe de- clare against all such prosceedings and doe heerbie hibbit any of ye Towne from giving any incorridgmentt to any that way : for wee are in minoritie and have not order to custom Tobaca neither doe wee know what it is And Therfor wee desire allto forbeare coming heather on any such acount as wee have declared against as above said Henry Townsend : serr (Sr.) Book ofPurposes 9 the bove said was the agreement of the said Towne and was posted that all might see it (p.34) This13thofye6.mo.1662 The Towne of Oyster Bay have given libertie to frances Weeks to choes ether of the seaven Meadow lots that is it Unchosen at Matinicok by vertu of the grant of it to henry Townsend who have payd antony Wright for the purchesing of it. & ye said frances have chosen the third sher bovesaid seaventh sheare & is from mee in exchang henry Townsend It is alsoe agreed by ye Towne yt John Dickeson is to have ye next chouce for on(e) meadow lot at the above said matinecuk I t is a l s o e a g r e e d b y y e T o w n e That Anthony Wright is to have all ye meadow liing betweene two Crecks yt lieth on ye est side of matinicuk maine Creeck Northest sid of the bridge In consideration of ye meadoe that is henry Townsends Joyning to his other lot A house lot is granted by ye Towne to Robart Cols this 11th of ye seven m .1662 conditionally hee fence and bild in a yeare This 29th of ye 7 m 62 it is agreed upon by ye towne yt John Risbile is to have ye first m e a d o w sheer at matinicuk next to ye beachandistobelaidtoyehouse& lotytwasEdwardTittuse's When hee puts an inhabitent on itby way of sale This27thofye7m 1662itisagreedUponbyyeTowneytRich- ardharkutistohaveyemeadow sheeratmatinicuckytisinnum- ber.17. and it doth beelong to ye lot yt was ye widow Tittus ItisallsoegrantedbytheTowne ytDaniellWeeks istohaveye 4th lot.or.sheer at ye said Matinicuck of m e a d o w to his house lot This 7th of ye 8 m .1662 it is this day ordered by yt T o w n e yt all generall work & charges about ye mill ye widows house & ye .3. bridges is to bee ritly levied U p o n evry m a n according as thay h a v e lots a n d rights in y e T o w n e a n d after l a w full d e m a n d if that hee or thay doe refus to pay the towne doe by this order & agree that ye cunstable have by this powre to seas on soe much as will answer to pay this due charg (p.41)-Naighbors wee did send you afew lines in which wee did desire to know your grownds of mowing our medow and to appoyntt a man or more with your deeds &c:and wee should doe the like and and the differance if thay could But you have sent to Us to meet two of your men at the south only two see ifthere bee any diffarance. But wee are swaded that you know ther isa difference and wee seave italsoe and therefore to send men soe farr itwilbe some charg and to noe purpase notwithstanding wee had condescended to send the day you apointed but wee Judg ther is reasone to the contrary; that is: wee are newly enformed yt the endians that sould us the medows are gone to 10 Book ofPurposes warre and therfor it is not lik to have them soe soddene with us as next fift day But we shalbe willing to meet you ane othere time when the Endians can be had which can declare sumthing towards clearing matters as well for one as the other;and ther- for to send att such a time it m a y be sumthing to the purpase ; and wee doe by this forbed you mowing our medow from this time forward without our leave or lissence (p.42) Thisthirdoftheseventhmo.1663. Itisthisday ordered and agreed Upon by the Towne that evry enhabitent of theTowneistohave 20.tweentyeakersoflandintheCommon without a mile of the T o w n e given and granted to them teire heirs executors Administrators or assigns for ever for theire owne proper rigight tittle and entrest from the Towne But such as havetakenUp landallreadie:withinamileoftheTowne or m o r e ; s h a l l i n J o y it a s p a r t o f t h i r e t w e e n t i e e a k e r s a b o v e s a i d ; But if any are not willing to tak U p tweenty eakers hee or thay may take Up teene:and pay the lesse in common charges but such as tak Up teenty eakres such are to pay the more to all Just chargis wheather the land be improved or not And all such as have not taken U p thire first teene Eaker lots allready thay are to have thire choyce in order as the place thay posses is in antiquitie and the rest in order as thay come in to be Townsmen And in the next choyce thay that ware the first commers are again to have the first choyce for the next teene eakers and the rest in order as abovesaid evry house lot in the Towne already granted are to have tweentie eakers annext Unto it as abovesaid But such as have not taken U p thire first teene eakers thay have a munths time from the dat heerof to tak it and after the first munth is expired the first commers are to begine and to mak thire next choyce of thire teene eakers all in order as thay com as abovesaid But the above said lots are all to remaine common for timber Untill it bee fenced and alsoe on the east end of the T o w from the second runne with the south hils to the fresh pond are resarved for house lots for mens sons that are p'sent enhabitents and it is alsoe to runn with the East hils to the woulfe trap. (p.43)-this 14thday ofthe 7thmo.1663 Nicklas Wright ffran- cis weekes and Henry Townsend are chosen and appoynted to lay out the bovesaid teen Eaker lots as neare as thay can keep- ing to quantitie and quallitie and not to spoyle convenient high- ways neither to suffer on man to chos a lot to the spoyling of other lots and thay are to have sixtpence an eaker for laying out This 14th day of the 7th m o . 1663 It is this day ordered and agreed yt if any Pson or parsons that transgressis or breaks any order or agreement all readie made ether directly or indirectly is by this order bound to stand to the Judgment or sence of the Towne Book ofPurposes 11 This 14th of the seaventh m o . 1663 I t is t h i s d a y o r d e r e d a n d a g r e e d U p o n b y t h e T o w n e t h a t e v r y presentenhabytentoftheTowne accordingasthayhaveappeared in common chargis about the Mill work are to have for time to come for ever the full right tittelland entrest of common rights and privilidgs to them thire heirs executors administrators or assigns Daniell Weeks Jacop young and Joseph Sutten are ac- cepted to have the lik privilidg This.14th,ofthe seaventh.mo :1663 Itisthisdayorderedandagreedthatallthemedows ontheest of the bever swamp river except the neck of medow all ready granted to Antony wright are all to remaine common petually and not to be given out nor sould nor any ways to bee dispossed of directly nor endirectly by any party magor nor minnor with thout the Joynt and Unaninous consent by order of evry towns- man And all the salt marshes on the est end of the Towne and that are about cove neck are alsoe to remain common as the other abovesaid except such meadows all ready granted or ingaged befor this time;and noe man or men are to mowe any of the bove sayd medows befor ye 15th day of sixt mo.from this time for- wards for ever and then but one mower a day for a lot (p.44) This21thofthe10thm 1663itisthisdayorderedby the Towne that Joseph halsteed have a house lot granted him of the land that was reserved for mens suns at the est end of the Towne (p.45)-This Wrighting Wittneseth that we whose names are heere Under Written have bargioned and sould;and by these presents do grant bargen and sell Unto Daniell Whithead of oyster Bay all and singuler all that neck of land meadow and all other the apurtinances thereunto belonging liing and being betweene pine Iland and matinococke comonly caled and knowne by the N a m of Oake neck and further giveng and granting Unto the said Daniell his heirs Executors or assigns full powere and pos- session therof from all tittles or demands what soever either by Indians or any other in there nam in wittnes wherof wee have heereunto set our hands this 24th of 9ber 1658 signed and dilivered in the p'sents of John Laughtone and Joseph Smith the mark X of Josias of Rogers mark This 25th of the first m o 1664 The Towne is contented that John Undrell Junior shall have the house lot that was granted to his ffather with comon rights And the Towne have alsoe granted the said John Undrell meadow shear at matinicuck (p.46) Thisseconddayofthe3mo 1664Itisthisdayordered 12 Book ofPurposes by the Towne That ffrances weeks Jacob yong & John Cols are Chosen and apoynted to Use thir endevour to bie Matinicuck land of the endians (End of Book of Purposes) BOOK A The Old Book A had become badly worn by 1742,and was then copied into a new Book A , omitting many things not then considered of value, marriages being particularly mentioned among the things "of small moment" not included. The new Book A opens with a preamble giving the history of the trans- script. A large portion of the old Book A fortunately still exists, and this copy is made from that Old Book A so far as it could be used,and from the N e w Book A in those parts where the Old Book A is now deficient. The N e w Book A was very thought- fully made almost entirely a page for page copy, which much simplified this use of the two books. As here given the page of the original is clearly shown as “— (p.7 Old A )— ” or “— (p.7 New A)-". ThesizeofNewBookA is141/2x91/2inches,with550 pages. Old Book A is of same size and shape. New BookA,besidesthetranscriptofOldBookA,contains on pages 1 to 150,inclusive,at the back,reversed,deeds recorded circa 1742-1750. These will be given in their proper place in a later volume. (p.A,NewBookA)-WHEREAS yeAncientBookofRecords Called A : being Very Much Defaced and Torn and Likely In a Little Time to be Extinguished,therefor In Order to perpetuate ye sd Records the free holders of ye Township of Oysterbay: Did (amongst other things( ) ) at a General T o w n Meeting held In the Town house ye sixth day of April 1742 by a Unanimous Vote Depute Samuel Underhill and Samuel Willis to Transcribe yesaidRecordIntoaNew BookasmayAppearbythesaidVote asitstandsEnteredInyerecordsofsdTown inLib:F:folio43 (In these words) And at ye sd meeting Samuel Underhill and Samuel Willis were Chosen by ye Major Vote of the freeholders toTranscribeyeoldBookCalledA:IntoanewBookNow Know Ye that we ye sd Samuel Underhill and Samuel Willis In pur- 13 16 Book A Warrant to the Constab To Notifie ye ffreeholders of Town to Assembley them Selves Together on ye ffirst day ffebuary 1742/3 at ye Town House Inoysterbay to Consider of Som Methord for ye a Stablishment of the Sd Transcrpting And purSuant To the Said Notification ye ffreeholders and Inhabitatces att ye Sad Time And and by affree & General Vott Did Appoint David Seaman and Penn Townsend to Examian Compeare ye Said Transcription which they N o w Report to this Meeting that they have Carefully Done and Do findthatthe Said Transcription To be ffaerly and Impertially Done That is So much thereof as Releats To the Title of Lands or what Else was worthy of Memory (Saveing Some omishions Which they have Corrected and Amended() > therefore,this Meeting Taking into Considere- tion ye aforesaid p'cedings and being Willing To Confirm ye Sd : Tracription Do by affree and Unanomias Vott of us the ffree- holders here Assembled Do give accept Corrobart and Confirme the Sd Trascription acording as it is, alredy proformed by ye Persons before appointed & acordly order Itt to be Lodg'd with The Clark of The Town as a Record (p.D,New A)-WittneseththesePresentsthatIJonasHalsted of Strattan Island Within the County of York In America Hus- bandman Have Sold And by these Presents Do Sell Assigne alien- ate Make Over & Estrange for Ever from M e M y heirs Executors administrators & Assignes all M y Right Title Intrest and Claims In and Upon a Certaine Messuage or Teniment of Land Lying scituate and Being In oysterbay Upon Long Island Within the County of York Afore Said which Said Land Lyeth Bounded as followeth Viz :the House Lott Bounded with the Lott of Mark Megs Easward the Woods on the South the Lott of Richard Harkers West and the Street Northard and with awhole Share of Land Upon Hog Island And Half ashare of meadow attthe South formerly Thomas Armitages and ashare of meadow Lying In oysterbay Bounded With the Meadow of Robert firmon West and the Meadow of Richard Harkers East With Privelege of Comonage both for Pasture and Timber and other Rights Emuni- tyes WhatEver With a Lott of Meadow Att Metenicok Lying Between the Lott of Richard Crabs Southard & Walter Salters Northard Containing Twenty acrees of Land allready Laid out In Cove Neck and his Dwelling House and all other out Houses Standing Upon the Said Lott att oysterbay With gardons Or- chards Pastures and all WhatsoEver Is there Unto Belonging Or appertaining or hearafter to appertain any Ways Whatsoever as fully and amply as M a y be Mentioned by any Deed or Convey- ance Whatsoever as Largly as he:the Said Jonas Might or Could by any Purchase gift or Consideration order all Which Before Mentioned Premises the Said Jonas Hath Sold Unto Richard Harker of oysterbay aforesaid Husbandman his Heirs Execu- Book A 17 tors administrators and Assignes forEver for him the Said Rich- ard To Have and to hold occopy Possess & Enjoy for him and his Heirs for Ever Without Trowble Exceution Melestation of any Person or Persons WhatsoEver and I the above Said Jonas Halsted Have Received full Satisfaction for the above Sd Prem- ises In Wittness whereof I Have Hearunto Sett my hand and Seale this Thirtyeth Day of May In oysterbay abovesaid and In the Eighteenth year of his Majesties Reign of Sovereigne Lord King Charles the Second by the grace of God King of England Scotland france and Ireland Defender of the faith Anoq Domini 1667 according to the Computation of the Church of England. Signed Sealed and delivered Jonas Halsteade O In the Presents of Simon Lane Samuell firmon (p.1,Old A,Fragment)-In Oysterthe 17thofJune 1665 These presents testify that I John Scott for divers & sundry Waighty Causes and Considerations me therevnto moving,have by these presents (by and with the desire and consent of Hal- lelujah Fisher) transmitted and assigned over the Sd Hallelujah Fisher his Indenture and the remainder of his tyme therein ex- pressed,vnto Thomas Owen of Maryland mercht:Hee the Sd Thomas Owen having ingaged himself by a Certaine Writting vnder his hand and seal to Instruct him in Negotiation according to the Custom of the Countrey, as by the Said writing bearing datewiththesepresentsMore fullyappeareth. Givenvndermy hand and seal At Oyster Bay in Long Island in New England this 14th of June 1665. Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us John Richbell Thomas Rushmor John Scott O Be it Remembred that I Hallelujah Fisher do hereby Ac- knowledge the assignement above written to be according to and with m y desire and full Consent and ample testimony of the truth thereof I have hereunto set m y hand and seal the same day and year above written Be it Remembred that the said Thomas Owen is not to dispose of me from him to any other,nor am I to serve any other but himself & so I say Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us John Vndrill Nicholas Wright HallelujahFisher O This is a true Coppy Be itknown Unto allmen by these presents that I John Richbell Merchant living in Oysterbay on Long Island In N e w England 18 Book A have fully and freely sold unto Matthias Harvy of Oyster Bay onLongIslandinNew Englandyehouse& Landytheisnow in posestion of which was formerly called ye [ ] house, wthyesaidhouseplattofLand & lotofLand,ytwas oldWash- bourns lying about South East from ye said house ye South End of ye Said Lott buting one ye Maine Streete,of ye Towne,& ye west side Joynes,to a highway yt is in ye ash Swampe ye North End,Joynes also to a highway & ye Eastside bounded wth a Lott,yt is ye abovesaid John Richbells Seaven Ackers more or less & a Share of Medoe,yt was Peeter Wrights,neare ye said h o u s e o n e y e E a s t S i d e y e h o u s e , all T o w n e h i g h w a y e s E x c e p t e d , and all ye Medoe on ye West Side of ye Dock,Creeke to ye Share of Medoe,yt isAnthony Wrights,on ye West,Abovesaid Share of Medoe be itmore or less,& one Share of Medo Mun- tinacock & A Sheare of Medoe at ye South,as other men have, wthallComoning,& allComon Rights,belongingtoyehouse& Land,asA TowneShipp,IyeAbovesaidJohnRichbellhavesold & by these p'sents, doe Bargaine & Sell and deliver, for full Sattisfaction I have in hand all redie Receved,in Horses Mares & C o w Kinde : for all perticeler partes & percells of Lands wth houses & fences on ye p'mises, & theare for I doe by these p'sents promis & Ingaige m e m y heires Executors and assignes, to make good ye Sale of all ye premises & defend him ;ye above- said Matthias Harvy: his heires Administrators & assignes: against any person or persons whatsoever, yt may molest or truble ye said Matthias Harvy or his Sucksesors, I say I have sold and delivered for full Sattisfaction as above said, all m y Right title & Interest from mee my heires,Executors Adminis- trators or assignes,to him to have & to hold for Ever:& to Inioy wth out Molestation,by mee,or any from mee as Witness my hand& Seale:& wthConsentofmy Wiffe:this29thOctober 1664 Sighned Sealed and Delivered in p'sents of us John Vnderhill Hennery Townsand : John Richbell Ann Richbell (p.2,OldA;p.1New A)— [BeitknownUnto]allmenWhome this p'sent writing may any wayes Co [me that I Jacob] Young ofOysterBayonLongIslandplant for&incon[siderationof] Valuable Satisfaction all redie received and paid to mee ye said Jaco[b Young by Capt. John] Plott & Marke Megs both of OysterBay aforsd have and doe by these p'sents Absolutely sell, alienate & make over, from mee m y heires Execurs & Assignes for ever, A sertaine dwelling house & house lott or portion of Ground lying situate & being,in Oyster Bay Aforsd:togeather wth all other Buildings ffencings, theareunto Appertaineing, & belonging & Standing Groing & being on ye Sd Land,for them Book A 19 ye Sd Capt.John Plott,& Marke Megs,there heires Execurs Assignes actualy & really to occupie Enioy Posses & keepe for Ever,& yt in as large & Ample a maner :as I ye Sd Jacob ever did, Could or might by vertue, of any purchas towne Gift or towne order,whatsoever:togeather wth all Comonege & other Lands Liberties previllages,& Immuneties theare unto belonging & Appertaineing togeather Likewaies a certaine shere, part, or percell of land lying & being upon Hogg Neck,& formerly Ap- pertaineing & belonging: to mee ye sd Jacob for them ye Sd Capt John Plott,& Marke Megs,theire Heires Execurs Admin- istrars or Assignes actuallie & reallie, to occupie keepe poses, & inioy for ever: wth all liberties, previlliges, or Addishtions theare unto,to be made,& belonging or to be made & yt to beging from ye day of ye date heere of alwaies provided,Excepting & reserv- ing:& ye Sd Jacob doe heereby Except & Reserve ye Libertie & previlidge,to make use of ye dwelling & ye Yeard theare unto belonging untill ye first day of Aprill next Ensuing ye Date heereof in Confermation whareof I have heerunto set m y hand & Seale:this2d:dayofffebruary,Anno Domi:1665moreover ye Sd Jacob doth heareby reserve :to his proper use all ye Move- fables, in or aboute ye Sd House Sealed & delivered in presence of us John Underhill Sen': John Richbell George Baxter Jacob:Young O Katharaine X Young O her marke Assigned by mee John Plott,this Deede unto Marke Megs,upon a Greement betwixt us Joyntly John Plott Witness- Robert ffurman- Jonas Holstead- Dated ye 10th of June 1666 upon our Agreement at this time : I ye Sd John Plott doe asigne unto Marke Megs, one Quarter share of Medoe at ye South Medoe wch was James Cocxes :wch Iam satisfiedfor:intwoAckersofland,wthyeplowingtheare- of:also moreover:one shott:(Probably a pig; possibly a drink) Witnes : Robert ffurman John Plott: ye marke (A ) of Ambrose Sutton (p.2 OldA,p.2New A)-oysterbayethe23thofJune1665 where as Itt was Agread one by mr Samuell (Andrewes) mar- chant That hoars necke should be Anexed Vnto the Town of o y s t e r b a y e w h e n h e e first b o u g h t itt a s m a y B e e m a d e A p e e r e b y his Succeser John Rickbell whome Duth by thes sents ratifie and Conferm ye sayed Condition and he ye sayed John desiered that this The sayed necke maye Remayne in the same stachon as this sent record testifieth Oysterbay this 6th June 1666 Whereas an action arised betwne,marke megs and Rich:Lat- 20 Book A ting& wee,finding,forMarke Megs,ouraward is,ytye sd Rich: Latting isto pay ye said Megs,20 s:in Indian Coren at 2s 6d bush: or other pay Equifolent,and ye Charge of ye court: which is 5s: BeeitKnownenuntoallmen,whomethis sent,Instrewment, of writting, maye any wayes cunseren that I Richard Painter of Oysterbay,one Long Island,of ye North riding,in ye Colonie of new Yoarke,have bargained Sold,& delivered unto Richard Latting of Oysterbay:one Long Island,of ye North Rideing in ye Coll'nyofnew Yoarke,allmy Right titell& intrest,of Ser- taine trackt of Land which I ye above sd Richard Painter,bought of Benjamen Hubard,for & in Consideration,of full satisfaction, in hand all Redie received,by mee ye Sd Richard Painter,from ye above Sd Richard Latting I say I have Sold and delevered from mee,my heires,& assigns unto ye Sd Richard Latting his haires,& assines,to have & to hold,as his or thare proper right forever,without lett truble or molestation by mee ye Sd Richard Painter,or any from by or under mee,& doe by these sents Ingaige m y selfe: heires and assines for ever, to mainetaine and deafend ye Sd Rich:Latting,his heires & assines,in ye Quient inioyment & peaseable, posestion, of these Severall Tracks, or percels of Lands as is heere beneith Speacefied,from any person or persons,whatsomever,shall mollest ye aboveSd Rich.Latting, in his peaceable Injoyment, of any parte or percell, of these Lands,Speacefied,I say I Rich :Painter,have sold as is Speace- fied, in a Deede which I had from Benjamen Hubard, all ye Reare or west end,of ye Sd Hubards Lott,wch I bought of him, unto ye heage, & soe on to a Stright line, over to ye Reare of Nicholas Simkinses,house lott,& halfe of all his Right or Sheare ofMedo atye South,& Plaines,& alsohalfe,ofallmy Comon, andComon rights,asalsohalfeofTherteeneackersinyeComon, and halfe of Seaven ackers at Seader point,& halfe of a Sheare of Land one Hogg Island & one Share of Medo,one ye North side of ye Towne wch was Robert ffurmans I say I Rich:Painter for full Satisfaction, alredie received, from Rich : Latting have solddelivered,& pastoverallmy righttitelland Intrest,ofall and Every parte, & percell, of these lands, above speacefied, & all previlliges, thereunto belonging. (p.3 Old A )-unto ye Sd Rich: Latting his heires & assines for ever to Injoye and for yetrue formanc,heereof,&toalltrewintents,Ihaveheere unto set m y hand and Seale, this 9th day of September, in ye yeare of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred Sixtie & Six & in ye ye Eaght Yeare of ye Raine,of our Sufferaine King Charell ye Seacond Signed Sealed and delevered in sents of us Nicholas Wright Matthias Harvy Richard Painter O Book A 21 Know allmenwhome,thisp'sentmay cunsern,ytIAbraham Smith of Hemstead on Long Island,in ye North Rideing,of N e w Yorke,sheare have for a valuable sum moving mee thare unto, aliniated,& sold from mee my heires Executors administrators, or assines,all yt m y divadant of land lying at Matinacock in lot 52 & quantie of Ackers,three Score,& forteene more or less as it was laid out, to Samuell Dayten, of OysterBay of ye same Riding,to him ye Sd Dayten his heires excut's Ádministrators or assines,to have & to hold free Land,as a for Said with all previlleges & appertenances, of timber pasters or pastareges, ferem Marshes en Mashes Mines Minerals Quarells (obsolete term for stone quarry) or any other prevellige,yt is or hereafter shall arise,further I ye Sd Smith doe bind mee and mine as aforesaid two uphold this bill of Sale to be Just,& I ye assaid Smith,doe bind mee & mine as aforsaid to uphold this m y Sale,against any Just Claimes,yt shall heereafter arise,as witness m y hand & Seale this 10th of July :A n n o : 1666 and in ye 18th yeare of his Magesties Raine,Charels ye Scecond,by ye Grace of God ,King of England, ffrance Ireland defender of ye faith, King- Witness, Thomas Hickes Jeremiah (J) Wood.his marke: Abraham Smith O The assinement of this abovesd:bill of Sale,to W m Simson, from Dayten Know allmen,by thisp'sants,yt I Samuell Dayten,doe wholy & trulyassineallmy right& intrest,ofthiswithinwritten,prem- ises to William Simsson and John Dyar of Hemstead,in Ma- tinacock,aswittnessmy hand,thisNovemberye-1666 Wittness, Mosis M u d g Samuell Dayton Nathan Birdsall Bee it knowen unto all men whome this p'sent writting may any wayes conseren yt I William Yeates, of Heamsted, in ye North Rideing in ye Colloney of N e w Yorke have bargained sold and delivered,unto Hennery Rudick of Oyster Bay a Ser- taine persell of Land,lying & being at Muntinacock,in number 59 and quantitie of Ackers, 28 : I say I ye abovesd William Yeates,havesoldyeabovesaydLand,beingmy lawfullright,unto ye Sd Hennery Rudick,to his heires & assines,forever,to have and to hold as his or theire, proper right & by these p'sents ingaige myselfe,my heires & assines to Defend the Sd Hennery Rurick in his quiet peaceable possession, of ye abovesd Lands, from any person or persons whatsomever, laying claime unto, or molesting, ye Sd Hennery Rudick, in his peaceable posses- sion of ye abovesd Lands,I doe one to be Sold,withall privfel- liges (p.4 Old A)-that doeth now belong,unto it,or shall any wayes heere after belong and full satisfaction in hand all- 22 Book A readie received by me the abovesaid William Yeates from ye Sd Hennery Rudick & this is m y Lawfull act & do pass over m y right of all ye abovesd Lands & all priffelliges thare unto belong- ing from m e m y heires & assines unto ye abovesaid Hennery Rudick his heires & assines forever, to have & to hold as his proper right title and intrest and to ye true, & faithfull perform- ance,I have heerunto Set to m y hand & Seale,this 7th of Decem- ber1666& inye18thyeareofyeRaineofourSufferrane,King Charels ye Seacond Signed Sealed and delivered inp'sentsofus— Matthias Harvy Nathaniell Coles WilliamYeates O Bee itKnowen unto allmen,whome this,p'sent writting may any wayes conseren,yt I Samuell Dayten of Montinacock,in ye North Rideing,inye Colloney of New Yorke,have bargened Sold and delivered unto Hennery Rudick of Oyster Bay,of ye above- said Rideing,& Colloney,a Sertaine percell of Land,lying and beingatMuntinacock,inNum:58and Quantytieofackers38: be it more or less, I say I ye above said Samuell Dayten have sold ye above percell of Land,being my Lawfull right unto ye said Henery Rudick,to him his heires & assines forever,to have & to hold as his or theire proper right,and doe by these p❜sents, Ingaige myselfe, m y heires, & assines, to defend ye abovesaid Hennery Ruddick, his heires or assines, in his or theare, quiet or peaceable possestion, of ye above Spracefied Lands, from any person or persons,whatsomever,Laying Claime theare unto, or Molesting ye aforesaid Hennery Ruddick or any of his Sub- situtes in his or theare peaceable possestions,ye abovesaid Lands I doe owne to be sold, wth all previlliges whatsomever, doeith now belong unto it,or shall any waye heere after belong unto it, and full Sattisfaction, in hand allredie received, by mee ye abovesaid Samuell Dayten,from ye abovesaid Hennery Ruddick, & this as my lawfull act,doe pass & make over,my right of all yeabovesaidLands,& allprevelligesthereuntobelonging,from mee my heires,& assines,unto ye abovesaid Hennery Ruddick his heires & assines, forever to have & to hold at his or theare proper right & L a w full Interest, & to all true intents, & for ye faithfull performance heereof I have heere beneith sett,set to m y hand,& Seale,this last of December,in ye yeare of our Lord, 1666 and in ye 18th Yeare,of ye Raine of our Sufferraine Kinge Charles ye Seacond Signed Sealed and Samuell Dayton O Delivered in p'sents of us Matthias Harvy Nathanyell Coles : Book A 23 These doe testefie yt I Robert ffurman of Oyster Bay, doe give unto Samuell ffurman my Sunn,& unto Mosis ffurman my Sunn,all my right & Intrest of Iand,Allotted mee at ye Cold Spring Cuntaineing 40 Ackers,to them & theires forever,quietly to inioy,from mee m y heires Executors & assines,as there proper right from mee, for Ever, and heereunto I sett my hand & Seale,geven & Confermed,by mee this 1th of June 1665 William Newman Robart ffurman O Johana X ffurman her marke (p.5 Old A )-This Indenture made ye 22th day of December in A n n o ; Christo : I Robert Williams of Hemsteede in ye N e w neatherLands,planteryefirstparty,& RobertfformanofOys- ter Bay: upon ye Longe Island,of ye 2th party,Witneseth yt ye Said Robert Williams,doth by these presents,Alinate Bargaine & Sell, unto ye aforesaid Robert fforman, all his Claime, Right & title,of twoe Accers,of Land,Scetuate Lying & being,upon ye East Side of ye Path,Leading to Oyster Bay,Scetuate Lying & being upon ye said path, goeing betwne ye towne of Hem- steede,& Oyster Bay,& is& was firstmanured & broake up,by ye Said Robert Williams Lyeing wthin ye Wood Edge,Annother percell of Land, Conteaneing about one Aceer, & a halfe, of Brocken up hollowes, Scituate Lying & being, South East of ye Comon path, Leadeing betwne Hemsteede, & Huntington wth all ye Land fit for Manuring, & breakeing up, Containeing one Accer & A halfe or there, aboutes, Moreover Eight Accers, of Wood Land,adioyningtoyeSouthEastside,ofyetwoe,Accres ofLand,hereinSpacefied,& lyinginyeComon Woods,asyet Unmanured,provided yt if ye said Robert fforman shall hapen to be disturbed, or Mollested Concerning ye befor Specefied fower Accers, of broaken up lands, or theare aboutes, wthin ye term,of two yeares,after ye date heereof,Either by Indians,or any other person, or sons, whatsoever yt then ye said Robert Williams,isto geive in Lew thereof,fower Accers of his owne Manured hollowes,lying upon ye Plaines at Jerico:aforesaid,& to take ye aforesaid fower Accres of hollowes into his Costody, Moreover ye said Robert, Williams doth heereby Invest, & give his right & title, unto ye Cutting & Carring away, of Twenty Loadeofhayyearely,ifitbegrowen,& notcutbeforhim,upon ye Northside of ye Plaines of Jerico:aforesaid,& for ye further Conferme of ye p'mises,ye Said Robert Williams,doth by these p'sents,bind him his Heires Executors Administrators or As- signes,to uphold & Mainetaine,ye Sd p'mses to be good & Law- full yt ye said Robert fforman, his heires & Sucsses's may Quietly Ínioy, & poses, ye said Land, according to Covenant heerein Speacefied, for Ever, wheare unto hath set his hand & Seale ye day & Yeare above written, 24 Signed Sealed & Delivered in the p'sents of us Joseph Scott John James Towne Clearke Book A Robert Williams O Know allmen by these pr'sence yt wheareas Robert Williams of Hemsteede have formerly Sold unto Robert fforman,of Oys- ter Bay,a Certaine tract of Land,mentioned in a Bill of Sale, made by ye Said Robert Williams, Consisting of hollow plaine, or Woodland Lying & Situate upon ye Plaine Edge,at ye goeing into ye woodes by ye way to Oyster Bay,Wee whose names are heereunto, Subscribed, do heereby testifie, yt the forsaid tract of land was given by Mohenas ye Indian ffreely, to ye fornamed,Robert Williams:for him & his Sucksesors,to Inioy for ever,as his or theire proper Rights,Witness our hands,this 12th of June 1662 Robert Williams Witness Jonas Houldsworth Richard Willets Cleark- ye marke (H ) of Hope Wasborne Wittnesieth these p'sents yt I Robert ffirman of Oysterbay upon Long Island in ye County of Yorke Sheere,Husbendman, doe for divers good Causes & Considerations Allienate assine make over from mee my heires,Executors Administrs & Assines, all m y right titell, Intrest & Clamie, in & upon ye Moyitie of halfeparteofmy home Lote,whareupon Inow LiveonyeNorth Side of from ye Barren,right up & downe,ye said Land,with all Rights & previlliges thereunto belonging,& Appertaineing unto m y Sunn Mosis ffirman his heires Executrs Administrs & Assig- nes for Ever for him ye Sd Mosis ffirman,his heires & Assignes toOccupie& Ennioye,forEver,fromallRights& Claimeswhat- soever, from mee ye said, Robert from any, from for or under mee,allwaies provided,yt my said Sunn shall not Allienate,Sell ormakeoveryesaidLanduntoanyother, sonwhatsoeverdur- ing m y Life & ye life, of his Mother, wthout our Consents, & if ye said Mosis,shall have to dispose of ye Said Land,then his said ffather is to have ye Sd Land, Sattisfieing for ye worke, Building or,ffenceing,ye said Mosis shall doe,or make,as two men shall Judge,and ye said Mosis is heereby bound to keepe, & mainetaine a fence Suffishtiently,of his said part of Land,or make good ye Damage may come by ye neglect of ye Same,In witness whareof I have, heereunto set m y hand In Oyster Bay this last day of, December 1666 Signed & Delivered in p'sents of us John Underhill, Simon Lane Robert fforman Mosis fforman Book A 25 Memorandum yt Robert fferman & Samuell fferman have made & Confirmed by Joynt Consent,a full agreement to in In- habett to-geather upon ye out lots yt t unto ye purchas, of ye two lotts which ye said Robert ffirman, bought of Nicholas Wright, granted by ye towne of Oysterbay : god permitting upon wch Consideration ye said Samuell fforman haveing bought Mosis ffurmans, his intrest, in ye pt wholy out, doth Allianate, & make unto his ffather,& Mother during thare lives one halfe of his proprietie theirein,to improve by way of partnership they are best able for both there comferts, & bennefets and Robert ffirman doth grant unto Samuell his Sunn,like previlliges in his medoes,atyeplains& atyeSouth,duringthearepartnershipp: this land lying neare Cold Spring wch ye improve, is affter ye decease of his ffater & Mother,to goe to Samuell his Sunn Robert fforman Samuel fforman (p.6 Old A )-Witnesseth these presents yt I Mosis ffirman of OysterBay on Long Island within ye Countie of Yeorkshier Hus- bandman doe heereby Alianate Sell Assyne make over from mee m y heires Executors Administrators & Assignes, all m y right Tytle Interest, & Claime, in and unto Twentye acres of Land, Lying neare ye Cold Springe, formerly m y ffather Robert ffir- mans,& LyesJoeyningeuntomy BrotherSamuellffirmans,Land, wth all my Labour,ffencing building:whatsoever,unto ye said Samuell ffirman, Husbandman, his heires Executors Adminis- trators,& assignes for Ever,to Occupie possess & Inioye,without truble Eviction or Mollestation: of Mee ye said Moses or any other person,whatsoever,from by or under mee ritely Cleaming ye Same,And in Consideration,of ye premises,ye Said Samuell to Satisfie & pay unto ye Said Mosis ffirman, his heires or As- signes,ye Sum of Sixteene Pounds Sterling,in Current passable pay,of this Cuntrey,viz:a three Yeare old Mare,& ye rest in Cuntraye pay:Equivolent to Coren,as men shall Judge,att or befor ye ffirst of St Michallmas,next EnCewing ye date heereof In witness whareof I have heereunto set to m y hand,in Oyster- Bay this 8th day of Jannuary 1666 Signed Sealed & delivered in p'sents of us Anthony Wright, Symon Lane: Moses fforman O I Nicholas Wright have sold unto Robert fforman,two home Lotts,which did formerly,appertaine & belong to Thomas Smith & John Titus, wth all ye share of Medowes and all other aper- tainements therunto belonging, Excepting one lott of M e d o w e at 26 Book A home,which lyeth neare ye Dock,which did belong to John Titus and ye land yt was fenced in,lying beyound ye hill,& one this Side, which was by them fensed in all this have I Nicholas Wright, Sold unto Robeart fforman, & owneing myself fully Satisfied,and paid,ye 14 day of June 1661 Nicholas Wright This is a true Copie by Matthew Bridgman Nicholas Wright was free,yt this abovesaid agreement, shall remaine to ye heires of Robert fforman for Ever, Oyster Bay this 11th of 11th Munth 1663 This p'sents dea- clareth unto all it may any wayes Conceren, yt I benyamene Hubard of Oyster Bay, one Long Island have changed m y Sheare of Medoe at Muntinacock,being Number Eight,one ye South side of Robert ffurmans medoe,lot unto ye said Robert, of Oysterbay, abovesaid for a Medoe lot or sheare, of ye sai.d Robert ffurmans,lying one ye North side of ye Towne of Oyster Bay,I say I have changed & by these presents,doe deliver up all mytitell& IntrestofmyabovesaidMedolote,atMuntinacock, for his by ye Towne as abovesaid yt was formerly Nicholas Wrights : from mee m y heires Executors or assignes for him to Inioy:wthout Mollistation,of mee or any from mee,as witness my hand inye p'sents of:Also I Benjamen Hubard,do bind mee my heires,& assignes to Seale ye Said Robert fforman,ye Said Medoe beformentioned, from any Molestation which shall de- prive him or his,or to restore him his one againe, Jonas Holstead Joseph Holstead Benjamen Hubbard (p.7OldA;p.8New A)-BeeitKnowenuntoallmen,whome this p'sent Instrewment of writting may any wayes Cunseren,yt I Marke Megs of Oyster Bay,one Long Island,inye North Ride- ing in ye Colleney of N e w Yorke Sheere,have bargened Sold & de- livered,aSertaineparcellofLand,Lying& beingatMuntinacock, b e i n g fiftie A c k e r s o r t h e a r e a b o u t s b e it m o r e o r L e s s I y e a b o v e - said Megs doe owne to have freely Sold,ye abovesaid Land as is above Expressed,unto Nathan Burcham,of Muntinacock of ye North Rideing & of ye abovesaid Colloney, in Consideration, of full Sattisfaction In hand all Redie Received, by mee Marke Megs,from Nathan Burcham,of ye above Sd Lands I ye Afor- mentioned Megs,doe pass & make over & Alienate,frome mee m y heires Executors Administratrs & assignes, for Ever, unto ye Sd Nathan Burcham his Executors Administratrs & assignes, for Ever,to have & to hold,as his & or theire proper Right & Interest,ye abovesaid ALotment,of Land,which Nathan Bur- cham doeith now live one,I Marke Megs,doe freely owne to have sold, unto Nathan Burcham, wth Comanige, & all other previllidges, whatsomever doeith n o w belong unto it or shall Book A 27 heereafter belong unto it, only I ye said Megs doe Reserve a therdpartofyeComanege,& doealsoingaigeifIcanClearethis therd parte of Comonage, from Thomas Ierland it shall Re- maine unto ye Sd Burcham & his for Ever,& I Marke Megs doe also Ingaige myselfe,heires & assignes,wthout any Equifocation or Mentuall Reservation,to deffend ye Sd Burcham or any of his,in ye quiet & peaceabell Inioyment,of ye abovesaid Lands, & previlliges theare unto belonging from any person or persons whatesomeEver Laying Claime theareunto or Mollesting ye Said Burcham, or any, of his Sucsessors, in his or theare peaceable Inioyment & to ye true performance heereof I have heereunto settmy handandSeale,inOysterBaythis3thofffebrewary& in ye 18th Yeare of our Sufferraine Kings Raine,Charels ye Seac- ond,1666 Signed Sealed and Delivered in p❜sent of us Matthias Harvy Sarah Townsend : Marke X Megs O his marke Whare asitissaidytallprevilliges,inthisDeede,belongith, toyeSd NathanBurcham,itisagreedbyConsentofbothparties yt isto say Nathan Burcham and Marke Megs,yt a therd parte of what previlliges, shall any wayes Appertaine unto this Lott, is to Remaine to Marke Megs : Oyster Bay ye 8th of March 1666 These may Sertiefietoallwhome it,may any wayes Cunseren, yt I Jonas Holstead Constable,have made a Leagall Seasure,of ye two Towne Shipps which doe belong unto Majr :Danyell Go- therson,for & in ye behalfe of Mathew Pryer for a debt which isdew unto him,from ye Said Gotherson, Jonas Halstead Witnesseth these p'sents,yt Joseph Holstead of Oyster Bay upon Long Island, in ye Countie of Yorke Husbandman have SoldandbythesedoeSellAssine& makeoverallmy Right,in & upon A Sertaine share of Land,lying upon Hogg Neck,Equall to any other,of ye Purchasers,of ye said Neck,& to Bare him haremless,from all Just Mollestation,of an person whatsomever unto Gideon Wright, of Oyster Bay abovesaid, for him ye said Gideon Wright,his Heires Executrs Administrars & Assines,for Ever, also A Townesmans Share of Land, & Commonage at Oyster Bay wth all ye Rights and Previlliges theare unto belong- ing: & heere after to belong, or Appertaine, and all Imunities whatsoever,as fully as I ye Said Joseph,might or could by pur- chase, Guift or Towne order, to have & to hold unto ye Said Gideon (p.9 New A )-Wright his Heires Executors Adminis- trats & Assignes forever for consideration of a pair of oxen and a Yearling S(t)ear In hand paid in witness whereof I have 28 Book A hereunto Set m y Hand in Oyster bay this fowerth Day of Apriel in ye 18thyear of ye reign of Our Sovrign Lord and King Charles ye Second King of England Scotland france and Ireland &c- anno domni 166[ ] SealedandDeliveredinpresenceofus JosephHalstead O ye marke of X Marke megs Simon Lane Oysterbay this 12th of ye 8th m o : 1666 These presents De- clareth yt I Nicolas Simkins of Oysterbay on Long Island In ye northriding for Consideration Moving me hereunto have fully Sold unto Gideon Wright of ye Said T o w n and place all my_right Title and Interest of Seven acres of Land Lying near ye Beaver Swamp Creek by a hill Known by name of Sagamore hill I Say Seven acres more or Less and T w o acres and a quarter more or Less on hogIsland of ye first division I say I have and do by these presents deliver unto ye said Gideon Wright ye abovesaid pr[ of land to him his heirs and Successo[rs] To have and to hold forever to Inioy as their own proper right title and Interest from m e m y heirs and Successors I having re- ceived full Satisfaction for it as Witness m y hand and Seal ye day and Year above written In ye 18th Year of ye Reigne of Charles ye Second King of England In presence of us Hennery Townsend Nicholas Simking O the marke of James X Cock Oysterbay this 2th of ye 6 month 1662 be it Known Unto all men by this presence that I John Digeson of Oysterbay on Long Island do hereby Acknowledge and Confess to have fully Sold all m y Right Title and Interest of ye House & house Lo [t] that was Henry Disborahs which is T w o thirds of ye lot Granted by ye Sd Town bounded with my Land on ye East and henry Townsends Land on ye west and ye highway on ye Southend and IhavealsoSoldwithitoneshearofmeadow atMontineco[ck] andallCommon rightsandpriviledgesofCommon Land & Tim- ber yt do any ways [appurtaine] to or belong to ye Sd house and Lot as other Townsmen have yt is to be taken up unto James Cock of Seacaucket on ye Sd Island for Satisfaction already re- ceived and do hereby promise to fence half between m y Land and yt I have Sold provided James do fence ye other half with m e I say I have Sold and am to Deliver the [afor]named house and Lott wth all ye appurtenances abovementioned on ye Last [ 8th month next Ensuing ye Date hereof and yt a m to give [ Quiet possessio[n Having Sold it from me my heirs and assigns To him his heirs and assigns for[ever] to Injoye without molestationbyme oranyfromme aswitnessmy hand In presence of us John Dickinson O the X Marke of John Townsend Hennery Townsend Book A 29 (p.10New A)-ThesemayCertifietoallwhomeitmayany ways Concern yt I John Underhill Senj and Thomas Townsend Both of oysterbay have made an Exchange of meadow that is to Say I John underhill have given Thomas Townsend a ha[1f] Shear of meadow at ye South for his Shear of meadow at Mun- tonicock which I Thomas Townsend do freely own to be my Lawfull act as witnes our hands this 26th of Apriel 1667 John Underhill Thomas Townsend Be it Known unto all men whome this present Instrument of writing may any ways Concern that I James Cock of Oysterbay In ye north riding in ye Collony of N e w York Shear on Long Island Husbandman have Covenanted bargained Sold and De- livered Unto Capt John Plott of Oysterbay of ye Same Riding and Coloney a half Shear of meadow at ye South I the above- said James Cock do own to have Sold ye abovesd Land unto CaptJohnPlotttohimhisheirsandassignsTo haveandTo hold as his or their proper Right and Intrest for ever and do by these presents Alinate and make over from me my heirs Executors and assigns the abovesd Land withall priviledges Whatsomever may thereunto belong unto Capt John plott his heirs Extrs and assigns To Injoye and possess Quietly Without Let Trouble or molestation by me or any from by or under me and do also In- gage m y Self m y heirs Executors administrators and assigns to defend ye abovesd Capt John Plott his heirs and assigns from any person or persons Whatsomever Laying Claime unto ye above Said Land In presence herof I have for ye True preformance of the premises above Said Set to m y hand and Seal In Oyster- bay this 15th of february 1666 and in ye 18th year of our Suffer- raine Lord and Kings Reign Charles ye Second Signed Sealed and Delivered In presence of us Mathias Harvy Nathaniel Coles James X Cock O his mark Oysterbay ye 21th of June 1666 ye agreement Between Capt John Plott of ye one partie and mathew pryer of ye other partie is as followeth ye Said parties have Joyntly and Several agreed and by these presents Contract and agree that Mathew pryer Shall peaceably possess and Injoye all ye right and Title of all Such Lands and priviledges In a parcell of Land or Lands with allrights of Commoning or any other benefits thereunto now or hereafter Shall thereunto belong according to ye allotment pur- chastby him ye Sd John to ye N ° of 57 acres of Land More or Less for him ye Said Mathew his heirs or assigns peaceably to possess from all Molestation from him ye Said John or any other ye Said John doth also Ingage unto ye Said Mathew prier 32 Book A A Deede of Land unto Matthias Harvy:of ye same Towne & Colloney ye wch Deede was assigned, by Capt John Plott, unto mee Marke Megs,& bares date ye 2th of ffebrewary 1665 also A Quarter of a share of Medowe at ye South :as by writting doeith Appeare,bareing date ye 10th of June 1666 & also A peece of Medoe,wch I bought of James Cocke wch Lyeth upon ye South Side of Hogg Island,all wch house or houseing doth now belong to me ye [above sd Marke Megs of] ye Above Sd towne I doe ownetohave-(p.13 Old A)-Sould from [me my heires&] assignes unto ye Sd Matthias Harvy his heires & assignes unto ye Sd Matthias Harvy his heires & assignes for Ever & [ ] without let trubble or Molistation & I ye above Sd Megs doe Ingaige m y heires & assignes to seacure & defend ye above Sd Mathias Harvy from all o[ther] persons whomesoever yt shall molest ye Sd Harvy in his quiet posestion of ye above Speacefied Lands : & doe ingaige to deliver at or be[fore] December next ye Dwellinghouse wthall Accomenda- tions the[rein] & not to Imbasell any thing or things,belonging Either to house or land I Marke Megs doe as m y Reall Act owne to have sold allye Land or lands a[bovesaid] unto Matthias Har- vy wthall previlliges,& accomendations there unto belonging with- out any Eqiefocation,or Mentuall Reservation & full Sattisfac- tionbymee Marke Megs received,from ye Sd Harvy,inCattell & horseflesh as witness my hand & Seale & wth Conscent of AvismyWife:this18thofJune& inye12thYeare,ofyeRaine of Our,Sufferraine Lord & King,Charels Signed Sealed and Delivered, in ye p'sents of us Danyell Coles Nathanyell Coles Christopher Hawxhurst Marke X Megs O his marke Avis X Megs her marke K n o w all m e n w h o m e this p'sent, Instrewment of writing m a y any wayes cunseren, yt I John Vnderhill Senj of Kilingworth in ye North Rideing & of ye Countie of New Yorkesheere,have Covenanted bargened & delivered unto George Dennis,of Oys- ter Bay of ye above Sd Rideing & Colloney,my house & whome (home) lotte wth Comonage, theareunto belonging & all other previlliges,yt doe or may heereafter belong unto ye Sd house & Lands,lying& beinginyeTowne ofOysterBay:Iyeabove Sd doe owne to have freely sold,unto ye Above Sd Dennis & full Satisfaction in hand all Redie received,by mee ye Sd Vnder- hill from ye above Sd Dennis & I ye above Sd Vnderhill doe Ingaige myselfe m y heires & assignes to maintaine & Deffend ye aboveSd George Dennis his heires or assignes in ye peaceable, & quiet Inioyment, of ye above Specefied accomendation from all or any Incumbrances, or truble whatsumever, may heare- after Insew by any person or persons,laying Claime to any parte Book A 33 or percels of those lands above Speacefyed, & I ye Sd John Vnderhill pass & make over ye above Sd Lands wthall previl- liges,thereunto belonging from mee my heires & assignes unto ye above Sd George Dennis his heires & assignes: for Ever,to have & to holde as his or theare own proper Right & Intrest:& this is m y lawfull Act, I have hereunto set to m y hand & Seale this 21th of Decemb' in ye yeare of our Lord 1667 and in ye 19th yeare of our Soverrainge Kings Raine Charels ye Seacond : & ye tenn Acker lott Adioy(n)ing to Nicholus Wrights feild I ye said Vnderhill doe reserve to m y Selfe,wch ye above Sd Dennis hath noe Right or intrest in Signed Sealed and delivered in p'sents of us Matthias Harvy Danyell Coles John Vnderhill O (p.14OldA,afragment,andp.14New A)— [Oyster]bayye 24th [ ] 1667 [ sold by me [ 1 Moses furmantwolotsoneHog Island,[ ] Townsend Senj1 [ ] one ye North Side:one ye South side w [ Jeade & one Sheare in ye Calves pasture ; I say I have sold to [the abovesaid] mosis ffurman ye above Sd lotts,& full Sattisfaction in hand all Redie [received] from ye Sd ffurman,& doe pass over my Right from me [my heirs] & assignes to ye Sd Mosis ffurman,his heires & assines for Ever [ ] & doe also Ingaige to maintaine,ye Sall from any person [or persons mak- ing] Clayme to those Lands above Specefied In witness whare[of Ihave]heereuntosetmy Hand John Dickinso[n] [Sold by] me Rich Harcott of Oyster Bay,to Samuell Weekes, one share [of la]nd one Hogg Island,of ye third devishtion & N ° 18 I say sold by me [to ye] Sd Weekes his heires & assignes for Ever to inioy & doe also Ingaige [t]o defend him in his quiet posestion,& also full satisfaction in hand all redie receved: by mee Rich Harcott, from ye Sd S a m : Weekes In Witness whareof I have heere unto set to my hand. Richard Harckcut Given by mee ffrancis Weekes,to my Sunns,John Weekes,& Joseph Weekes :one share of land,one Hogg Island ye therd lott one ye therd, devishtion ye first lot one ye Calves pasture : I say given by mee to m y Sunns to them there heires or assignes, for Ever,to Inioy as witness my hand ffrancis (W ) Weekes his marke Oyster Baye ye 10th of ye 11th Munth 1667 (Reply to the letter from Governor Nicolls,given on p.35) Whareas a Letter, was Cumeunecated from ye Gover to ye Towne by ye Constable,& An answer Requiered from us,Wee ye 34 Book A Towne returne ye Sd Const our answer following,yt in our Late answer,to Seacretary Nichols wee Condesended to a Pattaine for ye further confermation of our lawfull purchesed Lands, wcb this 14 yeares, wee have peaceably, Inioyed free from Molesta : of any power or person w'somever,& for further Assurance by ye same According to ye Kings Comand,now in Obediance to ye p'sent power wee sent in our Deedes to be Recorded, in ye Generall Office of N e w Yorke According to ye ffundamentall Lawes, made by ye Gover & Depewties to ye Genn Corte at Hempstead,wch wee thought to bee,Authentiek,& dout not but soe will Remaine as for ye Colloneys Oath,it is true,ye sware ye peppel to be true,to all holesome Lawes,yt are or heere after shall be made,but they are made by ye Gover Majestrate & Depewties,ye Sd Depewties being Chosen & sent in by ye Cun- try:to joyne wth ye Gover & Majestrates,in making Lawes & Assesments, for publick Charge, & is it not well knowen in ye Cuntrey yt ye King being Informed,yt ye Mathetewset power,did debarr parte of his Subjects from a Just Liberty, dew to all free holders, & Comanded them to give free Choyce, wch ware in [ ] Estate free holders,yt such shold have free Choyce of Majestrates, & Millitarie, & Comands in his Letters Pat- taines,noe lawes to be made,Repugnant to ye Lawes,of England, reserving Appeales to him selfe, Least his Subjects should be over burdened, by Subordenate power, & whare as ye King is pleased,to grant ye same favor to his Subjects which God hath given unto him selfe: yt is Liberty to all tender Contiences as was publickly declared, by ye Governor, himself in Open feild at Gravesand [ ] being a Scrupel of Contience,to us Volentarely to Subject our Selves and our Posteretyes, for Ever to all Such lawes,as may be made,long after ye Deacease of ye King,& ye Duke of Yorke :who wee owne as Lord [ under ye Sewpremises,of ye King wee say not knowing w1[ timemaybringforth[ - (p.15New A)-[ ye Kings faviour and Care of his Subjects p[ ] with fare[ ly to ye manifestation of ye Dukes desire of ye [ ]triepeace & [ partie wee say ye premises well weiyed and Considered as we Stand in the feare of god the Kings honner ye dukes comfort we Cannot Comply with Such a patent as will bind us and Our posterity forever to ye Subject of all unknown Laws with out Exception or Cation which may be Imposed upon us many Years after ye Kings and dukes Decease as before Expressed we cannot make this ane Act of faithto God nor honerable for ye King and Lord patrgone and it not being of faith to us it will be Charged by god as Sin and Rather then we will provoak the great and Dreadfull god in Displesure against us we will leave our Selves to his Marcy and ye faviour of the higher powers Rather than to act against Book A 35 our Consciences and further we Say not but desire the Clark to record this as a town act. (Letter of Governor Richard Nicolls) L O V I N G friends it seems somthing Strange to me that (of) all your Inhabitants only five persons whose names are here Subscribed to a paper dated ye 9th of october In Oysterbay are willing to receive As- surance of their Lands by patent in the name of his R : H : ye Rest being gealous of Snairs purposed for them and posterity. I have duely weighed those unreasonable Supposis Yet a m Con- tented once more to Try their Spirits In a Calme Manner to advise them not to neglect ye Tender of a patent which is ye onlywayandmeanstosecurethemandtheirposterityIam not willing to Drive any man out of ye Teritories of his R : H : Whose Commands to me are to give men all due Incorgement neither can you be Ignorant yt in all his Majesties Collonies Each man by patent isbound to Submit to ye Laws that are or Shall be made and to bear his portions of Common buidings You do or ought also to know that no mans Title to Lands is pleadable in L a w or will be hereafter admited In any Court of this Goverment which is not Confirmed by patent from his R : H :who isthe Sole proprietor by patent from his Majestie when You have lead those Consideretions to Your hearts & ye Great appearance of Ensuing benefits from a Royal master whose honnor and Interest it is to be doing good to all men under his Imediate protection I will not doubt but that those Scales of dark- ness will faull from your Eyes and that you may not Run on in Igronance or obstinacy m y Sencear Endeavers have not been wanting and m y hearty desires Shall attend you with these few Lines of admonitions from your Loving friend ye 16 of 10ber 67:Fort James R : Nicolas At a Town meeting held this 29th Apriel 1674 Every mans Shear on oakneck of meadows Tho : Townsend 13th Nick:wright:22:&:27 wm Buckler 1 Henry Townsend :25 John Weekes 9 James Cock 35 Aaron furman : 18 James Townsend 4 GideonWright:2:& 15 Rich: Crabb : 17 Mathias Harvy : 12 Antony wright 13:& 31 Sam:Weekes:11:& 20 John Townsend 26 Joseph weekes 21 Mathew Pryer:30:& 24 Fran: Weekes 32 Nathan Birdsall 34: & 6 SamllAndrews8:& 10 John Underhill 16:7:5:23:29:14 Benja: Hubard: 19 John Weekes warruck:33 [William] frost:29 (i.e.John Weeks from Warwick,Mass.) .J. 36 Book A (p.16 Old A,fragment,and p.16 New A)-Be it [known] untoallmenbythesepresentsytI[Mark Megs]ofOy[ster]bay do hereby Bargain and Sell unto [Richard] Harkcote one house and Lot that house and Lot which Lyeth between [that which] was Salters and that which was Thomas Irlands this house & Lost or] Lotts of meadow and a Shear of meadow at ye South allmy who[leright]and Titleand allmy whole accomodation In Oysterbay w [ith all] appurtenances thereunto belonging do I the above nam[ed] Marke Megs me my heirs and assigns do hereby barga[in] and Sell unto Richard Harkcot his heirs or assigns forever [ ] and in Consideration of Twenty pounds Sterling & owning [m y ] Self fully Satisfied and paid do hereby Give him quiet [and] peaceable possession forever as wit- ness m y hand and Seal ye 26th of february 1660 Signed Sealed and Delivered In presence of us Mathew Bridgman Antony wright ye mark X of Marke megs O August ye 10th 1667 I John Underhill Senjr of Oysterbay do freely pass and makeover from me my heirs and assigns for- ever unto m y Son John Underhill Jur his heirs forever to Injoye these parcells of Lands as followeth m y half Shear of ye South Meadows and m y planting field Containing Tenn Acres and m y wholeshearofOakneckMeadowswithmy InterestofallCom- mon Meadows and this is my Law act I have hereunto Set my hand John Underhill Witnesseth these presents that I Jonas Halstead of Staden Is- land within ye County of York in america husband Man have Sold and by these presents do Sell assigne alinate make over and Estrange from m e m y heirs Executors admits and Assigns all m y right Title Interest and Claim in and upon a certain Mes- adge or Tenam of Land Lying Sittewate and being in Oysterbay upon Long Island within ye County of York aforesaid which Sd Land Lyeth bounded as followeth viz the house Lot Bounded with a Lot of mark megs Eastward ye woods South ye Lot of Rich : Harkcot wast & ye Street northwards with a whole Shear of Land Upon hog Island and half a Shear of meadow at ye South formerly Tho :Hermitages and a Shear of meadow Lying in Oysterbay bounded with ye meadow of Robert furman wast and ye meadow of Rich:Harkcot east with priviledge of Com- monage both fore Pasture and Timber and Other Rights and Im- munities whatsomever and a lot of meadow at Muntinecock Ly- ing between ye Lot of Rich : Crab Southward and Walter Salter northward with Twenty acres of Land already Laid out in Cove neck and his dwelling house and all other out houses Standing upon ye Sd Lot at oysterbay with gardens Orchards Pastures and Book A 37 all whatsomever Is there unto belonging or appertaining or here- after may appertain any way whatsomever as fully and amply as may be mentioned by any deed or Conveyance whatsomever and as Largely as he ye Sd Jonas might or Could by any purchase Guift or Town order all which before mentioned premises ye Said Jonas hath Sold To Richard Harkote of Oysterbay Hus- bandman his heirs Executors and assigns forever for him ye Said Richard To have and To hold occupy and possess and In- joye for him and his heirs forever without Let Trouble Eviction or Molestation of any person or persons Whatsoever the abovesd JonashavingHaving-(p.17New A)- [receive]dfullsatisfac- tion for ye Above Sd premises in witness whereof I have Heere- unto sett my hand & Seale this 30th day of May in Oyster Bay abovesd & in ye 18th Yeare of ye Rainge of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles ye Seacond by ye Grace of God King of England Scotland ffrance & Ierland defender of ye ffaith & c Anno.Domini,1667 According toye Computation ofye Church of England Signed Sealed Jonas Holstead O delivered in Presents of Symon Lane Samuell ffurman (p.17 Old A )- K n o w all men whome this p'sent Instrewment of writting may any wayes Conseren yt I Ann Crooker, of Oyster Bay of ye North Rideing,in ye Čolloney of New Yorke Sheere,have Sold & Confermed,what my husband W m Crooker, did formerly sell,unto Nicholas Wright of ye abovesd Towne, & Colloney,I say I Ann Crooker,have Sold my lott which was formerly Granted to my Husband by ye Towne of Oyster Bay unto Nicholas Wright abovesd and doe pass & make over ye Sd lott,withall previlleges,whatsomever doeth now belong unto it,or heereafter shall,any wayes belong unto it,from mee my heires,& assignes,for Ever unto ye abovesd Nicholas Wright,his heires or asignes,for Ever,peaceably to Inioye & poses I say I have sold,from mee m y heires & assines,ye lott above mentioned, unto ye Sd Nicholas Wright to him his heires and asignes for Ever,to have & to hold as his or theire proper right for Ever, and I Ann Crooker having received in hand full Satisfaction,for ye abovesd Lott & previliges thereunto belonging from Nicolas Wright,abovesd,doe as my Lawfull act,sett to my hand,this 2d of March 1667 and in ye 19th Yeare of ye Rayne of Our Suf- erraine Kinge Charels ye Seacond:A share of Medoe,which was granted by vertue of ye abovesd lott, is Excepted, by ye Abovesd Ann Signed and delivered in p'sents of us Matthias Harvy Nicholas Simkins Ann(A)Crooker O her:marke: 38 Book A (p.18 Old A)-Oyster Bay ye 14thApriel 1667 Know all men whome it may Cunseren yt I John Richbell doe sell & make over unto Robert Williams halfe a Sheare at ye South to him ye Said Robert Williams his heires & assines forever:frommeemyheires& AssignesforeverthisMedoe did belong to my Dwelling House, mee John Richbell, Testes in Oyster Bay I doe Acknowlidge to have Received in plaine Land mee John Richbell John Platt Thomas Mabbes Oyster Bay this Seacond of ye first Munth 1667 These p'sents declareth unto all men,whomsoever it doeith any wayes cun- seren,yt I Robert Williams of Oyster Bay one Long Island, in ye North Rideing, in Yorke Sheere, for good considEration moveing mee heereunto,doe by these p'sents make over,Ratyfie & conferem Such Lands, unto my Sister Mary Willis, of ye abovesd Towne & place as followeth namely,one therd of all ye playne Land,Exprest in ye Sd Roberts Bill of Sale,Except all ye Hollowes I bought of John Stickling & all ye rest of ye Hol- lows one ye Sd Playnes are to Remaine to mee,my Sucsessors & her sucsessors, as they are all redie layd out & Devided, & a Sertaine tract of Land lying to Oyster Bay Land,on ye North Side,as it is all Redie devided by mee ye Sd Robert Williams : & ye Towne of Oyster Bay & bounded on ye other at ye head of ye Colde Spring Swampe,begining at Huntington Cartepath & along ye carte path,to ye Ridge of ye hills next to ye Playnes : & soe along ye Ridge of hills to Robert ffurmans Land,& soe to ye Round Swampe,which tractof woodland Iye Sd Robert Wil- liams, doe heereby also turne over & confirme two theirds of it,to ye Sd Mary Willis & her Sucsessors:but all ye land lying betweene ye Sd ridge of Hills and ye Playnes: above mentioned are all mine,& doe properly belong to mee ye Sd Robert Wil- liams,& m y Sucsessors,& I ye Sd Robert Williams doe also make over & Conferem unto ye Sd Mary Willis,twentie Ackers of land where she now dwels,yt is to say her house lott now in pos- sestion & soe much more to make ittwenty Ackers,with Comon- ingforherCattell,& wood& Timberforuse,suchasmy Comons does afford, Still provided yt but one Famely doeith,to poses it at a time, I ye abovesd Robert Williams, doe heereby for my- selfe m y heires Executrs or asignes, make over Ratifie & Con- ferem,all ye abovesd pieces & percels of Lands,from mee my heires Executrs & Asignes unto ye abovesd Mary Willis,her heires Executrs or asignes to have & to hold, & for Ever to Inioy as there one proper right, Titell & Interest, with out any Book A 39 molistation by us or any from us:as witness my hand & Seale ye day & Yeare above written In p❜sents of us Henery Townesand John Bowne : RobertWilliams O These presents witneseth yt I Mary Willis, of Oyster Bay, doe bind myselfe & asagnes to leave haremless m y Bro : Robert Williams, his heires assignes cunser(n)ing, ye Řatiefication & makeing over a percell of land unto mee,which I bought of m y BrotherHoopeWashburen:beingparteofytWood Land,which wee three purchased togeather, joyning to Oyster Bay witness my hand & Seale this Seaco(n)d day of ye first Munth 1667 Signed Sealed & delivered in ye (M W ) marke ye p'sents of us Henery Townesand John Bowne of Mary Willits O (p.19 Old A)— [ ] his Majesties Comand [ ] In as much as his Majestie hath sent us,by Cumishtion under his great Seale and amongst other things, to Expell or reduce to his Majesties Obedience such foreners as have without, his Majesties,leave & Consent,seated themselves Amongst any of his Dominions,in a Merica to ye prejudice of his Majesties Sub- jects,and ye Deminution,of his Royall Dignity,wee his Majes- ties Comissoners,doe deaclare & promise,yt whosoever of what Nation whatsoever will, upon knowlidge of, this proclamation, acknowlidge & certify themselves to Submitt to his Majesties Goverment, as his good Subjects oft to doe, shall be protected, by his Majesties Lawes & Justice & peaceably Enioy what Ever Gods blessing & there owne honnest industry have furnished them with and all other,priveledges,with his Majesties English Subjects ; Wee havecausedthistobeepublished,thatyeemay prevent all inconveniences to others, if it ware possible, however, to cleare ourselves, from ye Charge, of all those missires yt any waymaybefallsuch,asliveheere& willnotacknowlidgehisma- jestyfortheare Sovaerigne,Whome God Preserve Richard Nicolls George Cartwright Sammuel Maverick It is desiered yt as many of ye Inhabetants,of Oyster Bay as Convenyently can,would meet ye Comishoners at Gravesand one Thursday ye next ye 23th of August, wheare [all freeholders] of ye Island are Somoned to bee George Cartwright (See Thompson's Long Island,I.,124,for thisproclamation, dated "In his Majesty's frigate the Guerney, August 20, 1664." See N. Y. Col. Doc.I.,64,for their commission.) 40 Book A Ye Towne of Oyster Bay doe by these p'sents,testify & dea- cleare,yt wee were free to receive a Pattaine According to ye Instructions, betrusted, wth oure loving Nighbour Capt John Vnderhill,to whome wee have Comitted ye Draught of our Towne Limitts,wth ye Coppie of ye proclemation left with us by Coll Cartwright Secondly ye Coppie of ye wourds Inserted in ye Speatiall warant,which was sent to us:to send our Depew- tyes to Hemstead for ye makeing of all,good & knowen lawes: wee say if it will be granted us in words ffollowing, wee freely condescend: forthwith to proceed,to procure a patten,& wee shall Satisfy ye Seacretary, for ye unanimus voate of ye T o w n e istorender& pay,alldues& dutyes:accordingtoallgood,& knowen lawes, all redie made, or heere after shall be made : Memorand:ytRobertWilliams:Pattenmay not,Cross,orbee any Wayes prejudishall,to our former agreement wth him ac- cording to ye Record Concluded by ye Towne :this 11th of Aprill 1 6 6 8 A n d all s o e y t H u n t i n g t o n P a t t e n : m a y n o t a n y w a y e s C r o s s , or Infringe,us,of any of our Just Rights. Know allmenbythesep'sents,ytIElyezerLeverichofHunt- ington doe heere by Sell Conveigh, & pass over unto Nicholas Simpkings,of Oyster Bay,my House Land & Medo at Oyster Bay,withall my right & propriety in ye said place to him and his heires for Ever,witness my hand,this twenty ninth of ye 11th month 1658 in p'sents of us William Leverich Jonas Holdworth Elyeser Leverich (p.20OldA andp.20New A)—OysterBayye16thofSeptem- ber 1661 Bee itknowen unto allmen,by these p'sents,yt wee ye Inhabiters of ye Towne of Oyster Bay,on Long Island In America whose names are underwritten,wee doe by these p'sents,feremly Cov- enent & Ingaige, unto Hennery Townesand, now in ye Said Towne on ye Condishtion ye Sd Hennery Townesand,doe Build such a Mill,as at Norwake on ye Maine ; or an English Mill,on our Streame called by us ye Mill Revir, at ye west end of our Towne,then doe we geive & Conferem, Such Lands to him his heires,& assignes for Ever without Molestation or Condishtion: as Namely,all ye Mill lott,bounded with Hennery Desborowes lotton ye East side ye Solte Medo on ye North end and Anthony Wrights,Medo lott,on ye West,& ye highway on ye South ye Sd Anthony Wright Medo lott,is given also to ye said Hennery Townsand,yt joynes to ye forsaid Mill,lott on ye East,& Latt- ings Solte Medo on ye North End,& a high way,on ye west Side, of two pole Broade, betwene said Streame, & Mill lott, and ye highway on ye South,& wee give him also all ye Solte Medo and upland,on ye west side of ye Sd Mill Streame to a Book A 41 littellStreame of watter,on ye West side of it,& ye sea isye North Bounds,& a highway on ye South of Six pole Broad Joyn- ing to ye Swampe :and wee doe heereby geive and grante,unto ye Sd Hennery Townesend,ye Sd mill Streame,to build a Mill or Mills on it,as hee shall see Cause,& to remaine ferem,to him, his heires & Assignes soe they or hee doe keepe a Mill on it as a f o r e S d , b u t i f y e M i l l C e a s e f o r h a l f e a Y e a r e , a f t e r it it b u i l t , & noe preparation,is made,to Repare ye Mill againe,yt then ye Towne may Lawfully enter on ye River againe,as there one, & Improve it,as ye shall see nessearey,but if ye said Hennery Townesend, his heires or assignes, doe make prepration to re- pare soe yt itbe finished for Servis,after a Yeares deacay:yt then ye Sd Streame Shall still Cuntinnew his or theires,on Con- dishtion a Mill be keept or Elce ye Streame,to Returne to ye Towne as above Sd,& thearefor wee give him by this full power, to trench & dame & to take what timber hee hath need of for his use, & to have Comoning for his Cattell, and on our Charges, weeIngaigetotrench& makeyedame:foryeMill,asheeshall geive Direction,when he calls to have it dunn,& we allow him the tenth parte for grinding, but if in process of time, ye tole doeth encrease, yt less m a y bee Suffishtient, to uphold ye Mill soeyttheMillerbe notdiscoriged,he istohave less:asunder- standing men in ye case Chosen by him & us:shall Judge and his tole dish, is to be made true & to be Struckt, in takeing ye tole, & wee Ingaige noe other [ ] then what is before mentioned,shall be made to Joyne ye for mentioned Lands,we have given to the sd Henry Townsend and wee are Cuntent yt theMilldoapp[ointoneday]InA Weeke-(p. 21OldA)— [for]to Grind our Coren,& yt when ye Sd Hennery Townesand doe fence in ye bove Sd Land,yt Such as have upland,or Medo , Joyning to ye bove Sd,shall Joyne in fenceing with him there halfe according to our English custome & hee is to have it all Rate& taxefreeforEver:& toenter,inp'sentposestiononye Streame and Lands,and to ye true dew,& faithfull performance, ofall& Everyofyeabovementioned,Ingaigements,& promises, wee bind us our heires & assignes to perforem,unto ye Sd Hen- nery Townesend,his heires & assignes as wittnes our hands,ye day & yeare above written, upon Čondishtion hee builds a Mill, as above Sd Servisable to ye Towne of Oyster Bay in ye Con- dishtion,yt the Towne now is in,as ye Mill,at Norwake,is Servisable to there Towne : Nicholas Simkings ffrancisWeeke John Bates Rob:ffurman Benj : Hubard Rich : Harcott Hennery Disbrowe John Richbell Matthew Bridgeman Towne Clearke John Townesand Seny John Digeson Rich: Latting John ffinch John Townesand Ju : Jonas Holstead Anthony Wright Nicholas Wright Thomas Armintage 42 Book A Oyster Bay ye 29th of October 1664 These p'sents,deaclareth,unto allwhome itmay any wayes Cunseren,yt John Richbell merchant,of Oyster Bay on Long Island,in New England have feremly Sold and delaivered, in p'sent posestion, one share of Medo on ye North Side, of ye Towne Joyneing to ye Sea,on ye North Side:& to Hennery Townesands house lott,on ye South Side:& Samuell Andrews on ye West,& to ye Sd John Richbels medo on ye East,end,unto Henery Townesend of ye Sd Towne & place,for Satisfaction in hand Received,in other Medo & by these p'sents do bargaine & Sell & Deliver,unto ye Sd Hennery Townesend,his heires Ex- ecutors Adminstrators or assignes, for Ever, to inioye with out molistation,by mee or any from mee,& doe promis also to give ye Sd Hennery Townesand a Confermation,from him I had it of as witness m y hand & Seale, ye day & Yeare first above written Signed and Delevered in p'sents of us Matthias Harvy John Vnderhill John Richbell IDanyellWhitehead,doeowne& Acknowlidgemy Selfe:tobe ye party from whom Mr Richbell,had ye above written Medo : & I doe Ratiefy & Conferem:what isabove written:witness my hand Witness : Nicholas Wright The marke of Caleb X Wright Danyell Whythead Oyster Bay ye last of November 1668 Owned by Nicholas Simpkings yt ye Lot which now Joynes,to Samuell Andrews,is Justlybelonging unto Anthony Wright:and Owned by Anthony Wright,ytye Same lottdoeithnow belongand isSamuell,An- drews and his heires for Ever: Oyster Bay ye Last of November 1668 Given by Alce Crabb unto her Sun Gideon Wright,A Towne Ship,withall previlliges theare unto belonging:ye Towneship above Speacefied is under- stoodtobeA pertickelerTownesmans Right: (p.22 Old A)-Bee itKnowen unto allmen,whome thisp'sent Deede amy any wayes cunseren,yt I Joseph Carpenter,of Mus- keeto Cove in ye Province of His Highness : James Duke, of Yorke,have Covenanted Bargened,agreed,& Sold,unto Abyah Carpenter,of Pawtuxet inye Colloney of Roade Island,in New England,a sertaine percell of land containeing Twenty Ackers: ye which Land is lying & being at Musketow Cove & Joyning unto m y owne lott, on ye West side of it also I doe owne to have sold,unto ye above Sd Abiah Carpenter,a fifth parte of Book A 43 three Square Miles,to Inioy as his owne proper Intrest for Ever, I Joseph Carpenter above Sd : doe owne to have freely sold ye Above Sd Lands above Speacefied,unto ye Sd Abiah Carpenter to him his heires or assignes for Ever to have & to hold,as his or theire proper Right & Intrest, haveing receivd, from ye Sd Abiah Carpenter full Satisfaction,for ye above Sd Lands,I doe freelypass& makeoverfrommee,myheires& assignes,allmy right titell & Intrest, unto ye above Sd Abyah Carpenter, his heires & assignes,for Ever quietly to inioy,from mee,or any by or under mee, & this Above Sd act of mine I doe owne to be in full force, & vertue provided ye above Sd Abiah Carpenter, shall c u m within three Yeares after, ye date beneith written, & possess ye said Lands,with his ffamely:or Sum other ffamely, in his behalfe, if not to be void & of noe Effect, In witness wheareof I have heere unto set to m y hand & seal,In Muskeetow Cove,this 30thof November inye Yeare of our Lord,1668:& in ye 20th yeare of ye Rainge of our Soverainge King Charels, ye Seacond, By ye Grace of God King of Englond, Scotlond, ffrance,& Ierland,& deffenderofyeffaith&c: Signed Sealed and Joseph Carpenter O Delivered,in p'sents of us: Matthias Harvy Danyell Coles : Artickles of agreement,made betwene,us ye Towne,of Oyster Bay on Long Island in ye north Rideing of N e w Yorke Sheere, & John Tompson,Smith:late Inhabitant of Stanford:in New Englond in ye Colloney of Conneghicott whome we ye Towne of Oyster Bay,have taken,in,& Excepted,of:to bee our Smith: & granted a Lott & Previlidge to it,as other perticeler rights have : provided ye above Sd John Tompson,doth mutually & actually: consent & Subscribe to the Agreement & Inioynements,wch are as ffolloweth: ffirst yt the lott & previlidge granted to it: to ye above Sd John Tompson : Is his dewring ye time yt he doe In- habit amongst us : & at his removeall, ye said lott & previlidge belonging to it, is to be Returned to ye Towne againe ye Sd Towne paying ye Sd John Tompson for what Labour hee,be- stowed upon ye Sd Lott,Either for building fenceing or Cleareing but if ye above Sd John Tompson,doth dye in ye Towne,or before he doth remove:ofe,of ye above Sd Lott:ye above Sd lott & previllidges whatsomever belongeth to it, is to remaine hisWifes,& Childrensortheirsastheereowne,tohave& to hold as theire,owne proper Intrest 2ly as we hav Excepted,of ye above Sd John Tompson,to be our smith and Inhabitant [ 1-(p.23OldA)-The SdThompsondothheerein- gaige to Supply ye above Sd Towne ,with all Tooles or Such like Nessesaries, as they shall Stand in Neede of befor any other Towne,& to doe ye abovesd Townes worke,as Substantiall & 44 Book A as Reasonable as we ye Sd Towne,can have itdun by any other Smith Subscribed in p'sents of ye Constable John Tompson & Overseers,in Oyster Bay ye 17th of December 1668 Oyster Bay this 29th of June 1668 this p'sent writting de- c l a r e s t o all w h o m e it m a y a n y w a y e s c u n s e r e n y t I J o h n T o w n e - sand, have assigned & made over unto my Brother Thomas Townesand,m y house & home lott,in Oyster Bay wthall m y right of medoes layd out,or to be layd out,to ye Sd lott,one Sheare of Medoe layd out,by ye Cove,on ye East end of ye Towne,& on Sheare of Medoe at muntinacock lying one ye South side of Coren Creeke,now Capt John Underhill,wthall by right & previ- lidge,in upland & medoes,layd out,or heere after shall be layd out wth a right of land,layd out, on ye north side, of ye old planting feild so Called, 16 ackers, ranging by land, of Alce Crabs,&also,A lottoflanduponhogIslandinye3ddevishtion Number 16:wth ye previlliges,of ye Comon,& benyfits theare unto belonging, of ye premises above mentioned, as other per- ticeler,Towne rights have,I ye Sd John,have assigned,unto m y Sd Brother these p'meses,above mentioned from mee m y heires, Sucksesors to him his heires Sucksesors & assignes for ever free from mollistation,from mee or my sucssesor,this doe I owne as my act,& Deede,as witness my hand,& Seale,day & date above written,& in ye 20th yeare of ye Kings Reaine,in ye p'sents of us Robert Coles John Townesand William X Bucklar his marke : Oyster Bay ye 28th of November 1668 This present writing declares yt theare being a gift,of medoes & Lands by my Husband John Townesand,in ye yeare 1660. to his Sun John Townesand,in Lew of Medoes wch hee had of his Sunn,John,which he gave to his Sunn Thomas & for one Share of Medoe upon Hog Island,ye quantitie of wch Land given to his Sunn John in lew of these Medoes,be for mentioned,is halfe a Sheare of Medoe at ye South & Six Ackers at ye Playnes:& one of ye Accomodations, yt his ffather bought of Danyell, Whitehead, I Elyzabeth, Townesand, mother to ye Sd John Townesand Junr. doe heere make good, what m y Husband his ffathergavehim,wthyeConscentofyerest,ofmy Children,yt are witneses,of theare ffathers Gift,doe freely & Joyntly,make good toye Sd John,my Sunn John,hisheires Sucsesors orasignes peaseabley,to poses,& Inioye,free from molistation from mee my heires,or Sucsesors,as witness my hand,day & date above written,& in ye 20th yeare of ye Kings Reainge,in ye p'sents of us John Tompson William X Bucklars his marke Elyzabeth Townesand Book A 45 Lusum this 21th of December 1668 B e e it K n o w e n unto all m e n , w h o m e this p'sent Instrewment of writting may any wayes cunseren,yt I Robert Williams of ye place above Spacified & in ye North Rideing of N e w Yorke Sheere,& under ye Patronage & Protection of his Royall High- ness James Duke of York :doe by these p'sents,Acknowlidge,to have,Bargened Sold & made over-(p.24 Old A)-Upon good Considerations moveing mee theareunto, unto John Townesand ofyeabovesdplaceA SertainetractofLand,ContainingTwentie Ackers, Bounded one ye North side wth, Robert Coles, Lands & on ye South, bounded wth ye highway, & soe to runn upon A West line & ye East End bounded wth ye Streete,all ye Twenty Ackers lying,as before said,with a Smale peece of Land,upon wch his house Standeth,& to make a Yeard,& twelve Ackers of ye playne Land, ioyneing on ye west side of Nicholas Wrights Land,& ifitdothnotholdout,fulltweleAckerstheare,Iye abovesd Robert, Williams, doe ingaige to make it good, in an other place,Either in quantitie or quallytie,I ye abovesd Robert Williams doe owne,& Acknowlidge to have sold ye above Spece- fied Lands,& Previlliges wth free Comonage,for grasing for his Chatels upon ye Land wheare,I now live,& wood & Timber as far forth as my abovesd Land,is capable,to accomadate him,I ye abovesaid Robert Williams,doe heere owne & Acknowlidge, tohave soldallye above Speacefied Lands,& previlidges,unto John Townesand,before mentioned,to him his heires Sucksesors & assignes, from mee m y heires Sucssesors Administrar & as- signes,to ye abovesd,John Townesand,his heires Sucsesors or Assignes,to have & to hold for Ever,as theare owne proper In- trest& freefrommolistationfrommeeoranybymee:thisdoe I owne as my Act,& Deede,as wittness my hand,day & date abovewritten& inyetwentithyeareofyeKings,Reainge,Signed Sealed & delivered in ye presents of us Richard Townesand Robert Coles RobertWilliams O Lusum this 25th of December 1668 in ye yeare BeeitKnowen untoallmen,towhome thisp'sentInstrewment of writting may any wayes,Cunseren,yt I Robt Williams,of ye place above mentioned in ye North Rideing of New Yorke, Sheere, & under ye patronage & protection of his Royall High- ness,James Duke of:Yorke,doe by these p'sents Acknowlidge, tohave Bargened,Solde & made over,upon good Considerations, moveing mee theare,unto,unto Robert Coles:of Oyster Bay in ye Same Rideing, A sertaine Tract of Land cuntain: Twenty Ackers,bounded one ye South,Side wth John Townesends Land: & soe to runn,upon A West lyne:& bounded one ye North Side wth Richard Townesends Land : & bounded one ye East wth A 46 Book A highway:& alsoTwelveAckers,ofyePlayneLand:& alsofree Comoning,& grasingfor,hisCattell,upon my Land,whare Inow live & wood & Timber as far forth,as my Abovesd land is ca- pable to acomidate him,I:ye abovesd Robert Williams,doe heere owne & Acknowlidge,to have Sold ye above Specefied Land,& previl: unto Robert Coles, before mentioned, to him his heires Sucsesors & asignes,from mee my heires Sucsesors,Administr & asignes,toyeabovesdRob Coles:hisheiresSucsesors,tohave & to hold for Ever as theare owne proper,Intrest,& free from Molistation from mee or any by mee,as witness my hand,day & date, above written & Spacified and In ye 20th yeare of the Kings Reign Signed Sealed Delivered in presence of us Richard Townsend Thomas Townsend RobertWilliams O (p.25 New A )-Oysterbay ye 12th day of ye 11 month 1665 Be itKnown unto allmen by these presents that I John finch of fairfield on ye Main have Sold Unto John dickenson of Oysterbay on Long Island in the North Rideing, for good Considerations moveing me hereunto all my Meadow and Swamp being five acrees Commoning,& Common Rights that Belongeth to me in Oysterbay I Say I have Sold and by these presents Deliver up all m y Right Title & Interest of all the premises above men- tioned for full Satisfaction I have In hand Received from me my heirs and assigns to him his heirs and assigns To have and To hold and forever to Enjoye as their own proper Right Title and Interest without molestation of me or any from me as Wit- ness m y hand ye day and Year above written Being the Seventeen year of King Charles the Second King of England his Reign as witness m y hand and Seal in p'sents of Us Henry Townsend Edward Triptree John finch John finch 29 January 1668 Ane Exchange of Land made by Frances weekes and John Underhill Ju'that isto Say ye Said John Underhill doth Resigne u p all h i s R i g h t title a n d I n t e r e s t o f h i s T e n a c r e L o t w h i c h j o y n s Unto Nicolas Rights field unto frances weekes to him his heirs or assigns forever to Enjoye In Lieu hereof the Said frances weekes doth Resigne unto John Underhill abovesd a Shear of meadow, the third Shear at Oak neck Beach upon the Same Conditions abovesd These doth declare yt I Robert Furman Having in my hands a bill of Robert Williams of Twenty pounds which was for ye Book A 47 payment of House and Lands which I Sold to the Sd Robert Williams at Hempstead I Robert Furman do own the bill to be Lost and to have Received for ye Bill full Satisfaction In Wit- ness hereof I have hereunto Set to m y hand this 24 february 1668 Robert furman Whereas I Robert Williams of Lusum did formerly Sell unto Robert Furman of Oysterbay as by deed may appear Twenty Load ofPlainhayYearlytobeMowed InLiewhereofIdoMake Over unto the Said furman a peice of plain Land bounded as follows On ye South west by Nicolas Wrights and so to the widow willis her hollow Upon ye Hill and So upon a Squair Line to huntington woods Lying and being upon ye South Side of ye old Cartway owned by Both to be our True and Real Act this Second of february 1668 Be it Known Unto all men whome this present Instrument of Writing M a y any wise Concern that I gidian Wright of Oyster- bay in the North Rideing in ye Colloney of N e w York Shire have Covenanted Bargained Sold and Delivered unto Daniel Blyeth of ye abovesd T o w n and Colloney all m y right title and Interest of a lot of Land & all priviledges whatsomever doth now Belong unto itor hereafter Shall Belong unto itthe which Lands above Spacified I did formerly buy of Joseph Halstead A Townsmans Right only I do reserve unto m y Self out of the abovesd Purchase a Shear or Right of Land at hog Island and allmeadows Belonging to itthe abovesd Lands only what I have Excepted I do own to have Sold from me my heirs and assigns forever unto the Sd Daniel Blyeth to him his heirs and assigns forever To have and To hold as his or their proper Right Title and Interest free from all or any Molestation whatsomever from anypersonorpersons-(p.26New A)-WHATSOMEVER Mollesting the Sd Blyeth in his peaceable and Quiet Enjoyment having in hand Received full Satisfaction from ye abovesd Blyeth I have hereunto Set m y hand and Seal this 1th of february 1668 and in the Twenty Year of ye Reign of Our Sovreign King Charles the Second by the grace of God King of England Scot- land france and Irland & c Signed Sealed and delivered In the presents of us Mathias Harvy John Tompson GidianWright O See page 259:Voyd . Be it known unto all men whome this present deed may any ways Concern that I Thomas frances of Setockit on Long Island with in the Teritories of His Royal highness James Duke of York have Covenanted Bargained Sold & Delivered unto Richard 48 Book A Latting of Oysterbay a Certain Tract or parcell of Land Lying and being at Muntinecock and in quantity One hundred and thirty Acres the which Lands above Spacified doth Lye on ye West Side of John Dyers Lot the abovesd Lands I Do own to have Sold from me my heirs and Assigns to ye above said Richard Latting his heirs and Assigns forever,To have & To hold as his or their proper Right Title and Interest and do own to have re- ceived of the abovesd Richard Latting full Satisfaction for the above Spacified Lands and Commoning and do also Ingage my Self to defend the abovesd Richard Latting in his Quiet and peaceable Enjoyment from Any person or persons Molesting the Sd Richard Latting in his Quiet and peaceable Possession and this is my Real act I have here unto Set to my hand and Seal in Oysterbay this 20th of Apriel in ye Year of our Lord 1669 and in ye 21th year of the Reign of Our Sovrign King Charles the Second King of England Scotland france and Irland defender of the faith Signed Sealed and delivered In p'sents of us Mathias Harvy John X Robbins his mark Thomas X Frances O his mark Be it Known unto all men Whome these present deed of Sale may any ways Concern yt I Thomas Frances of Setocket on Long Island within the Teritories of his Royal Highness have Covenanted Bargained Sold and Deliverd Unto John Coles of Oysterbay on long Island a Certain Tract of Land Lying and being at Muntinecock And in Quantity Sixty Ackers of Land being bounded on the East with william Simsons house (lot) and So to run Southward the which Lands I do own to have freely Sold from me my heirs and assigns unto ye above Said John Coles to him his heirs and assigns forever To have and To hold as his or Their proper Right Title and Interest I do also Ingage m e m y heirs and assigns to defend ye abovesd John Coles his heirs and assigns from any person or persons Whatsomever -(p.27 Old A;p.26New A)-which ShallmolistOr hinder ye above Sd John Coles,or any of his,in theire quiet posestion, of these Lands, above Speacefied, & haveing received for ye above Sd Lands,full Sattisfaction,to my Cuntent,of ye above SdJohnColesIhaveheereuntosettomy hand& Seale,Oyster Bay,this 3th day of May in ye Yeare of our Lord 1669 & in ye 21th Yeare,of ye Rainge of our Soverrainge, King Charels ye Seacond, King of Englond Scottlond ffrance & Ierland, & def- fender, of ye ffaith it is to be understood though not Exprest, above,yt I doe sell,to ye above Sd Lands Conanages & all other previlliges what som Ever Book A 49 Signed Sealed and deliverd, in p'sents of us Matthias Harvy William X Risbie his marke John Ruddocke Thomas X ffrancis O his marke (p.27OldA;p.27New A)-BeeitKnowenuntoallmenby these p'sents,yt I Abyah Carpenter of Pawtuexet,in ye Coloney of Roade Island, doe assigne & make over m y hole, right and titell of Land, at Musketow Cove to Joseph Carpenter, of ye Same place,above Mentioned,and to him and his for Ever,wit- nessmy hand this being ye 14th of June 1669 Witness our hands John Townesand John Tompson Abiah Carpenter Oyster Bay ye 5th of July 1669 ffriends & Nighbours of ye Towne of Huntington Wee once more desier you in a Loving & friendly way,to forbeare Mowe- ing of our Neck of Medoe,wch you have,presumptiosly mowed, these Seaverall Yeares, & if after soe many friendly warnings you will not forebeare you will force us your friends & Nigh- bours to seecke our Remedie,by a dew progress in Law,not Else,but Resting your friends,& Nighbours,by mee,for & in behalfe of ye Towne of Oyster Bay Matthias Harvy Towne Clearke (p.28 Old A )-Bee it Knowen unto all men whome this p❜sent Deede of Sale may any wayes Cunseren,yt I Mosis ffurman,In- habetant of Oyster Bay,wthin ye Territories of his Royall High- ness James Duke of Yorke,have Covenanted Bargeind Sold & delevered,unto Thomas Marting of Oyster Bay,halfe of my home lott,ye North Side,& also halfe of all my Lands,which belongith,now unto mee,within ye Towne of Oyster Bay,or heereafter shall belong unto mee by vertue of this said lott,which Inow poses,& alsohalfe of allmy Land on Hogg Island,ye above Sd Lands I doe owne to have sold, withall privilidges theare unto belonging,unto Thomas Marting of Oyster Bay,to him his heires & assigne for Ever,to have & to hold, as his or theireownerighttitle& Intrest,alsoIdoeingaige,meemy heires & assignes,to deffend & maintaine,ye forsd Thomas Marting his haires & assign in his or theare quiet posestion, from any person or persons hindring or molesting him,& haveing received, full Satisfacttion of ye afore Sd Thomas Marting, for Every part & parcell, of ye Above Speacefied Lands I have heereunto 50 Book A setto my hand & Seale,in Oyster Bay,this 12th of July in ye Yeare of our Lord 1669 And in ye 21th yeare,of ye Rainge of our SoverRainge Charels ye Seacond,King of Englond Scotlond ffrance & Ierland & c Signed Sealed and delivered in p'sents of us Matthias Harvy Thomas Townesand Mosis ffurman O Thisp'sentInstrewmentofwrittingDeaclarethtoallwhome,it may any wayes cunseren,yt wee John Tompson & James Cocke, both of Oyster Bay have made an Exchange,of Lands Each with of other,ye Medoes wch islayde out to mee,at Oake Neck by ye TowneofOysterBay:Idoeresineupallmy righttitle,& intrest, unto James Cock,for Ever,& In lew theireof,I James Cocke doe resine,allmy right titell& intrest,unto John Tompson of my Boges to ye Westward,of ye three runs wth ye Swampe & a pole ofupland,JoyningtoyeSwampe,& A peeceofmedoWithinye fence at Hog Island Joyning to Samuell Andrews Medo : In Witness heereof,as our Reall Acts,wee have heere unto set to oure hands In Oyster Bay this 18th of August 1669 John Tompson James X Cocke his marke (p.29 Old A ; p.28 N e w A )-Whareas m ' John Richbell,hath made A Deede of Sale,unto one Latemore Sampson,of Seaverall percels,of lands wthin ye bounds,of our Towne,of Oyster Bay, wee ye Towne of Oyster Bay,for good,Considerations,moveing us theare unto,doe make our Leagall protest,against,ye Deede of Sale,which mr John Richbell,hath made unto ye A for said Latemore Sampson :Oyster Bay ye last of July 1669 (p.29OldA;p.29New A)-May ye7th1669 Know all men whome this may or shall cunseren,yt I Mathew Pryer of Killingworth,neare Oyster Bay upon Lon Island,& in ye Countie of N e w Yorksheere,doe by these p'sents acknowlidge to have sold,& freely granted & made over unto Richard Towne- sand,of Oyster Bay upon Long Island,in ye Countie of New Yorkesheere, & under ye patronage & tection of his Royall highness James Duke of Yorke,on halfe Sheare of Medo lying & being part of Oyster Bay South Medoes & whareas ye Towne ofOyster Bay have notatp'sent:devided toEvery man hisparte or right: of ye forsd Medoes ; wee cannot Speacefy in this, ye quallyty quantytie or bounds theireof but I doe heereby owne yt I have sold,him halfe a Sheare as abovesd by vertue whareof hee ye said Richard Townesand:have right,to mowe & make use of any, of ye abovesd medoes : as far forth as is abovesd, Right,istobeconsidered,& whenyeTowneofOysterBaydoth Book A 51 see cause:to lay out to Every man his right in perticeler,of ye forsd Medoes I doe ingaige yt hee ye Sd Richard Townesand, shall have halfe A Sheare laid out to him : According to what is Commonly, Accounted & goeith under ye denomination of halfe A Sheare, Amongst ye Purchasers & Inhabetants, of ye a b o v e S d T o w n e : w i t h o u t f r a u d o r d e a c e p t , all w c h m e d o e s b e f o r Expressed,I ye Sd Mathew Pryer doe acknowlidge to have sold granted & made over,unto ye Sd Richard Townesand,his heires Susksesors, or assignes from mee m y heires Sucksesors & as- signes : peaceably to posses & Inioy. for Ever : free from all mo- lestation from mee m y heires Executors Sucksessors or assignes: & doe by these presents ingaige,to make good ye premises:to him.ye Sd Richard Townesand his heires Sucksessors or as- signes, aforesd : Against all playes or pretences whatsomever : I haveing received full Sattisfaction from him ye said Richard Townesand,for ye abovesd Medoe :as Witness m y hand & Seale, ye day & date above written,& in ye 21th yeare of ye Rainge of our King,Charels ye Seacond: Signed Sealed & delivered in ye p'sents of us Robert Williams John Underhill Junny Mathew Pryer O (p.30 Old A )-LueSum ye 7th of September 1669 Bee it Knowen unto all men whome this p'sent Instrewment of writting may any wayes cunseren :yt I Robert Williams of ye place above Speacefied,Neare Oyster Bay on Long Island,in ye North Rideing of N e w Yorke sheere, & under ye patronage & protection of his Royall Highness James Duke of Yorke,doe by these presents Acknowlidge,to have Bargened Sold & made over, upon good Considerations moveing mee theireunto:to Richard Townesend of ye abovesd place:A Sertaine tract of Land,Cun- taineing Twentie Ackers,bounded on ye South side wth Robert Coles Land, & soe runing upon a West line, bounded on ye northside wth ye Comon,bounded on ye East end,wth ye highway all ye Twentie Ackers lying, as beforesd wth a Smale percell of Land,upon wch his house Standith,being bounded by mee Rob- ert W i l l i a m s , u p o n y e d a y o f y e d a t e h e e r e o f : I y e a b o v e s d R o b e r t Williams,doe owne & Acknowlidge to have sold,ye Above Spea- cefied Lands with free Comonage for grasing for his chattels, upon ye lands whare I now live,& wood & timber for his use a s f a r f o r t h a s m y a b o v e s d l a n d s , is c a p p a b l e t o A c c o m A d a t e h i m , ffurther I doe Acknowlidge to have sold unto ye abovesd Richard Townesand,A percell of upland,cuntaineing fifteene ackers more or less: being bounded by ye forsd Land on ye South Side & bounded on ye North & Nore West : by ye lyne wch Nicholas Wright,Samuell Andrews:& Henery Townesand run by,ye order of ye Towne of Oyster Bay,as a line of Devish:and ye 52 Book A East End, is to range streight wth ye front, of ye forsd 20 Ackers further I doe Acknowlidge to have sold,to ye Above said Richard Townesand,Twentyfive ackers of plaine land:& hee hath free Liberty granted him by these p'sents,to take it in two percels if he seeith cause any whare upon ye west & South- west side,of ye path yt goeith from m y house to Jereco hollowes, as also he have Liberty,to chuse, Such as hee thinks best for his use.provided hee Chueseth & taketh itup,beyound ye tope of ye hill upon or Neare ye browe theareof,these abovesd Lands & previlliges,I ye abovesd Robert Williams doe owne to have sold, unto ye abovesd:Richard Townesand,his heires Sucksessors & assignes,as his or theires,to have & to hold as theire owne proper intrest:free frome mollistation:from mee or any by mee,I say Ihavesold,allthoseabove,mentioned,Lands& previllig:toye bovesd Richard Townesand.his heires Sucksessors & assignes: from mee my heires Sucksessors & assignes:for Ever to have & to hold as theire owne proper intrest:as witness m y hand ye day and date above Speacefied,& in ye 21th yeare of ye Kings Rainge Signed Sealed & Delivered Robert Williams O in ye p'sents of us: John Townesand Hannah (H ) Townesand her marke (p.31 Old A )-This Bill bindeth mee Richard Latting,mee my heires & assignes to pay or cause to be paid,to Benjamen Hubard his heires or assignes for ye use of his Medo which I have from him,as by Lease may appeare I say I doe ingaige to pay to ye Sd Hubard,two Suffishtient Buck Skings well drest,at or before a munth after Michalmas,next insewing ye date heereof:& also I doe ingaige to pay to ye Sd Hubard fifteene shillings yearely, after ye rate of wheat 5s. bushell, & Indian 3s. bush : & this payment to beginn at the end of two years after ye date beneith written,& soe to Cuntinew dewring ye said Hubards life & yearely to be payd in to ye Sd Hubard,at his house at Oyster Bay by mee ye Sd Richard Latting at or before ye last of Ócto- ber in Every Yeare, & I doe also Ingaige to let ye Sd Hubard have what grass hee shall want yearely for his Chattels, at ye South vided, if ye Sd Hubard shall not have a nufe for his owne Cattell upon his owne Medo heere at home & in case ye Sd Hubard shall be at ye South when I am thare to mowe hee shall have Liberty to take his Choyce Pvided hee mowes it togeather & this is my Lawfull act I have heereunto set to my hand this 28th Jany 1666 & in ye 18th yeare of our Souvrainge King Charels ye Seacond Signed in ye p'sents of us Matthias Harvy Nathaniell Coles Richard (L ) Latting his marke Book A 53 BeeitKnowenuntoallmenwhomethismy DeedeofSalemay any wayes Cunseren yt I James Cocke of Muntinacock neare Oyster Bay wthin ye Colloney of his Royal Highness James Duke of Yorke have Bargened Sold,& Delivered unto Hennery Townesend of Oyster Bay & of ye same Colloney yt parte of ye Lott which I Bought of John Digeson, which is two theirds & a Tenn acker Lott,and a Six Acker Lott lying on ye west side of ye three runs and ye three runs Swamp with all comons and commonages belonging unto me wthin ye Boundes of Oyster Bay only I doe Except and reserve unto myselfe my Commons of Oake Neck, Pine Island & Hogisland and also all medoes, I reserve to m y selfe I James Cock aforesd doe owne to have sold from mee my heires & assignes ye above percels of Lands men- tioned,unto Henery Townesand to him his heires & assignes for Ever, to have and to hold as his or theire proper right title & intrest & doe by these p'sents ingaige myselfe my heires & as- signes for Ever to defend ye Sd Hennery Townesend or any of his in theire quiet & peaceable posestion of Every part or percell of those Lands which I have sold him & haveing received of Henery Townsend to my cuntent full satisfaction for ye above mentioned Lands Ihave heereunto setto my hand and Seale,as mytrue& reallactinOysterBaythislastofDecembinyeyeare of our Lord 1669 & in ye 21th yeare of ye Rainge of our Sov- erraing King Charels ye Seacond King of England Scottland ffrance & Ierland Signed Sealed & delivered in p❜sents of us Matthew Pryer William X Risbie his marke (p.32 Old A )—Jannry ye 28th 1669 James X Cock his marke Layd outt by Samuell Andrews & Matthias Harvy unto Samuell Andrews Twentie Ackers of Land Containeing in Length Sixty and Seaven pole & bredth fortie & Eight ye Sd Land is joyning unto his forteene Ackers wch was layd out to him formerly, More six ackers Layd out to him,lying & being & Joyneing one ye Southside of his feild which is now in fence. Oyster Bay ye 24th of Decemb : in ye Yeare 1667 (N e w A gives it 1668) Bee it Knowen unto all men to whome this p'sent Istrewment of writting may any wayes cunseren yt I John Un- derhill Juny of ye place before mentioned in ye north Rideing of New York Sheere,& under ye Patronage & protection of his Royal Highness James Duke of Yorke upon good Considera- tions moveing mee heere unto,have Bargened Sold & made over unto Thomas Townesend of ye abovesd place m y house & home Lott in Oyster Bay wth Six Ackers of ye Playnes & all m y right 54 Book A of Commons & previllidges theireunto belonging,wch Aprertaine unto ye Abovesd House & Lott,only ye Medoes yt belong unto ye abovesaid house wth my Right of Land upon Hogg Island Excepted,I say I have sold unto ye Abovesaid Thomes Towne- send m y House & Lott & Comons & playnes as before Exprest to him his Heires, Sucksessors or Assignes freely to have and to hold for Ever from mee my heires Sucksessors Administrs or Asignes as his or theire one proper intrest: free from mollista- tion by mee or any from mee haveing Received full Satisfaction. for ye above mentioned p'mises as upon Bill Exprest: I ye abovesd John Underhill doe owne to have sold all m y right of Lands yt doeith belong or heereafter may belong to ye above mentioned House and Lott only what is before Excepted & doe ingaige to give ye Abovesd Thomas Townesend quiet Posestion ye first day of M a y after ye date heereof of ye above mentioned house & Lands & to leave ye House & ffences in as good Repaire as when I sold ithim,as witness my hand,day and date Above written & in ye Twentith Yeare of ye Kings rainge Signed Sealed and Deliverd in p'sents of us Joseph Weekes John (J) Weekes his marke : John Vnderhill Juny Bee it knowen unto all men whome this my Deede of Sale may any wayes cunseren yt I Benjamen Hubard of Oyster Bay on Long Isld within ye Colloney of his Royall Highness, James Duke of Yorke have Bargened Sold & Delivered unto Josias Lat- tingofyeabovesaidTowne & Colloneyallmy righttitle& intrest of Lands housing fences & Orchards, wthall previllidges what- somever:doeith theire unto or heereafter shall any wayes belong unto it,I say I Benjamen Hubard for good Considerations- (p. 33 Old A )-Moveing mee theireunto,have freely Sold,from mee my heires & assignes,forever,ye above mentioned Lands,wthall previlliges theire unto belonging ; unto ye Aforementioned Josias Latting to him his heires,& assignes,for Ever,to have & to hold, as his or theire right,& interet,& doe freely by this act of mine, owne this Accomadations,wthall rightes theereunto,belonging,to bee freely ye abovesd Josias Lattings,& his heires forEver :after my Deacease,but dewring my life,I doe reserve ye abovesd Lands wth ye previllidge, theire unto belonging, for & unto m y use & beehoofe, & after m y deacease, I doe owne, all m y right title & intrest; wch I doe now posess, of Lands houseing, & Orchards,& all other previllidges,in Oyster Bay:to bee Josias Lattings to him his heires & assignes for Ever,alwayes provided, yt this Deede of Sale,of mine,Shall not take place,in reference to any Purchas,yt I ye Said Hubard,shall make after ye date beneith written, & haveing received full sattisfaction to my Cuntent,from Josias,for ye abovesaid Lands,I have heereunto 888888888 43238288284382828885888888 Book A 55 settomy hand,& Seale.in Oyster Bay,in ye yeare of our Lord 1669 & one ye 3th day of Jannewary, & in ye 21th yeare, of ye Rainge of our Soverrainge Lord, Charels ye Seacond King of Greate Brittaine,ffrance & Ierland. Signed Sealed and Delivered in p❜sents of us Matthias Harvy John Tompson BenjamenHubbard O ffebrewary ye 3th day 1669 ye Estate of Daniell Blyeths left behinde him,when,hee went out,of Our Towne, To 24 bush of Indian Coren at 3s bush. To one Sow To two hoggs at 35s. peece To A Broad Axe To two Blancketts To 1 peck & 1/2 of Solte To5lb.SheepesWooll,at2s. lb. byThomas Marting To 2 bushels pease & 1 peck : pease yeTotallSum is £S d 03 12 00 01 05 00 03 10 00 00 12 00 01 00 00 00 02 03 00 10 00 02 17 00 (p.34 Old A )-Debts paid out to Seaverall Peopell, out of ye Estate of Danniell Blyeths by Order of ye Courte Harcott Constable,Oyster Bay ye 3th of ffebry 1669 mee Rich: S d To Matthias Harvy 03 05 10 To Thomas Townesend 00 13 00 To Josias Latting 01 01 04 To Mary Latting 00 11 00 To Samuell Andrews 02 00 06 To Simon Lane 00 05 05 To John Rudick 00 13 06 To ffrancis Weekes 00 08 06 To Mosis ffurman 01 08 10 To Samuell & Robert ffurman 00 07 10 To Richard Harcott 00 17 08 To Anthony Wright 00 03 00 To Henery Townesend 00 11 03 To John Robings 00 14 04 ToJohnTompson 00 08 01 ye Totall Sum is 13 10 01 K n o w all m e n b y t h e s e p ' s e n t s , y t I T h o m a s P o w e l l , o f H u n t - ington,upon Long Island,in Yorke Sheere,husbandman, Attur- 00 13 09 00 17 04 56 Book A ney,to Mr Thomas Mathews merchant,have for A valeable Con- sideration, in hand paid, have Bargened Sold, & doe by these p'sents Bargen, & Sell, & make over unto, Joseph Ludlum of OysterBayonLongIslandCooper,allyerighttitell,& intrest, yt Mr Thomas Mathews Merchant,have or Ever had in two Lotts, Sittuate & Lying in Oysterbay ye Lotts of Samuell An- drews on ye East side,& ye Swamp of ye Sd Samuell Andrews on ye west ye frunt North, to ye highway, & ye South to ye Woodes in Comonage : boeth ye aforeSd Lotts, I ye aforeŚd Thomas Powell,Atturney to Mr Thomas Mathews merch:doe bythesep'sents,Alinate& Estrainge,fromusourheires,Ex- ecut's Administrs & assignes: I say all our right title & intrest, in & unto ye aforesaid Joseph Ludlum,his heires Executors Ad- ministrs,& assignes to have & to hold for Ever & I doe also in- gaige my selfe,my heires & assignes,to save haremles & indem- nified,ye aforesd Joseph Ludlum :his heires & assignes,from any Pson,or persons who may or shall lay any Clayme,or titell,to ye aforesd Lotts, or any parte or percell theireof: wch Lotts ware formerly,inyetennor,Joseph& Benjamen Smith,fromthem Extranged,to Danyell Whitehead from thence to Mr Thomas Mathews, Merchant, for ye true performance heereof I have heereunto setto my hand this one & thertie day of Jannry,in ye one & twentith of ye Rainge,of Charels ye Seacond,of Eng- land Scotland ffrance & Ierland,King & in ye Yeare of our Lord 1669 Signed and delivered in p'sents of John Weekes John Wood Joseph Baiely Rers. Thomas Powell (p.35 New A )-Oysterbay 26 of februrary 1669 Laid out unto John Dickenson by Frances Weekes and Mathias Harvey Seven acres of Land Lying and Joyning on ye Westard Side of ye Second Run going to Huntington being in Length 34 pole and in Bredth 33 pole and bounded with ye Southeast Corner five pole on ye East Side ye Run wth white Oake on ye South- west with a black oake ye Northeast a Small chestnut ye Nore- west wth a great chestnut tree 26th Laid out unto Richard Harcot by Frances Weekes and Mathias Harvy five Acres of Land Lying and being on Coveneck where the wolf pit now isbeing in Length 32 pole and in Bredth 25pole These are to declare to all whome it may any ways Concern that we Joseph Weekes and Moses Furman Both of Oyster bay have made an Exchange of Lands on hog Island that is to say I Joseph Weekes do freely resigne Up unto Moses furman all M y right Title and Interest of ye first and third Lot on ye Calf Book A 57 pasture to him his heires and assigns forever quietly to poses and I Moses Furman do Likeways resigne up Unto Joseph Weekes all my Right Title and Interest of ye Lot of Land which now lyes between ye widow Townesends Lot and Gideon Wrights Lot to him his heirs or assigns forever Quietly to pos- sess and this our Real acts we have hereunto Set to our hands In Oysterbay this 14th of march 1669 Joseph Weekes Moses Furman Bargained Sold and delivered unto Joseph Ludlum one acre o f L a n d J o y n i n g u n t o t h e t w o L o t s w h i c h is n o w h i s w h i c h w e r e formerly Mr Methewes having for the Sd Land received full satisfaction I have hereunto Set m y hand in Oysterbay this 28th of Apriel 1670 Thomas Townsend These Lands is owned by ye Town of Oysterbay to be Justly due unto Antoney Wright which are here beneath Mentioned his home Lot Containing Six acres above with ye Streat on ye East and on ye South and Sam :Mathews on ye north and his Brother Peters on ye West and one Ten acre Lot Bounded with ye Common on all Sides and Lying near the Bridge at ye Beaver Swamp More on Ten acre Lot near Nicolas Wrights and John Dickensons fields bounded with a little S w a m p O n ye Southeast and Toward the mill River head at ye North and ye hills on ye westandTowardstheHighwayOn yeEastTwo Shearsofmea- dow being bounded on ye West Side with ye highway parte:and Nicolas Simkins and Nicolas wrights Land on ye North and One ye South with Peter wrights meadow and two Lying beyand ye Beaver River of Meadows Shears bounded wth Nicolas Wrights on the West Side and Mathias Harvy on ye North Side (p.36New A)—BE ITKNOWN untoallmenbythesepres- ents that I Nicolas Simkings of Oysterbay on Long Island In the north rideing in Yorkshire for good Considerations moving m e hereunto do by this Confess to have fully and absoluly Sold and Delivered U p in present possession all m y right Title and In- terest of my now dwelling house in ye Sd Oysterbay & house lot withallthe fences that now isand Twenty four aple Trees bear- ing fruit one pair tree and one Shear of meadow being and bounding on ye Sea on the northend and A highway on ye Southend and Antony Wrights Meadow on ye East Side and Richard Crabbs Meadow on ye West Side and my Shear of Swamp on ye East Side against my house it is Intended ye Eastside of ye Street against m y house unto Alice Crabbs of ye above Said T o w n and Rideing, for Satisfaction in hand I have allready Received the Sd house Lot is Bounded with a highway on ye north Side and a Highway on ye Eastend,Benjamin hub- 58 Book A ards house Lot on ye South Side and Nicolas Wrights house Lot on ye westend,I say I have Sold and delivered up all my right Title and Interest of all ye above mentioned particulars of House and Lands With Trees and fencing as above Said from me my heirs Executors or assigns unto ye aboveSd Alice Crabb her heirs Executrs or assns To have and To hold as their own proper Right and Interest and do Ingage to make good ye Sale of all ye above mentioned premises against any Claime or demands of any person or persons and to Give her ye Sd Alice Crabb or her assigns Quiet and peaceable possession of all the above Men- tioned premises & to Injoye it without Molestation by m e or any from m e in the 19th Year of ye Reign of Charles the Second King of England as Witness m y hand and Seal this 11th of feb- ruary 1669 in Oysterbay in presents of us Henry Townsend Caleb Wright NicolasSimkins O Sold by Samuel weekes of Oysterbay unto John Underhill Ju' of Killingworth a Shear of meadow Lying and being near Oak neck Beach and bounded with A creek on the North Lattemore Sampsons on ye South on ye East a Creek and on ye woods ye West bounder I Say Sold by me to ye Sd John Underhill forever to him his heirs and assigns forever As Witness my hand this Second day of december 1670 Samuel Weekes I nicolas Simkins of masketicove do own to have Exchandged a Shear of meadow With John Underhill Jur of Killingworth ye Sd meadow Lying and being at Beaver Swamp : for ye Said Meadow I do own to have received full Satisfaction In a half Shear of meadow at ye South In witness hereof I have hereunto Set to m y hand this 2th of december 1670 Owned by John Under- hill this Exchange to be good and Lawfull Nicolas Simkins John Underhill Impr:-Lands belonging unto John Dickinson Sejr of Oyster- bay to his own proper right Twenty Acres by the right of John finch Twenty Acres by James Cock Ten acres by Alce Crabb five acres and one acre upon account of the Six acres Lot I these Lands Lying alltogether and bounded Nicolas wrights Lands on ye East Side,ye South bounder is ye Common,upon ye West ye Common,upon ye north part a lain between,Antoney Wrights Land and ye Said John dickensons Land and on ye northwest part a lain between Antony Wrights Swamp and ye aboveSd Land ye narrowest part to be Six pole wide ye Slipe of meadow that Lyes between Alce Crabbs Book A 59 (p.37 Old A)-I Gedion Wright of Oyster Bay,doe owne,to have Exchanged my Sheare of Medoe at Beaver Swampe wch was formerly my ffathers,ye Sd Sheare of Medoe I have Ex- changed wth John Vnderhill Juny' of Killingworth, for a little Sheare of Medoe at ye Beaver Swampe,being ye 19th Sheare, on ye East side of ye Creeke:& one Sheare of Medo at Hog Island,at ye great Medoe ye Sd two Sheares of Medo,I doe owne to be Gideon Wrights,in Exchange for a Share of Medoe, which I have of him at ye Beaver Swampe ye Sd Medoes is owned,by us to be Exchanged,from us to Each Other for Ever from our heires & assignes and this as our Reall acts we have heereunto set to our hands in Oyster Bay this 10th of Apriel 1671 John Vnderhill Gedion wright Know allmen by these p'sents yt whareas Jonas Holstead for- merly in ye North Rideing of Yorkesheer upon Long Island did Demise grant & Sell unto Richard Harkar of Oyster Bay afore- saidhisheiresExecu:& assignesforeverawholeshareofLand, lying upon Hog Island in Oyster Bay abovesd as by a bill of sale bareing date ye 13th day of may in ye 18th yeare of ye Rainge,of our Soveraigne King Charels ye Seacond,&c:may & doth more at Large appeere,Know ye Sd Richard Harker for & in Considera : of divers good Causes him theire unto moveing hath Demised granted,alinated Sold & Estranged,from him his heires,Execu:Admts & assignes,unto John Tompson of Oyster Bay aforesd his heires Execu : Adminis : & Assignes for Ever, one lottof ye aforesd Share of Land:being ye third,Devisio[n] in Nunber wthall imunityes rights & previlidges, belonging in ye Sd:Lotts,tohave&toholdposess& inioye,forhimyeSd: John Tompson, & heires for Ever more, wthout lett truble, eviction or molistation, of any person or persons, whatsomever, in witness whareof,hee ye Sd Richard Harkar have heereunto, set his hand,& Seale this 8th of November in ye 22th yeare of ye Rainge of our Soverrainge Lord Charels ye Seacond by ye Grace of God King of Englond,Scotlond ffrance & Ierland,deffender ofyeffaith&c& inyeYeareofourLord,God,1670The above mentioned Lott Bounded wth ye Lott of Samuell Andrewses on ye South Joseph Holstead,on ye North wth a way on ye East & west Ends Signed Sealed and delevered in ye p'sents of us Samuell Messenger Nich : Eedes Richard Harkcot O AssignedbymeeJohnTompson,ofOysterBay,allmy right title & intrest of ye wthin written Deede,unto Mathew Pryer of KillingworthIsayassignedbymeuntohimhisheires& assignes, 60 Book A for Ever to have & to hold for Ever, free from all molistation of any person whatsomever,& haveing received,full Sattisfaction from ye Sd Mathew Pryer for this my within written Deede,I haveheereuntosettomyhand& Sealeasmytrue& reallact,in Oyster Bay,this 25th Aprill 1671 & in ye 23th yeare of his Ma- jesties Rainge Signed Sealed and Delevered in p'sents of us Matthias Harvy John Coles: JohnTompson O Bee itKnowen unto allmen,whome this p'sent Instrewment of writting may any wayes cunseren yt I Gideon Wright of Oyster Bay:inyeNorthRideing,& ofyeColloneyofNew Yorke Sheere have Covenanted Bargened Sold & delevered, unto John Tompson of ye aboveSd Towne & Colloney,two lotts on Hog Island Bownded as followeth ye first lott bounded, being two Ackers more or less and in ye first devishtion,on ye South by Samuell Andrewses lott on ye North by Samuell Weekes,on ye East & west wth ye highways & on ye west wth Rich : Crabbs Medoe,ye other lott bounded,on ye South wth Richard Harkors on ye East wth a highway, on ye west a highway : on ye North near ye fence Being three Ackers these two lotts being bought, by mee Gideon Wright- (p. 38 Old A )-Gidean Wright of Joseph Holstead,I doe owne to have,freely Sold from mee my heires & assignes to ye abovesd John Tompson his heires & assignes, to have and to hold for Ever : as his or theire proper right titell,& Intrest & doe ingaige myselfe m y heires & assignes to deffend,to ye Sd John Tompson,his heires or assignes,in ye quiet peaceable inioyment, of ye above Speacefied Lands, from allor any person or persons laying clayme,to any parte,or per- cell,of ye abovesd Lands onely high wayes Excepted,wch I doe not sell ye abovesd Lands I doe owne to have received full Sat- tisfaction,inhandallrediereceived,& doeasmy lawfullactset to m y hand & Seale,this 1th ffebrewary 1668,& in ye 20th Yeare of our soveraigne King Charels ye Seacond by ye Grace of God, King of Englond Scotlond ffrance & Ierland, Deffender of ye ffaith Signed Sealed and delevered in p'sents of us Matthias Harvy John Coles Gideon Wright O A s s i g n e d b y m e e J o h n T o m p s o n o f O y s t e r B a y all m y titell & intrest, of this within written Deede, unto Mathew Pryer of Killingworth, I say assigned by mee John Tompson, from mee my heires & assignes for Ever unto Mathew Pryer,to him his heire & assignes for Ever to have & to hold for Ever free from Book A 61 all molistation of any person whatsomEver, & haveing received fullSattisfaction,fromye Sd Mathew Pryer,forthismy within writtenDeede,Ihaveheereuntosettto,my hand& sealeasmy tru & reall act,in Oyster Bay this 25th Aprill 1671 & in ye 23th yeare of his Majesties Raigne Signed Sealed and delevered in p'sents of us Matthias Harvy John Coles JohnTompson O T h e s e p ' s e n t s d e a c l a r e t h u n t o all w h o m e it m a y a n y w a y e s c u n - seren yt Í Elyzabeth Townsend Wido of ye Late deaseased Rich- ard Townesend,of Lusum neare Oyster Bay in ye North Ride- ing on Long Island wth ye advise & consent of my Husbands Brother Henry Townesend,& John Townesend his Cussen,of ye abovesd place,doe consent & agree to devide & parte,my Estate, as ffolloweth, being made Executrs by ye Governors order, be- causenoewillwasmadebymy Husband,theireforitisOr- dered & agreed,yt I am to have my house I now poses & house plott, wthall ye Land I now poses belonging, to it fenced, & brooken up & improved,& soe much more westward Joyning to ye reare of it,to ye Sum of fifteene ackers,wth medo at South & Plaine,dewring my life,But ye rest of ye woodland my Hus- b a n d b o u g h t o f R o b e r t W i l l i a m s , is t o b e m y S u n n J o h n T o w n e - send,when hee cums to Eage Except Six ackers I reserve for a daughter,if I see cause but after m y deasease m y Sun Richard Townesend now Twelve weekes old,isto have my house:& houselote&yehouseplotewthyeOrchard,ytnowis,& soemuch landatyeReareofitwestwards,toyeSum offifteeneAckersall of ye first purchas of ye Sd Robert Williams, & at m y desease then my sunn John Townesend,abovesd isto have allye Lands reamaineing,of ye first & Seacond Purchas Except Six Ackers, I reserve for a daughter,as abovesd & ye other halfe of ye house plott,above Excepted,to build on itifhee see cause,but itisto be understoode yt ye said Six Ackers on ye north side of ye last Purchas & then all my Husbands right of Medo,& plaine istobedevidedbetwnemytwoSunsJohn& RichardTownesend fortheireowneproperright,& intrestforEver,butifEitherof them dye under adge his liveing Brother is to poses & inioye,ye deseaseds, Lands, as his one proper right but if I see cause, tennackersofplaines,istobemy SunnJohnwhenheeCume to adge to poses & inioye as ye other woodland,abovesd And to m y abovesd Husbends two Eldist daughters Dinah & Leah, I doe give & by this deliver in p'sent posestion,for their parte of theire ffathers Estate two young horses three years old a peece, & two,two yeare old heffers two Cushings two feather pillowes two Coverlids a white wrought petticote & bareing blankets all to be devided between them two & ye twenty Ackers of land 62 wch ye towne of Oyster Bay did give to also give and Confirme therire ffather I doe proper Right unto ye Sd Dinah & Intrestbutif & Leah for theire owne or m y Brother John Wickes ye Sell it I Desier it for m y Sunn or any of ye above menshoned per- sons may have Knoledge another and Refusall of it will for it:and giving so much to m y three youngest as and deliverence daughters hannah & mary I give in present year old posession bay mare that is one three in Consideration A)-A Coalt theirgrand father ofacolt-( p.39New run thairof but all weeks give them at present to ye rest of Bedding with the rest of horse and Cattle goods and household Stuff my Use aretoremainin and Comfort m y hands for towards ye Bringing being but young up of m y Children and Tender I do not Know Spent in bring them but it may be all up the Estate being Engage to Give portions to them but small therefore to estDaughters Imeantomy ownthree Hannah Young- Mary and Deliverance to promise and Engage it is hard to m e Least that I have them up but may be Spent I do by this promise in bring marry and firmly Engage or goe out of this Jurydiction that if I and Invoise of all moveables in way of removall as household to give Unto m y husbands Stuff goods & Chattles brother Henry Townsend and his Cousin John Townsend who are Chosen by me Children and m y being Related to Brother the John weeks if he Comes to dwell here in this Jurydiction for OverSeers here then but if he cannot ye Sd Henry Townsend come as overseers and John Townsend may beteen ye Children act and my Self but if one or both of them dye and allor Some ofthem under age that then those Children I mean m y Children mor as have Liberty to need Shall require provided Chuse one or for their overseers ye Inhabit in this Jurydiction that then ye Sd OverSeers yt yn are Extent are to be Chosen as abovesaid or take another themselves to take ye Invoise if ye Like it if the please that I may then have my thirds out of all the moveables other T w o thirds goods and Chattles is to be divided and ye Hannah Mary amongst my three daughters and Deliverance the overseers or them that are Shall by this then alive and or remove have power to do it if I out of this Juridiction marry again abovesd Shall or if I decease be ye same only then it whome my one thirds Shall I shall give itbut if be theirs to I remain here during this my Widow- mises and Engagements I firmly Engage my hand topreforme and Seal this Eight as Witness presence of us day of ye Second month 1671 in hood Ihave Liberty to give to m y o w n three in Marriage or otherways daughters abovesd according to m y for their portions as I shall see cause ability and to Every of the abovementioned pre- Book A Book A 63 Joseph Nickolson Mary (M W ) willis her mark Henry Townsend John Townsend Elizabeth Townsend O And we the above mentioned Henry and John Townsend do own our Con- sent to the abovesd and do Stand as witnesses also Upon the Request of Antony Wright of Oysterbay to apprise ye Estate of Samuel mayeo which is a home lot and commonage belonging to it with a Shear of meadow Containing Two acres and Quarter or thereabouts we beneath Subscribed have apprised the Said Estate to be worth five and twenty pounds in Country pay in Oysterbay ye 3th day of June 1671 Richard Harkcot Thomas Townsend These presents declaireth Unto all whomeSoever it may any wise Concern that I Elizabeth Townsend widow of the Late Deceased John Townsend in Oysterbay in ye north rideing on Long Island because m y Sd husband deceased without any Will Ihave wth ye advice of my husbands Two brothers Henry & Richard Townsend with ye advice and Consent of m y T w o Eldest Sons John and Thomas Townsend all of Oysterbay Abovesd have together parted m y Sd husbands Estate amongst his Six Younger Children for their portions an Stead of a will by which will Each of the Children namly James, Rose, Ann, Sarah, George and Daniel may know wt Shall be and wt to Claim for their portion or their fathers Estate and this to Stand firm and Unalterable by Me or any through or by me but to remain for a Settlement o f p e a c e b e t w e e n m e a n d m y c h i l d r e n w h i c h is a s f o l l o w e t h I m p r s . first u n t o m y S o n J a m e s I g i v e f o r h i s p o r t i o n o u t o f y e E s t a t e inpresent possession In Land besides Cattle and horses he have in hand already first three acres of Land and three quarters Lying on ye South Side of that was old Armitages Lot in Oys- terbay lying or Joyning to ye highways on ye Eastern and western Side with Commonage and Common priviledge to it of wood Land and Timber as other Such Lots have and he is to have ye Land upon part of his C o m m o n Right yt his father did Improve on ye East Side of Muntinecock Creek Joyning on ye South SideofhisUnclehenrysLand& yeTwo Shearsofmedow Lying on the west Side of the Creek or Beaver S w a m p an one Shear of Meadow on ye East Side of the Sd Creek and he is to have the Lands his father fenced and Improved, on ye West Side of the Mill River S w a m p with the Shear of S w a m p Joyning to ye EastSideofitandheistohave-(p.40New A)-Have Six acre of plains and a quarter of a Shear of meadow at the South & So much of ye South Side of the Swamp at ye rear of my house Lot as proves to be mine of which S w a m p Josias Latting hath a part,to my daughters I do Engage to give to each of 64 Book A them thirty pounds a peice for their portions and to m y eldest daughter Elizabeth altho not above mentioned Yet She isto have wth what She hath already received Thirty pounds All so at Such pay as passes Between man and man after ye rate of Indian Corn at three Shilling a bushells and wheat at five, 2ly to ye Sd Elizabeth or her husband Gidian Wright towards her portion I give with what her father had befor given her already first T w o Cowes Ten pounds a Young horse five pounds a bed and furne- ture Ten pounds Two Sheep one pound one kittle one pound in all Twenty Seven pounds and Gidian her husband is to have three pounds more and yt will be Thirty pounds in all 3ly to m y Daughter Rose I give half a Shear of meadow at ye South with T w o Cowes and T w o Calves She hath already received, and Commoning in Oysterbay with Twenty Six acres of Land and three pounds in Richard Townsends hands and a Yearling mare Coalt it all being Valued by Us at thirty pounds 4thly to m y two Youngest Daughters Ann and Sarah their portions are to be thirty pounds a peice out of ye Stock or in Lands as they most desire if their mother decease befor their portions be paid but If they be disposed in marriage while I remain a widow I have Libertie to pay to each of them their portion in Cattle or Land as I see they have most need and I able to do it or part one part of ye other 5ly it is m y will and do fully agree yt m y T w o Young- est Sons George and Daniel Shall have these T w o homsteads I now possess with ye p'viledges belonging to them after my de- cease but they are to be mine and for m y Use to possess and Enjoye for m y Use and Comfort during m y Life and at m y decease then to be theirs as above Said wth priviledges as follow to each partie is nominated his particular Interest 6ly to m y Son George I give for his portion as abovesd being the Eldest the house and house lot yt I now possess and Orchard which then shallbeonitandTwo ShearsofmeadowthatLyesonyeTown of Oysterbay which was bought with ye Lot and Six acres of p l a i n s w i t h C o m m o n i n g a n d C o m m o n p r i v i l e d g e i n t h e first p u r - chase of ye Town 7lyTo my Youngest Son Daniel above men- tioned after m y decease as aboveSd Is to have ye Other Lot or that part of Land Lying between his brother James Lot and his brother georges Lot it was bought of Old Armitage I Say he is to have it with ye priviledges belonging to it namly T w o Shears of meadow yt Lyeth on ye North Side of ye Town wch was bought with ye Lot of ye Sd Thos :armitage and Six acres of plains and Twelve acres of Land and Common priveledges and I do by this will and Appoynt yt if ye decease before these m y T w o Youngest Sons be of age that T w o of their Eldest brothers Take them and bring them up and to have the Use of the boys land and what other goods Chattles falls to them ye goods and Chattles are to be prised when ye receive it and deliver back to ye Sd Boys ye Same Price or value again when they goe from Book A 65 their brothers whether they be of age or not for I do appoynt m y brother henry Townsend their Uncle to have ye Oversight of them if he out Live me and to remove one or both to ye rest of theirbrothers or Sisters:with ye Lands and Estates to make use of Toward the bringing up of ye Sd Lads but when they goe away to have their whole principls returned to or with them but not to remove them without their Complaint to him or good grounds for ye Sd removall of Hard Usage and I do by this will andappoyntytatmy deceaseUnalterablebyme oranythrough or by m e all m y Estate Undesposed of as goods household Stuff and Cattle are all to be Equally divided amongst all m y Living Children and I do further Order and appoynt that if any or more of m y Said Sons or daughters dye under age undisposed of in marriage the deassesed Lands and Estates are all to be divided Equally amongst all m y Living Sons and daughters but it is stillto be understood that who ever have the bringing up the Two YoungladsandyeUseoftheirEstatestowardstheirmain- tainance their Lands and houses is with fences to be delivered U p allin as good repair as when the received itand the property of Lands houses Orchards is not to be altered to or from Either of ye Sd Lads altho ye property of other goods or Chattles may be altered upon Just and honest terms and further it is agreed that m y eldest Son John is to have Such Land at hogisland at m y decease or at South if I leave any undisposed of to m y T w o Youngest Daughters Ann and Sarah above Said but a lot on hog Island of the third division Number Ten m y husband gives m y Son Thomas unto all ye premeses and Ingagements above men- tioned I do hereby Ingage to performe Under hand and Seal the Twenty third Year of ye Reign Charles ye Second King of Englandandthe (p.41NewA)-The Tenthdayofyefifth month 1671 before Signing was Enterlind in ye fifth and Eight Line that I now possess as witness my hand and Seal in the presence of us Moses Furman the mark of Benjamin Hubard Elizabeth X Townsend O I do own my brother Richard did Consent to the substance of what is above mentioned and with m y advise also as witness m y hand Henry Townsend and we Consent to the abovesd John Townsend Thomas Townsend Gidian wright James Townsend Be it Known unto all men whom this my deed of Sale may any ways Concern yt I Joseph Carpenter of Masketicove within the Colloney of his Royal highness James duke of York having made a purchase of a Certain Tract of Land Lying and being at Masketicove as by deed may appear the Deed bearing date the 24th of May in ye Year of Our Lord 1668 I the aforesd 66 Book A Joseph Carpenter do own and Acknoledge to have freely Sold from me my heirs and assigns unto Robert Coles to him his heirs and assigns forever ye one fifth part of Lands and all other whatsomever priviledges doth or Shall any ways belong unto ye above Specified deed or by Vertue of ye Same ye Sd fifth part of Lands Timber feading or any other priviledes Whatsom- ever wch may or Shall any ways belong by Vertue of my pur- chase made ye 24th of may In ye year of Our Lord 1668 I do freely own to be Robert Coleses of masketicove to be his heirs or Assigns forever To have and to hold forever wthout Let Trouble or molestation by me or any from by or under me and having received from ye Sd Robert Coles full Satisfactio.n to my Content for ye Sd fifth part of Lands and priviledges thereunto belonging I have hereunto as m y free and real act fixt to m y hand and Seal In masketicove this 6th day of march In ye Year of our Lord 1670 and in the 23th Year of ye Reign of our Sovrign Lord and King Charles the Second King of England Scotland France and Irland Defender of the Faith &c Signed Sealed and delivered in p❜sets of us Mathias Harvy John Townsend JosephCarpenter O Be it Known unto all men whom this my deed of Sale may any ways Concern that I Joseph Carpenter of masketicove within the Colloney of His Royal Highness James Duke of York having made a purchase of a Certain Tract of Land Lying and being at masketicove as by deed may appear ye Sd deed bearing date ye 24th may In ye Year of our Lord 1668 I the aforesd Joseph Carpenter do own and acknoledge to have freely Sold from me my heirs and assigns unto Daniel Coles to him his heirs and assigns forever the one fifth part of Lands and all other what- somever priviledges doth or Shall any ways belong unto the above Specified deed or by Virtue of the Same the Said fifth part of Lands Timber feeding or any other priviledges what- somever which may or Shall any ways belong by vertue of my purchas made ye 24th of may In ye Year of our Lord 1668 I do freely own to be Daniel Coleses of masketicove to be his his Heirs or assigns forever To have and To hold for ever without Let Trouble or molestation by me or any from by or under me and having received from the Sd Daniel Coles full Satisfaction to m y Content for ye Sd fifth part of Lands and priviledges there- unto belonging I have hereunto as m y free and real act Set to m y hand and Seal In Masketicove this sixth day of march In ye Year of our Lord 1670 and in the 23th Year of ye reign of our Soverign Lord and King Charles the Second King of England Scotland France and Irland Defender of the Faith & c Book A Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of us John Townsend Mathias Harvy 67 Joseph Carpenter O Be itKnown Unto allmen whome thismy deed of Sale may any ways Concern that I Joseph Carpenter of masketicove within the Coloney of his Royal highness James Duke of York having Made a purchase of a Certain Tract of Land Lying and being at Masketicove as by deed may appear ye Sd deed Bearing date ye 24th march In ye Year of our Lord 1668 I the afore Said Joseph Carpenter do own and acknoledge to have freely Sold from m e m y heirs and assigns unto Nathaniel Coles to him his heirs and assigns forever the one fifth part of Lands and al other whatsomever priviledges-(p.42 New A)-Priviledge Doth or Shall any ways belong Unto ye above Specified Deed or by ver- t u e o f t h e S a m e y e S d fifth p a r t o f L a n d s T i m b e r f e e d i n g o r a n y other priviledges Whatsomever which may or Shall any ways belong by vertue of my purchase made ye 24th day of May in the Year of our Lord 1668 I do freely own to be nathaniel Coleses of masketicove to be his his heirs and assigns forever To Have and To Hold forever without Let Trouble or molesta- tion by m e or any from by or under m e and having received from ye Sd Nathaniel Coles full Satisfaction to my Content for the Sd fifth part of Lands and priviledges thereunto belonging I have hereunto as m y free & real act Set to m y hand and Seal, in Masketicove this Sixth day of march in ye Year of our Lord 1670 and in the 23 :year of ye reign of our Sovrign Lord and King Charles the Second King of England Scotland France and Irland Defender of the faith & Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of us Mathias Harvey John Townsend Joseph Carpenter O I Mathias Harvy of Oysterbay on Long Island in N e w England Do acknoledge to have received of Daniel Coles of the Same Town and Coloney full Satisfaction for quarter part of all ye Lands wch this deed of Mr John Richbill makes mention of and I have also given the abovesd Daniel Coles To him forever half of m y Shear of Land which belongs to m e at hog Island in witness hereof I have hereunto Set to m y hand and Seal this 17th of June in ye 17th year of ye reign of our Sovrign King Charles ye Second Signed Sealed and delivered MarthiasHarvy O in presence of us Nathaniel Coles John Coles 68 Book A I Daniel Coles Do own that I have noe right or Interest in the house or house plott wch House plott is the Land which ye house Stands on and the bogs fenced in with a Small Orchard I do own as to my quarter part to have no Interest as to this house & house plott which was by Mathias harvy bought of Mr John Richbell as Witness m y hand this 22th Apriel 1671 Signed in presence of us Daniel Coles John Tompson John Coles I Daniel Coles of masketicove do assigne from m e m y heirs and assigns all m y Right Title and Interest of what Lands be- longeth to me by vertue of a purchas I made of mathias Harvy the Sd Lands I do own to be M y brother John Coles his heirs & assigns Forever as witness m y hand this 24th Apriel 1671 Signed in presence of us Daniel Coles Mathias Harvy John Tompson Whereas I Thomas Marting did make a purchase of Moses Furman of half his lot in Oysterbay with other Lands thereunto belonging I do freely acknoledge the Sd Lands which I formerly bought of him to be his again and do disclaim and disown any Right and Interest in the Sd Lands as Witness my hand this 27th may 1672 In Oysterbay Thomas X Marting his Mark (p.43 Old A)-An Invitory of ye Wido Johanna ffurmans, Estate taken by us ye Constable & Overseers of Oyster Bay this sixth of June 1672 Imprs.Two Mares 10£ One Horse 5£ :two Oxen 12£ 2fiveyeareoldSteeres12£ Two Cowes8£ one 2 yeare 50s : I yeareling heffer 30s: 2 Calves 1 £ : 3 yeareling Sowes 2 £ : Two 3yearebarrowes2£:10s:one2yeareSow I£ I Coper Kittell I £ -10s :one brass Kittell qt 2 gall 8s: 2 Ieron pots & hookes 18s. I Littell brass Kittell,4s :one pare of tongs 4s: a frying pan 4s. 1 loge Chaine 14s: A chaine 8s,one broade axe 5s:1 axe 2s: A : B : for a plow,one peck axe,a Sheare 11s : onehooe1s.6d.2oldKittells4s.6d. £sd 27 00 00 20 00 00 04 00 00 03 00 00 03 00 00 01 18 00 00 18 00 00 08 00 00 18 00 00 15 00 00 11 00 00 06 00 Apeecerope2s:onecoller1s:onebridel1s.-6d.00 04 06 horse trases wth Swiffell & chaine, 3s: 00 03 00 old Sadel 1s: A Churen 3s.- a bed & Sheete 10s: 00 14 00 Book A 69 two Keelers 5s:a wooden Skimer & Earthe pot 2s. 00 07 00 apewterpott4s:A Soltseller3s: 000700 3Sawsers3s:oneporrenger1s.6d:acupe1s.3d: 00 05 09 a dram cup & 2 Spoones 1s.6d :a pewter pott 2s. 00 03 06 1pewterplatter8s:1oldplatter 1s.6d. 00 09 06 one bason, 6s: 1 Earthen dish 1s. 00 07 00 6 wooden dishes & trayes 5s:1 cupe 1s.6d: 00 06 06 Earten pot 6d,one Spite 3s.a Bibell 12s : 00 15 06 one dublet breeches & cote, 30s : 01 10 00 a grending Stone 3s. ffeater bed, & an old ticking, with a few feathers in it one rage one bolster one Sheete 3 pillowes feathers, & flockbolster 2 pare Sheetes 2s 10d : 5 blankets 2 £ : fower pillow bayes 14s.: 1 pillow 2s.6d. 2 old chest 10s: 1 peale 2s: 1 meale trough 2s. I pillow 2s. one prCotten cardes 2s:one Lookeing.glass:1s. one wheele 2s. a hechell 8s : one peale 1s: one hate 5s:one 3 yeare bull 3 £ : a gun 2 Swordes 1£ 10s: a lume & tackling theire to belonging 2 £ 10s 2 pipkings 6d 08 06 00 02 02 10 00 16 06 00 12 00 00 04 00 00 03 00 00 11 00 03 05 00 01 10 00 02 10 00 00 00 06 £91 10 03 Lands Houseing Orchards & Medoes, at MuntinaCock : wee Judge to be Yearely worth,three pounds a Year,in Curent pay of this Colloney Thomas Townesend Rich: Harcott Matt: Harvy Nicho:Wright,things wanting wch cannot at present be prysed,1 dungforke wth 3 tanges 2 Ogers,one gouge,2 wedges 2 Beetell rings,one tennet Saw,a broade hooe,one pr Smale Mill Stones wth Spindell, & 2 pecks, one Colter, one Ieron hay hooke a bolte & cleavis,hoopes & boxes,a Stubing hooe K n o w all m e n w h o m e this p'sent Instrewment of writing m a y any wayes Cunseren yt I Rich Harcott, of Oyster Bay, have Bargened Sold & Delivered, unto Mathew Pryer of Killing Worth, a Sheare of Medo,lying, & being at Muntinacock & bounded South, by Rich Crabs, west by ye upland, North by Majors Gorthersons, & East on ye Solte Creeke. I say I have freelysoldyeabovesdMedo:frommeemy heires& assignes, unto ye abovesd Mathew Pryer,to him his heires,& assignes,for- Ever to have,& to hold,as his or theire one right title,& Intrest, & having received full Sattisfaction of Mathew Pryer: I doe ingaige m y heires,& assignes to defend ye Sd Mathew Pryer,his heires,& assignes,from all or any person,whatsomEver molest- ing ye Sd Pryer:in his quiet,& peaceable posestion,of ye abovesd Medo in Witness heereof,I have heere unto,set to my hand & Seale,in Oyster Bay ye 11th July in ye yeare of our Lord 1669 70 Book A and in ye 21th yeare of the- (p.44 Old A )—of ye Raigne,of our Soverainge,Charels ye Seacond,King of England,Scotlond ffrance,& Ierland, Signed Sealed and Delivered in Rich:Harcott: O p'sents of us Matthias Harvy John Coles: Oyster Bay ye 3th June 1672 ThisInstrewmentofwrittingtestyfiethtoallpersons,whome it may any wayes cunseren,yt IThomas Townesend of Oyster Bay: on Long Island,in ye North rideing of New Yorkesheere,have Covenanted Bargened, & agreed, wth William Thornycraft & RichardCerby,bothofyeaboveSdplace,& Rideing,foraSer- taine percell of Land,wch I have sold unto them,being twenty six ackers,lying & Joyn : on ye North side of ye line of Devish- tion, of Robert Williams Land, & ye Towne of Oyster Bay, wth ye previllidge,of timber,& grasing,upon ye right of comon yt I bought of John Underhill,belonging,to ye House Lott,yt I bought of him for theire owne use,I say I have sold,ye above speacefied,land,& previllidge unto ye above mentioned,William & Richard,tothemtheirheires,Suckses'sorassignes:forEver, to have & to hold, as theire owne proper title, & intrest from mee m y heires Sucksesors, Administrars & assignes, for Ever, but ifye Sd William or Richard doth make Sale of ye Lands,& previlledge,above Exprest wch I have sold them,then they are, to make ye first tender,of Sale to mee,they heere ingaige to lett mee have it,therty shillings, cheaper then others will give for it,but if yt I refuse to give it,then they have Liberty to make Sale of it,to whome they will,& further I doe ingaige to give ye Sd William & Richard,posestion of what,I have sold them, According to Law,& to ye true performance,to each other,wee doe Enterchangebly, Subscribe our hand, & set to our Seales, day & date above written, & in ye 23th yeare of ye Rainge of Charels ye Seacond,King of Englond Scotlond &c Signed Sealed Thomas Townesend O & delivered in p'sents of us William Thornecrafe O Henery ffeexe his X marke Thomas Crumpe Rich : X Cerby his marke O Be it Knowen unto all men,whome this p'sent Instrewment of writting may any,wayes cunseren yt I Mathew Pryer of Kill- ing Worth,have Bargened Sold & delverd unto Richard Crabb of Oyster Bay,a home Lott,ye wch Lott islying & being,in ye Towne of Oyster Bay,& bounded wth a highway on ye West,a highway on ye North,ye Woods on ye South,& John Robings lott on ye East,ye Sd Lott wthall Towne Rights,belonging to it, Oake Neck Medoes I doe Except, & reserve to myselfe, ye Book A 71 abovesd Lott wthall Towne rights, but what is Excepted, I doe owne to have Sold,from mee m y heires,& assignes,unto Richard Crabb:to him his heires & assignes for Ever,to have & to hold, ashisortheireowne righttitle,& Intrest,& haveing,received from,ye Sd Richard Crabb :full Sattisf:for ye above Speacefied Lands,I doe ingaige,mee my heires & assignes,to deffend & maintain ye Sd Richard Crabb : his heires and assignes, in their quiett & peaceable poseshtion from all or any,person whatsome- Ever,molesting ye Sd Crabb,or any of his,in there quiet pos- seshtioninwitnessheereof,Ihaveheereuntosett,tomy hand & Seale, in Oyster Bay this 11th July in ye yeare of our Lord, 1669& inye21thyeareofyeRainge,ofourSoverrainge,Charels ye Seacond, King of Englond, Scotland ffrance & Ierland, & c Signed Sealed & Delivered Matthew Pryar O in p'sents of us Matthias Harvy John Coles: (p.45 Old A )-Bee it Know unto all men,whome this p'sent Instrewment of writting,may any wayes cunseren,yt I Richard Crabb:of Oyster Bay,have Covenanted Bargened Sold & De- livered, unto Mathew Pryer of Killingworth, two Sheares of medo lying & being at Muntinacock,ye one being Bounded on ye South,by Coren Creeke,North by Richard Harcotts,West by ye upland,East ye great Creeke,ye other Sheare,Bounded on ye South by Samuell Weekes,North by ye Beach,West ye uplands, & EastyeCreeke,IsayIhavefreelySold,frommeemyheires & assignes,ye abovesd Sheares of Medoes unto Matthew Pryar, to him his heires,& assignes for Ever,to have & to hold,as his or theire owne, right title & intrest, & haveing received from Matthew Pryar, full Sattisfaction, for ye abovesd Sheares of Medoes,I doe ingaige myselfe,my heires & assignes,to deffend, yeSdMatthewPryar,hisheires& assignes,intheirequiet& peaceable poseshtion, of ye abovesd Medoes, from all or any person whatsomEver, in witness heereof, I have heereunto sett tomyhand& Seale,inOysterBay,this11thJulyinyeyeareof our Lord 1669 & in ye 21th yeare, of ye Raigne of our Sover- rainge,Charels ye Seacond,King of Englond Scottlond ffrance & Ierland &c Signed Sealed and Delivered in presents of us Matthias Harvy John Coles: Richard Crabb : O Bee it Know unto all men,whome this my Deede of Sale may any wayes Cunseren yt I Matthias Harvy of Oyster Bay, on Long Island, & wthin ye Colloney, of his Royall Highness, James Duke of Yorke, have Bargened Sold & Delivered, unto William ffroeste of Oyster Bay,A home lott Lying & Joyning to Richard Harcotts Land wth Comonage,theire unto belonging,& 72 Book A a quarter of a Sheare of Medo,at ye South,& Twenty ackers of Land,to be taken up in ye Comon,ye abovesd Lott wth ye pre- vilidges above Expresed, I ye abovesd : Matthias_Harvy : have freely Sold from me my heires & assignes,for Ever:unto ye SdWilliamffrooste,tohimhisheires& assignes,forEver,to have & to hold,as his or theire intrest,for Ever wthout,truble let or molestation,by mee or any from by or under mee,& this asmy reallactIhaveheere,untosettomy hand,& Seale,in Oyster Bay this 8th day July,in ye Yeare of our Lord 1671 & in ye 22th Yeare,of ye Rainge of our Soverrainge Lord & King : Charels ye Seacond, King of Englond, Scotlond, ffrance & Ier- land Deffender of ye ffaith & c Signed Sealed and Delivered in p'sents of us Matthias Harvy O John Tompson Ephrim Pallmer: Know allmen whome,thisIntsrewment,ofWrittingmay any wayes,cunseren,yt whareas wee Hennery fforest,& John Davis, haveing A percell of Land wth other previledge theire unto be- longing,from ye Owners of Hog Island,as by an Instrewmt of writting may appeare,wee doe ingaige,our Selves to keepe,& Seacure,ye Sd Hoge Island both winter & Sumer,to ye utmost, of our Endeavors,for ye Seacurty of ye Sd Cropes yt shall be theire on,Yearely:& wee ye abovesd Henery,& John,doe also ingaige unto ye owners of ye Sd Island,yt when wee shall have a minde & doe intend to leave ye Sd Island,to give ye Sd Oners a halfe a yeare warening,befor our deaparture,& also if damage shallbedun,onyeSdHogIsland—(p.46OldA)—To yeCropes theire on, dewring ye time wee shall keepe ye Sd Island, wee d o e i n g a i g e t o m a k e S a t t i s f a c t i o n , p r o v i d e d , it b e O c c a t i o n e d , o r dunn by our Neglect,and this as our Reall act,& for ye dew & trew performance, heereof, wee have heere unto sett to our hands,in Oyster Bay this 2th of Sceptember, 1672 wee Hennery & John doe also ingaige, our heires & assignes, to this our act, Signed and delivered in p'sents of us Henery fforest John (J) Wright John Davis his marke Joseph Weekes : Oyster Bay this 3th day of March 1669 This Deede of Sale testifieth,to all sons whome it,may any wayes cunseren,yt I John Digeson,of Oyster Bay,in ye North riding of New Yorke Sheere,of Long Island,in New Englond, upon good Consideration,moveing mee heereunto,have bargend Sold & made over unto William Buckler, of ye abovesd place, Seaven ackers of land, lying & being by ye Cove, at ye East End,of ye Town of Oyster Bay,butting and Bounding,as ffol- loweth,on ye North East Corner,Bounded,wth a brush Chesnut, Book A 73 tree neare ye Swampe,on ye South East Corner,bounded with a greate white Oake,being five pole over,ye Seacond rune,on ye South west bounded,wth a black Oake,neare ye head of ye first runn,on ye north West bounded,wth a great Chesnut tree, & also I have Sold to ye above said W m Buckler, ye right of Comons,yt was John ffinches only reserving to myselfe what Land hath bin taken up,upon ye right of Comons befor,ye date heereof,I John Digeson doe heere owne,to have sold,this Seaven ackers,of Land & right of Comons,as before Exprest,unto ye abovesd W m Buckler,his heires Sucksess,Adminis's or assignes, peaceabley to poses & injoye & to have, & to hold, as his or theireownepropertitle& intrest,frommeemy heires,Suckses" orassignesonlywhatisaboveExsepted,& doeingaige,togive, ye Sd Buckler, quiet posestion of ye abovesd Lands & Comons, haveing received full satisfac: for it, as upon Bill Exprest, & thisIdoeowne,asmyact& Deedeaswitnessmy hand& Seale, day & date above written,& in ye 22th yeare,of King Charels ye Seacond, King of Great Brittaine, ffrance & Ierland, & in ye p'sents of us Thomas Townesend Joseph (J. B.) Billington his marke John Dickeson O Assigned by mee Richard Latting, of Hemstead & of ye NorthRideing,allmy righttitleandintrest,ofthiswthin,writ- ten Deede,which I Bought of Thom.ffrancis of Seataucott,unto J o s i a s L a t t i n , J o h n R o b i n g s , & H a n n a h L a t t i n g it is t o b e u n d e r - stoode, to Josias Latting therty three ackers, to John Robings ThertySeavenackers,& HannahLattingSixtyackers,IsayI have assigned from mee,my heires,& assignes for Ever,unto ye above parties, mentioned to them, theire heires or assignes forEver,as witness my hand in Oyster Bay this 7th of October, in ye Yeare of our lord 1671 Signed & Delivered in p'sents of us Matthias Harvy,Towne Clerke Thomas Townesend Richard X Latting his marke (p.47 Old A)-Bee itKnowen unto allmen,whome this my Deede of Sale may any wayes cunseren yt I Rich:Harcott of Oyster Bay, on Long Island wthin ye Colloney of his Royall Highness,James Duke of Yorke,Covenanted Bargend Sold,unto Richard Latting of ye abovesd T o w n & Colloney, A Sheare of land wthout ye fence, wch was Jonas Holsteads, but ye other parte wthin ye fence & ye Medo wthout ye fence I reserve to my- selfe,wch belong to this Sheare,on H o g Island,& also two ackers and a Roode,of my owne Sheare,wthout ye fence one Hog Island, & half a Sheare of Medo at ye South,which formerly I bought of Mr John Richbell,I ye abovesd Richard,Harcott,doe one to 74 Book A have Sold from mee m y heires & assignes for Ever, ye above percels of Land,unto Richard Latting,to him his heires & as- signes for Ever,to have & to hold,as his or theire proper right title & entrest, free from molistation, from mee, or any by or under mee,& Ihaveing received from ye Sd Richard Latting,for Every,parte,& percellof ye above mentioned Lands,full Satis- faction to m y Cuntent, have as m y Reall & lawfull act set to m y hand & Seale in Oyster Bay,this 12th of Jannuary in ye Yeare of our Lord 1669 & in 21th yeare of ye Rainge, of our Sover- ainge King:Charels ye Seacond,by ye Grace of God,King of Greate Brittaine ffrance & Ierland, & c Signed Sealed, & delivered Richard Harcut O in presents of us: Matthias Harvy William X Risbie, his marke Asigned by mee Richard Latting of Hemstead,in ye North Rideing unto Josias Latting of Oyster Bay,my whole right & intrest, as is Speacefied,in this Deede above written, I say as- signed from mee,my heires & assignes for Ever,my whole right & intrest, unto Josias Latting, his heires & assignes, for Ever, aswitnessmy handinOysterBay,this7thofOctober1671 Signed & Deliverd in p'sents of us: Richard X Latting Matthias Harvy Towne Clerke his mark Thomas Townesend Oyster Bay ye 16th of May 1670 This Deede of Sale deaclar- e t h t o all p e r s o n s , t o w h o m e it m a y a n y w a y e s c u n s e r e n , y t I JosephWeekes ofOysterBay,inyenorthrideingof,New Yorke Sheere, & under ye patronage & protection, of his royall High- ness,James Duke of Yorke,upon good Considerations,moveing mee heereunto have Bargened Sold & made over, unto Richard Latting, of ye abovesd place, a Sertaine Lott of land upon H o g Island being ye first lott in ye third Devishtion, Bounded one ye West side wth ye Harbore,& on ye North End,by Hennery Townesends land & on ye East side by Mr Harvys land,& on ye South End to Benjamen Hubards Land, I say I have sold this abovesd: lott,unto ye abovesd Richard Latting,to him his heires Sucsesors & assignes,to have & to hold as his or theire,one proper title & intrest, for Ever, from mee m y heires Sucksessrs administrars & assignes, for Ever, haveing received full Satis- faction for it, as witness m y hand & Seale, day & date above written & in ye 22th yeare of our Soverainge King Charels ye Seacond, King of Greate Brittaine ffrance & Ierland, Signed Sealed & Delivered Joseph Weekes O in p'sents of us Thomas Townesend Joseph Sutton 1153 Book A 75 (p.48 Old A)-Assigned by mee Richard Latting,of Hemstead, in ye North Riding unto Josias Latting, of Oyster Bay, all m y right & intrest of all lands, Speacefied on ye other side of this paper, I say I have assigned, from mee m y heires & assignes for Ever,unto ye Sd Josias Latting,to him his heires & assignes for Ever,as witness m y hand,in Oyster Bay this 7th of October, in ye Yeare of our Lord 1671 Signed & Deliverd in p'sents of us Matthias Harvy Towne Clerke Thomas Townesend Richard X Latting his marke Know allmen,whomethisp'sentInstrewment,ofwritting may any wayes Cunseren yt wee Richard Latting,& Benjamen Hubard,both Of ye Town of Oyster Bay,& wthin ye Colloney, of his Royal Highness : James Duke of Yorke : have made a free, & loveing Exchange, of Lands, yt is to Say, whareas I Benjam:Hubard,have Lands wthout ye fence,one Hog Island, & I Richard Latting,have belonging,to mee Tenn ackers of land, by vertue, of a Purchas, I made of Richard Penter, I Richard Lattingdoefreely,resine,toBenjamenHubard,allmy right,& intrestofmy Tennackers,heereinyeTowne,& alsoIBenjamen Hubard,doealsoResineupuntoRichardLatting,allmy right ofLands,onHog Island,withoutthefence,tobeyesaidRichard Lattings for Ever,& also I ye Sd Hubard,doe resine & freely deliver, unto Richard Latting, for Ever, a Lott of Land wthin ye fence,being three ackers,more or less,provided ye Sd Richard Latting,shall on one of his Lottes,on ye Calves Pasture,Break itup,& ploweit,Sufishtiently,fitforPlantingformy use,wch said land isto be mine,in lew of ye,abovesd:three ackers,& I also Richard Latting,doe ingaige,to Breake up this,Land,by March next,cum Twelve munth,in witness heereof,we have heere unto set to our hands,Enterchangablely,& Seales,ye 17th day of Jannry 1669 & in ye 21th yeare of ye Raigne,of our Sov- errainge Lord, Charels ye Seaco : King of Greate Brittaine, ffrance, & Ierland & c: & also all ye abovesd Lands, heere Ex- presend,by way of Exchange,is owned by Benjamen Hubard, after his deacease, to be ye abovesd Richard Lattings and his heires for Ever, Signed Sealed & deliverd in p'sents of us Matthias Harvy Thomas X Marting his marke Benjamen Hubard O Richard X Latting his marke Assigned by mee Richard Latting, of Hemstead, & of ye North rideing unto Josias Latting of Oyster Bay,& of ye North Rideing, all m y right titell & intrest, of all lands Speacefied in thispaper,Isayassignedfrom mee,my heires,& assignesfor Ever,unto ye Sd Josias Latting to him his heires & assignes for 76 Book A Ever,ye Sd Lands,as witness my hand,in Oyster Bay,this 7th of October,in ye Yeare of our Lord 1671 Signed & Deliverd Rich:X Latting in p'sents of us his marke Matthias Harvy, Towne Clerke Thomas Townesend, (p.49 Old A )—Oyster Bay ye 22th of October 1667 in ye County of N e w Yorke Sheere in ye 28th yeare of his Majesties Rainge, I Richard Latting Senj Inhabetant,of ye Sd :place,now at this presant,time & date,make over & freely geive,all my right & intrest,inanyland,orpercelloflandswchareinmy p'sentpos- sestion,wthin ye limits,of ye Sd place,unto m y Sunn Josias Let- ting for Ever,& in case of his deacese,ye Sd land or Lands,to fale unto Sarah Wright,his intend Wife,which I ye said Richard, doe by these presents,instate upon her,ye Sd Sarah,as a full & ferem Ginter, (jointure) upon her, for Ever, after ye deacease, of m y Sd Sunn reserving to m y Selfe,& for m y use,dewring m y life,twoackersofTilledLands,onHog Island,& halfeaSheare of Medo atye South dewring my Sd life,wth Towne Comoning, Ialsomake over,allmy right& title,inhouse& lands,wthall apurtanances, theire unto belonging, lying & being, in ye T o w n e & LimitsofHuntington,inyeCountyaforsd:untomy Sd Sunn, in as full & ample maner, as Afor Exprest, only reserving ye Sd Right, in Huntinton, unto myself, dewring m y life, & after my deacease,to fall,to my Sd Sunn,& after his deacease,to ye Sd Sarah aforesaid, for Ever, & ye said Josias doe by these p'sents promis,to Cut mee Six load of hay at South yearely, dewring my life,reserving also a Smale peece of Land,to my- selfe, & dispose, wch I bought, of Benjamen Hubard, ye Said Richard, doe freely geive, grant, & make over; as foresd, to my Sd Sunn & Sarah,Wright,in p'sents of us,Signed Sealed, by us,inpertic:& mutaly,deliverd,as our act& Deede, John Underhill Nicholas, Wright : Richard Latting O This p'sent Instrewment of writing deaclareth,unto all whome it may any wayes cunseren,yt whareas wee beneith Subscribed Josias Latting and Sarrah Latting,both of Oyster Bay,haveing a house & Lands in Huntington,given us by our ffather Richard Latting, after his deacease which is heere Expresed wthin this written paper wee ye Sd Josias Letting & Sarah Latting, doe heereby relinquish, all our right & intrest, in ye Sd house, & lands,wth ye previlidges thereunto belonging & doe freely owne, ye formentioned Homestead,to be John Robings,for Ever,frely to make use of or any wayes,to dispose,in witness,heereof,wee Josias X Lating O his mark Book A 77 have heereunto set to our hands in Oyster Bay,ye 12th Deacem- ber 1670 Signed in p'sents of us Nicholas Wright : Matthias Harvy Josias X Latting his mark Sarah (S ) Wright her marke (p.50 Old A)-Bee itKnowen unto allmen,whome this p❜sent Instrewment,of writting may any wayes cnseren,yt I Richard Painter of Oyster Bay,on Long Island,of ye North Rideing in ye Colloney,of New Yorke,have Bargened Sold & Deliverd, unto Richard Latting,of Oyster Bay,on Long Island,of ye North Rideing,inyeColloneyofNew Yorke,allmy righttitle& in- trest,of Sertaine Tracks of Lands,wch Iye abovesd Rich:Paint- er,bought of Benjamen,Hubard,for & in Consideration,of full Sattisfaction, allredie received by mee ye Sd Richard Painter, from ye abovesd Richard Latting,I say I have Sold,& Deliverd, from me my heires,& assignes,unto ye Sd Rich:Latting his heires,& assignes,tohave,& tohold,ashisortheireproper right,for Ever,wthout lettruble,or molistation,by mee ye Sd Rich: Painter or any from by or under mee,& doe by these p'sents ingaige myselfe, heires & assignes for, Ever, to maine- taine,& deffend,yeSdRich:Latting,hisheires& assignes:in ye quiet inioyment, & peaceable possestion, of these Seaverall tracks or percels of Lands,as isheere beneath Speacefied,from any person or persons, whatsomEver, shall molest ye abovesd Rich: Latting,in his peaceable inioyment,of any parte or parcell, o f t h e s e l a n d s S p e a c e f i e d , I s a y I R i c h : P a i n t e r , h a v e s o l d , a s is Speacefied, in a Deede, wch I had from Benj : Hubard, all ye reare or West End ,of ye Sd Hubards Lotte,wch I bought of him unto ye headge, & soe on a Stright line, over to ye reare of, Nicholas Simkings house lott,& halfe,of allhis right,or Sheare, of Medoe at ye South & also,halfe of all my comon & comon rights, as also halfe of Therteene ackers in ye C o m o n , & halfe of Seaven ackers at Seader poynt,& halfe a Sheare of Land on Hog Island, & on Sheare, of Medoe, on ye North side of ye Towne, wch was Robert ffurmans, I say I Rich Painter, for ffull Sattisfaction all redie received from Rich : Latting, have Sold Deliverd, & past over, all m y right title & intrest, of all Every parte, & percel, of these lands above Speacefied, & all prevellidgestheireuntobelonging,untoye Sd Rich:Latting,his heires & assignes for Ever,to inioye,& for ye dew & trew per- formance, heereof & to all trew intents I have heereunto setto myhand& Seale,this9thofSceptemb:inyeYeareofourLord 1666 & in ye 18thyeare of ye Rainge,of our Soverraing King, Charels ye Seacond, Signed Sealed & Deliverd, in p❜sent of us Rich: Painter O Nicholas Wright Matthias Harvy 78 Book A Assigned by mee Rich: Latting, of Hemstead, in ye North Rideing,unto Josias Latting,of Oyster Bay,all my right,& in- trest,of this wthin Speacefied Deede,I say I have assigned from mee my heires,& assignes for Ever,unto ye Sd Josias Latting, to him his heires, & assignes for Ever, as witness m y hand in Oyster Bay ye 1th of August in ye yeare of our Lord 1671 Signed & Deliverd in p'sents of us Richard X Latting Matthias Harvy Towne Clerke his marke: Thomas Townesend Killingworth ye 7th Munth called,ye 12th day on Long Island, in ye North Rideing, under ye Sewpreame power, of Charels Seacond:& under the pratincecall protection,of James Duke of Yorke,& Albina,& in ye Yeare of ye Kings Raine This m y ,last will & Testament,deaclares befor God and all men,I being by myperfectunderStanding,doebeequeathmy Sole-(p.51OldA missing;p.50New A)-UntoyeEtarnalMarcyLoveandJoye of m y heavenly father in ye free death and Marcys of m y Sav- iour M y Redeemer Christ Jesus which whome by a Saving faith I Eternally Chose withall and do declare ye witness of ye Spirit Sealing to ye premises to m y Everlasting Joye and Consolation In ye Holy Gost m y Sole and Comforter and in ye faith aforesd I resignemy BodytoyeGraveandwhenitShall-(p.51New A) -Shall Decently be Entered I Bequeath my whole Estate In possessionofmy wifeElizabethUnderhillDuringyeTime ofher widowhoodbutifsheMarrythenmy BrotherJohnBoundHenry Townsend mathew pryer and m y Son John Underhill I impower hereby that they See to ye Estate that ye Children be not wronged nor Turned of with out Some proportionable allowance as ye Estate will afford and that m y Son Nathaniel Be remaining with his mother Untell Twenty one Years I will that an Inheritance of Land and Some meadow as m y Said Overseers Shall Judge Equal and Right be Confirmed upon him and his Linual Heirs and that no part of m y Land be alinated from m y present ofspring Signed Sealed as afore Said In presents of Henry Rudick Nathan Bird- sall ye 18th September 1671 Day and date above written Christopher Hawxhurst m e : John Underhill William Simson James Cock ye 15th of february 1672 Laid out by Francis Weekes and Mathias Harvy unto Richard Harkcott Twenty Acres of Land Lying and being on ye West Side of ye Hollow which Cometh down on ye West Side of ye fresh pond being 60 pole on ye South Side 70 pole on ye East 58 pole on ye north and on ye west 52 pole also Two acres and a half of land Laid out to ye Said Richard Harcott at ye Old Brickkill being 25 pole on ye South on ye East 29 pole on ye northend Six pole and on ye west Side 23 pole Book A 79 15th Also laid out unto Samuel ffurman about two acres of LandJoyninguntoRich:HarcottHome LotonyewestSide 18th On ye South Side of ye old planting fields Laid out by Mathias Harvy and Francis weekes unto Gideon wright Ed- mund wright Caleb Wright and John Wright Twenty acres of Land being on ye North Side fifty pole on ye West Sixty on ye South Sixty on ye East Sixty ye Said Land is Joyning to Gideon wrights Land 19th also James Townsend and Isaac Dotte Sixteen acres of Land Joyning on ye South Side of ye above Said fower Wrights Land and being on ye West fifty pole ye South fifty pole and ye East forty Eight pole and on ye North Side Sixty (p.52 New A )—ye 19th february 1672 Laid out To Antony Wright an Eleven acres of Land Joyning on ye South Side of Isaac Doties and James Townsend Land being on ye North Side fifty pole on ye East forty on ye South fifty and on ye West thirty and five 19th to john wright and Edmund Wright Twelve Acres of Land about a half a mile to the northeast of Suskoes wigwam 18th Henry Townsend about two acres of Land on ye West side of ye Mill pond begining at his Goat Pen and So Southard Leavin ye Highways Clear 20- Laid out by francis weekes and Mathias Harvy To Samuel weekes Joseph weekes and John Weekes a parcell of Land Lying between two hollows which hollow Meetes at ye Shooe and Lying Southward from ye Shoe being Twenty fower acres and on ye north Side forty pole ye west Eighty ye South Sixty and ye East Side Seventy also Twelve Acres of Land Laid out to ye Said parties Joyning on ye East Side of John Wrights Edmund wrights Caleb wrights and Gideon wrights Land ye Langth and bredth ye East Side Sixty ye north fifty ye South Thirty ye west forty poles IMoses ffurman of Oysterbay Do acknoledge tohave Sold from me m y heirs and asigns forever unto John Underhill of Killing- worth m y whole right and Interest of all ye meadows on Oake neck as witness m y hand this 25th of June 1673 In Oysterbay Moses ffurman I John Digeson Senj of Oysterbay do acknoledge to have Sold from m e m y heirs and Assigns forever Unto John Underhill of Killingworth m y whole Right and Interest of all ye meadows on Oak Neck as witness m y hand in Oysterbay ye 25th June 1673 John Dickeson I Richard Harcott of Oysterbay Do acknoledge to have Sold from me my heirs and assigns forever unto John Underhill of Killingworthtohimhisheirsandassignsforeverallmy rightand 80 Book A Interest of ye meadows on Oak Neck and pine Island my Sd Interest being two Shears as witness m y hand in Oysterbay this 25th of June 1673 Richard Harkcott This Indenture witnesseth yt I John Dyer of muntinecock upon Long Island within ye northrideing in ye County of York Shire husbandman have Sold unto Richard Latting of Oysterbay of ye aforesd Rideing Husbandman his heirs Executors admits and assnsforeverallmy rightInanduponaCertainParcellofLand Lying at Muntinecock aforesd withall ye Housen Orchards mea- dows pastures Commonages Grangers or any other Priviledges or Imunyties Whatsomever thereunto belonging or hereafter to belong or Appertaining after ye Death or Decease of m e ye Said John Dyer Realy and actualy from m e m y heirs Executors ad- ministrators or assigns forever for him ye Said Richard Latting To have and To hold forever as fully and Largely as may be made by any Deed or Conveyance whatsomever he ye Sd Richard having paid me a Cow and Calf for ye Same In witness whereof I have hereunto Subscribed and Set m y Seal In Muntinecock ye 20th of October in ye 19th year of ye Reigne of our Sovrigne Lord King Charles ye Second by the Grace of God King Defender of ye faith &c and In ye Year of our Lord 1667 according to Computation of ye Church of England Signed and Delivered In presence of us John Dyer O Nicolas Wright John Kechem (p.53 New A )-Assigned by me Richard Latting of Hempstead In ye Coloney of N e w York all m y right Title and Interest of this deed Unto william Hutson of Killing worth I say Assigned from m e m y heirs and assigns forever unto ye Said william Hut- son to him His heirs and Assigns forever as Witness my Hand In Oysterbay this 7th of October in ye Year of our Lord 1671 Signed and Delivered in presence of us Rich:X Latting Mathias Harvy Town Cleark his mark Thos Townsend Killing worth ye 22th June 1667 W e the Indian propriators of Matinecock whose names are hereunto Subscribed Do by these Presents Acknoledge To have fully Bargained Sold and Made Over Unto John Dyer of ye place aforsd In ye County of New York Shire and under ye Royal patronage and protection of Highness James Duke of York a parcel of Land Containing forty Acres of Woodland as bounded by us North and South According to ye former Bounds Rainging East as by us bounded and West to william Simsons Land with free Commonage of Grasing and Timber withall wrights and Book A 81 Titles In ye Seventh part of our undisposed Meadows fresh and Salt with Creek Thech with ye Benefits of ye Creeks and Coves with free hunting fishing fowling with ye Benefit of all mineralls accordingto Law the Sd bounds beginning from Raccoon Swamp orye fower Rocks Lying In John Underhill Senjrs meadow from thenceWest to Masketicove withall meadows Creekthatch Broken Lands Lying and being within ye Said bounds and Cove Except- ing three or four acres of meadow more or less belonging to Robert williams adjoyning to ye Said Lands of him ye Said Robert williams which Said benefits and priviledges Lands and meadows as before Expressed W e the Said propriet's do acknol- edge To have Sold unto him ye Sd John his heirs Successors or assigns from us our heirs Successors administrs or assigns for him or them peaceably to possess and Inioye forever free from allmolestation from us or any of ours Interested in ye Said Land and do Engage to Defend ye Said John his heirs Successors and assigns Against all playes or pretences Whatsomever & Acknol- edge to have received full Satisfaction as witness our hands D a y and date above written Signed Sealed and Delivered in ye pres- ence of us in the 19th Year of the Kings Reaigne John Underhill John Underhill jun' John Fexe ye mark X aseton ye mark X Arumpus ye mark X Seuhor ye mark X Nothe ye mark X Poometamok ye mark X Skoskeene ye mark X matares (p.54 New A )-Assigned by me John Dyer of Muntinecock all my right Title And Interest of this within written deed Unto Richard Latting of Oysterbay for full Satisfaction In hand all ready received In witness hereof I have hereunto Set to m y hand In Muntinecock this 22th of October 1669 Benjamin Hubard Cattaren X Simson, her mark Killing worth ye 2th March 1667 John Dyer BeitKnownuntoallmenthatIthomasFrancisA proprietor inMuntinecock do acknolege to have Bargained Sold and Made over to John Dyer three acres of Land More or Less Lying in fence and so to the Cart way at ye End of the house of ye Sd John for him ye Said John peaceably to possess his heirs and Assigns forever free from all Molestation from me or any or mine and will Defend ye Said Sale from all pretences whatsom- ever as witness my hand Day and Date above written and In ye 20th Year of ye Kings Reigne the Mark of Thomas X ffrancis O Signed Sealed and Delivered John Underhill Elizabeth Underhill 82 Book A Assigned by me John Dyer of Killingworth allmy right Title Interest of this within written deed unto Richard Latting of Oysterbay having received full Satisfaction I have hereunto Set to m y hand In Killingworth this 22th of October Benjamin Hubard John Dyer Kattaren Simson her mark X Tho : Townsend these are to Satisfie that ye three acres of Land more or Less belonging to John Dyers Right and given by m y father Latting to John Robbins but recorded mine I do by these Signifie that I do Disown any Claim or Title there to as witness m y hand this 7th of Apriel 1684 Joseph Eastland John Davis William (H ) Hudson (p.55New A)-In Oysterbayye13thof9ber1673 Seeing yt by Letter of Attorney It Doth Appear that John Tompson N o w of Midlebourough and John Thomas of Brook hav- en Alies Seatawcot are Impowered attornies by John Tompson of Brook haven alies Seatawcot Smith to Make a full End of the Difference Between him and ye Town of Oysterbay conserning his Charges of ye Lot and priviledge of ye T o w n Granted hi.m these declaireth it is mutually agreed upon by the Said Town and the attorneys that John Tompson have Liberty to Let or Sell his house and ye Lands In his possession at Oysterbay to any man that ye Town Appoves of But he is not to Come and Live in it himself but he is not to Sell it to any Such man as the Town Disaproves of and to this Conclusion or end of ye Difference we the attornies of ye Said John Tompson for and In his behalf Do Set to our hands and Seals and Mathias Harvy Town Clark for and In behalf of the Town Signed Sealed In presence of us Jacob Brokinge Moses X pettet his mark JohnTompson O John Thomas O Mathias Harvy Town Clerke Know all men by these presents That I John Tompson of Brookhaven alies Seatawcot on Long Island Do ordain and ap- poynt m y Trustey and well beloved friends John Tompson N o w of Midleborough on yet Said Island and John Thomas of Brook- haven aforesaid to be my True and Lawfull Attorneys for me & in my Name to make Demand Sue and recover and if need be to attache Imprison and to Make finial Discharge upon all action Debts Damages or accounts of mine whatsomever now depending with any person or persons Whatsomever At Oyster- bay in Long Island afore Said and whatsomever treaty agreement and Issue m y Said Attorneys Shall make In and above ye prem- ises I John Tompson of Brookhaven afore Said do by these Book A 83 presents Ingage m e m y heirs & Assigns to accept allow and Con- firm as Done by myself as witness m y hand and Seal this present 11:day of November In ye Year 1673 SignedSealedandDeliveredIn JohnTompson O presence of Nathaniel Brewster Henry X Rogers A True Copy owned by us which are ye attorneys of ye Said John Tompson Smith of Brookhaven John Tompson John Thomas (p.56blank;p.57 Old A)- [ ] ffor ye improvement,of y e S d : A c c o m i d a t i o n , & y t y e a b o v e s d is o u r C o n c l u t i o n d e t e r - mination,wee witness,by setting to our hands, Nicholas Wright ye marke W of ffrancis Weekes Hennery Townesend These is to Satisfie,all whome it may cunseren,yt I Richard Crabb.have received from Lewis Morris,One Neagro,boy called, Owah of or aboute ye age,of Twelve or,thirteene,yeares,to be imployed in Such Servis,& Labour as m y Occations shall require o r y t I s h a l l s e e fit t o i m p l o y h i m i n , i n c o n s i d e r a t i o n w h e a r e o f , Idoepromistofind& allowhim,Sufficientdiett& lodgeing,wth goodwaremclothing:fitt& neasecaryforoneinhisCondition, & when hee shall attaine to Therty one yeares, of age, or at ye Death of m y wife, or whensoever, ye Sd Lewis Morris, shall seefitto demand him,yt then & imeadeatly,at ye Expiration,or accomplishment of Either, of ye aforesaid periods or times, wchsoever shall hapen, first, yt I doe promis to deliver ye Sd Neagroe Boy : if at ye age of Therty one yeares,then to bee sett free,asafreeman forhimselfeOr atyeDeathofmy Wife Alce Crabb to ye Guardians, of Lewis Morris Juyr ye Sunn of Richard Morris,late of New Yorke deaceased,or to ye aforsd Lewis Morris Senjr or his Order, when theire unto requiered, Mortallyty, or running away Excepted in witness whareof, I have heereunto, Set m y hand this 26th day of November In ye yeare 1673 Testis:by us Henry Townesend Richard Crabb: ThomasYoungs: AnthonyWright: This Bill bindeth us,Joseph Ludlam,& William Buckler both of Oyster Bay, on Long Island, wee our heires & assignes, to pay or cause to bee paid,unto John Tompson of Midelbourough & John Thomas of Brookehaven,ye full & Just Sume,of Sixty five pounds, in wheat at fower & Six pence bushell & porke threepounds Tenn shillings ye Barrell,or in fate Chattels (fat 84 Book A cattle),or Milck Cowes,Equivolent,to bee aprized ifwee cannot, agree,by Indifferent men chosen by us ye Sd sum wee doe ingaige, to make true payment,soe much as Cunvenyently wee can,forth- with ye Remainder wee doe ingaige,to make true payment,to ye Sd John Tompson,& John Thomas,or theire Order,at or before ye first of March next,in Brookehaven,or Southampton, on Long Island,& this as our reall acts,wee have hereunto set toourhands& SealesinOysterBaythis14thNovemb:1673 Signed Sealed & Deliverd Joseph Ludlam O in p'sents of us William X Buckler Matthias Harvy Towne Clerke his marke Benjamen hubard Received by us John Tompson, & John Thomas, of Joseph Ludlam in parte of this bill Therteene pounds,Eight Shillings & Tenn pence,Oyster Bay ye 22th of 9ber 1673 Received by us John Thomas John Tompson Received by us John Tompson & John Thomas, of William Buckler,Twenty Nine pounds,I say received by us Oyster Bay ye 22th 9ber 1673 John Thomas & John Tompson, Received of ye Sd Buckler more three pounds,tenn shillings, which is ye full Sume,wch,is dew of this within written bill, from ye Sd William Buckler,haveing received,full Sattisfaction, from ye Sd William Buckler as to his parte,of this wthin written bill,weedoeacquit& discharge,yeSdBuckler,forEver-(p. 58 Old A )-ffrom any claimes or demands,as witness our hands & Seales in Oyster Bay this 2th of Deacember 1673 Signed Sealed and Delivered in p'sents of us John Thomas O Matthias Harvy Thomas Townsand JohnTompson O Bee it Knowen unto all men whome this, or Deede of Sale may cunseren,yt wee John Tompson,of Midelbourough,& John Thomas of Brooke haven,alis Seatawcott,both of Long Island, wee being the true and lawfull Atturneys,of John Tompson,of Brookehaven Smith doe for & in his behalfe,& by his Order, make Sale,of allye intrest of ye said John Tompsons,in Oyster Bay,of Lands Houseing,Orchard or any things or things Elce, wch doe or shall any wayes belong,unto ye Sd Accomidation,unto Joseph Ludlam,& William Buckler of Oyster Bay,both of Long Island, I say wee have sold from us, our heires & assignes for Ever,ye abovesd accomidation,wth ye previllidge theireunto be- longing, unto ye aforsaid Joseph Ludlam, & William Buckler, to them theire heires,or assignes for Ever,to have & to hold, as theire intrest for Ever, free from all molistation, from us or any from by or under us, also wee haveing received, of ye Sd Ludlam & Buckler,full Sattisfactionto our Cuntent,for ye said Accomidation,& for Every parte,& percell,theireof,wee have Book A 85 heereunto set to our hands, & Seales, as our true & reall act, & Deede in Oyster Bay this 14th 9ber In ye Yeare of our Lord 1673 Signed Sealed & Deliverd in ye p'sents of us Matthias Harvy Towne Clerke John Thomas 0 Benjamen Hubard JohnTompson O I William Buckler,of Oyster Bay,doe assigne make over,& relinquish,allmy righttitle& intrestofthiswthinwrittenDeede, from mee,my heires & assignes for Ever,unto John Thomas of Brooke haven,& John Tompson of Midelbourough to them theire heires & assignes for Ever, as witness m y hand in Oyster Bay, this 2th of December in ye Yeare 1673 I ye said Buckler,haveing receved full Satisfaction alredie as witnes my hand,& Seale, Signed Sealed & Deliverd in William X Buckler O p'sents of us : his marke Matthias Harvy Thomas Townsand The Skoute & Magestrates,of ye Towne of Oyster Bay,are heereby Athorized to E x a m e n & approve of ye wthin written will, ifye doe finde ye same to be without fraud,or deacept datid in fforte William Hendrick,ye 29th 9ber 1673 By Order of his Honnor ye Gover N. Byard Seacretary Wee ye Majestrates,of Oyster Bay haveing Examened,in to ye Leagallty of this Will doe,find itmade,without deafraude as witness our hands in Oyster-(p.59 Old A )-Oyster Bay this Ith December 1673 & doe approve ye Sd Will Authentik Nicholas Wright Thomas Townsand Nathaniell Coles Bee it Knowen unto all men,whome this our Deede,of Sale may any Cunseren,yt wee John Tompson,of Midelbourough,& John Thomas, of Brookehaven, alis Seataucott, both, of Long Island,weebeingyetrewe& Lawfull,Atturneys,ofJohn,Tomp- son, Smith of Brookhaven, doe for & in his behalfe, & by his Order,make Sale of allye intrest,of ye said John Tompson,in Oyster Bay,of Lands Housing Orchard,or any thing,or things Elce,wch doe,or shall any wayes,belong:unto ye said accomi- dation,unto Joseph Ludlam of Oyster Bay,of Long Island,wee saywee have sold,from us our heires & assignes for Ever,ye above Said accomidation,with ye previllidge theire unto,belong- ing,unto ye afor said Joseph Ludlam,to him,his heires & as- signes for Ever,to have & to hold as his or theire right title,& intrest,for Ever,free from allmolistation,or incumbrances what- somEver,from us or any from by or under,us also wee having 86 Book A received, full Sattisfaction of ye said Ludlam, by Bill to our Content, for ye said, Accomidat : & for Every, parte, & percell theireof wee have heereunto sett,to our hands,& Seales,as our true& reallact& deede,inOysterBaythis3thofDeacemb:in ye Yeare 1673 Signed Sealed & Deliverd John Thomas O in p'sents of us John Tompson Matthias Harvy Benjamin Hubard, Know allmen bythesep'sents,ytIJohnTompson,ofBrooke- haven on Long Island, doe heereby Conferem, & allowe of, a formerbillof Sale,giveninmy Name,& lyin& beinginOyster Bay,on ye said Island Aforesd,unto a Certaine percell of Lands, togeather wth a house & home Lott, Lying & being in Oyster Bay,in ye said Precincks,Giving granting Ratifiing,& allowing, whatsomever, my said, Atturneys, or any by from or under them,shall Either,doe or cause,to be dun,as fully & to all in- tents,of Law,as fully Effectually,& in law,as Authentick,as if I m y Selfe ware personally p'sent,being,theire could or might doe,inwitnesswhareof,Ihaveheere,untosettomy hand,this 8th D e c e m b : A n o q : D o m : 1673 In p'sents of us: John Tompson John Thomas : John Laughton- Know all men by these yt I John Tompson of Brookehaven, doe heereby Engage,myselfe,my heires,Execut:& admins:yt I will,as I receive ye pay of this heere inclosed,& Conexed,bill ofSale,giveAssurance-(p.60OldA)—And Conferma:ofye within, or heereunto Anexed, Covenant In p'sents whareof, I have heereunto,set my hand,this 8th day of Decemb:Annoq : Dom :1673 in p'sents of John Thomas John Tompson John Laughton Bee it Knowen unto,all men whome this,my Deede of Sale may wayes cunseren,yt I Mosis ffurman,of Oyster Bay on Long Island,in ye Newnetherlands,have Covenanted,Sold & Deliverd, from mee m y heires Execut : Administ : or assignes for Ever, unto John Davis of ye abovesd Towne & Colloney:ye halfe of allmy,righttitle& intrestofuplandsormedoes,Comonage,wch now belongeth,unto mee ye Sd,Mosis ffurman,in ye Towne of Oyster Bay, or wthin ye, Bounds or Confines theireof, wthall previlidge, whatsomever, may now apert: or belong: or shall heereafter any wayes :belong to this Sd halfe of m y Sd intrest, I say I have freely sold,this one halfe of my Intrest,as above Expresed,from mee my heires Execut:Admins:& assignes for Ever, unto ye abovesd John Davis, to him, his heire Execu : Book A 87 adm :& assignes for Ever,to have & to hold,as his or theire right title& Intrest for Ever,free from all molistation,or any Incum- brances wtsomever,from mee or any from by or under mee,all wayes videdytduringmyMotherffurmanslife,Idoereserveas muchmedoeground,asshallmainetaine,yepartofmy Mothers, Stock,wch I am Engaiged to,but after her Deacease,it isye abovesd Davis,as Above Expresed,& haveing receved full Sat- tisfac: in hand alredy of ye abovesd John Davis, for this halfe, of m y abovesd Intrest, & for Every parte & percell theireof I haveheereunto,asmy true& reallact& Deede,settomy hand, & affixed,my Seale,in Oyster Bay,this 10th day of Decemb:& in y e Y e a r e o f O u r L o r d 1 6 7 3 Signed Sealed & Deliverd inyep'sentsofus:Matthias Harvy: Thomas Townsand Nathaniel Coles Mosisffurman O Oyster Bay on Long Island in America this 29th day of ye Munth called Jannewary Stila: Nova 1673 I ffrancis Weekes, ofyeSameplace,doebythesep'sents,gevegrant& fuleymake over,unto my Sunns as follow:unto my Sunn,Samuell,John & Joseph,a Certaine percell of Land,lying neere ye Creeke,goe- ingup to Muntinacoke,cuntaine:about,Eleven ackers,more or less,Bounded on ye South East side,wth Richard Crabs,land & on ye Southside,wth Gideons Wrights Land,ye Land abovesd, tobeEquallyDevided,betwnemy SdSunns,likewaisetoEach Sun abovesd one fife parte,of ye two Lots,of Medow at ye South,side of this Island-(p.61 Old A )-ye one lott lying, upon ye ffort Neck, ye other upon West Neck, wth two akers, a peece of Mowing land, upon ye Plaines, & fower ackers a peece of Woodland, adjoyning, to Arons ffurmans land, at ye Wood Edge,allwchpartts& percels,Idoe hereby,fully& freely geiveto my Suns,abovesd,to them & theire heires for Ever, Witness m y hand,& Seale ye day & yeare above written inp❜senceofus ffrancis (W ) Weeks O George Dennes : Henery Townsend his marke Oyster Bay on Long Island in America this 29th day of ye Mo:Called Jann'y stillo Nova 1673 This p'sent witneseth,yt I ffrancisWeekes ofthisplacedoe,givegrant,& fullymake over; untomy Sun Thomas Weekes,as follo:ye one halfe of Tenn, akers of land,lying & adjoyning,to Nicholas Wright ffeild,about two miles from this place,in ye way to Lucem,wth fower akers ofwoodlandAdioyningtoAronffurmansLand,atyeWood Edge, & likewise, two ackers of mowing land upon ye Plaines, being part of yt land, formerly, bought of Robert Williams, wth one fifeparte of ye two Lotts,of Medow,ye one at forte Neck,ye other,on ye west Neck,on ye South side of this Island,all wch parts& percelsisheerebygeven,unto my Sd Sun Thomas,& 888 Book A hisheires,forEver,aswitnessmy hand,& Sealeyeday& yeare, above written; in ye presents of us ffrancis (W ) Weeks O George Dennis:Henery Townsend hismarke Oyster Bay on Long Island in America this 29th day of ye M o : called Jan'y Stilo N o v a , 1673 This p'sents witnesseth yt I ffrancis Weekes of ye Same place,doe heereby give grant,& fully make over,unto my Sun James Weekes to him his heires for Ever,to say,a Sertaine percell of land being parte of my now home lott, lying on ye East side of my dwelling house,wth a Small run of water,coming from my well ye Sd well,to beleft free,ye said land Containeing :about two ackers,ye bewring (burying) place only Excepted,wch isto be left free for ever,for ye use of my Gennera:& also ye one Equal halfe parte,for moyity of Comen- idge,togeather wth ye one halfe,of Tenn akers of Land,lying by & Adioying to Nicholas Wrights feild, about two miles of, & in ye way to Lusum,as also an Equall fife parte of two Lotts of medow,on ye South side of this Island ye on at ye West Neck, yeotheratfforteNeck,Reservingonlytomy selfetomowe,if Neede requier,likewayes two akers,of,moweing land,upon ye Plaines, of yt land formerly bought of Robert Williams, wth fower ackers of Woodland by Aron ffurmans Land, wthin ye Wood Edge,& Every part & percell abovesd I freely give,as witness my hand,& Seale,ye day & yeare above written In ye p❜sents of us ffrancis (W ) Weekes O George Dennes Henry Townsend Killingworth ye 25th Jann'y Soe Called 1673 This deaclareth in as much as ye Deacesed Henery Rudick,did by his Will,bare- ing date ye 26th August 1672 desier ffrancis Weekes,& Henery Townesend,both of Oyster Bay,to Oversee ye ffulfilling of ye bewsness but because much,cunsering ye muables lyes dubious, wheather wee are to medel wth them or noe,but being desiered, by allye daughters,namely Mary ye Eldist Hannah & Elyzabeth, & theire Husbands & ye two Youngest, Geane about 19 yeares old,& Sarah,about 14 yeares old,to Setell ye disposistion,- (p. 62 Old A )- O f ye moveables,as theire hands,doe testifie,there- for wee ffrancis Weekes & Henery Townsend,being desiered, by theire ffather,in ye Will,& also by ye Children now,have Examened matters,allbeingp'sentytitcunserens,wee didpro- pose, what wee did conclude was Just, & reason, & did advise them,to p'sent this to ye gennerall Scoute,to conferem or advise further,what should,be dunn,& ye Childr:have allconsented, to ye propositions, wch are as ffolloweth Seeing theire ffather Henery Rudick,did apoint all his daughters,to have one as much as another,of ye prize of ye Land,wee Judge it iust,they should Book A 89 all be made Equall in all ye moveables as neare as can, be but wee find Hannah & Elyzabeth Weekes,have received sumthing, of their ffather,allredie,in consideration of it,ye Eldist daughter Mary Hawxhurst,isto have,ye vallew,of a Cowe,& two yeare old,heffer,& ye two young-Est,daughters,is also to have,theire Cowes, & heffers,according to theire ffathers Wil to make,ye Eldist,& ye two youngest,daughters Equall,wth ye said Hannah & Elyzabeth as also itisto be under,Stoode yt the two youngest Sisters, are to have five pounds Each of them, more then ye other three Sisters, & all ye rest of ye moveables, are Equally to be devided, amongst ye five Sisters, also it is be understood, yt thire Mother did at Sum time,say shee would,give her two youngest daughters, Geane & Sarah, Each of them a Bed, & furneture,& Sumpewter,itismutallyagreedupon,theyshall haveit,asitisprized,inye Invitory,inparte,oftheireportions, & ye rest to be made Equall, in ye rest of ye moveables, & it isagreed upon mutually,by allye Sisters,yt those yt prised,ye parte of ye Estate, Should prise all ye rest, proporshanally, as well towards paying for Land,as ye Rest,as Witness our hands in p'sents of us; Wittnes ye marke (M H ) mary Hawxhurst ye marke of X James Coke ye marke (H ) Hannah Weekes yemarkeofX EdwardWright yemarkeof (E)ElyzabethWeekes Haveing read & viewed ye Contents of this request Jane Readuck ye marke of (S ) Sarah Rudick p'sented unto mee have Christopher Hawxhurst granted unto ye persons Samuell Weekes on ye other side to perforem Joseph Weekes ye Same wch is propounded & if any difference Should arise in time to make mee acquainted yt further truble may bee prevented this 17th of Jannewary A n : 1674 on Long Island in fflushing William Lawrens Skoute: Killingworth ye 22th June 1667 Wee ye Indian propriet:of Muntinakock whose names, are hereunto, Subscribed, doe by these p'sents acknowlidge to have fully bargened & Sold, & made over, unto William Simson of ye plase aforesd, in ye County of New York Sheere,& under ye Royall partona:& protection, of his highness James Duke of Yorke, a percell of L a n d , c o n t a i n e i n g f o r t y a c k e r s , o f w o o d l a n d , is b o u n d e d b y u s North & South acording,to ye former bounds,ranging East,as by us bounded,wth free comoning,of grasing & timber,wtball right & title in ye Seaventh parte of our undisposed Medoes : fresh & Solte,wth Creeke thech,wth ye benefits of ye Creekes,& Coves; with free hunting fishing fowling, wth ye benefit of all minirals, acordingtoLaw ye Sd bounds,begining from Raccoune Swampe or ye fower Rocks lying in John Underhils Medoe : from thence west to Muskeetow Cove wthall medoes Creeke thech broken 90 Book A lands,lying & being wthin ye Sd bounds,& Cove,Excepting three or fower ackers of Medoe,more or less,belonging to Robert Williams Adioyning,to ye Sd Island,of him ye Sd Robert wch Sd benefits & previlidges lands & medoes,as be for Exprest,wee yeSdProprietors-(p.63OldA)-Doe acknolidgetohaveSold unto him, ye Sd William his heires Suckses : or assignes from us our heires,Suckses's administrars or assignes,for him & them, peaseabely to poses & inioy for Ever,free from all molis:from us,or any of ours interested in ye Sd Lands,& doe ingaige to defend ye Sd William, his heires Sucksesrs & assignes, against alplayesorpretences,whatsomEver,& acknowlidge,tohave re- ceivd full Satisfaction, as witness our hands day & date above written,Signed Sealed,& deliverd in ye p'sents of us:in ye 19th yeare of ye Kings Reaigne, John Underhill Senjr John Underhill Juny John feaxe ye marke X of Asetan ye marke X of Arumpas ye marke X of Sehar ye marke X of Nothe ye marke X of Pametamack ye marke X of Shoskene ye marke X of Matares AsignedbymeeWilliamSimsonofMuntinacockeallmy right title & intrest of this wthin Written Deede,unto William ffrost of Seatawcott alis Brookehaven,haveing recevid full Sattisfac: from ye said ffrost, for Every parte & percell of this wthin: written Deede I doe freely pass, & make over for Ever, from mee my heires & assignes unto ye Sd William ffrost,to him his heires & assignes for Ever,ye whole & sole Contents,of Every parte,& percell of this Sd Deede,as witn:my hand,in Oyster Bay,this14thDecemb:1674 Signed & Deliver in ye p'sents of us MatthiasHarvy SamuellKecham: William Simson This Bill bindeth mee William ffrost, of Seatawcott, alis Brookhaven,mee my heires,& assignes,to pay or cause to be paid,unto William Simson of Muntinakock,to him or his,as- signes,ye full & Just Sum of Seaventy pounds,forty pounds,I the Sd ffrost, doe ingaige to make true payment to ye Sd Wil- liam Simson or his Order,in Oyster Bay,at or before Michall- mas,next,Ensueing ye date heereof:ye other Therty pounds I doe ingaige to make true,payment,ye next michalmas following ye first payment, ye Sd payments I doe ingaige, to make pay- ment,in Indian Coren at three shillings bushell,or in Cattel, Equivolent, & for ye trew performance, of ye Sd payments, I doe bind m y Selfe heires & assignes, as witness, m y hand in Oyster Bay : this 14th of Decemb : 1674 Signed & Deliverd in p'sents of us MatthiasHarvy SamuellKecham William ffrost Book A 91 (p.64 Old A)-Know allmen whome thismy Deede of Sale, may any wayes Cunseren yt I John Coles,of Muntinacock,have Bargened Sold & Delivered,unto Edward Wright,Tenn ackers of Land, lying & being at Muntinacock, being Bounded on ye South,wth a carte way,on ye East wth my Range,on ye North wth a Swampe,& on ye West wth a valle ye Said Land being old Indian Land I doe owne to have Sold, to ye Sd Edward Wright of Muntinacock,provided ye said Edward Wright,shall, ifhe Departe from Muntinacock,yt then ye said Land,shall re- turne to mee Againe, I paying him five pounds, provided also: ifye said Wright,shall dye wthout Ishew,yt then ye Sd :Land shall Return,to mee ye said Coles,or to mine,geiveing nothing inlewtheireof:Idoealsoowne,tohavesold,untoyeSd Wright, A Sixparteofmy Comonage,forgrasing,& Timber,onyeSame conditionasaforeSd:Ido owne tohave Sold,ye Sd Lands,wth Comonage,as above Exprest,In Witness whareof I have heere- unto setto my hand and Seale,in Oyster Bay this 18th of De- cember 1674 & in ye 26th yeare of his Majties Rainge Signed Sealed and John Coles O Deliverd in p❜sents of us: Matthias Harvy Nathaniel Coles Ordered by ye Constable,& overseers of Oyster Bay yt Thomas Townesend is still Established, in his office, as to Brand People Horses,& Cattels,wthin ye Bounds or Limits,of this Towne & ytallpersons,whatsomever,wthinye LimitsofthisTowne,doe duly & truly observe ye law,Establist,as ye will answer,ye Con- trary,& ytallpersonswthinyeBounds,&limitsofthisTowne, doe wthin forteene, dayes after ye date heereof, Repare to ye house of Thomas Townesends,& theire record thare markes,of theire Creatures,to avoid all Contests,yt heere after may arise: by Order of ye Constable & Overseers, of Oyster Bay this 12th of Jann'y 1674 (See preface regarding the Book of Marks) Oyster Bay ye 17th May in ye Yeare 1675 This Instrument of writting m a y Deaclare to all persons w h o m e itmay any wayes cunseren,yt I Josias Latting,of ye aboveSd place& Towne,inye North rideingof New Yorke Sheere,upon Long Island,doe by these p'sents,owne & acknowlidge,to have Bargened Sold & Deliverd,unto William Buckler,of Oyster Bay yeSameplace& Towne abovesd,allmy righttitle& Interest,in my house & plott of land,granted by ye Towne,of Oyster Bay, tobuildyeforesdhouseupon,wchSdhouse& plottofLand, neare halfe an acker,or theireaboutes,lying & being & adjoyning, to ye South side of John Wrights home Lott, & bounded wth a h i g h w a y a t y e E a s t e n d o f it, & a h i g h w a y , o n y e S o u t h S d o f it, ranging up ye hill Westward, & further, have sold to ye Sd 92 Book A Buckler, two ackers of Land more, lying & being, at ye South end,of Edmond Wrights home lott,bounded on ye East Sid wth yeforsdhighway,& soeistorangeupyehillwestward,wchsaid two ackers of Land,was granted & given by ye Towne of Oyster Bay to mee for a home lott to build on I reserving ye right of Comons to myselfe yt was granted to mee by the Towne,by vertueofyeaforesdLand—(p.65Old A)—I sayIdoebythese p'sents,owne to have sold,ye abovesd house,& plott of Land, granted,to mee,whare ye house stands,& ye other two ackers above mentioned, from mee m y heires Sucksess Adminis" or assignes,forever,to William Buckler,to him his heires,Execut's Admiss & assignes for Ever to have & to hold,as his or theire owne proper title & intrest from me,or any from by or under, mee, haveing receivd full Satisfaction for ye premises above mentioned,from ye said William,owneing heereby yt the aforeSd house& Land,isasferemly,WilliamBucklers,orhisheiresor assignes,from mee my heires & assignes,as may be made,by any Deede of Sale, conveance, whatsomever, to all intents, & purposes,& doe further ingaige,my selfe & heires,Sucksesrs to mainetaine ye aforesd William & his heires, in theire quiet, & peaceable possestion,of ye aforeSd house & Lands,against any Claime, or pretences whatsomever, to ye true performance & honnest Intent, of this m y Deede of Sale, I have heereunto Subscribed my hand,& sett to my Seale,in Oyster Bay ye 17th M a y in ye Yeare of our Lord 1675 & in ye 27 yeare of ye Raine,of our Soverainge,King Charels ye Seacond,King of Greate Brit- taine ffrance & Ierland, & c Signed Sealed & Deliverd in pres- ence wittness Tho :Townesend Benjamen Hubard, JosiasXLattinghismark O I Sarah Latting Wife to Josias Latting Abovementioned,doe by these p'sents Conferm & give my free consent,to Every per- tickeler,yt my husbend,Josias Latting hath Sold,with in this within written Deede,unto ye aforesd William Buckler by set- ting,tomyhand& Seale,this19thofMay,inyeYeare1675in p'sents of Sarah X Latting O Nicholas Wright, Thomas Townesend her marke In ye Name of God amen I Samuell ffurman of Oyster Bay wthin ye Colloney of his Royall Highness James Duke of Yorke, beingingoodhelth& perfectmemory,praysedbeGod,doeCon- stitute& apointthismy lastWill& testament,inmanerffollow- ing : Imprim: IbequeathmySoletoGod,ytgaveit,&mybody fromwhenceitcame,toyeEarthtobedeacentlyburid,& foryt E s t a t e it h a t h p l e a s d G o d , t o i n d o w m e e w t h I b e q u e a t h i n m a n e r ffollowing : Book A 93 Item: My Wife Meryam ffurman,I apoint,to be my Sole, Execetrix : of all m y Estate reall & personall : in this Island, & in any other place whatsomever during her life: I t e m : T o m y D a u g h t e r M a r c y & S u s a n n a h , I b e q u e a t h all my Land,on this Island,to be theires Equally devided,betwene them: when they shall ataine, to ye yeares of Eighteene: or marry,theire Mother haveing ye one theird of ye said lands,dur- ing her life: Item: AndatmyWifesdeacease,thenallmyLands,&what Estate Elce,to remaine to m y abovesaid two daughters upon an Equall Devistion,& soe to remaine,to theire heires for Ever,to seethismy last,Will& Testamentfullyperformed,Idoeappoint ye Constable,& Oversers of Oyster Bay to mainage ye Same,for yegoodofmy Wife,& children,inwitnesswhareofIhaveheere unto set to m y hand & Seale, in ye yeare of our Lord 1675 this 3th of November Testis:in Matthias Harvy Samuellffurman O William ffrost: this Above said will made voyde maye 21th 1680 (signature cut out) (p.66 Old A)-Assigned by us,William Thornycraft,& Rich- ard,Kerby,both of Musketoe Cove,our hole right,title& intrest, of this wthin written Deede,unto John ffrost of Killingworth,to him his heires,or assignes for Ever :haveing received full Satis- faction from ye said ffroste, in a bill of Debt, to our content & this as our acts & Deede,wee have heereunto,set to our hands, in Oyster Bay this 21th of 9ber 1675 Signed & Delivered in ye p'sents of us Matthias Harvy Thomas X Marting William X Thornycraft his marke Richard X Kerby his marke his marke this assigment hath dependance,on a Deed Recorded,in page 44 ye which Deed,was purchased by William Thorny Craft & Richard Kerby of Thomas Townesend ye said Deed bareing date ye 3thJune 1672 Lusumthis9thJune1673BeeitKnowen untoallmen,tohome this Instument of writting may any wayes cunseren,yt I Robert William, of Lusum in ye North Rideing, upon long Island, in New England,upon good Considerations,moveing mee theire unto,have sold,unto Thomas Wilets of ye Same place,& Island aforesaid,ye full& Just Sume,of Twenty Ackers of Land,lying atye west End of Mary Wilets Lote,with previllidges in Com- ons,for his Creatures,& Wood & Timber for his use:such as m y lands is capable to acomidate him withall, I say I have sold, ye abovesaid lands & previllides,from mee m y heires or assignes, toye said Thomas Willits,him his heires,or assignes,for theire 94 Book A owne proper,right forever,to inioy as theire owne proper right, never to be molested,by mee nor any from mee,this I doe owne to be m y act & Deede : as witness m y hand & Seale ye day & date Yeare first above written, Signed Sealed & Deliverd in ye p ' s e n t s o f u s : a s f o r y e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d , t i m b e r it is t o b e u n d e r - stoode,yt I have Sold,noe other but such,as is upon ye Land, yt I bought of Asur ye Indian wheare I now live John Townesand Robert Williams O John Cooke oyster Baye ye 5th of ffebrewary 1675 this Instrament of writing wittneseth to All parsons whome It maye Anywayes Consarne,yt I John Townsend soon to henry townsend of oyster Baye,within ye north Riding of yorkshare upon longiland,upon good considerations moveing me hereunto have covenanted Bar- gind Sould and delevered, unto John Rogers of ye aforesaide towne and Riding A Sartain trackt of wood land Containeing three Ackers and A halfe or there Aboutes Liing and being on ye northwest end of ye Six acker Lott yt Jeames Coke had layed oute to him on ye south west side of ye bogs to ye westward of ye three runs beyond ye mill which saide three Ackers and halfe or there Aboutes being ye northwesttermost part of this six Acker lott yt was Jeames Cokes,being bounded on ye southeast endbetwenehimandmyownelandwithA whitteoaketreeand likewise at ye northeast end with A white oake Joyning to ye Highway Neare ye Swamp and So to Rang northwest by ye Saide (p.67OldA)-hyghwayetothenorthwestBoundsofye aforesaid lott I saye I have sould ye Above menshoned land from me my Ayres exsecetors Administrators and Asings to ye Above menshoned John Rogers to him his Ayres or Asings for ever to have and to hold as his or there owne proper Right title and intrest Iniageing to defend him or them in there quiat posestion of ye Aforesaid land from Jeames Coke or Any other man of ye towne yt shall or maye Laye Any pretenc to It and this As my Ackt and deede I have hereunto sett my hand In oyster Baye daye and datte Above written In presanc of wittnes Thomas Townsend towne Clerk John Townsend oyster Baye ye second daye of ffebrewary: 1673: This presantt Instrament of writting witneseth to All Parsons to whome It maye Anywayes Consarne yt I thomas Townsend of oyster Baye doe by these presants Bargin sell and make over unto John Rogers and An Rogers his wife halfe my home Lott I bought of John underhill liing and being and Adioyneing unto samuell weekes home lott with my house yt I now live In onely reservingtomy selfelibertytoliveinIttuntilIhavebuilttAn- other I saye I have sould and made over ye half of ye Afore- Book A 95 saidehome lottand house As Before spesefied unto John Rogers and A n Rogeres during her Life and after her deacease to bee her Chilldrens, for which land and house, I have Reseved ye halfe lottof Land and house yt was given to An Rogers by ye towne when shee was A widow and doe By these presants make over All m y right ttitell of ye Abovesaide half lott and house which I now Live In to John Rogers and An Rogers during her life and After her desease to be her Chilldrens for ever from m e m y Ayres exsecetors Administrators and Asings for ever and doe Iniage m y selfe in A sum of fforty pounds Curantt paye off this Collony to mainetayne them in there quiatt posestion of whatt I have sould them from me or Any from by or under me and further Allso I have sould unto John Rogers one Acker of land liing by ye side of ye Aforesaide halfe lott which I sould them upon ye north side of Itt being two Rode wide next to ye streete and to range upon A strait line by ye other Land to ye reare of yelotthaveingItsbredthatyerearetomake ItacompleatAcker I saye I have sould this Acker of land to John Rogers to him his Ayres for ever from me And my Ayres for ever and to ye Con- firmation of this m y deed of sale I have sett to m y hand and seale daye and datte Above written to explaine ye tru meaning of this deed of sale of ye halfe lott which I have sould them It tis in lew of yt halfe lott which was given her by ye towne when she was A widow and she hath ye youse of It during her life but After her desaese to be her childrens as her other land was onely ye acker of land sould to John rogers Is his properly onely I doe reserve m y Apell trees peach trees and chere trees yt Is upon ye land I have sould them wittnes georg Copping Beniamin hubard Thomas Townsend O (p.68 Old A )—Oyster Baye ye 3d of June 1672 This Instrament off writting testefyeth to All parsons to whome Ittmaye Any wayes Consarne,yt I Thomas townsend of oyster Baye on long Iland in the north Riding of new york- share,have Covenanted bargind and Agreed with william thorny- chraft and Richard Cirby,Both of ye Abovesaide plase and rid- ing for A sartain parsell of land which I have sould unto them being twenty six Acars Liing and Joyneing on ye north side of ye line of devition,of Robart williams land and ye townes of oyster Baye,with ye privilidge of timbar and graseing upon ye Right of Commons yt I Bought of John underhill,belonging to ye house lott yt I Bought of him, for there owne youse, I saye I have sould ye Above spesefyed land and previlidge, unto ye Above- menshoned william,and Richard,to them there Ayres sucksesors or Asings for ever, to have and to hold As there owne proper titlle and Intrest, from m e m y Ayres sucksesors Administrators and Asings, for ever, Butt If ye saide william or Richard doth 96 Book A make salle of ye land and previlidge Above exspresed,which I have sould them,then theye are to make ye first tender of sale to mee,theye here iniageing to lett me have It thirty shillings Cheaper then others will give for It Butt If yt I refuse to give It then theye have liberty to m a k e sale of Itt to w h o m e theye will, and further I doe iniage to give ye saide william and Richard posestion of what I have sould them Acording to law and to ye tru performanc to each other we doe Interchangably subscribe oure hands and sett to oure seals daye and date Above written and In ye yeare of ye raine of Charls ye second King of Ingland schotland : & c : sined sealed and delevered in presanc off us henry fforsse Thomas Crompe Thomas Townsend william X thornyCraft O his mark Richard X Cirby his mark Asinged B y us william thorny Craft, and Richard Cirby, Both o f m u s k e e t a C o v e , o u r e h o l e r i g h t titlle a n d I n t r e s t o f t h i s w i t h i n written deed,unto John ffrost of killingworth,to him his Ayres or Asings for ever,haveing Reseved full satesfacktion from ye saide frost,in A bill of debtt,to oure Content and this as oure Ackts and deeds,wee have hereunto sett to oure hands in oyster Baye this 21th off:9ber 1675 Synged and delevered william X thornyCraft in ye presanc of us his mark Mathyas harvy Thomas X martin his mark Richard X kirby his mark Entred in page 66 this Asingmentt this 23th of 9ber 1675, in oyster Baye Records per me mathyas harvy,Clerk Josias Latting did give william Buklar, posestion of ye house and land yt he sould to him in oyster Baye by turff and twig Acording to law, In presanc off Constablle and oversears of oyster baye and sev- erall nayghboures ye 22th of Aprill 1676 (p.69 Old A )-Oyster Baye ye 31th of Jully 1676 This Instrament off writting witneseth to All parsons, w h o m e Ittmaye Any wayes Consarne,yt wee,Caleb wright,and John wright,and Edman wright and Jobe wright,and henry townsend Junior,and John townsend,and Isack doutty,and william Buck- lar, All off ye towne off oyster Baye, have sould unto John Rogers, off ye Same towne and plase, ffoare Ackers off wood land Liing within ye Bounds off oyster Baye not preJedesing ye high wayes or lands All redy layde out,wee saye wee have sould ffrom us oure Ayres Exsecetors or Asinges ye foresaide ffoare Ackers of land,to ye Abovesaide John Rogers to him his Ayres Book A 97 or Asinges for ever to have and to hold as there owne proper Right ttitlle and Intrest for ever, without Eyther Lett hinderanc ormolestationfromusorAny frombyorunderusorAny other inhabytant off ye towne, haveing to oure Content reseved ffull satesfacktion for ye land Abovesaid,As witnes oure hands and seale Subscribed ye daye and date Abovewritten, Inpresanc,offus, Caleb wright wittnes Thomas Townsend,Clerk william Andras Joseph dickinson ye Abovesayd 4 accors of land is to be understood to be layd out of there one rights of lands to be taken up and not otherwise John wright Edman wright Joab wright henry townsend John townsend Isack doutty william bucklar Wheareas There hath Beene A differanc Betwene John Rogers and his wiffe,ye one party and ffrances weekes of oyster Baye, Both of ye same towne,which there was A Complaint Brought to ye Cort off sessions ye 14th of desembar 1670 which said Com- plaint was In Referanc to A Sarten parsell off medow given to ffranses weeks by ye towne off oyster Baye, and had fformerly beeneinyeposestionofwilliamCroker:now upongood Resons thereunto moveing them ye Abovesaide partyes, namely John Rogers and his wiffe. An : and ffranses weeks, have hereby Agreed to putt ye wholle defferanc to bee ffully desided and ended by ye Constablle and overseares of Oyster baye,Aforesaide,and to Rest satesfyed with there determynation in ye said differanc and theye doe hereby Iniage to fforfitte each to other, ye full and Just sum off fforty pound Currant paye for ye desenting party to paye,to ye party yt doth Asent and stand by ye Awarde of ye saide Constablle and overseares Aforesaide : and untill ye saide monyes be payde By ye desenting partyes,to ye party yt Rest satesfyed, ye desenting party shall bee without R e m e d y eyther in comman law or Equaty,and itt Is further Agreed yt eachpartyshallbarethereowne Charg:toyedatehereofAllredy exspended,to ye Confirmation of ye premises ye saide partyes have sett there hands and seales this 14th desembar 1670 wittnes. Anthony watters, Clark david X whithed mark ye Constable and oversears ConclutionyeotherSide John X Rogers mark An (A)Rogers mark O (p.70 Old A)-Wheareas there was A differanc depending be- twene John Rogers and Ann Rogers of ye one party and franses weeks of ye other partty,aboute A sarttin pesse off medow and ye saide parteyes by Bond haveing bound themselves to stand to ffranses (W ) weeks O mark 98 Book A oure Judgment in ye said differanc, wee haveing with much dilligence made great search, and wee ffinde ye medow to be ffranses weekes and this as oure Actt wee have sett to oure hands, In oyster Baye this 2a daye off Jenewary 1670 wee John and Ann Rogers doe owne, Richard harcutt,Const: and Acknowledg this Above written nickolas wrightt judgment Mathias harvy Ann (A ) Crooker henry Townsend her mark Samuell Andruss Evidanses About ye medow 1.- desembar ye last 1670:The testemony off mark meegs as ffolloweth when I liveed att oyster baye,william Crooker livede thereAllso,andtheesaidCrokerhadformerlyA peseoffmedow, which hee had made youse of But had resined itup Again to ye towne, and at A towne meting ffranses weeks desired ye said pece off medow of ye towne which was at yt time given to him for his owne,and ye said william Crooker was there and gave his Consent therein by holding up both his hands and ffurther saith not, huntington sworne Before m e Jonas wood 2. ThedeclarationofJohndickinsondoethdeclare,ytwilliam Crooker had ye youse of A share of medow,and did make use of itt butt upon what termes he had itt and made use of Itt I canot give An Count and Neyther how hee parted from it,in oyster Baye ye 2d of Jenewary 1670 3.- nickolassimkinsdoethdeclaretoA shareoffmedow which Is now in differanc betwene ffranses weeks and Ann Rogers,yt ye share of medow which she now Claimes,yt when ffranses weeks Came to towne at A towne meting,they ware willing to give him A share of medow,ye saide medow was william wash- burns,which hee layd downe,william Crooker Being at ye towne meting,william Crooker Advised him to take yt which he had mowed,rather then yt of william washburns And he voted for It with ye rest of ye towne,and Itt was granted sworn to by nickolas simkins this second off Jenewary 1670 4.- Allce Crab doeth Allso Affirm,yt william Crooker did de- clare to her husband yt hee should return ye saide medow to ye towne Againe 5.- nickolas wright doth Affirm, yt In A towne metting wil- liam Crooker helld up his hands,for franses weeks tto have this medow yt Is now In Contest (p.71 Old A )-Oyster Baye this 24th of Jenewary 1668 Bee Itknowne uto All men to whome this present deed of salle maye Any wayes Conserne,yt I Robartt williams of Lewsum on long Iland In ye north Riding of new yorkshare,and under ye patronage and protecktion of his Royall highnes Jeames duke Book A 99 off york : have upon good Considerations__bargind sould and made over,unto ffranses weekes of oyster Baye,twenty Ackers off plaines Liing and Being upon ye hill on ye south side of ye old Cartt waye yt goes to hemsted,and twenty Ackers of wood land liingand Being on ye north side of ye Abovesaid Cart waye, nere unto Robartt ffurmans lands,which lands lyes at ye north- est Corner of ye plaines I ye Abovesaide Robartt williams doe here one and Acknowledg to have sould these Above spersefyed lands unto ffranses weeks, his Ayres Sucksessors or Asings pesablly to poses and Inioye for ever, free from molestation by me,or Any from me I saye I have sould these Above menshoned lands unto ye Above menshoned ffranses weeks his Ayres or Asindges, from mee my Ayres Sucksesors Administrators Asindges for ever to ye Abovesaide franses his Ayres to have and to hold for ever As there owne proper Intrest from mee or Any by or After me As wittnes my hand daye and datte Above writ- ten,and In ye twenteth yeare of ye kings Raine,sined sealed and delevered In ye presanc of uss, John Townsend Elizabeth X Townsend mark Robarttwilliams O Oyster Baye on long Iland in America :this twenty nine daye of ye month Called Jenewary Stilo Nova : 1673 This presants wittneseth yt I ffranses weeks of ye same plase: doe give grantt andffullyresingeuntomy Sonedaniellweeks,Aftermy deasease, my home lott dwelling house and other out houseing,with ye orcharde, Allwayes provided, yt partt All Redy : given to m y Sone Jeames be reserved to ye proper use and behoofe of ye saide Jeames,As allso to ye said daniell I give twelve Ackers off landliingoneyesoutheastCornerofmy saidhomeLott:nere Adioyneing with ye owne halfe of ye Comans thereunto belong- ing with one Lott off medow upon unkowaye Neck:liing on ye south side of this Island together with ten Ackers of moing land upon ye plaines,formerly Bought of Robart williams:and Itt is to be understod yt If I should deasease before m y wiffe Elezabeth : yt m y saide wiffe shall have and Inioye, her Equall proportion offmainetainenanc:with my sone,daniell out of what Is here menshoned:All which parts and parsells Abovesaide,Is by me firmly given to my soon daniell and his Ayres for ever As witnes my hand and sealle ye daye and yeare Above written. in presanc of us ffranses (W ) weeks O georg dennis mark henry Townsend (p.72 Old A)-Oyster Baye;ye 7thof Agust;1676. This Instrament off writting wittneseth to All parsons, to whome Ittmaye Any wayes Consarne,ytIJeames Coke offmat- 123 100 Book A enecoke within ye Confines of oyster Baye on long Iland, and within ye north Riding of newyorkshare,haveing upon good Con- siderations, Bargind sould and made over All m y Right ttitlle and Intrest of A sartin pese off medow Belonging to me at ye south upon ye neck commanly Caled Lattins neck Being ye fore- tenth share of ye third devition, of which share ye one halfe doth properly belong to mee,And By these presants I saye I have souldAllmy RightandtitlleinyeAbovesaidepesseofmedow and All other prevylidges upon ye saide neck, Belonging to m e by vertue of ye said medow,unto william Buckler of oyster Baye to him ye saide william his Ayres sucksesors Administrators or asignes for ever to have and to hold As his or there owne proper Right titlle and Intrest from m e m y Ayres sucksesors Adminis- trators or asignes for ever peasably to posses and Inioye free from molestation from me,or Any ffrom By or under me,haveing to m y Content Reseved ffull satesffacktion of ye saide william for ye saidmedow and previlidgupon ye neck Abovesaide,as wittnes my hand and seale,daye and date Above written In presanc off Thomas Townsend. Jeames X Coke O John wicks his mark Every mans share or devition of land layd out on ye North side of ye great medow upon hog Iland,ye 10th of ocktobar 1676 by Rochard harcut,and nathanell Colls Imp: Lattemore samson Josias Latting Samell weeks Samuell Andras Jeams Coke John dickason Josiass Latting mathyas harvy nickolas wright henry townsend John underhill 3 4 5 14 7 8 9 10 11 Thomas Townsend Eals Crab Anthony wright Eleasabeth townsend John Townsend ffranses weeks 06 13 12 15 16 these O with A Cros are thre shares in ye Little Neck ye north of ye great medow (It being impracticable to reproduce the crossedO oftheoriginal,itishererepresentedbyanasterisk*> these round 0 Is three shares upon ye Little neck southside ye great medow and we under writen being ordered by ye proprietors of hog- island to Laye out these lots as Abovesayd did then order A highwaye of two rod wide to begin at ye former highwaye by us formerly layd out to all ye Alottments begining at ye landing place & soe to run on ye west side of ye three squor lot to ye spring & on ye East sid of ye three square lot ye sayd highwaye gideon wright Richard harcut Richard Crab 0 mathyas harvy 0 nathanell Colls 0 Book A 101 to run on ye west End of ye East lots then Layd out,through the Island in ye most Conveniants place for Carting to ye beach,also we did Agree A highwaye of two rod wide on ye west & East End of all ye Alotments upon ye Island next to ye watter side for Every man Consarned to Cart there Corne or other Con- sarnes to ye Conveniants place Richard harkcut Nathaneill Coles (p.73 Old A )-Oyster Baye ye 10th of novembar in ye yeare 1676 This Instrament off writting wittneseth to All parsons,whome Ittmaye Any wayes Consarne,yt I John davis now Inhabiting at matenecoke within ye Confines off oyster Baye upon long Iland, within ye north Riding of new yorkshare, Being under ye pat- ronage and protection off his Royall highnes Jeams duke off york, haveing upon good Considerations moveing me hereunto have Bargined sould and delevered by these presants unto Aron furman off oyster Baye, A cartain trackt or parsell off upland upon matenecoke Containeing in quantety sixty Akers liing and Being upon ye neck off Land yt Is on ye northside of ye lands yt John diar sould unto my fatherelaw Richard Latting dea- seased, which said sixty Akers was given to m y wife hanah by her ffather Richard Latting as ye Records of oyster baye, doth make manifest,I saye by these presants ffurther yt I have sould and made over ye Above saide sixty Akers of lands, with All ye Rights and prevelidges beelonging to Itt by vertue off ye grand deed given first from Thomas franses To my Aforesaid ffather Richard latting, ffrom m e , m y Ayres Exsecetors Administrators or Asidgns for ever,to ye Abovesaide Aron ffurman,to him his Ayres Exsecetors Administrators and Asidgns for ever to have and to hold,As his or there owne proper Right titlle and intrest,from me or Any from by or under me,Iniageing to de- fend him or them in there quiatt posestion ffrom Any Justt Claime or pretenc whatsumever of every part or petickular Abovemenshoned,haveing to my Contentt Reaseved ffull satis- facktionfforye premises,By settingtomy hand and sealedaye and datte Above written, and in ye 28th yeare of ye Raine of Charlsyesecond,kingofEngland scottland:&c:Inpresancoff, Thomas Townsend John wicks oyster Baye ye 30th daye of Jenewary 1676 John davis O hanah X davis This Instrament off writing wittneseth to All parsons w h o m e Ittmaye Any wayes Consarne yt I Thomas weeks now Inhaby- tant in ye towne off oyster baye,have upon good Considerations, Bargind sould and delevered unto John Rogers of ye same towne Ayght Ackers off wood land,which ye said John Rogers 102 Book A hath full power hereby to take up Any whare within ye Com- mans,offoyster baye,Exsepting such lands Allredy layde outt and high wayes nott to bee inffringed, I saye I have sould ye Abovesaide Ayght Ackers off wood land,from me my Ayres Exsecketors Administrators or Asidgns ffor ever, to ye Above- saide John Rogers,to him his Ayres or Asidgns for ever to have and to holde As his or there owne proper right titlle and intrest from me or Any from by or under me,haveing to my Content reseved fful satisfacktion for ye same,as wittnes my hand and seale daye and datte,Above writen,and in presanc off Thomas Townsend Sarah Townsend Thomas weeks O (p.74OldA)-OysterBayeye7thoffMayeinyeyeareAno 1667 These maye sarteffy All parsons whome Itt maye Any wayes Consarne, that Anthony wright senior, doth by these p❜sents ffrely give and make over, unto Job wright his Brother petter wrights soon,ye lott off land,Joyneing on ye north side off his home lott, which said lott given, was fformerly one mayehues with All ye rights and privilidges properly belonging to ye said lott with ye lott, Is hereby given to ye Abovesaid Job wright to him and his Ayres ffor ever, ffrom ye Abovesaide Anthony wright him his Ayres Exsexetors Administrators Asidgns, ffor ever,This Above written was ffrely given by Anthony wright to Job wright and ordered me to entar It,upon record daye Above written. per me Thomas Townsend towne Clark To allChristionpeopletowhome thismy deedeoffgifftmaye Come doth declare,that I Anthony wright,of oyster baye on long Iland in ye north Riding of newyorkshare, under ye patronage and protecktion of his Royall highnes Jeames duke of york doe by these presants give and make over unto Jeames Townsend and Isack doutty,Both inhabitants in ye same towne and Juri- dicktion Abovemenshoned,A sartain parsell of medow land lying and being nere unto A plase Comanly Called moneusscussett beach within ye limitts and Bounds of sandich in new Ingland in Plimouth Collony which said medow land was given to me by ye towne of sandich ffor towne charges yt I had exspended ffor ye youse of ye towne,ye which saide medowes I did peasably poses and inioye by vertue of ye Abovesaide grantt ffrom ye towne of sandich severall yeares before I did remove ffrom ye saide towne of sandich, into this Juridicktion ffre from Any molestation, I ffurther saye B y these presants I doe ffrely give and make over by vertue hereof ye before menshoned medow lands ffrom mee m y Ayres exsexetors Administrators or Asidgns ffor ever,to Jeames Townsend and Isack doutty to them there Ayres exsexetors and Asidgs ffor ever to have and to hold Equall betwene them,As there owne proper titlleand Intrest from me Book A 103 or Any ffrom by or under me,As ffirmly As maye be made by Any deede of gift or Convayeanc whatsumever,to ye Confirm- ation of this m y deede of gifft,I doe Confirm Itt to ye two parsons herein menshoned and there Ayres and Asidgns ffor ever, By setting to this m y hand and sealle, in oyster baye this sixth An- twenteth of June in ye yeare one thousand six hundred seventy and five,and in ye 27th yeare of ye kings Raine Charls ye second wittnesJohndickinson Anthonywright O Thomas Townsend (p.75 N e w A )—This Bill of Sale Declareth unto all whomeso- ever it may Concern that I mathew pryer of matinecock near Oysterbay In ye North riding on Long Island ye one partie have Sold and by these presents do bargain Sell and Deliver Unto Henry Townsend of Oysterbay of ye abovesaid Rideing ye other partie the house Lot that was Walter Salters with Commonage and C o m m o n Rights of Lands and Timber yt is to be understood of upland or woodland belonging or any waye falling to ye above- said house Lott or hereafter may fall to it with a little plott of meadow part Hasuks and part Salt Marsh in all about half an acre Lying on ye East Side of matinecock Creek Joyning to Edmond wrights Shear on ye north Side and Antoney Wrights Shear on ye South Side of itbut all other rights of meadow that did any ways fall to or belong to ye abovesaid House Lot I ExceptStilltomy SelfasyerightofmeadowatSouthyemea- dow on ye north Side of ye Towne and ye West Side of Matine- cock Creek a Shear of meadow I Except also and ye rights of meadow also on oak neck I do not Sell Neither of them fore Shears here namly ye South meadow matinecock meadow ye meadow on ye north Side ye town and oak neck meadow I do Still reserve to my Self but ye house Lot and Common privil- edges as above Said with ye Sd Small Shear of meadow on ye East Side of Matinecock Creek I say I have fully Sold for pay in hand I have received and therefor do by this make over all m y right Title and Interest from m e M y heirs Executors adminis- trators or assigns firmly unto ye above Said Henry Townsend his heirs Executors administrators and assigns To have & To hold and forever to injoye for their own proper Right title and interest without molistation by me or any from me and Do also by this firmly Ingage to defend and make good ye abovesaid Sale against all Claims and Demands of any person or persons What- somever and to ye True and Just preformance of all ye premises or Engagements abovesd I bind m e m y heirs Executors adminis- trators and assigns to preforme unto him ye Said henry Townsend his heirs Executors administrators and Assigns forever, as wit- ness M y hand and Seale the 23th Year of ye Raigne of Charles ye Second King of England & c it is agreed that I a m to have 104 Book A What meadow is on pine Island that belongs to the Said Lott (have was Interlined before Signing) Signed Sealed and De- livered in the presents of us this 30th of ye 7th month 1672, In Oysterbay. Witness Antoney Wright William X Buttlar Mathew Pryer O (p.76New A)-Be itKnowntoallpersonswhomethismay Concern that I Henry Townsend Senj of Oysterbay Do by these presents Assign and make Over all m y whole Right title and Interest in this within written deed to m y Son henry Townsend to him and his heirs or assigns forever,from me or any from by or under m e forever only reserving to myself the above Spaci- fied House Lott and A Small Shear of meadow abovementioned Lying by Edmon wrights,meadow on ye East Side of Beaver Swamp RiverIsayItisfirmlybythesepresentsmy Son Henrys his heirs or Assigns forever only what is excepted from ye Date ofthedeed.Witnessmy Hand; Henry Townsend Senjr Witness Thomas Townsend, town Clark BeitKnownuntoallmenwhomethismy DeedofSaleMay any ways Concern that I James Cock of matinecock near Oys- terbay within ye Coloney of His Royal Highness James Duke of York have Bargained Sold and Deliverd unto Henry Town- send of Oysterbay and of ye Same Coloney that part of ye Lot wch I bought of John Dickinson which is two thirds and a Tenn acre Lot and a Six acre Lott Lying on ye westside of ye three runs and ye three Run Swamp withall Comons and Commonages belonging unto me within ye Bounds of Oysterbay and I Do Except and reserve to myself my Commons of oak neck,pine Island and Hog Island and also all meadows I reserve to my Self I James Cock above Said do own to have Sold from me m y heirs and assigns ye above parcells of Lands mentioned unto Henry Townsend to him his heirs and Assigns forever To Have and To Hold as His or their own proper Right and Interest and do by these presents Ingage m y Self m y Heirs and assigns for- ever to defend ye Said Henry Townsend or any of His In their Quiet and peaceable possession of Every part or parcell of those Lands which I have Sold him and Having received of Henry Townsend full Satisfack:to my Content for ye above mentioned Lands I have hereunto Set to m y hand and Seal as m y True and real act in Oyster bay this Last of Decem : In ye Year of our Lord 1669 and In ye 21th Yeare of ye Kings of our Sovraign King Charles ye Second King of England Scotland france and Irland Book A 105 Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of us Mathias Harvy William X Risby Turn over to ye Assignment ye other Leaf James X Cock O his mark (p.77 Old A)-Bee ittknowne unto All parsons whome this maye Any wayes Consarne,yt Ihenry townsend senior,of oyster baye doe by these presants Asidgne and make over All my right titlle and intrest in this within written deed to m y soon John TownsendtohimandhisAyresorAsidgnesforever,fromme or Anyffrombyorunderme,onlyIdoeresarvetomy selfyethree runswomptodisposeofAs IshallseeCase,IsayethisAsidgne- ment,Is my ffree Ackt,and to stand good to my soon John his Ayres or Asidgns for ever, from ye datte of ye deed within written, As firmly As maye be drawne by Any deed of Con- vayanc whattsumever,ye swomp exsepted,wittnes m y hand wittnes Thomas Townsend henry townsend towne Clark: senior this Assignmt is of a Deed from James Cock to Henry Town- send and stands recorded in ye 31 :page of this booke: oyster Baye the seconde daye of ffebrewary 1673 This Instrament of writing wittneseth to All parsons to w h o m e Ittmaye Any wayes Consarne,that wee John Rogers and Ann Rogers of oyster Baye,with the Consent of oure Children,doe by these presants,Bargin sell and make over unto Thomas Town- send,of the same towne and place,oure halfe lott of land Liing and being betwene thomas Townsends two home lots, which halfeLottwasgiventomy wifeAnn Rogersbythetowne,when she was A widow, for which said halfe lott, haveing reseved of ye saide thomas Townsend ffull satisfacktion in other land to All oure great desiars, we doe by these presants make over All oure Right titlle and Intrest in the foresaide halfe lott,unto Thomas Townsend to him his Ayres or Asinges, from us oure Ayres Sucksesors Administrators or Asings, peasablly to poses and inioye,from us or Any ffrom by or under us,as his or there owne proper right titlle and intrest ffor ever,and doe iniage oure selves Joyntly and sevarally,to mainetaine ye said Thomas or his Ayres in there quiat posestion,in ye sum of forty pounds Curant paye of this Collony It tis to be understood that we have sould him our houseing, upon ye said lands Also, our Aplle tres ex- septed, and to the true performanc of this oure salle, we doe All joyntly sett to oure hands and seales day and date Above writen in presanc, of georg Copping Beniamin hubbard John (R ) rogers Ann(A)rogers O Joseph (J) croker O william (C ) croker O 106 Book A (p.78OldA)-Bee IttknowneuntoAllmenbythesepresants that I nicolas simkins of oyster Baye on longiland in ye north Riding in yorkshare ffor good Considerations moveing m e here- unto, doe by this Confess to have ffully and Absoluttly soulde and delevered up in presant posestion All m y right titlle and in- trest of m y n o w dwelling house in ye said oyster Baye and house lott with all the ffence yt n o w Is and twenty ffore Aplle trees Bearing ffruit,one peare tree,and one share of medow,Being and bounding on ye sea on ye north end and A high waye on ye south end,and Anthony Wrights medow one ye east side,and Richard Crabs medow on ye west side,and my share of swomp on yeeastsideAgainstmy house,Ittisintendedyeeastsideofye streett Against m y house, unto Ealce Crabb, of ye Abovesaide towne and riding, for satesfacktion in hand I have Allredy re- seved, ye saide house lott is bounded with A highwaye on ye north side, and A highwaye on ye east end, Beniamin hubards house lott on ye south side,and nickolas wrights house lott on ye west end, I saye I have soulde and delevered up All m y right titlle and intrest, of All the Above menshoned partickulars, of house and lands with trees and ffencing As Abovesaide ffrom m e m y Ayres Exsexetors or Asidgns,unto ye Abovesaide Eals Crabb her Ayres Exsexetors or Asidgns to have and to holde As there owne proper right and intrest,and doe iniage to make good ye salle of All ye Abovemenshoned premises Against any Claime or demands of Any parson or parsons and to give her ye saide Ells Crabb or her Asidgns quiatt posestion of All ye Above- menshoned premises,and to inioye itwithout molistation by mee or A n y ffrom m e , in ye nineteth yeare of ye Raigne of Charles ye second king of England,&c As wittnes my hand and sealle this 11th off ffebrewary 1669 in oyster baye in presanc off, henry Townsend Nickolas simkins O Caleb wright I Ealls Crabb off oyster Baye doe By these presants Asidgne and make over All m y right titlle and intrest of this Above writ- ten deed,unto my soon Adam write and his Ayres ffor ever, onely I doe resarve to my Selfe ye use of ye share off medow, menshonedinthisdeededuringmyliffe,andAftermy deasease itisto redowns to my soon Adam and his Ayres ffor ever,as wittnes m y hand in oyster baye this 26th of June 1675 Itt tis to Be understood Allthough Richard Crabb,Be not menshoned in this Abovewriten deed, yett nottwithstanding he Being Con- sidered head or Cheefe, doth by these presants Confirme whatt his saide wiffe,Ells Crabb hath done (Alice's former husband was PeterWright,andthisassignmentistotheirson,Adam Wright). (p. 79 Old A )- B y this Asidgnement onely the said Richard Crabb,resarves ye Abovesaide share of medow to his owne dis- poseing wittnes Book A 107 wittnes Thomas Townsend Richard Crabb John Wrightt Ealls X Crabb her mark These are to declare to all or Any parson whome these maye Come that wee the Constablle and overseares of oyster Baye in ye behalfe of oure towne have Chosen oure trusty and well be- loved ffrends,henry townsend and thomas townsend,to Repaire tohis Honor our governar,fforthe procuerment of our patten, and to doe and Actt in all things As they shall se Case ffor the good of oure towne,subscribed by us in oyster Baye the 15th of ocktobar 1677 Mathyas harvye Richard harcutt Thomas Weeks John Wrightt (See Musketo Cove Book,in Appendix,for expenses of this committee. See also p.35) The Agrementt of the parsons Employed by the townes of hemsted and oyster baye Aboutt the limits betwene them is As followeth;viz; That the Inhabitants of ye towne off oyster baye are to have ffree passage over the plaines by Cartts or otherwise, to there south meadows no wayes hindring the pretentions of ye Inhabytants of hemsted to ye said plaines,or there medowes at the south, A n d thatt the west Bounds of oyster baye limmitts shallbegin Against the sandy beach Comanly Called Barr,Beach that Abutts from Cow necke Crosse hemsted harboure over Against matenecoke land so to rune upon A straight line to Robartt williams marktt tree at the pointt of trees Comanly Called by the name of Cantiage,Butt no persons propriety to be hereby taken Awaye,This was declared before ye governar this 25th daye of ocktobar 1677 and Is entred in ye office by me Capt John seaman from mr Robart Jackson hemsted m ' henry townsend ffrom Capt Thomas townsend oyster baye Mathyas nickolls:Secr (p.80 Old A )-oyster Baye the 11th of ffebrewary 1677 This Record wittneseth that wheareas Aron ffurman senior of oyster baye bought A sartin trackt of land of John davis upon matenecoke as by deed entred in page 73 witneseth,know All men by these presants that I Aron ffurman doe by these presants Resine over m y holle Right and intrest on the Afore menshoned lands to John Davis againe ffrom m e m y Ayres or Asings for- ever to him ye said John davis his Ayres or Asings ffor ever haveing Reseved ffull satisfacktion ffor it,to m y Content as witt- nes Aron (A ) ffurman This Writing bearing date this 17th day of March 1676/77 Witneseth that IThomas Nickols of Newport one Rode Iseland have sould an Indian Lad unto Jobe Wright of Oyster Bay in 108 Book A ye duke of Yorke hiss Collony to him and his,from m e and mine, for & in Consideration all ready In hand Witnes m y hand ye day & yeare above said Witnes The marke of John Spenser Thomas X Nicols Joseph Amory Know all men by these p'sents yt I Hugh Persons of Ports- mouth in ye Colony of Rhode Island & providence plentations doe owe & am indebtted unt Josiah England of Dartmouth in ye Colony of New Plimouth in New England in ye true & Just Sum of Twenty pounds starling to be paid to him his heires, Executors adminstrts or assigns to wch Said payment well & truly to be made I bind m e m y heires Executs Administt's firmly by these presents In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale the Seventeenth day of M a y one Thousand six hundred seventy and five The Condition of this obligation is such yt if ye heires Exe- cuts or administrators of ye above bound Hugh Parson shall wthinoneyeareafteryrdeceaseofhimyeSdHugh Parsonsshall well & truly pay or cause to be paid unto Susanna England the wife of ye Sd Josiah England or her heires ye true & Just Sum of eight pounds in currant pay of ye Sd Colony aforesd,& shall also wthin ye time above Limitted pay or cause to be paid, Unto Elizabeth Doughty ye Wife of Isaac Daughty of Oyster Bay in Long Island or unto her heires the true and Just som of Eight pounds in currant pay of the said Colony then this present obli- gation to be void or else- (p .81 Old A )- t o remaine in full force in the Law Signed Sealed & delivered in presence of Henry (B ) Brightman his mark William Hall Richard Bayly Hugh Parsons Know all men by these presents that I Richard Harcut of Oyster Bay in ye North riding of N e w Yorksheere in Long Islandhavebarganed& SouldtoGeorgeDenisoftheSaidTowne & place,one share of Myddow lying and bounded by a Lane by George Denis his House lott on ye South end,& on the East by a share of Middow of Benjamin Hubarts & on the North end by a ditch neare to ye salt wather and on the west side by a share of Middow of Joseph Ludlams, I say I have sold unto ye sai.d George Denis for the Consideration in hand alredy received and doe hereby Confirme unto the said George Denis his heires Ad- ministr or Assignes for ever To have and to hold as his and theire proper rights for ever ; from all lets or Molestations what- Book A 109 soever from me my heires Exectrs Administrs or Assignes or by anyperson or persons by through or under me As Witness my hand and seale this Seventh day of March One thousand Six hundred seventy seven eight Testes John Pollord Thomas Webb :Clarke Richard Harcutt September the second 1678 Then given & granted to James Cocke of Mattinacock, that flatt of Creake thatch Lying from fformans Marke tree Lying betwene ye two Cricks Norward to ye great middow till further Order Testes Thomas Webb (p.82 Old A )—Att a Towne Meeting held ye 4th of September 1678 Then granted & given to Abraham Alling Blacksmith for his Incuragement of setting up & following his Trade amongst us in the Towne for ye supplying of ye Inhabitants withall such tolles and Nesessaries needfull, According to his Capassitie, A Cer- tainepeece of Land formerly layd out to Jobe Wright,on ye west side of ye Myll River,And as much more Joyning to itt by ye hillsides,As ye Surveyors shall se Conveynient for him:forto buildupon,And alsoaprivilageinyetowneComons forgrasing & timber with ye rest of ye Inhabitants & Liberty to take up Twenty Acers of wood land any where in ye Comons Nott all redie Laid out Nor any wayes preiudising of hyhe wayes,further he is hereby Iniaged, T o build & fence his said Lott within A twelvemonth and A day or else all previliges above said granted isto returne to the towne againe and he is to Loose his Claime, or any right therein forever, Butt If ye said Abraham Alleng shall within A twelvemonth & A day, build upon ye Abovesaid Lott,& fence itt in according to ye order of ye towne then whatt isGranted & given him as Abovesaid Is to be his proper right & interest to him & his heires for Ever me Thomas Webb Clarke Bee ittknowne unto all men by theise p'sents yt I Joseph Sut- ton of Hemsteed In Yorkshire, for good Consideration moveing me thereunto have sould unto Nathaniell Cols of Oysterbay of Long Island In Yorkshire,my house & Land wch I now poses, in Oysterbay I the Abovesaid Joseph Sutton, haveing received full satisfaction In hand all redie, from ye abovesaid Nathaniell Coles,Doe selland Settoverallmy righttytle& Interest,ofmy house & Lands & all previliges thereunto, belonging from m e my heires and assignes for ever,to him the said Nathaniell Coles hisheires and assignes for ever,To Inioy peacibly without lett 110 Book A or Molestation And I doe also Ingage my selfe my heires & assignes to defend ye abovesaid Nathanill Coles, his heires & assignes for ever from any person or persons whatsoever Lay- ing Claime ; unto the abovesaid house, or any, of ye Lands or appurtenances thereunto-(p. 83 Old A )-thereunto belonging & for ye due & true performance thereof I have sett to m y hand & seale this 18th of May in ye yeare of our Lord 1665 & In ye Seventeenth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles ye Second, with the consent of m y Wife I doe heere Subscribe & sett to m y hand & seale Signed sealed & delevered in ye p'sents of us John Underhill Matthias Harvye.me Thomas Webb Joseph Sutton September the 30th 1678 K n o w all m e n b y these p'sents that I Nathaniell Coles of O y s - terbaydoebythesep'sentssell& makeoveruntoJohnTownsend of Lusum all yt m y home Lott lying in Oysterbay formerly in ye possession of Joseph Sutton as his deede of Sale will spacifie, unto ye said John Townsend & his heires for ever To have & to hold the said home Lott as theire owne proper right, from the said Nathaniell Coles & his heires or any other person what- soever that shall Lay Claime thereto Comons,& other priviliges thereuntobelongingExcepted,AsWitnesmy hand In the p'sents of Samuell Andras Rob: Coles Thomas Webb:Clarke Nathaneall Coles September ye 30th 1678 These p'sents witneseth yt I Nathanell Coles of Oysterbay have sould unto my Brother Daniell Coles of Musketow Cove the one halfe of ye priviliges belonging to ye home Lott formerly in ye possession of Joseph Sutton Unto ye said Daniell Coles & his heires for ever,from me & my heires for ever,& doe Ack- nowledg to have received full satisfaction from ye said Daniell Coles As witnes my hand In ye p'sents of us Thomas Webb John Townsend Nathanell Coles (p.84 Old A)-This Instrument of Writting declares An Ex- change of Lands Made betwene John Townsend Seyr of Lusum & Robart Coles, of Musketow Cove ye said Robart Coles, Doth make over to the said John Townsend,Twenty Acers of Land Lying & being in Lusum,to him,& his heires or Assignes for ever, In Lue thereof ye said John Townsend, doth make & Book A 111 passe over,to ye said Robart Coles Thirty Acers of Lands lying & Joyningtothe Line of Devision,As the Record makes mention to be the said Robart Coles his heires and Assignes for Ever And this is our reall acte In Oysterbay this 29th 7ber 1678 Segned & delivered in the p❜sents of Matthyas Harvye Thomas Webb John Townsend Rob : Coles Bee itt Knowne to all men by these p'sents That I Thomas Hickes dwelling on Cornbery Neck on Long Iseland in the North riding of Newyorkshiere, Doth by these p'sents owne that I have solde, bargoned & Allienated from M e M y heires Execu- tors Administrators or assignes A whole ALottment of Land Lying & being on Madnans Neck in the County Aforesaid Unto John Robbinson & John Mychell booth of Oysterbay in ye Coun- ty aforesaid for and In Consideration of A Valluable som Al- ready received by me ye Abovesaid Thomas Hickes,withall pre- viliges or Appurtinances Rights or proffits Comodities or Im- munities that N o w or ever hereafter shall belong unto ye Above- said Land of this said ALottment of Land Lieing in Number thirtie five & one,As itt was Laide out by ye serveyors Soe Ap- poynted unto Mr John Hickes of Hemsteed I the above said Thomas Hickes by these p'sents,saith,I have sold as abovesaid, unto ye Abovesaid John Robbinson, & John Michell to have & to holde the said Land with All the priviliges abovesaid with Warrentie against any person or persons whatsoever directly or Indirectly Lyinge any Claime thereunto and thereby uphold ye premises to be firme,and Athentick According to Law And to ye premises Above said I the Abovesaid Thomas Hickes doth settmy handandsealethis22thDayofJanuaryinthe—(p.85 OldA)-29thyeareofhisMatt:RaigneAndinthe yeareof our Lord god 1677 Witnes Joseph Sutton William [ ] October the third 1678 This writing testifies yt I John Mytchell of Oyster Bay doe by these p❜sents Asigne make over & sell unto John Robinson of ye said Towne all this my right tytle Claime or demand of ye within Mentioned writing or bill of sale made & delivered unto us by Justis Thomas Hickes for worke done,One Neck of Land I the saide John Mytchell doe assigne & sell as afore said, unto the said John Robinson & his heires for ever, from m e ye said John Mytchell & m y heires for ever & from all other person or persons,that shall make claime,thereunto,by me the said John Mytchell. As witnes m y hand Thomas Hicks 112 Delivered in ye p'sents of us Ephram Carpenter The marke of Aron (A ) ffirman Thomas Webb Clarke October ye 3d 1678 Book A John Mitchell James Lloyde pay unto Hester Demee att New Yorke twenty two yards of good Duffels & itt shall be a full discharge for ffencing ditching & Court Charges & all other charges that have beene upon a Lott of Meadow lying in ye towne of Oysterbay which was ordered to me by a Court order in 1674 wch formerly did belong to Latimer Sampson & Thomas Hart:his rect shall be your discharge from witnes Nickolas Simkins Matthias Harvie Thomas Webb : Clarke (p.86 Old A )-October ye 9th 1678 Then received by order from Nicholas Simkins,22 yards of good Duffels: from mr James Lloyde in A full discharge of all Accompts betwixt them, I say received for ye use of Nicholas Simkins by me Thomas Webb : Clarke Hester Demee Oyster Bay ye seventeenth day of December 1678 This Instrument of writing witnesseth,yt we ye Indion pro- prietors of A Certaine track of Land Comenly called and knowne by the Name of Matenecocke within ye bounds & previliges of Oysterbay doe by these presents frely give & make over, unto Nicholas Simkins of Muscedacove A Certaine Neck of Upland Comenly called ye ffurthermost Little Iseland liing west and next Adioyning to ye Neck of land or Little Iseland so Called which we gave formerly to Robert Williams,upon Matenecocke,We say we doe upon divers good Considerations Joyntly and freely, give & make over unto ye Above said Nicholas Simkins,the Above mentioned Necke of Land Called & Knowne by ye Name Above Expressed, unto the Above said Nicholas Simkins, his heires executors Administrators or Assignes to poses and Inioy for ever,from us our heires Executors Administrators or Asignes for ever,As his or theire Owne proper Right title & Interest, free from any further Claim hinderance or molestation from us or any from by or under us,And further Ingage to defend ye said Nicholas his heires or Asignes against All Claimes or pretences,to ye above said Neck of Land for ever As witnes Our hands & seales in Oysterbay The day & yeare above written and In presents,of us,Itisto be understood the Meddow Land & Book A 113 Crick_thach about ye said Iseland or Neck of Land we doe ex- cept,It being alreadie disposed As by our deede may appeare Testes Arumpos his X Marke Thomas Townsend Suscanemon his X Marke Job Wright SehorhisX Marke me Thomas Webb Clarke (p.87 Old A )-Oyster Bay ye 30th of June ye yeare 1675 This Instrument of writing declareth to all persons to w h o m e itmay any wayes Conserne,yt I Nicholas Wright of Oyster Bay in ye North Riding of yorksheere in Long Island, upon Good Considerations moveing me therunto, have Bargoned Sould and delivered unto my Sonn John Wright of ye Saide town and riding,A Certaine home Lot of Land being five Acers or thereabouts,which,Lott of Land I bought of William Croker which Sd Lott is bounded on ye North side with a High way yt is betwene ye Sd Lott & Gideon Wrights home Lott, And ye east end bounded with ye street & ye Southside with a peece of ground of William Bucklers yt his house now stands on,I say I have sould ye Above said home Lott yt I bought of William Crokerfromme my heiresexecutorsAdministrators& Assignes, Unto my said sonn John Wright to him his heires Executors Administrators or Assignes for ever,To have & to hold as his ortheireownepropertytle& Interest,freefromanyLetthind- eranse or Molestation from me,or any from by or under me, haveing received full satisfaction for ye premises above mensoned Reserving ye right of Comons yt did belong,to ye Sd home Lott to my owne disposing,and to ye true performance of this my deede of sale I have here Unto Sett m y hand & in Oysterbay ye day & date above written and In ye 27th yeare of ye Raigne of King Charles ye Second Signed and delivered In p'sents of Matthyas Harvie Thomas Townsend Nicholas Wright ffebruary ye 10th 1678 Att a towne meeting held in Oysterbay Itt was Unanimusly agreed by ye Inhabytants of ye Sd towne & ye Villaies thereto belonging,to send foure men to make purchase of all ye Lands within our Patten granted to this Towne ;if nott all,as much as ye Indion proprietors will make sale of att present, & to mak theire report,to ye Neighberhood when so done, The names of ye men Chosen are Justis Townsend John Townsend s' att farmes John Underhill Joseph Carpenter 114 Book A ( p . 8 8 O l d A ) - f f e b r u a r y t h e 12th 1 6 7 8 Then Lay'd out to Jobe Wright twelve Acers of Land more or lesselyingonyewestsideofyeMillRiverSwampe raingingas ffolloweth first we Leaveing A high way betwene James Town- sends Land and Jobs of 5 rod wide and then beginnig by ye Swamp runningwestwardly,byyesaidhighwayfortyfourepolls then running Southward over ye hills sixty poles to A fflatt rock on a brow of ye hill thence Rainging Easterly twenty foure polle to ye foresd Swamp Layd out by us Justis Townsend Nathaneell Coles Then Layd out by Abraham Alling A lott of Land,Neare ye Myll Streeme on ye west side of ye high way Itt rainging from ye Corner stake,parting the two high wayes twenty polls,by the way towards the Beach & from ye foresaid stake up ye hill by ye other high way,Thirty one poles thence under Northwardly twenty poles Itt Contayning within foure Aceres more or Lesse. ffebruary the 14th 1678 Then Laid out to John Rogers neare unto huckelbury poynt thirteene Acers of Land Joyning to his Twelve Acers formerly Laid out lying upon ye south side of,itt Rainging by ye harbor- s i d e b y y e h i g h w a y , itt b e i n g t h r e e r o d s w i d e , f o r t y e i g h t r o d s rainging up ye hill West ward forty Rods. Then Laid out to John Rogers & James Bleving two Acres of Swamp betwene ye two hills,beyond ye Clifft so called being 13 rod wide by ye Beach,as staked out,& thirty rod in Length up ye Swamp marked with A small white Aacke,on ye East side & A small Ash on ye west side Then Laid out to John Dickenson Eyght Acers of Land upon ye cliffthillso caled,ittJoyning to John Rogers swamp on the North side & henry Townesend jur on ye south side and butting to ye Clifft on ye East end & taking halfe an Acer of swamp to It,Joyning to John Rogers at ye West end more or Lesse (this land laid out to John dickinson layd downe to ye Coman by his ordar) (made voyde by order 1682) Oysterbay this tenth day of ffebruary 1678 This Instrument of writing wittnesseth to all persons w h o m e ittmayanywaiseConcerneytIJohnRogers,Now An Inhabi- tant in Oysterbay within ye North Riding of Yorksheere In Long Iseland doe upon good Considerations Moveing me here- unto, Bargain Sell allienate & Make over A Certaine Track or percell of up Land contayning in quantity foure Acers more or less which I bought of John- (p. 89 Old A )-Townsend of OysterbayittliingandbeingneareorJoyningtoyewestEnd of ye aforesaid John Townsends ffeild by ye three Runns so Called, and halfe a privilidg or Right of Comons within ye towne bounds, Book A 115 of Oysterbay,I have sould unto James Bleving now residing in Oysterbay the Above Menconed track of upland As I bought itt of John Townsend with ye half right of Comons ffrom me my heires Executors Administrators or Assignes for ever, to ye Above menconed James Bleving,to him his heires Executors Ad- ministr or Assignes for ever, To have and to hould as theire own proper right tytle & Interest & from Any from by or under me for Ever,Ingaging to give ye Sd James Bleving possession of ye Above said premises Accordin to Law haveing Received in hand full satisfaction for ye same,As witnes my hand & seale in Oysterbay,this 10 day of ffebruary 1678 and in ye one & thirtyeth yeare of ye Reigne of Charles ye Second, King of great brittan ffrance and Ireland &c: Sealled & delivered in ye p'sents of Thomas Townsend John Wright Thomas Gatchell John (R ) Rogers his marke ffebruary the 12th 1678 Then Laid out to James Bleving six Acres of Land upon ye hill Joyning to ye foure Acers he bought of John Rogers ye North west bounder upon the hill Is bounded with a rock, from thenceSouthward40rodtoaA whiteOake,tree,standingin A round valley, from thence he is to range Easterly by John Townsends Lands downe to ye swamp Leaveing no high way except he shall se cause,the North Line isto joyne henry Town- sendattyeswampside,AndthentorangeuponA strightLine to ye said Rock. This abovesd Six Acres of Land John Townsend having bought,ithas thought good to returne itto ye Town againe and in Liew thereof hath taken up Six Acres of Land on ye Cleft Hill: Laid out to James Bleving 13 Acers Joyning to John Rogers on ye south side ranging south by the high way forty Eight rod and ranging up the hill westerly forty rod to A white Oak tree thence Northwardly to John Rogers southwest bounder Laid out by Capt Townsend Nat: Coles (p.90 Old A)-Oysterbay the 18thday of ffebruary 1678 This Instrument of writing witneseth to All persons to w h o m e Ittmayanywayes,ConcerneytIJosephCrokerNow An Inhabi- tant in Oysterbay within ye North Riding of YorkSheere upon Long Iseland husbandman, upon good Considerations moveing hereunto have by these presents Bargoned & sould & delivered, unto Thomas Gitchell tayler Now Residing in Oysterbay My 116 Book A home Lott lying & being Neare ye head of ye Coave,so Called, and Joyning,to ye East side of Aron fformans Juniors home Lott As ye town Record of Oysterbay will make Appeare, & alsoAllmy Rightandprivilidgesgrantedtome toyeAbovesaid Lott,I have sould to ye Abovesaid Thomas Gitchell from me m y heires Executors Administrators or Assignes, to him his heires Executors Administrs or Assignes,for ever,all my above- said Lott & previliges,whatsoever thereunto belonging As by m y grant may Appear, To have & to hould as his or there owne proper right title and Interest, forever, free from Any further letthinderance or Molestation,from me or any from by or under me,& will maintayne him & them In his or their peasable pos- sestion,of ye Above Menconed premises Against any Just Clayme or pretenc whatsoever, Having received ffull Satisfaction, of ye Abovesaid Thomas Gitchell for every part and percell thereof, to my full Content,As witnes my hand and seale,in Oysterbay, the day & date Above written and In the One & thirtith yeare of ye Reigne of our Soveraigne King Charles the second, King of Great brittaine ffrance and Ireland, Sealed and delivered In ye p'sens of John : (R ) Rogers his marke Adam Wright Thomas Townsend (p.91New A)—In yeYear 1674 Joseph (J) Croker his mark Then Laid Out by Henry Townsend Senj and Gideon Wright, fifty T w o Acres of upland Equily to be Divided between George Dennis and Adam wright with Twelve Acres,more Lying inthe Same plott which Antony Wright Gave to his Nephew Adam wright which Said Land Lyeth near to ye plains with ye South- end Joyning near to Robert williams Line and So rainging to ye South west Corner to a Chestnut tree to ye Northwest Corner to a Chestnut tree and to ye Northeast Corner to a Chestnut tree and to ye Southeast Corner to a black oak Lying between two old paths ye one of them going to ye South of ye plains Recorded ye 27th day of february 1678 by me Thomas Webb,Clarke February the 21th 1678 An agreement made Betwixt Nathan Birdsell and Christopher Hauxhurst and Samuel and Joseph weekes and Mathew pryer and William Hudson and william frost about ye devision of their meadow and it is Concluded upon that Nathan Birdsall Mathew pryer and Christopher Hauxhurst Samuel and Joseph weekes Should have ye Great Meadow and half ye Little Mea- Book A 117 dow and william frost william hudson and Lewis Morris is to have ye other half of ye Little meadow and ye Common meadow Lying about ye Island Creeks Lying Westward of ye Great Meadow and it is Concluded yt ye Meadows Lying on ye East Side of ye Creek that Comes up to ye Cedars from a pond Lying over against ye poynt of Trees upon ye Little Meadow yt ye Meadow Eastward from that pond Shall Ly Common tell we See cause to Dispose of it otherways Recorded m e Thomas Webb :Clarke (p .92 N e w A )-Killingworth within ye Township of Oyster- bay may ye fifth 1679 Whereas we whose names are under written being Legually and Joyntly Chosen by John Coles and william frost of ye above Said place as arbitrators to here Examin and determin all differ- ance Between them as to Settle their bounds of their Lands and Trespases and all other Injeyres as by their bond may appear, Know allmen whome thismay any ways Concern thatwe having Vewed the Difference as to their bounds of their Lands Do order and agree yt ye Division of their bounds Shall begin at ye North- east Corner between them by a Steck pitched D o w n by us Raing- ing South as marked out by ye Surveyors and renued by us In presence of will Hudson and James Cock T w o of their neigh- bourhood which is to remain their Division of their Lands be- tween them as to Title of their Lands which they now possess forever Secondly as to ye Improved Land wch John Coles Doth n o w possess within his fence falling within Will : frosts Line we do agree and order that John Coles Shall peaceably possess and Injoye it & Improve it if he see cause untell ye first Day of march next Ensuing ye Date above written and then he is to deliver it up unto Will: frost or his Order will: frost paying at ye Delivery of ye aforesd Land to John Coles forty Shillings i n M a r c h a n t s p a y a n d w h e r e a s it w a s m a d e a p p e a r t o u s y t W i l l : frost did Tresspass upon John Coles by Throwing Down his fence Contrary to Law to his Damage which Did Occasion as we do finde this Trouble and Charge we do agree and Award that Will: frost Shall make present Satisfaction to John Coles one pound fifteen Shillings being ye Charges accationed hereby and Either of them that Doth not fullfill Every artacule herein Inserted Shall forfit ye whole Bond ye Sd John Coles hath Liberty to Take off his house and apletrees and fence of from ye Joseph weekes William Frost William (H ) Hudson his mark Nathan Birdsall John Pryer 118 Book A Sd Land if he See cause without Hinderance or Molestation to which we Subscribe our hands Day and Date above written Record by me Thomas Townsend Thomas Webb : Joseph Carpenter this award was fully answered to John Coles may ye 20th 1680 witness Tho :Townsend Caleb wright (p.93 Old A )-July ye 19th 1679 Then granted & given by the Towne A home Lot of foure Acers unto John ffrost where he did see cause to pitch upon not Already taken up or preiuditiall to highwayes with free priviliges of timber & grasing, as other perticuler rights, have within ye towne Comons & Liberty to take up Tenn Acers of woode Land to his home lott,Any where in ye Comons not yett laid out or prieuditiall to highwayes,And no more without the townes Consent,he makeing Improvement thereof According to the Order of the towne in such Cases pro- vided,Otherwise to fallto ye Towne Againe me Thomas Webb July the 21th 1679 Then laid out by us under neath Subschribed by order of ye towne A home Lott Att ye Easte end of ye towne neare the Coave so called,begining at A young white Oake,as by us Marked, on ye south side of ye highway that goes to Huntington & fronting against Thomas Youngs his home Lott, by the said highway and rainging from ye said white oake,south- ward28rodtoA GreateChesnutttreeMarked,& fromyeabove- said whiteoake first bounder raingeing Easterly by the highway 22 rods to A stake pitched downe by us,and from thence south- ward 28 rod as ye first Line up the hill,Conteyneing within the said bounds foure Acers More or lesse by us Layd out,witnes our hands Recorded by m e Thomas Townsend Thomas Webb Nat Colls (p.94 Old A)-Theise presents declareth unto All whomesoever It doth Concerne that I Robart Williams of Lusom Neare Oys- terbay on Long Iseland in America in ye North Riding,for good Considerations moveing me hereunto, have sould & by these presents doe Confirme ye sale of Twenty Acers of woodland and Twenty Acers of playnes Land for Mowing With free Comonage & also Timber & wood as Neede requires as on my plains or woodland which now are mine Excepting fenced feeldes butt not to bring in heards of other m e n s Cattell to appres m y C o m o n Unto Henry Townsend Sin' of Oysterbay In the Iseland Riding aforesaid,& he ye said Henry Townsend Is to have his Twenty Acres of wood Land att ye Southwest Corner of ye Swamp Book A 119 knowne by ye name of ye round Swamp there was an old Cartway yt went betwene hemsteed & Oysterbay on the est side of ye said Swamp about ye middle of the said Swamp on ye west side is ye fixed bound marke betwene the Towne of Oysterbay Lands & Robart Williams Land And ye twenty acres of wood Land that is to begin at ye foresaid bounder by ye said Swamp on the west side & to Joyne to ye Line of devition westward betwene my Land & ye towne of Oysterbay land,And againe tobegineattyesaidfixtboundmarke& Runnfromthencesouth- ward by A great Chesnutt tree about three poales from the S w a m p A Little tree Is marked Joyning to ye great tree so far aswillreachTwentyAcresonA square,Andheistohaveye twenty Acers of planes on or about the South or Southeast of ye path yt goes from m y house to m y great hollow, A n d to have highways as m a y be most Convenient to ye plaines, A n d other- wayes I say I have sould & received full satiafaction for ye said Lands & priviliges. And therefor by these presents doe Con- firme & deliver In present possession All m y Right tytle & enter- est of all ye foresaid Lands & prvilygs above mentioned from me my heires Executors Administrats and Assignes Unto him the said Henry Townsend his heires Executors Administrators & Assignes To have and- (p.95 Old A )-to hold as his or there owne proper right tytle and Interest As really & Substantialy as ever Itt was Mine And ye Land shall be Laide out when ye Said Henry Or his desires Itt And to ye performance of ye Abovesaid I bind me my heires & Sucsesors As witnes my hand & seal Itt is to Understood yt the Above menconed Comoning Is for ye Abovesaid Henry Townsend owne Cattle his heires Exe- cutors Administrators & Assignes for ever Signed, sealed & delivered In the presents of & In ye yeare & mounth of July ye 21th 1679 Joseph Dickenson Job Wright RobartWilliams O Land laide out for Henry Townesend Sign' of Oysterbay by Matthias Harvie & Samuell Andras Surveiors.the Land is so much as was Laid out for twenty Acers. Allthough neere About thirty Acers was Laid out for Itt,by reason of ye barrinnes of some of ye Land,Itt Joynes to ye West side & to ye north side of ye round Swamp Neare ye plaines And begins att ye bounds marke on ye west side of ye said swamp betwene the Towne of Oysterbay Lands & Robart Williams his Land, & lies on ye North side of ye Lyne of Divition yt runse Westward from ye said bound marke to ye East side of ye hill. Recorded by me Thomas Webb Clarke Know allmen by these p'sentsbeareing Date October ye twenty fourth one thousand six hundred seventy & Nine yt I Hope Wash- 120 Book A born of Stratford in ye County of ffeirfeild in ye Colony of Conitycutt, In N e w England doe give grant and bequeath Unto m y well beloved Cosen John Williams of Long Iseland liveing att Lusim all m y right title & Interest in Hemsteed C o m m o n Mid- dow Eastward of ye towne :yt is all yt Comonage belonging to yt Liveing yt I the said hope sould unto John Scott which Com- onage was reserved & nott sould unto ye abovesaid Scott. I the said hope Doe by these presents fully ffreely & Absolutly give grant & confirme unto the abovesaid Williams to him & his heires for ever;to have and to hould use & enioy with every part & parsell thereof together with all ye profits & p'vilidges thereto arising or any wayes thereunto appertaineing from the day of ye Daye of these presents for ever: wthout any eviction Incomber- ance or trouble from m e — (p.96 Old A )— m e m y heires for ever or from any person or persons under me & warrintg hereby yt I have good & Lawfull right to & in ye abovesaid Midoe & yt it is free & Cleare of & from all former sales Mortagages & alianations whatsoever : hereby giving full power to ye abovesd John Williams to Record or Cause to be Recorded the said Mea- d o w sould unto himselfe in ye towne or Countrey Records : ffor Confirmation of all which I have to these presents putt m y hand and seale the Day & Date above written Signed Sealed & Delivered in p'sents of us. Joseph Curtiss Recorder David Jenkins : Hope (H ) Washborn his marke Will: Curtiss Comin In ye 31th yeare of the Reigne of our King Oysterbay ye 23th of Desember 1678 This record or writing witneseth yt whereas ye Court of Ses- sions did Apoynt & Authorise Joseph Carpenter & Rob : Coles to devide equallie ye Lotts of Aron fforman & Moses fforman According to ye Gifft fformerly made to Moses fforman by his father Rob:fforman deaseased,Witneseth yt ye Devition of the Lotts According to ye Determination of ye said Joseph & Rob : Is Alowed of & shall stand good betwene them as ye equal Devition of ye two abovesd Lotts for ever ; without any further suite hinderanc or molestation betwene Aron fforman his heires or Asignes or Moses fforman his heires or Asignes for ever; And whereas Aron hath built a new barne upon Moses Lott as doth Apeare by ye line of divition ye Sd Aron hath liberty hereby to remove of ye said barne betwene this day & ye last of Aprill next Insuing ye date hereof upon his owne ground without hind- erance or further trouble,& to pay satisfie & Cleare all ye Just Charges Accationed in ye prosecution in this sute, at ye Last Court of Sessions upon ye settlement or divition of these two Sd Lots managed & prosecuted by John Rogers for & in ye behalfe Book A 121 of Moses his wife & Children and further it is to be understood that it is fully agreed yt If the Sd Aron cannot with conveniancy remove his barne by ye time perfixt & Moses fforman his heires orAsigneshathA desireyeSdbarneshouldstandwhereittnow stands for his or theire use.yt then ye Sd Moses his heires O r - (p.97 Old A )-Asignes shall pay for ye Sd barne as two honest men shall Judge itt being mutually chosen betwene then to be worth & as for ye fence yt Aron hath set up Upon his own Charge betwene ye two Lotts he hath liberty to remove but If Moses fforman hath A desire his heires or Asignes or John Rogers N o w Concerned with ye Sd Moses Lands hath A desire to have part of ye Sd fence,to fence ye part or proportion be- twene ye said two lotts according to their fathers gift or deter- mination herein yt then ye Sd Moses his heires or Assignes or any man Consernd in ye Sd Lands of Moses shall satisfie for ye said part of fence,As two men mutually Chosen betwene them shall Judge to which Agrement they have hereunto subscribed their hands in Oysterbay this 23th of December 1678 Testes Thomas Townsend John Wright Recorded by me Thomas Webb November the 22th 1679 Aron (A ) fforman his Mark John (R ) Rogers his mark Att a Towne meeting then and there sould to Nathan Birdsall foure Lotts in hogg Iseland which was Condem'd by Law,and sould by Mr Samuell Shrimptons Atturney ye said foure Lotts above Expresed unto ye party abovesaid att An Out Crie,with all ye rights & previliges there unto belonging, excepting one small Lott Comonly Called the Ox pasture & ye Middow thereto belonging in Hogg Iseland Thomas Webb Clarke Nathaniell Colles Recorded by me Thomas Webb Clarke (p .98 Old A )-Oysterbay the 13th of Janewary 1679 Then Laid out to John ffrost A certaine tracktt of woodland lying neare unto ye Line of Devition betwene Robart Williams & the Towne,Begining att A white Oake Neare a hollow Com- only Called ffrosts hollow thence rainging sixty poles south- wardly to a Chesnut tree Marked,thence rainging twenty Nine poll westwardly to A small red Oake tree Marked,thence raing- ingsixtypolleNorthwardlytoA whiteOaketreeMarked,thence Eastwardly twenty Nine polle to ye first bounder Contayning within ye above said bounds tenn Acers of Land more or Lesse which was granted by ye towne to John ffrost And Layd out by us As witnes our hands. Recorded me Tho:Townsend 122 Book A This present writing declareth unto all whome itt may any wayes conserne that I Georg Coppen living att Nessaquauge doe owne & acknowledge m y selfe to be indebted unto Robart God- fry of Littleworth in ye presincts of Oysterbay the full & Just some of three pounds tenn shillings and for ye satisfaction of the debt & ye security of ye mony I doe frely make over unto Robart Godfry my Mouse Colored horse marked with a Crop on the Neare eare which I bought of George Atkins & if ye said Georg Coppen shall satisfy Robart Godfry ye debt due unto him within A twelvemonth after ye date here of then the horse is to be delivered to George Coppen againe & if in case the horse should chance to die within ye twelve month then ye said George Coppen is to stand to ye Losse of his horse & Robart GodfrytoloosehismoneyAnd furtherthisistobetakenNotis of yt I George Coppen doe freely give & grant unto Robart God- fry m y black lame horse with A white star in his forhead with a white foote on his neare leg behind I doe frely give to him forever As Witnes my hand in Little worth this 6th day of ffeb- ruary in the yeare of our Lord 1679/80 In ye presence of Jacob Brokinge Recorded me Thomas Webb George Coppen (p. 99 Old A )- I Thomas Townsend doe hereby owne and Acknoledg to have sould and delevered unto Richard harcutt, A sartin share of medow,lying on the northside of ye Cove so called,which was formerly Athony gills,and sould by him,to m y Brother John Townsend,and from my said Brother transported o v e r t o m e b y d e e d e , b y v e r t u e o f w h i c h title I d o e h e r e b y C o n - firme ye Above said share of medow,unto Richard harcutt his haires Exsexetors Administrators or Asidgnes for ever to have and to hold As his or there owne proper Right titlle and intrest, from m e m y haires Exsexetors Administrators or Asidgnes for ever,As firmly to All intents and purposes As Could be expresed by Any deede of salewhatsumever As witnes my hand and seale in oyster Baye this 10th daye of febrewary in ye yeare 1679 Testes Thomas Townsend O Thomas Webb I haveing reseved full satesfacktion of richard harcutt for ye Abovesaide m e d o w aswitnesmyhand Tho:Townsend January the 12th 1679 K n o w all m e n b y t h e s e p r e s e n t s t h a t I E p h r a i m C a r p e n t e r m y heires Executors Administrators and assignes, have sould unto Thomas Weeks of Oysterbay all yt m y right tytle & Interrest of Lands on Unqua Neck for ye Consideration of two shilling six pence to be paid out of ye said Ephrams Towne Rate then Levied,I say I have sould unto ye abovesaid Thomas Weeks his Book A 123 heires Executors Admists & Assignes for Ever To have & to Hold As there owne proper right for Ever, Ordered by ye Sd Ephraim to be Recorded. In the p'sents of Nathaniell Colls Caleb Wright Moses Mudge,and Thomas Webb:Clarke (p.100 Old A)-Janewary the ffowretenth 1679 Know all men by these presents whome it may any Wayes Concerne that I Richard Harcott of Oysterbay In the North rid- ing of New Yorksheere Doe freely give unto my Sonn Daniell Harcot A house which I bought of Jonas Halsteed with ye yard & Orchard within fence as Itt now stands Excepting halfe ye old fruit trees wch I reserve to myselfe to dispose on, As also I give to m y aforesd sonn A whole right of Comonage which I bought of Jonas Halsteed & also I give him five Acers & a halfe of Land lying upon the East side of ye swamp comonly Called ye Coave Swamp Lying neare ye going over to ye Coave Neck, Also I give him A share of Myddow Lying upon ye East side ofye Coave Neck Crick,which I bought of Thomas Townsend of Oysterbay yt was fformerly his brother John Townsends. As also I give him two Acers of land more or lesse which Lies on ye west side of ye Coave which he has in possession now within fence,as also Igive him halfe of my Twenty Acer Lott,Lying Neare Norwest by A hollow on this side the ffresh pond & so runs westward into A hollow yt shoots down to Moses formans Land As also I give him ye Land whereon his house N o w stands with ye garden thereto within fence being on ye North side of ye streete,& also I give him my right of Myddow att ye south Lying upon ye Neck Comonly Called ye fort Neck,which M y d d o w he has In possession, Also I give him a parcell of plaine Land which is Called Addition Contayning Eleven Acers which bounded by John Dickensons plaine Land West & by south & by a small Lott of Matthyas Harvyes East North East All which the before mentioned premises I ye Sd Richard Harcott have given & Alienated from me my heires Executors or Assignes for ever unto m y said sonn Daniell Harcott his heires Executors & As- signes for Ever To have & to hold ye Sd before mentioned Land As there owne proper right for Ever In Witnes whereof I hereto setmy hand & seale Sealed & delivered in ye presents of Thomas Webb : Clarke Richard Harcott O (p.100New A)-To allChristianpeopletowhomethisInstra- ment of writting may Come or any ways Concern Know ye that we Richard Harcott And Nathaniell Coles and Josias Latting beingauthorisedandImpoweredbytheproprietorsofHog Island So called as by record it may appear for ye agreeing wth and 124 Book A Settling an Inhabitant of trust upon ye Sd Hog Island Next adjoyning to ye Beach as a Keeper in Trust for ye further pre- servation and Security of ye rest of Lands upon ye Said Island to ye proprietors their heirs or Assigns for further Improvement as they Shall See cause Know all men that we ye above Said persons according to power given us by the proprietors do hereby Covenant Bargain and agree to and with John Prat Latly an Inhabitant within ye Coloney of Road Island to Settle and In- habit upon ye Said Island upon Conditions and Injunctions as followeth first-(p.101 New A )-first we do hereby give and make over to ye Said John Prat by ye order and Concent of ye proprietors thirty Acres of upland upon ye Said Island next adjoyning to ye beach withall ye Slipes and peices of undivided meadows upon ye Said Island and all Such Creek Theach there growing Excepting what ye proprietors Shall see cause to Make use of themselves with ye privilege of Grasing for his Creatures Elsewhere within ye Town Commons and Timber for building fenceing and firewood for his O w n Use and Security of ye above Said thirty acres of Land upon ye Said Island provided always and not otherways that John Prat him or his heirs or Executors Shall Joyntly hereto Agree fullfill and preforme at all time or times according to Every article here following Incerted which are as followeth first in Consideration of ye Land and priviledges above Said Granted and Given to ye Said pratt he is to make present Settlement this Spring Secondly to keep and Secure ye Sd Hog Island winter and sommer for ever from all damages In grain or pasturage or other fruit Trees there Soed or planted by horses Cattle or Swine by way of ye Beach thirdly to Make Satisfaction for all Such damages that any proprietor Shall Sustain upon ye Sd Island by Cattle Horses and Swine that Comes Into ye field or Island by way of ye Beach and not other- ways forthly yt he shall not Assigne nor make Sale of ye abovesd Land and privilidges granted to any Stranger whatsomever with- out ye Aprobation and free Consent of ye Major part of ye proprietors fiftly and Lastly if ye Said John Pratt his heirs Executors Shall at all Time and times forever fullfill and ac- complish to ye proprietors Every article herein inserted and he Injoyned to that then ye above Said thirty acres of Land and priviledges abovesd Granted and Given by us to him shal be his proper right his heirs Executors forever but if ye Said Pratt his heirs Executors Shall or doth See cause to remove from ye Sd tract of Land that then ye Said Land and priviledges above Exprest to return to ye proprietors again free without Trouble or Charge to ye True preformance to Every Article and particu- lar herein Incerted by grant or Ingagement we do Interchange- ably to Each other Subscribe our hands and set to our Seals In Oysterbay this 15th of apriel 1680 it is to be understood that if any proprietor brings in any horses or Cattle upon ye said Island Book A 125 to work that doth damnifie any person ye Sd Pratt his heirs Executors are hereby not Lyable to pay any such damage and for his further Incuriagement for preserving ye Sd Island to ye proprietors use we do give him ye priviledge of ye Ready pond so called as free as ye Rest of ye undevided meadows. Signed Sealed and Delivered In presenc of John (R ) Rogers Tho : Townsend John Townsend Ju John Pratt Josias Latting Richard Harcott Nathaniel Coles (p.102 New A )—This Instrument of Writing witneseth to all Christian people to whome it may Come or any ways Consern K n o w ye that I Isaac Doughty do hereby freely Give Alinate & Make over four Acres of Land Lying upon ye west side of my Dwelling house by hempstead Harbour side so called unto John Wood of oysterbay To him ye said John and his heirs forever upon these Conditions as followeth yt ye said John wood shall upon ye Conditions abovesd make present settlement upon ye said Land and not at any time forever to make sale of ye abovesaid four acres of Land to any person or persons whatsomever Ex- cepting unto myself or m y heirs upon which I do hereby Ingage yt ifhe shall see cause to dispose of ityt I will pay him or his heirs what ye Sd Lands shall be made Better by Building fenceing Orchards or what else but if ye Sd John shall see cause to Keep Sd Land and not Dispose of it upon ye Conditions above said that then ye Sd four acres of Land shall be frely his and theirs forever to occupy possess and Injoye forever as his or their own proper right titleand Interest from me my heirs Executors or Assigns forever to ye True preformance whereof I have here- unto Subscribed m y hand and set to m y seal in Oysterbay this 24th of August 1680 and In ye presence of: Test Thomas Townsend Robert X Godfree (p.103New A)—Februaryye2th1679. Isaac Doughty O K n o w all men by these presents that I Abraham Alen of Oys- terbay m y heirs Executors admini's and Assigns have Sold unto henry Townsend Senj : of Oysterbay his heirs Executors admin- trs and Assigns all that m y right title and Interest of Lands in Unquaneck for ye Consideration of ye Rate Leved thereon I say I have Sold unto ye said henry Townsend his heirs Executors administrators and Assigns ye Before mentioned Right of Lands To Have and To Hold astheirown proper rightand Interest for- ever as witness m y hand and Seal ye Day and Year above written TestJohnwright AbrahamAlling O Thomas Webb Clericus 126 Book A October yr 20th 1681 Whereas there was a Certain peice of Swamp Land Layd Out at ye Cleft Swamp so called to John Rogers and James Bleving and by division by them John Rogers was ye Eastmost Next to ye Beach and James Bleving next west- wardly itis now by order of James Bleving Recordrd his part or division of ye said Swamp Land to be John Rogers Right and Interest again forever this Entered by order of James Bleving m e Thomas Townsend Recorder 1682 : September ye 4th then Ordered by John Rogers yt ye abovesd peice of Swamp firmly Laid Out to James Bleving and Made over to John Rogers as abovesaid is returned by ye Sd John Rogers again to ye Said James Bleving his heirs and assigns for ever having received Satisfaction for ye same. this order me Thomas Townsend (p.104New A)-Novemberye30th1680. Then Agreed and Concluded between me mathies Harvy and Samuel andrews Both of Oysterbay an absolute Exchange of meadows upon Hog Island that isto be understood yt I mathies Harvy Do hereby resine my whole right titleand Interest of my Shear of meadow upon hog Island Joyning to ye northend of that Shear of meadow yt was formerly John Townsends Jur unto Samuel Andrews to him his heirs or assigns forever and I Sam- uel Andrews do hereby upon Considerations of ye abovesd Shear ofmeadowfullyandabsolutelyresigneandmakeovermy whole wright title and Interest In ye shear of meadow upon ye Sd Island wch I bought of Richard Harcutt being ye Southermost Shear in ye Great M e a d o w so Called unto ye above Said Mathias Harvy to him ye Sd Mathias his heirs or assigns forever and to ye True preformance to ye premises above Exprest we do Confirm to Each other by Interchangeably Subscribing ourselves day and date above written In presenc of Thomas Townsend Mathias Harvy Samuel Andrawes Whereas I mathias Harvy of Oysterbay having a Certain Shear of meadow number thirteen Lying and being on ye East of ye Beaver Swamp River So calld Do be these presents upon good Considerations Moveing me hereunto freely Give and make over ye aforesd Shear of meadow unto Joseph Dickinson of ye same Town and place and unto ye first Heirs Mail of his body begotten by his wife Rose Dickinson and heirs forever from m e m y heirs Executors Admints or assigns forever as witness m y hand Oysterbay thus 20th of Apriel 1682 Mathias Harvy Signed and Delevered In presence of us Thomas Townsend James Robertson Book A 127 (p .105 Old A )-oyster Baye this 19th of Jenewary 1680 I John dickinson,senior,doe By tthese presants grantt give and make over,from me my hayres Exsexetors Administrators orAsinges,untomy SoonJosephdickinsonttohimhishayres or Asinges ffor Ever,tthe Lott of Land which I fformerly Bought of John ffinch, the which Said Lott of land m y saide Soon Joseph hath builtt upon and hath in presant posession,with that peace of swomp or Boges Joyneing to ye lott,which was given to mebytthettowne,withmy wholerightofuplandsandmiddowes ffresh and sollt upon unkawaye neck at the south, the which Above saide lands and medowes,by me given to my Soon,Is In lew or partt of his portion,I haveing many Children tto Acoma- date in the Like nature I saye what Is Above Exsprest I doe by these presants frely give and make over from me my hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asinges for Ever, unto m y said Soon Joseph dickinson to him his hayres Exsexetors Admist's or Asinges for Ever tto have and to hold poses and Inioye as his orthere owne proper rights titleand intrest withoutt Lett hinder- anc or molestation,from me or Any from by or under me,as wittnes m y hand and seale in oyster Baye daye and date Above writen and In presanc off, Tho:Townsend johnDickinsone O Recorder Whereas John Rogers had ye Moity or half of a piece of Swamp Laid out to him between ye two Hills beyond ye Cleft as it appeares in ye 88th page of this Book wch Kight of Swamp ye Sd John Rogers hath turned over & Sold to John Townsend ye Son of Henry Townsend of this Town of Oysterbay to him ye Sd Townsend his Heires & Assignes forever: ye Sd John Rogers having received fullsatisfaction for ye Same Doth hereby Confirme all his Right & Interest that he ye Sd Rogers or his heires or Asignes have or may have to ye Sd Swamp as Witnes hishandthisthirdDay ofAprillAnno Dni:1689 John Newman Record the marke of John (R ) Rogers (p.106 Old A)-This Instrament or deede of Convayeanc made in oyster baye tthis seventh daye of ffebrewary in the yeare of oure Lord god one thousand six hundred and Aighty, betwene John Robins of Matenecoke Cordwinder of the owne party,and Samuell tilear of the other party wittneseth, tto All Christion people to whome these maye Come, know yee, that I John Robins Above saide have and doe by these presants Bargin sell for Ever Allinate and make over from mee my haires Exsex- etors Administrators or Assignes unto ye Above Saide Samuell ttillier,to him his haires Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes 128 Book A ffor Ever, All m y wholle Right tittlle and intrestt in houseing orchards Rights Lands and previlidges tto me now belonging or Any wayes Appertaineing,within matenecoke Alies,killingworth within tthe privilidge of oyster baye for Ever, to poses and tto have and tto hold,tto occopy and inioye,without lett hinderanc or molestation,ffrom me or Any from by or under me,for Ever, Alwayes it tis to be understood I doe Except all m y young Aplle treese lately planted upon ye saide land, and fore Apple treese mor first planting, and my nussery of aple treese and peach treese, But what Is Above Exsprest as tto houseings orchards Rights lands and previlidges onely what is before Exsepted, I doe Confirme for Ever from me my hayres Exsexetors Admin- istrs or Asignes,tto ye saide Samuell ttillier his haires Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes,as Above Exsprest to All intents and purposes as firmly as Can or Could be drawne by any deede of salle, or Convayeanc whatsumever as wittnes m y hand and seale in oyster baye daye and date Abovewritten in ye 32th yeare of ye Raine of Charles ye second king of England scottland franc and Ireland,&c:sined sealed and delevered,in presanc offTho: Townsend John X Robins O Mathyas harvye his mark Oyster Baye this seventh daye of ffebrewary in ye yeare 1680/81 This Bill bindeth m e samuell ttillier of matenecoke Allies killing- worth within ye Confines of oyster baye, m e m y hayres Exsex- etors Administrators or Asignes tto paye or case to bee payed unto John Robins Cordwinder of the Above saide towne and plase,to him his hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes, ye full and Just sum of fortty five pounds Currant paye of this C o l l o n y , a t t h r e e p a y e m e n t s w h i c h is t o b e e u n d e r s t o o d a s f f o l l o w - eth,ye said samuell or his order isto paye twenty pounds to ye said John Robins or his order here in oyster baye at or before the last daye of novembar in ye yeare one thousand six hundred Ayghty and one,and twenty pounds more ye nextt yeare ffollow- ing at or before ye last daye of- turn to ye other leafe-(p.107 Old A )-Novembar in ye yeare one thousand six hundred Ayghty and two And five pounds more ye next yeare following, at or before ye last day of novembar in ye yeare 1683, after ye date Above written,which said three payements isto bee payed in pork at three penc ye pound winter wheat 4s ye bushell, or in other paye Equevielent horseflesh Exsepted,which full payement Is in consideration of A sartin ttrackt of land which I have bought of ye said John Robins as by my deede will Apeare,bare- ing date with this m y bill, att matenecoke Alies killingworth, which said lands and prevelidges Is by these presants bound and stands firme securyty to ye said Robins his hayres or Asignes, and not to bee diposed of to Any parson or partyes whatsum- 8. 0 8 Book A 129 ever,untill ye three payements be fully payed and Comepleated, and to ye tru performanc of this m y bill,and Every other articlle inserted I have hereunto subscribed m y hand sett to m y seale in oyster baye daye and date Above written and in 32th yeare of ye Raigne of oure Soveraigne king Charles ye second king of great britten ffranc and Ireland:& c:Sined sealed and delevered In the presanc off, Tho:Townsend Mathyas harvye Samuell ttiller O desembar ye 9th 1681 then payd to John Robins upon ye Acount of ye Above spesefyed Bill, 1547 lbs. of pork at 3d pounds which Amounts to 19 : 6 : 9 novembr 22th 1682 by Joseph Carpenters noat 20 : 00 : 0 by tobaco and Christopher Croe 00 : 10 0 Bymorepayd Tho:Townsend 05 03 3 which Is the full payement of ye bill 45 : 00 : 00 (p.108 Old A )-Oyster Baye the tenth daye off march in the y e a r e o n e t h o u s a n d s i x h u n d r e d s e v e n t y A y g h t t , B e e itt k n o w n e unto All people to w h o m e tthis Instrament off writting or deede of Convayeanc maye Come or Any wayes Consarne,know yee thatwee Tackapowsha sacham,and Chepye,so called doe upon good Considerations moveing us hereunto ffrely and Absalutely, give Alynate and make over,from us oure haires Exsexetors Ad- ministrators or Asignes for Ever,A sartin neck off land upon the southside of this Island Commanly Called and knowne by ye name of unkawaye neck, within the pattin and previlidge of oyster Baye, unto Thomas Townsend Joseph Carpenter John Townsend senior,John underhill and the Restt offye ffreholdars Inhabitants of Oyster Baye,tto tthem there heyres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes for Ever tto have and to holld occopy posess and Inioye as there owne proper Rights titlles and Intrests for Ever free from Any ffurther Lett hinderanc or molestation from us or Any from by or under us,As ffirmly tto All intents and purposes as maye or Could bee drawne by Any deede off salle or gifftt whatsumever, Acording to law, It tis tto be understood thatwee doe give them A quarter of A mile Above the now In- dion ffutt path northwards, and so to range straight A Crosse the saide neck ffrom River tto River, withall. Including all the lands southward of the said neck downe to ye Solltt medowes, tto the Abovemenshoned parsons ffreholders Inhabytants of oyster baye,and there hayres for Ever As wittnes oure hands and seales in oyster Baye daye and datte Above written, and in the 31th yeare of the Raine off oure soveraine king Charles the secondkingoffgreatBrittingffrancand Ireland:&c 130 Sined Sealed and delevered In presanc off Thomas weebb Clark John X Jones his mark Book A ttakpousha X O his mark (p.109OldA)-A ttrueRecordoutoffthetowneListtofEvery ffreholder tthat hath A Right in unkawaye neck by vertue of ye Indions giftt Thomas Townsend one share,Joseph Carpenter,one,share John townsend senior,one,share,John underhill,one share John Rogers,one, Henry ttownsend senior,one, John townsend:J',one John dickenson one, John wright one George ttownsend,one Thomas Weekes one, nickolas wright one, nathanell Colles one, Caleb wright one, Richard Crabb one, daniell harcutt one, Thomas young one, William Buttlar one, Abraham Aling one, ffranses weeks one, gideon wright one, aron ffurman : J : one, daniell Colles one, Isack doughty one, moses mudge one, Richard Cirby one, Robartt godfree one, Robart Williams one, Thomas willis one, John williams one, John davis one nathan birdsall one, William hudson one, william ffrostt one, John ffexe one, Joseph weeks one, John ffrost one Latemore sampsons one, Joseph dickinson one, henryttownsendJu:one, georg denis one Edmund wright one, Anthony wright one, Jeames ttownsend one, Richard harcutt one, Joseph Ludlam one, mathyas harvy one, Adam wright one, Job wrightt one, Samuell Andras one, Samuellffurman:S:one, Jeames weeks,one, Aron ffurman :S :one, John weeks of warick one, nickolas simkins one, Robartt Colles one, William tthornychrafft one, Jacob Brokins one, georg downing one, Mary willis one, John ttownsend :J :at farms one Ephraim Carpenter one, John Colles one, Jeames Coke one, Josias Latting one, Mathy pryar one, Christop:hoackshurst one, Samuell weeks one, moses ffurman one, John Robins one, Every parson Above menshoned hath Right tto unkawaye neck by Equall devition, haveing payd there Equall proportion in rates,Levied upon ye same,which rate was ;21 lb;given to ye Indions,in gratifykation of there gifft to the towne. Chepy X his mark O Book A 131 (p .110)—Oyster Baye this 21th of Jenewary 1679/80 W e e whose names are hereunto subscribed haveing A Right off lands in unkawaye neck at ye south by vertue of a deede of giftt from ye Sacham ttakapowsha and Chepy made tto tthe In- habytants of oyster Baye in generall in which wee are Consid- ered,datted ye 10th daye of march 1678. know All parsons whome this maye Any wayes Consarne,that wee the subscribed doe by these presants,Asigne and make over our wholle Rights ttitlls and intrestts in the Above saide neck of Land from us oure hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes for Ever,unto Thomas Townsend of oyster baye tto him ye said Thomas his hayers Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes for Ever tto have and tto hold as his or there owne proper Rights ttitlles and Intrest for Ever,he payeing or satesfying to the Con- stablle our proportion of rattes Levyed upon us, for ye procuar- ment of ye said neck,to the performanc hereof we subscribe oure hands daye and date Above written. I doe acknowledge to have reseved of Tho :Townsend ffull satisfacktion for every mans rate upon there right of Lands upon unkawaye neck as wittnes m y hand Abovemenshoned Thomas weeks Constable Jeames weeks Christop : hoakshurstt Samuell weeks Joseph weeks Thomas weeks 2 shares Joseph Carpenter daniellharcutt Richard Cirby georg downing Jacob Brokins Isack doughty danyell Colles (p.111 New A)-This Deed of Conveyance May satisfie all Christian people to whome it may Come or any ways Concern yt I Robert Godfree of Littleworth so called Belonging to Oys- terbay of ye north riding of York Shire Upon Long Island have by these presents Bargained Sold and Delivered from me my heirs Executors administrs and Assigns forever all my whole right title and Interest of Lands Upon Unkaway Neck at ye South Unto Thomas Townsend of Oysterbay aforesd to him ye Sd Thomas Townsend his heirs Executors administrators or as- signs forever To Have and To Hold Occupy and possess as his or their o w n proper Right Title and Interest free from Molesta- tion from me or any from by or under me He having Given me full Satisfaction for ye before mentioned Right of Land by pay- ing my Town Rate to ye former Constable Thomas weekes for ye which I was Rated and further do hereby promise and Ingage to Defend and maintain ye said Thomas his heirs or assigns In their peaceable Injoyment of ye premises from any pretences or 132 Book A Conveyances whatsomever as witness my hand and Seal In Oysterbay this 25th of february 1680/81 and In ye 33 year of ye Raigne of Charles the Second King of Great Britian France and Irland & c Signed Sealed and Delivered In Presence of Josiah Hillman John X Jones Mathew (M ) Coye adam Wright Robert X Godfree his mark (p.112New A)-Oysterbaythis16thofmarch1681 Be itKnown toallpeopletohome thismay any ways Concern yt I James Townsend D o by these presents Assigne and makeover from m e m y heirs Executors administrators or assigns forever unto John Underhill Senj : of Matinecock alies Killingworth to him his heirs Executors administrators or assigns forever Six Certain Shears of meadow upon Oak Neck namly my own ye forth Shear as it fell to m e by Division and ye thirteenth and one & thirtieth shear yt I Bought of Antoney Wright and ye 33d Shear in ye Sd meadow yt I Bought of m y Brother law John weekes and ye 26th Shear of yt I Bought of m y Brother John Townsend and ye Seventeenth Shear in ye Sd meadow which I bought of Richard Crabb all which ye above mentioned Shears of meadow I Do by these presents Confirm to ye above Said John Underhill his heirs or assigns To Have and To hold occupy and Injoye as his or theire own proper right Title and Interest forever from me or any from by or under me forever Having in hand Received a Valuable Consideration for ye premises as wit- ness my Hand in Oysterbay Day and Date above written In presence of Thomas Townsend Recorder Oysterbay this 6th of march 1681 James Townsend Be itKnown to allpeople whome this my deed of Conveyance may any ways Concern yt I John Underhill of Killingworth within ye Township of Oysterbay do by these presents Assigne and make over from me my heirs Executors admrs or assigns forever unto James Townsend of Oysterbay to him ye Said James his heirs Executors admits or assigns forever T w o Acres and ten rods of meadow at ye Beaver Swamp so called Rainging a Cross my two Shears Bounded on ye East with ye Creek and ye Said James meadows on each Side and my own meadow on ye west I say I do by these presents confirm ye Sd Two Acres and ten rods of meadow to ye Said James Townsend his heirs or assigns To Have and To Hold occupy possess and Injoye for- ever without Let hinderance or molestation from m e or any from by or under me forever I having received a valuable Considera- Book A 133 tion for ye same to m y Content as witness m y hand In Oysterbay day and date above written In presence Thomas Townsend Recorder John Underhill (p.113New A)-Be itKnownUntoallmenbythesepresents that I John Rogers n o w Inhabitant In Oysterbay In ye north rid- ing in n e w Y o r k Shire o n L o n g Island d o b y these presents Sell and Alinate A Certain Lot of Land Lying and Being at ye South Upon a Neck Called Unkaway Lying on ye East side being ye Threantwentieth Lot I Say I have Sold from me my heirs and admits and Assigns Unto Robert Coles him his heirs admts or assigns forever To have and To hold for his proper Use and Right Title and Interest and to ye true performance of this m y deed of Sale I have hereunto Set to m y hand & Seal In Oyster- bay this 28th of Apriel 1681 Signed Sealed and delevered In presents of us Mathias Harvy John(R)Rogers O Moses Mudge I John Rogers do own I have already received full Satisfaction for ye above mentioned Land Oysterbay this 22th of June 1681 Be itthen Known unto all people and persons whome it may anyways Concern yt I Robert Coles of masketicove Do by these presents Transmit assigne and makeover unto John Townsend Senj.of Lusum within ye Township of Oysterbay Twenty Acres of Land Lying and Being in Lusum which Land I Bought of Robert williams and Bounded on ye South Side with ye afore- said John Townsends Lands and on ye north side by Richard Townsends Lands and ye Streat or highway on ye Eastend ac- cording to Expressions & plain words of m y bill of Sale yt I had of Robert williams bearing date ye 25th of december 1668 I say I do hereby assigne and makeover ye abovesaid Twenty acres of Land from m e m y heirs Executors administrators and assigns forever unto ye abovesaid John Townsend To him his heirs or assigns forever to have and To hold possess and Injoye without Lethinderance or Molestation from me or any from by or under me forever having In possession for ye Consideration thereof thirty acres of Land as ye Records of Oysterbay doth Manifest and Declare and this as m y act and Deed I have hereunto Sub- scribedmyhandandSettomy SealDayanddateabovewritten Test Job Wright Robert Coles John Townsend (p.114New A)-Be itKnownuntoallpeopleandpersons whome this may any ways Concern yt I John Townsend Senj: of Lusum within ye Township of Oysterbay do hereby own and acknoledge that I have Bargained Sold and Delivered Unto 134 Book A Robert Coles of masketicove Within ye Township aforesd thirty acres of wood Land Lying and being near Lusum and Joyning to ye Line of Division of Lands Between Robert williams and ye T o w n of Oysterbay on ye North Side ye first bounder whereof is a great Chasnutt Tree at ye Southend of ye Swamp or Slow of Water runing a Cross ye now path going to Lusum and from ye Said Chestnut tree first bounder he is to rainge South to ye abovesd Line of Division and from thence to Rainge East ye Line of Division being ye South bounder and Job wrights Land there Laid out to be his North bounder and his to rainge So far East Between ye Aforesd Lines from ye first bounder untell ye thirty acers of Land above Spacified be fully made up I John Townsend do hereby Acknoledge yt I have Sold ye above Said thirty acres of wood Land from me my heirs Executors admin- istrators or assigns forever Unto ye above said Robert Coles to him his heirs or assigns To have and To hold possess and Injoye without Let hinderance or molestation from me or any from by or under me forever I having received In possession Twenty Acres of Lands at Lusum In full Consideration of ye premises as Witness M y hand and Seal Oysterbay this 22th of June 1681 Test Thomas Townsend John Townsend Job wright John Townsend Senj O Lusum this 12th of September in ye Year 1679 B e it K n o w n unto all M e n to w h o m e this Instrument of writting Shall any ways Concern yt I Robert Williams of Lusum upon Long Island in ye North riding of N e w Yorkshire upon good Considerations moveing m e thereunto do acknoledge to have Bar- gained and Sold madeover unto John Robbins of matinecock and in ye same Island and Riding aforesaid ye full and Just S u m of Twenty Acres of wood Land Lying and being at a place Called ye Spring Lying-(p.115 Old A )-Northeast or thereaboutts ffrom my dwelling house,And twenty Accars of plaine land Lying on the south side of the great hollow path, with suffitiant Commoning for his Chattells with wood and Timbar for his use as far fforth as m y land is Capable to Acomodate him withall, I Robart williams doe owne to have sould the Abovesaide lands and previlidges from me my hayres sucksesors and asignes to the abovesaid John Robins from him his hayres sucksesors and Asignes for Ever,to Inioye As there owne propar Right and In- trest,nevar to be molested by me nor Any from me,As witnes m y hand and seale the daye and date first Above written and in the thirty one yeare of the kings Raine,yett notwithstanding this Above menshoned Bill doth make mention of the twenty Accars oflandistolyatA placeCaledyespring,itistobeunderstood that part of the twenty Accars is to be in A home lott lying at ye spring and the Remaindar of the twenty Accars to ly west Book A of the highewaye signed sealed and delevered 135 inye presanc of us John Townsend,senior John williams Robertwilliams O Bee itt knowne unto All Christion people to whome this oure deed off gifftt maye Come or Any wayes Consarne know yee that w e Beneath Subscribed the Indion propriators off A sartin trackt off Lands Called matenecoke within the pattent and pre- vilidges off oyster Baye upon Longisland, upon good Consid- erations moveing us hereunto doe hereby ffrely give Asigne Aly- nateand make over from us oure hayres Exsexetors Administra- tors or Asignes for Ever,unto Isack doughty an Inhabytant of oyster Baye, A sartin trackt of Lands whare hee now lives by hemsted harboure soe Called on the East side Joyning to the saidharboureonyewest,& muschedaCovesouthlinehisnorth Boundar,and the now ffuttpath ffrom muschedacove to ye har- bour head, ye East boundar, the south west Boundar begining at A black oak tree nere the sayd path by us markt, from thenc westwardly to A Red oak markt, ffrom thenc to A maple tree with three branches markt,from thenc to A Chestnut oake tree- turn over-(p.116 Old A )—Against his house,and ffrom thenc tothe Abovesaide harboure Including all ye medow,ffresh and soltt, uplands and swamps within ye Abovesaide Bounds and limits,to ye Abovesaide Isack doughty his hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes forEver to have and to hold occopy and poses and Inioye without ffurthar Lett hinderanc or molesta- tion,from us or Any from by or under us for Ever haveing ffrely given ye same without Exspecktation of further reward or Resarvation of satesfaction,As witnes our hands and Seales in oyster Baye Jully ye 5th 1681 with previlidge off graseing and ttimbar Elswhare upon our Right off lands Sined sealed and delevered In the presanc of us Thomas Townsend Mathyas harvye Suskaneman X O his mark These maye sarteffy All Christion people tto whome Itt maye Come or Any wayes Consarne know yee that wee beneath sub- scribed ye Indion propriators of the lands of matenecoke being within ye pattent and previlidge off oyster baye within ye north- riding of yorkshare upon Longisland,upon good Considerations moveing us hereunto have By these presants Bargined sould and delevered ffrom us our hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes for Ever tten Ackers of woodlands at matenecoke,unto Josias Latting senior of ye same place, being and Bounded as followeth, fronting to ye highwaye or strete whare his now dwelling house stands northward,and to ye highwaye on ye East wehrow X his mark O 136 Book A side,and John Robins lands on ye west side Ranging southwardly by ye foresaide bounders untill ye Abovesaide ten Akers of land be ffully made up to ye Abovesaide Josias Latting to him his hayres Exsexetors Adminsts or Asignes for Ever,to have and to hold occopy poses and inioye for Ever without further lett hinderanc or molestation from us or Any from by or under us, for Ever haveing Reseved ffull satisfacktion of ye Abovesaid Josias Latting for ye Abovesaid premises as wittnes our hands and seales in oyster baye this 5th of Jully 1681 & in ye 33th yeare of ye raine of king Charles ye second king of great britin franc & Ireland:&c. Sined sealed & delevered in ye presanc of us Thomas Townsend Mathyas harvye Suskaneman X his mark Wehrow X hismark (p. 117 Old A )-These maye sarteffy All Christion people tto whome Itt maye Come or Any wayes Consarne,know yee that wee beneath subscribed,the indion propriators of the Lands of matenecoke being within the pattent and previlidges of oyster Baye, within the north Riding of yorkshare upon long island, upon good Considerations moveing us hereunto have By these presants Bargined sould and delevered from us oure hayres Ex- sesetors Adminsts or Asignes forEver, ten Ackars of wood lands at matenecok unto John Robins now an Inhabytant within ye previlidges of lewsum of oyster Baye, and lying bounded as ffolloweth, ffronting to the highwaye or strete northwardly twenty five rods in Bredth and Josias Lattings lands on ye East side and,John davis Lands on the west side And Ranging south- wardly Betwene ye Aforesaide Boundars sixty fore Rods which saide ten Ackers of lands Abovemenshoned,wee have sould and delevered from us oure hayres Exsexetors Administs or Asignes for Ever, unto ye Abovesaide John Robins to him his hayres Exsexetors Administs or Asignes to have and to hold occopy poses and inioye for Ever, without further Lett hinderanc or molestation,from us or Any from by or undar us for Ever, haveing Reaseved ffull satisfecktion of ye Abovesaide John Rob- ins for ye abovesaide premises,As wittnes oure hands and seales in oyster Baye this 5th of Jully 1681 and in ye 33th yeare of ye Raine of king Charles ye Second king of great Britten franc and Ireland:&c Sinedsealedanddelevered in the presanc of us, Thomas Townsend mathyas harvy SuskanemanXhismark O Wehrow X hismark Asigned B y m e John Robins off killingworth within the Bounds of oyster Baye,ye holle & solle Contents of this Above written Book A 137 deed unto Samuel Tillyar I saye Asigned from m e m y heyres and Asignes,for Ever,unto the saide Tillyar,to him his heyres and Asignes,for Ever,As wittnes my hand in oyster Baye this 5th of Jully 1681 John X Robins Sined in the presanc off us his mark Thomas Townsend mathyas harvye (p.118 Old A )-These maye sarteffy All Christion people to whome Ittmaye any wayes Consarne know yee that wee beneath Subscribed tthe Indion propriators of the Lands off matenecoke, Being within ye patent and previlidges off oyster Baye,within the north Riding of yorkshare upon Long Island, upon good Considerations moveing us hereunto have By these presants Bargined sould and delevered ffrom us oure heyres Exsexetors Administs or Asignes for Ever, tten Ackars off wood lands at matenecok,unto John Davis now An Inhabytant in ye same place being Liing & Bounded as ffolloweth ffronting to ye hygh- waye or streete northwardly twenty five Rods in Breadth, and John Robins Lands on ye East side,and ye Comans on ye west side A Ranging southwardly Betwene ye Aforesaide Bounders sixty fore Rods which said ten Ackars of lands Above men- shoned,wee have sould and delevered from us oure hayres Ex- sexetors Administs or Asignes for Ever unto ye Abovesaide John davis to him his hayres Exsexetors Administo: or Asignes to have and to hold occopy poses and Inioye for Ever without ffurther Lett hinderanc or molestation, from us or Any from by or undar us for Ever,haveing Reseved ffull Satesfacktion of ye Abovesaid John davis,for ye Abovesaid premises,As wittnes oure hands and seales in oyster Baye this 5th of Jully 1(6)81 and in ye 33th yeare of ye Raine of Charles ye second king of great Brit- ten ffranc & Ireland Sinedsealedanddelevered inthepresancofus, Thomas Townsend Mathyas harvye SuskanemanXhismark O werowX hismark (p.119 Old A )- W e e Beneath subscribed haveing A differanc depending betwene us doe By these presants manyfest and de- clarethat wee have and doe Joyntly make Choyce,of ourr trusty and welbeloved frends and nayghboures mathyas harvy nathanell Colles,John weekes and Tho :Townsend,as Arbytrators to here Exsamine and finally to determin,all oure Acoumpts and differ- ancesdependingbetweneus,fromthebeginingofallouredealings to this presant daye,to which wee Bind oure selves oure hayres Exsexetors or Asignes in ye penuall sum of twenty pounds Cur- ant monyes of this Collony forfitt and payable upon all demands by him of us that shall not stand to and Abide by the Award of 138 Book A oure Abovesaide Arbytrators,to him of us that shall Acknoledge and Abide ye same,further wee give full power to oure Above- said arbytrators that upon there nott Agreeing in there Judg- ments as to oure diferances Layde before them,they have full power hereby to make Choyce off an umpeor, who shall have power to give A deffinitave sentanc to ye differanc,provided itt be Concluded and the Differanc ffully desided betwene us B y the sun setting the 28th off this Instant, otherwayes to be voyde, to which we Enterchangably Subscribe oure hands and settto oure seales to Each other in oyster Baye this 26th of sept: 1681 Sined sealed and delevered in the presanc of us, Adom Wrightt Caleb wright Robart story John newman O Whareas this Bond Robartt story of new york and John new- m a n of this towne Junior have Committed All differances depend- ing Betwene them wee haveing seriously ttaken,there differances into oure serious Considerations oure A w a r d is that all accounts betwene them are by us balanced and,an End,to All differances betwene them whatsumever and this as oure Ackt wee have here- unto sett to oure hands in oyster Baye this 27th of 7ber 1681 mathyas harvy nathanell Colles John weekes Tho : Townsend (p. 120 Old A )-This Instrament of writing witneseth to all Christion people to whome itmaye come or Any wayes Consarne, k n o w yee that w e beneath subscribed ye indion propriators of a sartin trackt of land within the pattin and previldges of oyster Baye Comonly Called and knowne by the name of matenecoke,doe by these presants Bargin Sell Allinate and make over from us oure hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes for Ever, A sar- tain trackt or parsell of wood land at matenecoke Containeing in quantety ten Ackers more or less Being twenty foure polles wide in Breadth fronting southward to ye highwaye Against ye lands wee formerly sould to John Robins latte Inhabytant of ye same place,and at ye north End Joyneing to ye lands formerly sould by Thomas frances to Richard latting and nathan Birchell;of ye Aforesaide place,wee saye and doe Acknowledge by these pres- ants as Abovesaide inserted,yt wee have sould and by these presants delevered ye Abovesaide ten Akars of wood lands more or less Before ye Asignement hereof unto Josias Latting of the Abovesaid place to him his hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes for Ever to occopy poses improve and inioye for Ever a s h i s o r t h e r e o w n e p r o p e r r i g h t titell a n d i n t r e s t f r o m u s o r A n y from by or under us for Ever,haveing Reaseved A valuable Con- Book A 139 sideration for ye same as witnes oure hands and seales att matene- coke this 18th of oktobar, 1681 in presanc of further to be undar- stood ye Abovesaid ten ackars of lands lieth betwene william hudsons lands and John davis,witnes oure hand & seale Testes Tho :Townsend Joseph Carpenter Sehor X his mark Suskaneman X his mark WeroughX hismark This Instrament of writting witneseth tto All Christion people towhome itmaye Come or Any wayes Consarn,know yee that wee beneath subscribed the Indion propriators of A sartin trackt of land within the patin and previlidges of oyster Baye Comanly Called and known by the name of matenecok,doe by these pres- ants Bargin sell Allinate and make over from us oure hayres Ex- sexetors Administrators or Asignes for Ever A sartin trakt or parsell of wood land at matenecoke,Containeing in quantety ten Ackars more or less, Being twenty one polle wide in bredth- turn over-(p.121 Old A )-ffronting southward to ye highwaye Against ye lands we formerly sould to Josias Latting Inhabytant ofye same place,and at ye north End Joyneing to ye lands for- merly sould By Tho: ffranses tto Richard latting and nathan birchall of ye Aforesaide place,wee Saye and doe,acknowledge by these presants as Abovesaide inserted that wee have sould and by these presants delevered the Abovesaide tenn Ackars of wood land more or Less before ye Asignement hereof unto william Hudson of the Abovesaide place to him his hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes for Ever,tto occopy poses improve and inioye for Ever,as his or there owne proper Right ttitell and intrest,from us or Any from by or under us for Ever,haveing reseved A valuable Consideration for ye same, as witnes oure hands and seales att matenecoke this 18th of ocktobar 1681,ffur- ther to be understood ye Abovesaid ten ackars of lands lieth on ye East of Josias lattings lands, ye deed bareing date with this deed, Signed sealed and delevered in presanc of us ttestes Tho : Townsend Joseph Carpenter Seahor X his mark Suskaneman X his mark Werow X his mark (p.122 Old A )-This Instrament of writting wittneseth to All Christion people to whome Itt maye Come or Any wayes Con- sarne,know yee that wee beneath subscribed the Indion propria- tors of a sartain trackt of land within the pattin and previlidge of oyster Baye Commanly Called and knowne By the name of matenecoke,doe by these presants Bargin sell Allinate and make over from us oure hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes for Ever,A sartain trackt or parsell of wood lands at matenecock Containeing in quantety tenn Ackars more or less,Being twenty O 140 Book A six polle wide in breadth fronting southward to the highwaye, against ye lands wee formerly sould to Josias latting,John Robins and John davis,all three of ye same place,and at the north end Joyneing to ye lands formerly sould By Tho :franses tto Richard Latting, and nathan Birchall, of ye Abovesaid place, wee saye and doe acknowledge by these presants as above inserted,that wee have sould and by these presants delevered ye Abovesaid ten Ackars of wood lands more or less before the Asignement hereof unto John davis,of the Abovesaide place to him the saide John davis,his hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes for Ever,to occopy poses improve and inioye forEver,as his or there owne proper Right titelland intrest,from us or Any from by or under us for Ever,haveing reseved A valuable Consideration for ye same as witnes oure hands and seales att matenecoke this 18th of ocktobar, 1681 further to be understood ye Abovesaide ten Ackars of land lieth and Joyneth on ye westt side of Josias Lattings ten ackars bareing date with this deed witnes oure hands Signed sealed and delevered in presanc of us ttestes Tho :Townsend Joseph Carpenter Seahor X his mark Suskaneman X his mark Werow X hismark (p.123 New A )—Oysterbaye ye 2d Day of January 1681 I Josias Latting N o w Inhabitant at Matinecock within ye pat- tent and Township of oysterbay abovesaid do hereby Assigne and Absolutely Alinate and Make over from me my heirs Ex- ecutors administrators and Assigns for Ever all m y right title and Interest In and to a Certain Shear of Salt meadow Lying by the Harbour side on ye north of ye town of oysterbay which Shear was formerly Robart furmans Deceasd bounding on ye East Side to Joseph Ludlums meadow and Elizabeth Townsends mead- ows on ye west Side and fronting on ye South to ye highway and Bounded with ye Ditch at ye rear ye northend I say and acknol- edge ye abovesd Shear of meadow to be absolutly assigned and hereby madeover unto John wright of Oysterbay to him his heirs Executors administrators or assigns forever To Have and To Hold occupy possess and Injoye as his or their own proper right titleand Interest from me or any from by or under me forever having Received a Valuable Consideration In meadow at Mat- inecock alis Beaver S w a m p Being in Quantity Equall with ye above Said Shear of meadow to ye performance whereof of this m y deed of Conveyance I have hereunto Subscribed m y hand andSettomy SealedayanddateabovewrittenandInye33: Year of our majesties Reigne Charles ye Second King of Great Brittian ffrance and Irland & c Signed Seald In presanc of us Thomas Townsend John Townsend JosiasLatting O Book A 141 (p.124 New A )—Oysterbaye ye 2d Day of January 1681 This deed of Conveyance witnesseth that I John wright now Inhabitant within ye Town of Oysterbay abovesaid do hereby Assigne alinate and Makeover from me my heirs Executors ad- ministrators and Assigns forever a Certain peice or parcell of Meadows fresh and Salt at ye Beaver Swamp-meadows so calld which was formerly m y father Nicolas Wrights Beginning at ye Southwestend of ye Sd Shear Next into Chagechageing Swamp So cald Rainging Northeast by James Townsend Meadows on ye South Side and Chegeing River on ye north Side Including Be- tween ye Sd bounders from ye above Said Swamp into ye Sd Shear of meadow northeast In quantity so much Meadow as I have received of Josias Latting at oysterbay bearing date with this present on ye other Side Incerted,I'John Wright abovesaid do hereby acknoledge to have absolutly assigned and madeover ye above Said Quantity of meadow Inserted as abovesaid unto Josias Latting of matinecock within ye Township of Oysterbay To him ye Said Josias Lating his heirs Executors administrators or assigns To have and To hold occupy possess and injoye from me or any from by or under me forever as witness my hand and Seal day and Date above written and In ye 33d Year of ye Reigne of our Sovrign King Charles ye Second King of Great Brittian France and Irland & c Signed,Seal,d In presenc of us Thomas Townsend John Townsend JohnWright O (p.125 Old A)-Bee ittknowne unto allmen whome thispres- antt writing maye Consarne that I Alce Crab,of oyster Baye in ye northriding of Longisland and in ye Juridicktion of newyork, have sould and made over from me my hayres Exsexetars Ad- ministrators or Asignes, All m y Right titell intrest of severall parts or persells of Land situate liing and being upon hogisland which was formerly John underhills namely,A fowar ackar Lott atthe Brick kills,be itmore or less,with three Ackars more or less in numbar 12 with A share of medow on ye East side of ye said Island,in numbar 22 and one peece of land of halfe an acker be itmore or less,on ye hill neare ye landing place numbar 21,with seven Ackers be it more or leess lying on ye north side of ye great medow numbar 13,with all other Rights and previl- idges yt are or maye be hereafter to be layd out,I the aforesayd Alce Crab have sould and by vertue of this deed doe makeover for Ever from me my hayres Executars Administrators or Asignes unto John underhill Sonn of ye Aforesaide,John under- hill,now inhabytant in killingworth to him his hayres Executors Administrs or Assigns for Ever to have and to hold,giveing him peacably possession, and also by these writing doe iniage ye sale 142 Book A to be lawfull,haveing reseved full satesfaction,witnes oure hands ye 9th daye of ye 3d month Called Aprill in ye yeare 1680 sealed signed and delevered in the presanc of us Isack hornar John ffeke Thomas Cock AlceXCrab O her mark and sele K n o w all m e n b y these presants that I m a t h e w prier of Killing- worth in ye north riding of new york Jurydicktion,doth give and bequeath from me my hayres Exececutors Administrators or Asignes, unto John underhill of ye same place and County all m y right titell intrest of A sartein parsell of land by Estemation sixtene akers be it more or less sittuate liing and being in killing- worth bounded with ye Corne krick on ye south,on ye west with, nathan Burchams,lott,on ye north with Jeames Cokes lott,on ye East with part of my owne land,as also the right of owne share of medow it being ye first share in numbar by Estemation two Ackars,and A halfe,itwas formerly Richard Crabs of oyster Baye it is Adioyneing unto one share of ye aforesayde John underhills on ye southside on ye west with Jeames Coks land on ye north with oake neck beach, on ye East with ye Crick, I ye Aforesaid mathew priar,doth give from me my hayres Ex- secutors Administrators or Asignes all m y right titell or intrest of these aforesaide lands and medow,unto ye Aforesaide John underhill, his hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes to have and to hold for Ever,for ther proper right,without Any molestation or disturbanc from me,or Any by my meanes,or any yt shall suckseede m e , wittnes m y hand and sele ye one an- twentyeth daye of second month Called Aprill in ye forth yeare of Edmon Adross being governar of newyork Juridicktion in ye yeare Anno domini 1678 sealed signed and delevered in ye presanc of us Isack Hornar samuell Andrewes mathew priar O (p.126OldA)-To alCristionpeoplettowhomeThesepresants shallCome RobarttSttoryoftheCittyofnewyorkmarchant,and John Boone of ffleshing on Long Island planter,Attornyes,unto Thomas Hartt of London, marchantt send gretting know yee tthatt wee ye saide Robartt Sttory and John Boone, for and in Consideration of ye S u m of one hundred and Twenty pounds new England monye To us in hand payed or secured,tto be payd, by Simon Cooper of Shrosebury in ye province of new Jerseye, Chyrurgion, for ye only proper use and Behoofe of him ye Sd Tho:Hartt,ye Receipttthereof wee doe hereby Acknowledge, and from Every partt and parsell thereof doe Acquitt Exonerate Book A 143 and dischargehim the Sd,Simon Cooper Have granted Bargained and sould and bye These presants,doe hereby ffully Clearly and Absolutely grant Bargin and, sell unto ye Sd Simon Cooper his hayres and Asignes for Ever all the Right ttitell Claim, or pre- tence of all houses lands Ilands necks of land medowes orchards, jardiens with there, and Every of there Apurtenanses in as full andAmplemaner,asheye SdTho:Harttnathanellsilvesterand Lattemore sampson purchased, ye same in parttnership, from John Richbill,and Ann his wife as by there sartain bill of salle bareing date ye 17th daye of novembar 1666,the Relation there- unto had maye more at large Apeare, and by Another sartain deede or writting from Jeames Loyde, of Boston in new Eng- land marchant bareing datte,ye seventh daye of ocktobar, 1678, wharein ye Sd Jeames loyde,doth Acknowledg to have Reseved full satisfacktion for ye same, that Is to Saye one third partt of all yt neck of medow, fresh and Solltt Called fortt neck or one third partt of five shares or A ffifftt partt to be sett outt upon ye saide medow, fresh and solltt of all belonging to ye towne of oyster Baye,liing and being upon ye southside of long- island,and allyt messuage tennemant or dwelling house,wharein formerly dweltt John Richbell which was then with two gardens one orchard,thre lotts of Land one swomp and one medow or pece of soltt mash Containing in all twenty Ackers more or less, sittuate liing and being in ye towne of oyster Baye Aforesaide, and bounded to ye south,with ye highwaye to ye west with John underhills lott,to ye East with A small Brook,with three lotts of medow,-turn over-(p.127 Old A )-Thereunto Belonging one of them lying at or nere Cove neck and ye other two in ye towne home medowes,one lott of Clered land Containing five Ackers more or less,liingand being betwene,nathanell Sillvesters Lott and mathyas harvyes and natha:Colles,lott,with ye high- waye to ye south and ye sea to ye north,and one share of medow at matenecok,and halfe a Share of medow at ye south,one pece offland,Containeing forty Ackers more or less being ye poynt of Cove neck and ye one fiftenth partt of ye Remaindar of ye saide Cove neck, and one share or lott on hogiland, together, withall ye Right titell demand intrestt and pretence whatsoever he ye said Tho : Hartt hath or Ever had in and to ye premises,or Any part or parsell thereof soe transported as Aforesaide, B y the Sd John Richbill,and Jeames loyde,to have and to hold ye Sd houses lands woodland Iland neck of land medowes marsh pas- tures Cominidge orchards gardens swomps water lakes woods undarwood wayes fencing and fencing stuff,and all and Singular ye premises with there and every of there,Apurtenanses,unto ye said Simon Cooper,his hayres and Asignes,unto ye proper use and Behoofe,of him ye Sd,Simon Cooper his hayres and As- signes for Ever,and ye Sd Robartt story and John Boone,for and on ye behalfe,of the sayd Tho :Hartt doth promise and in- 144 Book A iage,to and with ye sayde Simon Cooper to give posestion of ye premises, and Every part and parsell thereof, and he to Enter and poses ye same from ye date of these presants,with warenty Against all parsons Claimeing from by or under him, them or Eyther of them, in or to ye premises or Any part or parsell thereof,in testemony whareof,we ye Sd Robart story and John Boone,by vertue of oure power Aforesaide, for and on ye be- halfe of Tho : Hartt have hereunto sett oure hands and seales this 27th daye of June 1681 Seled and delevered in presanc of william Richardsoon samuell spicer obadiah willkins hanry willis Robartstory O in ye behalfe of Tho : hartt John Boone O in ye behalfe of Tho:hartt (p. 128 Old A )- B e itt knowne unto, all men whome these presantt Instrament of writting maye Any wayes Consarne,yt I John Rogers of oyster Baye inye north Riding af new yorkshare have Covenanted Bargined Sould and delevered unto petter pang- bourne two Accars of Land,lying and Being betwene ye two Cleffts;Being Bounded on ye south East side,with ye Edge of ye Clefftt, on ye south with A whiteoake, on ye south Westt, with A red oake,and on ye north west,with a stake:ye saide parcell of Land as Above menshoned,I doe owne to have sould from m e , m y hayres and Asignes for Ever unto ye sayd petter pangborne tto him his hayres and Asignes for Ever,to have and to hold ; I doe Also iniage m e m y hayres and Asignes to defend ye sayd pangborne,him,his hayres and Asignes,in ye quiat and peasable posestion of this parcell of land,which I have sould him, and haveing Reseved full satesfacktion, to m y Content, I have hereuntosettto,my hand,and affixedmy seale,this9thdaye of march,in ye yeare of oure lord 1682 and in ye 34th yeare of oure Soveraine. Signed sealed and delevered in ye presanc of us, Mathyas Harvye Jeames Robertson ttestes Tho : Townsend John(R)Rogers O his mark maye ye first 1682 then this Abovesaid deed recorded is made voyde and returned to John rogers and his Asignes Againe wit- nesmy hand. Peter Pangborne. This Instrament of writting wittneseth to All Christion people to whome itt maye Come or Any wayes Consarne,know yee yt whareas I nickolas Simkins of muschedacove haveing A sartin parcell of land called and knowne by ye name of ye westermost Book A 145 littell Iland nextt Adioyneing to ye small neck of Land or littell Iland soe called formerly given by ye Indions to Robart wil- liams As By my dded of gifft from ye Indion propriators,Bare- ing date ye sevententh daye of desembar 1678 : and haveing Re- seved and legall posestion given me of ye Above saide Iland or neck of land,from ye Indions propriators Acording to law I doe upon good Considerations moveing me hereunto haveing my daughter sarah maryed by Consent,unto william willson,Joynar now Residing att muschedacove,within ye previlidge and towne- shipe of oyster Baye, doe frelly give, Allynate and make over unto m y daughter sarah willson now wife unto william willson, and unto m y said soon in law william willson and unto the hayres of m y saide daughter sarah lawfully Begotten Betwene m y sayd soon in law william willson and m y daughter- (p.129 Old A )- daughter Sarah his wife for Ever,The moyaty or halfe partt of ye sayd Iland or neck of land as Abovemenshoned to have and tohold poses and inioye for Ever,without further Lett hinder- anc or molestation from me or Any from by or undar me for Ever,always provided and to be undarstood yt if m y sayd daugh- ter sarh willson shall B y providanc of god desease without Issue by my soon inlaw william willson,yt then and after for Ever during ye life of m y sayd soon in law william willson, hee is to poses and inioye the Abovesayd land as his proper Right titell and intrest,But after his desease to returne to m y daughter mary telyar and Samuel ttellyar her husband and there hayres lawfully Begotten,betwene them,upon ye same Conditions as Abovesaide andinserted,Butifmy sayddaughtermarytellyarshalldesease ye wife of samuell tillyar without child or children,that ye saide lands Abovemenshoned to returne to me my hayres or asignes Againe to mine or there dispose for Ever, as witnes m y hand and seale in muschedacove this 25th daye of march in ye yeare 1682. Signed sealed and delevered, in presanc of us ttestesTho:Townsend,Towne Recordar nickolas Simkins This above written Deed is by ye unanimous consent of all ye ties therein concerned Dilivered up cancelled & made void M a y y e : 1 1 : 1 6 8 7 : a n d t h e y all g a v e o r d e r t o h a v e it h e r e r e c o r d e d by John Newman Recorder This Indenture made ye tenth daye of maye,1682 Acording to ye Computation of ye Church of England witneseth,yt I Petter pangborne,Cordwindar now Residing at oyster Baye within ye north riding of yorkshare upon longisland,acording to statute in such Cases provided,have place and putt forth my second sonn Edman pangborne an Aprintize,with and unto John Rogers hus- bandman of ye same towne and place,for and untill he be of ye full age of one an twenty yeares,from ye daye of ye date hereof, 146 Book A during all which terme of time,ye said John Rogers doth Cove- nant promise and Agree,to find unto ye said Edmond pangborne his Aprintize, Suffitiant meat drink and Aparell washing and Lodging suffitiant for such aprintize,and when ye said Edmon pangborne, Cometh to ye age of sixtene yeares, ye said Rogers his master doth iniage to delever him a good breding mare and a thre yeare old heffer, for his owne proper intrest, But during his Aprintizeship his said master to have ye owne halfe of ye increase mainetaineing ye princsaple,and at ye End of ye saide terme,to give him two sutes of Aparell ye owne for saboth dayes, and ye other for working dayes, with ten ackares of Land by huckellbery poynt soe called and two three yeare old steres, and ifye saide Rogers should desease,before the said Edmons sarvi- tude be exspired yt then he isto remaine with his now wife,and noe other parson,and if ye said Ann Rogers shall deasease allso before ye saide Edmons Aprintizeship,be out,yt then,he is free to returne to his father Againe with all gifts and profitts iniaged, in witnes whareof we have interchangeably sett to oure hands seales, in oyster bay daye and date Above writen, allso ye said John Rogers doth iniage to bring up ye said Edmond to reding writing and casting Acoumpts, Acording to ye Costome of this place signed sealed and delevered inpresancofus mathyas Harvy Tho : Townsend peter pangborne O John(R)Rogers O his mark this Indenture made voyde may 11th 1682 (p.130OldA)-Be Ittknowneuntoallmenbythesepresants, yt we ye Indions belonging unto matenecock upon Longisland, suskenamen sehor werah,haveing with ye whole consent,of ye rest of ye Indions,thereunto belonging,sould unto Isack Hornar of oyster Baye,upon Longisland,A sartaine partt or parsell of Land and swomp Lying and Being at bever swomp soe called, from A Chestnutt tree, upon ye hill nere ye high waye, from thenc to run East sixty Eyght rod,and ye midell of ye Brook,to be ye East bounds and from ye Aforesaide Chestnutt tree to run north one hundred and twenty rods to A Black oake standing betwixt two branches at ye run Called ye midell run,halph of yt run and swomp to be ye line,from thenc Easterly sixty Eyght rod,to ye full vallew of ffifty Ackers be it more or Less for and in Consideration of:7:£ in hand to be payd,and three pound, at ye mickellmess after, and : 5 :£ ye fall following, which will be in ye yeare 1683,we the Aforesaide Indions have sould from us oure hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes all oure rights,therein ttitlles intrest unto Isack Hornar,to him his hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes for Ever,peasably to pos- Book A 147 ses and Inioye wittnes oure hands and seales this 26th daye of Aprill in the yeare 1682 Signed sealed and delevered in presanc off us Tho : Townsend John wrightt Suscaneman X his mark O Sehor X his mark werah X his mark oyster Baye Aprill ye 26th of ye yeare 1682 Bee Itt knowne unto all Christion people to whome these pres- ants maye Come or Any wayes Consarne know yee,yt wee the Indions propriators of A sartin trackt of Land,Comanly Called and knowne by ye name of matenecoke, within ye pattin and towneship of oyster baye upon good and divors Considerations moveing us hereunto, have and doe ffrelly give as A free giftt Alynate and make over for Ever, fiftty Ackars of wood land upon matenecok unto Thomas Townsend of oyster baye,to him ye sayd Thomas his hayres or Asignes with free privilidge in timbar and graseing upon Any partt of Commans belonging to us,unsould upon matenecok soe Called for Ever,ye fifty Ackars of land Abovegiven and menshoned,Is Lying and being bounded asffolloweth,onthenorthsideof turnovertoyeotherlefe- (p.131 Old A)-The now ffuttpathytgoethtomuschedacove whare ye old Cart path waye Cometh into the futt waye formarly made from oyster baye to muschetacove,ye first Boundar South- east,beginning at A reed oak tre on ye southside of ye sayd futt path ranging fifty rod west by ye sayd path to A small white oake tre, from thenc north one hundred and sixty rods upon A straight line,thenc East to A Chestnutt tree by us markt in ye hollow, from thence south one hundred and sixty rod to ye first boundar,ye which abovesayd fifty Ackars of Land more or less as Above menshoned and bounded,with free privilidges of tim- bar and grasing,we doe frely give and make over,unto ye Sd Tho:Townsend his hayres or Asignes for Ever,to have and to hold poses and inioye as his or there proper right titell and in- trest from us oure hayres Exsexetors administrators or asignes or A n y from by or undar us for Ever,Justefying and mainetayne- ing him or them in there quiatt, Inioyement of ye premises, as witnes our hands and seales in oyster baye daye and date Above writen • Signed sealed and delevered in presanc of us John weeks John wright Suskaneman X his mark Sehor X his mark werah X his mark oyster Baye Aprill ye 26th in ye yeare 1682 B e e itt k n o w n e u n t o all C h r i s t i o n p e o p l e t o w h o m e t h e s e p r e s - ants maye Come or Any wayes Consarne,know yee yt we ye Indion propriators of A sartain trackt of land Comanly Called 148 Book A & Knowne by ye name of matenecok,within ye paten and towne- ship of oyster baye,upon good and divors Considerations move- ing us hereunto,have bargined sould,and by legall posestion de- levered acording to law a sartain trackt of woodland upon matene- coke in quantety three score ackers more or les as bounded unto John ffexe of ye same place,to him ye sayd John and his hayres or Asignes for Ever,ye firstbounds whareof beginning at Tho : Townsends southwest boundar by ye fut path yt goeth to mus- chetacove by his deede bareing date with this deed, and from thence west fifty rods to A sartain black oake tree on ye south- side of ye foresaide path, being a markt tree in ye line and bounds of muscketacove lands,and from ye said tree north by muschetacove line one hundred and seventy six Rod to a Chestnut tre by us markt,and from thenc East one hundred and forty rods to a small red oak markt,and from thence south sixtene rod to a Chestnuttreeinahollow,Tho:Townsends northeastboundar, thence west by ye reare of ye said Tho :Townsends land to his northwest bounder,and thence south one hundred and sixty rods to ye first boundar betwene him and ye sayd Thomas,we saye we have sould and delevered ye Abovesaide thre score ackers of Lands unto ye abovesaide John fexe to him his hayres or Asignes for Ever,to have and to hold occopy poses and inioye,peasebly as his or there owne proper right titell and intrest from us oure hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Assignes,or Any from by or undar us,for Ever as firmly to all intents in law as Could or might be drawne by Any deed of sale whatsumever,haveing re- seved,a valuable Consideration for ye same as witnes oure hands and seales in oyster baye daye and date Above written, signed sealed and delevered in presanc of us Suskaneman X his mark Tho:Townsend SehorX hismark John weekes werah X his mark (p.132OldA)-Lusum tthe22thofAprill1682.knowallmen by these presants that I Hope williams of ye place Abovesaide, have sould ten Ackars of plaines land,Joyneing to the west End of huntingtons mens plaines, from me my heyres or Asignes, unto Robartt Cellem, of huntington of ye East Riding to him hayres or Asignes for Ever,to inioye as there owne proper right and intrest,never to be molested by me nor Any under or from me,aswittnesmy handdayeanddatefirstAbovewritten, Signed and sealed in presanc of us, Hope williams O John Townsend,senior Novembar tthe 16th 1677 know all men by tthese presants yt I suskaneman of longisland in ye Bounds of matenecoke in ye Book A 149 parish of oyster baye, have bargined and sould, unto william ffrost,of ye said towne and parish shipwright,and to his hayres and Asignes, for Ever, for a valuable Consideration in hand re- seved one parsell of land liing and being in matenecok the quan- tety of ten ackers more or less,being bounded by the Cartt path on ye west side,on ye East side by A swomp side Called doytons swomp,on the south side bounded by ye sayde william ffrost, ten rods southwards of doytons sellar, on ye north side by the medowes,as witnes hereunto I have sett my hand and seale,the daye and yeare Above written interlined betwixt ye 13th and 14th line wittnes wesell wessells Suskaneman X his mark O Job Wrightt Tho:Webb Aprill ye 3d 1695:The wthin named Suskaneman Indian ac- knowledged this wthin written Bill of Sale to be his reall act & Deed Nathaneil Coles matenecok the 30th of maye 1682 it was ordered and Agreed, and layde out A highwaye,betwene,Joseph Eastlands land and loras mots (Lawrence Mott's), land of six rod wide, home to John Coles land,and betwene John Coles land and Joseph East- lands lands six rod wide up ye hollow and soe to remaine (p . 133 Old A )- B e Itt knowne unto all Christion people to whome these maye Come or Any wayes Consarne know yee,that whareas I Allce Crab of oyster baye now widow of Richard Crab deseased,did upon ye Asignement of A sartain deed of sale which I had from nicolas Simkins Bareing date ye 11th of febrewary 1669:whichsayddeedIdidAsigneandmakeoveruntomy Soon Adam wright onely reserving ye share of medow menshoned in ye sayd deed, to m y proper use during m y life as by ye sayd Asignement upon record will Apeare,know yee yt upon further Considerations,I Allce Crab widow Abovesaide,by vertue of my deseased husbands will, and ye letters of Administration to m e granted, I doe by these presants frelly and absalutely give m y said soon Adam wright full possestion of all ye lands swomps and medowes,menshoned within the Above menshoned deed from nicolas Simkins,presant from this said date to have and to hold poses and inioye to him and his hayres Exsexetors administrators or Asignes for Ever without Any further lett hinderanc or mo- lestation from me or Any from by or undar me for Ever,not- withstanding,in ye Asignement Any thing Entred to ye Contrary, as witnes m y hand and seale in oyster baye this 4th daye of march 1681/2 before ye Signement hereof tis Againe Agreed yt I a m to have ye use of ye saide share off medow during my life,and then to returne to m y sayde soon A d a m wright and his hayres or Asignes for Ever as Above menshoned 150 Signedsealedanddelevered in presanc of us Tho Townsend John X Jones his mark Book A Allce(A)Crab O her mark Be Itt knowne unto all men by these presants yt I Samuell Andrews of oyster baye,in ye north riding of newyorkshare,Ex- changedoneshareofmedow liingatyebeverswomp withAdam wright,for one share of medow being in ye great meadow upon hogiland,which was formerly anthony Wrights,but given unto yesaideAdam byhismotherAllceCrab,yeAforesaideAnthony wrights Executors,I ye saide Samuell Andrews,doe Confirme unto ye sayde A d a m wright all m y right titell intrest of ye sayd share of medow at ye beverswomp nere unto henry Townsends feld to him his hayres Exsexetors or Administrators for Ever to poses and inioye without molestation or hinderance by me or Any from me or from Eyther my hayres or Exsexetors or Ad- ministrators as witnes m y hand ye 21th daye of ye 12th m o Called febrewary in ye yeare 1681 witnesed by us Samuell Andrewes Isack Hornar John feke (p.134OldA)-Be IttknowneuntoallChristionpeopleto whome,this oure deed off Convayeanc maye Come or Any wayes Consarne know yee,that we ye Indions propriators of ye land Comanly Called and knowne By ye name of matenecok Liing and Being within the patten and towneship of oyster Baye,have and doe by these presants and upon good Considerations moveing us hereunto have Bargined sould and B y presant posesion delevered forty Accars of wood land with a small Adition layd to itt by us on ye west side frely given,the first Bounds whareof begineth,at A great white oke tre northwest boundar and from thenc forty six rods,or thereabouts Easterly to a small Chestnutt tree,John davises northwest bounder, from thence southwardly one hun- dred and sixty rods by sayd John davises land, and Being the same bredth in the reare as it is in ye front,bounding on ye north to ye highwaye, on ye East by John Davis land, on ye south End and west side by ye Coman land unlayd out,Including within ye fore saide bounds forty six accars of land more or less as bounded,we owne and acknowledge to have sould and given to Josias Latting to him his hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes to have and to hold occopy posses and inioye as his or there one proper right titelland intrest for Ever,from us oure hayres Exsexetors Administ or Asignes or Any from by or undar us for Ever,iniageing to defend him or them in there quiat in- ioyement of ye premises,haveing reseved A valuable Considera- Book A 151 tion for ye same,as witnes oure hands and seales in oyster Baye this first daye of June 1682, signed sealed and delevered in presance of us Tho: Townsend Joseph Carpenter Suskaneman X his mark werahX hismark Be Itt knowne unto all Christion people to whome these pres- ants maye Come or Any wayes Consarne know yee,that wee ye Indians propriators of A sartain trackt of land Commonly Called and knowne By the name off matenecok,lying and Being within ye pattent and towneship of oyster Baye,have and doe by these presants upon good Considerations moving us hereunto have Bargined sould and by presant posestion delevered,forty Accars of wood Land unto John davis of matenecok,part of itJoyneing to ye south End of the ten Acars of Land wee formerly sould unto him whareon his dwelling house now standeth and ye other part lying on ye west side of ye foresaide Land,the whole bredth being fifty rod wide fronting to ye highwaye northward, and ranging southward, one hundred and sixty rods, Being bounded on ye East side part by ye land wee sould formerly to John robins and part by ye Common,and on ye west side by Josias Lattings land,which Abovesaid forty accars bounded as Above- said,wee doe hereby owne and Acknowledge,yt we have sould from us oure hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes for Ever, unto ye Abovesaid John davis- (p. 135 Old A )—his hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes, to have and to hold occopy posess and inioye as his or there proper right titell and intrest from us or Any from by or undar us for Ever, In- iageing hereby to defend him or them in there quiat inioyement, of ye premises, haveing reseved A valuable Consideration in hand,for ye same as witnes oure hands and seales in oyster Baye, this first daye of June 1682,it is to be understood yt ten Acers ofland abovemenshoned formerly by us sould,is Included within ye Abovesaide bounds, which makes it as bounded in all fifty Accers,signed sealed and delevered, inpresanceofus SuscanemanX hismark O Tho:Townsend werah X his mark Joseph Carpenter This Instrament off writting witneseth unto all Christion people ttowhome Ittmaye Come or Any wayes Consarne know yee,that wee ye Indians propriators of ye lands, Comanly Called and knowne by ye name of matenecok liing and being within ye pat- tentand towneship of oyster Baye,have and doe by these pres- ants, and upon good Considerations moveing us hereunto, have Bargined sould and by presant posesion delevered,unto william Hudson and william ffrost of ye same place forescore Accars of 152 Book A wood land upon matenecok ye first bounds whareof begineth at A small red oke tree,nere unto Josias Lattings,northwest,boun- dar,ranging west from ye said oke,one hundred and sixty rods to ye river,Called ye Iland swomp river,thence north by ye sayde river on ye East side fourescore rod to a white oke tre by us markt,from thence upon an East line,one hundred and sixty rod, from thence south forescore rod to ye first boundar, including within sayd bounds forescore Accars of upland and swompy land, the which we doe owne and acknowledge tto have sould and de- levered from us our hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes for Ever,unto ye Abovesaid william hudson and william frost,to them there hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes,to have and to hold, occopy posess and inioye, as there proper Rights titells and intrest, from us or Any from by or undar us, for Ever, further, iniageing to defend them there hayres or Asignes in there quiat inioyement of ye premises haveing in hand reseved A valuable Consideration for ye same as wittnes oure hands and seales in oyster Baye,this first daye of June 1682,it tis to be undarstood to defend them from all pretenses of Claimes. Inter- lined in ye deed,bettwene ye 13th and 14th lines before ye Asigne- ment Signed sealed and delevered in presanc of us Tho:Townsend Joseph Carpenter SuscanemanX hismark: O (p.136OldA)-Be Ittknowneunto,allChristionpeopleto whome these presants may Come or Any wayes Consarne know ye,yt we ye Indian propriators of the lands Comanly Called and knowne By the name of matenecok,lying and Being within the pattent and township of oyster Baye,doe By these presants and upon good Considerations moveing us hereunto,have Bargined sould and by presant posestion delevered forty Accars of wood Land unto Samuell Andras of oyster Baye,Joyneing to Thomas Townsends land,on ye northside of ye fut path yt goeth to mus- chetacove, ye first bounds whareof begineth at A red oke tree, Tho:Townsends southeast boundar,from thenc forty rod East- wardly to A great white oke,by ye high waye markt and being in length northwardly,one hundred and sixty rods,being bounded at ye south End by ye futt path and on ye west side by Tho: Townsends lands and on ye East side by ye high waye,and at ye north End by ye hollow,and at A white oke upon ye hill markt, and John fexes lands,including within sayd bounds fortty Acars, which we Acknowledge to have sould from us oure hayres Ex- sexetors Administrators and Asignes for Ever,unto ye Above- sayd Samuell Andras,his hayres Exsexetors or Asignes for Ever unto have and to hold occopy poses and inioye,as his or there one proper right titell and intrest from us or Any from by or werahX hismark: O Book A 153 undar us for Ever,iniageing hereby tto deffend him or them in there quiatt inioyement of ye premises haveing,reseved A valua- ble Consideration in hand for ye same,as witnes oure hands and seales in oyster Baye this first daye of June 1682 Itt tis to be un- darstood to defend him or them from all Claimes or pretenses Signed sealed and delevered Suscaneman his X mark O in ye presanc of us werah his X mark Tho:Townsend Joseph Carpenter oyster Baye ye first of June 1682 then layd out by us under- written twelve Accar of land and swomp unto samuell Andras,by vertue of simon Copers right on ye East side of bever S w o m p soe Called, ye first bounds begining at a red oke tre nere ye old Cart path,and from thenc thirty six rod west to A small Ash tre markt in ye swomp, and from ye first boundar fifty foure rod south to A white oke tree markt,and from thenc west thirty six rods,and then north fifty foure rod to ye sayd ash tre,north- west boundar, including within ye sayd bounds twelve accars more or less,he isby us ordered to leave out ye head of ye spring on ye East side of his land for A watering place to ye comman Tho:Townsend nathanell Colles (p. 137 Old A )-This Instrament of writting witneseth to all Christion people to whome Itt maye Come or Any waye Con- sarne know yee,yt we ye Indions propriators of ye lands Com- anly Called and knowne by ye name of matenecok lying and be- ing within ye patten and towneship of oyster Baye,doe by these presants,and upon good Considerations moveing us hereunto, have bargined sould and by these presants delevered, fortty Accars of wood land unto Christopher hoackshurst of matenecok lying on ye northside of ye futt path to muschedacove,beginning at John woods south East boundar,ranging East on ye northside of ye sayd fut waye forty rod unto Jeames Coks southwest boun- dar, from thence northwardly one hundred and sixty rod being ye same breadth,at ye north End as he is at ye south End, bounded on ye west side by John woods lands,on ye south End by ye sayd futt path,and on ye East side by Jeames Coks lands, and at ye north End by ye Comans, including within ye sayd bounds forty Accars of woodland,ye which we acknowledge to have sould from us oure hayres Exsexetors Administrators and Asignes for Ever,unto ye Abovesaide Christopher hoackshurst his hayres Exsexetors Administrs or Asignes to have and to hold occopy posess and inioye as his or there one proper right titell and intrest from us or Any from by or undar us for Ever,In- iageing hereby to defend him or them in there quiat inioyement of ye premises,haveing reseved A valuable Consideration in hand 154 Book A for ye same as witnes oure hands and seales in oyster baye this first daye of June 1682 Signed sealed and delevered in presanc of us Tho:Townsend Joseph Carpenter Suscaneman his X mark werah his X mark Be ittknowne unto all Christion people to whome these pres- ants maye Come or Any wayes Consarne know yee,yt wee ye Indians propriators of ye lands Comanly Called and knowne by ye name of matenecok, Lying and being within ye pattent and towneshipe of oyster Baye,doe by these presants and upon good Considerations moveing us hereunto,have Bargined sould and by these presants delevered,forty Accars of wood land,unto Jeames Cok, liveing at matenecok, ye first boundar whareof beginning at Christopher hoakshurst southeast boundar, on ye northside of ye futt waye to muschetacove, and from ye Sd bounder East- wardly by ye said waye forty rod to A black stump by ye said path side, from thenc one hundred and sixty rod northwardly, being ye same bredth in ye reare as in ye front,by ye fut path, being bounded on ye west side by Christopher hoackshurst land, on ye south by ye fut waye,and on ye East side and north End by ye Comans, yeett unsould, including within ye said bounds forty Accars of lands,takeing in ye bogs nere ye halfe waye tre soe Called,ye which wee owne and acknowledge to have sould from us oure hayres Exsexetors Administrators and Asignes for Ever,unto ye Abovesaide Jeames Cok his hayres Exsexetors Ad- ministrators, or Asignes to have and to hold occopy posess and inioye as his or there one proper right titell and intrest, from us or Any from by or under us for Ever Iniageing herby to defend him or them in there quiat inioyement of ye premises haveing re- seved a valuable Consideration in hand for ye same,as wittnes our hands and seales in oyster baye this first day of June 1682 itisto be understood to defend him or them from all Claimes or pretences whatsoever, Signed sealed and delevered in,presanc of us Tho:Townsend Joseph Carpenter Suscaneman his X mark O werah his X mark (p. 138 Old A )-This deed of Convayanc witneseth unto all Christion people,to whome Itt maye Come or Any wayes Con- sarne know yee,yt wee ye Indion propriators of ye lands Com- anly Called and knowne by ye name of matenecok,lying and being within ye patten and towneship of oyster Baye,doe by these presants and upon good Considerations moveing us hereunto, have bargined sould and by presant posestion delevered,fiftene Accars of Lands unto Larance mott now Inhabyting at matene- Book A 155 cok,the first bounds whareof begineth at A Chestnutt tree John Colles north East boundar,by ye swomp Comanly Called doyt- tens swomp,from thence Sixty Six rod South by John Colles lands to A great Chestnutt tree markt by ye highwaye,and from ye sayd tree East by ye sayd highwaye thirty six rod to an old Chestnut tre stump from thence sixty six rod due north, and then west,thirty six rod,to ye first boundar,including within ye sayd bounds fiftene Accars of land more or less,we undar writen doe hereby owne and acknowledge to have sould ye Abovesaid fifttene Accars from us oure hayres Exsexetors Administrators and Asignes for Ever,unto ye Ábovesayd,larance mott,to him his hayres Exsexetors or Asignes,to have and to hold occopy posess and inioye as his or there owne proper right titell and in- trest,from us or Any from by or undar us for Ever, Iniageing to mainetaine him or them,in there quiatt Inioyment,of ye prem- ises, Against all Claimes or pretences whatsoever, haveing re- seved A valuable Consideration in hand for ye same,as witnes oure hands and seales in oyster Baye this first daye of June 1682 Signed sealed and delevered Suscaneman his X mark in presanc of us Tho:Townsend Joseph Carpenter werah his X mark This Instrament Of writting witneseth to all Christion people to whome Itt maye Come or Any wayes Consarne know yee,yt wee ye Indions propriators of ye lands Comanly Caled and knowne by ye name of matenecok lying and being within ye patten and towneship of oyster baye doe by these presants, and upon good Considerations moveing us hereunto have bargined sould and by presant posestion delevered twenty Accars of land unto Joseph Eastland, of ye same place or parish, ye first bounds whareof beginneth at ye oke tree standing at ye north west Cor- nar of his now inclosed lands by ye highwaye,from thenc west- erly by ye sayd highwaye sixty rod, from thenc south, upon A straight line sixty rod, by ye sayd highwaye, from thenc fifty two rod Eastwardly to Joseph weekses land,from thenc by his n o w Inclosed lands,Eyghty foure rod to ye first boundar,includ- ing within ye sayd bounds twenty Accars of land more or less ye which we owne and acknowledge to have sould from us oure hayres Exsexetors Administrators and Asignes for Ever, unto ye Abovesayd Joseph Eastland,his hayres Exsexetors,Adminis- trators and Asignes to have and to hold occopy posess and inioye as his or there owne proper right titell and intrest, from us or Any from by or undar us for Ever,Iniageing to mainetaine him or them in there quiatt inioyement of ye premises Against all Claimes or pretences whatsoever, haveing reseved A valuable Consideration, in hand for ye same as witnes oure hands and seales in oyster baye this first daye of June 1682 156 Signed sealed and delevered, inpresancofus Tho : Townsend Joseph Carpenter Book A Suscaneman his X mark werahhisX mark (p.139OldA)-Be IttknowneuntoallChristionpeopleto whome these presants maye Come, or Any wayes Consarne, know ye yt wee ye Indions propriators of A sartin trackt of lands Comanly Called and knowne by ye name of matenecok,lying and being within the pattent and towneship of oyster Baye,have and doe by these presanc and upon divers Considerations moveing us hereunto have Bargined sould and delevered fifty Accars of wood land,lyingand being upon matenecok unto John Underhill of the same towne and place,ye first bounds of ye sayd land be- gining at A sartain Chestnutt tree being John fexes northwest boundar standing in ye rang or line of muschetacove lands East- wards,and from ye sayd Chestnut tree,he is to range fifty rod by muschetacove line north to a small tree by us markt nere a rock upon A hill, from thence he is to run or range East upon ye northside of ye sayd Johns fexes land one hundred and sixty rod,being ye same bredth at ye East End as he is at ye westend, including within fifty Accars of land, ye which wee owne and acknowledg we have sould from us oure hayres Exsexetors Ad- ministrators or Asignes for Ever, unto ye Abovesaid John un- derhill his hayres Exsexetors or Assignes to have and to hold occopy posess and inoye withoutt lett hinderance or molestation, from us or Any from by or undar us for Ever.Iniageing to de- fend him or them,in there quiatt inioyement of ye premyses have- ing reseved A valuable Consideration for ye same, as wittnes oure hands and seales in oyster Baye this first daye of June 1682 Signedsealedanddelevered SuscanemanhisXmark O in presanc of us werah his X mark Tho:Townsend Joseph Carpenter oyster Baye this 19th of June in ye yeare 1682 Bee Ittknowne unto allChristion people to whome my deed of Convayeance maye Come or Any wayes Consarne,know yee yt I nickolas Simkins of muschetacove within ye pattin and towneship of oyster Baye upon longisland Husbandman,witneseth yt upon good Considerations moveing me hereunto,have bargined sould Alynated and by presant posestion delevered unto Robart Colles and william thornycraftt, both inhabytants of ye Abovesayde towne and place,ye owne halfe part of my right of medowes fresh and soltt lying and being at ye south as formerly fell to me by alottment upon devition as then surveyed,itlying in three devitions upon three necks,namely ye 18th lott upon ye west neck devition,and lying upon ye littell neck,ye second devition being Book A 157 ye tenth lotin nombar upon unkawaye,with A small Adition of fresh medow on ye East side of ye neck nere ye futt path as stands recorded ye third devition, being ye 4th lott in nombar lying upon ye fortt neck,I saye and doe hereby Acknowledge,to havesouldyeonehalfeofmy rightofmedowes,asAbovespese- fyed & Exsprest from me my heyres Exsexetors Administrators Asings for Ever,unto ye Above menshoned Robartt Colles and william thornycraftt Equally to be devyded betwene them there hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes for Ever,to have and to hold occopy poses and inioye as there owne proper rights titells and intrests, without further, lett hinderance or molesta- tion,from me or Any from by or under me for Ever,haveing reseved in hand full satesfacktion for ye same as witnes m y hand and seale in oyster Baye daye and date Abovewritten,and in ye 34th yeare of ye Raine of Charls ye second king of great brittaine france and Ireland & c signed sealed and delevered, in presanc of us Tho:Townsend Ephraim Carpenter nickolasSimkins O ( p . 1 4 0 O l d A ) - O y s t e r B a y e y e 2 2 t h o f J u n e 1 6 8 2 B e e Itt k n o w n e unto all people to whome this my deede of gifft maye Come or Any wayes Consarne know yee yt I Allce Crab,widow of Richard Crab of oyster Baye deseased, have and doe by these presants owne and acknowledge to have frelly given unto my soon Adam wright of ye same towne and place,ten accers of wood land for- merly layd out unto my brotherinlaw Anthony wright now de- seased,and to me willed as maye Apeare under his hand and s e a l e , it l y i n g a n d b e i n g n e r e y e h e a d o f y e m i l l r i v e r h e a d a t A place Comanly Called ye littell Iland, allso I doe hereby give to my abovesayd,soon,two shares of medow,lying on ye East side of bevor swomp Crick nere unto henry townsend senyors feeld,ye one share being my deseased,husbands Richard Crabs, and ye other share m y Brotherinlaws Anthony wrights I saye and doe hereby acknowledge to have frely given ye Abovesaide ten Accars of land and two shares of medow as Above menshoned, from m e m y hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes for Ever,unto my abovesayde soon Adam wright his hayres Exsexe- tors or Asignes,to have and to hold poses and inioye as his or there proper right titell and intrest from me or Any from by or under forEver,as firmly to all intents and purposes as might or Could be drawne by Any deed of Convayeance whatsoever not- withstanding Any thing by my will inserted to ye Contrary,as wittnes m y hand and seale in oyster baye ye daye and yeare Above written Signed and sealed and delevered in presanc of us Allce (A ) Crabb O mathyas Harveye Tho Townsend her mark 158 Book A Oyster Baye on longisland 1682 Know all men by these presants yt I georg dennes of ye same place doe give and grant,unto my grand Chilld,knowne by ye name of dennes wright all yt quantety of land lying nere ye plaines Joyneing to A d a m wrights land Containeing twenty six Accars more or less for him ye sayd dennis wright his hayres or Asignes frely and for Ever,to possess and inioye as his owne proper right and titell,witnes my hand and seale in oyster Baye as Abovesayd this thirtenth daye of ye month Called Aprill wittnes franses (W ) weeks georg dennes O his mark John X Longmed his mark A n Adition granted and given in ye same deed recorded in ye other ffo: 141 (p.141OldA)-I Adam wrightfatherofdenneswrightdoe allso by these presants give and bequeve unto my soon dennes wright twenty six Accars of land Joyneing to m y father georg dennes his land lying nere ye plaines being an Entyre quantety together, dated in oyster Baye on longisland this thirtenth daye of ye month Called Aprill, 1682 witness m y hand and seale, Testes franses (W ) weeks A d a m wright O his mark John X Longmed his mark Know all men By these presants yt I nicolas Simkins now Inhabytant of oyster Baye on long Island in newyorkshare,have Bargined sould and made over from me my hayres Ex's Adm and Asignes unto Anthony wrightt, his hayres Exrs, Admrs or Asignes all m y right titell and intrest of A sartain house lott with A share of medow and Commonidge thereunto belonging,Lying and being next to samuell Andrass in oyster Baye as Abovesayd, for A valuable Consideration and full sattisfacktion as I have in hand Reseaved,and I ye sayd nicolas simkins doe by these pre- sants Alynate and Estrange from m e m y hayres Ex's Adm's and Asignes unto Anthony wright his hayres Exrs,Admrs or Asignes to have and to hold for Ever,quiatly to posses withoutt Any moletsation from me or Any other parson by me,and I ye sayd nickolas doe firmly by these presants Eniage myselfe m y hayres Exrs, Admrs and Asignes to save and keepe harmless ye sayd Anthony his hayres Exrs Admrs or Asignes in wittnes hereof I have hereunto sett m y hand and seale this twenteth Eyght daye of desember in ye yeare of oure Lord,1670 Signed Sealed and delevered Nickolas Simkins O In presants off Robartt howley steven Jarviss Book A 159 I under written doe Asigne and sett over unto samuell An- drewes all m y Right titell and Intrest of ye within menshoned bill of salle ye medowes onely Exsepted as witnes m y hand this 28th daye of desembar Anno : 1670 wittnes Robar Howley steven Jarviss Anthony Wrightt ( p . 1 4 2 O l d A ) - K n o w all m e n B y t h e s e p r e s a n t s y t I g e o r g dennis of oyster Bay on longiland marchant,a m holden and firm- lybound unto Edward griffith,of ye Citty of London marchant, now resident in new york,in ye penall sum of one hundred and thirty foure pounds Curant mony to be payd unto ye sayd Ed- ward griffith, or his sartin Atturny his hayres Executors Ad- minst's or Asignes, for ye which payment well and truly to be made,I bind myselfe m y hayres Executors and Administs and Every and Each of them firmly by these presants and for ye better securyty and sure payement thereof doe bind and oblydge my dwelling house at oyster baye afore sayde with ye Land thereunto Adioyneing to be Entered into and possessed by ye sayd Edward griffith, his Atturny Executors Administrs or Asignes, if failler be made in performance of ye Condition hereundar written, sealed with m y seale and datted in new york this 3d daye of de- sembar in ye 33th yeare of his maiestys Raine Anno domi : 1681 The Condition of this oblyiation is such yt If ye Above bouended georg dennis his hayres Executors or Administrs shall and doe well and trully paye or Cause to be payed and delevered unto ye Abovenamed Edward griffith or his sartain Atturny his hayres Esecutors Administrs or Asignes,ye full and Just sum of sixty Eyght pounds in Currant mony,or marchantable traine oyle to be delevered at ye bridge at new york at thirty shillings barrell at or before ye first daye of Aprill next ensewing then this oblyga- tion to be voyde Else to be and remaine in full force and vertue Sealedanddeleveredinyepresanceof georgdennis O Beniamin Blagges John westt Recorded in ye offiss of Records for ye province of new york inlibraK :ffoll:228ye27thdayeoffebrewary1681memorandom ye Right of Lands formerly Anthony wrights given at his death to his sister Allce Crabb to be recorded by her order. Viz : one house and home lott Containeing six Ackers and or- chard,ye lott bounded one ye East End and south side with ye high wayes and on ye north side with ye lott of land formerly Samuell mayhues, and at ye west End by his brother petter wrights home lott allso ten Ackare of land layd out on ye mil- river neck,nere ye Bridge at ye bevor swomp,allso two shares of medow in ye home medowes,one share lying betwene nickolas wrights and peter wrights medow and bounded on ye west End ste Right of Lands Be m y daughter oyster baye daye and vered ག** 6 募 t traiy bette a Yo Teul at wark Wri d of Go vt 161 @om .: wel Goc y unto hayre As t ovie e Sobivga- barre vertue yor! In F 158 A Oyster Baye on longisland 1682 Know allmen bythesepresantsyt place doe give and grant, unto m y g name of dennes wright all yt quar plaines Joyneing to A d a m wrights Accars more or less for him ye say Asignes frely and for Ever, to p proper right and titell,witnes my as Abovesayd this thirtenth daye wittnes franses (W ) weeks his mark John X Longmed his mark A n Adition granted and g other ffo: 141 (p.141 Old A)-I Adam allso by these presants g wright twenty six Accar dennes his land lying n together, dated in oyst of ye month Called A Testes franses (W ) his ma John X Lon his m Know all men Inhabytant of oys Bargined sould and Asignes un Asignes all m y A shareofme and being nex for A valuab hand Resea sants Alyna Asignes ur to have a moletsation nickolas Exr , A Anthor& I have ofde Sign Ro IS 30. East ye or s on ye ommans, of m e d o w . ow now be- was formerly rators or Asignes out further Leett Tom by or under m e Allce (A ) Crabb O her mark o m e this instrament off writt- williams of Lewsum on long new york, doe Exchange twenty ope williams this Abovesayde land highwaye Against my orchard, five and and ye hillwhare my old house en, out of itt, this land abovesayde I titell and intrest from m e m y hayres rs or Asignes or Any Just Claime,tto his hayres Exsexetors administrators or ithattIExchangwithmy motherwilliams ing twenty ackers of itt,I hope williams doe 161 inidge and twenty Ackers of plaines, which I Exchang with m y mother, ye presanc Sarah(SW)williams O mark 4th of septembar 1682, Then e John feeks of matenecok,and twhareas there was A differance >teat of ye sayd millars, yt John or and in lew of A years sarvis,yt eeks, tis Agreed yt John feeks is to ow in Custody,and ye mare at flishing, heffer,and ye remainder of his oats,and pe as his owne proper,what Else,he Can ased in ye time of his sarvis, further and e sayd John feeks doth hereby promise to full- o y e s a y d m i l l a r w h i c h is t o b e u n d e r s t o o d , t w o fittingforA labouringman,fromyehatttoye sayd Tho millar to be free his owne man and at spose,from ye sayd feeks from this date,as wittnes ds interchangably to Each other daye and date above signed in presanc of us, Before ye signeing hereof T h o : reseved of John feeks his Clothing Acording to Covenant stes T h o : T o w n s e n d J o h n ffeeks John weeks Tho:X millar This Instrament of Writting witneseth yt I Robart godfree of littelworth within ye township of oyster Baye,have Lett to farme, allmy now improved lands and medowes at littelworth,unto Isack doughty and william Croker,to them there Executors or Asignes for ye full terme of seven yeares, from ye date hereof under- written,to occopy poses and improve as theye shall Cee Cause without hinderance or molestation,from me or Any from by or under me,they payeing and fulfillingto me or my order as fol- loweth:Viz:theye are to sett one hundred apell trese out into my sayd land,in order for an orchard,and fence itin with a thre Rayled fence, and keepe ye trese weell pruned, secondly theye are to paye to m e or m y hayres or Asignes three pounds yearely during ye full terme of seven yeares, in good marchant- able wheat at five shillings ye bushell, or Indion Corne, at two shillings six penc ye bushell, ry at three shillings ye bushell, and barley and oats and pease as it paseth betwene nayghboure and nayghboure,and ye sayde graine soe payd yearely to be payd to meormy order,atorbeforeyefirstdayeofmarch,atthehouse of Isack doughty,but it is to be understood,ye one halfe of ye sayd rentis to be payd in good winter wheat,and ye sayd apell manch im 9431 Wright 160 Book A with ye share of m e d o w formerly nickolas Simkins ye other share lying betwene nathanell Colles medow and a share of medow formerly John Richbills,now possessed by simon Coper,further one holle right of medow,at ye south with a right of upland upon unkawaye neck, and twenty Ackare of plaines and a full right of Commans to ye house lott one right of Land and medow upon hogisland,and his partt of land at ye old planting feld so called being alowed by ye towne formerly besides his Equall previledge in Coman rights,this Entred order of Allce Crab sept ye 5th 1682 me Tho:Townsend Recorder (p.143 Old A)-Sept:ye 4th1682 Then ordered by me Allce Crabb under written,yt allthe right and previledges of Lands and medowes given to my daughter Lydie wright by m y deseased husband Richard Crabb as by his will maye Apeare datted ye 5th daye of ye second month, 1680, Viz: one home Lott Lying and bounded as followeth on ye East of samuell Andrewes home Lott, fronting to ye highwaye or streete at ye north End,by ye highwaye into ye woods on ye west side,and on ye east side and south End with ye Commans, AllsoA fullrightinComanpriviledgesandoneshareofmedow, in ye home medowes Lying betwene a share of medow now be- longingtosimonCoper,andA shareofmedow,ytwasformerly nickolas simkinses,I acknowledge this Abovesaide Right of Lands medowes and prevylidges abovemenshoned to Be my daughter Lydie wrights her hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes for Ever, to poses and inioye peasably without further Leett hinderance or molestation from me or Any from by or under me for Ever, as wittnes m y hand and seale in oyster baye daye and date Above written,signed sealed ans delevered in presanc of us Tho:Townsend Isack horner Allce(A)Crabb O her mark In ye yeare of oure lord 1682 Bee Itt knowne unto all men whome this instrament off writt- ing maye Consarne,that I sarah williams of Lewsum on long Island, in ye north Riding of new york, doe Exchange twenty Ackers of land with m y soon hope williams this Abovesayde land lying off ye East side of ye highwaye Against m y orchard, five Ackars being clered of this land and ye hill whare m y old house stands,reserving my garden,out of itt,this land abovesayde I doe make over my Right titelland intrest from me my hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes or A n y Just Claime, tto m y soon hope williams his hayres Exsexetors administrators or Asignes This sayd land thatt I Exchang with m y mother williams lying at ye springs being twenty ackers of itt,I hope williams doe Book A 161 resarve m y Right in Cominidge and twenty Ackers of plaines, which was belonging to ye land which I Exchang with m y mother, Signed sealed and delevered in ye presanc of us hereunto I doe sett m y hand Sarah (S W ) williams O Thomas willetts mark Samuel Barnes (p.144 Old A )-oyster Baye ye 4th of septembar 1682,Then agred and fully Concluded betwene John feeks of matenecok,and Tho:millarhisformersarvantytwhareastherewasA differance betwene them, about sum Easteat of ye sayd millars, yt John feeks keept in his Custody for and in lew of A years sarvis,yt was still due to ye sayd feeks, tis Agreed yt John feeks is to have,ye hors of millars now in Custody,and ye mare at flishing, and a yeare and vantage heffer,and ye remainder of his oats,and ye sayd millar to keepe as his owne proper,what Else,he Can Justly Claime, purchased in ye time of his sarvis, further and in Consideration,ye sayd John feeks doth hereby promise to full- fillye indenture to ye sayd millar which is to be understood,two sutes of aparell fitting for A labouring man,from ye hatt to ye shoue,and ye sayd Tho millar to be free his owne man and at his owne dispose, from ye sayd feeks from this date, as wittnes there hands interchangably to Each other daye and date above written,signed in presanc of us,Before ye signeing hereof Tho : millar reseved of John feeks his Clothing Acording to Covenant ttestes Tho : Townsend John ffeeks John weeks Tho:X millar This Instrament of Writting witneseth yt I Robart godfree of littelworth within ye township of oyster Baye,have Lett to farme, allmy now improved landsand medowes atlittelworth,unto Isack doughty and william Croker,to them there Executors or Asignes for ye full terme of seven yeares, from ye date hereof under- written,to occopy poses and improve as theye shall Cee Cause without hinderance or molestation,from me or Any from by or under me,they payeing and fulfillingto me or my order as fol- loweth : Viz : theye are to sett one hundred apell trese out into m y sayd land, in order for an orchard, and fence it in with a thre Rayled fence, and keepe ye trese weell pruned, secondly theye are to paye to m e or m y hayres or Asignes three pounds yearely during ye full terme of seven yeares,in good marchant- able wheat at five shillings ye bushell, or Indion Corne, at two shillings six penc ye bushell,ry at three shillings ye bushell,and barley and oats and pease as it paseth betwene nayghboure and nayghboure,and ye sayde graine soe payd yearely to be payd to me ormy order,atorbeforeyefirstdayeofmarch,atthehouse of Isack doughty,but itis to be understood,ye one halfe of ye sayd rentisto be payd ingood winter wheat,and ye sayd apell 162 Book A trese are to be planted out this insuing spring, and what apell trese more shall be sett out upon m y sayd land by them or fenses made better, at ye Experation of ye time, shall be Alowed out of ye rent as honest men shall Judge,or If theye shall Cee Cause to build a house or baren upon ye sayd land it shall be payd or alowed out of ye rent,being valued as Abovesayd and to ye tru performance of this oure abovesayd agrement we have inter- changably to Each other subscribed our hands and sett to oure seales in oysterbay this 16th daye of ocktobar 1682, signed sealed and delevered to Each other in presanc of us Tho: Townsend John (R ) Rogars his mark Robartt X godfre O his mark Isack doughty O William X Crokar O his mark (p.145OldA)-To allChristionpeoplettowhomethispresant writting shall or maye Come greeting. Bee Itt knowne unto all men by these presants yt I John hincksman Late of oyster Baye on Longisland have and by these presants doe Alynate Bargine and sell and have sould unto John dickinson of ye Aforesayd oyster Baye all and singular all yt parsell of land which I Exchanged and had of petter wright,with- all and singular all ye fencing medow and upland yt is or shall thereunto belonge with all other the appurtanances or previledges whatsoever to him his hayres or Asignes for Ever, for and in Consideration hereof ye sayd Jo : dickinson hath payde unto ye sayd John hincksman in broadcloth at, 18s per yard ye full and Just sum of three pounds starling and twenty shillings payd in Liquars to ye towne of oyster Baye by ye hand of John dickin- son,also a quart of sack and halfe a pint off liquars to petter wright for ye Exchange,I wittness whareof I have hereunto sett m y hand this daye of febrewary in ye yeare of oure Lord one thousand six hundred fifty nine Signed sealed and delevered in ye presanc of henry disbrowe John Loughton John Hincksman B e e I t t k n o w n e t o w h o m e itt m a y e C o n s a r n e y t I h e n r y d i s b o u r havesouldmy houseandlandandmedow,withallotherpurten- ances thereunto belonging to John dickinson sen' sould and Alin- ated from me and mine for Ever,to him and his for Ever and in Consideration, of ye fore sayd Agrement I acknowledge m y selfe to be fully satesfyed to m y Content,ye two words have and John dickinson is Interlined,whareunto I have sett to my hand this 14th of novembar 1661 Beniamin Hubard ye mark X of Christopher yamans henry disbrowe Book A 163 (p.146OldA)-Know allmenBythesepresantsytIgeorgden- nis of new London marchant,have Asigned ordayned made and in m y stead,and place by these presants put and Constituted,m y trusty and welbeloved frend Capt Thomas Townsend,of oyster Baye,within ye north riding of newyorkshare upon Longisland,to Bee my true and lawfull Atturny,to me and in my name and to my usetotakeasksue,orlevyrequiarrecovar,and reseave,all and Every such depts,and sums of monyes,which are now due, unto me By Any manar of wayes or meanes whatsomever,whith- in ye towneshipe and presinks of oyster Baye and Collony of new- york share,giveing and granting unto my sayd Atturny my hole powar and strength and Athority in and About ye premyses,and upon ye Resaipt of Any such depts,or sumes of money Afore sayde, Aquittances or other discharges, for me and in my name to make seale and delever,and all and Every sich ackt and acts thing or things, device or devices, whatsumever in law, for ye recovery of all or Any such depts,or sums of moneys,as Aforesaydforandinmy name,todoeExecuteandperformeas fully and largly,in respeckt to all intents Construcktions and pur- poses,asImy selfemightorCoulddoe,IfIwarethereinmy owne parson,ratefying,Alowing and holding firme,and stable, allandwhatsumevermy saydAtturnyshalllawfullydoeorCause to be done,in or About ye Execution,of ye premises,whareof I have hereunto setto m y hand and seale in oyster Baye ye 23th of Agust 1682 and In ye 34th yeare of his maiesties Raine Signed sealed and delevered in the presanc of us Mathyas Harvye Adam wright Georgdennis O Mr Thomas Townsend new york 1682,ocktobar:14th Sr : I have reseved yor letter datted ye first daye of this instant by which I Cee you are ye order of georg denis,and ye desiar of you for m y order,of ye disposeiall of ye house and land belonging to georg denis Easteat but forfited to paye his dept,due to Ed- ward griffith according to ye tenor of his bond This shall sarve to ordar you to dispose of ye house and land of sayd dennises forfited,as Abovesayd to and for ye use of sayd griffeth,and tto sell ye same in and for such species as in ye bond is sett forth, to ye full Compleament thereof,withall Cost and damiges,all for r e d y p a y e , t o b e t r a n s p o r t e d t o n e w y o r k w i t h y e first o p p e r t u n y t y , and if Any thing will Come Above ye valew of ye bond with Cost and Damiges, shall be for ye use of ye Easteast of georg dennis,and if less the remainder to be satesfyed as shall be due, thisismy orderwho am yeordarofEdward griffithAforesayd in testemony whareof I have subscribed this letter and remain youre frend and sarvant guilam (Gulian) Verplanck 164 Book A (p.147OldA)-To allChristionpeopletowhomethesepresants shall Come,that I Thomas Townsend of oyster Baye in ye north Riding of yorkshare on Longisland planter Aturny unto georg denis of new London in new Ingland marchant,send greetting know yee that Iye sayd Thomas Townsend for and in Considera- tion of ye full sum of sixty Eyght pounds payd unto Edward griffith of London marchant,as Exsepted by his Atturny gulline vanplank of new york marchant,Being ye Just deptt due from ye sayd georg denis to Edward griffith and payde By Edward whitte of southhamton Carpenter in Consideration whareof By vertue of my powar from georg denis and order from gulline vanplank as Atturny to Edward griffith have granted Bargined and sould and By these presants doe hereby fully Clerely and absalutely grant bargin and sell unto ye sayde Edward white his hayres and Asignes for Ever,ye house lott of georg denises here in oyster baye withall houseing barens orchards gardens fenses properly belonging to georg denis and as they now stand, ye sayd lot being bounded on ye south side by Joseph Ludlams home lott,and on ye north side by ye high waye and ye East End bounded by ye streete,and west End by Ellce Crabs land allso one share of solt medow here in ye home medowes,bounded by Joseph Ludlams medow on ye west side and Josias Lattings medow on ye East and ye highwaye and ye south End,and ye ditchonyenorthEnd,allsoallyeComan Rightsandprevilidges belonging to ye Abovesayd lott as stands Recorded in ye towne book of oyster Baye Exsepting onely twenty six Accars of wood land taken up by vertue ye sayd right and given by georg denis, to his grandsoon denis wright as by deede maye Apeare I saye and doe hereby acknowledg upon ye Considerations Abovesayd to have frelyand absolutely sould unto ye Abovesayd Edward white, asAbove Expresed,withallrights,titelldemand intrestandpre- tences whatsoever he ye sayd georg denis hath or ever had in and to ye premises or A n y part or parcell thereof, soe transported onely Exsepting ye twenty six Acors as Abovesayd to ye sayd white to have and to hold ye sayd home lott houseing orchard garden medow and Coman rights and previliges fenses and fens- ing stuffas theye now are or stand,and alland singular ye prem- ises with there and Every of there Apurtenances unto ye sayd Edward white,his hayres Exsexetors or Asignes for Ever,and IthesaydTho:Townsend forandonyebehalfeofyesaydgeorg denis and gulline vanplank doth promise and iniage to and with ye sayd Edward white to give posesion of the premises and in one petickular for Every part and parcell thereof and he to Enter and poses ye same from ye date hereof with warenty Against all parsons Claimeing from by or under him them or Eyther of them,in or to ye premises or Any part or parcell thereof,the sayd house and land being mortgaged by sayd georg denis to ye sayd Edward griffith for sixty Eyght pounds as by ye morgage made Book A 165 Apear Bareing date ye 3d daye of desembar 1681 and for want of Comeplyance with ye time was forfitted by ye order of sayd - (p.148 Old A )-georg denis and gulline vanplank have made sale thereof for ye payement of ye morgage as before inserted Acording to law in testemony whareof I ye Abovesayde Tho: Townsend By vertue of my powar afore sayde for and on ye behalfe of georg denis and gulline vanplank Atturny to Edward griffith have hereunto sett m y hand and seele in oyster baye this 18th daye of novembar 1682 Signed sealed and delevered in presancsofus ThomasTownsend O Simon Cooper Isack hornar new york ye 20th of novembar 1682 I doe hereby acknowledge tto have reseved full satesfaktion for ye within oblygation and morgage as Atturny to the within written Edward griffeth and in his behalfe, I saye reseved Giulian verplanck Know allmenbythesepresantsytIEdward whiteofsouth- hamton on long Island Carpenter,am holden and firmly Bound unto E d w a r d griffith of ye Citty of london merchant in ye penall sum of one hundred twenty three pounds Curant mony tobe payd unto ye sayd Edward griffeth or his Carttaine Atturny his hayres Executors Admirs or Asignes for ye which payement well and trully to be made I bind m y selfe m y hayres Executors and Admrs and Every and Each of them firmly by these presants,and for ye better security and sure paymt thereof doe bind and oblidge m y dwelling house att oyster baye and land and medow thereunto adioyneing late belonging to and bought of georg denis to be en- tred into and posesed, by ye sayd Edward griffith his Atturny Executors admirs or Asignes if failer be made in performance of ye Conditions hereunder written sealed with m y sele and datted in new york ye 20th daye of nombr 1682 The Conditions of this obligation is such yt If ye above Ed- ward white his hayres Executors or Admrs shall and doe well and truly paye or Cause tto be payd and delevered unto ye Above named Edward griffith or his Carttaine atturny his hayres Exe- cutors Adm's or Asignes ye fulland Just sum of sixtty one pounds ten shillings Currant mony or marchanttable traine oyle to be delevered at ye bridge at new york at thirty shillings barrell att or before ye last daye of Aprill next insewing,then this obly- gation to be voyde,Else to be and remaine in full forse and ver- tue, it is to be understood yt itt is to be payd in traine oyle at thirtyshillings barell:itcanbeprocuredotherwayesinsillvar mony according to ye oblygation above menshoned Seled and delevered in ye presants of Edward whyte O Simon Cooper Isack hornar Tho : Townsend the Abovesayd bond ispayd and made voyd march 1682 166 Book A (p.149OldA)-oysterBayeye27thofye11thmonthAno 1661 Bee Ittknowne unto allmen,by these presants that I Richard Latting and Josias,L ,m y soon Both of huntington,on longisland, EmeryCa doe hereby Acknowledg and confess,yt wee have,fully and Absalutely,sould all oure Right tittelland intrest,of ye house andhouselottytIboughtofAnnCroker,andA shareorright of ye south medowes as other men have,and one share of medow at matenecoke,and one share of medow,more on ye north side of ye said towne of oyster Baye withall other Rights previlidges and Apurtenances,that doe Any ways fall too,or belong to us within ye sayd towne bounds, of oyster bay unto Samuell An- drews Residing in ye sayd town, for satesfacktion yt wee have allredy Reseved,of him,and doe by these allso promise,and iniage to paye or Cause to be payd Any thing that Is due to ye sayd towne,orAny otherparsonorparsons,ytmaye beJustlyCharged on ye house or Any of ye Above menshoned lands soe yt we are to free him,from any such molestations,we saye ye (we) have, sould and delevered all ye Afore menshoned premises, from us oure hayres and Asignes to ye sayd Samuell Andrewes,his hayres and Asignes for Ever to inioye without molestation,by us or Any from us as wittnes oure hands,ye daye and yeare,first Above written Sealed signed and delevered in Richard Latting O presanc of us.memorandum Josias X Latting O it tis Agreed upon yt ye abovesayd his mark latting is to doe foure dayes works towards ye mill at oyster baye and noe more henry Townsend Beniamin hubbard (p.150 Old A )-Lewsum ye 8th daye of Jenewary in ye yeare 1675know allmen By thesepresantsytImary willittsofLewsum upon Longisland in ye northriding of newyorkshare have sould A parsell of plaine land to ye quantety of tenn pole in breadth and soe to runn southward untill he have by Estemation ye vallew of ten Accors Bounded on ye north End of Samuell Andrews of oyster Baye in ye same Riding and on ye East side Adioyneing to Richard harcutt,I mary willitts have sould unto John dickin- son senior of oyster Baye his hayres Exsexetors Administrs or AsignesforEver,pesablytoinioyesoe,Idoe selltohimallmy right Claime or demand from me my hayres Exesexetors Ad- minist's or Asignes for Ever at ye vallew of 2s an Accor,given under my hand and seale ye daye and yeare Above written,for Consideration of ye Abovesd : trackt of land Reseved satesfack- tion,thisbeingsouldbyyewillingnesand ConsentofTho:willits • Eldest soon to ye Abovesayde mary willitts and given under his hand and seale ye 8th of Jenewary 1675 Book A 167 Sealed signed and delevered Mary (M W ) Willitts in the presanc of us Thomas Willitts hope williams Confirmed By Richard Willitts Richard willitts wittnes ttestes Tho :Townsend his hand febrey 22th 1682 oyster Baye febrewary ye 24th in ye yeare 1682 Be Itt knowne unto all Christion people,to whome this deed of Convayeanc maye Any wayes Consarne,know yee,yt I nathan- ellColles,seneor,ofoysterBaye,haveingA wholeRightoflands upon hogisland,Being the twoantwenteth part,thereof as since devided by A lottments,doe Asigne and make over ye owne halfe of my sayd Right of lands at hogisland Abovesayd,unto my Brother Robart Colles of muschedacove to him his hayres Ex- sexetors Adminstrs or Asignes for Ever, from me my hayres Exsexetors Administrs or Asignes for Ever,upon the Conditions as followeth that If the sayd Robart his hayres Exsexetors Ad- minst's or Asignes shall at Any time After ye daye hereof make sale,of ye sayd halfe right of land,that then I myselfe hayres Exsexetors Administrs or Asignes, Is to have ye sayd half right of land soe transported, at ye same valew which I sould it for which is fifty foure shillings seven pence, to ye tru intent and performance to Each other of this Agrement, we have, Inter- changably subscribed oure hands Signed in presanc of us Nathaneill Colles Tho:Townsend Robert Coles John Wickes (p. 151 Old A )-This Instrament of writting witneseth to all Christion people to whome it maye Come or Any wayes Con- sarne,know yee yt I Caleb wright of oyster Baye in ye north riding of yorkshare,upon Longisland,haveing Asigned to me A sartaine trackt of land at ye sedor poynt soe Called B y m y Brother in law Josias Latting,which land was formerly layd out to Ben- iamin Hubard now deaseased for six Accars more or less and By Agrement,After ye sayd hubbards desease to fall to ye Above- sayde Josias Latting his hayres or Asignes,and since Asigned and transported to me,know all men yt I Caleb wright have sould Alinatted and made over for Ever,ye Abovesayde six Accars of upland at ye sedor poynt or all ye right tittell and intrest there formerly belonging to Beniamin Hubbard, from me my hayre, Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes for Ever,unto Abraham Aling blacksmith now an Inhabytant in the sayd towne of oyster baye,to him ye sayd Abraham,his hayres Exsexetors Adminis- trators or Asignes to have and to hold poses and Inioye,as his or there proper Right titelland intrest for Ever,from me or Any from by or under me or ye sayd Josias Latting his hayres or Asignes for Ever haveing reseved of ye sayd Abraham Ating, 168 Book A five pounds in hand for and in Consideration of ye premises as witnes m y hand and seale, oyster Baye this 27th of Febrewary 1682 and presance of us Tho : Townsend Caleb X wright O henry Townsend Jun his mark Stratford this first of november 1684 whareas there was Agrement made betwene Robart williams,& the towne of oyster baye yt the sayd Robart was to settell but six famylyes at Lewsum,on longisland of which hope washborne is one,I ye saide hope doe give unto Thomas willitts of ye sayd Lewsum my previlidge thats made menshon of in yt Agrement in settelling there to him & his sucksesors as witnes my hand testes Samuell whelar hope (H ) washborne henery williams At a Towne meeting January ye 6th 1691: his mark To this meeting Came Thomas Willitts & Desired of ye ffree- hold's to accept of him ye Sd Thomas for A townsman in ye roome of Hope washborne which the ffreholders all Granted as ffarforth as ye Sd Hope Washborne in this next above written Deed hath made his right to ye Sd Thomas willitts,and (that is to Say) in ye Roome of Hope washborne his Right which he had by the Town in ye Agreement between ye Town & Robert Williams made may the 2d 1664 Entred by order of ye ffreeholders by John Newman Town Clerk (p .152 Old A )-oyster Baye the 6th daye of march 1682 This Instrament of writting witneseth unto all Cristion people to whome Itt maye Come or Any wayes Consarne know yt wee Joseph Croker and william Croker Both of Oyster Baye and soones to William Croker of oyster baye desesed and hayres to all his lands and Easteat Acording to ye rules in L a w and finding A transportt of A Sartaine house lott and previlidge herein oyster Baye signed By oure mother Ann Croker since ye death of oure father,unto Richard Latting and now in ye posestion of samuell Andrewes,as bought of ye sayd Richard Latting and his soon Josias Latting,(k)now allmen yt wee ye sayde Joseph Croker and william Croker, doe hereby Confirme ye sayde deed of sale as signed by oure mother unto Richard Latting and allso ye deede of sale from Richard Latting and Josias Latting unto samuell Andrewes,from us oure hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes for Ever unto ye Ábovesayde Richard Latting Josias Latting and samuell Andrewes there hayres Exsexetors Admin- istrators or Asignes for Ever to have and to hold poses and inioy from us or Any from by or under us or Any parson Claimeing A Right to ye sayd lands by vertue of oure fathers intrest therto, Book A 169 w e e haveing Reseved A valuable Consideration for ye Confirma- tion of ye same as wittnes oure hands and seales in oyster Baye day and date Abovewritten, signed sealed and delevered Joseph X Croker O in presanc of us his mark Thomas Townsend Recorder william X Croker henry Townsend Jun his mark These presants declareth unto All whomesoever Ittmaye,Con- sarne yt I henry Townsend senior of oyster Baye doe by this give and make over unto my soon henry Townsend,the medow yt lyeth betwene ye land by ye mill and ye three runs, and his house plot here in oyster baye, and the south End of it by ye streete is soe broade as to Containe foure roes of aple trese as now ye treese doe stand,and it tis all now in his posesion,and ye north End is betwene ye trench on ye west side and his Brother Johns Lott on ye East side, and ye length of ye sayd plot of land northward is to be as long as his Brother Johns lott yt was Jeames Coks lott,I saye I doe give ye sayde medowe to m y soon henry Townsend to make use of or dispose of it as he shall Cee Cause,Butt ye house plott with all ye treese yt are on ye sayde house plott I give to m y soon henry Townsend on termes or Conditions as followeth, yt Is I give ye sayd house plottandtreeseTo my soonhenryTownsendandtohisLiniall hayres of his owne body,but If he have noe hayres of his owne, Then It shall be given to his Brothers John, Robart or to there Children yt are males If Any Elce to ye fameles,But If my soon henry doe Cee Cause to will ye sayd land or orchard to his Brother or Brothers Abovesayde or Eyther of there Children his will shall Stand but if m y Son henry dye and make no will it Shall be as aboveSd but if m y Son henry Townsend dye and have no heir and have a wife his widow Shall have ye use and benefit of ye Sd house and house plott or orchard During her Life but after her decease ye Sd Land or orchard To be returned as above is required Quietly and peaceably-(p. 153 N e w A )- And I have and do give and make over the above Said meadow and house plott on Terms abovesaid as witness my hand and Seal Oysterbay this 16th of ye 2th m o 1683 Henry Townsend senjTM O Signed Sealed and owned to be his Real Act and deed Test Thomas Townsend Recorder Oysterbay ye 29 of October 1664 These presents declareth unto allwhome itmay any ways Con- cern yt I John Richbill Marchand of Oysterbay on Long Island In N e w England have firmly sold and Deliverd In present pos- sesstion one Shear of meadow on ye North Side of ye Sd Town Joyning to ye Sea on ye Noth Side and to henry Townsends 170 Book A House Lot on ye South Side and Samuell Andrewes on ye west & to ye Sd John Richbills Meadow on ye Eastend unto Henry Townsend of ye Sd Town and place for Satisfaction in hand re- ceive In other meadow and by these presents do bargain and Sell and Deliver unto ye Sd Henry Townsend his heirs Execotors admts or assigns forever to Injaye without Molestation by m e or any from me and do promise also to give ye Sd Henry Townsend a C o n f i r m a t i o n f r o m h i m I h a d it o f a s w i t n e s s m y h a n d a n d S e a l ye Day and Year first above Written Signed in presence of us and delivered John Richbill O Signed in presence of us Mathias Harvy John Underhill IDanielWhiteheaddoownandacknoledgemy Selfetobeye partie from whome Mr. Richbill had ye Above Written meadow and I do ratifie and Confirme what is above written Witness m y hand Witness Nicolas Wright Caleb X wright his mark Daniel Whytehead (p.154 New A)-This Instrument of writing or deed of con- veyance witnesseth unto all Christian people to w h o m e it m a y Come or any wise Concern know ye that I Samuel Andrewes of Oysterbay within ye north Rideing of Yorkshire upon Long Island have and Do by these presents upon good Considerations moveing me hereunto freely Sell alinate and make over Unto Joseph Ludlum Cooper of ye Same Town and Riding severall Alotments of Land upon hog Island as Laid out Lying and being as followeth one Lot being ye forth Lot in ye Last Division Con- taining Six acres more or Less and one Lot upon Nobs hill so CalldbeingthetwentiethInNumber Containingfouracresmore or Less as Laid Out being eight rod wide and Two Small Lotts In ye Calf pasture one Number nine ye other Number Eleven being as Laid out in Quantity More or Less also one Shear of M e a d o w L y i n g I n T h r e e d i v i s i o n s p a r t o f it L y i n g a t y e W e s t e n d of ye six Acre Lot forth Shear ye other part of ye meadow Lying upon ye Little Neck by ye Side of ye Great Creek further I have Sold unto ye Said Joseph a proprietors Right of allthose Lands uponyeSaidIslandthatNow remainsundividedallwhichSd Lands and Meadows as above Mentioned by their divisions Laid out and ye Right of Land mentioned not yet Divided I have freely and absolutly Sold alinated and made over from me my heirs Executors admtrs or assigns forever unto ye above Said Joseph Ludlum his heirs Executors administ's or assigns To have and to hold occupy possess and Injoye as his or their own proper Right Title and Interest from me or any from by or under me forever Book A 171 as firmly to all Intents Confirmed by these presents as might or Could be drawn by any deed of Sale or Conveyance according to L a w Whatsumever haveing receved full Satisfaction for every part and parcell thereof as witness m y hand and Seal in Oyster- bay this 24th day of may 1683 It is further to be understood yt if any part of ye meadows above mentioned be obstructed or Eclipsed by ye Rest of ye proprietors yt yn I am bound to mak itgood out of ye Rest of my meadows upon ye Island. Samuel Andrewes O Signed Sealed and deliverd In ye presenc of us Tho:Townsend John Robinson BeitKnownytIhenryTownsendSey dobythesepresents Transmit assigne and make Over forever all m y right Title and Interest to ye within Written deed to my Two Sons Henry Townsend and John Townsend from me or any other from by or underme forevertothem my Sd Two SonstheirheirsExecutors or assigns To have and To Hold Equally Between them To all Intents Constructions and purposes as Every it was mine by Vertue of ye within writtend deed and Confirmation forever as Witness m y hand and Seal in Oysterbay this 6th day of march 1683/4 Signed Sealed and Delevered In presence of Tho Townsend Recorder Daniel Townsend Henry Townsend Senj O this assignement hath reference to ye bill of Sale from John Richbill Entered on ye other Side of this Leaf (p.155 Old A )-This Instrament of writting witneseth unto all Christion people to whome Itt maye Come or Any wayes Con- sarne know yee,that whareas my Brotherinlaw Anthony wright, of this towne deceased, did in his life time give frelly unto m y soon Job wright,the house lott whareon he now liveth with all the Rights and previledges properly thereunto belonging, and ordered the towne Clark to record ye sayd giftt unto m y soon Job wright,as Itt stands recorded in the towne Book of records of oyster Baye in page 74,Be Itt further knowne and manifested by these presants, that I Allce Crabb widow, being made solle Exsexetrixe of and to all the lands and Easteat of my sayde Brotherinlaw Anthony wright,as by his will maye Appeare,and Confirmed Administrator to ye sayd Easteat as Aproved by the Court of sesions,and Confirmed by the governar Edmund Andras, doe by these presants for ye further satisfacktion of my soon Job wright Confirme ye abovesayde home lott and previlidges be- longing to it Acording to ye tru intent and giftt of m y Brother- inlaw as Stands Recorded as Abovesayd,to my soon Job,from 172 Book A m e m y hayres Executroes Administrtors or Asignes, unto m y sayde soon Job wright his hayre Executors Administrators or Asignes to have and to hold poses and inioye peasably from me orAnyfrombyorunderme forEver,ashisorthereowneproper right titell and intrest, as witnes m y hand and seale in oyster Baye this 10th daye of maye 1683 Signed Sealed and delevered inye presance of us Tho:Townsend Joseph (J) Croker his mark Allce (A ) Crab O her mark (p.156 Old A )—This Instrament off writting or deede of Con- vayeance wittneseth unto all Christion people to whome Itt maye Come or Any waise Consarne know yee,That wee Suscaneman and werah the Indians propriators of A sartaine trackt of Lands knowne by the name off matenecoke,Lying and being within ye pattin and townshipe of oyster baye and under the patronage and protecktion of his Royall highnes Jeames duke of york,have and doe Absalutely upon good Resons and Considerations move- ing us hereunto ffully Bargaine sell Alynate and for Ever make over unto Coroll Lewiss Morris A sartaine neck or trackt of w o o d Land upon matenecok Above menshoned lying and being bounded as followeth all the medowes being formerly sould lying upon the sayd neck are Exsepted by us, But the neck of land by us sould is Bounded south End by the lands wee ffor- merly sould unto william hudson and william ffrostt as by there deede bareing datte ye first of June 1682, and Recorded in the towne Book of Records of oyster baye in page 135 and the East side is bounded by the medowes and part of samuell tilliars land and John davises land and on the west side by the sayd lewis morris lands formerly purchased and partly by the medowes and the north End by the sound,wee saye and doe hereby Acknowl- idge to have sould the Above menshoned neck or trackt of wood land as bounded withall the timbar graseing swomps rivers minds minaralls previledges of whatt nature so ever, within the sayd neck or trackt of land,as bounded wee have sould,and by presant posestion delevered unto the Abovesayde Coroll Lewis morris his hayres Executors Administrators or Asignes to have and to hold poses and Inioye, as his or there proper Rights titell and Intrest for Ever,from us oure hayres Executors Administrators or Asignes or Any other parson or parsons from by or under us layeing Claime thereto for Ever,as firmly to all intents and pur- poses to ye sayd Coroll Lewis morris his hayres or Asignes as might or Could be drawne by Any deede of salle or Convayeance written Acording to law, haveing Reseved a resonable valew in hand to our full Content for the, same, as wittnes oure hands and seales in oyster Baye the fourth daye of Jully 1683 Book A Signed sealed and delivered In presanc off Adam wrightt Samuell ttillyar 173 This Abovesayd deed made voyd and of noe fexse (effect) by A new deed drawne And entred in page 167 as maye Apeare by Agrement and order of Coroll moris (p.157 Old A )-oyster Baye the 4th of Jully 1683 Then Reseved of Tho :Townsend ffull satisfacktion in sillvar m o n y for the neck of land sould to Lewis morris as by the deede bareing date with this our resaipt,we saye Reseved by us as wittnes our hands wittnes, nathanell Colls Suscaneman his X mark O Samuell ttillear werah his X mark Be Itt knowne unto all Christion people to whome these pres- ants maye Come or Anywayes Consarne know yee,that wee Suscaneman and werah both Indions and propriators of ye lands Comanly Called and knowne by ye name of Matenecok,lying and being within the pattent and township of oyster Bay doe by these presants and upon good Considerations moveing us hereunto, have bargained sould and By presant posesetion delevered thirty Accars of wood land unto John Rogers Inhabyatant of ye same towne and place,the sayd lands lying and being on the north side ofthefuttpaththatpeopledoenow travellinfrom Oysterbaye to Muschedacove the first bounds whareof begineth at A whit oak tree markt by the highwaye yt runneth downe ye hollow on ye East side of samuell Andras lands, which sayd tree Is his southwest bounder,and from thence Eastwardly thirty rod to A small tree markt on ye north side of ye sayd futt path, from thence northwardly one hundred and sixty rod, being ye same breadth at ye north End being bounded on ye west side by ye highway,on ye south End by ye futt path and on ye Est side by Christopher hoacks hursts (Hawxhursts) land,and at ye north End by ye Coman,Inclewding within ye sayd Bounds thirty Ac- cars of wood land which we Acknowlidge to have sould from us our hayres Executors Admin's or Asignes for Ever, unto ye Abovesayd John Rogers his hayres Executors Administ or Asignes to have and to hold occopy poses and inioye as his or there one proper right titelland intrest from us or Any from by or under us,or Any other layeing Claime thereunto for Ever Iniageing hereby to defend him or them, in there quiatt inioye- ment of ye premises haveing reseved A valewable Consideration in hand for ye same as witnes our hands and seals in oyster baye this first daye of June 1682 Suscaneman his X mark werahhisX mark 174 Signed sealed and delevered in the presance of us Tho :Townsend,Recorder John Robinson Book A Suscaneman X his mark and O werah X his mark and (p.158 Old A )-oyster Baye Jully ye 4th 1683 Bee Itt knowne unto all Christion people to whome this maye Come or Any wayes Consarne knowe yee,that whareas ye towne of oyster baye obtained A Lisence from governar Edmund An- dras ye 19th of ocktobar 1677 and in petickular granted in the name ofhenryTownsend and Capt:Thomas Townsend,forye purchaseing of the lands there spesefyed within there patten of oyster baye,and by vertue of ye sayd lisence haveing since made. A purchase by vertue of ye same A sartaine neck or poynt of wood land upon matenecok of Suscaneman and werah ye knowne propriators of ye Same for Coronall Lewiss morris and in his name written signed sealed and delevered the 4th of Jully 1683 and recorded in ye towne book of records of oyster baye in page 156,and there resaipt of full payment for ye premises Entred in page 157,by vertue whareof be Itt knowne yt whareas I made ye bargaine with ye sayd Indions for ye sayd neck or poynt of wood land as Abovesayd, and by ye request and desiar of ye sayd Coronall Lewis moriss yt ye deed for ye same might be drawne in his name,and to take of all further pretences or Evell sur- miseings as to A n y further Claime to A n y part thereof, or m y hayres to ye premises by vertue of these presants doe disclaime any further pretence or right to ye sayd neck or poynt of wood land for Ever,but to remaine to ye sayd Coronall Lewis moriss his hayres or Asignes for Ever, Acording to ye tennure of his grand deed from Suscaneman and werah bareing date as Above sayd as wittnes m y hand and seale day and date Above written inpresanceof Tho:Townsend O william Bikley Samuell tiller Adam wrightt This Abovesayd Instrament of writting is made voyd by A second Confirmation drawne in Coroll Lewis moris name and Entred in page 167 as maye Apeare by Agrement and order of Lewis moris (p.158 New A )-Oysterbay July ye 4th 1683 This Instrument of writing Witnesseth unto all Christian peo- ple To whome itmay Come or any wise Concern Know ye that we Suscaneman and Werah Indians,and the Known proprietors of ye Lands Commonly Calld and Known by ye name of mat- inecock, Lying and being within ye patent and Township of Oysterbay, being ordered and appoynted by ye rest of ye In- dians Concernd with us, In ye Ŝd Lands to make Sale thereof Book A 175 toye Inhabitance of Oysterbay as we Shall See cause,and having a neck of Land Lying and being Between ye Beaver Swamp and Chagchageing Swamp so Calld,have upon good Considerations moving us hereunto Bargaind Sold by Present possession Deliverd ye Said Neck of Land unto henry Townsend, Senj1 and to his Two Sons Henry Townsend and John Townsend of oysterbay as t h e r e o w n p r o p e r r i g h t s titles a n d I n t e r e s t s f o r e v e r y e first b o u n d s whereof Begining at ye Said Beaver S w a m p River (being ye North east) bounder of Isaac Horners Lands and from thence by ye North line of ye Sd Isaacs Land to a red oak tree at ye head of a littleSwamp upon a hummak of upland Markt being ye Sd Isaacs North west bounder and from thence by ye path or highway to Matinecock on ye West side of ye Said highway from ye red oak tree aforesd they are to rainge a Cross ye neck by ye Said w a y to a Tree marked by ye Branch or River Called Chage- chagen river at ye Going over and from thence Including all ye Upland and Swamps timber and Grass and all other profits Bene- fits Immunities thereunto belonging upon ye Said Neck of land asabove—(p.159New A)-Saidasboundedandfromyemain Stream of ye Beaver Swamp to ye Main Stream of Chagechagen Swamp and thence Northeast or thereabouts Between ye Sd streams from ye highway or path abovesaid to ye head of ye meadows Calld ye Beaver Swamp meadows which Sd meadows being formerly Sold by our predesessors to ye Inhabitance of Oysterbay also we Except a Small Slipe of Low Swamp land Which we havegivenuntoTho:Townsend ofOysterbayJoyn- ing to his Meadow there and Lying on ye North Side of ye old Indian path and so to ye foot of ye hill fronting against his Said Meadow but all which Sd Neck of Land Swamp Timber and other profits thereunto belonging as above Said Lying between theTwo StreemsandboundsSouthwardandmeadowsandTho: Townsends Slipe of Swamp as aboveSaid we do own and Acknol- edge to have freely and absolutly Sold and by present possession deliverd Unto Henry Townsend Senj and his T w o Sons Henry Townsend and John Townsend with free priviledge of Grassing for their Cattle and Timber for their use Elsewhere upon our Lands upon Matinecock Unsold to them and their heirs To have and To hold Executors admitrs or assigns all and Singular ye Said Neck of Land and premises before recited to occupy possess and Injoye as their own proper Rights Titles and Interests for- ever from us our heirs Executors administrators or assigns or any other Indian or Christian Laying Claim thereto forever also Ingaging to maintain and Defend them their heirs or assigns In their peaceable Injoyment of ye premises being hereunto bound and Obliged as firmly to all Intents and purposes as might be Drawn or written by any deed of Sale or Conveyance Whatsom- ever according to L a w and having received a Valuable Considera- tion In hand to our full Content for ye Same we do hereby 176 Book A acknoledge this our deed by Subscribing our hands and fixing our Seals for and on ye behalf of our Selves and all ye Other Indians Concerned with us in ye Said Land forever Signed Sub- scribed day and date above written in Oysterbay and in the five & thirty year of ye Reign of King Charles the Second King of Great Britian France and Irland &c in ye deed ye words and thence Interlined between ye 24th and 25th Lines and ye words and Singular Interlined between ye 41 & 42th lines before ye Sealing hereof Signed Seald and Deliverd In ye presence of Tho:Townsend Recorder John Robinson Suskeneman his X mark & O Werah his X mark and (p.160 Old A)-This Indenture made ye three and twentyeth daye of June In the three and twentyeth yeare of his maiests Raine,Anno : 1671 Betwene John dickinson of oyster Baye on Long Island of ye one partt and Capt.Richard moris and Company of ye other part wittneseth that for and in Consideration of a val- ewable sum to ye sayd John dickinson before ye Asigneing and sealing hereof in hand payd by Capt.Richard moris,ye sayd John dickinson hath given granted Bargined and sould,and by these presants doth give grant bargin and sell unto ye sayd Capt.Rich- ard moris and Company there hayres Executors and Asignes:all his right titell and intrest,which at this presant time the ye sayd John Dickinson hath to and upon A Certaine Island Commanly Called and knowne by ye name of hog island sittuate Lying and being nere Oyster baye upon longisland,together with all ye grass and wood upon ye sayd land groing and standing with all and singular ye proffits and previledges & advantages that doth belong unto me for and by ye premises To have and to hold unto ye saydRichardmorisandCompanyallmy saydlanduponyesayd hogisland, with all ye proffitts & previlidges thereunto belonging unto ye proper use and behoofe of ye sayd Capt. Richard moris and Company there hayres and Asignes for Ever and moreover ye sayd John dickinson for himself his hayres and Exsexetors Covenanteth to and with ye sayd Capt.Richard moris and Com- pany,that ye sayd land upon hogisland which.he hath now by these presants sould him isatthis presant free and Cleare of and from allmanar- (p.161 Old A )—of former gifttsgrants bargins salles feofoments Alynations Intailes wills Lesess Joynters stat- utes Recognizances oblygations Covernants promises Judgments Executions fines forfytures and Amercements, and all other Charges demands and incumbaranses whatsoever,hereto fore had made or done by me or Any other By or through my meanes asignement or procurement whatsoever, and ye sayd John dick- inson doth further Covenant to and with ye sayd Richard moris Book A 177 and Company there hayres and Asignes,yt he will Indemnyfy (and) save harmless ye sayd Capt. moris and Company there hayres Executors and Asigns of and from all Claimes of all par- sons whatsoever,In wittnes whareof ye sayd John dickinson hath hereunto sett his hand and seale In new york ye day and yeare within written Signed Sealed and delevered In presants ye mark of Edmund X wright John sharp John dickinson O I doe hereby Asigne and make over all m y Right ttitell and In- trest to the within Bill of salle and to the Lands therein men- shoned unto henry Townsend Junior and John Townsend of oyster Baye and to there hayres and Asignes for Ever,as wittnes my hand ye 21th9br 1683 Being presant John pell william Bickley Lewis morris (p.162 Old A )-oyster Baye this 6th daye of Jenewary 1665 Be Itt Knowne unto all men by these presants, that I Jacob young off oyster baye for and in Consideration, of paye to m y satisfacktion I have in hand reseved,I have fully and Absalutely sould and by these presants doe delever up all m y right ttitell and intrest of my share of medow on ye west side of matenecok krick yt I had of the towne of oysterbaye unto nathaniell Colles of oyster baye in ye north riding, I saye I have sould and de- levered by this:up ye sayd medow from me and my sucksesors tohim ye sayd nathanell and his suckserors for Ever to have and to hold as his or there owne proper right and intrest without molistation of us or Any from us,as wittnes my hand and seale ye sevententh yeare of Charles ye second king of England inye presance of us Jacob Youngh O henry Townsend Tho:Townsend AsignedthewithinwrittenBillofsalleoverfromme my hayres and sucksesors or Asignes for Ever,unto my unkel Christopher hoackshursts (Hawxhursts) hayres or Asignes as firmly as Ever Itt was mine for Ever, as witness m y hand in oyster baye this 18th daye of desember 1683 Signed and delevered Nathanell Colles in presance of us Tho:Townsend John weeks Bee Itt knowne unto all Christion people to whome this writ- tingmaye Come or Any wise Consarne know yee yt whareas my 178 Book A late husband John Colles deseased did on his last will and teste- ment bequeve unto me his wife ann Colles under written,all his lands and Easteate ye moveables to be at m y dispose, as ye sayd will maye Exspress,and all his lands then posesed of to be at m y disposistionduringmy life,andaftermy deseasettoreturneunto his soon soloman Colles,be it by these presants further knowne yt now intending to Change my Condition,by mariedge with one william lines,and before confirmation thereof doe frelygive and grant,and by these presants frely Asigne and confirme upon m y sayd soon solloman Colles,ye owne halfe of all ye lands and pre- viledges yt was his fathers to settell upon and improve as his owne proper right when he Comes of age,to inioye for Ever, without molistation from me,or Any from by or under me for Ever,butifIshallorshoulddeseasebeforemy saydsoonComes to ye Age of 21 yeares,this agrement or Asignement shall noe wayes Eclips his fathers will,but Emediately to take posestion of ye whole intrest acording to will:to which I subscribe my hand and sett to m y seale matenecok ye first daye of Jenewary 1683 provided and be it inserted that m y soon soloman shall have ye one half of ye lands and previledges as Abovesayd to settell and improve,but not to Imbezell or make salle during m y life,without ye Consent of myselfe and husband wittnes oure hands Signed sealed and delevered Ann X Colles her mark O in presance of us williamXlineshismark O Josias X Latting william frost Jeames X Cok Samuel tilliar daniell Colles (p.163 Old A)-This twentyeth sixthdaye ofye Eleventh month Called Jenewary in the yeare 1680, I John dickinson of oyster baye upon Longisland in newyorkshare being weak of body:butt in parfeckt memerory,and understanding,Blesed be unto ye lord to declare m y last will this daye Above bareing datte ffirst unto my soon Joseph dickinson ye Lands and medow which I have seteled upon him,to remaine his hayres Exsexetors or Asignes forever, unto m y daughter Elyzabeth five shillings, with yt she hath Aredy had to be her full portion tto marcy m y daughter I give five shilings with yt she hath had to be her full portion, I give and bequeave unto my wiufe Elizabeth dickinson ye ordering and disposeing of m y whole Eastate unto m y six young- est Children, Viz : Lidiah, mahetebell samuell, hanah, Jeames, Jabise,soe long as she contineus a widow,but if she mary Againe, then these my six youngest Children,when as sone as She is maryed and alldepts defrayd,my wife Elizabeth shallhave her thirds out of this m y Easeate,ye remainder to be devided onely Jabiss to have a dobell portion out of itt, and if there part or portione by valuation of suffitiant honest men,be more to one person than what I have given unto m y soon Joseph, yt then Book A 179 they are to make him Equall in portion to them out of theres, and as for m y soon Jabiss,I desiar he maye abide with his mother and be A help unto her soe long as she Seese meete, and Iff he should be soe yt she is minded he should be from her,then I desiar yt he may live with Joseph,and he to have ye Easteat with him,and if ye aforeSd Jabiss dye,whilst with ye sayd Joseph, then Joseph is to have his Eastate but if he should dye whilst with his mother,then ye Easteate to fall unto his mother,but If he should out Live his mother,and then he to goe to Joseph my soon,andyesaydJosephshoulddye,thenIdesiermy overseares to be Assistant unto him,yt he maye be provided for if soe it should please almighty god to take them awaye by death, and those w h o m e I doe intrust with ye overseing,yt this m y last_will be Acording unto m y desiar herein are John underhill, St John ffexe S and my soon Joseph dickinson,whome I hope will doe there best indeviours to ffullfill this m y last will, witnesed By ttestes Tho : Townsend Thomas weekes John dickinson O (p.164 Old A )- K n o w all men by these presants yt I Greisell sellvesterye Relick & widow of Capt nathanell silvester,of shelter Island,in ye County new york for divars good Causes and Con- siderations me hereunto moveing,as also for & in ye Considera- tion of ye full & Just sum of twenty & three pounds,of good curant Sylvar mony of this goverment alredy by me in hand reseved,doe Alynate Bargaine make over,& from me & mine for Ever sell,and by these presants have Allynatted Bargained made over, & from m e & mine for Ever hereafter firmely sold unto Edward white of oyster Baye in ye quenes County of york, & tohishayresExecutorsAdministrs& AssignesforEver,allyt m y lott of Land Lying & being in oyster Baye Abovesayde,being by Estemation five Accars of Land be ye same more or be itLess, as it is this daye ffenced & bounded East by ye land of simon Cooper, south by ye maine streete of ye sayd oyster baye, & westt by ye Lott of Land,yt of Latte did belong unto Robartt story: & north by ye Rhoade or Harbour belonging unto ye sayd oysterbaye, together with all previlidges benefitts Comanidges Easments,proffitts & Comodetyes whatsoever unto ye sayd Lott of Land doth Any waye belong,or in Any wise,unto ye same apertaine together with all medow or medowe land to ye same Lott belonging,with all orchards gardens & fenceing whatsoever is E y t h e r s t a n d i n g o r L y i n g u p o n y e s a m e a s it is A b o v e E x s p r e s t for him ye sayd Edward white his hayres Executors Administrs & Asignes,for Ever hereafter to have & to hold poses occopye & inioye as his or there free land in fee simple for Ever,without A n y y e Least Leett troblle hinderance or Disturbance of m e ye 180 Book A sayde grizell sylvester m y hayres Exscutors Administrs or Asignes or Any other son or parsons whatsoever by from or under m e , or m y Latte desease husband Claimeing or makeing A n y Titell or Claime to ye sayd Lott of Land,or Any priviledge beny- fitt or Comodetty unto it or A n y partt or sell of itt as itt is Above Exspresst & bounded,I haereby warentizeing and Avouch- ing,ye sayd Lott of land alland Every partt and parsell,of land thereof to be free from all former bargaines salles grants or mor- gages whatsoever,& doe hereby bind & iniage m y self m y hayres Executors Administrs to signe seale & delever A n y further deed or better billof salle for ye sayd lott of Land,as he ye sayd Ed- ward white shall by his Learned Counsell in the law gitt drawne & bring unto me or them soe to signe seale & Delever in wittnes whareof and for ye more sure Confirmation hereof,I doe hereby owne & Acknolidge to have given & granted unto him ye sayd Edward whit full free & lawfull posesion of all & every part ther of, & there upon have hereunto sett m y hand & fixed m y seale in shellter Island abovesayd this 29th daye of Jenewary ewary 1683/4 grisellsellvester Ŏ signed sealled & delevered with possesion given in ye presance of John whiller william brinly petter silvester this within bill of salle was owned by ye within named grissell silvester to be her actt and deed datted in south hold this 4th of febrewary 1683/4 Isack Arnald Justis of ye peace for the County of suffolk on longisland (p.165New A)-ThesepresentsDeclarethuntoallthatitmay any ways Concern that I henry Townsend Senjr of Oysterbay on Long Island in ye north Riding do by this Give and make over unto m y Son henry Townsend the meadows yt Lyeth between ye Lain by ye mill and ye three runs and his house plott here in oysterbay ye Southend of it by ye Street is so broad as to Con- tain four Rowes of apletrees as now ye Trees do stand and itis already in his possession and ye Length of ye Ground Northward is y e L e n g t h o f J a m e s C o c k s L o t t h a t w a s , b u t n o w it is m y S o n Johns Lot and ye East bounder is m y son Johns Lot and ye west bounder is ye trench I Say I do give ye Sd Meadow and house plott unto m y Son henry Townsend and his heirs forever as f u l l y a n d a s l a r g e l y a s it w a s M i n e a s w i t n e s s m y h a n d . M e m - orandum it is to be understood ye aboveSd is to m y Son henry Townsend his heirs Executors and assignes as witness m y hand and Seal in Oysterbay ye 6th day of march 1683/4 Henry Townsend Senj O Signed Sealed and Deliverd In presance of Tho :Townsend Daniel Townsend Book A Lusum this 12th of September In ye Year 1679 181 Be itKnown unto allmen to whome this Instrument of writing Shall any ways Concern yt I Robert williams of Lusum on Long Island in ye north riding of N e w Yorkshire upon good Consider- ations moving thereunto do acknoledge to have Bargained Sold and made over unto John Fry of ye same place and Island aforSd ye full and just S u m of Twenty Acres of wood Land Lying and being at a place Caled ye Spring Lying Northeast or thereabouts from my dwelling house and ten acres of ye Brushey plains Lying Eastward of ye hollow yt Goeth up to ye Spring_and Twenty Acres of plain Land lying on ye South Side of ye Great Hollow path with Sufficient Commoning for his Cattle and wood and Timber for his use Such as m y Land is Capable to accomi- date him withall, I Robert williams do own to have Sold ye above mentioned Lands and priviledges from me my heirs Suc- cessors or Assigns unto John ffry him his heirs Successors or assigns forever to Injoye as their own proper Right and Interest nevertobeMolestedbyme Noranyfromme aswitnessmy hand and Seal ye D a y and Date first above written and in ye Thirty first Year of ye Kings Reigne. Yet Notwithstanding this above men- tioned bill doth mak mention of ye Twenty Acres of Land is to Ly at a place Called ye Spring it is to be understood yt part of ye Twenty Acres is to be in a home Lot Lying at ye Spring and ye remainder of ye twenty Acres to Lye west of ye Highway Signed Sealed and Deliverd Robartt Williams O in ye presence of us John Townsend Ju: John williams (p.166New A)-Be itKnown untoallMen bythesepresents yt I Sarah williams widow yt was ye wife of Robert williams of Lusum upon Long Island In America in ye Queens County in New YorkShire have and by these presents Do Alinate Sell and make over from m e m y heirs Executors Admits and Assignes forever unto John ffry of ye Same place and County Shomaker to him his heirs Executors Admtrs or Assns ye whole Right and Title of Twenty Five acres of Land Lying in Several parcells as followeth Viz :-Eighty Eight rods of Land Long and Twelve and a half rod Broad this for to be one parcell for a Home Lot Lying and Joining unto ye home Lott ye aforeSd John ffry bought of her foreSd deceased husband Robert williams then five acres of Land more which Lyeth at ye rear of ye 88 rods of Land and runs Into ye Brushey plains below ye hills and Lyeth on ye Northeast Side or thereabouts of ye Ten Acres which ye aforSd Robert williams Sold unto ye aforeSd John ffry mentioned in his bill of Sale and ye remainder of ye Twenty five Acres Lyeth Southwest of yt Land which ye aforSd John ffry hath in posses- sion by vertue of his aforeSd Bill of Sale I ye afored Sarah 182 Book A williams do acknoledge to have Sold ye Three aforeSd parcells ofLanduntoyeaforeSdJohnffryforyefullandJustSum of Twentypoundstome inhandpaidanddogivethisbillofSale unto ye aforeSd John ffry for him to shew his True Title to Keep ye aforeSd John fryharmless from me or any by my means or any Intanglements or Incumberances whatsoever from her or former Sales or mortgages whatsoever and from m e m y heirs Executors admintrs or Assignes forever to ye aforeSd John ffryto him his heirs Executors admitrs or Assignes forever To Have and To Hold for his proper right to make Sale or Convey- ance as he shall See Cause and for ye True preformance of this ddeed I do Interchangeably Set m y hand and Seal this Twenty fifth day of ye first month In ye year 1683/4 In ye 22th Line is Interlined from her which was before ye Sealing and Signing Signed Sealed In ye presence of us Sarah (S ; W :) Williams Isaac Horner her mark & Seal O Tho : Cock Hope williams Memorandum January ye 8th 1684 Suskeneman Alies Runasuk being Impowered by ye Indians to make Sale of matinecock Lands Doth hereby promise as he Re- ceives ye pay to Distribute to Tacapowshar a part Yearly and to Every Indian or Squaw Concernd as Witness his hand Suskeneman his X mark Test:Tho:Townsend (p.167 N e w A )-This Instrument of writing or deed of Con- veyance Witneseth unto all Christian people to w h o m e it m a y Come or any ways Concern Know ye that we Suskeneman and werah ye Indian proprietors of a Certain Tract of Lands K n o w n by ye N a m e of matinecock lying and being within ye patent and TownShip of Oysterbay and under ye patronage and protection of his Royal Highness James Duke of York have and do absolutly upon good reasons and Considerations moving us hereunto fully bargain Sell alinate and forever make over unto Tho :Townsend of Öysterbay a Certain neck or tract of wood Land upon Matini- cock above mentioned Lying and being bounded as followeth all ye meadows being formerly Sold Lying upon ye Sd Neck are Excepted by us but ye Neck of Land by us Sold is bounded at ye Southend by ye Lands we formerly Sold unto william Hudson and william frost as by their deed bearing date ye 1th of June 1682 and recorded In ye Town book of records of oysterbay In page 135 and ye East Side isbounded by ye Meadows and part b y S a m : Tillars L a n d a n d J o h n D a v i s his L a n d a n d o n y e W e s t Side by Coro Lewes Morris Lands and part of ye meadows and on ye Northend by ye Sound ;we say and do hereby acknol- edge to have Sold ye above mentioned Neck or tract of wood Book A 183 Land as bounded with all ye Timber Grasing Swamps Rivers Minds Minerals previledges of what nature Soever within ye Sd neck or tract of Land as bounded we have Sold and by present possession Delivered unto ye AboveSd Tho : Townsend his heirs Executors Administrators or assigns To have and To Hold pos- sess and injoye as his or their proper Right title and Interest for- ever from us our heirs Executors admitrs or assigns or any other person or persons from by or under us Laying Claim thereto for- e v e r a s f i r m l y t o all I n t e n t s & p u r p o s e s T o t h e S d T h o : T o w n s e n d his heirs Exectrs or assigns as might or could be drawn by any deed of Sale or Conveyance Written according to L a w having Received a reasonable value In hand for ye same to our full Con- tents as witness our Hands and Seales in Oysterbay ye first day of december 1683 Signed Sealed and Delivered In ye presence of us John Jager : of Stamford Edmond X wright Suskeneman his X mark O Werah his X mark I do hereby Assigne and Make Over all my Right Title and InteresttoyewithinwrittenbillofSaleAnd toyeLandstherein mentioned unto Coll. Lewis Morris from m e m y heirs Succes- sors and assigns forever as witness my hand in Oysterbay ye 27th day of march 1684 Tho : Townsend Being present william bickleye George Townsend (p.168 New A )-This Instrument of Writting Witnesseth unto all Christian people to whome it may Come or any ways Con- cern Know ye that we underwritten Suskeneman and Werah ye Indian proprietors of ye Lands Commonly Calld and Known by ye name of matinecock Scituate Lying and being within ye patent and Township of Oysterbay have upon good Considerations Mov- ing us hereunto Bargained Sold and by present possession Bar- gained Sold and Deliverd unto George Townsend of oysterbay forty Acres of Woodland Lying and being or adjoyning to ye Littleplains Upon matinecock So called and bounded on ye north ornorthwestSidebyyeLandswe formerlygiveuntoJohnTown- send Thos : Townsends Eldest Son and bounded on ye west or Southwest by ye Cart way yt goeth from masketicove unto Robert williams's plantation and bounded on ye South or South- east Side by James Townsends Lands and on ye east or northeast by ye Lands unsold being by us as Laid out and bounded Eighty Rods Square Containing within forty Acres of Swamps and up- land more or Less we Say and do hereby own and acknoledge to have freely and without Compulstion absolutly Sold and Deliverd ye aboveSd forty Acres of Land as above mentioned with free priviledge of Grasing and Timber upon ye rest of our Lands un- 184 Book A sold unto ye abovesaid George Townsend his heirs or Successors or Assigns To have and To hold occupy possess and Injoye as his or their own proper Right Title and Interest forever from us our heirs Successors admintrs or assigns or any other persons Either Christian or Indian from by or under us forever as firmly to ye Sd George his heirs or assigns as might or Could be Drawn byanydeedofConveyanceWrittenaccordingtoLaw andhaving received in hand full payment to our Contents for ye same before ye Sealing hereof do Ingage to defend him his heirs or Successors in theire peaceable Injoyment of ye premises as Witness our hands and Seals In Oysterbay ye first day of march 1682 Signed Sealed and Delivered Suscaneman his X mark O In ye presence of Werah his X mark Tho : Townsend Adam wright ye 1th day of June 1683 it is by us underwritten Concluded and agreed unto yt George Townsend Shall rainge from his Southeast bounder Eastwardly by ye Cartway untell it Bears South from ye Spring at his Northeast bounder be in Quantity more or Less as witness our hands Suscaneman his X mark O Signed in presence of us Werah his X mark Tho:Townsend Robert Coles (p.169 Old A )—This Instrament of Writting wittneseth unto all Christion people to whome Itt maye come or any wayes Consarne, know yee,that wee,under written,suscaneman and werah the In- dion propriators of ye land Comanly Called & known by ye name of matenecok situate Lying and being within ye pattent & towne- ship of oyster baye have upon good Considerations moveing us hereunto Bargained sould and by presant posesion Bargained sould and delevered unto Jeames Townsend of oyster baye fortty Ac- cars of wood land Lying & being nere to ye littell plaines upon matenecoke Soe Called and bounded on ye north or north west side by ye lands of georg Townsend & bounded on ye west or southwest by ye Cart path that goetth from muschedacove unto Robartt williams plantation,and bounded on ye south or south East side by ye lands of John Townsend,henry Townsends Soon, and on ye East or north East by ye lands Unsould,Being by us as Layde out & bounded Eyghty rods Every waye upon A square Containeing within sayd bounds fortty Accars of wood land more or Less,wee saye & doe hereby owne and Acknowlidg to have frelly & without A n y Comepulltion absalutely sould & de- levered the Abovesayde fortty Accars of Land as Above men- shoned & bounded, with free privylidge of graseing & timber upon the rest of our lands unsould,unto the abovesayde Jeames Townsend his hayres sucksessors Administrs or Asignes tto have Book A 185 and to hold ocopy posses Inioye as his or there owne proper Right tittelland intrest for Ever,from us oure hayres Executors Admin- istrators or Assignes, or any other parson or parsons, Eyther Christion or Indion Layeing Claime thereunto,by vertue of Any propriaty gifftt grant or salle from us or Any from by or under us forEver, being as firmly sould by us unto ye sayde Jeames his hayres and Asignes as might or Could be drawne by Any deed of Convayeance written According to Law,and haveing Reseved in hand full payement to oure satisfaction & Contents forthesame,beforeyesealinghereof,doeIniage& oblidgeoure selves oure hayres & sucksessors to defend and mainetaine ye sayd Jeames, his hayres or sucksessors, in there peasable, and quiat Inioyment of the Abovesayd premyses as wittnes oure hands andsealesinoysterbayethefirstdaye ofmarch 1682:&c Signed sealed and delevered In the presance off Tho:Townsend Adam wrightt Suscaneman his X mark O WerahhisX mark I Jeames Townsend haveing lands layd out at sedor swomp by ye abovesayd Indions,in lew of ye lands Above menshoned In Consideration whareof I doe hereby make the above Instrament voyd as witnes m y hand ocktober ye 10th 1685 Jeames Townsend (p.170 Old A )—This Instrament of writting wittneseth unto all Christionpeopletowhome Ittmaye Come orAny wiseConsarne, know yee that wee under written, Suscaneman, Aliss Runasuk, and werah,the Indion propriators of ye lands Comanly Called and knowne by the name of matenecoke sittuate Lying & being within the pattent and towneshipe of oyster baye,have upon good Considerations moveing us hereunto,Bargained sould & by pre- santposesion bargained sould and delevered unto John Townsend, soon of henry Townsend,sen':off oyster baye fortty Accars of wood land lying and being nere South East of ye littell plaines, upon matinecoke soe Called & bounded on ye north or north west sideby ye lands of Jeames Townsends,and bounded on ye west orsouth west by ye Cart path,the (that) goeth from muscheda- cove unto Robartt williams plantation,and bounded on ye south and south East side,by oure lands yett unsould,Being by us as Layde out and bounded,Eyghty rods Every waye upon A square, Containeing within sayd bounds forty Accars of wood land more or Less wee saye & doe hereby owne and Acknowlidge to have frellyand without Any Compultion Absalutly sould and delevered the Above sayde fortty Accars of Land as Above menshoned & bounded with free privilidge of graseing and timber for his use, upon ye rest of oure lands unsould unto ye Above sayde John Townsend his hayres sucksessors Administrators or Asignes,to 186 Book A have and to hold occopy posese and Inioye as his or there owne proper right titell & intrest for Ever,from us oure hayres Exe- cutors Administrators or Asignes or A n y other parson or par- sons,Eyther Christions or Indion,Layeing Claime thereunto by vertue of Any propriaty gifft grant or salle from us or Any from by or under us for Ever,Being as firmly sould by us unto ye sayd John his hayres and Asignes as might or could be drawne by A n y deed of Convayeance written According to L a w , & haveing re- seaved in hand full payement to oure sattisfacktion & Contents for ye same,before ye sealling hereof doe iniage & oblidge oure selves oure hayres and sucksesors to defend, & maintaine the sayde John his hayres and sucksesors,in there peasable and quiatt Inioyement of ye Abovesayd premise as wittnes oure hands and seales in oyster baye ye first daye of march 1682 :& c Signed sealled & delevered In the presence off Tho : Townsend John wright Suscaneman his X mark O Alis Runasuk Werah his X mark O I John Townsend Abovemenshoned haveing reseaved land of ye abovesayd Indians at sedor swomp in lew of ye lands Above- menshoned,in consideration whereof I doe make voyde Any Intrest I have for Ever to ye lands Abovemenshoned as witness m y hand ocktober ye 10th 1685 John Townsend (p.171 Old A )—This Instrament of writting wittneseth unto allChristion people to whome ittmaye Come or Any wayes Con- sarne know yee that we underwritten,suscaneman Alys Runasuk, and werah ye Indion propriators of ye Lands Comanly Called and knowne By ye name of matenecoke lands sittuate Lying and being within ye pattent and township of oyster baye,have upon good Considerations moving us hereunto Bargained sould and by pre- sant posesion for Ever,Allynated sould and delevered unto henry Townsend senior of oyster baye,twenty Accars of lands upon matinecoke Lying & being by ye shoue on ye west side of ye bevor swomp soe Called the first bounds whareof begineth at ye river or maine streme on ye south side of ye goeing over or washwaye to matenecok, and from thence Along by ye sayd highwaye Against Isack hornars land,& further by ye hollow and highwaye unto muschedacove ward unto A great black oake tree standing on ye south side of ye sayd highwaye by us marked,and oppositt Against A great rock by ye hill side on ye north side of ye sayd highwaye, and from the Aforesayd tree he is to run or range upon A strayght line south and be east or nere there Abouts, to ye bevor swomp Againe to ye first bend of ye river, or ye nerestt part of ye streme whare it butts up to ye hill side, and Book A 187 from thence by ye midell of ye sayde streme to ye first bounder by ye washwaye or goeing over as Abovesayde, not Infringing Any part of ye maine roade or highwaye in Any place,Including within, ye sayd bounds as Above spesefyed twenty Accars of swomp and upland more or Less,as Agreed upon by Consent at A n advanture,wee saye & doe hereby owne and Acknowlidge to have frelly & without Any Compultion Absalutly sould & de- levered ye Abovesayde twenty Accars of Land as above men- shoned and bounded,with free previledge of graseing & timber for his use upon ye rest of oure Lands unsould unto ye Above- sayd henry Townsend his hayres Sucksesors Administrs or Asignes to have and to hold occopy posess & inioye as his or there owneproperrighttitell& intrestforEver,fromusoureAyres Executors Administrs and Asignes, or Any parson or parsons Eyther Christions or Indion Laying Claime thereunto by vertue of Any pretended propriaty,giftt grant or salle from us or Any from by or under us for Ever,being as firmely sould by us unto ye sayde henry his hayres or Asignes as might or Could be drawn by Any deed of Convayeance written or worded Accord- ingtolaw,& haveingresevedinhandfullpayementtoouresattis- fackton & Contents for ye same,before ye sealeing hereof,doe iniage and oblidge oure selves oure hayres and sucksesors to defend and mainetaine ye sayde henry his hayres or Asignes in there peasable & quiatt Inioyement by ye Abovesayde premises,as wittnes oure hands and seales in oyster baye ye first daye of march 1682: Signed sealed and delevered in ye presance off Tho : Townsend samuell Ruscoe John (R ) Rogers Suscaneman his X mark O Alis runasuk werah his X mark (p.172 Old A )-These presants declareth unto all whomesoever itdoth Any wayes Consarne That I sarah williams widow of ye late deseased Robart williams of Lusum nere oyster baye, on LongIsland in ye north Riding,with ye Aprobation & Consent of m y soons John williams, & hope williams, for good Considera- tions moveing hereunto,have sould & by these presants doe bar- gaine & sell unto henry Townsend senior,of oyster baye on Long- island & Riding Abovesayd,ten Accars of wood land Joyneing to ye south side of ye wood land m y husband, Robart williams, sould unto ye Abovesayde henry Townsend that lyeth on ye west side of ye round swomp,nere the plaines and,ten Accars of shruby plaine Lying southward,from ye East End of ye Above- sayde Land,the first bounder is ye north side,is to run along ye south side of ye Ryzeing ground or browe of ye hill,and ye East E n d is to begin nere a littell hollow that hath A sudden falle, 188 Book A a n d b u t n a r r o w , & is y e E a s t b o u n d e r , I s a y e I h a v e s o u l d t h e t w o parsells of Land in all twenty Accars, and have Reseved full sattisfaction for ye sayd land to m y Content,and therefore I doe by these presants Confirme and delever in presant posesion all m y right titell and intrest of all ye Above menshoned lands from me my heyres Executors Administ's and Asignes,unto him ye sayd henry Townsend his hayres Executors Administrs & asignes, To have and to hold as his or there owne proper right titell & intrest as really & substantially as Ever Itt was m y husbands or mine,& to ye performent of ye sayd Bargain & salle,I doe bind m e m y hayres Executors Administrrs & Asigns to performe unto ye sayd henry Townsend his hayres Executors Administrs and Asignes and to Laye out ye sayd Land to him or his sucksesors upon demand, and give pesablle posesion in ye yeare of king Charles the Second king of England,& the 36 yeare of his Raine, sealled signed and delevered in presants of us,memodandom in ye deed the twelve line is A blott. Signed sealled and delevered In the presance of us this 25th daye of ye first month in the yeare 1683/4 Isack hornar Tho:Cock John ffry Sarah (S W ) williams O her mark (p.173OldA)- (Pages173to178oftheoriginalareilluminated by the fact that Grissel, daughter of Nathaniel and Grissel Syl- vester of Shelter Island,was engaged to Latimer Sampson,and he,dying of consumption in 1674,willed her his rights to property on Long Island. In 1676 she married James Loyd, of Boston. Per Mallmann's "Shelter Island," 1899,p.32). To all people to whome these presants shall Come, wee ye soons heyres Executrix Executor,& Executors,of Capt nathanell sylvester late of shellter Island in Ameryca deseased,send greet- ing,know yee yt wee ye soons heyres,Executrix,Executor,& Executors Aforesayd ye subscribers,to this presant Instrament & deed,for & in Consideration of A sartaine Instrament of writt- ing given by Capt nathanell silvester Aforesayd to Tho : hartt, & Lattemore sampson,bareing date november ye seventeenth daye 1668 wharein he did,declare yt whareas John Richbell of oyster bay, & Ann his wife, did give grant Bargin, sell unto Capt: nathanellsylvesterAforesaydTho:hartt,& Lattemoresampson, A trackttofLandCalledhorseneck,withyemeadowtoyesouth, as sayd deed doth more at Large Appeare,in which he doth declare that he was putt into ye sayde deed, upon trust, onely at ye request of Tho :hartt,& Lattemore Sampson,& for there use and did renounce his Right & tittell,therein unto horseneck John williams hope williams О Book A 189 & medowesatyesouth,butmoreEspetiallyforyeConsideration of A sartaine oblygation,given by Capt nathanell Silvester Afore- sayde datted at shellter Island ye first daye of november 1678 wharin Is Expresed,that whareas my soon in Law Jeames Loyd of boston marcht hath Asigned, & sett over, unto me all his Right ttitell & intrest,unto hors neck,in ye bounds of ye T o w n e of oyster baye with ye medowes at ye south, or whatsoever there- unto belongeth, the sayd Capt nathanell Silvester, doth oblidge himselfehishayres& hisAsignes:&c:atyerequestofJeames Loyde,to give him A deed of salle for ye sayd hors neck & prem- ises& asfullpowertoposes& inioyeyesame,ashehimselvehad reseved from ye sayde Jeames Loyde,and dose acknowlidge to have reseved full sattisfaction for the same, as per ye sayde Instrament doth Apeare,ye which Instrament,was sworn to by the wittneses thereunto gilles sylvester & nathanell sylvester, be- fore pelege sandford governor of Road Island ye 30th daye of August 1680,now Bee Itt knowne,for ye Considerations Afore- sayde we ye subscribers hereunto soons heyres Executrix,Exce- cutor & Executors Aforesayde, have grantted Bargined Alined, sould given & Confirmed,& by these presants,doe ffully Clearely & Absaluttly grant Aliene, Bargin sell give & Confirme unto Jeamesloyd;ofbostonnewEnglandmarchthisheyres,& Asignes forEverallytneck& tracktoflandComanlyCalledorknowne by ye name of horse neck,Lying and being upon the sound on ye north side in queens County or north Riding of yorkshire upon Longisland in Emerica,& bounded to ye west with oyster baye, to ye East with Cow harboure,towards ye north with ye sound, & towards ye south with A beach Extending to ye head of A sartaine Creck which parteth or devideth ye bounds of ye towne of huntington & ye sayd neck,and allso two thirds of all ye neck of medow,fresh and sollt Called fortt neck,or two thirds of five shares or A fiftt partt to be sett outt upon ye sayd neck of all y e m e d o w f r e s h a n d sallt b e l o n g i n g t o y e t o w n e o f o y s t e r b a y e , Lying and being on ye south side of Long Island, with all & singular, the rights members Jurisdicktions Apurtenances, to- gether with all lands medowes beaches Creecks watters feedings pasturs woods,wayes,Easments proffitts Comodetyes & Appur- tenances whattsoever-(p.174 Old A)-To the sayd premises, or to Any partt or parsell of them belonging,or Any wayes Ap- pertaineing,& ye reversion & reversions,remainder,& remainders of all and singular, ye premises & of Every partt, & parsell thereof,& allso all & singular deeds,Evydences,Chartters,Let- ters pattents Examplyfycations of records scripts & instraments, touching & consarning ye premises,or Any partt or parsell of them To have and to hold the sayd neck or trackt of Land Called horse neck on ye north side of Longisland, & two thirds of ye neck or shares of medow,on ye south side of Longisland,& all & singular other ye premises,hereby granted Bargained & sould, 190 Book A or menchoned,to be herein or hereby,granted bargined & sould, with there & Every of there rights,members,& Appurtenances whatsoever,unto Jeames Loyde,his heyres & Asignes for Ever, inasfree& Absalutemanner,asEver,Captnathanellsillvester, Enioyed ye same. In wittnes whareof wee have hereunto sett oure hands & sealles Att shellter Island, ye sixth daye of feb- rewary 1683/4 Signed sealed & delivered By Grissell Sylvester O grisell sylvester gilles sylvester, Gills Sylvester & nathanell sylvester, Nathll Sylvester in presance,of us William Brinly John Collins petter sylvester patience sylvester Jacques Fuillatt Isack : Arnalld danyell gould This 7th daye of ffebrewary 1683/4 Apeared before me John Collins & Jaques guilliatt & made oath yt theye saw grissiell syllvester,gilles sylvester & nathanell sylvester of shellter Signe seale and delever ye Above Instrament as there act & deed Isack Arnold Justis of ye peace for ye County of suffolk on Long Island This 7th daye of ffebrewary 1683/4 Apeared before m e Isack Arnalld who subscribed his hand & sett his seale to this Instra- ment of writting & owne ye same to be his actt & deed John youngs Rhoad Island this 19th daye febrewary 1683/4 Apeared be- fore me danyell gould who subscribed his hand and setthis seale to this Instrament of writting & owned ye same to be his Actt & deed William Coddington,governar (p.175OldA)-ArticlesofAgreementmade& Intendedatnew york this 18th of September 1678 Betwene John Bowne of flesh- ing Robart story of new york,Atturneys to Tho :hartt of Lon- don,of ye one part,& Jeames Loyd of boston,of ye other part Consarning ye devition & valewation of hors neck on long Island & there Intrest in lands & other wayes in partunarship Lying in ye towne of oyster baye, Impr (Imprimis) that Jeames Loyde shall have hors neck,& two thurds of ye medowes at ye south, which was bought with hors neck for his partt or devition,2dly That T h o : hartt shall have as his partt all ye presant Consarnes atoysterbaye,& onethirdparttofyemedowesatyesouth,which was bought with hors neck & all ye purchase at oyster baye,3dly That Jeames Loyde shall paye Tho:hartt or his Atturneys six Book A 191 pounds in boston mony,& allso repaye Robartt story,which he disbursted upon ye Consarnes, twelves pounds which shall be payd at new york in provitions at prize Currant,& yt he shall paye all ye Charges yt ye lands is Indepted for, viz : ye pur- chase at oyster baye,& other Charges yt maye arise upon ye same tillan Issue be made in ye devition,& allso Cleare Any of ye sayde purchase yt maye be Intangled to ye towne of oyster baye,or Any others,4lythat Jeames Loyde,shall paye Tho: hartt or order in London at or before six months ye sum of seav- enty pounds starling,5ly whareas one third of ye medowes at ye south is unvalewed,we doe Agree that two men of oyster baye shall bee Chosen to vallew ye same,& ye thing thus statted to them yt If foure hundred & fifty pounds be ye vallew of hors neck & ye medowes at ye south,wt shall ye medowes at ye south bevallewedattwhich450£ shallbereducedto,210£:andyt tobestarlingmony,& yevallueofyeonethirdofyemedowto be alowed in partt satisfaction of ye seventy pounds,which should be pd at london,wee whose names are underwritten doe bind oure selves in ye penall sum off ffivety pounds starling to stand to & performe ye Above articlles,as wittnes oure hands at new york ye daye & yeare Above written, ye word present Interlined, wittneses nathanell, Sylvester william fframpton Jeamės Loyde John Bowne Robart story new york 1678 sep 26, This daye Apeared Capt nathanell sillvester and william framp- ton,before m e and did declare for truth soe as theye will Answare ye same before god,yt theye ware wittneses to ye within writt- ings,and the delevery thereof declared beffore m e Stevanas Cortlandt maiyer, (p.176 Old A)-new york septem'27th 1678 Received of Jeames Lloyd of Boston by A parcell of goods bought of him,ye sume of twenty nine pounds sixtene shillings & seven pence,starling mony which summe doth discharge him of his oblygation,to paye to Thomas hartt of London,ye Like value,& allsoe receved upon ye Account of ye provisions men- shoned in ye Articlles,within mentioned,ye value of five pounds ten shillings:by A parsell of goods bought of him,as allsoe A Noat on Tho : Cooper to Edward shipeing of Boston six pounds in mony on ye Account of ye within articles, & a bill Charged on Samuell wilson for foure barells pork,on ye Acount of Capt nathanell sylvester, & for six pounds ten shillings in flower at fivetene shillings C: (per hundredweight) which bills when theye are payd,I saye reseved,& ye Abovesayd pertickulars re- seved ye daye & yeare Above written Robart story 192 Book A new york sept 29th 1678 Reseaved of Jeames Loyde three bills of Exchang drawne by: Coroll Lewis morris on John Bradenham march in London,pay- ablettoTho:harttupon sightyewhichwhen payd,Isayereseved ye s u m m of Eyght pounds fivetene shillings in partt of ye sayd Loyds article to paye Tho :hartt,in London seventy pounds, Robartt story Reseaved ye 16th october 1678 of Jeames Lloyd A bill of Ex- change Charged on John wase for twenty pounds starling,paye- able tto Tho : hartt att London, which when payd I saye I re- ceved, by me Robartt story whareas m y soon in L a w Jeames Loyd of bostton, marchant hath Asigned & sett over unto m e , nathanell sylvester of shell- ter Island all his right titell & intrest to hors neck, Lying in the Bounds of ye towne of oyster baye,with ye medowes at ye south, or whatsoever thereunto belongs I doe by these presants oblidge myselfe,m y heyres & Asignes & c :at ye request of Jeames Loyde to give him a deed of salle for ye said hors neck,& premises & as full power to poses & inioye ye same as I myselfe reseved from my sooninlawJeamesLoyd,IdoeAcknowlidgttohavereseved fullsatisfactionforyesamewittnesmy hand,& sealledattedatt shellterIsland,november ye:5th1678 signed sealed and delevered in presance of us gilles Sylvester Nathanell sylvester NathanellSylvester O Parsonally appeared before me this 30th of August 1680 gilles sillvester & nathanell sylvester, the two wittneses Above men- shoned & made oath,yt the Above written was ye Actt of nathan- ell sylvester,there father & they saw hime sign seale & delever ye same, peleg sanford,governar ye Entry of this at Rhoadisland on ye other leafe, (p.177OldA)-Thewithinwrittenareentred& recordedinye publick Record of his maiestys Collony of Rhode Island & provi- danceplantationsinthe158pageofthebookofLand Evydences, Attests, John Sanford Recorder (I can find no reason for this above deed being recorded in Rhode Island. It isso recorded,not on p.158,but on p.257, RhodeIslandLandRecords,1648to1696. Mr.J.FredParker, Secretary of State,states that a search of their records shows no reason why it was recorded in that State. Perhaps a temporary d o m i c i l e , a s a n i n c i d e n t o f t r a v e l , m a y a c c o u n t f o r i t .) To all people to whome these presants shall Come nathaniell Sylvester of Shelter Island marchant,sendeth greeting,know ye Book A 193 whareas John Richbell latte of oyster baye upon long island mar- chant & Ann his wife,for & in Consideration of foure hundred & fifty pounds Currant paye of this Contry to them payd,by Latimor sampson of oyster baye Aforesayd, for & on ye behalfe of himselfe and Tho :hartt of barbados,marchant,by there In- denture of bargaine and salle datted ye Eyghttene daye of ockto- berinyeyeare1666,didgivegrantbargaine& selluntonathaniell sylvester of shelter Island,Tho:hartt of barbados,and Latimer sampson,of Long Island,there heyres,& Asignes for Ever,all yt neck or trackt of land Comanly Called or knowne by ye name of hors neck,lying and being upon ye sound on ye north side,in ye north Ryding of yorkshare upon Long Island, & bounded to ye west with oyster baye,to ye East with Cow harbour,to ye north with ye sound,& to ye south with A beach,Extending to ye head of A sartaine Crick,which parteth or devideth ye bounds ofyetowneofhuntington,& yesaydneck,andallsoallytneck of m e d o w fresh and sollt, Called fortt neck, or five shares or fifthpartofallyemedowes freshand sollt,belongingtoyetowne of oyster baye Lying & being on ye south side of Long Island, & whareas ye sayd John Richbell & Ann his wife,for & in Con- sideration of one hundred & fortty pounds, Currant pay of this Country to them payd by Latimer sampson Aforesayd for & on ye behalfe of himselfe & Tho :hartt aforenamed by one inden- ture of bargaine & salle datted ye sevententh daye of november in ye yeare, 1666, did give grantt bargaine & sell unto nathanell sylvester,of shelter Island Tho :hartt of ye Island of Barbados & Lattimer sampson,of Long Island,allyt messiage or dwelling house wharein ye sayd John Richbell lately dwellt,with two gar- dens,one orchard,three lotts of land one swomp & A pece of sollt m e a d o w , Containeing twenty Accars scittuate & being in ye towne of oyster baye,together with ye one fiftenthe part of Cove neck, one lot or share on hogisland, and severall other lotts of land & meadow within ye township of oyster baye as by ye sayd Indentures relation being thereto had maye & doth more at Large Appeare, and whareas the sayd sums of foure hundred & fifty pound,& one hundred & forty pound in ye sayd Indentures,men- shoned was ye proper Easteat of ye sayd Tho :hartt & Latimer sampsons,& payd by ye sayd Latimer sampson for & on ye be- halfe of himselfe,& ye sayd Tho :hartt and whareas the name of m e ye sayd nathanell sylvester was putt into both ye sayd recitted Indenttures,at ye request & desiar of ye sayd Latimer sampson, in trust onely to & for ye use of him ye sayd lattimer sampson, & ye sayd Tho : hartt & there hayres & Asignes, Equally & re- specktivelly the tru intent & meaning,being before,& at ye En- sealing & delevery of ye sayd Indentures, that all & singular the premises, sould & granted by both ye sayd Indentures should be to the onely use & behoooffe of ye sayd Tho :hartt & Lattimer sampson,& there hayres & Asignes for Ever,Equally as ttennants 194 Book A in Coman,without Any advantage or survivorshipe to be had or in Any wise taken Each of other,& to noe other use or purpose whatt,Soever-(p.178 Old A)-now knowyeethatIyesayd nathaniell Sylvester, for & in regard & Consideration, of the trustt & Confydence in me reposed by ye sayd Tho:hartt and Lattimer sampson,& at there request have remissed released and for Ever,quitt claime unto the sayd Tho :hartt,& Lattimer samp- son, & there hayres & Asignes, all m y right interestt Eastaate titell,& demand,whichheretofore:Ihavehadornow have,of in or to all & singular ye premises, in ye sayd two resitted In- dentures,or Eyther of them,spesefyed,or in Any partt or par- sellsofthem,otherthenastoyepreventionofAny atvantage, or survyvorship to be had or taken by Eyther of ye sayd partyes or there hayres or Asignes Against ye other, Contrary to ye tru intent & meaning of ye sayd purchase, In testemony whareof I haveheretosettmy hand& seale,dattedthesevententhdayeof november in ye yeare one Thousand six hundred sixty Eyght 1668, Sealled & delevered in presanc of John youngs Isaac Arnold William shakerly NathaniellSylvester O Be Itt knowne unto all Christion people to whome these pre- sants shall Come or Any wayes Consarne know yee,yt I,under- written, William Hudson, of matenecoke within ye pattent & townshipe of oyster baye, doe hereby owne & Acknowlidge to have Bargined sould & by presant posesttion delevered, before ye sealing hereof all m y wholle right titell & intrest of houseings orchards gardens, fenses, Lands medowlands fresh and sallt, ttimber graseing, & all previlydges belonging or Apertaineing, unto m y purchase or right of Lands att matenecoke,which I had in m y posesion by vertue,of A deed from m y fatherinlaw,Richard Latting,Asigned unto me bareing datte ye 20th of ocktober 1667 & allsoe Anothar deed from ye Indions propriators Bareing datte ye 22th of June 1667 & allsoe Another deed from ye Indions bareing datte ye 18th of ocktober 1681 allso all m y right in Another deed from ye Indions Bareing datte ye first of June 1682 I saye & doe hereby owne & Acknowlidge to have sould all m y right titell & intrest Above Expresed unto Aron ffurman :Jur of oyster baye, with ye sayd deed above sayd withall the rights previlydges Emunytyes & profitts thereunto belonging or Apertaineing to ye sayd Aron his hayres Executors Administ or Asignes to have tto hold occopy posess & Inioye as his or there one proper rights titell& intrestforEver,fromme my hayresExecutorsAdminis- trsor Asignes,or Any other person whatsoever,from by or under m e for Ever,haveing reseaved in hand full payement & sattisfack- Book A 195 tion,for Every partt & parsell thereof,before the sealing hereof, as wittnes m y hand & sealle, in oyster baye, this 8th daye of Aprill 1684 Signed sealed & delevered William (H ) Hudson O in the presance of his mark Tho:Townsend John (R ) Rogers his mark (p.179 Old A)-Apeared before me william hudson,& did de- siar m e to draw ye within written deed of Convayeance unto Aron furman,& yt he was fully sattisfyed to his Content for ye same, for all his rights & previlydges in Lands & medowes att matenecoke,this Acknowlidged this 8th of Aprill 1684 Tho : Townsend Justis of ye peace of queens County Be Itt knowne unto all men by these presants yt I John frostt of oyster baye on Longisland,in ye queens County of yorkshare in Emeryca,have and by these presants doe Alynate sell make over & delever unto Tho :millar of ye same place Above men- shoned,A Certaine house & land sittuatted Lying & being nere unto a place Called Lusum : nomynatted Eyghtene Accors beitt more (or) Lees : know yee therefore yt I ye sayd frost, doe ffully & Absalutely to all Intents & purposes,by these presants sell & make, unto ye bove sayd Tho : millar ye bove resitted parsell of land houseing fence or fences with all rights privylidges or Apurttinances yt doth or maye here after belong or apertaine there unto,upon Any Acoumpt whatsoever,I saye to him sayd Tho:millar,to him his hayres Executtors,Administrs or Asignes for Ever, as his one proper right of Inherytance, I saye from m e m y hayres Executors Administrs & Asignes to have and to hold& quiattlytoInioyefromAnyparsonorparsonswhatsoever ytshalllayeClaimetoitt,orAnypartofItt;A fforianInvation (foreign invasion) onely Excepted, & doe warant this m y deed ofsaletobegood& freefr(o)m Any formersalleormoriageesor Any Intangellment or InCumbarrances what soever,In tru mean- ing & performance of this deed of salle, I doe ratefy Confirme & alow of as m y Actt & deed by subscribing thereunto m y hand & seale this 25th of febrewary in ye yeare of oure lord 1683/4 signed sealed & delevered John ffrostt in ye presants of Theophilus phillips John X Champon his hand I underwritten meryam Harcutt formerly ye wiufe of samuell furman of oyster baye deaseased doe hereby owne & Acknowlidge 196 Book A yt ye home lott of land that John Townsend,henry Townsends soon doth now poses,herein oysterbaye,was formerly given by ye towne of oyster baye unto m y husband samuell furman,above menshoned& afterwehadposesedyesaydlottsumtime,my sayd husband sould ye sayd lott of land, unto petter wright, n o w deseased,& reseved full satisfaction for ye same without Any reservation,to ye truth & Confirmation of this above sayd Ac- knowlidgment, I have hereunto sett m y hand in oyster baye ye 7th daye of Aprill 1684 Signed & Acknowlidged before m e , ye daye Above written Meryam X Harcutt her mark Tho :Townsend Justis of ye peace of quenes County (p.180 Old A )-ffebrewary 7th 1670,ye last will & testement of Robart furman of oyster baye,I being weak in body yett being in fecktmemoryandunderstanding,doedisposeofmy Easteat as folloeth Viz : first I give to m y Loveing wife m y house baren and orchard & home lott,& the medow at matenecok & all ye hollow at ye plaine Edge,and A hollow on ye brushe plaines,for my wife to dispose of as shee Ceese Best for her Comfortable subsistance whilst she liveth,and If my soon Aron will undertake this for his mother,then my will Is yt he shall doe Itt & improve ye Aforesayde house & land,for her before Any other,& at my wifes desease ye Above menshoned house and lands to be m y soon Aron to him & his for Ever, secondly I give to m y two soons samuell and moses all the remainder of my Acomydations both of medow at ye south and the moable (mowable) land upon ye plaines to be Equally de- vided betwixt them,and In pertickular I give to m y soon samuell all m y houseing and land at ye Cold spring, after m y wives desease provided alwayes that, that Agrement formerly made betwixt m y two soons Samuell & moses, at m y wives desease shall stand thirdly I give to m y Loveing wife all m y parsonall Easteat both of Liveing stok & household goods to her proper use & be- hofe,forherComfortt,andtodisposeofatherdeseaseAnd my will is that m y two soons samuell and moses shall during there mothers Life provide yearly haye,& what Else Is needfull for the maintaineing there mothers stok of Cattells, this is m y will as witnes m y hand in presance of Jonas Wood Abygall frost Robartt ffurman June sesions 1671 This will was brought To the sayd Sesions at Jemecoe & Aproved of, & ye widow was by the sayd Courtt Alowed to be Exseketrixe upon the Easteat of her husband de- seased,by order of Court by me Anthony waters, Clark Book A 197 Oyster baye ye 22th of maye 1684 Then Layd out unto Joseph Eastland Acording to ye towne grant,ye boggy medow at ye head of ye bevor swomp Krick,on ye East side,ye first bounds whareof begineth at A littell mapell tree marked,on ye edge of ye swomp,on ye East side by ye highwaye,yt is layd out A Crose the swomp,& from ye sayd tree,upon a straight lane northwardly to A rock in ye bogs gid- eon wrights south East bounder of his medow,from thence upon A straight west or northwest line to ye maine Crik,& from thenc southwardly by ye maine Crik, to ye Abovesayd highwaye, & from thence by ye sayd highwaye by 2 leading whitoaks marked inyeswomp,& soetoyelittellmapelltreyefirstbounder,being bounded with ye highwaye on ye south & giden wrights land & medow onyeEastside& northEnd,& yemaineCrickonyewest be in quantety of boggy medow & swomp more or less,layd out by us survayors for ye towne,wittnes our hands Tho:Townsend nathanell Colls (p.181 Old A)-This Instrament of writting or deed of gifft wittneseth unto all Christion people to whome It maye Come or Any wayes Consarne know yee,yt I Suscaneman Aliss,Runasuck A n Indion & Cheefe propriator of all the lands Comanly Called & knowne by ye name of matenecok sittuate & being within ye pattent & townshipe of oyster baye,within ye north Riding of yorkshare upon Longisland, for & upon divars Resons & Čon- siderations moveing m e hereunto have frelly & absolutely without suation or Comepultion,but upon resons & Considerations of severall favors & benifitts formerly reseved from Capt : John underhill deseased, have given & by these presants Acknowlidge to have frely given unto nathanell underhill soon to ye Abovesayd Capt John underhill deseased, forty Accars of wood land upon matenecok & Joyneing to ye East side of ye lands by us ye Ind- ians sould unto Jeames Cok by ye futt path or waye from oyster baye to muschedecove,on ye north side being forty rods broad at Each End or front & reare,bounded south End by ye sayd futt path & one hundred & sixty rods in Length north & south, & at ye north End or reare bounded by oure lands unsould, In- cluding within ye sayd bounds as by me bounded,forty Accars of wood land more or Leess, I sayd & doe hereby owne & Ac- knowlidge to have frely given as A free gifft unto ye Abovesayd nathanell underhill,from m e m y heyres Executors Administrators or Asignes for Ever,unto him ye sayd nathanell his hayres suck- sesors Administrs or Asignes,To have & to hold occopy posess & inioye as his or there owne proper right titell & intrest for Ever,from Any further Lett hinderance or molestation,from me or Any from by or under me,as firmly to all Intents & pur- poses as might or Could be written by Any deed of giftt or Ĉon- 198 Book A vayeance, whatsoever drawne Acording to L a w , the Abovesayd forty Accars of wood land as Above spesefyed,as wittnes my hand & seale in oyster baye ye first daye of march 1682 Signed sealed & delevered In presance of us Tho:Townsend Suscaneman X Alis John ffeke Runasuck his mark & seale O (p.182 Old A )-This Instrament of writting or deed of Con- vayeanc wittneseth unto all Christion people to whome Itt maye Come or Any wayes Consarne know yee yt I Joseph Eastland Inhabytant of matinecok within ye patten & township of oyster baye upon longisland queens County Cordwinder haveing A for- mer grant from ye towne of oyster baye for A sartaine peece of Boggy Medow at ye head of ye bevor swomp river as stands Entred in ye towne book of records of oyster baye in page 232, & since surveyed by ye surveyors of ye towne,& bounded out by them,as by there surtiffycate under there hands may Apeare & stands Recorded,in ye sayd Book of Records in page 180,now know all men by these presants, yt I Joseph Eastland Above- menshoned, for full satisfacktion in hand Reseaved before ye signeing & sealling hereof, have frelly & Absalutely Bargined sould,& by these presants declare yt I have sould & delevered,ye Above sayd trackt or peece of boggy medow & swomp as granted & surveyed & bounded to me,for Ever unto John davis of ye Abovesayd place & township for him ye sayd John,to have & to hold occopy posess & Inioye,his hayres Executors Administra- tors or Asignes frelly without further Lett hinderance or moles- tation,from me my hayres Executors Administrators or Any other from by or under me Layeing Claime thereto by pretence of Any giftgrant or Convayeance,whatsoever,for Ever,declare- ing & acknowlidging yt ye sayd peece of medow & swomp Layd out to itas Abovemenshoned,Is as firmly ye sayd John davises, his hayres or Asignes for Ever as Ever Itt was mine by grant, as wittnes m y hand & seale In oyster baye this 4th daye of Jully 1684 signed sealed & delevered in ye presance of us, Tho:Townsend John wright Joseph Eastland O This Instrament of writting or deed of Convayeance wittneseth untoallChristionpeopletowhome Itmaye Come orAny wayes Consarne know yee,That whareas I Allce Crabb widow Inhaby- tant In oyster baye upon long Island, within queenes County Emeryca,being Invested & Legally posest & in posesion of all yelandmedows Rights& prevylidges:&c- ofmy brotherinlaw Book A 199 Anthony wright of oyster baye deseased, as by his will maye Apeare bareing date ye 20th daye of ye third month 1673: & proved in ye Courtt of sesions held at Jemecoe desember, 1679: & Confirmed,Acordingly by Letters of Administration under ye hand & seale of Edmund Andross ye then governor of this pro- vince datted at new york ye 30th daye of desembar 1680 : now know yee yt by vertue of ye sayd power to me given by ye sayd will & Letters of Administration, upon good Resons moveing me hereunto have bargined & sould & by presant posestion de- levered unto Robartt Colles of muschedacove,& of ye township & County as Abovesayde,ye one halfe of all yt share or Right of medow yt was my Brother Anthony wrights at ye south,soe Called within ye patten of oyster baye,as it tis alredy layd out & devided, as it stands recorded in oure towne book of oyster baye in page 254 being as menshoned layd out in three devytions, ye first Alottment upon ye west neck being nomber leven,the second alottment being upon unkawaye neck soe Called, & Is recorded in nombar seven,the third devytion lyeth upon ye littell neck Comanly Called Lattins neck-(p.183 Old A )- & layd out is nomber thirtene, withall to be understood further If Any medow at ye south menshoned,within ye first towne deed from ye Indions be not allredy layd out or devyded,yt ye sayd Robart by vertue hereof,hath full right,to ye one halfe,of what shall or doth fall by proportion,upon devytion to yt share,or right of medow yt was my brother Anthony wrights as Abovesayd,And for A valewable Consideration of sillvor mony In hand by me reseaved from ye sayd Robart before ye sealling hereof, I doe hereby owne & acknowlidge to have absalutely sould & delevered ye one halfe of all yt share & right of medowes at ye south yt wasmybrotherAnthonywrightsasAboveInserted& Exsprest, from m e m y hayres Executors Administrs & Asignes for Ever unto ye Above menshoned Robartt Colles his hayres Executors sucksesors or Asignes to have & to hold occopy posses Inheritt & Inioye peasably without A n y further Lett hinderance or moles- tation from me or Any from by or under me for Ever,oblidgeing m y selfe m y hayres or sucksesors to defend him ye sayd Robartt his hayres or sucksesors,in ye peasable Inioyement of ye prem- yses,Against Any pretended Claime by vertue of Any gifttgrant hayreshipe, or ye like pretences, to ye Confirmation whareof I havehereuntosubscribedmy hand,& setttomy seale,inoyster bayeye:19thdayeofJully1684:& inyepresanceof,Thevalu- able Consideration menshoned Is A Leven pounds mony signed sealed & delevered In ye presance of us, Tho:Townsend Isaac Horner Job wright Nathanell Colles her Allce (A ) Crabb O mark & seale 200 Book A (p.184OldA)-To allChristionpeopletowhomethis santt writting shall Come or in Any wise Appertaine,be Itt knowne by these presants,yt I mark meggs of oyster baye on Longisland in Ameryca,for & in ye Consideration of twenty pounds in hand sattisfyed & payd, have given granted Bargined sould & Con- firmed,& by these presants,Iye sayd mark meggs,doe give grant Bargin sell & Confirme,unto Richard harcutt off Jemeca, on longisland Aforesayd,one house & lott with ye prevylidges of Cominidge & ye medowe Belonging to Itt formerly in ye poses- tion of old m titass, & Affter him in ye posestion of daniell whithead,but now in ye posestion of ye sayd mark meggs Lying & being at or nere ye East End of oyster baye Aforesayde, bounded on ye East by A lott of Thomas smiths,on ye north by ye streete,by ye south & west by ye Common,To have & to hold untohimyesaydRichardharcutt,all& singularyepremiseswith all profitts & Comodetys thereto belonging,unto ye sayd Richard harcutt his hayres Executtors or Asignes for Ever, & ye sayd mark meggs have put ye sayd Richard harcutt into Lawfull & peasable posestion by the sealing & delevyring of these presants, of all & singular the premises, & that ye sayd Richard harcutt shall quiattly & peasably have hold occopy poses and Inioye ye before recitted premises without ye lawfull lett hinderanc or molestation of him ye sayd mark meggs or Any other parson or parsons Lawfully Claimeing for by or under him by meanes of A n y former giftt grant bargain or salle whatsoever In witt- nes whareof I have hereunto sett m y hand & seale the first daye of Aprill,in ye yeare of our lord,1660 Signed sealed & delevered In ye presance of us John Carman John newman the mark of X mark meggs O July ye 22th 1684 Apeared before me mark meeggs Abovesayd & did Acknowlidge this Abovesayd deed to be his Lawfull actt, Confirmed to ye sayd Richard harcutt & yt he had Reseved full satisfacktion for ye same Acknowlidged before me Tho:Townsend This Instrament of writting wittneseth to all Christion people to whome Itt maye Come or Any wayes Consarne know yee,yt whareas I under written Allce Crabb of oyster baye widow within queens County upon Longisland in new England was by will of my BrotherinlawAnthonywrightdeseased,Invested& Lawfully posest by vertue thereof of All his Lands & moveables,as by ye sayde will maye Apeare,which being proved at ye Court of sesions held at Jemecoe for ye north Riding desember 1679 : & Con- firmed acordingly by Letters of Administ under ye hands & seale ofSir:Edmund Androssyethengovernorofthisprovincedatted Book A 201 at new york ye 30th daye of desember 1680,now know yee yt by vertue of ye sayd power to me given by ye sayd will & Letters of Administration upon divors & good Resons moveing me here- unto,doe by these presants-(p.185 Old A )—ffrelly give as A ffreegiffttwithoutAny Reservation,untomy sooninlawIsack horner, & my youngest daughter Lydiah his now wife all yt home lott in oyster baye yt was m y sayd brotherinlaws Anthony wrights being bounded with ye maine street on ye south side & EastEnd,&mysoonJobwrightshomelottonyenorth,& my home lott in which I a m in posestion on ye west Exsepting onely six rods square at ye north East End or Corner of ye sayd Lott as alredy Agreed upon for A burying place,& fortty futt square atthesouthEastCornerofyesaydLottwhareyenow (Quaker) meetting house stands which sayd two parsells of ground as men- shoned are Exsepted for Ever for ye uses menshoned,but All ye rest or remainding partt of ye sayd Lott with all ye Rights & previlidges in Coman rights thereunto belonging I have & doe by these presants frelly give unto m y sayd soon & daughter Above menshoned, & there hayres Executors Administer or Asignes to, have & to hold poses & Inioye as there one proper Rights titells & Intrest for Ever, from m e m y hayres Executors Administ: or Asignes or Any other from by or under me for Ever,as firmly to all intents or purposes as might or Could be written Acording to Law,to ye Confirmation hereof I have sub- scribedmyhand& setttomy sealeinoysterbayethis25thdaye ofnovember 1684,Ittistobe understood allye Coman rights belonging to ye sayd lott to be devided or Alotted after this date is to be ye sayd Isacks as Abovesayd witnes m y hand Signed sealed & delevered Allce (A ) Crabb Inyepresanceofus hermark&seale O Tho:Townsend Nathanell Colles John wright (See Appendix for Anthony Wright's deed to the Quakers for the two above reserved parcels) This Instrament of writting or deed of Convayeanc witneseth to all Christion people to whome it maye Come or Any wayes Consarne know yee,yt whareas I Allce Crabb of oyster baye widow,within queens County upon Longisland in new England, being by law Invested in ye posestion of all ye lands & movable Easteat of m y Brother in law Anthony wrights of oyster baye deaseased as by his will proved & Letters of Administration under ye hand & seale of ye governer: Sr Edmond Andross the then governer of ye province maye Apeare,by vertue whareof & for A Considerablle valew,ye sum of seven pounds sillvor monyinhandpaydmeebeforeyesigneing& sealinghereof,have bargined sould & by presant posestion delevered unto my soon A d a m wright of ye same towne & County ye one half of all yt 202 Book A right of land yt was m y brother Antony wrights upon hogisland as layd out to him by ye survayors Chosen for yt purpose & ye one half also of yt right not yett survayd or devided to be & for ye sayd sum of mony as Abovesayd doe,by these presants,Con- firme what is Above Exspresed ye one halfe of all yt right of lands upon hogisland formerly m y brother Anthony wrights de- seased unto ye sayd soon A d a m wright his hayres Executors Administrs or Asignes to have & to hold poses & inioye as his or there one proper right titell & intrest for Ever from m e m y hayres Executors Administrs or Asignes or Any parson from byorunderme forEver,asfirmlytoallintentsConstrucktions or purposes as might or Could be writen acording to law, to ye Confirmation whareof I have subscribed m y hand & set to m y sele in oyster baye this :25th daye of november 1684 signed sealed & delevered her in ye presance of us, Allce (A ) Crabb O Tho:Townsend, marke & seale Nathanell Colls, John wright, ye share of medow layd out to yt right exsepted (p.186OldA)-KnowAllmenBythese santsytIAdam wright within menshoned doe wholly & fully delevere all m y Right,& Intrest of ye within menshoned,premises unto Joseph Ludlam of oyster baye Cooper,to which Asignement I sett my hand this 16th daye: 12th month 1684/5 haveing Reseaved full satisfacktion,ye Above writen Confirmed by mee witnes my hand witnes John dewsbury A d a m wright Isack horner mary wright Tho:Townsend (p.268 Old A )- (being the reverse end of the book, the pages ofwhicharenumbered consecutivelyfrom thefront,hencehere appearinginaretrogradeorder,astheydoalsoinNew Book A.) Oysterbay ye 27th of September 1668 Ordered by ye town that ye deed of Sale which Richard painter Made to Richard Latting isby free Consent to be Recorded by ye recorder 3 0 t h o f N o v e m b e r 6 6 O r d e r e d y t all y e M e d o w o n e O a k e N e c k & pine Neck shall be forthwith Laid out to ye Inhabetants of ye Towne to Every allotment his Equall Sheare Ordered yt Nicholas Simkings & Richard Harcott, is to lay out Oake Neck and pine Neck Medoes into 39 Sheares & to have 6d Sheare for layeing it out, & for those yt bring not thare paye ye Layers out isto have ye use of ye Medoe,untill such time ye are paid Orderedythenceforth,byye21thofMay allCattell,ofwhat kind soever shall,be cleared of(f) of Hogg Island,& any person Book A 203 or persons yt shall make a breach of this order, shall pay if Lawfully convicted,to ye prosecuter 12d day for every head vided yt any person may bring on Either horses or Oxen to doe his nessesary occations,so yt ye Seacure them,from doeing thare Nighbors Damage, Ordered yt any person yt hath any interest upon Hogg Island, Shall at or befor ye last of March, make his Share of fence acrose ye Island,whare it shall be laid out and whome so Ever shall be found defective, in his sheare, against hogs or greater cattell,shall pay for his deafect,Every day five Shillings, Ordered yt Nicholas Simkings & Richard Harcutt, is to lay out ye Calves pasture to Every one a Sheare,& they are to have 6 pence for Every Sheare laying out December A T o w n Meeting held and Ordered yt Richard Har- cott,Robert ffurman shall have theare lands Entered,it lawfully Appeareing in ye face of ye Towne yt they have a Just Right tothem: Lorence Mote being Plantive Arested Nathanyell Coles de- fendant [ ] and caled a Corte,ye 16th Jany 1666 & not apearing [he is charged with cost] of Corte, This 16 Jany 1666 ye Plantive [ Lorence Mote Plantive & Nathanyell Coles Deffendent doeith both agree to stand ye determination of this sentCort: Mosis Mudge of Hemstead doeth attest yt Nathanyell Coles sold unto lorence Mote,which he bought of Marke Megs,& ye said ] Marke Megs,and for ye said Coles his bargaine, ye Sd Lorence Mote,isto give him 55 posts Six hole posts,(i.e. fence posts mortised for six rails, or long enough to be so mor- tised. See illustration in the Farmers Almanac.) & ye said Lor- ence Mote did Ingaige,to clere Nathanyell Coles of his bargaine, from Marke Megs,& to give ye said Megs Suffistient seacurities, yt ye Said Coles was to delever ye said horse ye Corte vardict is, W e find for ye Deffendant Cost of Corte according to Evidenc and ye play made befor us:ye 16th of Jann'y 1666 The 8th day of Apprill 1667 Danyell Coles is Chosen Constable for this p'sent Yeare : Overseers Chosen : Richard Harcott, Na- thanyell Coles John Townesand Senj :ffransis weekes Ordered by ye Towne yt fforth wth A Pattaine,for our Towne shall be Seacured 19th Ordered yt the Medo,betwene Beaver Swampe & John Townesands Sen3 his Medow : is given to Thomas Townsand, being Sold by John Digeson,to Thomas Townesand,which Share of medoe was John ffinch: Ordered yt John Digeson shall keepe a Suffishtient Gate & barres at East[end] betwixt his Medoe & home lote, & ye sai.d Digesonistohaveyegrasinofyeway, 204 Book A Aprill 1667 Laid out & Given by ye Towne to John Wright,& peece of Land Eight poole wide & tenn polle in Length : (p.267OldA)- [Laidout]toNathanyellColesA peceofLand being & lying between ye Ash swampe one ye East side and ye highway about a halfe An acker,laid out to him by Hennery Townesand & Nicholas Wright,this last of Aprill 1667 Ordered by ye Towne yt James Cocke,shall have ye Swamp, at ye west End of ye Towne beyound ye Mill River,which is at ye three R u n provided it be not prejudisall to any highway : Decemb :ye 11th of 1667 Ordered by ye Towne yt ye Constable &overseers:shallmakeaLevieonyeTowne,for6£ wchisdew to Jonas Holstead wch is for ye higher (hire, i. e. rent) of ye forte Neck: Ordered by ye Towne yt John Robings,hath Liberty to take up a home lott or as much as ye place Cunvenyently will alow: & Comonage belonging to itby ffransis Weekes one ye West side, wch is to be layd out according to ye dischrestion of ye layers out 23: Ordered by ye Towne yt Josias Latting shall have two Ackers of land,Adjoyning to Caleb Wrights land,to be layd out, atyedischreshionofyelayersout& alsoComanage,asaTownes- man : 23: December,1667 Ane Action of Debt Entred by John Coles, of Oyster Bay against James Pitnie,to ye Plantives, (ordered> Damage,& debt one pound,Sterling, Oyster Bay ye 3 day of ffebry,1667 An Action,of dept entred, by John Tredwell, Plantive, Against James Pittne, Deffendant, ye Sd plantives,debt,is two pounds which hee Claymith,& dam- age,of ye Sd Deffendant, 17. Ordered by ye Towne yt any man whatsomever,belonging to ye Towne,shall at any time killa wolfe or woules,hee shall have from ye Towne for Each wolfe fifteene shillings,which hee shallhave,paid out of a Towne Raet, April ye 8th 1668 Nicholas Wright is Chosen Constable for this p'sent yeare Overseers Chosen ffransis Weekes : Hennery Townesand:James Cocke:Thomas Townesand: July ye 15th 1668 Layd out given & granted by ye Towne unto Joseph Ludlam,apeece of land lying one ye South East Side,of ye Runn which isnow by ye Smith Shop and bounded,one ye east with a Chasenut tree, one ye south with a highway & one ye west with ye Runn :ye above Said land being two Ackers more or less,& ye Said Josep Ludlam doeith Ingaige when he leaves ye Towne,yt ye Towne shall have ye aboveSd land,againe provided ye (Town) give him as much,as an other man,will and yt ye aboveSd Joseph Ludlam,isto have previlidge,in ye Comons,as other Townes men have Book A A Towne Meeting held this,10th of October 1668 205 Ordered and agreed by ye:Towne,yt Matthias Harvy shall have thertye Shillings, for this p'sent yeare : ye which is for writtingof allpublic,matters which Cunserens ye whole Towne SurveorsChosen forthisp'sentYeare:ffransisWeekes:Na- than Coles:Rich Harcott:and yt ye Sd Serveors shall have of those which ye lay out Lands to,shall have Six pence per Acker : Itisthis day ordered by ye Towne,yt any person or persons whatsomever within ye Bounds or Confines of our Towne shall byye Last of November next,Appeare to ye house of Anthony Wrights befor ye Constable, and Overseers, & then & theare bringintheareDeedes,ormakeitappearebylawfull& Suffish- tientEvedences:or Record how ye holds ye Lands,yt all such Lands may be recorded,in ye Towne Booke,& those which shall be negligent heere in, must Expect to loose any Such lands ye lay,pretence, unto (p.266 Old A )- A Cort held in Oyster Baye this 3 day of ffebry 1667 Dannyell Coles Constable Rich Harcott, & ffransis Weekes, Overseers : Whareas theare was an Action of Debt Entred,by John Coles Against James Pittnie haveing ye Evedence of Matthias Harvy & Danyell Coles, yt ye Sd Pittnie is indebted to John Coles, Seaven Shillings & Six pence,wee ye Cort doe Auguge, (agree) ye Sd Pittnie or his Estate ; to be Respontiable to John Coles tenn Shillings : 3:Wee finding for John Tredwell Plantive,hee haveing made his Debt Appeare,yt ye Sd Pittnie Deffendant, or his Estate, shallpaytoyeaforeSd Plantive,forhisdept& Damage,& Corte Charges:two pounds fifteene,& Six pence: At a Towne Metting held this 10th of October, 1668 It is this day ordered by ye Towne ,yt Our Smith John Thomson shall have for his home lote,five Ackers,of Land,forth with Layd out by yeServeors: 10thIt isthis day Ordered,& agreed by ye Towne yt ye Wido Crooker shall have yt house,& Land,which shee now lives in, dewringherlife,& affterherdeacease,toReturnetoher,Chil- dren, Nathanyell,Coles,ye Sonn of Nathanyell,Coles of Oyster Bay, was Boren ye 24th of August,in ye Yeare of our Lord 1668 Martha Coles,ye Wiffe of Nathanyell Coles of Oyster Bay Departed,this wourld,ye 17th of September,and in ye Yeare of oure Lord One Thousand Six hundred,& Sixtie Eight,1668 Oyster Bay ye Last of November 1668 Given & granted by ye Towne,A Share of Medo at ye South unto James Cock : 206 Book A Ordered by ye Towne yt John Wright,shall have,Comonage, toyelotthisfather,hathgivenhim,butformedo inOake Neck & PineIslandheistohavenoeSheare: Ordered & agreed by ye Towne,yt all former,orders,made befor ye yeare,64 are void,& of noe Effect,yt is to say all Such orders,as shall any wayes hender,any Townesman,for ye take- ing up,of lands within,a Mile of ye Towne,also ye Towne doeith,agree,yt all Swampes,& Comon Medoes shall when ye Towne Seeith a Convenient,Oppertunytie to be layed out to every Townesman, his Equall proportion or Sheare, & also Every Townesman,hath his Liberty to take up Six Ackers of land,as neare ye Towne as Convenyently hee can:soe yt ye Serveors, seith yt it doe not infringe,any high wayes Ordered by ye Towne yt Richard Harcott shallhave ye Swamp against his house, & ye marsh allso, in lew of his Sheare, of Swamps,& Comon medoes,he leaveing a high,way for Cartes round it,hee Except his sheare of Oake neck & pine Neck medoes : Ordered by ye Towne yt Josias Latting shall have ye swampe againsthishousefforhisSheareof,Swampes & Coman Medoes Ordered by ye Towne yt James Cock shall have,ye Easter end of ye three run boges,to ye halfe of it,up to ye upland,in lew of his Sheare of ye swampes & upland, Oake neck medoes & pine Island medoes Excepted : (p.265 Old A )-Oyster Bay ye 1thof December 1668 Granted by ye Towne to Thomas Townesand,yt he hath Lib- erty to Leave a highway of two pole wide betwene ye Wido Crooker, & him & also to run up ye hill three rod higher then his fence now is & soe to run upon a Square against Nicholas Simkings his house ye waye is to be left ifthere be nede of it: Ordered by ye Towne yt John Digeson shall have,two Ackers & halfe of ye Mill Swamp Joning,to his lott,for his two Rights, ofSwamps& ComonmedoeswhichistobelaydoutExcepting Oake neck medoes, & pine Island medoes ye rang(e) to run, Sutherd into ye Swamp,as ye fence now Stands: OrderedytJohn Thomson,shallhave,forhis Sheare,of Comon Medoes& Swamp,whichistobelaydout,yerestofyeSwamp, whare James Cock hath taken up his Sheare : which is ye other halfe : Granted to John Thomson fower acker of Medoe at Oake Neck Given & granted by ye Towne to John Thomson a home lott Containeing five Ackers more or less,bounded by ye highway one East,Anthony Wright one ye South,& one ye west,& ye lotyt leftfortrasemen,(New A givesthisasTradsmen)onyeNorth: Given & granted unto John Weekes,& Joseph Weekes,in lew oftheareShearesofComon medoes& Swampes,apeeceofmedoe, Book A 207 lyingabove ye Wido Townsend feild bounded wth a Carte way onye north,on ye east wth ye high hill,on ye west a high hill, one ye south a vallew :pine & Oake Neck Excepted Granted unto Gideon Wright in lew of one Sheare,& for his sheareofComonMedoes,& Swampes:apeeceofSwamp,joyn- ing to John Digesons buting against ye hollow,yt up to Gideon Wrightslott& aCrosseyeSwamp,oftwoacresone,aWestline: Oake Neck & pine Island medoes Excepted: Granted to Henry Townesand,by ye Towne for his Sheare of Comon Medoes & Swamps :a peece of Swamp,& upland,Bound- ed,one ye East with John Digesons,on ye west wth ye Mill dam, being front bounders, on ye north wth ye highway, & Sutherd asfarasJohnDiges,(sameinNew A;meansDickinson)parte goes:ye South bounds is Gideon Wrights,& Henry Townesend doeithConcent,ytifye Millbe forfetidtoye Towne,ytye have liberty to dig Earth upon ye upland for ye mending of ye Mill dam,Oake Neck & pine Island medoes Excepted Granted to Samuell Weekes,by ye Towne,inlew of his Sheare ofComonmedoes,& Swamps,threeAckersofyeHassuckslying betwne ye too further must runs, goeing to Huntington : ye medoes at Oake Neck & pine,Island,Excepted : Granted & given by ye Towne,unto Matthias Harvy ye land betwne his medoe,& home lott,hee leaveing a highway of fower polewide:& IMatthiasHarvydoeingaige:toleaveoute,apole of land of ye Corner of m y fence,ye north Corner Ordered yt John Wright shall have two Ackers of ye Mill Swamp Adioying to Gideon Wrights,to run a Cross ye Swamp : OrderedbyyeTowne ytNicholasWright,shallhave,inlew ofhis Sheare,of Swamp,& Comon Medoes,three Ackers of ye Mill Swamp Joyning unto his Sun Johns,pine Island,& Oarke Neck Excepted (p.264 Old A )-Oyster Bay ye 1th of December 1668 ÖrderedbyyeTowne,ytyeWido Townesand shallhaveinlew ofon Sheare of,Comon Medoes & Swampes,ye remainde of ye Mill river S w a m p which is buting against her land, leaveing out of her lott an acker of ye hill,on ye north Side :Excepting Oake neckMedoes & pine Island,medoes: Ordered ye Towne yt Robart ffurman shall have for his Sheare, of Swamps & Comon Medoes,all ye Medoes yt are betwixt ye highwaygoingtohuntington,& hishouseatColdSpring:Oake Neck & pine Island Medoes,Excepted : Given & granted by ye Towne,to Josias Latting a peece of land lying by his ffathers Nicholas Wrights grass plott,and Cun- taineing, Six pole in Length, & two pole in breadth, ye length, is t o r u n b y y e s i d e o f y e S a i d f e n c e : 208 Book A Granted by ye Towne,yt Mosis ffurman,shall have in lew,of his Sheare of Swamps & Comon medoes,two Ackers of Haseky medoe Joyning to ffransis Weekes,Oake Neck & Pine Medoes Excepted : Ordered yt Nicholas Simkings,is to have in lew of his Sheare, of Swamps & Comon medoes,ye Swamp,against his front,to range from ye littell mapel, tree in ye swamp to a great Oake Stumpt against his dore,a highway betwne Thomas Townesend land & ye Swamp two pole wide,of ye East side a Suffishtient highway betwne ye two old lots & ye Swamp :Oake Neck & pine Islands medoes Excepted : Ordered by ye Towne yt Samuell Andrews shall have,in lew of his Sheare of Comon Medoes,& Swamps,ye Swamp,which isJoyning to Nicholas Simkings,& soe to Cum a pole north of ye bridge Oake Neack & pine Island medoes Excepted: Ordered for this yeare ffransis Weekes Samuell Andrews Mat- thias Harvy is to be Surveors Ordered yt John Thomson Shall have a peece of land from his grinding stone,upon a Strigh line to a Stumpt near ye layning tree:& soetoyerun: Oyster Bay ye 6th of December 1668 Whareas I Richard Crabb of Oyster Bay,on Long Island with- in ye Tettitories of his Royall Highness,James Duke of Yorke, haveing impowered, m y loving friend, John Thomson of ye aboveSd Towne,to demand of John Hobie Tenn Poundes & of Johnathan Rennolds,Sixteene pounds,Sterling two persons live- ing,both,at Grinnidge,Iye abovesaid Richard Crabb:doe owne ye bills,which I had of these two men aboveSd to be [lost] but uponyereceptofyemoneysasaboveSd:IdoeAthorisemy Sd Atturnytogivefulldischarges:& torecordinGrinnidge(Green- wich) Records yt ye Bill is lost: Layd out to ffransis Weekes Twelve Ackers,of Land by Mat- thias Harvy ffransis Weekes ye Sd land lyeth neare ye south east End of his lott,in length fortie fower [pole,in] breadth,fortie pole. (p.263 Old A )-In Oyster Bay ye 10th of December 1668 Layd out,by ffransis Weekes,& Matthias Harvy,Nine Ackers of land Containing in length,56 pole,& in breadth 28 pole,unto Matthias Harvy & Danyell Coles,ye AboveSd Lands,lyeth,nere Samuell Andrews,lott,& bounded,with a walenut tree,one ye East, & one ye north, & one ye south, with walnut trees one ye west with a white Oake, Matthias Harvy hath Twenty Ackers of Land laid out to him, on ye East End of ye Runes,neare ye begining of ye Mill Streame, betwne ye run,& it Reachith neare ye highway yt goeith,to H e m - Book A 209 stead,It is Sixtie pole in length,& 64 pole in bredth,ye 29th of ffebreary 1663 Laid out to Nicholas Simkings, Şix Ackers of land in length, 40pole& breadth24:pole, Layd out to James Cock,28 pole of ye Easter end of ye boges, & sixAckersofupland,Joyningtoit,being40poleinlength,& 24 pole in breadth,James Cock doeith ingaige to leaive a highway of three pole,wide,betwne ye boges,& his upland,& he isto but one ye highway on ye East End Laid out to Thomas Townesand,two Ackers of upland,at ye head of ye Cleft Swamp on ye west Side,laid out more three Ackers of Land,knowen by ye name of ye Mulberie feild,Con- taineing in length twenty eight pole & breadth 17 pole Laid out to Benjamen Hubard three ackers of land,in length 30 pole & bredth 16 pole :neare the head of Tho Townsends home lott,upon the hill, A Towne Meeting held,& Ordered,yt Capt.John Underhill, is to have,for his labour & paines taken,about ye afares,of our Towne,one pound five Shillings,to be levied forth,with in a Towne Rate, A T o w n e Meeting held ye 29th 1668 Ordered yt forthwith the Surveors,are to lay out ye Ash Swampe,& soe much upland to it as ye shall see convenyent,unto Nicholas Davis being a giuft from ye Towne & also to lay out,at,ye poynt,of ye East side, of Matthias Harvy his Medoe a peece of Land containeing:in length,thertie foote,& breadth,Twentie foote,& ye Sd Nicho- las Davis hath Libertie for ye makeing of a wharfe into ye Sea : Laid out by ffrancis Weekes,Matthias Harvy Samuell,An- drewes,unto Nicholas Davis,ye aboveSd,Swampe,& Lands : Granted & given by ye Towne,to Matthias Harvy,ye Land yt lyeth beetwne,his fence,& a great Chasenut tree,& soe to run intoyeashSwampe,toaSmaletree,wchisnow Standing,neare about halfe way Matthias Harvyes,fence,wch isnow,therow ye boges Laid out by ffrancis Weekes,Matthias Harvy,& Samuell An- drewes,to Richard,Harcott,ye Swamp,& marsh ground:befor his dweling house wth highwayes round it on ye west, with a highway of fore pole broade on ye North with ye Beach,on ye south ye Streete Six pole wide, & on ye East, ye South East Corner,Six pole wide,& ye North East Corner,fower pole wide : Laid out by ffransis Weekes,& Matthias Harvy,to Danyell Blyeth,five Ackers of Land on ye South side of Rob :ffurman, Containeing in length forty pole & Breadth twentie pole,he leave- ing a highway of Six pole wide,beeetwene his lott,& Matthias Harvyes lott, 210 Book A April ye 5th 1669 Rich: Harcott is Chosen Constable for this p'sent yeare, Overseeres Chosen, Henry Townsend, James Cock, Thomas Townesend,& Matthias Harvy, (p.262 Old A )-Ordered by ye Towne yt allye Land,at Hog Island,without ye Coren,feild fence,is for this p'sent yeare,to be a Calves Pasture,& yt Every man yt hath,a hole Sheare,or right,one Hogg Island,may for his Sheare,if hee hath,medoe, withoutyefence,putone4Calves,& ifnoemedoe,withoutye fence,three Calves for his right,& ifany man shall,Exceede ye Stint above Expresed,he shall pay to ye Oners,for Every Calve, soe put one 5s & alsso for this p'sent yeare,it is ordered,yt noe man whatsumever shall put or Cause,to be put,on,Hogg Island, any Swine,& ye person yt shall soe,make a breach of this order, shall pay for Every Swine soe put on, 10s & upon notice given, to fech them forthwith a way A TowneMeetingheldthis22thJune1669 wee Danyell Coles, Thomas Townesand, Mosis ffurman, & Isack Dottie,allof Oyster Bay,doe ingaige our Selves,Joyntly & Seavearll,unto ye Purchasrs or Owners of Hog Island,from this day,& untill Á ffortknight after,next Michalmas or aweeke longer,if fowel weather,doeith soe hinder yt men cannot git of there Cropes,wee ye AboveSd parties,as abovesaid,doe ingaige tomaintaine& Seacure,yeEast&WestEnd,ofyeWatterfence one Hogg Island:& if any damage shall befall any man by our neglect of not keeping up ye Watter fence :wee ye a boveSd par- ties,doe ingaige to pay ye Damage,& also wee doe ingaige,to keepe up & mainetaine all ye Comon fence,on ye East,& West, Side 23 June 1669 Ordered by ye Purchasers, & Owners of H o g Island,yt whareas Danyell Coles Thomas Townesand Mosis ffur- man & Isack Dottie;have Ingaiged to mainetaine & seacure,our Watter fence, at Hogg Island, wee doe ingaige to pay to ye aboveSd parties,Each man for his Sheare,one bushell of Indian Coren & if any man doeith deny to make true payment when d e m a n d e d b y y e a b o v e S d p a r t i e s , a f t e r t h e a r e S e a r v i s is d u n n , y e Constable by us,is forth with impowered,to take itby distres, & also wee ye Purchasers,& Owners,of Hogg Island,doe im- power ye aboveSd parties yt if any of us,shall leave in ye Coren, ffeild,any horse or horses,or Oxen,or Working Cattell,soe yt they doe or may doe damage ye keepers of ye fence aboveSd, are forth with to take them into theare Costide,and to take of ye Owners five Shillings, for Every head, of such horses or Cattell,or to keepe them,in there posestion untill ye Owners, will,or doe make true payment, A TowneMeetingheldthislastJuly1669 ffrancisweekes& Rich:Harcottischosen,toveiwyefences Book A 211 on Hog Island,and Every man,yt hath any Right theare,is to make his fence Suffishtient,& to make it five foote high,& every time yt is found deffective, thearein, after ye Seacond day of August next, is to pay for Every dayes Neglect 10s for [not] keepeing his fence Suffishtient it is to be understood ,yt [the said] fence isto be keept up untill,mens,Cropes are ripe & feched [and] ye Constable is to take, up those fences forth with, by distr[aint] to keepe them,for ye Townes youces, (p.261 Old A )-In Oyster Bay ye 8th July 1669 An Action of ye Case Entred,by Richard Latting of Oyster Bay Planter Againest,Hennery Soper of Huntington Deffendant: August 2th 1669 Layd out unto John Tompson 4 Ackers of land at Oake Neck about 20 pole ofe ye Beach Containeing,in length, 50 pole & in breadth 13 pole,layd out by us Mathyas Harvy & Sam:Andrewes: A Corte held,ye 4th of October 1669 ye Vardick of ye Corte is, wee find for Thomas Skidmore plantive,yt Josias Latting Def- fendant shall pay unto ye Sd plantive,ye full S u m of three pounds two Shillings,& two pence Debt with Cost,& Charge of Corte, both Included Rich: Harcott : A T o w n e Meeting held this 7th of October 1669 Given & granted, by ye Towne of Oyster Bay, unto George Dennis,three Ackers of Land,be itmore or less,lying & being on ye North side of John Tompsons Lot,with Comonage belong- ingtoit,&ifyeAboveSdGeorgeDennis,shallwithinA twelve month & A day build on & fence ye Said Lott,yt then ye Sd Lott is to be his, & his heires for Ever if not, neither fenceing nor building,be accomplished,within ye time,Above Expresed,yt then ye aboveSd Lott,& Comonage is to returne to ye Towne againe : Ordered by ye Towne yt ye Streete from ye Mill,unto,Robert ffurmans Lott is to bee Six pole wide,in ye Narrowist place, And also from ye head of ye Pine hollow,to ye head of ye Dock, on ye west Side, ye highway to be six rode wide in ye Narrowest place: And also Against ffrancis weekes, House, a highway of two pole wide, downe to ye Sea, from ye maine Street:And betwne ffrancis Weekes lott,& John Robings lott,a highwayoftwopolewide:intoyewoodes. And betwneRichard Crabbs & Samuell Andrewes,a highway of Six pole wide into ye woods:A highway from Sam :Andrewes,downe to dock by Matthias Harvys house: (worn away) and from ye Swamp to Matthewes Lotts a highway of Six pole wide :A highway betwne Josias Lattings & ye Swamp of fower pole wide,& a highway on ye west side of ye Swamp :against Edmond Wrights yt was for- merly granted to Caleb Wright of fower rod wide, & these two wayes turns in to one, from ye South East end of ye S w a m p : & 212 Book A soe to ye pine hollow.& A highway of Six rode wide :A highway betwene Gideons Wrights,& John Wrights,of five pole wide or theare abouts : A highway betwne Nicholas Wrights & John Wrights& Gideons,toRemaineasnowitis:A highwaybetwne John Digeson & Gideon Wrights land of two pole wide at ye South End next ye maine Streete:A highway of two rode wide, from ye Mill,to ye Water side betwne ye head of ye dock on ye west side,to ye Creekes mouth to remaine as it is,and soe one, EastSide,toremaineasitisyehighway:& onyeNorth Sideto remaineasitis:A highwayefromyemainehighwaye,onyeEast side of John Richbills orchard of foure rod and a halfe downe to the watter side (p.260 Old A )- A Towne Meeting held ye 15th of November 1669 W e e ye Towne doe Agree,yt whareas wee are like to Suffer great damage,for ye want of our Mill Trench being Skowerid,& Seaverall person being negligent in doeing theare Share or Shares,wee doe agree by ye last of this pressent Munth : Every man to finish and Cumpleat,his Share or Sheares & those yt shall be negligent thearein,soe yt theire Share or shares,is not dunn,by ye time above Speacefied wee doe Impower,ye Consta- ble,tohighermen,todoe& finnishyesaidworke& totakeof ye persons soe offending pay for ye men,which hee shall hyer, & for his owne Labour & time,& if denyall be made of payment, then hee is heereby impowerid, to take it by distraint, & if ye Constable shall bee,opposed,in doeing his office,of this our act, he hath heereby power to take assistance as hee Seeith Cause : It is also Ordered yt whareas Rober Williams,Wido Willis & Robert Coles,was by forgitfulness leftout of ye aboveSd Worke, ye Constable is impowered at S u m cunvenyent :time,to call them to Sum publick work,as hee shall see cause,& if denyall bee made:yeConstableisimpoweredtohighermen,& seeitdunn, & take payment as above Expresed : & this publick worke to be dunn,within two Munths,after ye date above written (p.260 New A )- A Town Meeting held ye 13th of November 1669 Given and Granted by ye Town 20:Acres of Land Lying and being,& Bordering,on ye Land Bought by Richard Townsend of Robert williams,and Lying on ye North side of ye Line Which was run,by Nicolas Wright,Henry Townsend,and Samuel An- drewes,as a Line of Division betwixt ye Town Lands,and Rob- ert williams Land ye aboveSd 20 Acres Is freely Given,by ye Town of Oyster Bay,Unto Richard Townsend,His heirs or as- signes forever : A Towne meeting held ye 4th of Decemb : 1669 And Samuell Andrews by free Cunsent,of ye Towne is Chosen Overseer this p'sent yeare : 43 38 132 888 Book A 213 An Action of debt Entred by Matthias Harvy of Oyster Bay Plantive Against Danyell Blyeth Deffendant,this 4th Decemb: 1669 An Action of debt,Entred by Samuell ffurman of Oyster Bay Plantive against Danyell Blyeth Deffandant : ye 4th D e c e m b : 1669 An action of ye Case Entred by Samuell ffurman,of Oyster Bay Plantive against,Josias Latting of Oyster Bay deffendant: ye4thDecemb:1669 An Action of debt & damage Entred,by Gideon Wright of Oyster B a y Plantive, Against danyell Blyeth Deffendant this 6th ofDeacemb:1669 An Action of Vniust (unjust) molestation Entred by Josiah latten, Against samuel ffurman defendant : this 6th of desem- ber: 1669 A Towne corte held this 6th of December 1669 & ye Corte SeithitConvenyent,toproroge,ye Corte,untillye 20thofthis munth Richard Lattings protest against this p'sent, T o w n e Corte, & hath Sworen yt hee made,his protest,befor ye Corte sate,which isa false Oath this 6th Decemb 1669 ye Corte wch sate ware Richard Harcutt Constable Henery Townesand,Thomas Towne- sand, Matthias Harvy, Overseers : ye persons wch ware then p'sent:ware Gideon Wright;Richard Crabb,John Rudick (p.259 Old A )-This 6th daye of desember 1669 This declareth yt we Josias latten and samuell ffurman of oyster bay,do owne our selves ffully satesfied one with ye other In referanc to all debts Bonds or oblygations fully ended betwene us from ye beginning of ye world to this day and our fatthers also Richard latten and Robbart ffurman as wittnes our hands for our selves and In ye behalf of oure ffathers Josias llattin Samel fforman A Corte held this 20th of Decemb : 1669 Richard Harcutt Cun- stable,Overseers Henery Townesend Tho :Townesend Sam An- drews Matthias Harvy : Ordered by ye Corte yt all Such debts,as are made appear dew from Danyell Blyeth,isto.be paid,by ye Constable,out of yeEstate,of Danyell Blyeths- 03 00 Sd 12 10 To Mathias Harvy as appeareid by bills & ac- count,and Corte Charges, To Thomas Townesand, for debt, & Corte Charges. T o Josias Latting Debt Mary Latting debt 11 00 01 03 08 00 00 1 0888 8 8 8 2 8 8 8 8 28 85 2 8 5 8 8 214 02 02 06 00 06 00 00 15 00 00 09 06 01 12 00 Book A To Sam Andrews debt To Simon Lane on George Dennis Acct: To John Rudick for debt: To ffransis weekes To Mosis ffurman: To Merriam ffurman & Robert ffurman To Rich:Harcot:debt& Cortecharges: To Anthony Wright,& his Swine returned to him To Hennery Townesend To John Robings To John Tompson 00 00 00 08 09 17 08 03 12 06 16 00 09 00 £14 14 02 Whareas Gideon Wright, made Sale of a Sertaine percell of Land unto Danyell Blyeth:ye said Blyeth deaparting this place, & makeing noe payment for ye aboveSd Land:ye Corte doeith orderytyeDeedeofSale,& Billofdebt:isbothtobeCanselled, & ye said Lands,to remaine,unto Gideon Wright Againe as his Just dew Whareas Richard Latting, did leave in our hands, two Bills of Danyell Blyeth for us to Judge,of & put an End to, wee haveing taken those bills into our Searious Consideration doe Order ye Said Rich:Latting,to take into his hands ye Chattels againe,which ye Sd Blyeth was to have of him:And Whareas Mosis ffurman and Danyell Blyeth did worke togeather in ye pro- curing a percell of hay wch is now at ye South,wee doe Order yt the said hay Shall be Equally devided,betwne Mosis ffurman & Rich:LattingtheyEachofthemamanormen foryeEqually- tieofdevishtion& ifyeaforeSdpartiescannot,agree:thenye Constableistochusetowmen,tomakeyedevistion:& alsohav- ing put an End to ye Said difference:wee have canselled ye Bills, which ware betwne Danyell Blyeth & Richard Latting.- It is Ordered yt ye Constable shall pay,unto all Such persons,which are approvid [the sum of] theire debts, & after all debts are cleareid, (p.258OldA)-andallChargeswhatsomever,ifany of ye Estate be left,ye Corte is to keepe it in his hands, for ye use of Danyell Blyeth, ItisOrderedytyeConstableshallcallThomas MartingtoAuct (account) and make itappeare,how & inwhat hee,hath paid his Share,of Accounts,betwne Danyell Blyeth,& him Selfe,& if hee shall refuse ye Constable, is hereby impowerid : to Arest ye Es- tate of Thomas Martings to bring him to A n account : 20thDecemb:1669 And whareas Mosis ffurman,& Danyell Blyeth, did worke togeather at ye procuring a percell, of hay which,is now at ye South wee ye Corte doe Order.yt ye said Book A 215 hay shall be Equally devided betwne,Richard Latting: & Mosis ffurman:ye Each of them,to chuse,a man or men for Equallytie, of Devishtion,and if ye aforesaid parties Cannot agree then ye Constable,isheerebyimpowered,toChusetowmen,tomake ye devishtion,& both Constable,& ye men wch hee shall chuse,Shall have, Suffishtient Satisfaction, for theire time & truble, out of ye Estate, of Either of ye parties, abouesaid, which, will not Stand,to ye Cortes Sentance: A n Action of Debt,Entred by Benjamen Huberd of Oyster Bay Plantive,against,Richard Latting of Oyster Bay Deffendant this last of December 1669 A Towne Meeting held ye 12th Jannuary 1669 Whareas James Cock hath purchased of John Tompson : a peece of Medow wch was givenhim by ye Towne upon ye request, of James Cock,ye Towne hath given him Leave:to lay dounn as much of ye South End of ye Medo,as hee shall think fitt,& to take up as much at ye North End as hee shall laye downe,at, ye South End Pvided ye Sd James Cock doeith leave A Suffish- tient highway, for Carting- And James Cock also doeith in the presentsofyeTowne,Ingaigemyselfeheires& assignes,forEver, to leave out of m y Land at Muntinacock, for a highway for ye Townes use on ye west side of my land,one pole wide,ye whole length of my land & on ye North End,Joyning to ye Medoe wch was given by ye Indians,to Capt.John Underhill,Six pole wide, ye bredth of m y Land, Ordered by ye Towne,yt whareas thare hath bin grants,of houselotts,toseaverallpersons,& theynotfulfillingyeTowne Order, but have forfetid theire land, to ye Towne againe, by reason,ofnotbuilding& fencingyesaidLands,yeTowne,doe- ith in theire Clemency, againe, geive ye Sd person, A Twelve munthes times,to build & fence theire Lands,wthin ye time pre- fixed, or Elce for Ever to loose, theire former grantes, wth ye previlliges,theire to belonging: & ye Sd Lands or grants,to re- turne to ye T o w n e againe : which shall not fulfill this Order : ye persons negligent heerein are heere beneith written John Robings, JosephLudlam:JohnWeekes:Edmond WrightJosiasLatting: and John Wright : 14th ye W i d o w Townesend hath granted to her : for one Share of towne Medoes & Swampes ye remainder of ye swampe,which lyethinyeReareofherhome LottwhichpeeceofSwamp Joynes ye S w a m p which was given to Josias Latting. (p.257 Old A )-January ye 14th 1669 The Boges lying & being at ye South East side,of ye poynt of trees or Landing place being bounded at this present by Latemore Sampsons lott on ye South,on ye South East by ye Land which was George Dennes on ye North by ye Edge of ye Boges & one 216 Book A ye west,by ye Edge of ye Boges ye abovesaid peece of Land,is granted unto Matthias Harvy in Lew of a Share of Comon M e d o e s a n d S w a m p e s , w h a r e a s it is S u p p o s e d this p e e c e o f L a n d to be Comon,wee ye proprietors,of Comon Medoes & Swampes : doe allow ye abovesaid peece of Land,to bee Matthias Harvy, for Ever:but in case any man,can shew,a better claime to this abovesaid Land,then I Matthias Harvy doe,and will,relinquish my intrest,which isnow granted mee, 19th Layd out by Samuell Andrewes & Matthias Harvy for Henry Townesend A peece of Land lying & being, Neare ye Round Swampe by ye Edge of ye Playnes:being bounded,by ye lyne Southward wch partes Robert Williams land & ye Townes L a n d , y e w e s t , b y y e f o o t e o f y e h i g h e s t hill y e N o r t h b o u n d e r in A hollow,runing Eastward to ye highway,& soe to ye Edge,of ye swampe ye said peece of Land islaid out for Twentie Ackers being A great,parte barren & also ye Sd Hennery Townesend is to runn into ye Swampe ,with his fence two pole from Rob :Wil- liams tree,& fower pole in length,of ye Swampe Laid out by Samuell Andrewes & Matthias Harvy unto Richard Townesend fortieSixAckersofLand,lying& beingneareLewsum & bound- ed on ye South,by ye devishenall lyne,wch parteth Rob :Williams Land,& Oyster Bayes Lands,ye west End ,& North Side bounded, by Oyster Bayes Comons ye Sd Lands containeing in length,one Hundred & Sixtie Rode,& at ye West End in bredth Ninetie & two rode,& ye East End itcumes to Nothing 19thLaidoutbySam:Andrewes& MatthiasHarvyuntoJohn Townesend fiftie six Ackers of Land,lying & being Neare Lew- sum,& Bounded on ye South,by ye devishenall lyne,wch partes Rob : Williams Land & Oyster Bayes Lands, ye North East & West Bounders are Oyster Bayes Comons,ye Sd Lands Containe- ing in length, two hundred Twentie & fower Rode & in Bredth fortie Rode : A Towne Meeting held this 17th of March 1669 Given by ye Towne unto Alce Crab,A Comon unto ye Pur- chas, which shee lately bought of Nicholas Simkings ye said Comon,is for one of her children:ye which Sd Comon is Con- firmed to her son Job & his heires Ordered by ye Towne yt Every housekeeper,(i.e.householder) shall at or before ye 15th of Aprill next procure to his house,a good & Substantiall Lader, ye length, to reach up to ye ridge of his house,& who Ever shall be negligent heerein,ye Constable is heereby impowered for Every weekes neglect, to take of ye defective person 10s:ye Sd 10s isto be applyed for ye use of ye Towne ye Constable is to be paid for his truble,out of ye Sd 10s (These ladders required for putting out fires in the thatch) (p.256New A)—A Town Meetingheldthis7thofNovember 1670 Book A 217 Ordered by ye Town that Joseph Ludlum hath Liberty to set his house at Ground which he bought and his Engagement to ye Towne for buld[ing] on ye Swamp which ye Town Gave him Is Taken off by reason he [is building] there (p.255 Old A )-Ordered by ye Towne yt in July next ye first Mundie& Tuesdieisappointedforyemendingofhighwayesfor Every Lott to find a man & Every man yt shall be defective in notfindingaman foraLottshallforthwithpayhisfine day to ye Constable & also t(w )o dayes is appointed for ye Cutting of Brush ye first Mundie & Tuesdie in July next & those accord- ingtotheire Lotts and they who do not find a man for a Lott ye Constable shall hyar a m a n in theire place & take of ye deffective party 5s day for Every dayes deffect & soe like wayes for ye mending of highwayes & if those dayes shall prove fowle weather ye next fare dayes is to Stand for ye Sd worke to be dunn & thosepersons(who)shallbefounddeffective& shallmakedenyall ofpayment ye Constable isheereby impowered to take itby distres An Action of Debt Entred by Mosis ffurman Plantive Against Rich:Harcott of Oyster Bay Deffendant An Actoon of ye Case Entred by Richard Harcott of Oyster Bay plantive against Joseph Ludlam of Oyster Bay Deffendant A Towne Meeting held this 7th of November 1670 The Towne of Oysterbay reaseavid a warrent from ye Consta- blebareing Date ye [ of 1670 wharein we doe not read ye Kings name mentioned in [accordance] to law & it being a Scrupell to Sum to act by ye Seade warrent ye [deem] it not safe to proceed upon ye Said Grounds untill ye said scrupell [receive] more fully Sattisfacktion this our [ ] a Towne Meeting held this 3th day of July 1671 S a m : W e e k e s & J a m e s T o w n e s e n d is c h o s e n o u r e s u r v e o r s f o r this p'sent yeare Henry Townesend Rich: Harcott Sam : An- drewes Thomas Townesend Gideon Wright are Chosen by ye Towne to lay out ye West Neck & ye Littell Neck to Every man yt hath intrest his Equall proportion as near [as may be] ye Sd Necks of Medoes are to be layd out by ye 12th of this munth (p.254NewA)-A TownMeetingHeldthis14thofJuly1671 Every mans Shear according to their Lott legually drawn of ye Meadows on ye West Neck and ye Little Neck Joyneing to Itye first Shear Begining on ye West side of ye West neck Nicholas Right No:1 Widow Townsend 10 Richard Harcutt one Antony Wright 11 2 Walter Salters: } Jon Dickinson 12 Henry Townsend 3 ffrancis Weekes 13 Richard Harcutt one Tho :Townsend 14 4 Meges Shear } John Townsend 15 218 Rob : furman Samuel Andrews one Crookes Shear peter Wright Benj. Hubard Mathias Harvy Book A 16 17 18 5 John Richbill James Cock Nicholas Simkins 8 9 the Names of Men ordered to Lay out ye West neck Where Richard Harcut Henry Townsend Senj Samuell Andrews Gid- eon wright & Tho :Townsend by order of ye Town A Town Meeting held this 29th of July 1671 and every Mans Shear of Meadow as itlyeth on Unkway Neck Nicholas Wright peter Wright Rob:ffurman ffrances Weekes Widow Townsend James Cock Antony Wright : John Dickinson Henry Townsend : Nick :Simkins No1 2 3 6 10 Rich Harcut upon Salters John Townsend: Benj.Hubard Tho:Townsend Rich : Harcutt by Richbill Rich: harcutt by meges Mathias Harvy } 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Samuel andrewes Every Mans Shears of Meadow in third Division Ye Little Neck and ye neck Called Lattings Neck is and was laid out In ye third division ye Little neck between Unkway neck and ye fort neck John Dickeson 1 Mathias Harvy 10 Henry Townsend 2 Peter wright 11 Benj : Hubard Rob:ffurman 12 Nicho : Simkins 4 Anthony Wright 13 John Townsend James Cock 14 Rich: Harcutt by Thomas Townsend 15 Meges Richard Harcutt by 16 Widow Townsend Salter } ffrances Weekes 8 Nich :Wright 17 Sam:Andrewes Rich:Harcutt by A n adition of ye Fresh M e a d o w Laid to ye 10th Lot of m e a d o w upon Unkway neck Lying on ye East Side of ye neck begining at ye Indian foot path and bounded Southward by ye Small Creek that Cometh out of ye Main Creek being ye upermost Branch The Names of the Men of ye Town that Laid out ye Meadows upon ye fort neck and Little neck unkway neck and Lattings Richbill 18 } 878 234 3 6749 456789 1345 6729 Book A 219 neck were Richard Harcutt Mathias Harvy John Townsend Tho : Townsend James Townsend by order of ye Town (p.253 New A )— A Town Meeting held this 28th of August 1671 Ordered by ye Town yt ye Constable Tho :Townsend Shall in ye behalf of ye town Give notice to John Tompson to resine up ye Land which ye Town formerly Gave him for Breach of Cove- nant being then Entertained as ye Town Smith or to Answer ye Townes Complaint ye Next Sessions held at Jamaca Given by ye Town to Samuel furman three Acres of Land if there by so much Lying to ye West of Rich : Harcutts Lott without any C o m m o n priviledges Laid out to Samuel Andrews Ten Acres of Land Joyning to his planting field on ye South Side which field Lyeth about half a Mile from his dwelling house Twenty Eight Acres of Land more Laid out unto Samuel An- drews Joyning on the [ ] Side of Richard Harcutts Land to ye westward of ye wolf S w a m p so called Southward of ye town (Owing to the fact that the copy for Book A was reproduced from two sources, the clerical error was made of duplicating from New A a portionthatisgiveninOldA. Thisduplication escaped notice until too many pages were made up to allow rearranging, hence the omission of the redundant matter leaves this space blank.) (p.252 Old A )- A t A Towne Courte held in Oyster Bay,befor Capt Dellavoll Justice of ye peace this Ninth of M a y 1672 Whare as John Tompson,inhabetant,of this place,hath bin deffective, in Seaverall perticelers, in relation, to ye T o w n e , as was then & theire made,appeare,at ye request of Capt Dellavol, to geathere with ye promises of John Tompson his amendment though formerly,hee hath felid (failed) in ye performance of ye like promises, not with Standing, in Lenity,to him & his once more,allmatter& defferencesareheerebyremitted,byyeTowne, 220 Book A tothisday,& ye Sd Tompson,upon ye Considerations AboveSd, doe also acquit, & remitt, all inJuries dun, or prettendid to be dunn to him or his,wthall promising to demaine himselfe,a peace- able person amongst us, according to his former Ingaigement, togeather wth all Iniuries dun, or pretendid to be dun, by ye Youngmen throwing Stones, against John Tompsons house, & John Rogers, this was Orderd, to be recorded by Capt Tho : Delavoll Last May:An action of ye Case,entred,by Rich Harcott of, Oyster Bay Plantive Against Rich Latting,of Hemstead Def- fend : A Court held,this 3th of June 1672 Thomas Townesend,Con- stable Rich Harcott,Nicho :Wright John Digeson,Matthias Har- vy Overseers ye 22th June 1762 Ordered by ye Constable, & Overssers,yt ye Pasture fence on Hog Island,be Compleated,by ye 24th of this munth,& what person soe Ever shall be found Negligent,heerein, for Every dayes deffect,ye shall pay unto ye Constab : 5s & if ye Constable shall be neglygent heerein,he shall be lyable to pay ye SdMoneys,toyeuseofyeTowne,& ofthosedeffectivepersons wch shall deny payment ye Constable is impowered to take itby distress It is also ordered yt ye water fence,shall be compleated,by ye 28th of this munth in gennerall,& those yt shall be negligent, heerin,shall pay 5s to ye Company,yt shall,make up ye Sd fence, & ifdenyallbemade,ofpaymentyeConstableisheerebyimpow- ered,to take tenn shillings,by Distress of Each Deffective party: & if any Oxen or Horses, shall be put into ye Island: or: ye Pasture,they must Eiter Yoake or feter, such Creatures, or ye Owners is Lyable,to pay what damage,ye shall be found to doe, in ye Coren by Order ye Constable & Oversrs That all persons wthin ye Bounds of Oyster Bay, dew dewly observeyeLaw foryeBranding& markeingofHorses,orChat- tels,& to repaire to ye Constable Thomas Townesend,who is ap- pointed to attend yt bewysness & yt noe persons,doe marke,or brand,any such Creatures but according to Law,as ye will an- swer,toyeContrary:OrderedbyyeCon:& Overs: Ordered ye Constable, & Overs : of Oyster Bay, yt Every Pson, yt posseses a Towne Lott, wthin ye Bounds, of Oyster Bay,doe appeare to ye House of Anthony Wrights,on ye 26th & 27th of this munth July,for ye cutting up of Brush:& who Ever shall,be wanting,shall pay tenn shillings per day to those ytdoeappeare,& ifpaymentbedenyed,yeConstableisimpow- ered to take itby distress and to be payd,for his truble,of Every deffective person & this act to Cuntinew yearly ye 18th of July 1672 Book A 221 (p. 251 Old A )- A Towne Meeting held this 23th 7ber 1672 Henery Townesend Chosen for this p'sent yeare Overseer : ye2thof9ber1672A Towne Metingheld,byOrder,ofThomas Lovelace Esq: & Capt John Manning both of his, Honn ye Gover Counsell, & John Rogers being called, befor them, for news,wchye Sd Rogers,brought from New Yorke,ye Sd Gentel" Seeith cause to fine,ye Sd Rogers,for his fòlce news tenn Shil- lings. (Capt.Thomas Lovelace was a Justice of the Court of Assizes, and Capt.John Manning was High Sheriff. What the "folce news" was does not appear.) 9ber 10th 1672 Jewrymen Chosen to vew ye Corpes,of Thomas Willson of Eatons Neck W m Risbie John Wright Caleb Wright Josias Latting,John Robings,Matthias Harvy,Wee ye above mentioned persons haveing made dilligent Inq" of Sam :ffurman Mosis ffurman,& John Rogers,wch found ye Sd Corpes & also haveing vewid ye Sd Corpes,our resulte & Judgement is yt the Sd person Thomas Willson,came accedently by his death,being Drowned & this as our act,wee have heere unto,set to our hands in Oysterbay A trew Coppie Calib X Wright his marke John X Robings his marke Matthias Harvy W m X Risbee his marke Josias X Latting his marke John (J) Wright his marke A Towne Meeting held this 6th of Janny 1672 & Ordered yt ye Constable,& Overseers,shall,forth wth youes theire,utmost Endeavors for ye purchasing ye Necks,which are bordering one our Medoes at ye South, Given by ye Towne unto Thomas Weekes,ye Lott,& prevel- lidge,wch was formerly John Robings veded ye Sd Thomas Weekes doeith build & fence it,wthin a twelve munth,& a day, or Elce to returne to ye T o w n e againe 13th OrderedbyyeOverseersytyeConstableThomasTowne- send,is to repaire to ye Gover wth ye Petistion wch is drawne for ye Purchasing ye Necks adjoyning to our medoes,at ye South: A Towne Meeting held,& given by ye Towne to Isack Dottie, a peece of Land for a house Lott, lying betwene John Wrights land,& ye Carte way which goeith up ye Pine Hollow,also prev- illidgeof Comon, vided ye Sd Isack Dottie,doe build,on or fence his Sd lott,wthin a twelve munth,& a day,after ye date heereof,It is to be understoode,yt his previlledge of Comon, formatter of Land ,to be taken up hath refference to Tenn ,ackers & noe more- 222 Book A Ordered by The Towne,yt henceforth,noe more house lotts, or Commonage,shall bee granted,to any person or persons,what somever, without, ye ffree, & younanymous, cunsent, of Every Townes man ofthisTowne, Layd out to Isack Dottie apeece of Land in length 30 pole,& bredth 20 pole being on ye East side of ye Carte way yt goeth up ye Pine,hollow,being bounded wth John Wrights Land on ye East,on ye West,about two pole of ye Carteway,in ye nort, wth a Corte way,of 7 pole brode,by Joseph Weekes,Layd out by ffransis Weekes & Matthias Harvy. (p.250 Old A )— A Towne Meeting held,this 3th ffeby 1672 Or- dered by ye the Grantes,of Lands,formerly granted,to Nicholas, Davis,are made voide,hee not performing:his ingaigement to yeTowne:& whareasSamuellDavis,inyebehalfeofhisMother made a tender;to ye Towne,of twelve pounds,wee ye Towne, was free & willing to Cumply wth him,by reason,ye had Ex- pendid Sum money on ye Sd Lands,as to Labour,but at last,the Sd Samuell, rejected our, loving & free tendure wch, forceth, us,to take,our Sd Lands into our posestion againe. 3th Whareas, John Tompson, hath made a Breach, of his Covenant, wth ye Towne, ye Towne Orderith, yt all former grants,of Lands & previllidges,theere unto,belonging,wch for- merly ware,granted by ye Towne,to ye Sd Tompson,is for Evermadevoide,& toreturnetoyeTowne,againe,hee,togeather wth his famely haveing,deserted,ye Towne: 3th- Ordered by ye Towne,yt ye Constable Thomas Townes- end,is impowered to take into his Custody:for ye Towne,ye Lands wth ye previllidges theire unto belonging, wch was for- merly granted to John Tompson, 2th April 1673 A Towne Meeting held And Richard Harcott is Chosen Constable_for this p'sent yeare: Overseers, Nicholas Wright,Thomas Townesend: Ordered, yt Every person or persons, yt hath intrest, in ye Planting feild,one Hogg Island,doe,finish,& cumpleate,his or theire Sheare, of fence, both of upland & water fence, at or befor ye,25th of Aprill,& who Ever shall,be found deffective, theire in,shall pay for Every dayes neglect,five shillings,to be t a k e n b y y e C o n s t a b l e , y e S d m o n e y s s o e t a k e n , is t o b e f o r y e use of ye Sd feild, It is also Ordered yt ye Oxpasture, Every mans Share be Cumpleated,by ye 25th Aprell,on ye Sam penalty, as a bove Expresed,for other fences, A Towne Meeting held this,19th May 1673 and Ordered,yt HeneryTownesend Rich:Harcott,Tho:Townesend,& Nathan- yell Coles are appointed,to Meete Huntington men,for ye run- Book A 223 ing,& Setling,of our Towne bounds,betwne them & us,& wee beneith, Subscribed, doe also impower, our above, mentioned friends, & Nighbours to act, & doe, as they shall see cause, for ye Setling,of our Just,Bounds,of ye South Medoes,betwne us & Huntington, is to our Intrest James X Cocke Matthias Harvy John Digeson Nicholas his marke Wright Mathew Pryer Anthony Wright,Samuell ffurman,Moses ffurman,Gideon Wright,Adam Wright,Nicholas Simkings,Rob : Williams. A Towne Corte held,this 17th 9ber 1673 Nicholas Wright, Nathaney Coles Majestrates, Gideon Wright, Marshall, 24- A Towne Meeting held,& granted,by ye Towne,yt Hen- neryTownesend,shallhave,& hathlefetomakeuseofwhat Timber,hee shall Stand in neede,of for his Saw Mill,wthin ye Bounds& LimitsofourTowne,ytistounderstand,PineIsland, or any other Comon Lands to make use of Ether for building, or to sell in ye Towne,or to sell out of ye Towne as hee shall see cause- ye Sd Grants is Understood,to be to Henry Townes- end and his for Ever. 24 Mathias Harvy is by ye Towne Chosen Towne Clerke 24thDecemb 1673 Laid out by Nicholas Wright & Gideon, Wright,Nine Ackers of Land,unto Henery Townesand,ye Sd land, lying a Smale distance from ye old planting feild, on ye North East side,& bounded,wth Peeter Wright land on ye South & Musketwo Cove,high way, on ye North & a high way on ye East by ye Edge of ye hollow: (p.249 Old A )-ye 29th of Decemb 1673 An action of ye Case Entred by Matthias Harvy of Oyster Bay Plat:against,Joseph Ludlam,of Oyster Bay Deffend: 29th An action of ye Case Entred,by Matthias Harvy,of Oyster Bay Plant: Against William Hutson of Muntinacock Deffend : The 2d Augut 1673 An action of Debt Entred by William Hutson,Plant:Against Richard Latting,Deffend: 2th An Action of Debt Entred by William Hutson Plant: against Rich Latting Def: 2th An action of debt Entred by William Hutson Plant, against Rich Latting Deff : 2th An action of Debt Entred,by John Robings,Pl:against, Rich:Latting Deffend: 2th Ordered yt the Marshell, shall have for every Sumons in,theTowne Sixpence,forawarentTwelvepence,foranatach- ment two shillings Six pence,& for doeing his office out of ye Towne Six pence mile. 224 Book A March ye 2th An action of debt,Entrid,by Nicholas Simkings of Musketocove Plant : against Latemore Sampson : Defnd : 29th A n action of Debt Entred, by Henery fforse Plantive, againstWm SimsonDeffendant: 30:1674:An actionofyeCase,EntredbyRobert,Williams Plantive,against John Bird Deffend: Aprill ye 10th these deaclare yt Sarah Rudick,did in ye p'sents of ye Courte,make choyce of Joseph Weekes,to be her gardian: 12thAprillAn actionofyeCase,Entred,byMatthiasHarvy, of Oyster Bay Plant:against John Tompson Smith,of Seataw- cott Deffend 17th Aprill 1674 A Courte held, M a y ye 14th 1674 A Courte held, 14 An action of case Entred,by John Bird, of Musketow CovePlanttagainstTho:WillisofLusum defendt 14 AnactionofyeCaseEntred,byJohnBird,ofMuskeetow Cove Plant against Edward Titus of Hemstead Deffendt: 2 ffebry: 1673 Our Judgement in on ye action depending,of Wm Hutsons,againstRich:Lattingshallsoestand,asnowitis, untillyenextCourte,& foryethirdaction,astohisffeathers, wee geive him his ffeathers,or ye valluation,out of ye Estate of Rich Latting: wth Courte Charges ye 14th may 74 Our Judgement on ye action,betwne W m Hut- son,& RichLatting:yttheSd Hutson,shallhavefivepounds, out of ye Estate of Rich Latting wth Courte Charges 2th Our Judgement,ison ye action,betwne John Robings,& Rich Latting,yt the Sd Robings shall have,out of ye Estate, of Rich : Latting : five pounds wth Courte Charges : 2th Our Judgement is yt Nathaniell Coles, shall have as by bill appeares, fifty shillings, out of ye Estate of Rich : Latting wth Courte Charges, 2th OurJudgement,isonyeaction,betwneNicholasSimkings, & Latemore Sampson yt the Sd Simkings, shall have his debt, wth Courte Charges,& for his debt and Courte Charges,ye Sd Simkings shall keepe in his Custody,a Sheare of Medo of ye said Sampsons,untill,payment be made,ye Sd Sheare of Medo,lying on ye Norewest side,of Anthony Wrights Medo A Courte held this 12th Janry 1674 : Speatiall Courte : An acton ofye Case Entred,by Thomas Townesend of Oyster Bay Plant against Samuell Andrews of Oyster Bay Deffent: Our Judgement,on ye act depending betwne Tho :Townsend Pt:& Sam:AndrewsDefftWee findforyePlant:Tho:Townes- end yt the Deff:Sam:Andrews,shall pay to ye Plant:his Just debtofthreebush:& onepeckwheate,wthCourteCharges:by reason of ye Deffed non apearance being leagally sumonsed Book A 225 (p.248 Old A )-Court Charges on ye Action betwne Thomas Townesend & Samuell Andrews £ S d 00 15 09 -- To ye Sitting 15 :Serving ye Sumons 9d: ― EntringyeAction1s,ToEntringyeJugement3s 00 04 00 & a Copie of ye Judgement 00 01 03 £01 01 00 - - An Action of debt Entred,by m2 :George Coke,of New Yorke Plant:againstJohnDavis,ofNew Towne Deff:this1thffebry: 1674 A Courte held this 2th March 1674. An action of ye Case Entred,by Tho Townesend Plant:against Edward Wright,of Muntinacock,Deffend: Aprillye2th1674An actionofDebtEntred,byJohnGatesof Oyster Bay,Plant:against William Buckler,of Oyster Bay,Deff: May ye 3th A Towne Meeting held, Nathanyell Coles is Chosen Const:for this p'sent yeare 1675 Oversers Nich :Wright, Tho:Townesend ;Josias Latting,Matthias Harvy :ffence vewers Chosen,forthisp'sentyeare,Rich:Harcott,Benjamen Hubard: 1673 (1675) June : 3th A n action of ye case, by W m Butler Plant:against Adam Wright defft: 4th An action of ye Case Entred,by John Gates Plant: against John Berd Deffend: 1675 A Corte held this 6th of June Our Judgem is on ye action Depd : betwne W m Buckler, & Adam Wright,wee finde for ye Plant W m Buckler yt the Defft Adam Wright,Shall pay,this p'sent Court Charges,wth Coste of Sute:& his debt of fower pounds,on George Coppings acct To ye Sumons 94,Courte Charges 10s,Entring ye action 9a, ye Judge of Courte 1s 6d, To publick charges 3d S d £00 16 00 On ye action Depending betwne John Gates & John Bird,wee finde,ye Plant & Deffd both Deffective,& both Plant & Deffd to pay ye coste of this p'sent, Sute, Each theire Equall Sheare,— ye Courte Sitting 10s,ye Sumons 9d;Entring ye action 9a, £Sd y e J u d g e o f C o u r t e & d e p o s i s 2 s ; p u b l i c k C h a r g e 3 o ,— 0 0 - 1 6 - 0 6 Whareas theire isgreate inconveniences,yt doeith attend,by reason of ye Inhabetants haveing soe littel warening at Towne Courtes,It is Ordered yt for ye time to Cum no inhabetant,of thisTowne,shallbeSumonsed,orarested,toanyTowne Courte, but hee shall have fower dayes,warning,before ye Courte,day, & ye Plant shall Enter his Declarat fower dayes,befor ye Courte, 226 Book A yt they Deffd may have time,to take a Copie,theire of if he see cause,& also yt noe Inhabetant of this Towne,shall be lyable,to answertoaSpeatiallCourte,heldinthisTowne fortimetocum. The 5th July 1675 Ordered yt all persons, consernid in this Towne,acording to law & allotment,be redy & attend at ye house of Anth :Wrights,by Eight of ye Klock in ye moring,on ye 12th & 13thofthisinstant,foryecuttingofbrush,& wthsuchtooles, asisconvenyentforytpurpose:& theiretoreceveorderforye Constable,where tocutbrush inye Comon,forthem 2 dayes,It is also Order yt Josias Latting, is apointed to see muntinacock men,to cut brush on theire comon, for those two dayes : whare hee shall see it convenyent,in ye Comon,likewise Joseph Car- penterforMuskeetowĆove,& John Townesend,for,Lusum:& for all such persons as shall be found,deffective,shall pay three s h i l l i n g s f o r E v e r y d a y s a i d d e f f e c t y e b r i n g it i n , t o y e C o n s t a b l e wthin three,dayes,if other wayes,ye Constable be compelled,to fech itin,then five shillings,a day,for ye use of ye Towne Con- stable,isalso lyable,to pay those Deffective,ifby him Neglected (p.247 Old A )- A Towne Meeting held this 16th Augt 1675: It is Order & agreed yt A Towne house bee built,wth what Ex- pedish,itcan bee:ye length Twenty fower foote & twenty foote wide:Men ChousenforyeCaringonEnd & buildingthisHouse: Richard Harcott,Thomas Townesend,Gideon Wright: This 7thof December 1675 An action of Debt Entred,by John Bird Plantive,of Hunting:against John Wright of Oyster Bay Deffd : 7th An action of debt Entred,by John Bird,of Huntington, Plant:against Edmond Wright of Oyster Bay Deffendant, 7th An action of debt,Entred,by John Bird,of Huntington, Plant against Richard Harcott, of Öyster Bay Deffend 7th An action of debt,Entred,by John Bird,Plant of Hunt- ing,Against Anthony Wright,Deffend of Oyster Bay Thomas Townesend Chosen Towne Clark at A towne metting held ye 16th of Jenewary 1675 An action of ye Case Entred By Thomas Cromp plantive: Against Robert williams of Lewsum defendent, A n Acktion off dept Entred B y John gates plantive, Against Samuell Andras of oyster Baye deffendant ye first of Aprill 1676 : a towne metting held, and overseares Chosen henry Townsend Richard harcur John dickason for this year A n d Samuell Andras Is Chosen Constablle for this presant year Aprill ye first 1676 at A towne metting given and layed out by ye towne to John whittecar half A n Aker of land liing upon A square, liing and being over ye waye Against georg dennises house,bounded at ye west Corner,with A black oak tre,ranging east to A steak nere ye river,stake in by ye Constable and over- Book A 227 sears,and so to rang into ye swomp which said land If he leaves ye towne hotly (shortly) tis to return to ye towne Againe, but otherwayes to remaine to him and his Ayres for ever 2ly Att ye same towne metting tis ordered yt ye towne ffenc Round ye south Sd of ye towne with ye street gattes,Bee Suf- fitiantly r e p a i r e d b y y e ffirst d a y e o f M a y e i n s e w i n g w i t h y e w a t - terffenc,Allso,and all swine of what sortt soever are prohibited ye feding,in ye stretes,and All Cattlle Acording to ye last yeares order,are to be kept out of ye streats after ye first daye of M a y e , upon ye same penallty as ye saide order exspreses, which is to stand in fors for this presant yeare,and All such gattes yt ware not md be forthwith finisht And ffurther Itt tis ordered at ye foresaide meting yt ye land upon hog Iland ondevided, shall be forth Layed, oute Richard harcutt and nathanell Colls, are Chosen by A free Concent, to laye out All ye undevided Land upon Hogilansd Into Alottments Acording to ye propriaty of itt, first layeing out twenty two Ackers next to ye beach,which Is to lye for ye youse of A man yt maye be gotten to keep ye Iland and All ye slipes of Comon medow onlayde,out,isto belong to ye youse of ye saide keper, ofyetowneAloweingRichardharcuttthreeshillingsA day,and nathanell fore, for every daye they spend in layeing it out, and Allso they are hereby impowred to Agree with sum parsons to keep ye İland this insewing summer,and as theye doe or shall agree the towne are to be Conformable therunto,and If they find it tis t o m u c h f o r t h e m t o l a y e o u t y e l a n d A l o n e , t h e y m a y e t a k e a third m a n (p.246 missing before the 1742 copy was made) (p.245New A)-Juneye20th1676RichardHarcurandNathan- ielColes and Josias Latting are Appoynted to Agree with Thomas hopkins and Jeremiah Roads for ye Keeping of Hog Island and upon agreement with them to Confirm ye Land to them In ye behalf of ye proprietors Which is thirty acres Joyning to ye Beach and What Meadows isupon ye Island un Laid out This is T o Give notice yt on Saterday next Ensuing being ye 11th of this Instant there is to be at ye house of Nathaniel Coles at Ten of ye Clock in ye fournoon ye Land belonging to nicolas Davis upon hog Island Is to be Sold at an out Cry and all that are minded to buy may (have)Liberty to bid this by direction of an Execution for ye Same and Order of ye Constable and over- seersthis6thofNovember 1676 me Thomas Townsend Clark A town Meeting held ye 9th of December 1676 Nathaniel Coles and Thomas Townsend are Chosen by ye Major vote of ye people to be Surveyors for ye town for this present Year and are to have Six pence acre for Every acre by them Laid out Given at ye Same meeting unto Thomas Youngs three Acres of Land for a home Lott Lying on ye South west Side of ye Cove 228 Book A Neck Swamp ye rear Joyning to ye Land William Buckler bought of John Dickason and fronting Northwest to ye highway at ye head of ye Cove with free Commonage of grassing and timber provided that ye Sd Thomas Youngs Doth buld upon ye Sd Lot or fence it within a Twelve month and a day if not ye Sd Land and Commons isto return to ye Town again without Exception Sence Granted further priviledge as other particular rights have (p.244 Old A )-Att A towne metting held ye 9th of desember 1676. granted and given unto Aron ffurman Junior,three Ackers oflandfforahome lott,lyingand rangingBy thomas yongs home lott ffronting to ye hygh waye, at ye head of ye Cove, and Bounded at ye reare with william bucklars land,with Comonage ffor graseing and ttimbar for his youse,provided yt ye said Aron doth builld upon ye said lott,or ffenc itt within A twelve month and A daye, Iff not ye let and previlidge granted to it is to fall t o y e t o w n e A g a i n e , w i t h o u t e x s e p t i o n s , it is t o b e u n d e r s t o o d y e grant is A free previlidge, as other peticular rights have Itt tis likewise granted at ye same metting yt Josias latting and nathanell Colls hath liberty to take up six Akers of Land A pese, on ye north East of ye Cove neck swomp nere ye watter side If theye Cee Case Itt tis likewise grantted at ye same metting yt Jeames weeks shall have ten Akers off land in ye Comans,not preiedesing ye highwayes,or such lands Allredy made Choyse of by other men granted and given at ye same metting untto John Robison Jonyer A pese of land Containeing half an Aker Joyning one one side to John whittecars land and fronting to ye high waye yt goes to ye water side with ffree Comonige ffor two Cowes and one hors and timbar suffitiantt ffor his youse on his trade provided yt ye said Robison doth build upon itt or ffenc itt in,within A twelve monthandA daye,IffnotIttistofalltoyetowneAgaine,tis aded by ye towne half an Aker more A n Acktion off deptt Entred by mathyas harvy plantive Against John gattes deffendantt this 23th of desembar 1676 An Acktion off ye Case Entred by John Rogers off oyster Baye plantive Against nickolas simkins off muschedacove def- fendant ye 26th of desemb, 1676 An Acktion offdeptt Entred By Thomas Elison offhemsted plantive Against ye Exseketors off John Reducks Easteatt, dea- seased, desembar ye 27th 1676 Att A towne Cortt held ye ffirst days off Jenewary 1676 tis ordered and Agreed ffor this presant yeare Insewing or untill ffurther order,yt for every fox killed within oure towne Bounds theye Bringing yr heads to ye Constable they shall have for every head out of ye towne Rates Insewing, two shillings six penc ye head Book A 229 A towne Cortte holden this first daye off Jenewary 1676/7 The decleration of John Rogers plantive, nickolas Simkins def- fend: To this Cortt ye plantive humbly showeth, yt he Being Iniaged A barell off Sidar to moses mudge of muschedacove,ye deffendant nickolas simkins Came to me sum time in ocktober last past and demanded ye said barel off sider of m e ffor moses mudge,with An Absalute order By word of mouth As Could be declared,pretending If he had itwith him,there would be dam- ege,inrespecktofAn opertunytotransportit,whereupon I did delever ye barell of sider to ye said defendant, he reseving itof me ffull and marc[hantable]- (p.243 Old A)-ffor ye useoffyesaidemudge,IdidthenConcludemy Iniagementtobee ffullyÁnswared,Butt nott long Affter ye said mudge Came to me and demanded ye said barell of sidar of me which I was Iniaged, declaring and protesting and Allso giveing under his hand,yt he did never imploye nickolas simkins to reseave Any sidarfrom me for him,and therefore he would take no notis ofwhat was done,But Iff I would not spedely delever him A barell of sidar or ye valew of it in Corn,he would Arest m e for it,where upon I was forseed haveing not sidar for him to Iniage topaye him twenty shillings in Corn,to my great preiudiss ye which Caseeth me to make my redress to this Cortte,yt ye said deffendantmayereturnememy BarellofsidaragaineinAsgood c o n d i t i o n A s h e r e s e v e d it o f m e , o r t o p a y e o r s a t e s f y y e s a i d mudgetwentyshillingsinlewofitt,forme withAllotherInsi- denshall Charges ACashoned thereby nickolas Simkins Being Called to Answare ffor himselffe, did owne yt he reseved ye barell of sidar of John Rogers, for ye use ofmoses mudge,and did delever itat ye plase whare he was Apointed by mudge In ye Acttion John Rogers plantive,nickolas simkins deffendant our Judgement Is yt ye said defendant, shall delever ye saide plantive A barell offgood marchantablle sidar,or twenty shillings ye valew of Itt,in Corn,with Cost off Sutte Jenewary ye 4th 1676 Layd outt tto Thomas weeks,and Jeams weeks Six Ackers offland A peese,Joyneing together,southeast ffrom ye towne, two milles or there Abouts, Bounded As ffol- loeth, Southest Corner bounded with A great Chestnutt ttree, bloneupbyyeroottesRangingnorth48rodtoA standingChest- nutttree,from thenc westward 40 polls,to A littlewhitt oak bush,by A littllehollow,from thenc southward,48 polle,to A littlleblackoack tree,by A littllehollow southwest bounder Jenewary ye 13th Layde outt tto Joseph dickinson tten ackers offland Being ffortty polles square,Liing and Joyneing to ye west end off Thomas Townsends sixtene Ackers of Land by ye old planting ffeeld so called, Being bounded Att ye southest Corner with A black oak tree and at ye northest Cornar, with A great 230 Book A Chestnut tree,being ye two bounders betwene Thomas Townsends land,and ye said Josephs, ffebre ye 2 1676 A n Acttion off deptt Entred B y John Gattes, plantive,Against John williams off ye ffarms deffendant, A n Acktion off deptt and damige to ye valew of three pounds Entred by wesell welles plantive Against Thomis phillips de- fendant(probablyWessellWessellsofN.Y. Seep.149.) (p.242 Old A )- A towne meting held ye second daye off Aprill in ye yeare 1677 Mathyas harvy Is Chosen Constable ffor this presant yeare and nickolas simkis Is Chosen Deputy Constablle ffor muschedacove william hudsun and thomas weeks Chosen oversears Aprill ye 2d 1677 given unto Joseph Croker three Ackers of land ffor A home lott Joyneing one ye northeast side of Aron ffurman Juniors home lott with ffree privilidge off graseing and timbar in ye Comans,and Allso hath liberty to take up ten akers of land Any whare in ye Comans yt Is not Allredy taken up,he ffencing or bullding upon his home lott within A twelve month and A daye,It tis to be his and his Ayres for ever,otherwise ye lands to be fforffitt ye towne Againe and previledges without ex- seption A ttowne Cort held ye 5thoff ffebrewary:1676/7:John gattes plantive John williams deffendant,There being upon John gattes Book, John williams detter ffor smith work done att severall times to ye valew off three pounds one shilling, John williams being Called to Answare ffor himself did deny to paye ye debtt, Allthough in ye presanc of ye Cortt,did owne partt due wee ye Cortt being satesfyed ffrom ye deffendants owne mouth yt he was his ffathers Agiantt sinc ye greatest partt off ye work was done,and wee know nott butt remaines so still wee doe Award yt ye deffendant,John williams shall Answare and paye ye deptt off three pounds one shilling due upon Book,to ye plantive John gattes,within a month Affter ye datte here off In Currant pas- sablle paye,with Costt off sutte. Aprill ye 19th 1677 Layde out to John Rogers twelve Ackers off land at huckelbery poynte so called, northwest bounder A greatt rock, from thenc fortty Ayght polle eastward nere ye poynt to A littlle blak oake tree, from thenc ffortty polle south- ward to A white oak tree marked nere ye banke Aboute ffoare polls off,ffrom thenc fforty Ayght polle westward to A red oak tre marked standing by A hollow side,ffrom thenc fortty polle northward to ye rock ffirst bounder, Layde out to Henry townsend Junior three Ackers off land Joyneing nere to ye northwest side off ye boges, beyond ye land John Rogers Bought off his Brother John townsend, being six- Book A 231 tene polle from ye boges up ye hill westward and thirty polle length wayes up ye hill side An Action off diffimation Entred by william hartt plantive Against John Rogers deffendant,this 30th of Aprill 1677 being damnified in his good name to ye velew of ffive pounds by ye defendant (p.241 Old A )- A Cortt held this 7th of maye 1677 The differ- anc betwene William hartt and John rogers being putt to Arbitra- tion,by fre Consent by both partyes and leave of ye Cort,ye Award of ye Arbytrators in ye differanc Abovesaid is yt John rogers Is to bare his owne Charges Exspended in this sute, and A quart of rum,and william hart Is to bare his owne Charges Exspended Aboutt ye said sutte,and so ye differanc ffully ended. ye Arbitrators Thomas Townsend Josias Latting This daye Agreed with John Rogers, to warne All ye towne mettings belonging to oyster baye, and he Is to have for every warning thre shillings A time to be Alowed him out of ye towne rattes Tis allso Ordered and Agreed yt Richard harcutt and Aron fur- man are to [be] vewers of towne ffencess ffor this presant yeare,and to have A n Inspecktion in to publick highwayes nott to be inffringed, A towne metting held ye 7th of maye 1677,by ye Inhabytants It tis Agreed and order by A ffree Consent in ye said meting, yt there shall be fforthwith A suffytiant Cose waye (causeway) made over ye head of ye dock,and nathanell Colls and thomas Townsend are hereby Athorized to Agree with A man or men for ye doing of itt,and ye towne to be at ye Charg Acording to proportion of there home lotts Granted and given att ye same metting by A ffre votte,untto Job wright A pese of upland as much as ye plase will Aford, Joyneing to ye southeast end of ye three run swomp,yt was given to Jeames Coke, Itt Nott Infringing neyther of ye high wayes, It being granted A twelve month and A daye or Els It tis to be forfitt to ye towne Againe Itt tis to be understood this saide grant,at A towne meting held ye 21th of maye,tis Agred yt Job wright shall have As much as ye plase will Aford, As Aforesaid,which shall be In lew of six Akers he was to take up to his house lott, Acording to ye Towne grant this Abovesaid grant to Job wright being forfitt is given & granted to Abraham Aling ye smith (p.240 Old A )- A ttowne meting helld ye 21th of Maye 1677 There Confirmed by name every ffre hollder,which hath his ffre voattfforgiveingandgrantingofComan rights,andnotother ---I2214 232 Book A wayes,and yt ffrom henc fforward,no grant of towneships or Comane right,shall be Confirmed or held as A legall grant,with- out every ffre holder hath legall warning, yt at such A meting itbe Apoynted ffor yt purpose,or yt there Is land to be given outt, and After legall warning given them by ye ofisar Apoynted, It shall be held legall to All intents and purposes, All giftts or grants of Coman rights,to Ayether man or men given by ye magior voate,of ye ffree hollders yt doth Apeare at ye plase and timeApoynted,and IttisffurtherAgred,ytfforeveryTowne right yt every ffre holder doth poses yt he shall have so many voats, in ye giveing and granting of lands and Coman rights and not other wise to be understood but to grant and devide ye towne lands and previlidges as theye shall cee Cause &c- ye names of every ffreehollder and ye rights he now poseseth. henry townsend senior, 1 georg dennis 1 henry Townsend Junior, 12 Joseph ludlam John townsend 1 Elesabeth townsend 2 John dickinson 1 Jeams townsend 1 Joseph dickinson 1 Thomas Townsend 2 gideon wright 2 Samuell weeks 1 john wright 1 John Townsend senior 1 william bucklar 1 John weeks 1 Edman wright 1 Joseph weeks Nickolas wright 1 John weeks warwik Caleb wright 1 nickolas simkins Richard Crab 1 Josias latting Anthony wright 1 Samuell Andras Job wright 1 John Jones Isack doutty 1 lattemore sampson nathanell Colls 12 Alis simon Cooper mathyas harvy (voyde) Adam wright 1 thomas weeks 1 daniell harcutt 1 ffransess weeks 2 Ells Crab 1 Richard harcutt 1 Jeams weeks 1 Samuell furman 1 John Rogers 1 moses ffurman 1 daniell Colles 1 william ffrost 1 (See Appendix) Itt tis ffully ordered and Agred by A ffree Consent of ye towne at ye same meting yt All ye Coman lands and swomps liing betwene ye highwaye yt goes to ye water side by Nathanell Colls home lott,to Joseph ludlams and so downe to ye head of ye dock,to be left for a perpetuall Coman to ye towne,and yt neye- ther ye migeior part of ye towne,nor minor shall at Any time hereaftergiveorgrantanypartorparsellofitItttoAny parson or parsons,whatsumever and All such former grants granted of this said lands to A n y parsons whatsumever are maide voyde and of none Efeckt excepting a plot for ye towne house Book A 233 (p.239 Old A )-Att A Towne meting held ye 21th of maye 1677 1 granted and given to Jeames weeks one Aker of land Joyning to east side of his home lott which his ffather gave him and half A right off Comans to ye half right yt his father gave him,by vertue of which he Is to be understood A ffreeholder in giveing and granting of lands as other petickular rights 2ly granted and given to Joseph dickinson A home lott of three Akers Iff he can find A plase Conveniant,not preiedessing Any land Allredy layed outt or hygh wayes,and ffre previledge in Coman rights as other petickular rights have,he bulding and ffencing his said lott within a Twelve month and A daye,or Els ye lott and previledg to ffall to ye towne Againe he fullfilling ye same is understood to be A freholder 3ly Itt tis ordered and agred,yt in As much as Isack dottyes fformer grant in Coman rights was shortt of ye thing intended, It tis to be understood yt ye towne doth hereby Confirme his fformer grant to be firmly A free previledge in C o m a n rights As Any other petickular grant Allredy granted,and therby hath his free voate,in Coman rights 4ly ItttisorderedandAgreed,ytinAsmuchAsAdam wright, haveing A former grant of Coman which was given to his mother for one of her Chilldren and Itt being short of ye thing intended bythem ye towne doth hereby Confirme ye Aforesaide Coman to Adam wright A full Coman previledge As Any other peticular rights Allredy granted,and thereby hath his ffree voate in Coman rights 5.ly given and granted to John Rogers A ffree Cominidge of Coman rights to his lotts of land he bought of John townsend, and therby he hath his ffre voate in Coman rights 6ly granted and given to John Jones A home Lott off three Ackers not preiedesing lands Allredy layed out, or hygh wayes, with ffree previledge in Coman rights As Any other petickular rights have,he building and ffenssing his lott within A twelve- month and A daye,or Ells ye lott and prevelidge granted to ffall to ye towne Againe being not ffullfilled ye towne takes into ther disposeall Aprill 1681 7ly grantedandgiventoEphraimpallmoreyeremainderofye land, yt lyes betwene yt lot yt was watter sollters and Jeames weekses last grant,and Allso he Is to have liberty for timbar and grasing in ye Comans ffor his use,he ffensing and building upon ye saide land within A twelvemonth and A daye,or Ells his pre- vilidge granted him to ffalle to ye towne Againe,this lott was fforffited to the towne Againe (p.238NewA)-8ly InasMuchasatthistownmeetingto Some persons James Townsends Right of Commons proves du- bious Which if So Should prove that he hath none allready be- 234 Book A longing to his home Lott he hath by a free Vote Granted to him and Equall priviledge in Common Rights as any Other particular Rights have 9ly GrantedandGiventoJohnRobysonTenAcresofLandat ye Cold Spring on this Side near ye head of ye Cove and hath Liberty on our Right of ye Stream there to Set up a mill or Mills upon he hath allso Granted Liberty for Timber and Grassing In ye Common as other particular Rights have but if he doth not Set up a mill upon that Stream within Six Years after ye date hereof It tis to fall to ye town again he is to buld or fence upon ye Ten acres of Land also within Six Years or Else itisallforfit t o y e t o w n a g a i n it it T o b e u n d e r s t o o d y e S t r e a m a n d L a n d s is under one forfiture 101y In as Much as Aron furman was Chosen an Overseer and he being not a freeholder desired to be Released upon which further Consideration we finding him not Leguall according to Law He wasbyafreevoteandhisown desireDisplastandJohn wright by a free vote Chosen Overseer in his room M a y ye 21th 1677 11ly Granted and Given Leave that Joseph Ludlum Shall C o m e over ye River against ye house Lott that he bought of John Tompson with his Grant Which ye Town formerly Gave him to be Laid out by ye Descretion of ye Surveyors Nathaniel Coles and Thomas Townsend May 25th Whereas we befor mentioned were appoynted by ye T o w n to lay out ye Last Grant above mentioned to Joseph Ludlum W e have proceeded as followeth that he is to rainge from a Small white wood Tree East bounder of his Ground upon a Straight Line Northwestward to ye highway against ye Lot that was Tompsons as afore Said it being eighteen rod from ye white wood tree afore Said and from that Northwest bounder upon a Straight Line tis Twenty Eight rod to an oak Stump by ye Smiths Shop Where Tompsons Grindle Stone (obsolete for grindstone) Stood this Grant to Joseph Ludlum having no rela- tion or Infringeing Tompsons Grant (p.237New A)-A MeetingofyeConstableandoverseersye 6th of August 1677 Thomas Townsend is Chosen and Apoynted to repare to ye Governer with ye Towns petition for ye pur- chaseing of Matinecock (See p.307 for Patent. See Appendix) James Townsend and Jane Redough were Married Together b y M r J o h n P e l l J u s t i c e o f y e p e a c e Ŏ c t o b e r y e 1 6 :1 6 7 7 A TownmeetingheldthisthirdDayofDecember1677andby a free Vote Job Wright is Chosen T o w n Clark for this Ensuing year for one Shilling a M a n to be paid out of ye T o w n rate (p.236 New A)-Whereas we Henry Townsend and Thomas TownsendbeingImpoweredbyyeTown torepairtoyeGoverner Book A 235 for A : patent for our Town and Also to Git Leave to purchase Some Land of ye Indians Upon Matinecock ye Which having procured we do agree and Concent yt our Neighbors now inhabit- ing Killingworth Upon Matinecock Shall have ye priviledge to purchase all ye Lands yt Lyes Yet to purchase upon Matinecock Neck Lying on ye North Side of ye foot path now between Oysterbay and Masketicove by ye way of ye Sho So called and topossess itfrom any Claim of ye Town as their other Lands they N o w Improve which Said foot path Shall be their Limits orboundsSouthward (SeeAppendixforGovernor'slicense) Ephraim Carpenter and Susanah Ingland were Married ye 3d day of December 1677 by Thomas Townsend Justice in ye North- ridingofYork Shire (p.235New A)-AttaTownMeetingheldye18thoffebruary 1 6 7 7 / 8 T h o m a s W e e b : S c h o o l m a s t e r is C h o s e n T o w n C l a r k f o r thispresentYearand fortyShillingsistobealowedhim forye year out of the Next T o w n rate and also he is to be Clark of ye Town Courts (p.234 Old A )- A towne Cort the 31th of desembar 1677: Upon the Agrevanc or Comeplaint of severall of the Inhaby- tants of this towne being over ratid,and ffurther forsed to Con- tribittto many disburstments in which they Conseve they are noe- wayes Justly Consarned in the towne ordered for the futar man- igment of ye towne rates,there be notis given by the Constblle ofthe towne,to ye Respecktive plases belonging to ye towne,to send in A deputy from every plase to sitt with the offisars of the towne for the leviing of towne rates or towne disburstments which hath relation to the publick and not otherwise to be of forse,but If they doe not Apeare after Legall warning,the towne maye prosede as though they ware presant, further Agreed for time to C o m e every respecktive plase within this towne Ship, are to Cleare All such highwayes within,there owne previlidge, upon there owne Charges,and not other wayes to be understood tisfurther ordered A deputy Constablle to be Apoynted in every plase,who upon Legall notis from the Constable of ye towne, Is to ofytiatt ye offiss of A Constablle in there plases to warne there inhabytants to All towne mettings, or other busines of greater Consarnment as the law dereckts upon Consideration of there distanc from the towne ffebrewary ye 18th 1677 John Rogers sould one white hors taken from Christopher hoackhurst by distraint, for towne rates to Mathyas harvy by out Cry which said hors mathyas harvy sould to John Townsend ffebye11 Anact'dEnteredbyAndrewGibbplantAgainst Joseph Ludlam Defendt. The Cort haveing taken into Consid:the Case depending be- 236 Book A twene plt & Defendt do award the Defendt to pay ye plant his debt wth his Barrell of Sider According to Contract with Cost of Court the 18th ffeb: 167/8 (1677/8) Court Charges ye Arest Entering ye Action foure Depos ye Cost Sitting Entering Judgt 00 01 06 00 01 00 00 04 00 00 15 00 00 01 06 (p.233 Old A )-Att A towne meeting held this 11th of ffebruary 1677/8 1 Ordered & Agreed yt towards ye Incuragement of killing of wolves yt any persons Inhabiting wthin this towne or p'sincks thereof Indians Excepted shall kill Any Wolfe or Wolves & bring theire head or heads to ye Const they shall have for every such head, (so brought) Ten shillings out of ye Towne rate, Allowed them vided they be caught or killed within ye p'vil- idge of oure towne patten 2ly Itt is ordered yt for every Fox kild within ye p'vilidg of our towne patten,& ye head of ye ffox be brought to ye Con- stableye Constable shall Alow them:2s:6d:for every ffox head so killed;out of ye towne rate. 3ly Ittisorderedinasmuchassome ticulerpersonsbelong- ing to this towne,have Cut downe many or ye greatist part of ye best pine timber upon pine iseland & there ly & not cut up ; to ye priudice of ye said timber,And also,A great wrong to ye Towne,haveing onely that small Neck of pines to trust too,pre- served for Nesessary euses in the Towne,such persons yt have so Cut downe such timber have liberty from ye date hereof to fetch away ye said timber to ye towne for theire owne Benefit for Building & not other wise Butt if theye shall Neclect to fetch them away within a Month of ye time p'fixt:: All such treese soffalenShallbefforfetttoanypersonbelongingtoo(u)rTowne that shall se cause to make Use of them 4ly Itt is Ordered yt no Vessell shall be Built within this Towne Above three Tunns, for saile to any person or persons not Inhabiting wthin ye Towne,without such persons so Under- taking to build any such Vessel or vessels, Do first agree wth ye Officers of ye Towne for ye Cutting of such timber;The offi- cers appoynted for yt purpose Is Henry Townsend Sign' Richard Harcutt Nathaniell Coales & Samull Andras Neyther A n y timber or staves are to be transported out of this Towne from ye date hereof wthout the Concent of ye aforeSd persons under ye ffor- fiture of haveing all such Vessels timber or staves Taken from them for the use of the publique Charges of the Towne : (p.232 Old A )-5ly Granted and given to Joseph Estland,A Book A 237 Certaine peece of boggy M e d d o w att ye head of ye beaver S w a m p Meddowes on ye East side of ye Streeme & so much of the Swamp Joyneing to it as ye Surveyrs shall see Convenient Att a Towne Meeting held ye 18th of ffeb: 1677/8 Then granted and givein to Isack Horner A previlidge in ye Comons ffor grasing & timber for building & fenseing for his owne perticuler Use,and Liberty to take up Ten Acers of Land any where in the Comons yt is not Alredy laid out with the pre- vilidge o f y e S t r e e m e att y e B e a v o r S w a m p b y t h e s h o w s o C a l l e d fortosettupA ffullingMillupon,whichMyllheisherebyIn- ioyned to build & fynish within foure yeares from ye date hereof otherwise ye aforeSd previliges & Streeme granted, is to fall toye Towne againe to despose of to whome they shall se cause: Butt if he shall Compleat ye Aforesaid Myll within ye time per- fixt & so Maintayne itt Constantly, for ye ffulling of All such Cloath brought to him :then the said previliges & Streeme is to remaine to him, and his heires fforever; provided allwayes yt his heires or Assignes shall keep the said Myll allwaies in good repaire & not to dispose of ye privilige from ye Streeme & not otherwise. This Abovesaide grant Confirmed this 4th of September 1682 upon ye forfyture as Abovesaide, If a fulling mill be not Com- pleated within two yeares, from ye date hereoff and yt ye sayd Isack hornar Is to full ye Cloth for ye Inhabytants of ye towne as Cheepe, as Is fulled in other plases in newingland and what Cloth doth Apeare By waye to be beter wrought by people of Judgment tis to be alowed in ye price, ye ten Acars of land spesefyed is to be layd out for Isack hornar, whare the sur- veyars shall Cee most convenyant for his use not preidising ye towne in highwayes These a bove written deedes being forfitted being not built inthetimes a for Sd spacifyed owned by me Oysterbay ye 22d of ye 12th m o 1684. Isaac Horner (p.231 Old A )-John Whitacer & Mary Haukens was married togetherby Justis Townsend the 23th of March 1677/8 Ordered by the Towne Att a Towne Meeting and Court that foryeincoridgmt of an Ordanary Keeping yt ye Ash Swamp So called:with ye Lands thereunto Aioying:with a provisoe of no Infringment, of high wayes, Is granted to any person, What- soever,that will keepe & mainetaine,A n house of Entertainment, and this our Reall Actt W e e grant this 4th of March 1677/8 With an absolute prohobition,upon Confiscation of all such Drink, as shall b e R e t a l e d b y a n y p e r s o n o r p e r s o n s w h a t s o e v e r b y q u a r t pint or halfe pint Contrary to law Exsepted By me Thomas Townsend 238 Book A And confirmed by Us to ye person abovesaid by us the Con- stble: & overseers Testes Thomas Webb. Clark Matthias Harvy John wright Thomas weekes the (H ) marke of Will: Hudson the Abovesaide grant of ye Ash swomp and land Adioyneing is returned to its former order as it was before ye grant to m e , witnes m y hand this 9th of march 1677/8 Tho:Townsend The former survaiores is to continue for the present yeare ensuing 1678 by order of ye Court March ye 4th 1677/8 (p.230missing,p.229New A)-March ye3d1678Itisagreed between Josias Latting and William Hudson yt a highway of T w o rod wide to be Laid out between ye Said william & Latting within ye Land of william hudson for a passage It is Agreed yt william hudson doth Give unto Josias Latting half an acre of Land next unto ye Street by ye Lane for to Set his hay in and buld Upon and doth freely Give ye Sd Josias and his heirs ye Same forever it Is to be understood ye half acre is to be laid out by ye Sid of ye Sd william his Lott at ye Corner where his Cow house now Stands.this Taken out of Tho: Webbs Book of Enteries (i.e.Thomas Webb was then Town Clerk) (p.228 and 227 missing p.226 Old A )-Att a Towne Courtt held in oyster baye febrewary ye 7th 1680/1 moses mudge Ageed 41 yeares or there Abouts being Sworne, doth declare, that Nickolas Simkins desired him To goe with him downe to his Iland, knowing nott whatt Itt was ffor, But Comeing there B y his request,and vewing tthe Island,he ttould me tthatt I mustt ttake nottis tthatt he desired me tto Come downe tto Cee the delevery of this Land,whareupon he takes his knife and Cutts up A turffe and A twidge and delevers it tto Samuel ttilliar tto him and his hayres ffor Ever the owne halff of ye said Iland,and the other halfe Also untill he should Cee Case to dispose of itt otherwayes,this delevery was Aboutt ttwo yeares since I being at that time deputty Constablle of Muschedacove moses mudge T o tthe Constablle and oversears Wee desiar tto know whetther the magior partt off us maye nott order oure owne hyghwayes tto oure owne Convenianc,Allso w e desiar tto have tthe previlidge of the L a w for the Cutting of brushandCleareingofhyghwayes,And IffyoupleasettoAlowe Book A 239 itt wee desiar tto have one man Apoynted by you tto Cee itt done and performed, The umblle petition of Richard Cirby george downing Robartt godffree John wrightt The Constablle and oversears Dotth grantt tthe Above requestt and doe Apoyntt Richard Cirby tto be tthe man tto Cee whatt is abovesaide Requested performed Acording tto L a w by order of ye towne Courtt febre:ye 7th 1680/1 Tho:weebb Clark: (The above are the Littleworth patentees or purchasers) (p.225 Old A )-Oyster Baye tthe 5th of march 1680/1 Then Layde out unto Thomas Cocke twenty six Ackers of land nere Adioyneing to the line of devition betwene Robart williams Lands and the townes on the west side of the highwaye tthat Lyeth Betwene oyster baye and Lusum,the first bounder begin- ing at a Chestnutt ttre being John frosts south east bounder, from thenc ranging upon A straight line northwardly by John frosts line sixty rod to A white oake being ye said frosts north east bounder,from thenc Eastwardly sixty rod to A black oak tree marked nere ye highwaye, from thenc by the highwaye side southwardly,one hundred and Ayghtt rod to A great white oake by us marked,from thenc westwardly thirty two rod to A small Chestnutt ttre by us marked, from thenc forty seven rod upon A straight line to tthe Chestnut tree, John frosts Southeast bounder,Layd out by us Tho :Townsend nathanell Colls The first daye of march 1680/81 tthen Layed out by us Nathanell Coles and Tho:Townsend, six Akars of Lands more or less,for Tho :young,at ye East End of the towne takeing in part of ye westermost of the thre runs so called,and being bounded As ffolloweth,begining at ye south- west Cornar with A small red oak tree by the hill side, from thenc northwardly by the hill side to A small black oke tree nere ye highwaye,from thenc by the said highwaye,upon A straight line,A Crosethefirstrun,toA Chestnuttrebyusmarked,from thenc southwardly betwene ye two stremes,to A black oake tree marked, from thenc westwardly upon A straight line to ye first boundar, leaveing A suffitiant highwaye of six rod wide in ye narowest place betwene his land and william butlars formerly layed out to John dickinson, by us, natha : Colls Tho : Townsend 240 Book A The first daye of march 1680/81 Then layed out unto Tho : ffurman by vertue of his Brother Arons right three Ackars and hallfe of land at or nere ye south- westt off moses ffurmans lands by the runs so Called at ye East EndofyetowneItbeinglayedoutuponA square24rodsEvery waye,begining at ye northwest bounder with A white oake tre markt,ye north East bounder A young black oake tree markt,ye southeast boundar A great white oake marked,and ye southwest bounder A black oake markt by us Thomas Townsend nathanell Colles (p.224 Old A )-Oyster Baye the 31th of march 1681 Then Layed out untoe moses ffurman 12 Ackers of Land at ye East End of the towne,at ye head of the Cove swomp soe Called, Beginning at A Red oake ttree by us marked,ye northwest boun- dar from thence ranging Southwardly 19 rod to A great Chestnut tree by us marked, from thenc ranging 29 rod Southeast or there abouts to A Smale whiteoake marked,from thenc ranging 40 rod Eastwardly sumwhat south,by the head of ye said swomp to two small ttreese by us marked ye owne A Chestnutt ye other A red oake groing both ttogether,from thenc 40 rod northwardly to A white oake by us marked on ye East side of ye swomp, from thenc_ranging west northwest 48 rod upon A straight line to ye first Boundar within Containeing 12 Ackers more or less by us Layed outt Thomas Townsend nathanell Colles oyster Baye tthe ffirst daye of Aprill 1681 Then Laide outt unto henry ttownsend senior,A sartin trackt of land on the west side of the now mill pond Ranging up the hillby ye highwaye and Bounded As followeth,Begining at ye swomp or mill pond ranging by A popelar tree to & small red oak marked and by ye forsaide highwaye upon & straight line 40 rod up ye hill westwardly to A stake by us pitcht, from thenc south- wardly 28 rod to A white oake markt, from thenc East wardly 40 rod to A small Chestnutt tre groing by ye swomp side markt, from thenc northwardly 20 rod to ye first Bounder,being bounded with ye swomp on ye East end,and ye highwaye on ye north side, and ye other bounds As Abovesaide including six Ackers of Land more or less within ye fforsaide bounds,and Layde out by us Tho:Townsend nathanell Colles Att A ttowne metting held ye second daye of April 1681 Calleb wright Chosen by A ffree votte Constable for this presant Yeare, John townsend Junior at ye mill, and Thomas willis Chosen overseares Book A 241 Ephraim Carpenter Chosen deputy Constable of muschedacove Att the same meting ordered that unkawaye neck shall be forthwith layd out in to shares Acording to purchase by nathanell Coles and Josias latting tthomas willis and Thomas townsend (p.223 Old A )- A towne meting held ye 9th of Aprill 1681 tthen ordered and granted to John ffrost by Consent, of ye towne and ye said ffrost, that ye house lott formerly granted to him by ye towne at ye East End of ye towne nere ye head of ye Cove Is to fale to ye towne Againe, proper and fre to ye townes dispose Againe, upon Consideration, that ye said John ffrost Is to have In lew of ye said lot two Ackars for one Adeed tohisten Ackars nere lewsum formerly layed out by ye survayars 2ly granted and Agreed by the towne,upon ye request of Abra- ham Aling,that ye townes grant of land formerly given to Joseph Croker,and sould to thomas gitchell should stand good,and ye lottto be layed out by ye surveyors next unto Aron furmans as they should see meete,the second of maye 1681 then layd out ye Abovesaid lot on ye northeast side of Aron furmans lott at ye Cove being ten poles wide in front next to ye highwaye,and ten inye reare ranging by Arons lot,in length home to william but- lars land 3ly tthen Agreed and Consented tto by the Towne that Jeames Bleving shall have that pece of land yt was formerly stakte out by henry ttownsend nickolas wright and Richard harcut for A house plott,nere unto ye Coswaye at ye west End of ye towne, yt goeth over to ye beach, and Allso yt slipe of upland, on ye northwest side of said house plott,home to his owne land betwene ye bogs and John townsends lot, I John Rogers doe Acknowledge to have sould unto Isack hornar A n Iron graye hors, upon which hors there, was Claime layd by gershom Lockhood, but I doe owne to have sould the sayd hors unto Isack horner, for full satisfacktion in hand re- seved, and iniage to defend him in ye titell of ye sayd hors Against, all Claimes or pretenses whatsomever witnes m y hand oyster Baye ye 5th of June 1683 John (R ) Rogers his mark (The following from the earliest volume of Quaker records on Long Island throws light on the above transaction. The "Iron g r a y e h o r s" m a y b e t h e s a m e o n e , t a k e n a s e c o n d t i m e , a n d a g a i n savedtothesturdypacifist. The dateappearstobe1677. "Muntinecoke Isaac Horner being warned to traine 3 severall times but refusing ye Constable Matthias Hervey & John Wilkes Sergant with 7 men more did violently a reast one horse and By us nathanell Colles Tho:Townsend 242 Book A tooke him a way,their demand being but 15s— they kept him one night in another mans paster, ye next day led him to oysterbay to sell,their they setting a inch of candle yt he yt biddeth most f o r h i m b e f o r e it w a s b u r n t o u t w a s t o h a v e h i m w h e n t h e y w e a r e atthis2 men went in to them unknown to me demanded of them w they required of me yt they should take away soe good like a hors they sd yesterday but 15s but today 20s- these 2 men hand20ssentme my horsagaine."> (p.222 Old A )-Att A ttowne metting helld ye 15th of Aprill 1681 Then granted and given by the towne unto John newman A home Lott to be layd out at ye Cove so Called next unto Joseph Crokars Lott Acording as the place will Aford,be it more or Less,with A Convenyantt peese of medow ground next Adioyne- ing to ye Cove Creek, As the surveyors shall Cee meete, for A yard for Building of vesells and Layeing his timbar in,with the previlidge to take up ten Ackars of land in the Comans not Alredy Layed out or preiedishing highwayes,with ye previledge further of graseing and ttimbar within the townes Comans As other such petickular Rights have The sayde newman ffencing in ye sayed Lott,and Building A habytable house thereon within two yeares After ye date hereof, in which ffulfilling the previlidges before menshoned to bee his and his hayres for Ever,other wayes upon none performanc in nott Building and ffencing ye Abovesaid ye lott, medow land and previlidges granted to be fforfitt, to ye towne Againe to there owne dispose without Exseptions,As in other orders provided Maye ye 4th 1681 Then Layed out unto John newman A home Lott Acording to ye Abovesaide grant,Joyneing on ye northeast Side off Joseph Crokars home Lott sould to Tho : gitchell, by the Cove,Being twenty polle wide in ye ffront by the highwaye, As by us stakte out,and twelve polle wide in ye reare,butting home to william butlars Land at ye southeast Cornar,and Bound- ed in ye swomp with A great white oake marked with N. ye north eastt Bounder, from thenc ranging upon A straight line through ye swamp to his front stake by ye highwaye by ye Edge of the Boges, the Lott Containeing within ye foresaide bounds of swamp and upland foure Ackars more or Less,ffurther Layed out tto John newman Acording to the townes grant A peece of medow Land,on ye southwest side of ye Cove Creek being six polle wide next to ye Creek as by us stakte,and ten pole wide by ye upland stakte, being twelve polle deepe on East Side Con- taineing within ye saide lines halfe An Ackar more or Less, Layed out by us. themodow beinggranted forA yard to build vessels on,and not improved By ye sayd newman to returne to ye towne againe, Tho :Townsend nathanell Colles Book A 243 (p.221 Old A )-Att a towne metting held ye 16th of maye 1681 Then upon ye request of simon Copper,tisby the grant and Consent of ye towne, frely given to him ye previlidge of ye highwaye,butting from ye maine highwaye downe to ye watter side,Against franses weekses he keeping A paire of draw bars forA suffitiantgatte,soethatAnyffreholdarhaveingocasion,to improve or pass upon ye said highwaye maye have fre liberty, provided yt parson whatsumever yt shall soe make use of ye said highwaye by Carting or riding on hors back or on futt, shall, shutt ye said gatte or barse up sufitiently, so yt ye said simon,his heyres or Asignes be noe wayes damnyfyed this Being A fregranttohimhishayresorAsignes,notwithstandingAny former grant These presants witneseth To All Christion people to whome Ittmaye Come or Any wayes Consarne know yee,that whareas TherewasA formerAcknowlidgmentmadebymyunkellRichard Crab,of oyster Baye deaseased,in ye Court of newhaven Aboutt thirty five yeares since,that he was Justly indebted to me John Coe,under writen,ye ffull and Just sum of sixty pounds,But m y unkells deasease I did upon Consideration ffully Aquitt and, discharge his wife and widow, m y Antt Allce Crab ffrom All former Contrackts debts and dues from m y unkell Richard Crab, his hayres or Asignes due to m e John Coe,m y hayres or Asignes forEver,upon ye Consideration,of & good Cowe and Calfe and tenbarellsoffSidartobedeleveredtome ormy order,within threeyeares After ye yeare datted 1681 But know all men upon ffurther Consideration that I John Coe,doe hereby Aquitt and dischargemy AnttAllceCrab,herhayresorAsignesforEver, from All Bills Bonds Records or Acoumpts Asigned Contrackted or Agred of betwene m y unkell Richard Crab deaseased and m y Antt Allce Crab his wife and widow and my selfe my hayres Excexetors Administrators, or Asignes from ye begining of ye world ttothis presant daye,upon ye delevery of A good Cowe and Calfe to me or my order upon demand,and what Ellce she Cee Case to bestowe upon me or mine the which I leave to her curtecy as witnes m y hand in oyster Baye this 13th of June 1681 Sined and delevered in ye presenc of Robart story Tho:Townsend John Coe (p.220 Old A )- A spetiall towne Court held oyster Baye ye 29th of June 1681 Josiah Clark Aturny of samuell Bur of harford in ye Collony ofConetecote plat upon ye Easteate of Christopher Croe deseased John Townsend senior,Job wright deffendants, ye Court Caleb wright, Constable 244 Book A Richard harcut T h o : willis John Townsend } Overseares The plantive Comeplaines to this Court, that haveing presented his letter of Atturny to ye last Court of sesions held at Jemeco,this instant June,and there being Alowed and Aproved,have sinc demanded ye Easteat of Christopher Croe, of ye deffendants But by them denied, and ye Easteat detained The Court haveing heard ye deffendants Answare to ye plan- tives Comeplaint that they did not detaine ye Easteat from him, he giveing in securyty to Endemnyfy them from further troble yt should insew. The plantive further declaring yt he did tendar ye deffendant A Coppy of his letter off Atturny or might record it If theye pleased forthere securyty which was refused,by them,the Court haveing heard and well wayed ye differanc depending betwene plantive and deffendant,doe find ye plantives letter of Atturny to be A Legall Athoryty,Being Sined by the Governar of Con- etecote, and securyty suffityant for ye deffendants and yt it be fforthwith recorded at ye plantives Charge,and ye Cowe and ye heffer and ye rest of Christopher Croes Easteat is to be returned into ye Costody of ye plantive,onely ye sale of ye hors to stand good,and to ye Charges of ye oversears troble taking:an In- vantery of ye said Croes Easteat,we doe Award ye plantive to paye them Each man three shillings, daye,and to Job wright for five pints of rum Exspended to paye him five shillings and as to this presant Courts feese,wee doe Award ye plantive to paye ye Clarks ffeese for writting this Judgement, and Entring his Comeplaint, and ye deffendant John Townsend is to paye ye Constable for his Summoning of him and Job wright to this Court,which is to be A ffinall Isew betwene them this by order ofyeCourt, meThoTownsend The Letter off Atturny recorded on the other side (p.219 Old A )- K n o w allmen By These presants yt samuell Bur off harfford In ye Collony off Conetecote in new Ingland have nominated Chosen and Impowered and doe By these presants nominate Chuse and Impower m y trusty and well beloved ffrend m ' Josiah Clark off East Chester in ye Riding of new york to be my tru and Lawfull Atturny as I am Sole Administrator to ye Easteat of Christopher Crow deasesed,In my name,and steed, and to ye proper use of ye Releckts Children of ye saide Crowe, to Ask for demand recover and reaseave of All and singular person or persons all and singular ye goods and Easteat Both parsonall or reall belonging to said Crow,giveing and granting m y said Atturny ffull and Amplle power and Athoryty to use all due meanes in forme of Law To Recover ye same and to use and Book A 245 Act all devise or devises thing or things whatsoever in ye L a w for ye Recovering of ye whole or A n y part of ye said Easteatt, and upon Resaipt of ye whole or A n y part thereof Resaipts Aquittances or A n y other L a w full discharges in m y n a m e to m a k e saleand delever,giveing and granting my saide Atturny hereby ffulland large power to make or Constitute one or more Aturnyes Ifhe Cese Case,and him or them to revoke att his pleasure, promiseinge, to hold ffor good and stable, and to Ratefy and Confirme,whatsoever,my said Atturny shall doe or Case to be doneinye law,in or Aboutt Recovering ye Aforesaide Easteat, assffullyand Amply as If I my sellfe ware parsonally presant and did or Ackted ye same to all intents and purposes and Con- stetutions,InwittneswhareofIhavehereuntosettmy handand sealethis first daye of June in ye yeare of our lord one thousand sixhundred Ayghty and one,Sined sealed and delevered inyepresancoffus Samuell Burr O Richard Edwards Samuell gillbertt T h e s e a r e t o C e r t e f y A n y w h o m e it m a y e C o n s a r e n e y t s a m u e l l Bur Abovesaid is ye solle Administrator of ye said Christopher Crow deasesed,and ye said Bur Came before me this sixts of June Ano 1681 and Aknowledged this letter of Atturny to be his freeAckt and deede as Above as Attestes william Lette governar of his maiest Collony of Conetecote ( p . 2 1 8 O l d A ) - o y s t e r B a y e y e ffirst d a y e o f f J u l l y 1 6 8 1 I Josiah Clark, off East Chester Aturny of samuell Burr off Harford of Conenetecote Collony, haveing Reseved of the Con- stableand overseares of oyster Baye,All ye Easteat off Christo- pherCroe deasesed,yt was in there Custedy,doe by these pres- ants Aquitt and discharge ye Aforemenshoned Constable and overseares or Any other parson or parsons of ye said town,from anyffurthertrobleordemands,foryesamewittnes,my hand Testes T h o : T o w n s e n d Josiah Clark Recorder Att A towne meting held in oyster Baye sept ye 24th 1681 Then Agreed by A younanimus yoate of ye towne that Nathanell Colles and Tho Townsend are to repaire tto huntington on wensdaye next being the 28th of this instant to meete with ye restt of ye nayghboures of oure respecktive townes upon longiland, and to advise with them what maye Conduce best to oure Just libertyes Eclipsed,which was promised us and granted upon our subieck- tion by governar nickall and ye other two Comishonars at ye firstsettellment of this goverment and all other our Agrevances, whatsumever with full powar to Exhibitt an Adress by waye of petition to the governar and Court of Asizes in ye behalfe of oure 246 Book A towne with ye rest of oure nayghbouring townes for releffe in oure Just previledges with ye rest of his Maiesties : subieckts Acording to proclimation, as they shall Cee Case Signed in the towne meting by free Consent witness oure hands henrytownsend J JohnTownsend,J: Thomas willetts Joseph dickinson Richard willis Caleb wright nickolas wright Aron furman Tho:furman georg townsend william buttlar Ephraim Carpenter Richard Cirby moses mudge John wood Isack doughty Jeames Cok Josias latting Richard Harcutt John weeks william (H ) hudson John (R ) Rogers Job wrightt John townsend S : nickolas simkins John wright Robart Colles georg downing (The towns of central and eastern Long Island, of Puritan stock and established as independent communities, increasingly disturbed by the encroachments of the Governor's powers, were protesting and refusing their taxes. It was a part of the move- ment that brought about the creation of the General Assembly. Apparently Huntington and Hempstead were the only towns joining Oysterbay in this matter,and their action isshown from theirrecordsasfollows: At Huntington Town Meeting,24 Sept. 1681,Capt.Thomas Fleet and Isaac Platt were appointed "to act in the town's behalf with the assembly that in this place shall meet to consider of such things as shall be thought good for the public." (Huntington Town Records,Vol.I.,p.315). At Hempstead Town Meeting, 26 Sept. 1681, John Semans was chosen to go to Oysterbay,and then to Huntington, "to Mete andagiteatewiththeothertownds." (HempsteadTownRecords, Vol.I.,p.385). The Court of Assize Records (N. Y. Hist.Soc.Collections, 1912,p.17 and 25) give the following: "Att a General Court of Assizes Holden in the Citty of N e w Yorke the 5th & 6th Dayes of October ... in the year of or Lord 1681 ... Present. Capt.Anthony Brockholls,Commander in Chiefe, etc. . There being a Petition Presented to this Court,Signed by severall persons in Behalfe of the several English Townes on Long Island who had illeagally and Unwarrantable assembled themselves Together at Huntington and Mr. Josiah HubbertMrWm Osborne,Mr.EliasDoughty,Mr.Thomas Townesend and Mr. John Symons Appeareing to Speake to the same in Behalfe of the Rest were called and Produced their power from their Severall Townes which the Court Did not approve off Butt wholly rejected their Peticon and Checked them fro their Actings and Proceedings therein Ordering them to Returne home Book A 247 andRemaineinQuiettassettledtillfurtherOrderfrom hisMatie Per John West,Cl Assizes." William Osborn and Elias Doughty were citizens of Hemp- stead, but apparently acted without direct authority from the Town. Thomas Townsend was a prominent Oysterbay citizen, and Josiah Hobart, of Easthampton, was arrested in December forstirringup seditioninSouthold. Governor Andross, being recalled to England, had appointed Captain Anthony Brockholls Commander in Chief during his ab- sence. See Brodhead II.,658,for petition of Council,Aldermen andJusticesof Assize,totheDuke,for Assembly,29 June,1681. ThenextentryinourRecordsisthereplyoftheTown tothe order ofthe Court of Assizes,which was presided over by Brock- holls,and breathes the spirit of Runnymede and of the Declara- tionofIndependence. The answer isdated 4th of9ber (Novem- ber) 1681, and the General Assembly was granted two years later. Seep.267forfirstappointmentofRepresentatives.) (p.217 Old A )- T o tthe Comandar in Cheffe in new york ttheAnsware of ye towne of oyster Baye,when the five men which ware the Representetives off longisland have Satesfacktion wee are willing to make payement of whatt Is Justly due as to ye publick In ackted by ye towne of oyster Baye this 4th of 9ber 1681 By ordar of ye towne Matthyas Harvye A towne metting held this 26th of novembar 1681 Then granted and given,unto John Robinson Joynor the Com- mon lands lying betwene Joseph Ludlams lands and Adam wrights and Joseph Ludlams swomp fronting to ye highwaye at yenorthEnd,and Tho:Townsends landsatye South End,with freeprevilidgeinComan Rightsasothersingllepetickulartowne Rights have,makeing voyde by his Consent,with ye desiar of ye towne all formar grants whatsumever 2ly Ordered,that ye highwaye ACrosse ye swomp,betwene Adam wright,and Tho :Townsend,is to be Equally devided be- twene them,leving ye brook out to ye highwaye for watering as shall be thought good by ye surveyors not Exseding fore rods wide at ye river 3ly granted and given unto Samuell furman Junior ye Coman landsliingbetwene Jeams weeks home lottand henry Townsends landsytwaswaterSolters,forA homelott,beitmoreorless, aswas surveyed with free previledge in Coman wrights as other petickular towne rights have, provided ye said Samuell doth build A habitable house upon ye foresaid lot within a twelve monthandA daye,orfencitinwithsufitantfenc,ortherwayes forfit to the towne Againe 248 Book A 4ly further ordered for ye further Explynation of severall grants yt hath bene given & granted to severall parsons in this book as stands Entred Cominidges & singell rights as other petick- ular rights granted is to be understood twenty six ackers to be layd out of Coman land to such grants and no more,Exsept to such as are freholders as recorded in page 240,may laye out to themselves what they please,(See list,p.232) (p.216 Old A )-Oyster Baye ye 2th of desembar 1681. wee beneath Subscribed doe Bind oure selves oure hayres,Ex- sexetors or Asignes in the penuall sum of fforty five pounds Cur- rant paye of this Collony payeable upon all demands,by him of us that disents from the determynation of franses weeks,Joseph Carpentar,Isack hornar,and Jon wright,Arbytrators betwene us, as to the lawfullnes of A deed of salle as by record Apeares ttransmitted, from m e John Robins tto Samuell ttillard wittnes oure hands daye and datte Abovewritten, ttestes,Tho:Townsend Josias Lattin John (X ) Robins Samuell ttilliard W e e beneath Subscribed Abytrators betwene,John Robins and samuell tilliard, in referanc to A bill of salle transmitted from John Robins to samuell tilliard, doe ffind the Bill of salle to be good Acording to law,and finding by Record,A lawful Asigne- ment made from Richard Latting of partt of the previlidges in- cluded in ye saide bill of salle tto John Robins,which Apeares, and proved before us to be John Robins the Eldar,and not his s o n n s , a n d t h e r e f o r e t h e ttitell g o o d , a n d J o h n R o b i n s t h e E l d a r is to give Samuell ttilliard posestion of his lands and previledges, as by ye bill of salle Acording to law,witnes oure hands,oyster Baye desembar ye 2th 1681 ffranses weeks Isack harnar Joseph Carpenter Job wrightt John frost these lines are to order you to paye the remainding part of youre Bill due to me from you upon Acount of Hatts untoyebararhereofTho:TownsendofoysterBayewho ismy Aturny there and upon the performanc thereof this my ordar shall be youre discharge witnes m y hand maye ye 20th 1681 ttestes Richard Cornell John townsend senr A tru record of ye origenall ttestes John Townsend sen John wright (p.215 Old A )- W e e Beneath Subscribed doe order and Agree that all swine which have bine lately putt on,hogisland shall bee ffetcht of within tten dayes after the date hereof and If Any parson.orparsonsfortimetocum shallpresumetoputtonAny Book A 249 swine theye shall bee liable to be killd By Any parson.wee doe likewayes Agree yt the south End tto the ffutt of nobs hill shall be for A sheeps pasture Calves and working creatures, soe long as wee Cee Itt Conveniant,and to fenc ye sayde pasture by ye last off march next,and this as oure Reall ackts we ye magior part of ye propriators of hogiland, have hereunto sett to oure hands in oyster Baye this 28th of the 10 mo 1681 Mathyas Harvye, Henry Townsend, Richard Harcutt, franses weekes Joseph ludlam, John underhill simon Cooper nathanell Colles Allce Crabb mathew priar Samuell Andrewes, Josias Latting, georg Townsend , Samuell weeks, Tho:Townsend, A tru coppy of ye origanall The 24th of 9ber 1673 A towne meeting held,& granted by ye towne,yt henry Townsend,shall have & hath Liberty to make use of what ttimber he shall stand in need of for his saw mill within ye Bounds & Limits,of oure towne,yt is to understand pine Island,or Any other Coman Lands to make use,of Eyther ffor Building,or to sell in ye towne,or to sell out of ye towne, as he shall Cee Cause, ye sayd grant is understood to be to henry Townsend and his for Ever,A tru Coppy taken out of ye book of Records off oyster Baye, & in page 250, me mathyas harvy towne Clark (p.214 Old A)-Att A ttowne metting held in oyster Baye ye 28th of desembar 1681 ThengrantedByA ffreevoteupontheRequestofJohnAdams of ye towne of huntington,Carpenter,the previledge of building of A gristt mill and A saw mill,if he shall Cee Case,upon oure Right of ye streame at ye Could spring, and also Liberty for timber upon oure Commans there, if neede Requiars, for the building of his mills and not otherwayes, which saide grants is toye said Adams his hayres or Asignes for Ever,Allwayes pro- vided,that if Any parson or parsons belonging to the ttowne of oyster Baye, Bringing any sort of graine to ye said mill to be ground,they shall be Attended,gradually and there Corne well ground,they Allowing the same tole as the towne of huntington Agreth for,and Allso if Any parson of ye towne of oyster Baye shall Bring Any timber to ye saide saw mill After builtt to be sawed,shallhavetheretimbarwellsawedasCheepeasAny par- son of ye towne of huntington,tis further Agreed yt the saide AdamsistobuildA gristmilluponyesaydstremewithinfoure yeares after ye date hereof,and after for Ever keepe and maine- taine A good grist mill upon ye sayd streme, or upon none per- formanc of Every artekill Abovesayd the previlidge of streme granted,to return to ye towne of oyster Baye Againe,to there owne dispose without Lett hindaranc or Sute in Law,to ye per- 250 Book A formanc hereof ye sayde Adams hath hereunto subscribed his hand to ye towne Book of Records of oyster Baye and date Above written ttestes Peter Pangborne John adams (p.213 Old A)-Know all men By these presants yt I John mayhue so Called have Asigned ordayned and made,and in my steed and place,putt and Constituted my trusty and well beloved frend Tho:Townsend of oyster Baye,to be my tru and lawfull Aturneye,for me and in my name and to my use to Ask demand Sue for Levy requiar recovar and reseave,of all and Every per- son whatsoever, Christion or Indion all and Every such debts rents lands tenements sums of mony to me belonging now due, or which at any daye or dayes,time or times,hereafter shall be due owing belonging apertaineing unto me by Any manar of wayes whatsoever, giveing and granting unto m y sayd Attorny by ye tennor of these presants m y full and whole powar strength and Athoryty in and About ye premises,and upon ye resaiptt of Any such depts rents land tenements sums of mony as Above- sayde to give Aquittances or other discharge for m e , and in m y name to make seale and delevery,and all and Every other ackt and ackts,thing or things device or devises, in law whatsoever, needfull and nesesary to be done,or Aboutte ye premyses,for ye recovery of All or Any such debts rents or sums of mony,rents lands or tenements as Aforesayde,for me and in my name,tto doe Execute and performe as fully largly amply in every respeckt to All intents Construcktions and purposes as I m y selfe might or Could doe If I ware at All times parsonally presant, ratefying Allowing and holding forme and stable what soever my sayd Atturnye,shall doe or Case to be done in or About ye Execution of ye same by vertue of these presants Iniageing to make noe trancport Asignement or sale of Any my lands tenements or herydittyments to m e belonging or A n y wayes Apertaineing with- out m y sayde Aturnyes leave or Consent, in witnes whareof I have hereunto putt my hand and seale in oyster baye maye the 7th 1680 Signed sealed and delevered in ye presanc of us, mathyas harveye John Coles,Interperter John X mayhue O his mark Att A towne metting ye 4th of Jully 1682 Then granted and given unto Jeames Cok,A sartaine slipe of Broken medow or Crick thach,upon oake neck lying betwene ye share off medowes,layd out by ye fresh pond,including all ye sayd slipe Aforesayde home to mathy pryars share of medow, and soe downe to ye Creek he intrenching upon no mans right before layde outt 3888183 Ooooooo 888228 208882 Book A 251 (p.212missing,p.211 New A)-Capt Tho Townsend Ihave Levid Execution upon ye Estate of George Dennes for ye Use of Mr william pinhorne Viz which I do request You to record and GivemeaCoppyofyeSameWhen ILevedExecutionIExprest my Selfein these words having them written before me I do In his Majesties N a m e Levey this Execution upon this house and all ye Land Belonging to It with outhouses Barns orchards Gardens Yards & all Medows belonging to ye Same with all previledges and Immunities that n o w doth n o w or hereafter Shall belong to ye Said Estate towards Satisfing a debt Due to M r William pin- horn Merchand of N e w York and Cost of Court with Insidentall Charges yt may Lawfully arise by this occasion further there is Executions Leved upon ye Effects of one Negro woman by Name mary being Twenty pounds merchants pay to be paid in New York Next Killing Time In ye Hands of Adam Wright Son in Law to George Dennis and In ye Storehouse of George Dennis about 200 bushell of Salt More or Less with Bins and Cask which are to be valued all which I have Commited Into ye Hands of ye Constable and Overseers to be keept Saft from Inbazelm and In their hands to remain tell further order 1682July ye 12 ye Abovesaid was, preformed In presence of Richard Harcutt Constable Nathaniell Coles overseere & Caleb Wright Late Constable Joseph Lee D : Sheriff Joseph Lee D :Sheriff (p.210 Old A )—Aprill ye 1 an twentyeth in ye yeare 1682 An Invantery of ye goods and Easteat of samuell ffurman de- seased,taken by ye Constable and overseares and Aprized : Viz : Imp two Cowes att ttwo fore yeare old steres at one yearling att two Horsses att three mares att foure sheepe att one sow and foure shoates att fortytwo Acars of land at ye Cold Spring, and previlidges in towne at, halfe A right of playnes and halfe a right of medowes,att ye south,with, A share of land upon unkawaye neck att one hors Cartt and wheels att A paire of Iron trazes for A hors at oneoxChaineatt one Collter and share at three Iron Kittells att £ 07 10 0 10 00 0 01 05 0 06 00 0 07 00 0 01 06 0 01 40 10 0 0 0 30 00 0 01 00 0 00 08 0 00 10 0 00 10 0 00 00 8A9 8N5 9O5 8R5 5G5 A8 2 82 8 82 8 8 8 8 8 2 8 8 Oooooooooooo 252 one Iron pott att two brass cittells and A scillett at one warming pan att one frying pan and gridiron att three puter dishes and six putter plates att one putter basson,and one quartt pott at thre putter poringers, and A putter bottell one Iron tramell att to yoake Irons rings and stapells at one axe and two oagers att two broad hoes and a stubbing hoe att one greatt Chest att one Cubard and A Smale Chestt att one driping pan and two puding panes, and a tinn kittell,att three tubs and five payles att one fether bead,and foure Coverleads at one small ruge and two blankitts att one home spun bead tiking and seven sheetes seven pillowbears at one sett of Curtings and valens att Book A 00 15 0 02 00 0 00 05 0 00 09 0 02 05 0 00 10 0 00 06 6 00 05 0 00 07 6 00 06 0 00 09 0 00 12 0 02 05 Caleb wright Constable Richard harcutt Job wrightt (p .209 Old A )-Oyster Baye the 12th daye of Jully in ye yeare 1682 Wittneseth,whareas Samuell ffurman,Senior,of this towne deseased withoutt will sum time in Aprill last pastt,and his Eas- teat Being invanteryed by ye offysars acording to law, was in order acordingly shewed and presented to ye Justises of the peace, forye proveing of ye same in such Causes provided,who Advised by the Request of ye widow meryam ffurman,ye Easteat being small and to save and prevent unnesesary Charges,to nomynate and apoynte sum parsons of the nayghbourhood to Exsamine ye sayde Easteat,and make A settellment thereof Betwixtt ye widow and her Children,B y Equall devition as nere as possible Acording to Justiss and Equally for ye prevention of further Charges tro- bles or Contentions yt might Arize thereby,in order to which we beneath subscribed Being apoynted and Requested by ye sayd widow meryam furman to be the parsons to Asistt her in ye Equall settelment of ye Easteatte above sayde and haveing Ex- samined ye same,doe order and apoynte:Viz:ye widow meryam furman to have ye one third of ye Eastteate as invanteryed of her husbands deaseased,as her proper Easteate to dispose of as she shall Cee Cause,secondly and to have ye manidgment and im- provment of all ye rest of ye Easteat,as her owne untill devition overseares 00 07 0 00 08 0 06 15 0 00 15 O 04 10 0 00 10 0 01 00 0 £133 19 0 Book A 253 or payement,to Every Child his or her portion or proportion as followeth, first she is to paye out of ye sayde Easteate to her daughter marcy furman fivetene pounds at her daye off maryedge or when she Comes to Eyghtene yeares of Age secondly she is to paye delever or Cause to be delevered unto her daughter Susanah furman fivetene pounds at her daye of maryedge or when she Comes to Eyghtene yeares,of Age,thirdly she Is to give posesion to her soon John firman as his portion,being a duble portion,ye one halfe of all ye lands and medows of his fathers as Invan- teryed, being Equally devided and he to have ye first Choyce payeing five pounds to his mother or hur order when he Comes to ye age of one antwenty yeares, forthly, she is to paye to her daughter sarah furman fivetene pounds as her portion, Equall with ye rest of hir sisters,when she Is maryed or of Eyghtene yeares of age,5ly,we doe order and alowe ye rest of ye Easteate undevyded to ye widow,for ye payement of debtts and Charges ocashoned hereby,sixly we doe Agree and ordar,yt If ye sayd widow meryam furman shall Change her Condition,by maryedge before ye full delevery or payement to Every Child there por- tions Acording to oure apoyntment yt then she is to give in suffy- tiant suartyes or bond for ye performance thereof to ye offysars ofyetowne,foryetimebeing,who areapoyntedbyusasover- seares of ye premises,as witnes oure hands underwriten,I mary- am furman widow Do agree to the Above writen and iniage to fullfill ye same witnes m y hand ttestes Thomas webb, nathanell Colles Aron (A ) firman his mark meryam X furman hir mark Tho:Townsend franses (W ) weeks his mark (p.208 Old A )— A towne metting held septembar ye 4th 1682 Then apearing By ye declaration of ye Constable Richard har- cutt that John Townsend being one of the old overseares doth refuse to ofisiate in ye offiss of an overseare Any Longar,and he being m u c h burthoned in his offiss in respeckt of his oath for want of Asistance,tis then votted by ye towne upon ye resons Above- sayde yt John weeks Caled warick (i.e.from Warwick,R. I.) John, shall stand as an overseare in ye rome of John ttownsend, 2ly Allso Jeames weeks Insigne of ye towne being Chosen overseare ye first of Aprill last past,doth refuse to take ye place upon him by ye liberty of his Comition,tis voted by ye towne yt JosephLudlam,shallsarveasAn overseare,inyeromeofJeames weeks 3ly ordered yt in regard to ye great mischiffe done by ye woules to our Cretures for want of incuridgment to be Alowed to those yt shall take Care to distroye them,tis by vote this daye, Agreed upon,yt If itbe not Alowed out of ye Contry rates as 254 Book A formerly for ye killing of woules,yt then Every woulfe killed within oure pattent,and there heads brought to ye Constable,shall have Alowed them out of ye town rate 20s ;Indians Exsepted,but If alowed out of ye Contry rate as formerly,then ye towne to paye but 10s head and all other ordars Consarning payement for woules Entered upon our record before this date are made voyde 4ly att ye same metting granted and given to Jeames Cok ten Accars of land upon oak neck Joyneing to ye fresh pond as shall bee Layde out by the Surveyars,and by them (the remainder of page cut out of Old A and not copied into N e w A. See Appendix) (p. 207 Old A )-Septembar ye 9th 1682 Then Layd out unto Jeames Cok ten Ackars of land upon oak neck ye first bounds begining at a white oak at ye South East End of ye westermost pond,at ye fresh bond soe Called,from thence 42 rod north'East or there abouts,to A Chestnut tree markt,from thenc,west north west upon a straight line,to A white oak tre markt,at ye head of mathyas priars m e d o w , Including within ye said bounds all ye uplands to ye medow given him by ye towne,ten Akars more or less,as survayed by us he leaveing out ye Easturmost pond for A watering place,to ye Coman Tho:Townsend nathanell Colls Sept:ye 9th 1682 Then Layd out unto Isack hornar a sartin peece of Land by ye Shoue, soe Called, on ye East side of ye river,ye first bounds whareof begineth at A peperidge tree by ye swomp side belowe ye shoue,from thence 20 rod south East orthereabouts,toA greatwhiteoakmarkt,fromthence,80rod southwestorthereabouts,toA whiteoaktremarkt,byyehill sidenereA rockalittellbelowitt,fromthencetwentyrodnorth- west or thereabouts to A small burch tre by ye swamp side ye streme or river to be his bounds on ye west side and ye bound marks,as above insarted,on ye north and East,and south side, Including within ye sayd bounds ten accars of land and s w o m p more or less,this Layd out by vertue of A previlidge given him for ye setting up of A fulling mill by ye towne, and surveyed by us Tho : Townsend nathanell Colls (remainderofthispagefromNew A) September ye 9th 1682. Then Laid out to Lydia Wright a Certain Tract of Land on ye East Side of Beaver S w a m p So called ye first bounds whereof Begins at ye river Samuel Andrewes Southwest bounder and So to run up ye hill Eastwardly by ye Andrewes Land Twenty four pole or Rods from thence to run or Rainge by hill Side South Book A 255 west or thereabouts one hundred and Twenty rods and thence to ye river Twenty four rods upon a West north West Line or thereabouts to ye river or Stream to be her west bounder and ye AfforeSayd Bounders her north and East and South Bounders Including within ye Said Bounds of ye Upland and Swamp Twenty Six Acres More or Less as Excepted by her Which Land isLaid out unto her by vertue of Her house Lott and previledge willed to her by Richard Crabb Deceased and Survey by us Thomas Townsend Nathaniel Coles this Survey Is Entered In ye Book E folio 21 It being Cut out of ye old Book A : (Also given in Appendix) (p.206OldA)-AttA mettingofConstableandoversearesof thistowne Jenewary ye 4th 1682 tthen ordered by the request of simon Cooper,that those lands granted,and Agreed,too betwene thetowne and Latemore sampson,yt he bought of John Richbill, upon Cove neck, be forth with Layd out, to ye sayd simon Cooper,by ye survayors of ye towne,nathanell Coles and Tho: Townsend, Acording to agrement, and make Record thereof Acordingly,this Record order By me Tho:Townsend Recorder Itt is Agreed yt Lattemer sampson in. L e w of one fifteenth offCove neck Bought of John Richbill,he shall have three hun- dred Accars of Land, and one hundred Accars for his twenty Accars A Lott for five Lotts Viz,out on ye End of Cove neck, he to give up to ye towne his five Accare Lott By Anthony wrights, and in Case A Convenyant place falles out to fence though it be forty Accars less hee to be Contented wittnes m y hand Latimer Sampson tthe Abovesaid ordar of ye Constable and oversears and ye Agrement of latemore sampson with ye towne As Above Ex- spresed,is Excepted by ye towne,and Agreed to be layd out to simon Cooper As proper right,by A free voat of ye towne at A towne metting held this 27th of Jenewary 1682 this is to be understood ye foure hundred Accars granted to Latemore samp- son Abovesayd This Entred by order of the towne me Tho:Townsend Recorder Wee Beneath subscribed,Being Apoynted survayeors,and By orderof ye Constable and overseares,as by record bareing date ye 4th of this instant, was opoynted to laye out ye lands unto simon Cooper,upon Cove neck,Acording to the first Agrement, betwene ye towne,and Lattemore sampson,and since Confirmed by a free voate at A towne meting bareing date,oyster baye ye 27th of Jenewary 1682,and we Acordingly ye 30th of this instant 256 Book A have Atended,and survayed,ye northermost End or part of ye sayde Cove neck, and Bounded out unto ye Abovesayd simon Cooper A sartain trackt of land,upon ye sayd neck,begining at A Chestnut tree nere,ye mouth or Comeing in of ye watter on ye west side of ye neck at the Crick Comanly Called and knowne by ye name of ye fishing Creek,to high watter mark round ye sayd parsell of land, and from ye sayd Chestnut tree upon A straight line, East and benorth or thereabouts, a Crose ye sayd neck to ye mouth or Comeing in of ye watter of ye Creek Com- anly Called on ye East side of ye neck ye Eale Creek to A white oake marked,on ye south side of ye Creek and finding by oure survayeing there is wanting of ye proportion of lands betwene ye sayd bounds and ye north poynt,Acording to Agrement betwene latemore sampson and ye towne,have Consented & Agreed to laye out to simon Cooper ten Acres of land Elce whare upon ye towne Comans which is to be in full Consideration of ye first Agrement betwene ye towne and Latemore sampson,witness our hands on ye other side-(p.205 Old A )-Itt tisto be understood that ye sayd simon Cooper is to have, all the Creeks Coves and marshes within ye sayd bounds of Cove neck as by us marked to highwatter mark as wittnes oure hands with free liberty of A watter fence for Ever to secuar his lands. Tho : Townsend Nathaneill Colles In the yeare 1674 then Layd out by henry townsend senior and nickolas wright survayars of ye towne, unto Josias Latting and Caleb Wright John wright, and Edmund wright, foure score Acors of land at ye ground Comanly Called and knowne by ye name of suckscokes wigwom,begining At ye northward of ye head of ye streame,on ye East side,and from thence southward on ye East side of ye Cart waye to ye farmes,to A white oake tre marked,which sayd foure score Acars of land isto be Equaly devidedamongstthembylott20AcarsA man Att A towne metting held in oyster Baye febrewary ye 12th 1682 tthen granted and given by the towne unto Edmund wright and Josias Latting and Jeames Townsend,the highwaye,butting Against ye west End of Josias lattings home lott yt was formerly Beniamin hubbards on ye widow townsends home lott,ye sayde grant theye are, to Inioye there Equall parts thereof, being and liing Against there lands or swomps formerly given by ye towne, the Abovesayd highwaye is given to the Abovesayd three parsons and there hayres for Ever,upon ye Conditions as followeth that theye and there hayres for Ever,are to make keepe and main- taine A suffitiant futt waye of foure futt wide, begining whare need requiar betwene,Edmund wrights house,and william but- tlars house,and soe by ye front of John wrights home lott north- Book A 257 ward, as far as shall be found needful by ye towne survayors, yearly, and leaveing A suffitiant highwaye of six rods wide on ye west side,of there swomp land,and Edmunds home lott,and further it tis to be understood, notwithstanding ye grant Josias lattinghishayres or Asignes for Ever,isto have breadth Enough for A cart waye out of his lott into ye maine streete next Adioyne- ing to nickolas wrights home lott,at ye west End,this Entred Pordar ofthetowne me Tho:Townsend Recorder (p.204 Old A )-Jenewary this 30th 1682,Then Layd out Acord- ingto former grant by ye towne to franses weeks,samuell weeks, and moses furman, A part of ye Cove swomp Begining at A birch tree on ye northeast side of ye waye to huntington on ye East side of ye swomp,ranging A Crose ye sayd swomp west- wardly 18 rod to A small saplin by us markt,and from ye first bounder northwardly by ye sayd swomp 42 rod to A white oake, markt,and from thence A Crose ye swomp westwardly,40 rod, to A white oake tre by us markt,and from thenc by ye swomp to ye saplin second bounder,Including within ye sayd bounders, of swomp land seven Acars more or less,to be Equaly devided, Amongst them three Acording,to the grants Tho : Townsend nathanell Colles Secondly ye same daye,whareas there was reserved By the towne upon ye devition of ye Coman medowes and swomp,ye remaindar or partt of ye Cove swomp not granted before to ye rights belonging to Latemore sampsone,as bought of John Rich- bill,wee by order of the towne,have Layde out unto ye sayd right of Latemore sampsons, now in ye Posestion off Simon Cooper,ten Acars of ye sayde Cove swomp ye first bounds be- gining at ye two white oaks markt by us and being ye two north- ermost bounds on both sides of ye Cove swomp marked and boundars to franses weeks Samuell weeks, and moses furmans swomp,and soe to rang upon A square forty rod,northwardly to ye two north bounders, one being A white oake tree on ye East side of ye swomp,ye other a red oak tre markt on ye west side of ye swomp, Including within ye sayd boundars 10 Acars offswomp more or less Tho: Townsend nathanell Colles ffebrewary ye 12th 1682 tthen Layd out unto simon Cooper ye ten Accars of Land Agreed to be Alowed him, to make up his proportion of Cove neck Acording to ye Agrement with Lattemore sampson,Viz: Ittbeing Layd out in two devitions,on ye East Side of ye Cove swomp as followeth,ye first devition is two Accars Joyneing to his partt of swomp bounded at ye South East end with A great 258 Book A Chestnut tree markt, and from thence by ye highwaye by us ordered,northwardly to A white oake markt,Including within ye sayd boundars to his swomp as Layd out two,Acars of upland more or less,secondly Ayght Accars of land now layd out to him the first boundars, A young saplin, on ye East side of ye sayd highwaye over or nere About East from ye Chestnut tre first boundar of ye sayd 2 Accars,and from ye sayd sapline fifty rod southwardly to A white oake markt nere unto huntington high- waye,he leaveing A sufitiant,high waye Betwene his land and ye swomp and from ye sayd white oak he is to range up ye hill Eastwardly 30 rod to A saplin markt,and from thence 50 rod northwardly to A black oak tre markt East of ye woulfe pitt, from thence westwardly 30 rod to ye saplin firstboundar,includ- ing within ye sayd boundars Eyght Accars of land more or less, Tho Townsend nathanell Colles (p.203 Old A )-Oyster Baye ocktobar ye 24th 1682 Then Layd out unto Joseph dickinson A sartaine trackt of land ye first bounds Begining at ye Black oak tree ye north bounder of nickolas wrights and John dickinsons lands formerly layd out and Being in quantety 16 Accars more or less as bounded by us from ye sayd black oake tree northwardly, by the maine highwaye as by us ordered,to A white oake tree markt on ye East side of ye old Cartt path nere unto ye hill Commanly Called sam ;Andrews hill, and from ye sayd white oake westwardly, to ye A nother white oake by us markt,by ye other highwaye by us ordered to bee A highwaye of six rod wide betwene his land,and ye lands formerly Layd out at ye head of ye mill river,which highwaye is to understood to L y Betweene ye sayd lands Cleare A w a y e into ye commans and Joyneing to ye west side of John dickinsons lands, and from ye sayd last white oake markt he is to range southwardlybyA redoakeinA littellswompmarktandsoeto his fathers line by ye highwaye,and when ye sayd Joseph takes in ye old Cart waye thats layd into his land he is to Cleare A suffitiant high waye on ye East side,the Length of his Land to ye cleared highwaye at Each End straight Tho: Townsend nathanell Colles A towne metting held ye 5th of march 1682/3 Then voted and ordered yt nathanell Coles and Tho :Townsend are to Remaine and Continew survayeors of this towne, for ye layeing out of all ye lands to be layde out belonging to this towne, and to have Acording to former order for all lands layd out by them Att the same meting then ordered by ye towne that Every fre- holder of this towne yt Is Exsepted of by ye towne Records A Book A 259 purchaser for ye giveing and granting of lands, are to take up thereproportionoflandsbeing26AccarstoA homelottwithin A month after ye date hereof, or other wise it shall be free for all others yt have bine Excepted of and taken in by ye towne sinceyt order to take up there proportions as granted to them by recordwithout Exseptions to ye propriators,this order made,and published,yt ye first purchasars as Excepted of,to be first sarved this orderofyetowne me Tho :Townsend Recorder march ye 9th 1682/3 Then Layd unto Jeames Townsend 6 Accars of Land on ye East side of ye Cove nere ye goeing over upon Cove neck,Joyne- ing to Daniell Harcuts land on ye north side, and ranging north from ye sayd Harcuts bounder being A young white oake thirty six rod by ye highwaye, and then East 30 rod up ye hill, and from thence 36 rod to ye sayd daniells land including within ye sayd bounds 6 Accars of land more or less (p.202New A)-march ye :9:1682/3 first:Then Laid out unto John weekes Called Warick weekes a peice of Land at ye Cold Spring at ye Going over on ye west Side ye first bounder a Small white oak Markt : by ye Stream Southward of ye boggs and from thence westwardly Sixty Rods to a red oak markt West Side of ye Small run from thence northwardly thirty rod to a black oak tree markt from thence fortyEight rod Eastwardly to ye Edge of ye meadow and from thence forty rod to ye first bounder Including within ye Sd Bounds Ten Acres more or Less upon Consideration as we have orderedA SufficientHighwayetogoethroughitovertohunting- ton In ye Most Convenantest place this Sd Ten acres as Laid out being Transported over by John weekes unto Nathanell Coles forand In Consideration of Ten Acres of Land ye Sd Nathaniel Coles doth Exchange with John weekes In Leiu thereof at ye head of ye millriver as Laid out by ye Surveyrs as followeth Witness their hands John Wicks Nathaniel Coles Secondly.Laid out unto Nathaniel Coles and Mathias Harvy the 20 acres of Land as formerly recorded In page 263 to Mathias h a r v y y e h a l f o f it b e i n g y e S d N a t h a n i e l s a s b y R i g h t a n d N o w Surveyd and Laid out ye first bounds whereof begins at a red oak tree markt on ye north Side of ye run In ye hollow near ye turn of ye Stream and from thence rainging Eastwardly taking in ye bogs forty rods to a white oak tree markt by ye highway between his Land and Joseph Dickinsons Land from thence by ye Said Highway Eighty rod to a red oak tree Marked with A : W : adam Wrights bounder and from thence by Adam Wrights 260 Book A Land forty Two rods to a Blackoak tree Marked by ye Edge of ye hollow from thence northwardly to ye first bounder by ye hollow which is Left for A highway Including within ye Said bounds Twenty Acres of Land more or Less ye which Sd Twenty Acres as Surveyd ye Sd Nathaniel Coles doth hereby Exchange with John weeks as AboveSaid for his Ten acres at ye Cold Spring having ye Liberty to take up Ten acres of Lands more upon John weekes Right Else where upon ye Comons to be Laid out as Witness their hands ye ten acres to be taken up is to be five acres to Mathias Harvy and five acres to Daniel Coles of masketicove Mathias Harvy 3ly Laid out Unto Josias Latting Six acres of Land upon ye Cove neck on ye west Side by Simon Coopers Land and Rainging by his Line East 30 rod and Southerdly thirty Six Rods next to ye harbour by ye highway being Less 4 : rod wide and being of ye Same Bredth by ye hill Side from ye Sd Coopers Line Includ- ing within ye Sd bounds Six acres more or Less In respect of Baren Lands 4ly Laid out unto Nathaniel Coles Six acres of Land upon ye Cove neck Joyning to Josias Lattings on ye South Side Being Thirty Six rods wide at ye front next to ye Highway by ye har- bour and ye same bredth in ye reare Eastend and thirty rod Deep and ye highway to be on ye South Side of this Lott into ye neck itbeing Laid out for Six Acres More or Less (p.201 New A )-March ye 9th 1682/3 firstThen Laid out unto William frost a peice of Cove Swamp T w o acres or thereabouts and about one acre of up Land Joyn- ing to It on ye East Side of ye Swamp and Joyning next unto Simon Coopers Swamp on ye North Side begining at a Whiteoak tree the Said Simons bound and Rainging North by ye highway Twelve rod to a red oak tree marked and so across ye Swamp being ye Same bredth from ye Said Simons Line on ye West Side Including 3 :acres more or Less 2ly Then Laid out unto Edward White a peice of ye Cove S w a m p Joyning on ye North Side of william frosts and Rainging from ye red oak tree frosts bounder by the Highway Northward 9:rod To a white oak Markt on ye East Side of ye Swamp and from thence a Cross ye Swamp being ye Same Bredth on ye West side Rainging with ye said frosts Line Including 2 acres more or Less 3ly ThenLaiduntoWilliamfrostaTractofLandonyeSouth westsideofyeWay To huntingtonyefirstbounderaredoaktree MarktaboutTwo rodSouthofyerunandfromthenceheisTo rainge by ye highway to Moses ffurmans Lands 40: rod To a Chestnut Tree Markt and from thence alongst ye hill westwardly 40:rod to A small Sapling Markt and from.thence Northwerdly Book A 261 40:rodtoaWhiteoaktreeMarktnearyeSwamp Sideandfrom thence 40 rod to ye first bounder Including within ye Said Bounds Ten Acres of Land more or Less 4ly Laid out unto William frost a Tract of Land on ye South Side of Richard Harcutt field beginning at ye Sd Harcutt South- east Bounder and rainging from thence by ye highway South- wardly Sixty four Rod and from ye first bounder by ye Sd Harcutts Line Westwardly or as ye Land was formerly Laid out Thirty Eight rods and thence South 64 rod and thence 38 rod to ye first Line Including within ye Sd Bounds 15 Acre more or Less 5ly Laid out unto Isaac Doughty a Tract of Land on ye West Side of ye W a y to ye farmes beginning at a Great Chestnut tree upon ye hill near ye path and from thence rainging by ye Said Highway To a black oak Tree Markt Near ye place Called ye oldCart and from thence Under ye Hills Westwardly 72:rod to A Small white oak Tree Markt and from thence rainging up ye hillNorthwardly Thirty Nine rod to A white oake tree Markt and from thence he is to rainge upon A Straight Line 72 : rod to ye Chestnut tree first bounder Including within ye Said Bounds Eighteen Acres More or Less (p.200 Old A )-March the 13th 1682/3 Then Layd out unto Thomas weeks A trackt of land on ye south side of ye waye to huntington, East of ye Cove S w o m p and of y e h i g h w a y e a t y e E n d o f m o s e s f u r m a n s l a n d , t h e first b o u n d e r A whiteok tree marked Corner boundar of the two wayes, and from thence Eastwardly by huntington waye side thirty rod to A small saplin markt,from thenc under ye hill side forty three rod to A white oak tree markt and from thenc thirty rod westwardly to A saplin markt by ye high waye,and from thenc by ye high waye side 43 rod to the first bounder, Including within ye sayd bounds Eyght Acars of land more or less as by us layd out 2ly Then Layd out unto Jeames weeks A trackt of land to ye southward of moses furmans Land and to ye westward of the highwaye to ye fesh pond ye first boundar A great Chestnutt tree south East boundar and from thenc northwardly twenty six rod toA white oke markt,thenc up ye hillswestwardly 24 rod to A red Oak tre markt,from thenc southwardly 26 rod to A saplin markt and from thenc 30 rod to ye Chestnut tree first boundar, being within ye sayd bounds foure Acars more or less 3ly Layde out unto Samuell ffurmans Children,by vertue of there fathers right,ten Accars of land upon the hill nere ye Could spring on the north side of the waye,the first boundar A black oke tre markt, and from thence Eastwardly by ye hill side 30 rodtoA Chestnutoaktreemarkt,fromthencnorthwardlysixty rod to A black Oke tree markt,and from thence westwardly 30 262 Book A rod to A Chestnut tre markt ye waye side,and from thenc,By ye highwaye side to ye first boundar, Including within ye sayd Bounds ten Accars of land more or less further ordered that the sayd Children shall have thirty Acars of land belowe ye hill,as was formerly improved,by there father and grandfather, both desesed, and to begin in ye hollow to ye northward of ye beach yt buts over to huntington west neck and to rainge 80 rod south by ye baye side,being 30 rod at Each End, which includes thirty Accars (p.199 Old A )-march the 27th 1683. Then ordered and Layd out A highwaye of two rod and halfe wide betwene Edmund wrights home lott at ye north End and william buttlars house plott and hold ye same breadth up the hollow into ye Comans Betwene there lands for Ever further ordered that the highwaye formerly ordered, from ye maine highwaye,Against samuell Andrases home lott downe to ye head of ye dock or watter side by mathyas harvyes house being nott Explained how wide itt should,be this daye ordered that from the southwardmost bounds of nathanell Coles house plott formerly granted shall be two rod and three futt wide, all the waye in the narowest plase to ye northwest Corner of mathyas harvys Eastwardmost orchard,and then from thenc to the watter side by mathias harvyes house,and betwene his medow and or- chard downe to ye poynt,the highwaye to Continew for Ever as now itt tis and formerly ordered to be At A ttowne metting helld oyster Baye the 26th of march 1683 Then granted to Thomas weeks leave to take up foure accars of Land at the south End of his home lott or nere Adioyneing to be layd out by the Survayeors, for the preserving of high- wayes, it being in full Consideration of his proportion of land to be taken up by the townes former ordar 2ly ffurther ordered and Agreed upon by A younanymous votteofthetowne,thatalltheComman landslyingsouthward of the towne, from ye head of the runs at ye East End of ye towne,By Tho :youngs lands layd,out shall from thence to ye south East Cornar of Richard harcutts felld,and from ye south- west Cornar of ye sayd felld to ye head of ye mill rever streme or lands layd out to John weeks and from thence by ye high waye down ye hollow and mill streme,downe to the towne shall be to the towne A perpetuall Coman for graseing and not to be layd out,Any part or parsell thereof to Any parson or parsons what- somever at Any time after ye date hereof for Ever without ye free vote of Every free holdar of ye towne,two house lotts south side of ye highwaye by Tho:youngs lott reserved to be given out as the towne shall Cee Cause 3ly granted and given to daniell harcut at ye same metting ten Book A 263 Accars of land in the Comans whare to be layd out and one Acar of ye Cove swomp if Can be alowed 4ly ffurther granted and given at ye same metting unto John Apellgatte A house lott of three Accars,which lott was formerly layd out unto John frost south side of ye highwaye to huntington, and allso ten Accars of land in ye comans to be layd out,and one Acar of ye Cove swomp if can be Alowed, with fre privilidge for graseing and timbar in the towne Comans,he makeing im- provement upon ye syd house lott by building, or fencing it in with in A twelve month and A daye after ye date hereof,and not to make sale of ye sayd previlidges, within three yeares, otherwise to be forfit to the towne Againe (p.198 Old A )-5ly att The same meting granted and given unto daniell weeks six Accars of land in the Commans whare to be layd out,and one Accar of ye Cove swomp if Can be Alowed further granted and given at ye same metting unto Thomas furman A house lott of three Accars, Joyneing to John Apell- gateshome lott,and allsoten Acars of land inthe Comans whare tobe layd out,and one Acar of ye Cove swomp if Can be alowed, after deviding,with previlidge of graseing and timbar,within ye towne Comans,for his one use,he makeing improvment upon ye saydhomelott,bybuildingorfencingitin,withA twelvemonth and A daye, and not to make sale of ye lott and previlidges granted within three years After the date hereof other wayes to be forfitt to the towne Againe 7ly ffurther granted and given unto Samuell dickinson A home lott of three Acars and ten Accars of land in the Comans whare to be layd out, with prevididge of timbar and grasseing in ye towne Comans ,upon the same Conditions and under ye same for- fyture if he makes not improvement thereon Acording to Tho : furmans grant Above sayde gly further granted and given unto Thomas millar A house lott of thre Acars and ten Accars off land in ye Comans whare to be layd out, with privilidge of timbar and graseing upon ye towne Comans,upon the same Conditions and under ye same for- fyture, If he makes not Inprovement thereon a Cording to Thomas furmans grant Abovesayde 9ly ffurther granted and given unto william Croker A home lottof three Acars,and allso liberty to take up ten Accars of land in ye Comans whare to be layd out,with previlidge of graseing and timbar upon ye towne Comans upon the Same Conditions and undar ye same forfyture, If he makes not Improvment thereon, Acording to Tho :ffurmans grant Abovesayd 101y Then granted and given franses weeks A peece of land in ye highwaye over Against his orchard nere Adioyneing to simon 264 Book A Coopers fence,itbeing 28 futt one waye and thirty futt ye other waye,which land isgiven him to build A dweling house upon 11ly Then granted and given unto John Townsend Sen : at lewsum twenty Accars of land,lying on the East side of the high- waye to the farmes and south side of the swomp nere ye woulf- pitt or Job wrights well soe Called, ye sayd land liing and being betwene ye line of devition betwene ye towne and Robart wil- liams,and the highwaye to ye farmes,provided there be 20 Acars t h e r e t o b e f o u n d , I f n o t , h e is t o b e C o n t e n t e d w i t h w h a t t h e r e is, reserving suffitiant highwayes which is to lefft to ye discretion of ye survayeors (p.197 Old A )-Aprill ye 14th 1683 Then Layde out unto sam- uell furman A peace of land,on ye East side of ye Cart waye to ye plaines,and Joyneing to his fathers hollow on ye north side, being 30 rod wide next unto ye hollow, and from ye hollow northward sixty six rod long,and at ye north End 36 rod wide Including within ye sayd bounds thirtene Accars and halfe of land more or less as Layd out by us 2ly ye same daye then layd out unto william Croker Thomas millar and samuell dickinson,A track of land,nere unto ye place Comanly Calle suckscokes wigwom,itbeing and liing nere About A quarter of A mile to ye South East thereof, or thereabouts, beginning at A black oak tree markt by ye side of A hill,and from thenc nere East 72 rod to A white oake tree markt,and from thenc north to A nother black oak tre markt, ninety rod and from thenc west or there abouts to ye first boundar, Includ- ing within ye sayd bounds forty Accars more or less as layd out by us,and being in full Consideration of there house lots and ten Accars A peece as granted to them by ye towne 3ly ye same daye then layd out unto Jeames Townsend three Acars of land on ye west side of ye mill river right over Against his other land on ye south side of ye high waye and he to take it u p a s it m a y e b e s t s u t e h i s C o n v e n y a n c y J o y n e i n g t o y e s w o m p leaveing A suffitiant high waye of five rod wide betwene his land up ye hollow April the 16th 1683 Then Layd out unto henry Townsend Junior,and John Townsend his Brother,of ye mill soe termed, A peece or slipe of land Joyneing to ye three runs soe Called on ye west side, beginning at ye tre, Abraham Alings north west bounder and from thence,by the hill side northwardly to A smale white oke markt by ye hill side standing in ye rang or line of devition betwene ye sayd Johns lands,and Jeames blevings land, takeing in all ye slipe of land down to ye sayd swomp or three runs for three Accars more or less and Johns lands inclosed Att A towne metting ye second of Aprill 1683 John weeks Chosen Constable for ye Insewing yeare new overseares Adam Book A 265 wright & Edmund wright ye old overseares yt stands,Nathanell Coles,Joseph Ludlam (p. 196 Old A )-Whareas oure ffather and mother nicolas. wright,and Ann wright deseased and lefftt A Considerable Eas- teat Amongst us there Children under written, and ffor A tru settelment of ye sayd Easteat and prevention of further Contests or trobles that maye Arize thereby,wee doe Joyntly and unany- mously Agree,and frely Condesend tto Each other,yt our fathers will for the devition and stateing of his lands upon his Soons Acording to his will,shall stand good to them and there hayres for Ever and in as much as there was noe sartaine order in ye sayd will or at ye death of oure mother, for ye devition of ye moveable Easteat as leftt by oure deaseseed father and mother, wee doe unanymously Agree,yt allthe sayd moveable Easteat, shall be for the sisters portions,tto be devided as theye shall Cee Cause to order or Agree, Exsepting onely all the neat Cattell, one great cittell,and all ye Iron work belonging,to ye Cart and plow, and oure deseased fathers Cloths to be devided Amongst his three soons and in Consideration by Agrement yt oure Brother Caleb wright is to have allthe neat Cattell as Abovesayde,Ex- septing onely two heffers,one in the posestion of John and the other in ye posestion off E d m u n d , for which theye with there Brother Caleb are Equaly to paye all there deseased fathers and mothers depts,and Aquitt and discharge there sisters from Any troble or demand yt maye Acru thereby and there hayres for Ever, and Caleb wright doth,iniage in Consideration of ye Cattell as Above menshoned to pay to his foure sisters there husbands or there ordar ten pounds in Currant marchants paye Acording to pork at three penc ye pound,at or before ye first daye of novem- bar next Insewing the date under written,and the moveables yt are to be devided Amongst oure sisters,for there portions is All ye swine,hors flesh,brass,putter,tinn,Iron,woden,ware,wolen linnen silvargold Earthen ware,or what Elce belongs to ye sayd Easteat whatsoever, onely what Is Above Exsepted and to ye tru performance of this oure Agreement,wee have Enterchanga- bly subscribed oure hand to Each other in oyster Baye June ye 4th 1683 Signed and delevered to Each other as there Act and deede in presance of us Richard harcutt, Constable Tho:Townsend Recorder John weeks :oversere Caleb X wright his mark John Wright Edmund (E ) wright his mark Josias X Latting his mark Nathanell Colles Robartt Colles 266 Book A (p.195 Old A )-June the tenth 1683 Lands Layd out upon ye neck nere Beaver swomp ffirst A highwaye,islefftandordered,Byusoffourerod wide to bee lefft betwene the ten Accar lott formerly layd out unto Anthony wright and the lands layd out unto samuell Andras (Andrews)whichhighwayeistorunA CrosseyeBevorswomp at ye head of the medowes 2ly A highwaye,is By us lefftt and ordered,downe that hol- low,whare the Cartt waye now istothe head or neck of medow belonging unto Caleb wright and his Brother Edmund, of six rod wide in ye narowest place 3ly the Bounds of Anthony wrights sayd ten Acars,being not to be found we have run itover and leftt itto be forty rod square, Joyneing to Abovesayd highwaye,on ye south side,and swomp Edge at ye west End,and ye old Cartt waye at ye East End,and the lands layde out to gideon wright on ye north side, as fol- loweth, 4ly Layde out unto gideon wright, A sartaine track of land on the north side of ye sayd Anthony wrights ten Accar lott Abovesayde,ye first bounder A black oake tre markt Anthony wrights north East bounder, and from thence he is to rainge north and be East or there Abouts forty two rod,to A red oke tree markt by ye highwaye hollow,Above menshoned,and from the sayd red oak he is to range westwardly by ye hollow, and highwaye,to A great whit oak markt by ye Cart waye side nere the head ofthe Abovesayde Calebs and Edmunds,medow,and from the sayd white oake he isto range by the medows south- ward unto ye Abovesayd Anthony wrights land, Including within these sayd bounds allthe upland and swomps, downe to ye medowes for sixtene Accars more or less,alwayes, ittistobe understood that Ifthe sayd giden wright or Any parson doth fence in this sayd track of land,that then he or theye,are to make and leave & suffitiant gatte or paire of bars for the use of all such parsons that have medows next Adioyneing to his land on both sides of ye river:to bring out there haye,and to leave or give liberty for A Cart waye through his land at the north west Corner,for the bringing out there sayd haye,without Contridicktion,and all those that makes use thereof are inioyned, to shut ye gate or bares After them,soe that he or they be noe wayes damnyfyed 5ly memorandum this daye Entred ten Accars of land more, formerly layd out unto gideon wright by henry townsend and nickolas wright, being forty rods square, lying betwene ye old planting feld and the lands thatt he and Caleb wright,John wright and Edmund wright doth now improve 6ly this daye Entreed, and recorded unto gideon wright ten Accars of land more which was formerly layd out and improved, Book A 267 it lying upon the mill river neck soe Called, and Joynes on the East side of the lands formerly layd out unto franses weeks,and lying on the north side of sagomore hill (p.194 Old A)-June thetenth 1683 Then layde out unto Jeames Townsend,foure Accars of land, Joyneing to the South End of his nine Acar lott,upon the west side of the mill river neck and ye sayd foure Acars is bounded at ye South End,by ye hollow and high waye that buts downe to Caleb and Edmund wrights medowes,and bounded at ye south west Cornar,with A black oke tree nere A great rock,and he is to leave out the springs on ye west side of ye sayd foure Acres to ye Coman,and when he fences in his land,to leave,and main- taine A paire of bars or gate,and A Cartt waye through his land, for all such parsons that have medowes,next Adioyneing to his land,to bring out there haye provided all such parsons yt makes use thereof for bringing out there haye, makes fast ye bars or gate after them,soe that he or theye that shall improve ye land be not noewayes damnyfyed A towne metting held oyster baye Sept ye 29th 1683 by order of A warrant, from the high shiriff, for the Chowseing of foure men,of the towne to meete at Jemeca on mundaye ye first of ocktobar with ye rest of ye Committyes of ye riding to chouse two fittparsons,to be representetives for ye riding,have in order to ye warrant made Choyce of John Townsend :Sr Robart Colles John underhill and Tho :Townsend to repaire to Jemecoe as the free choyce of ye towne and to Ackt Acording to warant (This is thebeginningoftheGeneralAssembly. Seep.246,etseq.) ocktober ye 29th 1683, Then suskaneman and werah ordered me Thomas Townsend recorder of ye towne,to Enter an Agre- ment,Agreed upon ans Confirmed,betwene them and there sis- ters,Consarning ye propriaty,of ye lands upon matenecok,After there desease, for ye security and saffety of those people or par- sons yt shall Ce Cauese to make purchase of them, first it is Agreed yt suskaneman and werah hath full power during there lives to make sale of Any lands upon matenecok as theye shall Cee Cause,and secondly after there desease,all such land upon matenecok unsould,Is Equaly to be devided betwne suscanemans Eldest soon knowne by ye name of surrukunga, and his Eldest sisters soon knowne by ye name of georgacuran Chepouses Eldest soon,and these two to be ye tru hayres after there desease of all ye lands upon matenecok unsould to ye Inglish,as witnes there hands (p.193 Old A )-oyster Baye the 26th 9mo 1683 Then Reseved ffull satisfaction of John Townsend senior at the farmes being the Ballance of all Acoumpts from the begin- ing of the world to the daye betwene us Above menshoned me ttestesTho:Townsend Recorder georg dennes 268 Book A Att Towne metting oyster Baye desembar ye 29th 1683 Leff- tenant Robart Colles, John Townsend : sen Joh underhill ware Chosen presenters and Asesors and Comishonars for ye towne, By mayior voat of ye freholders Acording to warant from ye Comishonars,to take ye towne Lists and levy ye towne rates Acordingly Entred P order of the towne m e Tho : Townsend Recorder ffurther votted and ordered at ye same metting,that all those of the Inhabytants, that keepes A n y tame geese or other sortt of geese within ye towne or towne bounds,after ye 29th daye of Jenewary Insewing A n y such geese, soe found are forfitt to A n y parson yt shall kill them,and take them up without any trespas to ye ownar,of them or Breach of law Any wayes to ye Contrary notwithstanding oyster Baye the second of ye 10th month (December) 1683 W e under written have Joyntly Agreed and acknowlidged hereby to be Legally maryed to gether by ye Justis,as man and wiffe and doe promise to Live together Acordingly untill death shal make A seperation wittnes oure hands in presance of Tho:Townsend Samuell Andrews Nathanell Colles Richard harcutt henry X Bell his mark Jane X his wiuffe her mark oyster Baye Jenewary ye 9th 1683 Caleb wright is Apoynted and Entred ordenary keeper for the towne, and all parsons are required to take nottis of ye same, and forbare taping Any sort of drink by rattalle but as ye law dereckts as theye will Answare ye Contrary. further Caleb wright and Josias Latting are Apoynted Coleck- tors by ye Comishonars, for this towne of oyster baye,this year 1683 (p.192OldA)-A townemettingoysterbayeJenewaryye 31th 1683 tthen voated, by ye majior voat of ye towne, that nathanell Colles Is Legally Chosen,tresuar for ye towne of oyster baye, ffor this presant yeare, and to ackt Acording to ye rulles in ye law proscribed, for ye Reseaving, ye townes monyes, and paye- ing it out,to Answare ye townes debts whare due,by order of ye townes Comishonars and ye overplush to keepe, in his Cus- tody for ye townes youse untill further order upon ye penallty in ye lawes proscribed 2ly atyesamemetting,natthanellColles,andTho:Townsend, are Chosen,by free voat,of ye Inhabytants,and Apoynted,to repaire to Jemeca , on frydaye, insewing being ye first daye of febrewary insewing then and there,to meette,with ye rest of ye Book A 269 deputyes of ye respecktive townes of ye Countye,for ye Choyce ofone man of ye County,for A County tresuar,Acording to,ye Ackt of Asembly. I Nickolas simkins of muschedacove doe hereby one and ac- knowlidg to have Reseaved of Richard Cirby ye full sum of ten pounds marchants payee,being ye sayd Richards full proportion ofpayement for his lands bought of us ye five proprietors of muschedacove which lands is now Called by ye name of litell- worth,I saye reseved by me as wittnes my hand oyster baye Jenewary ye 31th 1683 ttestesTho:Townsend nickolas simkins This Instrament of writting wittneseth,An Agrement,and on Exchange of land Exchanged & Confirmed,to Each other betwene us under written, Viz : as followeth which is to be under stood, yt I Josias latting of matenecok, doe hereby Asigne and make over unto John Rogers of oyster baye his hayres or Asignes for Ever,as his or there one proper right and intrestt,All that three Accars of land formerly layd out unto beniamin hubbard, de- seased, as it is and stands recorded in this book of records of oyster baye, in page 263 : it lying & being upon ye hill, nere ye reareofThomas Townsends home lott,In Consideration whareof IJohn Rogers Above menshoned,doe hereby Asigne & make over untoye Abovesayd Josias Latting his hayres or Asignes for Ever, three Accars of wood land upon ye towne Commons ,to be taken upon my right & previlidge,of Coman rights,at Any time when ye sayd Josias latting his hayres or Asignes, shall Cee most Con- venyant,and allso iniage to paye or Cause to be payd as sone as I Can procuar it, ten shillings in sillvar m o n y , to ye sayd Josias ororder,being upon ye proper Acount of ye Exchang of ye lands Abovesayde,to ye Confirmation whareof to Each other,we have hereunto, Enterchangeably subscribed our hands in oyster baye, this 9th daye of febrewary 1683/4 Signedand owned before me Tho:Townsend Josias X Latting his mark John (R ) Rogers his mark (p.191 Old A )-Jemeco the first of ffebrewary 1683 wee under written being meett together by order of Every towne in qeenes County for ye Choyce of A treasuar & Acord- inglyhave poseded & have made choyce of John Bowne of fflish- ing,& in perseuance to ye spedy gathereing of ye monys for ye Defrayeing ye Countyes Charges,doe Alowe three farthings upon yepound to be gathered Acording to warrant alredy Isued forth by ye Justises, for this presant yeare, & yt Every towne within Sayd County make Choyce of two of ye most ffitting parsons of ye naybourhood to Exsamine into ye rates gathered, and all 270 Book A Charges Arizeing in ye County and theye to meete together at sum Convenyant time and place as theye shall Apoynt,before ye 20th daye of march next Insewing, & whatt Charges Arizeing being alowed by them,being two men out of Every towne in ye County there sertifycates or ye mageior part of them signed to ye County treasuer, shall be Alowed and payd to Every parson whare it Is due, & yt for ye preseeding yeare, noe rate to be Levied upon ye County untill ye Charges be first Alowed,by ye parsons,Apoynted by Every Towne of ye County,signed by us this for ye towne of oyster baye A tru Coppy Entred of Tho:Townsend John Jackson T h o : stevenson John seaman John Carpenter nathanell Colles daniell whithead John Bowne ye origonall order Tho:Townsend Recorder m e Att A towne meetting oyster Baye ye 9th of febrewary 1683 Tho :Townsend And nathanell Colles,ware Chosen,by ye maigior voat of ye freholders,Acording to ye last order of the deputyes, meett together, at Jemeco the first daye of febrewary, Instant, and Acordingly theye are to meete with ye rest of ye deputyes of ye nayghbouring townes for the auditting, and ordering the Counties, Assesment, Acording to ye sayd order for and in ye behalfe of ye towne,Entred order, me Tho : Townsend Recorder (p.190 New A )—Oysterbay Apriell ye 12th 1684 Then Agreed by ye owners and proprietors of Hog Island that for ten Yeares Ensuing from ye Date hereof that ye fence A cross ye Island by Tho :Townsends Land Shall be Sufficiently repared and ye Southward part or old fields Shall be for a Sheep pasture and no other Creatures to be Turnd thereon by any person Upon ye forfiture of such Creatures So Turned there to be forfit to ye Sheapeard and ye north part of ye Said Island Without ye fence to be for planting or Sewing as ye owners or proprietors thereof Shall See cause but if ye Major part of ye proprietors ye Next Ensuing year or hereafter Shall See cause to make a pasture of ye whole Island it is agreed and Shall be at there Liberty witness our hands Henry Townsend Senj one Shear John Underhill one Shear and half John Wright one Shear Josias Latting one Shear and half Tho Townsend one Shear Mathias harvy : Nathaniel Coles & Robert Coles three Shear Richard Harcutt one Shear & half John Townsend Ju one Shear Book A Frances Weekes one John Townsend for his mother one Allce Crabb one Shear 271 Henry Townsend Jur half a Shear Benjamin Birchall one To ye Right Honered Governer:W e ye Inhabitance of Oyster- bay haveing Receved an order of Concell Dated March ye 31th: Last past ordering us to Send in our patent and Indian Deeds before ye Governer and Councell ye 25th of this Instant Apriel In Obediance thereunto have Made Chojce of Henry Townsend Senj and Justice Tho Townsend To repair to your Honour ac- cordingly with our patent and Deed Intrusting them there with In behalf of ye Town to Answer Your Honours requireing not Doubting but Your honner may by them be rightly informed our Settlement and ye Leguall Obtaining of our patent and Return them In ye Same Equipage by our Agents again without altera- tion orderofyeTown Dated Apriel ye 19 : 1684 John Newman Clark (SeeMusketoCove recordsformemorandum oftheexpenseof sendingthese deeds; also Court of Assize records,both in appen- d i r ; a l s o s e e p . 3 3 - 5 r e g a r d i n g t h i s m a t t e r , a n d p . 3 0 7 f o r P a t e n t .) November ye 17th 1684 George Townsend and Mary Haux- hurst were Joynd In Marriage by m e Tho:Townsend Justice of the peace (p.189New A)-We underwrittenhaveingSeveralDifferances depending between us as to ye bounds of our Lands and Tress- passes arising by reason of ye not Right Knoledge or Misunder- Standing of Each other as to ye bounds and Limits thereof upon Consideration whereof we have Joyntly made Chojce of Tho Townsend and James Cock to meet at ye place of Difference be- tween us at Some time as they Shall appoynt who are by our free Consents hereby Impowered to rainge our Lands of Differ- ence and Stake ye Same for ye Just bounds and Limits between us of our Lands for ever and he of us that Shall not Stand to agree and abide by ye Division or determination of our aboveSd Two Men Shall forfitto ye other of us Twenty pounds Current money to be paid upon demand to which we Oblige our Selves our heires Executors administrs and assigns to preforme Stand by and abide as Witness our hands oysterbay ye 7th of m a y 1684 Signed in presence of us William frost Nathaniel Coles Samuell Tyller Edmund X wright his mark W e underwritten being Chosen by William frost and Samuel Tiller both of Matinecock within ye Township of Oysterbay to 272 Book A Arbitrate all Difference between them as to ye bounds of their Lands and Trespases as by their Sd bond may appear Dated oysterbay ye : 7th of this Instant M a y 1684 In pursuance there- unto we have attended this Day according to ye Date under writ- ten and haveing Viewed their Difference as to their bounds and ye occasion of ye Tresspass arising thereby as being Shewed and Declared by Some of ye Neighbourhood being presant and our own Knowledge therein Being present there formerly upon a dif- ference Depending Between ye Sd frost and John Coles Deceased as to their Bounds In order whereunto by these presents we De- clare and order that ye Line of Division of william frost Lot bought of william Simpson and Samuel Tillers three acre Lot Lying or Raingeing upon ye North end of it Shall begin their Rainge from ye Northwest Corner or bounds of William hudsons Lot Sold unto Aron furman and So upon a due East Line accord- ing to ye Survey of ye Sworn Surveyor Robert Rider Deceased to ye Northwest Corner of ye Said John Coleses Land according to ye Sd Survey Shall be ye Just bounds of their Line of Division forever and finding william frost to be ye Tresspasser upon ye Sd Tiller do award him to pay all ye Cost and Charges Occasioned hereby to be paid upon demand upon ye forfiture of ye Sd Bond as witness our hands oyster bay ye 17th of may 1684 This is to be paid In money or Equivolent (p .188 N e w A )-Oysterbay this 9th of ye 11mo 1664 It Is this This day Agreed upon between this town and Robert williams of hempstead that ye Bounds between ye said Robert williams and ye Town isby a Unaimos Conscent of Both parties that is to Say ye T o w n and Robert Williams ye Line or bounds Is to begin at a hole of water yt is Concluded to be head of Cold Spring or Oyster River and from thence on a Straight Line to- wards Cantiage along to ye Ridge of ye hills Next to ye plains So along to ye Hills unto ye Long point of Trees Called Cantiage or which is Robert williams his Tree as Some Call itbecause of ye Claim of ye Town by Vertue of their purchase Robert Wil- liams Concents to Stand it is Concluded to be ye bounds forever Between ye T o w n and Robert williams and their hairs and assigns as Wittness our hand John Underhill Robert Williams Henry Townsend ThisaboveSaidInstrumentsEnteredof AntonyWright ye agreement between ye T o w n and R o b e r t W i l l i a m s is E n t e r e d f r o m ye origional Compaired by me Tho Townsend Mathias Harvy J o h n T o w n s e n d Nicolas Wright frances (W ) Weekes Benjamin Hubard Tho Townsend James X Cock his mark Book A 273 Oysterbay June ye 30th 1684 at a T o w n meeting then ordered that Every freeholder of this town or that possesses any Lands within this Town purchase are to attend at ye Townhouse on monday Next being ye 7th day of July Ensuing at Sun Rise at furthest in ye morning In order to Run ye Line or Bounds be- tween ye Towns Lands and Robert williamses Lands and that person Interested In ye T o w n that Shall prove defective herein Shall forfit five shillings to ye Use of those that run ye Same according to this Order and to be Taken forthwith by destress by ye Constable provided yt those that Cannot go do Cut Brush in ye Town Where they Shall be appoynted by these persons appoynted for that purpose for this present Year (p.187 New A)—At a Town meeting June ye 30th 1684 then Ördered and Voted yt for this Ensuing Year Tho : Townsend and John weekes are to have ye over Sight and ordering of ye Town affairs In reparing of ye Town highways and Cuting of Brush or what else needful to be don and ye T o w n are to attend accordingly upon Such days appoynted by them for ye Reparing Highways and ye Cutting of Brush or what else is found needfull foryeTownuponyeforfitureoffiveShillings dayEachman that proves defective herein to ye use of ye T o w n to be taken forthwith by Distress by ye Constable Entered order of Town me Tho:Townsend Recorder 2ly further Granted upon ye Request of John weekes of War- wick about ye Land Lying on ye west Side of his Twenty Acre Lot at ye head of ye mill river hollow yt if taking In of ye Hollow proves not prejudicall to ye T o w n for a highway after itis Viewed and To be Granted to any he Shall have ye first re- fusall of It before any other 3ly further it is Agreed upon yt at ye next T o w n Meeting ye Request of Some persons of ye Town Shall be fully Resolved as to ye Division of ye out Lands to Every freeholder July ye 23d 1684 at a T o w n meeting ordered that Gideon wright Nathaniel Coles Iassc Horner and Tho Townsend are forthwithtoreparetoLusum InordertoTreatwithyeWidow williams and her son and ye Rest Conserned with them In the Difference depending between ye Towne and them as to ye bounds and Limits of our Lands in order for a peaceable Complyance and Settlement and to make report thereof to ye Town at ye Next Town meeting Julyye26:1684ataTown meetingitwasthenvotedand ordered that Every freeholder of this T o w n as Stands Entered in this book in page 240 Shall have five acres of Land laid out to every home Lot they Injoye and this Land to be laid out by ye Surveyors with all expedition to ye north ward of huntington Cart way and Every man to take his Lot by Lotery 274 Book A 2ly ItisfurtheratyeSameMeetingagreedandbyyeMajor part of ye Town voted and Concluded yt in as much as there is Like to be Several Contests and Troubles arising Between ye Town and Joseph Mayo and ye Heirs of Robert williams ye Town of huntington and ye Town of hempstead and finding it will be great Loss of time for ye T o w n to be Called together at Every occasion yt may arise thereby have thought it Most Ex- pediant In order thereunto to.make Chojce of four men of ye NeighbourhoodtoActasyeTown atalltimesastheyShallSee cause In prosecution and defence of ye Town To All Such dif- ferances yt may arise as above Sd and therefor In Order there- unto by Consent and ye Major Vote of ye Town have made Choice of our friends and Neighbours The Townsend Nathaneil Coles John weekes and Isaac horner for this Ensuing year to act for and In behalf of ye Town as to any Matter of Difference that may arise as abovesd Giving them fuull power and authority hereby to Take Councell Imply attorny or attornys as they Shall See meet or Most Convenant and also as they Shall find and See most Convenant for ye Good of ye Town to agree and Signe to any agreement Soe agreed upon by ye Major part of them for and In ye behalf of ye Town to stand good and be of force as acted by ye Town forever What Charges arises hereby Is to be Borne by ye Town and Charged accordingly (p.186 Old A )- A towne metting held ye 11th of october 1684 whareas Isack doutty & John williams,was Acused to ye Justis for takeing up & disposeing of severall hors kind,Contrary to law, ye sayd Isack doughty & John williams did Appeare before ye Towneatthissaydtownemetting,& didtheretender,Iftheye h a d d o n e w r o n g t o A n y p a r s o n , it w a s t h r o u g h , m i s t a k e , o r f o r want of right understanding of ye law, & was willing to make sattisfaction If Any wrong was done,to which Answare was made by ye towne yt there was noe man Could Acuse them,& desired they might be Clered from ye Charg This bill bindeth m e T h ° millar of oyster baye on Longisland in ye queens County of yorkshare m y hayres or Asignes to paye or Cause to be payd unto John frost of ye same place his hayres or Asignes ye full & Just sum of forty pound,thus as followeth, yt is to saye at four payements,ye first payement ten pound at or befor ye last of Jenewary, next Ensewing ye date hereof, in Cattell pork winter wheat summor wheat or Indion Corne, or monyytistosayewinterwheatatfiveshillings bushell,sum- mor wheat at foure shillings bushell, Indion Corne at two shillings,Sixpence,& beefeat2d lbporkatthreepence lb & what is payd in mony ye sayd frost doth alow one third part,: thus after this manner,yt is four shilings shall be alowed to dis- count six shillings, & soe after yt Alowed as to mony ye first Book A 275 payement is to be payd as is Above menshoned : ye next ten pounds at or before ye last of Jenewary yt is A twelve month afterye firstpayment:& soe sucksesaffly:followeth yeare after yeare Acording to ye time fixtt,in tru performance I have sett too m y hand & seale,in ye yeare 1683/4 febrewary ye 25th 1683/4 Theophilus phillips Thomas X millar O hand John X Champion The Conditions of this bove oblygation is such yt in none per- formance of ye bove sums of mony at ye Experation of ye time perfixt:then ye sayd John frost,to Enter upon & take posestion of ye sayd house or land fences yt he did sell unto Tho millar, without lett hinderance or molestation by him ye sayd millar or Any order from him derived,as his owne goods,& due rights, but if ye bove oblygation be performed,then this to be voyd,& ofnoneEffecktaswitnesmy handthis25thoffebrewary1683/4 Theophilas phillips John X Champion Thomas X millar O hand (End ofBook A) BOOK B (This is a volume of 480 pages, 181⁄2 by 7 inches, in fair condition, but many pages frayed and worn. The Roman nu- merals at bottom of some pages are evidently cross references to documents recorded on other pages) (p.0)- (Thisappearstobeanindexofmattersrecordedherein) A Deed from White to road island John Townsend 373 A deed from Nicholias Simkins to fforst 232 James hadlock assigned all his right 312 ye highway to ffrost Mill [ ]3 [ ] A deed from Isaac horner & his wife to Darby [ ]34 A deed from Darby to John Rogers 115 Johns Deed to Solomon 293 :294 Little Worth In Deed 238 John Townsend Deed to Solomon 294 ye highway on Hodge Island 15 Ludlam Sold to Whitte 334 ye patten to Runasick 165 ye old purchas Deed in book B 57 West Rock Deed in page 60 Job Wright's Survey att Jerecho [ ]9 a deed from Nicholas Simkins To Roabert Coles 107 Nicholas Simkins to Ellexander fforman 295 Mary Cooper John Underhill John Bown to whit 346 Nathaniel Coles Deed to Matha 383 anthoney Deed to Selvenas Wright 260 Edward White Sold to David Underhill 338 Edward Whitt Exchanged 20 acers of of Land with John ffey 180 Job Wright To Tho :Willits upon Lattings neck 223 Daniel Harcutt to Robert Cooper 227 Saml : Underhill John Robason & John Dole Sold to miller in this book 276 Book B 277 Hope Washben to Hope Williams ffranklen Harvey his Deed to Nathaniel Underhill Again in this book in page 354 ye highway to george ffrost 130 Richard Harcutt will 411 Nickolas Simkins to william 178 Robart Townsend Conveyance To his father henry 97 John Changans (Townsend's) Deed 286 ye Indians to Garvis Mudge 172 ye Indian Deed To James Townsend for Duck Cove 308 Musketocove Lotts 314 Nicklolas Siminks & his Daughter to wales (Wallas) 85 (p.1)-This Deed of Conveyances witnesseth to all Christ[ian people]whomIttmaycomeoranywayConcerneKnow [yethat] whereasIJosephLudlam Coopernow Inhabitant [inthe]Town of Oysterbay in Queens County upon Long Island stand[ing] possessed of a former Allotment of M e a d o w to m e Laid out [on ] Bever Swomp Meadow So called being in N.br 14 as Laid out byye Surveyor bounded on ye North by ye 13th share and ye Small Crick on ye west and Springs at ye Head of Nicholas Wrights meadows on ye South and ye upland on ye East;Be ye Said Share of Meadow in quantity more or Less for a Valuable Sum of money to me in hand paid before ye Signing & Sealing hereof I have Bargained Sould & by p'sent possession delivered theabove Share of Meadow as Laid out & Bounded unto Joseph Dickinson of ye abovesd Town & County to him ye Sd Joseph his Heires Exers Administratrs or assignes to have & to hold occupie possess enj[oy] as his or their own per right title & Interest from m e m y Heires Executors administrators or assignes forever as firmly [to] all Intents Constructions or purposes as might be written or worded according to L a w to ye Confirmation of this m y deed as above written I have set too m y hand & Seale in Oysterbay this eighth day of October 1685 Signed Sealed & dld in the p'sence of us Tho:Townsend:George townsend Joseph Ludlam plu cxcvi Be itknown by these p'sents that I Suskaneman Alias Runa- suck an Indian for & in Consideration of full Satisfaction already received before ye writing hereof have Given Granted bargained Sould & Confirmed and by these p'sents I the Sd Indian doe give Grant Bargaine Sell Confirme unto Nathan Burdsall of Matena- cock wthin the Bounds of ye Patten of Oysterbay on Long Island inye Colony of New York a peece of Land Lying & being in ye west Side of ye Swomp called Racoone Swomp wthin ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforsd bounded wth ye Comon on ye East and wth ye Land of ye Said Nathan Burdsall on ye west & North 278 Book B being by estimation Twelve Acres or thereabouts be it moure or Less wth all m y right title & Interest of & in ye Said peece of Land wch I have or wch any of m y Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes have or hereafter m a y have of or in the p'mises T o have & to hold unto him ye Said Nathan Burdsall his Heires Executors Administrat's or Assignes all & Singular ye p'mises wth all fits & comoditys thereto belonging or aptaining for- ever And ye Said Suskaneman have put ye Said Nathan Burdsall into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of and in the p'mises A n d it Shall & may be Lawfull for him the Sd Nathan Burdsall his Heires Executors or Assignes to have hold occupie possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises wth ye appurtenances notwth_ standing any former Gift Grant Bargaine or Sale whatsoever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him the Said Suskaneman or any other person or persons Lawfully Claiming for by or under him by meanes or any former Grant whatsoever In witnes whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand and Seale the ffirst day of March in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & one Signed Sealed & de1 the mark of X in p'sence of us Suskaneman alias Runasuck John Newman: Samuel Ketcham :lxvi: (p.2)—There is a deed of Sale made by me to Joseph [Ludlam of] Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of New Yorke for land at Hog Island:& the said Ludlam have not made payment therefore according to bargaine I therefore make my protest against the Sd Deeds being by me made void according to all Intents & purposes as ye ye L a w in that case directs recorded October 13th 1685 John N e w m a n Recorder this by order of Thomas Townsend the above writen protest I doe hereby make voyd being payd by Joseph Ludlam According to bill & he hath liberty to record his deed at his o w n pleasure as witnes m y hand october ye 15th 1685 Tho:Townsend I t e m x x x x :v i : This Bill bindeth us John Dewsbury & John Rogers both In- habitants in Oysterbay in Queens County upon Long Island Joyntly & Severally in ye Just & full Sume of ffive pound three shillings & one peny halfe peny unto ffrancis Brindly Merchant living in Newport upon Rhoad Island in N e w England wch Said [wa ]s to be paid in good merchantable winter Wheat If paid in wheat at four Shillings Bushell or five pounds in Boston Silver money so paid here in Oysterbay at or before ye tenth Day of March next Insuing ye Date underwritten to ye abovesaid ffrancis Brindly his Heires Execut's or Assignes by us our Heires Exe- cut's administrators or Assignes being in Consideration of one Book B 279 Hundred pounds of Sheep wooll received, And to ye true & faithfull performance of this our Bill wee have Set to our hands inOysterbaythisffifthDay ofOctober:1685 Signed & del in Tho : Townsend John Dewsbury p'sence of us George Townsend his John (R ) Rogers mark To all Christian people to whome this p'sent writing Shall come or in any wise aptaine,Be itknown that I Richard Har- cott of Oysterbay in Queens County upon Long Island in ye Colony of N e w York for divers good Causes & Considerations me thereunto moving have Given granted made over & Confirmed & by these p'sents I ye Sd Richard Harcott doe ffreely Give Grant make over & Confirme unto my Son in Law Thomas Youngs of ye Same place all yt peece of Land lying & being at yewestendofmy pastureorSwomp beforemy Dwellinghouse being formerly a tthereof that isto Say that whereas the now Dwelling house of ye Sd Thomas Standeth wth Outhouses and Orchards meaning all that ye Sd Thomas hath now with fences and in his possession & Enjoymt at ye writing hereof wth all Issues fits therefrom arising together wth all m y right title & Interest Claime or demand whatsoever wch I now have or that my Heires Execut's administrat's or assignes may hereafter have by meanes of any deed or grant to me formerly made,To have and to hold unto him ye Sd Thomas Youngs his Heires Execut's Administrat's or Assignes all & Sin[gular] the p'mises forever And ye Said Richard doth further dec[lare] that ye Sd Thomas is already in a Lawfull & peaceable possession of the Same and that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Thomas Youngs his Heires Executrs or Assignes quietly & peaceably to occupie possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises wthout ye Law- full Lett hindrance or Interruption of him ye Sd Richard Har- cott his Heires Executrs or Assignes or any other person or per- sons Lawfully Claiming for by or under any of them by meanes ofany former Gift,Grant Bargaine or Sale whatsoever and that this m y deed Shall Stand good & effectuall according to ye true Intent & Meaning hereof In Witnes whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seale the ffourth day of August in the yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & ffive Signed Sealed & del inye p'sence of us afterye Interlyning of ye word Heires in ye nineth Lyne & after ye writing of this postscrypt Richard Harc[ott] O the marke of Miriam(M)Harco[tt] O 280 John Newman the marke of Susanna (S ) ffurman Book B Ittistobeunderstoodthatwhereasthe Town gave to ye Said Thomas a small peece of Land for an addition to ye above mentioned wch is not meant to be included in this Deed Item,ciij Recd this 20th day of March : 1685/6: Then Recd of John Dewsbury Twenty five Bushels three pecs of Marchantable Win- ter Wheat due to ffrancis Brindly Merchant of Rhoad Island as mayapearbyaBilluponyeTown Records: IsayRecd Testes Natha Coles by me John (R ) Rogers Item ccix (p .3 )- T h i s Instrument of writing witnesseth unto All Christian pe[ople]towhome Itmay Come orAnywayes ConsarneKnow yee yt I under writen Suscaneman Allis Runasuck an Indion & Cheefe propriator of All ye Lands unsould upon matenecok sit- tuate Lying & being within ye pattent & township of oyster bay in queens County upon Longisland as hath bene Acknowlidged under severall sachoms hands & Seales as may Appeare by vertue whereof & for ye full sum of twenty pounds in sillver mony or goodsEquevelenttomonyprizetobepayedtome ormy order, as by billmaye Apeare I have Bargained Sould & by presant po- sestion delevered unto beniam[in] Birchall & Steven Birchall, both of matenecok,Abovesayd one hundred Accors of wood Land upon matenecok, Lying nere to ye head of ye bever S w o m p Soe Called,on ye west side being bounded as followeth viz beginning atA blackoaktreemarktbyyepathsidetolittellworthsoCalled, & from ye sayd tree East one hundred rod to A white oake tree markt & from ye sayd tree north one hundred & sixty rods to a great Black oake tree markt,from thence west one hundred rod to a white oake tre markt in ye hollow betwene them & Jeames Coks Lands, & from ye sayd markt tree south one hundred & Sixty rod to ye first Bounder Including within ye sayd bounds as Layd out & bounded by nathanell Coles & Tho :Townsend by me Chosen to survaye all my Lands,one hundred Accors more or Less as Abovesayd bounded,I doe hereby one & Acknowlidge, to have bargained Sould & by presant posestion delevered,withall ye timber graseing & All other profitts & previlidges upon ye sayd land unto ye Abovesayd benamin Burdsall & Steven Burdsall there hayres Executors Administrators or Assignes for Ever,To have & to hold occopy posess & Inioye as there one proper rights titell & Intrest without further Lett hinderance or molestation from m e m y hayres Executors Adminis [trators] or Asignes or A n y other parson or parsons Eyther Christions or Indians Laye- Book B 281 ingClaime thereunto by Any pretence of right to Any part or par- sellthereof by hayreship grant purchase or otherwise for Ever Iniageing m y selfe hayres & sucksesors to uphold make good & maintaine ye sayd beniamin & Steven there hayres & sucksesors in there peasable Improvement and Inioyement of ye premises as witnes m y hand & seale in oyster bay this 20th daye of feb- rewary 1684/5 Signed Sealed & delevered In presence of us Tho:Townsend Isack Doughty Suscaneman X Alis O runasuk his mark & Seale (p.4) This Instrument of writing declareth unto All whome Ittmaye Consarne yt I mathyes Harveye of fleshing have Bar- gained Sould & delevered unto Isack horner of oyster Baye m y whole Right & Intrest of those parsells of Lands,with houseing & orchards here menshoned wth all previlidges & proffits to them belonging,m y houseing & Lands Joyneing to Itt with ye orchard, an other orchard being two Accors more or less with A parsell ofBogeyLandJoyneingtoitA halfeShareofmedowbeforeye house,on ye north East,with A pece of upland twelve or thir- teneAccors of upland to be taken up in ye Coman,with my In- trestofComanageinoysterbayA quarterofA Shareofmedowe at ye south, with A Lot of Land in unkawaye neck, being five Accors more or Less, A Share of Land at hogisland, which is fourLots of upland,& A Share of medoe,thre ofthem being bounded with A highwaye on ye East,A high waye on ye west, aLottwhich was formerly Robart Coles on ye north,& ye Calves paster on ye south, an other Lott about ye midell of ye Calves paster,with A Share of medoe which was formerly mark meges Lying & being on ye north Side of ye great medoe on hogisland, these Above sayd parsells of Lands Lying & being within the Township of oyster baye I doe owne to have sould from me my heyres or Asignes for Ever,unto the Above sayd Isack horner to him his Hayres & Asignes for Ever, to have & to hold & Quyatlyto Inioye & posess free from Any molestation,from Anypersonorpersons,frombyorunderme,& haveingReseavd fullSatisfaction to my Content I have hereunto Set my hand, & fixed m y Seale in flushing this 2th of march 1684/5 Signed Sealed & delevered Mathyas Harvye O I(n) presants of us John Bowne John Robinson Whareas I Mathyas Harvy of flushing have made sale of sar- taine parsells of Lands, with houseing & orchards within ye Township of oyster baye,unto Isack Horner of oyster Baye,I doe oblidge, & Iniage, myselfe to defend and maintaine ye sayd 282 Book B Isack his hayres & Asignes In his quiat posestion Against A n y person or persons Layeing Claime to A n y part or parsell thereof & that as m y reall actt doe bind m y selfe hayres & Asignes to ye tru performance as witnes m y hand & Seale at flushing this 2th march 1684/5 Signed Sealed & delevered In ye presence of us John Bowne John Robinson Mathyas Harvye O (p.5)-This Instrument of writting or deed of Convayeance wit- neseth unto all Christian people to whome It maye Come or Any wayes Consarne Know yee,yt we under written Suscaneman & werah Indions & propriators of all ye unsould Lands Comanly Called & knowne by ye name of metenecok Lying & being within ye pattent & Township of oyster baye in queens County upon Longisland In Emeryca, Have for A valuable Consideration in hand reseaved to ye valew of six pounds mony before ye signe- ing sealing & delevery hereof,sould allynatted & delevered by presant posestion unto Robart Colles of Musckedacove belonging toyetownship& parishabovesaydeyeman,allytmedow fresh & saltt of oures So Called nere ye head of hemsteed harboure So Called on ye East Side Lying and being bounded as followeth,at ye north End at ye head of A Crick yt runs downe by ye Bigestt partt of ye Saltt medoe on ye north Side, & three trese being marked there by us to Stand as bounders two white oaks & A red oak for Ever,& from thence southwardly upon A strayght line to three white oaks at ye head of A n other Crick yt runs into ye harboure,above Sayd,with free previlidge of Any timber next Adioyneing upon Any of our Lands now unsould with A high waye most Convenyant for ye bringing of fencing stuff to secuar ye sayd medow,& Carting the sayd haye as ocation Shall requiar in ye most Convenyante place,for ye sayd Robarts use his hayres or Asignes,we doe hereby further manyfest & declare,yt we have sould & reseaved full Sattisfaction of ye sayd Robart for ye sayd medow & other previlydges menshoned & doe for Ever bind oure selves oure hayres Executors Administratrs & Asignes to maintaine & make good ye propriatory & previlidge to ye prom- ises,Above Inserted to ye sayd Robart Colles his hayres Execu- tors or Asignes for Ever,To have & to hold occopy possess & Inioye as his or there owne proper right titell & Intrest for Ever further Iniageing hereby to defend & maintaine him or them in there quyatt & pesable Inioyement of ye premises, Against all Claimes or pretences by waye of gifft grant or purchase what- soevertoyesame,& whareasitisnotInsertedyewestbounder It tis to be u n d e r s t o e harboure menshoned as Abovesayd,is to be ye westt ho r Ever,to ye Confirmation of this oure deed of le lly subscribe oure hands & Sett to oure Book B 283 Seales in muschedacove this first daye of Jully in ye yeare of oure Lord god 1684 and in 36th yeare of ye Raigne of oure soveraigne Lord King Charles ye second,king of England scotland france & Ireland,king defendor of ye faith &c Signed Sealed & delevered Suscaneman X his O in ye presance of us mark & Seale Tho:Townsend Werah X his Ephraim Carpenter mark & Seale Item cvij Be It Knowne by these presants yt I Robart Coles ye within namedinthisbillofSalle,doeforme my hayresExecutorsAd- minists & Asignes Asigne make over & Confirme unto georg downing & Richard Cerby Both Inhabytants within ye bounds of this towne of oyster baye to them there hayres Executors Ad- ministrators or Asignes this within writen bill of Sale, with all ye previlidges profitts and Comodetyes therein menshoned for Ever,in as full power and Strength as ye sayd bill is made to m e from ye Indians within written in witnes whareof I have here- unto Sett m y hand & Seale ye 7th daye of march in ye yeare of oure Lord 1684 Signed Sealed & delevered in ye presance of us John Newman Job Wright Robart Colles O (p.6) oysterBayethis6thdayeofmarch1684/5 By These presants under written be Itt manyfested unto all Christian people to whome Itt maye Come or Any wayes Con- sarne k n o w yee,that whareas of Late severall disputes hath Arisen Both by Inglish & Indians About ye neck or trackt of Land Called by ye English matenecok sittuate & being within ye pattent and Townshipe of oyster baye,who are the tru owners & propria- tors Thereof, & for the prevention of A n y further disputes or Claim that maye hereafter Arize by Any Indion or Indions to yetitelThereof,we under written ye Cheefe owners & propriators of ye sayde Lands, being mett together at oyster baye ye daye Above written, doe order & Joyntly Agree, yt all Such Lands upon Matenecoke,yt hath bene sould given or granted by Suscan- eman Alis Runasuk,or Any of ye rest of ye matenecok Indions toye Inglish before ye date Above written,are hereby Confirmed by us under written as done by us All for Ever,without further question, But for ye Salle of All Such Lands upon matenecok Soe Called not yeet disposed of,we doe hereby Athorize & Im- power Suscaneman Alies Runasuk,& Samous takapowshoe soon andquarapin,withyeadviseofCapt:ThomasHicks& Thomas Townsend,to make Salle of all such Lands upon matenecoke un- disposed of,and ye Sayd three by us Apoynted,Bille of Salle 284 Book B Being Signed by them allthree or Any two If one Should desease, Shall be held good from us & oure hayres for Ever,& whareas there ismonye stillto reseave for severall trackts of Lands sould by Suscaneman, we doe hereby Apoynt ye sayd Tho : hicks & Tho:Townsendtooverhalleallsuchdepts& billstooureuse, which is to be devided to Each Indian his proportion, as these three shall Cee Cause,& Likewise to take Care,& an Acount of all such monye,yt shall be Reseaved for Lands yt shall be year after disposed of by ye sayd three parsons to ye Inhabytants of oyster baye, Itt Is further Concluded & ordered by us, yt m ' Richard Cornhill & henry Townsend senior, Shall have power hereby wth ye sayd Tho :hicks & Tho :Townsend,in ye premises as Abovesayd,to ye Confirmation of what Is Above written we have subscribed oure hands & sett to our seales in oyster baye ye daye Above written Signed sealed & delevered In ye presance of us, John Townsend,sen John Underhill Robart Colles nimrod X his mark merock Indian pathunk X his mark Capt:opsvenX his mark his Takapowsha X mark & seale his Sehor X mark & seale his Swoname X mark & seale his werah X mark & seale his pamun X mark & seale his mame escoeX mark & seale his quarachche X mark & seale his katarrome X mark & seale O O O O O O O 0 clxv : (p.7) ThisInstrumentofwrittingordeedofsallewittneseth untoAllChristianpeopletowhome Ittmaye Come orAny wayes Consarne know yee,that whareas we under written suscaneman Alis runasuk Samouse & quarapin all three Indions, being Im- powered by ye rest of ye Indions & Cheefe propriators of ye Lands Called by the English matenecok sittuate Lying & being within ye pattent of oyster baye within quees County upon Long- Book B 285 islandbyvertuewhareof& foryefullsumoftwelvepoundsCur- rantmarchte paye,or Eyght pounds in Silvor mony,to be payd to us by bill as signed to us for ye payement thereof, before ye signeing & sealing hereof, have bargained sould & by presant posestion delevered unto william ffrost of matenecok A sartaine trackt of wood Land upon matenecok ye first bounds whareof beginneth & rangeth nere East & west at ye reare or south E n d ofTho:Townsends three daughters Lands by us formerly given asby deed maye Apeare,ye west bounder by ye line of muscheda- cove Lands south to Isack douttys path, & from thence north East or there abouts by ye path untill Itt bares south from ye south East Corner of ye sayd Tho : Townsends thre daughters Lands above menshoned be Itt in quantety fifty Accors more or Less as bounded we doe hereby manyfest & declare yt we have sould & by presant posestion delevered unto ye Abovesayd wil- liam frost his hayres Executors Administs or Asignes to have & toholdoccopyposes& inioyeyesaydtracktofLandasLaydout & bounded as Abovesayd for Ever from us oure hayres Execu- torsAdminists or Asignes or Any other parson or parsons from by or under us Layeing Claime to Any part or parsell thereof by pretence of right by hayreship grant sale or otherwise be it of what nature whatsoever, Iniageing oure selves hayres and sucksesors to uphold maintaine & make good to him ye sayd william,his hayres or sucksesors in there peasable Improvement & Inioyement of ye premises, as fully & amply to all intents & purposes as might be worded or written Acording to Law,to ye Confirmation of this our deed of Sale we have subscribed oure hands & sett to oure seales in oyster baye this 26th daye of march in the yeare 1685 quarapin X his mark & seale suscaneman X his marke & seale Samous X his mark & seale vide lxxx Reseaved of Thomas youngs of oyster Baye seaven Lambs for quitt rent, I saye Reseaved By me Jeames Larkan (James Larkin was a custom house officer in N e w York City, underGov.Dongan. Thisquitrentisforthesevenyearsfrom thedate ofthe Oysterbay Patent,given on p.307) (p.8) This Instrument of writing or deed of guift wittneseth unto All Christian people to whome Itt maye Co [me ] or Any wayes Consarne know yee that whareas wee under written Sus- caneman Allis Runasuk Samous & quarapin all three Indions, Signed sealed & delevered in ye presance of us Tho:Townsend Henry Townsend Jur Maye the 24th (16)84 286 Book B being Impowred by ye rest of ye Indions & Cheef propriators of ye Lands Called by ye English matenecok situate Liing & being within ye patent & township of oyster baye within queens County upon Longisland haveing reseaved many favors from Adam Wright of oyster baye by his Asistence & help by Interputing & settelling ye differance betwene us & ye rest of ye Indions About ye disposistion of matenecok Lands In Consideration whareof wehave&doebythesepresantsfrelymakeoverasA freeguiftt unto ye Abovesayd Adam wright one hundred Accors of wood Land upon matenecok to ye south End of musheda Cove branch soe Called Joyneing to ye Lands Layd out tto nathanell Colles on ye north & ye Edge of ye hills on ye south, ranging South from ye sayd nathanells Lands one hundred rod, being ye same breadth west End by ye Cart waye, from muschedacove to ye plaines as at ye East,& If Any part of these Lands given to ye sayd A d a m folles without ye pattent of oyster baye, & within hemsteed pattent wee doe hereby Iniage to make good & main- taine oure Abovesayd guiftt to him ye sayd Adam wright his hayres Executors Administs or Asignes T o have & to hold occopy posess & Inioye as his or there one proper right titell & Intrest for Ever from us oure hayres Executors Administs or Asignes, or A n y other person or persons Eyther English or Indions Laye- ing Claime to Any part or parsell thereof by pretence of wright by hayreship grant sale giftt or other wise be it of what nature whatsoever Iniageing oure selves hayres & sucksesors to uphold maintaine him ye sayd A d a m his hayres & sucksesors in there pesable Improvement & Inioyement of ye premises as fully & amply to all intents & purposes as might be writen or worded Acording to L a w , to ye Confirmation of this oure deed of giftt we have subscribed oure hands & sett to oure seales in oyster baye this 26th of march 1685 Signed sealed & delevered Suscaneman X his mark & seale O Samous X his mark & seale O quarapin X his mark & seale O In presance of us Tho:Townsend henry Townsend, Sr John underhill cccij (p.9)-This Instrumt of Writing Witnesseth unt all Christian p e o p l e t o w h o m it m a y c o m e o r a n y W a i s e c o n s a r n e K n o w y e t h a t whereas wee under written Suscaneman Allis Runasuk Samous and Quarapin All three Indeans being Impowred by ye rest of ye Indeans & chief propriators of ye Lands called by ye English Matenacock Scituate Lying & being wthin ye pattent of Oyster- bay within Queens County upon Long Island by vertue whereof & for the full sum of twelve pounds Silver money or in Goods equivelent to money to us pd before ye Signing & Sealing hereof Book B 287 Have Bargained Sold & by p'sent possession delivered unto Job Wright of Oysterbay a Sartaine tract of Land at ye Sedar S w o m p So called the first bounds whereof begineth at James Townsends Southeast bounder and fro thence South Eighty rod to Nathaniell Coles Northeast bounder ranging ye Same breadth by ye Lands of James Townsends on ye North & Nathaniells Coles on ye South westwardly to ye Cart W a y from Muschedacove to ye plaines being ye Same breadth at ye west end as at the east And in quantity Eighty Accors of Land more or Lesse for ye vallew of twelve pounds as Above Sd received,W e e doe hereby manifest & declare that wee have freely Sold & by p'sent possession De- livered unto the abovesd Job Wright his Heyres Executrs Ad- ministrats or Assignes To have & to hold occupy possesse and Injoythe Sd tracte of Land as Laid out by Nathaniell Coles & Thomas Townsend and bounded as above Sd forever from us our Heyres Executrs Administrat's or assignes or any other par- son or parsons from by or under us Laying Claime to any part or parcell thereof by p'tence of Heyreship, Grant Sale or other- wise be it of what nature whatsoever Iniaging our Selves Heyres & Sucksesors to uphold,maintaine & make good to him the Sd Job his Heyres or sucksesors in there peasable Improvement & Injoym1 of ye p'mises as fully & Amply to all intents & purposes as mought be written or worded according to L a w to ye Con- firmation of this our deed of Sale wee have Subscribed our hands & setto our Seales In Oysterbay the 26th of March 1685 Signed Sealed & dd. in ye p'sents of us Tho:Townsend John Underhill Quarapin his mark and X seale O his Suscaneman X mark & seale O his Samous X mark & seale O June ye 4th 1681 Then Laid out unto Job Wright a Sartain trackt of Wood Land upon ye North Side of ye run of water that runs acrose the new Cart path that Goeth to Lewsum be- ginning at a Red Oake tree ye Southeast Boundar on ye East Side of ye path ranging ffourty rod Westwardly upon a Straight Line to a Small Black Oake markt, from thence Northwardly one hundred & Eighty rods to a White Oake tree markt, from thence Eastwardly forty rod to a Chesnutt tree markt, from thence one hundred & Eighty rod to ye first Boundar contayning wthin ye abovesaid bounds ffourty five Accors of Land more or Less:And also tis further agreed that when ye Sd Job Wright Doth Improove ye abovesd Lands Laid out to him that he is to leave a good Highway upon ye west Side of his Lands,the Whole Length Laid out and So ordered by us Tho:Townsend cccij Nathaniell Coles 288 Book B (p.10) ThisInstrumtofWritingordeedofgiftWitnesseth to all w h o m e it m a y consarne that I T h o : T o w n s e n d of Oyster- bay Doe by these p'sents Freely give & make over as a free gift unto my eldest Brother Johns Soon Thomas Townsend ffour alotments of Land upon Unkaway Necke atthe South on ye East Side of the Neck and Joyning to his ffathers Land on ye north Side being in quantitie more or less as formerly Surveyed, wch Sd ffour Alotments I do and have freely given to ye Said Thomas Townsend his Heyres and sucksesors for ever from m y Heyres Executrs Administratrs or Assignes forever as Witnes my hand and Seale in Oyster bay this 30th Day of May 1685 Sealed& dd.in p'sence of us Richard harkott George Townsend entred June ye 4th 1685 Tho:Townsend ccic. This Instrument of Writing or Deed of Sale witnesseth unto all Christian people to whome it may come or any Wayes con- sarne know yee that Whereas wee underwritten Suscaneman Alis Runasuck Samous & Quarapin all three Indeans and Im- powred by ye rest of ye Indeans & priators of the Lands. called by ye English Matenacock Scituate Lying & being wthin ye patten of Oysterbay wthin Queens County upon Long Island by vertue Whereof and for ye value of Seventeen pounds cur- rant Marchants pay to us pd before ye Signing & Sealing hereof have bargained,Sold & by p'sent possession delivered unto Henry Townsend Ju :of Oysterbay a certaine tract of Land upon Mate- nacock ye first bounds whereof beginneth at two Chessnutt trees marked being ye Southeast Bounders of Muschedacove pur- chase or Lands confirmed by patten and from thence west by ye Bounds or Line of Muskedacove Lands to ye now Cart way in ye Cedar Swomp Hollow And from thence by ye Sd Cart path or highway to John Townsends Southwest Bounder at ye little plaines so called & from thence by the hollow reserved & laid out for a highway he isto range up by ye Sd hollow or highway Eastwardly right over agt.ye Sd John Townsends northwest Bounder and from thence northwards upon a Straight Line to ye ffirst Bounder or Northeast corner of Muskedacove as above mentioned Including wthin the Sd Bounds as Mentioned in quan- tityofAcresofWood LandbeitmoreorLessforyeSumeof Seventeen pounds in pay as above Sd received, wee doe hereby manifest & declare that wee have freely Sold & delivered ye Said tract of Land as as Bounded unto ye above Sd Henry Townsend Jur his Heires Executrs Administrat's or Assignes To have & to hold occupie possess & Injoy as his or there owne per right title & Intrest forever from us our Heires,Executrs Administra- trs or Assignes forever as ffirmly to all intents and constructions & purposes as might be written or worded according to L a w In- Book B 289 iaging our Selves Heyres & Sucksesors to uphold make Good and Maintaine him the Sd Henry his Heyres & Sucksesors in their peaseable I m @ vement & Injoyment of the p'mises as wit- nes our hands & Seales in Oysterbay this 26th of March in ye yeare 1685 Signed Sealed & dd. mark in ye p'sence of us Quarapin his X & Seale Tho:Townsend mark O John Dewsbury (p.11)— Gentlemen Suscaneman his X & Seale mark Samous his X and Seale O vide cc : To the Honed the Select men or Authoryty of ye plantation called Littleworth in Oyster- bay on Long Island these p'sent It hath pleaseth the most high to order by his vidence that w e e a r e p u t u p o n it t o t r o u b l e y o u w t h t h e s e e n s u i n g L i n e s : o u r Aged ffather Thomas Hopkins by name who hath been Some time Resident amongst you wee understand it hath pleased god to put a period to his Dayes and as wee are Informed Dyed intested (intestate),but as to ye value of what estate he there Left wee have no knowledge off: wee have fro Richard Curbie received a Letter & a Note of Some Pticular things Said to be the ticu- lars of an Inventory taken of What Estate our ffather left there behind him (as can at p'sent be found) but no price is there set to ye Pticulars by wch wee are at a Losse how to value them, neither cometh itunder ye Atestation of any public notery:also severall things wee know our ffather carried from hence wch are not mentioned in yt note of ticulars wch wee are apt to con- ceive our ffather disposed not off by putting them away. But in such cases where a man dyeth Intested (so farr as wee doe understand) the Law detirmines ye power of Administration to be in the ordinary and by law (proper) to be by ye Ordinarey comitted to ye next of ye blood but wee being at a Distance can- not so readylie attend ye businesse there:but as you who are ye Select men or ye outhority of ye place to whom Such matters doth belong are ye Ordinarey and Administration to to you be- longeth,wee therefore humbly crave yo' favour to take into yo' hands allthe estate as may any waies be found belonging to our afore Sd deceased ffather the wch is wthin yor Jurisdiction and ye Same to Administer upon and therewth To defray all ffunerall expences & pay all just debts due from our Sd Deceased ffather to any son: As also to make wt Inquirey may be after what debts are oweing to our Sd ffather;and if possible may be them to recover which when ye Sd ffunerall charges & ye Sd debts 290 Book B are discharged to keep the remainder of the Sd Estate Still in yor hands And then be pleased to tender us a returne of what estate is remaining after ffunerall expences & debts are discharged And Seeing So itisthat wee are remote,wee would pray you to Imploy & Impowr our Loving friends William Thornecraft & Ephaim Carpenter to Looke after matters for wee doe conclude them to be men knowing as to our Sd ffathers affaires. Gentle- men wee hope you will Excuse our Boldnesse and forme our request in doing of wch you Shall obliedge them who are Yo'to be Commanded in any office of Love Providence Novembr 17th 1684 The Letter fro Richard Curby wch gave us notice of our ffathers death wth ye note of Pticulars came to our hands ye 10th of this Instant William Hopkins Thomas Hopkins vide ciiij: Whereas there hath been a differance betweene John Wright & Gideon Wright both of Oysterbay on Long Island concerning a Meadow at or Lying by Chechaging Swomp Brooke & wee whose names are here under written John Underhill & John ffeake were Mutually chosen by ye Sd John Wright & Gideon Wright for ye ending and deciding ye Sd differance as by a writ- ing under both their hands doth more Largely appeare:now be itknown that wee ye Sd John Underhill & John ffeake doe order & detirmine that ye Bounds of ye Sd Meadow betweene ye Sd John and ye Sd Gideon begineth at a Small dog tree neere ye edge of ye Meadow by ye Runne and So upon a Strait Line East- ward to a Stake Stuck into ye ground by John Wright himself and this was done by ye Joynt consent of ye Sd John & ye Sd Gideon ye 29th day of May in ye yeare 1685 to wch wee Sub- scribe our hands The above written testimony was acknowledged before m e to be ye truth by ye two ties Subscribed May ye 30th 1685 Tho :Townsend (p.12)-In ye name of God I Gideon Wright being weake of bodybutofsound& fectmemorydoemake&ordainethismy last will & testamt in maner & forme following ffirst I bequeath my body to ye earth & my Soule to Into ye hands of god that gave it John Vnderhill John ffeeke vide cij Book B 291 Itt I give to m y eldest Sone peter Wright all m y right of that Homesteed belonging to m e wch was of late in ye possession of m y Mother Alice Crabbe lately deceased formerly belonging to m y ffather peter Wright IttIgiveallyerestofmy Landtobedividedamongmy other four Sons untill they are made equall to my Son peter & what remains over their being maid equall to m y son peter to be divided equally amongst m y ffive Sons & peter to have his Choise of ye Sd ffive divisions wch Land above mentioned I give to m y Sons & their Heirs forever A n d it is m y will that none of m y Sons Aleanate or dispose of any of m y Lands given to them from their Brethren and that their Brethren Shall have ye refusall and if theire Brethren can or will buy ye Land So disposed for Sale that then it Shall not be Sold off unto any other And itts my will that if any of my Sons die wthout Issue that then his or their part of Land Shall goe to be equally divided amongst ye Surviving Brethren Itt I give ye one halfe of m y moveables to m y three daughters and ye other halfe to my wife for her to Despose of as Shee thinks fitt onely I give to m y Sonne Peter m y Bald fface mare and he Shall give ye first Colt that Shee Brings to his Brother Gideon And I also give and I also give to my Sone peter one t w o y e a r e o l d H e i f f e r a n d all y e w o r k i n g G e a r b e l o n g i n g t o S h o e - making,&tomy SonsAnthony& GideonIgivetoeachofthem a Cow Calfe A n d it is m y will that m y wife shall have & possesse this place & H o m e -stead in wch I Live wth what out Lands She Shall Stand in need of during her Widdowhood also what meadow shee Shall Stand in need of shee shall have during her Widdowhood as aforeSd Itt it is m y will that if any one or more of m y daughters hap- pen to dy before they come to age that their part or ts Shall retorne to ye Surviving Sister or Sisters,to wch as a testimony that it is m y Last Will & testamt I Set m y hand and Seale this 14th Day of May 1685 Witt John Dewsbury Gedion Wright O Henry Townsend Ser: John Townsend Memorandum that Gideon Wright did appoynt as overseers to See his will form'd these ffoure ffollowing his Brother Job Wright his Brother in Law Edmond Wright his Brother Brother in L a w James Townsend and his Cosin John Townsend at ye Mill to see the ffaithfull formance of this his Last Will & Testa- ment In the p'sence of us John Dewsbury Henry Townsend Ser 292 Book B This Instrument of Writing witnesseth to all Christian people to whom it may come or any waise consarne Know ye yt wee underwritten Suscaneman & Werah Indians and chiefe owners & Pprietors of ye lands called Matenacock Scituate Lying & being wthin Oysterbay within Queens County upon Long Island for a valuable Sume to us pd before the Sealing hereof have granted, Bargained, Sould & by p'sent possession Delivred unto Josias Latting of Matenacock a sartaine tract or cell of Land upon matenacock at ye South end of his now home Lott Inhabited, Ranging South ye Same breadth of ye Sd Lott to ye now Cart way from Matenacock to Muskeedacove be it more or Less in quantity for a Valuable Sume to us pd as Abovesd wee doe here- by confirme the Said tract of Land as above Bounded & Speci- fied fro us our Heires Executors Administrat's or Assignes to th above Said Josias Latting his Heires Executrs Administrat's or Assignes for ever to have & to hold as his or there owne per right Title & Interest fro us or any from by or under us for ever as firmly as might be written according to L a w : T o ye confirma- tion whareof wee have Sett to our hands & Seales in Oysterbay this firs day of Jenewary 1684 Sealed & dd.in p'sence of us John Newman Tho:Townsend Suscaneman X his marke & seale O Werah X his marke & seale O vide ciij (p. 13)—This Instrumt of Writing witnesseth to all Christian p e o p l e t o w h o m it m a y c o m e o r a n y w a y e s c o n s a r n e k n o w y e t h a t I Josias Latten of Matenacock so called wthin the township of Oysterbay in Queens County upon Long Island for & in Consid- eration of a Sartaine tract of Wood Land uppon Matenecock abovesd wch I have Bought of John Pratt and in m y p'sent pos- session as by a Deed of Sale he had from ye Indians bareing Date ye ffureteenth Day of this Instant Decemb1 and to me Assigned his whole right therein the Date hereof as may appeare In Con- sideracon whareof I doe by these p'sents make over unto ye Sd John Pratt allm y whole right of Lands and Meadows upon Hogge Island lying wthin the township abovesd wch I have Stood pos- sessed of by any Deeds of sale before ye date hereof Gifts grants or other Assignements of what nature Soever making void to m y Selfe m y Heyres Executors Administratrs or Assignes any fur- ther pretences or Claime to any part or Pcel thereof forever though menshoned in Severall of m y Bills of Sales in wch I stand Consarned in other Lands but Doe hereby declare & acknowledge to have for ever excluded m y selfe Heyres & Sucksesors from any p'tences to any t.thereof as aboveSd for ever but doe h e r e b y c o n f i r m e m y w h o l e r i g h t title a n d I n t e r e s t i n t h e S d L a n d s & Meadows upon Hogge Island as above Sd unto the aboveSd Book B 293 John Pratt his Heyres Executrs Assignes : to have & to hold occupie possesse & enjoy ye Same as his or there one per right titell & Intrest from m e m y Heyres Sucksesors or Assignes or any other son or sons Layeing claim thereto by vertue of any p'tence whatsoever as firmly to all Intents construcktions & purposes as mought be worded and written according to L a w oblidging my Self Hayres & Sucksesors to maintaine him his Heyres and Sucksesors in there pesable enjoyment of every Pt. & sell thereof for ever as witnes m y hand & Seale in Oyster bay this 25th Day of December 1684 Memorand ye two Accors & one Rod exprest in Richard Har- cut[s] deed I exsept before ye Signeing hereof Signed Sealed & D d his in ye p❜sence of Josias X Latting O Tho : Townsend marke & Seale John Wicks ccxlix This Instrumt of Writing or Deed of Conveyance Witnesseth to all Christian people to whome it may come or any waies con- sarne know yee yt wee under written Suscaneman Alias Runa- suck and Werah both Indeans and Ppriators of the Lands called by the name of Matenacock Scituate and Lying wthin ye pattent and Township of Oysterbay being Informed & made Sensable yt John Pratt having many Children and being not of ability at p'sent to make paymt for a Settellmt of Lands as other men doe And wee having a Sartin parsell of land Lying & being upon Matenacock undesposed of being bounded on ye West by Colon" Lewis Morris Land on ye North by ye Land by us Sold to William Hudson & William ffrost and on the East by Josia[s] Lattings Lands & on ye South by ye Cart way from Matenecock to Muske- dacove & for a valuable consideracon of moneys in hand Receved before ye Signeing & Sealing hereof wee ye Sd Indean[s] above Sd have bargained Sould & by p'sant posesion Delevered unto the Sd John Pratt his Hayres Sucksesors or Assignes ye Sd tract of Land wthin ye bounds above menshoned To have & to hold occopy possesse & Injoy as his or there one P P right title & Interest ffrom us,or any from by or under us forever as ffirmly to all Intents & and construcktions or purposes as might be writ- ten or worded according to Law to wch wee obliege our Selves Heyres & Sucksesors to maintaine & make good accordingly as witnes our hands & Seales in oysterbay this ffiveteenth Day of December 1684 Signed Sealed & dd. in p'sence of us Tho: Townsend Nathaneell Coles marke Suscaneman X his & Seale O Werah X his & Seale marke 294 Book B B e it k n o w n t o all w h o m y e w t h i n w r i t t e n D e e d m a y a n y w a i e s consarne that I John Pratt therein menshoned have by these p'sents Assigned over unto Josias Latten his Heyres Execut's Sucksesors or Assignes All m y whole right title & claime to any t or parcell thereof from m e m y Heires Exekutors Sucksesors or Assignes for ever as firmly as ever it was mine by vertue thereof as witnes m y hand & Seale in Oysterbay this 26th of De- cember 1684 Signed Sealed & dd. John Pratt O in p'sence of Tho:Townsend John Wickes Item cxlvij (p.14)-Understanding that Thomas Hopkins lately deceased at his Soon in Laws Richard Kirbies wthout will & there being S u m easteate Left by him but after wt maner or in whose hands wee are not yet rightly Informed These are therefore in his Royall highness name to order & Athorize you William Thornycroft & Ephraim Carpenter to Examine after ye Sd easteat & to take a true Invantory of wt can be found and made appeare to belong to him And the Same Invantory delever into me Signed under yor hands that p'sant order may be taken accordingly to Secuar the Same from Imbesellment as ye Law dereckts for ye use of his Children whereof faile not as you will answare ye contrary Dated at oysterbay ye 6th of September 1684 me Tho:Townsend ffor M e Ephraim Carpender Living at Muskedacove on Long Island these Deliver Providence this 17th of Novembr 1684 Loving ffriends Ephraim Carpenter : William Thornycroft Gentlemen wee are bold to trouble you wth these few Lines hoping they may find you & yors in good health as wee & ours by gods vidence are at this p'sent: Loving ffriends it hath pleased god to take from us a Loving ffather wth w h o m you were both Intimate,our request is to ye authority of oysterbay to Im- power you to receive Such Debts as are Due to ye estate of our Deceased ffather And to pay such debts as Pbation can be made or Such as you know to be due of wch wee pray yo' Carre & Indeavours wch will obliege yo' ffriends to serve to our Abilitys William Hopkins Thomas Hopkins Whereas wee under written were Requested by William & Thomas Hopkins both of evidence within Road island Colony to take care of ye estate of there ffather Tho : Hopkins Late De- ceased wthin this Township untill Such time that ffurther care can be taken in order whereunto it being there request also that Book B 295 Ephraim Carpenter & William Thornycroft may have ye over- sight thereof: These are therefore to order & Impower ye Sd Ephraim & William to take all ye Sd estate yt can be found or ved of Tho : Hopkins late of this place deceased & ye Same Secuar untill further order for wch to them both shall be suffi- cient power Given under our hands in Oysterbay this 23d of ffebruary 1684/5 Robert Coles John Vnderhill John Townsend Ser Oysterbay on Long Island All persons are hereby Advertised that had any money or other pay due to them from Thomas Hopkins decesed Late of Muskee- dacove that they come before ye Comissioners of this Towne at ye Towne House at the at the next Court held for this Towne being the ffirst Wednesday in August next and there make their debts & demands Justly appeare they shall be Satisfied & paid by Ephraim Carpenter & William Thornycroft both of Muscee- dacove aforeSd as far as ye goods of ye Sd Thomas Hopkins will reach to pay And likewise all persons that are or were In- debted to ye Sd Thomas are hereby desired at ye time & place aforeSd before ye Sd Comission's to come and make up their accompts and pay to the Sd Ephraim & ye Sd William all such debts dues as shall be made appeare due to ye Sd Thomas in his life time Dated July ye 6th 1685 this was Set up in publique vew the space of one Month & two Dayes Published at ye request of Ephraim Carpenter John Newman Recordr (p.15)—Every mans Share or Division of Land Laid out on ye North Side of ye Great Meadow upon Hog Island ye 10th of October 1676 by Richard Harcott & Nathanell Coles Latemore Samson Josias Latting Samuell Weekes Samuell Andrews James Cock John Dickinson Josias Latting Matthias Harvie Nicholas Wright Henry Townsend Jno. Underhill 1 Thomas Townsend 12 2 Alice Crab 13 3 4 Anthony Wright Elizabeth Townsend 14 15 5 Jno.Townsend 16 6 ffrancis Weekes 7 Gideon Wright 8 Richard Harcott 9 Richard Crab X X 10 11 Matthias Harvie Nathaneell Coles these X wth a crosse are 3 shares in ye 296 Book B Littleneck ye North of the great Meadow these round O is 3 share upon ye little neck South of ye Great Mea- dow And wee under written being ordered by ye Ppriators of Hog Island to Lay out these Lotts as aboveSd did then order a High W a y of two Rod wide to begin at ye fformer Highway by us fformerly Laid out through all ye Alotmts begining at ye Landing place and so to runne on ye west Side of ye thre Square Lott to ye Spring And on ye East Side of ye three Square Lott ye Sd Highway to run on ye west end of ye East Lotts through ye Ísland in ye most Conveniente place for Carting to ye Beach Also wee did agree a High way of two rod wide on ye west & east end of all ye alotmen [ts] upon the Island next ye waters Side for every m a n concerned to Cart there Corne or other Consarnes to ye Conveniante place Richard Harcutt Nathaniel Coles This taken out of ye old Records in page ye 72 and Examined tobe Verbatim John Newman Record July 2d 1685 Wee the Pprietors of Hog Island having formerly chosen and appoynted Richard Harcott & Nathaneell Coles to Lay out all our alotments & divisions both of upland & meadow and how ye highwayes Shall be & remaine forever for ye conveniencie of the aforesd Pprietors so that all & every cell of upland & M e a d o w of the aforesd Pprietors m a y have a Sufficient high w a y to the same as by former Record may appeare Wee the major t of foresd prietors doe order & Impower Richard Harcott and Nathaneell Coles to marke out all those waies upon H o g Island wch they had formerly appoynted that all sons might know where they were and to remaine forever And in order thereunto we whose names are under written have done as ffolloweth begining at ye North end of ye Island from ye Beach straight to a well or spring neer John Pratts house wch Spring is to be in ye midle of ye high-way and thence to run on ye east Side of two great Rocks :and thence to goe on neer South to certaine trees marked by us on ye east Side of the foresd high-way : So runing from ye North Beach through ye Island to ye South end next the towne and the foresd way isto be two rod wide:And there are two high-wayes more wch come into this maine highway the one goes to ye west Side of a three Square Lott in the first division & so runs northerly to Josias Lattins Spring and to be two rod wide also:The other high-way Book B 297 goes from ye three Square Lott eastward by the ends of the Small Lotts called the Calves pasture this high-way takes in a Spring called Harvies Spring being of two rod wide also:there is also ordered by us that all round the foresd Island there be two rod wide of upland left for Ppetuall comons wth Severall other cells of comons very considerable Henry Townsend Sr Isaack Horner Caleb Wright John Pratt Simon Cooper John Townsend John Rogers John Underhill Nathan Burdsall Richard Harcott Nathaneell Coles Henry Townsend Jur Oysterbay ye 27th of 8ber 1665: These are for ye full Satisfaction of ye Inhabitants of Oyster- bay yt Cornelius Vanroven in ye behalfe of my selfe Govert Lockerman & Jacobes Barker have Resd full Satisfaction for Hog-Neck of ye Inhabitants of Oysterbay according to ye Bill of Sale:as witnes my hand ye Day & Date above written testes Tho : Hall Johannes van Bough (p.16)-Oysterbay Aprill 12th 1684 C V Ruÿven Item xvi: Then agreed by the owners & Pprietors of Hogg Island that ffor som yeares ensuing from ye Date hereof that ye ffence a Crosse the Island by Tho : Townsends land shall be sufficiently repayred and ye Southward Pt or old ffields Shall be for a Sheep pasture and no other creatures to be turned thereon upon ye for- fieture of such creatures so turned there to be forfiet to ye shep- herd and the north t of ye Sd Island wthout ye fence to be for planting or sowing as ye owners or priators thereof shall see cause: But if ye Major Pt of the Pprietors the next ensuing yeare or hereafter shall see cause to make a pasture of the whole Island it is Agreed & shall be at their Liberty witness our hands Henry Townsend Ser one Tho :Townsend one Share Share Matthias Harvie Nathaneell Jno : Underhill one Share & halfe Jno:Wright one Share Josias Latten one Share & halfe ffrancis Weekes one Coles & Robt.Coles three Shares Richard Harcott one Share & halfe Jno: Townsend Jur: one halfe Share 298 Book B Jno : Townsend for his mother one Share Henry Townsend Ju':halfe a Share Alice Crabb one Share Nathan Burdsall one This order taken out of ye old Records in page 190 (p.17)-Oysterbay ye Second Day of NovembTM1671 This Instrumt of Writing doth declare to all sons to w h o m itt m a y a n y w a i e s c o s a r n e t h a t I T h o m a s T o w n s e n d o f O y s t e r b a y on wthin the North Riding of N e w York Shire have covenated Bargined & Sould unto Joseph Ludlam of the same place abovesd a certaine pese of M e d o w at ye South Lying upon the Little Neck Joyning on ye east Side of Unkaway Neck it Lyeth in number 15, I say I have Sold the aforesd peece of Meadow unto the aforesd Joseph Ludlam his Ayres Sucksesors or Assignes to have&toholdasthereown pertitell&Interestfrommemy Ayres Sucksesors Administrats and Assignes as witnes m y hand & Seale day & date above written and in ye 23th yeare of ye Raigne of Charles the Second King of Ingland Schotland ffranse &Ireland&c SinedSeled&deleveredinp'sanseofus: GeorgeCobden ThomasTownsend O Robert Coles Be itknown unto all men by these p'sents that I Joseph Lud- lam of Oysterbay mentioned in this Inclosed Bill of Sale upon good Consideration moving m e to Assigne all m y right title In- terest unto ye M e a d o w mentioned in this aforesd deed of Sail Lying & being upon ye Litle Neck Joyning on ye East Side of Unkaway Neck I ye abovesd Joseph Ludlam doe sell from me m y Heires Exect's administrat's or Assignes forever unto Thomas Willets Hope Willits and Richard Willits unto them their Heires Execut's administrat's or Assignes ffor ever to keep possesse & Injoy for there P P rights forever having received full Satisfac- tion as witness my hand & Seale in Oysterbay this Eleaventh day of July 1685 : having received full witnessed by us JosephLudlam O Isaac Horner Nathaneell Coles (Again recorded at bottom of same page) Oysterbay this 15th Day of Maye 1680 This Instrumt of writting witnesseth to all Christian people to whom it may come or any wayes consarne know yee that I Nichola[s] Wright of Oysterbay wthin the North Riding of Yorkshare upon Long Island upon good Considerations moveing me hereunto have by these p'sants Bargind Sold & delivered a Sartin share of Meadow upon ye South Side of this Island upon the Neck comonly called Lattens Neck it being by division in number the seventeenth Share I say I have absolutely sould & delevered the abovesd share from m e m y Haires Exsecutors ad- Book B 299 ministratrs or Asignes forever unto Joseph Ludlam of the aforesd towne & riding to him the sd Joseph his Heyres Executors admin- istrats or Asings for ever to occopie posses & Injoy free from any further Lett hindrance or Molestation from me or any for by or under m e forever having in hand received full Satisfaction forthe same before the sineing & sealing hereof as witness my hand& sealeinOysterbayday& dateabovewrittenAnd inthe 32thyeare of ye Reigne of Charles ye Second king of Great Brit- tinffranc& Ireland&c Signed Sealed & dd. inp'sancof Thomas Townsend NicholasWright O B e it k n o w n u n t o all m e n b y t h e s e p ' s e n t s t h a t I J o s e p h L u d - lem of Oysterbay Inserted in this Inclosed Bill of Sail upon Good Consideracion moving me to Assigne allmy right title In- trestunto ye Meadow mentioned in this aforesd Inclosed Bill of SailLying & being upon the Neck comonly called Lattens Neck I the a b o v e s d J o s e p h L u d l a m d o e sell f r o m m e m y H e y r e s E x - ecut'sadministratrsorassignesforeversellmakeover& confirme unto Thomas Willits Hope Willits Richard Willits unto them their Heyres Execut's administratrs or Assignes fforever to keep possess & Injoy for their per Rights forever having received ffullSatisfactionaswitnessmyhand& SealethisEleaventhday ofJuly in ye yeare 1685 : Isaac Horner JosephLudlam O Nathaneell Coles CCXX (p.18)—To all Christian people to whome this p'sent writing shall c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e a p p t a i n e B e it k n o w n t h a t I S a m u e l l Andrews of Oysterbay on Long Island in the Colony of New Yorke Y e o m a n for & in ye Consideration of the S u m e of Nineteen Pounds & ffive Shillings in hand paid for & in full Satisfaction before the Sealing & delivery hereof and for other good causes & considerations me ye Sd Samuell especially moving: Have, Given,Granted Bargained,made over,alienated Solde & con- firmed and by these p'sents I ye Sd Samuell doe Give, Grant BargainMake over,Alienate,Sell,and confirme from me my Heires Execut's administrat's or Assignes unto Samuell Ketcham of Huntington on Long Island in ye Colony aforesd yeoman his Heyres Executors administrat's or Assignes one cell of Mea- dow Lying & being on the South Side of this Island wthin ye Bounds of the Town of Oysterbay aforesd upon a Neck called & known by the name of Unkaway Neck and on the east Side of the Sd Neck next the Creek,and Bounded on the North wth a highway Runing from ye Creek cross ye Meadow to ye Upland, onyewestwiththe Upland,on ye South wth a Small Creek run- ing from a white Oake tree (marked ) into ye maine Creek, and 300 Book B ontheeastwththeMaineCreek;Andoneother cellofMeadow Lying on ye Same Neck & Creek wth ye other Lying on the North of the fore mentioned Highway,having for its Bounders on ye South a Small cell of Meadow Lying betwixt it and the Sd Highway begining at a white Oake Tree Marked wth the number 18 Runing right cross ye Meadow to ye maine Creek;on ye east wth ye Maine Creek & on ye west wth the Upland And on ye Northupwardallofye Sd Meadow thateitherdothnow,orthat formerly ever did belong unto me ye Sd Samuell Andrews to- gether wth a Small Lott of Upland Lying upon ye aforesd Neck neere the before recited Highway being of division & number either4or5withallPfits& Comoditiestheretobelonging:To have & to hold unto him the Sd Samuell Ketcham his Heyres Executrs Administratrs or Assignes all & Singular ye p'mises ffrom ye day of the date hereof forever,And ye Sd Samuell An- drews hath put ye Sd Samuell Ketcham into a Lawfull & peace- able possession of ye Sd Meadows and Lands by ye delivery of t h e s e p ' s e n t s : A n d t h a t it S h a l l a n d m a y b e L a w f u l l f o r h i m t h e Sd Samuell Ketcham to have hold occupy possess & Injoy all & Singularthep'misesandeveryPt& cellwthouttheLawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him the Sd Samuell Andrews his Heires or Assignes or any other son or persons Lawfully claiming for by or under him or any of them by meanes of any former gift, grant, Bargaine or Sale whatsoever In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seale the twenty third day of July in the first yeare of the Raigne of our Sovraigne Lord James ye Second of Great Britton ffrance & Ireland King defend &cAndintheyeareofourLord1685 Signed Sealed & dd.in' p'sence of us John Newman John Corey ffebruary the Second 1679 Samuell Andrews O Mary Andrews Know allmen by these p'sents yt I Thomas Young of Oyster- bay m y Heires, Executrs, Administrat's & Assignes have Sold unto my_ffatherin Law Richard Harcott of ye Said Town his Heires,Executrs,Administratrs & Assignes all yt my right,title & InterestofLandonUnquaNeckJoyningtotheSouthMeadow belonging to Oysterbay for ye Consideration of the rate Levies thereon ; I say I have Sould unto ye Said Richard Harcott & his Heires as abovesd the before mencioned right of Lands To have & to hold as there owne P right & Interest forever;as witnes m y hand & Seale the Day & yeare above written Testes John Newman The X marke of Susanna Furman Thomas Youngs O ccccxi : Book B 301 (p.19) This Instrumt of Writing Witnesseth to all Christian p e o p l e t o w h o m it m a y c o m e o r a n y w a i e s c o n c e r n e k n o w y e e t h a t I under written Suscaneman Alis Runasuk an Indian & Chief Pprietor of all ye lands unsould upon Matenacock Scituate Lying & being wthin the pattent and Township of Oysterbay in Queens County upon Long Island as hath been acknowledged under Sev- erall Sachams hands & Seales as may appeare By vertue whareof and for the full and Just Sume of Twenty pounds Silver money or Goods and other pay Equivylent to money prize to be paid to me or to my order as by Bill may appeare.I have Bargained Sould and by p'sant posestion delivered unto Caleb Wright,John Wright and Edmond Wright all three of Oysterbay and wthin the Same County A Sartaine tract of wood land upon Matene- cock neer Southeast from ye Little plaines so called and neere adjoyning to ye Land of George Townsend begining at the new Cart path from Muschedacove to Lusum and from thence to Range Northward by ye Spring neere the reare of the Sd Georges Land one hundred and Sixty Rodd having the Same breadth Eastwardly to ye Hollow or highway that now is up ye Bever S w o m p hollow So called from Matenacock to ye ffarmes wchtractofLandbeitinquantitymoreorLessisbyme ordered to be bounded out by Nathaneell Coles and Thomas Townsend reserving ye priviledge of the most conveniant place or Hollow for a highway out of the maine Hollow for ye rest of ye Inhab- itants use to there Lands or otherwise,But the Sd tract of Land as above Specified and to be Bounded I doe hereby one and ac- knowledge to have Sould & by p'sant posestion delevered unto ye three abovesd Caleb Wright John Wright & Edmond Wright there Hayres Execut's administrat's and Assignes for ever To have & to hold occopy possess & Injoy as there owne per Rights title & Interest wthout further Lett hindrance or Molestation from m e m y Heyres Execut's administrats or Assignes or any other son or sons either Christians or Indeans Laying claime thereunto by any p'tence of Right to any t or parcell thereof by Hayreship grant purchase or otherwise for ever Iniageing my Selfe Hayres and Sucksesors to uphold make good & Main- tainethe Sd Caleb:John & Edmond there Heyres & Sucksesors in there peasable Improvement & Injoyment of ye p'mises as abovesd as Witnes m y hand & seale in Oysterbay this 25th of December 1684/5 Signed Sealed & dd. in p'sance of us Tho:Townsend Henry Townsend Juneor JobWright: NathaneellColes Alis Suscaneman X Runasuk O hismark& Seale Werah X his marke & Seale O This Writing testifieth yt an agreement made between Jacob Brookinge & John Wright both of Oysterbay on Long Island as 302 Book B followeth that Jacob Brookinge acknowledgeth to have borrowed of John Wright Tenn pounds of Boston Silver money as it goeth in this Colony and in Consideration of ye Same I Jacob Brook- inge doe bind over & deliver up into ye hands of John Wright allmy Land Meadow & house wth ffencing at Little worth neer Muskatecove as by pattent & devision doth appeare free from debts or Ingagements that shall come by me I say I the Said Jacob Brookinge doe bind over the afore Said Land to John Wright for the use of his money untill the principle is is paid upon these conditions as followeth That if I Jacob Brookinge or any Kinsman of mine shall come & pay ye money before men- tioned in Boston Silver to John Wright or his order in ye Same Specie at any time wthin the Space of ffive yeares after ye date hereof then I John Wright doe bind my Selfe by these Lines (the Sd Jacob Brookinge or his kinsman giving m e twelve months notice) to delver up to Jacob Brooking or his kinsman all ye aforesd Lands wch I now take into possession as free from any debts or Ingagements as it was delivered to me ye Sd John Wright, But if I Jacob Brookins or m y Kinsman doe n [ot] come wthin the space of ffive yeares as aforesd then the Sd Land to be John Wrights & his Heyres for ever In witnes hereof we the Said parties before mentioned have hereunto Sett our hands the Eighteenth day of December in the yeare of our Lord 1680 Signed Sealed & dd . Jacob Brookins O in the p'sence of us John Wright Matthias Harvye Robert Coles This Writing testifieth that I Nathaneell Coles doe promise & Ingage to defend John Wright from all deapts that may hapen upon the Land that Jacob Brookens has mead over to John Wright at Littleworth from ye furst Settelment in yeare 1677 to ye date hereof as witness m y hand in Oysterbay ye 13th of December : 1680 Nathaneell Coles Matthias Harvye Robert Coles John Wrights Earmarke is a halpeny on ye under Side of ye right Eare & a halpeny on ye under Side of ye left Eare wth a cropp on ye left Eare this is his known marke ever Since hee has kept Creatures cccviij (p.20)-This Instrument of Writing may testifie to all people t h a t it d o t h o r e v e r m a y c o n c e r n e k n o w y e e t h a t I A d a m W r i g h t of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long-Island in ye Colony of N e w Yorke for & in consideration of ye S u m of ffivety Shil- lings to m e in hand paid by Henry Townsend Jun' of ye T o w n & Collony aforesaid have Sold Granted released & confirmed and Book B 303 bythesep❜sents doth Sell,Grant Release & confirm unto Henry Townsend aforesd his Heyres Exectors administratrs & assignes foreverone Small Share of Medowing lying in the Bever Swamp Medowing contayning halfe an Acre more or less Joyning upon a Share of Meadow of Thomas Townsend on ye one Side and on ye other Side Bounded by Nathan Burchams or his Sonns I doe by these p'sents Deliver into ye actuall possession of ye Sd Henry Townsend ye Sd Share of Meadowing To have & to hold totheonely peruse&behoofeofhimyeSdHenryTownsend his Heires & Assings forever, and he ye Sd A d a m Wright his Heyres,Executrs Administrat's doth Covenant Grant & agree to & wth ye Sd Henry Townsend his Heyres & Assings by these p'sents that he nor they shall not Interupt, Molest or Disturb ye said Henry Townsend his Heyres or Assignes in the peaceable & quiet possesion of the above mentioned p'mises but shall to the uttermost of their power & knowledge tect the said Henry Townsend in ye quyet possesion of ye Same to wch I have Set myhand& SealethisnineteenthdayofAugustAnnoDom 1685 Sealed& dd. Adam Wright O inyep'senceofus Mary Wright O Job Wright Samuell Dickinson ccciij Know all men by these p'sents that I Samuell Andrews of Oysterbay in ye Quenes County in ye Jurisdiction of N e w Yorke planter have made & deputed & in m y Stead & place by these p'senceput & constuted my well beloved Wife Mary Andrews to act in m y place & be m y true & Lawful Atturney Irevocable forme & in m y name & to m y use as alsoe (blank space) give re- ceapts to make an end of any defferances of any conserne either upon the account of Lands or otherwaies aquittances or any other dischargesofyeSametodoeasImy SelfemightdoeifIwere there sonally p'sent holding firm & Stable all & wtsoever m y Sd Atturney Shall doe or cause to be done in or about Such the abovesd consernes herein mentioned or any other by vertue of these p'sence In witnes whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seale the first day of June in ye yeare one thousand Six hun- dred Eigty five Sealed& dd. inyep'senceofus Henry Townsend Junier Isaac Horner SamuellAndrews O (See Appendix for explanation) know all men by these p'sents I Joseph Ludlam of Oysterbay Cooper upon good considerations moveing m e thereunto doe As- signe over unto Isaac Horner of the Same place all my whole righttitle& InterestuntotheLand& Swamp mentionedinthis BillofSalewhichisInclosedwthallmy righttothistothisdeed 304 Book B & what itmakes mention Ithe abovesd Joseph Ludlam doe assigne over from m e m y Heires Execut's Administrat's or Assignes unto the abovesd Isaac Horner to him his Heires Execut's administrat or Assignes forever peacably to possess & Injoy having received full Satisffaction as witnes m y hand & Seale in Oysterbay this twenty fourth of ye 6th month called August in ye yeare 1685 Inp'senceofus JosephLudlam O Henry Townsend Ser Robert Townsend (p.21)-This Instrumt of Writing or Deed of Conveyance wit- nesseth unto all Christian people to whom it may come or any waies concerne K n o w yee that I under written Suscaneman Allis Runasuk an Indean & Chief Pprietor & owner of all ye Lands comonly called & known by ye name of Matenacok Scituate Lying & being wthin ye pattent & Township of Oysterbay wthin Queens County upon Long Island in N e w England for ye value of twelve pounds Silvar money to me in hand pd me before ye Signeing & Sealing hereof I doe hereby owne & Acknowledg to have bar- gained Sold & by p'sent possession delevered unto Joseph Dick- inson Sixty Acres of W o o d Land upon Matenacock Lying & being Bounded as followeth,the first bounds whareof begineth at a White oake tree by ye now fut path from Oysterbay to Isaac Doutys plantation called Littleworth on ye west of Sd path & Joyning being bounder to ye highway as Laid out to Littleworth between John Williams Land and ye Sd Joseph Dickinsons Land & from ye Sd white oake he is to Range or run upon a South Line as already bounded Eighty rod to to a small Chesnut by m e marked and from thence a Cross ye S w o m p west one hundred & twenty Rod & from thence Eighty rod north to ye Sd highway & from thence by ye Sd highway one hundred & twenty rod to ye first bound Including wthin ye Sd bounds Sixty Acres of Wood Land according to ye Survey of Thomas Townsends & N a t h a n e e l l C o l e s b y m e o r d e r e d & a p p o y n t e d t o L a y o u t all m y Lands accordingly being alowed eighteen foot to ye rod & be it in quantity more or Less according to their Survey wth equall privileges in all ye rest of m y undivided Lands aft every alotm is Laid out as already granted to ye Inhabitants of Oysterbay I doe hereby own & acknowledge to have Sould ye Sd tract of Wood-Land as abovesd bounded,wth allye priveledges as Spece- fied thereuto belonging unto ye abovesd Joseph Dickinson of Oysterbay wthin Queens County to him his Heires Execut's Administrat's or Assignes to have & to hold occupie possess & enjoy as his or their owne P P right title & Interest forever from me or any from by or under me or any other either Christian or Indean Laying claime thereunto by p'tence of right by Birth grant Gift Salle or otherwise be it of what nature whatsoever I obliege m y Selfe Heires & Successors to maintaine & defend ye Book B 305 S d Joseph Dickinson his Heires & Suckseasors in there peaceable Injoym of ye p'mises forever as firmly to all intents & purposes as might be written or worded according to L a w to ye #formance & confirmation of this m y deed of Sale I have Set to m y hand & Seale in Oysterbay January ye 12th 1684 Signed Sealed & dd. in p'sence of us Henry Townsend Ser George Townsend Henery Spencer Adam Wright Suscaneman X allis Runasuck O his mark & Seale Quarapin X his mark & Seale O Samous X his marke & Seale O Memorandum January ye 12th 1684 I under Written Suscaneman Allis Runasuk doe hereby own & acknowledge that I have received twenty five Shillings Silvar money of Joseph Dickinson for wch he is to have all that Land at ye west end of his last purchase he made of me at ye Sedar Swamp home to ye Cart way from Muschedacove to ye plaines be it in quantity more or less taking ye Same breadth as his deede exseth home to ye Sd Highway wch Land isto him his Heires or Assignes for ever from m e m y Heires or Assignes according to ye tenure of ye wthin writen Deed forever as Witnes m y hand testes Tho : Townsend his John (R ) Rogers Suscaneman Allis X Runasuk his marke marke vide xxx (p. 22)- T o ye Authority of ye County of Oysterbay on Long Island these p❜sent Leave this with Ephraim Carpenter or Wil- liam Thornycroft of Muskeeto Cove to be conveyed as above directed T o ye Honrd the Gentlemen bearing authority in ye County of Oysterbay on Long Island, Gentlemen Whereas itpleased god by death to remove m y aged ffather who was sometime resident amongst you And as to what Small estate he left behind him you were pleased to take care for ye ordering & Securing ye Same I a m obliged to you for yo care & diligence; heartyly returning you many thankes, and whereas you are pleased further to Informe that I Should yet declare how my mind is,as to the disposition of ye Sd estate; I William Hopkins of Providence in ye Collony of Rhode Island & Providence Plantations in New England Son of Thomas Hop- kins Sr formerly of ye Sd Providence but some time Since de- ceased within ye County of Oysterbay on Long Island;doe with the consent of m y Young Brother Thomas Hopkins determine & dispose the estate Mooveable which on Long Island belongeth to our deceased ffather Thomas Hopkins as followeth That after all 306 Book B charges are defrayed ; W h a t estate is remaining T e n Shillings thereof Shall be unto our Sister Elizabeth Curbie,and to each of our Sister Elizabeth Curbie her children are by her husband Richard Curbie already borne ffive Shillings and all ye rest of ye estate which is not before disposed to be unto ye two Children of our Sd Sister Elizabeth which she had before she married Richard Curbie equally to be divided between them ; and I doe desire & appoint m y Loving friends Ephraim Carpenter & William Thorny- croft of Muskeeto Cove & Richard Curbie of Littleworth to be overseers to Look after ye Sd estate for ye benefit of ye Sd two Children and the power to lye & be for ye ordering ye Sd estate for ye Sd Childrens benefitt in any two of ye Sd overseers agree- ing.In witnes whereof I doe hereunto Set m y hand & Seale Oc- tober ye twenty & ninth in ye yeare one thousand Six hundred eighty & five Signed & sealed in the p'sence of us Benjamin Smith Joseph Williams William Hopkins O This above written Instrum' was by Captain William Hopkins acknowledged to be his act & deed the day & yeare above written before m e Eastland : John : Joseph Jenkes M u : ru : Be it known by these p'sents yt I Henry Townsend Sen' of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of NewYorkedobythesep'sentsffreelyGiveAssign& Makeover a certain piece of Land unto John Eastland ye Son of Joseph Eastland Deceased he being an Orphan and now Servant to my Son Henry Townsend Ju'which piece of Land afore mentioned Lyeth on ye Mill river Neck in Oysterbay aforesd and was for- merly purchased by the Sd Henry Townsend Sen' of m y Son John Townsend as by his Deed under his hand and seal bearing Date ye 25th Day of July 1687 doth plainly appear and Recorded inOysterbayinyeBookB:inpageye96& 97:ItbeingPt ofye Right of Comonage belonging to ye House and Lott wch John Townsend before named bought of James Blevin whose Deed Stands Recorded in ye forenamed Book in page ye 109 : To- gether wth all my Right,Title and Interest,Claim or Demand wtSoever wch I ye Sd Henry Townsend Sen'now have or any or eitherofmy Heirs,Execut'sadministratsorassignesmayhere- after have of and in ye foremencon'd piece of Land wch Con- taineth in Quantity Thirteen Acres as Laid out to ye Sd James Blevin;To Have & to hold ye Sd piece of Land to him ye Sd John Eastland his Heires & Assigns to his & their only use & behoofe forever,And Iye Sd Henry Townsend Sen'do further Book B 307 C o v e n a n t t h a t it S h a l l & m a y b e L a w f u l f o r h i m y e S d E a s t L a n d his Heires or Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,occupy, possess & Injoy ye Said piece of Land forever wthout ye Lawful Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Henry his Heires Ex- ecutors or Assignes or A n y other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by [or] und' him or any or either of them Not- withstandingany form'Gift,Grant,Bargain or Sale wt Soever; Witnes my hand & Sealthe First day of Novemb'one thousand Six hundred eighty eight 1688 : Signed Sealed & dd. in p'sence of John Newman William Willis Henry Townsend Sen O (p.23)-EDMUND ANDROS ESQ .Seigneur of Sausmarez Lieut & Governour generall under his Royal Highness J A M E S DukeofYorke& Albany&cofallhisTeritorysinAMERICA To all to whome these p'sents Shall come Sendeth Greeting W H E R E A S there is a certaine Towne in ye North Riding of Yorkshire upon Long Island commonly called & known by ye name of Oysterbay Scituate Lying & being on ye North Side of ye Said Island towards ye Sound having a certaine Tract of Land thereunto belonging;The East bounds whereof begin atthe head of ye C O L D S P R I N G and so to range upon a Southward Line from ye S O U N D or N O R T H S E A to ye S O U T H S E A Cross ye Island to ye South East bounds of their South Meadows at a certaine River called by ye Indyans W A R R A S K E T U C K ; thence running along ye Sea Coast west'ly & another cer- taine River called ARRASQUAUNG then Northerly to the Eastermost Extent of ye Great Plaines where ye Lyne Divides Hempstead and Robert Williams bounds ;from thence Stretching westerly along ye Midle of ye Said Plaines till it beares South from the Said Robert Williams markt tree at ye point of Trees called CANTIAGGE thence on a North Line to ye Said Markt Tree ; and then in a North-west Line Somewhat Westerly to ye head of Hempstead Harbour on ye East Side to to ye Sound ;And from thence Easterly along ye Sound to ye aforemenconed North & South Line wch runs Cross ye Island by ye COLD SPRING aforesaid Bounded on ye North by ye Sound on ye East by Hunt- ington Limitts on ye South part by ye Sea & part by Hempstead Limmits,and on ye West by ye Bounds of Hempstead aforesd IncludingallyeNecksofLands& Islandswthinyeaforedescribed Bounds & Limitts K N O W YEE that by vertue of his Maties Letters pattents and ye Comission & Authorytie unto m e Given byhisRoyal Highness;IhaveRatefiedConfirmed& Granted; And by these presents do hereby ratefie confirme & grant unto Henry Townsend Sen Nicholas Wright Thomas Townsend Gid- eon Wright Richard Harcker Joseph Carpenter and Josias Lating 308 Book B as patentees for and on ye behalf of themselves and their Asso- ciates ye ffreeholders & Inhabitants of ye Said Towne their H e i r e s S u c c e s s o r s a n d A s s i g n e s ; all y e a f o r e m e n c o n e d T r a c t o f Land wthin ye Said Bounds wth ye Ilands & Necks of Land as a f o r e s a i d ; T o g e t h e r w t h all y e W o o d -l a n d ; P l a i n e s , M e a d o w s , Pastures, Quarries, Marshes, Waters Lakes, Rivers, Fishing, Hawking,Hunting & ffowling;And all other profits Comoditys Emoluments & Hereditaments to ye Said Towne Tract of Land & premises wthin ye Limitts & bounds afore menconed described ;be- longingorinanyWiseAppertainingTO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and Singular ye Said Lands Hereditamts & premises wth their and every of their Appertenances & every part & parcell thereof to ye Said patentees and their Associates their Heyres Successors & Assignes to ye proper use & behoofe of them ye Said patentees & theirAssociates their Heires Successors and Assignes forever; The tenure of ye Said Land and premises to be according to ye Custom of ye Mannour of East Greenwich in ye County of Kent in England in free & comon Soceage & by Fealty only provided alwaies notwithstanding that ye extent of ye Bounds here recited doe no way prejudice or infringe ye particular propriety of any person or persons who have right by pattent or other Lawfull claime to any part or parcell of Land or Tenements within [the] Limitts aforesaid ; onely that all ye Lands and plantacons wthin ye Said Limits & bounds shall have relation to ye T o w n in Gen- erallforyeWellGovernmentthereof;And ifitShallSohappen that any part or parcell of ye Said Lands wthin ye Bounds & Limmits afore described be not already purchased of ye Indyans itmay be purchased (as occasion) according to Law ;Í doe here- by Likewise confirme and Grant unto ye Said patentees- xxiiij- (p.24)- A n d their Associates their Heires Successors and As- signes all ye priviledges & imunities belonging to a Township wthin this Governmt and that ye place of their present habitation andaboadeShallcontinue& retaineyename ofOYSTERBAY by wch name & Stile it Shall be distinguisht & known in all Bar- gaines & Sales,deeds Records & Writings;They making im- provement thereon according to L a w ; and Yielding & paying therefore yearly & every year unto his Royall Highness use as a QUITT RENT one Good fattLamb on ye 25thDay of March unto Such Officer or Officers as Shall be empowered to receive ye Same;GIVEN undermyhandandSealedwththeSealeofye province in New Yorke this 29th Day of September in ye 29th yeare of his maties Reigne Annoq Domini :1677: Examined by me E Andross Matthias Nicolls Secr This is a true Record of the originall Patent of Oysterbay written and Examin'd by me John Newman Record Book B N e w Y o r k e N o v e m b 1 y e ffirst 1 6 8 4 : 309 Memorandum that is (it) is agreed & Consented unto by us whose names are underwritten deputed from ye T o w n of Oyster- bay to adjust and ascertaine ye Bounds & Limitts between ye Towns of Oysterbay & Hempsteed before ye Governour & Coun- cil at Fort James in N e w Yorke that ye Bounds & Limitts be- tweene Oysterbay & Hempsteed begin at Barre Beach according toanAgreementmadeye25dayofOctober :1677:witnessour hands Signed in ye p'sence of John Spragge G e o : ffavewell Tho:Townsend Nathaniell Coles John Wickes Isaac Horner This is an Indorsmt written on ye Back Side of the before written patent (p.25)-EDMUND ANDROS ESQ SeigneiurofSauamarez& Lieutenant and Governour Genrall under his Royal Highnes J A M E S duke of Yorke & Albany &c of all his Territories in America WHEREAS there is a certaine Tract of Land at Muskitoeecove in the North Riding of York Shire upon Long Island wch by my order hath been Laid out for Joseph Car- penter Nathaneell Coales Daniell Coales Robert Coales & Nicholas Simpkins ye Said Land Lying by ye Side of Hemp- steed Harbour beginning at a Certaine Markt Tree formerly marked for Coll Lewis Morris Rangig thence due East by ye Land of ye Said Coll Morris Eighty Chaines Ranging ye Same Course from Coll Morrices Easterne bounds to cer- taine Markt Trees upon ye Common fforty Chaines; Thence South one Hundred Sixty & four Chaines to certaine Markt Trees Thence Ninety Chaines due West to ye Reare of ye LottsofRichardKirbie;JacobBrookenGeorgeDouning& Rob- ert Godfry;Thence due North by ye Said Lotts Sixty Chaines; and thence due West to ye water Side Ranging by the Water Side to ye Runne of Coll Lewis Morris and thence Nearest South to ye first markt Tree, Including in ye Same the Swampe and Mill Rune to ye Said Patentees Contayning in all one Thousand & Seven hundred Acres as by ye Returne under ye hand of ye Surveyorsdoth& mayeappeare;KNOW YEE thatbyvertueof his maties Letters pattents & ye Commission & Authority unto m e Given by his Royall Highnesse I have Given & Granted and by these p❜sents doe hereby Give & Grant unto ye Said Joseph Carpenter Nathaneell Coales,Daniell Coles,Robert Coales & Nich- olas Simkins their Heires and Assignes the afore recited Tract of Land Swamp Mill Rune and premises wth their and every of theiroftheirAppurtenances TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Said Tract of Land, Swamp ; Mill Rune and premises unto ye 310 Book B Said Joseph Carpenter Nathaneell Coles Daniel Coales Robert Coales & Nicholas Simkins their Heyres & Assignes unto ye proper use & behoofe of them ye Said Joseph Carpenter Nath- aneell Coales Daniell Coales Robert Coles & Nicholas Simkins their Heyres & Assignes for ever they making improvement there- on according to Law,And Yielding & paying therefore Yearly and every Yeare unto his Royall Highness use as a Quitrent one Bushel of good Winter Wheat unto Such officer or officers as Shall be empowered to receive the Same G I V E N under m y hand & SealedwiththeSealeofyeprovinceinNew Yorkthis29thday of September in the 29th yeare of his Maties Reigne Annoq Domini:1677: E ANDROSS Examined by me Matthias Nicolls Secr This is a true Record of ye originall Patent of Muskitoe Cove written & Examined by me New Yorke John Newman Record' foryeTown ofOysterbay Recdye18thMay:1686:ofMr NathanellColesyeSumeof Twenty Eight Shillings in Liew of Seven Bushells of winter Wheat on accott.quitt rent of ye pattent for Muskeeto Cove I Say Reed for his Majties use 011 :08s Lucas Santen Recev A true Record of ye above written reciept Compared wth ye original By John Newman Record (Date correct. See p.285 for Oysterbay quit rent) (p.26blank;p.27and28missing;p.29)—To allChristianPeo- pletowhome thispre[sent]writingshallCome orInanywiseAp- pertaine Be [it] known yt I Nathan Burdsall Junior of Matena- cock In ye Township of Oysterbay In Queens County on ye IsLand of Nassaw In the province of New-yorke ffor and In t h e C o n s i d e r a t i o n o f t h e S u m e o f five p o u n d s I n C u r r a n t m o n e [y ] of Newyorke afore said In hand paid and by me ye said Nathan Burdsall Junior Received of Nathaniel Burdsall m y Naturall ( " n a t u r a l " i n t h e s e r e c o r d s m e a n s " o w n ," a n d c a r r i e s n o s t i g m a ) Brother In ye Township of Hemsteed before the signing and sealing and Dilivery hereof to mye ffull Content and Satisfaction and ffor other good Causes and Considerations m e ye said m e ye said Nathan Burdsall Junior Especially Moving Have Given Granted Alienated In feoffed Assigned Sold and Confirmed and bythesepresentsDo GiveGra[nt]AlienateInfeofeAssigneand Confirme unto Nathaneel Burdsall m y Naturall Brother aforesaid TenAcreesofLandthefirstBounderwhereof istobeginatonthe North side of a Certain Stream of Water lying and being In the abovesd Nathans Land which is within ffifty Rode of the above- said Nathans now Dwelling house and so to stretch southwardly [to] the abovesaid Line and West to ye Middle of the abovesaid Nathans Land above Mentioned Withall m y Right title Interest Book B 311 Claim and Demand Whatsoever which Ithe said Nathan Burdsall nowhaveorwhichanyorEitherofmy HeiresExecutorsAdmin- istrators or Assignes may hereafter have all and Singular the said Granted percel of Land with ffree Egress and Regreess there- unto to Have and to Hold unto him ye said Nathaniel Burdsall His heires Executor or Assignes all and singular ye said Granted percel of Land and premises with ye Appertences thereof to ye only proper use and behoofe of him the said Nathaniel Burdsall his Heires and Assignes ffor Ever peaceable possession of all and Singular the said Granted mises by the Dilivery of Turffe and ffurther Covenant and agree to and with m y said Brother yt It shall and M a y be Lawfull ffor him his Heires Executors or As- signes Quietly and peaceably to Have hold occupy possess and EnjoyallandSingularyesaidGranted cellofLandand mises ffor Ever Without the Lawfull Lett or Mollestation of me ye said Nathan Burdsall my Heires Executors administrators or As- signes or any other person or sons Lawfully Claiming ffor by and under me or Either of them Notwithstanding any fformer Gift Grant Mortga [ge] or Sale whatso Ever and the same to ye said Nathaniel Burdsall to warrant and Defend according as be- fore Is Expressed In Witness whereof I have Hereunto Sett m y hand and Seal here In Oysterbay this Twenty fourth day of M a y In ye year of our Lord god one thousand Six hundred Ninety Eight Inter lined between the fifteen and Sixteen Lines may hereafter have before ye sealing and Dilivery hereof Signed Sealed and Dilivedd In ye presence of us Job Wright John Townsend John Urquhart Nathan X Burdsall O his marke (p.30)—TOALLCHRISTIANPEOPLEtowhomthis sent w r i t i n g s h a l l C o m e o r i n a n y w i s e a p p e r t a i n e B e it k n o w n y t W e e John Wright & Edmond Wright both of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island,alias Nassau in ye Collony of N e w York for & in ye Consideration yt David Underhill of Oysterbay aforesd hath und' his Hand & Seale By an assignment under his hand & Seal bearing Date with these sents assigned & Confirmed unto us a Deed of Sale from Samuell Burdsall bearing Date ye Twelfth Day of October 1694:and containing Certaine Lands at Hogg Island in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd:to our ffull Content & Satisfaction, and for other Good Causes & Consid- erations us ye Said John & Edmond Especially Moving Have Given,Granted,Alienated,Infeoffed assigned,Sold & Confirmed and by these p'sents wee ye Said John & Edmond do Give,Grant, Alienate Infeoffe Assigne Sell & Confirme unto David Underhill aforesaid all yt of a Certaine Lott or piece of Land Lying and being on ye South Side of ye South Side of ye Town of Oyster- 312 Book B bay aforesaid and Bounded on ye west end With Isaac Doughtys Lott of Land,on ye South Side by a Highway which Leadeth up ye Hollow by John Weekes his Lott and Joseph Weekes Lott on ye East by another Highway Leading Southward into another H o l l o w , a n d o n y e S o u t h b y y e C o m o n s ; B e it i n q u a n t i t y a s it isffoundwhen Surveyed& laidout,And alsoasMuch more Land on ours ye Said John & Edmonds Land,right in ye Comons of ye Old purchase of Oysterbay aforesd for ye Said David to take up when he sees Cause as will make up with ye fforementioned piece or Lott, one & Twenty Acres of Land Compleat, at any place wthin ye Said old purchase (other mens rights Highwayes & watering places excepted) which Said Granted Lott or peece of Land was formerly Given by ye town to Nicholas Wright de- ceased,and by the Said Nicholas Conveyed to his Sons the Said John & Edmond Together with all our right title & Interest Claime & Demand what soever wch we ye Said John & Edmond Wright now have or wch any or either of our Heires,Execut's or Assignes may hereafter have of,to or in ye forementioned one andtwentyAcresofLand,withall fitsComoditys,Timber, TreestoyeSameinanywiseAptainingTO HAVE &TO H O L D unto him ye Said David Underhill his Heires & Assignes all & Singular the Said Granted one & Twenty Acres of Land & p'mises to ye only use and behoofe of him ye Said David Underhill his Heires & Assignes ffor ever, A n d ye Said John & Edmond hath putt ye Sd David in to Lawfull possession of Sd Granted Land by ye Dilivery of Turf & Twigg & by ye Delivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd John Wright & Edmond Wright do for themselves their Heires Executrs & Assignes further Covent. & agree to & with ye Said David that it Shall & may be Law- full for him ye Said David his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Said Granted one & Twenty Acres of Land & p'mises fforever with out ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of them the Said John & Edmond Wright their or either of their Heires,Ex- ecut's or Assignes or any other person or persons Lawfully Claiming for, by or undr them or any or either of them Not withstanding any former Grant Mortgage or Sale what Soever, and ye Sd John & Edmond Wright & either of them do Hereby bind themselves & their Heires to Warrant & Defend ye Said Granted Land & p'mises to ye Said David Underhill his Heires & Assignes forever, According as before is expressed I N W I T - NES whereof we have hereunto Sett our hands & Seales ye Thirteenth Day of October in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety ffour the marke of Signed Sealed & D d . in p'sence of us John X Wright John Newman John Dewsbury the mark of Edmond X Wright O Book B 313 Be it known by these p'sents yt whereas Joseph Dickinson of Oysterbay on Long Island alias Nassau in ye Collony of N e w Yorke hath fformerly Granted, Sold & Confirmed unto Samson Hawxhurst of Oysterbay aforesd all yt of Certaine parcells of Land Lying & being at ye Head of ye Mill River Joyning to Anthonys Island (So Called) being Bounded on ye North west by a Highway,on ye South west by ye Comons on ye Southeast by a Highway,and on ye Northeast by the Said Anthonys Island, Containing in Sd Bounds ten Acres of Land,And one other par- cell of Land Containing Sixteen Acres of Land more or Less as Laid out by ye Town Surveyr October ye 24 1682:and Stands. Recorded in ye Book A :page 103:where ye Bounds thereof is to be Seen N o w I the Sd Samson Hawxhurst for & in ye Con- sideration yt David Underhill of Oysterbay aforesaid hath Granted & Confirm'd unto m e Certaine Lands at Cedar S w a m p , and paid unto me ye Sd Samson ye Sume of Ten pounds Currant money of New Yorke before ye Sealing hereof and for other Good Causes me especially Moving Have Assigned Made over & Confirm'd and by these p'sents Do assigne Make over & Con- firme unto David Underhill aforesd the fforementioned Deed of Sale wch ye Said Joseph Dickinson Gave to me ye Sd Samson for ye Land above mentioned wch Deed beareth Date ye 4th Day of March in ye Year 1691 :and Stands recorded in Oysterbay in ye Booke B page 206:With all ye right,title & Interest wch I m y self or any or either of m y Heires Executrs or Assignes M a y now or hereaft'have of,to or in ye Land abovementioned by virtue of Sd Deed,And by ye Records thereof,both in ye Grant Tenure & in every Clause & Covenant thereof in as full power & StrengthasitisConveyedtomeyeSaidSamsonToHaveand to hold unto him ye Said David Underhill his Heires & Assignes forever,In witness whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seal ye Eighteenth Day of ffebruary in ye yeare of our Lord.1696 SignedSealed&Ddinp'senceofus SamsonHawxhurst John Newman Samuel Macoune (p.31)-Oysterbay ye 19thDay of ffebuary 1683/4 O Bee it known unto all Christian people to whom this Instru- ment of writing may Come or any waies concerne Know ye that whereas Henry Bell now Residing at Oysterbay upon Long Island in Queens County having Married an Ind[ian] woman of ye Naragansets one of our own Nation & Requesting of us S o m e L a n d u p o n M a t e n a c o c k f o r a S e t l e m e n t , B e it K n o w n t h a t wee under written ye Indeans & Chief Pprietors of ye Lands comonly called & known by ye name of Matenacock Lying & being wthin ye patten & Township of Oysterbay have & by these p'sents do declare that we have forever fre[ely] Given unto ye abovesd Henry Bell and Jane his now wife ffifty Acres of Land 314 Book B upon Matenacock at or by ye Streame called by ye name of Chagechageing Swomp on ye west Side of ye High way to Mate- nacock as Shall be Laid out by us when Requested or demanded by ye Said Bell wch Said ffiftyAcres of Land as abovesd we doe freely Give from us our Heires Executrs Administrats or As- signes forever unto the abovesd Henry Bell & Jane his wife their Heires Executrs or Assignes To have & to hold occupie possess & enjoy as his or their or either of them their per Rights titles & Interest from us or any from by or under us for ever as fully to all Intents Constructions as might or could be drawn or writ- ten by any Deed of Coveyance whatSoever according to L a w to ye performance of this our Deed of Gift we have Subscribed our hands & Set to our Seales in Oysterbay day & Date above written : and in p'sence of us Testes Tho : Townsend John (R ) Rogers his marke Suscaneman X his O marke Werah X his marke . To allChristianpeopletowhom thisp'sentwritingShallcome orinany wise Appertaine Be itKnown that IThomas Townsend of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of N e w Yorke for divers good Consid'ations Moving m e thereunto Have Given Granted made over Alienated & Confirmed & by these p'sents I ye Said Thomas Townsend doe give grant make over Alienate & Confirme unto John Applegate of ye Same place & Colony Eight Acres of Land Lying and being at ye old planting ffield and a piece of Swomp & upland at ye Head of ye Swamp between ye Clefts & also a piece of Land by the Rockey Spring the two Last Specified pieces of Swamp & uplands Containing by estimation Six Acres be it more or less & half a Share of Meadow at ye Bever Swomp Lying at ye South Side of James Townsends Salt Marsh all Lying & being wthin the bounds Con- tained in ye patten of Oysterbay together with all m y right title' and Interest wch I now have or wch any or either of my Heires Execut's administrats or Assignes Shall or may have hereafter of&inthep❜misesorany tor cellthereofTohave&tohold unto him the Said John Appelgate his Heires Executrs Adminis- trat's or Assignes all & Singular the p'mises & every P t & cell thereof wth all fits & comodities thereto belonging or in any wise Aptaining forever,And the Said Thomas Townsend doth put ye Sd John Applegate into a a Lawfull & peaceable posses- sion of & in the p'mises by the Delivery of these presents And the Sd Thomas doth further declare that it Shall & may be Law- full for him ye Said John Applegate his Heyres or Executors administrats or Assignes to have hold occupie possess & Enjoy all & Singular the p'mises forever without ye Lawfull lett hin- drance or Interuption of him the Sd Thomas his Heires ExecutTM Book B 315 Administrats or Assignes or any other son or sons Law- fully claiming for by or under him by vertue of any former Gift Grant Bargaine or Sale Whatsoever And I ye Said Thomas do own this my Deed to be good & effectual according to ye true Intent & meaning hereof In Witnes whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seale the ffourteenth Day of October in the yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty and ffive Signed Sealed & Dd in p'sence of us witnes Henry Townsend Jur Job Wright Tho:Townsend O vide cliij (p.32) ThisInstrumentofwritingwitnessethuntoallChristian p e o p l e t o w h o m it m a y c o m e o r a n y w a i e s C o n c e r n e K n o w y e that whereas Peter Wright Ser of this town of Oysterbay for- merly deceased Stood in his Life time possessed off a H o m e Lott, Orchard & Sev'all Divisions of out Lands & Meadows within this town & Township but he decesing Intestate might cause or vd great disquietness amongst his Sons as to ye division or disposition of ye Said Lands in respect of ye Strictness of ye L a w in Such cases vided Therefore for ye prvention of any further trouble that may any waies arise for ye future to ye right of ye Said Lands of ye Said Peter Wright Deceased here in Oysterbay asabovementioned,We underwrittenAdamWrightJobWright & Peter Wright eldest Son to Gideon Wright deceased wth ye Apbation & consent of his Gardian Tho :Townsend & by ye Advice & consent of John Townsend & James Townsend ov'seers of ye Sd Gideon Wrights will; have Joyntly & Unanimously agreed & concluded a division of all ye Said Lands Housing Orchards & Meadows of Peter Wright Ser deceased as abovesd wch is to be hereby fforever held & Looked upon wthout any fur- ther p'tence Crittick or reservation to be ye Sd Adam Wrights Job Wrights & Peter Wrights eldest Son to Gideon Wright de- ceased to them their Heires or Assignes forever according to ye division of every P t & cell thereof as followeth : ffirst that all ye Meadows & uplands at ye South & Lands upon the plaines & Lands upon ye Town Comons already Divided & yt are to be divided so ye abovesd Right is to be Equally Divided between ye S d A d a m , J o b , & P e t e r , S e c o n d l y a s t o y e H o m e L o t t it is t o b e divided into three Pts peter to have ye first, beginning at John Dickinsons Corner next ye Street & so to Range as low as ye North Corner of ye Said Dickinsons Lott taking in all ye Hous- ing & Orchards Eastward ffronting to ye Street, Thirdly A d a m is to have his Third part ffronting to ye Street South end, and John Wrights Lott East Side,his Cosin peter west Side,and his Brother Jobs home Lott north end, ffourthly Job is to have his third part Ranging by the Rere of Said Dickinsons home Lott & his Cosin Peters division up to ye Rere of his own Lott 5thly 316 Book B Job is to have the Salt Share of Meadow Joyning on ye west S i d e o f G e o r g e T o w n s e n d s M e a d o w , A n d all y e rest o f L a n d s & Meadows here not mentioned Gideon Wrights Heires & Adam Wright & Job Wright are to possess & enjoy as they now Stand possessed off & were at ye death of ye Said Gideon And Henry Townsend & Nathaneell Coles are appoynted to make division of ye Said home Lott According to agreement;To ye true Intent & ffurther Confirmation of this abovementioned agreement wee have Set too our hands & Seales on ye other Side this 6th day of October 1685 It is agreed & to be understood yt what uplands in the town Comons hath been formerly taken up by vertue of ye within mentioned home Lott & Imoved isto be equally divided accord- ing to ye first Article anything mentioned to ye Contrary not- withstanding And that Henry Townsend & Nathaneel Coles are to make equall division of the home Lott and Lands according to ye within written agreement having no reference to quallity And to this wee Subscribe our hands & Set too our Seales ye Daywthinwritten,ffurtherAdam istohaveyeBarneytStands upon his Division of Land wth ye Boards there belonging to it Signed Sealed & D d Adam Wright in p'sence of us George Townsend John Appelgat John (R ) Rogers his marke xlv,vicccv: Job Wright his Peter (P ) Wright O marke Tho:Townsend on O ye behalfe of ye Said Peter Wright John Townsend James Townsend (p.33)-Be itknowntoallChristianpeopletowhomthesepre- sents may come Know yee that I under written Thomas Town- send now Inhabiting wthin ye township of Portsmouth upon Rhoad Island & formerly of ye town of Oysterbay in Queens County upon Long Island do by these p'sents manifest & declare that I have received before before ye Sealing hereof twenty five pounds boston Money and in other money equevalent of Henry Townsend Ju' of ye Same Town & county for & in lew & the Consideracon of ffifty Acres of Land at ye Little plains up on Matenecok So called wch was formerly by the Indeans Pprietors of ye Said Lands freely given to m y eldest Soon John Townsed as by ye Sd deed of Gift may appeare bearing date ye firstday of March 1682 the wch Sd deed of gift I do hereby mise it being now at Rhode Island to have it Assigned by my Self & Said Soon over over unto ye Said Henry & Acknowledged before ye Governour there p'sent to be to ye Said Henry Townsend & his Heires or Assignes forever,In & to ye Same Deed & priaty Book B 317 as there menconed from me my Heires Executrs Administratr or Assignes or M y Sd Soon John Townsend his Heires Execut Administrats or Assignes forever,to which I doe hereby oblidge m y Self & Sucksesors to Defend ye Sd Henry & his Sucksesors from any further p'tence or claime to ye Sd Lands by my Sd Soon John or his Sucksesors forever as firmly to all Intents Con- structions & purposes as mought be worded or written according to L a w haveing referance to no other Claime as witnes m y hand & Seale this 13th day of October 1685: Signed Sealed & D d' in p'sance of Adam Wright John (R ) Rogers his marke Tho:Townsend O vide lxiiij W e underwitten Suscaneman & Werah the Indeans yt gave ye abovesd Land do con- sent to ye abovesd transport & confirm ye Same by Subscribing our hands & Seales Suscaneman X mark O his Werah his X mark O These p'sents declareth unto all whomsoever it may any waies consarne that I Samiell Andrews of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island for Six pounds & teen Shillings in hand received at Signing heer of have Sould wth ye consent of m y wife one quarter of ye right or Sheere of Meadow that was our unkell Antony Wrights of ye South Meadows unto ye Widow Mary Jesup Daughter of the deceased Robert Williams of Lusum neere Oysterbay in ye Town & County abovesd To have & to hould and fo(r) hire & hire Heirs Executors Administratrs or As- signs and forever to enjoy for hire own P P right titelle & In- trest hires & Successors forever, we say wee have Sould ye Said quarter of Sheere of M e a d o w for pay in hand received from us our Heires Executors Administratrs & Assigns unto hire ye Said Mary Jesup hire Heires Execut's Administrats and Assigns forever and do by this fermly ingeag our Selves our Heirs Exe- cuts or Assignes to defend ye Sd Mary Jesup in ye quiet & peaceable injoyment of ye Said Meadow against any parson or parsons yt shall or may arise to trouble hire or hire Successors forever, as witnes our hands & Seales this tweentyeth day of October : 1685 In p❜sents of us George Codner Hope Williams Samuell Andrews O Mary Andrews (p . 34)- T o all Christian people to w h o m this p'sent writing Shall come or in any wise appertaine Be it known that I Isaac 318 Book B Horner of Oysterbay in Queens County uppon Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consideracon of ye S u m of ffourteen pounds in Silver currant pay of this Collony in hand paid and for other good causes & consideracons me ye Said Isaac especially moving Have Given Granted alienated made over Sold & confirmed & these p'sents I the Sd Isaac do Give Grant Alien- ate make over Sell & confirme unto Eliezer Darbie of North W o r k in the Colony of penetecott all m y right title & Interest wch I n o w have or wch any of m y heires Executors Administrat or Assignes may hereafter have of & in one home Lott of Land lying and being in Oyst'bay aforesaid between the H o m e Lott of Samuell Andrews & the Home Lott of Thomas Weekes Bounded wth ye Street on ye North on ye East the Towns Burying place, on ye South wth ye Comon & on ye West wth a Highway being form❜ly Richard Crabbs but n o w in ye possesion of ye Said Isaac being by estimation ffive Acres be it more or Less Together wth all right & priviledge of Comonage thereto belonging And also a certaine Tract of Land Lying on the East Side of ye Swomp called Bever S w o m p ye first Bounds begineth at the River at Samuel Andrews South West bounder & So to run up ye hill Eastwardly by ye Sd Andrews Land twenty four poles, from thence to range by ye hills Side Southwest or thereabouts one Hundred and Twenty rod & thence to ye River twenty four Rod upon a west Northwest Line or thereabouts the River or Streame to be ye west bound',and ye aforesd Bounders to be ye North & East & South bounders Including wthin ye Said bounds of up- land&SwomptwentySixAcresbeitmoreorLesswthall fits & comodities thereto belonging To have and to hold unto him ye Sd Eliezer Darbie his Heires Executrs Administrats or Assignes all & Singular ye p'mises & every part & cell thereof to ye only per use & behoofe of him ye Sd Eliezer his Heires Executrs Ad- ministrat's or Assignes forever, A n d ye Said Isaac hath put the Said Eliezer into a lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Sin- gul ye p'mises by ye dilivery of these p'sents And ye Sd Isaac doth further Covenant that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Eliezer his Heires Executrs Administrats or Assignes quietly and peaceably to have hold occupie possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises wthout ye Lawfull Lett Hindrance or Mo- lestation of him ye Sd Isaac Horner his Heires Executrs Admin- istrats or Assignes or any other person or persons Lawfully claiming for by or under them or either of them or any person or persons whatsoever Laying any claime to ye p'mises or any Pt or parcell thereof,of or by ye right of ye now wife of the Said Isaac by meanes of any former Gifts grants bargaines or Sales whatsoever And ye Said Isaac doth further declare that this his Deed Shall Stand good & effectuall according to ye true Intent & meaning hereof In witnes whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seale the twenty third day of October in ye first Book B 319 yeare of James ye Second of England Scotland ffrance and Ire- land king & c and in ye year of our Lord 1685 Signed Sealed & D d in ye p'sence of us John Newman Job Wright John Townsend Isaac Horner O Lydia Horner O (p.35)—TO ALLCHRISTIANPEOPLEtowhomthisp'sent writing Shall come or in any wise aptaine Be it known that I Isaac Horner of Oysterbay in Queens County upon Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consideracon of the S u m of Six pounds currant pay of this Collony in hand received before the writing hereof and for & in ye Consideration that Job :Wright of ye Same Town & Collony do pay or cause to be pd to John Wright of Oysterbay aforesd the S u m of Seventeen pounds (wch the Sd Isaac hath taken up upon a Meadow wch hereafter shall be mentioned) in Such pay & within the time expressed in a writing under his hand & Seal to ye Said John Wright bearing date ye 27th of October 1685 wherein it more Largely doth Ap- peare and for other Causes & considerations me ye Sd Isaac especiallymovingHAVE GIVEN GRANTED BargainedAlien- atedmadeoverSold&confirmedAND bythesep'sentsIyeSaid Isaac do Give grant Bargaine Sell & Confirme unto Job Wright aforesdallmy righttitle& InterestClaime& demandwhatsoever which I ye Sd Isaac now have or wch any of my heires ExecutTM Administrats or Assignes m a y hereafter have of & in one Share of Meadow Lying & being in ye home Meadows of Oysterbay aforesd & Bounded wth Simon Coopers Meadow on the West, & on ye South wth Dickinsons Lott,on ye east wth A d a m Wrights Meadow & on ye North wth ye Cove being by estimacon two two Acres & a quarter be it more or Less wth all fits & comoditys theretobelongingorAptainingTO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto him ye Said Job Wright his Heires Executrs Administrat's or Assignes all & Singular ye p'mises & every t & cell thereof to ye only use & behoofe of them & every & either of them forever A N D ye Sd Isaac doth further covenant that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him the Sd Job Wright his Heires Execut's Adminis- trats or Assignes (After he hath pd & Satisfied John Wright as before is exp'ssed( ) > Quietly & peaceably to have hold occupie possess & enjoy all & Singular the premises wthout ye L a w full Lett hindrance or Interuption of him the Sd Isaac or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or under him,Or any son or sons whatsoever Laying any claime to ye p'mises by ye right of the now wife of ye Sd Isaac,A N D ye Said Isaac hereby declares that this his deed Shall Stand good & effectual accord- ingtoyetrueIntent& MeaninghereofIN WITNES whereofI have hereunto Set m y hand & Seal the twenty eighth day of Octo- 320 Book B ber in the ffirst yeare of ye Raigne of James ye Second of Great Brittaine ffrance & Ireland King &c And in ye yeare of our Lord 1685 Signed Sealed & D d in p'sence of us John Newman John ffry Isaac Horner O Lydia Horner O plus cxij This Instrument of writing may testifie to all people that it doth or ever may concerne,Know yee that I John Underhill of Metenicok in the Township of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w York for & in ye Consideracon of ye Just & full Sume of Twenty pounds to me in hand pd by John Townsend of Oysterbay in the Collony aforesd before the Sealing & dellevery hereof, the receit whereof I ye Sd John Underhill do hereby acknowledg and thereof & every t thereof do hereby aquit Release & forever discharge ye Sd John Town- send his Heires Execut's & Administrat's do by these p'sents Sell, grant release & confirme unto John Townsend his Heires Execut" Administrats & Assigns forever one whole Right of Land upon H o g Iland both devided & undevided onely reserving the M e a d o w - ing belonging to ye Sd Share to m y Selfe m y Heires & Asings I do by these p'sents delliver into ye Actuall posesion of ye Sd John Townsend ye Said Share of Land To have & to hold to ye onely per use & behoofe of him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires & Asings for ever And ye Sd John Underhill for himself his heires Executrs Administratrs doth covenant grant & agree to & wth ye Sd John Townsend his Heires & Asings by these p'sents that he nor they Shall not Interupt Molest or disturbe the Sd John Townsend his Heires & Asings in the peaceable or quiet posesion of ye above mentioned p'mises but Shall to ye uttermost of their power & knowledge tect ye Sd John in ye peaceable posesion of ye Same To wch I & m y wife have Sett our hands & SealesthisLastDayofMay 1685: Signed Sealed & D d in ye p'sence of us Benjamin Burdsall marke Samuell (S B ) Burdsall his Mary Underhill O John Underhill O cccvi (p.36)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomethisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e a p @ t a i n e , B e it k n o w n t h a t I Samuell Andrews of Oysterbay in Queens County upon Long Island in ye Collony of N e w York for & in ye consideration of a valuableSum ofmoney& othergoodsreceivedinfullSatisfaction before ye writing hereof,and for other causes & Consideracons m e ye Sd Samuell especially moving,H A V E G I V E N granted,Alien- Book B 321 ated,Made over,Bargained,Sold & Confirmed,And by these p'sents Ithe Said Samuell Andrews do Give grant,Alienate Make over, Bargaine Sell & confirme unto Nathaeell Coles of ye S a m e place & Collony his Heires Execut's Administrat's or Assignes all my right,title& Interest,Claime & demand whatsover wch I now have or wch any of m y Heires Executrs Administrat's or Assignes m a y hereafter have of & in m y cleared ffield Lying & being in ye woods & enclosed wthin a ffence on all Sides being distant from ye Home Lott belonging to ye Sd Samuells now dwelling house about a quarter of a Mile,bearing neere Southeast from ye Same,Scituate Lying & being in Oysterbay aforesd,Together wth all ye ffence & ffencing Stuffe wch now encloseth it wth all other fits & comoditys thereto belonging, T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Nathaneell Coles his Heires Executrs Ad- ministrat's or Assignes all & Singulall ye p'mises & every t& cellthereoftoyeonly peruse&behoofofhimyeSdNathan- eell Coles his Heires Executors Administratrs or Assignes forever A N D ye Sd Samuell hath put ye Sd Nathaneell Coles into a Law- full & peaceable possession of & in ye p'mises by ye dilivery of these p'sents A N D ye Said Samuell doth further covenant that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Said Nathaneell Coles his Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes Quietly & peaceably to have hold occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever,wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Samuell Andrews his Heires Executrs Administrat's or Assignes or any other person or persons Lawfully claiming for by or under them or any or either of them by means of any form gift grant Bargaine or Sale whatsover A N D ye Sd Samuell doth by these presents declare that this his deed Shall Stand good and effectuall according to ye true Intent & meaning hereof IN W I T N E S S whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seale this Twenty Fourth day of October in ye first yeare of ye Reign of James ye Second of Great Brittaine ffrance & Ireland King & c and in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty five; It is further to be understood that ye abovesd Samuell hath by this deed Sold unto ye above Sd Nathaneell all his right title & Interest of ye field above Specified as n o w it Stands fenced Signed Sealed & D d SamuelAndrews O in ye p'sence of us I own this deed to be good & John Newman Clerk effectuall as witnes m y hand James Townsend clix MaryAndrews O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p p e r t a i n e ; B e it k n o w n y t I S a m u e l l Andrews of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke yeoman for & in ye Consid'acon of Thirty four pounds in hand pd & Satisfied before ye Sealing & diliv'y hereofandforothergoodcauses& consid'ationsmeyeSdSamuel 322 Book B especiallymovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,BargainedSold Alienated Made over and confirmed,And by these p'sents I ye Sd Samueldoforme my Heires,Execut'sAdministratrs& Assignes give,grant,bargaine Sell Alienate,make over & confirme unto John Townsend Jur Son of Henry Townsend set of Oysterbay aforesd, All & Singular my Meadow Lying & being in ye Salt Marshes of Oysterbay aforesd.& bounded on ye South by ye Medow of Henry Townsend Ser on ye East wth ye Land of ye Sd Henry, on ye North Ptly by ye Meadow of Henry Townsend Jur & Dtly by ye Sea,& on ye west wth ye Sea neer ye Mill river Creek (the high way between ye fence of ye Sd Meadow & ye Sea ex- cepted) being by estimacon two Acres & halfe or thereabout be itmore or Less,Together wth ye fences in & about ye Same & all fits& ComoditiestheretobelongingTO HAVE AND TO HOLD untohimyeSdJohnTownsendall& Singularyep'mises from ye Day of ye date hereof to him & his Heires & Assignes for ever & I ye Sd Samuel Andrews have put ye Sd John Town- sendintoaLawfull& peaceablepossessionof& inyep'misesby yediliv'yofthesep'sents,andIyeSdSamueldoformy Selfemy Heires ÉxecutrsAdministrat's& Assignes,to & wthye Sd John his Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes Covenant & agree yt ye Sd Samuel Andrews do by vertue of these p'sents renounce & yeeld up all m y right,title & Interest claime or demand wt So- ever wch Ï ye Sd Samuell now have or ye (yt) any of m y Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes may have by vertue of any form'gift,bargaineordeedtome grantedof& inyep'mises& yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for for him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires or Assignes to have hold occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises wthout ye L a w full Lett,hindrance or Interup- tion of m e ye Sd Samuell or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or under me by v'tue of any form'gift,grant, bargaine or Sale wt Soevr & this m y act & deed to Stand good & effectual according to ye very Intent & Meaning hereof not- withStanding any error or errors that may be found hereing wch is not according to L a w I N W I T N E S S whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seale ye Seventh day of ffebruary in ye Thirty Seveneth year of ye raigne of Charles ye Second of Great Brit- taine&cKing&candinyeyeareofourLord 1684:SignedSealed & dd in p❜sence of us after ye Interlyning between ye tenth & eleventh Line concerning ye highway, and ye words all & Sin- gular ye p'mises in the thirteenth Line John Newman : Simon Cooper. Nathaniell Coles vide lxiij SamuellAndrews O By ye consent of my wife as witnes her hand & Seale Mary Andrews O (p.37)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whom these p'sents Shall come or may concerne, Greeting; Know ye yt Book B 323 whereas I Joseph Carpenter Senior of Muskeeto Cove upon Long Island in America Carpenter a m Lawfully Intitled unto certaine Uplands, Meadows, Creeks woodlands &c: In Mus- keeto Cove aforesd by virtue of a Certain purchase made of Sev❜all Indean priat's; edlacords (as recourse) being had unto ye Sd deed bearing date ye Twenty fourth day of May Annoq D o m one thousand Six hundred Sixty & eight will more fully & at Large appeare I ye Sd Joseph for & in Consid'ation of ye S u m of Three pounds & twelve Shillings current English money to me in hand pd before ye ensealing & delivery hereof by Moses Mugg of ye Sd place plant HAVE GIVEN, GRANTED Alianated,Infeoffd& Confirmd,And dobythese p'sents give Grant Alienate, Infeoffe, confirme & transferre all m y rights, Title Int'est Claime or demand I have had or ought to have of a parcell of Meadow & Swamp part of the aforemen- tioned purchase Containing by estimation four Acres be it more or Less Lying & being in Muskeedo Cove Butting on ye S a w mill or D a m e to ye east, bouded on ye South with a Small Creek, west & North Butting upon Nathaneell Coles Meadow in ye Sd Cove To have & to hold unto ye Sd Moses Mudg his Heires Executs Administratrs or Assignes forever free & cleare of & from all Letts, hindrance, Interuption or molestation whatsover byreasonofanyactorthingdonebyme my HeiresorAssignes or any person or persons deriving any power from by or under m e or them A N D doe by these p'sents give unto the Sd Moses peaceable & quiet Livery & Sesin or possession of ye aforemen- tioned p'mises & evry of their Appurtenances fits or Advantage & every Pt & cellthereof from me my Heires Executrs Admin- istrats & Assignes for ever And I ye Sd Joseph do further by these p'sents Covenant mise & agree to & with ye Sd Moses his Heires Executrs Admts and Assignes to give, Seal, & deliver any other or further deed, Act or Acts thing or things, devise or devises at ye P P charge & cost of ye Sd Moses his Heires or Assignes for ye more Sure & better conveying the p'mises as ye Sd Moses Shall be reasonably advised, devised or required In witnes whereof I ye Sd Joseph Carpenter have hereunto Sett my hand & afixed my Seal this Ninth day of August Anno D o m : one thousand Six hundred Seventy & four & in ye twenty Sixth yeare of ye Reigne of our Sov'aigne Lord King Charles ye Second of England Scotland ffrance & Ireland & c M d ye word (money) inserted in ye Margent:the words (of the) the word (p'sent) enterlined:And ye words (or from) was enter- lined before ye ensealing & dilivery hereof Sealed Signed & dd in p'sence of George X Downing his marke George Cooke Joseph CarpentTM O plus clxxi: 324 Book B T O A L L C H R I S T I A N P E O P L E to w h o m this p'sent writing S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e a @ t a i n e B e it k n o w n t h a t I N a t h a n e e l Underhill of Matenacock wthin ye Limits & bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye consid'acon of ye Sume of ffour Score pounds of cur- rant Silver Money of this Collony in hand Satisfied & paid before ye Sealing & diliv'y hereof & for other good causes & considera- cons me ye Sd Nathaneel especially Moving HAVE GIVEN, granted,bargained,Alienated,Made over,Sold & confirmed,And by these p'sents I the Sd Nathaneel do give,grant,bargain allien- ate make over Sell & confirme unto Henry ffranklin of fflushing in ye County & Collony aforesd, All m y right, title & Interest claime or demand whatsoever,which I n o w have,or wch any of m y Heires,Executrs Administrats or Assignes may hereafter have, of & in all m y Land in Matenacock aforesd, Being bounded as followeth;On ye North wthJohn Underhills Land;on ye West wth Nathan Burdsalls Land ;on ye South wth a High way Lead- ing to Oysterbay;And on ye East wth a Creek & with David Underhills Land & Meadow :Together wth all Houses outhouses, Orchards & Meadows contained wthin ye Sd bounds wth all Pfits & comodities thereto belonging or Ataining (Except & alwaies reserve unto him ye Sd Nathaneel or his Assignes the Burying place that now is containing Six Rods Square and a highway to itcontaining one Rod wide) & Also ffourty Acres of Land Lying in Matenacock aforesd Bounded on ye South with a Highway from Muskedo Cove to Oyst bay & on ye West wth James Cocks Land,being ffourty Rod in Breadth & half a Mile in Length wth all Issues & fits therefrom arising or Aptain- ingTO HAVE AND TO HOLD untohimyeSaidHenryffrank- len his Heires Executrs Administrat's or Assignes all & Singular ye p'mises wth theire Apptenances (except before excepted) for ever;A N D the Sd Nathaneel hath put ye Said Henry into a Law- full & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye dilivery of these p'sents A N D ye Sd Nathaneel doth further Covenant mise & agree to & wth ye Said Henry ffranklin that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Henry his Heires Ex- ecut's Administrat's or Assignes, quietly & peaceably to have, hold, occupie possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Nathaneel his Heires Executors or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by under them or any or either of them by meanes of any former gift bargaine grant or Sale what Soever And I ye Sd Nathaneel do by these p'sents declare yt this m y deed Shall Stand good & effectual according to ye true Intent& meaninghereofIN WITNES WHEREOF Ihavehere- unto Set my hand & Seal ye twenty Second day of Novembr inye first yeare of ye Reigne of James ye Second of Great Brittane france & Ireland King &c & in the yeare of our Lord 1685: Book B 325 NathaneelUnderhil O Signed,Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman :John Underhil Joseph Dickinson (Void. See p.480) (p.38)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e ; B e it k n o w n t h a t I Isaac Horner of Oysterbay in Queens County upon Long Island inyeCollonyofNewYorkefor& inyeConsidrationofyeSume offiftytwo pounds Silvermoney or inthat wch isEquivolent in hand pd before Sealing & Dilivery hereof in full Satisfaction,and for divers other good causes & considracons him ye Said Isaac Especially Moving H A V E Given Granted Alienated made over BargainedSold& Confirmed;Andbythesep'sentsIyeSdIsaac Horner do give grant bargaine Sell & confirme Unto John Wright of ye Same place & Collony his Heires Execut's Administratrs or Assignes all m y right title & Int'est claime or demand What- soeverwchItheSaidIsaacnowhave,orwchmy HeiresExecut" Administrats or Assignes or any or either of them may hereaftTM have,of & intwo Shares of Meadow Lying & being inye Home Marsh or Meadows Bounded on ye North wth Calebs & Edmond Wrights Shares, on ye East as Job Wrights ffence now Stands, and on ye South wthJob Wrights Meadow wch formerly belonged to his father & this bounds is where ye fence now Stands,& on ye West wth ye highway,& more Northwest by Adam Wrights M e a d o w as the fence n o w Stands to be ye bounds Scituate Lying & being in Oysterbay aforesd Containing by estimation ffive Acres be it more or Less wth all fits & Comodityes thereto be- longingorAptainingTO HAVE & TO HOLD untohimyeSd John Wright his Heires Execut's Administrats or Assignes all & Singularyep'mises& everyPt & cellthereoftotheironely use & behoofe forever A N D the Said Isaac hath put ye Sd John Wright into a L a w full & peaceable possession of and in ye fore- menconed two Shares of Meadow by the diliv'y of these p❜sents A N D ye Sd Isaac doth further Covenant that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd John Wright his Heires Executors Ad- ministrats or Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold occupie possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever, without ye Lawfull lett,hindrance or Interuption of him ye Said Isaac his Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes, or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or under them or either of them, or any son or sons whatsoever Laying any claime to yep❜misesorany tor cellthereof,of,byorunderyeright of ye now wife of ye Sd Isaac, Or any other son or sons Laying any Just claime whatsoever to ye p'mises or any t or cellthereof by means of any former gift grant bargaine or Sale whatsoever A N D the Said Isaac doth further declare that this his deed Shall Stand good & effectual According to ye true Intent & Meaning hereof I N W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set m y 326 Book B hand & Seale the twenty fourth day of October in ye first yeare of ye Reigne of James ye Second of Great Brittane ffrance & Ireland King & c Annoq Dni 1685 Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Isaac Horner O John Newman Clerk Lydia Horner O NathaneelColes EleazerDoreby li: Know all men by these p'sents that I Robert Godfree Now dwelling in ye Village of Littleworth in ye Bounds of Oysterbay upon Long Island in ye Queens County in ye vince of N e w Yorke Doth by these p'sents by ye free consent of my wife Sarah Godfree freely & fully give from me & my Heires unto Joseph Sutton Jun'of Madnans Neck Ten Acres of my Land now Lying and being in Littleworth;Six of ye Sd Ten Acres is to be to ye Sd Joseph Sutton Lying on ye East Side of m y home Lott and ye other four in Some Convenient place on m y Land wch I now enjoy;all wch foresd Lands I Do fully & absolutely Give & bequeath forever from this time Lawfully peaceably & quietly Have,hold,use,occupie & enjoy ye above granted p'mises free & cleare from all maner of Intailements:and of & from all other Titles, Troubles & Incombrances w1Soever had, made or comitted,or from any Laying any claime by,from or under him ye Sd Robert Godfree or by his meanes assent or consent,and wth free & quiet possession I ye Sd Robert Godfree doth from m e m y Heires Execut's & Administrat's diliver according to L a w ye aforesd Lands as aforesd unto ye abovesd Joseph Sutton his Heires, Executrs Administratrs or Assignes as witnes m y hand & Seale this Second of ffebruary in ye yeare of our Lord 1685/6 And in ye first yeare of our Soveraine Lord James ye Second by ye grace of god King of England,Scotland,ffrance & Ireland defend(er) of ye faith &c And ifye Sd Joseph Sutton Should See cause to Sell ye Land aforesd that then Robert Godfree Shall have ye refusall he paying as another will Signed Sealed & dd in ye p❜sence of witnes JosephSuttonSe1: marke Mordecai X Bedient his mark Robert X Godfree his O (p.39)—ANTHONY BROCKHOLLS ESQ Comander O in Chief and ye Councell of ye Province of N e w Yorke, To allto whom this Shall come or may Concerne Know Yee that at a Court of Sessions held at Jemeca for ye North RidingofYorkeshireonLongIslandye13th,14& 15thDayesof Decemb Last past the Will of Nicholas Wright of Oysterbay DeceasedAnexed tothesep'sentswas vedwho havingwhilehe Lived and at ye time of his Death Goods and Chattles with in ye Book B SdTownofOysterbay& ProvinceAndAnnWrighthisWiddow & Relict being therein appointed his Sole Executrix the Admin- istracon of all & Singular ye Sd Goods & Chattles,And ye Sd Will is hereby comitted unto ye Sd Ann Wright well & truly to Administer upon ye Same Accordingly to make a full & Just Inventory of all ye Goods & Chattles of ye Sd Deceased, And Exhibite ye Same into ye Next Court of Sessions Ensuing ye Date,And render a true & fect account of her Sd Administra- con in ye time by L a w required,G I V E N under m y hand & Seale in N e w Yorke ye 15th Day of Jannuary in ye Thirty ffourth year of his Maties Reigne,Anno Domi 1682 Antho: Brockholls The Probate of ye Will of Nicholas Wright Deceased and Ad- micon granted thereon to Ann Wright his Widdow & Relict & Sole Executrix therein named Past ye Office &c John Weste OYSTERBAY ye10thofAprill1674INicholasWrightaged Sixty five yeares or thereabouts being Sick & weak yet in fect memorydoBequeathmy SoultoyeAlmightyGodthatgaveitme and my Body to ye Yearth from whence it came. Imp'mis I make my Loving Wife Ann Wright Sole Executrix of my move- ables both wthin m y house & wthout both of Kine, horseflesh & SwineTogatherwthmy House& LandswchInowpossessduring her Life: A n d to have ye full Disposeing of any part or parcell of itas Shee Shall See Cause,for her use & relief whilst Shee Doth Live:Onely a part of my Home Lott from ye North Side of my Orchard to ye High way next to my Sister Crabbs,I have given to m y Sonn Caleb for his p'sent use itbeing ye Same Breadth to ye Reare of my Lott,And after my decease and my wives De- cease,AllyeHome Lott& Orchardistobemy SonnCalebswth a right of Comons to it;And my Lands upon Hog Island to be Equally Divided between my three Sonns Caleb,John & Edmond A n d also m y right of M e a d o w at ye South is to be Equally Divided Betweenemy beformenconed Sons,And alsomy Meadows Lying on ye East ye Bever Swomp-Crick,wth my Share of Meadow in ye Home Meadow is to be equally Divided between my Sons Caleb & Edmond And ye Share of Meadow on ye West Side of yeBeverSwomp RiverIgiveuntomy SonJohn,And further, thatLottofLandlyingbyJosephWeeks Home Lottistobe equally Divided between my Sons John & Edmund And further m y Lands by ye W a y that goes to Robert Williams plantacon wth C o m o n priviledges is to be equally Divided amongst m y three Sonns before named,And ye peece of Land Lying before my Home Lott that was Given to my Sonne John by ye Town isto bemy SonnEdmonds inLew ofthispeeceofLand Igivemy Sonn John that pece of Land whereon he now Lives,And my 327 328 Book B peece of S w o m p in the Mill River S w o m p is to be equally Divided between Caleb & Edmond, All these Lands & Meadows here Menconed Excepting that Pt to Caleb that isgiven to him p❜sent is to be all at m y wives Disposing during her Life & this is m y Last Will & Testam1. It is to be understood that peece of Land wch is menconed on yeotherSidethatIgivetomy SonnJohninLewofthatpiece I had of him,before my Home Lott,that was given him by ye Town,heistohaveallthatLottwhereonhenow Livestohim & his Heires forever Dvided he pays ffive pounds at Slattertime next ensuing in Beefe or porke at Merchants price;And to this I Subscribe m y hand Witnesse Tho :Townsend Nicholas Wright Gideon Wright Examined John West (p.40)—TO ALLCHRISTIANPEOPLEtowhomethisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e B e it k n o w n t h a t w e e Suscaneman alias Runasuck Checkegen alias Quarapin & Samos ye Son of ye Sachom Tackapoucha Indeans being chosen & Impow- redbythePprietors& ownersofalltheIndeansLandatMaten- acock wthin the Limitts of the patten & Township of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in the Collony of N e w Yorke ; to Sell their Lands at Matenacock aforesd,to give Bills of Sale & to receive pay as by a writing under the hands & Seales of Eight of the owners & prietrs bearing Date ye Sixth day of March in ye yeare 1684/5 more Largely Doth appeare N o w wee the Sd Indians for & in the consid'ation of a valuable Sum of Currantpayalreadyreceivedinfullpayment& SatisfactionAnd for other good causes & consideracons us ye Sd Indeans espec- ialllymoving:HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,Made over,Bargained Sold & confirmed,and by these p'sents wee ye Said Indeans Do give,grant,Alienate,make over Bargaine,Sell& confirme unto Isaac Daughty of N e w -worke within ye Limitts of Oysterbay aforesd All our Right Title & Interest Claime & De- mand whatsoever wch wee ye Said Indeans now have or any of ye Indean Owners & prietors now have or wch any of our Heires Executrs or Administratts or Assignes m a y hereafter have of & in a certaine Tract of Land Lying & being in New-Worke aforesd & bounded as followeth On the North Side by a High way from the house of ye Sd Isaac Leading to Oysterbay aforesd ranging South by the High way at ye head of his own Land inbreadth Seventy rod;from thence Eastward abutting against Joseph Dickinsons Land being in quantity fifty Acres be it more orLess;withall fits& comoditystheretobelongingorAptain- ingTO HAVE AND TO HOLD untohimtheSaidIsaachis Heires,Executrs Administrats or Assignes the Sd Tract of Land Book B 329 with its Appurtenances forever A N D w e the Said Indeans have put the Sd Isaac Daughty into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye Sd Tract of Land by the Dilivery of Turf & Twigg & by the diliveryofthesep'senceAND wetheSdIndeansdofurthercove- nant & mise to & with the Sd Isaac that it Shall & may be Lawful for him the Sd Isaac his Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, occupie, possess & enjoythe Sd Tract of Land withe Appurtenances forever with- out any Lett, Hindrance or Interuption of us or either of us or any or either of ye owners owners or Pprietors of ye Said Land notwithstanding any former gifts grants bargains or Sales what- soever A N D we ye forenamed Indeans do by these p'sents firmly bind our Selves our Heires Execut's & Administrat's firmly by these p'sents to Defend ye Sd Isaac Daughty his Heires Executr Administrat's or Assignes against all claimes & demands whatso- ever wch Shall or may hereafter be made unto ye Sd Tract of Land by any son or sons whatsoever And we ye Sd Indeans do further Declare that this our Deed Shall Stand good & effec- tuallnotwthstandinganyerrororerrorsthatmay befoundherein whichisnotaccordingtoLawINWITNES whereofwehave hereuntoSetourhands& SealestheSixthDayofJanuaryinthe ffirst yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne James the Second of Great Brittane & c King & c Annoq Dni 1685 Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Nathaneel Coles Henry Townsend Junior Seahar X his marke Takapouche X his marke Sachem his marke & Seale O Quarapin X hismarke&Seale O Samuse X This Bill of Sale acknowl- edged & dd before me Richard Cornell vide clxij (p.41)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e a p @ t a i n e ; B e it k n o w n t h a t w e Suscaneman Alias Runasuck,Checkegen Alias Quarapin & Samos the Son of the Sachem Tackapoucha Indeans being chosen & Impowred by the Pprietors & owners of all ye Indeans Land at Matenacock within the Limitts of the patten & Township of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in the Collony of New York to Sell their Land at Matenacock aforesd to give bills of Sale & receive pay as by a writing under ye hands & Seales of eight of the Sd Indean owners & prietors bearing date the Sixth day March in the year 1684/5 it doth more at Large ap- peare;Now we the Sd Indeans for & in the consideration of a Valuable S u m of currant pay already received before the writ- ing hereof in full payment & Satisfaction & for other good causes & consid'ations us the Sd Indeans especially Moving H A V E GIVEN GRANTED AlienatedmadeoverSold& confirmedAnd 330 Book B by these p'sents we the Said Indeans Do give grant alienate mak overSell& confirmeuntoJohnWood ofNew-Worke withinthe bounds of Oysterbay aforesd All our Right Title & Interest Claime & Demand whatsover which wee ye Sd Indeans now have or wch anyoftheownersorPprietorsoftheSd LandstheyrExecutors Administratrs or Assignes m a y hereafter have of & in a Certaine Tract of Land Lying & being in New-Worke within the Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd and Bounded on ye East end by the Land of John Williams on ye North Side by Muskeeto Cove Line & on the South Side with the Highway from Oysterbay to Isaac Daughtys house being in quantity twenty two Acres be it more or Less together with all Issues & fits therefrom arising or AptainingTO HAVE AND TO HOLD untohimtheSdJohn W o o d his Heires Executors Administrat's or Assignes ye Sd Tract of Land with ye Appurtenances & priviledges thereto belonging forever;AND weyeSdIndeansdofurtherCovenant& miseto & w i t h y e S d J o h n t h a t it S h a l l & m a y b e L a w f u l l f o r h i m t h e S d John W o o d his Heires Executrs Administrat's or Assignes Shall & may Lawfully have,hold occupie possese & enjoy the Sd Tract of Land with the Appurtenances forever without any Lett hin- drance or Interuption of us or any or either of the Sd owners or prietors of ye Sd Lands or any or either of our or their Heires, Executrs Administrat's or assignes Notwithstanding any former gifts grants Bargaines or or Sales whatsoever A N D w e the Sd Indeans have put the Sd John Into a lawfull & peaceable possession of the Sd Tract of Land by the Dilivery of Turf & Twigg and by the Dilivery of these p'sence A N D we ye Sd In- deans Do by these p'sents firmly bind our Selves our Heires Ex- ecutrs & Administrat's to Defend the Sd John W o o d his Heires or Assignes against all claimes & Demands whatsoever wch Shall or may hereafter be made by any person or sons whatsoevr And we the Sd Indeans Do further Declare that ye Sd Tract of Land is already laid out & bounded as aforesd by Surveyors by us for that purpose apoynted And that this our Deed Shall Stand good effectuall according to the true Intent & meaning hereof not- withstanding any error or errors that may be found herein wch is not accoding to L a w I N W I T N E S whereof w e have hereunt Setourhands& SealestheSixthDayofJanuaryinyeffirstyeare of ye Reigne of James ye Second of great Brittaine, ffrance & c King &c Annoq Dni:1685: Signed Sealed & dd inp'senceofus:- Nathaniell Coles Henry Townsend Juneor Seahor X his marke Tacapouche X his marke his marke Samose X & Seale о his marke Quarapin X & Seale This Bill of Sale acknowledged before me Richard Cornell plus clxxvi Book B 331 (p.42)-TO ALLCHRISTIANPEOPLEtowhomthisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e B e it k n o w n t h a t w e e Suscaneman Alias Runasuck Chechegen Alias Quarapin & Samos the Son of ye Sachem Takapoucha Indeans being Impowred & Appoynted by ye rest of the Indean Owners & prietors of all their Lands at Matenacock wthin ye bounds & Limits of ye patten & Township of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in yeCollonyofNew York;To SelltheirLands,giveBillsof Sale & Receive pay as by a Writing under ye hands & Seales of Eight of ye Sd Indan Owners bearing Date ye Sixth Day of March in ye Yeare 1684/5 more at Large Doth & may appeare; N o w w e the forenamed Indeans by vertue of the Sd Writing for & in Cosideration of Sixty pounds currant Merchantable pay of this Collony in hand paid & received before ye Sealing & delivry of these p'sents in full payment & Satisfaction A N D for other good causes & Consid'acons us ye Sd Indeans especially Moving ; HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED ,Alienated,Made over;Bargained, Sold & Confirmed ;A N D by these p'sents we ye Sd Indeans give, grant Alienate,make over,bargaine Sell & confirme unto James Cock, John Underhill, John ffeke Henry Townsend Jur, Job Wright,Nathaneel Coles,John Townsend at Mill Joseph Dickin- son Robert Townsend ,Samuel Dickinson,Stephen Burdsal,James Townsend,Daniel Weekes,Isaac Daughty,John Wood,Edmond W r i g h t . C a l e b W r i g h t J o h n W r i g h t W i l l i a m ffrost J o h n N e w m a n allInhabitants of the Town of Oysterbay aforesd unto them their Heires, Executrs Administrats or Assignes ; All our Right, Title & Interest,Claime & Demand whatsoever wch we ye Sd Indeans now have or which any of ye Sd owners or Pprietors or any or either of our Heires,Executrs,Administratrs or Assignes may hereafterhaveof&inall& Singular(ouryeSdIndeans)Land wch is now unsold upon Matenacok aforesd,being bounded on ye East wth Oysterbays Ancient purchase,on ye South with ye Line between Hempsteed & Oysterbay on ye west with ye highway Leading from Muskeetocove to ye plaines;wch highway is on ye west Side of ye Cedar Swamp So called & on ye North wth Sev1- allmens Lands formerly Sold by the Indeans;Together wth all Issues, fits,Comodities&emolumentstherefromarisingorAp- pertaining TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all & Singular the p'mises & every Pt & cel thereof unto them the before named James Cock, John Underhill, John ffeke, Henry Townsend Ser Job Wright, Nathaneel Coles, John Townsend at Mill, Joseph Dickinson Robert Townsend Samuel Dickinson, Stephen Burd- sal, James Townsend, Daniel Weekes Isaac Daughty, John Wood,Edmond Wright,Caleb Wright,John Wright William ffrost & John N e w m a n their Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes forever; A N D we ye Sd Indeans have put the fore- named Inhabitants of Oysterbay into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of the Sd Land by ye Dilivery of Turff & 332 Book B Twigg & by the Dilivery of these p'sents. A N D we the Sd Indeans Do further Covenant & mise to & with ye fore- named Twenty Inhabitants of Oysterbay that it Shall And may be Lawful for them the Sd Inhabitants of Oysterbay their Heires Executrs Administrators or Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,occupie possess & enjoy all & Singular the p'mises with ye Appurtenances thereof notwithstanding any former gifts, grants bargains or Sales whatsoever;A N D we ye Said Indeans D o by these p'sents firmly firmly bind our Selves our Heires,Exe- cutrs & Administrat's firmly to Defend ye forenamed Inhabitants of Oysterbay in their peaceable possession of & in the p'mises against all Claimes & Demands whatsoever wch Shall or may bemadeuntoyep'misesoranyPtor cellthereofbyany son or sons whatsoever,And we ye Sd Indeans Do further Declare that this our Deed Shall Stand good & effectuall according to ye true Intent & meaning hereof notwithstanding any error or errors that may be found herein which is not according to Law IN W I T N E S whereof we have hereunto Set our hands & Seales the Ninth Day of January in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & five (1685/6) Signed Sealed & dd in p❜sence of us Richard Cornell Tho : fforeman the mark X of Takapoucha The mark X of Sehor the mark X of Suskaneman aliasRunasuck O the marke of X Chechegen alias Quarapin O the marke of Samos X That wch follows in ye next page belongs to this Deed (p.43)-It is to be understood that though there are but Twenty men mentioned in this above Written Deed ;Nevertheless as many more of ye Town & Townships Inhabitants as Shall come in & pay or give Security for payment of ye Abovesd Purchase and and charges thereon expended within three Months after ye Date hereof Shall have ye Same Right, Title & Interest to ye Land abovesd as any whose names are written in this Deed ; This Deed acknowledged by ye Indeans before us Richard Cornell Justice of ye Quorum John Townsend Justice of ye Peace This that follows is written on ye Back Side of the foregoing Deed By these p'sents we the purchasers of ye Land Mentioned in this wthin written Deed,and ye Sd Deed made unto us our heires& AssignesasatLargeitDothappeare;Now weeyeSd purchasers Do take to us,to be Joynt purchasers with us.in ye within Mentioned Purchase equally with us those persons under- written they paying their equall Share of ye fine for ye Sd pur- Book B 333 chase& chargethereonexpendedtowhichwe Subscribeourhands the Nineth day of January : 1685 (1685/6) John Townsend Se: John Dewsbury. John Applegate. Daniel Townsend. John Rogers. William Crooker. Thomas Youngs. Hannah ffurman for her son Moses: Adam Wright. Thomas Weekes. James Weekes. Nathan Burdsal. Benjamin Burdsal. Mathew Prior. John Pratt. Thomas Willitts. Samuel Weekes. Joseph Weekes. John Weekes. Thomas Townsend. Richard Harckutt Miriam Harcott in ye behalfe of her Children by Samuel fforman Henry Bell: Sold to John Newman Jno Townsend Junr Lusum Richard Willitts Jno Williams Hope Williams Lawrence Mott W m Buckler Daniel Whitehead Samuel Tiller Rob Coles Rich: Kirbie W m Thornecroft Rob Godfrey Ephraim Carpent Jno Robins George Downing Josias Latten Samuell Burdsall James Cock John Underhill John ffeke Henry Townsend Ju Job Wright Nathaneel Coles John Townsend mi[11] Joseph Dickinson Robert Townsend Samuell Dickinson Stephen Burdsall James Townsend Daniel Weekes Isaac Daughty John Wood Edmond Wright Caleb Wright John Wright William ffrost John Newman liij 334 Book B Thomas Cock George Townsend Joseph Carpenter Daniel Coles John Cock Joseph Sutton (p.44 blank,but the following document pasted in)- Anno of Domtr Sixteen Hundred & fifty three This writing witnesseth yt Assiapum alias Mohenes have Sold unto Peter WrightSamuelMayo WilliamLeverichtheirheirsExctrsAdmstr and assigns all his Land Lying & Scituate upon Oysterbay and bounded by oyster River to the East side and papaquetuck River on the west side wth all ye woods rivers mashes uplands ponds and all other ye appertanances Lying between the bounds afore named with all ye Islands lying to the Sea ward Excepting one Island Commonly Called hogg Island and bounded near South ward by a point of trees Called Cantiague in Consideration of wch bargain & Sale he is to Receive as full Satisfaction Six In- dian Coats Six kettels Six ffathum of w a m p u m Six Hoes five Hatchets three pair of Stockings thirty aule blades or muxes TwentyKnivesthreeShirts& asmuchpeague(blackwampum) as will amount to four pounds Sterling In witness whereof he hath Sett to his mark in the presence of us William washborne Anthony Wright Robert Williams Assiapum X or Mohenes his Mark W E W I T H I N N A M E D Samuel Mayo Peter Wright & Wil- liam Leverich Do Except of as (remainder worn away. This is nottheoriginalFirstPurchaseDeed,butacopy. Anothercopy appears on p. 354. They differ slightly from each other, and from the actual text, which is correctly given in the Appendix. See frontispiece.) (p.45) THIS INSTRUMENT ofwritingorDeedofConvey- ance witnesseth to all Christian people to whome itmay come or any wise concerne ; K n o w yee yt whereas I John Weicks of the T o w n of Warwick wthin ye Collony of Rhoad Island & Providence Plantations in N e w England & c A m & Stand possessed of a cer- tain priviledge of Lands & Meadows wthin ye patten & Township of Oysterbay wthin Queens County upon Long Island in America by vertue of my now wives portion formerly Rose Townsend & Daughter to John Townsend of Oysterbay Deceased & now my wife,by vertue of wch Marriage being Invested into all ye Lands & estate of Said wife as allotted to her out out of her Sd De- ceased ffathers estate of Lands & Meadows wthin the Township of Oysterbay as by Records & Severall Instrumts of writing will Book B 335 and make (may) Appeare,Have,and wth ye approbation & free consent of my now Sd wife Rose whose ye abovesd above Men- tioned Lands was perly as above mentioned ; Have & Doe by these p'sence and upon good Consid'ations moving us hereunto Bargaine, Sell, Alienate All the ye abovesd Lands be it either Lands Inclosed Laid out,or not Inclosed nor yet Laid out Ply belonging to ye Sd right wthin ye Town purchase of Oysterbay wth all comon rights & priviledges thereunto belonging wth half a Share of Meadow at ye South as formerly Laid out & to us alotted & Divided,as by will of our abovesd ffathers estate may appeare wth an Alotment of Upland upon Unkaway Neck as for- merly laid out and all other priviledges Acruing thereunto, for ye full Sume of Thirty pounds in Boston Silver to us pd before ye Sealing hereof by our Brother George Townsend of Oyster- bay in Sd County upon Long Island have Bargained, Sold and byp'sentpossession Dilevered unto our Sd Brother George Town- send for the Sd Sume of Money abovesd All our whole right, title& InterestofUplands,Meadows,Comonages,priviledges b e it o f w t n a t u r e w h a t S o e v e r t o u s b e l o n g i n g o r a n y w i s e A p - taining by vertue of ye Sd Will above Mentioned to us belong- ingwthinye Township of Oysterbay upon Long Island;To ye Sd George his Heires Executrs Administratrs or Successors or Assignes To have & to hold,occupie,possesse & enjoy as his or their own rights, Titles & Interests forever from us, our Heires Executrs Administratrs or Successours forever, as firmly to all Intents, Constructions or purposes Is Mought be worded or written according to L a w ; Excepting our Right of M e a d o w s atye Bever Swamp So called,and at Oak-Neck being before ye SealinghereofDisposedoff;Butall& everyPt& cellofour rightof Lands & Meadows above mentioned ye Meadow of Bever Swamp & Oak-Neck only excepted wee Do warrantize to our Brother George his Heires & Successors to maintaine & defend againstallJust Claimes whatsoever forever;As witnes our hands & Seales to ye confirmation of this our Deed of Sale in Ports- mouth upon Rhoad Island this third Day of March one thousand Six hundred eighty & five or Six: Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Tho: Townsend Mary Townsend John Wickes O (p.46)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sent writing Shall come or in any wise aptaine Be it known that whereas I Job Wright of Oysterbay in Queens County in the vince of N e w Y o r k D o e n o w Stand possessed of a certaine Tract ofLand Lately bought by me ye Sd Job of ye Indeans at ye Cedar- Swamp So called Lying & being in Matenacock within the bounds ofye patent of Oysterbay aforesd wch Sd Tract of Land is Bound- Rose Wicks O ccvii 336 Book B edfirstwthJamesTownsends SoutheastBounder,andfromthence eighty rod South to Nathaneel Coles Northeast Bound' Ranging the Same breadth by ye Land of James Townsend on the North & Nathaneel Coles on ye South westwardly to ye Cart-way fro Muskeeto Cove to ye plaines being the Same breadth at the west end as at the East and in quantity Eighty Acres of Land more or Less as in the Indeans Deed of Sale bearing Date the 26th Day o f M a r c h : 1 6 8 5 : a n d a s it S t a n d s r e c o r d e d i n y e L a n d E v i d e n c e s in Oysterbay in Libr B : page 9th more Largely Doth appeare, N o w I the Sd Job Wright for & in the Consideration of Thirteen pounds in hand paid in full Satisfaction before ye Sealing & Dilivery hereof and for other good causes & Consid1ations m e ye Sd Job especially Moving H A V E G I V E N granted alienated made over Bargained Sold & confirmed and by these p'sents I the Sd Job Wright Do give;grant,alienate Make over Sell & confirme untoDanielWeekes ofOysterbayaforesdallmy Right,title& Interest clame & demand whatsoever wch I the Sd Job now have or wch any of m y Heires, Executrs Administratrs m a y hereafter have of & in ye one Moity or halfe of the Tract of Land before recited being the Southerly halfe part thereof Ranging the full Length & halfe ye breadth of the whole tract of Land aforesd togetherwithall fits&IssuestherefromarisingorgrowingTO H A V E & T O H O L D the Sd Moity or halfe Pt of the before recited Tract of Land unto ye Sd Daniell Weekes his Heires Exe- cutrs Administratrs or Assignes forever, & to his & their p use & behoof forever And the Sd Job Wright hath put ye Sd Daniell into a L a w full & peaceable possession of the S d halfe tract of Land by the Dilivery of these p'sents And the Sd Job Wright Doth further covenant & agree for himself his Heires Executrs & Administratrs to & wth ye Sd Daniel Weekes that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Daniel his Heires Exe- cuts Administratrs or Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold occupie possess & enjoy the Sd Moity or halfe t of ye fore recited Tract of Land forever wthout any Lett hindrance or In- t'uption of him ye Sd Job his Heires Execut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or undr him by any way or means w'Soever notwithstanding any former gift, grant,Bargaine or Sale whatsoever,and the Sd Job Doth hereby bind himself his Heires & Assignes to Defend the Sd Daniel his Heires & Assignes against all Just claimes & demands that Shall be made to or of the Sd halfe Tract of Land by ye Indians And this m y Deed Shall Stand good & effectuall according to ye true Intent & Meaning hereof In Witnes whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal the Sixteenth Day of Aprill in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & five Signed Sealed & dd In p'sence of us John Newman Thomas Weekes Job Wright O vide xciij Book B 337 B e it k n o w n b y t h e s e p ' s e n t s t h a t I J o b W r i g h t t h e w t h i n n a m e d inthiswthinwrittenDeedhaveAssignedmadeover& confirmed And by these p'sents I ye Sd Job Do Assigne make over & con- firme unto Daniel Weekes of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of N e w Yorke this wthin written Deed t o g e t h e r w t h all y e R i g h t , title a n d I n t e r e s t w c h I y e S d J o b m y Heires,Execut's or Assignes can or may have by vertue of this wthin written Deed or any clause or covenant therein contained unto him ye Sd Daniel Weekes his Heires & Assignes forever I ye Sd Job Raving (having) received of him the Sd Daniel full Satisfaction therefore before ye Sealing hereof In witnes whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seale ye Twenty fifth Day of January in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & Six: Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman JobWright O Thomas Weekes This Assignmt is of ye ffirst Deed Recorded in page ye 35th ofthis Book (p .4 7 ) - T O A L L C H R I S T I A N P E O P L E to w h o m e this p'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e a p @ t a i n e B e it k n o w n t h a t I J o b Wright of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in y(e) CollonyofNew Yorke for& inyeConsid'ationofaThirdPt of the H o m e Lott formerly m y father Peter Wrights Deceased to m e Confirmed by a Deed at ye Sealing hereof bearing Date wth these p'sents and for other good Causes & Considerations me ye Sd Job expeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,alienated,Made over,Bargained,Sold & Confirmed,And by these p❜sents I ye Sd Job D o Give grant alienate make over Bargaine Sell & confirme unto A d a m Wright of Oysterbay aforesd all m y right Title & In- terestclaime& DemandwhatsoeverwchItheSd Job now haveor wch any of m y heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes may here- after have of & in the one Moitie or halfe of a Certaine Tract of Land Lying & being atye Cedar Swamp So called Lying & being in Matenacock wthin ye bounds of Oysterbay aforesd (the other Moity or halfe thereof being formerly Sold to Daniel Weekes ) And it is Bounded as ffolloweth the first bounder Begineth at James Townsends Southeast bound" & from thence South fourty Rod to Daniel Weeks Northeast bound',ranging ye Same breadth by ye Land of James Townsend on ye North & Daniel Weekes on ye South westwardly to ye Cartway from Muskeeto Cove to ye plaines being ye same breadth at ye west end as at ye east & in Quantity fourty Acres of Land be it more or Less it being the Moity of a Tract of Land bought of ye Indeans by ye Sd Job as by their Deed bearing Date ye twenty Sixth Day of March 1685: Doth appeare & Stands Recorded in ye Land Evidences of 338 Book B Oyst❜bay in Booke.B :page ye 9th together wth all Issues & fits therefromarisingorAp@tainingTO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Sd Tract of Land wth ye Appurtenances unto ye Sd Adam Wright his Heires Execut's Administrat's or Assignes for ever & the Sd Job hath put ye Sd A d a m into a Lawful & peaceable pos- session of ye p'mises by ye Delivery of these p'sents and ye Sd Job D o t h f u r t h e r C o v e n a n t t o & w t h y e S d A d a m t h a t it S h a l l & m a y be Lawfull for him ye Sd Adam his Heires Executrs Administra- trs or Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold occupie possess & enjoy all & Singular ye premises wthout ye L a w full Lett hin- drance or Interupcon of him ye Sd Job his Heires Executors Administrats or Assignes And yt the Sd Job his Heires Executrs & Assignes Shall & will Shall & will Defend ye Sd A d a m his Heires Executrs & Assignes against all Just claimes that Shall or may be made to ye Sd tract of Land by any son or sons wtsoever;And heDoth furtherDeclarethatthatthishisDeed Shall Stand good & effectual according to ye true Intent & mean- inghereofIN WITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSetmy hand& Seale the twelfth Day of Aprill in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & Six Signed Sealed & dd the p'senc of us Nathan Burdsall Henry Townsend Jur Job Wright the mark of O Be itknown unto allmen by these p'sents yt I Samuel Andrews of Oysterbay upon Long Island in America in ye Queens County in New Yorkeshere:have & by thes p'sents Doe Alienate Sell & Make over from me my Heires Executrs Administratrs & Assignes forever unto John ffry of Lusum in Oysterbay bouns Shomaker to him his Heires,Executrs Administrats or Assignes the whole right & titleof a whole right of Comons that was fformerly Nick- lis Simkins in all undivided Lands with in the bounds of Oyster- bay And Twenty Acres of Land Lying Southward of my Dwell- ing house A n d the South P t of that thirty Ackers formerly Laid out for the aforesaid Samewell Andrews I ye aforesd Samuel Andrews do acknowledg to have Sold ye aforesd right of Comons & ye aforesd twenty ackers of Land unto ye aforesd John ffry foryefull& JustSume oftwelvepoundsinMoneytomeinhand pd And doe give this Bill of Saile unto ye aforesd John ffry for him to Shew his trewe title to keep ye aforesd J: ffry harmles from m e or any by m y means or any Intangelments or Incum- brances Whatsoever or former Sailes or Morgages wtever and from m e m y Heires Executor Administratrs or Assignes forever to ye aforesd John ffry to him his Heires Executrs Administrat's or Assignes forever ;T o have & to hold for his right to m a k e Saile or conveyance as he Shall See cause And for ye trew Rachel (R ) Wright O clviij Book B 339 formance of this Deed I do enterchangably Set my hand & Seale this twenty fourth Day of ye third Month in ye yeare one thousand Six hundred eighty Six Signed Sealed in Samuel Andrews O the p'senc of us I underwritten doe Consent to ye Sale of Henry Willis ye Land Mentioned above as witnes my William Willis hand and Seale Mary Andrews Ŏ W e und written Saw this within written Deed sin'd, Sealed & Delev'ed by Mary Andrews ffrancis Richardson Joseph Ludlam Item clxxx (p.48)-TO ALLCHRISTIANPEOPLEtowhomthisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e a p @ t a i n e b e it k n o w n t h a t w e Suscaneman alias Runasuck Pechegin alias Quarapin & Samos the Sonne of ye Sachem Takapoucha,Indeans being chosen and Im- powred by ye rest of ye Indeans owners & prietors of allye In- deans Land upon Matenacock wthin ye Limitts & bounds ofye Town of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collo- nyofNewYork;To SelltheirLands,giveBillsofSale& receive pay as by a writing under ye hands & Seales of eight of ye Sd owners & priet's bearing Date the Sixth Day of March :1684/5 more at Large Doth appeare;Now we ye Sd Indeans by virtue of ye Sd writing for & in ye Consid'ation of ye Sume of ffive pounds of currant Merchantable pay of this Collony in hand pd & received before ye writing hereof in full paymt & Satisfaction, And for other good causes & consid1ations us ye Sd Indeans espe- ciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,bargained,alienated, made over,Sold & Confirmed,And by these p'sents we ye Sd In- deans do give,grant,Bargaine alienate,Make over,Sell & confirme unto A d a m Wright afo Oysterbay aforesd his Heires Executrs administratsorAssignes,Állourright,title& Interestclaime& demand wt Soever wch we the Sd Indeans now have or wch any of ye foresd Indean Owners or priet's their Heires Executrs Administrats or Assignes have or hereafter may have of & in a piece or Tract of Land on Matenacock aforesd,And Bounded asffolloweth,onyeSouthwthyeIndeansLand& Likewiseon yeEast& west,wthIndeansLand,And onyeNorthewthyeHigh way Leading from Isaac Daughtys houseto Oysterbay Towne,op- posite against William ffrosts Land in Quantity Thirty Acres to- getherwthall fits& comoditiesfromthencearisingorAptain- ing;TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all& Singularthep'miseswth ye Appurtenances & every Pt & cel thereof unto him the Sd Adam Wright his Heires,Executrs Administratrs or Assignes forever,And we ye Sd Indeans have put ye Sd Adam into a Lawful & peaceable possession of ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twig and by ye dilivery of these p'sents And we ye 340 Book B forenamed Indeans Do further covenant & mise to & wth the Sd Adam that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Adam his Heires Execut's administratrs or Assignes quietly & peace- ably to have hold occupie possess & enjoy the Sd Thirty Acres of Land wth ye apptenances forever without the Lawfull Lett hindrance or Molestation of us ye Sd Indeans or any or either of our Heires Execut's Administrat's or Assignes not wth Standing any former gift, grant, bargaine or Sale wt Soever. A n d w e ye Sd Indeans do by these p'sents firmly bind our Selves our Heires Executrs & AdministratTMsto defend the Sd Adam his Heires Exe- cut's & Assignes against all claimes & demands whatsoever that Shall or may be made unto ye premises by any son or sons whatsoever A n d w e ye Said Indeans D o hereby Declare that this our Deed Shall Stand good & effectuall according to ye true In- tent & meaning hereof notwthStanding any error or errors that maybefoundthereinwhichisnotaccordingtoLaw IN WITNES whereof we have hereunto Set our hands & Seales the Seventh Day of January in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hun- dred eighty & five Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman Thomas Weeks the X marke of Sehar The X marke of Joseph the Indean the marke of Suscaneman X Runasuck alias the X marke of Chegegin alias Quarapin the marke X of Tackapoucha in ye behalfe of his Son Samos Item clxxxiij Beitknownbythesep'sentsthatIAdam WrightofOysterbay the wthin named purchaser Do Assigne & make over this Deed wthin written with all m y right title & Interest claime & D e m a n d whatsoever wch I m y Selfe or m y Heires Executrs Administrat" or Assignes have or may have in & to ye Land wthin Mentioned by vertue of this within Written Deed unto Lawrence Mott of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay on Long Island in ye Dvince of N e w Yorke or to his Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes to have & to hold to them & every & either of them in every ticular clause & covenant mentioned in ye Sd Deed as firmly & amply as ye Sd Land is made to me & mine from ye IndeanswithinwrittenIN WITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSet myhand& SealyeffifteenthDayofMayintheyeareonethou- sand Six hundred eighty & Six SignedSealed&ddinp'senceofus AdamWright O John:Newman Job : Wright Book B 341 Asigned by m e Laurance Mott of Matenacock in Queens Coun- ty in the Collony of Newyork all m y right title and Interest of this Deed and John Mott m y son of ye same place I say As- signed from m e m y heires and Assignes for Ever unto the said John Mott to him His Heires,and Assignes for Ever as Witness m y hand In Matenacock this third of April In ye Yeare of our Lord 1698 Laurance Mott X his mark Signed & delivered In presence of us Aaron fforman Joseph Weekes (p.49)—TO ALLCHRISTIANPEOPLEtowhomethisp'sent w r i t i n g o f a n e x c h a n g e S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p @ t a i n e B e it knowne that I Daniel Coles of Muskeeto Cove wthin ye Limits of ye Township of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in the Consid'ation hereafter ex- pressed & for other causes & consid'ations him ye Said Daniel especiallymoving HAVE GIVEN GRANTED alienated made over & confirmed & by these p'sents I the Sd Daniel D o give grant Alienatemake over& confirmeallmy righttitle& Interestclaime & D e m a n d whatsoever unto Nathaneel Coles of Oysterbay aforesd wchItheSdDanielnowhaveorwchanyofmy HeiresExecut's Administrats or Assignes may hereaft have of & in ye Town of Oysterbay aforesd :that is to say one quarter part of a C o m o n Right & a halfe Share of Meadow & a quarter part of a Home Lott,with halfe a Share at Hogg Island all which he ye Sd Dan- iel had formerly of Matthias Harvie, Together wth his ye Sd Daniels Share of a Nine Acre Lott being on ye West Side of Samuel Andrews old ffield,& Six Acres at ye plaines,& halfe a Share of Comons both divided & undivided wch he ye Sd Daniel had formerly of his Brother ye Sd Nathaneel, wth all his right & priviledge in ye old purchase of Oysterbay aforesd ; (Except & reserving unto him ye Sd Daniel his Heires & Assignes one quarter of a Share of Meadow at ye South of Oysterbay aforesd) Together wth all fits & Comodities therefrom arising or app- tainingTO HAVE AND TO HOLD all& Singularyep'miseswth ye apurtenances (Except before excepted) unto him ye Sd Na- thaneel Coles his Heires Execut's Administrat's or Assignes for ever;AND inConsidrationofyep'misesthatistoSayyeafore- named Lands Lotts,Meadow & Comons Ithe Sd Nathaneel Coles HAVE GIVEN GRANTED,Alienated,Made over& confirmed & by these p'sents Ithe Sd Nathaneel do give;grant,Alienate, m a k e over & confirme unto Daniel Coles aforesd all m y Right title & Interest clame & Demand wtSoever wch I ye Sd Nathaneel now have or wch any of m y Heires Executrs Administrats or Assignes mayhereaft'haveof& inmy ShareoftheSaw-MillatMuskeeto Cove aforesd,wth all ye Tools & Instruments that belongs to ye 342 Book B aforesdSharewchistheThirdpartofoneSawwthall fits& comoditiestherefromArisingorap@taining;TO HAVE & TO HOLD theSdShareofaSaw-Millasbeforeisexpressedwthits Appurtenances unto him the Sd Daniel Coles his Heires,Execut Administrats or Assignes forever,And ye Sd Daniel & ye Sd Nathaneel hath put each other into a Lawfull & peaceable pos- session of ye p'mises So exchanged by ye Delivery of of these p'sents;A N D ye Sd Daniel & ye Sd Nathaneel doth further (to each othe[r)] covenant mise & agree that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd Nathaneel & for him ye Sd Daniel and either of their Heires Execut's Administrat's or Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold occupie possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises according to ye Bargaine & grant of Exchange before expressed wthout ye L a w full Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Daniel or of him ye Sd Nathaneel or of either of their Heires Executrs Administrat's or Assignes forever or any other person or sons Lawfully claiming for by or under them or either of them by meanes of any former gift Grant Bargaine or Sale w'Soever A N D ye Sd Pties Doth further Declare that this their Deed Shall Stand good & effectuall according to ye true Intent & Meaning hereof notwithstanding any error or errors that maybefoundhereinwchisnotaccordingtoLaw;IN WITNES where of the Sd parties have hereunto Set their hands ;& Seales the Ninth Day of ffebruary in ye ffirst Yeare of ye Raigne of James ye Second of Great Brittane & c King & c Annoq Dni :1685 Signed Sealed & dd Daniel Coles O in p'sence of us Nathaneel Coles O John Newman James Townsend George Codner cclxxxix (p50)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthisp'sent writing writing Shall come or in any wise aptaine Be itknown that I A d a m Wright of Oysterbay in Queens County upon Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation of ye S u m e of ffifteene pounds of currant pay of this collony already re- ceived & for other good causes & consid'ations me the Sd Adam especiallymoving;HAVE GIVEN GRANTED,Alienated,made over,Sould & confirmed & by these p'sents I the Sd Adam Do Give,Grant,Alienate,Make over,Bargaine,Sell& Confirme unto Nathan Burdsall of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay afore- sdallmy right,title& Interestclaime& Demand wtSoeverwchI ye Sd Adam now have or wch any of my Heires Execut's Admin- istrats or Assignes may hereafter have of & in one third part of a RightofMeadow,Lying& beingatthatwchiscomonlycalled ye South Oyst'bay aforesd as it lies Divided & Laid out amongst ye Pprietors thereof upon ye Severall Necks of ye Sd Meadow Book B 343 AndalsoallthatShallormayhereaft'cometobeDivided& Laid out as aforesd;Together wth one Right or Share of upland upon Unkaway Neck at ye South aforesd together with all priviledges, Issues & fits of or from ye p'mises anyway arising or growing TO HAVE AND TO HOLD untohimyeSdNathanBurdsalhis Heires Executrs Administrat's or Assignes all & Singular ye p'm- ises with ye Appurtenances to their & evry & either of their onely per use & behoofe forever and the Sd A d a m hath put ye Sd Na- than into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of & in ye p'mises by yeDiliveryofTurf& Twig&byyeDiliveryofthesep'sents;And Í ye Sd Adam Do hereby Declare that I am ye true owner & priet of ye Sd Meadow wch was formerly my ffather Peter Wrights Deceased but now in my Disposing And the Sd Adam Doth further covenant that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Nathan his Heires Executrs Administrats or Assignes, quietly & peaceably to have, hold, occupie; possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises for ever, without ye L a w full Lett hin- drance or Interuption of him ye Sd A d a m Wright his Heires Execut's Administrats or Assignes or any other person or per- sons Lawfully claiming for by or und' them or any or either of them notwithstanding any former gift grant Bargaine or Sale w'SoeverAND ItheSdAdamdoeherebyDeclarethatthismy Deed Shall Stand good & effectuall according to ye true Intent & meaning hereof notwithstanding any error or errors that may b e f o u n d h e r e i n w h i c h is n o t a c c o r d i n g t o L a w ; I N W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seale the Seventeenth DayofMay inyeyeareofourLordoneThousand SixHundred eighty Six ; I do also Declare yt that ye S u m e of fifteen pounds above Specified is fully Satisfied and pd to me before ye Sealing hereof Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman Job: Wright Adam Wright O Know allmen by these p'sents that whereas John Weekes of of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of New Yorke Weaver did formerly Buy & purchase of Richard Harcott of Oysterbay a Lott or Share of Land on Hogg Island So called being in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd And ye Sd John did pay for ye Sd Lott or Share of Land So that he ye Sd Richard was fully Satisfied from ye Sd John for ye Sd Land : Nevertheless afterward this Sd Lott of Land & ye purchase thereof was either by mistake of ye Town Clerke or by Some other way or Meanes Entred into ye Records of Oysterbay afore- sd for & in ye name of Samuel Weekes Brother to ye Sd John Weekes as it Appeares in ye Sd Records in ye Booke A : page 344 Book B 14andDatedye24thofDecembr 1667:Now Iyebeforemen- tioned Samuel Weekes doe hereby declare that I doe cleerly & fully relinquish all Right,Title & Int'est Claime & Demand wt- SoeverwchIyeSdSamuelmy HeiresExecut'sorAssignesnow orhereaft mayhaveof& inyeSdLottAnd IyeSdSamueldoe for m y Selfe m y Heires Executrs and Assignes Covenant & Agree to & wth ye Sd John my Brother that itShall and may be Lawful for him my Sd Brother John his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, Occupie, possess & enjoy all ye Sd Lott or Share of Land before Mentioned for ever Notwith- standing what is mentioned in ye Records before Rehearsed to ye Contrary In Witnes whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal ye 16th Day of Aprill 1687 Signed Sealed & Dd in p'sence of John Newman : George Townsend Daniel Townsend Samuel Wekes O (p.51)—All men Shall know by these p'sents yt I Isaac Horner of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke do hold m y Self firmly bound unto John Wright of ye Same place & Collony in ye Sume of Thirty pounds in Silver money Currant in this Collony to be pd to ye Sd John Wright his Executrs Administrats or Assignes to wch payment well & truly to be made & Done I do bind m y Selfe m y Heires Execut's & Administrats firmly by these p'sents Sealed wth m y Seal & Dated ye twenty Seventh Day of October in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & five The Condicon of this obligation is Such that whereas the above bounden Isaac Horner hath Borrowed of the above named John Wright a certain Sume of money & ye Sd Isaac for & in Con- sid'ation of the Same hath & Doth by these p'sents make over & confirme unto John Wright aforesd a Share of Meadow wch was Given to Lydia ye now Wife of ye Sd Isaac by Richard Crabb Deceased & bounded on the east Side by A d a m Wrights Land ; on ye west wth Simon Coopers meadow on ye South by Dickinsons Lott & on ye North end by ye Cove being in quantity two Acres & a quart or thereabouts be it more or Less being now in ye possession of ye Sd Isaac Lying & being in Oysterbay aforesd And the Sd Isaac hath put ye Sd John into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of the Sd Share of Meadow by the Dilivery of these p'sents ; If therefore ye Sd John Wright his Heires Ex- ecut's Administratrs or Assignes do from henceforth quietly & peaceably have, hold, occupie, possesse & enjoy the aforesd Share of M e a d o w wth all Issues & fits & Comodities therefrom arising or in any wise belonging wth out ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Isaac or any other son or sons wtSoever Laying any Just claime to ye p'mises either by the right Book B 345 ofye forenamed Lydia ye now wife of ye Sd Isaac or by or und yerightofyeSdIsaac;-Or otherwiseiftheSdIsaacdowell & truly Satisfie content & pay or cause to be pd to ye above named John Wright his Heires Executrs Administrat's or Assignes the full& wholeSumeofSeventeenpoundsofcurrantSilvermoney all in pieces of eighteenpence & nine pence at or before ye end oftwowholeyearesnext& Imediatelyafterthedatehereofwthout fraud or any further delay then this obli(g)ation Shall be void & of none effect;or els to Stand in full force & virtue and the Sd John Wright or his Assignes Shall enjoy ye p'mises forever; But if the aforesd Sume of money is pd wthin ye time before receited the Sd John is to Diliver up ye possession of ye Sd Meadow unto ye Sd Isaac wthall ye ffences thereto belonging Signed Sealed & dd Isaac Horner in p'sence of us Lydia Horner O John Newman Clerid: Eleazar Doreby: plu:lxxi Nathaneel Coles The money Seventeen pounds mentioned in this above writing is Satisfied & pd to John Wright Abovenamed by Daniel Weekes & ye writing is thereby made void: this is und'written by ordr ofye Sd John Wright June 7th1687 by John Newman Recorder The 5th of Decembr 1686 Know all men that Richard Townsend planter was Inhabeter in Jerico or Lusem wthin ye Towneship of and that ye Towne of Oysterbay, ded Se cause on good consid'ation to give unto the fore Saied Richard Townson A Cartin parsill of Land as ye Townd recordwillmakeapper,And notLongafterthisforeSaide Richard Towneson Died & desesed without a will & untested (intestate) therefore Elezebeth his his wedeo made choice of hur Brother in Law Henry Townsend Miller of Oysterbay And hur cozsen John Towneson Tanner & Showmaker of Lusum to be hur Asistance in making a Devision on ye Lands & estate of the Desesed Richard in wch Devision they Gave tene Achares of ye foresaid Land to Dinah eldest Daught to the Decesed Richard that is tene achars of that Land Given by ye Towne to ye fore- saidRichard;now IJohnTownsendhouseCarpent'eldestson & Aire of ye Desesed Richard do consent unto yt act of theres in Disposing of that teen Achares of Land to Dinah A d further Idofreelygiveallmy right,titell& IntrustinthatteenAchares of Land aforesd to Dinah my Sister wthall previlige yt Doth or everShalltheretobelongfromme my Heires& Assignestohur wth hur Aires & Asines as witnes m y hand Sined Selede & delivered in ye p'sence of hus John Townsend Sen James Townsend John Townsend O 346 Book B (p.52)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomethisp'sent writing Shall come or in any wise ap@ taine;Be itknown that I Isaac Horner of ye vince of West N e w Jersey for & in ye Con- sidration of ye Sume of Sixteen pounds Silver Money Currant of this Collony in hand paid in full Satisfaction before ye Sealing & Dilivery hereof & for other good causes & considerations m e ye Sd IsaacespeciallymoovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED alienated, made over,Bargained Sold & confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye SdIsaacdogivegrantAlienateMakeoverSell& confirmeallmy right Title & Interest claime & Demand whatsoever wch I ye Sd Isaac now have,or wch any of my Heires Execut's Administrat or Assignes may hereafter have of & in a piece or Tract of Land & Swamp Lying & being at Bever Swamp in Matenacock in in the bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke unto John Rogers of Oysterbay aforesaid his Heires Executrs Administrats or Assignes which Sd Tract of Land & Swamp is Bounded from from a Chesnutt Tree upon ye Hill neer ye High way from thence to Run East Sixty eight Rod & ye Middle of the Brook to be ye East Bounds, And from the aforesd Chesnutt Tree to runn North one Hundred & Twenty Rod to a Black oake Standing be- twixt two Branches of ye Run Called ye Midle Run halfe of that Run & Swamp to be ye Lyne from thence Easterly Sixty Eight rod to ye full value of ffifty Acres be it more or Less wthall Pfits & Comodities thereto belonging or Aptaining T O H A V E A N D T O H O L D y e S d T r a c t o f L a n d & S w a m p w i t h its A p p u r - tenances unto ye Sd John Rogers his Executrs Administrat's or As- signes& tohis& theironelyP P use& behoofe forever.And the Sd Isaac hath putt ye Sd John into a Lawfull & peaceable posses- sion of & in ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of Turf & Twigg & by the Dilivery of these p'sents A N D the Sd Isaac Doth further covenant to & wth the Sd John that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd John his Heires Executrs Administrats or Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,occupy,possesse & enjoy all & Singu- lar ye p'mises forever wthout ye L a w full Lett hindrance or In- teruption of him ye Sd Isaac his Heires Execut's Administrat or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or under them or either of them by meanes of any former gift, grant, bargaine or Sale whatsoever ; A n d further I the S d Isaac D o bind m y Self m y Heires Executrs and Administrat's firmly by these p'sents to Defend Save & keep harmles ye Sd John Rogers his Heires Executrs Administrats or Assignes against all claimes or Demands Law Suits or other Incumbrances that Shall or may hereafter be made by any son or sons whether Indeans or Christians upon,unto or concerning ye Sd Tract of Land ;And I ye Sd Isaac do also Declare that I a m ye true owner & Pprietor of ye p'mises & yt this m y Deed Shall Stand good & effectuall according to ye true Intent & meaning hereof not- Book B 347 withstanding any error or errors that may be found herein wch isnotaccordingtoLawINWITNES whereofIhavehereunto Set m y hand & Seal ye two & twentieth Day of M a y in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & Six Signed Sealed & dd in ye p'sence of us John Newman George Townsend IsaacHorner O This Deed owned & acknowledged by Isaac Horner before me vide lxxv : John Townsend Ser Be it known by these p'sents yt I David Underhill ye wthin Named in this wthin Written Deed,have Assigned,Made over & Confirm'd, And by these p'sents I ye Sd David do Assigne Make over and Confirme unto John Rogers of Oysterbay in queens County in the Collony of N e w Yorke this wthin written Deed wch beareth Date ye ffourth Day of Aprill 1695, wth ye Meadow therein Mentioned & Conveyed to me Sd David by Samuel Dickinson, wthall ye right, title & Interest Claime & Demand w'sover wch I ye Sd David now have, or wch any or either of m y Heires Executrs or Assignes m a y hereaft' have thereunto:to him ye Sd John Rogers his Heires & Assignes for ever as ffully & Amply as it is made unto me ye Sd David by this wthin written Deed he ye Sd John having pd & Satisfied me for ye Same before ye Sealing & Diliv'y hereof by a Bill bearing Date wth these p'sents und' his hand & Seale to ye value of Ten pounds,Currant Money of New Yorke,to my full Content & Satisfaction; As Witnes my hand & Seal ye Twelfth Day of Aprill in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety ffive Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us david Underhill O Nathaneill Coles Senr April ye 15 : 1695 : David Underhill camebeforeme oneoftheirMatiesJusticesofyepeacefor queens County & Acknowledged this to be his reall act & Deed Nathanell Coles This Assignmt is of a Deed from Sam" Dickinson to David Underhill for Meadow at South,and is entred in ye 357th page of this Booke (The deed on p. 351, though with same date, grantors and grantees,differsfromthisfollowingone. Apparentlyitwasex- ecuted first, then o n reflection it w a s d e e m e d wiser to d r a w a n e w deed,with consideration and guaranty,to be witnessed by Indians as well as by Christians.) (p.53)-Know allpeopletowhom thesep'sentsmay Come that wee whose names are here under written,to Say Tackapoosha the Sachem of Massepeago upon ye South Side of Long Island and Chopeyconnaws ye Young Sachem Brother to ye abovesd Tacka- poosha have granted, Bargined for, and Sold & Doe hereby grant, Bargian for & Sell unto ye Inhabitants of Oysterbay; to 348 Book B Say to Anthony Wright,Peter Wright,Nicholas Wright,Daniel Whitehead,John Richbill & Samuel Andrews & other ye Inhab- itants now resident in Sd place;All our Meadows at ye South Side of this Sd Island Commonly called by ye name of Massa- peague Meadows ;on ye west Side Bounded wth ye River called Warrasketuck,And onyeEastwthyeRivercalledArrasquongue, ffreely & peaceably to enjoy make use of,and possesse for them ye above sd Inhabitants their Heires & Sucksessors forever; Provided yt ye Sd Inhabitants of Oysterbay above named & In- tended or any of them,Do pay or cause to be pd unto the above Specified Sachem or his Successor at or before the first Day of July next ensuing ye Date hereof,ffour Kettles of Sixteen Inches over or thereabout, two Gunnes three Coats of Trucking Cloth, two Gallons of Strong Waters,two Swords,four paire of Shoes, four paire of Stockings,two Close Cloth Coates,eight pounds of powder & eight pounds of Shott being in full payment & Satis- faction for Sd Tract of Meadows above Specified; And we ye. Sd Tackapoosha Sachem of Massapequ [a] & Chopeiconaws ye Young Sachem for us our Heires & Successors Doe Covenant, Pmise & obleige our Selves our Heires & Successors to & wth the afore named Inhabitants of Oysterbay yt they Shall be main- tained in possession & enjoy ye Sd Tract of Meadows they & their Successors forever in peace & quiet Notwithstanding any p'Ingagement or other Incumbrance that may or can arise from any person or sons wtsoever And in Witnes of ye truth hereof & our Reall Intended performance we hereunto Set our hands & Seales in Oysterbay ye Seventeenth Day of March one Thou- sand Six hundred fifty & eight And further that the Sd Inhabi- tants of Oysterbay m a y have free Lib'ty of Stacking their H a y & ffoddering their Cattell upon ye Uplands next adjacent to ye Sd Meadows,and a free Highway through allSuch Uplands for Horse & Cart in any place or places thereof as they from time to time may find,See or Judge most for their accomodation of them ye Sd Inhabitants of Oysterbay or their Successors forever To all which p'mises above mentioned we as above Intended well & truly to observe and forme D o obliege & bind our Selves our Heires & Successors forever: And to give or grant upon any further Demand a firmer Deed of Sale if required at any time forfurtherConfirmationofyeSeverall ticularsofthep'mises; Witnessedtobyourhands& SealestheDay&yeareabovewritten Signed Sealed & dd in ye p'sence of us the mark X of John Smith themarkeX of Ramerock Drummer the marke X of Manockeamicoke of Sequetague The marke X of O Tackapoosha Sachem ThemarkeX of O Chepeyconnaws Sachem Book B 349 the marke X of Sashamosse of Rockaway the marke X of Wetafasson asson of South hampton the marke X of Mattacaman of Massapeague themarkeX ofWow-house of Massapeague Richard Trott Henry Townsend John Redmond themarke(W )of William Johnson I Wiamdaneh great Sachem of Montacoute Do grant & con- firme unto ye purchasers of Oysterbay ye Tract of Land in this Deed Specified Sold them by Tackapawsha & Chepeyconnow; And ifthere apeare any tthereof Sold or confirmed by me to ye Inhabitants of Huntington I will see the Sd Tackapousha & Chipyconnaw Shall abate what is reason to ye Sd Inhabitants of Oysterbay A n d for confirmation of the p'mises I obliege m y Self & Successors forever witnes m y firme in Oysterbay ye 25th ofMay:1659 witnes the marke of X Nassaconset the marke of O (p.54)-Laid out to Latemore Sampson his fifth part of all the Meadows at ye South wch Lyeth at ye ffort Neck begining on on ye west Side of ye Neck and So on to ye East 162 Rod being 151 Acres to portion Shares Laid out on ye ffort Neck ffirst Share Joynes to Lattemores being 10 pole wide from the wood Land to the Sea: 2d Share 10 pole wide from ye wood Land to ye Sea 3d Share 20 Rod from Woodland to ye Sea: 4th Share 30 Rod wide & So to range to ye Little Creek 5th Share Bound on ye west wth ye 4th Share as bounded on y wch a peach tree Stump & So to a Leading Stake neer ye Sea Side & North to ye woods 6th Share 13 rod wide at ye head & So to Range wth ye Leading Stake to ye Sea 7thSharerangingtoyeCreek& SoontoyeWoods Northward 8th Share Lying on ye east Side of ye Neck round & takes all ye Meadow ye 7th Share Leaves 9th Share is on ye Little Neck between Unkaway & ye ffort Neck 10th Share Lyeth on ye west Side of ye Little Neck wch Neck Lyeth between Unkaway & Contention Necks begining at ye foot path & Southward to a young white Oake mark't No 10 & 11 & ranging wth a Leading Stake to ye Crick 11th Share 50 rod Long & So to ye River X Wiamdaneh Sachem liij 350 12th Share 20 rod at ye woods & 30 at ye Creek Book B 13th Share 10 Rod wide at ye woods & 13 to ye Leading Stake Straight to ye Creek 14th Share is 14 rod at ye woods 16 at Leading Stake on a Straite Line to ye Creek 15th Share is 15 pole at ye woods & 18 pole at ye Leading Stake Strait to ye Crek 16th Share is 16 rod at ye woods & 20 at ye Stake on a Straight Line to ye Sea 17th Share Lying on ye East Side of ye Neck being 52 rod Long 16 rod wide 18th Share takes ye remaind'of ye Meadow on ye east Side of ye Sd Neck ranging to ye path Novemb the4th59 Received by m e Absalon by order & Appoyntment Tackapousha Sagamore of Massapeague these goods following Imp'mis three Coats,four goones,two Cettles,Eight pound of powder,Eight pound of Lead I say received by me witnes the marke of X Nyounckanup the marke X of Quakanuske the marke X of Schy[ ]guy the marke X of Absalon Januarythe21:1659:Know allmen bythesep❜sentsthatI Tackapousha Sachem of Massapeague have this day received of Mr John Richbill two Kettles Two Swords & Kersie for two Close bodied Coats wth one Trading Cloth Coate & 4 yards of Lockarum (lockram, i. e. coarse linen) wch Trading Cloth & Locrum is in Valuable Consideration of ye Shoes & Stockings SpecifiedinyeCovenantfor& inConsiderationofwchSumeshad & formerly recd I doe fully & freely decharge m y Self Satisfied ofall&everyperticularSpecifiedinyeCovenant. AndinCon- sideration of ye Land & Meadow that I have Sold to ye Inhab- itants of Oysterbay witnes my hand the Day & Yeare abovesaid the marke of X Checonow Henry desbrow the marke of X Tackapousha The marke of Absolon X The marke X of W o w house I Rioncomband Do ratifie & confirme what my ffather hath formerly confirmed as Witne m y hand the first of ffebruary 1659 The marke X of Checonow Wallen Salkes The mark X of X ogro The marke of X Rioncomband lv Book B 351 ( p . 5 5 ) - K n o w all p e o p l e t o w h o m t h e s e p ' s e n t s S h a l l c o m e t h a t we whose names ore here undr Written to Say Tackapoosha ye Sachem of Massapeague upon ye South Side of Long Island. And Chepeiconow ye Young Sachem Brother of ye abovesd Tackapoosha have Granted Bargained for & Sold.And do hereby grant, bargaine for & Sell unto the Inhabitants of Oysterbay. That is to Say to Anthony Wright Peter Wright, Nicholas Wright,Daniel Whithead,John Richbil & Samuel Andrews and other ye Inhabitants now Residei[ng] in ye Sd place All our Meadow at ye South Side of this Island Comonly called by ye name of Massepeague Meadows ;on ye West Side Bounded wth ye River called Warrasketuck ; A n d on ye East wth ye River called Arrasquongue ; freely & peaceably to enjoy make use of & possess for them ye abovesd Inhabitants their Heires & Suc- cessors forever Dvided that ye Sd Inhatitants yt ye Said Inhab- itants of Oysterbay abovenamed & Intended or any of them Do pay or cause to be paid unto ye above specified Sachem or his Successors at or before ye first Day of July next ensuing ye Date hereof for Several Sorts of goods that we Do now hereby own & acknowledge to have received & wee are paid allto our full Satisfaction well & truly by ye Inhabitants of Oysterbay ac- cording to ye abovesd viso.for ye Sd Tract of Meadows above Specified And we ye Sd Tackapoosha Sachem of Massapeague Chepeiconaw yt young Sachem for us our Heires & Successors do covenant mise & obliege our Selves our Heires & Successors to & wth the forementioned Inhabitants of Oysterbay that they Shall be Maintained in possession & enjoy the Said Tract of M e a d o w s they & their Successors forever in Peace & quiet not- withstanding any preingagement or other Incumbrance that may arise from any person or persons whatsoever;And in Witnes of ye truth hereof & our reall Intended performances,we do here- unto Sett our hands & Seales in Oysterbay the Seventeenth Day of March 1658 And further that ye Sd Inhabitants of Oysterbay Shall have free use for any Timb as they have need off; with Liberty to Stack their Hay ;Comoning for their Cattle upon ye Upland ; Also High-waies for Carting & foddering of Cattle all Intended on ye Uplands next adjacent to the Said Meadows from timetotimeforever;tohave& tohold,And freeHigh-waies through all Such Uplands for.Horse & Carts in any place or places thereof as they from time to time may find See or Judge most for their accomodation of ye Sd Inhabitants of Oysterbay or their Successors forever to all which the premises above men- tioned wee as above Intended well & truly to observe & performe, do obliege & bind our Selves our Heires & Successors forever as Witnes our hands in p'sence of us Henry Townsend The marke X of Tackapoosha Sachem 352 Book B Richard paynter Thomas Townsend The marke X of O Chepieco Recorded in the office of N e w Yorke this 27th day of March : 1667 : B y m e Matthias Nicholls Secr. (p.56)-Lotts LaidoutuponUnkaway Neckye5thofaprill1681 T h e first L o t t b e g i n i n g o n E a s t S i d e o f y e N e c k b y y e H i g h W a y next to ye Meadows,And all fronting to ye Middle High-way Laid through ye middle of ye Neck & Ranging Eastward a Crosse the Neck: ffirst Lott 9 Rod wide in front & Rere & 66 in Length Tho Townsend 2dLott9rodinffront&rere&66inLength JosephDick- insons 3dLott7Rodinyefront&rere7 Tho:Townsends byLott3 4thLott7rodinyeffront&rere7 Tho:Townsend byLott4 5thLott7rodinyefront&rere7 Sam:Andrews byLott5 6th Lott 7 rod in ye front & rere 7 Henry Townsends Ju: 7thLott7rodinyefront& rere7 by Lott 6 Henry Townsends Se : by Lott 7 8thLott7Rodinyefront& rere7 Richard Harcott by Lott 8 9th Lott 7 rod in ye front & rere 7 John Williams by Lott 9 10 Lott 7 rod in ye front & rere 7 Alice Crabs by Lott 10 11Lott7rodinyefront&rere7 JamesTownsends byLott11 12Lott7rodinyefront& rere7 GeorgeTownsends byLott12 13 Lott 7 rod in ffront & rere 7 Aaron fforman by Lott 13 14Lott7rodinffront&rere7 JohnTownsendSe:byLott14 15Lott7rodinffront&rere7 JohnTownsendSe:byLott15 16 Lott 7 rod in ffront & rere 7 Tho :Townsends by Lott 16 17 Lott 7 rod in ffront & rere 7 Tho : Townsend by Lott 17 18Lott7rodinffront& rere7 Tho:Townsends byLott18 19 Lott 9 rod front & rere 9 Tho : Townsends by Lott 19 20 Lott 9 rod in front & rere 9 William ffrosts by Lott 20 21 Lott 9 rod in ffront & rere 9 John ffrosts by Lott 21 22 Lot 9 rod in ffront & rere 9 Tho :Townsends by Lott 22 23Lott10rodinffront&rere10 Tho:Townsend by Lott 23 24Lott10rodinffront&rere10 Tho:Townsend by Lott 24 25Lott10rodinfront&rere10 Tho:Townsends by Lott 25 26Lott10rodinffront&rere10 Tho:Townsends by Lott 26 27Lott10rodinfront&rere10 Tho:Townsends by Lott 27 28Lott11rodinfront& rere11 Tho:Townsends by Lott 28 29Lott11rodinffront& rere11 Tho:Townsends by Lott 29 30 Lott 11 rod in ffront & rere 11 Adam Wrights by Lott 30 A highway between eastward 31 Lott 12 rod in front & rere 12 32 Lott 12 rod in front & rere 12 M r Harvies Moses Mudge by Lott 31 by Lott 32 1 2 353 by Lott 33 by Lott 34 by Lott 35 i n g wth Numb next ye Meadows a s ye Eas t Lotts & fro toye nt ing Book B 33 Lot 12 rod in ffront & rere 12 34 Lott 16 rod in front & rere 16 35 Lott 27 rod in front & rere 27: John Rogers Rob Coles The division of Lotts on y ew est Sid e of the Ne beg c kn i Highway & ranging westward a Cross ye Neck 1stLott 6 rod in front & rere 6 2 24 Lott 6 rod in front & rere 6 1⁄2 3 Lott 6 rod in ffront & rere 6 4 Lott 6 rod in ffront & rere 6 5Lott7rodinffront& rere7 6 Lott 7 rod in front & rere 7 7 Lott 8 rod in front & rere 8 8 Lott 8 rod in front & rere 8 9 Lott 8 rod in front & rere 12 Anthony Wrights Job Wrights Rob Williams Jn° Robins Nathan Burdsalls James Cocks Matthew Priors William Hudsons Jn°Weekes wrk 10 Lott 8 rod in front & rere 10 Jno Underhills 11 Lott 8 rod in front & rere 8 Nichola s Wright 12 Lott 9 rod in front & rere 9 John Coles 13 Lott 9 rod in front & rere 9 Richard Harcott 14 Lott 9 rod in front & rere 9. Tho : Millers 15 Lott 8 rod in front & rere 8 : Jno Townsends by Lott 1st by Lott 2 by Lott 3 by Lott 4 by Lott 5 by Lott 6 by Lott 7 by Lott 8 by Lott 9 by Lott 10 by Lott 11 by Lott 12 by Lott 13 by Lott 14 Oysterbays by Lott 15 by Lott 16 by Lott 17 by Lott 18: by Lott 19: by Lott 20: by Lott 21: 16Lott8rodinfront& rere8 17Lott9rodinfront& rere9 18Lott9rodinfront& rere9 Joseph Ludlam Caleb Wright Aaron fforman 19Lott9rodinfront& rere9 William Bucklers 20Lott9:rodinfront& rere9: Moses fformans 21Lott9rodinfront& rere9 Nathaneel Coles 22: Lott 9 rod in front & rere 9 Jn° ffexe by Lott 22: 23Lott9rodinfront& rere9 John Wright By Lott23 24Lott9rodinfront&rere9 WilliamThornicroft byLott24 High W a y frontt ye west River 25 Lott 8 rod in ye front & rere 8 : Gideon Wrights by Lott 25 26:Lott8rodinfront&rere8:AbrahamAllens byLott26 27.Lott8rodinfront&rere8:EdmondWright byLott27 28 Lott 10 rod in front & rere 10 Joseph Dickinsons by Lott 28: 29Lott10rodinfront& rere Samuelfforman:Sr byLott29 30 Lott 10 rod in front & rere 10 George Dennis by Lott 30 31 Lott 10 rod in front & rere 10 Mary Willis by Lott 31: 32 Lott 10 rod in front & rere 10 Josias Latten by Lott 32: 33 Lott 12 rod in front & rere 12 Nicholas Simkins by Lott 33 34 Lott 16 rod in front & reere:16: Jno Davis by Lott 34 35Lott20rodwideinfront& rere:20:SimonCooperbyLott35 This is a true Record of ye originall Diligently compared by John Newman Record lvij : (p.57) THIS WRITING witnessethytwee whose Names are 354 Book B hereunder written have granted Bargained & Sold and by these p'sents do grant Bargaine & Sell unto Daniel White head of Oys- terbayall& SingularallytNeckofLand& Meadowandallother ye Appurtenances thereunto belonging Lying & being between Pine Island & Matenacock comonly called & known by ye name of Oake-Neck And further giving & granting unto ye Sd Daniel his Heires Execut's or Assignes full power & possession thereof from all titles and demands whatsoever either by Indeans or any other in their names In Witnes whereof we have hereunto Set our hands this 24th of NovembTM1658: Signed & dd the marke of in ye p'sence of John Laughtone & Joseph Smith : Josias X Indean the marke X of Roger:Indean Know whom itmay any way concerne yt I Daniel Whitehead now Inhabitant of Oysterbay do fully freely & Absolutely As- signe& makeoverallmy right,title& InterestofthisInwritten Covenant unto ye Inhabitants of Oysterbay from me my heires & Assignes forever;unto the aforesd Towne their Heires & Assignes forever witnes m y hand the 4th of ffebruary in ye yeare 1660: DanielWhithead Anno Dni one thousand Six hundred & fiftythree This Writing witnesseth yt Assiapum alias Mohenes have Sold unto Peter Wright Samuel Mayo,William Leverich,their Heires Execut's Administrat's & Assignes all his Land Lying & Scituate upon Oysterbay & Bounded by Oyster River to ye East Side, And PapaquetunkRiveronyeWest SidewthallyeWoods,Rivers, Marshes, Uplands, ponds and all other ye Appurtenances Lying between ye Bounds afore named,with allye Islands Lying to ye Sea ward (Excepting one Island comonly called Hogg Island) and Bounded neer Southward by a Poynt of Trees called Can- tiague ; In Consideration of wch Bargaine & Sale he is to receive as full Satisfaction Six Indean Coats, Six Kettles, Six ffathum ofWampam SixHoes,SixHatchetts,ThreepaireofStockings, Thirty Aule-blades or Moxes,Twenty Knives,Three Shirts and as much Peague as will amount to four pounds Sterling; In Witnes whereof he hath Sett to his Mark in ye p'sence of; William Washborne, Thes words (by Oyster) in the 5th Line Anthony Wright were Interlined at ye writing hereof Robert Williams and (all his Land) in ye Same Line (See p.334 for another copy. See Appendix for actual text) Assiapum or X Mohenes his mark Wee wthinnamed,Samuel Maio,PeterWright & William Lev- erich,do accept of as Joynt purchasers wth our Selves,the per- sons und Specified to ye Like right & Interest as wee have our Book B 355 Selves in ye Lands purchased of Asiopum & perticularly men- tioned in the writing made & Subscribed by himself & other Indeans respectively Interessed in the names of Such as were absent,Acted by him and them all;Witnes our hands Joynt purchasers wth us Mr Washbourne Tho:Armitage Daniel Whitehead Anthony Wright Rob Williams John Washbourne Richard Holbrook William Leverich Samuel Mayo Recorded in ye office at N e w Yorke this 27th Day of March : 1667 B y m e e Matthias Nicolls Secr lviij (p.58)-Oysterbay December ye 20th 1678:Be itfurther mani- fested & Declared unto all people that I Suscaneman alias Run- asuck ye Chiefe Pprietor of ye Lands of Matenacock within ye Pattent & Township of Oysterbay and true owner of ye Said Lands,And Successor unto Asiopum alias Mahams Deceased,that Sold ye wthin written Lands unto Peter Wright,William Lever- idge & Samuel Mayo,do by these p'sents for further explanation of ye Sd Bounds of ye Said purchase,wch is to be und Stood ye Sd purchase on ye Town right of Land,is to begin at ye Head of the Bever Swamp River and from thence to ye Head of ye Stream called Suckscakes Wigwam by ye Cart way west Side, & from thence upon a South Line to ye Line of Division between ye T o w n of Oysterbay & Robert Williams agreed upon in ye yeare 1664 and from thence to ye Hole of Water or concluded to be ye Head of Cold Spring, Including all ye Lands priviledges and Appurtenances to ye North Sea,To ye Sd purchasers their Heires Associates & Inhabitants now of Oysterbay;To have & toholdfromme my Heires,SuccessorsorAssignesforever;unto ye Sd purchasers their Heires,Associates & Successors ye Inhab- itants n o w of Oysterbay as their o w n right title & Interest wthoutanyreservationaswitnesmyhand& SealtheDayabove- written Sealed & diliv'ed in p'sence of George Codner William Crucker Suscaneman X alias Runasuck his marke & Seal This above writing is tested against by ye ffreehold's at ye Lower end of ye next page of this Book March:22:63:Whereas I understand there is Some Con- trov'sie about a Sale of Lands made by Assiopum otherwise Mohenus made to Samuel Mayo Peter Wright & my Selfe; for want of Some formalitys usuall in English Deeds; And being Desired to expresse wt I understand about ye p'mises: I Do therefore testifie that ye Intention of ye Sd Asiopum &c 356 Book B was to covey not onely his right; but ye right of his Heires, Executrs &c wch though not exp'sed is easilie ved; 1st for that ye Indeans So far as I understand have never made any Sales for Lives but of custome wch is their Lawe : pass ye right of theirs; Heires &c wth their owne, unless they make any exp'sse exception 2dly & c there is enough in ye writing to ve this to have been his Intention, Vizt the words interlined, Heires & c wee must put a Barre against his Heires, Execut's &c wch if it may help Such as are in Differance to a better Inteligence, I Shall be glad, If otherwise, I shall be Sorry yt Such as fess themselves Christians Shall teach Heathens Less Honesty under p'tence of teaching them more L a w : this is the testimony of m e W m Leverich The Agremt of ye sons Imployed by ye Towne of Hemp- steed & Oysterbay about ye Limitts between them is as ffol- loweth, Vizt That ye Inhabitants of ye Town of Oysterbay are to have ffree passage over ye Plains by Carts or otherwise, to their South Meadows,no way hindering ye p'tentions of ye Inhabi- tants of Hempsteed to ye Sd Plaines or their Meadows at ye South And that ye West Bounds of Oysterbay Limitts Shall begin against the Sandy Beach Comonly Called Barre Beach that abutts from Cow Neck Cross Hempsteed Harbour over against Matenacock Land,So to Run upon a Straight Lyne to Robert Williams Markt Tree, at ye Point of Trees Comonly called by ye name of Cantiague, But no persons priety to be hereby taken away. This was declared before ye Govern'this 25th Day of Octob 1677: & is entred in ye Office by me Capt Jno Seamant from Mr Robt Jackson Hempsteed Mr Henry Townsend from Capt Tho : Townsend S Oysterbay Matthias Nicolls Secre lix (p . 59) This for the Justice & Commission's of Oysterbay Hempsteed March ye 18:1685/6:ffriends we were Informed by yor Neighbor John Townsend yt you were desirous yt the Lyne Should be Run from the Barr Beach to Cantiague point, ye wch wee are willing Should be done;Therefore on Munday next wee will meet you at Cantiague point for to run ye aforesd Lyne,ifyoupleasetocome;And ifMundayShouldbeaDay not fitting:then ye next faire Day pray be not too Late in ye Morning; nothing) els at p'sent This by ord' of ye Justice & Commission's Nathaneel Pearsall Clar. Book B 357 AtaTown Meetingheldthis20thDay ofMarch 1685/6Then ord'ed and agreed upon that these men underwritten Should be toRun ye Lyne betwixt Hempsteed & Oysterbay:to witt Robert Cole,Nathaneel Cole,John Townsend at Mill,Isaac Daughty & Job Wright, A n d that their Consumation of ye Matter Shall Stand good & effectuall & be entred upon Record Memorand that these five men are to Meet Hempsteed men ye 22th Day of this p'sent March according to ye Appoyntmt of ye SdHempsteedmen foryeendingofyeMatteraforesd:By order ofye Town John Townsend Sen1 This Writing witnesseth that wee underwritten being Imployed byourTowns to Run the Lyne between oure two Towns,Hemp- sted& Oysterbay wch wee have Done,itbegining at a Cedar Tree Standing on Matinacock Land,on ye East Side of Hempsteed Harbour,right over against ye End of ye Sandy or Barr Beach, And So running from thence upon a Direct Line to a Marked T r e e t h a t S t a n d s u p o n C a n t i a g u e P o i n t , w h i c h L i n e is n o w m a d e by Marked Trees; This Done ye 23d of March in the Yeare 1685/6 as witnes our hands. John Seaman Simon Saring Nathaneel Pearsal Nathaneel Coles Job Wright John Townsend These for Hempsteed these for Oysterbay At a T o w n Meeting M a y ye 12 : 1692 Whereas there is a writing Recorded in ye foregoing page of thisBookeofNumb 58whereinSuscanemanaliasRunasuck Indean Doth Seem to Give a further explanation of ye Bounds of ourTown by ye Indean Deed of ye old purchase;wch writing wee ye ffreehold's of Oysterbay had no knowledge off before it was Done therefore Could Give no Consent to it much Less could give any ord to have it done, doubtless Capt Townsend when hewasClerke cureditbuttowtendweeknownot,forwee have our Towne Land by our Indean Deed So Cleerly & palpably Bounded on all Sides that there can be no better nor ffurther Explanation of it; Therefore wee ye Sd ffreehold's do wth an unanimous Consent refuse reject & Absolutely cast of this Sd writing both ye originall & ye Record and that it is ffals & erron- ious and therefore wee do here enter our protest against it and do ord'ye Clerke to record it 1x Entred by ord' of ye ffreehold's John Newman Record (p.60)—THESE PRESENTS testifyyt wee Tackpaysha Sa- chem Shippy Sachem,Mamme,Maumihas,Opison,Sackanick, 358 Book B Wigrow,Coniume-Kanick,Sruckan,Poponhook Indeans,Owners & priets of a Neck of Land called by ye Indians Possaikas Lying & being on ye South Side of Long Island & Called by ye English ye west neck; Being Bounded on ye West wth a Neck of Land Called Simons his Neck,And on ye East wth Massapage Neck Lying & being wthin ye Patten of Oysterbay; which Sd Neck of Land to extend from ye Meadows Northward to ye Great Plaines that is from ye Natural ffresh & Salt Meadows, The River yt bounds iton ye East Side is called Pawpanawis by ye Indeans,The River on ye West Side is called Raskabakush wch divides it from Simons his Neck aforementioned,and for ye Breadth of ye Neck itisto hold ye Same Breadth (tillitcomes at ye Great Plaines) wch it hath at ye Indean ffoot path wch goes cross the neck at ye washway ;Which Sd Neck of Land as above bounded and exprest,Together wth all ye Timb , Benefits privi- ledges & apptences thereupon or thereunto belonging; wee ye aforesd Indeans for a valuable Consid'ation in hand paid & re- ceived in full Satisfaction from John Townsend Sen'of Lusum, Job Wright & Isaac Daughty all wthin ye Township of Oysterbay in Queens County ; Have Given, Granted, Aliened, Sold en- feoffed & Confirm'd,And by theese p'sents do ffullyffirmly & absolutely Give, Grant, Alien, Sell, enfeoffe & confirme unto ye aforesd John Townsend Job Wright & Isaac Daughty their Heires executs Adminis's or Assignes ye abovesd Neck of Land, fully & Amply as above bounded & exprest,ffrom us our Heires Exe- cuts or Assignes for ye Sd John Townsend Job Wright & Isaak Doughty To have & to hold peaceably Poses & enjoy forever as theirHeires&Assignesownp rightandInheritance;Andwee yeaforesdTakpoushe,Shipy,Mammee Wawmihas Opison,Saki- nick,Wigrow,Conjume Kanick,Srukan,Peponhock Indians be- fore mentioned Do for our Selves our Heires or Assignes from any son or sons by from or und' us or any of us Claiming any Interest in ye Sd Land upon any p'tence wtsoever Shall & will Warrant & forever by these p'sents defend,that this is our Act & Deed wee testify by Setting too our hands & Seales this two & t[we]ntyth day of Aprill Annoq Domi 1690 and in ye Second yeare of ye Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord William by ye Grace of God of England,Scotland,ffrance & Ireland King defend of ye faith Signed Sealed & dd in ye p'sence of us Thomas X Miller his marke Dan" Denton his Wighrow X marke his marke Tackpauhee X his marke his Chippy X marke Mammee X his marke Waumihas X his marke Book B Conjume Kanik X his Sruckun X marke O O Sackanick X his marke 359 O This Deed acknowledged before me one of their majesties Justices of ye peace Aprill 23: 1690: Richard Harckutt cclii (p.61)—THIS INSTRUMENT ofwritingorDeedofSalewit- nesseth unto all Christian people to whome itmay come or or any w a y concerne ; K n o w yee that whereas w e underwritten Suscane- man alias Runasuck Samos & Quarapin all three Indeans being Impowred by ye rest of ye Indeans and Chieff @prietors of ye Lands called by ye English Matenacock, Scituate Lying & being wthin ye pattent of Oysterbay wthin Queens County upon Long Islandbyvertuewhereof,& forthefullSume ofNineteenpounds ten Shillings Merchants pay to us pd before ye Signeing & Seal- ing hereof; Have Bargained Sold & by p'sent possession Diliv'd unto James Townsend of Oysterbay a certaine Tract of Land atye Cedar Swamp So called;The firstbounds whereof begineth at John Underhills Southeast bound and from thence South Eighty Rod to Job Wrights Northeast Bound Ranging ye Same Breadth by Job Wrights Land & John Underhills Lands west- wardly to ye Cartway from Muskeeto-Cove to ye plaines being ye Same breadth at ye west end as at ye East & in quantity Eighty Acres more or Less for ye value of Nineteen pounds ten Shillings as abovesd received ;wee do hereby Manifest & Declare yt w e have freely Sold & by p'sent possession delivered unto ye abovesd James Townsend his Heires Executrs Administrats or Asignes;Tohaveandtoholdoccupy,possesse& enjoyyeSd Tract of Land as Laid out by Nathaneel Coles & Tho :Townsend and Bounded as abovesd forever;from us our Heires Executrs Administrat's or Assignes or any other son or sons from by orund'usLayingClaimetoa(n)y torparcellthereofbyver- tue of Heireship grant, Sale or otherwise be it of what nature whatsoever Ingaging our Selves Heires & Successors to uphold, Maintaine & make good to him ye Said James his Heires & Successors in their peaceable Improvement & enjoyment of ye p'mises as fully & amply to all Intents & purposes as mought be written or worded according to Law ;To ye Confirmation of this our Deed of Sale wee have Subscribed our hands & Sett to our Seales in Oysterbay this 26th day of March 1685 : Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Tho: Townsend John underhill his Quarapin X & Seal 0 marke his Suscaneman X & Seal O his marke 360 Book B Samouse X & Seal 0 marke This Bill of Sale acknowledged before me RichardCornell plu:lxx (p.62)-To allChristianpeopletowhomthisp'sentwritingShall c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e a p p t a i n e : B e it k n o w n t h a t I A d a m W r i g h t of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke, ffor & in ye Consideracon of full Satisfaction al- ready recd,before ye Sealing & Diliv'y hereof and for other good causes & considracons me ye Sd Adam especially Moving,have given granted, Bargained, Alienated, Made over, Sold & Con- firmedandbythesep'sentsIyeSaidAdam doGive,grant,Bar- gaine,alienate,make over,Sell & confirme unto William Buckler of Oysterbay aforesd aforesd allmy Right title& Interest,claime & Demand wtSoever wch I ye Sd Adam now have or wch any of my Heires,Executrs Adminis's or Assignes may hereafter have of & in Twelve Acres of Land being Pt of a Tract of Land wch I now enjoy,not wthin ffence,but formerly Laid out to me by ye Surveyors of Oysterbay aforesd wch Land was formerly Anthony Wrights,Lying & being on ye East Side of ye High way to Lead- ing from Oysterbay to Lusum & Somewhat neer ye plaines wch Sd twelve Acres of Land isalready Laid out unto ye Sd William byyeSdAdam,theSdWilliam& JohnNewman,Rangingalong the east Side of ye forementioned Tract of Land and bounded on ye outside against ye Comon wth ye two Corners Bound's of ye Sd Adams Land being in Length one Hundred & Thirty one Rod Extending into the Sd Adams Land near ffifteen Rod,& bounded at ye South end wth a Stake in a Small pond,and at ye NorthendwthaSmallblackOakeTree;TO HAVE AND TO HOLD yeSdtwelveAcresofLandwthallpriviledges,Pfits& Comodities thereto belonging ; unto his ye Said William Buckler his Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes forever, A n d the SdAdam hathputyeSdWilliamintoaLawfull& peaceablepos- session of ye Sd twelve acres of Land by ye Dilivery of these p'sents; And ye Sd Adam doth further Covenant to & wth ye S d W i l l i a m t h a t it S h a l l & m a y b e L a w f u l l f o r h i m y e S d W i l l i a m his Heires,Executors,Administratrs or Assignes quietly & peace- ably to have,hold,occupie possess & enjoy the Sd Twelve Acres of Land wth ye Appurtenances forever thereof wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him the Sd A d a m his Heires Ex- ecutrs Administratrs or Assignes or any other person or persons Lawfully claiming for by or undr him or either of them by vertue ofanyform'gift,grant,BargaineorSalewtsoever;And ItheSd A d a m do hereby declare that this m y Deed Shall Stand good & effectuall according to the true Intent & meaning hereof notwith- standing any error that may be found herein wch is not according Book B 361 to L a w I N W I T N E S w h e r e o f I y e S d A d a m W r i g h t h a v e here- unto Set m y hand & Seal the first day of April in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & Six Signed Sealed & dd Adam Wright O in ye p'sence of us : John Newman John Townsend John Stewart vide cclxxv (p.63)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthisp❜sent writing Shall come or in any wise ap@ taine; Be it known yt I Adam Wright of Oysterbay in Queens County upon Long Island in ye vince of N e w Yorke, for & in ye Consideration of the S u m of Eight pounds Merchantable pay Currant in this Collony in hand paid before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof, and for other good causes & consideracons me ye Sd Adam especially Moving; HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,alienated,made over,Bargained, Sold & Confirmed,And by these p'sents I ye Sd Adam Do give, grant,alienate,make over,Bargaine Sell & Confirme unto John Townsend Son of Henry Townsend Sen' of Oysterbay aforesd A piece or plott of Land,being part of yt wch is comonly called ye old planting field,Scituate wthin ye bounds of Oysterbay afore- sd,And Bounded on ye West wth ye Sd Adams fence as now it Stands,and So to Range fourty two pole in Length & fourty two pole in breadth making it a direct Square Containing Eleven Acres or thereabouts, Together wth all m y right, title, Interest, claime & demand wtsoever wch Ithe Sd Adam now have or wch any of my Heires Executrs Administrats or Assignes may here- a f t h a v e o f & i n y e S d p i e c e o f L a n d w c h is n o w i n y e p o s s e s s i o n of me ye Sd Adam,but form'ly in ye possession of Alice Crabb deceased, wth all the fences thereto belonging wth all issues & profits therefrom arising or growing T O H A V E AND TO H O L D all & Singular ye p'mises wth ye Appurtenances thereof unto him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires Executrs Administra- trs or Assignes and to his & their only use & behoofe for- ever,And the Sd Adam hath put ye Sd John into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye p'mises by ye dilivery of these p'sents, And ye Sd Adam doth forhimselfe,his Heires,Execut" Admin- istrats & Assignes further covenant to & wth the Sd John that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires, Executrs Administratrs or Assignes or any or either of them quietly & peaceably to have,hold,occupie,possess & enjoy all the afore mentioned piece of Land wth ye Appurtenances thereof wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Adam Wright or any other son Lawfully claiming for by or undr him by meanes of any form'gift,grant,bargaine or Sale w1Soever,but that ye Sd Adam his Heires Execut's & Administratrs Shall defend the Sd John his Heires & Assignes 362 Book B intheirpeaceablepossessionagainstallJustclaimes& demandsyt Shall be made to ye Sd piece of Land by any person or persons whatsoever ; A n d also yt this m y deed Shall Stand good & effec- tuallaccordingtoyetrueIntent& meaninghereofIN WITNES whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand and Seale the Thirtyth day of July in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & Six;And inye Second year of James ye Second of Great Brit- tan france & c King & c Signed Sealed & dd... Adam Wright O In p'sence of us :- John Newman the marke X of William Buckler Samuel Banks lxxi: Know all men by these p'sents that I John Townsend wthin Mentioned do hereby these p'sents Asinge & make over all m y right & Interest to ye wthin Mentioned Land bought of Adam WrighttomyBrotherRobertTownsendwthallye fitsComod- ity[s] & Appurtences belonging to ye Same as fully & Amply as e v e r it w a s I n v e s t e d i n m e t o y e o n l y u s e & b e h o o f e o f m y S d Brother Robert Townsend his Heirs and Asings for ever to wch Asinement I settmy hand this twenty Second Day July 1687 Asinged in p'sence of us John Townsend Henry Townsend Senior This asinem is written on ye Back- John Dewsbury side of ye Deed recorded in this page vide lxvii (p.64)—This Instrument of wrighting or deed of conveyance may testify to all people yt it doth or ever may concerne That I Adam Wright of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of New Yorke,for & in Considration of ye Sume of Tenn pounds in Silver money to me in hand paid by Henry Townsend Jun'of Oysterbay aforesd before ye Sealing & dilivery of these p'sents;In consid'ation of wch money I ye Sd Adam Wright hath Granted,released,confirmed & Sold,And by these p'sents d(o) Grant release Sell & confirme unto ye Sd Henry Townsend Jun' his Heires & Assignes forever ; Three whole Shares of Meadowing Lying by ye Bever Swamp Creek, And Adjoyning to Henry Townsend Sen'his Land,being three Acers more or Less And Bounded on ye South by a Small Share of Meadow formerly bought by ye Sd Henry Townsend Jun"of ye Sd Adam Wright,And on ye North by Gideon Wrights Meadow ; I ye Sd A d a m Wright do by these p'sents Diliver into ye Actuall possession of ye Sd Henry Townsend the aforesd Three Shares of Meadowing;To have & to hold to ye only per use & be- hoofe of him ye Sd Henry Townsend his Heires & Assignes for- ever And ye Sd Adam Wright for him Selfe his Heires Executr Book B 363 and Administratrs doth covenant grant & agree to & wth ye Sd Henry Townsend his Heires & Assignes by these p'sents yt he nor they shall not Interupt, Molest nor disturb ye Sd Henry Townsend his Heires or Assignes in ye peaceable & quiet pos- session of ye abovesd p'mises but Shall to ye uttermost of their power & Knowledge tect ye Sd Henry his Heires & Assignes inye quietpossession of ye Same,To wch Iye Sd Adam Wright haveSettmyhand& SealeyeTwentyfirstDayofAugustAnno Dom:- 1686 Signed Sealed & dd in p❜sence of us John Dewsbury: Adam Wright O Mary Wright: O George Codner : TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhome thisp'sentwrit- i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e a p p e r t a i n e B e it k n o w n y t I J o h n Townsend Ser of Lusum inye Bounds of ye patten of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consideration of ye Some of Three pound Six Shill- ings eight pence Sillver money currant in this Collony in hand pd before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof & for divers other good causes and Considerations me ye Sd John especially Moving HAVE GIVENgrantedalienated,madeoverBargainedSold& confirmed,And by these p'sents Ithe Said John do Give,grant Bargaine Sell & confirme unto Henry Townsend of Oysterbay aforesd,one piece or Share of Meadow in ye Meadows comonly knownbythenameofBeverSwamp Meadows LyingJustbelow ye ffield of Henry Townsend Se : A d bounded on ye East by Thomas Townsends Meadow on ye west by Gideon Wrights Meadow being by estimation three quarts of an Acre More or Less Scituate Lying & being in Oysterbay bounds aforesd To- getherwthallmy rightTitle& InterestClaime& Demand wtSo- ever wch Ithe Sd John Townsend now have or wch any of my Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes may hereafter have of of & in ye Sd piece of Meadow wth all Issues & fits there- fromarisingorinanywiseApertainingTO HAVE & TO HOLD ye Sd piece of Meadow wth its Appurtenances to him ye Said Henry Townsend his Heires & Assignes & to ye only use & be- hoofe of him ye Sd Henry his Heires & Assignes forever A N D ye Sd John hath put ye Sd Henry in[to] A Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of these p'sents And the Sd John doth for him Selfe his Heires Execut's and Assignes further Covenant & Agree to & with ye Sd Henry that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him the Sd Henry Townsend his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,occupie possess & enjoy all & Singular the p'mises forever without the Lawfull Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd John his Heires or As- signes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or 364 Book B und him by any way or meanes or by or under any p'tence what- soeverINWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSettmyhand& Seal the fifth day of January in ye yeare of our Lord one thou- sand Six hundred eighty & Six SignedSealed&ddin p'sence of us John Newman Daniel Weekes JohnTownsendSer O lxvi (p.65)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whom th[is] p'sent writing Shall come or in any wise [concern] Be it known that I James Townsend of O [ysterbay] in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony [of N e w ] Yorke for & in ye Consid1- ation of ye Sum of three p[ounds] & ten Shillings of Silver moneyinhandpd& rec[eived]beforeyeSealing& diliv'yhereof and for other good] causes & Considerations me ye Sd James especially[moving]HAVE GIVEN,granted,Alinatedmade over Sold ] confirmed,A N D by these p'sents I ye Sd James Town [send] do give grant,alienate make over,Sell & confir[m ] untoEdmondWrightofOysterbayaforesd,A pi[ece]ofSwamp ScituateLying& beingbetweenGeor[ge]TownsendsHome Lott & ye Street against ye Sd Edmond Wrights Lott and Bounded on ye East by ye Sd George Town [sends] Lott on ye South by ye High way on ye west by ye Sd Street on ye North by ye Sd Ed- mond Wrights Land being by estima[tion] three quarts of an Acre more or Less Scituate Lying & being [in] Oysterbay aforesd Togetherwthallmy righttitle& Inte[rest]wchInow haveor wch any of my Heires Executrs Administ[rators] or Assignes may hereaft'have of & in ye Sd Swamp wth a[11] Issues & Pfits therefrom arising or growing or in any [wise] Aptaining T O HAVE AND TO HOLD untohimyeSdEdm[ond]Wrighthis Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes [all & ] Singular ye p'mises:The Sd piece of Swamp wth ye Appurtenances thereof and to ye only per use & behoofe of him ye Sd Edmond his Heires or Assignes forever,And the Sd James hath put ye Sd EdmondintoaLawfull& peaceablepossessionofyep'misesby ye dilivery of these p'sen[ts] And ye Sd James Townsend doth further covenant & agree to [& ] wth ye Sd Edmond yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Edmond his Heires or Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold occupie possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever wth the Lawfull lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd James his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawful [ly] claiming for by or und him or any or either of them by meanes of any former gift Grant Bar- g a i n e o r S a l e w t S o e [v e r ] I N W I T N E S w h e r e o f I t h e S d J a m e s have hereunto Sett my hand & Seale the Twenty Sixth Day of October in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & Six Book B Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman Joseph Ludlam 365 Jeames Townsend O EdmondWrightsLands& Meadowwchheispossesedoffin Oysterbay & ye Bound[s]thereof isas ffolloweth 1st His Home Lott on wch he now Lives Lying by ye Street next above William Bucklers wth ye priviledge of Comonage & Woodland thereto belonging or weh hereaft Shall belong to it: This was fformerly Given by ye Town to Caleb Wright Brother toye Sd Edmond but afterward came tohim by way of Exchange 2dly Ye Sd Edmond hath 3 Acres of a Home Lott Joyning to Isaac Daughtys Lott at ye Hollow wch 3 Acres Lyes next ye Highway agt Joseph Weekes Lott wth one third t of a right of Comonage&Wood Land:wthallprivilidgeswchnowareorwch hereafter shall belong to it. This his father Nicholas Wright had for worke about ye Mill Dam ye Sd Edmond hath one third t of a whole purchasers Right at Hogg Island So called in ye Bounds of Oysterbay wch was formerly his ffather Nicholas Wrights 4ly The Sd Edmond hath one fourth part of a whole right of M e a d o w at ye South of Oysterbay wth all rights & priviledges thereto Belonging 5ly he hath also one third t of a field of Twenty Acres Lying by ye High way Going to Lusum about two miles from ye Towne Bounded by ffrancis Weekes Land on ye East & Dickin- sons Land on ye West [6 ] He hath a piece of Swamp & Upland wch was Given him by his ffather by his Last will & Testamt wch Lyeth before ye Sd Enmonds House and Bounded by the Street on ye west & North and by Josias Lattens Land that was formerly but now ye Sd Edmonds on ye East and by ye Land mentioned in this above written Deed on ye South ; 7ly ye Sd Edmond hath halfe of a Lott or Share inye Home Meadows wch is Mentioned in ffollio ye 5th of this Booke wth ye Bounds thereof And also one Third Pt of two pieces of plaine Land ye one Containing about 20 Acres Lying neer Aaron ffor- mans Hollow at ye Northwar[d] edge And ye other Cont 50 Acres Joyning to yt wch was fforme[rly] Anthony Wrights ye Bounds of both these two pieces of plaine Land is to be Seen in page ye 99 of this Booke ;more of ye Sd Edmonds Land in ffoli 5 of this Book Item lxxi: (p.66)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sent [writing] shall come or in any wise apptaine; Be it [known] that I Caleb Wright of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long 366 Book B Island in ye Colony of N e w Yorke : for & in ye Consid'ation of ye Sume of two pounds Currant Silver money of this Colony in hand paid,and for other causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd Caleb especiallyMoving [hav]eGIVEN GRANTED,Bargained,made over,Alienated,Sold confirmed;And by these p'sents Ithe Sd Calebdogive[g]rantBargaine,makeover,Alienate,Sell& con- firme unto [N ]athan Burdsall of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay [ab]ovesd A piece or Share of Meadow at Bever Swamp being [ju]stbelow Henry Townsends ffield:and Bounded by Henry Townsends Meadow on ye North & Henry Townsends Meadow on the South Lying & being in Oysterbay aforesd,being by estimation three quarts of an Acre be it more or Less ; To- getherwthallmy rightTitle& Interest,claime& demand w1So- ever wch I ye Sd Caleb now have or wch any of my Heires Exe- cutrs Administratrs or Assignes m a y hereafter have of & in ye Sd piece of Meadow wth all Issues & fits fro thence arising or growing;TO HAVE AND TO HOLD untohimtheSdNathan Burdsall his Heires or Assignes the Sd piece of Meadow & every Pt&PcelthereofwthitsAppurtenances,andtoyeonlyPP use & behoof of him ye Sd Nathan Burdsal his Heires Execut Administrats or Assignes [fore]ver And the Sd Caleb hath put ye Sd Nathan into a Lawful and peaceable possession of ye Sd piece of Meadow by ye Dilivery of these p'sents And ye Sd Caleb doth further Covenant for himself his Heires Executrs Adminis- tratrs or Assignes to & wth ye Sd Nathan that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd Nathan his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold occupie possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever Without ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Inte- ruption of him ye Sd Caleb his Heires Execut's Administrat or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und him [or] by meanes of any former gift grant Bar- gaine or Sale w'Soever In Witnes whereof I have hereunt(o) Sett m y hand & Seal the twenty [f]irst day of Decemb' in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & Six Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman George Townsend the marke of Caleb X Wright O Item lxxvij Be it known by these p'sents that I Nathan Burdsall the wthin Mentioned in this within written Deed have Assigned made over & confirmed And by these p'sents I ye Sd Nathan do Assigne make over & confirme unto Henry Townsend Jur of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke all m y right title & Interest wch I the Sd Nathan m y Heires Exe- cut's Administrat's or Assignes n o w have or hereaft m a y have of & in a Certaine piece of meadow mentioned in this within Deed unto him ye Sd Henry his Heires or Assignes forever as fully & Largely in every respect as it is made unto me ye Sd Book B 367 Nathan by virtue of this within written deed ; having received therefore Already ffull Satisfaction I N W I T N E S whereof I ye Sd Nathan have hereunto Set m y hand & Seal ye twenty Second day of December in ye yeare of our Lord 1686: Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman :John Wright Nathan Birdsal O ThisAsignm isofyeabovewrittenDeed: plu:lxviij These p'sents Declareth unto all whome it may any wayes Consarne that I Henry Townsend Sen' of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island do give Grant & Make over & diliverin p'sent possession to my Son Henry Townsend half my Meadow & Orchardherebymy House,Andhalfofallmy rightofLand and Meadow on Hogg Island,and half of all my right of Land at Cedar Swamp,and half of allmy right of Land in ye Last great purchase on Matenacock,the Town bought;And of ye Land yt proves to be mine in ye Old Town purchase;I say I do by these p'sents g [ive] & diliver up half of all ye above men- tioned Pts & cells of Lands unto my Son Henry Town [send] and to his Leneal Heire or Heires of his own body,And he may give it to wch Child[ren] he please at or before his Death, But ifmy SonHenrydonotwillittoanychildorCh[ildren]ofhis Thenmy ord'is,hisoldestSonifheLivetoInherititShallbe ye Heire,but if [he] Leave no Male Heire,then his Surviving D a u g h t e r s S h a l l b e H e i r e s t o it all , T o h a v e , h o l d , p o s s e s s , O c - cupy & enjoy as his or their o w n right, Title & Interest for[ever] as Witnes m y hand & Seal ye eighteenth day of March in ye year one Thousand Six hundr [ed ] Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of John Newman : Job Wright John Underhill John Townsend Henry Townsend Sen O (p.67)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p p t a i n e B e it k n o w n y t I J o b Wright of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation of ye Sume of two pounds Silver money currant in this Collony And for other good causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd Job especially Moving the aforesd money being paid before the Sealing and dilivery hereof HAVE GIVEN GRANTED BargainedSold& Confirmedunto Robert Townsend of Oysterbay aforesd ye Sonn of Henry Town- send Ser of ye Same place,A piece or plott of Land Lying at ye planting field So called And bounded on ye North by John Town- sends field formerly Adam Wrights on ye west by Job Wrights Land having a Small white Oake Tree Markt wth H for ye South west corner bound_And from thence on a Straight Line to a Great White Oake Tree Markt wth H being ye Southeast corner 368 Book B bound'on ye east by ye ridge of ye Hill,being of ye Same Length with ye Sd John Townsends Land being by estimation three Acres be it more or less Scituate Lying & being in Oysterbay aforesd Togetherwthallmy rightTitle& Interestclaime& demand w1So- ever wch I the Sd Job now have or wch any of m y Heires Execu- trsAdministrat'sorAssignesmayhereaft haveof& inyeSd LandoranyPtorPcellthereofwthallIssues& fitstherefrom arising or growing To have and to hold all & Singular ye p'mises & every t & cell thereof unto him ye Sd Robert Townsend his Heires & Assignes And to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd Robert his Heires & Assignes forever And the Sd Job hath put ye Sd Robert into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of the Sd Land by ye dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by the dilivery of these p'sents, A N D ye Sd Job doth for himselfe his Heires Executrs & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd Robert yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Robert his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold occupie pos- sess & enjoy ye Sd piece of Land forever wthout ye L a w full Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Job his Heires & Assignes And Like wise ye Sd Job to defend ye Sd Robert his Heires & Assignes in ye peaceable possession of ye p'mises against all Just Claimes & demands that Shall hereaft' be made to ye Sd Land or any Pt or cell thereof by any son or sons wt- Soever;IN WITNES whereof Ihave hereunto Set my hand & Seal the Nineteenth day of January in ye yeare of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred Eighty & Six Signed Sealed & dd Job Wright in p'sence of us Item lxxvij the marke of John Newman Daniel Weekes Rachel(R)Wright O (p.68)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e a p p t a i n e B e it k n o w n t h a t w e Henry Townsend Ser & John Townsend Sonne of ye Sd Henry Townsend both of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for Divers good causes & Consid1- ationsusyeSdHenry&JohnespeciallyMoovingHAVE GIVEN G R A N T E D alienated made over Bargained Sold & Confirmed & by these p❜sents we ye Said Henry & John do Give grant,alienate, make over Bargaine Sell and confirme unto Henry Townsend Jur of Oysterbay aforesd Sone of the aforesd Henry Townsend Ser All that Lott of Land Lying on ye east Side of Matenacock Creek and bounded wth Gidon Wrights Land on ye Northside neer Sagamore Hill; wth James Townsends Land on ye South Side;wth ye Meadow on ye west end ;And wth ye Comon or hill on ye East end being by estimation Twenty Acres be it more or Less Scituate wthin ye bounds of Oysterbay aforesd Together wth allye right title& Interest Claime & demand whatsoevr wch we Book B 369 ye Sd Henry Townsend Ser & John Townsend now have or any or either of us now have or any or either of our heires Executrs Administrat's or Assignes m a y hereaft' have of & in ye foremen- tioned Lott of Land wth all Issues & fits therefrom arising or Growing: (Which Sd Lott of Land ye aforesd Henry Townsend Ser hath formerly given by his Last will & testament to his three Sons but now Sees cause to alter that Pticular in his Will and to Confirme it all to his Sone Henry as this Deed declares) T O HAVE &TO HOLD untohimyeSdHenryTownsendJurye Sd Lott of Land wth its Apurtenances unto him ye Sd Henry Townsend Ju'his Heires & Assignes forever And to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd Henry his Heires & Assignes for- ever,And ye Sd Henry Townsend Ser & ye Sd John hath put ye Sd Henry into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye p'mises by ye diliv'y of these p'sents And ye Sd Henry Townsend Ser wth ye Sd John do for them Selves them Heires Executrs & As- signes further Covenant & Agree to & wth the Sd Henry Town- send Ju that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Henry Townsend Ju his Heires or Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold occupie possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises & every Pt & cel thereof forever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hin- drance or Interuption of them ye Sd Henry Ser or John or any or either of them or any or either of their Heires Execut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or und'them or any or either of them by meanes of any former gift,Grant,Bargaine or Sale wtSoever or any any other claime wtSoever And ye Sd Henry Townsend Ser & ye Sd John do hereby declare that they have received of ye Sd Henry Townsend Ju full Satisfaction in very respect for ye forementioned Lott of Land before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof IN W I T N E S where- of w e have hereunto Set our hands & Seales the twenty fourth day of January in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & Six Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Henry Townsend Ser O John Townsend Anna Townsend plu lxxxvi: John Newman George Codner January 24: 1686: I the above named Henry Townsend Ju' for & in ye Consid❜a- tion that m y Brother ye above mentioned John Townsend hath by this Deed confirmed his Pt of ye above mentioned Lott of Land unto unto me Ithe Sd Henry do hereby declare that I ye Sd Henry that I have & do make over & confirme unto him ye Sd John Townsend a piece of Land Lying neer ye old planting field So called & Bounded on ye north by a high way And on ye South by ye Land wch was formerly Job Wrights Land being by estimation four Acres be it more or Less wth all m y right 370 Book B title & Interest claime & demand wtSoever wch I or m y Heires Executrs or Assignes may hereafter have to ye Sd piece of Land, as firmly in all respects as ye Sd Lott of Land in the above writ- ten Deed in allthe clauses & Covenants thereof is made unto me To wch I Set my hand & Seal ye day & yeare above written Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman George Codner Henry Townsend Jur vide lxxi (p.69)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e a p t a i n e : B e it k n o w n t h a t w e Chippie & Sacahconick Sonne of ye Sd Chippie Indeans & Chief prietors of ye South Lands wthin ye Bounds of ye patent of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of New Yorke:ffor& inye Consideration of many fformer ffavours & kindnes received by us ye Sd Indeans of John Townsend Sen of Lusum in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd and for divers other good Causes & Considerations us ye Sd Indeans especially Moving HAVE GIVEN GRANTED Infeoffed Made over & Confirmed And by these p'sents we ye Sd Indeans do give,Grant; Infeeffe make over & Confirme unt[o] John Townsend Ser of Lusum aforesd.One Neck of Land Lying & being at ye South before Mentioned and Bounded on ye west by a River called by ye Indeans Senix;Ranging by ye Same River Northward to a white Oake Tree Markt about Seventy Rod North of ye path going cross ye Neck,And from ye Sd Tree Eastwardly cross ye Neck to a white oake Tree Markt Standing by ye River called Quanatuckquas being ye North Bound And on ye East by ye Sd River And on ye South by ye Meadows ;which Sd Neck is comonly known by ye Name of Little Neck Lying between ffort Neck & Unkaway Neck, Together wth all our Right Title & Interest claime & demand wtSoever wch wee ye fforenamed In- deans now have or wch any of our Heires Execut's AdministratTM or Assignes may hereafter have of & in ye Sd Neck of Land,wth all Issues & fits therefrom arising or Growing or in any wise Apptaining TO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires & Assignes the Sd Neck of Land & ever P t & Pcel thereof wth its Appurtenances A n d to ye only P P use & behoof of him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires & Assignes forever And the Sd Chippie and his Sonn have put ye Sd John Into a L a w full & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye prem- ises by ye dilivery of these p'sents and the Sd Chippie & Sacah- conick his Sonne do for them Selves their Heires Executrs & Assignes further Covenant & Agree to & wth ye Sd John Town- send that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd John his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold occupie pos- sess & enjoy all & Singular the p'mises forever without ye Law- full Lett Hindrance or Molestation of them ye Sd chippee & his Book B 371 Sd Son or either of them or any or either of their Heires,Exe- cut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claim- ing forby or undr them or any or either of them,Notwithstand- ing any form Gift Grant Bargaine or Sale wtSoever IN WIT- N E S whereof we ye Sd Indeans have hereunto Set our hands & Seales the ffourth day of ffebruary in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & Six Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us : John Newman : Job Wright the X mark of: the marke of:X Capt.Ramerock : Rohussah alias James : the marke X of O Chippie Indean the marke X of Secahaonick Indean Item lxxiij TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwrit- ing Shall come or in any wise Apptaine Be it known yt I Eph- raim Carpenter Sen' of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oyster- bay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of New Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation yt John Townsend Sen' of West Neck at ye South in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd hath Granted& Confirm'duntome,aCertaine celofuplandatwest NeckaforesdbywayofexchangetomyffullContent& Satisfac- tion as by a Deed undr ye hand & Seal of ye Sd John Bearing Date wth these p'sents is at Large Demonstrated & for other good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd Ephraim especially Moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,alienated,Infeoffed,Sold&Con- firmed, And by these p'sents I ye Sd Ephraim do Give, Grant, Alienate,Infeoffe,Sell & Confirme unto John Townsend aforesd all that of one Lott of upland wch was formerly John Newmans asitfelltohimbyLottyefirstLottinNumb LyingonyeSd West Neck on ye East Side thereof & adjoyning to ye Highway ranging Cross ye Neck & is of ye Southermost or Lower Division of ye Upland on Sd Neck and one other Lott of Upland wch was fformerly William ffrosts as it fell to him by Lott ye Second LottinNumb'& JoyningtoyeffirstMentionedLottonyeSame SideofSdNeck& ofyeSameDivision,allwchistobeSeenat Large in ye records of Oysterbay in ye Booke B :Page 252 :And ye Deeds of ye Conveyance thereof to ye said Ephraim are Like- wiseentredinyeSamebookTogetherwthallmy right,title& Interest,Claime & demand wtSoever wch I ye Sd Ephraim now haveorwchanyoreitherofmy Heires,Execut'sorAssignesmay hereaft have of to or in ye Sd two Lotts of Land & every t & cellthereofwthall fits,Issues,TimberTreesorotherCo- moditys in & on ye Sd Lott in any wise Aptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires & As- signes all & Singul ye fforementioned two Lotts of Land & Granted p'mises to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires & Assignes forever,And ye Sd Ephraim hathputyeSdJohnintoaLawfull& peaceablepossessionofye 372 Book B Sd two Lotts of Land by ye Dilivery of Turf & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd Ephraim doth for himself his Heires,Executrs & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wthyeSdJohnTownsendytitShall& maybeLawfullforhim ye Said John his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold,occupy,possess & enjoy ye Sd two Lotts of Land forever wthout ye L a w full Lett, hindrance or Interuption of him ye S d Ephraim his Heires Execut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for,by or und'him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift,Grant bargaine,Mort- gage or Sale w'Soever and the Sd Ephraim doth Bind himself & his Heires to warrant & defend ye Sd two Lotts of Land to ye Said John Townsend his Heires & Assignes forever according as before is exp'ssed I N W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seal ye fifteenth Day of Novemb1 in ye yeare of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred Ninety three SignedSealed&ddinp'senceofus EphraimCarpenter O John Newman Henry Townsend Jun' Job Wright This wthin written Deed acknowledged by the within named Ephraim Carpenter to be his reall act & deed by me one of their Maties Justices of ye peace December ye 17th 16[9]6 Nathaniel Coles (p.70)-Know all men by these p'sents that That we whose names are hereund" written have out of our Naturall affection as well as for other Considercons moving us hereunto have Alien- ated,Bargained & Sold unto James Townsend of Oysterbay his Heires & Assignes forever to have & to hold all these our Shares of Meadow Lying & being on Oake Neck in ye Collony of New Yorke Sheere in Long Island & Bounded as ye Town Record makes mention, That is to Say Anthony Wright ye thirteenth and the one and Thirtyth Shares John Weekes of Warwick ye Three and thirtyth Share, John Townsend of ye ffarmes ye Twenty Sixth Share,Richard Crabb the Seventeenth Share,Wee whose names are here Subscribed do engage to uphold ye Sd James Townsend his Heires & Assignes in peaceable & quiet pos- session as their right forever from us our Heires or any other son or sons w'Soever by through or und'us,As Witnes our hands this 30th Day of May in ye Year of our Lord God 1678 : Lusum ye 8th Day of January 1675 T o all Christian people to w h o m this Instrument of of writing Shallcome:Be itknown untoallmen ytthatIJohn Townsend Anthony Wright Richard Crab John Wickes Book B 373 of Lusum have Sold unto m y Brother James of Oysterbay one Share of Meadow upon Oake Neck Bounded as ye Town Record doth make Mention,This I do owne that I have Sold & received full Satisfaction for it from m e m y Heires or Assignes unto m y Brother James him his Heires or Assignes forever to enjoy as theirowne Intrust never to be molested by me nor any from m e as witnes m y hand ye D a y & year first ritne and in p❜sence of us John Townsend Henry Townsend Junor Thomas Willitts TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall com or in any or in any wise Aptaine. Be it known that I George Townsend of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid❜a- tion of ye S u m of ffifteen pounds of Silver money Currant in this vince in hand pd before ye Sealing & Dilivery hereof in full payment & Satisfaction & for other good Causes & Consid'ations meyeSdGeorgeespeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN GRANTED Alienated,Made over,Bargained,Sold & Confirmed and by these p'sents I ye Sd George Do Give,Grant Alienate Make over,Bar- gaine,Selland Confirme unto James Townsend of Cedar Swamp So called in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd The Moity or half Pt of Certaine Lands & Meadows Lying & being wthin ye Bounds of ye patten ofOysterbay aforesd wch I ye Sd George Stands now possessed off by Virtue of a Deed from John Weekes of Warwick in N e w England & Rose his wife undr their hands & Seales bearing Date ye third Day of March one thousand Six hundred eighty & five or Six wch Deed Stands Recorded in ye 45th page of this Book : B : in Oysterbay Together wth Comon Rights and p'viledges to ye Sd Land belonging whether it be Land already Laid out & enclosed,or not enclosed nor yet Laid out,wch doth or Shall Ply belong to ye forementioned Right of Land and half a Share of Meadow at ye South of Oysterbay aforesd as it was fformerly Laid out to ye Sd John Weekes & Rose his wife And also one allotment of up Land upon Unkaway Neck as fformerly Laid out Together wth all m y Right, Title & Interest, Claime & Demand wtSoever wch I ye Sd George now have or which any or either of m y Heires Executrs AdministratTMs or Assignes may hereaft' have of,to or in ye Moity or half part of all & Singu[lar] ye fforementioned Land & Meadow wth all Issues & fits, Customes & priviledges from thence arising or GrowingorinanywiseAptainingTO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd James Townsend his Heires & Assignes ye Moity or half t of all & Singular ye p'mises with Apurtenances to ye only per use & behoofe of him ye Sd James Townsend his Heires & Assignes forever:And ye Sd George hath put ye Sd 374 Book B JamesintoaLawfull& peaceablepossessionofall& Singular ye Moity of ye p'mises by ye dilivery of these p'sents And ye Sd George doth for himself his Heires Executrs & Assignes ffurther Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd James that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd James his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,occupy possess & enjoy all ye Moity or halfe Pt of all & Singular ye p'mises forever without ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd George his Heires Executrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Law- fully claiming for by or und'him or any or either of them Not- withstanding any former Gifts Grants, Bargaines or Sales what- soever IN WITNES whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seale the twenty fourth Day of November in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six Hundred eighty & eight Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us GeorgeTownsend O Item cccxxix John Newman Daniel Townsend (p.71)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthisp'sent writingShallcomeorinanywiseAptaine BeitknownthatI Richard Harcott of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island inyeColonyofNew Yorke for& inyeConsid1ationofye Sume of Thirty pounds in Silver money currant in this Colony, And for divers other good causes & consid'ations me ye Sd Richard especially Moving the Sd Thirty pounds being in hand pd before ye Sealing & diliv'y HAVE GIVEN, GRANTED alienated, made over,Bargained Sold & confirmed & by these p'sents I ye Sd Richard do give, grant, Alienate, make over, Bargaine Sell & confirme unto John Wright Caleb Wright,Edmond Wright & John Townsend at Mill all of Oysterbay aforesd,All of m y Land & Meadow Lying & being on Hogg Island in ye Bounds of Oys- terbay aforesd (Excepting & alwaies reserving unto him ye Sd Richard his Heires & Assignes two Lotts of Land in ye Oxe pasture) That is to Say four Lotts of Land Lying & being in ye Old field So called,The first of them Lying neer ye Landing place & Bounded wth Benjamin Hubbards Land on ye South Side, by By Richard Crabbs Land on ye west end, By John Townsends Land on ye North Side and ye East end by ye High W a y ,The Second & third Lying together on ye Hill and Bounded by Richard Crabbs & Nathaneel Coles Land on ye South Side,On ye west end t by Richard Crabbs & t runs wth a goor to ye Highway by ye Meadow,on ye North Side by Samuel Andrews Land,And on ye East end by ye High way,And the ffourth & Last of ye fforementioned ffour Lotts Lying on ye East Side of ye Sd ffield is Bounded by Nicholas Wrights Land on ye South Side,By a Highway runing by ye Meadow on ye East end,By Anthony Wrights Land on ye North Side,And by a High way Runing or Leading through ye Island on ye west end,And also Book B 375 one Lott of Land of ye Land of the Last division, Except wt I have form❜ly Sold to Richard Lattin as by deed or Record ap- peares ; wch Lott is Bounded on ye west Side by ffrancis Weekes Land,On ye North by a Little Swamp by ye Reedy ponds,on ye East by ye Cleft,And on ye South by a Highway Leading to ye Beach by ye Meadow,wth all my Right of Comonage on ye Sd Island, And also two Single Shares of Meadow on ye Sd Island Lying together in ye Great Meadow at or about ye North East Corner And Bounded on ye South by John Dickinsons Meadow,on ye west by Thomas Townsends Meadow wch runs North to ye Crick,on ye Northwest & North by ye Crick,And on ye East by ye woods ; Together wth all m y Right, Title & Interest claime & Demand wtSoever wch I ye Sd Richard now have or wch any of m y Heires Execut's Administrat's or Assignes mayhereaft'haveof&inyep'misesoranyPtor celthereof wth all Issues & fits p'viledges & apptenances therefrom arising orgrowingorinanywiseaptainingTO HAVE & TO HOLD ye Sd Lotts, Meadow & Comonage wth its apptenances unto them ye Sd John Wright, Caleb Wright, Edmond Wright, & John Townsend their Heires & Assignes,And to ye only D use &behoofofthemtheirHeires&Assignesforever;AND yeSd Richard hath put ye Sd John, Caleb & Edmond Wright & ye Sd John Townsend into a Lawful and peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye diliv'y of these p'sence,The afore- mentioned four Lotts of Land being by estimation two Acres & a quart a piece be they more or Less and ye Sd Richard Doth for himselfe his Heires, Executrs & Assignes furth Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd John Wright, Caleb Wright, Edmond Wright & John Townsend their Heires & Assignes that it S h a l l & m a y b e L a w f u l l f o r t h e m y e S d J o h n C a l e b & E d m o n d Wright & John Townsend their Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceablytohave,hold,Occupie,possess& enjoyall& Singul ye p'mises wth its Apptenances (Except before excepted) for- ever without the Lawfull Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd Richard his Heires or Assignes,or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or und him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any form Gift,Grant,Bargaine or Sale wtsoever INWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSettmyhand& Sealthe eleventh day of ffebruary in ye yeare of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred eighty & Six ; Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman Thomas Youngs Richard Harkcut O the marke of X Miriam Harkcut O This Deed acknowledged by Richard Harkcut ffebruary: 15: 1686:before me Item xcix 3:cxliij: John Townsend Sen 4 :lxxvij 376 Book B (p.72blank;p.73)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLEtowhom this p'sent writing Shall come or in any wise Aptaine ; Be it known that whereas Moses Mudge of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island in ye Dvince of N e w Yorke,James Cock of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd And John Townsend of ye Town of Oyst- bay aforesd have formerly Sold unto John Rogers of Oysterbay aforesd each of them one Several Lott or Share of Land upon Unkaway Neck Lying & being at ye place comonly called ye South of Oysterbay aforesd the Sd Moses his Lott being of Numb 32& 12rodininyefront& 12inyeRereonyeEast SideofyeSdNeck;TheSdJameshisLottbeingofNumb 6: and 7 Rod in ye ffront & 7 in ye Rere,and on ye West Side of ye Sd Neck;And ye Sd John Townsends Lott being of Numb 15:and 8 Rod in ye ffront & 8 in ye Rere on ye West Side of ye Sd Neck ; all wch Lotts Stands Recorded in ye Records of OysterbayinyeBookB:inpageye56:Now IyeSdJohn Rogers for & in ye Consid'ation of ye Sume of Three pounds of Currant Silver Money of this Collony in hand paid before Sealing hereof and for divers other good causes & consid'acon[s] me ye Sd John especially moving HAVE GIVEN,granted, Alienated,Made over,Bargained,Sold & confirmed and by these p'sents Ithe Sd John do give,grant,Alienate,Make over,Sell & Bargaine Sell & confirme unto John Townsend Sen'of Lusum in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd all ye before Mentioned thre Lotts or Shares of Land wth all Issues & fits therefrom arising or Growing wth all p'viledges & aftences thereto belonging or in any wise aptaining Together wth all m y right Title & Int'est claime & demand wtSoever wch I ye Sd John Rogers now have or wch any of m y Heires, Executrs Administrats or Assignes may hereaft' have of & in all or either of the Sd Lotts or any thingthattothemap@tainesTO HAVE & TO HOLD all& Singular ye p'mises & every Pt & cel thereof unto him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires & Assignes,And to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires & Assignes forever,And the Sd John Rogers hath put ye Sd John Townsend into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye p'mises by ye diliv- ery of these p'sents And ye Sd John Rogers doth for him Selfe his Heires Executrs & Assignes covenant and agree to & wth ye Sd John Townsend that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupie,possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever Without the L a w full Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd John Rogers his Heires Executrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or und' him or any or either of them by meanes of any form' Gift,grant, Bar- gaine or Sale wtSoever I N W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Book B 377 Sett m y hand & Seale the ffourteenth day of January in ye year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred eighty and Six Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman Job Wright George Townsend the marke (R ) of JohnRogers O plus lxxiiij W e ye above mentioned Moses Mudge James Cock & John Townsend do acknowledg yt each of us Sold to John Rogers ye Shares of Land mentioned in ye p'amble of this Deed to wch wee Set our hands & Seales Day & yeare above written James X Cock John Townsend O B e it k n o w to all people to w h o m this D e e d of Gift m a y con- sarne that I Thomas Townsend of Rhode Island doe ffreely Give and Bequeath unto Nathan Coles Soon to Robart Coles of Mus- keeda Cove wthin ye Township of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island A certaine Slipe or piece of Reedy Meadow upon ye West Neck at the South being by estimation about one Acre nexttoyeCreekattheNorth-eastCornerofmy ShareofMea- d o w as Shall be Bounded out by m y ordr wch Sd piece of M e a d o w after So Bounded out Shall be to ye Sd Nathan Coles his Heires & Assignes forever from me my Heires Execut's or Successors as firmly as may be Given by any Deed of Gift worded according to L a w as Witnes m y hand & Seal in Oysterbay the first day of June 1687 witnes John Newman Tho:Townsend O (p.74)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sent this p'sent writing Shall come or in any wise aptaine Be it known that I Henry Townsend Jur of Oyst'bay in queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of New Yorke for & in ye Con- sid'ation of ye Sume of Twenty Shillings currant Silver Money of this Colony in hand pd before ye Sealing & Diliv'y hereof and for other good causes & consid'ations me ye Sd Henry especially MovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED alienatedmadeover,Sold & confirmed & by these p'sents I ye Sd Henry do give,grant Alienate,Make over,Bargaine Sell & confirme unto John Town- send Sen of Lusum in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd one Lott of Land Lying & being upon Unkaway Neck in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd & at ye place comonly known by ye name of the South of Oyst❜bay & bounded as the Records of Oysterbay makes Mention;That isto Say Samuel Andrews Lott on ye one- side& HenryTownsendSen hisLottonyeothrSide,beingof Numb 6.&LyingonyeEastSidofyeSdNeckwthallp'vil- edges Issues & fits therefrom arising or growing or in any wise Moses Mudge the marke of о 378 Book B Apptaining ye Sd Lott being upon Record 7 Rod in ye ffront & 7 in ye Rere Together wth,all m y right Title & Interest claime & Demand wtSoever wch I ye Sd Henry now have,or wch any of my Heires,Executrs Administratrs or Assignes may hereaft'have of & in the forementioned Lott of Land or its Apptenances or anyPtor celthereofTOHAVE&TOHOLDuntohimye Said John Townsend his Heires & Assignes the Sd Lott of Land wthitsAp tenances&toyeonly use&behoofeofhimye Sd John Townsend his Heires & Assignes forever,And the Sd Henry hath put ye Sd John into a Lawfull & peaceable posses- sion of all & Singular ye p'mises by the diliv'y of these p'sents And the Sd Henry doth for himselfe his Heires Executrs Admin- istratrs & Assignes further Covenant to & wth ye Sd John that it Shall& maybeLawfullforhimyeSdJohnTownsendhisHeires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold occupie possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises wth ye A p @ tences thereof forever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Int'uption of him ye Sd Henry his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Law- fully claiming for by or und'him or any or either of them Not- withstanding any form Gift Grant, Bargain or Sale wtSoever IN WITNES whereof I have here unto Sett my hand & Seal the ffifth Day of March in ye yeare of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred eighty & Six Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman : John Wright: HenryTownsendJur O Whereas Thomas Thornicroft of Massapegue Kills deceased dyed Intestate & the Disposing of his Children & estate was wholly Left to ye Disposition of John Townsend of Oysterbay Deceased ; N o w I William Thorncroft the Son & Heire of the Sd Thomas do hereby acknowledge yt I have received of ye Sd John Townsend or his Heires the full Complemt of m y ffathers estate both Reall & sonall whereby I ye Sd William do for m y Selfmy Heires,Executrs& Administratrsacquit,release& Dis- charge ye Sd John Townsend his Heires,Executrs & Administrat's of & ffrom all Claimes & demands forever wch I ye Sd William my Heires Execut's Administrat's or Assignes have or may have concerning ye estate of m y Sd ffather to wch I Set m y hand the Last Day of May :1690: the marke of William X Thornicroft Witnes John N e w m a n Isaac Doughty Septembr ye 30th 1678 : Know allmen by these p'sentsyt I Nathaniel Coles of Oyster- bay do by these p'sents Sell & make over unto John Townsend ofLusumallytmy Home LottinOysterbayfformerlyinyepos- session of Joseph Sutton as his Deed of Sale will Specifie unto Book B 379 the Sd John Townsend & his Heires & Assignes forever T O HAVE &TO HOLD theSdHomeLottastheirown right, from ye Said Nathaniel Coles & his Heires or any other son, w'Soever yt Shall Lay Claime thereto,Comons & other Apptences thereunto belonging excepted, as witnes m y hand in ye p'sence of Samuel Andrewes Rob:Coles Thomas Webb: Nathaneall Coles July ye 10th 1695 Í Nathaneil Coles above written n o w one of their Maties Jus- tices of ye peace for Queens County do owne & acknowledge this above written to be my reall act & deed,And yt the word As- signes in ye Seventh Lyne was Interlined by Consent of both ties,Witnes m y hand Nathaneil Coles vide ccxxxv (p.75)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sent writing Shall come or in any wise Aptaine : Be it known that I John Townsend Sen'of Lusum in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long-Island in ye Colony of New Yorke for & in the Consid'acon of of ye Sume of Nine pounds Silver M o n e y Currant in this Collony in hand pd before ye Sealing & Diliv'y hereof A n d for other good causes & Consid'ations m e ye SdJohnEspeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alien- ated, Made over, Bargained Sold & Confirmed, And by these p'sents Iye Sd John do Give,Grant Alienate,Make over,Bar- gaine, Sell & confirme unto John Rogers of Oysterbay aforesd one H o m e Lott of Land being Bounded by Samuel Weekes Lott on ye North,by Daniel Townsends Land on ye East,By John Weekes Lott on ye South & by ye Street on ye West being by estimation Six Acres,be itmore or Less,Scituate Lying & being in Oysterbay afore Sd wth all Issues & fits therefrom arising or growing ; Together wth all m y Right, title & Int'est claime & demand w Soever wch I ye Sd John Townsend now have or wch anyofmy HeiresExecutrsAdmrsorAssignesmayhereaft'have of&inyeSdLottoranyPtor celthereofTOHAVE&TO HOLDyeSdLottofLandandevery t& celthereofunto him ye Sd John Rogers his Heires & Assignes And to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd John Rogers his Heires & As- signes forever And ye Sd John Townsend hath put ye Sd John Rogers into a Lawful & peaceable possession of the p'mises by ye dilivery of these p'sence And the Sd John Townsend doth for himselfe his Heires,Executrs & Assignes Covenant and agree to & wth ye Sd John Rogers that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd John Rogers his Heires & Assignes quietly & peace- ablytohave,hold,Occupie,possess& enjoyallandSingularye 380 Book B p'mises without ye Lawfull Lett, hindrance or Interuption or Molestation of him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires Executors or Assignes or any other person or persons Lawfully Claiming, for,by or und[er] him or any or either of them by meanes of any former Gift, Grant, Bargaine or Sale whatsover I N W I T - N É S whereof I have here unto Set m y hand & Seal the ffour- teenth Day of January in ye Year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & Six It is to be understood that it is only Signed Sealed & dd ye bare Lott comprehended in this inp'senceofus Deed without any priviledge of John Newman Comonage Job Wright George Townsend John Townsend Sen O This Deed owned & acknowledged by ye within named John Townsend before me John Townsend Sen' one of his Maties Justices of ye peace for Queens County on Long Island in ye vinceofNew Yorkethe5thdayofMarch:1686/7 John Townsend Sen TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e a p t a i n e ; B e it k n o w n t h a t I E l i a z a r Doreby of Boston in New England in America,And John Reed of Norwalke in ye County of ffairfield in ye vince of Boston (being agent for ye Sd Eliazer in his Absence to Sell & dispose of ye Land hereaft" mentioned) for & in ye Consideracon of Twenty pounds of Silver money Currant in this Collony of N e w Yorke or in Goods Equivolent to Such Money in hand pd & received before ye Sealing & Dilivery hereof in full Satisfac- tion and for other good causes & Consid'acons us ye Sd Eliazer & John especiallyMoving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alien- ated made over, Bargained, Sold, & Confirm'd and by these p'sents I ye Sd Eliazar & I ye Sd John do Give,Grant,Alienate make over, Bargaine, Sell & confirme unto John Rogers of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of N e w Yorke one H o m e Lott of Land Lying & being in Oysterbay aforesd between ye H o m e Lott of Samuel Andrews formerly but now Joseph Ludlams and ye Home Lott of Thomas Weekes and Bounded on ye North by ye Street, on ye East by ye Towns Burying place on ye South by ye Comon & on ye West by a High Way wth priviledge of Comonage- plus lxxvi-(p.76)— Comonage in ye old purchase of Oysterbay according to ye Cus- tome of the Town as other Such ticular Rights have,the Sd Home Lott being by estimation five Acres be it more or Less; And also a Certaine Tract of Land Lying on ye East Side of ye Swamp called Bever Swamp,the first bounds whereof begineth at ye River at Samuel Andrews Southwest bound and So to run up ye hill Eastwardly by ye Sd Andrews Land twenty four Book B 381 poles, from thence to Range to ye Hills Side Southwest or thereabouts one hundred and twenty Rod & from thence to ye Sd River Twenty four Rod upon a West Northwest Line or thereabouts ye Sd River or Streame to be ye West Bound And ye aforesd Bounders to be ye Northeast & South Bounders In- cludingin ye Sd Bounds of upland & Swamp twenty Six Acres be it more or Less Lying & being in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd Together wth all ye Right Title & Interest claime & de- mand w1Soever wch I ye Sd Eleazer or I ye Sd John Reed now have or wch any or either of our Heires Executrs or Assigns may hereafter have of & in ye fforementioned p'mises & every P t & cel thereof (all wch was formerly Isaac Horners but now in ye possession of ye Sd Eleazer) Together wth all fits & Issues Customes and p'viledges therefrom arising or Growing or in any wiseappertaining TŎ HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd John Rogers his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye p'mises wthitsApurtencestoyeonly use& behoofeofhimyeSd John Rogers his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd Eliazer & ye Sd John Reed hath put ye Sd John Rogers into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye dilivery ofthese p'sents;And ye Sd Eleazer & ye Sd John Reed doth for themselves their Heires Executrs & Administrat's further Covenant & Agree to & wth ye Sd John Rogers that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd John Rogers his Heires & As- signes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,occupy,possesse & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises wth ye apptences thereof forever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Int'uption of them ye Sd Eliazar or John Reed or any or either of their Heires ExecutTMs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or und them or any or either of them notwithstanding any former Gift Grant,Bargaine or Sale wtSoever and to Maintaine the Sd John Rogers in ye peaceable & L a w full possession of ye Same IN W I T N E S whereof we have hereunto Sett our hands & Seales the twenty third day of January in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & Seven Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us JohnNewman: JobWright John Reed O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting ShallcomeorinanywiseAptaine Be itknown yt IAlexander fforman of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island alias Nassau in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for& inye Consideration of ye Sume of Twenty one pounds of Currant Money of New York in hand pd & by me ye Sd Alex- ander recd of John Rogers of Oysterbay aforesd before ye Seal- ing&diliv'yhereofinfullpaymt& Satisfaction& forothergood Causes & Consid'acons me ye Sd Alexander especially moving 382 Book B HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated Infeoffed Assigned, Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Alexander do Give, Grant, Alienate, Infeoffe, Assigne Sell & Confirme unto John Rogers aforesd all that of m y accomodation Lying & being wthin ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd wch was & did formerly b e l o n g t o m y B r o t h e r S a m u e l f o r m a n , T h a t is t o S a y o n e L o t t o f Land in ye Town of Oysterbay aforesd containing in quantity Three Acres or thereabouts be it more or Less with a Dwelling House now Standing upon it & is Bounded by James Weeks Lott on ye West Side,the Street on ye North Aaron fformans Lott on ye East,And Daniel Weekes ffield on ye South of it, And also right & p'viledge of Commonage in ye Comons of ye Old purchase of Oysterbay as it was Granted to ye Sd Samuel fforman by ye freeholders thereof as may be Seen in ye records, Excepting & reserving out of this Grant Thirteen Acres of Land belonging to Sd Comonage already disposed of by Sd Alexander toEdwardWhite,Togetherwthallmy rightTitle& Interestwch IyeAlexandernoworwchanyoreitherofmy Heires,ExecutTM or Assignes may hereaft'have of to or in ye Sd Granted,House, Land & Comonage,wth all ye Apple trees & other fruit trees, Timber ffences,customes,p'viledges, fits,Comoditys to ye Sd Granted House,Lott & Comonage (which) is now or hereaft ShallbelongorAptaine TO HAVE & TO HOLD untohimye Sd John Rogers his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd Granted,Lott,House& ComonagewthitsApptencestoyeonly P P use & behoofe of him ye Sd John Rogers his Heires & As- signes fforever,And ye Sd Alexander hath Given ye Sd John Lawfullpossessionofall& SingularyeSdGrantedp'misesby dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by these p'sents and ye Sd Alex- ander doth for him Self his Heires,Executrs & Assignes further Covent to & wth ye Sd John Rogers that it Shall & may be Law- full for him ye Sd John his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Sd Granted p'mises forever without ye Lawfull Lett or Molestation of him ye Sd Alexander his Heires,Executrs or Assignes or any other Pson or sons Lawfully Claiming for,by or undr him or any or eitherofthem notwithstandinganyformergrant,MortgageDower or Conveyance wtsoever,And ye Same to Sd John Rogers Heires & Assignes forever to warrant & Defend, According as before is e x p r e s s e d I N W I T N E S w h e r e o f I h a v e h e r e u n t o S e t m y h a n d & Seal the eleventh day of Aprill in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred ninety ffive Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman John Townsend David underhill Alexanderfforman O Day & Date above Written Alexander fforman come before Book B 383 me one of their Maties Justices of ye peace for queens County & acknowledged this to be his reall & Voluntary act & Deed ccclx Nathaneill Coles (p.77)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthisp'sent writing Shall come or in any wise Aptaine ;Be itknown that I Henry Townsend Jun' of of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation of ye Sume of Two pounds of Silver Money Currant in this Colony & for Divers other good causes and Consid'ations m e ye SdHenryespeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED alien- ated,Made over,Sold,& Confirm'd,And by these p'sents I ye Sd Henry do give,grant,Alienate,Make ovr Bargaine,Sell & Confirme,unto Nathan Burdsal of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd, one alotment or Share of Meadow upon Oake-Neck,wch Sharewas form❜lymy ffatherHenry Townsends, beingofNumbr 25:And Bounded withJohn Townsends Meadow o n y e o n e S i d e , A n d M a t h e w p r i o r s o n y e o t h e r S i d e , a s it a p - peares in ye Records in Libr A : page 15 : & c Lying & being in Oysterbay aforesd ; Together with all m y Right, Title & Intrest, Claime & demand wtsoevr wch I ye Sd Henry now have or wch any of m y Heires,Executrs Administrats or Assignes may here- aft have of & in ye Sd Share of Meadow,wth all Issues & fits therefrom arising or growing or in any wise Apptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Nathan Burdsal his Heires & Assignes The fore Mentioned Share of Meadow wth its Ap- Ptences And to ye only P P use & behoof of him ye Sd Nathan hisHeres & Assignes forever;And ye Sd Henry hath put ye Sd Nathan into a L a w full & peaceable possession of all & Singular yep'mises by ye Diliv'y of these p'sents And ye Sd Henry doth for himselfe, his Heires, Executrs Administratrs furthTM Covent & agree to & wth ye Sd Nathan that it Shall & may be Lawful forhim ye Sd Nathan his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably tohave,hold Occupie,possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever,wthout ye Lawfull Lett,hindrance or Int'uption of him ye Sd Henry his Heires & or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for, by or und' him or any or either of the(m ), Notwithstanding any form Gift, grant Bargaine or Salew'soev INWITNESSEwhereofIhavehereuntoSetmy hand & Seal the eighth Day of March in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & Six Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Henry Townsend Ju O to ye use of Nathan Burdsal John Newman : James Townsend vide lxxv iij TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomethisp'sentwrit- ing Shall come or in any wise Aptaine ; Be it known that I John Robins of Springffield in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens 384 Book B County on Long Island in ye Colony of New Yorke for & in ye Considracon of ye Sume of Three pounds & Tenne Shillings of Silver Money Currant in this Colony in hand paid before ye Sealing & diliv'y hereof & for other good Causes & Consid'acons meyeSdJohnespeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED, Alienated,Made over,Bargained,Sold Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd John Robins doe Give, Grant, Alienate Make overBargaine,Sell& ConfirmeuntoJohnTownsendofyeTown of Oysterbay aforesd,Two Acres & a quart of Land Lying & being on Hogg Island So called in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd being Pt of a Lott or Share of Land wch was form❜ly Richard Harcotts of ye Last division & Joyning to ffrancis Weekes Land neare ye poynt & also one Share of Meadow on ye Sd Island Lying on ye Great Meadow & Bounded on ye North West by John Pratts Meadow & on ye South-East by Joseph LudlamsMeadow;Togetherwthallmy Right,TitleandInterest, Claime & Demand w1Soever wch I ye Sd John Robins now have or wch any or either of m y Heires,Execut's or Assignes m a y here- aft have of & in ye forementioned Land & Meadow, wth all Issues & fitstherefrom arising or Growing or wtsoever thereto Ply belongs:TO HAVE & TO HOLD all& Singularyefore m e n t i o n e d L a n d & M e a d o w w i t h its A p @ t e n a n c e s & e v ' y t& cel therof unto him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires & As- signesandtoyeonly use&behoofeofhimyeSdJohnTown- send his Heires and Assignes forever And ye Sd John Robins hath put ye Sd John Townsend into a Lawfull & peaceable pos- session of ye p'mises & every Pt & cel thereof by ye diliv'y of these p'sents,And ye Sd John Robins Doth for himselfe his Heires Executrs & Assignes further Covenant to & wth ye Sd John Townsend that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold occupie possess & Enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises for- ever withoutye Lawfull Lett Hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd John Robins his Heires or Assignes or any othr son or sons Lawfully claiming for,by or undr him or any or either ofthem,Notwithstanding any former Gift,Grant,Bargaine or Sale wtsoever,And that ye Sd John Robins his Heires or As- signes Shall maintaine ye Sd John Townsend his Heires & As- signesinyeLawfullpossessionofyep'misesforeverIN WIT- N E S whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal the Twenty ninth Day of Aprill in ye yeare of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred eighty & Seven Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman Robert Townsend the marke of John X Robins O plus cix (p.78)-TO ALL XTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwrit- i n g S h a l C o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e ; B e it k n o w n t h a t b y v i r - Book B 385 tue of a Deed Granted to me by ye Indeans bearing Date ye Nineteenth Day of ffebruary 1683/4 of a certaine cel of Land wch hereaft Shall be Mentioned I Henry Bell of Oyst'bay in queens County on Long Island inye Colony of New Yorke;for & in ye Consid'ation of ye Sume of Tenn pounds Silver money in hand pd in full Satisfaction before ye Sealing & Diliv'y hereof And forothergood causes& Consid'ationsme ye Sd Henry Es- peciallyMoving HAVE GIVEN granted Alienated,Made over, Bargained,Sold& Confirm'd,Andbythesep'sentsIyeSdHenry doe Give,Grant,Alienate,Make over,Bargaine Sell & Confirme unto Nathan Burdsal of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd A tract or cel of Land Lying & being in Matenacock aforesd at or by ye Streame called by ye Name of Chechaging Swamp on ye west Side of ye Highway to Matenacock;And Bounded by ye Sd Highway on ye East on ye North by ye Brook ; on ye North west Corn'by a white Oake ;and from thence to a White Oake ye Southwest Corner,Bordring on John Underhills Land;And on ye South by ye Sd Nathan Burdsals Land,And Laid out by ye Sd Indeans for ffifty Acres be it more or Less, Togetherwthallmy RightTitle& Int'est,Claime& Demand w'soevr wch Iye Sd Henry now have or wch any of my Heires Execut's Administratrs or Assignes may hereaft have of & in yeSdTractofLand&ev'yPt& celthereofwthall fits& Issues therefrom arising or growing or in any wise Aptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Nathan Burdsall his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye p'mises wth i(t)s Appur- tences, And to ye only use and behoofe of him ye Sd Nathan Burdsal his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd Henry hath put ye Sd Nathan into a Lawful and peaceable possession of ye Sd Tract of Land by ye Dilivery of these p'sents And ye S d H e n r y doth for himself his Heires Executrs & Assignes fur- ther Covenant & Agree to & wth ye Sd Nathan that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Nathan his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,occupie,possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever without ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Henry his Heires Execut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or und him or any or either of them notwithstanding any form Gift, Grant,Bargaine or Sale wtsoev But ye Sd Henry his Heires & Assignes to Defend ye Sd Nathan his Heires & Assignes in peaceable possession of ye p'mises forever IN W I T N E S whereof I I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal ye Ninth Day of April in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Eighty & Seven Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman William Crooker the mark (R ) of John Rogers the marke (H ) of Henry Bell O cliii 386 Book B Be it known by these p'sents yt I Nathan Burdsal ye wthin Named inthiswithinwrittenDeed,have& do Assigne,Make over & Confirme unto m y Son Samuel Burdsall this within writ- ten Deed which beareth Date ye 9th Day of Aprill 1687:wth all ye Land therein Mentioned with all ye right title & Interest claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Nathan now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Executrs or Assignes may hereafter have of to or in ye wthin Granted Land, wth all ye priviledges and Aptenances thereto Contained in Sd Deed to have & to hold unto him ye Sd Samuel his Heires & Assignes forever to Occupy possess & enjoy as his or their own right Title & Interest as fully & Amply as it is Conveyed unto me by the wthin Named Henry Bell,The Sd Samuel having Satisfied me foryeSametomy fullContent& Satisfactionaswitnesmy hand & Seal ye Twenty Second Day of ffebruary Anno Dni: 1693: It is to be further understood that m y Sons William & Nathan Should have been Mentioned in this Assignment and therefore the Assignment of ye above mentioned Land in this wthin written Deed is made to them ye Sd William & Nathan as ffirme & Sure as to ye Sd Samuel Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman John feke Samuel Underhil Nathan birdal O This Assignment is of ye Deed wch is recorded at the up end of this page cliiii (p.79)-TO ALL XPIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwrit- ing Shall Come or in any wise Aptaine ; Be it known that I Daniel Harcott of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island inyeColonyofNew Yorkfor& inyeConsidraconofyeSume of Thirty pounds in Silver money Currant in this Colony Twenty SevenpoundsofitinBostonmoney& fourtypoundsofSheeps wooll allin hand pd & Satisfied before ye Sealing & Diliv'y hereof & for other good Causes & Considracons me ye Sd Daniel espe- ciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN GRANTED AlienatedMade over, Bargained,Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Daniel Do Give,Grant,alienate,make over Sell & confirme unto Eph- raim Carpenter of Muskeeto Cove, one whole Lott & Three quarters of a Lott of Meadow Lying & being on ye ffort Neck at ye South of Oysterbay aforesd wch fore Mentioned Meadow was formerly Given by Richard Harcott ffather to ye Sd Daniel unto him ye Sd Daniel by a Deed bearing Date ye ffourteenth Day of January 1679:And Recorded in Libr A :page ye 100: doth appeare as ye Records of Oystbay Sheweth;And ye Sd Three quarts of a Lott was formerly John Townsends Sen"by Lott& Numb 5:asitStandsonyeRecords;ytNev'yeless though this Sd fifth Lott Stands on ye Records wholely to ye Sd Book B 387 John Townsend yet this Sd fifth Lott was equally to be between ye Sd Richard & ye Sd John he ye Sd John drew ye Lott for & in ye behalfe of them both and So ye one halfe of it ye Sd Richardsown Right;Andonequart'orffourth tofyeSd Lott ye Sd Richard Harcutt had by Exchange wth ye Sd John Townsend for other Meadow upon West Neck Division;which fore Mentioned Meadow is Bounded & Laid out as ye Records o f O y s t e r b a y p l a i n l y S h e w e t h : A n d a l s o all y e R i g h t y e S d R i c h - ard Harcutt hath on a nother Neck of Meadow Called by ye N a m e of Contention Neck at ye South wch he ye Sd Richard hath Given to ye Sd Daniel his Sonne & his Assignes forever ; To- getherwthallmy RightTitle& Int'est,Claime& demandw1Soev wch I ye Sd Daniel now have or wch any of my Heires Executr Administrat'sorAssignesmayhereaft'haveof& inyeSd Mea- dow or any t or cellthereof wth all fits,Issues & priviledges therefrom Arising or Growing or in any wise Appertaining T O HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd Ephraim Carpent his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye p'mises wth its Appurten- ances unto ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd Ephraim & to his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd Daniel hath put ye Sd Ephraim into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Sin- gular ye p'mises with its Apptences & every t & cel thereof by ye Diliv'y of these p'sents A N D ye Sd Daniel doth for him- self his Heires, Executrs & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd Ephraim that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Ephraim his Heires and Assignes,quietly & peaceably to have,hold,occupy,possess& enjoyall& Singul yep'miseswth its Apptences forever without ye L a w full Lett hindrance or In- teruption of him ye Sd Daniel his Heires Execut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift, Grant Bargaine or Sale w'Soev And ye Sd Daniel doth Covent as aforesd to Maintaine ye Sd Ephraim his Heires & Assignes in ye Lawful possession of all & Singular ye p'mises forever IN W I T N E S whereof I ye Sd Daniel have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seale the Second day of May in ye yeare of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred eighty & Seven Signed Sealed & dd in ye p'sence of us Richard harkcutt John Newman Thomas weekes Daniel Harcutt O SarahHarkcutt O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall come or in any wise Aptaine be it known yt I William ffrost of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County, on Long Island N o w called Nassaw in ye Collony of New Yorke for & in ye Consideracon of ye Sume of ffourteen pounds & ten Shillings of Currant Silver money of this Collony in hand pd & by me ye Sd William received of Ephraim Car- 388 Book B pent of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd in full payment & Satisfaction, & for other good Causes and Con- siderations,me ye Sd William especially Moving,H A V E ,GIV- EN,GRANTED AlienatedInfeoffed,Sold& Confirm'dAndby these p'sents I ye Sd William do Give,Grant,Alienate Infeeoffe, Sell & Confirme unto Ephraim Carpenter aforesd, All that of a Share or purchasers right of upland upon West Neck at ye South of Oysterbay aforesd wch I ye Sd William wth ye rest of ye purchasers & P e t o r s thereof purchased of ye Indean prie- trs thereof, And at ye Division thereof, amongst ye South or Lower Lotts ye Second Lott ffell to me by Lott, And in ye Up Division ye Eleventh Lott,And also one other Share or Pchasers right of upland on ye Same Neck wch I the Sd William Bought of Nicholas Simkins who is another of ye purchases of ye Sd Neck,as by a Deed undr his hand & Seal Bearing date ye fifthdayofMay 1693:doth& willappeare,And yeLower Lott belonging to ye Sd Last mentioned Share is of Number Sixteen &yeup LottisofNumb"tenn,AllwchistobeSeeninyeRec- ords of Oysterbay in ye Book B :page 252:where ye Length & Breadth of Sd Lotts is plainly Shewed,And also one quarter of a Lott of Meadow at ye South aforesd of ye ffirst Division,wch was formerly James Cocks,and Lyeth on ye Little Neck between West Neck & fort Neck of N ° 17:as ye Records of Oysterbay Sheweth in ye Booke A : page 254, & in B : page 27 : Together wthallmy righttitle& Interest,Claime& demandw'soeverwch I ye Sd William now have or wch any or either of my Heires, Execut's or Assignes may hereaft have of,to or in ye Sd two Rights or Shares of Upland or in ye quart Pt of Sd Share of Meadow wth all fits, Comoditys p'viledges Comonage, Un- divided Land or Meadow to ye Sd Upland & Meadow belonging or Aftaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Ephraim Carpent his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd two Shares of Upland & quart'Share of Meadow wthye Apurtences thereof to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd Ephraim,his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd William hath putt ye Sd Ephraim into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye Sd Granted p'mises by ye Delivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dili- very of these p'sents: And ye Sd William doth for himself his Heires Executis & Assignes further Covent & agree to & wth ye SdEphraimCarpent'thatitShall&maybeLawful forhi.m ye Said Ephraim his Heires & Assignes,quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy possess & enjoy all& Singular ye Sd Granted p'mises wth ye Apptences thereof forever without ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd William his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for, by or undr him or any or either of them Notwthstanding any for- mer Gift.Grant,Mortgage or Sale wtsoever,And ye Sd William doth hereby bind himself & his Heires to warrant & defend ye Book B 389 Sd two Shares of Upland & quart Share of Meadow to ye Sd Ephraim his Heires & Assignes forever,According as before is expressedINWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSetmyhand & Seal the first day of July in ye yeare of our Lord one thou- sand Six hundred Ninety three Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us: William ffrost O cclxxxiii John Newman Robert Coles Jarvis Mudg (p.80)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sent writingShallcomeorinanywiseAptaine BeitknownthatI Joseph Ludlam of Oyst bay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'acon of ye Sume of Twelve pounds of Silver Money Currant in this Colony in hand pd before ye Sealing & diliv'y hereof And for Divers other good causes & Consid'ations him ye Sd Joseph especially Moving HAVE GIVEN GRANTED alienated Made over Bargained Sold and Confirmed & by these p'sents I ye Sd Joseph do Give, Grant,Alienate.Make over Bargaine Sell & Confirme unto Wil- liam ffrost of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd one quart' or ffourth part of one whole Share of M e a d o w Lying & being on ye Sev'all Necks of Meadow at ye South of Oyster- bay,aforesdasitwasLaidoutbyyeTownsmen inLottsinthree divisions as by ye Records of Oysterbay Doth appeare; wch Quarter Share aforesd was fformerly Matthias Harvies but now inyepossessionofye Sd Joseph;And alsotwo LottsofUpland upon Unkaway Neck at ye South aforesd one of them being of Numb 31:formerly Matthias Harvies and Lying on ye East Side of ye Sd Neck;And ye other Lott ye Sd Josephs own not yet Drawn Together wth allmy Right,title& Int'est,Claime & De- mand w'soever,wch I ye Sd Joseph now have or wch any of my Heires Executrs or Assignes may hereaft have of & in ye Sd Meadow & Lotts before mentioned:wth all Rights p'viledges Issues & fits from ye Sd Meadow & Lotts arising or Growing or in any wise Apptaining TO HAVE & TO HOLD the Sd Meadow & Lotts & ev'y t or cel thereof wth its Aptences unto him him ye Sd William ffrost his Heires & Assignes & to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd William his Heires & As- signes forever And ye Sd Joseph hath put ye Sd William into a Lawful & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of these p'sents A N D ye Sd Joseph doth for him- self his Heires Executrs & Administrat's further Covent & Agree to & wth ye Sd William his Heires Executrs & Administrat's that it Shall & M a y be Lawful for him ye Sd William his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold, Occupie possess & enjoyall& Singularyep'miseswthitsAppurtencesforever,wth_ out ye Lawful Lett, hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Joseph him ye Sd Joseph his Heires or Assignes or any other 390 Book B sonor sonsLawfullyclaimingforbyorundrhimoranyor either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift Grant, Bargaine or Sale whatsoever And ye Sd Joseph Doth hereby declare that this his Deed Shall Stand good & effectuall to Maintaine ye Sd William in ye peaceable possession of ye p'mises IN W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal the eighteenth Day of ffebruary in ye yeare of our Lord,one thousand,Six hun- dred eighty Seven The Last Lott of ye two Lotts bove mentioned was drawn by Joseph Ludlam above Mentioned and is of Num- br 16:asby record doth appeare itwas drawn before ye Sealing & Dilivery of this Deed Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman Job Wright the marke of X Edmond Wright Joseph Ludlam O Elizabeth Ludlam O This Instrumt of writing m a y Testifie unto all people to w h o m it May Concerne know ye yt I John Underhil of Matenacock in ye Township of Oysterbay in Queens County in ye Collony of New Yorke have Bargained,Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents do Bargaine Sell & Confirme unto William ffrost of Mat- enecock in ye Township & Collony aforesd Thre Small Shares of Meadowing Lying on Oak-Neck Meadows Bounded by ye BeachonyeNorth& byyeCrickonyeSouthItbeingyenumb twenty three, Twenty four & Twenty five, for ye Just & full Sume of Six pounds in Silver money in hand pd before ye Seal- ing & delevery of these p'sents:I ye Sd John Underhil doe by these p'sents Bargaine, Sell, Alienate & Confirme the Shares of Meadowing abovesd unto ye Sd William ffrost his Heires,Exe- cutrs Administrs and Assignes forever, for ye only per use & behoofe of ye Sd William his Heires & Assignes to use,Occu- pie & possess forever;And I ye Sd John Underhill do for my Selfe,my Heires,ExecutrsAdministratrs& AssignesDo bindour Selves by these p'sents that I nor they Shall Interupt or Molest ye Sd William ffrost his Heires Execut's Adminisrat's or Assignes in ye quiet & peaceable & quiet possession of ye Sd Medow,but Shall Defend him from ye Claimes of any yt Shall Int'upt him in ye quiet possession of ye Same ;To wch I have Set my hand & Seal this Eleventh Day of Aprill 1686: Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Henry Townsend Jun' John Dewsbury John Underhil O the marke of Mary X Underhil O (p.81)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l C o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p @ t a i n e ; B e it k n o w n t h a t we Caleb Wright Edmond Wright & John Wright Brethren & Book B 391 Sonns of Nicholas Wright Deceased,All,of Oysteraby in queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of New Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation of ye Sume of thirteen pounds Currant Silver Money of this Colony in hand paid in full Satisfaction before Sealing & for other Good causes & Consid'ations us ye Sd Caleb, Edmond&JohnEspeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN GRANTED, Alienated,made over Bargained Sold & Confirm'd A N D by these p'sents wee ye Sd Caleb,Edmond & John do Give Grant Alienate make over Bargaine, Sell & Confirme, unto William ffrost of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd one quart or ffourth t of a whole right or Share of Meadow at ye South of Oysterbay aforesd,And to have ye Sd quarter or ffourth t of ye Sd Share out off or from a Lott of Meadow belonging to ye Sd Share upon unkaway Neck at ye Sd South,and to begin at ye South end of ye Sd Lott on Unkaway Neck,and So to Run on ye Sd on ye Sd Lott the whole Bredth thereof, So far as Shall in Quantity fully Compleat & make up a full quart of ye Share of Meadow before Mentioned,wch Share of Meadow did formerly belong to Nicholas Wright father to ye Sd Caleb,Ed- mond & John Wright but now in their possession;Together wth all our Right title & Int'est Claime & Demand wtsoever wch wee ve Caleb,Edmond & John now have or wch any or either of our Heires, Executrs, Administratrs or Assignes may hereaft' have of& inyeSdquart'ShareofMeadowwthallpriviledges,Issues & fitstherefroarisingorGrowingorinanywiseAptaining; And also 3 Shares of upland upon ye Sd Neck being of Numb 17:23:& 27asAppearesinyeRecordsinLibr.B:page56:all Lying & being on ye West Side of ye Sd Neck wth all our Right, Title & Claime thereto as before as before is expressed to ye Meadow wth allpriviledges,Comonage & Pfits therefrom arising orGrowingorinanywiseapptaining;TO HAVE & TO HOLĎ unto him ye Sd William ffrost his Heires & Assignes all & Sin- gular ye p'mises wth ye Appurtences thereof And to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd William his Heires & Assignes forever,A N D ye Sd Caleb,Edmond & John Wright have put ye Sd William into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Sin- gular ye p'mises,by ye diliv'y of these p'sents.A N D ye Sd Caleb, Edmond & John do for themselves their Heires Execut's & As- signes Covenant & Agree to & wth ye Sd William that it Shall andmaybeLawfullforhimyeSdWilliamhisHeires& Assignes, quietly and peaceably to have,hold,Occupie,possess & enjoy all &Singularyep'misesandev'yPt& cellthereofwthitsA- tences forever, wthout ye L a w full Lett hindrance or Int'uption of them or any or either of them ye Sd Caleb Edmond or John or any or either of their Heires Execut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und'them or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift,Grant Bar- gaine or Sale w'soever IN W I T N E S whereof we have hereunto 392 Book B Sett our hands & Seales ye Twenty first Day of Aprill in ye Year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred eighty & Seven : It is to be understood that ye above named William is to have hisquart ShareofMeadow inNumb'ofAcresatyeplaceabove Specified Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Nathaneel Coles John Newman the marke X of William Buckler Indorsmts on this Deed are recorded inpage84& page231: the marke of Caleb X Wright the marke of Edmond X Wright John Wright the marke of Elizabeth X Wright Mary Wright Sarah Wright O O This Instrumt of writing may Informe all Christian people whom itmay any wayes Concerne that we three Brethren Caleb Wright John Wright & Edmond Wright do Sell & firmly make over to William ffrost of Metenicock in ye Township of Oyster- bay of wch w e are Inhabitants for a valuable Consideration already by us Received,we do Sell him ye Sd William ffrost two Shares of Meadowing Lying against Oake Neck Beach Containing about Three quarters of an Acre more or Less,wch Sd two Shares Did belong to Nicholas Wright our ffather Late Deceased, wch Sd two Shares wee ye Brethren abovesd do Sell,Bargaine,grant,& Make over from us our Heires Executrs Administratrs or As- signes,to him ye Sd William ffrost his Heires Executrs Adminis- trat's or Assignes for him or them peaceable to possess & Injoy forever wth all ye Liberty of Creek Thatch yt Doth or Shall be- longthereto;aswitnesourhands& SealesthisTwentyfirstDay of March 1684/5 Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Dewsbury Ephraim Carpenter his Edmond X Wright marke John Wright his Caleb X Wright marke The marke of Elizabeth X Wright Mary Wright Sarah Wright O O O ( p . 8 2 ) - K n o w all m e n b y t h e s e p ' s e n t s t h a t I T h o m a s R u s h m u r of Hempsteed in ye North Riding of New Yorke Shire doe by these p'sents for m e m y Heires Executrs Administrat's Bargaine, Sell& Set over unto Mosis Mudge of Muskeeta Cove his Heires, Executrs Administrat's or Assignes on(e) eight part of a pro- Book B 393 priaty on Hempsteed plaines The Hollows that are broken up already excepted ye Land aforesd I say I have Sold unto ye abovesd Mosis Mudge his Heires Executrs Administratrs for- ever;To have & to hold as his own per Right & Titel To ye true formance of ye p'mises I have Set to m y hand & Seal this fourth Day of August 1680: The marke (CC) of Christopher C r o w Ephraim Carpentr Thomas Rushmur O Martha Rushmur This Assignmt following to William ffrost is written on ye Backside of this above written deed Know allmen by these p'sents yt I Moses Mudg of Muskeeda Cove on Long Island in ye Queens County of N e w Yorke Sheare do Asingh all m y Wright and Intrust of this wthin Written Deed of Saull from m e m y Heires unto William ffrost of Matinacake in ye County abovesd to him & his Haires forever as witnes m y hand & Seal this 21 of Octobare 1685 in p'sence of us Moses Mudge O Samuel pell Elizabeth M u d g themarke(W P)of William pell The marke of Samuel (S C ) Coles Be it known by these p'sents that I Henry Townsend Sen' wthin Named in this wthin Written Deed have Assigned, Made over & Confirmed & by these p'sents I ye Sd Henry Townsend do assigne make over & Confirme unto W m ffrost of Matenacock in ye bounds of Oyst bay on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke this within written Deed Together wth all ye Right Title & Interest claime & Demand wtsoevr wch I ye Sd Henry now have or m y Heires Executrs or assignes n o w or hereaft m a y have by virtue of this within written Deed or any clause or Covent Therein Contained To have & to hold unto him ye Sd W m ffrost his Heires & Assignes forever all yt is Contained in this wth within written Deed ; I ye Sd Henry have received full Sat- isfaction for ye Same before ye writing hereof In witnes where- of I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal ye Sixth day of May in ye year one thousand Six hundred eighty & Seven Signed Sealed & dd Henry Townsend Sen O in p'sence of us John Townsend John Newman Robert Townsend This Assignemt is written on ye Backside of a Deed from Abraham Allen to ye above named Henry Townsend wch Deed isrecorded in Libr.A :page ye:103: 394 Book B TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhome thisp'sentwrit- i n g S h a l l C o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p @ t a i n e B e it k n o w n t h a t I J o h n Davis of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of New Yorke for & in ye Considracon of Twenty pounds of Currant Merchantable pay of this Collony in hand pd & received before ye Sealing & diliv'y hereof in full Satisfaction & for other Good Causes & Considra- consmeyeSdJohnespeciallyMoving:HAVE GIVEN granted, alienated made over Bargained,Sold & Confirmed,And by these p'sents Iye Sd John doe Give,Grant,Alienate,make over,Bar- gaine,Sell,& Confirme unto William ffrost of Matenacock afore- sd,a certaine cell of Land Lying & being at Matenacock afore- sd,beingPtofa celofLandbeingPtofa cellofLandbeing formerly bought of Thomas ffrancis of Sitaucot (Setauket) by Richard Latten as by a Deed bearing Date ye 20th Day of Aprill 1669 :wch Deed stands Recorded in in Oysterbay in ye Booke A : page ye 26;afterward Assigned by ye Sd Richard Latten unto Josias Latten John Robins & Hannah Latten wch Hannah was formerly ye Wife of ye Sd John Davis but now Deceased,wch Assignement Stands Recorded in the aforesd Book page ye 46: And afterward ye Sd Hannahs Pt which was Sixty Acres of this Tract of Land was Sold by ye Sd John Davis & ye Sd Hannah his wife unto Aaron fforman by Deed wch Stands Recorded in ye Sd Book in page ye 73:Then again again afterward Bought againe by ye Sd John Davis of ye Sd Aaron fforman And now in ye Possession of ye Sd John Davis wch Land lyeth on ye west Side of John of John Dyers Lott at Matenacock aforesd Together wth all m y right Title & Interest Claime & demand what Soevr wch I ye Sd John Davis now have or wch any or either of my Heires Execut's or Assignes may hereaft' have of & in ye Sd Saxty Acres of Land as ffully & a(s) largely as it is made unto me by by the forementioned Deeds & records in every Pt & cell theirof wthall:-(p. 83)-With all Pfits & Comoditys theretoinanywiseapptainingTO HAVE andtoholdall& Singular ye p'mises with ye Apptences thereof unto him ye Sd William ffrost his Heires & Assignes to ye only use & be- hoofe of him ye Sd William his Heires & Assignes forever And the Sd John hath put ye Sd William into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of these p'sents And ye Sd John doth for himself his Heires, Executr & Administrat's furth Covenant & agree to & with ye Sd William that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd William his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold occupy possesse & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever wthout ye Lawful Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd John Davis his Heires Execut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claim- ing for by or undr him or any or either of them notwithstanding any former Gift Grant,Bargaine or Sale whatsoever IN WIT- Book B 395 N E S whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seal ye third D a y of December in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hun- dred eighty & Seven Signed Sealed & dd John Davis her O in p'sence of us : John Newman : Nathaneel Coles: Marthye X Daves O marke T O A L L C H R I S T I A N P E O P L E to w h o m this p'sent writing Shall come orin any wise Aptaine ;Be itknown that I Nathan Burdsal of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens CountyonLongIslandinye vinceofNewYorkfor&inye Considration of ye Sume of two pounds Silv' money Currant in this Collony in hand pd and Received in full Satisfaction before ye Sealing & diliv'y hereof and for other good causes & Considra- tions me ye Sd Nathan especially Moving HAVE GIVEN G R A N T E D , alienated, made ovr Bargained, Sold & Confirm'd and by these p'sents I ye Sd Nathan do Give,grant alienate make ov Bargaine Sell & Confirme unto William ffrost of Matenacock aforesd two Lotts or Shares of Upland Lying & being upon Unka- way Neck atye South of Oysterbay aforesď (that isto Say) one Lott or Share wch Stands recorded in my Name on ye West Side of ye Sd Neck and of Numb 5:And ye other Lott or Share Stands recorded in Adam Wrights name on ye East Side of ye Sd Neck and of Numbr 30:wch Lott Iye Sd Nathan Bought of ye Sd Adam as appeares by a deed Standing recorded in Oyster- bayintheBook:B:pageye50Togeth wthallmy Righttitle & Interest,Claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Nathan now have or wch any or either of m y Heires Executrs Administratrs orAssignesmayhereaft'haveof& inyeSdtwoLottsorShares of Land wth all Issues and fitstherefrom arising or Growing and all Rights Customs Comons or any other priviledges wtsoever theretoinanywiseap@tainingTO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd William ffrost his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye pimises wth ye Appurtences there of to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd William his Heires & Assignes forever And I ye Sd Nathan do hereby put ye Sd William into a Lawful and peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye dilivery of these p'sents and ye Sd Nathan doth for himself his Heires, Execut's Administrat's & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & w t h y e S d W i l l i a m t h a t it S h a l l & m a y b e L a w f u l f o r h i m y e S d William his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever without ye Lawful Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Nathan his Heires Executrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or und him or any or either of them notwithstanding any form Gift Grant Bargaine or Sale wtso- ever IN W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal 396 Book B the thirteenth Day of January in ye yeare of our Lord one Thou- sand Six hundred eighty eight;-It is to be further und stood that I ye Sd Nathan do not hereby Sell to ye Sd William any Comons or undivided Land on ye Sd Neck but only ye Single Lotts wch Comons or undivided Lands I reserve to me & my Heires any thing in this Deed Contained to ye Contrary notwth Standing Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of Nathan Birdsall John Newman ;the (SB ) marke of Samuel Birdsal O (p.84)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sent writing Shall come or in any Wise Concerne Be itknown that I william Buckler of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island inye vinceofNewYorkefor&inyeConsidraconofyeSume of Twenty Shillings of Silver Money Currant in this vince in hand received by me ye Sd William before ye Sealing & Dilivery hereof in full payment & Satisfaction and for other Good Causes & Consideracons me ye Sd William especially moving H A V E GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,Made over,Bargained,Sold& Confirm'd And by these p'sents Iye Sd William do Give,Grant Alienate, Make over, Bargaine, Sell & Confirme unto William ffrost of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd, all yt of m y Lott or Share of Upland upon Unkaway Neck at ye South called Oysterbay South,Called Oysterbay South wthin ye Bounds of ye pattent of Oysterbay aforesd : wch forementioned Lott or ShareofUplandisofNumb 19onyeWestSideofyeSdNeck as it Stands Recorded in ye Land Evidences of Oysterbay in Libr.B:pageye56:Togetherwthallmy Right,Title& Interest, Claime and Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd William Buckler now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Executrs,Administrat's or Assignes may hereaft'have of,to or in ye Sd Lott wth all Issues & fits, Customes, priviledges, Comons or other emolu- ments to ye Sd Lott belonging or in any wise Apptaining T O HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd William ffrosthis Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye p'mises & every P t & cell thereof wth its Apptences to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd William ffrost his Heires & Assignes forever,And ye Sd William Buckler hath put ye Sd William ffrost into a L a w full & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye diliv'y of these p'sents,And ye Sd William Buckler doth for himselfe his Heires Executrs and Administrat's further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd William ffrost that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd William ffrost his Heires Executrs or Assignes quietly & peaceablytohave,hold,occupy,possess& enjoyall& Singular ye p'mises & every Pt or Pcel thereof forever without ye Lawfull Lett,hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd William Buckler his Heires,Executrs Administrat's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und'him or any or either Book B 397 of them notwthstanding any form Gifts, Grants, Bargaines or Sales whatsoever And that ye Sd William Buckler his Heires Executs or Administratrs will Maintaine & Defend ye Same accordinglyINWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSettmyhand & Seal ye Twenty Ninth Day of Novemb' in ye yeare of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred eighty & eight And in ye iiij yeare of his Maties Reigne Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of John Newman Tim°Rumney The marke of X William Buckler O Whereas by this within written Deed, Caleb Wright, John Wright & Edmond Wright have Sold to William ffrost a quart' of a Share of Meadow at ye South of Oysterbay;now by these p'sents I William ffrost do accept of theirs the Sd Calebs,Johns & Edmonds Lott of Meadow on Unkaway Neck wth all right & priviledge belonging thereto on ye Sd Neck And Ithe Sd William do hold m y Self fully Satisfied; and that I nor m y Heires, Exe- cut's nor Assignes Neither do nor Shall claime any Right or priviledgeinanyoftheotherNecksofMeadow (bythisDeed) any thing in this wthin written Deed to ye Contrary Notwith- standingAND furthertheSdCaleb,John&EdmondWright have by these p'sents Sold to ye Sd William ffrost one Lott of UplandonyewestSideofUnkawayNeckofNumb 11:wthall Issues fits Rights & priviledges, thereto belonging or Apper- taining. And also they ye Sd Caleb, John & Edmond Wright have Sold to ye Sd William ffrost alltheir Lott of Meadow on Unkaway Neck (that isto Say) allthat is over above a Quarter of a Share wee having received Seven pounds in money for ye Same to our full Satisfaction,And wee do confirm the Same to ye Sd William as ffirmly as ye Meadow & Upland is Confirm'd tohiminthiswthinwrittenDeed;witnesourhands& Sealesthe 16th day of ffebruary : 1691 : witnes John Newman Edward Titus The mark X of Caleb Wright John Wright The marke of Edmond X Wright O This is an Indorsmt written on the Backside of A Deed wch Stands Recorded inye 81:page ofthis Book & bearet(h) Date the 21th day of Aprill:1687 vide:ccxxxi: (p.85)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e B e it k n o w n t h a t w e e William Wilson & Sarah his Wife Samuel Tiller & Mary his N o w Wife all of ye Westermost Island or Little Island So Called on ye North of ye Bounds of ye pattent of Oyst'bay 398 Book B in Queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of New Yorke, A n d Nicholas Simkins of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oyster- bay aforesd for & in ye Consideracon That Thomas Wallas of Mad-Nans Neck in ye Bounds of ye pattent of Hempsteed in ye County aforesd hath by his Deed undr his hand & Seal bear- ing Date wth these p'sents Made over and Confirm'd unto us ye Said William Wilson & Samuel Tiller a Certaine Accomodation at Mad-Nans Neck aforesd as by ye Sd Deed Largely & plainly doth appeare and for other good Causes & consid'acons us ye Sd William & Sarah his wife Samuel & Mary his wife & Nicho- las Simkins especially Moving H A V E GIVEN GRANTED Alienated,Made over,Bargained,Sold & confirm'd and by these p'sents wee ye Sd William,Sarah,Samuel Mary & Nicholas do Give,grant,Alienate,Make over,Bargaine Sell & confirme unto Thomas Wallas of Mad-Nans Neck aforesd a Certaine Neck of Land or Island Lying against ye North Sea or Sound on ye North Side of ye Bounds of ye pattent of Oysterbay aforesd and next adjacent to another Island belonging to Coll : Lewis Morris wch ye Indeans formerly Sold to Robt Williams wth all Houses ffencing Stuff & ffences to ye Same belonging, And all Wint Wheat now Growing on ye Ground,And also all Rye,Oates & Indean Corne wth all fruit Trees Growing on ye p'mises or any P t or cel thereof Together wth all our right Title & Interest, Claime & Demand wtsoevr wch wee ye Sd William Wilson Sarah his now Wife Samuel Tiller Mary his now wife or Nicholas Simkins or any or either of us now have or wch any or either of our Heires, Executrs Administratrs or Assignes may hereaft have of & in ye p'mises or any Pt or Pcel thereof wth all Issues & fits & priviledges therefrom arising or Growing or in any wise ataining TO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd Thomas Wallas his Heires & Assigns all & Singular ye p'mises wth its Aptence and to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd Thomas his Heires & Assignes forever,And ye Sd William & ye Sd Samuel wth their Sd wives have put the Sd Thomas Into a Lawful & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye dilivery of these p'sents And ye Sd William Wilson wth Sarah his now wife the Sd Samuel Tiller & Mary his now wife and ye Sd Nicholas Simkins Doth for themselves their Heires,Execut's Administrats or Assignes Joyntly & Severally further Covent to & wth ye Sd Thomas Wallas that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd Thomas his Heires or Assignes, quietly & peaceably to have,hold,occupie,possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises for ever wthout ye Lawfull Lett,hindrance or Int'uption of them the forementioned or any or either of them or any or either of their Heires Execut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or undr them or any or either of them, Notwithstanding any former Gift, Grant, Bargaine or Sale wt coev And that they their Heires, Executrs or Assignes Shall Book B 399 Maintaine ye Sd Thomas his Heires & Assignes in ye Lawful possession of ye p'mises forever IN W I T N E S whereof we have hereunto Sett our hands & Seales the Eleventh Day of May in ye yeare of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred eighty Seven Signed Sealed & dd William Wilson O in ye p'sents of us The marke of John Newman Derik Albertson Sarah X Wilson Samuel Tiller The marke of Mary X Tillear The marke of Nicholas X Simkins O The marke of Elizabeth X Simkins O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall come or in any wise aptaine be it known that I Thomas Wallas of the Little Island So Called in ye Bounds of Oysterbay onLongIslandinye vinceofNewYorke,amatp'senttaking a voyage to Rhode Island or elswhere do hereby for & in the Consideracon that my now wife Jane Wallas do & Shall pay o r c a u s e t o b e p a i d all J u s t d e b t s w c h I y e S d T h o m a s d o n o w o w e to any son or sons in Oysterbay or elswhere at the day of ye Date hereof,And also for my Naturall Love & Affection to my SdWifeandmy ChildrenandfortheirComfortableSubsistence in my absence,And for other good Causes & Consideracons me ye Sd Thomas especiallyMoving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED, Infeoffed,Assigned,Made over & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Thomas do Give,Grant,Enfeoffe Assigne make over & C o n f i r m e u n t o J a n e W a l l a s m y S d w i f e , all m y L a n d w c h I n o w enjoy & possess at ye Little Island aforesd or els where in Amer- ica And I do hereby Assigne & Make over to my Sd Wife ye Deed of ye Sd Land at ye Little Island wch Beareth Date the eleventh D a y of M a y 1687 ; Together wth all fits, priviledges and w'soever els to ye Sd Land is belonging or in any wise ap- Ptaining; A n d also all m y Moveable estate both wthout Doores a n d w t h i n A n d all d e b t s & d u e s w c h a r e o w i n g t o m e y e S d T h o m a s to aske recover & receive as I my Self might do before the MakingofthisDeed;Togetherwthallmy Right,Title& Interest, Claime and Demand w'soever wch I ye Sd Thomas now have or wch any or either of my Heires Executrs or Administratrs may hereaft have of,to or in ye Sd Land,and other ye p'mises wth ye Aptences thereof;TO HAVE & TO HOLD unto her ye Sd Jane Wallas her Heires & Assignes the Sd Land & p'mises wth ye Aptences thereof to ye only use & behoof of her ye Sd Jane her Heires & Assignes forever;And ye Sd Thomas hath put ye Sd Jane into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye dilivery of these p'sents;And ye Sd 400 Book B Thomas doth for himself his Heires, Executrs & Administrat" Covenant further & agree to & wth ye Sd Jane his wife that it Shall& maybeLawfullforheryeSdJaneherHeires& Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, Occupy, possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever,wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Thomas his Heires Execut's or Ad- ministrats or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for, by or und him or any or either of them notwithstanding any for- mer Gifts, Grants, Bargaines or Sales w'soever IN W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand and Seal the eleventh Day of June Anno Domini : 1689 Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of John Newman: John Weekes Thomas Wallas O (p.86)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthesepr- sents Shall come or in any Wise apptaine ; Be it known that I Thomas Townsend now Inhabiting upon Rhode Island but for- merly at Oysterbay in Queens County upon Long Island for full Satisfaction in hand to me paid before ye Sealing hereof Have Given,Granted,Alienated,Made over,Bargained,Sold & Con- firm'd unto Henry Townsend Juniar of Oysterbay aforesd one Share or piece of Meadow in ye Meadows comonly known by ye nameofBeverSwamp Meadows,JustbelowyeffieldofHenry Townsend Sen And Bounded by my Brother John Townsends Meadow on ye one Side,And a Share of Meadow yt was An- thony Wrights on ye other Side,being by estimacon Three quart's of an Acre More or Less,I say that I have for full Satisfaction in hand received,Sold & Deliv'ed ye Sd Share of Meadow unto ye Sd Henry Townsend Juniar his Heires,Executrs Administra- trsor Assignes,To have & to hold,occupy possess & enjoy as his ortheirown right,title& Interestforever;from me my Heires, Executrs, Administratrs or Successors forever, Iniaging myself, Heires & Sucksesors to defend And Maintaine ye Sd Henry his Heires & Successors in their peaceable enjoyment of y p'mises as witnes my hand And Seal in Oysterbay this first day of June one thousand Six hundred eighty and Seven Sealed & dd Samuel Dickinson Tho:Townsend O in ye p'sence of us John Dewsbury Know allmen bythesep'sentsthatIHenry Townsend Sen' of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island Do by these p'sentsffreelyGiveassigneandmakeoverallmy right,tittell& Interest of m y too Mells heere in Oysterbay m y Grist Mell and my Saw Melluntomy twoSonsHenryandJohnTownsendThree quarters to be equally Divided betweene them; And to my Daughter Rose and her Husband I Give ye other quarter of ye Sd Mells;only I do reserve & Except to and for my Selfe and wife one quarter of ye Toole (toll) of what ye Grist Mell do Book B 401 Gett during our Lives I say I do freely Give, Assigne & make over ye Sd Melle & Mell Streem as firme and on ye Tirms as itis mine excepting on(e) quarter of ye Toole as abovesd unto them ye Sd Henry & John Townsend and my Daughter Rose & her husband and to thire Haires & Assignes forever To have & toholdastheirown properRight,title& Intrest;And bythis I do give them p'sent possession as witnes m y hand and Seal this 2 3 t h D a y o f y e M o :8 O c t o b e r 1 6 8 8 : In p'sence of us John Newman Henry Townsend Sen' Thomas Cock Oysterbay March ye ffirst 1682 Be itknown unto all Christian people to whom this our Deed of Gift may come or any wayes Concerne know yee yt wee Susca- neman & Werah both Indians & Chief Ppriet's of ye Lands Comonly Called & known by ye Name of Matenacock Lands Ly- ing & being wthin ye pattent & Township of Oysterbay have & do upon Good Consid'ations and for Divers ffavours & friendship Received from Thomas Townsend of Oysterbay,do ffreely Give & Make over forever a Certaine Tract of Land at ye Little plaines So Called being in quantity ffifty Acres as by us Bounded be it more or Lesse Including ye Little plaines on ye east Side of ye Cartway, unto John Townsend Son unto Thomas Town- send his Heires Execut's Administratrs or Assignes forever To have & to hold occupy,possess & enjoy from us or any from by or und us our Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes as ffirmly to all Intents & purposes as might or Could be written by any Deed of Gift or Conveyence w'somever drawn according to Law The Sd Tract of Land abovementioned is ye Little plaines upon Matenacock,and Lying or Joyning on ye East Side of ye Cartway from Muskeeto Cove to ye ffarmes called Lusum or Robt Williams plantation, To ye Confirmation of this our Deed of Gift w e have hereunto Subscribed our hands & Set to our Seales in oysterbay D a y & Date above written Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Wicks George Townsend The marke (R ) of John Rogers The marke X of Suscaneman O W e e under written Thomas Townsend & John Townsend wthin Mentioned have by these p'sents Assigned over all our right title & Interest in,& to ye wthin written Deed from us our Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes unto Henry Townsend Jun' of Oysterbay his Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes to have & to hold by the Same Title as to us is Given wthin Men- tioned from us or any from, by or und' us forever as witnes our hands & Seales this 22th of October : 1685 : Thomas Brookes : Peter Lee Tho:Townsend O JohnTownsend O 404 Book B outbyye priet'sthereofNowyeSdHenry&SdJohnhave & do Mutually agree to make a Division & exchange of & in ye SdLand& MeadowasHereaft'exp'ssedthatistoSayThe Sd John Townsend hath & doth by these p'sents Give,Grant & Con- firme unto unto ye Sd Henry Townsend Jun' all his t of ye fforementioned rights of Land Lying on ye South Side of ye Great Meadow on Sd Island,that is to say of & in one Lott of Land on Nobbs Hill So called two Lotts of Land Lying Eastward of Joseph Ludlams pasture of ye ffirst & Second division One Lott in ye Oxe pasture, & two Shares of Meadow on ye Sd Island aforesd and ye Sd Henry Townsend Jun' hath & doth by these p❜sents Give,Grant & Confirme to ye Sd John Townsend allhis Pt of ye fforementioned rights of Land Lying on ye North Side of ye forementioned Great Meadow that is to Say two Lotts of Land,the one belonging to yt wch was their ffathers own right ye other to yt wch was formerly ffrancis Weekes right, Together wth all ye right, title & Interest Claime & demand wtsoever wch they ye Sd Henry & Sd John now have or wch any or either of our Heires,Executrs or Assignes may hereaft' have of,toorinyeSdLand& Meadow& Grantedpremisesaccording as itisbefore divided & exchanged,But ye Comon & undivided Land & Meadow and priviledges-(p.88)-Priviledges of High- wayes belonging to ye p'mises on all ye Sd Island to be & remaine to ye Sd Henry & Sd John their Heires & Assignes fforever as it was before the making this division & exchange T O H A V E & TO HOLD unto them ye Sd Henry Townsend Jun'& Sd John Townsend their Heires & Assignes all& Singular ye Sd Granted p'mises as before divided & exchanged & to ye only use & behoofe of them ye Sd Henry & Sd John their Heires & As- signes forever,And ye Sd Henry & Sd John do further agree that it Shall & may be Lawfull for them their Heires Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold possess & enjoy ye Sd Granted Land & p'mises forever as it is before divided & ex- changed without ye Lett or Molestation of them ye Sd Henry & Sd John or either of them or any or either of their Heires,Ex- ecut'sorAssignes,And doherebybindthemselves,& theirHeires forevertoWarrant& defendyeSametoeachotherAccordingly IN W I T N E S whereof The Sd ties have hereunto Sett their hands & Seales the Tenth Day of January in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred ninety ffour Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Henry Townsend Jun O John Newman John Townsend O Ed : White : } Day & Date above written Henry Townsend & John Townsend above written Came before me one of their Maties Justices of ye peace for queens County & acknowledged this writing to be their reall acts & Deeds Nathaneil Coles: Book B 405 Be it known by these p'sents yt I David Underhill ye wthin Named in this wthin written Deed Have Assigned Made over & Confirm'd and by these p'sents do Assigne make over & Confirme unto Henry Townsend of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island alias Nassaw in ye Collony of N e w Yorke This wthin writ- ten Deed wth ye Meadow at Bever Swamp therein Mentioned & granted unto me ye Sd David bearing Date wth these p'sents unto him ye Sd Henry Townsend his Heires & Assignes forever,from me ye Sd David and from my Heires,Executrs & Assignes for- ever as fully & Largely as ye Sd Deed & meadow therein Granted isConveyed unto me ye Sd David,He ye Sd Henry having in Considrations thereof Confirm'd unto me ye Sd David a Certaine cellof Land at Cedar Swamp by a Deed undr his Hand & Seal bearing Date wth these p'sents to m y full Content & Satisfaction, witnesmyhand& SealyeSixteenthDayofJanuaryAnnoDni: 1695 Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Townsend James Dickinson John Newman : David Underhill O This Assignmt is of a Deed entred in page 357: & 358: of this booke from Gideon Wright, and will appear in Vol. 2) TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting S h a l l C o m e o r A p t a i n e B e it k n o w n t h a t I J o s e p h D i c k i n s o n o f Sedar Swamp in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in queens County in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consideration of ye Sume of Tenn pounds Currant Money of N e w Yorke in hand paid and by m e ye Said Joseph received of Henry Townsend of Oysterbay aforesaid in full paymt and Satisfaction And for other good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Said Joseph especially Moving HAVE GIVEN GRANTED,Alienated,Infeoffed,AssignedSold & Confirm'dAndbythesep'sentsdogiveGrant,AlienateInfeoffe, Assigne,Sell & Confirme unto Henry Townsend aforesd all that of a Certaine parcell of Meadow Land Lying & being on ye East Side of Bever Swamp Meadows Containing two Lotts or Shares and of Number 13:& 14:and are Joyning together,one of Said Lotts was formerly Matthias Harvys and Conveyed to me ye Said Joseph by ye Said Harvy by Deed of Gift as Oysterbay rec- ords plainly Sheweth,The other was fformerly Joseph Ludlams, and by Said Ludlam Conveyed unto me by a Deed und'his hand & Seal,And both ye Sd Lotts are Bounded on ye East by the Upland of the Mill river Neck on ye South & West by a Little Crick by Edmond Wrights Meadow formerly Nicholas Wrights, And on ye North by ye Said Henry Townsends Meadow formerly Gideon Wrights all within ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesaid TOGETHER with allmy right,titleand Interest,Claime & De- mand whatsoever wch I ye Said Joseph now have or which any oreitherofmy Heires,ExecutrsorAssignesmayhereaft'have 406 Book B of,to orin ye Said Granted two Lotts of Meadow with allprofits, Comoditys,ffences Grass ffresh & Salt pastures,Swamps Crick thatch waters ponds & priviledges & Customs w'soever to ye Same belonging or wt elsto ye Same isin any wise Aptaining TO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Said Henry Townsend his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Said Granted two Lotts of Meadow with ye Apptences thereof,to the only proper use and behoofe of him ye Said Henry Townsend his Heires & As- signes for ever,And ye Said Joseph hath putt ye Said Henry into Lawfull possession thereof by Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by these p'sents,And ye Said Joseph Doth for himself his Heires, Executrs and Assignes ffurther Covenant to and with ye Said Henry Townsend yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Said Henry his Heires & Assignes quietly and peaceably to have,hold, possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Said Granted p'mises forever without ye Lawfull Lett or Molestation of him ye Said Joseph his Heires or Assignes or any other person or persons Lawfully Claiming for,by or undr him or any or either of them Notwith- standingany former,Grant,Mortgage Joynture,Dower or other Conveyance whatsoever And ye Same to ye Said Henry Town- send his Heires- (p.89)- A n d Assignes forever to Warrant & Defend against all Just Claimes that Shall be made thereunto by any person or persons wtsoever IN W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand and Seal the Tenth Day of May in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety Seven Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us (Paper not worn away. John N e w m a n Martha Coles Signature not recorded.) Nathaniel Coles (p.90)—TO ALLCHRISTIANPEOPLEtowhomethisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n A n y w i s e a p t a i n e B e it k n o w n t h a t I John Davis of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay on Long Island in ye Colony of N e w Yorke for & in ye consideration of ffourty one pounds Silver money & other pay equivolent in hand pd before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof & for other good causes & consid'ationsmeyeSdJohnDavisespeciallyMoovingHAVE, GIVEN,GRANTED alienated,Made over Sold,Bargained & Confirm'd and by these p'sents I ye Sd John do Give, Grant Alienate,Make over,Bargaine,Sell & confirme unto Aaron ffor- man Jun of Matenacock aforesd my now Dwelling house & all m y Land wch Lyes Joyning to it, Lying & being in Matenacock aforesd being in quantity ffifty Acres be it more or Less ;Which Land I ye Sd John Davis fformerly bought of ye Indeans as Appeares by two Deeds undr their hands & Seales where ye Breadth Length & Bounds of ye Sd Land is plainly exp'ssed that is to Say ye whole breadth thereof ffifty Rod wide ffronting to ye high way Northward:And Ranging Southward one hundred & Sixty Rod ;being Bounded on ye east Side t by ye Land ye Book B 407 Indeans form❜ly Sold to John Robins and tby ye Comon ;And on ye West Side bounded by Josias Lattens Land ;wch foremen- tioned Indean Deeds Beareth Date ye 5th Day of July 1681 :And ye ffrst day of June 1682: And also one other cel of Land Lying & being in Metenacock aforesd being in quantity Tenn Acres be it more or Less ; as it Stands Bounded in one other Deed from ye Indeans to me Given und'their hands & Seales bearing Date ye 8th Day of Octobr 1681 :that is to Say Twenty Six pole wide in ye Breadth ffronting South-ward Southward to ye Highway agt ye Lands form'ly Sold by ye Indeans to Josias Latten Jn Robins & Jn° Davis ; A n d at ye North end Joyning to ye Lands form'ly Sold by Thomas ffrancis to Richard Latten & Nathan Burdsal Together wth all Houses,Barnes or other out houses or Buildings in & upon ye Same ; wth all Gardens, Or- chards fences, ffruit Trees of all Sorts, and all other Issues & fits from ye Sd Land arising or Growing or in any wise Ap- taining;Togetherwthallmy Right,title& Int'est,Claimeand demand w'soever which I ye Sd John Davis now have,or wch any of my Heires Executrs Administrat's or Assignes may here- after have of & in ye forementioned Land or any t or cell thereof T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto ye Sd Aaron fforman his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye p'mises & every t & parcel thereof to ye only use and behoof of him ye Sd Aaron ffor- man his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd John hath put ye Sd Aaron into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Sin- gular ye p'mises by the dilivery of these p'sents; A N D ye Sd John Davis doth for himself his Heires, Executrs Administratr & Assignes further Covenant & Agree to & wth ye Sd Aaron that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd Aaron fforman his Heires his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold, Occupie,possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises & every part & celthereofforever,wthoutyeLawfullLetthindranceorIn- teruption of him ye Sd John Davis his Heires Executrs Adminis- trat's or Assignes or any other son or persons Lawfully claiming f o r b y , o r u n d ' h i m o r a n y o r either o f t h e m , N o t w i t h s t a n d i n g a n y former Gift,Grant Bargaine or Sale w'soever A N D ye Sd John Davis doeth Covenant as aforesd to maintaine ye Sd Aaron in ye Lawfull possession of ye p'mises both he his Heires & Assignes foreverINWITNES whereofIyeSdJohnDavishavehereunto Settmyhand& SealyeTwentythDayofMayinyeyeareofour Lord one Thousand Six hundred eighty & Seven SignedSealed&Dd JohnDavis O in ye p'sents of us John Newman : Daniel Townsend TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthisp'sentwriting S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p @ t a i n e , B e it k n o w n y t I A a r o n fforman Sen'of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in 408 Book B ye Collony of New Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation of ye Sume of Twenty pounds Currant money of N e w Yorke in hand pd be- fore ye Sealing & Dilivery hereof,and for other Good Causes & ConsidrationsmeyeSdAaronespeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN, GRANTED,Alienated,Made over,Sold & Confirm'd,And by these p❜sents I ye Sd Aaron do Give,Grant,Alienate,Makeover, Bargaine,Sell and Confirme unto Aaron fforman Jun'of Matena- cock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd Son of ye Sd Aaron ffor- man Sen'AllhisMeadow atMatenacockaforesdthatistoSay one Share or peece of Meadow bounded on ye East by Matthew pri[ors] Meadow,on ye North by ye Creek,on ye West by Wil- liam Hawxhurst and Samsons Meadow, and on ye South by John Underhills & James Cocks upland being by estimation ffour Acres & half be itmore or Lesse,and one Share of Meadow at Oake Neck being ye eighteenth Share as it Stands recorded in Book A :-(p.91)-Book A :page ye 15:Together wth all ye right Title & Interest Claime and demand whatsoever wch I the Sd Aaron now have or which any or either of m y Heires Execut or Assignes may hereaft' have of & in ye Sd Meadow withall Issues & fits from thence arising or Growing or in any wise AptainingTO HAVE AND TO HOLD all& Singularye p'mises&everyPt& cellthereofwthitsApptencesuntohim ye Sd Aaron fforman Jun' His Heires & Assignes, and to the only use & behoofe of him ye Sd Aaron Jun'his Heires & Assignes forever, and the Sd Aaron fforman Jun' (Sen") hath putt ye Sd Aaron fforman Jun'into a Lawfull and peaceable pos- session of ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd Aaron fforman Sen' Doth for himself his Heires Execut's & Assignes further Covent & agree to & with ye Sd Aaron fforman Jun',that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Aaron Jun' his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy possess& enjoyall& Singularyep'misesforeverwthoutyeLaw- full Lett Hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Aaron Sen'his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claim- ing for,by or und'him or any or either of them notwth Standing any former Gift Grant Bargaine or Sale wtsoever IN W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal ye Eighth Day of Aprill of ye year of our Lord 1687 : Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Dewsbury John Townsend The mark X of Aaron fforman O Dorothy fforman Alexander fforman These p'sents Declareth unto all yt it Doth any Wayes Con- cerne that I Henry Townsend Sen"of Oysterbay on Long Island in Queens County do by these p'sents Give & makeover all m y right, title & Interest of ye House Lott I bought of Matthew prior that was fformerly Walter Salters, about ffive Acres is Book B 409 ye Said Lott,And it is Bounded with Samuell fformans Lott on ye West Side,And ye Highway at ye North end,And a High way by ye East Side and ye South end Joynes to ye comon unto my Son in Law Aaron fforman and to my daughter Susanna and their Heires fforever,I Say I do Give ye Said Lott and no more but ye Lott that I bought of Matthew prior as abovesaid as in a Bill of Sale und Matthew priors hand bearing Date ye Seventh Moneth ye thirtieth Day 1671 :declareth I say I do Give ye Said Lott ffrom me and mine to them ye Said Aaron fforman & Susanna and theirs forever to possess & enjoy ffor their own proper right & Interest with out Molestation from me or any by or ffrom m e as witnes m y hand and Seal themarkX of Henry Townsend Josias Latten Sen' Thomas fforman O (p.92)-Know allmen bythesepresentsytwee Susana fformon & Jacob formon both of oysterbay In Queens County Do Assigne and M a k e over all our Right title and Intreste In ye above written Instruemt Unto James Tillett his heirs and assignes for Ever from U s our heirs and Assignes for ever for ye Consideration of twelve pounds as Wittness our hands this twenty Day of Sep- tember 1725 Signed Sealed & Delevered In ye presence of Benjamin Hicks Thos Hicks Thos Kable Josiah Milliken September ye 20th 1725 Susannah forman O Jacob fforman Then Came ye within Named Jacob forman Personally befor me Isaac hick Judge of the Cort of Common pleas of ye Said County and acknowledged the With Written Assigned to be his free and Volluantary Actt & Deed I allow this Instrument to be Recorded Isaac hick (p.93)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomethisp❜sent writing Shall to w h o m this p'sent writing Shall come or in any wise Apptaine Be it known that I Henry Townsend Sen' of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation that ffrancis Weekes of Oysterbay aforesd hath by his Deed undr his hand & Seal Bear- ing date wth these p'sents,Confirm'd unto me ye Sd Henry cer- taine Lands,Meadows & priviledgs at Hogg Island in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd as by ye Sd Deed fully & Largely doth appearetomy fullcontent& Satisfaction,And forothergood 410 Book B Causes and and Consid'ations me ye Sd Henry especially Mov- ing;HAVE GIVEN GRANTED Alienated,Made over,Bar- gained,Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Henry do Give,Grant,Alienate,Make ov',Bargaine,Sell & confirm unto ffrancis Weekes a foresd one Third Pt of allmy Meadow at ye South of Oysterbay aforesd, both fresh & Salt M e a d o w wch is one whole Share of purchasers right as it Stands amongst ye Land Evidences of Oysterbay to be already Laid out in three Divisions wch are of Numb 3:9:& 2:and bounded as in my nameitStandsRecorded;Togetherwthallmy rightTitle& In- terest Claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Henry now have or wch any or either of m y Heires Executrs Administrat's or As- signesmayhereaft'haveof&inyeoneThird tofyefore- mentioned Share or Right of Meadow wthall Issues and fits from thence arising or Growing wth all customes & priviledges and wtsoever els thereto belongs or in any wise Aptaines T O HAVE & TO HOLD all& Singularyep'miseswthitsAppur- tence to him ye Sd ffrancis Weekes his Heires & Assignes & to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd ffrancis his Heires & Assignes forever;And ye Sd Henry hath put ye Sd ffrancis into aLawful& peaceablepossessionofall& Singularyep'misesby ye dilivery of these p'sents And ye Sd Henry Doth for him Self his Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes further Covenant & Agree to & wth ye Said ffrancis yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd ffrancis Weekes his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold Occupy,possess,& enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises wth ye Aptenancs thereof, & every t or cel thereof wthout ye Lawful Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Henry his Heires & Assignes Execut's or Administrat" or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or und' him or any or either of them Not withstanding any former Gift, Grant,BargaineorSalew'soeverINWITNES whereofIhave hereunto Set my hand & Seal the Twenty Seventh Day of May in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty Seven SignedSealed&dd HenryTownsendSenior O in p'sence of us John Newman Clerics: Daniel Townsend TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhome thisp'sentwrit- ing shall come or in any wise ap@ taine Beit known that I John Wright of Oyst'bay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Col- ony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consideration of a Lott or Share of Meadow Lying in ye Home Meadows of Oysterbay aforesd confirm'd unto me by Daniel Weekes of Oysterbay aforesd by a Deed of Sale undr his hand & Seal, Bearing Date with these p'sents and Bounded as in ye Sd Deed doth & may Largely & plainly appeare And for other good causes & considerations me Book B 411 ye Sd John especially Moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED, Alienated,Made over,Exchanged,Bargained,Sold & confirm'd, And bythesep'sentsIye Sd John doe Give,Grant,Alienate, make ov , Exchange, Bargaine Sell & confirme unto Daniel Weekes aforesd,A Lott or Share of Meadow Lying & being in ye Home Meadow of Oysterbay aforesd and Bounded on ye West Side by George Townsends Meadow on ye North end by a Ditch, on ye East Side by Edward Whites Meadow;and on ye South end by a High-way Being by estimation two Acres & a quarter be itmore or Less;wch Meadow was fformerly Josias Lattens, but now in ye possession of ye Sd John Wright ;Together wth all right,Title and Interest claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd JohnWrightnowhaveorwchanyoreitherofmy Heires,Execu- trsor Assignes may hereaft'have of & in ye Sd Meadow & every part & parcel thereof and also all ye ffences & fencing Stuff as nowitStands;wthall fits&IssuesEasements&priviledges wch now are or hereaft Shall be thereto belonging or in any wise aptaining TO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd Daniel Weekes his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye p'mises wth ye Appurtences thereof,And to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd Daniel his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Said John hath put ye Sd Daniel into a Lawful & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of these p'sents and ye Sd John doeth for himself his Heires Executrs & Assignes further Covenant & Agree to & wth ye Said Daniel that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd Daniel his Heires & Assignes quietly and peaceably to have hold, Occupie possess and enjoy all & S i n g u l a r y e p ' m i s e s w t h its A p p u r t e n c e f o r e v e r W i t h o u t y e L a w - ful Lett,hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd John his Heires Executors & Assignes or any other son or persons Lawfully claiming for by or und'him or any or either of them more in ye next page (p.94)-Notwithstanding any former Gift,Grant, Bargaine or Sale wtsoever And ye Sd John doth further Cove- nant as aforesd to maintaine ye Sd Daniel his Heires & Assignes in ye Lawfull possession of all & Singular the p'mises forever INWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSetmyhand& Sealye Ninth Day of May in ye yeare of our Lord One thousand Six hundred eighty & Seven Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman : Joseph Dickinson JohnWright O THE LAST WILL & TESTAMENT offfrancisWeekes IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN Iffrancis Weekes of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of N e w Yorke Being aged & well Stricken in yeares but fect & well in my Memory & und standing do here make my Last Will & Testament in maner & forme following 412 Book B Imp'mis I bequeath my Soul into ye hands of God yt Gave it; And my BodytoyeEarthfromwhenceitCame IttIGivetomy Sonns,Samuel,Joseph,John,Thomas & James and to m y two Daughters Elizabeth ye wife of Nicholas Simkins. & Ann ye Relict & widd of Joseph Carpent'Deceased All my Moveable estate of Goods Chattels & House hold Stuff both with- out Doores & wthin after my Decease to be equally Divided amongst them all by two Such men as they Shall all agree upon t o d o y e S a m e M e a n i n g all m y g o o d s w c h I L e a v e u n d i s p o s e d o f f bythismy Will Itt I Give to m y Sonne Daniel all yt his mother Gave him be- fore Shee Dyed:That isto Say ye Bed wch I Ly on wth ye Cov- ering,Curtaines and valens and all other ffurniture thereto belong- ing,and ye Lesser of my two Iron potts and one Small Iron Kettle and ye Tramel & one Sheet besides wt belongs to ye Bed before mentiond IttIGivetomy SonneDanielmy LottofMeadow atMatena- cock Lying at or about ye Southeast of John ffeakes his House, And also ffour Acres of Land at Hempsteed (its Scituation & Bounds its Scituation plainly expressed in ye Bill of Sale) If I d o n o t s e l l it i n m y L i f e t i m e ; A n d a l s o m y M e a d o w a t y e S o u t h of Oysterbay aforesd wch I Lately Bought of Henry Townsend Sen And also I Give to my Sonne Daniel my Dwelling House wth ye Land it Stands on ;All ye Sd Land Meadows & Dwelling house aforementioned to him m y Sonne Daniel his Heires & As- signes forever A n d as for other of m y estate wch I have fformer- ly disposed of to m y Sonne Daniel as by a Deed und' m y hand & Seal Bearing Date ye 29th Day of January Stile Novo :1673: A n d as it Stands Recorded in Oysterbay in Libre A : page ye 71 : m y will is that it Shall Stand good & effectuall according to ye true Intent thereof to him m y Sd Sonn Daniel his Heires & As- signes forever Lastlydo make my Sonnes Thomas Weekes & James Weekes m y whole & Sole Executrs of this m y will to pay all m y Debts & funerall Charges out of m y estate before ye Division thereof, And also Charges yt Shall arise by Dving this my will or any other way needfull & necessary to be done And this I declare to bemy Lastwill& Testamtrevokingallotherwillsformerlymade IN WITNES whereof I have here Sett my hand & Seal ye twenty fifth Day of June in ye yeare 1687: Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of JohnNewman GeorgeTownsend: The marke (W ) of ffrancisweekes O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting of a Deed of Gift Shall come or in any wise Appertaine ; Be it known yt I ffrancis Weekes of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Pvince of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'acon of m y Natural Love & affection to m y Youngest Sonne Daniel Book B 413 Weekes of Oyst'bay aforesd and also yt he ye Sd Daniel doth hereby mise & Ingage to pay to me ye Sd ffrancis two bush's of Good Wint Wheat yearly & every year During my Natural Life and eight Bushels of Indean Corn and one Moity or halfe of ye ffruit of m y Orchard yeary during m y Life as aforesd and Grassinmy Meadow Sufficientformy Cattle,And forothergood Causes and Consid'acons me ye Sd ffrancis Especially Moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED Infeoffed Made over,Bargained, Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd ffrancis do Give Grant, Infeoff, Alienate, Make over Bargaine Sell & Confirme unto m y Son before named Daniel Weekes m y House that I now dwell in,wth my home Lott and halfe a Right of Comons belonging to it wth Twelve Acres of Land on ye South-east Cor- ner of ye Sd Lott adjoyning to it wth one Lott of Meadow at Matenacock Lying near John ffekes House wth all my Meadow & upland on Unkaway Neck,wth a Third Pt of a whole right of Meadow at ye South wch I bought of Henry Townsend wth Six AcresofplaineLandwthallBarnes& otherouthouses,Gardens, Orchyards & w'soever els thereto belongs, all Lying & being in Oysterbay aforesd and wthin ye Bounds thereof Together whall my Right,Title & Interest Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sdffrancisnowhaveorwch-(p.95)—or wchanyoreitherofmy Heires,Executors,Administrats or Assignes may hereafter have of & in ye p'mises & every t & cel thereof wth all Issues and fits t h e r e f r o m A r i s i n g o r G r o w i n g o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n i n g ; T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Daniel his Heires & As- signes all & Singular ye p'mises wth ye Appurtences thereof to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd Daniel his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd ffrancis hath put ye Sd Daniel into a Lawful & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye Diliv'y of these p'sents,And ye Sd ffrancis doth hereby Covenant & Agree for himself his Heires, Execut's & Assignes that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd Daniel his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,occupie,possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever without ye Lawful Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd ffrancis his Heires or Assignes or any other other son or sons Lawfully claiming for,by or und him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift,Grant Bargaine or Sale w'soever IN W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seal the twenty Ninth Day of Septemb' in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hun- dred eighty eight It is Likewise agreed at ye writing hereof by both ye ties aforenamed that ye Sd ffrancis Shall make wt use he Sees Cause for himself of ye aforenamed Dwelling house wth free Egress and Regress threunto Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us The marke (W ) of John Newman John Townsend ffrancis Weekes O 414 Book B TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p p e r t a i n e : b e it k n o w n t h a t I A d a m Wright of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'acon of an Exchange of Land wth Daniel Weeks of Oysterbay aforesd that ye Sd Dan- iel Weekes hath Made over Sold & Confirm'd unto me ye Sd Adam my Heires & Assignes forever as by his Deed und'his Hand & Seal bearing Date withthese p'sents doth appeare;A certaine Tract of Land at Cedar Swomp to my full Content & Satisfaction and for other Good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd Adam especially Moving: HAVE GIVEN, GRANTED, Alienated made over, Bargained Sold & Confirm'd & by these p'sentsIye Sd Adam do Give,Grant,Alienate,Make over,Bar- gaine,Sell & Confirm unto Daniel Weekes aforesd a certain cel, Lott or Share of Meadow Lying and being amongst ye Home Meadows of Oysterbay aforesd being Bounded as followeth; with John Wrights Meadow on ye East & West Side on ye North end wth the Sea,and ye South end wth Elizabeth Dickin- sons Land wch Meadow was formerly Nicholas Simkins After- ward Alice Crabbs,but now in ye Tenure & Occupcon of me ye Sd Adam ;Together wth all my Right,Title & Interest,Claime & demand w'soever wch I ye Sd Adam now have or wch any or eitherofmy Heires,ExecutrsAdministratsorAssignesmay here- after have of,to or in ye Sd Meadow wthall ffences & ffencing StuffinanduponyeSamewthallIssues& fitsfromthencearis- ing or Growing or in any wise Aptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him the Sd Daniel his Heires & Assignes all & Sin- gular ye p'mises ye Sd Meadow wth its Appurtences to ye only P P use and behoofe of him ye Sd Daniel Weekes his Heires & Assignes forever;And ye Sd Adam hath put ye Sd Daniel into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye Sd Meadow & p'mises by the Diliv'y of these p'sents;And ye Sd Adam doth for himself his Heires,Execut's and Administrat's further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd Daniel Weekes that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Daniel his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever wthout ye Lawful Lett,hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Adam his Heires,Executrs or Assignes or any other son or persons Lawfully Claiming for by or undr him or any or either ofthem Not withstanding any former Gift,Grant,Bargaine or Sale wtsoever and the Sd Adam to defend the Same accordingly IN WITNES whereof I have here unto Sett my hand & Seal the ffirst Day of May in yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty nine:And further ye Sd Adam doth Covenant as aforesd to defend & Maintaine ye Sd Meadow against all Claimes that are Just & Lawful that Shall be made to ye Said Land whatsoever Book B SignedSealed&ddinp'senceof John Newman Job Wright 415 AdamWright O Mary Wright O pl: cccxxi (p.96)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomethisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e B e it k n o w n t h a t I ffrancis Weekes of Oysterbay on Long Island in ye Colony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation that Henry Townsend Sen of Oysterbay aforesd hath by his Deed undr his hand & Seal bear- ing Date with these p'sents, Confirm'd unto me ye Sd ffrancis certaine Meadow at ye South of Oysterbay aforesd as by ye Sd Deed fully & Largely doeth appeare to m y full content & Satis- faction And for other good causes & & Consid'ations me ye Sd ffrancis especially Moving HAVE GIVEN GRANTED Alienated,Made over,Bargained,Sold& Confirm'd& bythese p'sents I ye Sd ffrancis do Give,Grant,Alienate Make over Bar- gaine Sell & Confirme unto Henry Townsend Sen' aforesd one Lott or Share of upland Lying & being on Hogg Island So called in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd being of ye Last or N e w Div- ision on ye Little Neck on ye North Side of ye Great Meadow on ye Sd Island,Joyning to Richard Harcotts Land on ye one Side & Gideon Wrights Land on ye other Side;And also one whole Right or Share of Meadow on ye Sd Island in ye Great Meadow and Joyning to Nicholas Wrights Meadow on ye one Side & Anthony Wrights Meadow on ye other Side;And also all ye Comonage & pasturing belonging to one whole purchasers Rightonye Sd Island;Togetherwthallmy rightTitle& Interest Claime & Demand wtsoevr wch I ye Sd ffrancis now have or wch any of my Heires,Execut's Administrat's or Assignes may here- after have of & in ye p'mises or any t or cel thereof wthall issues & fits therefrom arising or Growing wth all priviledges Comonages & customes to ye Same in any wise Aptaining T O HAVE &TO HOLD untohimyeSdHenryTownsendhisHeires & Assignes all & Singular ye p'mises wth its Apptances & every (t) & celthereof to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd Henry Townsend his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd ffran- cishathputyeSdHenryintoaLawfull& peaceablepossession ofall& Singularyep'misesbyyeDiliv'yofthesep'sentsAnd ye Sd ffrancis Doth for himselfe his Heires,Executrs Administrat" & Assignes Covenant ffurther & agree to & wth ye Sd Henry that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Henry his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises wth its A p @ tences forever wthout ye Lawful Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd ffrancis. his Heires,Execut's or Assignes or any other person or persons Lawfully Claiming for by or und him or any or either of them not withstanding any former,Gift,Grant,Bargaine or Sale w'so- ever IN W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seal 416 Book B the twenty Seventh Day of May in ye Yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty Seven:-It is to be further und'- stood that ye whole right of Commonage & pasturing in this Deed expressed ye true meaning & Intent thereof is that ye Sd Henry is to have a whole purchasers right in all ye undivided Lands on ye Sd Island Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman Daniel Townsend The marke of ffrancis (W ) Weekes O This Indenture maid this twenty fifth Day of ye fifth Month called July in ye yeare 1687 being ye third yeare of ye Raigne of James ye Second of England &c king:Between John Town- send of Oysterbay upon Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke ffarmer of ye one t:And his ffather Henry Townsend Senior of ye otowne & Collony aforesd of ye other Pt ;Witnesseth that for & in Consid'ation of ye Sume of Twenty pounds Lawful money of this Coll vince to him ye Sd John Townsend in hand pd by his Sd ffather Henry Townsend at or before ye Sealing & Dillevery hear of the receit whereof ye Sd John Townsend doth hearby acknowledge and thereof & ev'y t thereof doth aquitt Release and discharge his Sd ffather Henry Townsend his Executrs Administrat's forever by these p'sents he ye Sd John Townsend hath Given Granted Bargained Bargained Sold Alien- ated Enfeofed and Confirm'd And by these p'sents Doth Abso- lutely Give Grant Bargaine Sell Alienate enfeof & confirme unto his Sd ffather Henry Townsend Snr his Heires Executrs & As- signes forever A certaine piece of Land fformerly belonging to ye Sd John Townsend & his Brother Henry Lying on ye North Side of ye old planting ffield being nine Acres more or Less to Gather wth thirteen Acres Lying on ye Mill River Neck wch thir- teen Acres ye Sd John Townsend bought of James Blevin as may appeare by a Bill of Sale und'ye hand & Seal of ye Same James Blevin Togather wth ye p'viledges Pfits Comoditys Heredi- taments & Appurtenances wtsoever unto ye Sd Land belonging Andalltheestaterighttitle& InterestposesionPptyClaime& demand wtsoever of him ye Sd John Townsend of in & to ye Sd granted Land above written or any t or cell thereof To have & to hold-(p.97)-Hold the abovesd Land & p'mises with ye Appurtences unto his Said ffather Henry Townsend his Heires or Assignes for ever to ye only per use & behoofe of his Sd ffather Henry Townsend his Heires & Assignes for ever more And ye Sd John Townsend doth hereby Covenant mise & grant to & wth his Sd ffather Henry Townsend his Heirs & As- signs by these p'sents that he ye Sd John Townsend hath not witt- ingly nor willingly comited any act w'soever whereby ye Sd Granted p'mises or any t thereof is Shall or may be charged Book B 417 burthened or Incumbred in any Title charge estate or otherwaies wtsoever and that he will warrant aquitt & Defend ye Sd p'mises wth ye appurtences to his Sd ffather Henry Townsend his Heires & asingns against all sons claiming by from or und' him or his Heires or by their means privity consent or curemt also yt he will at all times hereaft During ye Space of Seven yeares next Insuing at ye request & charges of his Sd father Henry Townsend his Heires or Asingns make & execute all Such reason- able Acts as Shall be Lawfully required for ye Better Asurring of ye Sd Granted p'mises according to ye Laws & constetations of this province and ye tru Intent heare of So as ye sons to w h o m Such requests Shall be maid be not compelliable for ye doing thereof to Travel above twelve English miles from their respective habetations for ye doing thereof as so as ye Same con- taine no other warent or Covenant then wt is before expressed in witnes whereof ye son first above named have to this p'sent Indenture Sett his hand & Seal ye Day & Date above written SingnedSealedand JohnTownsend O Dillevered in p'sence of us John Dewsbury Job Wright Know allmen to whom these p'sents may Come or any wayes Concerne,know yee that being upon a Journey not knowing how Dvidence may dispose of my returne I being possessed of Cer- taine Lands by virtue of Bills of Sale made to me & Assigned over to m e do hereby these p'sents If it Should So happen any otherwise then well in m y returne,that then m y Said Land withall whatsoever I a m possessed wthall Shall returne into ye Actuall possession of m y ffather Henry Townsend Sen" for him to dis- pose of according to his Will & pleasure as Witnes m y hand and Seal this third day of October 1687 : Sealed&diliveredinp'senceofus RobertTownsend O Henry Townsend Jun John Dewsbury Job Wright (p.98 blank; p.99)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whom this p'sent writing Shall come or in any Wise aptaine ; B e it k n o w n t h a t I D a n i e l W e e k e s o f O y s t e r b a y i n Q u e e n s C o u n t y on Long Island in ye Colony of N e w Yorke for and in ye Con- sideracon yt John Wright of Oysterbay aforesd by his Deed of Sale und his hand & Seal bearing Date wth these p'sents hath Confirm'd unto me a Lott or Share of Meadow Lying & being inye Home Meadows of Oysterbay aforesd and Bounded as in yeSd Deeddoth& May Largely& plainlyappeareAnd forother good Causes & Consideracons me ye Sd Daniel Especially Mov- ing HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,Made over,Ex- changed,Bargained,Sold & Confirm'd,And by these p'sents I ye Sd Daniel do Give,Grant,Alienate,Make over,Exchange Bar- 418 Book B gaine Sell & confirme unto John Wright of Oysterbay aforesd aLottorShareofMeadow Lying& beinginyeHome Meadows of Oysterbay aforesd,Bounded by Adam Wrights Meadow on ye East Side,And by Simon Coopers Meadow on ye West Side, On ye South end by Dickinsons Lott,and by ye North end by ye Cove;Being in Quantity two Acres & a quarter or thereabout be it more or Less; weh Said Meadow was formerly Richard Crabbs Deceased ;afterward in ye possession of Isaac Horner by ye Right of his wife,but now ye Sd Daniels,Together wthall my Right,Title & Interest,claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Daniel n o w have or wch any of m y Heres Executrs or Assignes mayhereaft'haveof&inyeSdShareofMeadowandevery t & celthereof;andalsoallyeffences& ffencingStuffasnow it Stands, wthall fits, Issues, Easements & priviledges wch n o w are or hereaft Shall be thereto belonging or in any wise app- tainingTO HAVE & TO HOLD untohimyeSdJohnWright his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye p'mises wth the Appur- tences thereof and to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd John Wright his Heires & Assignes forever;And ye Sd Daniel hath put ye Sd John into a Lawful & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye Diliv'y of these p'sents A N D ye Sd Daniel doth for himself his Heires Executrs & Administratrs fur- ther Covenant & Agree to & wth ye Sd John that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd John Wright his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,occupy,possess & enjoy all & S i n g u l a r y e p ' m i s e s w t h its A p p u r t e n c e s f o r e v e r ; w t h o u t y e L a w - ful Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Daniel his Heires Executrs or Assignes, or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for,by or und'him or any or either of them,Notwith- standing any former Gift, Grant Bargaine or Sale Whatsoever. And ye Sd Daniel doth further Covenant as aforesaid to main- taine ye Sd John his Heires & Assignes in ye Lawful possession ofthep'misesforever. INWITNES whereofIhavehereunto Setmyhand& SealyeNinthDayofMay InyeyearofourLord one thousand Six hundred eighty Seven : it is to be understood t h a t t h e r e is t o b e a H i g h -w a y o f t w o r o d w i d e b e t w e n y e M e a d o w above mentioned & Dickinsons Lott Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of John N e w m a n Joseph Dickinson Daniel Weekes O A discription of Severall parcels of Land Meadow & privil- edges now in ye possession of John Wright in ye Bounds of Oys- terbay 1st One third part of a whole Share or purchasers right at Hogg Island 2d Three Acres of a Lott Joyning to Isaak Daughtys Lott at Book B 419 ye Hollow against John Weekes this South east Side of it and also a third part of a right of Comonage wth all priviledges of a p u r c h a s e r s r i g h t b e l o n g i n g t o it t h i s w a s G r a n t e d f o r w o r k e d o n e about ye Mill Dame to Nicholas Wright 3dly A third part of a Twenty Acre field formerly taken up by Nicholas wright Lying by ye path going to Lusum about 2 miles from ye Town bounded by ffrancis Weekes Land on ye east Side & Jno Dickinsons Land on ye west 4thly A ffourth Pt of a purchasers right of Meadows at ye South wthall priviledges thereto belonging 5thly One third Pt of 2 pieces of plaine Lands one of them Lying neer Aaron fformans Hollow at ye North wood edge & Bounded by ye Land of Samuel fforman deceased on ye North Side by Thomas Willits his Hollow on ye east end;on ye South Side by a Hollow yt was Robt Williams ;and by ye woods on ye West end;the whole peece Containing 20 Acres The other piece of plaine land Lyes Joyning to yt wch was Anthony Wrights Land on ye Southeast Side;To John Townsend Sen'on ye Southwest end;To ye woods on ye West Side ;and to ye Woods on ye North end being in quantity about 50 Acres (p.100)-Know allmenbythesep'sentsthatIHenryTownsend Sen of Oysterbay wthin Mentioned do here by these p'sents Give, Assigne& make overallmy Right,Title& Interesttoorofye within Mentioned Lands I bought of Robert Williams wthall ye priviledges, prophits, Commodities & Apurtenances belonging to y e S a m e , a s f u l l y & A m p l y a s e v e r it w a s m i n e , u n t o m y T h r e e Daughters Mary Wright,Susannah ffurman and Rose Dickeson, and to be equally divided between them, and to their Heirs & Assignes forever; And lett each Mother give hire part to wch Child Shee pleas or think best ; only I do except eight eakers of plaine for my Sons Henry & John Townsend for Mowing,And totheireHeiresandAssignesforever;IGiveitthem& tothirs aswitnesmyhand& SeallofOctoberthis15th1688: in p'sence of us John Newman John Sibley Henry Townsend Sen O This next above written Assignmt in this 100dth page is of a Deed from Robt Williams to Henry Townsend both above named wch beareth Date July ye 21st 1687 :and Stands Recorded amongst ye Land Evidences of Oysterbay in Libre A :page ye 94: Be it known unto all men by these p'sents yt I Henry Town- send Ser of Oysterbay wthin Mentioned do here by these p'sents, Give,Assigne& Make overallmy Right,Title& Intrestto,or of ye wthin Mentioned Lands I bought of Robert Williams Wid- dow & hire Sons,wthall ye p'viledges,prophits & Comoditis & 420 Book B Appurtenances belonging to ye Same as fully & Amply as ever itwas mine unto my Three Daughters,Mary Wright,Susannah ffurman & Rose Dickeson and to be equally divided between them,and to their Heirs and Assignes forever And Let each mother Give hire part to wch of hire own Children Shee please or thinks best as Witnes m y hand and Seale October thise 15 1688 : In presence of us John Newman : John Sibley Henry Townsend Ser O This next above written Assignmt in this 100dth page is of a Deed from Robert Williams widdow and her Sons to Henry Townsend Sen'alltherein mentioned and beareth Date ye twenty fifth D a y of ye 1st m o : 1683/4 and in ye 36th year of ye Reigne of King Charles ye Second and Stands recorded amongst ye Land Evidences of Oysterbay in Libre A : page ye 172: TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p @ t a i n e , B e it k n o w n y t I E d w a r d White of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in the CollonyofNew Yorke,for& inyeConsidrationofyeSumeof Twenty ffive pounds of Silver money Currant in this Collony inhand pd and by me ye Sd Edward received of Jn°Wright of Oysterbay aforesd before ye Sealing & diliv'y hereof in full pay- ment & Satisfaction,And for other good Causes & Consideracons me ye Sd Edward especially Moving, HAVE GIVEN, G R A N T E D , Alienated Assigned, Infeoffed, Sold & Confirm'd, And by these p'sents I ye Sd Edward do Give,Grant,Assigne Alienate, Infeoffe, Sell & Confirme unto John Wright aforesd, one Lott or Share of Meadow Lying & being amongst ye Home Meadows of Oysterbay aforesd, and is Boundeth as followeth wth ye Sd John Wrights Meadow on ye East Side, and wth Henry Townsends Meadow on ye west Side on ye north towards y e H a r b o u r o r S e a , a s f a r a s y e f f e n c e b e f o r e it n o w S t a n d s & on ye South end by John Townsends Land Containing in Quan- titytwo Acres or thereabouts be itmore or Less;ye Sd Share of Meadow was fformerly in ye possession of Simon Coop(er) deceased,afterward inthe possesion of Mary,Relict & Widdow of ye Sd Simon but now in ye possession of ye Sd Edward To- gether wth all m y Right,Title & Interest,Claime & demand w'so- ever wch I ye Sd Edward have or wch any or either of m y Heires, Executrs or Assignes may hereaft' have,of,to or in ye Share of Meadow,wthall fits& Issues,fromthencearisingorGrowing; wth all ye ffences & ffences thereupon or about it belonging thereto wth wtsoever els is to ye Same in any wise Aptaining T O HAVE &TO HOLD untohimyeSdJohnWrighthisHeires& Assignes all & Singular the forementioned M e a d o w & p'mises wth ye Apptences thereof to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd John Wright his Heires & Assignes forever;And ye Sd Edward hath put [ye Sd] John into a Lawfull & peaceable pos- Book B 421 session of ye Sd Meadow by ye Dilivery of Turf [& by] ye dili- very of these p'sents, And ye Sd Edward doth for himself his Heires Executis & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd John Wright yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd [John] his Heires & Assignes,quietly & peaceably to have,hold. Occupy, possess & enjoy all & Singular [ye] p'mises forever without ye Lawful Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd Edward his Heires & Assignes or of ye forenamed Simon Cooper his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for, by or und him or any or either of them [not] wthstanding any former Gift,Grant,Mortgage,Bargaine or Sale wtsoever,And ye Sd Edward [doth] hereby Bind himself & his Heires to warrant & defend ye Sd Meadow to ye Sd John Wright his He [ires & ] Assignes forever,according to ye Words of this Deed before exp'ssed IN W I T N E S whereof I have [here]unto Sett my hand & Seal ye Twenty ffourth day of Novembr in ye year of our Lord one thou[sand] Six hundred ninety two Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Edward White O JohnNewman: NathaneelColesSener Peter Berton Mary White 0 ci: (p.101)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p @ t a i n e ; B e it k n o w n y t Samuel Burdsall of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island alias Nassaw in ye Collony of N e w Yorke fo[r & ] in ye Considration yt David Underhill of Oysterbay aforesd hath Granted & Confirm'd unto me by a Deed und his hand & Seal bearing Date wth these p'sents a Certaine piece of Meadow at Bever Swamp [in] ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesdto my fullContent & Satisfaction,And for other Good Causes & Considracons me ye Sd Samuel especially Moving; HAVE GIVEN, GRANTED, Alienated Infeoffed, Assigned Sold [&]Confirm'd,And bythesep'sentsIye Sd Samuelldo Give, Grant, Alienate, Infeoffe, Assigne Sell & confirme unto David Underhill aforesd,All that of my Land at Hogg Island in ye Bounds of Oysterbay That is to Say Three Lotts or Shares of Land on ye Oxe pasture on Hogg Island aforesd formerly Moses fformans,And also my Pt Share or portion of ye Land formerly m y ffathers at H o g g Island wch is one Third P t thereof, M y S d ffather having disposed [& ] Confirm'd ye S a m e to m e & two of m y Brothers by will or otherwise but not divided be- tween us, and m y portion thereof is one third t of all m y ffathers right of Land at Hogge Island;Together wth all rights, Customes,priviledges,undivided Land,Comons & Highway to yeSd cellofLand&p'misesorany tthereofbelonging,To- gether wthall my right Title and Interest, Claime & Demand w'soever wch I ye Sd Samuel N o w have or wch any or either of 422 Book B my Heires Execut's or Assignes may hereafter have of,to or in ye forementioned Granted Land & p'mises (Meaning all & Sin- gular of & in any Land at Hogg Island wtsoever wch I have any right or Claime unto,()) and every t & cell thereof wth wtso- everelstoyeSame isbelonging [or]inanywiseaptaining;TO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd David Underhill [his] Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd Granted Land & p'mises &everyPt& cellthereof[to]yeonly use&behoofeof him ye Sd David his Heires & Assignes forever,And ye Sd Sam- uel hath put ye Sd David into a Lawful & peaceable pos- session of Sd Granted Land & p'mises by ye diliv'y of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd Samuel doth for himself his Heires, Executrs [& ] Assignes further Covent & agree to & wth ye Sd David Underhill that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd David his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to Have, hold, Occupy, possess [& ] enjoy all & Singular ye Sd Granted Land & p'mises forever, wthout ye Lawfull Lett,hindrance [or] Interruption of him ye Sd Sam- uel his Heires Execut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for,by or und' him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Grant, Mortgage or Sale wtsoever, And ye Sd Samuel doth hereby bind himself & his Heires [to] warrant & defend ye Sd Granted Land & p'mises to ye Sd David his Heires & Assignes forever According as before is exp'ssed I N W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal ye Twelfth Day of October in ye year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred ninety ffour Signed Sealed & dd in p❜sence of us John Newman Nathaniel Coles Jur John Townsend The marke (S B ) of Samuel Burdsal O Day & Date above written ye above named Samuel Burdsall came before me one of their Maties Justices of ye peace for Queens County & Acknowledged this to be his reall act and Deed Nathaneill Coles Be it known by these p'sents yt I David Underhill ye wthin Named in this wthin Written Deed for & in Considracon that John Wright & Edmond Wright of Oysterbay have by a Deed und[er t]heir hands & Seales bearing Date wth these p'sents Granted &Confirm'duntomeyeSdDavida cellofLandatOysterbay aforesdtomyfullContent& SatisfactionHaveAssignedMade over & Confirm'd,And by these p'sents I ye Sd David do As- signe, Make over & Confirme unto John Wright & Edmond Wright aforesd this wthin written Deed wch ye wthin named Samuel Burdsal hath Given & dd unto me undr his hand & Seal Book B 423 bearing Date ye Twelfth day of October : 1694 whereby ye Sd Samuel hath Granted & Confirm'd to me Sd David [c]ertaine Lands at Hogg Island,Together wthall my right Title & Interest, Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd David N o w have or wch any or either of my Heires Execut's or Assignes may hereafter have of to or in ye Sd Deed or in ye Land therein Mentioned as fully& firmlyas itismade to me by ye wthin Written Deed unto them ye Sd John Wright & Edmond Wright their Heires & As- signes forever,Quietly & peaceably to [ha ]ve,hold occupy possess & enjoyastheirown rightwthoutLettorMolestation [f]rom him ye Sd David his Heires Execut's or Assignes or any others Lawfully Claiming for,by or und'him or any or either of them ; Witnes m y hand & Seal ye thirteenth Day of October in ye year of our Lord 1694 Signed Sealed & dd In p❜sence of us DavidUnderhill O John Newman John Dewsbury TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwrit- ing Shall Come or Ap@ taine;Be itknown yt I Joseph Ludlam of Hogg Island in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island alias Nassau in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation yt John Wright, Edmond Wright & William Wright Son of Caleb Wright Deceased hath by way of Exchange Granted & Confirm'd unto me ye Sd Joseph Certaine Lotts & cells of Meadow & Land at Hogg Isalnd aforesd by a Deed und their hands & Seales bearing Date wth these p'sents to m y full Content and Satisfaction, And for other good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd Joseph especially Moving H A V E GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,Infeoffed,Assigned Sold & Confirm'd,and by these p'sents do Give,Grant,Alienate,Inffeoffe Assigne,Sell & Confirme unto John Wright Edmond Wright & William Wright aforesd,All yt of Severall Lotts or parcells of Land Lying & being upon Hogg Island aforesd that is to Say two Lotts or Shares of Land Lying in ye Oxe pasture being ye two Eastermost Lotts wch he ye Sd Joseph now possesseth in Said pasture,And also Six Lotts of Land Lying in ye first Division of Sd Island two of them Lying neer ye Creek one formerly Benjamin Hubbards & ye other Lying on ye Brow of ye Hill formerly belonging to John Townsend Sen deceased, And ye other ffour are Long Lotts Lying alltogether,Three of them did formerly belong to Samuel Andrews-(p.102)—An- drews and one to Matthew prior Together wthall my Right,title & Interest,Claime & demand wtsoever wch Ithe Sd Joseph now have or wch any or either of m y Heires, Executrs or Assignes may hereaft have of to or in the Sd, Granted Lott of Land, with all Trees,Timber Swamps ponds,within ye Bounds of Sd Granted Lotts with all priviledges of & in ye High wayes on ye 424 Book B South of Sd Josephs now Dwelling House belonging to Sd Lotts wth wt els with in ye Sd Lotts is belonging or in any wise Ap- Ptaining,The Sd Granted Lotts Lying all on ye South Pt of Sd Island, and to ye Southward of Sd Josephs now Dwelling House,And Containes in Quantity (Meannig all ye Sd Lotts) aboutSixteenAcresofLandBeitmoreorLess;TO HAVE & TO HOLD untothemyeSdJohnWright,EdmondWright& William Wright their Heires & Assignes all & Singular the Sd Lotts of Land & p'mises as before Granted,and to ye only P use & behoofe of them ye Sd John,Edmond & William Wright their Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd Joseph hath put ye Sd John,Edmond & William Into Lawfull possession of ye Same by Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by these p'sents,And ye Sd Joseph doth for himselfe his Heires Executrs & Assignes further Covent to & wth ye Sd John,Edmond & William Wright that it Shall& may be Lawfullforthem ye Sd John Edmond & William WrighttheirHeires& Assignesquietly& peaceablytohave,hold, possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Sd Granted Lotts of Land wth ye Apptences thereof,to their only use and behoofe forever, without ye Lawfull Lett or Molestation of him ye Sd Joseph his Heires or Assignes or any other person or persons Lawfully Claiming for,by or und'him or any or either of them Notwith- standing any former Grant,Mortgage dower,Joynture,or other Conveyance wtsoever, And ye Same to ye Sd John, Wright, Edmond Wright,& William Wright their Heires & Assignes for- ever to Warrant & defend According as before is exp'ssed IN WITNES whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal ye Sixth Day of May in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred, Ninety Six : These words in the 15th Line (all and SingularyeSdLottsofLand& p'misesasbeforeGranted)were Interlined before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman Nathaneill Coles Sen Nathaniel Coles Jun' Joseph Ludlam O (p.103)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whom these p'sents Shall come Thomas Gitchell of Portsmouth upon Rhode Island in ye County or Colony of Rhode Island & Dvidence plan- tations in New England in America Sendeth Greeting: Know yee that I Thomas Gitchell for & in Consid'ation of ye full & Just Sume of ffive pounds Currant Silver money to me in hand pd before ye Insealing & Diliv'y hereof these p'sents by Richard Harcutt of Oysterbay in Queens County upon Long Island well & trulypaidwherewthIyeSd Thomas Gitchelldobythesep'sents owne& acknowledgemy SelfetobefullSatisfiedpd& contented, Book B 425 & thereof & every Pt & cel thereof do acquitt, exonorate & discharge ye Sd Richard Harcutt his Heires Executrs Adminis- trat's & Assignes forever,By these p'sents Have Given,Granted, bargained Sould, Infeoffed & Confirmed, And by these p'sents for m e m y Heires Executrs Administrat's & Assignes D o Give, Grant,Bargaine,Sell,Alien Infeo<ffe) & Confirme unto ye Sd Richard Harcutt his Heires Executrs & Assignes forever, M y H o m e Lott of Land of Land at Oysterbay aforesd be it more or Less as Laid out Bounded by John Newmans Lott on ye North Side and Aaron fforman Jur Lott on ye South Side, And ye High way on ye Northwest end,and William Buttlers Lands att ye east Southeast end wthall m y whole wright & priviledges to ye Sd Home Lott Granted as Stands entred & Recorded in ye T o w n Booke of Records of Oysterbay to Joseph Crooker of ye Sd Town & Riding as by a deed of Sale und'ye hand & Seal of ye Sd Joseph to me may apear wch abovesd Lott or Home Lott of Land above mentioned,Together & Singular wth all Comon Rights, p'viledges Pfits & Appurtences thereto belonging in Sd Township of Oysterbay,I have Sold unto ye Sd Richard Harcutt his Heires & Assignes forever,To have & to hold as his or their P Right,Title & estate forever And I ye Sd Thomas Gitchel for m e m y Heires Executrs Administratrs & Assignes to & wth yeSdRichardHarcutthisHeires&AssignesdoCovenant, mise & Grant in Maner & forme ffollowing that is to Say that I ye Sd Thomas Gitchell have full power Good Right & Lawfull au- thority to Bargaine & Sell all & Singular ye above Bargained & Granted p'mises & thereof to make a pure & Pfect estate of Inheritanceinffee-simpleinmaner& fformeaboveexp'ssed,And yt ye Same are free & clearly acquitted from all other former Gifts,Grants Bargaines,Sales,Titles,Leasess,Morgages,Dowrys or Incombrances wtsoever And I ye Sd Thomas Gitchell for me m y Heires, Executrs Administrat's & Assignes Shall & will by these p'sents Warrantize all & Singular ye above Granted,Bar- gained Lott of Land & priviledges in Comon Rights thereto be- longing unto ye Sd Richard Harcutt his Heires & Assignes for- ever against m e m y Heires Executrs Administrat's or any other son or sons claiming any Right Title or Interest in & to ye Sd Bargained p'mises by or und me and also against all other Just & Lawfull claimes wtsoever IN W I T N E S whereof I ye Sd Thomas Gitchell have here unto Set my hand & Seale to every Pt & cell of ye wthin written Deed & p'mises in portsmouth upon Rode Island this Thirteenth Day of June in ye year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred eighty & Seven,And in ye Third year of ye Reigne of our Sov'aigne King James ye Second King Defend of ye ffaith & c Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of Tho:Townsend Mary Townsend Thomas Gatchell O 426 Book B A n Assignm1 of ye Deed above written Be it known by these p'sents that I Richard Harkcutt ye wthin Named in this wthin Written Deed for & in ye Considration yt I have Received of Thomas Youngs of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in the Colony of N e w Yorke full Satisfaction before ye Sealing & Dilivery hereof and for other Good causes & consid'ations me ye Sd Richard especially Moving have Assigned Made over & confirmed And by these p'sents I ye Sd Richard do Assigne make over & confirme unto Thomas Youngs aforesd this wthin written Deed wthall ye power Strength & Virtuethereofasfirmlyineveryrespectasitismadeuntome ye Sd Richard by ye wthin Mention'd Thomas Gitchell;ffrom me ye Sd Richard Harcutt my Heires Executrs Administrat's or Assignes To have & to hold to him ye Sd Thomas Youngs his Heires& AssignesthiswthinwrittenDeedwthallyeLand,Com- onage & priviledges therein Mentioned To ye only use & Behoofe of him ye Sd Thomas Youngs his Heires & Assignes forever In Witnes whereo(f) I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal ye twenty Ninth Day of June in ye yeare of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred eighty & Seven Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us themarkeX of RichardHarkcut O pl: ciiij John Newman William Buckler (p.104)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whom this p ' s e n t w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e ; B e it k n o w n that I Aaron fforman of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oyst'bay on Long Island in ye Collony of New Yorke for & in ye Con- sid'ation of ye Sume of Eight pounds Silver Money currant in this Collony in hand paid before ye Sealing & Diliv'y hereof in full paymt and Satisfaction and for Divers other good causes & Consid'ationsmeyeSdAaronespeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN G R A N T E D Alienated,made over,Bargained Sold & Confirmed And by these p'sents Iye Sd Aaron do Give,Grante,Alienate, Make over Bargaine Sell & confirme unto Thomas Youngs of Oysterbay aforesd one Home Lott of Land Lying and being at ye Cove atye East end of and in ye Town of Oysterbay aforesd wch Lott was Granted to ye Sd Aaron by ye ffreehold's of Oyster- bay aforesd at a T o w n Meeting Decembr ye 9th 1676 : as it is & Stands Recorded in Libr A page ye 244 :& Bounded on ye North by ye High way at ye Head of ye Cove on ye west by Thomas Youngs Home Lott on ye South by William Bucklers Land,and on ye East by a Home Lott formerly Thomas Gitchells but now ye Sd Thomas Youngs Together wthall my right Title & Interest claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Aaron fforman now have or wch any or either of m y Heires, Executrs Administrs or As- signes may hereaft' have of & in ye Sd Lott of Land & every Book B 427 P t & Pcel thereof wthall ye ffences & fencing Stuff fruit Trees & all other Trees n o w Lying Standing or growing thereon, A n d is as itwas Granted by ye Town Grant before Mentioned Three Acres of Land be itmore or Less wthall Issues & fitstherefrom Arising or Growing or in any wise aptaining:The Sd Aaron Alwaies Excepting and reserving to himself all ye priviledge of Comons & Comonage belonging to ye Sd Lott wch was Granted to ye Sd Aaron at ye Town Meeting before exp'ssed T O H A V E & TO HOLD untohimyeSdThomasYoungshisHeires& As- signes all and Singular ye p'mises wth ye Apptences thereof (except before excepted) to ye only use of & behoof of him ye Sd Thomas Youngs his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd Aaron fforman hath put ye Sd Thomas Young into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by the dilivery of these p'sents A N D ye Sd Aaron fforman doth for him Selfe his Heires Executrs Administratrs and Assignes ffurther Covent & agree to & wth ye Sd Thomas youngs that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd Thomas Youngs his Heires Execut's or Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises wth its ap@ tences forever wthout ye Lawful Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Aaron his Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or und' him or any or either of them Notwthstanding any former Gift Grant Bargaine or Sale wtsoever,And also ye Sd Aaron doth doth Covenant as aforesd to maintaine ye Sd Thomas his Heires & Assignes in ye peaceable & Lawfullpossessionofyep'misesforeverIN WITNES whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal ye Second Day of August in ye Third yeare of ye Raigne of our Sov'aigne Lord James ye Second of Great Brittane ffrance & c King & c & in ye yeare of our Lord 1687 Signed Sealed & dd The mark X of in p'sence of William Buckler John Newman Robert Cooper Aaron fforman O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall come or in any wise Aptaine Be it known yt I Thomas Weekes of Oysterbay in Queens County on ye Island of Nassau formerly Called Long Island in ye Collony of New Yorke,for & InyeConsid'ationofyeSumeofffourpoundsofSilvermoney, Currant in this Collony in hand pd & by me ye Sd Thomas re- ceived of Thomas Youngs of Oysterbay aforesd before ye Seal- ing & dilivery hereof in full payment & Satisfaction and for other good Causes & Considracons me ye Sd Thomas Weekes es- pecially Moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated In- feoffed,Assigned,Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Thomas Weekes do Give,Grant,Alienate Infeoff Assigne,Sell & Confirme unto Thomas Youngs aforesd all that of a Certaine 428 Book B piece or parcel of woodland lying & being at or near ye Cove at ye East end of ye Town of Oysterbay aforesd on ye South Side of ye Highway from Oysterbay to Huntington,And bounded on ye North by ye Sd Highway,having a Blacke oake tree Marked at ye Northeast Corner,On ye East by ye Hills,having a white Oake tree Marked at ye Southeast Corner on ye South by ye Sd Thomas Youngs Land having at ye Southwest Corner a Red Oake tree Marked,And on ye west by the Grape Vine Swamp, having having on ye Northwest Corner thereof a white Oake tree Marked Containing wthin Sd Bounds eight Acres of Land or thereabouts be it more or Less ; Together wthall m y right title and Interest Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Thomas Weekes now have or wch any or either of my Heires ExecutTM or Assignes may hereafter have of,to or in ye Sd forementioned piece of woodland, wth all fits, Issues, Comoditys Timber, Trees,ffences,ffencing Stuff wth w'sover els is thereon Standing or Growing or of right thereto in any wise Aptaining T Ŏ H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Thomas Youngs his Heires & Assignes ye forementioned piece of Land & p'mises & every Pt& celthereoftoyeonly use&behoofofhimyeSd Thomas Youngs his Heires & Assignes forever, And yeS d Thomas Weekes hath put ye Sd Thomas Youngs into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & be ye dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd Thomas Weekes doth for himself his Heires,Execut's & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd Thomas Youngs yt it Shall and may be Lawful for him ye Sd Thomas Youngs his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,occupy pos- sess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises before granted forever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Thomas Weekes his Heires Executrs or Assignes, or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for,by or und'them or any or either of them,Notwithstanding any former Gift,Grant,Mort- gage bargaine or Sale w'soever,And ye Sd Thomas Weekes doth hereby bind him Self his Heires to warrent & defend ye fore- tioned piece of Land to ye Sd Thomas Youngs his Heires & Assignes forever, according as is before expressed I N W I T N E S whereof I have here unto Sett m y hand & Seal ye Twenty ffourth Day of October in ye year of our Lord one Thousand Six hun- dred Ninety three Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us ThomasWeekes O John Newman George Townsend Daniel Townsend vide cciij (p.105)-Know allmen bythesep'sentsthatwhereasthereis an agreement between Samuel Weekes & Joseph Weekes both of Matenacock Brothers that they ye Sd Samuel & Joseph will & Book B 429 Shall Leave all matters of Controversy & diference be twixt them in Reference to a Lyne of division to be equally runne by James Cock & Nathan Burdsal both their Neighbours of Matenacock betwixt ye Land of ye Sd Samuel & Joseph;And ye Sd Samuel & Joseph do by these p'sents bind themselves their Heires,in ye Sume of Sixty pounds of Currant money of this Dvince to Stand to ye Award & Action of ye Sd James Cock & Nathan Burdsal A (n)d that they ye Sd Samuel Weekes & Joseph they nor they Heires Shall never hereaft raise any difference or contention concerning ye Bounds of ye Land aforesd upon ye forfeiture of ye money aforesd In witnes whereof ye Sd Samuel & Joseph hath Sett their hands & Seales this 7th day of July 1687 Memorand that ffrancis Weekes & Henry Townsend Sener is to be at ye Runing of ye aforesd Lyne along wth James Cock & Nathan Burdsal Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Dewsbury :Robert Townsend Samuel Weekes O Joseph Weekes B y y e L a n d a b o v e M e n t i o n e d is M e a n t y e H o m e L o t t w c h w a s Henry Rudocks Lying on ye west Side of Christopher Hawksursts Lott This declareth that wee James Cock & Nathan Burdsal did meet together on ye 14th day of ye Moneth July 1687 wth Henry Townsend Senior and did ord'how ye abovesd Lyne of Division Shall run between Samuel Weekes & his Brother Joseph,and for Several Consideracons wee have divided ye Sd Samuel & Josephs Land equally between them by measure. but have ordered that Joseph Shall pay Samuel two pounds in pay in two yeares as witnes our hands ye Date above mentioned And wee Samuel & Joseph do Approve of ye abovesaid Deter- mination as witnes our hands Samuel Weekes Joseph Weekes The marke of James Nathan Burdsall X Cock Be itknown by these p'sents that I Robert Coles of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Considration yt Samuel Weekes of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd hath by his Deed undr his hand and Seal bearing date wth these p'sents by way of exchange Assigned made over & Con- firm'd unto me ye Sd Robert a whole purchasers right at Hogg Island as by ye Sd Deed doth appeare ; Have Exchanged, As- signed made over & Confirmed ; and by these p'sents I ye Sd Robert do exchange Assigne make over & Confirme unto Samuel Weekes aforesd a certaine Lott or Share of Land Lying & being in ye Bounds of ye pattent & purchase of Muskeeto Cove aforesd ; being le Eighth Lott of ye first Division as it Stands recorded in 430 Book B ye Book of ye records of Settlement of Muskeeto Cove aforesd being fourscore Rod wide at ye East end, Running ye Same Breadth west to ye High way or Spring; (Alwaies Pvided ye Spring Lyes Comon ;) Together wthall ye Right, Title, and In- terestwchIyeSdRobtnowhaveorwchanyofmy Heires,Ex- ecuts or Assignes m a y hereaft' have of & in ye forementioned Lott of Land wthall Issues & fits therefrom arising or Grow- ing;And ye Sd Robert hath by these p'sents,Given ye Sd Samuel aLawful& peaceablepossessionofyep'mises;And thatitShal & may be Lawful for him ye Sd Samuel his Heires & Assignes peaceably to have hold occupy possess & enjoy ye forementioned Lott of Land so exchanged forever; In witnes whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal the Twenty Seventh Day of Au- gust,in ye third yeare of James ye Second of Great Brittane & c King &c Annoq Dni:1687: Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John N e w m a n derik Albertson Robert Coles O The mark X of Mercy Coles O This Deed Attested before me John Townsend one of his Maties Justices of ye peace for Queens County by John Newman one ofyerecitedwitnessessthatitisyerealact& DeedofRobtColes above written John Townsend.Sen: TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp❜sentShall come or In any wise Appertaine Be itknown yt I Thomas Weekes of Oysterbay on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for and in ye Consideration yt m y Brother Samuel Weekes of Mus- keeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd hath Granted & Confirm'd unto me by way of Exchange of Land as by a deed und ye hand & Seal of ye Sd Samuel doth at Large appeare,A Certaine piece of Swamp ,Hassuckey Land at ye Cove Swa (m )p in Oysterbay aforesd, wch piece of S w a m p Stands recorded amongst ye Town Grants of Lands in ye Booke A :page ye 265 where ye Bounds & Quantity thereof is plainly Demonstrated, And for other good Causes & Considerations me ye Sd Thomas especially Moving HAVE,GIVEN,GRANTED alienated In- feoffed,Assigned,Sold & Confirm'd,And by these p'sents I ye Sd Thomas do Give, Grant, Alienate Infeoffe Assigne Sell & Confirme unto ye Sd Samuel Weekes,the Moity or half of a piece of Land Lying & being near ye Highway Leading from Oyster- baytoJerico;& JoyningtoNicholasWrightsffield;And four Acres of Land Lying & being at ye plaine edge neer Robert for- mans Land both wch Sd pieces of Land were formerly-(p.106) -in ye possession of ffrancis Weekes ffather to ye Sd Thomas Weekes & Given and Granted by ye Sd ffrancis to ye Sd Thomas as is plainly Demonstrated in ye Records of Oysterbay in ye BookeA:pageye61:Togetherwthallmy right,Title& Interest, Book B 431 Claime & demand wtsovr wch I ye Sd Thomas now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Executrs or Assignes may hereaft have of,to or in ye Sd Moity or Half piece of Land and Sd ffour Acres of Land wthall fits Issues Trees from thence arising or Growing or in any wise of Right to ye Same Aptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Samuel his Heires & As- signes all & Singular the fforementioned Moity or half piece of Land & Sd ffour Acres of Land wth ye Aptences thereof to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd Samuel Weekes,his Heires & Assignes fforever,And ye Sd Thomas hath putt ye Sd Samuel into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Singul ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents, And ye Sd Thomas doth for himself his Heires Executrs & As- signes further Covenant & Agree to & wth ye Sd Samuel that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Samuel his Heires & Assignes, quietly & peaceably to have, hold, occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises before Granted forever without ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Thomas Weekes his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for,by or und' him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift, Grant, Mortgage, Bargaine or Sale w'soever,And ye Sd Thomas Weekes doth hereby Bind him- self & his Heires to Warrant & defend all & Singular ye Land before granted to ye Sd Samuel Weekes his Heires & Assignes fforever,IN WITNES whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand. & Seal ye Tenth Day of ffebruary in ye year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred ninety two Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us :— John Newman,George Townsend Daniel Townsend ThomasWeekes O (p.107)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whom this p'sent writing Shall come or in any wise Aptaine Be itknown yt I Nicholas Simkins of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oyster- bay on Long Island in Queens County in the Colony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Considration of ye Sume of Nine pounds and Ten Shillings in Silver money Currant in this Collony in hand Satisfied & paid before ye Sealing and dilivery hereof And for other good causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd Nicholas especially MovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,alienated,Madeover,Bar- gained,Sold and Confirmed And by these p'sence I ye Sd Nicho- las do Give, Grant. Alienate, make over Bargaine Sell & Con- firme unto Robert Coles of Muskeeto Cove aforesd. A certaine Tract or Lott of Land Lying & being wthin the Bounds of ye pattent of Muskeeto Cove aforesd.at ye Northeast Corner of ye Bounds of ye Sd Pattent being the first Lott by Division being in Breadth ffourscore Rods North & South:& East & West in 432 Book B Length one Hundred Rods Including therein fifty Acres as it Stands Recorded in ye Book of Records of ye Land Evidences of Muskeeto Cove aforesd in page ye 21 : Together wthall m y Right,Title & Interest Claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Nicholas now have or wch any of my Heires Execut's Admini orAssignesmayhereaft'haveof& inyeforementionedLottor Tract of Land & ev'y Pt & cel thereof wthall Issues & fits priviledges & Aptences therefrom or thereon Arising or Grow- ing or in any wise Aptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Robert Coles his Heires & Assignes ye before Men- tioned Lott of Land wth its Aptences to ye only use & behofe of him ye Sd Robert Coles his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd Nicholas hath put ye Sd Robert into a Lawfull & peaceablepossessionofall& Singularyep'misesbyyeDeliv'yof these p❜sents, And ye Sd Nicholas doth for himself his Heires Execut's & Assignes further Covenant & Agree to & with ye Sd Robert that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd Robert Coles his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever without ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye him ye Sd Nicholas his Heires Executrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or und'him or any or either of them notwithstanding Any form gift Grant Bargaine or Sale wtsoeverAndalsoyeSdNicholashisHeires& AssignestoMain- taine ye Sd Robert his Heires & Assignes in ye Lawful possession of ye p'mises forever I N W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal ye fifth day of July in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six Hundred eighty & Seven & in ye third year of King James ye Second & c Signed Sealed & dd in ye p'sence of us Morgan Jones John Newman Nicholas Simkins The marke X of Elizabeth Simkins O This Deed acknowledged & Attested before me John Townsend one of his Maties Justices of ye peace for Queens County to be ye Real Act & Deed of Nicholas Simkins above mentioned by John Newman one of ye recited Witnesses August ye 10th 1687: John Townsend Sent KNOW ALL MEN bythesep'sentsthatINicholas Simkins of Musscote Coves belonging to Oysterbay in Queens County Do Covenant Bargaine & Sell & by these p'sents have from me my Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes Covenanted Bargained & Sold unto Robert Coalls of ye Same place & County his Heaires Executrs Adminestrat's or Assignes a Sartain parcell of M e a d o w Lying & being in ye Bounds of Muskete Coves aforesd Lying on ye South Side of ye Coves aforesd being ye westermost Share yt fellto me by Devitiun wth ye Swampe Adjoyning theretoo one O Book B 433 ye Same Side aforesd wch Meadow I ye Sd Nicholas do own to have Sould as above exprest unto ye Sd Robert to have & to hold ocepy poses & Injoy forever being for & in Considration of Six pounds by me in hand already reseaived wch is ye whole priceforyeSame;And furtherIyeSdNicholasdowarrantthis m y Salle free from any former Salls Guifts or Morgages and to Defend ye Same good in Law free from any Claime or Claimes from any son or sons wtsoever fforain Inv(a)tion only Ex- cepted and forever Aquit Exhonorat & Discharg ye Sd Robert from any further demand for ye Same to ye trew formance whereof I bind my Self as abovesd by Subscribing my_nam & Setting to m y seall this first yeare of his Maties Raigne January ye 9th 1685 SignedSealled&dd inp'sinceof SSamuell Ruscoe marke Abell (A ) Gall his marke William X Thornicroft his Nicholas Simkins O marke Elizabeth X Simkins O her Acknowledged before me Daniel Whithead one of his Majes- tys Justices of ye peace ye nineteenth day of July 1686 :by Nicho- las Simkins Daniell Whithed Be itknown by these p'sents that I Samuel Weekes of Matena- cock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Considration yt Robert Coles of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd hath by his Deed undr his hand & Seal Bearing Date wth these p'sents by way of Exchange Assigned Made-over and Confirm'd unto me ye Sd Samuel a Certaine Lott or Share of Land at Muskeeto- Cove aforesd as by his Sd Deed at Large doth appeare Have Exchanged Assigned Made over & Confirm'd unto ye Sd Robert Coles,And by these p'sents I ye Sd Samuel do Exchange,As- signe make-over & Confirme unto ye Sd Robert his Heires Ex- ecut's & Assignes one whole purchasers Right at Hogge Island So Called in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd both of Upland & Meadow both of all Divided and Undivided Land wthall privi- ledges & Customes belonging to ye Sd Island purchasers of ye SdIslandtogetherwthallmy Righttitle& InterestwchIyeSd Samuelnowhave,orwchanyofmy HeiresExecut'sorAssignes may hereaft'have of & in ye Sd Land or purchasers right before expressed,And by these p'sents I the Sd Samuel Do give ye Sd Robert Lawfull possession of all & Singular ye p'mises ; wch aforesd Purchasers more in ye next page- (p. 108)-Right I ye Sd Samuel was one of ye Two and twenty purchasers thereof 434 Book B as ye Sd Hogg Island Stands Recorded in ye Record of Land Evidences at Oysterbay in Libre A page ye 72 : and other Rec- ords Sheweth,And that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Robert his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises So Ex- changed forever In Witnes whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal the third yeare of ye Raigne of James ye Second of Great Britton King &c Annoq Dni 1687:the twenty Seventh day of August ye yeare above written Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman Derik Albertson Samuel Weekes O The marke X of Elizabeth Weekes O This Deed Attested before me John Townsend one of his Maties Justices of ye peace for Queens County by John Newman one of ye receited Witnesses that it is ye real act & Deed of Samuel Weekes above written Septemb.21 : 1687 John Townsend Sen : Be it known by these p'sents that I Moses Mudge ye within menconed inthis within Written Deed have Assigned Made over & Confirm'd and by these p'sents I ye Sd Moses do Assigne make over & Confirme unto Robert Coles of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay on Long Island in Queens County in ye Colony of N e w Yorke his Heires or assignes this wthin Writ- ten Deed wthall ye Right title & Interest wch by vertue thereof or by any clause or covenant therein Contained I ye Sd Moses now have or wch any of my Heires Executrs Administrats or Assignes may hereaft have to ye Meadow mentioned in ye Sd Deed to have & to hold all & Singular that wch is Contained in this Sd Deed unto him ye unto him ye Sd Robert Coles his Heires & Assignes forever as ffully & A m p l y in every respect as it is made by ye Sd Deed unto me ye Sd Moses having received therefour in full Satisfaction Six pounds & Six Shillings currant Silver money of this Collony In witnes whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal ye ffifteenth day of Octobr one thousand Six hundred eighty & Seven Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of Moses Mudge O John N e w m a n Joseph Carpenter Atested before me John Townsend one of his Maties Justices ofyepeacethatthisAssignmentistherealAct& DeedofMoses Mudge by John Newman one of ye recited witnesses thereunto to wch I Sett m y hand the Sixth day of ffebruary 1687/8 John Townsend T h e a b o v e w r i t t e n a s s i g n m t is o f a D e e d b e a r i n g D a t e y e N i n t h day of August 1674:and in ye Twenty Sixth yeare of ye Reigne Book B 435 of King Charles ye Second And Stands Recorded in ye 37th page of this Book Be itknown by these p'sents that wee John Dole & Mary Dole ye wife of ye Sd John Dole fformerly Mary Jesup of Lusum in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of New Yorke ye Sd Mary being ye Grantee in this wthin Written Deed have Assigned made over & Confirmed and bythesep'sentsweeyeSdJohnDole& MarymywifedoAs- signe make over & Confirme unto Robert Coles of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd this wthin Written Deed wch is for a cell of Meadow at ye South purchased by me ye Sd Mary of Samuell Andrews as by ye Sd Deed at Large doth ap- pear wch beareth date ye 20th Day of October 1688 wch Deed we ye Sd John & Mary do Assigne as aforesd to ye Sd Robert Coles his Heires & Assignes forever as Amply & fully as it is mad to me ye Sd Mary in ye Grant & every Clause & Covenant of ye Sd Deed from us ye Sd John & Mary & from our Heires,Execut's Administratrs & Assignes to him ye Sd Robert his Heires & Assignes forever, wee having received of ye Sd Robert Seven pounds & Thirteen Shillings in currant Silver money in full pay- ment & Satisfaction in hand before ye Sealing hereof in full paymt & Satisfaction for ye forementioned Deed wthall our right, title & Interest therein Contained in witnes whereof wee have hereunto Set our hands & Seales ye ninth day of March Anno Dni:1690 Signed Sealed & dd in p❜sence of John Newman Job Wright John Dole The marke (M ) of Mary Dole O This Assignem is of a Deed Recorded in page ye 33 of this Booke ccc ixii: (p.109)- T o all Christian people to whome this p'sent writing Shall come or in any ways concerne;know ye that I Job Wright of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of New Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation of ye Sume of Six pounds equovalent to money of this Colony in hand pd before ye Sealing & dillivery hereof & for other good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd Job Wright especially Moving Have Given Granted Alien- ated Madeover Bargained Sold & Confirmed and by these p'sents I ye Sd Job do give grant alienate Make over Sell & confirme unto John Townsend Son of Henry Townsend Senier of Oyster- bay aforesd a peec or plott of Land being part of that wch is comonly called ye old planting field Scituate wthin ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd And bounded on ye South by Adam Wrights Land & on ye west by ye uncleared Land & on ye North by John 436 Book B & Henry Townsend Land and to run eastward So far as to make up Six Akers Together wthall m y right Title Interest claime & demand wtsoevr wch I ye Sd Job Wright now have or wch any of my Heires Executrs Administrat's or Assignes may hereaft have of & in ye Sd peece of Land wch is now in ye possession of me ye Sd Job Wright but formly in ye possession of my Mother Alice Crab Deceased wthall ye fits & comoditys arising from ye Same To have & to hold all & every p'mises wthall & every the Appurtences thereof unto him ye Sd John Townsend his Heirs Executrs Administratrs or Asinges & to his & their Oper use & behoofe for ever and ye Sd Job hath put ye Sd John into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye p'mises by ye Dellevery of these p'sents and ye Sd Job doth for himselfe & for his Heirs Executrs Administrat's & Assings further Cove- nant to & wth ye Sd John that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd John Townsend his Heirs Execut's Administrat or Asingnes or any or either of them quietly & peaceably to have hold occupy poses & Injoy all ye forementioned peece of Land wth ye Appurtences thereunto belonging wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd Job Wright or any other son Lawfully claiming for by or und' him by meanes of any form Gift Grant Bargaine or Sale w'soever but yt ye Sd Job his Heires Executrs Administrat's Shall de- fend ye Sd John his Heres & Asingns in their peaceable pos- session agt all Claimes & demands yt Shall be made to ye Sd peece of Land by any son or persons w'soever And also yt that this m y Deed Shall Stand good & effectual to ye true Intent & meaning hereof In witnes whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal the Sixth day of Septembr in ye year of ou Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty and Six Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us JobWright O John Dewsbury Joseph Dickinson O Know all men that I John Townsend wthin mentioned do here bythesep'sentsAssinge& makeoverallmy right& Interestto ye wthin mentioned Land unto m y Brother Robt Townsend wthall ye Comoditys & Appurtences as fully & Largely as ever it was Invested in me for ye use & per behoofe of my Sd Brother Robert Townsend his Heirs & Asings forever to wch Asingment I set m y hand this 22 day July 1687: This is written on ye Backside of ye Deed above written Asinged in p'sence of us Henry Townsend Senior: John Dewsbury John Townsend To all Christian people unto whome these may come or any wayes concerne That know yee yt I James Blevin of Oysterbay Sayler in Queens county on Long Island In ye Collony of N e w Book B 437 Yorke for & in Consid'ation of ffourteen pounds valuable to Cur- rantmoneyofthisCollonytome inhandpaidbyJohnTownsend of ye T o w n & Collony aforesd before ye Sealing and dillevery of these p'sents the receite whereof I ye Sd James Blevins do hereby acknowledge and thereof & every Pt thereof do hereby acquitt release and forever discharge ye Sd John Townsend his Heires Execut's & Administratrs hath Sold, granted released & Confirmed and by these p'sents doth Sell grant Release & con- firme unto John Townsend aforesd his Heires Execut's Admin- istrat's & Assigns forever all m y whole right title & Interest w'soever in ye Town or Township of Oysterbay aforesd onely reserving the field & Land that I bought of John Applegate that t o b e e x c e p t e d w c h is a s f o l l o w e t h ( t o w i t ) m y h o u s e & h o m e L o t t wch Lott I bought of John Rogers of Oysterbay wch Lott was formerly in ye possession of ye Sd John Townsend wth Six Acres of Land adjoyning to ye Sd Lott on ye Hill Side wth ye High way yt was given me by ye Town wth my right of Swamp adjoyning to John Rogers and m y halfe right of Comons devided & undevided do by these p'sents Dill into ye Actuall possession of ye Sd John Townsend the house & Lands as above mentioned wthall ye priviledges & comoditys & fencing & all other Con- veniencys belonging to ye Sd house & Land aforesd To have & To hold to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd John Town- send his Heires & Asings forever And yt ye Sd James Blevi[n] for him Self his Heires Executrs Administratrs doth Covenant Grant and & agree to & wth ye Sd John Townsend his Heires & Asings by these p'sents that he nor they Shall not Interupt molest or disturbe the Sd John Townsend his Heirs or Asings in ye 'peaceable & quiet possession of ye above mentioned p'mises but Shall to ye uttermost of their power & knowledge Shall Ptect the Sd John his Heires & Asings in ye possession of ye Same To wch I have Sett m y hand & Seale the ffourteenth day of January in ye yeare of our Lord 1686/7 Singed Sealed & Dill'in precense of us his John Dewsbury George Codner James(E:B:)Blevin O marke her An X Bleven marke (p.110)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whome this p'sent writing Shall come or in any wise Aptaine :Be itknown that I Samuel Dickinson of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Islandinye vinceofNewYorkfor&inyeConsid'ationofye Sume of Twenty nine pounds of Currant Silver money of this vinceinhandbyme receivedbeforeyeSealing& diliveryhereof in full payment and Satisfaction, And for other good causes & 438 Book B Consideracons me ye Sd Samuel especially Moving H A V E GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,madeover,Bargained Sold & Confirmd & by these p'sents I the Sd Samuel do Give, Grant, Alienate, Make over, Bargaine Sell and Confirme unto John Townsend of ye Town of Oysterbay aforesd The Moity or one halfe of a Home Lott of Land Lying & being in Oysterbay aforesd (wch Lott was fformerly in ye possession of John Dick- inson deceased, ffather to ye Sd Samuel And he ye Sd John Dickinson did by his Last Will & Testament bearing date ye 26th day of January 1680 Leave ye Disposing of his estate both reall & sonal to his wife Elizabeth, And afterward Shee ye Sd Elizabeth the Relict & widd : of ye Sd John Dickinson did by a Deed undr her hand & Seal bearing Date ye 25th day of June in ye Year 1686: Make over & Confirme ye Moity or one halfe of ye Sd Lott unto her Son ye aforenamed Samuel Dickinson his Heires & Assignes fforever;wch fforementioned Lott is Bounded wth ye aforenamed John Townsends Home Lott on ye West; SimonCoopersMeadowonyeNorthend;wthaHighWay that Leads down to ye Meadows on ye East;and ye Maine Street on ye South end) Meaning that Moity or halfe of this forementioned Lott wch Lyeth on ye west Side next & adjoyning to ye H o m e Lott of ye Sd John Townsend,wch forementioned halfe Lott ye SdJohnTownsend isalreadyinyeLawfullpossessionoff,and h a t h f f e n c e d it i n n a c c o r d i n g t o y e B o u n d s a g r e e d o n b e t w e e n m e ye Sd Samuel & him ye Sd John;Together wth all my Right, Title & Interest,Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Samuel now have or wch any or either of m y Heires Executrs Adminis- trat's or Assignes m a y hereaft" have of,to or in ye S d halfe Lott orany tor celthereof,wthallyeAppleTrees& otherfruit Trees and wtsoever els is Standing or Growing in & upon ye Same wthall Issues & fits from thence arising or Growing or inanywiseAtainingTO HAVE & TO HOLD untohimyeSd John Townsend his Heires & Assigns the forementioned Moity or halfe Lott & p'mises to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires & Assignes fforever A N D ye Sd Samuel doth for himselfe his Heires, Executrs Administratrs & Assignes ffurther Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd John Town- s e n d t h a t it S h a l l & m a y b e L a w f u l l f o r h i m y e S d J o h n T o w n - send his Heires Executrs & Assignes, Quietly & peaceably to have hold,occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Sd Halfe Lott & p'mises fforever; wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Samuel his Heires, Execut's or As- signes,or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by orund himororanyoreitherofthem;orforbyorund'any or either of ye Heires,Executrs or Assignes of ye Sd John Dick- inson Deceased him or any or either of them,And ye Sd Samuel to Defend & Maintaine ye Same to ye Sd John Townsend his Heires & Assignes forever accordingly IN W I T N E S whereof I Book B 439 have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal,the Twenty Seventh day of Novemb' in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand, Six hundred, eighty eight SamuelDickinson O Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of John Newman : Moses Mudge TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall come or in any wise Aptaine Be it known that I John pratt Sen' of H o g g Island in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of N e w Yorke for and in ye Considration yt John Townsend of Oysterbay aforesd hath Assigned & confirmd unto m y Son John Pratt Jur a certaine tract of Land at Bever Swamp River in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd,two Lotts of Land Lying & being att Hogg Island aforesd Good Causes & Consideracons me ye Sd John Pratt especially MovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,Infeoffed,Sold & Confirmed & by these p'sents I ye Sd John Pratt do Give, Grant,Alienate,Infeoffe,Sell & Confirme unto John Townsend aforesd,two Lotts of Land Lying & being att Hogg Island aforesd that isto Say one Great Lott of ye Last Division,the West end whereof Abutteth Against ye Meadow wch was fformerly Samuel Weekes but now Robert Coles, And on ye Northside by the Spring & a Lott of Joseph Ludlams ; Containing in Quantity S e v e n A c r e s b y e s t i m a t i o n b e it m o r e o r L e s s ; A n d o n e S m a l l Lott Joyning to ye Sd John Townsends Lott on ye South Side and to ye Said John pratts Lott on ye North Side ye West end whereof rangeth to ye Sea on ye West Side of ye Sd Island and lyeth neer ye Shepherds house Containing by estimation two Acres be itmore or Less:Together wthall my right,Title & In- terest Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd John pratt Sen' now have or wch any or either of my Heires Executrs Adminis- trat's or Assignes may hereaft" have of,to or in ye Sd Lotts or either of them or any Pt or cel thereof wthall fits & Issues from thence arising or Growing wthall Customes,priviledges of Comonage & highwayes as other Such Lotts on ye Sd Island have wth wtsoever els to ye Sd Lotts belongs of right or in any wise Aptaines TO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd John Townsend his Heyres & Assignes the fforementioned two Lotts of Land wth ye Aptences thereof as is before expressed to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires & Assignes fforever And the Sd- (p.111)—The Sd John Pratt hath put ye Sd John Townsend into a Lawfull & peaceable pos- sessionofall& Singularyep'misesbyyediliveryofthesep'sents; And ye Sd John Pratt doth for him Self his Heires Execut's Ad- ministrats & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd John Townsend that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires Executrs or Assignes quietly & peace- 440 Book B ably to have, hold, occupy, possess & enjoy all & Singular the p'mises forever without ye Lawful Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd John Pratt his Heires Executrs Administrats or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for,by or und him or any or either of them Notwthstanding any form Gifts Grants Bargaines or Sales wtsoever And ye Sď John Pratt doth Likewise bind himself & his Heires to Warrant ye fore- menconed Land to ye Sd John Townsend & his Heires accordingly as is before exp'ssed I N W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal ye Seventeen day of Decembr in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty nine Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman : John Robinson JohnPrattSen' O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthisp'sentWriting Shall come or in any wise aptaine Be it known yt I Joseph Ludlam of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consideracon of fifteene pounds Silver money Currant in this Colony by me in hand re- ceived before ye Sealing and dilivery hereof in full payment & Satisfaction of John Townsend ye Sonne of Henry Townsend Sen ofOysterbayaforesdofwchSumeofmoneyIyeSdJoseph do forever acquit & discharge ye Sd John Townsend his Heires Executrs & Administrat's And for other good causes & Consid- eracons me ye Sd Joseph especially Moving HAVE GIVEN, G R A N T E D , alienated, Înfeoffed, Bargained, Sold & Confirmed And by these p'sents I ye Sd Joseph do give,grant,alienate In- feoffeBargaine,Sell& ConfirmeuntoJohnTownsendTownsend aforesd a certaine piece or cell of Swamp or Meadow comonly known by ye name of ye Boggs Lying & being in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd at ye west end of ye Towne and bounded one ye North Side wth ye Beach against ye Sea,on ye West by ye Hills or comon Upland,on ye South by ye Comon Upland Ptly and partly by the Sd John Townsends field of Upland formerly James Blevins, And on ye East by ye high way to ye Beach aforesd being in quantity four Acres or thereabouts be it M o r e or Less wch Sd Boggs was formerly James Cockes & John Tom- sons;Togetherwthallmy right,title& InterestClaime& demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Joseph now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Execut'sAdministrat'sorAssignesmayhereaft'have of,to or in ye forementioned Meadow wthall customes p'viledges and wtsoever els thereto aptaines as Amply & Largely as ye Records of Oysterbay Sheweth at ye first Gift & Grant thereof bytheTowne,TO HAVE &TO HOLD untohimyeSdJohn Townsend his Heires & Assignes ye forementioned piece of Mea- dow wth ye Apptenances thereof to ye only P P use & behoofe of him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires & Assignes forever, And ye Sd Joseph Ludlam hath put ye Sd John Townsend into Book B 441 a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye Sd Meadow by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigge And by ye dilivery of these p'sents And ye Sd Joseph doth for himself his Heires,Executrs & Administrat's further Covent and agree to & wth ye Sd John Townsend that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, Occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises wth ye Appurtences thereof forever wthout the L a w full Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Joseph Ludlam his Heires Executrs AdministratTM or Assignes,or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or und him or any or either of them notwithstanding any form'gift,Grant,Bargaine or Sale wtsoever;And ye Sd Joseph doth hereby bind his Heires to Warrant & defend ye Sd Meadow to ye Sd John Townsend his Heires & Assignes forever accord- ingly as before is written I N W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seal the Twentyth day of M a y in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred & Ninety 1690: Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman : David Underhill JosephLudlam O THESE PISENTS declarethuntoallwhome itmay anywayes Concerne yt I Henry Townsend of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island do Give, Grant & makeover & diliver in p'sent possession my now dwelling House to my Son John Townsend, wth half my Meadow & Orchard here by my House, And ye wholeofallyeplottsofLandhisDwellingHouse,Barne& ye other house or Houses do Stand on,wth yards yt now belongs to them except ye Yard on ye North Side of m y house to ye trench isto be one half my Son Henry Townsends,And also I do give half of all my Right of Land & Meadow on Hogg Island,and halfofallmy RightofLandatCedarSwamp,andhalfof all m y right of Land in ye Last great purchase ye Town Bought at Matenacock,And half of wt may be due to me upon ye Di- visions in ye Old Town purchase;I say I do by these p❜sents give& diliverupallyeabovementionedHouseandPts& cells of Lands as itisabove exp'ssed unto my Son John Townsend during his Life and to his Leneal Heire or Heires of his own body but if he have more Children then one he may Give it to wch Child or Children he please at or before his Death To have & toholdpossess;Occupy& enjoyashisortheirown right Title & Interest forever as witnes m y hand & Seal ye eighteenth day of March in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety two : SignedSealed&ddinp'senceofus HenryTownsendSen' John Newman : Job Wright John Underhill: Henry Townsend Jun' cccxliij: 442 Book B (p.112)-THIS INDENTURE maidyetwentyfifthDayofye fifth moneth Called July in ye Year 1687:being ye third year of James ye Second of England & :king Between Henry Townsend Sen of Oysterbay upon Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke ffarmer of ye one t And Job Wright of ye Towne & Collony aforesd of ye other Pt : Witnesseth that for & in Con- sidration of ye Sume of ffour pounds 10s of Good & Lawfull money of this Dvince to him ye Sd Henry Townsend in hand pd by ye Sd Job Wright at or before ye Sealing & Dilivery hereof ye Receipt whereof ye Sd Henry Townsend doth hereby acknowl- edge & thereof and every t thereof doth acquitt release & Dis- charge ye Sd Job Wright his Heires Executrs Administrat's for- ever; By these p'sents he ye Sd Henry Townsend hath Given, Granted,Bargained Sold Alienated,Infeofed & Confirmed And by these p'sents Doth Absolutely Give, Grant, Bargaine, Sell, Alienate Enfeofe & Confirme unto ye Sd Job Wright his Heires & Assignes forever one Small Lott or Share of Meadowing Ly- ing in ye Bever Swamp Meadows So called Bounded on ye North by Edmond Wrights Meadow,& on ye West by ye Creek on ye South by Job Wrights Meadow & on ye East by ye Woods To- gather with ye p'veledges fits & Comoditys, Hereditamts and appurtences whatsoever unto ye Sd Meadow belonging,and all ye Estate,Right Title,Interest,possesion, pty,Claime & de- mand wtsoev of him ye Sd Henry Townsend Sn'of in & to ye Sd Granted Meadow above written or any t or Pcel thereof; To have & to hold ye abovesd Meadow & p'mises wth ye App- tences unto him ye Śd Job Wright his Heires & Assignes forever to ye only use and behoofe of him ye Sd Job wright his Heires & Assignes forever more And ye Sd Henry Townsend doth hereby Covenant, mise & Grant to & wth ye Sd Job Wright his His Heires & Assignes by these p'sents,that he ye Sd Henry Townsend hath not Wittingly nor Willingly Comitted any Act w'soever whereby ye Sd Granted p'mises or any t thereof is Shall or may be charged Bur(t)hened or Incumbred in any Title,charge,estate or otherwaies wtsoever,And that he will Warrant acquit & Defend ye Sd p'mises wth ye Aptences to ye Sd Job Wright his Heires & Assignes against all sons claiming by from or und' him or his Heires or by their meanes privity, Consent or curemt Also that he will at all times hereaft during ye Space of Seven Yeares next ensuing at ye request & Charges of ye Sd Job Wright his Heires & Assignes,make and execute all Such reasonable Acts as Shall be Lawfully required for ye Better assuring of ye Sd Granted p'mises according to the Laws & Constetution of this vince & ye true Intent hereof So as ye sons to w h o m Such request Shall be maid be not Compeliable for ye doing thereof to Travill above Twelve English Miles from their respective habitations for ye doing thereof and So as the Game Containe no other Warrant nor Covenant then wt is before Book B 443 expressed in Witnes whereof ye son first above named have to this p'sent Indenture Sett his hand and Seale ye Day and yeare firstabove written; Singned Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Henry Townsend Sen' John Dewsbury Joseph Dickinson Anna Townsend O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting S h a l l C o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e ; B e it k n o w n t h a t I A d a m Wright of of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation of a Valuable Tract of Land at Cedar Swamp Confirm'd unto me by a Deed at ye Sealing hereof Bearing Date wth these p'sents and for other good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd Adam especially Moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,made over,Bargained Sold & Confirmd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Adam so Give, Grant,Bargaine,Alienate Make over,Sell & Confirme unto My Brother Job Wright of Oysterbay aforesd All my Right Title & Interest claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Adam now have or wch any of m y Heires, Execut's Administratrs or Assignes m a y hereaft' have of & in all that of m y P t or Share of ye H o m e (p .113)— o f ye H o m e Lott wch was fformerly m y ffather peter Wrights Deceased Scituate in Oysterbay aforesd and Bounded wth ye Street at ye South end,East wth Isaac Horners Lott Some time Jn Wrights,North wth Job Wrights Home Lott & West wth peter Wrights Share of ye aforesd Lott as it doth more plainly appeare in a writing of Agreement between ye Sd A d a m Job & Peter Wright bearing date ye Sixth day of Octobr 1687 (1685) and as it Stands Recorded in ye Land Evidences of Oys- terbayinyeBookB:pageye32:TO HAVE & TO HOLD ye beforerecitedPtorShareofyeSdLottwthallPfits& Comoditys thereto belonging or Aptaining Together wth ye Barne yt now Standeth thereon wthall ye ffences & ffencing Stuff belonging thereto unto ye Sd Job Wright of Oysterbay aforesd & to his Heires,Executrs,Administratrs or Assignes forever And ye Sd Adam Wright hath put ye Sd Job into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye dilivery of these p'sents;And ye Sd Adam doth further Covenant to & wth ye Sd JobthatitShall& maybeLawfullforhimyeSdJobhisHeires, Execut's Administratrs or Assignes,quietly & peaceably to have, hold,Occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever wthout ye Lawful Lett Hindrance or Interuption of him the Sd A d a m his Heires Executrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming ye p'mises or any P t thereof by meanes of any former Gift Bargaine or Sale wtsoever or by vertue of Heireship or any other way wtsoever, And ye Sd Adam doth further Covenant that he his Heires Executrs & Assignes Shall defend ye Sd Job in ye peaceable possession of ye p'mises against 444 Book B allJustclaimeswtsoeverAnd thatthishisDeed ShallStandgood & effectuall according to ye true Intent & meaning hereof IN WITNES whereof I have here unto Sett my hand & Seal the Twelfth Day of Aprill in ye year of our Lord one Thousand, Six hundred eighty & Six Signed,Sealed & dd in ye p'sence of John Newman : Nathan Birdsal Adam Wright O Mary Wright O Henry Townsend Juneor: This Deed owned & acknowledged before me John Townsend Sen' TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall come or in any wise Aptaine Be itknown that I Anthony Wright of Oysterbay in queens County on Nassau or Long Island in ye Collony of New Yorke eldest Son now Living to Gideon Wright Deceased,for & in Consid'ation that there was formerly an agreem1 made by & between Peter Wright m y eldest Brother deceased and Adam Wright & Job Wright Brothers to my Sd ffather Gideon Wright,and by ye Sd agreemt.wch beareth date ye Sixth day of October 1685,and Recorded in Lib:B :page 32: Job Wright aforesd was to have one Share of Salt Meadow Joyning on ye West side of George Townsends Meadow,and ye SdJobhathYieldedupallhisrighttitle& ClaimetoSdMeadow from him & his Heires forever to ye Sd Anthony or his Heires forever and for other good Causes & Considerations me ye Sd Anthony especiallyMoving HAVE GIVEN GRANTED,alien- ated Infeoffed, Assigned and Confirmd & by these p'sents I ye Sd Anthony do Give,Grant,Alienate Infeoff Assigne & Confirme unto Job Wright of Oysterbay aforesd my ffathers Brother ye one third Pt of an accomodation wch was formerly my Grand- father Peter Wrights deceased,and that wch he Lived on that is to Say one third Pt of ye House or home Lott as itis Bounded in ye forementioned agreem1.that itto Say Bounded on ye South by Dickinsons Home Lott in Pt & tby Sd Antonys Third t of Sd Home Lott,on ye west by Sd Dickinsons Home Lott or High way on ye North by John Wrights Meadow & Daniel Weekes Meadow,And on ye East Pt by ye Sd Job Wrights own Home Lott & tby Edward Whites Lott & Adam Wrights Pt Third Pt of ye House Lott first Abovementioned And also one third Pt of all Meadows & Uplands at ye South & Land at ye plaines and also one third t of all ye Lands upon ye Town Comons already divided & that are to be divided belonging to Sd House Lott wth a third Pt of ye p'viledge of Comonage be- longing to Sd Accomodation all Lying & being within ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd Together wth all m y right Title & Interest Claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Anthony now have or wch any or either of m y Heires, Execut's or Assignes m a y here- after have of,to or in ye Sd Granted third part of Lott,Meadow Book B 445 Upland & Comonage (Always excepting ye third Pt of ye Salt Meadow Mentioned in ye above Considerations()) wthall Issues, fits,Comoditys ffences,Swamps,ponds,Springs in & upon ye SameortoyeSameinanywiseAptainingTO HAVE &TO H O L D unto him ye Sd Job Wright his Heires & Assignes all & Singularye Sd Granted Third tof Lott,Meadow,Upland & Comonage wth the Apptences thereof to ye only use & be- hoofe of him ye Job Wright his Heires & Assignes forever,And ye Sd Anthony doth hereby own ye Sd Job to be already in Legal & Actuall possession of all & Singular ye Sd Granted p'mises, And ye Sd Anthony doth for himself his Heires Execut's & As- signes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd Job that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Job his Heires and Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold, occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Sd Granted p'mises forever without ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Anthony his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und'him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift Grant Mortgage or Sale wtsoever And ye Sd Anthony doth hereby bind himself & his Heires to Warrant & defend all & Singular the Sd Granted Land & p'mises wth ye Aptences thereof to ye Sd Job Wright his Heires & Assignes forever Ac- cording as it is before expressed IN W I T N E S whereof I have hereuntoSettmy hand& SealetheTwentyfirstDay ofMayin ye year of our Lord one thousand six hundred Ninety ffour SignedSealed&ddinp'senceofus AnthonyWright O John Newman : Adam Wright: Anthony Wright Came before me one of their Maties Justices of ye peace & acknowledged this to be his real act & Deed Nathaniel Coles cccxiij (p.114)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whom this writing Shall come or Ap@taine Be it known yt whereas An- thony Wright Deceased of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island,aliasNassauinyeCollonyofNew Yorkewasfformerly possessed of severall Lands & Meadows at Oysterbay aforesaid especially one piece of Land Lying on ye Mill-river Neck neer Bever Swamp Meadows Containing Ten Acres And one other peece of Land Lying at ye Southside of Isaac Daughtys & James Townsends Land Containing eleven Acres,And also one Lott or ShareofMeadow LyingamongstyeHome Meadows ofOysterbay on ye North of ye T o w n e ,Lying between Nathaniel Coles M e a d o w on ye east & Simon Coopers Meadow fformerly Richbills on ye west,the Sd two cells of Land ye Laying it out & bounds thereof is to be seen in ye records of Oysterbay in Lib : A : page 35:& 52:And Concerning Sd Meadow may be Seen inye Same 446 Book B Booke page 142:And neither ye Sd Anthony Wright nor his Ex- ecutrix Alice Crabb deceased did in their Lives time (as can be ffound) in any wise give,grant or dispose of any or all of Sd Land & Meadow, And Job Wright Son of Peter Wright de- ceased having ye Same in his possession,And Anthony Wright eldest Son of Gideon Wright eldest Son of S d peter Wright Laying Claime thereto by Heirship there is Likely to arise Sev- erall Controversies & Suits in Law between them about ye Sd Land & Meado,And for ye ending & deciding thereof they ye Sd Job & ye Sd Anthony have mutually agreed as ffolloweth,That is to Say I ye Sd Job Wright of Oysterbay aforesd for & in ye Consideration hereafter exp'ssed do by these p'sents Remise,re- lease,yield up & forever quit Claime unto ye forementioned Ten Acres & eleven Acres of Land wthall ye right title & Interest wch I now have thereunto or wch any or either of my Heires,Ex- ecut's or Assignes may hereafter have thereunto unto him ye Sd AnthonyWrighthisHeires& Assignesforever.And inConsider- ation whereof I ye Sd Anthony Wright do Give,Grant,Alienate & Confirme And by these p'sents Hhave Given,Granted,Alien- ated & Confirm'd unto Job Wright aforesd all & Singular ye be- fore receited Share of Meadow fformerly Anthony Wrights de- ceased wthall fits Comoditys ffences & priviledges thereto belonging Together wth all m y right title & Interest Claime & demand wtsoever wch I the Sd Anthony now have have or wch any or either of my Heires Execut's or Assignes may hereafter have of to or in ye Sd Granted Meadow wth wtsoever els to ye Same is in any wise Aptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Job Wright his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd Granted Meadow & p'mises to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd Job Wright his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd Anthony & Sd Job do for themselves their Heires Execut's & Assignes further Covent and agree to & with each other that it Shall & may be Lawful for them their Heires and Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, occupy, possess & enjoy to each ofthem their Pt of ye before divided yielded up & Granted Land & Meadow forever wthout ye Lawfull Lett or Molestation of him ye Sd Job Wright or of him ye Sd Anthony Wright their or either of their Heires,Executrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for,by or und'them or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Grant, Mortgage or other Conveyance w'soever And further ye Sd Anthony doth hereby remise release,yield up & forever quit Claime unto all & Singular ye rights & p'viledges of Lands Meadows & Comonage that now is or hereafter Shall belong to ye House Lott wch ye abovesd Job Wright now possesseth in Oysterbay aforesd,wch goeth und ye denomunation or is Called Mayhues & was formerly in ye possession of ye abovesd Anthony Wright deceased from me ye EdAnthonyWrightmy Heires,Executrs& Assignesforever,and Book B 447 for & und'ye Same Consideration above expressed IN W I T N E S whereof we have hereunto Sett our hands & Seales ye Tenth Day of August in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety five SignedSealed& ddinp'senceofus John Newman Nathaneill Coles Senr Daniel Weekes Job Wright O AnthonyWright O (p.115)—To allChristianPeopletowhomthispresentwriting ShallCome orInanywiseappertaineBe ItKnown thatIEleazer DorbynowofBostoninNew EnglandwiththeConsentofMary Dorby my wife is for & in ye Consideration of the Sume of Twenty pounds in money or Equivilent in hand paid ffor other good Causes and Considerations me ye Said Eleazer Especially Moveing Have Given Granted alienated Madeover Bargained Sould & Confirmed and by these presents I ye Sd Eleazer Dorby Do Give Grant alienate makeover Bargaine Sell and Confirme unto John Rogers of Oysterbay upon Long Island In ye Collony ofNew-yorkallmy Righttitle& IntrustwchInowhaveorwch aney of my Heires Executors administrators or assignes may heareafterhave of & In one home Lott of Land Lying and beeing In Oysterbay aforesaid Between the H o m e Lott of Samuell An- drews & ye H o m e Lott of Thomas Weekes Bounded wth ye Street on ye North Side on ye East with ye Towns Burying place on ye South wth ye Common & on ye west with a Highway beeing fformerly Isaac Horners but now In the possession of ye Said Eleazer Dorby beeing by Esteemation ffive Acrees be It more or Less together Withall Right & priviledge of Commonage thereto belonging and also a Certain tract of Land Lying on ye East Side of ye Swamp Called ye Beaver Swamp ye ffirst Bounds whereof begining at the rever at Samuel Andrews Southwest Bounder and S o t o r u n u p y e hill E a s t w a r d l y b y y e S a i d A n d r e w s L a n d t w e n t y four poles from thence to range by ye Hill side Southwest or thereabouts one hundred & twenty Rod & thence to the River twenty ffour rod upon a west Northwest Line or thereabouts ye Rever or Streem to be ye west Bounds and ye aforesd Bounders to be the North & East & South Bounders Including within ye Said Bounds of upland and Swamp twenty Six Acrees be It more or Less Withall Profitts & Comodities thereto belonging to Have & to Hold unto him ye Said John Rogers his Heires Executors administrators or assignes alland Singular ye premises and Every part and percel thereof to ye only proper use and behoof of him ye Said Rogers his Heires Executors administrators or assignes ffor Ever and ye Said Eleazer hath put ye Said John Into a Law- full and peaceable possession of all and Singular ye premises by the Dilivery of these presents and the Said Eleazer Doth ffurther 448 Book B Covenant that It Shall and may be Lawfull for him ye Said John his Heires Executors administrators or assignes Quietly and peaceable to Have hold occupy possess and Injoy alland Singuler ye premises Without ye L a w full Lett hindrance or Mollestation of him ye Said Eleazer Dorby his Heires Executors administra- tors assignes or any other person or persons Lawfully Claiming ffor by or under them or Either of them or any person or persons whatsoever Laying any Claime to ye premises or any part or percel thereof of or by the Right of ye now wife of ye Said Eleazer by Virtue of any former Gifts Grants Bargains or Sailes whatsoever and ye Said Eleazer Doth ffurther Declare that this his Deed shall Stand good and Efectuall according to the true Intent & meaning hereof In Witness whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand and Seale this Twenty ffifth Day of September In ye Yeare of our Lord Anno Do :1689 Signed Sealed and dilivered In ye presence of us John Bull Juner Elhanan Lion Eleazer Dorby O Mary Dorby This Instrument was acknowledged by Eleazer Dorby to be his act & Deed Mary his wife ffreely Condesenting thereunto this 27th day of Septembr 1689 before m e Simon Bradstreet Gov (p.116)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e ; B e it k n o w n t h a t I Samuel Andrews of Spring Hill in New West Jersey for & in ye Consid❜con of one Hundred pounds Silver Money Currant in this Collony of N e w Yorke to m e in hand pd before ye Sealing and dilivery hereof of wch I ye Sd Samuel do hold m y Self fully Satisfied and for other good Causes & Considracons me ye Sd Samuel especially Moving H A V E G I V E N granted, Alienated, made over, Bargained, Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Samuel do Give,Grant,alieante,makeover,Bargaine Sell & Confirme unto Joseph Ludlam of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke All that of m y three Home Lotts as it Stands now wthin ffence beeing by estimacon Seventeen Acres be it more or Less And Bounded on ye North by ye Street, on ye East by a High-way on ye South by the Comon & John Rogers Land & on ye west by Edward Whites Land wthall Dwelling houses,out houses or other edifices or Buildings thereon now Standing or thereto belonging wthall ye ffences now a bout it or uppon it wthall ye ffruit Trees thereon GrowingwchSd LottsLye & beinyeTown ofOysterbayaforesd, And also one Right of Comonage in ye undivided Lands of ye Antient purchase of Oysterbay aforesd according to ye Costume of ye Sd Towne ;Together wth Twelve Acres of Land Lying & Book B 449 being at ye Bever Swamp as it is Laid out & Bounded in ye Records of Oysterbay aforesd in Libre A page ye 136:And eight Acres of Land Lying at ye Head of Nans Hollow So called being t of a piece of Land of Twenty eight Acres formerly Laid out to ye Sd Samuel & by him ffenced;wch aforesd eight Acres of Land is to be at that end of the aforesd piece wch Lyes next towards ye T o w n of Oysterbay aforesd A n d also one peece of Mowing Land upon ye plaines Lying at ye Edge of ye plaines, near Robert Williams Hollow,and bounded wth a Stone at each e n d , C o n t a i n i n g a b o u t f f i f t e e n A c r e s b e it m o r e o r L e s s A n d a l s o ye one moity or halfe of another piece of Land upon ye plaines wch was fform❜ly purchased & possessed by Anthony Wright De- ceased wch Lyes adjoyning to ye fforemention'd ffifteen Acres at y e e n d t h e r e o f ; all L y i n g w t h i n y e B o u n d s o f O y s t e r b a y a f o r e s d ; Together whall my right Title and Interest,Claime & Demand w'soevr wch I ye Sd Samuel now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Executrs Administrat's or Assignes may hereafter have of & in ye p'mises or any Pt of (or) cell thereof wthall fits & Issues therefrom arising or Growing and all p'viledges and Comoditys thereto in any wise belonging T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Joseph Ludlam his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye p'mises wth its Apptenances to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd Joseph his Heires & Assignes forever: A n d ye Sd Samuel hath put ye Sd Joseph into a L a w full & peace- ablepossessionofall& Singularyep'misesbyyediliveryofthese p'sents And ye Sd Samuel doth for himself his Heires Executrs & Administratrs further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd Joseph that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd Joseph his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever without ye Lawful Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Samuel his Heires,Ex- ecuts or assigns or any oth' son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or und him or any or any or either of them notwith Stand- ing any form Gift,Grant,bargane or Sale wtsoever;And also yt ye Sd Samuel his Heires Executrs & Administratrs Shall at all times hereaft Shall at all defend & maintaine ye Sd Joseph his Heires and Assignes in ye Lawfull possession of all & Singular ye p'mises against all Just Claimes yt Shall be made to ye p'mises orany tthereofbyany sonor sonswtsoever IN WITNES whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seal ye ffifteenth day of Novemb' in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & Seven ;-Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman : James Greene Ju: Samuel Andrews O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p @ t a i n e B e it k n o w n y t I J o h n P r a t t of Hogg Island in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on 450 Book B Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Considera- tion yt Joseph Ludlam of ye Same place hath Given,Granted & Confirm'd unto me ye Sd John a Certaine cell of Land & Meadow by a Deed undr his hand & Seal bearing date wth these p'sents at hogg Island aforesd to m y full Content & Satisfaction And for other good Causes and Considerations me ye Sd John especiallyMovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,AlienatedIn- feoffed,Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd John do give, Grant, Alienate Infeoffe, Assigne Sell & Confirme unto Joseph Ludlam aforesd a Certaine cell of Land at Hogg Island aforesd Containing three Lotts of Land of Nobs-hill Division wch Sd Lotts were formerly in ye possession of Josise Latton but now in ye possession of John pratt Lying & being at ye place known by ye name of Latines Spring upon Sd Island & bounded on ye East by ye Highway,on ye South by a Lott wch ye Sd John Sold to John Townsend wch was formerly Benjamin Hubbards on ye west by ye Sea,and on ye North by a Lott of ye Sd Joseph wch was formerly Anthony Wrights deceased wch Sd thre Lotts Lyeth Joyning one to ye other & Containes in quantity Nine A c r e s o r t h e r e a b o u t s b e it M o r e o r L e s s e T o g e t h e r w t h a l l m y r i g h t , Title & Interest,Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd John nowhaveorwchanyoreitherofmy HeiresExecut'sorAssignes may hereaft have of,to or in ye forementioned three Lots of Landorany tor cellthereof,wtball fits, Issues, ffences ffencing Stuff wth wtsoever els is thereon Standing or Growing orinanywiseAptaining;TO HAVE & TO HOLD untohim ye Sd Joseph Ludlam his Heires & Assignes the forementioned three Lotts of Land & p'mises & every t& cellthereoftoye only use and- (p.117)-pro use & behoof of him ye Sd Joseph his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd John hath put ye Sd Joseph into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of of ye Sd three Lotts of Land by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg,and by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd John doth for himself his Heires,Executrs & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd Joseph yt itshall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Joseph hisHeires& Assignesquietly& peaceablytohave,hold,occupy possesse & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever, wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Int'uption of him ye Sd John Pratt his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for,by or und' him or any or either of them Notwth standing any former Gift,Grant,Mortgage Bargaine or Sale w'so- ever,And ye Sd John doth hereby bind himself & his Heires to warrant & Defend the Said Land to ye Sd Joseph his Heires & Assignes forever According to the before written Covenants I N WITNES whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal ye eighth day of October in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand SixhundredNinetytwo:- Itisfurthertobeundstoodinthis Deed yt all Highwayes on abovesd Island formerly agree'd on by Book B 451 ye priet'sthereof and upon Record ar to be alwaies excepted & reserved though not mentioned in this above written Deed Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman : Nathaniel Coles Samuel Dickinson : John Pratt O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall come or in any wise Aptaine Be it known yt whereas Simon Cooper Late of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in the Collony of N e w Yorke deceased did in his Life time Bargaine & Sell unto Joseph Ludlam of Oysterbay aforesd all his right of Land upon Hogg Island (So called) in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd for & in ye Consideration of the S u m of Twenty five pounds Currant Silver money of this Collony,of wch money the Sd Simon did in his Life time receive of of Sd Joseph y e S u m e o f ffifteen p o u n d s ; N o w I M a r y C o o p e r Relict & W i d - dow of Simon Cooper aforesd, for & in ye Consid'ation of ye ffifteen afore mentioned pd to my Husband;And for & in Con- sideracon of Tenn pounds of Currant Silver money as aforesd, by me ye Sd Mary in hand received of ye Sd Joseph before ye Sealing& diliveryhereofinfullpayment& Satisfaction,And for other good causes & Consideracons me ye Sd Mary especially Moving;HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,AlienatedInfeoffed,Bar- gained,Sold & Confirm'd,And by these p'sents I ye Sd Mary do Give, Grant, Alieante Infeoffe, Bargaine, Sell & Confirme unto Joseph Ludlam aforesd all & Singular ye Land & Lands at hogg Ísland aforesd weh m y Sd Husband was possessed of and enjoyed in his Life time,wch was & now is one whole purchasers right according as it hath been Laid in Lotts by ye Petors of ye Same ; (That is to Say) two Lotts in ye first Division,One Lott in ye Oxe pasture one Lott in Nobs hill Division,And one Lott in ye Last Division, One Share of Meadow, wthall undivided Land & Meadow on Sd Island belonging thereto,And also over & above this chasers right one Lott of Land formerly Josias Lattens, afterward John pratts, but afterward in ye possession. of ye Sd Simon Cooper, wch Lott Lyeth in ye Oxe pasture; Together wthall ye right,title & Interest,Claime & demand wtso- ever wch ye Sd Simon Cooper m y Sd Husband had & wch I ye Sd Mary Cooper now have of to or in all & Singular ye p'rnises before mentioned, or wch any or either of our Heires, ExecutTMs or Assignes may hereafter have of to or in ye Sd Land or any t or cell thereof, wthall Issues & fits, Customes and privil- edges, fences, Trees, from thence arising or growing or in any wise appertaining TO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd Joseph Ludlam his Heires & Assignes ye forementioned chasers right on Sd Island,and ye Sd Lott on ye Ox pasture on ye Same Island to ye only use and behoof of him ye Sd Joseph his 452 Book B Heires & Assignes forever;And I do hereby declare yt ye Sd Joseph is already in Lawfull possession of all & Singular ye p'm- ises,And yeSd Mary CooperdothforherselfherHeires,Execu- trs& Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd Joseph yt it Shall & maybe Lawfull for him ye Sd Joseph his Heires & assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold,occupy possess & enjoy all & S i n g u l a r y e f o r e m e n t i o n e d L a n d & M e a d o w w t h w h a t s o e v e r of right thereto belongeth forever wthout ye L a w full Lett hin- drance or Interuption of her the Sd Mary Cooper her Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und them or any or either of them;Or for by or undr ye abovesd Simon Cooper his Heires or Assignes or any other Law- fully Claiming for by or und any or either of them;And ye Said Mary Cooper doth hereby bind herself & her Heires to War- rant & defend ye above menconed Land to ye Sd Joseph his Heires & Assignes according as before is expressed I N W I T N E S whereofIyeSdMaryhereuntoSettmyhand& SealyeTwenty first day of March in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hun- dred ninety one Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman George Townsend The marke of William X Marcear Mary Coper O Simon Cooper O Robert Cooper O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall Come or in any wise Apptaine Be it known yt I John Townsend of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island alias Nasaw in ye Collony of New Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation yt Joseph Ludlam of Hogg Island in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd hath Granted & Confirm'd unto me a Certaine Accomo- dation of Land & Comonage in ye Town of Oysterbay aforesd by a Deed undr his hand & Seal bearing Date wth these p'sents to my full Content & Satisfaction And for other Good Causes & Consid'ationsmeyeSdJohnespeciallyMoving,HAVE GIVEN, G R A N T E D , Alienated, Infeoffed Assigned, Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd John do Give,Grant,Alieante In- feoffe,Assigne,Sell & Confirme unto Joseph Ludlam aforesd all that of Severall Lotts of Land Lying & being on Hogg Island aforesd of ye Last Division on ye North of ye Great Meadows on Sd Island, that is to Say one Lott wch was formerly John Dickinsons, and one other Lott formerly belonging to ffrancis Weekes,And one other Lott fformerly ye Lott of Henry Town- send Sen father of ye Sd John Townsend,and one other Lott fformerly John Underhills and one other Lott fformerly John pratts & before him Josias Lattens and also two acres & a quarter of Land of ye fforementioned Division wch I ye Sd John Town- send bought of John Robins and is Pt of a Lott fformerly Rich- Book B 453 ard Harcotts,And also my or portion of Land at ye place & Division before mentioned wch I ye Sd John Townsend Caleb Wright John Wright & Edmond Wright formerly bought of R i c h a r d H a r c o t t w c h is o n e q u a r t e r o r f f o u r t h P t t h e r e o f , M e a n - ing & Intending all & Singular m y right of Land m y ffathers right& myBrotherHenrysrightofLandatyeplace& Division beforeexpressed—(p.118)—Exp'ssed,Togetherwthallmy right title & Interest Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd John Townsendnowhaveorwchanyoreitherofmy HeiresExecutrs orAssignesmayhereaft'haveof,toorinyeSdLotts& cells ofLandandeveryPt& cellthereofTogetherwthyeUndivided or Comon Lands up on ye Sd Island portionable to ye Sd Granted Lotts & cells of Land wth priviledge of Highways water, egress, regress, fits Comoditys, Timber, Trees, & all other p'viledges to ye Same (as other Ppriets of Sd Island ac- cording to portion) belonging or in any wise Aptaining T O HAVE & TỔ HOLD untohimyeSdJosephLudlamhisHeires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd Granted Lotts & cells of Land & p'mises wth ye Apptences thereof to ye only use and be- hoofe of him ye Sd Joseph Ludlam his Heires & Assignes ffor- ever,And ye Sd John Townsend hath put ye Sd Joseph into a Lawfull&peaceablepossessionofSdLotts& cellsofLandby ye Diliveryof Turfe & Twigg & by these p'sents,And ye Sd John Townsend doth for him Self his Heires, Executrs & Assignes further Covent & agree to & wth ye Sd Joseph Ludlam yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Joseph his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Sd Granted Lotts & cells of Land & p'mises ffor- ever wthout ye L a w full Lett, or Molestation of him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires,Executrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for,by or und'him or any or either of them notwithstanding any former Grant, Mortgage, Joynture Dower or Sale wtsoever,And ye Sd John Townsend doth hereby bind himself & his Heires to warrant & defend ye Same to ye Sd Joseph his Heires & Assignes forever According as before is exp'ssed I N W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal ye ffourteenth Day of March in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety ffour Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us JohnNewman: NathaneillColes, Ed:White: JohnTownsend O Day & Date above written John Townsend Came before me one of their Maties Justices of ye peace for queens County & acknowl- edged this to be his reall act & Deed Nathaneill Coles TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall come or Aptaine Be it known yt I Anthony Wright of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island alias Nassau in ye 454 Book B Collony of N e w Yorke ffor & in ye Consid'ation yt Joseph Ludlam of Hogg Island in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd hath Granted & Confirm'd unto me a Certaine cell of Land at Bever Swamp in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd by a Deed und' his hand & Seal bearing date wth these p'sents to m y full Content & Satis- faction And for good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd Anthony especiallyMoving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,In- feoffed,Assigned,Sold & Confirmed,And by these p'sents I ye Sd Anthony do Give,Grant,Alienate,Infeoffe,Assigne,Sell & Confirme unto Joseph Ludlam aforesd all that of a Certaine Lottor cellofLandLying&beingatHoggIslandaforesdand at ye North end of Sd Island,and it is a Lott of ye ffourth or Last division of Sd Island,and ye North end thereof abutteth agt ye Reedy pond,and ye South end agt a Slipe of undivided Meadow,wch Sd Lott was fformerly in ye possession of Gideon Wright deceased ffather of Sd Anthony but now in ye possession of Sd Anthony,And is in quantity Six Acres or thereabout be it more or Less,as it was Laid out wth ye other mens Lotts at ye North end of Sd Island, Together wth all m y right, title & In- terest,Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Anthony now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Executrs or Assignes may hereafterhaveoftoorinyeSdgrantedLand& p'mises,wthall Pfits & priviledges,Customes,Timber Swamps,waters,Lakes, thereto belonging,wth priviledgs of High wayes & undivided Land on Sd Island according to portion wth wt els to ye Same is in anywiseAptainingTO HAVE & TO HOLD untohimyeSd Joseph Ludlam his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd Granted Lott of Land & p'mises wth its A p @ tences to ye only P P use & behoofe of him ye Sd Joseph Ludlam his Heires & Assignes fforever,And ye Sd Anthony hath put Sd Joseph into Lawfull possession of Sd Lott by dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by these p❜sents,And ye Sd Anthony doth for himself his Heires, Executs & Assignes ffurther Covent to & wth the Sd Joseph that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Joseph his Heires & Assignes,quietly & peaceably to have,hold,possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Sd Granted p'mises forever without ye Lawfull Lett or Molestation of him ye Sd Anthony his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for,by or und'him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Grant, Mortgage or Conveyances wtsoever, And ye Same to the Said Joseph his Heires & Assignes fforever to warrant & defend ac- cordingasbeforeisexp'ssedINWITNES whereofIhavehere- unto Sett m y hand & Seal ye eighth day of Aprill in ye year of our Lord,one thousand Six hundred Ninety ffive Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman Nathaneill Coles Senr John Jackson AnthonyWright O So farpd: Book B 455 TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall Come or Aptaine Be it known yt I Samuel Burdsall of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island alias Nassaw in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for and the Considration of ye Sume of Eight pounds Currant money of N e w Yorke in hand pd and by ye Sd Samuel received of Joseph Ludlam of Hogg Island in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd be- fore ye Sealing & dilivery hereof in full paymt : & Satisfaction, And for other good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd Samuel especiallyMovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,AlienatedIn- feoffed,Assigned Sold & Confirmd,And by these p'sents do Give, Grant Alienate Infeoffe, Assigne Sell & Confirme unto Joseph Ludlam aforesd all that of two third Pts or two Pts of three of ye Moity or half of a Share or purchasers right of Land Lying & being upon Hogg Island aforesd as it Lyes in Severall lotts & Divisions as it was formerly Laid out,wch Sd Granted two Pts of three of Sd Halfe right was formerly in possession of Nathan Burdsall ffather of Sd Samuel & is all his right on Sd Island he ye Sd Nathan now hath-(p.119)-now hath,and onethird t of Sd rightisnow inpossession of of John and Edmond Wright wch they formerly bought of David Underhill A n d the other half of Sd right is in possession of Sd Joseph wch he formerly pur- chasedof(blank)TOGETHER wthallmy righttitle& Interest Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Samuel now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Executrs or Assignes may hereaft' have of to or in ye Sd,Granted two thirds of Land wthall fits Comoditys priviledges, Customes, High wayes, Comons or un- divided Land on Sd Island belonging to Sd Granted Land or wt els to ye Same is in any wise Aptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Joseph Ludlam his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd Granted two thirds of Sd half-right with ye Apptences thereof to ye only P P use & behoofe of him ye Sd Joseph Ludlam his Heires & Assignes fforever, And ye Sd Samuel Burdsall hath put the Sd Joseph into Lawfull posses- sion of ye Same by dilivery of turffe & twigg and by these p'sents, And ye Sd Samuel Burdsall doth for himself his Heires Ex- ecutrs & Assignes further Covent to & with ye Sd Joseph Ludlam yt it Shall and may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Joseph his Heires & Assignes quietly and peaceably to Have,Hold,Occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Said Granted p'mises fforever, without ye Lawfull Lett or Molestation of him the Sd Samuel his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for, by or und him or any or either of them, Notwthstanding any former Grant, Mortgage, Dower or other Conveyance wtsoever And the Same to ye Sd Joseph his Heires & Assignes forever to warrant & Defend according as before is exp'ssed IN W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal ye thirtieth Day 456 Book B of November in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety ffive Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman Anthony Wright Nathaneill Coles SamuellBurdsall O his (S:B :) mark TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentWriting Shall come or Apptaine Be it known yt I Anthony Wright of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island alias Nassaw in ye Collony of New Yorke for & in ye Considration of ye Sume of Eleven pounds Currant money of New Yorke in hand pd & by me ye Sd Anthony recd of Joseph Ludlam of Hogg Island in ye bounds of Oysterbay aforesd before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof in full paymt and Satisfaction A n d for other good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd Anthony especially Moving H A V E G I V E N ,G R A N T E D ,Alienated Infeoffed,Assigned Sold & Con- firm'd,And by these p'sents do Give Grant,Alienate,Infeoffe Assigne,Sell & Confirme unto Joseph Ludlam aforesd allthat of two Certaine Lotts or Shares of Land Lying & being upon H o g Island aforesd,And of ye first Division,and of Number (blank) and Lyeth both together,and the East end of one of Sd Lotts abutteth agt the High way,and ye other abutteth agt Nathaneil Coles Treesquare Lott, And at ye West end one of the Said Lotts abutteth agt a peece of Meadow fformerly Simon Coopers And ye other rangeth to ye Sea on ye West Side of Sd Island, And having a Lott of Joseph Weekes on ye North side, and a Lott of Sd Josephs own on ye South side wch Sd two Granted Lotts of Land were formerly in possession of Sd Anthonys ffather Gideon Wright deceased but now in possession of Sd Anthony TOGETHER,wthallmy righttitle& InterestClaime& Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Anthony now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Execut's or Assignes may hereafter have of to or in ye Sd Granted Lotts of Land, wthall fits, Comoditys, Trees, Timber,fences ponds Swamps and p'viledges whatsoever within ye Bounds of Sd Granted Lotts of Land wth priviledge of High wayes and also p'viledge in ye Comons & undivided Land on Sd Island according portion as other priet's have wth wt els to ye Same is in any wise Aptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Joseph Ludlam his Heires & Assignes all & Sin- gularthe Sd two Granted Lotts of Land & p'mises wth ye A p - tences thereof to ye only use and behoofe of him ye Sd Jo- seph Ludlam his Heires & Assignes forever,And ye Sd Anthony hath putt ye Sd Joseph into Lawfull possession of ye Same by dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by these p'sents,And ye Sd An- thony doth for himself,his Heires,Execut's and Assignes further Book B 457 Covent to & with ye Said Joseph Ludlam yt it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd Joseph his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to Have hold possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Sd p'mises forever without ye Lawfull Lett or Molestation of him ye Sd Anthony his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und him or any or either of them Notwthstanding any former Grant Mortgage or other Conveyance wtsoever,And ye Same to ye Sd Joseph his Heires and assignes forever to warrant & Defend according as before isexp'ssedINWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSettmyhand & Seal the twenty third Day of Aprill in the year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety Six Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman The marke (S :B :) of Samuel Burdsal Nathaneill Coles Sen Anthony Wright O I Isaac Horner of Oysterbay do Assigne & Makeover unto Joseph Ludlam of ye Same town all m y Whole right title & In- terest of this wthin written Deed to be the Sd Ludlams his Heires & Assignes forever as witnes m y hand and Seal in fflushing this 19thofAugust:1685:ItheSdHornerdocuttofmy Heires& assignes from any Claime or Interest of this Within Written Deed,having received full Satisfaction of ye Sd Ludlam Witnes Joseph Thorne IsaacHorner O Mary (m ) Thorne her marke The Deed wch this Assignmt hath relation to is entred in ye 4th page of this Booke cccxcix (p.120)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y W i s e A p t a i n e B e it k n o w n t h a t I Adam Wright of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation of Eleven pounds Silver money currant in this Colony or other Goods equivolent in hand pd & received before ye Sealing & diliv'y here- of in full Satisfaction A n d for other Causes & Consideracons m e ye Sd Adam especially Moving HAVE,GIVIN,GRANTED, Alienated,Madeover,Bargained Sold & Confirmd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Adam do Give,Grant,Alienate Make over,Bar- gaine Sell & Confirme unto John Dole of Lusum in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd Cord wind',A piece or Share of Swamp Lying against ye front of of ye Dwelling house wch was formerly Adam Wrights aforesd but now inthe possession of Nathaneel Coles on ye East Side of ye Street wch Swamp was fformerly Granted to Nicholas Simkins as it stands Recorded in ye Land 458 Book B Evidences of Oysterbay aforesd in Libre A : page 264 : A n d also one whole Share or Right of Comonage (Excepting & reserving to him ye Sd Adam Twenty Six Acres of Land belonging to ye Sd Comonage already taken up by ye Sd Adam) wch Comonage was formerly Granted to ye Sd Adam as it Stands Recorded in ye Land Evidences of Of Oysterbay aforesd in Libre A :page ye 239:Together wthall my right,Title & Interest,Claime & de- mand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Adam now have or wch any or either of my Heires Execut's or Assignes may hereaft"have of & in ye SdSwamp&Comonageorany tor celthereofallLying& being in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd wthall fits & p'viledges (according to ye Custome of Oysterbay as other ticular Com- monages have) thereto belonging or in any wise aptaining T O HAVE AND TO HOLD untohimyeSdJohnDolehisHeires & Assignes all & Singular ye p'mises wth its Apptenances to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd John Dole his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd Adam hath put ye Sd John into a Lawful & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of these p'sents And ye Sd Adam doth for himself his Heires, Execut's Administratrs & Assignes further Covenant & a g r e e t o & w t h y e S d J o h n D o l e t h a t it S h a l l & m a y b e L a w f u l for him ye Sd John his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold occupy possess and enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises wth ye Appurtences forever wthout ye Lawful Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd A d a m his Heires Execut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und him or any or either of them notwithstanding any former Gift, Grant,Bargaine or Sale wtsoever IN W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal the Twelfth Day of October in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & Seven, And ye Sd Adam doth Covenant as aforesd to defend & Main- taine ye Sd John Dole his Heires & Assignes in ye Lawfull pos- session of ye p'mises against all Just Claimes that Shall be made in & upon ye Same by any son or sons w'soever Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Adam Wright O John Newman : Nathaneel Coles: Mary Wright O These May Certify all sons to whom they may come or any wayes Concerne that I Sarah Williams of Jerico alias Lusum neere Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island wth my two Sons John Williams & Hope Williams both of Lusum Aforesd do Give unto my Daught their Sister Mary Dole the wife of John Dole of Lusum aforesd Shoemaker Twenty Acres of Land, Six of wch neer to ye Spring at ye North Side of Hope Williams his Lott,And ffourteen Acres at ye South Side of John Williams Williams his feeld;all Lying & being in Lusum in ye Town & County aforesd unto her ye Sd Mary Dole & the Haire of her Book B 459 body;With allour Right,Title,Interest Pty Claime & demand wtsoever in & of ye Sd Twenty Acres of Land together wthall ye p'veledges, ffitts, Comoditys Hereditaments & Appurtenances w t s o e v e r u n t o y e S a i d L a n d b e l o n g i n g ; B u t if y e S d M a r y d o d e y Leaving no Child then ye Sd Land isto revert to ye Sd Brothers againe; only they ye Sd Brothers Shall pay the Charges yt have been Laid out in Bettering ye Sd Land by Building or ffencing or Clearing or planting of Trees for an Orchard or ye like by wch ye Land is Bettered according to the Judgemt of unbyesed men ; onlythis,If ye Sd Mary dy Leaving no Child then her Sd Hus- band Shall enjoy ye Sd Land wthall its p'veledges & Appurten- ances during the terme of his Natural Life ; A n d it is further und'stood by these p'sents that if ye Sd Mary & her Husband Judging it for their fit & Advantag,to remove from the Sd Land unto any other place or Country to Inhabitt,That then the Sd Land Shall also revert to ye Sd Brothers they paying the Incumbants as aforesd;But ifye Sd Mary dy leaving a Child or Children that then ye Sd Land Shall remaine wthall ye right Title (p.121)-Title,Interest,PPty,Claime & Demand what- soever Together wthall ye p'veledges Pfits Comoditys Hereditamts and appurtenants unto ye Sd Land belonging unto the Sd Heire of her Body forever,To ye only use & behoofe of ye Sd Heir of her body be it Male or female, his or her Heires Ex- ecut's,Administrat's or Assings forevermore;And we ye Sd Sarah Williams,John & Hope do Covenant,Grant and mise to & withye Sd Mary Dole & her Heires by these p'sents In behalfe of our Selves our Heires & Assings that wee will Warrant.Aquitt & defend ye Sd Land wthall its Appurtences unto her & her Heires against all sons Claiming from by or und' us or our Heires or by their meanes privity consent or Pcuremt In Witness whereofwehavehereuntoSettourhands& Sealestheffourteenth Day of Aprill in the year one thousand Six hundred eighty & n i n e ; O b s e r v e t h e w o r d s h i s o r h e r H e i r e s is t o b e u n d e r s t o o d t h e Sd Marys Children;Underwritt before Signed In ye p'sence of us John Townsend Sen' James Townsend Sarah (S W ) Williams O Whereas John Dole ye Husband of Mary Dole ye Daughter of Robert Williams having according to ye Last will & Testament of ye Sd Robert Williams made request to us und' written the Overseers of ye Said Will for Land out of ye Estate of ye Sd Robert Williams wee ye Sd Overseers in Consideration of ye Necessity of ye Sd John Dole,And in ord"tothe ffulfillingof ye will of ye Sd Robert Williams aforesd according to ye true Intent & meaning as also ye express words of ye Sd Will,Have The mar marke John Williams Hope Williams her 460 Book B Given & Granted unto ye Sd John Dole ffifty Acres of W o o d land,And one Hundred Acres of plaine Land for him ye Sd John Dole & his Heires to possess & Injoy forever,Twenty Acres of wch fifty of W o o d land the Sd John Dole is in possession of as may appeare by Deed from undr ye hand & Seal of Sarah Wil- liams Relict & Widdow to Robert Williams Deceased,And John & Hope Williams Sons to ye Sd Robert Williams bearing Date ye ffourteenth Day of Aprill one thousand Six hundred eighty & nine, Six Acres of wch Twenty Joyneth to ye North Side of Hope Williams his Lott wch he now Liveth upon and So to run So near ye Spring as to take in ye Dwelling House of ye Sd JohnDole,And SotorunSoffarNorthwestastoJoynetoMary Willitts her Garden,And So far Backward as to make up Six A c r e s , A n d y e o t h e r f f o u r t e e n A c r e s , a s it L y e t h o n y e S o u t h Side of John Williams his ffield,And ye other Thirty Acres to be Laid out by our ordr wth ye Hundred Acres upon the plaines where ye Sd John Dole Shall think it most Convenient But if John Williams the Son of Robert Williams Should obstruct ye takeing up of ye Sd Land in ye very place where ye Sd John Dole Shall desire it,as Claiming right to take up first by virture of a f f o r m e r g i f t b y h i s f f a t h e r s W i l l , T h a t t h e n it S h a l l & m a y b e Lawfull for ye Sd John Dole In pursuance of this our Grant to take up ye Sd Woodland & plaineland above expressed in any of ye Sd Robert Williams his Land wheresoever ye Sd John Dole Shallplease,provideditbeinLandnotalreadytakenup,To wch wee Sett our hands & Seales at Lusum alias Jerico this twenty eighth Day of Eleventh Month one thousand Six hundred Ninety & two Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us her Martha (M ) Titus marke Henry Willits W m Bickley John Dewsbury her Sarah (S) Williams O marke John Bowne TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhome thisp'sentwriting Shall come or in any wise apptaine Be it known that I Hope Williams of Lusum in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in queens County onyeIslandofNassauinyeCollonyofNew Yorke,for& inye Consideration of m y Naturall Love & Affection to John Dole ye younger ye Sone of John Dole & Mary his wife m y Naturall Sis- ter of Lusum aforesd And for other Good Causes & Considera- tions me ye Sd Hope especially Moving HAVE GIVEN, G R A N T E D Alienated,Infeoffed,Assigned & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Hope do Give, Grant Alienate, Infeoffe, Assigne & Confirme unto ye afore named John Dole ye Younger Book B 461 all that of a Certaine piece or cell of Land Lying & being on ye North Side of my house Lott in Lusum aforesd ye first Bound' whereof begineth at ye North Side of ye Sd Hopes Dwelling House, ffour Length of ffence or ffourteen yards Northward from Sd house;and So on a Straight Line east & by North or thereabouts to a peach-tree in ye ffence between ye Tobacko Ground & ye Old Lott ffrom thence North North east or there- abouts by ye Sd Hopes planting ffield to a Hedge ffence, And from thence as ye ffence now Standeth to the ffirst bound'; Bounded on ye South & east by ye Sd Hopes Land,on ye North by ye Sd John Doles ye elder his Land and on ye West by ye Street, Containing wthin ye Sd Bounds three Acres or there- abouts be it more or Lesse, Together wthall m y right, title & Interest,Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Hope now have orwchanyoreitherofmy Heires,ExecutrsorAssignesmayhere- afterhaveof,toorinyeSdpieceofLand,wthall fits& Issues, Comodities or p'viledges from ye Same arising or Growing or in any wise Aptaining TO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd John Dole ye Younger his Heires & Assignes ye forementioned piece of Land granted and p'mises to ye only p p use & behoofe of him ye Sd John Dole ye Younger his Heires & Assignes ffor- ever,And the Sd Hope hath put ye Sd John Dole ye Young'into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye Sd piece of Land by the diliveryofTurfe& Twigg& byyeDiliveryofthesep'sents,And ye Sd Hope Williams doth for himself his Heires Executrs & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd John Dole ye youngerytitShall& maybeLawfullforhimyeSdJohnDole ye Young his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, Hold,Occupy,possess and enjoy ye Sd Granted piece of Land & p'mises fforever without ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interup- tion of him ye Sd Hope his Heires,Execut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und'him or any or either of them Notwthstanding any former Gift, Grant, Mortgage or Sale wtsoever,And the Sd Hope doth hereby bind himself & his Heires to warrant & defend ye Same to ye Sd John Dole ye younger his Heires & Assignes fforever according as in ye Writing is before exp'ssed; Pvided alwaies yt ye Sd John Dole ye younger his Heires or Assignes Shall not Alienate Sell or dispose of Sd Granted piece of Land during ye Natural Life of ye Sd Hope to any other son but ye Sd Hope #vided he will give wt Charge ye Sd John hath been out in ye Improve- mentofitINWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSettmyhand & Seal ye Thirteenth day of August in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety three Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman Joseph Badcock Mary Townsend HopeWilliams O 462 Book B TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting shall Come or in any wise Aptaine, Be it known yt I Hope Williams of Jerico in ye Bounds of Oysterbay on Long Island aliasNassau,inyeCollonyofNew Yorkeffor& inyeConsid'a- tion of ye Sume of Eighty one pounds in Currant money of N e w Yorke & in Goods equivolent to Such money yt is to Say_one Mare & Colt in hand pd & by me ye Sd Hope recd of John Dole of philadelphia in pensilvania & by Bills & otherwise ye Sd Money recd before ye Sealing & Dilivery hereof in full paym & Satisfaction and for other good Causes & Consid'ations me ye SdHopeespeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alien- ated,Infeoffed,Assigned,Sold & Confirmd,And by these p'sents I ye Sd Hope do Give,Grant,Alienate,Infeoffe,Assigne,Sell & Confirme unto John Dole ye Son of ye abovenamed John Dole, allthatofmy tor portionoftheOrchyardwchInowpossess, which was fformerly my Mothers,itbeing.ye one half of Sd Orchyard,the South Pt of it,as itisnow ffenced & Divided, Lying & being in Jerico aforesd, Together wthall m y right title & InterestClaime& Demand wtsoeverwchIyeSd Hope Williams nowhaveorwchanyoreitherofmy Heires,ExecutsorAssignes may hereaft have of to or in ye Land or Orchyard Contained wthin ye fforementioned Bounds wth all Appletrees or other ffruit treesthereonnow StandingorGrowing,wthyeffences& ffencing Stuffnow about it,wthwtsoeverelsisof righttoye Same inany wiseAptainingTO HAVE & TO HOLD untohimyeSdJohn Dole ye Sonne of Sd John Dole ye Elder his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye fforementioned Granted Orchyard & p'mises as above Bounded and Specified,To ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd John Dole ye Sonne his Heires & assignes forever,And ye Sd Hope hath put ye Sd John Dole ye Sonne into a Lawffull & peaceable possession of ye Sd Orchard & Granted p'mises by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents, And ye Sd Hope doth for himself his His Heires,Execut's & Assignes ffurther Covent & agree to & wth ye Sd John Dole ye Sd Sonne;thatitShall& maybeLawfullforhimyeSdJohnDole ye Sonne to have,hold,occupy,possess & enjoy ye Sd Granted Orchard & p'mises fforever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Hope his Heires Executrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und him or any or either of them Notwthstanding any former Gift, Grant,Mortgage or Sale wtsoever,And ye Sd Hope doth hereby Bind himself & his Heires to warrant & Defend ye Sd Granted p'mises to ye Sd John Dole ye Sonne his Heires and Assignes forever,accordingasbeforeisExpressedINWITNES whereof IhavehereuntoSettmyhand& SealyeThirtythDayofAugust in ye Yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety ffour Signed Sealed & dd in p❜sence of us HopeWilliams O Day & Date above written Hope Book B John Newman Ephraim CarpentTMJun' Joseph Badcock 463 Williams above named Came be- fore me one of their Maties Jus- tices of ye peace for Queens County & Acknowledged this to be hisrealact& Deed Nathaneill Coles (p.123)-Oysterbaythis29thofthe 11thMo:1663 These presents declareth to all men who: It may any ways Conserne That I Daniel White Head of Massipeag Hiles on Long Island Doe by this acknowledge & Confess yt I Have ffully and ReallySouldallmy RighttitleandInterestofallCommon Rights that belongs to ye two Lotts that was Joseph Smith and Benje- mine Smith unto John Townsend of Oysterbay on Long Island aforesd I say I Daniel W : have Sold for ffull Satisfaction all- ready Received in afteare and by this Do Diliver up In present possession unto ye said J. T a bovesaid Except ye two house Lotts and two sheares of Meadow a home on the Northside of the Town of Oysterbay that did Belong to ye Sd house Lotts that was Joseph and Benjamine Smiths all the Commoning for Cattle and all other C o m m o n g Right, In upland and m e d d o w yt Doe or may any way prove to belong or fall to ye bovesaid Lotts I do hereby Give Grant sile and Confirm the aboveSaid premises from m e m y Heires Executors admistrs and Assigns unto ye abovesaid John Townsend his Heires Executors administratTM and Assignes fforever to Injoy ass thire own Right title and In- terest Without Mollestation By me or any ffrom me and I doe hereby Covenant promise and Ingage me my Heires ExecutTM admrs and Assignes to make good the sale abovesaid and to De- fend ye right against any person or persons that Laye Claime to any percell or part of Itt and to the Due and True performance I bind m e m y Heires Execut's admrs and Assignes unto ye above Said John Townsend his heires Execut's admrs and Assign[s] ass witness m y hand Sealed Signed and Dilivered In the presence of us henry Townsend the marke of Edward X Banbery DaniellWhythead O (p.124)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whom this p'sentwritingShallCome orinanywiseAptaine Be itknown that I Robert Godfry of Littleworth in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in the Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation that John Davis of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd hath by his Deed undr his hand and Seal by way of exchange made over & Confirm'd unto me Certaine Land at M a d -Nans Neck as by ye Sd Deed bearing Date 464 Book B wth these p'sents doth at Large appeare And for other Good causes & Consid'ations him ye Sd Robert especially Moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,Made over,enfeofed, Bargained Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Robert do Give, Grant, Alienate, makeover, enfeofe, Bargaine Sell & Confirme unto John Davis of Matenacock in ye bounds of Oyster- bay aforesd his Heires,Executors,Administrat's or Assignes,All m y L a n d a t L i t t l e w o r t h a f o r e s d w c h I n o w e n j o y , T h a t is t o S a y Lotts already Laid out & all my undivided Land wth my now Dwelling house & all other out housing thereon now Standing; wch Land I I hold by vertue of a purchase from Joseph Car- penter Deceased, Nicholas Simkins, Robert Coles, Daniel Coles, & Nathaneel Coles,as by a Deed und'their hands & Seales bear- ing Date 1681 and ye 14th Day of January at Large doth appeare, AndalsobyvertueofapattentfromyeGovern ofthis vince Dated Septemb1 ye 29th 1677 : Together wthall m y right or Share of ye Land at Matenacock of & in ye Last purchase by ye Town of Oysterbay in General of ye Indeans,Together wthall m y right. title & Interest claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Robert now have, or wch any of m y Heires Executrs Administrat's or Assignes m a y hereaft have of & in all & Singular the p'mises & every P t & cell thereof wthall fits & Comoditys thereto be- longingorinanywiseAptaining,TO HAVE & TO HOLD all & Singular ye p'mises wth ye Apptences thereof unto him ye Sd John Davis his Heires & Assignes & to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd John his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd Robert hath put ye Sd John into a Lawful & peaceable pos- session of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd Robert doth for himselfe his Heires,Executrs Administratrs & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd John Davis that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd John his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold to have hold occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises & every P t & cel thereof forever without the L a w full Lett hin- drance or Interuption of him ye Sd Robert his Heires Executrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift,Grant,Bargaine or Sale wtsoever And also ye Sd Robert doth Covenant as aforesd to defend the Sd John Davis his Heires & Assignes against all Just Claines & Demands that Shall be made by any son or sons unto ye p'mises or any t thereof and also to maintaine him in ye peaceable possession thereofINWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSettmyhand & Seal ye eighth Day of Septemb' in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & Seven: Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us: JohnNewman: JobWright: The mark of Robert X Godfry O The marke of Sarah X Godfry O Book B 465 This wch next follows isan Assignmt of a Deed of Gift of Rob- ert Godfry to Joseph Sutton Jun'bearing Date ye Second day of ffebruary 1685:and ye firstyear of King James ye Second and Stands Recorded in ye 38th page of this Booke Be it known unto all men by these p'sents to w h o m this m y Assignmt may Come or any ways Conserne: Know yee that I Joseph Sutton Ju' now Dwelling & being in Little worth wthin ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vinceofNewYork:HaveAssigned&madeoverallmy wright Title & Intrest of this wthin Written Deed of Gift and allso my Housings & ffencings now upon ye Sd Lands also all my Wrights in Oysterbay in ye N e w purchase wch is not Mentioned in this written Deed Alwaies Excepting ye ffour Acers wch is Mentioned in these words,in Some Convenient place wthin this written Deed I ye aforesd Joseph Sutton wth ye Consent of m y Wife Elizabeth Sutton I having received full Satisfaction in hand before ye Signeing hereof of ye Sd Robert Coles I ye abovesd Joseph Sutton doth by these p'sents Assigne all my WrightTitle& InterestasaforesdfrommeyeSdJosephSutton m y Heires, Executrs Administratrs & Assignes for ever unto ye abovesd Robert Coles his Heires Executrs Administrats or As- signes forever wth peaceable and p'sent possession, And to ye true & faithfull formance of ye p'mises abovesd I ye abovesd Joseph Sutton doth Sett to m y hand and Seal this Twentyeth day of Decemb'in ye year of our Lord 1687 and in ye third year of our Dread Sovraigne Lord James ye Second by the- (p.125) - B y the Grace of God of England Scotland ffrance & Ireland King Defend of ye faith Signed Sealed & dd in ye p'sence of us Joseph Sutton Jun O Joseph Sutton Sen marke RobertX Godfree his George Codner Elizabeth Sutton her X marke T h i s t h a t n e x t f o l l o w e s is a n o t h e r A s s i g n m e n t o f y e S a m e D e e d wch is Mentioned in ye next foregoing page by Robert Coles to John Davis Know allmen by these p'sents yt I Robert Coles of Muskeeto Cove wthin ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island wth ye Consent of my Wife Mercy Coles have Assigned & made over all m y Rite title & Intrust that I ye abovesd Robert Coles have or may have in ye wthin wretin Deed from me my Heires Executrs Administrats or Assignes unto John Davis of ye Town & County abovesd to him his Heires Executrs Adminis- trats or Assignes forever having received full Satisfaction for yeSameaswitnessmy hand& Sealthis28thofDecemb :1687: 466 Book B Signed Sealed & dd in p'sents of us marke Robert X Godfree his George Codnor Robert Coles O marke Mercy X Coles O her TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhome thisp'sentwrit- i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e : B e it k n o w n t h a t J o h n Wright of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Pvince of N e w Yorke for & in ye Considracon of an Exchange of Lands wth John Davis of Littleworth in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd wch Land Lyeth near Suckscals W i g w a m Containing one Hundred Acres,And ye Same ye Sd Davis hath Confirm'd unto me by his Deed undr his Hand & Seal bearing Date wth these p'sentstomy fullContent& Satisfaction,And forothergood Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd John Wright especially Moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,Made overBargained, Sold & Confirmd And by these p'sents I ye Sd John Wright do Give,Grant,Alienate,Make over Bargaine Sell & Confirme unto John Davis aforesd all m y Land Lying & being at Littleworth aforesdwhetherUplandorMeadow,orLanddivided& Laidout, or not divided nor Laid out,or Land wthin ffence,Which Land that I ye Sd John Wright now holdet(h) at Littleworth aforesd was formerly in ye tenure & Occupation of Jacob Brookins who by a writing undr his hand & Seal hath made ye Sd John Wright thetrue& LawfulpossessorofyeSame,wchwritingStandsRe- corded in ye Records of Oysterbay in ye Booke B :page ye 19: and beareth Date ye 18 day of Decembr 1680: (excepting & alwaies reserving unto him ye Sd John Wright his Heires & As- signes, Eighteen Acres of ye forementioned Land at ye South Side ofthe Cove,on ye North Side of Richard Cirbies Lott,and on ye South of ye Sd John Davis his Lott and to Range to ye Salt water or Sea and to ye ffresh Springs ;of no less in Breadth then t w o R o d w i d e ; b u t y e S d J o h n D a v i s m a y a l l o w it w i d " t h e n t w o Rod ifhe Sees Convenient So todoe;And ifwhen thiseighteen Acres of Land comes to be Measured & not So much to be found in this place before Specified that then ye Sd John Wright is to have as much Land at or in ye next division of ye above men- tioned Lands as will make up ye full Complement of eighteen Acres Compleat) Together wthall my right, Title & Interest, Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd John Wright now have orwchanyoreitherofmy Heires,Execut'sAdministratsorAs- signes may hereaft'have of,to or in ye Sd fforementioned Land &everyPt& celthereof(Exceptbeforeexcepted)wthallye issues & fits, fences & fencing Stuff and wt els is thereto be- longingorinanywiseApptaining:TO HAVE & TO HOLD untohimyeSdJohnDavishisHeires& Assignes;all& Singular ye forementioned Lands & Meadow wth ye Appurtences thereof to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd John Davis his Heires Book B 467 & Assignes forever;And ye Sd John Wright hath put ye Sd John Davis into a L a w full & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises (except before excepted) by ye dilivery of these p'sents And ye Sd John Wright doth for himselfe his Heires Execut Administrats & Assignes further covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd John Davis that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd John Davis his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, occupy, possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever (except before excepted) wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd John Wright his Heires Execut" or assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully climing for,by or und'him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift,Grant,Bargaine or Sale wtsoever IN W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seale the Sixteenth day of January in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & eight: It is to be understood that ye passage of two Rod wide of ye abovesd 18 acres in ye exception to ye waters Side must be at Such place as Cattle or Carts may Goe too & fro:from & to ye water fresh & salt wth Conveniences on ye Same Side above- written and that ye Sd wright may have ffree egress & regress to his Sd 18 acres of Land by priviledge of a High way : Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman Job Wright John Wright O The marke (M ) of Mary Wright O ccxxxvii (p.126) This Writing Witnesseth that I James Cock of Mate- nacock in ye bounds of Oysterbay have & do Give make over & Confirme unto my Son John Cock a piece of Land wch I hold by virtue of a Deed from ye Indeans to ye Inhabitants of Oysterbay of Matenacok Land bearing Date ye ninth day of January 1685 & Laid out & Bounded by ye Surveyors for 31 Acres as it Stands RecordedinyebookB:folio:6:1:wchLand Ido Givetomy Sd SonwthallyeRightTitle& InterestwchIormy Heires,Ex- ecut's or Assignes may now or hereafter have in ye Sd Land To him ye Sd John Cock,his Heires & Assignes forever to wch I set my hand ye ninth Day of Decemb'inye yeare 1687: Signed & dd in p'sence of John N e w m a n Samuel Dickinson The marke of James X Cock plu:169: TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall come or in any wise Aptaine Be itknown yt I Mary Un- derhill Relict & widdow of John Underhill Late of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on ye Island of Nassau or Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke deceased ffor & in ye Consid'ation yt John Cock of Matenacock aforesd hath 468 Book B Granted & Confirm'd unto me ye Sd Mary a Certaine cell of Wood Land by way of Exchange for other Lands by me here- aftertohimGrantedasbyaDeedundrhishand& Sealbearing Date with these p'sents m a y at Large be Seen to m y ffull Content & Satisfaction, A n d for other good Causes & Consid'ations m e ye Sd Mary especially Moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED, Alienated,Infeoffed,Sold & Confirmed,And by these p'sents I ye Sd Mary do Give,Grant,Alienate,Infeoffe,Sell & Confirme unto John Cock aforesd all yt of a Certaine Tract or cell of W o o d Land Lying & being on Matenacock aforesd and Joyning to ye East Side of ye Land Sold by ye Indians to James Cock by ye foot path or way from Oysterbay to Muskeeto Cove on ye North Side of Sd way being ffourty rod broad at each end or ffront,& rere,Bounded South end by Sd path,And one Hundred & Sixty Rod in Length North & South,And at ye North end or Rere bounded by ye Indians Land unsold when this forementioned Tract of Land was first Laid out, wch Sd Tract of Land was ffirst purchased of ye Indians by Nathaniel Underhill & Sold by him to ye abovenamed John Underhil deceased and ye Sd John Underhill by his Last Will & Testamt Left ye Same to his wife ye abovenamed Mary Underhill wch Land is in Quantity ffourty Acres of Land wthin Sd bounds be it more or Less : Together wthall ye right title & Interest,Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Mary now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Ex- ecut's or Assignes may hereaft' have of,to or in ye Sd Tract of Land wthall fits, Issues, Timber, Trees, or wtsoever els of righttoyeSamebelongsorApainesTO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd John Cock his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd Granted Tract of Land & p'mises to ye only p use & behoofe of him ye Sd John Cock his Heires & Assignes forever AndyeSdMaryhathputyeSdJohnintoaLawfull& peaceable possession of ye Sd Tract of Land by ye dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd Mary doth for her Self, her Heires Executrs & Assignes ffurther Covenant & a g r e e t o & w t h y e S d J o h n C o c k t h a t it S h a l l & m a y b e L a w f u l l for him ye Sd John Cock his Heires & Assignes quietly & peace- ablytohavehold,occupypossessandenjoyall& SingularyeSd Granted p'mises forever without ye Lawfull Lett, hindrance or Molestation of her ye Sd Mary her Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und her or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift Grant, Mortgage or Sale wtsoever,And ye Sd Mary doth hereby bind herself & her Heires to warrant & defend ye Sd Tract of Land toyeSdJohnCockhisHeires& AssignesagainstallJustClaimes that Shall hereaft" be made thereunto IN W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal ye Second Day of Decemb in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety three Book B 469 Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman John ffeke John Underhill themarkeof O X Mary Underhill TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting S h a l l c o m e o r A p @ t a i n e B e it k n o w n y t I B e n j a m i n B u r d s a l l o f Jerusalem in ye Bounds of Hempsteed on Long Island alias Nas- sau in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation of ye Sume of ffour pounds & ten Shillings in hand pd & by me ye Sd Benjamin recd of John Cock of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay on Long Island aforesd before ye Sealing & dilivery hereofinfullpaymt& Satisfaction,And forothergoodCauses & Considerations me ye Sd Benjamin especially Moving H A V E GIVEN, GRANTED, Alienated, Infeoffed, Assigned Sold & Confirm'd & by these p'sents do Give,Grant,Alienate,Infeoffe, Assigne Sell & Confirme unto John Cock aforesd all yt of one whole right or Share of Comonage in ye Comon .& undivided Land of ye N e w purchase So called of Matenacock Land in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd I ye Sd Benjamin being a Joynt purchaser thereof ffrom ye Indians as may appear by ye Sd In- dians deed for ye Same,And in ye Town Records of Oysterbay w h e r e m y T i t l e t o y e S a m e is p l a i n l y D e m o n s t r a t e d T O G E T H E R wth all m y right title & Interest Claime & demand w'soever wch ItheSdBenjaminnowhaveorwchanyoreitherofmy Heires, Executs or Assignes may hereaft'have of,to or in ye Sd Granted right of Comonage wthall fitts Comoditys, Grassing Timber, Taking up of Land in any ffuture Division of ye Same according to portion as other Pprietors thereof may do, wthall other p'viledges wtsoever to ye Same in any wise Appertaining T O HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd John Cock his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd Granted right of Comon wth ye Apotences thereof to ye only P P use & behoofe of him ye Śd John Cock his Heires and Assignes forever and ye Sd Benjamin hath putt ye Sd John into Lawfull possession of ye Same by dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by these presents And ye Said Ben- jamin- clxix-(p.127)-Benjamin doth for himself his Heires, Executrs & Assignes further Covenant to & wth ye Sd John Cock ytitShall& maybeLawfullforhimtheSdJohnhisHeires& Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Sd right of Comons wth ye apptences thereof fforever with out ye L a w full Lett or Molestation of him ye Sd Benjamin his Heires or Assignes or any other son or persons Lawfully Claiming for by or und' him or any or either of them Notwith- standing any former Grant, Mortgage Dower or other Convey- ance whatsoever, And ye Same to ye Sd John Cock his Heires and and Assignes fforever to warrant & Defend according as be- foreisexp'ssedINWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSettmy 470 Book B hand & Seal ye Sixth Day of March in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred ninety ffive SignedSealed&dd: in p'sents of us Martha Coles Nathaneil Coles John Newman BenjaminBurdsall O (p.128)-This InstrumentofWritingorDeed ofGiftwitnesseth to all Christian people to w h o m it m a y come or any waies con- cerne;know yee that whereas I ffrancis Weekes now Inhabitant in Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island being formerly an Inhabitant of ye Town of Hempsteed wthin ye Same County Stood possessed of Severall Allottments of Meadows upon ye South Side of this Island wthin ye Bounds of Hempsteed abovesd ; of which part was not disposed of at m y removall as namely one ffifteen Accar Lottment at Rokaway,And ffourteen Acres more Lying at merock as excepted in my Deed of Sale unto Mathew Bridgman ; The wch Sd two cells of Meadows as above ex- pressed I having not at any time before ye Date hereof Alienated ye Same to any son or sons wtsoever but Still remaine re- served my Intrust:By virtue whereof upon divers reasons moving m e hereunto do by these p'sents manifest & declare that I have freely given as a free Gift ye Sd two cels of Meadows as expressed unto m y Son Thomas Weekes his Heires Executrs, Sucksesors or Assignes T o have & to hold, occupy, possess & enjoy as his or there o w n p right Title & Interest forever ; from m e m y Heires Execut's Administrat's or any other son or sons from,by or und me forever;And this Sd Deed of Gift to m y Sd Son Thomas to be und stood wthout reservation as firmly his as could be worded or written in and (any) deed of Gift wtsoever according to L a w ; T o ye Confirmation hereof I have Subscribed m y hand Set to m y Seal in Oysterbay this fif- teenth day of Decemb1 1684: Signed Sealed & dd in p'sents of us Tho:Townsend DanielWeekes his ffrancis (W ) Weekes marke & Seale O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentWriting Shall come or in any wise Apptaine ; Be it known that I John Rogers of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of New Yorke for & in ye Consid'acon of ye Sume of ffour pounds & tenn Shillings of Currant Silver money of this Collony & in goods Equivolent thereunto in hand pd & received before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof in full payment and Satisfac- tion and for other Good causes & Considracons me ye Sd John especiallyMoving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED Alienated,Made over,BargainedSold& Confirm'd&bythesep'sentsIyeSdJohn Book B 471 do Give,Grant,Alienate,Make over,Bargaine Sell & Confirme unto Thomas Weekes of Oysterbay aforesd one Home Lott of Land Lying & being in Oysterbay aforesd between ye Home Lott wch was formerly Samuel Andrews but now Joseph Ludlams,& ye Home Lottofye Sd Thomas Weekes & Bounded on ye North by ye Street,on ye East by ye Towns Burying place,on ye South by ye Comon And on ye West by a High way being by estimation fiveAcresbeitmoreorLess;wchLottIyeSdJohnnow Stands possessed of by virtue of deed from Eliazar Doreby & John Reed bearing date ye Twenty third day of January in ye yeare of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred eighty Seven;Together wthall ye right,Title & Interest,Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye SdJohnRogersnowhaveorwchanyoreitherofmy HeiresEx- ecut'sAdministrat'sorAssignesmay hereaft'haveof& inyeSd Lott or any t or cell thereof wthall fits & Issues therefrom arisingorGrowingorinanywiseApptainingTO HAVE & TO H O L D unto him ye Sd Thomas Weekes all& Singular ye p'mises to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd Thomas Weekes his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd John Rogers hath put ye Sd Thomas into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Sin- gular ye p'mises by ye diliv'y of these p'sents And ye Sd John doth for himself his Heires Execut's & Assignes further Covenant & A g r e e t o & w i t h y e S d T h o m a s t h a t it S h a l l & m a y b e L a w f u l l for him ye Sd Thomas his Heires or Assignes quietly & peaceably tohave,hold,occupypossess& enjoyall& Singularyep'mises forever without ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Int'uption of him ye Sd John Rogers his Heires,Executrs or Assignes or any or any other son or persons Lawfully claiming for,by or und'him or any or either of them notwthstanding any former Gift, Grant, Bargaine or Sale whatsoever;And also ye Sd John does hereby bind himself his Heires,Executrs & Administratrs firmly by these p'sents to defend & maintaine ye Sd Thomas Weekes his Heires & Executrs Administratrs & Assignes in his & their Lawful & peaceable possession of the forementioned Lott of Land against allJust claimes & demands which Shall or may be made thereunto at any time after ye date hereof by any son or sons what SoeverINWITNĖS whereofIhavehereunto-(p.129)-here- unto Set m y hand & Seal the Seventeenth day of August in ye [year of] our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty eight:The day & date [above] mentioned ye above named John Rogers gave ye abovesd Thomas Weekes [ ] possession of ye above- mentioned Lott by the dilivery of Turf & Twig [ ] In p'sence of John Newman Job Wright Signed Sealed & dd The marke of Inp❜senceofus John(R)Rogers O John Newman Job Wright [Gelorge Townsend 472 Book B [TO]ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thep'sentwrit- ing Shall come or in any wise Aptaine [Be itknown that] we Chippie,Maomie & Schohconick Son of ye Sd Chippie all Indians dwelling at Oyster]bay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke on a Neck called m [assapequa, being] Ppriet's of ye Indeans Land at ye Sd South, for & In ye Con- sid'ation of ye Sume of [ Silver money Currant in this Collony or in other pay or Goods Equivolent thereunto in hand pd [and by the said] Indians received of Thomas Weekes of Oysterbay aforesd before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof in full [ ] Satisfaction before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof A n d for other Good Causes & Consid'ations us ye [said Indians] es- pecially Moving HAVE GIVEN GRANTED,Alienated,As- signed,Infeoffed,Sold& Confirm'd,a[ndby]thesep'sentswee ye Sd Indians do Give,Grant,Alienate,Assigne Infeoffe Sell& Confirme unto Thom [as] Weekes aforesd, a Certaine Neck of Upland at ye South of Oysterbay aforesd Comonly known by the name of Weekes his Neck and is accoupted to be Pt of ye ffort Neck or Masipeague Neck : Lying on ye [east] side of ye Sd Massipeague Neck ; And Bounded on ye East by a Brook called by ye Indians Tahquames by ye E [nglish] Red Brook ; On ye South by ye Sd Thomas Weekes & his Brothers Meadow, on ye West by a Litle [brook] against ye Sd ffort Neck, And t o r u n a s f a r i n t o y e S d S w a m p a s y e R u n o f w a t e r w c h is a b o u t [ ] Sd Swamp,And from ye Head of Sd Swamp North- wardly ffourty Rod above ye Maine Rode [across] ye Sd Neck, And from thence Eastwardly to ye fforementioned Red Brook,hold in ye Same [brea]dth of [ ] North end as it is at y e H e a d o f y e S d S w a m p ; T o g e t h e r wthall o u r R i g h t title & Interest,Claime & Dem [and] wtsoever wch wee ye Sd Indians now have or wch any or either of our Heires,Execut's or As- sig[nes m a ]y hereafter have of,to or in ye Sd Neck of Upland, wthall fits, Issues, Timber, Trees, Swamps, [ Its & wtsoever els wthin ye foresd Bounds isto ye Sd Neck in any wise A p p t a i n i n g , [T O H A V E & T O ] H O L D u n t o h i m y e S d T h o m a s Weekes, His Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye foremen- tione[d premises] wth Aptences thereof To ye only p p use & behoof of him ye sd Thomas Weekes his Heires & Assignes for- ever,And ye Sd Indeans Have put ye Sd Thomas into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye Said [Nec]k & p'mises by ye Diliv- ery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd Indians [ I do ffurther Covenant & agree to & wth y e S d T h o m a s t h a t it S h a l l [ & m a y ] b e L a w f u l l f o r h i m y e S d Thomas his Heires & Assignes,quietly & peaceably to have,hold, occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever wthout ye Lawfull Lett,hindrance or Molestation of them ye Sd Indians their Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming forby or und'them or any or either of them Notwith- Book B 473 standing any former Gifts,grants Bargaines,Mortgages or Sales wtsoever,And ye Sd Indians do hereby Bind themselves & their Heires to warrant & defend ye Said [N ]eck of Land & p'mises to ye Sd Thomas Weekes his Heires & Assignes forever against all Just Claimes that Shall at any time hereafter be made to ye SdNeckofLandoranyPtor celthereofbyany [sonor] sons wtsoever IN W I T N E S whereof wee have hereunto Sett our hands & Seales ye T w [enty]th day of October in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety two Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman : Job Wright Samell Weekes The marke of X Chippie O The marke of X Maomey O The marke of X Scohconick О The mark ofX TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall come or in any wise apertaine Be it known that I Samuel Weekes of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of New Yorke for & in ye Considracon that my Brother Thomas Weekes of Oysterbay aforesd hath Granted & Confirm'd unto me by way of Exchange of Land,the Moity or half of a piece of Land Lying & Joyning to Nicholas Wrights ffield going from Oysterbay to Jerico,And ffour Acres more of Woodland lying near Aaron fformans ffield neare ye plaines as by a deed undr ye hand & Seal of ye Said Thomas bearing date wth these p'sents doth & may at Large ap- peare to m y ffull content & Satisfaction, A n d for other good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd Samuel especially Moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,Infeoffed,Assigned, Sold & Confirm'd,And by these p'sents I ye Sd Samuel do Give, Grant,Alienate Infeoffe,Assigne,Sell & Confirme unto Thomas Weekes aforesd,A Certaine piece of Swamp Land being Pt of ye Cove S w a m p So ca [lled] in Oysterbay aforesd,A n d was Given & Granted by ye Town of Oysterbay to me ye Sd Samuel as may be Seen in ye Records of Town Grants of Land in ye Booke A : page 265 and was Surveyed & Laid out by ye Town Surveyrs as Apeares in ye fforementioned Booke where my part of ye Sd S w a m p is plainly demonstrated together wthall m y right, Title & Int[erest] Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd now have or wch any or either of m y Heires Executrs or Assignes m a y hereaft haveoftoorinyeSdpieceofSwamp&everyPt& cellthereof wthall fits,Issues,Brookes,Lakes,Springs Trees from thence arising or Growing or in any wise wthin ye Bounds of ye Same Aptaining TO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd Thomas Surrockainge O 474 Book B Weekes his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd piece of Swamp wth ye Apptences thereof to [ye] only use & behoof ofhimyeSdThomasWeekeshisHeires& AssignesforeverAnd [ye Sd] Samuel hath put ye Sd Thomas into a Lawfull & peace- a b l e p o s s e s s i o n o f y e f f o r e m e n t i o n e d S w [a m p b y ] y e D i l i v e r y o f Turfe & Twigge & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd Samueldo[thfor]himselfhisHeires,Execut's& Assignesffur- ther Covenant & Agree to & wth to & wth ye Said Thomas yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Thomas his Heires & As- signes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy,possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever without [ye] Lawfull Lett,hin- drance or Molestation of him ye Sd Samuel his Heires & Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or und him or any or either of them notwithstanding any former gift, Grant,Mortgage or Sale wtsoever,And ye Sd Samuel doth hereby bind himself & heires to Warrant & defend ye Sd piece of S w a m p and p'mises to ye Sd Thomas Weekes his Heires & Assignes for- ever according to ye Grant & Covenants beforementioned IN WITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSettmy hand& SealtheThe tenth Day of ffebruary in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety two Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman George Townsend Daniel Townsend SamuelWeekes O (p.130)-Be itknoneuntoallmenthatISa[muel]BurdsallDo Grant Priviledge unto William ffrost Sen or his Heirs a Suffi- cient High way Either to ly open or to goe Through A gate or Convant (convenient) bars to pase to his ffulling mill and all So Liberty of Earth for making of ye D a m all So to Cutt timber for ye mill as he hath ocas[ion] and ife (if he) hath occasion for on(e) halfe an ac[re] of Land More for his Covenency for Sd [ ] He Shall have ye Same att A reaso[nable] price as witness m y hand this 25th [day of] Jenuary 1701 his mark Samuel (S B ) Burdsall This to be understood the highway is to goe Either with Cart or hor(s)e or man witness Jeromiah Galpin John Wright (p .131)-This Instrument of Writing or deed of Sale Witnesseth toallChristianpeopletowhom itmaycomeoranywayesCon- sarne K n o w ye that whereas wee und'written Suscaneman alias Runasuck Samos & Quarapin all three Indeans being Impowred byyerestofyeIndeans& ChiefPpriatorsor(of)yeLands called by ye English Matenacock Scituate Lying & being wthin ye pattent of Oysterbay wthin Queens County uppon Long Island,And by Book B 475 virtue whereof and for ye full Sum of Twenty pounds Silvar or equivolent to Silvar money in Goods to us pd before ye Sign- ing & Sealing hereof Have Bargained Sold & by p'sent possession diliv'd unto John Underhill John ffexe and William ffrost all three Inhabitants of Matenacock all that our Comons or un- divided Lands unsold Lying & being to ye Northward of ye now High way between ye Bever Swamp So calledand Muskeeto Cove Lands Being to be understood ye High way from Oysterbay to Muskeeto Cove to ye Sound or North Sea be it more or Less Excepting Twenty Acres to be Laid out to John prior at ye Rere of his Lands bought of Joseph Eastland formerly Granted But allyerestofyeComon LandsasaboveInsertedLyingbetween ye Sd High Way & the Sound or North Sea we do hereby one & Acknowledge to have Bargained Sold & by p'sent possession delevered unto John Underhill John ffexe & William ffrost abovesd Joyntly their Heirs Executrs Administratrs & Assignes : To have & to hold,Occupy,possess & enjoy as there one P Rights Titles & Interest forever; from us our our Heires, Ex- ecut's Administratrs & Assignes or any other son or sons Lay- ingclaimethereuntoortoanyPtor cellthereofbypretenceof right or Heirship, Grant Sale or otherwise be it of wt nature Soever Iniaging ourselves our Heires & Successors to uphold maintain and make Good all ye Sd priviledges of Comon Rights menshoned to ye Sd John Underhill John ffexe & William ffrost there Heires & Sucksesors in ye Quiet & peaceable Improvement & Injoyment of the p'mises as fully & Amply to all intents & purposes as might be worded or written according to Law ; To ye Confirmation of this our deed of Sale we have Subscribed our hands & Sett to our Seales in Oysterbay the 26th Day of March inyeyear1685: It is to be understood that every Inhabitant below ye path Setled are to have equall priviledge in ye abovesd Sale Dvided they pay to ye above Sd three parsons nominated there equall portions in Money according to agreement,witnes our hands & Seales his Quarapin X marke & Seal O Suscaneman his X mark& O his Samouse X marke & Seal O SignedSealed& ddinp'senceofus: Tho:Townsend: Henry Townsend Jun': Toallwhome thiswthinWrittenDeed andthisIndorsmtShall come or in anywise concerne Be itknown that wee John Under- hill,John ffexe & William ffrost ye wthin named in this within written Deed wch beareth Date ye 26th Day of March in ye year 1685 And Stands Recorded amongst the Land Evidences of Oys- 476 Book B terbay in Libre B : page ye 131 : and the Sole purchasers of ye Comon unsold and undivided Land at Matenacock as wthin is Menconed of ye Chief Ppriet's of Matenacock Indeans vizt Sus- caneman alias Runasuck,Samos & Quarapin & wthin ye Bounds Mentioned in ye Sd Deed N o w wee ye Sd purchasers John Un- derhil,John ffexe & William ffrost do by these p'sents owne and Acknowledge that we have and do from hence forever accept of & make to be wth us ye Sd John Und'hill John ffexe & William ffrost Joynt purchasers of ye fforementioned Land in this wthin written Deed these sons hereaft'named having ticular Rights of Land wthinye Sd Bounds ;Edmond Wright of Oyst bay Town, Josias Latten,John Davis,Joseph Weekes,Samuel Weekes,Wil- liam Hawxurst, Nathan Burdsal, Benjamin Burdsal, Matthew Prior, John Prior, James Cock, Nathaneel Underhil and David Underhil Aaron forman all of Matenacock, and that they Sd Joynt purchasers Shall be equall wth us ye Sd purchasers in every respect all or either of them in Right,Title & Interest to ye Sd Lands & all ye Issues and fits priviledges & wtsoever els doth thereto of Right belong or in any wise Aptaine to them their Heires & Assignes Lawfully to Have,hold,Occupy,possess & enjoyforeverÄsamply& ffullyasweyeSdpurchasersoreither of us have it Conveyed unto us by virtue of this wthin Written Deed the Grant & every Clause & Covenant thereof, Provide.d alwaies that the aforenamed Joynt purchasers do bear their Equal charge of & in the purchasing ye Sd Land ;that is to Say their equal portion of ye Twenty pounds Mentioned in this within Written Deed and pay or cause to be pd ye Same to ye Sd John Underhil John ffexe & William ffrost or to either of them or their assignes wth other necessary charges expended on ye p'mises that then this our act & Deed Shall Stand good and effec- tual against every & either of our Heires,Execut's Administrat & Assignes forever In Witnes whereof we have hereunto Sett our hands & Seales the Thirtyth Day of March in ye yeare 1685 ye word Aaron forman is Interlined by order of William frost William ffrost O JohnNewman WilliamBuckler Johnffeke the mark X of Memorand that these men hereaft' named have pd their equal Pportion of ye purchase Mentioned in this writing Edmond Wright: Josias Latten: John Davis: Joseph Weekes: Samuel Weekes : William Hawksurst Nathan Burdsal Benjamin Burdsal Matthew prior,John prior,James Cock David Underhil Nathaneel Und'hil Aaron forman this Indorsmt and Memorand is written on ye Back Side of ye Indeans Deed wch is entred at ye upper endofthispage William ffrost reserveth ye right to himself which Aaron ffor- man [ ] (See deed from same grantors to different grantees, p . 331-4) Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of Book B 477 (p.132blank;p.133)-This InstrumentofWritingwitnesseth to all Christian people to whom it may com or any Ways Con- cerne Know Yee thatwhereas wee und'written Suscaneman alias Runasuck, Samous and Quarapin all three Indeans being Im- powred by ye rest of the Indeans & Chief Ppriators of ye Land called by ye English Matenacok Scituate Lying & being wthin ye pattent of Oysterbay wthin Queens County upon Long Island,by virtue whereof & for ye full Sum of Eight pounds Silver money or Goods Equivolent to money pd to us before the Signing & Sealing hereof,Have Bargained Sold & by p'sent p'sent posses- sion delevered unto John Rogers of Oysterbay a certaine Tract of Land undr ye first Ridge of Hills Southward of ye Little plaines upon Matenacock as Laid out by Thomas Townsend & Nathaneel Coles being fforty two Rod wide at ye East end,Rang- ingwestwardlyye Same breadth und'ye Sd Hillstoye Highway Laid out at ye East end of ye Lotts Laid out across ye Sedar Swamp,Being bounded wth John Underhils Land on ye North & ye Cartway on ye East,and ye Bounds marked on ye Hills Side on ye South,and ye Highway as abovesd on ye West Including w i t h i n y e S d B o u n d s ffifty A c a r s M o r e o r L e s s e ; W e e d o h e r e b y own & acknowledge to have Sold & by p'sent possession dilivered ye Sd Tract of Land as above bounded & Mentioned unto ye Sd John Rogers his Heires Executrs Administrs or Assignes To have & toholdoccupypossess& Injoyashisorthereown properright Title & Interest forever from us our Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes or any other person or persons from by or undr us Laying any Claime to any Pt or Pcel thereof by Heirship Grant, Gift, Sale or otherwise be it of wt nature whatsoever Injaging our Selves Heires & Sucksesors to uphold maintaine & make good theSametoyeSdJohnhisHeires& Sucksesorsforeverasffirmly to all Intents & purposes as might be worded or written according to L a w to ye Confirmation whereof wee have Sett to our hands & Seales in Oysterbay this 26th Day of March 1685: Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Tho:Townsend Henry Townsend Jun' (See annotation on next page) his Quarapin X marke&Seal O Suscaneman his X marke & Seal Samos his X marke & O Seal Be it known unto all people to whome this Assignement may come or any ways Consarne know ye that I John Rogers of Oys- terbaydoherebyasigne& Makeoverallmy RightTitle& In- terest in ye within written deed unto John Underhil Ser of ye Same Town & County forye Sd John his Heires Execut's Admin- istrats or Assignes to have & to hold occupy possess & enjoy foreverfromme my Heires,ExecutrsAdministratsorAssignes 478 Book B for a valuable S u m in hand received before ye Sealing hereof as Witnes my hand & Seal in Oysterbay this 8th Day of October: 1685 : Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John (R ) Rogers Tho:Townsend GeorgeTownsend hismarke&Seal O This Assignmt iswritten on ye Backside of ye Deed recorded at ye upper end of this page The Recording of this Deed & Assignmt above written was a mistake for all ye Land therein Mentioned is Contained in a Deed Bearing Date ye (space left blank) from ye Indeans to ye abovesd John Underhill (probably the deed from Suscaneman and Werah, 1682,on p.156) This Enstrument of Writing Witnesseth to all Christian People to whom itmay Come or any wayes Consarne know yee that I Elizabeth Dickinson widow of Oysterbay in Queens County upon Long Island in New England doth by these p'sents owne,Mani- fest & Declare that in ye year 1667 or thereabouts m y Husband John Dickinson Deceased Sold unto John Underhil Sen De- ceased,all his Right or one whole Share of Meadow Lying at Matenacock Bounding on ye North end to Thomas Townsends Meadow,and ye Crick called Corne Crick ye North Bound'the wch Sd Share of Meadow my Sd Husband Sold & Dilivered unto ye Sd John Underhill for full Satisfaction in hand pd him for ye Same upon ye Dilivery thereof,And for want of a Lawfull Con- veyance for ye Sd Meadow to ye Sd Underhill & his Heires from my Deceased Husband & his Heires,Be itknown by vertue of ye power to m e Given in m y Deceased Husbands Will wherein he doth Constitute m e his wife Sole Executrix to all his estate & at my Dispose,By vertue thereof I do ratifie & confirme the Sale thereof ye Sd Share of Meadow as formerly Sold unto John Underhill Sen' by Said Husband Deceased unto ye Sd John Underhils Heires,Executrs Administrat's or Assignes forever to have & to hold,possess & enjoy as their owne right title & Interest from m e m y Heires,Execut's or Successors or any son from by or und'me Laying Claime thereto by virtue of Right in defence whereof I have Set to m y hand & Seal in Oysterbay Decembr ye 5th 1684 : in p'sence of us : marke of X Isaac Horner: Samuel Andrews Elizab Dickinson O cxxxiiij (p.134)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthisp'sent writing Shall come or in any wise Aptaine Be it known yt I John Cock of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island now Called Nassau in ye Collony of New Yorke for & in ye Consideration yt Mary Underhill of Matenacock, Relict & widdow of John Underhil deceased hath Book B Granted & Confirm'd unto me ye Sd John Cock a Certaine cell ofWood LandbywayofexchangeforotherLandbymehereaft to her Granted as by her Deed und'her hand & Seal bearing Date wth these p'sents m a y at Large be Seen to m y full Content & Satisfaction A n d for other good Causes & Consid'ations m e ye SdJohnCockespeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED, Alienated,Infeoffed,Sold & Confirm'd and by these p'sents I ye Sd John Cock do Give, Grant, Alienate, Infeoffe, Sell & Con- firme unto Mary Underhill aforesd all yt of a Certaine Tract of Wood Land Lying & being in Matenacock aforesd wthin ye Bounds of ye N e w Generall purchase wch Sd Land was fformerly James Cocks & Containes in Quantity one and Thirty Acres as Laid out by ye Surveyors Septemb ye tenth 1687, Abutting against ye high way from Oysterbay to Littleworth at ye Head of ye Hollow by Benjamin Burdsals ffield and Bounded at ye Southwest Corner wth a Black Oake tree Mark't, And at ye Southeast Corner wth a Black Oake Saplin Mark't,as may be seeninyeRecordsofOysterbayinyeBookB:ffoleoye6:& 1: and afterwards Conveyed by ye Sd James to his Son ye Sd John Cock by a Deed und'his hand & Seal bearing Date ye 9th Day of Decembr 1687: And Stands Recorded in Oysterbay in Libr B : page 126:Together wthall my Right Title & Interest,Claime & Demand wtsoever wch I the Sd John now have or wch any or either of m y Heires Execut's or Assignes m a y hereafter have of to or in ye Sd Tract of Land wthall fits,Issues,Timber,Trees and w'soever els of right to the Same belongs or Aptaines T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto hir ye Sd Mary Underhill her Heires & A s s i g n e s all & S i n g u l a r y e S d T r a c t o f L a n d & G r a n t e d p ' m i s e s to ye only use & behoof of her ye Sd Mary Underhill her Heires & Assignes forever,And ye Sd John hath put ye Sd Mary into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye Sd Tract of Land & Granted p'mises by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents And ye Sd John Cock doth for himself his Heires Executrs & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd Mary that it Shall & may be Lawfull for her ye Sd Mary her Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy,pos- sess & enjoy all & Singular ye Sd Granted p'mises forever with- out the Lawfull Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd John his Heires or Assignes or any other person or persons Law- fully Claiming for by or under him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift,Grant,Mortgage or Sale what- soever And ye Sd John doth hereby bind himself & his Heires to warrant & defend the Said tract of Land to ye Said Mary Under- hill her Heires & Assignes forever against all Just Claimes that hereafterShallbemadethereuntoINWITNES whereofIhave hereuntoSettmyhand& SealyeSecondDayofDecemberinye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred ninety three 479 480 Book B Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman John ffeke david Underhill JohnCock O Be itknown to whome this may Come or any Waies Concerne that whereas Nathaniel Underhill did Seal & diliver a Deed in writing unto Henry ffranklin of all his Land at Matenacock as may be Seen at Large in Sd Deed wch Beareth Date ye 224 day of November in ye first year of James ye Second king of Eng- land & c 1685 : and Stands recorded in this Booke page 37 : wch Sd Deed was afterward yielded up by ye Sd ffranklen to ye Sd Nathaniel Underhill & ye Same made void and allye Land therein Mentioned was afterward by ye Sd Nathaniel Sold to his Brother John Underhill,and therefore ye record of Sd Deed as above Specified Shall be of no fforce or power in time to come for ye Sd ffranklin nor any or either of his Heires,Execut's or Assignes to have any Claime thereby to any of ye Land or what els is mentioned therein forever this was written by ye order of Sd Henry ffranklen June ye 30th 1694 queens County this (blank) John N e w m a n Record (See p.325 for the deed mentioned) Hemsted March the 6th 1731/2 Then Came ye within Named Samuel Cock one of ye Witness toyewithinwritinDeedpassonalyBeforeme IsaacHicksJudge of the Court of Common pleas of ye County above Said & Did Declare one his Sollem afformation yt he See Dorithey Cock John Cock Daniel Cock Hezekiah Cock & James Cock Execut the within Written Deed as the free & Voluntory actt and Deed I allow this Deed to be Recorded Isaac Hickes (p.135)— T o all Christian People to whome these presents Shall Come Greeting know yee yt wee Dorithey Cock widow & Us her Sons John Cock Daniel Cock Hezekiah Cock & James Cock all of the T o w n Shype of oysterbay in Queens County one ye Island of Nassaw In ye Colloney of N e w York for and in Consideration of ye S u m of fifteen pounds of Currant Lawfull money of N e w Yorke to us in hand paid before ye Ensealing & Delivery of these presents by John Priar of the Townshype of Oysterbay afforesid yeoman the Recepte whereof wee ye Sid Dorithey_Cock John Cock Daniel Cock hezekiah Cock & James Cock Do here by acknowledge & our Selves therewith fully Satisfied Contented & paid & thereof & of Every part & parcell There of D o Exonerate Acquitt & fully Discharg ye Said John Priar his Executors & admrs fforever by these presents have given granted Bargained Sold Allienated Conveyed & Confirmed and by these presents W e e ye Sd Dorithey Cock John Daniel Hezekiah & James Cock Do fully freely Clearly & abslutly Give Grant bargaine Sell Convey & Confirme Unto the Sd John Priar his heirs & Assignes forever all yt of one Certaine parcell of Salt M e d o w & Creek thatch wch Book B 481 wee have Scituate Lying and being att Matinacock within the patten and townshipe of oyster bay itt being A peice or parcall of medow and Creek thatch which our Said John Daniel Hezekiah & James father John Cock Deceased bought of his Son in Law Mathew priar Lying Neare Daniel Underhills by or amongs ye Sd John priars owne medow and Creek thatch Containg In Quan- ttity of acres More or Less as by a Deed of Saile from the Said Mathew to To the Said John Cock Deceased his father in Law Shall & doth farther appeare Which Sd Deed bears Datte ye Sec- ond Day of December In The yeare 1714:& Stands Entered In ye Records of oyster bay Libr D :page ye 215 & 216 To Have & to hold all & Singular ye Said Granted and Bargained M e d o w & Creek thatch & premises wth there & Every of there Appurten- ances Priviledges & Commoditis to Same belonging or in any wise Appeartaing to him the Said John Priar his heirs and As- signes for ever More to his and there only proper Use Benefictt & behoofe forever & W e e ye Sd Dorithey John Daniel Hezekiah & James Cock for Us our heirs Execs admrs Do Covenant prom- ise Grant & agree to and with ye Sd John priar his Heirs and assignes that before ye Ensealing hereof wee are ye True Sold & Lawfull owners of ye above Bargained premises and are Law- fully Seized & possessed of ye Same in our owne proper Right as A good Perfectt and bsolutt (absolute) Estate of Inheritance and have in our Selves Good Right full power & Lawfull Authority to grant Bargaine Sell Convey and Confirme ye Same In manner as above Said & that ye Said John Priar his heirs & assignes Shall andMay fromtimetotime& attalltimesforeverhereafterby virtue of these presents Lawfully & peaceably have hold use oc- cupy posses and Enjoye all and Singular ye Sd Demised M e d o w & Premises with there & Every of there Appurtenances ffree and Clearly Acquitted Exonrated & Discharged of & from all manner of former Gifts Grants Bargaines Sails Mortguages and in Cum- brances what Soever & wee ye Sd Dorithey Cock John hezekiah & James Cock Do further Covenant and bind our Selfes our heirs Exers admrs Each of Us by these presents To Warrant & Defend his & her Equeal fifth part of the Said medow & premises Unto ye Said John priar In Quiett And Peaceable Possession Against Any Just & Lawful Claimes of any Passon or passons What SoeverInWitnessWhere ofWee havehereUnto Settourhands and Seales this Second Day of September In ye Third yeare of his Majesties Reigne Anno Domini one Thousand Seven hundred and Twenty Nine Dorithy Cock Sealed & Delivered John Cock In the presence of us Daniel Cock Samuel Cock Hezekiah Cock Josiah Cock James Cock the acknowledgment Upon this Deed is writt upon ye Left hand Leafe 482 Book B (p.136)—To allChristianPeopleTowhomthesepresentsShall Come greeting now know ye yt Joseph Priar of Oyster bay in Queens County one ye Island of Nassau in ye province of new York weavr for & in Consideration of ye Sum of a hundred & thirty pounds Currunt Lawfull Money of New York to me in hand paid before ye Ensealing & Delivery hereof by John Priar of [ye] Towne & County yeoman ye Recepte whereof I do hereby acknowledge & m y Selfe therewith fully Satsfied & Contented & paid & thereof and Every part & parcall thereof I do Exonrate acquitt & Discharge ye Sd John Priar his heirs Execr admr for- ever by these presents Have Given Granted bargained Sold Alien- ated Conveyed & Confirmed and by these presents I do freely fully & absolutly Give Grant Bargaine Sell Alien Convey & Con- firm Unto ye Sd John Priar his Heirs & Assignes forever All yt of one Cartaine Messuage and Tractt of Land Scituate Lying & being in Matinac(oc)k in ye bounds of Oyster bay where ye Sd John Priar N o w Dwels Maing (meaning) all M y Right Title & interestofLandthere,ororchardenhousenthatmy fatherJohn priar give me in his Last will & testement He isto have And to hold the Said Granted and bargained premises wthall ye appurten- ances priviledges & Commoditis to the Same belonging or in ways appearetaing to him ye Said John priar his heirs A n d Assignes for- ever to his & there only proper Use benefit and behoofe forever & IyeSdJosephpriarforme my heirs,Exrsadmrs Do Covenant Promis Grant to and with ye Said John Priar his heirs & As- signes that before ye Ensealing Here of I am ye True Sole & Lawful owner of ye above bargained premises & Lawfully Seized & possesed of ye Same in mine owne Proper Right as a good perfect & absolut Estate of Inherityance & have in m y Selfe Good full power & Lawfull authority To Grant bargaine Sell Conveay & Confirme ye Sd bargained premises in manner as above Sd & yt ye Sd John priar his heirs & assignes Shall and mayfromtimetotime& attalltimesforeverhereafterbyVirtue of these presents Lawfuly peaceably & quietly have hold use occupy posses & Enjoy ye Sd Demised & bargained premises with ye Appurtenances free and Clear Clearly acquitted Exon- rated & Discharged of & from all manner of former Gifts grants bargains Sails Leases Mortguages wills Entails,joyntures Dowrys Judgments Executions Incumbrances troubles what Soever & I ye Sd Joseph priar for me my Selfe do further Covenant & bind my Selfe m y heirs Exrs admrs firmly by these presents to warrant & forever Defend ye Sd John Priar his Heirs & Assignes In Quiett & peaceable possession of all & Singlar ye Sd Granted and bargained premises Against any Just & Lawfull Claime of any passon or passons what Soever In witness whereof I ye Sd Jo- soph priar have here Unto Sett my hand & Seal This fourth Day of may anno Domini one thousand Seven hundered and ninteen Book B 483 Signed Sealed & Delivered In ye presence of James Springer Samuel Underhill Peter Underhill JosephPriar O Queens County Ss hemsted March ye 6th 1731 Then Came the within Named Samuel Underhill one of ye witnesses to the within written Deed passoaly before me Isaac hicks Judge of ye Court of Common pleas of the County Above Said & Declared one his Sollam afarmation yt he Did See Joseph priar Execut ye within Deed As his free & Valluntory actt and Deed I allow This Deed to be Recorded Isaac Hicks (p. 137)-THIS INDENTURE made ye Thirteenth Day of May in ye Second Yeare of ye Reigne of James ye Second by ye grace of God of England Scotland, ffrance & Ireland King Defend ofyeffaith&c:AndinyeyeareofourLordGodac- cording to ye Computation of ye Church of England one thou- sand Six hundred eighty & Six &c:-Between John Williams Cord wainer of Mad nans Neck wthin ye Bounds of Hempsteed on Long Island in ye Queens County in ye vince of N e w Yorke in Americai of ye one tie:- A n d Joseph Carpent' of Muskeeto Cove wthin ye Bounds of Oysterbay on Long Island in ye Same County & vince aforesd of ye other tie Witnesseth That ye Sd John Williams for Divers good causes & Considracons me moving thereunto but especially for & in Consid'acon of a Sume of full Satisfaction in hand pd before ye Sealing Signing & diliv- ring hereof well & truly pd by ye Sd Joseph Carpent' wherewth ye Sd Jno Williams Acknowledge himself fully Satisfied Content- ed & pd hath Granted Sold Alienated & estranged,And doth by these p'sents freely fully & absolutely Grant Bargin Sell & Con- firmeuntoyeSdJosephCarpent'A certaineTractofLandLying & being upon Matenacock containing fifty Acres as it was first Laid out by ye ord of Suscaneman & Werah Indeans & Chief Pprietors of all ye unsold Lands upon Mattenacock wthin ye pattent & Township of Oysterbay the Sd ffifty Acres of Land wthyeTimb &Apptencesthereonbelonging:Boundeduntoye abovesd Joseph Carpent'as followeth The East bounds of ye Sd Land is Joyned & bounded upon ye Cart way that now is from Muskeeto cove to Lusum being fifty Rod north & South in the Breadth: And from thence runing East & West by ye Bounds or Line of Muskeetocove Lands one hundred & Sixty Rod,by wch foresd Lyne and Bounds Including ffifty acres of Woodland Laid out as abovesd wch is in ye Tenure & Occupation of ye aforesdJohnWilliams:TO HAVE &TO HOLDtheSdLands unto ye abovesd Joseph Carpenter his Heires Executrs Adminis- trat's & Assignes to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd 484 Book B Joseph Carpent' And ye Heires of ye Sd Joseph Carpenter for- ever &c:And ye above Jno Williams for himself his Heires Ex- ecut's Administrat's do mise Covenant & grant by these p'sents at ye time of Signing Sealing & deliv'ring hereof that he was ye Sole & Lawful own of allye forementioned Lands & am Law- fullySeaisedof&inyeSame&every t& celthereofmine own Right:And ye Sd Joseph Carpent'his Heires Execut's Ad- ministrats & Assignes Shall & may by force & vertue of these p'sents from time to time & at all times hereaft" forever Lawfully peaceably & quietly have, hold, use, occupy & enjoy ye above granted Lands free & Cleere from all gifts Grants Leases Mor- gages Joyntures Judgments Executions entailes & of & from all other troubles and Incombrances w'soever had mad or comitted or wittingly Suffered or done by ye Sd John Williams or by any other son or sons wtsoever Lawfully claiming from by or und him ye Sd John Williams or by his meanes assent or consent pri- vately or curement And ye Sd John Williams his Heires & As- signes&all&everyother sonor sonswtsoev'Lawfullyclaim- ing by from or undr him,them or any of them Shall & will forever warrant & defend by these p'sents the Seale of ye p'mises abovesd In witnes whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand and Seale the Day & yeare abovesd marke Signed Sealed & dd In ye p'sents of us. Joseph Sutton William Wiear John X Williams O his marke Tamsun Williams O her X (p.138)— T O ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE To Whome These Presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that I Robart Feke of Oysterbay In Queens County on Nassau Island In The province of New York yeoman For and in Consideration of the Sum of Two pounds Currant Money of New New York to me In hand paid before The Ensealing and Delivery hereof by Daniel hop- kins of The Townshipe & County aforesd yeoman the Recept Whereof I Do hereby Acknowledge and my Selfe therewth fully Satisfied Contented and pead and thereof & of Every Part and ParcellThereofDo ExonrateacquittandDischargeyeSd Daniel Hopkins His Heirs Executors & Administrators for ever by These presents have Given Granted Bargained Sold alinated Con- veyed and Confirmed and by these presents Do freely fully And Absolutely Give Grant Bargaine Sell Allien Convey and and Con- firm Unto ye Sd Daniel Hopkins his heirs and Assignes for Ever one Cartain Parcell of Land Containg Ten Acres itbeing Part of the Tractt of Land I Bought of Richard Willits as Reference There Unto may be had Scituate Lying and being upon Jerecho Plains Commonly Called ye Great plains and in ye towne Shipe of Oyster bay To Have And To Hold the Said granted,and bar- Book B 485 gained Premises together with all ye Profits advantages, and Priviledges of Grass and Commodities to the Same Belonging or In any wise Appeartaing to him the Said Daniel Hopkins his Hopkins and Assignes for Ever to his and there only proper Use benefitt and Behoof forever and I the Said Robart Feke for m y Selfe my heirs Excrs admrs Do Covenant Promise and Grant to and with the Sd Daniel hopkins his heirs and assignes That be- foreTheEnsealinghereofIamthetrueSoleand Lawfullowner of Above Bargained Premises and am Lawfully Seized And Possed of the Same In mine owne Proper Right as a good Per- fectt and Absolutte Estate of Inheritance and have In m y Self Good Right full power & Lawfull Authority to Grant Bargaine Sell Convey and Confirm ye Sd Barged premises In Manner as above Said and therefore I ye Sd Robert Feke have putt The Said Daniel Hopkins In to a Peaceable Possesion of the Same by ye Delivery of Turff and Twigg and ye Sd Daniel Hopkins his heirs and Assignes Shall and may from time to time and att all times for Ever here after by Virtue These presents Lawfully Peaceably and Quietly Have Hold Use Occupy Posses and Enjoy ye Sd Demised and bargained Premises whith there and Every of there Appurtenances ffree and Cleare & freely & Clarely ac- quicted Exonrated and Discharged of and ffrom all & all manner of former Gifts Grants Bargains Sails Leases Mortguages wills Entails Joyntuerys Dowrys Judgments Executions Incumbrances what Soever and I ye Sd :Robart Feke Do further Covenant and bindmy Selfemy HeirsExers& Admrsfirmly,Bythesepresents to warrant and for Ever to Defend ye Said Daniel Hopkins his Heirs and Assignes In Quiett and Peaceable possession of all & Singluarye Sd:granted premises against any Just and Lawfull Claime-(p.139)-Right or Title of any Passon or Parsons What Soever In Witness Where of I ye Sd Robart feke have Here Unto Sett my hand and Seall This fourteenth Day of May I ye Sixth yeare of ye Reigne of our Souveraigne Lord George the Second by ye Grace of God of Great britten France and Iar- land King Defender of the faith & c and In ye yeare of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven Hundred and thirty Three Signed Sealed & Delivered In ye presences of Thomas Thorne Zebulad Dickinson RobartFeke O Queens County Ths June ye 15th 1733 Then Came the Within Named Robart Feke parsonaly Before me Isaac Hicks one ofthe Judges ofthe Court of Common pleas of Sd County and acknowledged ye Within Written Instrument to be his ffree and Vollentary Actt and Deed finding no Raseers nor Interlination alow this Deed to be Recorded Isaac Hicks 486 Book B (p.140)-Be it known by these p'sents yt I John Rogers of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consideracon of m y Naturall Love & affection to m y Son in L a w William Crooker and for other good Causes & consid'acons me ye Sd John especially moving H A V E GIVEN GRANTED Assigned made over & confirme'd and by these p'sents I ye Sd John do Give, Grant, Assigne, make over & confirme unto ye Sd William Crooker A certaine Deed of a H o m e Lott in oysterbay wch Deed beareth Date ye ffourteenth DayofJanuaryoneThousandSixhundredeighty& SixGranted to me ye Sd John Rogers by John Townsend Sen'of Lusum in ye Bounds of Oyst'bay aforesd To Have & to hold to him ye Sd William Crooker during his Naturall Life all ye right title & Intrest wch I ye Sd John Rigers now have or wch any of my Heires Execut's Administratrs or Assignes m a y hereaft' have to ye Sd Lott by ye Deed before Menconed as ffully & Amply in every respect as it is made unto me ye Sd John Rogers & after him ye Sd William to ye Heires of his ye Sd Williams Body Law- fullybegotten forever:but ifye Sd William Shall happen to dy wthout any Heires of his body Lawfully begotten that then ye fore Mentioned Lott wthall ye right & title title thereof Shall re- turne to ye Sd John Rogers his Heires & Assignes forever in Witnes whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal the Seven- teenth day of March in ye yeare of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred eighty & Seven Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of John Newman Job Wright The marke of John(R)Rogers O This above written Assignmt is of a Deed wch Stands recorded in the 75th page of this Book This above written Assignment wth ye Deed ye Above named William Crooker hath delivered up to ye Above named John Rogers and ye assignment is by both their consent mad utterly void & of None effect forever July ye 31 1688: John Newman Record Be it known yt I John Rogers ye wthin named in this wthin written deed wch beareth date ye 22d day of M a y in ye year 1682 have Assigned made over & Confirm'd And by these p'sents do Assigne make over & confirme unto W m Crooker of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island Island in ye vince of N e w Yorke his Heires or Assignes forever this wthin written Deed wthall ye right,Title & Interest wch I ye Sd John now have or wch any of m y Heires Executrs or Assignes m a y hereaft' have to ye Land mencon'd in ye Sd deed or any Pt or parcell thereof To have and to hold unto him ye Sd William all ye before Men- tioned p'mises to ye only per use & behoof of him ye Sd W m Crooker his Heires & Assignes forever;I ye Sd John having put Book B 487 ye Sd Wiliam into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye p❜mises by ye dilivery of these p'sents I ye Sd John having receid of ye Sd William in Consid'acon of ye p'mises Thirty pounds Silver moneycurrantinthis vinceorgoodsEquivolentinhandbefore ye Sealing & diliv'y hereof In full Satisfaction W I T N E S S m y hand & Seal ye Second Day of August in ye yeare of our Lord 1688 : Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman Ephraim Carpent The marke of John(R)Rogers O This above written Assignmt is of a Deed from Isaac Horner to John Rogers and Stands recorded in this Book in page ye 52 : Whereas there hath Differences arisen of Late between Jn° Rogers of Oysterbay & William Crooker both of Oysterbay in yeQueensCounty:Now KnowyeaytIWilliamCrookerabovesd do for myself m y Heires,Executrs & Assignes,Covenant & mise to & wth ye abovesd John Rodgers to doe as ffolloweth:Imprim toDiliverupuntotheabovesdJohn Rogersallytmy Right,Title, & Interest,Claime & Demand In & unto the piece of Land for- merly had & possessed by my Recept thereof and do own to have agreed & Covenanted as ffolloweth:that I will resigne up unto John Rodgers aforesd allye right,Title,Interest,Claime & De- mand w'soever,the Same to release quit Claime Inffeoffe,& Con- firme unto ye abovesd John Rodgers his Heires, Executrs & Assignes Together wthall & every of ye Writings,Deedes & Con- veyances w *someever thereunto belonging in witnes whereunto I Sett to m y hand & Seal this Thirteenth Day of March 1693/4 alwayes excepten all Garden Stuffe,And a Nursery of Apple Trees as also Ten Appletrees fitto be planted out Signed Sealed & dellevered William Crooker O in p❜sence of John Harison Samuel Ruscoe This writing Declareth that upon a mutual agreemt & Consent between John Rogers and William Crooker who are Nominated both in ye Assignmt above recorded wch beareth Date ye Second Day of August 1688:The Sd William Crooker dilivered up to ye Sd John the aforesd Assignement & other writings wch he ye Sd Wm hadofyeSdJohnconcerningtheLandwchisAssignedtoye Sd William by Sd Assignment and wthall made ye record thereof to be void & nul & of none effect from him ye Sd William his Heires Executrs & Assignes forever and before Nathaniel Coles one of there Maties Justices of ye peace for Queens County and in p'sence of Job Wright & John N e w m a n ye Sd William ordered this to be entred upon Record Aprill ye 3d 1694: By John Newman Record' 488 Book B (p.141)—THIS INDENTURE made inyeyeareonethousand Six hundred eighty Seven eight:1687/8:Witnesseth that I Moses fforman now Living in Deptford alias East Greenwich within ye County of Rhoad Island Kings @vince & vidence plantations in America have Bargind & Sould And do by these p'sents Bargaine and Sell from m e m y Heires Execut's Administratrs & Assignes forever unto m y Daught' Sarah fforeman her Heires, Execut's Administrats and Assignes forever all my Land both Tillage Land & Meadow Land itbeing one twelve Acre Lott,one Home Lott ffive Acres wth Six Acres be it more or Less uppon Hogge Island wthall my Right & Title unto Lands,Meadows,Orchards, ffences & ffencing w'soever does any waies unto mee belong wthin ye Township or Town bounds or Claimes of or in Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in America And by these p'sents doformemy Heires,ExecutrsandAdministratrsGrant,Surrend Remise, Release & forever Quit Claime unto Sd Land, in Sd Town or County Yielding ye Same unto Sd Sarah fforeman her Heires,Executrs Administratrs and Assignes wthall priviledges & Appertenances w'soever thereunto belonging To have & to hold and peaceably to possess & enjoy forever wthout any Lawful Lett, Suit Trouble or Interuption of or by me ye Sd fforeman,or of or by any other son or sons w'soever Lawfully Claiming or toclaimebyfromorund meyeSdfforemanorbymymeanes, estate,act default or Pcuremt And unto ye True Pformance of all ye above mentioned perticulars I ye Sd fforeman do firmly by thesepresentsbindmy Selfmy Heires,Executrsadministrats& Assignes unto her ye Sd Sarah fforemen her Heires Execut's Ad- ministrats & Assignes this p'sent Day of ye Date hereof being yetenthdayofffebruaryandinyeareabovewritten:And inwit- nestoyeSameIhaveSetttomyhand& Sealethisp'sentDay being ye 10th ffebruary 1687/8 : M e m m o r a n d o m e it is to be und1- stood that I Sd Moses fforeman have Sould ye abovesd Land for & in Consid'ation of a Certaine Sume in hand already received as will appeare by bond bearing Date wth this p'sent writing; This memorandome was written before Signing & Sealing Signed Sealed & dd in ye p'sence of us John Heath:John Nickoles John Spencer Moses fforman Anna X fforman her marke To all Christian People To whome these presents Shall Come greeting K n o w ye that I Zebuland furman of oyster bay in Queens County on Long Island on ye province of New York) yeoman forand In Consideration of a Cartaine Sum of Money to me In hand well & truly paid by m y Loving Mother Judath furman of the Same place widow the Recept whereof I Do here by acknowl- edge My Selfe there With fully Satisfied and Contented And There of and of Every Part and Parcall there of Do Exonrate Book B 489 acquitt and Discharge ye afore Said Jude furman her heirs Ex- ers adm3 for Ever by these presents have Given Granted bargained Sold alienated Conveyed and Confirmed & Do by these Do ffreely fully and absoluly give grant bargain Sell alien Convey and Con- firm Unto the Said Jude ffurmen her Heirs and Assignes for Ever all m y Lands Scituate Lying & being In ye Townshipe of Oyster- bayin Queens County In ye province afore Said To Have and to hold all ye Said Granted bargained premis with all ye Appurten- ances priviledges And Comodits to the Same belonging or in any wise Appeartaing To her the Said Jude ffurmon Her Heirs and Assignes for Ever To Her & there only Proper Use benefitt & behoofe for Ever and I ye Said Zebuland ffurmon for me M y heirs Exrs admrs Do Covenant promise and Grant to & with ye Sd Jude ffurmen her heirs & assignes that before the Ensealing here of I am the true & Sole and Lawfull owner of ye Above Bargained premises and a m Lawfuly Seized & posed of the Same in mine own proper Right as a good Perfectt and absolutt Estate of Inheritance and have in my Selfe Good Rightfull power & Lawfull Authority to Grant bargain Sell Convey and Confirm the Sd bargained premises in manner,as above Sd and that the Said Judefurmanherheirs-(p.142)-And AssignesShallandMay f r o m t i m e t o t i m e a n d all t i m e s F o r E v e r H e r e A f f t e r B y V i r t u e of these presents Lawfully Peasablly Quietly Have hold Use oc- cupy posses and Injoy The Said Demised and bargained premises ffree and Cleare A n d ffreely and Clearly acquitted Exonrated and Discharg of and ffrom all & all manner of former Gifts Grants bargains Sails Leases Mortguges Wills Entails Joyntures Dowrys Judgments Executions Incumbrances and troubls W h a t Soever In WitnesswareofIhavehereUntoSettmy handAnd Affixedmy Seal this Foreteenth Day of May in ye Yeare of our Lord Christ Seventeene hundered and Twenty Seven Sealed and Delivered Inyepresencesof the mark of Samuel X Burcham Daniel Denton X themark ofZebulandformen O Queens County Ths Memorundum one the Twenty day of June 1730 Ten Came The within named Samuel Burchell one of The Witness to the Within Deed passonly Be fore me Isaac Hicks Jude ofthe Court of Common pleas of Queens County & being SworneontheHolyEvangeusSaithytHe SeeZebulandffurmon Execut the within Writen In Strument As his ffree and Voluan- tory Actt and Deed I Allow this Deed to be Recorded Isaac Hicks (p.143)— T O ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sent W r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e a p p t a i n e B e it k n o w n t h a t I 490 Book B Josias Latten of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of N e w Yorke for & in the Considracon that ye Sd Edmond Wright hath undr his hand & Seal Assigned made over & Confirm'd unto me ye Sd Josias my Heires & Assignes bearing date wth these p'sents one H o m e Lott of Land Lying & being in Matenacock aforesd between ye H o m e Lott of Aaron ffurman formerly in ye possession & tenure of John Davis ;and the H o m e Lott of ye Sd Josias wthall priviledges thereto belonging as is Specified in ye Deed So Assigned by me ye Sd Edmond unto ye Sd Josias wth other cels of Land in Matenacock aforesd wch ye Sd Edmond hath in like maner As- signed unto me ye Sd Josias whereby I do hold my Self fully Satisfied contented & paid before ye Sealing & Dilivery hereof and for other good Causes & Considracons me ye Sd Josias es- peciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN GRANTED AlienatedMadeov Barganed Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Josias do Give Grant Alienate Make ov'Bargaine Sell & Confirme unto ye aforementioned Edmond Wright of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island aforesd one Home Lott of Land form❜ly Benjamin Hubbards but now in ye Tenure of me ye Sd Josias wch Lott is ffronting against ye Street wch Leads to pine Hollow or Sandy Hollow Between George Townsends Home Lott & Nathaneel Coles Home Lot formerly Adam Wrights & Bounded on ye East by ye Sd Street,on ye South by George Townsends Home Lott;On yewestPtlybyapieceofSwamp belongingto m e ye Sd Josias wch will hereaft" be mention'd in this Deed and Ptly by another piece of Swamp belonging to ye Sd Edmond, form'ly his ffather Nicholas Wrights ; and on ye North Ply by CalebWrightsHome Lott& PtlybyNathaneelColesHome Lott fform❜ly A d a m Wrights ;A n d also one piece of S w a m p n o w in ye Tenure of me ye Sd Josias Lying & Joyning to ye West end of ye foremention'd Lott,And Bounded by ye forementioned Lott onyeEast;onyeSouthbyapieceofSwamp ofyeSdEdmonds, form'ly James Townsends on ye West by ye Highway Ranging by ye Sd Edmonds House & Lott & So ye Back way to ye fore mentioned pine Hollow ;and on ye North by a piece of Swamp of ye Sd Edmonds formerly his ffather Nicholas Wrights all Lying & being in Oysterbay Towne aforesd Containing by Esti- macon Six Acres or thereabouts be it more or Less as now it Stands wthin ffence,Together wthall ye Houses,Buildings Cellars Orchards ffences or ffencing Stuff,ffruit Trees of all Sorts,wtball other Trees or Emolumts Growing or being in & upon ye Sd Lott orSwampwthallIssuesand fitstherefromArisingorGrowing orinanywiseataining;Togetherwthallmy Right,Title& In- t'est,Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Josias now have or wch any or either of m y Heires, Executrs Administrats or As- signes may hereaft'have of or in ye Sd Lott & Swamp or any 9t & cel thereof or any of ye p'mises thereto belonging T Ó Book B 491 HAVE&TOHOLDall&Singularyep'mises&every t& Pcell thereof unto him ye Sd Edmond Wright his Heires & As- signes to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd Edmond his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd Josias hath put ye Sd Ed- m o n d into a L a w full & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye Diliv'y of these p'sents And ye Sd Josias doth for him Self his Heires,Executrs & Administrat's further Covent & a g r e e t o & w t h y e S a i d E d m o n d t h a t it S h a l l & m a y b e L a w f u l l f o r him ye Sd Edmond his Heires or Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises & every t & cel thereof forev wthout ye Lawfull Lett hin- drance or Int❜uption of him ye Sd Josias his Heires Execut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming forby or und him or any or either of them,Notwithstanding any form Gifts,Grant,Bargaine or Sale wtsoever IN WITNES whereof IhaveSettmyhand& SealtheTwentyeighthDayofAprilinye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Eighty and Eight Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us The marke X of John Newman John Wright Josias Latten O The marke X of Sarah Latten O cij (p.144)—To allChristianPeopletowhomethispresentWriting shall Come or Aptain be It known yt I Abraham Alling of Oysterbay In Queens County on ye Island of Nassaw In ye Col- lony of Newyork ffor and In ye Consideration of the Sume of Thirty pounds In Currant money of N e w Yorke aforesaid In hand paid and by me ye said Abraham Alling Received of my Eldest son Thomas Alling of Oysterbaye aforesaid beffore the sealing and Dilivery hereof In ffull payment and Satisfaction and for other good Causes and Considerations me ye said Abraham Alling Especially Moving Have Given Granted and Alienated In- feoffed Assigned Sold and Confirmed and by these presents Do Give Grant and Alienate Infeoffe Asigne sell and Confirme unto m y S o n T h o m a s A l l i n g a f o r e s a i d all y t o f a C e r t a i n L o t t o f L a n d which I fformerly Bought of Caleb Wright Deceaced Lying and being on ye Mill river Neck and the Moety or one halfe of all m y Land and Meadow Lying and being In ye Pattent and township of Oysterbay aforesaid Excepting ye Lott of Land which I bought of William Thornicraft and the Lott of Land which I bought of William Butler wch two Lotts I have Disposed of to m y son Abra- ham AllingTogetherwithallmy RightTitleInterestClaimeand Demand whatsoEver which I the said Abraham Alling N o w have or wch any or other Ether of m y Heires Executors or Assignes may hereafter Have of to or In ye said Granted Land meadow & premises and also one halfe of m y right of Comonage Withall Profits Priviledges ffences Timber trees Grass waters ponds or 492 Book B what priviledge Else is belonging or In any wise Aptaining to ye said Granted premises to Have and to Hold unto him my said sone Thomas Alling His Heires Executors or Assignes all and Singular the said Granted primises with ye Appertences thereofto ye only proper use and behoofe of him ye said Thomas His Heires and Asignes ffor Ever and I the said Abraham Alling have put m y said son Into a L a w full and peaceable possession of all and Singular ye said Granted premises by the Dilivery of Turffe and Twigg and by these presents And I the said Abraham Alling D o ffor m y self m y Heires Executors and Assignes ffurther Covenant and agree to and with the said Thomas Alling yt It shall and m a y be Lawfull ffor him ye said T h o m a s his Heires and Asignes Quietly and peaceably to Have Hold possess and Enjoy all and Singular ye said Granted premises ffor Ever Without the Lawful Lett or Mollestation of me ye said Abraham Alling my Heires Executors or Asignes or any other person or persons Lawfully Claiming ffor by or under me or any or Either of min Notwithstanding any fformer Gift Grant Mortgage Dower or other Conveyance whatsoEver And the Same to ye said Thomas Alling his Heires or Asignes to warrant and Defend according as before Is presied And I the said Abraham Alling do Give Grant and and Confirme unto my Son Thomas Alling all my smithtools as ffirmly as any of ye above written premises But I the said Abraham Alling Do ffurther Manifest and Declare yt I D o Except and reserve to m y selfe power priviledge and Liberty to and for my selfe and my now wife Mary During my natural Life and her widdowhood to make use of any part or percel of the abovesaid Granted premises If I shall have occation for It or m y wife after m y Decease anything Else In this Deed to ye Contrary Notwithstanding But after m y Decease & m y wives widdowhood To Returne to m y son Thomas Alling according to ye Tenure of this Above written Deed In witness whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand and ffixed to m y seal this Twenty Sixth day of Aprill In ye Year of our Lord God one thousand Six hundred Ninety Eight Signed Sealed and Dilivered In ye presence of us Witnesses Job Wright Daniel Townsend John Townsend Abraham Alling O (p.145)-To allChristianPeopletowhom thispresentwriting shall Come or Aptain Be It known yt I Abraham alling Sen of Oysterbay In Queens County on the Island of Nassaw In ye Collony of Newyorke ffor & In the Consideration of the Sume of Thirty pounds In Currant Money of Newyorke In hand paid and by me the said Abraham Alling Received of my youngest Son Abraham Alling of Oysterbay aforesaid before ye sealing and Book B 493 Dilivery hereof In ffull payment and Satisfaction and ffor other good Causes and Considerations me ye said Abraham Alling Es- pecially Moving Have Given Granted Alienated Infeoffed As- signed Sold and Confirmed and by these presents Do Give Grant Alienate Infeoffe Asigne Sell and Confirme unto m y son Abra- ham Alling aforesaid all that of Two Lotts of Land which I formerly Bought of William Thorny Craft and William Butler allLying and being On on ye Mill river Neck and the Moety or one halfe of all my Land and Meadow Lying and being In the Pattent of Oysterbay both Divided and undivided Land Excepting the Lott of Land which I bought of Caleb Wright which I have soldtomy sonThomas Togetherwithallmy RightTitleInterest Claime & Demand whatsoEver which I the said Abraham Alling now have or which any or Either of my Heires Executors or Asignes may Hereafter have of to or In ye said Granted Land and Meadow Withall profits priviledges houses Timber trees Grass ffresh and salt water ponds or what Else priviledge Is be- longIng or In anywise Aptaining to ye said Granted premises to Have & to Hold unto him my said Son Abraham Alling His Heires and Assignes all and Singular ye said Granted Land Mea- dow & premises with ye Appertences thereof Except before Ex- cepted to ye only proper use and behoofe of him ye said Abraham AllinghisHeiresandAssignesfforEverAnd IthesaidAbraham Alling Have put m y said Son Abraham Alling In to Lawfull and peaceable possession of all and Singular ye said Granted Land Meadow and premises by the Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg and by these presents and Ithe Said Abraham Alling Do ffor my selfe m y Heires Executors and Assignes ffurther Covenant and agree toandwithyesaidAbrahamAllingmy sonthatItshallandmay beLawfullforhimmy saidSonAbraham Quietlyandpeaceably to Have Hold possess and Enjoy all ye said Granted Land Mea- dow and premises fforEver without the Lawfull Lett or Mollesta- tion of me ye said Abraham Alling my Heires Executors or Asignes or any other person or persons Lawfully Claiming ffor by or under me or any or Either of mine Notwithstanding any fformer Gift Grant Mortgage Dower or other Conveyance what- soEver and the same to ye said Abraham Alling to warrant and Defend ye same according as before Is Expressed But I the abovesaid Abraham Alling Do ffurther Manifest and Declare yt I Except and reserve To my Selfe power priviledge and Liberty During m y Naturall Life and m y Wives widdowhood to make use of all and Every part and percell of ye above said Granted premisesandItShallbeLawfullforme atanytimeDuringmy Naturall Life to Enter upon all and Every pert and percell of the said Granted premises and After m y Decease and m y wives widdowhood to returne to m y said son Abraham Alling according to ye Tenure of this Deed In Witness whereof I have hereunto 494 Book B Sett my hand and seal this Twenty sixth Day of Aprill In the year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety Eight signed sealed and Dilivered In ye presence of us Job Wright Daniel Townsend John Townsend Abraham Alling O (p.146blank;p.147)—This Instrumtofwritingwitnessethunto allpeople to whome itmay come or any waies Conserne:Know yee that I und'written Suscaneman alias Runassuck an Indean & Chief Ppriator of all ye unsold Lands upon Matenacock So called Scituate Lying & being wthin ye pattent & Township of Oysterbay in Queens County upon Long Island as hath been Acknowledged und'Severall Sachems hands & Seales as may ap- peare;By Vertue whereof and for a Consid'able Sum of Silver moneytomepdbeforeyeSigning& SealinghereofIhaveBar- gained Sold & by p'sent possession Deliv'd unto Edmond Wright of Oysterbay a Sertin Tract or Slipe of Woodland upon Matena- cock abovesd Joyning to ye rere of his or South end of his Ten Acre Lott he Lately Bought of Samuel Tiller formerly by Sold unto John Robins as by ye Deed Transported may appeare;the Sd Tract or Slipe of Land as abovesd isto run or Range ye Same Bredth of ye Sd Lott Southward to ye now cart path from Mat- enacock to Musketo Cove be it in quantity of Acres more or Less for a valuable Sum of money in hand to me pd as abovesd I do hereby acknowledge to to have Bargained, Sold & by p'sent pos- session diliv'd ye Sd Tract or Stripe of Woodland menshoned & above Bounded unto ye Sd Edmond Wright his Heires ExecutTM Administrats or Assignes forever To have & to hold occupy possess & enjoy as his or there owne right title & Interest from m e or any from by or und' m e or any other either Christian or Indeans Laying Claime thereunto by vertue of Right by Heire- ship, Grant purchase or otherwise forever Ingaging m y self Heires & Sucksesors to uphold make Good & maintaine the Sd Edmond Wright his Heires & Sucksesors in their peaceable Im- provement & enjoyment of ye p'mises as witnes m y hand & Seal in Oysterbay the 25th day of ffebruary 1684/5 Suscaneman X his marke O Signed Sealed & dd in p'sents of us and Seale Henry Townsend Jun' Samos his X marke O Thomas Weekes and Seal B e it k n o w n b y t h e s e p ' s e n t s t h a t I E d m o n d W r i g h t y e w t h i n named in this wthin written Deed have Assigned made ov & Confirmd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Edmond do Assigne make Book B 495 ov & Confirme unto Josias Latten of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island in ye vince of N e w Yorke his Heires & Assignes this wthin Written Deed wthall yeRighttitle& Interestclaime& demandwhatsoevrwchIyeSd Edmond now have or wch any or either of my Heires Execut's or Assignes may hereaft' have by Vertue of this Sd Deed to ye Land therein Contained in every Clause & Covenant thereof To Have & to hold all & Singular ye p'mises to him ye Sd Josias Latten his Heires & assignes forever Having received of ye Sd Josias full Satisfaction in Land in Oysterbay as by a Deed bear- ing Date wth these p'sents doth appear ; In Witnes whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal the Twenty eighth day of Aprill in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & eight: Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman : John Wright The marke X of Edmond Wright 0 This Assignment is of ye Deed next above recorded Assignedbyme SamuelTillerofMatenacockwithinyeBounds ofOysterbayallmy Whole Claime,Right,Title& Interesttoye abovesd Assignement & within written Deed of Sale from me my Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes unto Edmond Wright of Oysterbay his Heires Executrs Administrats or Assignes for- ever to have & to hold to all Intents & purposes as ever it was mine from John Robins as witnes m y hand & Seal in Oysterbay this 10th Day of Jenewary 1684 Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Samuel Tiller O Tho:Townsend: Job Wright this before written Assignmt is of a Deed from ye Indeans to John Robins bearing Date ye 5th of July 1681 wch Deed Robins Assigned to Samuel Tiller in ye Records in ye Book A : page ye 117:itmay be Seen (p.148)- B e itknown by these p'sents that I Edmond Wright of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of New Yorke have Assigned made over & Confirm'd and by these p'sents do Assigne make over & Confirme unto Josias Latten of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd his Heires & Assignes this within written Deed wthall ye Right, Title, Int'est Claime & demand wtsoever wch Iye Sd Edmond now have or wch any of my Heires,Executrs or Assignes may hereaft'have (by virtue of an Assignment made unto m e by Samuell Tiller Bearing Date ye 10th of January 1684) of this wthin Written Deed and every Clause & Covenant therein Contained and ye Land therein menshoned To have and to hold all & Singular ye p'mises to him The mark of Sarah (S) Wright O 496 Book B ye Sd Josias Latten his Heires & Assignes forever having received of ye Sd Josias full Satisfaction in Land at oysterbay as by his Deed bearing Date wth these p'sents doth appeare In Witnes whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal ye twenty eighth Day of Aprillin ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & eight Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us the marke X of John Newman John Wright Edmond Wright O Sarah Wright O This Assignement is of ye Deed mentioned at ye Lower end of ye page on ye other Side of this Leaf Here ffolloweth two Assignments of a Deed of John Robins to Samuel Tiller of Land at Matenacock Bearing Date ye Seventh day of ffebruary 1680 :and Stands Recorded in ye Book A :page : 106 : Assigned by me Samuel Tiller of Matenacock wthin ye patten & TowshipofOysterbayallmy wholeright,Claime,Right,Title & Interest to ye within Written Deed as wthin Menshoned unto Edmond Wright of Oysterbay his Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes To have & to Hold possess & enjoy as his or their own right Title & Interest from me or any from by or und m e forever as ffirmly to all Intents and purposes as might be written according to L a w as witnes m y hand & Seal in Oysterbay this 10th day of January 1684 Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of Samuel Tiller O Tho:Townsend JobWright Beitknownbythesep'sentsthatIEdmond WrightofOyst❜bay the above named in ye above written Assignment have Assigned madeover& Confirmedandbythesep'sentsIyeSdEdmonddoe Assigne make over & Confirme unto Josias Latten of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay on Long Island in ye Dvince of N e w Yorke his Heires & Assignes this within Written Deed wthall ye Right title & Interest Claime & demand wtsoev which I ye Sd Edmond now have or wch any of my Heires Executrs or Assignes may hereafter have by virtue of ye above written Assignement to ye Sd Deed & ye Land therein Contained in every Clause & Covenant thereof excepting & alwaies reserving Six and twenty Acres of ye Land mentioned in this Sd Deed wch ye Sd Edmond hath formerly Sold to William ffrost of Matenacock aforesd as byaDeedund'hishandandSealdothappeareTO HAVE & T O H O L D all & Singular ye p'mises (except before excepted) to him ye Sd Josias his Heires & Assignes forever;I having re- ceived of ye Sd Josias full Satisfaction in Land at Oysterbay as by a deed bearing date wth these p'sents doth appeare;IN WIT- N E S whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seal the twenty Book B 497 eighth day of Aprill in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty eight Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman John Wright The marke X of Edmond Wright O The marke (S) of Sarah Wright O The Deed wch is mentioned in this Assignment wherein the above named Edmond hath Sold 26 Acres of Land to W m ffrost Stands recorded in ye 2d page of this Booke (No such deed appears on that page,nor have I yet found it elsewhere.) (p.149)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thispres- ent writing Shall come or in any wise Ap@taine;Be it known that I Edward White of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of New Yorke,for & in ye Consid'ation yt Josias Latten Sen of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd hath Granted,Sold & Confirm'd unto me ye Sd Edward one Lott or Share of Meadow Lying amongst ye Home Meadows of Oysterbay aforesd as by a Deed und'ye hand & Seal of ye Sd Josias bearing Date wth these p'sents at Large doth & will appear; aforesd hath Granted,Sold & confirm'd unto me ye Sd Edward especiallyMoving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,In- feoffed,Assigned,Sold,& Confirm'd;And bythesep'sentsIye Sd Edward do Give, Grant, Alienate, Infeoffe, Assigne, Sell & Confirme unto Josias Latten aforenamed,half a Share or pur- chasers right of Meadow at ye South of Oysterbay aforesd, (that isto Say) half a Share on West Neck in ye ffirst Division, And half a Share on Unkaway Neck in ye Second Division,And half a Share on Lattens in ye Third Division ; which half pur- chasers right of Meadow was fformerly John Richbels,afterward Simon Coopers but now in ye Tenure & Occupation of ye Sd Edward White And also one whole purchasers Right of ye Up- land on West Neck at ye South aforesd as it is fallen to me by Lott,in ye Lower Division ye 13th Lott,and in ye Upper Division ye 24 Lott as ye Writings concerning ye Sd Neck,and the Town Records will make plainly appear T O G E T H E R wthall m y right Title & Interest Claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Edward nowhaveorwchanyoreitherofmy Heires,Execut'sorAssignes may hereaft have of to or in ye Sd half Share of Meadow or whole Share of Upland wthall fits & Issues from thence arising or Growing wthall Customes,priviledges Comons,pastures wthall undivided Lands or Meadow belonging to ye Sd half share of Meadow or whole share of Upland wth wtsoever els is of right thereto belonging or in any wise Apptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Josias Latten his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye forementioned Meadow & Upland wth ye Appur- tences thereof,to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd Josias his Heires & Assignes forever;A N D ye Sd Edward hath put ye 498 Book B SdJosiasintoaLawfull& peaceablepossessionofall& Singular ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p❜sents;And ye Sd Edward doth for himself his Heires Executrs & Assignes further Covenant & Agree to & wth ye Sd Josias Latten yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Josias his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever without ye Law- full Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd Edward his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claim- ing for by or und'him or any or either of them,notwithstanding any former Gifts,Grants,Bargaines or Sales wtSoever,And ye Sd Edward doth hereby bind himself & his Heires to warrant & defend ye forementioned M e a d o w & upland wth ye Appurtences thereto ye Sd Josias his Heires and Assignes forever according as is before expressed I N W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal the Sixteenth Day of Aprill in the year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety two Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of JohnNewman: GeorgeTownsend The marke of (R ) John Robins Jun' EdwardWhite O T o all Christian People W h o m e this Instruement of Conveance M a y C o n c e r n e b e itt K n o n e & m a d e m a n i f e s t t h a t w i l l i a m f r o s t of Oysterbay in Queens County one ye Island of Nassaw in ye Colloney of New York Yeoman for and in Consideration of ye brotherly Love that I have and Do beare towards by brother Samuel frost and for Good Causes & Satisfaction orther ways to me before ye Ensealing or Delivery hereof Well & truly by Samuel frost abovesd yeoman of the Same Towne & County abovesd yeoman the Recpte whereof I the Said william frost here by acknowledg and my Selfe therewith to be fuly well & truly Satisfied Contented & paid Hath Given Granted Bargained Sold alienated Enffeofed Conveyed & Confirmed & by these pres- ents Doth freely Clarely and absolutely give Grant bargaine Sell Alien Coneay and Confirm Unto the Said Samuel frost his heirs. Exers admrs or Assignes For Ever a Cartaine parcall of Land and M e d o w that is Scituate Lying and being att the South Side of Island Lying one two Necks Called Unkaway Neck & Lating Neck all the Town Shipe of oysterbay aforesd meaning all ye Land and meadow Excepting one Shear,or Lot of medow Lying one Aunkaway Neck Such a lott of Medow as was Laid out amongst ye Lottments So Meaning allye Land and Medow attthe South & Upon the brushe plains Commons Confirmed unto ye Sd Sam- uelfrosthisheirs& assignesfor- turnover-(p.150)-Everhe is to have & to hold as his or theire proper Use free and So ye SamefromtimetotimeattalltimeshereaftertoUse& Improve without ye Lawfull Lett or henderance or Denial of me ye Sd Book B 499 william frost who Doth hereby publish and Declare that att ye Ensealing and before ye Delivery hereof he is the true Sole and Lawfull owner of ye above bargained Premises and have in m y Selfe full power Good Right and Lawfull Authority Said Con- veance to make for that ye above Demised premises is free and Clearly acquitted Exonrated and Discharged of and from all former Gifts titles troubles or Incumbrances what Soever which Can or May alter Change or Defeat Macke Voide this present Sail More over ye Sd william frost Doth freely absolutely ablige m y Selfe m y heires Executors admrs ye above Demised premises Unto ye above Said Samuel frost his Heirs Exers admrs or As- signes for ever hereafter to warrant and Defend against any Pas- sons from by or under me what Soever In witness Wheareof I ye Sd william frost Have here Unto Sett my hand & affixed my Seal this Twenty Seven Day of february In ye Second Yeare of the Reigne of George ye Second by the grace of God King of Great britten & c:and in ye Yeare of our Lord Christ one thou- sand Seven hundred & twenty nine thirty Signed Sealed & Delivered In the presences of Joseph frost Samuel Underhill William frost O Memorandum that one ye 28th Day of febuary Annoq Domini 1729/30 the with Named frost Come before me David Jones of the Judges of ye Court of C o m m o n pleas for Queens County A n d acknowledged that he Executed ye Within Written Deed freely to ye Use therein mentioned haveing Examened ye Within Writ- t e n D e e d I a l l o w itt t o b e R e c o r d e d D : J o n e s (p.151)-Know allmen whom thisDeed may any wise Consarn that I Samuel Andrews of West Jersey have Barganed Sold and delivered unto John ffekes of Muntinicock two Shares of Meadow Lying in Oake Neck Meadoes being ye 8 and ye 10 Sheares I Say I have Sold from me my Heires & Assignes forever,unto John ffeke his his Heires & Assignes forever, T o have & to hold for- ever as his or theres per right free from all molestation from me or any from by or und'me and having received full Satisfac- tion for m y abovesaid Interest doe hereunto Sett m y hand and Sealthe4ofye4Mo 1688: John Underhill: Lydia Horner Samuell Andrews O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhome thisp'sentwrit- i n g S h a l l C o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e B e it k n o w n y t I d a v i d Underhil of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of New Yorke for & in ye Consid1ation of ye Sume of twenty five pounds in Merchants pay in hand pd & by me ye Sd David received of John ffexe of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd before ye Sealing & Dilivery hereof in ffull 500 Book B paymttomy fullContent& Satisfaction,And forothergood Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd David especially Moving H A V E GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,Infeoffed,Assigned,Sold & Confirm'd,And by these p'sents I ye Sd David do Give,Grant, Alienate, Infeoffe, Assigne Sell & Confirme unto John ffexe aforesd all yt of m y t, Share & portion of & in a Certaine Tract of Upland Lying Scituate & being at Matenacock aforesd (Excepting & alwaies reserving one Acre of m y t Share or Pportion of Sd Land wch I ye Sd David have already Sold to John Underhill which Lyeth Joyning to ye Meadowes) wch Sd Tract of Land was fformerly in ye possession of m y ffather John UnderhilDeceased,AndmyPtShareor portionofyeSdTract of Land being ye third Pt of it was never yet Laid out nor Di- vided.Togegther wthall m y right,title& Interest,Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd David now have or wch any or either of m y Heires,Execut's or Assignes may hereafter have of to or in my Pt,Share or portion of & in Sd Tract of Land (except before excepted) wthallPfits,Comoditys Timb';Trees,priviledges,Cus- tomestomy Pt,Share,or portionofSd Landbelongingorin anywiseaptainingTO HAVE & TO HOLD untohimyeSd John ffexe his Heires & Assignes, All & Singular m y foremen- tioned tShareor portionofSdTractofLandwthyeApp- tences thereof (except before excepted) to the only use & behoof of him ye Sd John ffexe,his Heires & Assignes fforever AndyeSdDavidhathputyeSdJohnintoaLawfull& peaceable possessionofmyPtShareor portionofSaidLandbyyeDiliv- ery of Turfe & Twigg,And by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd David doth for himself his Heires, Execut's & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye John ffexe yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd John quietly & peaceably to have, h o l d , O c c u p y p o s s e s s & e n j o y all & S i n g u l a r y e S d P t , S h a r e o r portion of Sd Land wth ye ApPtences thereof forever (except b e f o r e e x c e p t e d ) w t h y e L a w full L e t t h i n d r a n c e o r I n t e r u p t i o n o f him ye said David his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for,by or undr him or any or either of them,Notwithstanding any former,Gift Grant,Mortgage or Sale wtsoever And ye Sd David doth hereby bind himself & his Heires to warrant & defend ye Same to ye Sd John his Heires,Execut's & Assignes forever, according as it is before exp'ssed I N W I T - N E S whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal ye Twentyth Day of Aprill in ye yeare of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred Ninetythree:These words (which Lyeth Joyningtoye Meadow) were Interlined before ye Sealing hereof Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman : Nathaneill Coles Samuel Moore DavidUnderhill O Book B 501 M a t e n a c o c k y e 1 0 : o f y e first M o n e t h : 1 6 9 6 : ( 1 0 M a r . 1 6 9 6 / 7 > K n o w all m e n w h o m this m a y any wayes Concerne that I John ffeke of Matenacock in Queens County on Long Island do Sell & make over unto Steven Burdsall Henry Burdsall,John prior Wil- liam Hawxhurst Samuel Weekes,Joseph Weekes,all of ye above named place,I Say I have Sold from me my Heires or Assignes to them their Heires or Assignes forever all m y right title & In- terestinaCertaine cellofLandLyingbetweentherereoftheir Lotts& ChechaginBrook,And dobindmy Selfmy HeiresorAs- signes to Defend them their Heires or Assignes free from Mo- lestation by virtue of a Deed by virtue of a Deed made by ye Indians to Captaine John Underhill, In witnes hereof I Sett to my hand & Seal Signed Sealed & dd in the p'sence of us : William Crooker : Moses fforman Johnffeke O Andweyeabovenamed tiesinConsid'ationthereofdoGrant unto ye above named John ffeke his Heires or Assignes forever, an open High W a y of two rod wide a Cross our Lotts as bounded by us in witnes hereof wee Sett to our hand & Seal Signed Sealed in ye p❜sence Samuel Weekes of us & dd Joseph Weekes William Crooker,Moses fforman William X Hawxhurst O (p.152 blank;p.153)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whom this p❜sent writing Shall come or in any wise aptaine ; Be itknown that I Sarah fforman of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of N e w Yorke for & in ye Considracon of Eleven pounds Silver money Currant in this vince in hand pd before ye Sealing & dilivry hereof in full Satisfaction and for other good causes & ConsidraconsmeyeSdSarahespeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN, G R A N T E D ,Alienated,Made over,Bargained Sold & Confirme'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Sarah do Give,grant Alienate, make over, Bargaine, Sell & Confirme unto Samuel Burdsal of Matenacock aforesd,Two half Lotts of Meadow at ye South of Oysterbay aforesd,that is to Say one half Lott upon Unkaway N e c k b e i n g o f N u m b e r 3 : a s it S t a n d s o n y e R e c o r d s o f O y s t e r - bay South Meadows,and ye other half Lott Lying on ye Neck calledLattensNeckbeingofNumb 12asitStandsonyeRec- ordsaforesd,And alsoallmy LandonHogg IslandinyeBounds his marke John Prior themarke (S)of Steven Burdsall Henry X Burdsall his marke O 502 Book B of Oysterbay aforesd whether in Lotts already Laid out or in undivided Lands or Comonage wtSoever wthall fits priviledges & Customes wch to ye forementioned Land & Meadow belongs orinanywiseapptainesTogetherwthallmy Right,Title& In- terest,Claime & Demand whatsoever wch Iye Sd Sarah now have or wch any or either of m y Heires,Execut's administrators or As- signes may hereaft'have of to & in ye Sd Land & Meadow or any Pt or Pcel thereof T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Samuel Burdsal his Heires Execut's or Assignes all & Singular ye forementioned Land & Meadow with its Appurtences To ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd Samuel Burdsal his Heires &Assignesforever;AND yeSdSarahfformonhathputyeSd Samuel into a L a w full & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye ye p'mises by ye dilivery of these p'sents A N D ye Sd Sarah fforman doth for herself her Heires,Executrs & Assignes ffurther Covenant & Agree to and wth ye Sd Samuel Burdsal that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Samuel his Heires & Assignes quietly& peaceablytohave,hold,Occupy,possess& enjoyall& Singular ye fforementioned Land & Meadow wth ye ap tences thereof (The Land on Hogg Island being before Mention'd of Divided Land is three Lotts Lying & being on yt wch was for- merly calledye Oxe pasture,And allye foremention'd both Land & Meadow was formerly in ye possession of Robert fforman De- ceased;after in ye possession of Moses fforman but now in ye Tenure & Occupacon of ye Sd Sarah) to ye P use & behoofe of him ye Sd Samuel his Heires & Assignes forever without ye Lawful Lett hindrance or Int'uption of her ye Sd Sarah her Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claim- ing for by or und her or any or either of them notwthstanding any former Gift,Grant,Bargaine or Sale wtsoever IN W I T N E S whereofIhavehereuntoSettmyhand& SealtheThirdDayof July in ye year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred eighty eight The marke of Signed Sealed & dd Sarah X fforman O in p❜sence of John Newman : Job Wright: July ye 3d 1688:The abovenamed Sarah fforman came before m e Daniel Whitehead Esq' one of his Maties Justices of ye peace for Queens County and acknowledged this above written deed to behisreallact& Deed DanielWhithead This Instrum of writing witnesseth unto all Christian People t o w h o m it m a y C o m e o r a n y w a i e s C o n c e r n e , K n o w y e e t h a t I und written Suscaneman alias Runasuck an Indean & Chief Ppriet'of allye Lands unsould upon Matenacock Lying & being wthin ye patten & Township of Oysterbay in Queens County upon Book B 503 Long Island as hath been acknowledged under Several Sachems hands & Seales as may appear;By virtue whereof and for ye ffullSume of Twenty pounds Silver money to be pd to me or my ord'asbyBillmay appeareIhaveBargained,Soldandbyp'sent possession dilivered unto Nathan Birchall of Matenacock abovesd allthat Tract of Land upon Matenacock So called,Lying & being Bounded as ffolloweth vizt the Hollow or high way to Muskeeto Cove ye South Bound Nathaniel Underhills fforty Acre Lott by us Sold him ye west Bound',Henry Bells ffifty acre Lott by us formerly Given the North Bound',The High way yt now isto Matenacock plantation Called Killingworth ye East Bound Be itin Quantity of Acres More or Less as Lyeth within ye Bounds above described, wthall the Springs, Timber, Grasing, Benefits, priviledges of wt Nature Soever being or Growing upon ye Sd Tract of Land wth ye Land I do hereby owne & Acknowledge to have Sold & by p'sent possession Dilivered unto ye abovesd Na- than Burdsall his Heires Executrs Administrat's or Assignes To have & to hold Occupy,possess and Injoy as his or their own P right Title & Interest wthout further Lett hindrance or Molesta- tion from m e m y Heires, Executrs Administrat's or Assignes or any other son or sons either Christians or Indians Laying Claime thereto by any p'tence of right to any Pt or cell thereof by Heireship,Grant,purchase or otherwise fforever Ingaging my- self & Sucksessors to uphold Maintaine & Make Good ye Sd Nathan his Heires & Sucksessors in their peaceable Improvemt &Injoymentofyep'misesasabovesdAswitnesmyhand& Seal in Oysterbay this ffifteenth of December one thousand Six hun- dred Eighty ffour: The hands & Seales wth ye witnesses &c is on ye other side (p.154) Signed Sealed & dd in ye p'sence of us Tho:Townsend Henry Townsend Jun Job Wright Nathaneil Coles John Newman SuscanemanaliasRunasuck O X O Be itknown by these p'sents yt I Nathan Burdsall ye within Named in this wthin written Deed wch beareth Date ye ffifteenth Day of Decemb' 1684 have & do by these p'sents Assigne,Make- over & Confirme unto m y Sons Samuel Burdsal, W m Burdsal & Nathan Burdsall this wthin written Deed wthall ye Land therein This Deed acknowledged by ye Indians before me Richard Cornell Justice of Corom hismarke& Seal Werah X his marke and Seal Quarapin X his marke and Seal Samous X his Marke and Seal 504 Book B Mentioned wthall ye right Title & Interest Claime & demand w1- soever wch I ye Said Nathan now have or wch any or either of m y Heires,Execut's or Assignes may hereafter have of to or in yeGrantedLandwthallyepiviledges& Ap@tencesContainedin Sd Deed To have & to hold unto them ye Sd Samuel,William & Nathan m y Sd Sons their Heires & Assignes fforever to have, hold Occupy possess & enjoy as their own per right and Inter- est as ffully & Amply as it is Conveyed unto me by ye within Named Pprietory Indians,my Sd Sons Samuel,W m & Nathan having Satisfied m e to M y full Content & Satisfaction as witnes m y hand & Seal ye Twenty Second Day of ffebruary Anno Dni : 1693 Signed Sealed & dd in p❜sence of us John Newman:John ffeke Samuel Underhill nathanbirdsall O This Assignm is written on ye Backside of ye Deed wch is next before in this Leafe recorded TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall Come or in any wise Aptaine Be it known yt I David Underhill of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island alias Nassau in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'acon that Samuel Burdsall of Matenacock in ye bounds of Oysterbay aforesd hath Granted and Confirm'd unto me Certaine Lotts of Land at Hogg Island in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd wch was formerlyMoses fformans;And otherLand atHogg Islandafore- sd form❜ly ye Sd Samuels ffathers:as by a Deed undr ye hand & Seal of Sd Samuel (wch beareth Date wth this) doth & may ap- peartomyfullContent& Satisfaction,andforotherGood Causes & Considerations me ye Sd David especially Moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,ÁlienatedInfeoffed,AssignedSold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents Iye Sd David do Give,Grant Alienate Infeoffe, Assigne, Sell & Confirme unto Samuel Burd- sallaforesdallytofaCertaine cellofMeadowatBeverSwamp in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd,wch Meadow did formerly belong to John Underhill that is to Say the one halfe of that cellofMeadow aforesd,theotherhalfthereofbeingfformerly d i s p o s e d o f b y m e t o J o h n p r a t t , A n d it is B o u n d e d a s f f o l l o w e t h , on ye South Side by Thomas Townsends Swamp on ye west end by John pratts Meadow from a peperidge Tree Down ye Crick to James Townsends Meadow,on ye Northside by James Town- sends Meadow,And on ye East end by James Townsends Mea- dow,Containing wthin Sd Bounds two Acres of Meadow or there- aboutsbeitmoreorLess:Togetherwthallmy rightTitle& In- terest,Claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd David now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Execut's or Assignes may Book B 505 hereafter have of to or in ye Sd Granted piece of Meadow,wthall fits,priviledges and Comoditys to ye Same belonging or in any wise Aptaining TO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd Samuel Burdsall his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd Granted Meadow wth ye Aptences thereof to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd Samuel his Heires & Assignes forever, And ye Sd David hath put ye Sd Samuel into a Lawfull & peace- able possession of Sd Meadow by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg and by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,A N D ye Sd David doth for himself his Heires Executrs and Assignes further Covent & agree to & wth ye Sd Samuel that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Samuel his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold,Occupy possess & enjoy ye Sd Meadow as before Granted forever without ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd David his his Heires,Execut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for,by or und'him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Grant, Mortgage or Sale w'soever And ye Sd David doth hereby bind himself & Heires to warrant & Defend ye Sd Meadow before Granted to ye Sd Samuel Burdsal his Heires & Assignes forever According as before is expressed IN W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal ye Twelfth Day of October in ye Year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred ninety ffour SignedSealed&ddinp'senceofus DavidUnderhill O John Newman Nathaniel Coles Jun' John Townsend Day & Date above written David Underhill Came before me one of their Maties Justices of ye peace for queens County & Acknowledged this to be his reall act & Deed Nathaneil Coles ccclxxviii (p.155)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sent writing Shall come or in any wise ap@ taine Be it known that I Thomas Youngs of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of N e w York for & in ye Consideration of Twenty five pounds of Good Merchantable pay of this Province whereof I ye Sd Thomas Youngs a m fully Satisfied & Contented by a Bill of writing und'ye hand & Seal of Thomas Cheshire of Oysterbay aforesd Taylor for ye payment of ye Same ,bearing Date wth these p'sents And for other good causes and Considracons me ye Sd Thomas Youngs Especially Moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANT- ED,Alienated,made ov',Bargained,Sold & Confirm'd,And by these p❜sents I ye Sd Thomas Youngs do Give,Grant,Alienate, Make over, Bargaine, Sell & Confirme unto Thomas Cheshire aforesd his Heires & Assignes,A Certaine piece of Land Lying & being in Oysterbay aforesd at ye South West Corner of Richard 506 Book B Harcots S w a m p y Pasture on ye North Side of ye Street before hisDwellinghouse,&wasformerly tofyeSdpasture,And Bounded on ye North & East by ye foremention'd pasture on ye South by ye Street & on ye west wth ye Street between Simon Coops Orchyard and ye Sd Land ;being by Estimacon halfe an A c r e , b e it m o r e o r L e s s , a s n o w it S t a n d s w t h i n y e f f e n c e t h a t n o w Encloseth it, Together wth ye Dwelling house thereon n o w Standing, wth Barnes & all other outhouses & Buildings, fences & fencing Stuff,Gardens Orchyards wthall ye fruit Trees Grow- ing or Standing in & upon ye Same Together wthall m y Right, Title & Intrest,Claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Thomas Youngs now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Execut's Administrats or Assignes may hereaft'have of,to & in ye p'mises & every P t & cel thereof wthall Issues, fits & p'viledges there- from Arising or Growing or in any wise Aptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Thomas Cheshire his Heires & As- signes the before mention'd piece of Land & Dwelling house & all other ye before mentioned p'mises wth ye Apptences thereof toyeonly peruse&behoofofhimyeSdThomasCheshirehis Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd Thomas Youngs hath put ye Sd Thomas Cheshire into a Lawful and peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye Diliv'y of these p'sents and ye Sd Thomas Youngs doth for himself his Heires, Executrs & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd Cheshire that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Thomas Cheshire his Heires & Assignes quietly & peacably to have,hold Occupy,pos- sess & enjoy all & Singul ye p'mises for ever wthout ye Lawfull Lett,hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Thomas Youngs his Heires,Execut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Law- fully Claiming for,by or undr him or any or either of them not- withstanding any form Gift, Grant, Bargaine or Sale w'soever INWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSettmyhand& Sealthe ffourteenth Day of Septembr in ye yeare of our Lord one Thou- sand Six hundred eighty eight Signed Sealed & dd in ye p'sents of us themarkX of John Newman Edmond Wright ThomasYoungs O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall come or in any wise apptaine, Be it known yt I Samuel Dickinson of Cedar S w a m p in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Considration of ye Sume of Ten pounds of Currant Silver money of this Collony in hand pd & by m e ye Sd Samuel recd of Thomas Cheshire of Oysterbay aforesd before ye Sealing & dilivery here- of in full payment & Satisfaction & for other good Causes & Con- sid'ationsme ye Sd Samuel especiallymoving HAVE GIVEN, G R A N T E D , Infeoffed, Sold, Assigned & Confirm'd & by these Book B 507 p'sents I ye Sd Samuel do Give,Grant,Infeoffe,Sell Assigne & Confirme unto Thomas Cheshire aforesd one third Pt of a Tract or celofLandwchwasformerlyinyepossessionofmyffather John Dickinson deceased, Afterward in ye possession of m y Mother Elizabeth Dickinson deceased,and was by m y Sd Mother Conveyed unto me ye Sd Samuel by a Deed und her hand & Seal bearing Date ye tenth Day of Novembr 1688 :& Stands Recorded inOysterbayinyeBookB:page159:& 160:inwchSdDeedye Sd Tract of Land is Declared by ye Nomination of Comons di- vided & is Lying & being at ye Head of ye Mill river,and in ye Book A :page 36 ye Bounds & Limitts thereof isplainly demon- strated,the whole Tract of Land Cont in Quantity ffifty Six Acres or thereabouts,Be it More or Lesse,and ye Sd third Pt of Sd Tract of Land is to ly & to be taken on ye west Side of Sd Tract of Land when it Comes to be divided Together wthall m y right Title & Interest Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Samuel now have or wch any or either of my Heires Executrs or assignes may hereafter have of to or in ye third t of Sd Tract of Land wthall fits,Comoditys,Timber,Wood,Springs & wtsoeverelsisofRighttoyeSdthirdPtbelongingorinany wise Aptaining TO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd Thomas Cheshire his Heires & Assignes ye forementioned third t of Sd Tract of Land with ye Ap@ tences thereof to ye only P P use & behoof of him ye Sd Thomas his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd Samuel hath put ye Sd Thomas into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye Sd Third Pt by the Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,A N D ye Sd Samuel doth for him Self,his Heires,Executrs & Assignes further Covent & A g r e e t o & w t h y e S d T h o m a s C h e s h i r e y t it S h a l l a n d m a y b e Lawful for him ye Sd Thomas his Heires & Assignes, quietly & peaceably to have,hold occupy,possess & enjoy ye Sd Third Pt of Sd Tract of Land wth Apptences thereof forever without the Lawfull Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd Samuel his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for, by or und' him or any or either of them notwth standing any former Gift, grant, Bargaine, Mortgage or Sale wtsoever And ye Sd Samuel Doth hereby-(p.156)-Doth here- by Bind himself & his Heires to Warrant & defend the Sd third t of Sd Tract of Land to ye Sd Thomas Cheshire his Heires & Assignes forever according as itisbefore mentioned IN WIT- N E S whereof Ihave hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal the Twentyth day of September in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hun- dred ninety two : Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of John Newman : Joseph Dickinson The marke X of Hannah Dickinson Samuel Dickinson The marke X of Lydia Dickinson 508 Book B (p.157)-TO ALLCHRISTIANPEOPLEtowhomthisp❜sent writing Shall Come or in any wise Aptaine ;Bee itknown that I Henry Townsend Sen'of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation of Thirteen pounds Silvr money currant in this Collony in hand pd & Received before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof to m y full content and Satis- faction And for other Good causes & Considracons me ye Sd Henry especiallymoving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alien- ated,Made ov,Bargained,Sold and Confirm'd,And by these p'sents I ye Sd Henry do Give,Grant,alienate make ov2,Bar- gaine, Sell & Confirme unto John Robins of Springfield in ye boundsofOysterbayaforesdoneThirdPt ofallmy Meadow at ye South of Oysterbay aforesd both fresh & Salt M e a d o w , wch is one whole Share or purchasers Right as it Stands amongst the Land Evidences of Oysterbay to be already Laid out in three divisionswchareofnumber3:9& 2& Boundedasinmy Name it Stands Recorded ; Together wthall m y right, Title & Interest Claime & demand wtsoever weh I ye Sd Henry now have or wch any or either of m y Heires Execut's Administrat" or Assignes may hereaft'have of,to or in ye one Third Pt of ye before men- tioned Right or Share of Meadow, wthall Issues & fits from thence arising or growing, and all Customes & priviledges & w'soeverelstheretobelongsorinanywiseaptaines;TO HAVE & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd John Robins his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye forementioned Third Pt of ye Sd Right or Share of M e a d o w wth ye Appurtences thereof to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd John Robins his Heires & Assignes forever;A N D ye Sd Henry hath put ye Sd John into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye dilivery of these p'sents A N D ye Sd Henry doth for himself his Heires Executs & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd John Robins that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd John his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy possess& enjoyall& Singularyep'misesforeverwthoutyeLaw- full Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Henry his Heires Executs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or under him or any or either of them notwth standing any former Gift, Grant, Bargaine or Sale whatsoever I N W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal the Twenty fifth Day of Septembr in ye year of our Lord one thou- sand Six hundred eighty eight Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Henry Townsend Sen O John Newman John Wright Henry Townsend Juneor (p.158)-THIS INSTRUMENT ofwritingofwritingordeed of Sale witnesseth unto all Christian people to w h o m it m a y come or any waies Concerne know yee that whereas wee und Book B 509 written Suscaneman alias Runasuck Samous & Quarapin all three Indeans are Impowred by ye rest of ye Indeans & Cheefe Ppria- tors of ye Lands Called by ye English Matenacock Scituate Lying & being wthin ye Pattent of Oysterbay wthin Queens County upon Long Island by vertue whereof and for the full Sum of Twelve pounds Silver money or Goods Equivolent to money to us pd before ye Signing & Sealing hereof have Bargained Sold & by p'sent possession dd unto John Applegate of Oysterbay a Certaine Tract of Land at ye Cedar-Swamp So called,The first Bounds whereof begineth at A Black Oake Tree Robert Town- sends Southeast Bound',and from thence South Sixty Rod to James Townsends Northeast Bound Ranging ye Same Breadth by Robert Townsends Land & James Townsends Lands west- wardly to ye Cart way from Muskeeto Cove to ye plaines being ye Same Breadth at ye west end as at ye East And in quantity Sixty Acres more or Less, for ye value of Twelve pounds as abovesd Received, we do hereby manifest & Declare that wee have freely Sold & by p'sent possession delivered unto ye abovesd John Appellgate his Heires & Execut's Administrat's or Assignes, To have & to Hold,occopy,possess & Injoy ye Sd Tract of Land as Laid out by Nathaneel Coles and Tho : Townsend & Bounded as abovesd fforever,ffrom us our Heires Executrs Ad- ministrats or Assignes or any other son or sons from by, or und us Laying Claime to any Pt or cell thereof by p'tence of Heireship,Grant,Sale or otherwise be it of wt nature wtsoever Ingaging our Selves Heires & Successors to uphold & maintaine him ye Sd John his Heires & Suckcessors in their peaceable Im- provement & Injoymt of ye p'mises as ffully & Amply to all In- tents & purposes as Mought be written or worded according to Law to ye Confirmation of this our Deed of Sale we have Sub- scribed our hands & Set to our Seales in Oysterbay this 26th Day of March in ye Year 1685: marke Quarapin his X & Seal O marke Suscaneman his X & Seal O marke Samouse his X & Seal O Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Tho :Townsend : Henry Townsend Juneor (p.159)— T O ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sent writing Shall Come or in any wise app'taine Be it known that I Daniel Applegate of East Jersey in the County of Monmouth for and in ye Consid'acon of ye Sum of Twenty nine pounds of Currant Silver money of this vince of N e w Yorke in hand pd and received before ye Sealing & dilivery hereofinfullpayment& Satisfaction,And forothergoodcauses 510 Book B and Considracons me ye Sd Daniel Especially Moving H A V E GIVEN GRANTED Alienated,Made over,Bargained,Sold & Confirm'd A N D by these p'sents Ithe Sd Daniel do Give,Grant, Alienate, Make over Bargaine, Sell & Confirme unto Samuel Dickinson of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Dvince aforesd A Certaine Tract or piece of Land & being at Cedar Swamp in ye bounds of Oysterbay aforesd wch Land was formerly purchased by John Applegate of Oysterbay deceased Brother to ye Sd Daniel of ye Pprietors of ye Matenacock In- deans by thire Deed und' their hands & Seals bearing Date ye 26th day of January 1685 and ye Sd John Applegate did by his Last will & Testament make me ye Sd Daniel Sole Execut' of his Estate both real & personall whereby I ye Sd Daniel a m now y e L a w f u l l p o s s e s s o r o f y e S d L a n d ; T h e first B o u n d s w h e r e o f begineth at a Black Oake Tree Robert Townsends Southeast Bound',and from thence Sixty Rod to James Townsends North- east Bound' Ranging ye Same Breadth by Robert Townsends and James Townsends Land Westwardly to ye Cartway from Mus- keeto Cove to ye plaines being ye Same Breadth at ye west end as att ye East,and in Quantity Sixty Acres be it More or Less TOGETHER wthall my Right,Title & Interest,Claime and demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Daniel now have or wch any or either of m y Heires Execut's Administrats or Assignes m a y here- aft have of,to or in ye Sd Land or any Pt or parcel thereof wthall fits & Issues priviledges ffences & what from thence doth arise or grow or is in or upon ye Same or in any wise doth theretoAptaine TO HAVE & TO HOLD all& Singularye p'mises with its Appurtences unto him ye Sd Samuel Dickinson his Heires & Assignes to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd Samuel his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd Daniel hath put ye Sd Dickinson into a L a w full & peaceable possession of all & Singular the p'mises by ye Diliv'y of these p'sents; And ye Sd Daniel Applegate doth for himself his Heires Execut's & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd Samuel Dick- inson yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Samuell his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, occupy, possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever, wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Daniel his Heires or Assignes,or any other son or sons Lawfully Claim- ing for,by or und'him ye Sd Daniel or for,by or und'ye aforesd John Applegate or any or either of them And that he ye Sd Daniel willmaintaine ye Same accordingly,notwithstanding any form Gift, Grant, Bargaine or Sale wtsoever IN W I T N E S whereofIhavehereuntoSettmyhand& SealyeTenthDayof Novembr in ye year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred eighty eight: Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of John Newman ; Daniel Townsend The marke of Daniel X Applegate O Book B 511 Memorund thatJohn Applegate Deceased who ismentioned in this wthin written Deed had a Right in ye Last Generall purchase by ye Inhabitants of Oysterbay of Matenacock Lands as appeares upon ye Back Side of ye Indeans Deed thereof wch Beareth Date ye9thDayofJanuary1685:Now IDanielApplegatewthinnamed do by these p'sents Sell & Confirme unto Samuel Dickinson wthin Mentioned,the above mentioned Right in ye Generall purchase from me & mine to him & his as Amply and fully & Largely as ye Land at Cedar Swamp Mentioned in this wthin written Deed is Confirmd unto him both in ye Grant,possession and in every Clause & Covenant thereof,And ye Sd Samuel Dickinson hath Given me full Satisfaction for ye Same to ye valew thereof be- fore ye writing hereof as Witnes m y hand and Seal this Tenth Day of November 1688: The marke of WitnesJohnNewman WilliamCrooker DanielX Applegate O This next above written Memorand is written on ye Backside of ye Deed wch is first above entred in this page TO ALL CHRISTIAN people to whom this p'sent writing S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e ; B e it k n o w n t h a t I E l i z a b e t h Dickinson of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Dvince of New Yorke Widdow & Relict of John Dickinson late of Oysterbay Deceased for and in ye Consid'acon that ye Sd John Dickinson m y Late Husband Left ye disposing of his estate amongst his Children both of Lands & Other estate wholely unto me ye Sd Elizabeth as by his Last will & Testament und his hand & Seal bearing date ye 26 Day of January 1688 at Large doth appear and for other good causes & Consid'acons me ye Sd Elizabeth especially Moving HAVE GIVEN G R A N T E D Alienated made over & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Elizabeth do Give, Grant Alienate, Make over & confi[rm] unto my Sonne Samuel Dickinson of Oysterbay aforesd the Moity or half of my Home Lott wch I now enjoy wch was formerly m y Sd Husbands Lying & being in Oysterbay aforesd And is Bounded on ye West by John Townsends Home Lott on ye North-(p.160)—On ye North by Simon Coopers Meadow,onyeEastbyaHighwaywchgoestoyeMeadows And on ye South by ye Street;for him my Sd Sonne Samuel to ent on possess & enjoy now next & Imediately after ye Date of these p'sents,And also one third Pt of my right of Comons Divided & undivided wch I n o w possess wthin ye old purchase of Oysterbay aforesd,Andmy ShareofMeadowuponffortNeckatyeSouth of Oysterbay aforesd at or Imediately aft' ye Death decease or Departure out of this life of m e of m e ye Sd Elizabeth Dickinson ; Together wthall m y Right, Title & Interest, Claime & demand w'soever wch I ye Sd Elizabeth now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Execut" or Administrs may hereaft'have of,to or 512 Book B in ye Sd Half Lott, Right of Comons or Meadow ; or any t or cell thereof wthall ye Appletrees and other ffruit Trees and wtsoever els is now Standing or Growing on ye Sd half Lott wthall Issues & Pfits, Customes & priviledges to all & Singular yep'misesDothbelongorinanywiseAptaine TO HAVE & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Samuel Dickinson his Heires & As- signesall& Singularyep'miseswthyeAptencesthereof(from ye time & times before Limetted & expressed) to ye only P P use & behoofe of him ye Sd Samuel his Heires and Assignes forever And the Sd Elizabeth hath put ye Sd Samuel into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye Sd Half Lott by ye Dilivery of these p'sents;And ye Sd Elizabeth doth for herself,her Heires,Exe- cuts,Administrat's & Assignes,further Covenant & agree to & wth the Sd Samuel that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Samuell his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, Occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises as be- fore is expressed forever without ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of her ye Sd Elizabeth her Heires or Assignes,Exe- cut's or Administratrs or any other son or sons Lawfully Claimingforbyorund heroranyoreitherofthemorforby or und any or either of ye Heires,Executrs or Assignes of ye Abovenamed John Dickinson Notwithstanding any former Gifts, Grants,BarginesorSalesw'soever;And ytyeSdElizabethDoth hereby Ingage her Self her Heires,Executrs & Assignes to Main- taine & defend ye Same Accordingly to ye Sd Samuel his Heires & Assignes forever IN W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal ye Tenth Day of Novemb'one thousand Six hundred eighty eight Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of John Newman : Moses Mudg : The marke of X ElizabethDickinson O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall Come or in any wise Aptaine Be it known yt whereas Elizabeth Dickinson Widd.Late of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of N e w Yorke deceased did in her Life time give & grant to her Son Samuel a Certaine Tract of Woodland Lying & being at ye head of ye Mill river by a Deed und her hand & Seal bearing Date ye tenth Day of Novemb 1688 and Stands Recorded in Oysterbay in ye Book B : page 160 In wch Deed ye Sd Land is exp'ssed and known by ye Denomin- ation of one third t of her ye Sd Elizabeths right of Divided Comons in ye old purchase of Oysterbay, and also in & by ye Same Deed ye Sd Elizabeth did give & grant to her Sd Son Sam- uel ye Moity or half of her Home Lott wch was formerly her husband John Dickinson deceased wth one third Pt of her un- divided Comons in ye old purchase aforesd and also her Share Book B 513 of Meadow upon ye ffort Neck at ye South of Oysterbay aforesd allIncluded in ye forementioned Deed,And further ye Sd Eliza- beth Did by her Last Will & Testamt bearing Date ye tenth Day ofSeptemb AnnoDni:1691:give&bequeathtoherSdSon SamuelffiveAcresofLandatyeplaines:Now IJosephDickin- son eldest Son to ye Sd John & Elizabeth Dickinson for & in ye Considration of Certaine agreemts had & made between me ye Sd Joseph & my Brothers & Sisters and for other good Causes & Considracons me ye Sd Joseph especially Moving H A V E GIVEN,GRANTED Infeofed Ratified & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Joseph do Give, Grant, Infeoff, ratifie & Confirme unto m y Brother ye Sd Samuel Dickinson all ye fore- mentioned given by m y Sd Mother to m y Sd Brother Samuel on ye aforesd Deed & Will (That is to Say) the half Lott Wood- land,Comonage,Meadow & plaine Land,wthall ye right title & Interest, Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Joseph now haveorwchanyoreitherofmy HeiresExecutsorAssignesmay hereaft have of to or in ye fore recited p'mises or any t or cellthereof,wthall fits& Issues from thence arising or Grow- ing wthall priviledges thereto of Right Aptaining T O H A V E & TO HOLD untohimyeSdSamuelhisHeires& Assignesall and Singular ye p'mises as before expressed to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd Samuel his Heires,& Assignes forever, And ye Sd Joseph doth for himself his Heires,Execut"s & As- signes further Covenant to & wth ye Sd Samuel that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Samuel his Heires & Assignes quietly& peaceablytohave,hold,Occupy,possess& enjoyall& Singular ye p'mises forever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd Joseph his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und'him or any or eitherof them Notwthstanding any former Gift,Grant, Mortgage Bargaine or Sale wtsoever, And I ye Sd Joseph do bind m y Self & m y Heires to warrant and defend ye Same ac- cordingly I N W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seal the third day of Octobr in ye Yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety two Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman : Thomas Cheshchir The marke X of Hannah Dickinson JosephDickinson O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall Come or in any wise Aptaine :Be it known yt I David Underhill of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island Alias Nassau In ye Collony of N e w Yorke for and in ye Consid'ation of ye Sume of Six pounds of Currant Money of New Yorke in hand-(p.161)-in hand paid & by me ye Sd David received 514 Book B of Samuel [Dickinson of] Cedar S w a m p in ye Bounds of Oyster- bay aforesd before ye Sealing & dilivery [here]of in full pay- ment & Satisfaction And for other Good Causes & Consid'acons meyeSdDavidespeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED Alienated,Infeoffed Assigned,Sold & Confirm'd,And by these p'sents Iye Sd David do Give,Grant Alienate,Infeoffe,Assigne Sell & Confirme unto Samuel Dickinson aforesd all that of a cellof Land atCedar Swamp aforesd wch Iye Sd David for- merly bought of Sd Samuel Dickinson as by a Deed und' his hand & Seal bearing Date ye Second Day of March 1690 Will apear wch Deed Stands recorded in Oysterbay in Lib : B : page 216:wchSd cellorSpottofLandisLying&beingatyeSouth- east Corner of Sd Samuels Tract of Land wch he now Liveth on, And is Bounded adjoyning to ye Land of James Townsend,Be- giningatyeNortheastCornerBound'ofJames Townsends Land, and So Ranging westwardly, by Sd James Townsends Land Thirty two rod,And from thence Northwardly fifteen rod to a Leaning Red Oake,ffrom thence Eastwardly Thirty two rod to a Stake Markt,And from thence Southwardly fifteen rod to ye first Bound' Including wthin ye Sd Bounds three Acres of Land Compleat,Together wthall m y right,title & Interest,Claime & de- mand w'soever wch I ye Sd David now have or wch any or either of my Heires Execut's or Assignes may hereafter have or (of) to or in ye Sd Three Acres of Granted Land wthall fits Issues, Comodties,Timber,Trees,ffences,Swamps wthin ye Sd Bounds ContainedortoyeSameinanywiseAptainingTO HAVE & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Samuel Dickinson his Heires & As- signes ye Sd Granted Three Acres of Land & p'mises wth ye Ap- Ptences thereof to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd Sam- uel Dickinson his Heires & Assignes forever,And ye Sd David hath put ye Sd Samuel into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of Sd Granted Three Acres of Land by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd David doth for himself his Heires Executrs & Assignes further Covent & agree to,& wth ye Sd Samuell Dickinson that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd Samuel his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, Hold, Occupy, possess & enjoy all & Sin- gular ye Granted p'mises forever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hin- drance or Interuption of him ye Sd David his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und him or any or either of them Notwthstanding any former Gift Grant,Mortgage or Sale wt Sale w'soever,And ye Sd David Doth hereby bind himself & his Heires to warrant & Defend ye Sd Granted Land & p'mises to ye Sd Samuel his Heires & Assignes forever,Accordingasbeforeisexp'ssedIN WITNES whereof IhavehereuntoSetmyhand& SealyeEleventhDayofOctober in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety ffour Book B 515 Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman Anthony Wright David Underhill O Novembr ye 9th 1694 David Underhill came before me one of their Maties Justices of ye peace for Queens County & Acknowl- edge this to be his reall Act & Deed Nathaneill Coles These are to Infform all people to whome It may Any wise Consern that Gersham Lockwood of Greenwitch In ye Collony of Coneticut & &c & ye Widdow Elizabeth Wright of Oysterbay In Queens County on Long Island were published According to order and stood up & took themselves as man & wife before Ed- ward White justice of ye peace ye 3 day of August 1697 (p.162)- [TO ALL] CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whome this p'sent writing Shall Come or in any wise Appertaine: Be it known that I Daniel Applegate of Shrewsbury Bounds in East Jersey for & in ye consideration of ye S u m e of T w o pounds Silver money Currant in this Dvince of N e w Yorke to m e in hand pd & received before before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof in full pay- ment & Satisfaction,And for other good causes and Considera- tions me ye Sd Daniel especially Moving have Given, Granted Alienated Made over,Bargained,Sold & Confirm'd,And by these p'sents I ye Sd Daniel do Give,Grant,Alienate,Makeover,Bar- gaine, Sell & Confirme unto Isaac Daughty of Littleworth in ye Bounds of Oysterbay on Long Island in Queens County in ye province of New Yorke,halfe a Share of Meadow Land at ye Bever Swamp Meadows in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd Ly- ing at ye South Side of James Townsends Salt Marsh ;wch Share of Meadow Capt Thomas Townsend formerly Gave to John Ap- plegate now deceased,Brother to ye Sd Daniel Applegate as by his Deed of Gift dated ye 14th day of Octobr 1685 :doth appeare, And as itStands Recorded amongst ye Land Evidences of Oyster- bay in Libre B :page ye 31 :And ye Sd John Applegate Deceased did by his Last will & Testament make me ye Sd Daniel ye Sole Execut' of his Estate both Reall and sonal whereby I ye Sd Daniel am now ye Lawfull possessor of ye Sd Meadow Land ; Together wthall my right,Title & Interest,Claime & Demand whatsoever wch I ye Sd Daniel Applegate now have,or wch any or either of m y Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes m a y hereaft have of & in ye Sd Meadow Land or any tor cel thereof;wthall Issues & fits;priviledges or wtsoever elsthereto belongsorinanywiseAptaines TO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd Isaac his Heires & Assignes ye Sd Meadow Land wth ye Appurtenances thereof to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd Isaac his Heires & Assignes forever A N D ye Sd Daniel hath put ye Sd Isaac into a Lawful & peaceable possession of the 516 Book B Said Meadow by ye dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd Daniel doth for himself his Heires, Executrs & Administrat's further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd Isaac that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Isaac Daughty his Heires and Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, Occupie, possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever wthout ye Lawfull Lett,hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Daniel his Executrs Administrat or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for, by or und him the Sd Daniel,or for by,or undr ye aforenamed John Applegate him or any or either of them and that he ye Sd Daniel will Maintaine ye Same accordingly IN W I T N E S where- of I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal the Tenth Day of No- vemb❜ in ye year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred eighty eight Signed Sealed & dd The marke of in p❜sence of X JohnNewman: SamuelDickinson DanielApplegate O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthisp'sentwriting S h a l l C o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e , B e it k n o w n y t I J o n a t h a n W o o d of Littleworth in the Bounds of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island alias Nassau in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation of ye Sume of Twenty three pounds of Currant Silver money ofthis Collony in hand pd & by me ye Sd Jonathan recd of Isaac Daughty of Newwark in ye Bounds of Oysterbay afore Sd to m y full Content & Satisfaction and for other Good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd Jonathan especially Moving have Given,Granted Alienated Infeoffed,Assigned,Sold & Confirmd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Jonathan & mercy ye now wife of ye Sd Jonathan Jonathan do Give,Grant Alienate, Infeoff, Assigne Sell & Confirme unto Isaac Daughty aforesd, one Deed of Sale wch John Wright of Oysterbay aforesd gave to John Sibleythen of Cow Neck inye Bounds of Hempsteed inye County aforesd und'his hand & Seal bearing Date ye Sixth Day of September in ye year 1689 wch Sd Deed was afterward As- signed Assigned to to John Davis of Littleworth aforesd by ye SdSibleybyanAssignmentund'hishand& Sealbearingdateye 19th Day of Septembr 1689:And afterward ye Sd Deed was by Sd John Davis Assigned unto us ye Sd Jonathan & Sd Mercy by an Assignmt und'his hand & Seal bearing Date ye eighth Day of December 1692 in wch Sd Deed ye Sd John Wright hath Given & Granted to ye Sd Sibley ye Moity or halfe of Eighteen Acres of Land at Littleworth aforesd the Bounds whereof wth ye p'vil- edges & A p t e n c e s thereto belonging is plainly described in S d Deed weh Stand Recorded in Oysterbay in ye Booke B :page 241 : And one other Deed of Sale wch ye Sd John wright Gave to James Hadlock of Littleworth aforesd under his Hand & Seal bearing Book B 517 Date ye Sixth Day of September in ye year 1689:wch Sd Deed was by the Sd James Hadlock afterward Assigned unto peter Adoliveson of N e w Yorke by an Assignmt undr his hand & Seal bearing Date ye 10th Day o March 1690:And afterward ye Sd Deed was by an Assignmt und'his hand & Seal of ye Said peter Adolieveson assigned over to us ye Sd Jonathan & Sd Mercy bearing Date ye 29th Day of December 1692:In & by wch Deed ye Sd John wright hath Given & Granted to ye Sd Hadlock the other Moity or halfe of ye above Mentioned eighteen Acres of Land at Littleworth aforesd with ye one half of ye Moity or halfe of a right of Comons in ye N e w purchase of Oysterbay aforesd,the Bounds,priviledges & Aptences thereto belonging isplainly described in Sd Deed wch Stands recorded in Oysterbay in ye Booke B :page 312:And one other Deed of Sale wch John Davis abovesd-(p.163)-hath passed & Given undr his hand & Seal to ye above named Jonathan W o o d and Mercy his wife bearing Date ye Twenty eighth Day of December in ye year 1692 : wherein a Certain piece of Swamp Land at Littleworth aforesd towards ye Mouth of ye ffishing Crick So Called is Given & Granted to ye Sd Jonathan & Mercy his wife the Bounds & Limitts whereof is plainly Demonstrated in ye Sd Deed wch Stands recorded in Oysterbay in ye Booke B :page 241 : A n d one other Deed of Sale wch John Wood of New Worke now de- ceaseddidinhisLifetimepass& GivetoyeSdJonathanWood und his hand & Seal bearing Date ye 25th Day of July 1692: wherein is Given & Granted by ye Sd John Wood to ye Sd Jonathan his Naturall Brother a Certaine piece or parcell of Land at New Worke aforesd being Pt of ye Sd John Woods Accom- odationthere.And isinquantityEleven Acres or Somwhat more, the Bounds Limitt, p'viledges & Aptences thereof is plainly demonstrated in Sd Deed wch Stands recorded in Oysterbay in ye Booke B : page 240 : Together wthall ye Lands or Swamps Mentioned & Granted in & by the forementioned four Deeds and every t & cell thereof excepting only what is excepted in Sd Deeds or in any of ye Assignmts thereof Together wthall our right title & Interest Claime & demand wtsoever wch wee ye Sd Jona- than & ye Sd Mercy now have or wch any or either of our Heires, Executs or Assignes may hereafter have of,to or in ye foremen- tioned Deeds or any or either of them & of to or in ye Sd Lands Granted & Contained in Sd Deeds & every t & cellthereof wthall fits Comoditys Timber Trees ffences, Houses & out Houses wthall other priviledges & Apptences to ye Sd Granted p'misesisbelongingorinanywiseAptainingTO HAVE & TO H O L D unto him ye Sd Isaac Daughty His Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd the Sd Granted, Deeds & Land & p'mises & everyPt& cellthereoftoyeonly useandbehoofeofhim ye Sd Isaac Daughty his Heires & Assignes forever, And ye Jonathan & Mercy his wife have put ye Sd Isaac into a Lawfull 518 Book B & p e a c e a b l e p o s s e s s i o n o f all & S i n g u l ' t h e S d G r a n t e d p ' m i s e s b y ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of Sd Deeds & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd Jonathan & Mercy his wife do for themselves their Heires Execut's & Assignes further C o v e n t & a g r e e t o & w i t h y e S d I s a a a c D a u g h t y y t it S h a l l & m a y be Lawfull for him ye Sd Isaac his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,occupy,possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Sd Granted Lands Deeds & p'mises and every t & cell thereof forever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Molestation of them ye Sd Jonathan & Mercy his wife or either of them their or either of their Heires,Execut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for,by or und'them or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift, Grant, Mortgage or Sale w'soever,and ye Sd Jonathan & ye Sd Mercy do hereby bind themselves & their Heires to warrant & Defend all & Singul the forementioned Granted Land & p'mises to ye Sd Isaac Daughty his Heires & Assignes forever According as before is expressed IN W I T N E S whereof wee have hereunto Sett our hands& Sealesye29thDayofSeptemberinyeyeareofourLord one thousand Six hundred Ninety ffour Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us JohnNewman: AnthonyWright The marke X of George Downing The marke X of JonathanWood O The marke X of Mercy Wood O vide 396 Be itknown by these p'sents yt I David Underhill In Considera- tion that Samuel Dickinson of Cedar Swamp in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in queens County hath Granted & Confirm'd unto m e a Certaine Lott or Share of Meadow at ffort Neck at ye South of Oysterbay aforesd by a Deed under his Hand & Seal bearing Date ye fourth day of Aprill in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety to m y full Content & Satisfaction A n d for other good Consid'ations me especially Moving I ye Sd David Underhill Have Assigned, Madeover & Confirm'd and by these p'sents do Assigne make over & Confirme unto Samuel Dickinson aforesd this wthin written Deed wthall ye right title & Interest wch I now have or wch my Heires Executs or Assignes may hereafter have thereunto or to ye Meadow therein Granted as ffully& Amply as itismade unto me by ye Sd wthin written Deed wch Beareth Date wth these p'sents unto him ye Sd Samuel Dick- inson his Heires & Assignes forever In Witnes whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal ye ffourth Day of Aprill one thou- sand Six hundred Ninety ffive SignedSealed&ddinp'senceofus DavidUnderhill O John N e w m a n Nathaneil Coles Job Wright Book B 519 Day & Date above Written David Underhill acknowledged be- fore m e one of their maties Justices of ye peace that this above written is his reall & voluntary act & Deed Nathaneill Coles : This Assignm is of a Deed from Anthony Wright to David Underhill & it is entred in this Booke in page 357 : (p.164blank;p.165)—THOMAS DONGAN CaptGeneralGov- ernour in Chiefe & Vice Admiral in & over ye vince of N e w Yorke & Teritorys Depending thereon in America,Udr his Matie James ye Second by the Grace of God of England, Scotland, ffrance& IrelandDefend'ofyeffaith&cTO allwhomethese p'sentsShallcomeSENDETH GREETING;WHEREAS there is a Certain peece or parcel of Land on ye East Side of Hemp- steed Harbour between Sd Harbor & ye Cartway Leading from Musketo Cove to Hempsteed Containing the quantity of T w o hundred Acres weh Said Land is Scituate & Lying in Queens CountyonLongIslandKNOW YEE thatbyvertueofyeComis- sion& Authoritytome Derivedandpowerinme ResidingIhave Given, Granted, Rattified, Released & Confirmed ; and by these p'sents D o Give, Grant, Rattifie & Confirme unto Runisuck of Matenicock for & on ye behalf of himself & ye Rest of ye In- dians of ye Sd place All ye before Receited peece or parcel of Landwthall& SingularitsRights,pastures,ffeedings,Meadows, Marshes,Woods,Underwoods,Lakes,Brookes ponds & Apur- tenances w'soever belonging or in any wise Aptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D the Sd peece or parcel of Land & p❜mises wth their & every of their Appurtenances unto ye Sd Runasuck & ye rest of ye Sd Indians aforesaid & their Heires,to their only proper use, Benefit & behoofe of ye Sd Indeans & their Heires forever Yeilding Rendring & paying therefore yearly & every Year forever unto his Most Sacred Matie his Heires & Suckessors or to Such Officer or Officers as Shall by him or them be Ap- poynted to receive ye Same one Shilling Curt Money at ye City of New Yorke PROVIDED alwaies that it Shall not be in ye power of ye Sd Indeans or their Heires to Grant or Convey ye Sd Land & p'mises to any person or persons whatsoever Any- thing in this pattent to ye Contrary in any wise notwithstanding IN TESTIMONY whereof I have caused these p'sents to be Recorded in ye Secretary office And ye Seal of the Province to be Hereunto affixed this 27th Day of June X 1687 And in ye Third year of his Maties Reigne Examined June 27: 1687 W nicolls Tho Dongan (The above grant is perhaps evidence of the continued efforts of the Governors to increase the moderate quit rents stipulated in t h e e a r l y p a t e n t s , b y p r e v e n t i n g , o r m a k i n g difficult, t h e p u r c h a s e 520 Book B oflandfrom theIndiansuntiltheTown would willinglychange the terms of the Patent.) Whereas Severall disputes have from time to time arisen touch- ing ye L propriety of ye Lands to ye North of Hempsteed plaines towards ye Sound Commonly Called Matenacock Lands ; At ye Request of ye Indean owners & propriet's of ye Sd Land I do hereby Certifie that there Appeares nothing upon ye Records nei- therinyetimesofCollNicolls,CollLovelacenor SincehisHon' ye p'sent Governors time,wch Signifies yt Guift,Sale or Convey- ance ofthe Sd Land Called Matenicock Land upon any Consid- eration by ye Indyan propriet's to ye Inhabitants of ye T o w n of Hempsteed or any of them,But on ye Contrary they have ever Signified their unwillingness to Consent thereunto or Comply wth them therein In testimony whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand this12thDay ofMay:1676: Matthias Nicolls Secr This is a true Record it being deligently Compared wth ye originall by John N e w m a n Record Massipeague in ye Bounds of Oysterbay Whereas wee ye Sd Indians priet's of all ye Lands at ye South of Oysterbay aforesd and of other Necks of Lands,Islands & Beaches both on ye East & West Sides thereof of allwch Lands Islands & Beaches we ye Indians whose Names are here under- neath Subscribed & Seales Affixed are undoubtedly the true Heires & Ppriet's or (of) ye fforementioned Lands Islands & Beaches a s f a r a s y e r i g h t & title o f y e M a s s e p e a g u e I n d i a n s , A n d w h e r e a s wee ye Sd Ppriet's being Credibly Informed that Opesum an In- dian ye Son of Tackapowshah did formerly in his Life time Sell & dispose of Certain Lands at ye Sd South,that is to Say Necks of Land Islands & Beaches within ye p'sents of us ye Sd Prietr unto Severall English men of Oysterbay & els Where and Gave Bill of Sales for the Same N o w wee ye Sd Indians Prietors for ye better Satisfaction to all our posterity & after Comers of us ye Sd Indians and of all Englishmen yt are or may be Concerned herein do here by these p'sents declare that ye Sd Opesum In- dian had never any power nor Authority Neither in himself nor from any other to Sell or dispose of any of ours ye abovesd Indians Land,And therefore wee would have all people take Notice yt we do absolutely make our p'test against all Such Sale o f L a n d s b y t h e S d O p e s u m , A n d if h e G a v e a n y Bill o r Bills o f Sale of any of ours ye Sd Ppriet's Land that ye Sd Bill or Bills or Sale are of no force or effect to hold any Such Land, And t h i s w e e d e c l a r e t o b e o u r A c t & D e e d , A n d d o d e s i r e it m a y b e entred amongst ye Records of Oysterbay wch m a y p'vent discord in after Ages,to wch wee Subscribe our hands & Seales the tenth Day of ffebruary Anno Dni :1693: Book B Signed Sealed in ye p'sence of us John Townsend Sen' Hannah Townsend Neeck X Coe his marke Shewo X Nonnick his marke Samonce X his marke Ephraim Carpenter 521 Tack X poucha O his mark I thomas Townsend of Rhode Island do hereby acquitt ye In- dians of Massepeague Pprietors of ye Neck of Land Comonly Called Lattens Neck from any ffurther Claime right or pretence to ye Sd Neck to me formerly Conveyed by Deed as may or Shall appeare und'ye hand of Capt Opesum as witnes m y hand & Seal inOysterbaythisSecondDay ofOctober:1696:inpresenceofus Nathaniell Coles Sen Job :Wright : Tho:Townsend O (p.166)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sent writing Shall come or in any wise Aptaine Be it known that I John Townsend of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island inye vinceofNewYorkefor&inyeConsideraconofyeSume of Thirty three pounds of Silver money currant in this p'vince in hand pd & received in full payment & Satisfaction before ye Sealing & diliv'y hereof and for other good causes & Consid'acons meyeSdJohnespeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN GRANTED Alienated,Made over,Bargained Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd John do Give, Grant, Alienate ; Makeover, Bar- gaine Sell and Confirme unto Hope Willits of Hempsteed in Queens County aforesd one Lott or Share of Meadow Lying & being on ye South of Hempsteed aforesd and on the Neck Com- only Called Halfe Neck,And Bounded on ye East Side wth Richard Stich his M e a d o w ,and on ye West Side wth John Smiths M e a d o w , A n d a l s o all y e U p l a n d w c h I y e S d J o h n T o w n s e n d n o w have any Right or Claime unto on ye aforesd Neck wthin ye ffence yt now isthereon;Which Meadow & Upland did fformerly be- long to John Smith of Hempsteed,but now in ye possession of ye Sd John Townsend the Sd Meadow being by estimation Six- teen Acres & half be it more or Less Together wthall m y Right, Title & Interest,Claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Said John Townsendnowhave,orwchanyoreitherofmy Heires,Execut's Administrat's or Assignes may hereaft'have,of,to or in ye Sd Meadow and Upland and every Pt & cell thereof wthall fits & Issues, ffences or ffencing Stuff, Customes & priviledges or other Emoluments w'soever therefrom arising or Growing or in any Wise Aptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him the Sd Hope Willits his Heires & Assignes the Sd Meadow & Upland Chip X pie his mark Sawmes X his marke CongeX mow his marke O O 522 Book B with the Aptences thereof to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd Hope Willits his Heires & Assignes forever;And ye Sd John Townsend hath put ye Sd Hope into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by the dilivery of these p'sents:And ye Sd John Townsend doth for himself his Heires, Executrs Administratrs & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & w t h y e S d H o p e W i l l i t t s t h a t it S h a l l & m a y b e L a w f u l l f o r h i m ye Sd Hope his Heires & Assignes quietly and peaceably to have, hold,occupy,possess& enjoyall& Singularyep'misesforever wthout ye Lawfull Lett,hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires, Executrs Administrat's or Assignes notwithstanding any former Gift,Grant,Bargaine or Sale w'so- ever or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires Executrs or Assignes oranyoreitherofthemINWITNES whereofIhavehereunto setmyhand& SealtheSeventeenthDayofNovembrinyeYeare of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred Eighty Eight,And in ye ffourth yeare of ye Reigne of James ye Second King of Great Britane, ffrance & Ireland & c Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman : George Townsend JohnTownsend O (p.167)—TO ALLCHRISTIANPEOPLEtowhomthisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e B e it k n o w n t h a t I William Thornecroft of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of N e w Yorke for and in the Consid'acon of ye Sume of Three pounds of Silver money Currant in this Dvince or Goods Equivolent in hand pd and by me recd before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof in full payment & Satisfaction and for other Good Causes and Consid'acons me ye Sd William Es- peciallyMoving HAVE GIVEN GRANTED Alienated,Made over Bargained Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd William Do Give,Grant,Alienate,Make over,Bargaine,Sell & Confirme unto Abraham Allen of Oysterbay aforesd one Lott or Pcell of Land Lying & being at Cedar poynt or Somewt near it SouthwardlybeingbyestimaconThreeAcres& halfebeitmore or Less and it is Bounded on ye South by a Highway Leading to ffrancis Weekes and others ffields,Westwardly by ye Hill,North- wardly by ye Sd Abraham Allens Land,and Eastwardly by ye Sea,(the high-way excepted) Lying & being in Oysterbay Bounds aforesd Together wthall my right title& Interest,Claime and de- mand whatsoever wch I ye Sd William now have or wch any or either of my Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes may hereaft have of to or in ye Sd Lott or cell of Land wthall Pfits & Issues,Customes viledges fences & fencing Stuff,Trees & whatever els is thereon Standing or Growing or from thence arisingorinanywiseAppertainingTO HAVE & TO HOLD Book B 523 all & Singular ye p'mises wth ye Aptences thereof unto him ye Sd Abraham Allen his Heires & Assignes to ye only behoofe of him ye Sd Abraham his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd William hath put ye Sd Abraham into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Singular the p'mises by ye dilivery of these p'sents;And ye Sd William Doth for himself his Heires Executs Administrats & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd Abraham that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him y e S d A b r a h a m his Heires Executrs A n d Assignes quietly & peace- ably to have, hold occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises wth its Apptences forever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hin- drance or Interuption of him ye Said William Thornicroft his Heires Execut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Law- fully Claiming for,by or und' him or any or either of them ; A n d further the Sd William doth Covenant as aforesd and Ingage to Maintaine ye Sd Abraham his Heires Executors & Assignes in ye Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye p'mises forever against all Claimes and Demands that Shall be made Justly to or for ye foremencon'd Land by any person or sons wtsoever firmly by these p'sents IN WITNES whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal the first day of Decembr in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty eight Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of John Newman themarke of William X Buckler TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthisp'sentwriting Shall come or in any wise Aptaine Be it known .that I John Rogers of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of New Yorke for & in ye Consideracon of ye Sume of ffourteen pounds in Currant Silver money Currant in this Col- lony,And in Cattle & worke equivolent to Such money in hand pd & by me received of Abraham Allen of Oysterbay aforesd in full payment & Satisfaction before ye Sealing and Dilivery hereof in full payment & Satisfaction,A n d for other good causes & Con- sidraconsmethe Sd John especiallyMoving,HAVE,GIVEN, G R A N T E D ,Alienated,Infeoffed,Assigned,Sold and Confirm'd And by these p'sents Iye Sd John do Give,Grant,Alienate,In- feoffe,Assigne,Sell,& Confirme unto Abraham Allen aforesd,a CertaineTractor cellofLandLying&beingontheMill-River Neck at Huckleberry poynt So Called,at or near ye Gutt where ye Tide ebbs & flows to Matenacock, Containing in Quantity twenty Six Acres or thereabouts, be it more or Less as it hath been formerly Bounded & Laid out as ye Records of Oysterbay fullyShoweth where my Titletoye Said Land isfullyDemon- strated, Meaning & und standing all & Singular m y Land at ye place before Mentioned,wch Sd Land Lyth westward from ye Śd The marke of 0 William X Thornecroft use & 524 Book B Abraham Allens Land,Lying & being wthin ye Bounds of ye pattent of Oysterbay aforesd, Together wthall m y right, Title & Interest, Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd John Rogers now have or wch any or either of m y Heires,Execut's or Assignes mayhereaft'haveoftoorinyeSd celofLand&everyPt& cellthereofwthallissues& PfitsfromthencearisingorGrowing wthall ye Trees or wtsoever els is thereon Standing or Growing or inanywiseAppertaining;TO HAVE & TO HOLD untohim ye Sd Abraham Allen his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye p'mises wth ye Apptences thereof to ye only P P use and behoofe of him ye Sd Abraham Allen his Heires & Assignes forever,And ye Sd John Rogers hath put ye Sd Abraham Allen into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye forementioned Land by ye dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents, And ye Sd John Rogers doth for himself his Heires Execut's & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Said Abraham Allen that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Abraham Allen his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, occupy,possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises wth ye App- tences thereof forever, wthout ye L a w full Lett hindrance or in- teruption of him ye Sd John his Heires,Execut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und' him or any or either of them Not with standing any former Gift, grant,Mortgage or Sale w'soever,And further ye Sd John doth hereby bind himself & his Heires to warrant & defend the aforesd Land to ye Sd Abraham Allen his Heires & Assignes forever, according to the grant and Covenant before exp'ssed IN WIT- N E S whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal the Twentyth Day of July in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety two Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman The marke (R ) of JohnRogers O HenryTownsendJunior JohnTownsend (p.168)—TO ALL CHRISTIAN peopletowhom thisp❜sent writing Shall come Be it Be it known yt I William Buckler of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island alias Nassaw in ye CollonyofNewYorkefor& inyeConsiderationofyeSumeof Three pounds & Ten Shillings Currant Money of N e w Yorke in hand pd & by me ye Sd William recd.of Abraham Allen of Oys- terbay aforesaid before ye Sealing & diliv'y hereof in full paym & Satisfaction,And for other good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd William especially Moving HAVE GIVEN GRANTED, Alienated,Infeoffed,Assigned,Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents do Give,Grant,Alienate,Infeoffe,Assigne,Sell & Con- firme unto Abraham Allen aforesd all yt of a Certaine piece or cell of Land Lying & being by the Sea or Waters Side, at ye Book B 525 Rockey Spring on ye west Side of Applegates Land and on ye East Side of Sd Abrahams Land,And bounded as it was Laid out by ye Town Survey's on ye east Side of ye Rockey Spring on ye Mill river Neck in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd. The ffirstBound'isa white Oake tree Standing by ye Banks Side, being ye Northeast Bound',thence Ranging along ye Bank by ye Sea to a High way going Crosse ye Neck,And So to rang South west towards ye Hill as ffaras to make ffour Acres of Land Com- pleat,Togetherwthallmy rightTitle& InterestClaime& Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd William now have or wch any or either of my Heires,ExecutrsorAssignesmayhereaft"haveoftoorin ye Sd Granted ffour Acres of Land wthall fits Comoditys,Tim- ber,Trees,ffences,wth wt els is now being Standing or Growing in& uponyeSamewthwtelstoyeSameisinanywiseAptain- ing T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Abraham Allen his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd Granted ffour Acres of Land & p'mises wth ye Aptences thereof to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd Abraham Allen his Heires & Assignes fforever,And ye Sd William hath putt ye Sd Abraham into Law- full possession of ye Same by dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by these p'sents And the Sd William doth for himself his Heires Executs & Assignes ffurther Covent & agree,to & wth ye Sd Abraham Allen that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Abraham his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold, possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Sd Granted p'mises fforever wthout ye Lawfull Lett or Molestation of him ye Sd William his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claim- ing for,by or undr him or any or either of them Notwthstanding any former Grant,Mortgage,Dowery or other Conveyance w'so- ever,And ye Same to ye Sd Abraham his Heires and Assignes forever to warrant & Defend according as before is exp'ssed IN WITNES whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal ye Twenty second Day of November in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety ffive Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us the mark X of John Newman : The mark X of William Buckler Edmond Wright (p.169)—TO ALLCHRISTIAN PEOPLEtowhomthisp'sent writing Shall come or in any wise Aptaine ;Be itknown that I James Cock of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens CountyonLongIslandinye vinceofNewYorkefor&inye Considration of m y Natural Love and Affection to m y Son John Cock,And for divers other good causes & Considracons me ye Sd James especiallyMoving:Have Given,Granted,Alienated,As- signed Made over & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd James do Give Grant,Alienate Make over & Confirme unto my SonJohnCockaforesdaCertaine celofLandLying& beingat 526 Book B Matenacock aforesd wch I ye Sd James Bought of ye Indeans as by a Deed undr their hands & Seales bearing Date ye first day of June 1682 doth appear ;wch Deed Stands Recorded in Oyster- bayinyeBookA pageye137:AndBoundedasffolloweth;The first Bound beginneth at Christopher Howksursts Southeast Bound on ye North Side of ye ffootway to Muskeeto Cove,and from ye Sd Bound Eastwardly by ye Sd W a y fourty Rod to a Black Stump by ye Sd paths Side; from thence one hundred & Sixty Rod Northwardly being ye Same Breadth in ye Reare as in ye ffront by ye ffoot path ;being Bounded on ye West Side by Christopher Howkursts (Hawxhurst) Land,on South by ye foot way,And on ye East Side & North end by ye Comons yet unsold; Containing wthin ye Sd Bounds ffourty Acres of Land,taking in ye Boggs near ye halfway Tree So Called ; Together wtball m y Right,Title and Interest,Claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Jamesnowhaveorwchanyoreitherofmy HeiresExecut" Ad- ministrats or Assignes may hereaft'have of & in ye Sd Land or any Pt or cel thereof wthall fits & Comoditys thereto belong- ing TO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd John Cock his H e i r e s & A s s i g n e s all y e a f o r e m e n t i o n e d L a n d w t h t h e A p t e n c e s thereof to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd John Cock hisHeires& Assignes(()afteryehourofmy Death,Decease& departure out of this world) forever,And ye Sd James doth for himself his Heires Executrs Administrat's & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd John that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd John his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceablytohave,hold,Occupy,possess& enjoyall& Singular the p'mises wth ye Apptences thereof (Aft ye Death & Decease of me the Sd James) forever without ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of me ye Sd James my Heires or Assignes or any other sonor sonsLawfullyclaimingfor,byorund'me Not- withstanding any former Gifts, Grant, Bargaine or Sale what- soever;INWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSettmyhand& Seal the Eighteenth Day of March in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty seven SignedSealed& ddinp'senceofus: ThemarkX of John Newman : Job Wright James Cock O (p.170)-Be ItKnownuntoallmenbythesepresentsthatwe Joseph Dickinson of Cedar swamp In ye Township of Oysterbay In Queens County on ye Island of Nassau In ye province of Newyorke and Rose the now wife of ye Said Joseph ffor and In ye Consideration of the Sume of twenty five pounds Currant mony of Newyork In hand paid and by us ye Said Joseph and Rose Received of our Brother John Townsend of Oysterbay aforesaid In ffull payment and Satisfaction and ffor other good Causes and Considerations us ye Said Joseph and Rose Especially Book B 527 Moveing Have Assigned madeover and Confirmed and by these presents Do assigne make over and Confirme unto John Town- send our sd Brother all our Quarter part of ye Gristmill and Sawmill wch was Given assigned & madeover unto us ye Said Joseph and Rose by our ffather Henry Townsend Deceased and priviledge in ye Stream as may be Seen In a deed under his hand & Seale Entred In ye Record of Oysterbay In Libr B page 86 to Have & to Hold unto him John Townsend our Said Brother his Heires or assignes fforEver all and Singular ye Said granted premises ffrom us ye Said Joseph & Rose our Heires Executors or assignes forEver to possess and Enjoy as firmly as Is made unto us In Witness whereof wee have hereunto Sett our hands & ffixedtoourSealesthistwentyethDay ofJuneinyeyearof our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety eight Signed Sealed and Delivd In ye presence of us testes James Sands John Underhill Isaac Smith Joseph Dickinson Rose Dickinson (p.171) Be itknown by these p'sents that I Robert Coles of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay on Long Island ye Within Mentioned in this wthin Written Deed have Assigned made over & Confirmed & by these p'sents I ye Sd Robert do Assigne make over & Confirme unto Moses Mudge of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of N e w Yorke this wthin written Deed wch beareth Date ye9thDayofJanuary1685:wthallyeRight,title& Interest, (which I ye Sd Robert now have or wch any or either of my Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes may hereaft'have by virtue of ye Sd Deed to ye Meadow & Swamp therein Mentioned, To have & To hold to him ye to him ye Sd Moses his Heires & Assignes all yt is Mentioned in this Sd Deed in every Clause & Covenant as Amply & fully as itis made to me in ye Sd Deed,I ye Sd Robert having received for ye Same full Satisfaction in hand before ye Sealing & Dilivery hereof In Witnes whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal ye ffifteenth Day of Decembr in ye year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred eighty eight Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us RobertColes O JohnNewman JobWright The Deed wch is made over by this Assignmt Stands Stands Re- corded in this Book in page ye 107 TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e B e it k n o w n y t w e e S u s c a n - eman alias Runnasuck Sehor & Wero allthree Indians & priet's of ye Indians Land Called Matenacock Lands,for & in ye Consid- 528 Book B eration of ye Many ffavours & kindnesses by us ye Sd Indians Received of Moses Mudg of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on ye Island of Nassau or Long Island in ye Collony of New Yorke,And of Gervis Mudg of Muskeeto Cove aforesd Son of ye Sd Moses,And for other good Causes & Consid'ations us ye Sd Indians especially Moving HAVE GIVEN GRANTED,Alienated,Infeoffed,Assigned & Confirm'd and by these p'sents wee ye Sd Indians do Give,Grant, Alienate,Infeoffe Assigne & Confirme unto ye Sd Moses Mudge & Gervis Mudge as a free Gift,All that of a Certaine Tract or cellofUplandLying& beingneeryeHeadofHempsteedHar- bour or old Indian ffield & Bounded on ye North by Isaac Daughtys Land & on ye West by ye Sd Indians two Hundred Acres of Land,on ye South by the Mark't Tree at ye Southeast Corner of ye Sd Indians two Hundred Acres,And from ye Sd Tree Eastwardly to ye Highway Leading from Muskeeto Cove to ye plaines,And So by Sd path Northwardly to ye Sd Isaac Daughtys Land And also wee Sd Indians do Add to ye Gift & Grant abovesd a Small cel of Land for the Sd Moses & Gervis to Build a House on if they See Cause on ye Indians two Hun- dred Acres at ye place already by Sd Indians is Appoynted them, If at ye Laying out or Measuring ye Sd Land,that Sd House plott Shall fall wthout ye above Granted Land,Together wthall ye right Title & Interest Claime & Demand wtsoever wch wee ye Śd Indians now have or wch any or either of our Heires Execut" or Assignes may hereaft' have of to or in ye Sd Granted Land as above bounded wth ye abovesd Addition wthall fits, Issues, Timber, Trees, Swamps, Springs, Lakes or Rivers Contained wthin Sd Bounds wth whatsoev els to ye abovesd Bounds is of rightbelonging or inany wise Aptaining TO HAVE & TO H O L D unto them ye Sd Moses Mudge & Gervis Mudge their Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd Granted Tract of Land & p'mises wth ye Apptences thereof to ye only use & behoof of them ye Sd Moses Mudg & Gervis Mudge their Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd Indians have put ye Sd Moses & ye Sd Gervis into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye Sd Tract of Land & Granted p'mises by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of this p'sents And ye Sd Indians do for themselves their Heires Execut's & Assignes ffurther Cove- nant & agree to & wth ye Sd Moses Mudge & Gervis Mudge that itShall& may be Lawfull forthem ye Sd Moses & ye Sd Gervis their Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, Oc- cupy possess & enjoy all and Singular ye Sd Granted Tract of Land & p'mises wth ye Aptences thereof forever wthout ye Law- full Lett Hindrance or Molestation of them ye Sd Indians or either of them their Heires Executrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for,by or und'them or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift,Grant,Mort- Book B 529 gage or Sale wtsoever,And wee ye Said Indians do hereby bind our Selves & our Heires to warrant & Defend ye aforementioned Tract of Land as above Bounded & p'mises to ye Sd Moses M u d g & Gervis Mudge their Heires and Assignes fforever,Against all Just Claimes yt Shall or may be made to ye Sd Granted Land or anyPtor celthereofbyany sonor sonswtsoeverINWIT- N E S whereof wee have hereunto Sett our Hands & Seales ye Seventh Day of March in ye year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred Ninety three Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman Job Wright James Townsend The marke X of Suskaneman O The marke X of This Indenture made ye fourth Day of ffebruary in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety ffive, B y & between Suscaneman alias Runasuck Indian & Chief prietor of ye In- dians Lands at Hempsteed-harbour in Queens County on Long Island alias Nassaw in ye Collony of N e w Yorke of ye one t And Gervis Mudg of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in ye County aforesd of ye other t as followeth,and Witnesseth yt the Sd Suscaneman for & in ye Consid'ation of ye Sume of Twenty pounds Currant money of N e w Yorke in hand pd and by me ye Said Suscaneman for & in ye behalf of ye rest of ye In- dians of Sd Harbour received of Gervis Mudge aforesd before ye Sealing and Dilivery hereof to m y full Content and Satisfaction And for other good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Said Suscan- eman especially Moving Have Demised,Granted and to ffarme Letten And by these p'sents-(p.172)—these p'sents do demise, Grant & to ffarme Lett unto Gervis M u d g aforesaid all yt of a Certaine Tract or parcell of Land Lying & being Neer the Head of Hempsteed Harbour aforesd or old Indian ffield,And bounded on ye North by Isaac Daughtys Land,on ye West by ye Sd In- diansTwo HundredAcresofLandonyeSouthbyMarkedTree at ye Southeast Corner of Sd Indians Two Hundred Acres,and from Sd Tree Eastwardly to ye High way Leading from Mus- keeto Cove to ye plaines and So by Sd High way Northwardly to ye Said Isaacs Land ye first Bound And also one other peece of Land Joyning to ye West Side of ye aforesd Granted Land,of TwentyffiverodinBreadthNorth& SouthAndtoextendasffar West as ye Head of Duck Cove Swamp (So called) Holding ye Same Breadth of Twenty ffive rods at all places from ye East end toye West,Containing allye Lands within thaforesd Bounds of both parcells of Land be itin quantity of Acres More or Less, Togetherwithallmy right,title& InterestClaime& Demand w'soever wch wee ye Said Indians now have or wch any or either Sehor O 530 Book B of our Heires,Execut's or Assignes may hereafter have of.to or in ye Sd Granted parcells of Land,wthall Pfits,Timber,Trees, Waters,ponds,Swamps and priviledges within ye Sd Bounds,with what elsto ye Same isin any wise Aptaining,To have & to hold unto him ye Sd Gervis Mudge his Heires,Executs Administrat's or Assignes all & Singular ye Sd Demised parcells of Land with ye Aptences thereof for & During ye terme & time of ffive hundred yeares from ye Day of ye Date hereof ffullyto be com- pleat & ended,And ye Sd Suscaneman wth ye rest of ye fore- mentioned Indians do ffurther Covenant for themselves their Heires Executrs & Assignes to & with ye Sd Gervis Mudge yt it S h a l l & m a y b e L a w f u l l f o r h i m y e S d G e r v i s h i s , H e i r e s , E x - ecutrs Administrats and Assignes from time to time & at all times during ye Sd terme,To have,hold,Occupy possess & enjoy all& SingularyeSdDemisedp'miseswithyeAptencesthereof During the terme & time aforesd without ye Lawfull Lett or Molestation of of them ye Sd Indians or any or either of them or their Heires, Execut's or Assignes or any other percon or sons Lawfully Claiming for,by or und'them or any or either of them,Notwithstanding any former Grant,Mortgage or other Conveyance whatsoever, Yielding & paying therefore Yearly & every yeare by ye Said Gervis his Heires,Execut's Administrat or Assignes unto ye Said Suscaneman his Heires,Execut's or Assignes one peck of Good Aples,at & upon ye Said Demised land if Lawfully demand & asked,at & upon ye Twenty Nineth D a y of Septembr in each year during ye Said terme A n d ye Said Indians do hereby bind themselves & their Heires to Warrant & Defend & Maintaine ye Sd Gervis his Heires Execut's,adminis- tratrs & Assignes in ye peaceable possession of Sd Demised p'm- ises agt all Just Claimes whatsoever During ye Said terme, In Witnes whereof wee ye Said Indians have hereunto Sett their hands & Seales ye Day & Year above written And further wee ye above named Indians have Laid out & bounded to ye Sd Gervis yepeeceofLandabovementionedof25:rodinbreadthbyye 18 footpole,wchisaccordingtoourBargaine& agreemtwthyeSaid Gervis Mudg Signed Sealed & dd :in p'sence of us John Newman :John Townsend Sen Job:Wright The marke X of O Suscaneman alias Ranasuck The X marke of Werah Item cclxxi: (p.173)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN peopletowhom thisp'sent writing Shall come or in any wise Aptaine Be it known that I John Davis of Littleworth in ye Bounds of Oysterbay on Long Island in ye vince of Newyork for & in ye Consideration of an Exchange of Land Lying & being at Littleworth aforesd wth John Wright of Oysterbay,which Land was fformerly Jacob Brookins Book B 531 and ye Sd John Wright hath Confirm'd ye Same to me und'his hand & Seal by a Deed of Sale Bearing Date ye Same Day of these p'sents to m y full content & Satisfaction and for other good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd John Davis especially Moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,Made over,Bargained, Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd John Davis do Give,Grant,Alienate,make over,Bargaine Sell & Confirme unto John Wright aforesd a Certaine Tract or cel of Land Lying &beingnearSuckscallsWigwamSoCalleditbeing tofye Last General Purchase by ye Inhabitants of Oysterbay of ye In- deans of Matenacocke Lands as by ye Indeans Deed bearing Date ye Nineth Day of January 1685 doth at Large appear wch Sd Tract of Land was Granted to ye Sd Davis on a Good and val- uable Consideration by ye purchasers of ye Sd Land;And was Surveyed & Laid out to ye Sd Davis by ye Surveyors of Oyster- bay aforesd as it appeares in ye Records of T o w n Grants & Sur- veysinyeBookeB:ffoleoye6:andffoleoye7:And Boundedas ffolloweth it Begins at Suckscals Wigwams Hollow on ye South Side of Caleb John & Edmond Wrights Land,Ranging west two hundred Rod to a white Oake Tree Marked,and Southward by ye Sd Hollow,Eighty rod,And is ye Same Breadth at ye west end as at the East :Having ye Sd Wrights Land on ye North The Sd Hollow on ye East,And on ye South & West ye Comons,In- cluding and Containing in ye Sd Bounds,one hundred Acres,be it M o r e o r L e s s a n d is w t h i n y e B o u n d s o f y e P a t t e n t o f O y s t e r - bay aforesd Together wthall m y Right Title & Interest Claime & Demand w'soever wch I ye Sd John Davis now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Executrs Administrats or Assignes may hereaft' have of,to or in ye Sd Land wthall Issues & fits from thence arising or Growing or in any wise Aptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd John Wright his Heires & Assignes all& SingularyeSdHundredAcresofLandwthitsAppurtences to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd John Wright his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd John Davis hath put ye Sd John Wright into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd John Davis doth for himself his Heires,Executrs & Administrat & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd John Wright yt it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd John Wright his Heires Executs or Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold occupy,possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever without the Lawful Let hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd John Davis his Heires Executrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Law- fully Claiming for,by or und' him or any or either of them Not- withstanding any former Gifts,Grants Bargaines or Sales w *so- everINWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSetmyhand& Seal the Sixteenth Day of January in ye year of our Lord one Thou- sand Six hundred eighty eight: 532 Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of John Newman : Job Wright Book B Be itknown by these p'sents that I John Wright ye wthin Men- tioned in this wthin written Deed, have Assigned, Madeover & Confirmed,And by these p'sents doe Assigne Make over & Con- firme this wthin written Deed wch beareth Date ye Sixteenth Day of January 1688:unto Isayah Harrison of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of N e w Yorke whall ye Right,Title& InterestwchIyeSdJohnWrightmy Heires,Ex- ecuts or Assignes Shall or may have to ye Land therein Men- tioned in every Clause & Covenant thereof as ffully & Amply as itis made unto me from ye Within Named John Davis for him ye Sd Isaiah his Heires Execut's or Assignes to have hold occupy possess& enjoyforever;hehavingSatisfied& pdme foryeSame Sixty pounds in Merchantable pay of this Dvince to m y full Con- tent & Satisfaction In Witnes whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seal the Sixteenth Day of January one thousand Six hun- dred eighty & eight: Signed, Sealed & dd in p'sence of John Newman Job Wright John Wright O The (M )markeof Mary Wright O This Assignmt is written on ye Backside of ye Deed above entred in this page (p.174)—To allChristianPeopletowhomethispresentwriting Shall Come or In anywise Apptaine Be It known yt I Job Wright of Oysterbay In Queens County on the Island of Nassau In ye Collony of Newyorke ffor and in the Consideration of ye Sume of Six pounds In Currant money of the Collony aforesaid In hand paid and by me ye said Job Wright Received of William Bradford of the City of N e w York Printer before ye sealing and Dilivery hereof In ffull payment and Satisfaction and for other good Causes and Considerations me ye said Job Wright Especially Moving Have Given & Granted Alienated Infeoffed Assigned Sold and Confirmed and by these presents Do Give Grant Alien- ate Infeoffe Assigne Sell and Confirme unto William Bradford aforesd A Certain part of a Lott of Land In ye old purchase of Oysterbay Lying and Joyning on ye west and Northwestside of ye old planting ffield so Called and to run southwardly by ye Sd ffield so ffar as to a small white oak tree marked with H Which is a bounder of a piece of Land which I ye said Job fformerly sold to Henry Townsend Deceased and to range westwardly so ffar as to Comprehend all ye Land yt I ye Said Job have allready Laid out at yt place It being by Estimation Seven Acrees of Land moreorLessasItwasLaidoutTogetherwithallmy Righttitle John Davis The marke of O Mercy X Davis O Book B 533 Interest Claime and Demand whatsoEver which I ye said Job Wright now have or which any or Either of my Heires Execu- tors or Assignes m a y hereafter have of to or In ye said Grante.d Land or any part or percel thereof Withall profits priviledges Comodities Timber trees grass water ponds or what or what other priviledge isupon ye said Granted Land or Aptaining thereunto to Have & to Hold unto him ye said William Bradford his Heires or Assignes all & Singular ye said ye said Granted Land with ye Apotences thereof to ye only proper use and behoofe of him ye Sd William Bradford his Heires and Assignes fforEver and I ye said Job Wright have put ye said William Bradford Into a Lawffull and peaceable possestion of ye Same by the Dilivery of Turffe and Twigg and by these presents and I ye said Job Wright do ffor m y selfe m y Heires Executors and Assignes ffurther Covenant and agree to and with ye said William Bradford yt It shall and may be Lawffull ffor him ye said Bradford his Heires Executors or Assignes Quietly and peaceably to Have hold pos- sess and Enjoy alland Singular ye said Granted Land and prem- ises fforEver Without ye Lawfull Lett or Molestation of me ye said Job Wright m y Heires Executors or Assignes or any other person or persons Lawfully Claiming for by or under m e or any or Either of mine Notwithstanding any fformer Gift Grant Mort- gage Dower or other Conveyance WhatsoEver and I ye abovesaid Job Wright do bind my selfe my heires Executors & Assignes to warrant and Defend ye Same against allJust Claimes whatsoEver INWITNESS whereofIhavehereuntosettmyhandandffixed to m y seal this Twenty seventh Day of Aprill În ye Tenth Year of ye Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord William ye third by the grace of god King of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland De- fender of ye ffaith & c and In ye year of our Lord god one thou- sand Six hundred Ninety Eight Signed Sealed and Dilivered In ye presence of us John Vrquhart John Townsend Matthias Van :Bebber JobWright O (This William Bradford was for fifty years the Royal Printer, andforthirtyyearstheonlyprinterintheColony. He was Adm. of estate of John Dewsbury, 1698, and of the estate of John's widow Jane, 1704.) (p.175)- T o all Christian People to whome this present writing shall Come or ap taine Be It Known that I David Underhill of Oysterbaye In Queens County on ye IsLand of Nassaw In the Collony of Newyorke ffor and In the Consideration of the Sume o f t h e S u m e o f T w e n t y ffive p o u n d s I n C u r r a n t m o n e y o f t h e C o l - lony aforesaid In hand paid and by me the said David Underhill 534 Book B Received of Daniel Townsend of Oysterbay aforesd before the Signing sealing and Dilivery hereof In full payment and Satis- faction Whereof and whereby I Do ffor Ever acquitt and Dis- charge the said Daniel Townsend his Heires Executors adminis- trators & Assignes ffrom m e ye said David m y Heires Executors administrators and Assignes fforever and ffor other good Causes and Considerations me the said David Especially Moving Have Given Granted alienated Infeoffed Assigned Sold and Confirmed and by these presents Do Give Grant alienate Infeoffe Assigne Sell and Confirme unto Daniel Townsend aforesaid the Moety or one halfe of m y H o m e Lott Joyning to ye said Daniels Lott ranging from ye said Daniels Lott by ye Highwaye so ffar as ye Weell thence westwardly upon a Strait Line a Cross ye Lott to the Highway thence Northwardly by ye highway to ye aforesaid Daniels Land In Cluding within ye said Lines two acrees of Land or there abouts Together withall m y Right title Interest Claime and Demand whatsoEver which Ithe said David Underhill now have or which any or Either of m y Heires Executors administra- tors or Assignes m a y hereafter have of to or In ye said granted Land Withall ye Profits Comodites Customs Timber trees ffence grass water or what Else priviledge is belonging to ye Same oto Have & to Hold unto him ye said Daniel Townsend his Heires and Assignes all and Singular ye said granted Land and premises with ye appertences thereof to ye only proper use and behoofe of him ye sd Daniel Townsend his Heires Executors and Assignes fforEverAnd IthesaidDavidUnderhillhaveputyesaidDaniel Townsend In to a Lawfull and peaceable possestion of all and Singular the said Granted Land and premises by ye dilivery of TurffeandTwiggandbythesepresentsAnd IthesaidDavidDo ffor m y Selfe m y Heires Executors administrators and Assignes ffurther Covenant and agree to and with ye Said Daniel Townsend that It shall and may be Lawfull ffor him ye said Daniel his Heires & Assigns Quietly and peaceably to Have hold occupy possess and Enjoy all and Singular ye said Granted Land and premises fforEver Without ye Lawfull Lett or Mollestation of m e ye said David Underhill my Heires Executors administrators or Assignes or any other person or persons Laying any Lawfull Claime thereunto notwithstanding any fformer Gift Grant Joyn- ture Dowery Mortgage other Conveyance whatsoever and ye Same to ye said Daniel Townsend his Heires and Assignes to warrant and Defend according as before is Expressed In witness whereof I have hereunto sett m y hand and ffixed to m y Seale this twelveth Day of october In ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety Eight and In ye Tenth yeare of ye Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord William ye third by ye grace of god of England Scotland ffrance and Ire Land King Defender of the faith & c Book B 535 Signed sealed & Dilivered In ye presence of us Samson hauxhurst his James (J) Townsend marke John Townsend David Underhill O November ye 23th David Underhill appeared before m e Nathaniel Coles Esquire one of his Majesties Jus- tices ffor Queens County & ac- knowledged the above written to be his real act and Voluntary Deed Nathaniel Coles (p.176) This Instrument of Writting or Deed of Sale witnes- ethuntoallChristianpeopletowhome itmay Cum orany ways Consarne K n o w yee that I Isaac Doughty of N e w worke within the pattin of Oysterbay in quens County upon Longisland in ye vince of of New Yorke for Good casis & Considerations me Espashally Moveing and for the Sum of fifty Shilings in money to m e payd befoer ye Signing hearof I have Bargained Sould & byp'sentpossessionDelevereduntoJohnWood ofyeSameplase a sartin Trackt of Land at ye Abovesaid New Worke the furst Bounds whaerof begineth at Three Rockes South West Bound' and from thence Eastwardly by ye Cart path yt Leades from Isaac Doughtys house to Muskeeto Cove to a Small Walnut Tree South- east Bound and from thence Northerly to a Small Black ocke Northeast Bound'and from thence West by Muskeeto Cove Line to ye Westermost Corner of ye abovesd John Woods ffence as itNow Standeth& inquantityThreeackers& ahalfebeitMoer or Lese for ye valew of ffifty Shillings as abovesd Receved I do hearby manifest & declaer that I have freely Sould & by p'sent possession delevered unto ye abovesaid John W o o d & his Hayars To Have & to hold occopy poses & Injoye the Sd Tract of Land & Bounded as abovesd forever from me my Hayars Executers Administrats or Assnes or any other son or sons from by or und meLayingClametoanyPtor cellthaerofbyp'tenceof H a y e r S h i p , g r a n t , S a l e o r o t h e r w i s e b e it o f w h a t n a t u r e w h a t - soev Injageing m y Self Hayers & Sucksesars to uphold Main- taine & make Good to him ye Said John Wood & his Hayers in their peaesable Improvement & Inioyement of the p'mises as fully & Amply to all Intentes & purposes as mought be written or Worded a cording to Law to ye Confirmation of this my Deed of Sale I have Subscribed my hand & Sette to my Seale in Oysterbay the 14th D a y of ffeabruary 1688 : Sined Sealed & delevered in ye p'sens of Job:Wright:James Townsend Isaac Daughty her Elizabeth (E ) Daughty marke 536 Book B TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall come or in any wise apptaine Be it known yt I Richard Willitts of Jerico alias Lusum in ye Bounds of Oysterbay on ye Island of Nassau formerly Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke ffor & in ye Consid1ation of ye Love & kindness I had to John W o o d Late of Little worth in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd deceased,and yt he ye Sd John at ye Day of his death left behind him ffive Sons and but a small quantity of Land for their accomodation when they Shall come to yeares to Settle themselves,And for other good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd Richard Especially Moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED, Alienated Infeoffed,Assigned & Confirm'd,And by these p'sents I ye Sd Richard do give, Grant, Infeoffe, Assigne & Confirme unto ye fforementioned ffive Sons of ye Sd John W o o d that is to sayJohn,James,Jeremiah,Jonathan& Williamallthatofmy Pt,Share or purchasers right of ye Upland upon West Neck at ye South of Oysterbay aforesd being ye eighteenth Pt of Sd Neck,And at ye Division of Pt thereof,in ye Lower or South division ye Eighth Lott and in ye up Division ffourteenth fell tome by Lott,asye Records concerning Sd Neck inLib:B :page 252 plainly Sheweth Together wthall my right Title & Interest, Claime and demand w'soever wch I ye Sd Richard now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Executrs or Assignes may here- after have of,to or in ye Sd Share of Upland & every t & cel thereof wthall Pfits Issues,Comoditys,Customes priviledges, Lotts,Comonage,wth wtsoever els to ye Sd Share belongs or of rightinanywiseAptaines,TO HAVE & TO HOLD untothem yeSdJohnWood,JamesWood JeremiahWood,JonathanWood and William Wood all Sons of ye Sd John Wood deceased their Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye fforementioned Share of Upland & Granted p'mises wth ye Apptences thereof to ye only P P use & behoof of them ye Sd John Woods Sons,their Heires & Assignes forever,And ye Said Richard hath put them ye Sd five Brethren into a Lawful & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye Sd granted p'mises by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd Richard Wilits doth for himself his Heires Execut's & Assignes ffurther, Covenant & agreeto& wthyeSdJohn,James,JeremiahJonathan& William ye forementioned Brethren,Sons of ye Sd John Wood deceased that it Shall and may be Lawfull for them ye Sd Brethren their Heires & Assignes, quietly & peaceably to have, hold, Occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Sd Granted p'mises wth ye Apptences thereof fforever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Richard his Heires & Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift, Grant,Mortgage Bargaine or Sale wtsoever And ye Sd Richard doth hereby bind himself & his Heires to Warrant & defend ye Book B 537 Sd Share of Upland & Granted p'mises to ye fforenamed ffive Brethren their Heires & Assignes fforever; but if it So happen yt one or more of ye Sd ffive Brethren Shall happen to dye before he comes to ye age of Twenty one yeares wthout any Issue of his or their Bodies or bodie begotten yt then ye Pt or portion of ye Sd Share of Land belonging to ye Deceased Shall be & remaine equally to ye Surviving Brethren any thing herein con- tainedtoyeContraryNotwthstandingINWITNES whereofI have hereunto Sett m y hand and Seal ye Seventh Day of July in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety three Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us : Richard Willitts O John ffry William ffry John Newman (p.177 blank;p.178)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whom this p'sent writing Shall come or in any wise Aptaine ; Be it known that I Nicholas Simkins of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Dvince of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid1ation of m y Naturall Love & affection to William Simkins of Southampton on Long Island aforesd my Natural Brothers Son:And for other Good Causes & Consid'acons me ye Nicholas especially Moving ;H A V E GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated enfeoff'd Made over & Con- firm'd,And by these p'sents I ye Sd Nicholas do Give,Grant, Alienate make over & confirme unto the abovenamed William Simkins a certaine parcel or Tract of Land of & belonging to ye Right of m e ye Sd Nicholas in ye Bounds of Muskeeto Cove aforesd Containing fourty Acres of W o o d Land Lying against ye fflatt pond So called, and Joyning to William frosts Land wthin ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd Together wthall m y Right, Title and Interest,Claime & demand wtsoevr wch I ye Sd Nicholas nowhaveorwchanyoreitherofmy Heires,ExecutrsorAssignes may hereaft have of,to or in ye Sd ffourty Acres of Land wthall Issues & fits from thence arising or Growing or in any wise Apptaining TO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd William Simkins his Heires & Assignes the Sd ffourty Acres of Land to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd William his Heires & Assignes forever And the Sd Nicholas hath put ye SdWilliamintoaLawful& peaceablepossessionofyeSdffourty Acres of Land by ye dilivery of these p'sents And further ye Sd Nicholas doth for himself his Heires,Executrs & Assignes Covenant and agree to & wth ye Sd William that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd William Simkins his Heires Executrs or Assignes, quietly & peaceably to have, hold, occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises fforever wthout ye Lawful Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Nicholas his Heires, Executs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und'him,or any or either of them notwith- 538 Book B standing any former Gifts, Grants, Bargaines or Sales wtsoever INWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSetmyhand& Sealye Thirtyth Day of May in ye year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred eighty Nine ;And further I ye Sd Nicholas do by these p'sents give & confirme to ye Sd William Simkins a Right of Comonage in ye Old purchase of Oysterbay aforesd wch I ye Sd Nicholas Bought of Eleazer Leveridge wch Stands recorded amongst ye Land Evidences of Oysterbay in Libre B. page ye 19: I Say I ye Sd Nicholas do give to the Sd William ye Sd Right of Comonage as firmly & Sure;And in ye Same Maner as ye ffourty Acres of Land is confirm'd unto him in this above written Deed Signed Sealed & dd in p❜sence of John Newman : George Townsend The marke ofX NicholasSimkins O (p.179blank;p.180)—ThesemayCertifyall sonswhomit may any waies Concerne yt I Edward White of Oysterbay in QueensCountyonLongIslandinye vinceofNewYorke,for & in Consid'acon of Twenty Acres of Land,Confirm'd unto me byJohnffryShoemak ofyeTownship& Collonyaforesd;wch Twenty Acres of Land he ye Sd John ffry did buy of Samuel AndrewsasbyyeTown Recordsmaymoreffullyappeare;Iye Sd Edward White do in way of Exchange,Give,Grant,Bargaine, Sell, Alienate, Enfeoffe & Confirme unto ye Sd John ffry his Heires & Assings forever All m y Right, Title, p t y , Interest, Claime & demand wtsoever;In and of Twenty Six Acres of Land Lying in ye Town Comons,being a right of Comons Appertain- ing to a Lott of Land that ye Sd Edward White Bought of Joseph Ludlam of Oysterbay for him ye Sd John ffry to take up where ye Sd John ffry shall please in any of Undivided Land in ye old T o w n purchase of Oysterbay ; Together wth ye p'vel- edges, fits, Comoditys, Hereditaments, & Appurtences What- soeverunto ye Sd Land belonging;And allye estate,right,Title, Interest,Operty,possession,Claime & Demand w'soever of him ye Sd Edward White of,in & to ye Sd Twenty Six Acres of Land above written or any Pt or cel thereof To have & to hold the Sd Right of Land & p'mises wth ye Appurtences unto him ye Sd John ffry his Heires & Assignes forever,And ye Sd Edward White doth hereby Covenant mise & Agreent to & wth ye Sd John ffry his Heires & Assignes by these p'sents That he ye Sd Edward White hath not Wittingly nor Willingly Com- itted any act wtsoever whereby ye Sd Granted p'mises or any Pt thereof,Is,shall or may be Burthened charged or Incumbred in any Title,Charge,estate or otherwayes whatsoever & that he will warrant,aquit & Defend ye Sd p'mises wth ye Appurtenances to ye Sd John ffryhis Heires and Assings by these p'sents against Book B 539 all sons claiming by,from or undr him,his Heires or Assignes orbytheirMeanesor curement;TowchagreementAbove written ye tys above mention have Interchangeably set ther hands & Seales this the 26th Day of Aprill 1689 Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Dole: Samuel Dickinson Edward White O John ffry Be itknown to allmen by these p'sents that I Adam Wright of Cedar-Swamp in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke ; do hold m y Self ffirmly bound unto John ffry of Springfield in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd in ye Sume of Sixty Pounds of Currant Silver money of this Colony;To be paid to ye Sd John ffry or to his Certaine & Lawful Attorney his Executrs Administrats or As- signes;To wch paymt well & trulyto be made & done Ithe Sd A d a m do bind m y Self, m y Heires Executrs & Administrat's ffirmly by these p'sents In witnes whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seal the Twenty ninth day of Novembr in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty nine December ye 1st:1694:Dennis Wright Son of ye abovenamed A d a m performed the Condition of this Bond whereby it is utterly void & of none effect witnes John N e w m a n town Clerke The Condicon of this Obligation is Such that whereas thabove bounden A d a m Wright hath for & in ye behalf of his Son Dennis Wright, Granted, Bargained & Sold unto ye above named John ffry a Certaine Tract of Land Lying neer ye plaines in the bounds of Oysterbay abovesd wch Land was Given and Granted to ye aforesd Dinnes Wright his Heires & Assignes forever by George Dinnes his Grandfather and by ye Sd Adam his ffather as by their Deeds und'their hands & Seals bearing date ye 13th Day of Aprillinye year 1689:doth appear;wch Deeds Stands Recorded in ye Booke A :page ye 140 & 141:wch Land was Laid out & bounded by the Surveyors of Oysterbay to Sd George Dinnes & Adam Wright ffiftytwo Acres between them And Twelve Acres of Land more to ye Sd Adam Joyning to it;The Southend of wch Tract of Land Lyeth neer to Robt Williams Line & So rang- ing to ye Southwest Corner to a Chesnutt Tree ;T o ye Northwest Corner to a Chesnut Tree;to ye Northeast Corn'to a Chesnut Tree,And to ye Southeast Corn'to a Black Oake Lying between two old paths ye one of them going to ye South of ye plaines ;as itStands Recorded inye Book A :page ye 91:And ye Sd Adam hath formerly Sold Twelve Acres of ye Sd Land to William Buckler and Bounded it as his deed & ye Records plainly Shew- eth;And ye Sd Adam hath received money and pay for ye Sd Land to ye value of Twenty pounds of ye Sd John ffry N o w if thereforeyeforemenconedTractofLandShallbe& isConfirmed & made good to ye Sd John ffryhis Heires & Assignes by a Deed Substantial & Good according to Law und'ye hand & Seal of ye 540 Book B above named Dinnes Wright when he ye Sd Dinnes Wright Shall attaine to ye age of one & Twenty yeares from him ye Sd Dinnes his Heires, Executrs Administratrs and Assignes to him ye Sd John ffry his Heires & Assignes fforever; Excepting wt ye Sd Adam hath fformerly Sold to ye abovesd Buckler or if ye Sd Dinnes Shall happen to dye before the age before mentioned that the next Heire do make ye Land aforesd Sure to ye Said John ffry as aforesd according to ye true Intent & meaning of this Bond wch is that ye fforemenconed ticulers be formed And that ye Sd John ffry his Heires & Assignes shall well & truly have, hold, Occupy, possess & enjoy the abovementioned Land & every Pt & cell thereof quietly & peaceably forever wthout ye Lett or Mollestation of ye Sd Adam or ye Sd Dinnes or any or either of their Heires Execut's Administrat's or As- signes then this Obligation Shall be void & of none effect or els toStand& remaineinfullpowerforce& virtue:(inyeBounds of Oysterbay) was Interlyned before Sealing in ye 4th Line of the Condition: Adam Wright O Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of John Newman : William Crooker clxxxi : (p.181)-TO ALLCHRISTIANPEOPLEtowhomthisp'sent writing Shall come or in any wise Aptaine Be it known that wee Mary Willitts of Lusum in ye Bounds of Oysterbay on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke (Relict & widdow of Richard Willitts deceased) Thomas Willitts & Richard Willitts both of ye Same place & Sonns to ye Sd Mary Willitts for & in ye Consid'a- con of a valuable Sume of Money or other pay received by thaforenamed Richard Willitts deceased in his Lifetime whereby wee ye Sd Mary Thomas & Richard Willitts,do acknowledge our Selves to be fully Satisfied, and for other good causes & consid- acons us ye Sd Mary, Thomas & Richard especially Moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED Infeoffed,Alienated,Madeover. Sold & Confirm'd,And by these p'sents wee ye Sd Mary Willitts, Thomas Willitts, & Richard Willitts do Give, Grant, Infeoffe. alienate make over,Sell & Confirme unto John ffry of Springfield in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd A certaine parcell of plaine Land,Scituate Lying & being on ye North Side of ye plaines Joyning to ye Woods wthin ye Bounds of ye pattent of Oysterbay aforesd,and Laid out & Bounded as followth The first Bound is a small Oake tree Marked a Little way into ye plaines,and from thence Eastward to Hempsteed old Cart path,And So rang- ing by ye Sd path Southwardly and Westwardly to ye next poynt ofTreesagainstyeplainesaforesd,And fromthencebyyewood- edge and as near to ye Woods as is or may be accounted of ye plaines or Mowable Land to ye first Bound Northwardly ; It being Bounded on ye North end by the Townsends Land on ye East & South by ye Sd Cart path And on ye West or Northwest Book B 541 byyeWoods ContainingbyestimationwthinyeSd BoundsTwenty Ácres or thereabouts be it more or Lesse, Together wthall our Right, title & Interest, Claime & demand w'soever wch wee ye Mary,Thomas & Richard Willitts now have or wch ye forenamed Richard Willits deceased formerly had or wch any or either of our Heires, Executrs Administrat's or Assignes may hereaft' have of,to or in ye Sd Land wthall fits and Issues from thence aris- ingorGrowingorinanywiseAp@tainingTO HAVE & TO H O L D unto him ye Sd John ffry his Heires & Assignes ye Sd piece of plaine Land wth ye Appurtences & priviledges thereof to ye only use & behoofe of him the Sd John ffry his Heires & Assignes forever;And ye Sd Mary Willitts,Thomas Willittsand Richard Willitts do for themselves their Heires,Execut's & Ad- ministrat's further Covenant & Agree to & wth ye Sd John ffry that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd John his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular the p'mises forever wthout ye L a w full Lett hindrance or Interuption of them ye Sd Mary Thomas & Richard their Heires, Execut's or Assignes or any or either of them or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or undr them, or any or either of them notwthstanding any form' Gif, Grant, Bargaine or Sale wtsoever; And also ye Sd Mary, Thomas & Richard Willitts do hereby Bind themselves & their Heires to warrant ye Sd piece of Land to ye Sd John ffry his Heires & Assignes fforever in Such Maner as is before expressed A N D Lastly ye Sd Mary, Thomas & Richard Willits do Covenant & agree as aforesd,to & wth ye Sd John ffry as aforesd that if at any time hereaft' ye Line of division Shall happen to be runn'd bethween ye Town of Oysterbay Land and John Williams Land and this above mentioned piece of Land Shall happen to fall to ye Town of Oysterbay that then ye Sd Mary Thomas & Richard Willitts do hereby bind themselves their Heires,Execut's and Ad- ministratrs to make good to ye Sd John ffry his Heires & As- signes in Lieu of ye Sd Abovementioned piece of Land Thirty Acres of Land,good Mowable plaine Land at Some other Con- venient place on ye Same plaines and to confirme to him or his Heires by a firm Deed und' their hands & Seales,and yt then ye Sd John ffryhis Heires Executrs or Assignes Shall Leave & yield up his right & Claime to this abovementioned Land and this Deed Shall be utterly void,anything mention'd in this Deed to ye Con- trary Notwithstanding IN W I T N E S whereof wee have hereunto Sett or hands & Seales the ffirst day of ffebruary in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty nine Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of her John Townsend Sen Henry Willits Mary X Willitts O marke Thomas Willitts O Richard Willitts 542 Book B MaryWillitts,Thomas& RichardWillittsappearedbeforeme & did accnolidg ye wthin ritne Deede to be thair actt & Deede ISaybeforeme oneofhisMatiesJusticesofyepeace ffeb:28:1689: John Townsend Sen May 26:1690:ReceivedthenofJohnffryofSpringfieldinye Bounds of Oysterbay on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke ye Sume of forty five Shillings of Currant Silver Money of this Collony wch money is in ffull account & Satisfaction for my Pt of a piece of plaine Land wch (as is reputed) my ffather peter Wright Deceased bought of Richard Willits Deceased whereby I ye Sd Adam do by these p'sents revoke,yield up & Assigneallyeright,title& InterestwchIyeSdAdam nowhave or wch any or either of m y Heires Executrs Administratrs or As- signes may hereafter have to ye Sd plaine Land to him ye Sd John ffry his Heires & Assignes forever as witnes m y hand day & yeare abovesd Signed & dd in p❜sence of us Thomas Scudder William ffry Adam Wright clxxx2 (p.182)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whome this p ' s e n t w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e B e it k n o w n thatwe James Townsend of Cedar Swamp inye Bounds of Oys- terbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of New- yorke and George Townsend and Daniel Townsend of Oysterbay aforesd for & in ye Consideracon of ye Sume of Six pounds of Silver money Currant in this Colony & in Goods equivolent in hand pd before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof and received of John ffry of Springfield in ye bounds of Oysterbay aforesd whereby we ye Sd James,George & Daniel do hold our Selves fully Satisfied contented & paid A n d for other good causes & Consideracons us & every & either of us especially Moving H A V E GIVEN GRATED, Infeoffed, Bargained, Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents we ye Sd James,George & Daniel & either of us do Give, Grant, Infeoffe, Bargaine Sell & Confirme unto John ffry aforesd a Certaine cel of Land Lying & being on ye north Side of ye plaines in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd wch Land isbounded as ffolloweth;By ye old Cart path wch Leadeth from Oysterbay to Hempsteed on ye East;The Land wch ye Sd John ffrybought of Mary Willits on ye South;the woods on ye West ; and ye Land of John Townsend Sen' on ye North, wch Sd Land was fformerly John Townsends of Oysterbay deceased the ffather of ye Sd James, George & Daniel Townsend and bought be (by) ye Sd John Townsend deceased of Jonas Holsteed as by his Deed bearing Date ye 5th of ye 10th mth 1661 and Stands Recorded in Oysterbay in ye Booke B : page ye 207 doth plainly Book B 543 appear wch Land was Given by Will to (by) ye ye Sd John Town- send deceased to ffour of his Sons that is to Say John Townsend and ye Sd James,George & Daniel to each of them Six Acres,wch Six Acres apiece ye Sd James George & Daniel Townsend have Sould as aforesaid to ye Sd John ffry Containing in ye whole eighteene Acres & no more and Bounded as aforesd and Lyes on ye W o o d Edge on the North Side of ye plaines aforesd and to R a n g e a s n e e r e y e W o o d L a n d a s is o r m a y b e a c c o u n t e d M o w - ableLandorplaines;TogetherwthallourRightTitle& Interest, Claime & demand w'soever wch we ye Sd James George & Daniel or either of us now have or wch any or either of each of our Heires,Executrs Administrats or Assignes may hereaft'have of to or in ye Sd Land wthall fits & Issues from thence arising or Growing or wt els is in anywise Aptaining thereunto; T O HAVE &TO HOLD untohimyeSdJohnffryhisHeires&As- signes all & Singular the forementioned Eighteen Acres of Land wth its Aptences,to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd John ffry his Heires & Assignes forever; And ye Said James Townsend George & Daniel hath put ye Sd John ffry into a Law- full & peaceable possession of ye Sd Eighteen Acres of Land by the dilivery of Turfe & Twigg and by ye diliv'y of these p'sents ; And ye Sd James Townsend,George Townsend & Daniel Town- send do for themselves their Heires, Executrs & Administrat ffurther Covenant and agree to & wth ye Sd John ffry that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Said John ffry his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold occupy possess & enjoy ye Sd Eighteen Acres of Land wth ye Apptences thereof forever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of them or either of them ye Sd James,George & Daniel or any or either of their Heires Executrs or Assignes or any other person or sons Law- fully claiming for by or und'them or any or either of them not- withstanding any former gift Grant, Bargaine or Sale w'soever A N D ye Sď James,George & Daniel do Covenant as aforesd to warrant & make Good to ye Sd John ffry his Heires & Assignes the Sd Eighteen Acres of Land against all persons before ex- pressed,and also against ye ffreehold's of Oysterbay aforesd If ye Sd Land if ye Sd Land Should happen to fall to them when division shall happen to be made between them Sd Oysterbay & John Williams IN W I T N E S whereof we have hereunto Set our hands & Seales the Twentyth Day of Novembr in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred & ninety Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of John Newman : Job Wright James Townsend O George Townsend O Daniel Townsend O Novemb'29:1690:Receivedthenbyme JobWright ofOyster- bay on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke of John ffry of Spring field in ye bounds of Oysterbay aforesd the S u m e of fforty 544 Book B ffive Shillings of Currant Silver money of this Collony, which moneyisinffullaccount& Satisfactionformy partofapieceof plaine Land wch (as is reputed) my ffather Peter Wright de- ceased bought of Richard Willitts deceased whereby I ye Sd Job do by these p'sents revoke,yield up & Assigne all ye Right,Title & InterestwchIyeSdJobnowhaveorwchanyoreitherofmy Heires Executrs Administrats or Assignes m a y hereaft have to theSdplaineLandtohimyeSdJohnffryhisHeires& Assignes foreveraswitnesmy handyeDay& yearabovesd Testis James Townsand Job Wright The marke X of Josias Latting pls in ccxix (p.183)—TO ALLCHRISTIANPEOPLEtowhomthisp'sent writing Shall come or in any wise Appertaine Be itknown that I Daniel Weekes of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'acion of an Ex- change of Land wth Adam Wright of Oysterbay aforesd that ye Sd Adam hath Made over Sould & confirm'd unto me ye Sd Dan- iel one Lott or Share of Meadow amongst ye Home Meadows of Oysterbay as by his Deed undr his hand & Seal bearing date ye wth these p'sents doth appear to m y full content & Satisfaction And for other Good causes & Consideracons me ye Sd Daniel especially Moving; HAVE GIVEN, GRANTED,Alienated, Made over,Bargained,Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I the Sd Daniel do Give, Grant Alienate, Make over, Bargaine, Sell & Confirme unto A d a m Wright aforesd a Certaine Tract of Land Lying & being at Cedar Swamp in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd wch Sd Tract of Land is the Moity or half of a Tract of Land wch Job wright bought of ye Indeans & by ye Sd Job Sold & Confirm'd unto me ye Sd Daniel that is to Say ye Sd Moity or halfe of ye Sd Tract as appeares at Large by a Deed und ye hand & Seal of ye Sd Job Wright Bearing Date ye 16th Day of Aprillin ye yeare 1685:wch Deed Stands Recorded in Oysterbay in page ye 46 of ye Booke B : which Moity or halfe Tract of Land I ye Sd Daniel do now possess by virtue of ye Sd Deed ; Together wthall m y Right, Title & Interest claime & de- mand whatsoever wch I ye Sd Daniel now have or wch any or eitherofmy Heires,ExecutrsorAdministratrsmay hereaft'have of,to or in ye Sd Moity or half Tract of Land & every t & celthereofwthallffences& ffencingStuff,TimberTrees,wthall Issues, fitsandApptencesfromthencearisingorGrowingor inanywiseAptaining TO HAVE & TO HOLD theSd Moity or half Tract of Land wth its Appurtences as aforesd to him the Sd Adam Wright his Heires & Assignes to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd Adam his Heires & Assignes forever And the Sd Daniel hath put ye Sd A d a m into a Lawful & peaceable possession Book B 545 ofall& Singularyep'misesbyyeDiliveryofthesep'sents;And the Sd Daniel doth for himself his Heires Executrs & Adminis- t r a t ' s f u r t h C o v e n a n t & a g r e e t o & w t h y e S d A d a m t h a t it S h a l l & may be Lawful for him ye Sd Adam his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, Occupy, possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever,wthout ye Lawfull Let,hindrance or Intruption of him ye Sd Daniel his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or undr him,or any oreitherofthem,Notwithstandingany form'Gifts,Grants, Bargaines or Sales wtsoever and the Sd Daniel to Defend ye Same accordingly I N W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & SealtheffirstDayofMayintheyearofourLordonethou- sand Six hundred eighty Nine:And furtherthe Sd Daniel doth Covenant as aforesd to Defend & Maintaine ye Said Land against all Claimes and demands Just & Lawful that Shall be made to ye Said Land what Soever ;The word Daniel in ye Last Line but one Interlined before Sealing Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of John Newman Job Wright DanielWeekes O This Instrament of Writting of writing or deed of Gift wit- nessethuntoallChristianpeopletowhom itmay comeorany wayes Conserne know yee that Whereas wee und Written Sus- caneman alias Runasuck Samous & Quarapin all three Indeans being Impowred by ye rest of ye Indians and Chieff #pretors of ye Lands called by ye English Matenecock Scituate Lying & be- ing wthin ye pattent of Oysterbay wthin Queens County upon Long Island by virtue whareof and for Severall favors reseaved from ye Sd Nathaneel Coles,and for his Assistance in Laying out our Lands yt wee have Sold to the Inhabitants of Oysterbay wee do hereby Manifest & declare in Consideracon abovesd wee have ffreely Given as a ffree Gift unto ye Sd Nathaneel a cer- taine Tract of Land at ye Sedor Swamp So called,the first Bounds whereof begineth at Daniel weekes Southeast Bound & from thence South ffiftyRod to Adam Wrights Northeast Bound', Ranging ye Same breadth by ye Lands of Daniel Weekes on ye North & A d a m Wright on ye South Westwardly to ye Cartway from Muskeeto Cove to ye plaines being ye Same breadth at ye west end as at ye East and in quantity ffifty Acres of Land More or Lesse as Bounded for & upon ye Considerations abovesd we do hereby Manifest & declare that we have ffreely Given & by p'sent possession dilivered thabovesd ffifty Acres of Land as Bounded unto ye Sd Nathaneel Coles his Heires,Executrs Ad- ministrats or Asignes, To have & to hold, Occupy, possess & enjoy ye Sd Tract of Land as Laid out & Bounded as abovesd forever from us our heires Executrs Administrats or Assignes, 546 Book B or any other son or sons from by or und' us Laying Claime to any t or cell thereof by p'tence of Heire-Ship, Grant or S a l e o r o t h e r w i s e b e it o f w t N a t u r e w t s o e v e r ; I n j a g i n g o u r s e l v e s Heires & Sucksesors to uphold maintaine & make good to him ye Sd Nathaneel his Heires & Sucksesors in their pesable posses- sion Improvement & Injoyment of ye p'mises as fully & Amply to all intents & purposes as mought be written or worded ac- cording to L a w ; to ye Confirmation of this our deed of Gift wee have Subscribed our hand & Sett to our Seales at Oysterbay ye 6th Day of Jenewary : 1685/6 Samos his X marke & Seale O Quarapin his X marke & O Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of Job Wright :John Townsend themarkeof Themarkeof Tackapousha X Seahor X This Deed was acknowledged before me Richard Cornell Entred in ye Regist" for Queens County ye 26th Day of May 1686:By Will:Nicolls Reg'page 60:& 61: This Deed was Assigned to A d a m Wright & ye Assignmt is entred at ye up end of ye next page (p.184)-Be itknownbythesep'sentsthatINathaneelColes wthin Mention'd in this wthin written Deed,have Assigned,Made over& Confirmd;Andbythesep'sentsItheSdNathaneeldo Assigne,Make over & Confirme unto Adam Wright of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke this wthin Deed wthall ye Right,title and Interest,Claime & de- mand w'soever,wch I ye Sd Nathaneel have or wch my Heires Executs or Assignes may hereaft'have to ye Gift or Grant Men- tioned in this wthin Deed to him ye Sd A d a m to him ye Sd A d a m his Heires or Assignes forever having received full Satisfaction therefore by a Lott of Land as by his Deed bearing Date wth this doth appeare;And I do Give ye Sd Adam Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye Land mentioned in this Deed by ye Dilivery of thesep'sents;InWitneswhereofIhavehereuntoSettmy hand & Seal the Eleventh Day of Aprill one thousand Six hundred eighty& Seven:And Iye Sd Nathanel Colesdo formy Selfmy Heires, Executrs & Assignes further Covenant to & wth ye Sd Adam to maintaine ye Sd Adam his Heires & Assignes forever in his or their L a w full possession of all ye L a n d mentioned in this wthin written Deed Signed,Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman :Daniel Weekes Nathaneell Coles the marke of O This above written Assignmt is of a Deed wch Stands recorded next before this: Deborah (D ) Coles O Book B 547 TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall come or in any wise Aptaine Be itknown yt I Anthony Wright of Oysterbay in queens County on Nassaw or Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consideration that there was formerly an Agreemt made by & between peter Wright my eldestBrotherDeceased,JobWright & Addam Wright Broth- ers to my ffather Gideon Wright Deceased,wch agreemt beareth Date ye 6th D a y of October 1685 : and Recorded in Lib : B : page 32:wherein ye Sd Adam was to have one third Pt of ye Ac- comodation, wch was fformerly m y Grandfather peter Wrights deceased And for other Good Causes & Considerations me ye Sd Gideon especially Moving for a further Confirmation to Sd A d a m HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,Infeoffed,Assigned& & Confirm'dAndbythesep'sentsIyeSdAnthonydoGiveGrant, Alienate Infeeffe Assigne & Confirme unto A d a m Wright aforesd t h e o n e t h i r d P t o f all y e A c c o m o d a t i o n , w c h w a s m y S d G r a n d - fathers meaning yt wch he in his Life time Lived on,that is to SayyeonethirdPtofyeHouseorHome LottasitisBounded in Sd Agreemt that is to Say Bounded on ye South end by ye Street,on ye East Side by John Wrights Lott now ye Sd Jobs, on ye North end by ye Jobs Home Lott,And by ye Sd Anthonys Third Pt of Sd Accomodation on ye west Side,And also one third t of all uplands & Meadows at ye South & Land at the plaines and also one third t of all ye Lands upon ye Town Comons Divided & that are to be Divided be Longing to Sd House Lott wth a third Pt of ye p'viledge of Comonage belonging to Sd Accomodation all Lying & being wthin ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd Together wthall ye right Title & Interest Claime & De- mand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Anthony now have or wch any or eitherofmy HeiresExecut'sorAssignesmay hereafterhaveof to or in ye Sd Granted Third Pt of Lott, Meadow Upland & Comonage ( )allwaies excepting a third Pt of a Share of Salt Meadow Lying next George Townsend Meadow on ye West Side) wthall Issues, fits Comoditys ffences Swamps, ponds, Springs in & upon ye Same or to ye Same in any wise Aptain- ing to have & to hold unto him ye Sd Adam Wright his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd Granted third Pt of Lott,Mea- dow,Upland & Commonage wthye Apptences thereof to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd Adam Wright his Heires & As- signes forever,And ye Sd Anthony doth hereby own ye Sd Job to be already in actual & Legal possession of all & Singular ye Sd Granted p'mises And ye Sd Anthony doth for himself his Heires,Executrs & Assignes further Covent & agree to & with ye Sd Adam that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Adam his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular the Sd Granted p'mises forever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Anthony his Heires & Assignes, or any other son or sons 548 Book B Lawfully Claiming for,by or und'him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift,Grant Mortgage or Sale w'so- ever,And ye Sd Anthony doth hereby bind himself & his Heires to warrant & Defend all & Singular ye Sd Granted p'mises to ye Sd Adam his Heires & Assignes forever,according as before is exp'ssed in witnes whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seal ye twenty first Day of May in ye yeare of our Lord one thou- sand Six hundred Ninety ffour Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman : Job Wright AnthonyWright, O Day & Date abovesd Anthony Wright came before me one of their Maties Justices of ye peace and acknowledged this to be his reall act & Deed Nathaneill Coles (p.185)-Memorandum that John Vnderhill Son of Jacob & Mary Vnderhill Grand Son to Mary Wright widow of John Wright Late of oyster bay Deceased was born In Matenacock In ye bounds of oysterbay the twelveth Day of September In ye Year of our Lord Christ 1707 To allChristian People to Whome These presents Shall Come Greeting Know Ye yt I Samuel Bayard of ye City of new york Machant for and in Consideration of ye S u m of fourty one pounds Currant Lawfull money of New York to me in hand paid before ye Ensealing & Delivery here of by Samuel Youngs of ye Township of Oyster bay in queens County In ye province of N e w York one the Island of Nassau yeoman ye Recept Where ofIDoherebyacknowledgeandmy SelfetobethereWithfully Satisfied Contented and thereof and of Every Part & Parsall There of Do Exonrate acquitt & Discharge The said Samuel Youngs his heirs Executors and Administrators for ever by these presents have given Granted Bargained Sold Alienated Conveyed & Confirmed& bythesepresentsDo ffullyfreely& absolutlyGive Grant Bargaine Šell alien Convey & Confirm unto ye Said Samuel Youngs his heirs & Assignes for ever three Certain Tracts of of Land Situate & Being in ye In ye Towne Shipe of oyster bay afore Said In ye old purchas of oyster bay so Called & Nigh unto the Cove and one Cove Neck two of the Said Messuages Lying ye ffirstbeing Apeice of Land yt was formerly Laid out to Josias Latting bounded one the west by ye harbouer thence Rainging Eastwardly by Simon Coopes Land thirty Rods thence South- wardly thirty Six Rods thence East westwardly to said harbouer thence to the ffirst Bounds Containg with In ye Said bounds Six acres of as also another peice of Land Lying one ye Sd Cove Neck & was formerly Laid out to Nathaniel Coles bounded West by Sd harbouer and one ye North by ye abovesd Lands formerly Laid out to Josias Latting Rainging Eastwardly by Sd Lands Book B 549 thirty Rods Thence Southwardly thirty Six Rods thence west- warly to the Harbouer & thence to the ffirst bounds Containg within the Said Bounds Six acres as also another peice of Land Lying betwene Dumby Swampe & ye Sd Cove bounded one North by a highway and one South by another highway & bounded one the East by Joseph Youngs Land and one west by Joseph Youngs Land Containg within ye Sd bounds ten acres To Have and to hold the Said granted & bargained Premises with all there Appur- tenances priviledges & Commoditis to the Same belonging or in any wise Appertaing to him ye Said Samuel Youngs his heirs & assigns forever to his & there only piper use benefitt and behof for Ever & ye Said Samuel Byard for me my heirs Executors administrators Do Covenant promise & grant to and with ye Sd Samuel Youngs His Heirs & assignes forever before ye Enseal- ing here of I a m ye True Sole and L a w full owner of the above bargained (p.186)-Premises & am Lawfully Seized & possed of the Same in mine owne proper Right as a good perfectt and absolut Estate of Inheritance in fee Simple & have in m y Selfe Good Right full power & Lawfull Authority To grant bargain Sell convey & Confirm ye Said barganed Bargained premises in manner as above Said & that the Said Samuel Youngs his heirs And Assignes Shall and may from time to time & att all times forever here after by virtue of these presents Lawfully peaceably & quietly have Have hold Use occupy posses and Injoy ye Said Demised and Bargained premises with ye Appertenances free and Clearely & Clearly & Clearly acquitted Exonrated and Discharged of and from all manner of former Gifts grants bargains Sails Leases Mortguages wills Entails Joyntuers Dowrys Judgments Executions Incumbrances and Troubls whatsoever & I ye Said Samuel Bayard do further Covenant Covenant & bind m y Selfe m y heires Executors & administrators firmly by these presents to Warrant & forever Defend ye Samuel Youngs his heirs and As- signes In Quiett & peaceabley possession of all & Singluer ye Said Granted premises against ye Just and Lawfull Claimes of any Parson or Passons whatsoever In Witness Where of I ye Sd Sam- uelBayardhavehereUntoSettmyhand& SealyeSecondDay of August in the Sixth yeare of ye Reigne of Soveraigne Lord George ye Second by ye Grace of god of great Britten france and Ireland King Defender of the ffaith Annoq Domini one thousand Seven hundered & thirty & three 1733 Sealed & Delivered in ye presences of Philip Verplank Sam Townsend Sam" Maccoon Sam Bayard O Memorundum yt one ye fifteenth Day of November Annoq Domini one thousand Seven hundred & thirty three Appeared be- 550 Book B foreme DavidJonesonoftheJudgesoftheCourtofCommon pleas in & for Queens County S a m " townsend one of ye Witness to ye within written Deed & being Sworne on the holly Evanglis of almighty Decleareth that he Saw ye within named Samuel Bayard Assigne Sealed & Deliver the within Written Deed to be there real Actt and Vo()antary Deed and haveing Prused ye Same allowitttobe Entered one Record D :Jones (p.187)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whom these p'sent writings Shall c o m e ; K n o w Y o u that I M a r y Willits Relict of Richard Willits of Lusum now called Jerico Lately called Queens County upon Long Island in ye Jurisdiction of N e w Yorke in America A n d in ye Township of Oysterbay ;do by these p'sents for divers good Causes & Consid'ations me thereunto Moving but especially for ye Love & affection that I have to Richard WillettsmySonLivinginyeforesdplace,Town& County:And for his Better p'ferment.and peaceable Settlemt in ye Sd place, do hereby Give & Grant,Aliene & passe over from me ye Sd M a r y & m y Execut's or Administrat's all m y right, title, Interest, ClaimewchInowhaveorytmy HeiresExecut'sorAdministrat's hereaft may Claime or p'tend to from by or und'me To allye Lott of Land, Housing, Barnes, outhousing, Orchards, Yards ffelds,Gardens,Toffts,Crofts,Water-courses,Wayes,Libertys easements & emoluments wthall my right of Cominage,Woods, Underwoods,Bit of mouth & Turburd ("Bit of mouth" may be bestrenderedinthevernacularas"everylastbite"ofgrass. Itis a n o t h e r f o r m o f t h e e x p r e s s i o n " t u r f a n d t w i g ," c o m m o n i n t h e s e records,andtypicallyillustratedonp.96. "Turbary,"inancient English law,is the right to dig turf. See also Moses Mudge's af- fidavit, p. 238) To have & to hold to him ye Sd Richard my Son to him his Heires & Assignes forever, That is to Say I do hereby Give & Grant ye one half of all yt Lott of Land, Orchard, Garden, Water, Water-Courses wth ye one halfeofyeBarneasitisnowdivided& Occupyedbetwixtmy Sonn Thomas Willetts & us,wtball yt housing & other Libertys & easements yt he now Occupys & enjoys; T O H A V E & T O HOLD from ye day of ye Date hereofto him ye Said Richard his Heires & Assignes forever;Which Sd Lott of Land before menconedisButted& BoundeduponyeNorwestwthyehighway Leading from this place to ye place called Westbee, (Westbury) upon ye west wth m y Son Thomas Lott or Land upon ye South with Sister Sarah & her Son John Williams Land,upon ye East upon our High Street Leading to ye South,And other half t of ye fforemencon'd Lands, Housing Garden rds waters, other Wayes, Libertys, Cominage priviledges wch I n o w in m y o w n Right I do h & Grant as before to m y Sd Son Rich ter t enjoy Imed- iately after m y death or ha old unto him Book B 551 his Heires & Assignes forever;Excepting ye House I now Live inwchIresarvetobeatmydisposeatmyDeathAndalsoyt t ofLandwchIhaveformerlyGiventomy SonThomastoplant and Orchard one ;wch if it do not Containe 2 akkers I do hereby Give & Grant him So much Land to be added to itas may Make ituptwoackers,tobeSetoutattyeDiscretionofmy Sd Sons Richard & Thomas In witnes hereof I have hereto Sett my hand & Seal this 17th of Decemb in ye Second year of ye Reigne of William & Mary kinge and Qene of England,Scotland,ffrance & Ireland&c1689: Sealed Signed & dd in ye p❜sence of us Thomas Willetts JamesTownsend JohnLumm her Mary(MW)Willitts O marke MemerandytitisagagreedbetwixtyewthinMentioned tys Mary Willitts and Richard her Son the Sd Richard Willetts Shall mit & Suffer ye Sd Mary his Mother pessably to enjoy ye one half of yt t of ye Barne wch they now enjoy together in as full free & Ample maner as She hath before enjoyed it during her Life And Shall not alianet,Sell or Assigne yt half Moity of Lands or Housing during ye Life of ye Sd Mary his Mother weh She hath by these p'sents put him into the p'sent ffree estate offas witnes my hand this 17 Day of December 1689 Thomas Willetts JamesTownsend JohnLumm Richard Willetts TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall come or Apptaine Be it known yt I James Townsend of Jerico in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island alias Nassaw in ye Collony of New Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation of ye Sume of Tenn pounds Currant Money of New Yorke in hand pd,and by me ye Sd James received of Richard Willitts of Jericho aforesd before ye Sealing & Dilivery hereof in full paymt & Satisfaction,And for other good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd James Especially thereunto Moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,Infeoffed,Assigned Sold & Confirm'd,And by these p'sents do Give,Grant,Alienate, Infeoff, Assigne Sell & Confirme unto Richard Willitts aforesd all that of ye Moity or one half of a Certaine peece or cell of Land Lying & being in ye old purchase of Oysterbay aforesd on ye North Side of Thomas Willitts his Land westward from Jericho aforesd,And Bounded as followeth on ye South by a piece of Land belonging to Thomas Willitts wch Joynes to ye Highway from Jericho to Westbury,And on ye West,North & East by ye Comons,and isin quantity (Meaning ye whole peece) thirty Acres of Land wch was fformerly taken up on the right of John Townsend Sen' father to ye Sd James,and Laid out to ye 552 Book B Sd James & his Soon- (p.188)-Son Jacob;by ye Survey's as ye Records of Oysterbay plainly Sheweth and ye Moity or one half of Sd peece of Land is ye Sd Granted Land unto the Sd Richard, as before is expressed and is to be Divided when Sd Richard Shall call Sd James thereunto T O G E T H E R withall m y right,titleand Interest,Claime & Demand wtsoever which Ithe SdJamesnowhaveorwchanyoreitherofmy Heires,Execut" or Assignes may hereafter hav of to,or in ye Sd,Granted Moity orhalfpeeceofLand withallprofits,TimberTrees,Swamps,& priviledges whatsoever is or may be belonging or in any wise Aptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Richard Willitts his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd Granted half peece of Land wth ye ap tences thereof to ye only per use & behoofe of him ye Sd Richard Willitts his Heires & Assignes forever,And ye Sd James hath put ye Sd Richard into Lawfull possession of ye Same by dilivery of turfe & twigg & by these presents,And ye Sd James Doth for himself his Heires,Execu- tors & Assignes ffurther Covent to & with ye Sd Richard,that it Shall&maybeLawfullforhimyeSdRichardhisHeires& As- signes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Sd Granted p'mises forever without ye Lawfull Lett or Molestation of him ye Sd James Townsend his Heires and Assignes or any other person or sons Lawfully claiming for, by or und him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former grant Mortgage Joynture, Dower or other Conveyance wtsoever,And ye Same to ye Sd Richard Willitts his Heires & Assignes fforever to Warrant & Defend,According as Before is exp'ssedINWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSetmyhand& Seal ye Seventh Day of September in ye year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred Ninety ffive: Signed Sealed & dd: in p'sence of us John Newman John Tucker The X marke of Jeremiah Robins James Townsend O This Indenturey Made this Second Day of December in ye yeare of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven hundred and Thirty Six betwen Jacob Haff of oysterbay In Queens County one Nas- sau Island And in ye prov(i)nce of New York Yeoman of ye one part And peter Hageman of the Same Place Yeoman of ye other part Witnesseth That ye Sd Jacob Haff ffor and in Con- sideration of the S u m of Sixty Three pounds Currant Lawfull Money of New Yorke to me in hand paid Before ye Ensealing here of Weell & Truly paid by ye Sd Peter Hageman The Recept Where(of) I Do hereby Acknowledge and my Selfe there with Book B 553 fully Satisfied Contented and paid and there of and there ffrom & ofEverypartandparcellthereofDo ExonrateAcquittandffully Discharge The Sd Peter Hageman His Heirs Exers Admrs for- ever by These presents Have Given Granted Bargained Sold Alienated Conveyed and Confirmed and by These presents Do ffreely ffully and Absolutly Give Grant Bargaine Sell Alene Con- vey and Confirm Unto him the Said Peter Hageman his heirs & Assignes ffor Ever all That messuage or Tracts of Land Here affter Described Scituate Lying and being wthin ye T o w n Shipe & patent of oyster bay aforesd and within the new General pur- chas So Called being two of the Little Lotts So Called Being Number Twenty and Twenty one and as by a Deed of Sail Under the Hand and Seal of Theoreras (Theodorus) Vanweick to Sd JacobHaffMay MakeyetwentyethLottMorefullyappeareand also one Deed of Sail Under ye hand and Seal of Isaac Doty Sen' Bearing Datte the ffourth Day of March one Thousand Seven hundered and Twenty one to the Sd Jacob Haff may mak The twenty ffirst Lott More fully appeare Containg In Said two Lotts of Land Sixteen Acres and a halfe by the Eighteen ffoott to the rod & also one other Small Peice of Land Lying att the South- w[e]stEnd ofThe Sd LottsbeginingattyewestCornerofthe twentyeth Lot In number Rainging from Sd Corner South East twenty Eight Rods and twelve Links then Southwest Seven Rods and five Links to the Highway and Then to the ffirst bounds In- cluding one hundered and Nine Sqr Rods of Land by ye Statuate Measure To have and to Hold allthe Recited Peices of Land and Bargained premises with all The Appurtenances Priviledges Co- vences and Comodities To the Same belonging or In any ways appeartaing to him ye Said Peter Hageman his heirs and Assignes for Ever to his and there only Proper Use benefit and I ye Said Jacob Haff for m (e) m y heirs Executors administrators D o Cove- nant promise & Grant to & with the Said Peter hageman his heirs and Assignes that at ye Time & before the Ensealing here of I a m the true Sole and Lawfull owner of the above Bargaind prem- ises And am Lawfully Seized and possesed of ye Same In mine own proper Right as a good perfect And absolut Estate of In- heritances In ffee Simple and have in m y Selfe Good Right ffull power and Lawfull authority to Grant Bargaine Sell Convey and Confirm the Said Bargained Premises In manner As above Said and that the Sd Peter Hageman his heirs and Assignes Shall and may from (time) to Time and att all Times for ever here after By fforce & virtue of These presents, Lawfully peaceably and Quietley Have Hold Use occupy Posses and Enjoy all the Said Demised and Bargained premises ffree & Cleare and freely And Clearely Acquitted Exonrated and Discharged of and from All manner of former & other Gifts Grants Bargaines Sails Leases Mortguages wills Entails Joyntures Dowrys Judgments Execu- tions Incumbrances Extents and Troubles What Soever And 554 Book B ffurther More I the Said Jacob Haff for m y Selfe m y heirs Ex- ecutors and administrators Do Covenant & Ingage the above De- mised Premises to him the Said Peter hageman his heirs and A s s i g n e s A g a i n s t y e L a w full C l a i m e s o r D e m a n d s o f a n y P e r s o n or persons What Soever Here Affter to warrant Secuer and De- fend In Witness Where of I ye Said Jacob Haff have here Unto S e t t m y H a n d a n d f i x e d m y S e a l t h e D a y a n d Y e a r e first a b o v e written Sealed and Delivered in ye presences of Abraham Seaman David Seaman JacobHaff O Memorundum on the ffifth Day of Aprill 1737 David Seaman one of the Witneses to ye Within Written Deed personaly ap- peared before M e David Jones Esq' first Judge of ye Court of Comon pleas for Queens County and Made Oath that he Saw the Within Named Jacob haff Signe Seale & Deliver the Within Deed of Sail & having Carfully Examined the Same Do allow itt to be Recorded D :Jones (p.190)-Be itknown by these p'sents that wee Henry Town- send Sen Henry Townsend Jun and John Townsend both ye Sons of ye Sd Henry Townsend Sen' who are all named in this wthin written & Annexed Deed from ye Indians wch beareth Date ye fourth Day of July 1683:in ye five & thirtyth year of ye Reigne of king Charles ye second; Have Assigned, Made over & Confirm'd And by these p'sents wee ye Sd Henry Townsend Sen Henry Townsend Jun & John Townsend do Assigne make over & Confirme ye before mentioned Deed unto John Pratt Jun' of Hogg Island in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on LongIslandinyeColonyofNew Yorkewthallourright,title& Intrest wch we ye Sd Henry Townsend Sen' Henry Townsend Jun' & John Townsend now have or wch any or either of our Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes may hereafter have to ye Sd Land mentioned in ye Sd Deed by vertue thereof in every Clause & Covent To have & to Hold to him ye Sd John pratt his Heires & Assignes the Sd Deed & all ye Land therein Contained to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd John pratt his heires and Assignes forever;And ye Sd John Pratt hath paid ye Sd Henry Townsend Sen Henry Townsend Jun' & John Townsend for ye forementioned Land to their full content & Satisfaction before ye Sealing hereof;And also we have putt ye Sd John pratt into a Lawful & peaceable possession of ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of these p'sents IN W I T N E S whereof wee have hereunto Sett our hands & Seales ye Seventeenth Day of Decemb in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty nine Book B 555 Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of John Newman John Robinson Henry Townsend Sen Henry Townsend Jur John Townsend The Deed mentioned in this above written Assignmt Stands Recorded inye Booke A :page ye 158:159:& 160: (p.174-6) TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthisp'sentwriting Shall come or in any wise Aptaine,Be it known yt I Samson Hawxhurst of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island now Called Nassau in ye Collony of New Yorke for & in ye Con- sid'ation of ye Sume of ffifteen pounds of Currant Silver money of this Collony in hand paid and by me ye Sd Samson receivd of John Pratt Jun' of ye Same place Carpent' in full payment & Satisfaction at ye Sealing and Dilivery hereof by a Bill und' his hand & Seal whereby I do forever acquitt & discharge ye Sd John Pratt his Heires Executrs & Administrat's of ye Sd Sume, And for other good Causes and Consideracons me ye Sd Samson especiallyMovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,AlienatedIn- feoffed,Assigned,Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Samson do Give, Grant, Alienate Infeoffe, Assigne Sell & Confirme unto John pratt aforesd all that of a Certaine Tract of Woodland wch was fformerly purchased of ye the Indean prie- tors of Matenacock Lands By Christopher Hawxhurst Late of Matenacock deceased Brother to ye Sd Samson, Which Said Tract of Land is Lying & being on ye North Side of ye ffoot p a t h t o M u s k e e t C o v e b e g i n i n g a t J o h n W o o d s S o u t h e a s t B o u n d ', Ranging East on ye North Side of Sd ffoot path unto James Cocks South-west Bounder ffourty Rod,ffrom thence Northward- ly one hundred & Sixty Rod being ye Same breadth at ye North end as at ye South end: Being Bounded on ye west Side by John Woods Land,on ye South end by ye ffoot path,And on ye East Side by James Cocks Land,and on ye North end by ye Comons Containing wthin ye Sd Bounds ffourty Acres of Land, as ye Indeans Deed for Sd Christopher for Sd Land Bearing Date ye first Day of June 1682 doth planly demonstrate, wch Deed Stands Recorded in Oysterbay in ye Booke A :page 137: Together wthall m y Right, Title, & Interest, Claime & demand w'soever wch I ye Sd Samson now have or wch any or either of my HeiresExecutrsorAssignesmayhereaft'haveoftoorinye SdTractofLandorany tor cellthereofwthall fits,Comod- ities,Customes p'viledges wth ye Timber & Trees thereon Stand- ing or Growing or w'soever els is thereto of Right in any wise Aptaining,TO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd John pratt his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye forementioned Tract of Land wth ye Aptences thereof to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd John Pratt his Heires & Assignes fforever And ye Sd Sampson hath put ye Sd John Pratt into a Lawfull & peace- 556 Book B able possession of ye Sd Tract of Land & p'mises by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg and by ye Dilivery of this p'sents And ye Sd Samson doth for himself his Heires,Executrs & Assignes further C o v e n a n t & a g r e e t o a n d w t h y e S d J o h n P r a t t y t it S h a l l & m a y be Lawful for him ye Sd John his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy,possess :& enjoy all & Singular ye Sd Tract of Land and p'mises forever without ye L a w full Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd Samson his Heires Ex- ecut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claim- ing for,by or und'him or any or either of them Notwthstanding any Former Gift,Grant,Mortgage or Sale wtsoever And ye Sd Samson Doth hereby bind himself & his Heires to Warrant & defend ye Sd Tract of Land & p'mises to ye Sd John Pratt his Heires& Assignesfforeveraccordingasbeforeisexp'ssed,And alsotowarrant&defendyeSdLandasaforesdagainstall sons wtsoever that Shall Lay any Claime to Sd Land for,by or undr ye abovenamed Christopher Hawxhurst deceased by Will, Gift, Grant,Heirship or any or any other way w'soever IN W I T N E S whereof Ihave hereunto:Sett my hand & Seal the Twentyth Day of M a y in ye year of our Lord one Thousand Six Hundred Ninety three Signed Sealed & dd In p'sence of us: John Newman David Underhill Anthony Wright SamsonHawxhurst O I William Hawxhurst Brother to ye abovenamed Samson do hereby Confirme to ye abovenamed John pratt all m y right and Interest to ye Land above mentioned wch I or m y Heires have or may have thereunto as fully as it is made to ye Sd John by thisabove written Deed as witnes my hand and Seal Day & date above written The marke (W ) of WilliamHawxhurst O (p.191)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whome this p'sent writing Shall come or in any wayes Concerne K n o w ye that I david Underhill of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island alias Nassau in ye province of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid- eracon of ye Sume of thirteen pounds Equivolent to Currant Money of this Collony in hand pd before ye Sealing & Dilivery hereof,And for other Good Causes & Considerations me ye Sd DavidespeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED alienated made over,Bargained Sold and Confirmd,And by these p'sents IyeSdDaviddoGive,Grant,AlienateBargaine,Sell& Con- firme unto John pratt Jun' of ye Township of Oysterbay aforesd a piece of Meadow Lying in ye Bever Swamp Meadows being half of ye Meadow in quality as they have agreed which ye Sd Book B 557 David Underhill hath of John & Daniel Underhill Sons of John Underhil of Matenacock deceased,The Sd half tbeing Bounded as ffolloweth the South east Corner being a peperidge Tree Marked,and from ye Sd Tree to run North to ye Next Crick, and So Northerly by ye Sd Crick to James Townsends Meadow, and So northwest by James Townsends Meadow unto ye fence, and So bounded on ye south by ye fence to ye aforesd peperidge tree, Together wthall m y right, title & Interest, Claime & de- mand wtsoever wch I the Sd David Underhill now have or wch any or either of my Heires Execut's Administrats or Assignes may hereafter have of & in ye Sd Meadow wthall ye fits & Comoditys arising from ye Same To Have & to hold all & every ye p'mises wthall & every ye Apptences thereof unto him ye Sd John Pratt Jun'his Heires,Executrs Administrats or Assignes, And to his & their use and behoofe forever, And ye Sd David Underhill hath put ye Sd John pratt into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye pimises by ye Dilivery of these p'sents, And SdDavidUnderhilldothforhimselfhisHeires,Executrs, Administrats & Assignes ffurther Covent & agree to & with the Sd John pratt yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd John pratt his Heires Executrs Administrats or Assignes or any or either of them quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy possess & enjoy allye fforementioned piece of Meadow wth ye Aptences thereunto belonging wthout Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd David Underhill or any other son Lawfully Lawfully Claiming for, by or und him by meanes of any former Gift, Grant,bargaine or Sale wtsoever,but yt ye Sd David Underhill his Heires,Executrs Administratrs Shall Defend ye Sd John prat his Heires & Assignes in ye peaceable possession against all Claimes& DemandsthatShallbemadetoyeSdpieceofMeadow by any son or sons w'soever,And also yt this my Deed Shall Stand good & effectuall according to ye true Intent & Meaning hereof In Witnes whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal this Third Day of ffebruary one Thousand Six hundred Ninety three Signed Sealed & dd In p'sence of us John Dewsbury : his John X ffreeman marke davidunderhill O his Josias Smith X marke Know allmen bythesepresentsthatIJohn PrattJunierIn this within Mentioned Deed Do Assigne and make over all my Right title and Interest to all the Land and priviledges and profitts of the Same In this withi(n) written Deed Which I the said John Pratt Bought of Samson Hauxhurst as is Within Ex- pressed unto John Cock and James Cock Jun'both of the Town- 558 Book B ship of Oysterbay ffor a valuable Consideration by me the said John Pratt Receivd to m y ffull satisfaction ffor which Considera- tion Ithe said John Pratt D (o) Resing (resign) make over and Confirme unto The said John and James Cock Ju' all m y Right title Interest Claime and Demand whatsoEver and Do here by sell and Confirme the within and above mentioned p'mises with ye appurtenances unto the abovesaid John and Jame Cock Jr as ffully and amply as It is granted unto m e In Every Circumstance of the within mentioned Deed unto them theire Heires & and As- signesfforEverTowchIthesaidJohnPrattsettmy handand seal This Twelveth Day of Aprill one thousand Six hundred Ninety Seven Signed Sealed & Dild John Pratt O In presence of us John Dewsberry John Wright his Caleb (C ) Powel mark (p.192) TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e ; B e it k n o w n t h a t I Thomas Weekes of of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of N e w York for & in ye Consideration of ye Sume of ffourteen Shillings & ten pence in hand pd before the Sealing & dilivery hereof whereby I ye Sd Thomas do hold m y Self from hence forth to be fully Satisfied,Contented & pd ;And forothergood causes & Considracons me ye Sd Thomas especially MovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,AlienatedInfeoffed,Made over,Sold & Confirm'd,And by these p'sents I ye Sd Thomas do Give,Grant,Alienate,Make over,Sell & Confirme unto Joseph Dickinson of Cedar S w a m p in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd, one Share or Purchasers right in ye Comon & undivided Land Comonly called Oysterbay new or Last Generall purchase of ye Indeans of Matenacock Lands, wch Lands were purchased of ye Indeans by Several of ye Inhabitants of Oysterbay aforesd as by ye Indeans Deed und'their hands & Seales bearing Date ye Ninth Day of January 1685;doth at Large appeare and also an Indorsm'written on ye Backside of ye Sd Deed bearing ye Same Date whereby ye Sd purchasers have taken & Associated Several other sons to be Joynt chasers wth them by Setting their names to ye Sd Indorsmt of wch Joynt purchasers I ye Sd Thomas Weekes am one asistobe Seen inye Sd Indorsmt wch Deed & Indorsmt Stands recorded in Oysterbay Land evidences in ye Booke B : page ye 42 :& 43 :Together wthall m y right,Title & Intrest,Claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Thomas now have or wch any or either of m y Heires Executrs Administrats or Assignes may hereaft have of,to or in ye Sd Share or pur- Book B 559 chasers right by virtue of ye Deed and Indorsmt before Specified wtball fits & Issues from thence arising or Growing wthall other priviledges thereto belonging as others ye Sd purchasers have on ye Sd Land T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Joseph Dickinson his Heires & Assignes the fore mentioned Share of Land or chasers right wth ye Aptences thereof to ye only P use & behoof of him ye Sd Joseph Dickinson his Heires & As- signes forever;And ye Sd Thomas hath put ye Sd Joseph into a Lawful & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of these p'sents And ye Sd Thomas doth for himself his Heires Execut's Administratrs & Assignes further Covent & Agree to & wth ye Sd Joseph yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Joseph his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy,posses& enjoyallandSingularyep'mises forever without ye Lawful Let,hindrance or Int'upcon of him ye Sd Thomas his Heires,Executrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for, by or und' him or any or eitherofthem Notwthstandingany form'Gift,Grant,Bargaine or Sale wtsoev";And ye Sd Thomas Weekes to warrant & de- fend ye Same according as before specified doth hereby bind him- self & his Heires to ye Sd Joseph Dickinson his Heires & Assignes foreverINWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSettmyhand& Seal the ffirst day of ffebruary in ye year of our Lord one thou- sand Six hundred eighty Nine Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman : George Townsend Thomas Weekes O IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Elizabeth Dickinson Widd of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Col- lony of N e w York being Somewhat weakly and Sick of Body but whole & Pfect in Memory & understanding praised be god do here make m y Last will & Testamt as ffolloweth Imp'mis I bequeath my Body to ye earth & my Soul to god yt gave it Itt I give to m y Son Jebus (Jabez) m y House & Lott wth ye Orchard& Meadow adjoyningtoitmeaningallytInow possess adjoyning to m y House & H o m e Lott in Oysterbay aforesd wth halfa Share of Meadow on ye West Neck atye South of Oyster- bay aforesd during his Naturall Life also I give to him ye Sd Jebus one Bed & a Bolster a pillow,Coverlett & Blankett wth one Sheet,andatmy SonJebushisdeceaseallthisytIhavegiven him I do give to m y eldest Son Joseph to him or to his Heires forever Itt I give to m y Son Samuel ffive Acres of Land at ye plaines morethenwtIhavealreadygivenhim& thistobehisfullportion IttIgivetomy SonJamestwothird tsortwo tsofthree of m y Land in ye Old purchase of Oysterbay Lying on ye West 560 Book B Side of Nicholas Wrights ffield in ye Old purchase of Oysterbay going to Lusum as ye Records of Oysterbay Sheweth how it is Bounded & Laid out;with half a Share of Meadow on ye West Neck at ye South of Oysterbay aforesd and ffive acres of Land atyeplaines,And my rightofComonage belongingtomy house Lott I do give to my three Sons Samuel.Jebus & James equally betweenthemalsoIgivetomy SonJamesoneBed,aBolstera pillow a Coverlett a Blankett & one sheet ; Itt I give to m y Daught MercyoneChestandtomyDaught'LydiaoneChest; Itt I g i v e t o m y D a u g h t e r H a n n a h m y B e d y t I L y e o n w t h B o l - ster,2 pillows,a Coverlett,2 Blanketts,a paire of Sheets wth ye Curtaines and vallens belonging to it,wth one Chest & 2 pillow- bers;IttIgiveallmy Cart& plowGears& TacklingwthyeCart & plow & wt belongs to it I give to m y Son James It I give to my Grandson Richard Harcott two Sheep;It allye Residue of myestateIgivetomyYoungestDaught'sMehetabel& Hannah both of Household goods Cattle & wt els I a m possessed o f — (p.193)-possessedofafterallmy Debts& otherChargesneces- s a r y a r e p a i d o u t o f it L a s t l y I d o m a k e m y S o n J o s e p h m y f u l l & whole executor to pay & dispose of m y estate according to this my Will above written,And also I do make John Townsend att Millwithmy SonJosephtobeOverseersofthismy will,which I declare to be m y Last Will & Testament as Witnes m y hand & SealthisTenth Day of Septembr Anno Dni 1691: Witnes John Newman The marke ofX Thomas Cheshir Elizabeth Dickinson O Articles of Covenants & Agreemts had made & Concluded on by & between Joseph Dickinson Samuel Dickinson,Thomas Cheshire & Mehetabel his Wife, Hannah Dickinson Job Wright for & in ye behalf of James Dickinson being his Guardian & Joseph Dick- inson for & in ye behalf of Jebus Dickinson ye twenty Sixth D a y of Septemb in ye year 1692 as ffolloweth:-Imp'mis Whereas John Dickinson Late of Oysterbay on Long Island inthe Collony of N e w Yorke Deceased, did by his Last Will & Testamt Leave ye ordering & Disposing of all his Estate aft' his Decease to his Wife Elizabeth Dickinson and Shee ye Sd Elizabeth now De- ceased did by her Last will & Testamt order & dispose of ye Sd estateaccordinglyNow yepartiesabovementionedhaveallÚnan- imously agreed that their mothers Will Shall stand good whether ved or not,And yt the Sd Joseph Dickinson who is Nominated Execut in his Sd Mothers Will,Shall & will diliver fforthwith to his Sisters abovenamed their Legacies given them on Sd Will, And Confirme ye Lands to them & their Heires en to his Brothers Samuel & James r,Meaning ye Lands Given by his Cheshire & Mehetabel his Wife & gage to pay & discharge all debts & Mothe Itt ye S ill vename ah do Book B 561 dueswchtheirSdMotherinherLifetimedidowe& wasIngaged to pay (excepting one Debt which is Supposed to be to one of Boston wch ye abovenamed five ties do hereby engage them- selves one to ye other to bear & pay their equall Share & Pt of Sd Supposed debt Meaning every one alike if it Shall at any time hereaftinwholeor tbemadeappeartobedue Itt it is ffurther agreed by ye ties abovesd yt if it Shall So happen that ye Sd Joseph Dickinson Shall depart this Life before his abovenamed Brother Jebus yt then the Widdow of ye Sd Jo- seph or his Son if Capable Shall have ye use & benefit of the Sd Jebus his estate and keep & well vide for him during his Life ifthey ye Sd Widdow or Sd Son Shall See Cause so to do and ye Sd Jebus Shall desire to Live wth them : But if ye Sd Jebus Shall not Like to Live wth them yet ye Sd Widdow or Son of Sd Joseph Shall keep ye Sd Jebus his estate if they Sees cause Yielding & paying therefore to whomsoever Shall have ye Tuition of S d Jebus the full value thereof yearly as another m a n will give;this estate is meant yt wch his mother gave him on her Last Will:IttffurtheryeSd tiesdoengagetodilivertoSdJoseph ye possession of all Sd Jebus his estate both house & Land wch was Given him by his Mothers Will Imediately aft1 ye Signing hereof Itt it is further agreed by ye ties abovesd yt Sd James Dick- inson Shall be ffree and acquitt from paying his equall t of ye forementioned Supposed Boston debt or any Pt thereof notwth. standing wt is before asserted & also from all other debts yt Shall appear to be Due from his Sd ffather to any son wtsoever;IN W I T N E S whereof ye Sd Pties have hereunto Sett their Hands & Seales in Oysterbay day & date abovewritten Signed Sealed & dd The marke of In p'sence of Hannah Dickinson John Newman Henry Townsend Junear Joseph Dickinson O O Samuel Dickinson O Job Wright 0 Thomas Cheshir The marke of X Mehetabel O Cheshire TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall come or inany wise Aptaine Be itknown that I Samson Hauxhurst of Oysterbay on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w York for & in ye Considration of ye Sume of Tenn pounds of Currant Silvermoney ofthisCollony inhand pd & by me ye Sd Samson received of Joseph dickinson of Oysterbay aforesd before yeSealing& diliveryhereofinffullpaymt& Satisfaction,And for other good Causes & Considracons m e ye Sd Samson especially MovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Infeoffed,Assigned,Sold and Confirmed And by these p'sents I the Sd Samson do Give, Grant, Infeoffe Assige, Sell & Confirm unto Joseph Dickinson 562 Book B aforesdACertaine celofMeadowLandLying&beingatMa- tenacockwthinyeBoundsofOysterbayaforesd,andis tofyt Meadow wch was fformerly Jacob Youngs and Bounded on ye North end by ye Creek wch runs up neer to ye Upland,Then by Sd Upland Southward toa White Oake Tree Standing on a Bank, Mark'd on ye North & east Sides and from thence east to ye head of a Cove, Containing wthin Sd Bounds two Small Necks or points of Meadow & by estimacon in quantity two Acres or thereabouts be it more or Less, Together wthall m y Right, title & Interest,Claime & demand wtsoever wch I the Sd Samson now have or which any or either of my Heires,Executrs or Assignes mayhereaft'haveof,toorinyeSdMeadow&EveryPt& cel thereof wthall fits & Issues from thence arising or Growing or wt els is otherwise of Righ(t) thereto Aptaining T O H A V E & TO HOLD untohimyeSdJosephDickinsonhisHeires& As- signes all & Singular ye Sd cel of Meadow wth ye Aptences thereof to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd Joseph Dick- inson his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd Samson hath put ye Sd Joseph into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye Sd Meadow by ye Dilivery of Turf & Twigg & by the Dilivery of these p'sents; And ye Sd Samson doth for himself his Heires, Executs & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & with ye Sd JosephthatitShall& maybeLawfullforhimyeSdJosephhis Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold occupy possess & enjoy ye Sd Meadow wth ye Apptences thereof forever with- out the Lawful Lett,hindrance or interuption of him ye Sd Sam- son this Heires Executrs-(p.194)-Execut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for,by or und'him or any or either of them Notwthstanding any former, Gifts, Grants, Mortgages,Bargaines or Sales wtsoever And also to warrant & Defend ye Sd Joseph his Heires & Assignes in ye peaceable pos- session of ye p'mises forever according to ye Clauses and Cove- nants before expressed,IN W I T T N E S whereof I have hereunto Setmyhand& SealtheSeventeenthDayofSeptembrinyeYeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety two Signed Sealed & dd in p❜sence of us John Newman Nathanl Coles Samuel ffish: SamsonHawxhurst O October ye 4th 1692 I William Hawxhurst Brother to ye abovesd Samson de hereby ratifie and Confirme ye Meadow abovewritten to ye Sd Joseph his Heires & Assignes as Witnes m y hand the marke of Witnes Henry Townsend : John Newman X William Hawxhurst Book B 563 TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthisp'sentWriting Shall Come or Apptaine Be itknown yt I Nicholas Simkins of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island alias Nassau in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consider acon of the Sume of Sume of Twenty five pounds Currant Money of New Yorke in hand pd & by me ye Sd Nich- olas recd of Joseph Dickinson of Cedar S w a m p in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesaid before Sealing & diliv'y hereof in full paym & Satisfaction,and for other good Causes & Considracons me ye SdNicholasespeciallyMovingHAVE GIVENgrantedAlien- ated,Infeoffed,Assigned,Sold & Confirm'd,And by these p'sents do Give,Grant,Alienate,Infeoffe,Assigne,Sell & Confirme unto Joseph Dickinson aforesd all that of m y t Share or portion of & in yt Certaine Saw-Mill,Scituate & being at Muskeeto Cove aforesd,Together wthall m y P t , Share & portion of & in all & Singular ye priviledges of ye Streames Rivers,Dams,ponds to ye Same Saw Mill belonging or Aptaining,also all ye Timber Trees Standing or Growing on ye Land to ye Sd Saw Mill Ad- joyningorbelongingthatistoSaymy Pt or portionthereof wch I n o w enjoy, Together wthall m y right, Title & Interest, Claime & demand wtsoevr wch I ye Sd Nicholas now have or wch any or either of my Heires Executrs or Assignes may hereaft haveof,toorinmyPtShareor portionwchInowhaveof & inyeSd Saw Millwthyerivers,ponds,Dams,Housing,timber wthwtsoeverelsofpriviledgePfitorComoditytomy SdGranted, Pt,Share or portion is belonging or in any Maner or wise Aptaining TO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd Joseph Dickinson his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd Granted PtShareor portionofSdSawMillwthyeAptencesthereof to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd Joseph Dickinson his Heires & Assignes forever,And ye Sd Nicholas hath put ye Sd Joseph into Lawfull possession of Sd Granted p'mises by these p'sents And ye Sd Nicholas doth for himself his Heires, Executs & Assignes further Covent & agree to and wth ye Sd Joseph Dickinson yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Joseph his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Sd Granted p'mises forever wthout ye Lett or Molestacon of him ye Sd Nicholas his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und him or any or either of them, Notwithstanding any former Grant Mortgage or Sale wtsoever,And ye Same to ye Sd Joseph his Heires and Assignes forever to warrant & Defend In Witnes Whereof I have here unto Sett my hand & Seal ye Twenty Seventh Day of Aprall in ye year of our Lord one thou- sand Six hundred,Ninety ffive SignedSealed& dd:inp'senceofus: NicholasSimkins O John Newman May ye 15:1695:John New- John Townsend man & John Townsend the two 564 Nathaneil Coles Sen' William Carpenter Nicholas Simkins came before me one of their Ma- ties Justices of ye peace for queens County and ac- knowledged this to be his reall act and deed Nathaneil Coles : Book B recited Witnesses to this above written Deed Came before me one of their Maties Justices of ye peace for queens County & at- tested yt this above written is ye reall act & Deed of Nicholas Simkins & that they Saw his Signe, Seal & Diliver the Same Nathaneil Coles Memorand ye within named Nicholas Simkins doth bind him- self & his Heires,that ye Sd wthin Named Joseph Dickinson his Heires and Assignes Shall have free p'viledge wth egress & regress to cutt & Carry away Timber fforever uppon any of ye Sd Nicholas his Land wch he now possesseth at Muskeeto Cove at any time as he Shall See Cause for Imploymt of Sd S a w mill wthin Mentioned to wch I Sett m y hand day & year wthin Written Witnes John Newman Nicholas Simkins William ffrost Nathaneill Coles Sen' ccccxvi: (p.195)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p p e r t a i n e ; B e it k n o w n t h a t I Nicholas Simkins of Muskeeto Cove in ye bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'acon of a valuable Sume of Money or other pay in hand by me received before the Sealing & dilivery hereof infullpayment& Satisfaction;And fordiversothergoodcauses & Considrations me ye Sd Nicholas especially Moving ; H A V E GIVEN GRANTED,Alienated,Infeoffed,Made over,Bar- gained,Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Nicholas do Give, Grant, Alienate, Infeoffe, Makeover Bargaine Sell & Confirme unto William Thornicroft of Muskeetocove aforesd A c'tain peice or Lott of Meadow Lying & being in ye place com- only called ye Mill Swamp at Muskeeto Cove aforesd;being bounded on ye South by Daniel Coles Meadow and on ye North by undivided Swamp,and on ye East & West by ye Hills,hav- ing a White Oake Tree Marked at ye Northeast Corn'being by estimation three Acres or thereabout be it more or Lesse To- gether wthall m y right title & Int'est claime & demand w'soev wch I ye Sd Nicholas now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Executrs Administratrs or assignes may hereaft'have of, to or in ye Sd Meadow or any Pt or Pcel thereof wthall fences & fencing Stuff thereon n o w Standing or being, & all fits & Issues from thence arising or Growing wth p'viledge of Highways for ffree egresse & regresse thereunto wthall other Customes and p'viledges to ye Sd Meadow belonging or in any wise Aptain- ingTO HAVE AND TO HOLD untohimyeSdWilliamThorn- Book B 565 icroft his Heires & Assignes the fforementioned peece of M e a d o w wth ye Aptences thereof to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd William Thornicroft his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd Nicholas hath put ye Sd William into a Lawful & peace- able possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye dilivery of these p'sents And the Sd Nicholas doth for himself his Heires Executrs & Administratrs further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd Wil- liam that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him the Sd William Thornicroft his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold.occupy possess & enjoy all all & Singular ye p'mises wth ye Aptences thereof for ever wthout the Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Nicholas his Heires Executrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for,by or und'him or any or either of them not wthstanding any former Gift,Grant,Bargaine or Sale wtsoever,And also I ye Sd Nich- olas do hereby bind m y self & m y Heires to warrant & defend ye forementioned Meadow to ye Sd William Thornicroft his Heires and Assignes forever according as before is exp'ssed IN WITNES whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal ye Twenty ninth Day of January in ye year of our Lord one Thou- sand Six hundred eighty nine Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman William Carpenter Nicholas Simkins The marke of X Elizabeth Simkins O Be itknown that whereas John Townsend Late of Oysterbay on Long Island in ye Colony of N e w Yorke Deceased did in his Life time Give & Grant unto William Thornicroft a piece of Upland Lying & being between ye Rockey Spring and Cedar poynt in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd and containing in quan- tity four Acres or thereabouts be it more or Less according as it was fformerly Laid out ffenced in & Improved ;now wee ye Sons of the Sd John Townsend whose hands are und'neath Subscribed knowing ye said Gift & Grant of our Sd ffather was his reall Act, though no deed nor Records can be duced to ve ye Same ; And ye Sd William Thornicroft hath had ye possession of ye Sd Land,W e do by these p'sents Ratifie and Confirme the Sd piece of Land to ye Sd William from us our Heires Executrs,Admin- istrats,or Assignes or any or either of us or them ;to him ye Sd William Thornicraft his Heires & Assignes forever ; A n d Like- wise our Sd father gave him ye Sd William two pieces, Shares or Lotts of Meadow at Oake Neck and pine Island according as ye Sd Meadow was fformerly divided wch Meadow wee do Likewise confirme to ye Sd William according to ye Intent & tenour of ye writing abovesd as the above named Upland is Con- 566 Book B firm'd unto him In Witnes whereof wee have hereunto Sett our hands ye thirty first day of M a y in ye year 1690 Signed in p❜sence of JohnNewman: IsaacDaughty John Townsend Tho:Townsend TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e ; B e it k n o w n y t I N a t h a n i e l Coles of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island now Called Nassaw in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation of ffive pounds & Ten Shillings in Currant Silver Money of this Collony in hand pd & by me ye Said Nathaniel recd of William Thornicroft of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd before ye Sealing & Dilivery hereof in full paymt & Satisfaction AndforothergoodCauses& ConsideraconsmeyeSdNathaniel especiallyMoving,HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,In- feoffed,Assigned,Sold& Confirm'd,And bythesep'senceIye Sd Nathaniel do Give,Grant,Alienate,Infeoffe,Assigne,Sell & Confirme unto William Thornicroft aforesd,one Lott or Share of Meadow Lying & being on the Mill river Swamp at Muskeeto Cove aforesd Neer Samuel Coles Dwelling House and ye ffourth Share in Number And Bounded East & West by Samuel Coles Upland & on the South Side by Samuel Coles Land,and on ye North Side by William Carpenters Land and being-(p.196)— And being in quantity more or Lesse as it hath fformerly been Divided Laid out & Bounded by ye priet's of Muskeeto Cove as in ye Records of their Land is at Large to be Seen ;Together wthall m y right Title & Interest Claime & demand wtsoever wch IyeSdNathanielnowhaveorwchanyoreitherofmy Heires Execut's or Assignes may hereaft"have of to or in ye Sd Share of Meadow wthall Issues fits,Comoditys,priviledges,wth egress & regresstoyeSameinanywiseApptainingTO HAVE & TO H O L D unto him ye Sd William Thornicroft his Heires & As- signes the forementioned Granted Share of M e a d o w & p'mises to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd William Thornicroft his Heires & Assignes forever,And ye Sd Nathaniel hath put ye Sd William Thornicroft into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of Sd Share of Meadow by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents And ye Sd Nathaniel Doth for him- self,his,Heires,Executrs & Assignes further Covenant and Agree to & wth ye Sd William Thornecroft yt it Shall & may be Law- full for him ye Sd William Thornicroft his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye aforesd Granted p'mises forever, wthout ye Lawful Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Nathaniel Coles his Heires Executrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Law- fully Claiming for by or und'him or any or either of them Not- withstanding any former Gift,Grant,Mortgage or Sale wtsoever; Book B 567 And ye Sd Nathaniel Doth hereby bind himself & his Heires to warrant & defend ye Same to ye Sd William his Heires & As- signes fforever according as before is expressed I N W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seale ye Tenth Day of ffebruary in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety three: Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman : David Underhill The marke X of James Townsend Jun'of Cedar Swamp NathaneilColes O Be itknown by these p'sents yt I Robert Coles within Named for & in ye Consideration of ye Sume of Eight pounds Currant money of New Yorke inhand pd and by me ye Sd Robert received of William Thornicroft of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oys- terbay in queens County in ye Collony of N e w Yorke before ye Sealing hereof Have Assigned made over & Confirm'd,And by these p'sents do Assigne make over & Confirme unto William Thornicroft aforesaid this within written Deed which is of a Certaine Meadow at Oysterbay South,And beareth Date ye 19th D a y of June 1682 :wth m y part Share & proportion of ye M e a d o w therein exp'ssed wch is ye one half thereof withall ye right & title which I have thereunto or which any or either of m y Heires Executs or Assignes may hereafter have To him ye Said William ThornicrofthisHeires& Assignesforever,IbeingfullySatisfied therefore as witnes my hand and Seal the Twentyth Day of November Anno Dni:1696 Robert Coles O Signed Sealed & dd: in p'sence of us John Newman Anthony Wright This Assignmt isof a Deed which is recorded in Lib:A :page 139 : Day and Date above written Robert Coles Came before me one of his Maties Justices of ye peace for queens County and acknowl- edged this Assignmt to be his real & Voluntary act & Deed Edward White (p.197)-To allChristianPeopletowhomethiswritingshall Come or Aptain Be It Known yt I Nathaniel Coles Ser of Oysterbay In Queens County In ye Collony of Newyorke ffor and In the Consideration of ye Sume of Nine pounds Currant mony of Newyorke by me Received of Joseph Ludlam of Hog Island In the Bounds of Oysterbay aforesaid before the sealing hereof In full payment & Satisfaction & ffor other good Causes & Considerations me Especially Moving Have Given Granted Alienated Infeoffed Sold and Confirmed and by these presents Do Give Grant Alienate Infeoffe sell & Confirme unto Joseph 568 Book B Ludlam aforesaid all that of a Certain Lott or percell of upland Lying & being upon Hog IsLand aforesaid of Number 15 and of the Third on Nobs hill Divition and Lyeth the Lotts of Thomas Townsend on ye one side and of James Cock on ye other side ranging In Length and breadth with ye other Lotts Joyning to It or as It was Laid out when the Divition was made and is In Quantity three Acrees or thereabouts be itmore or Less Together withallmy Righttitle& InterestClaimeandDemand whatsoever which Ithe said Nathaniell now have or which any or Either of my Heires Executors or Assignes may hereafter have of to or In ye said granted Lott of Land Withall Profits Comodities and priviledges within ye bounds of ye said Lott (the Highway ffor Egress& regressonlyExcepted)isbelongingorapptainingTO HAVE & TO HOLD untohimyesaidJosephLudlamhisheires & Assignes alland Singular ye Said Granted Lott of Land to the only proper use and behoofe of him ye said Joseph Ludlam his heires and Assignes fforEver and the said Nathaniel hath put ye said Joseph Into a Lawfull possession of the Same by Dilivery or Turffe & Twigg and these presents and ye said Nathaniel Doth for himself his heires Executors and Assignes ffurther Covenant to and Withe ye said Joseph Ludlam that It Shall and may be Lawful ffor him to have hold posses and Enjoy all and Singular the said granted premises fforEver Without the Lawfull Lett or Mollestation of him ye said Nathaniel his Heires or Assignes or any other person or sons Lawfully Claiming ffor by or under him or any or Either of them Notwithstanding any fformer Grant Mortgage Joynture Dower or other Conveyance whatsoEver In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale ye third Day of aprill In Year of our Lord 1697 The words Egress & regress were Interlined before sealing Signed Sealed & Dilivered In presence of us David Underhill his Gideon X Wright mark John Newman Nathaniel Coles O (p.198)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e ; B e it k n o w n y t I John Robinson of Great Suckcess in ye Bounds of Hempsteed in Queens County on Long Island in ye vince of N e w Yorke for & in ye Considration of ye Sume of Tenn pounds of Silver Money currant in this Colony or in Goods equivolent to Such money in hand pd & by me received before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof whereof I ye Sd John do hold my Self fully Satisfied con- tented & pd.And for divers other good Causes & Consid'ations meyeSdJohnespeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED, Book B 569 Alienated Infeoffed Sold & confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd John do Give,Grant,Alienate Infeoffe Sell & confirme unto Thomas Miller of Lusum in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in ye County aforesd all m y right of Comonage in ye Old purchase of Oyster- bay aforesd wherein I have right to take up twenty Six Acres of Land the undivided Lands of the old purchase aforesd wth whatsoever other privileges thereto belonging according to ye Grant of ye Towne to me ye Sd John Robinson as it Stands re- corded in ye Book A :folio 217 To be taken up by ye Sd Miller when & where he ye Sd Miller Shall think convenient wthin ye Sd purchase (Other mens rights & highwayes excepted) and at the costs & charges of him ye Sd Miller;Together wthall my right, title & Interest claime & demand whatsoever wch I ye Sd Johnnowhaveorwchanyoreitherofmy Heires,ExecutrsAd- ministrats or Assignes may hereaft have of,to or in ye Sd Right of Comonage & Land aforesd wth wt els thereto apptaines ; TỔ HAVE & TO HOLD all& Singularyep'miseswthyeAp- purtences thereof to ye Sd Thomas Miller his Heires & Assignes, to the only P D use & behoofe of him ye Sd Thomas Miller his Heires & Assignes forever;And ye Sd John Robinson hath put ye Sd Thomas Miller into a Lawful & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg and by ye Dilivery of these p'sents;And ye Sd John Robinson doth for himself his Heires Executrs Administrat's & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd Thomas Miller that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Thomas Miller his Heires & Assignes, quietly & peaceably to have hold, Occupy, possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises wth ye Appurtences thereof for- ever,wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption or Molesta- tion of him ye Sd John Robinson his Heires,Executrs or As- signes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for,by or und him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift,Grant Bargaine or Sale wtsoever ;And ye Sd John Robinson doth hereby Ingage & bind his Heires to warrant & make good all & Singular ye p'mises to ye Sd Thomas Miller his Heires & As- signes forever according as before is Written : I N W I T N E S whereofIhavehereuntoSetmyhand& SealyeeleventhDayof June in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred & ninety Signed Sealed & dd John Robinson in p'sence of John N e w m a n : Richard Willits TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall come or Appertaine Be it known yt I John Dole of phila- delphia in pensilvania in America for & in ye Consid'ation of ye Sume of Ten pounds Currant Money of New York in hand pd & by me ye Sd John Dole recd of Thomas Miller of Jerico in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island alias NassauintheCollonyofNew YorkebeforeyeSealing& Dilivery 570 Book B hereof in full payment & Satisfaction and for other good Causes & Considerations me ye Sd John especially Moving H A V E GIVEN GRANTED Alienated Infeoffed Assigned Sold & Con- firmed A n d by these p'sents I ye Sd John do Give,Grant Alienate, Infeoffe, Assigne Sell & Confirme unto Thomas Miller aforesd all yt of Certaine Uplands wch I have in ye Comons of ye Old purchase of Oysterbay by virtue of my right of Comonage I Bought formerly of A d a m Wright Meaning all ye Land belong- ing to ye Second Division of Said Comons belonging to m y right therein wch is fifty Acres of Land to one whole right as it hath been formerly agreed on by the ffreeholders of Sd Comons,thirty Acres ofthis Sd Granted ffiftywas formerly Laid out by ye Town Survey's to ye Sd John Dole and entred amongst ye Surveys of Oysterbay Lands March ye 25:1693:where ye Bounds thereof is plainly described,and Twenty Acres more of Sd ffiftyto be taken up by Sd Thomas Miller when he Sees Cause to call ye Surveyrs thereunto according to ye Customes & orders belonging theretoTOGETHER wthallmy righttitle& InterestClaime& Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd John Dole now have or wch any oreitherofmy Heires,ExecutrsorAssignesmay hereafterhave of to or in ye Sd Granted ffifty Acres of Land wthall fits Com- oditys Customes & priviledges whatsoever to ye Same belonging or Aptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Thomas Miller his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd Granted ffifty Acres of Land with ye Apptences thereof To ye only pro use & behoofe of him ye Sd Thomas Miller his Heires & Assignes ffor- ever,And ye Sd John Dole hath put ye Sd Thomas Miller into Lawfull possession of ye same by dilivery of Turf & Twigg & bythesep'sents,And yeSdJohnDoledothforhimselfhisHeires Executrs & Assignes ffurther Covent to & with ye Sd Thomas Miller yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Thomas his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Sd Granted Land & p'mises fforever wthout ye Lawfull Lett or Molestation of him ye Sd John Dole his Heires Executrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for,by or und'him or any or either of them Not with standing any former Grant,Mortgage Dower or other Conveyance whatsoever And ye Same to ye Sd Thomas Miller his Heires & Assignes fforever to warrant and Defend according as before is expressed I N W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal ye ffourth Day of July in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety Six: Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman Samuel Dickinson Nathaniel Coles Ju JohnDole O Book B 571 July ye 4th 1696:John Dole Came before me one of his Maties Justices of ye peace for Queens County & acknowledged this to be his reall & voluntary act & Deed John Jackson (p.199blank;p.200)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whome this p'sent writing Shall come or in any Wise Appertaine Be itknown that I John Robinson of Great Suckcess in ye Bounds of Hempsteed in Queens County on Long Island in the Colony of New Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation of a valuable Sume of money by m e received before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof in ffull payment & Satisfaction and for other good Causes & Consid'a- tionsmeyeSdJohnespeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN GRANT- ED,Infeoffed,Sold& Confirm'd&bythesep'sentItheSdJohn do Give,Grant Infeoffe,Sell & Confirme unto John Newman of Oysterbay in Queens County aforesd one Lott or peece of Land Lying & being in Oysterbay aforesd whereon my house now Standeth And lyethbetween Edward Whites Land & John Dews- buryesSwamp,ffrontingtoyeStreetatyeNorthend& Thomas Townsends Land at ye South end wth ye Dwelling house thereon Standing wthall Issues & fits therefrom arising or Growing wthall ffences or ffencing Stuffe or wtsoever els is in & upon ye SamenowStandingorGrowing;Togetherwthallmy righttitle & Interest,Claime & Demand wtsoevr wch I ye Sd John Robinson now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Execut's Adminis- trat's or Assignes may hereafter have of to,or in ye Sd house &Land&p'misesorany tthereofTOHAVE&TOHOLD unto him ye Sd John Newman his Heires & Assignes all & Sin- gular ye p'mises wth its Appurtences to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd John Newman his Heires and Assignes forever; And ye Sd John Robinson hath put ye Sd John Newman into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents; A N D ye Sd John Robinson doth for himself his Heires Ex- ecut's, Administratrs further Covenant & Agree to & wth ye Sd John Newman thatitShall& may be Lawfullforhim ye Sd John Newman quietly and peaceably to have,hold,Occupy,possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises wth ye apurtences thereof forever, wthout ye Lawfull Let hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd John Robinson his Heires,Executrs Administrats or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und' him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift,Grant, Bargaine or Sale wtsoever,And ye Sd John Robinson doth here- by bind his Heires to Warrant & make Good ye Sd Land & p'mises to ye Sd John N e w m a n his Heires & Assignes forever. According as before is Written IN W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seal the Tenth day of June in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred & ninety 572 Book B Singed Sealed & dd in p'sence of Simon Lane : Thomas Weekes John Townsend JohnRobinson O T o all Christian people to w h o m this p'sent writing Shall c o m e or in any wise Aptaine Be itknown that I John Dewsbury of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'acon of ye Sume of ffive pounds in Currant Silver money of this Collony wth Several other Sumes inGoodsequivolenttoSuchmoneyinhandpd& byme received of John Newman of Oysterbay aforesd in full payment & Sat- isfaction it being ye full value of ye Land hereaft mentioned, of wch I do hereby Clearly aquitt & discharge ye Sd John N e w m a n his Heires,Executrs,Administratrs & Assignes forever,And for other good Causes & Considracons me ye Sd John Dewsbury especially moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated In- feoffed Sold and Confirm'd ;And by these p'sents I ye Sd John Dewsbury do Give,Grant Alienate,Infeoffe Sell & Confirme unto John Newman aforesd,A certaine cell of Swamp Land Lying & beinginOysterbayTown aforesdatAnthonysBridgeSo Called above or on ye South Side of ye Sd Bridge,And bounded West & North wth ye Street,on ye ye East by Sd John Newmans Land formerly John Robinsons and on ye South by Thomas Town- sends Land being in Quantity about thre Acres be it more or Lesse: Which piece of Swamp Land was formerly (vizt the South end thereof) Granted by ye Town to Nicholas Simkins as it Stands Recorded in ye Booke A : page ye 264 : A n d was afterward Adam Wrights and then John Doles but now in ye possession of ye Sd John Dewsbury and ye North end of ye Sd Swamp was Granted by ye Town to Samuel [Andrews] as itis Recorded in ye Booke & page before menconed Afterward Isaac Horners but now in ye possession of ye Sd John Dewsbury to- gether wthall Right,title& Interest,Claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd John Dewsbury now have or wch any or either of m y Heires,Executrs Administrats or Assignes may hereafter have of,toorinyeSdSwamp& Swampswthallyeffencesandffencing Stuff & wtsoever els is thereon standing or Growing wthall fits & IssuesfromthencearisingorGrowingandwtsoeverelsisthere- toApptainingTO HAVE & TO HOLD untohimyeSdJohn N e w m a n his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye forementioned SwampLandwthyeApptencesthereoftoy[e]onlyPP use& behoofe of him ye Sd John Newman his Heires & Assignes for- ever And ye Sd John Dewsbury hath put ye Sd John Newman into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd John Dewsbury doth for himself his Heires, Executrs Administrats & Assignes Covenant further & agree to & w t h y e S d J o h n N e w m a n y t it S h a l l & m a y b e L a w f u l l f o r h i m Book B 573 ye Sd John Newman his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever wthout ye Lawfull Let hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd John dewsbury his Heires Executrs Administrats or As- signes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und him or any or either of them not with Standing any former Gift,Grant,Bargaine or Sale whatsoever-(p.201)-Whatso- ever,And furtheryeSdJohnDewsburydothCovenantasaforesd to warrant & defend all & Singular ye p'mises to ye Sd John N e w m a n his Heires, Executrs & Assignes forever against all Claimes demands from by or und him as before is Specified IN WITNES Whereof Ihave hereunto Set my hand & Seal ye Eighteenth day of March in ye year of our Lord one thousand Sixhundred&ninety: JohnDewsbury O Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of GeorgeTownsend DanielTownsend TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p @ t a i n e , B e it k n o w n y t I J o h n D o l e of Lusum inye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Considration of ye Sume of ffive pounds of Currant Silver money of this Collony inhand pd & by me ye Sd John received of John Newman by ye hands of John Dewsbury in ffull payment & Satisfaction, And for other good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd John Dole es- peciallymoving have Given,Granted,Alienated,Infeoffed,Sold & Confirm'd,And by these p'sents I ye Said John Dole do Give, Grant,Alienate,Infeoffe,Sell& ConfirmeuntoJohnNewman of Oysterbay aforesd a Certaine piece of Swamp Land Lying & being on ye East Side of ye Street against Nathaneel Coles Juniers House & Lott in in Oysterbay aforesd wch was fformerly Adam Wrights,wch Sd piece or Share of Swamp was fformerly granted by ye Town of Oysterbay to Nicholas Simkins as ye Rec- ords of Oysterbay plainly Sheweth in ye Book A : page 264: whereyeBounds& Limittsthereofisplainlydemonstrated,After- w a r d it w a s p o s s e s s e d b y y e f o r e n a m e d A d a m b u t n o w i n y e p o s - session of ye Sd John Dole Together wthall m y right,Title & In- terest Claime & demand whatsoever wch I ye Sd John Dole now haveorwchanyoreitherofmy HeiresExecutrsorAssignesmay hereafter have of,to or in ye Sd Share of Swamp & every t & cellthereofwthall fits& IssuesfromthencearisingorGrow- ing wthall Trees,Waters,Brookes and whatsoever els to ye Sd piece of Swamp belongs or in any wise Aptaines T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd John Newman his Heires & As- signes ye fforementioned Share or piece of Swamp wth ye App- tences thereof to ye only P D use & behoof of him ye Sd John Newman his Heires & Assignes forever,And ye Sd John Dole 574 Book B hath putt ye Sd John Newman into a Lawfull and peaceable pos- session of ye Sd piece of Swamp & p'mises by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd John Dole doth for himself his Heires,Executrs & Assignes ffurther Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd John Newman yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd John Newman his Heires & and Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, occupy, possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever without ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd John Dole his Heires Ex- ecut's or Assignes or any other person or sons Lawfully Claim- ing for by or und' him or any or either of them Notwthstanding any former Gift,Grant,Mortgage or Sale wtsoever,And further the Sd John Dole doth hereby Bind himself & his Heires to war- rant & defend ye Sd piece of Swamp wth ye Apptences thereof t o y e S d J o h n N e w m a n h i s H e i r e s & A s s i g n e s f o r e v e r a g a i n s t all Just Claimes yt Shall be made at any time hereaft to ye Sd Swamp & p'mises or any Pt thereof by any son or sons wtsoeverINWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSettmyhand& Seal ye Twenty eighth day of ffebruary in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred & Ninety Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Joseph badcock: Hope Williams Mary Townsend JohnDole O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall come or in any wise Aptaine Be it known yt I Henry Townsend Jun' of Oysterbay in Queens County on ye Island of Nassau or Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Considration of ye Sume of two pounds & Nine Shillings in Cur- rant Silver money of this Collony in hand pd & by me ye Sd Henry received of John Newman of Oysterbay aforesd in full paymt & Satisfaction before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof And for other good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd Henry especially Moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,Infeoffed,As- signed,Sold& Confirm'dAndbythesep'sentsIyeSdHenrydo Give, Grant, Alienate, Infeoffe, Assigne Sell & Confirme unto John Newman aforesd All that of two half Lotts or Shares of Meadow upon Hogg Island in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd, that is to Say ye Moity or half of a Lott or Share of Meadow wch was formerly in ye possession of Collonell Lewis Morris and of Numb (blank) And ye Moity or half of a Lott or Share of Meadow wch was formerly in ye possession of ffrancis Weekes wch isof Numbr (blank) Both ye Sd Lotts both ye Sd Lotts Lying & being in ye Great M e a d o w upon H o g g Island aforesd,Together wthallmy righttitle& Interest,Claime& demand wtsoeverwchI ye Sd Henry now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Ex- ecut's or Assignes may hereaft'have of,to or in ye Sd Moity or half ye two foremenshoned Shares of Meadow, wtball fits, Book B 575 Issues,Comodityes,Egress & regress,priviledge in ye High-wayes on Sd Island wth whatsoever els to ye Sd two half Shares is be- longingorinanywiseApptaining,TO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd John Newman his Heires & Assignes all & Sin- gular ye Sd two half Shares of Meadow & Granted p'mises to ye only (per)use&behoofofhimyeSdJohnNewmanhisHeires & Assignes forever,And ye Sd Henry hath put ye Sd John into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye Sd two half Shares of Meadow & Granted p'mises by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents And ye Sd Henry doth for himself his Heires Executrs & Assignes further Covent & agree to & with ye Sd John Newman yt itShall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd John his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, Occupy possess & enjoy ye Sd two half Shares of Meadow with ye Apptences thereof forever without ye L a w full Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd Henry his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for,by or und' him or any or either of them Notwthstanding any former Gift, Grant Mortgage or Sale wtsoever,And ye Sď Henry doth hereby Bind himself & his Heires to warrant & defend ye Sd two half Shares ofMeadowtoyeSdJohnNewman hisHeires& Assignesforever According as before is expressed IN W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal ye ffifth day of January in ye year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred Ninety three The words in ye twelfth & thirteenth Lines were razed out before Sealing hereof Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Johnprior DanielUnderhill Henry Townsend Jun' O (p.202) TO ALL CHRISTIAN people to whom this p'sent w r i t i n g S h a l l C o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p p e r t a i n e : B e it k n o w n y t whereas there is a Certaine right of Comonage in & upon ye ComonLandsbelongingtoyeold chaseofOysterbayinqueens County on Nassau or Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke wch Sd Right of Comonage did formerly belong unto Eleazar Lev- eridge of Oysterbay aforesd,afterward the Sd Leveridge Sold ye Same to Nicholas Simkins now of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd,And ye Sd Nicholas did by a deed undr his hand & Seal bearing Date ye 30th day of M a y 1689 Convey ye Sd right of Comonage to his kinsman William Simkins then of South hampton on Long Island aforesd,And after ward ye Sd william Simkins for & in ye Consideracon of a horse valued at ffour pounds Currand Money of New Yorke by ye Sd William received of Ephraim Carpenter Jun' of Muskeeto Cove aforesd in full payment & Satisfaction did Grant Bargaine & Sell ye Sd right of Comonage to ye Sd Ephraim Carpenter as by a writing und hishand& SealebearingDateyetenthDayofAugust1693: 576 Book B Doth & willplainly appear,And also at ye Same time ye Sd Wil- liam did for Better Confirmation thereof Assigne & Diliver u p ye Sd Deed wch he had of Sd Nicholas for ye Sd Right of Com- onage unto ye Sd Carpenter,N o w I ye Sd Ephraim Carpenter for & in ye Consideration of ye Sume of ffour pounds of Currant Money of New Yorke in hand pd & by me ye Sd Ephraim re- ceived of John N e w m a n of Oysterbay aforesd in full paymt & Satisfaction before ye Sealing & Dilivery hereof Have Assigned made over & Confirm'd,And by these p'sents I ye Sd Ephraim do Give,Assigne,Make over & Confirme unto John Newman aforesd the fforementioned Deeds & writings wch I ye Sd Ephraim had of William Simkins aforesd for ye Sd Right of Comonage To- gether with all ye right title & Interest Claime & demand wtso- ever wch I ye Sd Ephraim now have or wch any or either of m y Heires Executrs or Assignes may hereafter have of to or in ye Sd right of Comonage wth ye Aptenances thereof,And that it Shall & may be Lawfull for ye Sd John his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have hold occupy possess & enjoy ye Sd Deeds & writings with ye right of Comonage therein Mentioned forever,Without ye Leet or Molestation of me ye Said Ephraim m y Heires or Assignes or any other Claiming for by or und m e or any or either of them,And ye Sd Ephraim Doth hereby bind himself & heires to warrant these Assigned p'mises fforever to ye Sd John Newman his Heires & Assignes according as before is e x p r e s s e d , A s W i t n e s m y h a n d & S e a l y e S e c o n d d a y o f J u n e in ye year of our Lord 1694 Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Peter Berton The X marke of Josias Smith Ephraim CarpenterJun' O T o all people before w h o m this D e e d of Sale Shall c o m e k n o w ye yt I William Simkins now residing in Muskeeto Cove in ye Township of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island or Nas- sau do Sell & Make over,All my right & Interest of Lands all yt Doth any wayes belong to me in ye Township aforesd unto Ephraim Carpenter Ju now residing at Muskeeto Cove in ye town & County aforesd from Me my Heires,Execut" Adminis- trat'sorAssignesorallImbeaselmtsorMorgagesorallund me unto ye aforesd Ephraim Carpenter his Heires,Execut" Admin- istrat'sorAssignestobePly hisownforeverinwitneswhereof I Sett m y hand & Seal the this tenth of August in ye year one thousand Six hundred Ninety three in ye p'sence of Moses Mudge WilliamSimkins 0 The marke (S :C :) of Samuel Coles The Condicon of this Deed is Such yt if ye abovesd William Simkins do well & truly pay or Cause to be pd ye true & Just Book B 577 SumeofffourpoundsingoodCurrantSilvermoneyofNew York at or before ye Last Day of May Next ensuing ye Date hereof unto ye abovesd Ephraim Carpenter his Heires execut's Admin- istrats or Assignes then ye abovesd Deed to be of no effect or els otherwaies to Stand in full fforce & virtue cccxxxiiii (p.203)- T O ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp❜sent w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p p e r t a i n e ; B e it k n o w n t h a t I Thomas fforman of Jerusalem in East N e w Jersey in America for & in ye Consid'ation of ye Sume of Ten pounds of Currant Silver money of this Colony of N e w Yorke & in Goods equivolent to Such money in hand paid & by me received of Thomas Youngs of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Colony of N e w Yorke of wch Sume I do forever aquitt & Discharge the Sd Thomas Youngs his Heires,Executrs,Administrats & Assignes, And for other good Causes & Considerations me ye Sd Thomas fforman especially Moving HAVE GIVEN GRANTED, In- feoffed,Alienated,Sold& Confirm'd,Andbythesep'sentsIye Said Thomas do Give,Grant,Infeoffe,Alienate,Sell & Confirme unto Thomas Youngs aforesd All my accomodation of Land & right & priviledge of Comonage in Oysterbay aforesd,that is to Say one Lott of Land of Three Acres neer ye Cove on the west Side of Huntington path opposite against ye Sd Thomas Youngs Land and Joyning on ye North or Northwest to a Lott of Land formerly John ffrosts & afterwards John Applegates ; wthall fences & ffencing Stuff & w'soever els of mine is now Standing, being or Growing in & upon ye Sd Lott wth ye priviledge of ye Comonstheretobelonging;thatistoSayofoutLands& Swamps to be taken up wth Grasing and Timber as Amply & Largely as ye Same is Granted to me by ye ffreehold's of the Town as it Stands recorded amongst ye T o w n Grants & Gifts in ye Booke A page ye 217 & 198 : Together wthall m y right title & Interest, Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Thomas fforman now have or wch any or either of m y Heires, Execut's AdministratTM or Assignes m a y hereaft' have of to or in ye p'mises & every t or cel thereof wthall fits & Issues,therefrom arising or Grow- ingorinanywiseAptaining;AndalsooneLottor celof Land Containing Three Acres and halfe Lying neere ye South west of Moses fformans Land by ye Three Runs at the east end of ye T o w n of Oysterbay aforesd,Lying on a square twenty four Rod every way ; begining at ye North west bound" wth a white Oake tree Marked,the Northeast bound'a young Black oake tree Marked,the Southeast bound a Great White Oake marked and at ye Southwest bound a black oake Marked wch Land was ffor- merly m y Brother Aaron fformans Land as ye records Sheweth inye Booke abovementioned inpage ye 225:Together wthallmy righttitleandInterestwthallAptences asfirmlyasisexp'ssed to ye p'mises above written TO HAVE & TO HOLD all & 578 Book B Singular ye p'mises wth ye Appurtences thereof to ye Sd Thomas Youngs his Heires & Assignes,to ye only p p use & behoof of himyeSaidThomasYoungshisHeires& Assignesfforever;And ye Sd Thomas fforman hath put ye Sd Thomas Youngs into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Singular the p'mises by ye dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye dilivery of these p'sents ; And ye Sd Thomas fforman doth for himself his Heires, Ex- ecutrs & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd ThomasYoungsthatitShall& maybeLawfullforhimyeSd Thomas Youngs his Heires & Assignes, quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy,possess& enjoyall& Singularyep'misesfor- ever wthout ye Lawfull Lett,hindrance or Interuption of him the Sd Thomas fforman his Heires Executrs Administratrs or As- signes or any oth' son or sons Lawfully claiming for,by or und him or any or either of them notwithstanding any former Gift, Grant, Bargaine or Sale w'soever or for by or undr ye above- mentioned Aaron fforman his Heires Executrs or Assignes or any for,by or und him as before to ye p'mises;And ye Said Thomas fforman doth hereby bind his Heires to Warrant & make good all & Singular the p'mises forever to ye Sd Thomas Young his Heires & Assignes according as this Deed above mentions IN WITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSettmy hand& Sealye Twenty third day of June in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred & ninety Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of John Newman : John ffinch Thomas fforman O Daniel Smith June ye 24:1690:Thomas fforman came before me and ac- knowledged this wthin written Bill of Sale to be his reall act & Deed Richard Harkcurt Justice of ye peace (p.204) These p'sents Declareth unto all whomsoEver It may any ways Consarne that I Henry Townsend Senior of Oysterbay on Long Island In Queens County Do by these presents give and make over and Diliver In present possession all m y Right title and Interest of ye S w a m p Joyning to ye Streete by the Southside of m y House and all m y upland Joyning on ye west side of ye mill pond unto my Son Henry Townsend of ye abovesaid place IsayIdoegiveItalltomy SonHenryTownsendhisHeiresand assignes fforEver Except ye Yard and plott m y Son John Town- sends Barne and bildings Stands on as witness my Hand and Seale this Eight D a y of July 1692 the word Give was Interlined before signing and Diliverie Inpresenceofus HenryTownsend O George Dennis John Townsend Samson Hauxhurst (p.205)— T o all Christian People to whome this Shall Come or Book B 579 In any wise appertaine Be It K n o w n that whereas Robert Godfry formerly of Littleworth in ye Bounds of Oysterbay In Queens County on Long IsLand in the province of Newyork Did by a deed of Gift under his Hand and Seale Bearing Date ye Second Day of February 1685 Give unto Joseph Sutton Jun' of mad Nans Neck ten a Crees (acres) of Land at Littleworth aforesai.d as by sd deed may more plainly and Largely appeare which said Deed is Entred upon Record att oysterbay aforesaid in Libr B page 38 Afterward the Said Joseph Sutton Did assigne and make over all his right and title and Interest to ye a bove mentioned Deed Excepting ffour ACrees of ye Land mentioned therein and also ye Said Joseph Did assigne & makeover all his Right in the N e w purchase in Oysterbay aforesaid all unto Robert Coles his Heires Executors administrators and assigne forEver as in ye Said assignmt written on ye Backside of the above mentioned Deed bearing Date the twentyth day of December in ye year of our Lord 1687 Doth more att Large appeare And Stands Re- corded in Oysterbay in Libre B page 124 & 125 n o w I the before- named Robert Coles of Musketo Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd ffor and in ye Consideration that I have Received of John Davis of Little worth aforesaid a valuable Consideration to m y ffull Content and Satisfaction in hand before the Sealing hereof Have assigned Madeover and Confirmed and by these presents Iye said Robert Do assigne makeover and Confirme unto John Davis aforesd the above mentioned deed with ye abovesd assignment thereon Indorsed withall the Right title and Interest which I ye Said Robert Coles now have or wch any or Either of my Heires Executors or assignes may hereafter have by virtue of Sd Deed and Said Assignment unto any Land or wt Else is Specified in Said Deed or said assignment as ffully Largely as the Same isthereby made or otherwise Conveyed unto me ffrom me m y Heires Executors or assignes fforEver unto him ye Said John Davis his Heires Executors and assignes to Have Hold occupy possess and Enjoy as his or theire own proper Right title and Interest ffor Ever In Witness whereof I Have hereunto Sett m y hand and Seale the Eleaventh Day of June In ye Yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety four Signed Sealed and Dilived In presence of us Derick Albertson Peter Adolf RobertColes O (p.206)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthisp❜sent writingShallcomeorinanywiseAptaine BeitknownthatI Adam Wright of Ceder Swamp in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island In ye vince of New Yorke for & in ye Consid'acon of one C o w & one Horse by m e ye Sd A d a m in hand received of Sampson Hawxhurst of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd before ye Sealing & diliv'y hereof 580 Book B in full paymt & Satisfaction,whereof I ye Sd Adam do forever acquit ye Sd Sampson his Heires,Executrs,Administrats & As- signes,And for other good causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd Adam especially Moving;HAVE GIVEN,granted,Infeoff'd, Alienated,Sold& Confirm'd;Andbythesep'sentsIyeSdAdam do Give,Grant,Infeoffe,Alienate,Sell & Confirme unto Samp- son Hawxhurst aforesd one Lott or piece of Land Containing Ten Acres Lying & being neer ye head of ye Mill River at a place Comonly called ye Little Island in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesdwchLandwasfformerlygiventomeyeSdAdam bymy Mother Alice Crabb as by her deed und' her hand & Seal bear- ing date ye 22th day of June 1682:And Stands recorded amongst ye Land Evidences of Oysterbay in Libre A :page 140:And was fformerly ye Land of Anthony Wright deceased but now in ye possession of m e ye Sd A d a m ; Together wthall m y right, title and Int'est;Claime & demand wtsoever,wch I ye Sd Adam now have or wch any or either of m y Heires, Execut's Administrat or Assignes may hereaft'have,of to or in ye Sd Lott of Land or any t or cell thereof wthall fits & Issues from thence a r i s i n g o r G r o w i n g o r w t s o e v ' els o f r i g h t t o y e S a m e a p p t a i n e s ; T O H A V E & T O hold unto him ye Sd Sampson Hawxhurst his Heires & Assignes the forementioned Lott of Land wth ye App- tences thereof to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd Samp- son his Heires & Assignes forever;And ye Sd Adam hath put ye Sd SampsonintoaLawfull& peaceablepossessionofyeSd Lott byyediliveryofthesep'sents;AndyeSaidAdam dothforhim- self, his Heires, Executrs & Administrat's further Covenant & Agree to & wth ye Sd Sampson that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Sampson Hawxhurst his Heires & Assignes,quietly & peaceablytohave,hold,Occupypossess& enjoyall& Singular ye p'mises forever without ye Lawfull Lett,hindrance or Interup- tion of him ye Sd Adam his Heires Execut's or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or und him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former gift, Grant, Bargaine or Sale wtsoever,And ye Sd Adam doth Covent as aforesd to warrant & make good the foremencon'd Land to ye Sd Sampson Hawxhurst his His Heires & Assignes forever accord- ing as before resited:IN WITNES whereof I have hereunto Setmyhand& SealtheTwentySixthDayofJulyinyeyeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred & Ninety Memorand that this above mentioned Land & the Bounds thereof is further explained in ye Records of Oysterbay in ye BookeA:& pageye35 SignedSealed&ddinp'senceof AdamWright O John Newman Job Wright This above written Deed acknowledged by ye Sd A d a m before me one of his Maties Justices of ye peace day and date above- written to wch I Set m y hand Nathaneill Coles Book B 581 TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall come or inany wise Aptaine Be itknown that I Joseph Dickinson of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of New Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation of ye Sum of Thirteen pounds of Silver Money Currant in this Collony or in goods or other pay equivolent to Such money in hand pd & by me ye Sd Joseph recev'd before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof in full paymt & Satisfaction & for other Good Causes & Consid1a- cons me ye Sd Joseph especially Moving HAVE GIVEN, G R A N T E D Alienated, Infeoffed Sold & Confirm'd, And by thesep'sentsIyeSdJosephdoGive,GrantInfeoffSell& Con- firme unto Samson Hawxhurst of Oysterbay aforesd ;A certaine Pcell of Land Lying at ye Head of ye Mill River Joyning to Anthonys Island So Called (wch Island isnow inye possession of ye Sd Sampson) And Bounded on ye Northwest by a Highway, on ye Southwest by ye Comons,on ye South east by a high way & on ye Northeast by Sd Anthonys Island containing in quantity wthin Sd Bounds Ten Acres and one other cell of Land Lying by John Dickinsons Land Containd in quantity Sixteen Acres More or Lesse as it was Laid out to me ye Sd Joseph by the T o w n Survey's October ye 24 : 1682 : and Stands Recorded in ye BookeA:page103:whereyeBounds& LimittsofyeSd Sixteen AcresofLandisplainlydemonstrated;Togetherwthallmy Right, Title & Interest,Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Joseph nowhaveorwchanyoreitherofmy Heires,Execut'sorAssignes may hereaft have of to or in ye foremenconed cells of Land wthall Timb Trees & wtsoever els is thereon Standing or grow- ing,wthall Issues & fits from thence arising or growing or in any wise Aptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Samson Hawxhurst his Heires & Assignes,the before mentioned Ten Acres and Sixteen Acres of Land wth ye Apptences thereof to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd Samson his Heires & Assignes forever;And ye Sd Joseph hath put ye Sd Samson into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises byyeDiliveryofTurfe& Twigg&byyediliveryofthesep'sents; & ye Sd Joseph doth for himself his Heires,Execut's & Assignes further Covent & agree to & wth ye Sd Samson yt it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd Samson Hawxhurst his Heires and Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, occupy, possess & enjoy all & Singul ye p'mises forever wthout the L a w full Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Joseph his Heires. Ex- ecuts or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claim- ing for,by or und'him or any or either of them,Notwthstanding any former, Gifts Grant, Bargaines or Sales wtsoever, And ye Sd Joseph doth hereby Bind him Self & his Heires to warrant & defend ye Sd cells of Land to ye Sd Samson his Heires & Assignesfforeveraccordingasbeforeisexp'ssed.IN WITNES whereof I have hereunto Sett m y hand & Seal the ffourth day of 582 Book B March in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred ninety one Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Joseph Dickinson O John Newman : Nathanel Coles Samuel fish cclxvi: (p.207)-Oysterbaythis5thofye 10thm:1661:Be itknown unto allmen by these p'sents that I Jonas Holsteed of Oysterbay on Long Island in America do hereby acknowledge yt I have fully Sould & dilivered all m y Right title & Intrest of all ye Housing & Lands yt is herein named as ffolloweth Richard Holbrookes House or Houses built by him or me and House Lott and two Sheares of Meadow on ye Northside of the Sd Towne, & one Sheare of Meadow at Matenacock,and one right of Meadow at ye South,And ffour and twenty Ackers of the Great plaines that isonyeEastSideofyeffootpathneereyeWood Edge,andalso all ye Rights,Aptences & priviledges yt do fall too or do any waies belong to thaforesd House & Lott wthin ye Towne Bounds I Say I have Sould & diliv'd it all in quiet possession for full Satisfaction already received unto John Townsend of ye foresd Towne & place,And do also hereby Ingage to make good the SaleofthaforesdHouses& Landagtany sonor sonsytmay any waies Lay Claime thereto;And I do hereby further Acknowl- edgeyt Ihave fullySould allye Sd Houses & Land from me mine Heires & Assignes to him his Heires & Assignes forever;to Injoy wthout Molestation by me or any from me ;as witnes my hand ye day& yearefirstAbove written;Inp'senceofus: Matthew Bridgman Benjamin Hubbard Nicholas Wright Jonas Holsteed (Richard Holbrook's house was the first built in Oysterbay. See Nicholas Simkin's affidavit,p.692) Oysterbay this 17th of Septembr 1670 Be it known unto all men whome itmay Concerne that I Robart Williams of Lusum do hereby Confirme that Twenty four Acres of plaine Land yt is abovespecified that Jonas Holsteed Sould to John Townsend I do Confirme this Twinty-four Acres of plaine Land to ye Widdow of the Deceased John Townsend from m e m y Heires or Assignes to hur hur Heires or Assines forever to enjoy as their own proper right not to be molested by me or any from me as Witnes my hand & Seal and in ye two and twentyth year of the reigne of King Charles ye Second King of England In ye p'sence of us JohnTownsand JohnWeekes RobeartWilliams O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting S h a l l C o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p p t a i n e B e it k n o w n t h a t W h e r e a s John Townsend Sen of West Neck at ye South of Oysterbay on Book B 583 NassauorLongIslandinyeCollonyofNew Yorke,AndThomas Townsend of portsmouth on Rhode Island in America being the two eldest Sons of our ffather John Townsend of Oysterbay aforesd Deceased,Who deted this Life Intestate & Without Will or other wise Disposing his estate whereupon our Mother Elizabeth Townsend Relict & widdow of our Sd ffather did wth ye Advice of Henry Townsend & Richard Townsend Our Sd ffathers two Brethren And wth ye advise & Consent of us ye Sd John Townsend & Thomas Townsend dispose of all our Sd ffathers estate both of Land & Moveable estate unto all ye Chil- dren of our Sd ffather both Sons & Daughters by her Last will & Testamt und her hand & Seal in Writing wch Beareth Date ye 23d year of Charles ye Second King of England & c and ye tenth Day of ye ffifth Moneth : 1671 :where ye Division & Setling of SdEstateisplainly& AmplydemonstratedNow weeyeSdJohn Townsend & Thomas Townsend for & in Consideration yt wee Desire that peace & Amity may Continue amongst us,And yt all our Brothers & Sisters may enjoy all their portions bequeathed them on Sd Will,And for other good Causes & Consid'ations us ye Sd John & Thomas especially Moving for a further Confirma- tion& AssuranceofyeSame HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,rati- fied & Confirm'd and by these p'sents wee ye Sd John & Thomas do Give Grant ratifie & Confirme unto all our Said Brothers & Sisters as they are Mentioned on Sd Will all ye estate of our Sd ffather & Mother both of Lands,Houses,Meadows & Moveables as is Mentioned in Sd Will in all & every Article therein to each particular tie,Togetherwthallourright,title& InterestClaime & demand w'soever wch we ye Sd John & Thomas or either of us now have or wch any or either of our Heires,Executrs Adminis- trat's or Assignes may hereafter have,of,to or in ye foremen- tionedestateoranyPt or cellthereofwithallpriviledgesthere- to belonging according to Sd will & not otherwise, T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto them our Sd Brothers & Sisters Mentioned on Sd Will That isto Say,James,George,Daniel,Elizabeth Rose Ann & Sarah,All & Singular our Sd ffathers estate as Given on Sd will,And to ye only use & behoof of them their Heires & Assignes forever,And wee ye Sd John & Thomas do further Covent & agree for our Selves our Heires, Executrs & Assignes to & wth our Sd Brothers & Sisters & every & either of them that itShall& maybeLawfullforthemourSd BrothersSisterstheir & each of their Heires & Assignes Heires & Assignes,to have hold,occupy possess & enjoy their Sd Pts or portions of Sd estate,as Given them on Sd will forever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Molestation of us ye Sd John Townsend & Thomas Townsend or either of us or any or either of our Heires Executrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for, by or und' us or any or either of us Notwithstanding any right title o r C l a i m e b y H e i r s h i p o r o t h e r C l a m e w t s o e v e r I N W I T N E S 584 Book B whereof wee have hereunto Set our hands & Seales the one & thirtyth Day of May in ye year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred ninety four SignedSealed& dd:inp'senceofus John Newman : Robert Cooper John Cock John Townsend Sen Tho:Townsend O O Day & Date above written ye Abovenamed John Townsend and Thomas Townsend Came before me one of their Maties Justices of ye peace & acknowledged this above writing to be their real act & Deed Nathaneil Coles (p.208) TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whome this p'sentwritingshallCome orInanywiseAppertaineBe itKnown yt I Derick Albertson of Musketocove In ye bounds of Oysterbay In Queens County on ye Island of Nassau or Long IsLand in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & In ye Consideration of ye Sume of ten pounds & fifteen shillings of Currant Silver money of this Colony In hand paid & by me ye said Derick Received of Wil- liam Lynes of C o w Neck in ye bounds of Hemsteed in ye County aforesd before the Sealing & Dilivery hereof In full payment and Satisfaction and for other good Causes & Considerations me ye Derick Especially MoveIng Have Given Granted alienated In- feoffed assigned Sold & Confirmed and by these p'sents I ye Sd Derick Albertson D o Give Grant alienate Infeoffe assigne Sell & Confirme unto William Lines aforesaid All that of ye Moity or one half of m y Lott or Share of meadow on ye west Neck att ye South of Oysterbay aforesaid Itbeing In Number ye Sixth Share as ye Record of Oysterbay in ye Book A page 254 and In ye book B page 27 plainly Sheweth and ye bounds and Limitts thereof plainly Demonstrated wch said share of meadow I ye Sd Derrick bought of Samuel Andrews as by a deed under ye hand & seale of Sd Samuel bearing Date ye 20th Day of June 1693 may att Large be Seen Together Wthall m y Right title and Interest Claim & Demand wtsoEver wch Iye Sd Derick Albertson now have or wchanyorEitherofmy HeiresExecutorsorassignesmay here- after have of to or In ye moity or half thaforementioned Lott or Share of meadow Withall fitts Comodities fitts Issues Cus- toms priviledges or wtsoEver Else of right to ye sd half Lott be- longeth or In anywise Appertaineth as Largely & amply as itt is Specifiedinye Indians Deed for Sd meadow wch Stands Recorded in ye book B page 25 to Have & to Hold unto him ye Sd William Lines his Heires & assignes ye Sd granted half share of meadow wth ye Apptences thereof to ye only Use & behoofe of him ye sd William Lines his Heires and assignes forEver (no signatures) (p.209)—This Instrument of Writing witnesseth to all persons to whom this my Deed of Sale may any waies Concerne that I Book B 585 Samuel Andrass now Inhabiting in Oysterbay wthin ye North Riding of New Yorke-Shire upon Long Island Shipwright upon Good Consid'ations Moving me hereunto Have Bargained Sold & dilivered unto Joseph Ludlam Cooper of ye Same Town & Riding A certaine Tract of Swomp ground being wthin ye Town of Oysterbay,by or upon ye Brook or Streme of Water,comonly known & called by ye name of Anthony Wrights Brook runing through ye Town by ye Smiths Shopp to ye head of ye Town Dock So called;The Breadth of ye aforesd Tract of Swamp Ground at ye west end ffronting upon ye Street or highway con- taines ffifteene Rod four foot;The North Side Ranging by ye high way a Cross ye afforesd Brook by ye Brick yard containes inLength Twenty Rod ;And atye Reare atye East end Containes in Breadth Eleven Rod ten foot;and ye South Side Joyning to AdamWrightsSwompGround& ranginginLengthCrossyeSd Swamp Twenty Rod ;It Containing wthin ye Bounds herein In- serted one Acre,half & Twenty Rod of Swamp Ground or Land I Say I have Sold & dilivered this above mentioned tract of Swamp Ground from me my Heires,Executrs Administratrs or Assignes forever to ye above mentioned Joseph Ludlam his Heires,Executrs Administratrs or Assignes forever,To Have & to hold as his or their own p right title & Interest free from any further Lett,hindrance or Molestation from me or any from, by or und me forever,further Ingaging to give ye Sd Joseph Ludlam peaceable possession of ye p'mises according to Law hav- ing received full Satisfaction in hand for ye Same,And will de- fend him his Heires or or Assignes in their peaceable possession of ye Same against all claimes or pretences wtsomever as witnes m y hand & Seal in Oysterbay this 29th day of January one thou- sand Six hundred Seventy eight, & in ye thirtyth year of ye Reign of our Sovraigne King Charles ye Second King of Great Brittane france and Ireland &c Signed Sealed & dd in p❜sence ofus SamuelAndrews O Thomas Townsend John J Apllegate Mary Andrews (T h e J inserted in J o h n Applegate's n a m e is evidently a clerical e r r o r , a s h e e l s e w h e r e s i g n s w i t h o u t a m a r k .) Know allmen by these p'sents yt I Joseph Ludlam of Oyster- bay Cooper upon good Considerations moving me thereunto do Assigne over unto Isaac Horner of ye Same place all m y whole right title & Interest unto ye Land & Swamp mentioned in this Bill of Sail wch is Inclosed wthall m y right to this Deed and wt it makes mention, I ye abovesd Joseph Ludlam do assigne over from m e m y Heires ; Executrs Administratrs or Assignes, unto thabovesd Isaac Horner to him his Heires,Executrs or Assignes forever peaceable to possess & enjoy having received full Satis- 586 Book B faction as Witnes my hand & Seal in Oysterbay this Twenty fourth of ye 6th moneth called August in ye year 1685: Inp'senceofus HenryTownsendSen JosephLudlam O Robert Townsend Be itknown yt I Isaac Horner do by these p'sents Assigne & makeoverallmy Right,title& InterestwchIhaveorwchmy Heires,Executrs or Assignes may here after have to this wthin written Deed by virtue of this above written Assignment unto Job Wright of Oysterbay & to his Heires Executrs Administrat's or Assignes forever In witnes whereof I set m y hand & Seal the Twenty Second Day of may in ye year 1686 SingedSealed&ddinp'senceofus IsaacHorner O John Newman ; George Townsend, This Assignmt acknowledged by Isaac Horner before m e John Townsend Sen Be it known by these p'sents yt I Job Wright abovementioned for & in ye Consideration of ye Sume of Six pounds in hand re- ceived before ye Sealing of this Assignmt of John Dewsbury of Oysterbay on Long Island whereby I ye Sd Job do clearly acquitt & discharge ye Sd John his Heires Executrs & Assignes of ye Sd Sum, Have Assigned made over & Confirm'd, And by these p'sents do Assigne make over & confirme unto John Dewsbury aforesd ye wthin written Deed with all ye right,Title & Interest wch I ye Sd Job now have or wch any or either of my Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes m a y hereaft' have thereunto by vertue of this above written Assignment, To Have and to hold to him ye Sd John dewsbury ye Sd Deed to him his Heires & Assignes forever to wch I set m y hand & Seal ye Twenty ninth Day of Decembr in ye year of our Lord 1690 Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of JobWright O John Newman,George Townsend These three above written Assignmts are Indorsed on ye Back- side of the Deed wch is entred in ye upper end of this page con- cerning ye S w a m p at Anthonys Brook wch S w a m p ye abovenamed John dewsbury hath Sold to John Newman as by his Deed entred in page 200 of this Book will apeare (p.210)- K n o w all men yt I Henry Townsend Sen'wthin Men- tioned do Assigne & make over And by these p'sents do firmly diliverallmy Right,title& InterestofyewthinmenconedLand, onely reserving a piece of ye Sd Land Lying betwixt a white Oake Tree by Muskeeto Cove path marke on ye North :E : D : and on ye South H : T :and ye Black Oake Bound of this wthin written Deed ;And ye Sd pece of Land exempted to run over ye Hills to a white Oake tree by a Rock near ye Bever Swamp Brook marked I: D : and H : T : as abovesd all wch Sd Land Book B 587 Lying on ye East & by North Side of these Sd Marked Trees abovesd,being in ye Bounds of this wthin Mentioned Deed,I ye Sd Henry Townsend Sen'do ffirmly Diliver as abovesd all my Right Title & Interest,Claime & Demand wtsoever of ye Sd Land unto John Dewsbury now Resident in Oysterbay wthall ye fits & Comodityes arising from ye Same unto ye Sd John Dewsbury his Heires,Executrs Administratrs & Assignes forever as firmly & ffully as it is made to me & mine in ye wthin mentioned Deed fro ye Indean priet's It being in Exchange wth ye Sd John Dewsbury for a cell of Land made over to me from ye Sd John Dewsbury wch he ye Sd John Dewsbury bought of ye In- deans as appeares by a Bill of Sale Assigned over to m e Bearing date ye 26th Day of March 1685: In witnes whereof I I have Sett my hand & Seal ye 4th 8ber: 1688: Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us: his Caleb X Wright : James X Hadlock Henry Townsend Sen O marke John Newman his marke Be it known by these p'sents yt I Henry Townsend ye wthin Named in this wthin written Deed or Indenture Bearing date ye 25thdayofJulyinyeyear1687:for& inyeConsid'ationoffull Satisfaction to ye full Value thereof in hand pd,and by me ye Sd Henry received of John Dewsbury of Oysterbay,before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof, Have Assigned made over & Con- firm'd,and by these p'sent I ye Sd Henry do Assigne Makeover & Confirme unto John Dewsbury aforesd this wthin written Deed wthall ye Land therein Mentioned, (Excepting & reserving thir- teen Acres thereof wch I ye Sd Henry have already disposed of to John Eastland) wthall m y right title & Interest wch I ye Sd Henrynowhave,orwchanyoreitherofmy Heires,Execut'sor Assignes may hereaft'have thereunto,as firme Sure & Absolute as itisany way made unto me,To have & to hold unto him ye Sd John Dewsbury and to ye P P use & behoofe of him his Heires& Assignesforever,As witnesmy Hand & Sealyetwelfth day of Decembr in ye year one thousand Six hundred Ninety two Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Henry Townsend Ser O John Vnderhill John Newman his James (J) Weekes marke The Deed wch by these p'sence is assigned Stands recorded in ye 96 & 97 page of this Book Be it known by these p'sents that whereas this wthin written Deed bearing Date ye Thirtyth Day of July one Thousand Six 588 Book B hundred eighty Six was Assigned & made over by ye wthin named John Townsend m y Son unto m y Youngest Son Robert Townsend Deceased by a writing undr ye hand & Seal of ye Sd John bearing Date ye Twenty Second day of July 1687:wch may be Seen here next abovewritten,And afterward ye Sd Robert my Sd Son did in his Lifetime by a writing und' his hand & Seal bearing Date ye third Day of October 1687: Leave ye Disposing of all his Lands to me Henry Townsend Sen of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke,of wch Land thisthatisMentioned inthiswthinwrittenDeed isPt,Now I ye Sd Henry Townsend for & in Consid'ation of full Satisfaction to ye full Value thereof in hand pd,& by me ye Sd Henry re- ceived of John Dewsbury of Oysterbay aforesd before ye Sealing & Dilivery hereof;Have Assigned made over & Confirm'd And by these p❜sents I ye Sd Henry do Assigne makeover & Confirme unto John Dewsbury aforesd this wthin written Deed wthall ye Land therein Mentioned wthall my right,title & Interest wch I yeSdHenrynowhaveorwchanyoreitherofmy Heires,Ex- ecut's or Assignes may hereafter have thereunto,as firme Sure & A b s o l u t e a s it is a n y ( w a y ) m a d e u n t o m e , T o h a v e & t o h o l d unto him ye Sd John Dewsbury and to ye use & behoof of him,his Heires & Assignes forever;As.Witnes my hand & Seal the Twelfth day of December in ye year of our Lord one thou- sand Six hundred Ninety two Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Vnderhill John Newman his James (J) Weeks marke Henry Townsend Sen O The Deed mentioned in this Assignmt & ye Assignmt of John Townsend to Robt Stands recorded in ye 63d page of this Booke Be itknown by these p'sents yt whereas Robert Townsend Late of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke deceased ye wthin named in this wthin written Deed did in his Lifetime by a writing und' his Hand & Seal bearing Date ye third day of October 1687 ; Leave ye disposing of all his Lands unto his ffather Henry Townsend Sen of Oysterbay aforesd of wch Land yt wch is mentioned in this wthin written DeedisPt,Now IyesdHenryTownsendfor& inyeConsid1a- con of ffull Satisfaction to ye full value thereof in hand pd & by me ye Sd Henry received of John dewsbury of Oysterbay aforesd before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof; Have Assigned, made over & Confirm'd and by these p'sents I ye Sd Henry do assigne make over & Confirme unto John dewsbury aforesd,This wthin written Deed wch beareth date ye Sixth Day of December 1686 wthall ye Land therein Mentioned wthall m y right title & Book B 589 Interest wch I ye Sd Henry now have or wch any or either of m y Heires,Executrs or Assignes may hereafter have thereunto as f i r m e , S u r e & a b s o l u t e a s it is a n y w a y m a d e u n t o m e , T o h a v e &toholduntohimyeSdJohnDewsbury&toyePD use& behoofe of him his Heires & Assignes forever as Witnes m y hand & Seal ye Twelfth day of Decembr one thousand Six hundred Ninety two Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Underhill his James (J) Weekes John Newman marke : Henry Townsend Sen O The Deed mentioned in this Assignmt is recorded in the 67th page of this Booke (p.211)-Be itknownbythesep'sentsthatwhereasthiswthin written Deed Bearing Date ye Sixth Day of Decemb❜ one thou- sand Six hundred Eighty Six was Assigned & Madeover by ye wthin Named John Townsend my Son,unto Robert Townsend m y Youngest Son deceased,by a writing und' ye hand & Seal of ye Sd John bearing date ye 22th Day of July 1687:wch may be seen at ye Lower end of ye Backside of this Sd Deed ;And after- ward ye Sd Robert Townsend my Sd Son Did in his Life time by a writing und'his hand & Seal bearing Date ye third day of October1687:LeaveyeDisposingofallhisLandstome Henry Townsend Sen' of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke of wch Land this wthin written Deed ispart,NOW IyeSdHenryTownsendfor&inyeConsideration of full Satisfaction to ye full value thereof in hand pd & by m e ye Said Henry received of John Dewsbury of Oysterbay aforesd before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof,Have assigned made over & Confirm'd,and by these p'sents I ye Sd Henry do Assigne,Make- over & Confirme unto John Dewsbury aforesd this wthin written Deed wthall ye Land therein Mentioned,wthall my right title & Interest wch I ye Sd Henry now have thereunto,or wch any or either of m y Heires Execut's or Assignes m a y hereafter have t h e r e u n t o , a s f i r m e , S u r e & a b s o l u t e a s it is a n y w a i e s m a d e u n t o me;TO HAVE &toholduntohimyeSaidJohnDewsbury& to ye P P use & behoof of him his Heires & Assignes forever, As witnes m y hand & Seal the twelfth Day of December one thou- sand Six Hundred Ninety two : SignedSealed& ddinp'senceofus John Vnderhill his James(J)Weekes JohnNewman marke Henry Townsend Sen O TheDeed& Assignmentmentionedinthisassignm'isrecorded in ye 109th page of this Booke 590 Book B The writing wch is here mentioned in ye three foregoing As- signmts of Robt Townsend to his ffather concerning his Land is Recorded in ye 97th page of this Booke TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting S h a l l c o m e o r A p t a i n e B e it k n o w n y t I J o h n S i b l e y o f M a t e n a - cock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island alias Nassau in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid❜a- tion of ye Sume of Twenty Six pounds Currant money of N e w Yorke inhand pd & by me ye Said John received of John Dews- bury of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd in full paymt and Satisfaction before ye Sealing & diliv'y hereof, A n d for other good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd John Sibley especiallyMoving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,In- feoffed,Assigned Sold & Confirm'd and by these p'sents do Give, Grant, Alienate, Infeoffe, Assigne, Sell and Confirme unto John Dewsbury aforesaid all that of a Certaine cell of Upland & Swamp atorneerBeverSwamp inMatenacockaforesd,The first Bound is a Chesnutt Tree upon ye Hill neer ye Highway from Oysterbay to Matenacock aforesd ffrom thence to run East Sixty eight rod to ye Midle of ye Shue Brook, wch is to be ye East bound of Sd Land,And from ye afore Sd Chesnutt Tree to run North one hundred & twenty Rod to a Black Oake tree Standing between two Branches of ye run called ye Midle run,half of ye run & Swamp to be ye Lyne,ffrom thence Eastwardly Sixty eight rodtoyeffullvalueofffiftyAcresofLand (beitmoreorLess) wch Land was fformerly possessed by Isaac Horner,afterward by John Rogers but now in ye possession of me ye Sd John Sibley, Togetherwthallmy right,title& InterestClaimeanddemand w'so- ever wch I ye Sd John Sibley now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Execut's or Assignes may hereafter have of to or in ye Sd Granted Land & and every Pt & cell thereof wthall fits, Issues,Timber,ffruittrees,Houses,ffenceswaters ponds Brookes & Comoditys wtsoever contained within ye Bounds of Said Land with w'soever els to ye Same is in any wise Aptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd John Dewsbury his Heires & A s s i g n e s , all & S i n g u l a r y e S d G r a n t e d T r a c t o f L a n d & p ' m i s e s to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd John Dewsbury his Heires & Assignes fforever,And ye Sd John Sibley hath putt ye Said John Dewsbury into Lawfull possession of ye Same by dilivery of Turfe & Twigg and by these p'sents,And ye said John Sibley doth for himself his Heires Executrs & Assignes further Covent & agree to & with ye Sd John Dewsbury yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Said John Dewsbury his Heires & Assignes, quietly & peaceably to have, hold, Occupy, possess & enjoy the Said Granted Land & p'mises wthout the Lawfull Lett or Molestation of him ye Sd John Sibley his Heires Executes or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully,Claiming for,by Book B 591 or und him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Grant Mortgage dower or other Conveyance wtsoever And ye Same to ye Sd John Dewsbury,his Heires & Assignes fforever to warrant & Defend according as before is exp'ssed IN WIT- N E S w h e r e o f I h a v e h e r e u n t o S e t t m y h a n d & S e a l y e ffirst D a y of June in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety ffive It is ffurther to be und'stood yt ye Sd John Sibley hath sold to Sd John dewsbury no more by this Deed then wt he ye Sd John Sibley bought of John Rogers neither in quantity nor quality JohnJibley(Sibley) O Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us: Hannah Sibley John Newman Robert Coles July ye 22th 1695 : Nathaneil Coles John Sibley & his wife Hannah came before m e one of the Maties Justices of ye peace for queens County & Acknowledged this to be their reall & Voluntary act & Deed CCCCXXX Nathaneill Coles (p.212) Oysterbaythis30thofye11thmo:1663:Thesep'sents Declareth unto allwhom itmay any waies Consarne yt I Thomas Armitage of Oyst'bay on Long Island and my wife Ann Lillysone according to hire Maidene name wth ye Advice & consent of m y Son Daniel Whitehead have Sould ffully & really all or Housing & Lands both Meadow & Upland yt do any ways belong to me or us here in Oysterbay Notwithstanding any Deed of Gifts or Joyntures yt did pass or was made amongst us:Unto John Town- send of ye aforesd Oysterbay on Long Island for full Satisfaction wee have already in hand received:The right(s) wee have Sold are namely ye two Meadow Lotts in ye Great Meadow on ye North Side of ye Towne of Oysterbay yt is now ffenced wth Henry Townsends Meadow Sheare on ye East Side,& Benjamin Hubbards Meadow on ye west Side of it,And our Housing that wee now enjoy & House Lott or Land fenced in;wth half a Sheare of M e a d o w at ye South and all other C o m o n (in)g Rights yt do any waies belong fall to or prove to belong to us in all ye Comon,weeSayweehaveSold,& bythesep'sentsdodiliverupall ourRight,title& Interestofallyeabovementionedp'misesfrom us our Heires,Executrs Administratrs & Assignes unto ye Sd John Townsend his Heires Executrs,Administrats & Assignes forever to enjoy wthout Molestation of us or any from us,as witnes our hands & Seales In p'sence of us Daniell Whythead Nicholas Wright Thomas X Armitage O The marke of (Thomas Armitage affirms,1659,alleged deed to son Manassah fradulent. Witnessed by Daniel Whitehead. Affidavitsfollowing show Thomas had a young wife, and that his previous wife, Martha,waslivingin1652,when hemadethedeedofgiftto"her soninlawManassahArmitage." Couldhissecondwife,Martha, Ann X Armitage O 592 Book B have been the mother of Jeanne Skidmore who m .Daniel White- head? Hempstead Records,I.,108;Cornell Gen.,376;ante,p.7) Oysterbay this 10th of ffebruary 1669:This Deed of Sale testi- fieth to all or any to w h o m it m a y any waies Conserne yt I Nicho- las Simkins of Oysterbay have upon Good Consid'ations bar- gained Sold & made over unto Elizabeth Townsend of ye Same place Six Acres of Land Lying & being upon ye Hill Joyning upon ye North End to Benjamin Hubbards Land,and on ye west Side by ye rere of Thomas Townsends Lott and Samuel Weekeses Lott,and Joyning on ye South end to her own Land,And on ye East Side by ye edge of ye Hill; I Say I have Sold this Six Acres of Land unto ye abovesd Elizabeth her Ayres,Sucksesors or Assings,To have & to hold forever as their own P P title & Interest,from me my Heires,Sucksesors or Assignes,and do give her peaceable possesion of ye Sd Land,having received full Sat- isfactionforit,aswitnesmy handday& dateabovewrittenand in p'sence of Nicholas Simkins Tho Townsend John Weekes ARTICLES OF COVENANTS & Agreements had made & Concluded on by & between Benjamin Burdsall of Jerusalem in ye Bounds of Hempsteed in queens County on Long Island alias Nassau in ye Collony of N e w Yorke & Mercy his wife ye Daugh- ter of Samuel fforman deceased of ye one Pt- ; And Daniel Townsend of Oysterbay in queens County aforesd & Susanna his wife daughter of Sd Samuell fforman of another P t - ; And Sarah fforman daughter of Sd Samuel fforman of a third t- Concerning ye Dividing & disposing ye Lands and Meadow ffor- merly ye Sd Samuel fformans as ffolloweth Imp'mis The Sd Pties have Unanimously agreed to divide all ye Land fformerly their ffathers ye Sd Samuel fformans, And ffirst Concerning ffourty Acres of Land at Cold Spring in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd:The Sd Daniel Townsend & this wife Susanna,and ye Sd Sarah fforman Have Given,Granted, Bargained & Sold, And by these p'sents do Give, Grant, Bar- gaine & Sell, both their ts of right of & in ye Land at Cold Spring aforesd, unto Benjamin Burdsall abovesd wthall their right,Title & Interest wch they now have or which their Heires, Execut'sorAssignesmayhereafterhavetotheirPtsofSd Land at Cold Spring for & in Consideration of ye Sume of Ten pounds Currant Merchantable pay of this Collony in hand paid by us ye Sd Daniel, Susanna & Sarah received of Benjamin Burdsall aforesd before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof to our ffull Content & Satisfaction,To have & to hold unto him ye Sd Benjamin Burdsall all & Singular ye our Sd Pts of Sd ffourty Acres of Land at Cold Spring to him his Heires & Assignes fforever,And the Same to ye Sd Benjamin his Heires & Assignes forever to warrant & defend,According as before is expressed Book B 593 ItTheSd tieshaveMutuallyagreedtodivideyeMeadowat ye South of Oysterbay aforesd fformerly ye Sd Samuel fformans as ffolloweth The Sd Daniel Townsend & his wife Susanna and Sd Sarah fforman do by these p'sents agree yt the Sd Benjamin Burdsall & his wife for their Pt of Sd Meadow Shall have & enjoy ye half Lott of Sd Meadow Lying & being on ye West Neck at ye South aforesd And ye Sd Daniel Townsend & his wife Susanna to have & enjoy ye half Lott of Meadow on Lattens Neck at ye South aforesd,wth a Share of Upland on Unkaway Neck at Sd South ffor their Pt,And ye Sd Sarah fforman to have and enjoy ye half Lott of Meadow on Unkaway Neck aforesd for her part of Sd- (p.213)—part of Sd Meadow it fallingSotothembyLottbyagreemtofallyeSd ties,And ye Benjamin Burdsall & Mercy his Wife do hereby bind them- selves & their Heires forever, that ye Heires, Executrs or As- signes of them ye Sd Benjamin & Sd Mercy Shall have nor Lay any Claime of right, Title and Interest to ye two Last men- tioned Pts of Sd Meadow & Share of Upland by virtue of Heir- ship or any other way Whatsoever but ye Same as divided to remaine to each tie their Heires & Assignes forever Itt The Sd ties do agree as aforesd concerning a parcel of Land at ye Jerico plaines & half a right of Comons in ye old purchase of Oysterbay and one whole right in ye new purchase to Lett it remaine for ye p'sent undivided as n o w it is untill they Shall see cause to act further about it,to divide it equally between them,And this ye Sd partyes do all agree unto,and all well con- tented & Satisfied therewith and that this their Act & Deed Shall fforever Stand ffirmly by these p'sents to all & every of our Heires Executrs & Assignes, As witnes our hands & Seales the Thirteenth day of August in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety ffive Benjamin Burdsal O Signed Sealed & dd : The marke (M ) of In p'sence of us John Newman Anthony Wright Richard Harkcott Mercy Burdsal Daniel Townsend the marke (T ) of Susanna Townsend O Memorand yt there isthree Acres of Land Lying by Richard Harcotts Lott wch belongs to ye wthin named Samuel fformans estate,and belongs to ye within named Pties & Lyeth & remaines yet undivided witnes John Newman TO ALL CHRISTIAN TO W H O M E these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that I Samuel weekes Sen'of Matina- cock In ye Towne Shipe of Oyster bay Queens County In ye Island of Nassau & province of N e w York yeoman For and in the marke X of Sarah fforman O 594 Book B (consideration) of ye S u m of fifty Six pounds five Shillings Cur- rant Lawfull Money of New York To me in Hand paid Befor the Ensealing & Delivery Hereof By Benjamin Frost of ye Same Towne & County Aforesd the Recept whereof I Do Hereby Ac- knowledge A n d M y Selfe fully Satisfied & Contented Thereof & thereof & of Every Part & Parcell thereof D o Exonrate acquitt & Discharge ye Sd Benjamin Frost his heirs Execut's and Admin- istrators for Ever By these presents Have Given Granted Bar- gained Sold Alienated Conveyed & Confirmed and by These presents Do freely Fully & absolutely Give Grant bargain Sell Alien & Confirm Unto the Sd Benjamin Frost his heirs & As- signes forever A Certaine Tract of Land leying In the Towne Shipe of oysterbay Containg Eleven Acres and A Quarter by ye Common Statute Measure Being a part of ye Lott No. 7 In Matinacock Commones Lotts T O H A V E and to Hold ye Sd Granted & bargained premises Wthall Timber Trees orcharding Profites & Commoditys In or Upon ye Sd Eliven Acrees & a Quarter of Land as above Sd To him the Sd Benjamin Frost his Heirs & assignes for Ever To him & Them His and there only proper use Use Benefitt & behoofe for Ever and I ye Sd Samuel Weekes forme my heirsExecutors& Adm's Do Covenant Prom- ise & Grant to & with ye Sd Benjamin ffrost his Heirs Exers & assignes that before ye Ensealing hereof I a m ye true Sole & Law(ful) owner of ye bove Bargained premises and am Law- fully Seized & possed of the Same in mine owne Proper Right as a good Perfectt & absolut Estate of Inheritance And have in m y Selfe Good Right Full power and Lawfull Authority to Grant bargaine Sell Convey and and Confirm the Sd bargained premises In manner as above Sd & that the Sd Benjamin Frost his heirs and assignes Shall & may from Time to Time and att all times forever hereafter by Virtue of these presents Lawfully peaceably Quietly Have hold Use Occupy posses and-(p.214)-Enjoy, the Said Demised & bargained Premises With ye profits & Com- moiditis In or Upon the Same ffree and Clearely freely & Clearly acquitted Exonrated & Discharged of and from all & all manner of former Gifts Grants bargains Sails Leases Mortgages Wills Entails Joyntiuers Dowrys Judgements Executions Incumbrances & Troubles whatsoever And I ye Sd Samuel Weekes Do further Covenant & bind m y Selfe m y Heirs Executors & adm's Firmly by these Presents To Warrant & Defend The Sd Benjamin Frost His heirs Executors and Assignes In Quiet & Peaceable posses- sion of all& Singular ye Said Granted Premises Against any Just & Lawfull Claime of any Passon or Passons what Soever In Witness where of I ye Sd Samuel Weekes Have here Unto m y hand & Seal This twenty Sixth D a y of June In ye Six of ye Reigne of our Soveraign Lord George the Grace of God of Great Britten France & I Domini Christ one Thousand Seven hund Book B 595 Signed Sealed & Delivered In ye presences of Samuel telle Mungo Cockran SamuelWeekes O Queens County Th oysterbay September the 27 1733 Then Came the within named Samuel Weekes parsonaly before M e Isaac Hicks first Judge of ye Court of C o m m o n pleas of Queens County and acknowledged ye within written Instruement to be his free and Volluntary Actt and Deed finding Nither Raiser nor Enter Line I allow this Deed to be Recorded Isaac Hicks (p.215)-This Indenture made ye Seventh Day of March in ye Second year of ye Raigne of our Sov'aigne Lord William ye Third King of Great Britten ffrance & Ireland King,Defend of ye ffaith etcet and in ye year of our Lord according to ye Church of England one thousand Six hundred ninety & ninete one Be- tween old Chippie & Will : Chippie Massapuage Indeans of ye one party and Robert Kellam of ye T o w n of Huntinton upon LongIslandinyeCountyofSuffolke& vinceofNewYorkein America Cordwind of ye other ty witnesseth that ye Sd old Chippie & Will : Chippie for Divers good Causes & Consid'acons us thereunto Moving but more especially for a valuable Consid1a- tion in hand received before ye Sealing & dilivering hereof have Bargained,alienated,estranged& Confirm'd;And bythesep'sents do Bargaine, Alien & Confirme from us, our Heires, Executrs Administrats & Assignes ; unto ye aforesd Robert Kellam his Heires,Executrs Administratrs & Assignes all & Singular an Iland or Ilands of Meadow Lying & being on ye South Side of this Iland between ye South Beach & ye South Meadows of ye Town of Huntington against a parcel of Meadow Comonly Called or known by ye name of ye half Neck,Wee Say yt Island of Mea- dow as we have Alienated as aforesd there runs a small Brooke as two Islands but wee account it as one Island ;and do so Con- firme unto ye Sd Robert Kellam his Heires, Executrs Adminis- tratrs & Assignes:To have,hold,use,occupy & enjoy forever; And dofurtherIngadgeytitisourown rightthereforehave goodreasontoSell& ConveytheSame:AnddofurtherIn- gadgeytitisffree& ClearfromallothergrantsorbargonsAnd do mise to defend ye Same against any son or sons yt Claimes any title or Interest thereunto In Witnes whereof we have to this p'sent Indenture Set to our hands & Seales: Signed Sealed & dd in ye p'sence of us Jonathan Harnet John White The marke X of old Chippie O The marke X of Will : Chippie 596 Book B (p.216)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthisp❜sent writing Shall come or in any wise aptaine ; Be it known yt I Samuell Dickinson of Ceder S w a m p in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consideration of ye Sume of Six pounds pounds In Silver Money Currant in this Collony in hand pd & by me re- ceived & in other Goods equivolent to Such money of David Underhill of Oysterbay aforesd in full payment & Satisfaction whereof I do clearly aquitt & discharge ye Sd David his Heires Execut's or Administrats from me my Heires,Executrs Admin- istrat's & Assignes forever A N D for other good causes & Con- sidraconsmeyeSdSamuellespeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN, G R A N T E D , Alienated, Infeoffed, Sold & Confirm'd; And by these p'sents I ye Sd Samuel do Give, Grant, Infeoffe, Sell & Confirme unto David Underhill aforesd a cell or Spot of Land being tofmyLandatCederSwampaforesdwchInowLive on,m y Title & Claime thereunto is Shewed at Large in m y Deed from Daniel Applegate bearing Date ye tenth day of Novemb 1688 and Stands Recorded Amongst ye Land Evidences of OysterbayinyeB:pageye159:wch cellorSpottofLandis Bounded as followeth ( it Lying & being at ye Southeast Corner of m y Tract of Land above mentioned) adjoyning to ye Land of James Townsend ; Begining at ye Northeast Corn' Bound of James Townsends Land and So Ranging Westwardly by ye Sd Townsends Land Thirty two Rod ;And from thence Northwardly ffifteen Rod to a Leaning Red Oake ;ffrom thence Eastwardly thirty two Rod to a Stake Marked ;And from thence S o u t h w a r d l y ffifteen R o d t o y e ffirst B o u n d ' R a n g i n g o n a S t r a i g h t Lyne from bound to Bound :Including wthin ye Sd bounds three Acres of Land compleat Together wthall m y right,Title & Interest, Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Samuel now have or wch any or either of m y Heires, Execut's Administratrs or Assigns may hereaft'have of,to or in ye Sd three Acres of Land wthall Pfits & Issues from thence arising or Growing and wt els is of rightanywaytheretoAp@taining;TO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd David Underhill his Heires & Assignes ye ffore- menconed Three Acres of Land wth ye Apptences thereof to ye only use and behoof of him ye Sd David Underhill his Heires and Assignes forever;And ye Sd Samuel hath put ye Sd DavidintoaLawfull& peaceablepossessionofyeSdthreeAcres of Land by ye Dilivery of these p'sents;And ye Sd Samuel doth for himself his Heires Executrs & Assignes further Covenant & Agree to & with ye Sd David that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd David his Heires & Assignes Quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy possess & enjoy all& Singular ye p'mises for- ever wthout the Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Samuel,his Heires Executrs Administratrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for,by or und' him or Book B 597 any or either of them Notwthstanding any former Gift, Grant, Bargaine or Sale wtsoever ;And also ye Sd Samuel doth Covenant as aforesd to warrant & defend ye Sd Land to ye Sd David his Heires & Assignes forever According as is before written IN W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seal ye Sec- ond day of March in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hun- dred & ninety Signed Sealed and dd in p'sence of John Newman George Townsend SamuelDickinson O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhomthisp'sentwriting S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p p t a i n e B e it k n o w n y t W e e J o h n Underhil & Daniel Underhill of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island N o w Called Nassau in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consideration yt David Underhill of of Oysterbay aforesaid hath Granted & Confirm'd unto Jacob Underhill our Brother a Certaine cell of Meadow & about one Acre of upland by way of exchange of Land for other Land hereafter by us to him Granted to our ffull Content & Satisfaction,And for other Good Causes and Consid1ations us ye Sd John & Daniel especially Moving HAVE GIVEN, G R A N T E D Alienated,Infeoffed,Sold & Confirm'd,And by these p'sents wee ye Sd John Underhill & Daniel Underhill do Give, Grant, Alienate, Infeoffe, Sell & Confirme unto David Underhill aforesaid all that of a Certaine Tract or cell of Woodland Lying & being on ye South Side of ye Little plaines in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd,and Bounded on ye North Side by Henry Townsend Sen's Land on ye west end by ye High way and ye South west bound is a forked Chesnut Tree, Ranging from thence eastwardly to a Small Black Oake Tree markt wch is ye Southeast Corner Bound from thence ranging by ours ye Sd John & Daniels Cart path North west or thereabouts untill it extend to ye Top of the Hill & to range wth Henry Townsends Line,Containing wthin Sd Bounds Sixty Acres of Land or there- abouts be it More or Less,And one Lott or Share of Meadow at the Bever Swamp or as much of Sd Share as is not already dis- posed of,wch Share of Meadow was Nicholas Simkins and Lyeth next James Townsends Meadow,Together wthall our right Title & Interest Claime & Demand wtsoever wch wee ye Sd John & Daniel now have or wch any or either of our Heires executrs or Assignes may hereaft'have of,to or in ye fforementioned Tract of Land & Share or Lott of Meadow wthall Pfits,Issues,Timber Trees ffences,ffencing Stuff wth wt els is to ye Sd Upland and Meadow belongingorinanywiseAptaining TO HAVE & TO H O L D unto him the Said- (p.217)—The Sd David Underhill his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd Granted Tract of woodland & Meadow & every Pt & celthereof to ye only D use & behoof of him ye Sd David Underhill his Heires & As- 598 Book B signes fforever,And ye Sd John & Daniel Underhill have put ye SåDavidintoaLawfull& peaceablepossessionofyeSdUpland & Meadow by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd John & Daniel Do for themselves their Heires, Executrs and Assignes ffurther Covent & agree to & wth ye Sd David yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd David his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Sd Granted p'mises forever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of them ye Sd John & Daniel their Heires, Executrs or Assignes or any other son or persons Lawfully Claiming for by or und'them or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift,Grant Mort- gage or Sale wtsoever,And ye Sd John & Daniel Do hereby bind themselves & their Heires to warrant & Defend ye Sd Woodland & Meadow to ye Sd David his Heires or Assignes forever agt all Just Claimes yt Shall be hereafter made thereunto,IN W I T N E S whereof wee have hereunto Sett our hands & Seales the Second Day of Decembr in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hun- dred Ninety three Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman John ffeke John Cock John underhill O Daniel Vnderhill O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall come or in any wise aptaine Be it known yt I Samuel Dickinson of Cedar S w a m p in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in queens County on Nassau or Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'ation of ye S u m e of Six pounds Currant Silver money ofthis Collony in hand pd & by me ye Sd Samuel Dickin- son received of David Underhil of ye Same place before ye Seal- ing & Dilivery hereof in full paymt & Satisfaction,And for other good Causes & Consid'ations me ye Sd Samuel especially Moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,Infeoffed,Assigned, Sold & Confirm'd,And by these presents Iye Sd Samuel Do Give, Grant, Alienate, Infeoffe, Assigne, Sell & Confirme unto David Underhill aforesd all that of one whole Right in yt Land Called by ye Name of ye New purchase of Matenacock Lands in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd, excepting wt is already disposed of for ye payment of ye purchase to ye Indians & other Charges about Sd purchase,wch Sd right was first Granted to John Apple- gate deceased and by his Last Will & Testamt bequeathed to his Brother Daniel Applegate,And by ye Sd Daniel Sold unto me ye Sd Samuel by a Deed und' his Hand & Seal bearing Date the 10thDayofNovember1688:& entredinyeBookB:page159: And in ye Same Book page 42 :the names of ye purchasers & all yt were admitted by them to have equal Share in Sd purchase are distinctly entred as recourse thereunto being had will & may plainly appear Together wthall m y right title & Interest, Claime Book B 599 & Demand w'soever wch I ye Sd Samuel N o w have or wch any or either of m y heires executrs or Assignes m a y hereafter have of to or in ye Sd right of & in the forementioned Land wthall Pfits Issues,Comodities p'viledges as any other Pticularr rights have in Sd purchase or may hereafter have wth what Soever els isofrighttoyeSameinanywiseApptainingTO HAVE & TO H O L D unto him ye Sd David Underhill his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd right in forementioned purchase wth ye Ap- tences thereof to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd David Underhil His Heires & Assignes forever,And ye Sd Sam- uel hath put ye Sd David into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye Sd right of Land by ye Dilivery of turfe & twigge and by ye Dilivery of these p'sents, And ye Sd Samuel doth for himself his Heires Executrs & Assignes further Covent & Agree to & wth ye Sd David yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd David his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye foremen- tioned Granted right in Sd purchase forever without ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd Samuel his Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for, by or und him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift Grant Mortgage or Sale wtsoever,And ye Sd Samuel doth hereby Bing (bind) himself & his Heires to warrant & De- fend ye Sd Granted p'mises to ye Sd David his Heires & Assignes forever according as is before expressed IN W I T N E S whereof IhavehereuntoSettmyhand& SealyeffourthDayofJuneinye year of our Lord one thousand Six hunded Ninety four Signedsealed&ddinp'senceofus SamuelDickinson O John Newman The X mark of Caleb Wright Day & Date above written Samuel Dickinson came before me & acknowledged this to be his real Act & deed Nathaneill Coles T O A L L C H R I S T I A N P E O P L E to w h o m this p'sent writing S h a l l C o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p @ t a i n e B e it k n o w n y t I S a m s o n Hawxhurst of Cedar S w a m p in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island alias Nassau in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'acon yt David Underhill of Oysterbay aforesd hath Granted & Confirm'd unto me a Certaine Tract or Pcel of Land at Cedar Swamp aforesd as by his Deed undr his hand & Seal bearing Date wth these p'sents is at Large to be Seen to m y full Content & Satisfaction & for other Good Causes & Consid- eracons me ye Sd Samson especially Moving HAVE GIVEN, G R A N T E D , Alienated Infeoffed, Assigned Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Samson do Give,Grant,Alienate Infeoffe,Assigne Sell & Confirme unto David Underhill aforesd 600 Book B of Oysterbay aforesd All yt of a Certaine piece or cell of Bog- geyMeadow Lying& beingatyeHead ofBeverSwamp Meadow wch Sd Boggey Meadow was fformerly Given & Granted by ye ffreehold's of Oysterbay aforesd to Joseph EastLand as may be Seen in ye records of Oysterbay in Lib:A page 232,And after- ward Surveyed & Laid out by ye Town Surveyrs and recorded in ye Same Booke page 180:where ye Bounds & Limits of Sd Boggey Meadow wth ye grant thereof may be Described, And afterward ye Sd Boggey Meadow was Conveyed by Sd EastLand to John Davis as by a Deed und'ye hand & Seal of Sd EastLand BearingDateye4thDayofJuly1684:doth& willappear,And afterward ye Sd Boggey Meadow was Conveyed unto me ye Sd Samson by Sd Davis by an Assignmt undr his hand & Seal writ- ten on ye Backside of Sd Eastlands Deed bearing Date ye 26th DayofDecember(1)692:Togetherwthallmyrighttitle& In- terest Claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Samson n o w - (p. 218) Samsonnowhaveorwchanyoreitherofmy Heires,Ex- ecut's or Assignes may hereafter have of to or in ye Sd Boggey Meadow wthall fits,Comoditys,fences,waters Runs,Swamps, & Lakes wthin ye Bounds of Sd Granted Meadow or wtsoever els toyeSameisinanywiseAptainingTO HAVE & TO HOLD unto him ye Sd David Underhill his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd Granted Meadow and p'mises to ye only P P use & behoofe of him ye Sd David his Heires & As- signes fforever,And ye Sd Samson hath put ye Sd David into a Lawful & peaceable possession of Sd Granted Meadow by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents, And ye Sd Samson Doth for himself Heires Executrs & Assignes f u r t h e r C o v e n t & a g r e e t o & w t h y e S d D a v i d y t it S h a l l & M a y be Lawful for him ye Sd David his Heires & Assignes,quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy possess & enjoy ye Sd Granted Meadow & p'mises forever withoutye Lawfull Lett,hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Samson his Heires & Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for,by or und' him or any or either of them Notwthstanding any former, Grant, Mort- gage or Sale wtsoever A N D ye Sd Samson Doth hereby bind him- self & his Heires to Warrant & Defend ye Sd Granted Meadow & p'mises to ye Sd David his Heires & Assignes forever Accord- ingasbeforeisexp'ssedINWITNES whereofIhavehereunto Set my Hand & Seal ye eleventh Day of October in ye year of our Lord 1694: SignedSealed& ddinp'senceofus John Newman : Anthony Wright John boude SamsonHawxhurst O Samson Hawxhurst came before me one of their Maties Jus- tices of ye peace for queens County & Acknowledged this to be his Voluntary & real Act & Deed (N o signature) Book B 601 TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall Come or in any wise Aptaine : Be it known yt I John Townsend ye Son of Henry Townsend Sen' Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island Alias Nassau in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consid'acon yt David Underhill of Oysterbay aforesd hath Granted & Confirm'd unto Samson Hawxhurst of Cedar- swamp in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd my Son in Law,a Certaine tract or piece of Land at Cedar Swamp by a Deed undr hishand& SealbearingDatewththesep'sents,Andforother good Causes & Consideracons me ye Sd John especially Moving HAVE GIVEN GRANTED, Alienated, Infeoffed, Assigned, Sold & Confirmd & by these p'sents I ye Sd John do Give,Grant, Alienate Infeoffe Assigne Sell & Confirme unto David Underhill aforesd allthat of ye one half of a right of Comonage in ye Old purchase of Oysterbay aforesd wth ye priviledge to take up Land in Sd Comons on ye Second or any future Division of Sd Comons & Pportionable to Sd half right as other ffreehold's of Oysterbay Old purchase may doe,wch Sd Half right of Comonage was ffor- merly John Rogers,Afterward James Blevins but now in ye pos- sessionofmeyeSdJohnTownsendTogetherwthallmy righttitle & Interest Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd John Town- send N o w have or wch any or either of m y Heires ExecutTMs or Assignes may hereafter have of to or in ye Sd halfe right of Comonage wtball fits, Comoditys Customes p'viledges Grasing timber,firewood to ye Sd Half right belonging according to ye Custome of Oysterbay or wt els to the Same in any wise is Ap- PtainingTO HAVE & TO HOLD untohimtheSdDavidUn- derhill his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye Sd Granted half right of Comonage & p'mises to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd David Underhill his Heires & Assignes fforever,And ye Sd John hath put ye Sd David into a Lawfull & peacable posses- sion of Sd Granted Comonage & p'mises by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg and by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd John Townsend doth for himself his Heires,Executrs & Assignes ffur- t h e r C o v e n t & a g r e e t o & w t h y e S d D a v i d t h a t it S h a l l & m a y b e Lawful for him ye Sd David his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceablytohave,hold,Occupypossess& enjoyye Sd Granted half right & p'mises forever wthout ye L a w full Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd John Townsend his Heires or As- signes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for,by or und'him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift,Grant,Mortgage or Sale wtsoever And ye Sd John Town- send doth hereby bind himself & his Heires to warrant & defend ye Sd Granted p'mises to ye Sd David his Heires & Assignes forever according as before is exp'ssed I N W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal ye Eleventh Day of October in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety ffour 602 Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman : Anthony Wright John Boude Book B John Townsend O John Townsend Came before me one of their Maties Justices of ye peace for queens County & acknowledged this to be his real & voluntary Act & Deed (N o signature> ccclvii (p.219) Novemb1 29: 1690 Received then of John ffry of Spring ffield in ye Bounds of Oysterbay on Long Island in ye Colony of N e w Yorke the Sume of fforty-five Shillings of Cur- rant Silver money of this Colony,which money is in ffull account & Satisfaction for my Pt of a piece of plaine Land wch (as is reputed) m y Grand father Peter Wright deceased bought of Rich- ard Willitts deceased whereby I Peter Wright of Oysterbay aforesd do by these p'sents revoke Yield up & Assigne all ye Right,Title & Interest wch I ye Sd Peter now have or wch any or either of m y Heires, Executrs Administratrs or Assignes m a y hereaft have to ye Sd plaine Land,to him ye Sd John ffry his Heires & Assignes fforever as Witnes m y hand ye day and yeare abovesd Testis John Newman The marke (P) of Job Wright Peter Wright TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall Come or in any wise Aptaine Be it known yt I Dennes Wright of Cedarswamp in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island alias Nassaw in ye Collony of N e w Yorke ffor & in ye Consid'ation of the Sume of Twenty pounds Currant Money & in pay Equivolent thereunto in hand pd and by my ffather Adam Wright fformerly received of John ffry of Springfield in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd to m y use & be- hoofe for wch Sd Twenty pounds m y Sd father hath Confirm'd unto me a Tract of Land at Cedar Swamp aforesd of ffourty Acres by a Deed undr his hand & Seal bearing Date ye 30th Day ofJanuary:1689:WherebyIholdmy SelfffullySatisfied& Con- tented,and for other good Causes & Considracons me ye Sd Den- nes especially Moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED Alienated, Infeoffed,Assigned,Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Dennes do Give, Grant, Alienate Infeoffe, Assigne, Sell & Confirme unto John ffry aforesd all that of a Certaine Tract or cell of Woodland lying & being neere ye plaines in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd,wch Land was formerly Given & Confirm'd to ye Sd Dennes by his Grand father George Dennes,and by his ffatheryeSdAdam asmaybeSeeninyerecordsofOysterbayin Lib:A page 140:& 141:wth an addition Of Twelve Acres of Land added Joyning to it Containes in ye whole Sixty ffour Acres of Upland as ye records Sheweth in Sd Booke page 91 : where ye Bounds thereof is plainly described that is to Say the Book B 603 South end thereof Joyning neer to Robert Williams Line & So ranging to ye Southwest Corner to a Chesnutt tree,to ye North- west Corner to a Chesnutt Tree,to ye North east Corner to a Chesnut tree,and to ye Southeast Corner to a Black Oake,Lying between two old paths ye one of them going to ye South of ye plaines,Alwaies excepting & reserving twelve acres of Sd Tract of Land wch ye Sd Adam Wright hath formerly Sold to William Buckler,Togetherwthallmy righttitle& Interest,Claime& De- mand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Dennes Now have or wch any or either of m y Heires, Executs or Assignes M a y hereafter have of,to or inye Sd Tract of Land,wthall fits,Comoditys,Timber, Trees Swamps,waterings & ponds to ye Same belonging wth wt els to ye Same is in any wise Apptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd John ffry his Heires & Assignes, all & Singular ye Sd Granted Land & p'mises (except before excepted) to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd John ffry his Heires & Assignes fforever,And ye Sd Dennes hath put ye Sd John into a Lawfullpossession of Sd Granted Land by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd Dennes doth for himself his Heires, Executrs & Administrat's further Covent & agree to & wth ye Sd John ffry that it Shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd John his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Sd Granted Land & p'mises forever, (except before excepted) wth. out ye Lawfull Lett or Molestation of him ye Sd Dennes His Heires or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claim- ing for by or und' him or any or either of them Notwthstanding any former or other,Grant Mortgage Joynture,Dower or Sale w'soever,And ye Same to ye Sd John ffry his Heires & Assignes fforever to Warrant & Defend according as before is expressed INWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSettmyhand& Sealye first Day of December in the yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred ninety ffour Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Nathaneill Coles:John Newman The marke of Peter (P ) Wright The marke X of Dennes Wright O Day & date abovewritten Dennes Wright came before me one of their Maties Justices of ye peace for Queens County & acknowl- edged this to be his reall & Voluntary act & Deed Nathaneill Coles (p.220)-Memorandum that George Townsend ye Son of George Townsend Deceased was born In Oysterbay October ye 18th Day Annoq Domini 1687 Memorandum that Roseannah Coles Eldest Daughter of Na- thaniel Coles Jur of Oysterbay Late deceased was Borne In oysterbay ye 2th Day of october Annoq Domini 1691 604 Book B Memora(n)dum that George Townsend and Roseannah Coles W a s Joyned Togather in Holy Matrimony ye 18th day of March Annoq Domini 1710/11 Item Roseannah Townsend Daughter of the above Said George & Roseannah Was born In oysterbay ye 14th Day of March An- noq Domini 1711/12 Item William Townsend Son of ye above Said George Town- send & Roseannah Townsend was Born In Oysterbay ye 13th day of ffebruary Annoq Domini 1715/16 George Townsend Son of ye above Named George & Rose- annah Townsend was Borne In Oysterbay ye 13th day of Novem- ber Annoq Domini 1720 Memorundum That Samuel Underhill ye Son of John Vnderhill of Matinacock & Hannah Willits ye Daughter of Thomas Willits o f J e r e c h o W a s j o y n e d T o G e t h e r in m a r r a g e T o E a c h o t h e r T h e Last of ffebruary In ye Yeere of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven hundred Coming in (i.e.1700 Old Style) (p.221) ThisInstrumtofwritingwitnessethuntoallChristian People to whom itmay come or any wayes Concerne Know yee that whereas wee und written Suscaneman Alias Runasuck, Sa- mous & Quarapin all three Indeans being Impowred by ye rest of ye Indeans and Chief Pprietors of all ye Lands Called by ye English Matenacock Scituate Lying & being wthin ye pattent & Township of Oysterbay wthin Queens County upon Long Island; B y v i r t u e w h e r e o f a n d f o r y e ffull ( s u m ) o f f o u r p o u n d s C u r r a n t Merchants pay to to us paid before ye Signing & Sealing hereof have Bargained Sold & by p'sent possession dilivered unto John dewsbury of Oysterbay his Heires & Sucksesors all yt Tract of Land upon Matenacock to ye South of ye path from Oysterbay to Muskeeto-Cove;ThefirstBoundswhereofbeginneth& Rangeth from ye piping Rock or high way Southwardly by ye new Cart- way to ye Bever Swamp Hollow;ffrom thence Northerly by ye Sd Hollow or Streme, (Leaving out Six rod for a Highway next to ye Streme) to Henry Townsend Sen's Lands,from thence by ye Sd Henry Townsends Lands to a High way from Oysterbay to Muskeeto Cove,And from thence by ye Sd way to ye first BoundTM Including wthin ye Sd Bounds ffiftyAcres of Woodland more or Less wee do own to have Sold & by these p'sents Signe & Confirme unto John Dewsbury his Heires Executrs Administrats or As- signesTo Have & tohold,Occupypossess& enjoyashisortheir own right,Title& Interestforever,allthatTractofLand above mentioned,as witnes our hands & Seals in Oysterbay This 26thdayofMarch 1685 Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Quarapin his Seal Tho:Townsend Suscaneman his Seal Ο Henry Townsend Jun' Samous his Seal O Book B 605 Know allmen by these p'sents yt I John Dewsbury wthin men- tioned do Assigne & makeover all m y right, Title & Interest, Claime & demand whatsoever of ye wthin Mentioned Land & p'mises unto Henry Townsend Sen of Oysterbay unto him his Heires, Executrs Administratrs & Assignes forever for him or themtoOccupy,possess& enjoy,asfully& Amplyaseveritwas made to me or mine in ye wthin Mentioned deed by ye Indean priet's this Sd within menconed land being Adjoyning unto a peice of Land being Reserved by ye Sd Henry Townsend Sen in ye Assignment of his Bill of of Sale to m e for ye use of him- self his Heires & Assignes ; In witnes whereof I have Set m y hand & Seal this 4th of 8ber 1688: SignedSealed&ddinp'senceofus JohnDewsbury O Caleb Wright James X Hadlock Be itknown by these p'sents that I Henry Townsend ye Above named in this above written Assignemt for & in ye Consideration of ye Sume of ffourteen pounds Silver money Currant in this Collony in hand received & pd by Josias Smith of Dartmouth in N e w England before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof whereof I do Acquitt ye Sd Josias his Heires,Execut's Administrat's & Assignes forever And for other Consideracons me ye Sd Henry especially Moving ; Have Assigned made over & Confirm'd & by these p'sents do Assigne make over & Confirme unto Josias Smith aforesd this Above written Assignement together wth the Deed wthin written wthall ye Land therein Mentioned wth ye Appur- tences thereof as surely & firmly as ye wthin written Indeans have m a d e it t o y e w t h i n w r i t t e n J o h n D e w s b u r y & h e m a d e it t o m e Together with a piece of Land Joyning to ye wthin Mentioned Land wch I ye Sd Henry reserved to m y Self from a cell of Land I reserved I assigned to John Dewsbury und my hand & Seal bearing date ye 4th of October 1688 : A n d Stands Recorded in Oysterbay in ye Book B :page ye 210 :where ye Bounds thereof is plainly Set out;To Have & to hold to him ye Sd Josias his Heires & Assignes forever;And Iye Sd Henry do bind my Self m y H e i r e s , E x e c u t r s & A s s i g n e s , t h a t it S h a l l & m a y b e L a w f u l l for him ye Sd Josias his Heires & Assignes to have,hold,Occupy, possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever wthout trouble or Molestation from me ye Sd Henry my Heires Execut's or As- signes or any from, by or und' us or any or either of us ; In Witnes whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal the 26th Day of July in the year of our Lord 1691 : Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of HenryTownsend O These two Assignements in this page are written on ye Back- side of ye Deed Entred at ye upper end of this page John N e w m a n Joseph Dickinson (p.222)-Penn Townsend Son of Justice John Townsend & Rose Townsend was Borne In oysterbay ye 11th day of November Annoq domini 1706 606 Book B Rose Townsend ye Daughter of ye abovesd John & Rose Town- send was Borne In oysterbay the 12th day of November Annoq domini 1708 Penn Townsend and his Wife Esther Townsend Ware Married ye 15th Day of January 1739 there Eldest Daughter Rossee Townsend Departed this Life the4thDayofAugust1751 SheDyedInher10thyear frelove Townsend the Daughter of Penn & Ester Townsend Departed this Life (blank) Penn Townsend Son of Penn and Esther Townsend was Borne ye 7th Day of Aprill 1748 and he Departed this Life ye 4th Day of September 1752 Judith Townsend the Daughter of Penn & Rose Townsend was Born the 8th Day of June 1752 Esther Townsend the Daughter of Penn & Esther Townsend was Borne ye 8th of September 1753 Esther Townsend the wife of Penn Townsend W a s Born ye 11th Day of March 1719/20 Deborah Townsend ye Daughter of Penn and Esther Townsend w a s B o r n y e 6th D a y o f J a n u a r y 1 7 5 6 B e it k n o w n to all people to w h o m this m a y apeare before, that whereas I und'written have this day,being ye 7th of July 1691 : Receaved a Deed of Sale of & from my Cusens John Townsend, Richard Townsend,Thomas Willitts & John Williams of their right of Lands in Coweset wthin ye Township of Warwick wthin ye Collony of Rhode Island & Pvidence plantations in N e w Eng- land,do Ingageytifye Sd rightofLands So Soldtome,orany t of it, Shall for ye future come in Question, or any sons in possession thereof disposest by any Lawfull Claime,that then I do hereby obliege my Self my Heires,Execut's Administrats,to beare m y equall portion in wt Charges or expences yt m a y any wisearisetherebyindefenceofyeSd Title,aswitnesmy hand & SealyeDay& yearefirstabovewritten Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us: Tho Townsend O Hope William Job Wright (p.223)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhome thisp's- e n t w r i t i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p @ t a i n e B e it k n o w n y t I Job Wright of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consideracon of ye S u m e of four pounds of Currant Silver money Currant in this Collony in hand paid & by me ye Sd Job received of Thomas Willitts & Rich: Willittsboth of Lusum inye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd in full paymentandSatisfaction,And forotherGoodCauses& Consider- aconsmeyeSdJobespeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANT- E D ,Alienated,Made over Infeoffed Sold & Confirmed & by these Book B 607 p'sents I ye Sd Job do Give, Grant, Makeover Infeoffe Sell & Confirme unto Thomas Willitts & Richard before named one third Pt of a Lott or Share of Meadow Lying & being on Lattens Neck So called at ye South of Oysterbay aforesd of Numbr 11 & of ye third Division wch Sd Lott was formerly in ye Tenure & occupation of peter Wright Deceased Together wthall m y right, Title & Interest, Claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Job now haveorwchanyoreithersofmy HeiresExecut'sorAssignes m a y hereafter have of to or in ye third t of ye forementioned Share of Meadow wthall Issues,Pfits,Customes & priviledges from thence arising or Growing or in any wise Appertaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto them ye Sd Thomas Willitts & Rich- ard Willitt their Heires & Assignes the one third Pt of ye fore- mentioned Share of Meadow to ye only use & behoof of them ye Sd Thomas & Richard Willitts their Heires & Assignes foreverAndyeSdJobhathputyeSdThomas& RichardWillitts into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents And the Sd Job Doth for himself his Heires Executrs & Assignes further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd Thomas Willitts & Richard Willitts that it Shall & may be Lawfull for them the Sd Thomas and Richard quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy,possess & enjoy yethird Pt of ye Sd Share of Meadow them their Heires & Assignes forever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interup- tion of him ye Sd Job his Heires Executrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for by or und him or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift,Grant,Bargaine or Sale w'soever,And ye Sd Job doth hereby bind himself & his Heires to warrant & Defend ye Sd Meadow to ye Sd Thomas & Richard their Heires & Assignes according as is before expressed INWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSettmyhand& Sealye Second Day of March in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six Hundred ninety one Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman James Townsend Derick Albertson JobWright O (p.224blank;p.225)—To alltowhomthesep'sentsShallCome K n o w yee yt I Hope Washbourn of Stratford in ye Collony of Conecticott in N e w England for divers Good Causes & Considera- tionsmethereuntoMoving,doGive,Grant,Alienate& Confirme; And by these p'sents do ffully freely & Absolutely Give,Grant, Alienate,Confirme & make overunto my Loving Cosin Hope Wil- liams of Lusum on Long Island in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in QueensCountyinye vinceofNew Yorke,Allmy Right,Title and Interest in & to any Lands Lying & being Scituate in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County aforesd ; I Say all m y Right,Title & Interest yt I have or in any respect can p❜tend to 608 Book B have in & to any Land or Lands in ye aforesd Bounds of Oyster- bay on Long Island aforesd for him ye aforesd Hope Williams his Heires Executrs Administratrs & Assignes;To have & hold, use.Occupy,possess & enjoy allye aforementioned Right,Title & Interest as his & their o w n right, Title & Interest forever IN WITNES whereof& forConfirmationofallwch;Ihaveto these p'sents put to m y hand & Seal in Stratford this Sixth day of October in ye Year of our Lord God one Thousand Six hundred ninety one his Signed Sealed & Diliv'd in p'sence of us Joseph Curtiss The marke X of Richard Lounsberry Hope (H ) Washborn marke Hope Washborne Psonally appeared before my ye date above written & acknowledged ye above written Instrumt to be his o w n ffree Act & Deed Joseph Curtiss Commission' Oysterbay August ye 30th 1694 : This Day Samuel Oliver & Joseph Badcock Came before me & Attested yt Hope Williams the Day & date above written made a Tendor & offer to his Brother John Williams to Sell him ye Sd John his ye Sd Hopes part or proportion of ye Orchard wch he n o w possesseth fformerly called his Mothers for Eighty pounds in money wch he ye Sd John Williams refused & Sd he would not Give it Attested before me one of their Maties Justices ffor Queens County Nathaneill Coles Be it known unto all men by these p'sents yt I John Dole of philadelphia in pensilvania do hold m y Self ffirmly Bound unto Hope William of Jerico in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island alias Nassau in ye Collony of N e w Yorke m y wives Naturall Brother in ye ffull and whole Sume of Eighty one pounds of Currant money of New Yorke to be pd to ye Sd Hope Williams or to his Certaine & Lawfull attorney his Execu- trs A d m i n i s t r a t s o r A s s i g n e s , T o w c h p a y m t w e l l & t r u l y t o b e made & done I the Sd John do bind m y Self m y Heires,Executrs & Administrats ffirmly by these p'sents In Witnes whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal ye Thirtyth Day of August in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six Hundred Ninety ffour Whereas ye Abovenamed Hope Williams hath by a Deed und' his Hand & Seal Bearing Date ye Same wth these p'sents,Given & Granted unto John Dole ye Sonne of ye above bounden John Dole a Certaine piece of Land & Orchyard Lying & being in Jerico aforesd as at Large may be Seen in ye Sd Deed,The Con- dicon therefore of this Obligation is Such yt if ye above bounden John Dole his Heires Executrs or Assignes or any or either of them do or Shall at any time hereafter upon ye Instance,request Book B 609 or Demand of ye Sd Hope Williams Diliver & Yield up ye Said forementioned Deed of ye Sd Orchard unto ye Sd Hope or his ord'Imediately upon ye Sd demand wthout ffraud or any further Delay,He ye Sd Hope redeeming Back ye Mare & Colt ye Sd Hope received of Sd John Dole upon ye Sealing & Dilivery of Sd Deed,All other Sume & Sumes of Money & Bills [of] Debt men- tioned in Sd Deed being already returned by Sd Hope,And ye Sd Deed to be returned ffree wthout any thing Demanded there- fore,only ye Mare & Colt aforesd or the value thereof any thing in ye Sd Deed to ye Contrary Notwithstanding Then this obliga- tion Shall be void & of none effect or els to Stand in full fforce & virtue Signed Sealed & D d in p'sence of us John N e w m a n : Ephraim Carpenter Juner Joseph Badcock JohnDole O Day & Date abovewritten ye abovesd John Dole Came before m e one of their Maties Justices of ye peace for queens County & acknowledged this to be their reall act & Deed, Nathaneill Coles (p.226) Be it known by these p'sents yt I James Townsend the wthin named in this within written Deed, Have Assigned, Madeover & Confirmed and by these p'sents do Assigne,Makeover & Confirme unto Thomas Willitts of Jerico in ye Bounds of Oys- terbay wthin Written,This within written Deed that is to Say ye moity or half ye Land Mentioned in Sd Deed wthall ye App- tences thereto belonging,And I ye Sd James Townsend do by these p'sents make ye Said Thomas Willitts a Joynt purchaser wth me of ye within granted Land called Duck Cove,And to be m y A s s o c i a t e t o C a r r y o n ( w t h m e ) all w o r k e & o t h e r C o n c e r n e requisite thereon,and to have ye halfe of ye Pfits & Issues there (from) arising or Growing wthall my right, Title & Interest, Claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd James now have to ye one halfe of Sd wthin mentioned Land or wch my Heires,Execu- trsor Assignes may hereaft'have thereunto To have & to hold unto him ye Sd Thomas Willitts his Heires & Assignes the Sd Moity of Śd within Written Land to ye only P P use & behoofe of him ye said Thomas Willitts his Heires & Assignes forever,as ffirmly,ffully & Amply for him ye Sd Thomas his Heires & As- signes quietlyto enjoy,hold & possess as ifhis name had been MentionedwithmineinthiswthinwrittenDeed,And furtherI ye Sd James do declare yt Sd Thomas hath fully Satisfied me therefore to m y Content I N W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal ye Third Day of ffebruary Anno Dni.1695 SignedSealed&ddinp'senceofus JamesTownsend O John Newman John Townsend Anthony Wright 610 Book B This Assignmt is written on ye Backside of a Deed from ye Indians to James Townsend for Duck Cove Land bearing Date y e S e v e n t h o f M a r c h : 1 6 9 3 : w c h D e e d is e n t r e d i n y e 3 0 8 t h p a g e of this Book (p.227)-TO ALL CHRISTIANpeopletowhomthisp'sent writing Shall come or in any wise Apptaine ; Be it known yt I Daniel Harcott of Quail Potham in East N e w Jersey in ye County of Monmouth for & in ye Consid'acon of ye Sume of Thirty five Pounds Silver money Currant & passable in this Collony of N e w Yorke in hand pd received by me the Sd Daniel in full payment & Satisfaction & for other good Causes & Consideracons m e ye SdDanielespeciallyMooving,HAVE GIVEN Granted,Alien- ated,Infeoffed,Assigned,Made over,Sold & Confirm'd and by thesep'sentsIye Sd Danieldo Give,Grant,Alienate,Infeoffe, Assigne make over Sell & Confirme unto Robert Cooper of Oys- terbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke,All that of ye Accomodation of ye Sd Daniel in Oysterbay aforesd,which was Given him ye Sd Daniel by his ffather Richard Harcott,as by a Deed undr ye hand & Seal of ye Said Richard bearing Date ye 14th day of January 1679,wch Deed Stands re- corded in the Land Evidences of Oysterbay in page ye 100 : of ye Book A : (Excepting & reserving ye Meadow at ye South wch isAlready Sold) That isto Say a yard & Orchard in wch a House f o r m e r l y S t o o d , a s it S t a n d s w t h i n y e f e n c e n o w a b o u t it a t y e D a y of ye Date hereof, and also one whole purchasers right in the Comons of Oysterbay Comonly called a right of Comonage, wch Yard,Orchard & Comonage was formerly bought of Jonas Hol- steed by ye said Richard Harcott; And ffive Acres & halfe of Wood Land Lying on ye East Side of ye Cove Swamp as itap- peares was Laid out to ye Sd Richard in ye 35 page of ye Booke A :Also a Share of Meadow Lying on ye East Side of ye Cove N e c k C r i c k i n Q u a n t y t i e a s it w a s f f e n c e d i n b y y e S d D a n i e l w c h Meadow was fformerly Sold to ye Sd Richard by Thomas Town- send as ye Records Shews in the Book A page 99 :and also two Acres & halfe of Land wthin ffence on the west Side of ye Cove, And halfe of a Lott of Twenty Acres of Woodland Lying on ye west Side of the Hollow wch comes down to ye west side ffresh p o n d a s y e r e c o r d s s h e w s it w a s L a i d o u t t o y e S d R i c h a r d H a r c o t t in ye Booke A page ye 51 :And also a piece of Land whereon ye Sd Daniels House now Standes wth ye Garden thereto belonging asitnow Standswthinffence,LyingonyeNorthsideofyeStreet agt Aaron fformans,And also a cell of plaine Land called Ad- dition Containing eleven Acres, Bounded by John Dickinsons plaine Land west & by South,And by a Small Lott of Matthias Harvies East Northeast Lying and being on Williams plaine So called,Together wth ye Dwelling house of ye Sd Daniel Standing on ye piece of Land before mentioned wthall that thereto ply Book B 611 belongs or aptaines ;And also Ten Acres of Land not taken up, wth a t of ye Cove Swamp wch was Given & Granted to ye Sd Daniel by ye ffreehold's March ye 27 : 1683 :and entred on Record in ye Book A :page 199:with all other rights or priviledges wch he ye Sd Daniel now hath in Oysterbay aforesd Together wthall ffruit Trees now Standing or Growing wth ffences & fencing Stuff or wtsoever els is in & upon ye p'mises of right thereto belonging ; Together wthall m y right,Title & Interest,Claime & demand wtso- ever wch I ye Sd Daniel now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Execut's Administrat's or Assignes may hereaft'have of, to or in ye p'mises or any t or cell thereof wthall Issues & Pfits from thence arising or Growing or in any wise A p @ taining TO HAVE &TO HOLD untohimyeSaidRobttCoop (Cooper) hisHeires& Assignesall& Singularyep'miseswthyeApptences thereoftoyeonly useandbehoofofhimyeSdRobertCoop his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd Daniel hath put ye Sd Robert into a L a w full & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye dilivery of Turfe & Twigg,and by ye dilivery of these p'sents;And ye Sd Daniel doth for himself his Heires,Ex- ecut's & Administratrs further Covenant and agree to & wth ye Sd Rob Cooper yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Robert his Heires & Assignes Quietly & peaceably to have hold Occupy,possess& enjoyall& Singularyep'miseswthyeApp- tences thereof forever, without ye L a w full Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Daniel his Heires, Executrs Adminis- trat's or Assignes,or any other or any son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or und him or any or either of them notwith- standing any former Gifts Grants Bargaines or Sales whatsoever, And ye Sd Daniel his Heires,Executrs & Administrat's to main- tain & defend all & Singular ye p'mises forever to ye Sd Robert Cooper his Heires and Assignes accordingly as before is expressed I N W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seal ye ffifthdayofAprillinyeyeareofour-(p.228)—our Lord one thousand Six hundred & Ninety Signed Sealed & dd In p❜sence of John Newman : George Townsend Danielharkcut O TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting Shall come or in any wise Aptaine ;Be itknown that I William ffrost of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consideracon of ye Sume of ffive pounds & ffive Shillings of Cur- rant Silver money of this Collony in hand pd to m y full Satisfac- tion,And for other good causes & Consideracons me ye Sd Wil- liamespeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated, Enfeoffed,Bargained Sold & Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd William do Give,Grant,Alienate,enfeoffe,Bargaine,Sell 612 Book B & Confirme unto Robert Cooper of Oysterbay aforesd a Certaine Home Lott of Land Lying & being at ye East end of ye Town of Oysterbay aforesd,and bounded by Richard Harcotts Home Lott on the west Side,By ye highway Leading to Huntington on ye North end,and on ye East Side & South end by the Comon Wood lands,ContaininginQuantity Six Acres orthereabouts,be it more or Less,wch Sd Lott was fformerly Matthias Harvies as by a Deed und'his hand & Seal wch Stands Recorded in Oysterbay aforesdinyeBookA :pageye45:Togetherwthallmy right,Title & Interest Claime & Demand wtsoever wch I the Sd William now have or wch any or either of m y Heires, Execut's or Assignes mayhereaft'haveoftoorinyeSdLottofLandorany tor Pcel thereof wthall fits Issues & Comodities from thence aris- ing or Growing T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Robert Cooper his Heires & Assignes ye aforementioned Lott of Land and p'mises to ye only use and behoofe of him ye Sd Robert Cooper his Heires & Assignes forever And ye Sd William hath put ye Sd Robert into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye Sd Lott by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg and by ye Dilivery of these p'sents And ye Sd William doth for himself his Heires,Execut's Administrats & Assigns further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd Robert Cooper that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd Robert,his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold, Occupy,possess & enjoy ye Sd Lott of Land & every Pt & cel thereof fforever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd William his Heires Executrs or Assignes or any other Pson or sons Lawfully claiming for,by or undr him or any or either of them Notwthstanding any former Gifts, Grants, Bar- gains or Sales wtsoever;And the Sd William Doth hereby Bind himself & his Heires to warrant & Defend ye Sd Lott of Land to ye Sd Robert Cooper his Heires & Assignes according to ye Covenants abovewritten IN W I T N E S whereof I ye Sd William havehereuntoSettmyhand& SealyeSixteenthDayofffebruary in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred ninety one Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of William ffrost O JohnNewman: NathanielColesJunor THIS INSTRUMENT of Writing made ye Twenty nineth Day of ye twelfth month called ffebruary Anno Domini one thou- sand Six hundred ninety & two,betwixt Mary Coopper Relixt & Widdow of Simon Cooper Late Deceased of ye Town of Oyster- bay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of New Yorke of ye one part Witnesseth that for a valuable Consid'acon in hand Recd by me ye Sd Mary Cooper the Receit whearof I the Sd Mary Cooper doth hereby Acknowledge,And thereof & every t thereof doth aquitt, Release & Discharge her Sd Son Robert Cooper his Heires, Executrs Administrats forever, By these p❜sents Shee ye Sd Mary Coopper,by & wth ye Consent of Book B 613 her Son Simon Coopper, Together wth ye Approbation of the Overseers of ye Overseers of her Late husbands Will, (vizt) John Bowne John Underhill,William Richardson and Richard Willitts HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Bargained,Sold,Alienated,En- feoffed & Confirm'd,And by these p'sents doth Absolutely,Give, Grant,Bargaine,Sell Alienate,Enfeoffe & Confirme unto her Sd Son Robert Coopper his Heires & Assignes forever;All her Right, Title,Interest Pty,Claime & Demand whatsoever of & in one half of ye ffour hundred Acres of Land upon Cove Neck Lying neer ye Town of Oysterbay unto her ye Sd Mary Coopper be- longing wth half her right in ye Cove Swamp wthall ye Wood Lands,Trees,undr Woods,pastures Meadows Marches &c:To- gether wth half her M e a d o w at South being all n o w in her Actual possession;Togetherwthallyep'viledges, fitsComoditiesHer- editaments & Aptences Whatsoever unto ye aforesd Land, Swamp Land & Meadow belonging And all ye estate Right Title Interest possession, P P t y Claime & demand whatsoever of her ye Sd Mary Copper of in & to ye Sd Granted Land,Swamp & Meadow oranyPt or celthereof,TO HAVE & TO HOLD the Sd Land & p'mises wth ye Aptences unto ye Sd Robert Coop- per Son of ye Sd Mary Cooper & Simon her Sd Late Deceased Husband his Heires & Assignes forever To the only P P use and -(p.229)—Use and behoofe of him ye Sd Robert Coopper his Heires & Assignes forevermore And ye Sd Mary Cooper doth hereby Covenant mise and Grant,to and with ye Sd Robert Cooper her Sd Son his Heires & Assignes by these p'sents that Shee ye Sd Mary Coopper hath not Wittingly nor Willingly Com- itted any act whatsoever whereby the Sd Granted p'mises or any Pt thereof is,Shall or may be Charged,Burthened or Incumbred in any Title,Charge,estate or otherways whatsoever,And that Shee ye Sd Mary Cooper will Warrant,Aquitt,& Defend ye Said p'mises wth the Appurtences to her Sd Son Robert his Heires & Assignes against allpersons Claiming by,from or und'her or her Heires,or by their Meanes privity Consent or curemt,And the abovesd p'mises of Land,Swamp & Meadow to be equally Di- vided betwixt ye Sd Robert Cooper & Simon Cooper his Sd Brother,And that two men Chose or Nominated by ye Overseers abovesd or any two of them for ye equal Division of ye Same In Testimony whereof Ithe Sd Mary Cooper have Sett my hand & Seal the Day & year abovesd Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Dewsbury Thomas Wood his James (J) Weekes marke Mary Cooper Simon Cooper John Bowne John Underhill William Richardson Richard Willitts 614 Book B TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhom thisp'sentwriting S h a l l C o m e o r A p p e r t a i n e , B e it k n o w n y t I J o h n B o u d o f O y s t e r - bay in Queens County in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Considration of ye Sume of Twenty Nine pounds and Ten Shil- lings Currant Money of New Yorke in hand pd and by me ye Said John received of Robert Cooper of Oysterbay aforesd before ye Sealing & Dilivery hereof in full paymt & Satisfaction, A n d for other good Causes & Consid'ations m e ye Said John especially Moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alienated,Infeoffed,As- signed,Sold and Confirm'd,And by these p'sents do Give,Grant, Alienate, Infeoffe, Assigne Sell & Confirme unto Robert Cooper aforesd All that of two Home or House Lotts of Land Lying at the East end of ye town of Oysterbay aforesd,and Joyning To- gether, one of them being a Lott wch Did fformerly belong to Robert fforman Deceased,afterward to his Grandson Alexander fforman,and by the Said Alexander Conveyed unto me the Said John Boude, And is bounded on ye North by Moses fformans Lott, on ye East by ye Cove, on ye South by ye other of Said John Bouds Lotts here Granted and on ye west by ye Street,And also ye other Lott lying on ye South Side of ye before granted Lott and isin Length ffourty Rod,and in breadth Twenty rod ContainingffiveAcresofLand,And itwasfformerlyyerightof Joseph Holsteed, Afterward of Gideon Wright Deceased after- wardDanielBlithetowhom itwasLaidout& Surveyedbyye T o w n Surveyrs and bounded as aforesd wch ye records of Oyster- bay Sheweth in Lib:A :page 259:Afterward itwas returned again to ye Sd Gideon, And by Anthony Wright Son of Said Gideon Conveyed unto me ye Said John Boude Together wthall my Right title& Interest Claime & Demand wtSoever wch I ye Said John now have or wch any or either of my Heires,Executr or Assignes may hereaft'have of,to or in ye Said Granted two Lotts of Land with all fitts Comoditys, Houses Gardens, or- chards,ffences,ffruit Trees and all other Imunitys & priviledges whatsoever in & upon ye Said Lotts,with what els to ye Same (except Comonage) is belonging or in any wise Appertaining, TO HAVE & TO HOLD untohimyeSaidRobertCooperhis Heires and assignes all & Singular ye Said Granted two Lotts of Land & p'mises with ye Aptences thereof to ye only proper use & behoofe of him ye Said Robert Cooper his Heires & As- signes fforever And ye Said John hath putt ye Said Robert Into Lawfull possession of ye Same by Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by these p'sents:And ye Said John Doth for himself his Heires Executs & Asignes ffurther Covent to & with ye Said Robert Cooper his Heires & Assignes that he Shall quietly & peaceably have,hold possess & enjoy all & Singular ye Said granted p'mises fforever with out ye Lawfull Lett or Molestation of him ye Said John his Heires or Assignes or any other person or persons Law- fully Claiming ffor,by or und' him or any or either of them not- Book B 615 withstanding any fformer Grant, Mortgage Joynture Dower, or other Conveyance whatsoever,And ye Same to ye Said Robert Cooper his Heires & Assignes forever to warrant & Defend against all Just Claimes yt Shall be made thereunto by Meanes of any Mortgage or other title whatsoever by any person or per- sonswhatsoeverINWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSettmy hand and Seal ye ffifth Day of May in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety Seven Signed Sealed & D d in p'sents of us John Newman Nathaneil Coles Sen' Edward White X John Boude O The X marke of Susanna Boude Day & Date abovewritten John Boude & Susanna his Wife C a m e before m e one of his Maties Justices of ye peace for queens County & Acknowledged this to be their reall & Voluntary act & Deed Edward White X (p.230blank;p.231)-TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whom thisp'sentwritingShallcomeorinanywiseAptaine Be it K n o w n yt I William Simkins of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay on Long Island in Queens County in ye vince of NewYorkefor& inyeConsid'aconofyeSumeofTennpounds of Currant Silver money Currant in this Collony,and in Goods Equivolent to Such money in hand received by m e ye Sd William, of William ffrost of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oyst bay aforesd before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof in full paymt & Satisfaction, And for other good causes & Considerations me ye Sd William Simkins especiallyMoving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Alien- ated,enfeoffed,Bargained,Sold & confirm'd & by these p❜sents I ye Sd William Simkins do Give,Grant,Alienate,Infeoffe,Bar- gaine Sell & Confirm unto William ffrost aforesd, a Certaine Tract or parcel of Land wch Did formerly belong to ye right of Nicholas Simkins of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd,Containing fforty Acres of W o o d Land Lying agt ye fflatt pond So Called in ye Bounds of Muskeeto Cove aforesd and Joyn- ing to William ffrosts Land wch Sd ffourty Acres of Land was Given & Granted to me ye Sd William Simkins by my Unkle Nicholas Simkins as by his Deed und' his hand & Seal bearing DateyethirtythDayofMay inyeyearofourLordonethousand Six hundred eighty Nine And Stands Recorded in Oysterbay in ye Book B :page 178:Together wthall my Right Title and Inter- est,Claime & Demand wtsoever wch I the Sd William Simkins now have or wch any or either of m y Heires,Execut's or assignes may hereaft'have of,to or in the Sd ffourty Acres of Land wthall Pfits & Issues from thence arising or Growing or in any wise AppertainingTO HAVE & TO HOLD untohimyeSdWilliam ffrost his Heires & Assignes the Sd ffourty Acres of Land to ye only use & behoof of him the Sd William ffrost his Heires 616 Book B & Assignes forever;And ye Sd William Simkins hath put ye Sd William ffrost into a L a w full & peaceable possession of ye S d ffourty Acres of Land by ye Dilivery of these p'sents;And ye Sd William Simkins doth for himself his Heires Executrs & As- signes, Covenant & Agree to & wth ye Sd William ffrost that it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Śd William ffrost his Heires and Assignes,quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy,possess & enjoy the Sd ffourty acres of Land wthout ye Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd William Simkins his Heires,executrs or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for, by or und him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift,Grant,Bargaine or Sale wtsoever,And also ye Så William Simkins doth hereby bind himself and his Heires to warrant & Defend ye Sd Land to ye Sd William ffrost his Heires and Assignes according as before is expressed,And also against ye above mentioned Nicholas Simkins his Heires & Assignes ffor- ever;INWITNES whereofIhavehereuntoSettmyhand& Seal ye twenty Ninth Day of ffebruary in ye year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred ninety one Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us William Simkins John Newman : Daniel Townsend WhereasyeabovewrittenDeedmakethmentionofaquart' t of the Share of Meadow upon Unkaway Neck wee ye Sd Caleb Edmond & John Wright have Sold and do Confirme to ye Sd Wil- liamffrostallyeremaindingPtofourMeadows& Uplandupon Unkaway Neck abovesd upon ye Same tenure & Condition abovesd by owning our hands & Seales as before Sett & Sub- scribed witnes Tho:Townsend his Josias X Latten marke (N o signature) This is written at ye Lower end of a Deed to W m ffrost wch Stands Recorded in this Book in page 81 : Whereas this wthin written Deed or Bill of Sale makes mention of a Quarter of a Share of Meadow Sold unto William ffrostby us Caleb Wright,Jno Wright & Edmund Wright,Wee ye Sd three Brethren abovesd do Likewise Sell & Confirme unto ye Sd William ffrost & his Heires forever, All ye rest of our Right & Interest both in Meadow & Upland upon ye Sd Unkaway Neck wch wee or our Heires do or Shall forever Claime as Witnes our hands & Seales ye 26th Day of Decemb' 1691 : Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Dewsbury his John X Robins marke (N o signature) Book B 617 This is Indorsed on ye Backside of a Deed to W m frost wch Stands Recorded in this Book in page 81 : TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE towhome thisp'sentwrit- i n g S h a l l c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e a p @ t a i n e ; B e it k n o w n t h a t I N i c h o - las Simkins of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w York for & in ye Consideracon of ye Sume of Six pounds in Silver money Currant in this Collony in hand pd,& by me ye Sd Nicholas recd infullpaym1 & Satisfaction;And forothergood Causes & Con- sidraconsmeyeSdNicholasespeciallyMovingHAVE GIVEN, GRANTED,Alienated,Infeoffed,Sold& Confirm'd& bythese p'sents I ye Sd Nicholas do Give,Grant Infeoffe,Sell & Confirme unto William ffrost of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd A Certaine cell of Land Lying & being in ye Bounds of Muskeeto Cove aforesd Joyning to ye west end of ye Sd William ffrosts ffield and Joyning to ye North Side of Daniel Coles Land -ccxxxii :-(p.232)-Coles Land Containing in quantity Tenn Acres,And also one whole purchasers Share or right of Upland a t W e s t N e c k a t y e S o u t h o f O y s t e r b a y a f o r e s d ; b e ( it ) b e i n g y e eighteenth t of ye Sd Neck of Upland according as it was Lately Laid out in two Divisions by ye Pprietors thereof and divided by Lott and mine ye Sd Nicholas his Lot in ye Lower Division next ye Meadows being ye Sixteenth in N u m b and in ye up Division ye tenth Lott as ye Records of ye Sd Neck plainly Shews, and all ye Comon or undivided Land on ye Sd Neck belonging to ye forementioned Share,And as Concerning ye forementioned Tenn Acres of Land at Muskeeto Cove wch y e S d W i l l i a m ffrost h a t h n o w B o u g h t o f y e S d N i c h o l a s is L y i n g & beingatyefflattpond So calledAnd isJoyningtoffourtyAcres of Land wch ye Sd William Lately Bought of William Simkins wch was fformerly ye Sd Nicholas Simkins wch fourty Acres and this forementioned ten Acres is ye Sd Nicholas his whole ffifty Acre Lott at the place aforesd being 100 rod east & west and eighty rod North & South Together wthall m y Right Title & In- terest Claime & Demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd Nicholas now have orwchanyoreitherofmy Heires,Execut'sorAssignesmayhere- aft haveof,toorinyeSd ShareofUplandasasffully& Largely as ye Indeans on their Deed of Sale have made it to ye pur- chasers thereof;And also ye forementioned ten Acres of Land wthall fits & Issues from thence arising or growing or in any wise Aptaining T O H A V E & T O H O L D unto him ye Sd Wil- liam ffrost his Heires & Assignes the Sd Share of Upland & ye SdTennAcresofLandtoyeonlyPP use&behoofofhimyeSd WilliamffrosthisHeires& Assignsforever;AndyeSdNicholas hath put ye Sd William ffrost into a Lawfull & peaceable posses- sion of all & Singular ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents; And ye Sd Nicholas Doth for himself his Heires Executrs & Assignes further Cove- 618 Book B nant& agreetoandwthyeSdWilliamffrost,thatitShall& may be Lawful for him ye Sd Willm his Heires & Assignes, quietly & peaceablytoHave,hold,Occupy,possess& enjoyall& Singular ye p'mises forever without ye L a w full Lett hindrance or Interup- tion of him ye Sd Nicholas his Heires or Assignes or any other Pson or sons Lawfully Claiming,for,by or und him or any or either of them ;Notwithstanding any former,Gift,Grant,Bar- gaine Mortgage or Sale wtsoever; A N D ye Sd Nicholas doth hereby Bind himself & his Heires to warrant & Defend ye Sd forementioned Lands to ye Sd William ffrost his Heires & As- signes forever according as before is expressed IN W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & Seal ye ffifth day of M a y in the year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninety two Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman George Townsend : Daniel Townsend NicholasSimkins O This Indenture made ye Seventeenth Day of May in ye year 1687 being the Third year of ye Reigne of James ye Second of England & c King between John feekes of Metenicock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay & Collony of N e w York Husbandman of ye one t: And William ffrost of ye Sd Matenacock in ye Township and Collony aforesd on ye other Pt Witnesseth that for & in ye Con- sidracon of ye Sume of twenty Shillings Lawfull money of this Collony to him ye Sd John ffekes in hand pd by him ye Sd William ffrost at or before ye Sealing & Dilivery hereof,the receit hereof ye Sd John ffeekes doth hereby acknowledge & thereof & every Pt thereof doth aquit release & discharge ye Sd William ffrost hisHeiresExecutrsAdministratrsbythesep'sentsforever;He ye Sd John ffeekes hath GIVEN,GRANTED,Bargained,Sold, Aliened,Enfeoffed & Confirmed,And by these p'sents doth abso- lutely Give,Grant,Bargaine,Sell,Alienate,Enfeoffe,& Confirme untoyeSdWilliamffrosthisHeires& Assignesfforever,allmy Right,titleInterest, ty,Claime& demandwtsoeverIn& of that Lott or Share of Land Lying & being on Unkaway Neck on ye west Side ye Sd Neck being ye two & twentyth Lott or Share Nathaneel Coles his Lott being on ye one Side,and John Wright his Lott on ye other Side,ye Sd Lott or Share of Land being nine pole broad at each end,and runing its equal portion in Length wth ye rest of ye Lotts on ye Sd Neck as may appeare by ye Generall Bill of Sale from ye Indeans to ye Sd John ffeekes & yerestofyepurchasers;Togetherwthyepriviledges, fits,Com- oditys,Hereditamts & Apptences w'soever unto ye Sd Land be- longingand allye estate,Right,title,Interest,possession, Pty Claime& DemandwtsoeverofhimyeSdJohnffeekesof,in& to ye Sd Granted Land abovewritten or any t or cel thereof, T O H A V E & T O H O L D ye Sd right of Land & p'mises wth ye Book B 619 Apotences unto him ye Sd William ffrost his Heires and Assignes forever,to ye only use & behoof of him ye Sd William ffrost his Heires & Assignes forevermore,And ye Sd John ffeekes doth hereby Covenant, mise & Grant to & wth ye Sd William ffrost. his Heires & Assignes by these p'sent that he ye Sd John ffeekes hath not wittingly nor willingly Comitted any act w'soever where- by ye Sd Granted p'mises or any Pt thereof is Shall or may be charged,burthened or Incumbred in any title,Charge,estate or otherways w'soever & that he will warrant,aquit & defend ye Sd p'mises wth the Apptences to ye Sd William ffrost his- ccxxxiii -(p.233)-ffrosthisHeires&Assignesagainstall sonsClaim- ing by from or und' him or his Heires or by ther meanes privity consent or curemt ; Also yt he will at all times hereafter during ye Space of Seven yeares next ensuing at ye request & Charges of ye Sd William ffrost his Heires & Assignes make & execute, Also Such reasonable Acts as Shall be Lawfully required for ye Better assuring of ye Sd Granted p'mises according to ye L a w and Constitution of this Collony and ye true Intent hereof So asye sonstowhom SuchrequestShallbemadebenotCom- pellable for ye doing thereof to Travill above twelve english miles fromtheirrespectivehabitationsforyedoingthereof,And So as ye Same containe no other warrant nor Covenant then wch is before exp'ssed :In witnes whereof the persons above named have Set their hands & Seales ye Day & Date abovewritten Signed Sealed & dd delivered in p'sence of us John Davis Willi (W ) lians (William Lines) John ffeke O TO ALL CHRISTIAN people to whom this p'sent writing Shall come or in any wise apptaine Be itknown that wee Henry Townsend Sen of Oysterbay on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke, Nicholas Simkins of Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd, And John Davis of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd, for & in the Consideracon of the Sume of Twenty Shillings in Silver money by each of us three in hand received in ffull Satisfaction,And for other good causes & Consideracons us the Sd Henry Nicholas & John especially Moving HAVE GIVEN,Granted,Alienated,Made over& Con- firm'dBargainedSold& Confirm'd;Andbythesep'sentsweeye Sd Henry,Nicholas & John do Give,Grant,Alienate,Make over, Bargaine, Sell & Confirme unto William ffrost of Matenacock aforesd,Three Lotts or Shares of Upland Lying & being upon Unkaway Neck on the Southside of this Island comonly known by ye name of ye South of Oysterbay aforesd That is to Say ye Sd Henry Townsend one Lott or Share of ye three aforesd Lotts ofNumb SevenonyeeastSideofyeSdNeck;theSdNicholas Simkins one other Lott of ye three aforesd Lotts of N u m b 33 & on ye west Side of ye Sd Neck;And ye Sd John Davis one otherLottofyeaforesdthreeLottsofNumb 34:& onyewest 620 Book B Side of ye Sd Neck as it Stands on ye Records of Oysterbay in LibreB:page56:Togetherwthallyerighttitle& Interest,Claime & demand wtsoever wch wee ye Sd Henry,Nicholas & John now have or wch any or either of our Heires execut's or Assignes m a y hereafterhaveof& intheforementionedLottsofLand,wthall Comonage,priviledges,Issues & fitstherefrom arising or grow- ingorinanywisebelongingTO HAVE & TO HOLD all& Singular ye p'mises wth its Apptences unto him ye Sd William ffrost his Heires & Assignes,and to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd William his Heires & Assignes forever,And ye Sd Henry,Nicholas,& John each man for himself and for his own Lott as before expressed have put ye Sd William into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye p'mises by Dilivery of these p'sents, And ye Sd Henry Townsend,Nicholas Simkins,& John Davis doth further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd William each man forhimself& forhisownLottherementioned,andeachman for h i s o w n H e i r e s , e x e c u t ' s o r A s s i g n e s t h a t it S h a l l & m a y b e L a w - full for him ye Sd William his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular t h e p ' m i s e s w t h its A p p t e n a n a c e s f o r e v e r , w t h o u t y e L a w f u l l L e t t hindrance or Molestation of them or any or either of them or any or either of their Heires,executrs or Assignes or any other son or sonsLawfullyClaimingfor,byorund'themoranyoreither of them, Notwithstanding any former Gift, Grant, Bargaine or Sale wtsoever,And ye Sd Henry,Nicholas and John each man for his own of ye Sd Lotts and for himself & his Heires & Assignes Shall maintaine ye Sd William his Heires & Assignes in ye Law- full possession of the p'mises forever In witnes whereof we have hereunto Set our hands & Seales ye Sixth Day of May in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & Seven Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us Henry Townsend Sen O John Townsend,John Newman ; Nicholas Simkins RobertTownsend,DerickAlbertson JohnDavis his marke Joseph Carpenter,William (W ) lines this is Samuel (S : C :) Coles his marke TO ALL CHRISTIAN people to whom this p'sent writing Shall come or in any wise apptaine,Be itknown that I Richard Harcott of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye CollonyofNew Yorke,ffor& inye Consid'ationofye Sume of Twenty Shillings in hand paid before ye Sealing & dilivery hereof and for other good Causes & Considerations me ye Said Richard especiallyMoving,HAVE GIVEN,grantedalienated,Made over, Bargained Sold and Confirm'd And by these p'sents I ye Sd Richard do Give, Grant, Alienate, Make over Bargaine Sell & Book B 621 Confirme unto William ffrost of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd,one whole Lott or Share of Upland upon Unkaway Neck at ye South of Oysterbay aforesd being of N u m b 13 : as it is entred amongst ye purchasers in ye Records in m y name;Togetherwthallmy right,title& Interest,Claime& demand w'soever wch I ye Sd Richard now have,or wch any ore either of my Heires,executrsorAssignesmayhereaft'haveoftoorinye SdLottorShareofUpland;wthallIssues& fitsCustomes, Cominage & priviledges therefrom arising or Growing or in any wisetheretoaptaining:TO HAVE & TO HOLD untohimye Sd William ffrost his Heires & Assignes all & Singular ye p'mises wth ye Aptenances thereof to ye only use and behoofe of him ye Sd William his Heires & Assignes forever and ye Sd Richard hath putt ye Sd William into a L a w full & peaceable pos- session of ye p'mises by ye Dilivery of these p'sents;And ye Sd Richard Harcott doth for himself his Heires executrs & Admin- istrat's further Covenant & Pmise to & wth ye Sd William yt it Shall and may be Lawfull for him ye Sd William his Heires & Assignes quietly & peacably to have,hold,occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises wth ye Apptenances thereof forever wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interuption of him ye Sd Richard his Heires, execut's or Assignes or any other son or Psons Lawfully claiming for,by or undr him or any or either of them- ccxxxiiii—(p.234)—of them Notwithstanding any former gift,grant,Bargaine or Sale wtsoever in witnes whereof I have hereuntoSettmyhand& SealtheTwentyfifthdayofMayinye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred eighty & Seven Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of us John Newman. Thomas Younges RichardHarkcut O TO ALL CHRISTIAN people to whom this p'sent writing Shall come or in any wise Aptaine Be it known that I David Underhill of Oysterbay in queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of New Yorke ffor & in ye Consid'ation of ye Sume of Thirty Shillings of currant Silver money of this Collony in hand pd & by me received of William ffrost of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforesd in full payment & Satisfaction, And for other good Causes & Consideracons me ye Sd David especially moving HAVE GIVEN,GRANTED,Álienated In- feoffed,Sold & Confirm'd,And by these p'sents I ye Sd David do Give,Grant Infeoffe,Alienate,Sell & Confirme unto William ffrost aforesd one right or Share of Comonage in ye Comons & undivided Land of & belonging to Matenacock aforesd formerly purchased of ye Petory Indeans by John Underhill, John ffekes & William ffrost.who have taken Severall other men to be Joynt purchasers wth them of wch I ye Sd David a m one,and have pd m y equal portion for ye Same as by ye Indean deed bearing date ye 26th Day of March 1685 and by an Indorsment on ye 622 Book B Backside of ye Deed dated ye 30th Day of ye Same Moneth doth plainly & Amply appeare where in ye Bounds of ye Sd Comons isplainlySetoutandLimittedTogetherwthallmy right,Title& Interest Claime & demand wtsoever wch I ye Sd David now have or wch any or either of my Heires Execut's or Assignes may hereaft'have of,to or inye Sd Comons or undivided Land wthall Pfits & Issues from thence arising or growing wthall customes & priviledges or wtsoever Rights to me belongs by virtue of ye Deed & Indorsmt above mentioned wch Stands Recorded in Oys- terbayinyeBookeB:page131:TO HAVE &TO HOLD unto him ye Sd William ffrost his Heires and Assignes the before mentioned Right of Comonage wth ye Aptences thereof to ye only use and behoofe of him ye Sd William ffrost his Heires & Assignes forever,And ye Sd David hath put ye Sd William into a Lawfull & peaceable possession of all & Singular ye Sd Right of Comons by ye Dilivery of these p'sents,And ye Sd David doth for himself his Heires, Executrs & Administratrs further Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd William ffrost yt it Shall & may be Lawfull for him ye Sd William his Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to have,hold,Occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular ye p'mises forever,wthout ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Interup- tion of him ye Sd David his Heires, executrs Administrat's or Assignes, or any other son or sons Lawfully claiming for, by or und him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift,Grant,Bargaine or Sale wtsoever,And also doth Covenant as aforesd to warrant & defend ye Sd Right of Comons to ye Sd William his Heires & Assignes forever according to ye Covenants before written I N W I T N E S whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal the fourth Day of May in ye year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred & Ninety Signed Sealed & dd in p'sence of David Underhill O John Vnderhill John Sibley (Book B continued in Volume 2) APPENDIX HISTORICAL SKETCH PREPARED BY GEORGE W. Cocks. The earliestpurchase,by Europeans,of land within Queens County isgiven in Col. Doc.N. Y.,XIV.,15,as follows: Indian Deed for Land on Long Island (Queens Co.) We,DirectorandCouncilofNew Netherlandetc.,testifyand declare, that to-day, date underwritten, personally appeared be- fore us Mechowodt, chief Sachem of Marossepinck, Sintsinck (also called Schouts bay) and its dependencies and declared,that voluntarily and advisedly, with the consent of Piscamoc, his cousin,Wattewochkeouw,Kachpoher,Ketachquawars,co-owners of the aforesaid land, for and in consideration of a party of merchandise,which they acknowledge to have received into their hands and power to their full satisfaction and contentment before the passing hereof,they had transferred,ceded,surrendered and conveyed as lawful, true and free possession, as they herewith transfer, cede, surrender and convey to and for the behoof of the Noble Lords Directors of the General Privileged West India Company,Department of Amsterdam allhis,the grantor's,patri- monial lands and the jurisdiction thereof,situate upon the Long Island, called in the Indian tongue Suanhackey, reaching in length along the south side of said island from Rechouwhacky (Rockaway) To Sicketeuwhacky (Secotague) and from said Sick- eteuwhacky in width to Martin Gerritson's bay and thence in length westwardly along the East river to the kil of the Flats (LittleNeck Bay) with allthe action,rights and privileges there- unto to him,Mechowot,or to any of his heirs belonging,consti- tuting in his place,stead,real and actual possession of the fore- described land and its dependencies the said Lords or who here- after may obtain their interest,to enter upon,possess in peace, occupy,cultivate and do and dispose therewith and thereof,as they would do with their own justly and lawfully acquired lands,with- out they,the grantors,having,reserving or retaining in the least any part of or authority over it,but allto the behoof aforesaid; under the express condition,that he Mechowot,may be allowed, with his people and friends,to remain upon the aforesaid land, plant corn,fish,hunt and make a living there as well as they can, while he himself and his people place themselves under the pro- tection of the said Lords,who will grant to them all possible assistance and favor by their representative in this country. In 623 624 Appendix testimony whereof and of the truth these presents have been signed by the witnesses,called upon to do so,who were present at the sale. Done at Fort Amsterdam in N e w Netherland,the 15th of Jan- uary 1639. In m y presence David Piettersen de Vries Maurits Jansen as witness. Cornelis van Tienhoven,Secry. There is no doubt that Oysterbay West Harbor was called Martin Gerritson's Bay, not only in this document but also in the Dutch protest,1655,"Marten Gerritsen's bay,by him called Oyster Bay" (see p.671) and in Governor Stuyvesant's grant in 1659,to Govert Lockermans and others,of Hog Island,“a piece of land situate on Martin Gerritsen's Bay." It is like- wise certain that the Hempstead patent, 1644, covers from “a certain Harbour commonly called and known as Hempstead Har- bour and westward as far as Martin Gerritsen's Bay," and that the Flushing patent, 1645, "extends eastward as far as Martin Geretsen's Bay,from the head whereof," etc. This last bay is a cove of Little Neck Bay, on the line between Flushing and Hempstead,atthe place stillcalled "Old Howe's Landing" from thefirstEnglishattempttosettleHempstead,in1637. Hemp- stead Town Records generally call it Matthew Garritson's Bay. The clear fact is that the name was applied to the two different b o d i e s o f w a t e r , a l t h o u g h M i s s F l i n t , ( E a r l y L . I. p . 1 2 8 - 1 3 1 ) believed otherwise ;and that they were named from the erstwhile Councilor of Nieuw Amsterdam. The next known deed for land in the present Township of Oysterbay (properly written as one word "Oysterbay" for the Township, and as two words "Oyster Bay" for the village or "Town Spot" and the Harbor) was issued in 1639 by the Earl ofStirling. HethenclaimedtitletoLongIslandunderagrant from the King, and sold to Matthew Sunderland, seaman, of BostoninNew England,twolittlenecksofland,theoneonthe east side of Oyster Bay,later called Horse Neck,now Lloyd's Neck,the other on the west side,later called Hog Island,now Centre Island. The Earl's title was later repudiated and Govert Lockermans and Jacobus Becker,holding Hog Island by purchase from the Dutch Governor, sold it to the T o w n of Oysterbay in 1665. Horse Neck,was bought from the Indians in 1654 by Samuel Mayo and others,and resold to Samuel Andrews,mer- chant, of Boston, later of Oysterbay, who insists in 1665 that Horse Neck shall be annexed to the Township of Oysterbay. It remained a part thereof until 1886,when it was transferred byOysterbaytotheTownofHuntington. Onp.188,etseq.,is shown how its name was changed to Lloyd's Neck. Captain David Peterson de Vries,in the Journal of his voyages to America (translated by Henry C. Murphy, 1853) relates,p. Appendix 124,that on June 4,1639,he "came to anchor in Oyster Bay, which is a large bay which lies on the north side of the Great Island, which is about thirty miles long. This bay puts up into theisland,andisabouttwomileswidefromthemainland. There are fine oysters here, whence our nation has given it the name of Oyster Bay." The next attempt at an English settlement at Oyster Bay was probably made in the spring of 1640. Thither came Captain Edward Tomlins,a man of some distinction in Lynn,Mass.,with hisbrother,TimothyTomlyns,andafewothers. No consenthad been asked, either of the Dutch or of Lord Stirling's deputy, and the latter addressed to Governor Winthrop a vigorous pro- testagainsttheiraction. The Dutch,nearerathand,atoncere- sented the intrusion and harried them from the land. (See Miss Flint's "Early Long Island," 1896, an excellent work on the earliest history.) The next evidence of a settlement by Europeans in the terri- tory now the Town of Oysterbay appears in a deed by certain of the Aborigines to Robert Williams dated M a y 20th, 1648, including and conveying a certain tract bounded generally north by the Ridge of Hills about Jericho,east by the woods and west by the point of Trees called Cantiage; for which a patent was issued by Governor Richard Nicolls in 1666. These documents are as follows: "Robt Williams deed for plains Bee it Knone to all men at Thise pressants That I pugnipan Sacham of motinnacok do for m y Selfe and in the beehalfe of Nanamorrouas and Neponhew and pocipupon bargin and Sell and make over unto Roberte Williames of Himsted parte of the grete pleains lying northest from hemsted or there abouts beegin- ning at A pointe of Tres Colled by the Indianas Ciscascata or Cantiag at A whit oake marked by mee pugnipan and from thence uppon a South line to the Middel of the plaine and from thence uppone A : Est line to the E n d of the plaine bounded with the W o d e s one the Este and Northeste and North or there aboutse all which tract of Lande I The sayed Pugnipan do for Miselfe and In the beehalfe of Nanamorrouas and Neponhew and poci- pupon bargin Sell and macke ouer,unto the Sayed Robarte Wil- liames his Ares Executors Administrators and Asines for teme (them) pesaubly to ingay forever from us our ares and Suckses- seres for ever allso wee the boue Sayed do ackknolyeg that wee have Reseved fulle Sattisfacktion of Robarte Williames in Trad- ing Clothe for the fore menchanad Tract of plaine Land in witnes hereunto wee have Set ouer handes this twenteth day of May in the Yere one Thousand Six Hundred forty Eight Witnes pugnipan X his marke Richard Willets nanamorrouas X his marke 625 626 John Washburn rasaocume Sachem X his marke neponhew pocipupon Appendix X his marke X his marke ponannegan X his marke mashacur X his marke perawes X his marke mannittung X his marke Entered in the office of Records at N e w Yorke the 12th day of ffebry 1666 Matthias Nicolls Secy A True Coppy Taken from the Original (both in Substance and Orthography) and Entered by order of the proprietors. Revised andCompairedbymeSamuelWillisRecorder." (Fromthebook ofrecordsofRobert Williams'Plantation,p.1.) "Nicolls Patent and Confirmation Graunted unto Robert Wil- liams Feb. 13, 1666. Richard Nicolls,Esq Governor Generall under his Royall High- nesse James Duke of Yorke and Albany & c of all his Territoryes inAmerica To alltowhom thesep'ntsshallcome sendeth Greet- ing Whereas there is a Certaine Tract of Land lying and being in the North Riding of Yorkshire upon Long Island now in the Tenure of Occupacon of Robert Williams of Oyster Bay Con- taining that Part of the Greate Plaines wch lyes to the North East or there about from the Towne of Hempsteed begining from a Point of Trees called by the Indyans Kiscascutta or Cant- iaeg At a white Oake Tree heretofore marked by an Indyan named Pugnipan from whence Stretching on a South Line it reaches to the Middle of the Plaines Then runing East it goes to the end of the said Plaines and so enters into the woods at the Cart Path leading from Hempsteed to Huntington till you come to the Swamp wch lyes below the head of the Cold Spring or Oyster River by the Indyans called Nackaquatack being the west Bounds of the Towns of Huntington Then to go downe the said Swampe to a markt Tree towards the head of ye Harbour from thence to runn Northward on a Straight Line towards Cantiaeg aforesaid and along the Ridg of Hills next to the Plaines and so runing westward to Meete at the Point of Trees aforemen- tioned which said Tract of Land having beene heretofore Pur- chased of the Indyan Proprietors by Robert Williams aforesaid (as by the Deeds remaining upon Record doth appeare) and due Satisfaccon given for the same now for a Confirmacon unto the said Robert Williams in his Enjoymt and Possession of the misses K n o w Yee that by vertue of the Commission and Author- ity unto mee given by his Royall Highnesse I have Ratified Con- firmed and Graunted and by these p'nts do Ratify Confirme and Graunt unto Robert Williams his Heires and Assignes the said Tract of Land afore mentioned Together with allthe wood Land Meadowes Pastures Marshes Waters Creekes Lakes ffishing Hawking Hunting and ffowling And allother Proffitts Commodi- Appendix 627 ties Emolumts and Hereditamts to the said Land and misses within the Limitts and Bounds afore recited described belonging or in any wise appertaining to have and to hold all & Singular the Lands Hereditamts and misses wth their and every of their Ap- purtenances and of every Part and Parcell thereof to the said Robert Williams his Heires and Assignes forever Rendring and Paying such Dutyes and Acknowledgmts as now are or hereafter shall bee Constituted & Establisht by ye Lawes of this Governm under the obedience of his Royall Highnesse his Heires and Suc- cessors Given under m y hand & Seale at ffort James in N e w Yorke the 13th day of ffebry in the 19th Yeare of his Maties Raigne Annoq Domini 1666/7 Richd Nicolls. M d : vide the clause enter'd on ye other Side of this page to come in before rendring & Paying & c. Moreover to the End the said Tract of Land may the better bee Manured improved and Planted I do hereby Graunt unto the said Robert Williams free Liberty to Settle and Plant so many ffamilyes there upon as by him or them shall bee found Necessary and Convenient Provided that the Lotts & Plantacons which already are or hereafter shall bee settled thereupon shall have Relacon to the Towne of Oyster Bay according to an Agree- mt made betweene the said Towne and Robert Williams and asbytheLawesitis scribedHeethesaidRobertWilliamsHis Heires and Assignes & c. I do hereby certify the aforegoing to be a true Copy of the Original Record. Compared therewith by me. Lewis A : Scott. Secretary." (From Book 1 of Patents, p.69, in the office of the Secretary of State.) The next is found in 1650 among the Dutch records as “in- formation relative to takeing up of land in N e w Netherland, in the form of Colonies or private Boweries" (i.e.farms) vide Holland Documents per O'Callaghan.This was performed by Cornelis Van Tienhoven, Secretary of the Province, and the portion pertinent may be summarized as follows:"Oyster Bay, so called from the great abundance of fine and delicate oysters which are found there. This bay is about a short mile across or in width at the mouth ; deep and navigable, without either rocks or sands ; runs westward, in proportion and divides into two rivers,in which said rivers, lie fine maize lands, formerly cultivated by the Indians, some of which they still work ; they could be had for a trifle. This land is situated on such a beau- tiful bay and rivers,that it could at little cost be converted into good farms fit for the plough ;there are here and there also,some fine hay valleys." 628 Appendix "Martin Gerretson's bay or Martinnehouck (now known as the West Harbor) is much deeper and wider than Oyster Bay and runs westward in (at the bridge) and divides into three rivers, twoofwhicharenavigable;thesmalleststream(now calledCorn Creek) runs up in front of the Indian Village called Martinne- houck (Matinecock) where they have their plantations. This tribe is not strong and consists of about thirty families. In or about this bay there were formerly great numbers of Indian Plantations,which now liewaste and vacant. This land ismostly level and of good quality, well adapted for grain and rearing all sorts of cattle; on the river are numerous valleys of sweet and salt meadows :all sorts of river fish are also caught there." The next effort for a settlement here was the expedition or- ganized in 1653 by Rev. William Leverich who came in the "James" from London to N e w England in 1633 and preached in Boston and other places,including Sandwich,Cape Cod,where he arranged with Samuel Mayo,owner of the sloop "Desire" of Barnstable,Capt.John Dickinson,to bring his and Peter Wright's goods and chattels to Oyster Bay. The vessel was seized while in the West Harbor by the notorious Thomas Baxter under pretence of authority from Rhode Island while cruising against the Dutch,the vessel being as was alleged within the limits of Dutch territory. O n an appeal to the General Court at Hartford by Mayo it was adjudged that Baxter should pay Mr. Leverich £ 150,but that the sails,ropes,two guns &c &c if returned with the vessel should be accounted as £ 18 toward that amount. The purchase by Wright,Mayo and Leverich from the Indians was by a deed stillexisting,and herein reproduced as a frontis- piece. See also p.334,and p.354,for copies thereof. This is known as the "First Purchase," or "Oysterbay Old Purchase." The Dutch authorities objected to this settlement in the fol- lowing terms,under date of 2 Apr. 1655. Col. Doc.XIV.,314. "Cornelius Van Tienhoven,as Fiscal of New Netherland,con- stitutesand empowers,as he hereby does,Claes van Elslant,court messenger in this City of N e w Amsterdam,to proceed to Mattin- nekonck (Matinecock) Bay,also called Martin Gerrittsen's Bay, where some Englishmen have settled, because the same is west of Oyster Bay (which had been agreed upon by the Commis- sioners as the line between the Dutch and the English in 1650) and to direct there Mr. Levent (Leverich) and all w h o m it m a y concern,to remove;in case of refusal,to protest against them pursuant to the foregoing order and protest. I request all and everybody not to hinder the said messenger in the execution of this duty,but when called upon to assist him,as the case may require. Done at N e w Amsterdam in N. N. date as above. Cornelis van Tienhoven." Appendix Peter Wright with his brothers Nicholas and and Anthony, might well be considered the founders of Oysterbay, as Samuel Mayo probably never came here,and Rev. William Leverich for some reason went soon to Huntington, stayed there awhile, and finallysettledatNewtown,L.I. The others,exceptRobertWil- liams,had but a temporary stay in Oysterbay. Peter Wright,with two other Quakers, were drowned in Chesapeake Bay before March, 1675,while on a religious visit. Oak Neck and Pine Island,not having been included in the purchase made from Assiapum in 1653,perhaps not then in his jurisdiction, were bought Nov. 24, 1658, by Daniel Whitehead from Josias and Roger,two Indians,and directly made over to theTowninexchangeforcertainrightsgivenhim. (Seep.254.) Matinecock: In 1661 Thomas Terry of Block Island and his associates made application to the Town of Hempstead,which at that date was believed to be the owner thereof, for the terri- tory known as Matinecock,described as "One parsel of ground on the north side of the Island,on the Est side of our harbour bounded on the west side by that Bay comonly called Hemsted Harbour, on the South side by Harbour Hill and so by an Est Lyne to run as far as there bounds go,and so down to the north Sea. The said inhabitants of Hempstead do grant their request and freely give leave to the aforesaid planters to settle seven families here and they do bind themselves not to bring any Quakers or such like,to be inhabitants thereof." About 1664 the Indians brought complaints before Governor Nicolls,that they had not sold Matinecock to Hempstead,so he recommended that the Matinecock men should make the Indians some gift or gratuity in requital, since they said they never re- ceived pay for the land. Pursuant to this suggestion, negotia- tions were concluded by which at Kelenworth upon Matinecock, on June 22,1677,the Indian Proprietors executed deeds convey- ing to Robert Williams, William Hudson, William Simson, Henry Ruddock, Christopher Hauxhurst, Matthew Priar and Nathan Birdsall,each a specified tract of upland and an undivided one seventh interest in the adjacent salt meadows,together with a right of commonage of grassing and timber in the unallotted part of the whole tract. Although not an official record, it is an established fact, that on May 24,1668,the Indian Sachems Suscaneman and Weragh, Chief-Proprietors of land upon Matinecock conveyed to Joseph Carpenter of Providence Plantation, lands "on both sydes of MusketaCove." JosephCarpenterhadmadeapplicationtoGov- ernor Nicolls for such grant some weeks before,and the Governor issued the following (Col. Doc.XIV.,606): "A n Order to the Constables & Overseers of Hempsteed Con- cerning Joseph Carpenter. 629 630 Appendir Whereas Request was long tyme since made vnto me on the behalfe of Joseph Carpenter that he might haue a certaine peice of land on each side of the Ryver at Muskitoe Cove,where he proposes to settle two or three Plantacons & to Erect a S a w Mill and a Fulling Mill wch may prove very advantagious & be much to the welfare of the Inhabitants in Generall, wthin this Gov- ernmt wth wch you haue beene made acquainted & themselves haue made some obieccons against it,yet haue giuen me no rea- sonable satisfaccon therein & haueing iust grounds to suspect that the said land thereabout is not as yett wthin yor bounds nor was ever really purchased by you, you hauing made no improuem' thervpon though you p'tend to haue laid it out into lotts for some of the Inhabitants of yor Towne These are therefore to re- quire you that after the Sight hereof wth all convenient speed you cause to be laid out for the use of the said Joseph Car- penter a sufficient quantity of land on each side of the said Cove fitt f o r t h e p u r p o s e s & i n t e n t s p r o p o s e d b y h i m & t h a t y o u m a k e imediate retorne of yo'p'ceeding herein vnto me wch ifyou shall neglect to doe I shall wthout More adoo take care to dispose there- of forthe publique good as I shall see cause. Giuen und my hand the 6th day of April 1668." Soon after,Joseph Carpenter admitted as copartners and equal purchasers,Nathaniel Coles,Abiah Carpenter (succeeded by Dan- ielColes) Thomas Townsend (succeeded by Nicholas Simkins), and Robert Coles. Littleworth was included in the original grant to Joseph Car- penter from the Indians,but later they,through lack of territorial knowledge or with unscrupulous disregard of previous bargain, sold to Richard Kirby,Jacob Brookin,George Downing and Rob- ert Godfree a considerable tract in the southwest part thereof, which was confirmed to the purchasers for a consideration by the Musketo Cove men,and the Governor at New Amsterdam,as shown on p.636. In consequence of Governor Nicolls' persistent efforts there were Patents issued later,to Robert Williams for East Island, which has been preserved,and for Oysterbay and Musketo Cove, of which copies appear on p. 307 and p. 309, but the original documents have been withdrawn or lost. The Patent of Gov- ernor Andros in 1677 was intended to confirm the title to the whole territory as of Oysterbay,and to finally exclude the claim of Hempstead to any part of it. Subsequently the Indian title was extinguished by the purchase (p.331,et seq.) of allthe re- maining land and meadow including that on the south side of the Island,except the Beach,which latter came into the Town's pos- session through a previous Patent and Purchase by the Seaman, Jackson and Jones families. GEORGE WILLIAM COCKS. Appendix 631 THE MUSKETO COVE PROPRIETORS' BOOK This book has never been a part of the T o w n records, but the real estate dealings therein contained are here given as a neces- sary and important part of the Town's land records. It is a parchmentboundvolume,141⁄2 x91⁄2 inches,now (1916)asfor many years,in the custody of George W. Cocks of Glen Cove, w h o prepared this copy in 1898. It contains, besides the land records, considerable data of vital records, all of which is here given. TheMusketoCovePatentisalsogiven,ante,p.309. (fol.20)- A ttru Record off Entryes, for ye purchasars and propriators of muschedacove,By Agrementt Baring date ye 30th of november 1668 This presantt Instrament, off writting doeth declare tto all or Any parson whome ittmaye Any wayes Consarne that whareas, I Joseph Carpenter, of muschedacove, in the provinse of new- yorkshare on Longisland in new England haveing of late made a purchase of A sartin trackt of land Liing and being att musche- dacove,doe take in and Admitt of for my Coepartnors And as Equall purchasers,to have as Equall intrest and good share as m y selffe, in all and in Every partt of ye Abovesaide purchase, provided theye shall Agree and subscribe to these Articklles,Bea- neath written, the parsons which I doe as Equall purchassers Admitt of are nathanell Colles Abiah Carpenter Thomas Town- send,Robartt Colles- Imp:1- AllsuchmedowesorCreekThachasareAboutte muschedacove yt are purchased or are to be purchased B y A n y of us,shall Remaine and Bee devided to Every of us An Equall share Every man payeing his Equall share,as Itt shall Costt 2ly Thatt withoutt the mayior partt of us noe parson shall ffellAnytreeseforpipestavesunlessittbeebyA Mayiorvotte- 3ly Thatt none shall take in A n y hogs or Cattell withoutt ye votte of ye mayior partt,for the summering of them- 4ly That ye mayior partt of us,hath powar for ye Layeing outt of high wayes and lotts and ffences,that ye bee good and tto bare Every one his Equall share- 5ly Thatt IffA saw mill or Any other mills Be buillttEvery of us maye have his Equall share,provided hee Bares his Equall share of Charges, 6ly Thatt All Exspenses yt have or shall be Exspended About oure purchase,by Any of us we are all willing to bare oure Equall proportion, 632 Appendix 71y Thatt Any of us yt shall neglecktt to Come and settell on his lands within, three yeares, After ye datte of this Agre- ment hee shall Loose his intrest and to remaine to those which shall Acomplish this ordar,his mony and Charge,being returned as he ye sayde parson yt shall neglecktt, doth make plaine, Apeare- 8ly AndforallgoodandWholesumordars,whichtendeth to ye good of us all in generall,wee freely leave itt to ye mayior partt, tto Acktt and doe it Efecktually, Inackted and confirmed in muschedacove this 30th daye of novembar,1668— 9ly This presant Instrament of writting doeth declare to all or Any parsons whatsumever,whome Itt maye Any wayes Con- sarne,that wee ye parsons which are nominated on ye other side, doe Iniage oure selves Each to other inten pounds sterling,to bee payde,by him,which shall willfully or presumtiously make A breach of Any of oure Acts or ordars,which are written on ye other side,And ye sayde ten pounds,which shall be soe forfitted, shall bee Equally:devided Amongst ye Asentters,which Asen- ters are knowne to bee ye mayior partt,and this as oure L a w full, and reall acts and to all tru intents and purposes we have here- unto sett tto oure hands and seales,this:30th daye of novembar 1668,in muschedacove, Signed sealed and delevered Joseph Carpenter O in presance of us Nathanell Colles O Mathyas Harvy Abiah Carpenter danyell Colles Tho : Townsend Nickolas Simkins Robartt Colles John Tompson EntredA ttrueCoppyofftheorigenallAgrementt me Tho : Townsend Recorder muschedacove the fiftt daye of Jenewary 1681 W e Joseph Carpenter,and nathanell,Colles danyell Colles Rob- artt Colles,and,Nickolas simkins,whareas wee being propriators ofA sartinttracktofLand,attmuschedacovewhichmayeApeare by purchase and pattan,wee ye saide propriators,doe ordar and dispose of itt as followeth 1- That Every owne of us propriators home lott shall stand and remaine,in ye same Eckquapage and Condition as theye ware firstlaydout,astheynow Apeare inposesion (fol.21)—21y— TThelottsRangingnorthwardlyandsouth- wardly on the westt side Begining with daniell Colles and ye next lott Adioyneing is Joseph Carpenters,and ye third lott,is nathan- ell Colles, The fourth lott Is nickolas simkins formerly Tho : Townsends,The ffifttlott is Robartt Colles Being ye Eastermosts lott,and whareas itt maye Apeare the unequallety in numbar of Akars in oure saide home lotts,yt It tis to be undarstood,being Appendix 633 biggar then ye other,yt itt shall bee made good in ye nextt devi- tion of lands to A n y of us propriators— 3ly ffurther ordered yt the mayne highwaye shall remaine as Itt tis Allredy Layde out by us, being foure rod wide in ye narowest place, and all other highwayes as theye are alredy Layed outt,- 4lyffurther we doe ordar and Agree unanymously haveing A neck of land,joyneing tto ye reare of oure home lotts Afor- saide,north,wee doe Conclude to keepe for A purpetuall Coman, notttobedevided,tillfurtherordaraswe shallCeeocation,first Boundar Begining at A great Clefftt rock in ye hollow by ye path to oyster Baye Called Rocky hollow, from thenc due north, to Lewis moris Lands,and from ye Aforesaide rock by ye reare of oure said lott westward nere ye mouth of ye saide Cove as wee shall Cee Case, and being bounded round with ye Salltt see, to Lewis moris Lands— 5ly ffurther ordered and Agreed to stand to ye devition of our fifty Akar lotts as Layd out B y Joseph Carpenter and danyell Colles,Beginning at ye northeast Cornar of our Bounds The first Lott by devition is nickolas Simkins being forescore rods in Breadth north and south,and East and West in length one hun- dred polle Including fifty Akars,the nextt Lott,south is Robart Colles,being ye second share being of ye same demention Joyne- ing to oyster Baye high waye,being six polles wide,The third is nathanell Colles Joyneing on the southside of ye saide highwaye, being in bredth and length and quantety fifty Ackers 6ly The fourth lott Is Joseph Carpenters, Joyneing to nath- anell Coles being ye same quantety The fift Lott Againe is Nath- anell Colles,Joyneing tto Joseph Carpenter,being fifty ackers as ye rest are Laide out,nickolalas Simkins being ye sixth share liing in manar and forme as Abovesaide— danyell Coles being ye sev- enth Lott, Joyneing tto nickolas Simkins, Containeing seventy Ackars,being ye same length of ye Rest,ye Eyghth share is Rob- artt Colles Againe being ffifty Ackars as ye restt,ranging with ye rest of ye lots The ninth Lott Againe,by lott Is Joseph Carpen- ters,being ye southwardmost of yt devition being fifty Ackars, daniell Colles is Alowed and order to have thirty Ackars of land by ye fresh medowes on ye East side of ye medow 7ly ffurther ordered and Agred yt all oure medowes and Swomps Adioyneing,shall stand good,Both fresh and soltt,Con- tinew and remaine as they ware layd out and are now in pos- sesion- gly further ordered that as to ye lotts of Lands layde out on ye south side of muschedacove,by ye Aforesaide persons Joseph Carpenter and daniell Colles by lott:Joseph Carpenter being ye first share, and being ye westtormost lott by hemsted harboure, Joyneing on ye south to littellworth lands, being in quantety 50 Akers- The second lott Eastward daniell Coles being in quantety 634 Appendix fifty Ackars as Aforesaide- TThird lott by devition Is nickolas simkins being fifty Ackars as Aforesaide- The fourth Lott by devition Is Robart Colles Being fifty Ackars as Abovesaid Agre- abl with ye rest of ye Above saide lotts,- T h e fift Lott being nathanell Colles,Robart Colles lands being on ye west,side,and the mill swomp on ye East,Including within fifty Ackars of land to ye Confirmation of these oure ordars and Alotments we sub- scribe oure hands Joseph Carpenter Danil Coles Robert Coles nicholas simkins (fol.22)-ffurther ordered and Agreed By us five propriators notwithstanding A n y grant Convayeanc Bills of Salle or giftt of what nature whatsumever granted given Asigned transmitted or made over from any of us before ye Confirmation or After of this oure order, shall have noe pretences B y grant Bill of Salle or Convayeanc or Any other prevelidges whatsoever granted,Any vote presant, or for ye futar Any vote, in Any Afaires, Con- sarning ye publick as to oure purchase,in giveing or granting A n y Lands or previlidges,Reserving ye same previlidges to oure selves and our hayres for Ever, as wittnes our hands this 5th daye of Jenewary 1681 in presanc of m e Tho : Townsend Recorder Nathaneill Colles Robert Coles Nickolas Simkines Daniell Coles Joseph Carpenter ffurther Agreed yt whareas I Joseph Carpenter haveing Builtt A gristtmill,Joyneing tooure now saw mill,and upon ye streme, which belongeth, to us five purchasers, nathanell Colles daniell Colles Robart Colles,nickolas Somkins and myselfe,and in Con- sideration,of there parts in ye streme,and timbar I Joseph Car- penter,doe iniage m y selfe m y hayres Exsexetors Administrators and Asignes soe Long as m y selffe m y hayres Exsexetors Admin- istrators and Asignes shall keepe or maintaine, ye sayd mill tto grind ye Aforesaide propriators Corne or grayne for Each of there famylyes well and tolle free for ever, and If m y selfe m y hayres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes for ye futar shall Cee Case,to lett ye sayd grist mill, fall and not to keepe it in repayre,for ye fullfilling of ye Conditions as Above inserted,that then an after for Ever,ye Aforesaide streme to remaine,to us five propriators,and oure hayres and Asignes for Ever,to ordar and dispose of as wee shall Cee Casse,to which I have sett to m y hand,and sett to m y seale,ye 14th of Jenewary 1677 Signed sealed and delevered Joseph Carpenter in ye presanc of us (w a x seal attached) Thomas Townsend Samuell Pell Appendix 635 Edmund Andross Esq Seigneur off Sausmarez Levetente (Lieutenant) and gouernar generall,his Royall Highnes Jeames duke of york and albany,&c:of all his territoryes in America, whareas theres A Certaine Trackt of Land at muschetacove in ye north Riding of york share upon Longisland, which by m y order hath beene Layed out for Joseph Carpenter, nathanell Colles, danyell Colles, Robartt Colles and nickolas simkins, ye sayd land lying by ye side of Hemsted Harbour,beginning at A Certaine markt ttree, formerly marked for Coll Lewis moris, Ranging thence due East by ye land of ye sayde Coll morris Eighty Chaines, Ranging ye same Course from Coll morrises, Easterne bounds tto sertaine markt trees upon ye C o m m o n forty Chaines,thence south one hundred sixty and four Chaines to sertaine markt treese,thence ninety Chaines due west to ye reare of ye lotts of Richard Cirby Jacob Brokins george douning and Robart godfree,thence due north by ye sayd lotts Sixty Chaines, and thence due westt to ye water side, Ranging thence by ye water side to ye rune off Coll Lewiss morrises,and thence nearistt south to ye first markt ttree, Including in ye same ye swomps and mill runn,to ye sayd patentees Containeing in all one thou- sand and seven hundred Accars as By ye returne,undar ye hand of ye surveyor doth and maye Apeare,know yee,that By vertue of his maiests Letters pattents and ye Commission and Athoryty unto me given by his Royall Highnes I have given and granted, and By these presants,doe hereby give and grant unto ye sayde Joseph Carpenter nathanell Colls,daniell Colles Robartt Colles, and nicolas Simkins there heyres and Asignes ye afor recited ttractt of Land swomp mill Runne,and premises with there and Every of there appurtenances,To have and to hold,ye sayde tract of Land swomp mill runne and premises, unto ye sayde Joseph Carpenter nathanell Colles Daniell Colles Robartt Colles & nickolas simkins there hayres and Asignes,unto ye proper use and Behoofe of them ye sayd Joseph Carpenter,nathanell Colles daniell Colls Robart Colles and nickolas simkins there Heyres and Asignes for Ever,theye makeing improvement thereon Ac- cording to law, and yellding and payeing therefore yearely and Every yeare, unto his Royal Highnes use as A quitt rent, one Bushell of good winter wheat, unto such officer or officers as shallbe Empowered to reseave ye same- given under m y hand and sealed with ye seale of ye province in new york this 29th daye of septembar in ye 29th yeare of his maiest's Reigne Annoq domini,1677 Exsamined by me Ed:Andross Mathyas nicolls:Secretary (given also on p.309) (fol.23)-Honnered Sir,whareas there hath Beene sum dif- ferance Like tto Arize Betwene us the Indians and ye Inhaby- tants of muschedacove,the Indians Aprehending that they had 636 Appendix wrong done them,in ye surveye of there Land upon ye south side of muschetacove,But theye Apeareing the 16th of Jenewary at Joseph Carpenters house,ye sayed Joseph did show them the draught of ye Survaye left him by mr Robart Ridar of ye sayed land and allso there patten, which was drawne Acordingly and he giveing them ye Resons,why ye surveye of ye land fell out soe Contrary to there understanding was Becase they had sould part of yt mille square, on ye north Side of there hundred Ac- cars,which now they Could not make good to them,in as much as it was now layde outt tto Collon moris, and Could not be altered,whare upon we ye Indians when wee Came to understand, Right as it was,did Condisend,yt ye Surveye of muschetacove Lands should stand good Acording as m ' Robart Ridar had layed out and there patten to stand of forse Acordingly, and noe fur- ther dispute or Contenttion to be About ye same from them and there heyres for Ever,to which they desiar youre honnar maye be satesfyed,there Condisending to ye same by subscribing there hands and selles this 16th daye of Jenewary 1678 Signed selled, in presence of us, wittnes Thomas Townsend Joseph Carpenter Job Wright Isack douty Arumpas his X mark O Suskaneman his X mark O werough his X mark A trurecordofyeorigenallConfirmationEntred me Tho: Townsend Recordar (The following was to confirm the Littleworth Patentees,who had obtained land supposed to be a part of the Musketo Cove purchase. Seep.238-9fortheirpetition,datedthreeweekslater, to have the ordering of their own highways.) Jenewary ye 14thin ye yeare off oure Lord god 1681 weeThepropriatorsofmuschetacoveunderwritten,asBy oure, Confirmation, By pattent under ye hands off governar Andras, Bareing date ye 29th daye of Septembar in ye 29th yeare of his Maiests Reigne 1677, k n o w all Christion people to w h o m e these presants maye Come or Any wayes Consarne know yee,that whareas,Richard Cirby Jacob Brokins georg downing and Robart godffree are seated upon A sartin trackt of Lands within oure first purchase ffrom ye Indions as By there pattent will make Apeare undar ye hand and seale of governar Andross Bareing date ye 29th daye of Septembar 1677 wee ye propriators of muscheta- cove as Above Inserted,doe for oure selves oure heyres Exsex- etors and Asignes for Ever Confirme to ye Above saide Richard Cirby Jacob Brokins georg downeing and Robart godfree, ye Abovesaide lands included within there pattent,to them there heyres Exsexetors or Asignes for Ever,to have and to hold poses and inioye without lett hinderanc or molestation from us or Appendix Any from by or undar us for Ever,Acording to oure first grant from Governar nicalls and purchase from ye Indians and Confirm to us By pattent from governar Andross,and nott otherwise to ye performance of this oure Confirmination,we have subscribed oure hands and sett to oure seales in muschetaCoeve daye and date Above written, Signed sealed and delevered in presanc offus ttestes Thomas Townsend Ephraim Carpenter Joseph Carpenter Nickolas Simkins daniell Colles Robart Colles Nathanell Colles O (fol.24)-Musheda Cove ye 14th of Jenewary 1681 W e e ye propriators off muschedacove under writen and sub- scribed,doe By These presants grant Alinate and make over for Ever,unto moses mudge now inhabiting and seated Amongst us, A sartin peace or parsell off Land whare he now Inhabitts and hath built upon,for A home Lott,as within fenc alredy InClossed on Bothsides of the highwaye Against his n o w dwelling house, ffurther granting and Alowing twenty Ackars off wood Lands m o r e to his h o m e lott as itt m a y e ffalle tto h i m B y devition with samuel pell Ephraim Carpenter and william thornychraft After Layed out by us,and whare his Allottment, shall happen tto ffall, wee doe promise to ad to his ffront or reare five Ackars more, as wee shall Cee most Convenyant, with A quarter partt and previlidge within oure C o m m a n wrights Being understood with one of us propriators Rights, A quarter part of graseing and timbar for his owne use and not otherwise After all Lands is Layed out to us five propriators which previlidges we reserve to oure selves and oure heyres for Ever Allso we Excepting ye neck of Land to ye reare of oure home Lots and Lewis morises Land as Exsprest in oure Records Thee which Abovesaide grant of Lands and previledges as Above granted Exsprest and Inserted w e doe Confirme,to ye said moses mudge,to him his hayres Ex- sexetors or Assignes for Ever,from us or Any of us oure hayres Exsexetors or Asignes to have and to hold posses and inioye withoute Lett hinderance or molestation from us or Any from by or undar us,for Ever as wittnes oure hands and seales daye and date Above written, Signed sealed and delevered in presanc of us testes Thomas Townsend Henry Townsend,Junior Joseph Carpenter O nathanell Colles daniell Colles nickolas simkins Robart Colles Whereas Mention is made in this above written Deed that Moses Mudge isto have ffive Acres of Land Added to his Twenty Acres,But now the Ppriets of Sd Lands have thought good to 637 638 Appendix Lay outthisffiveAcres Joyning to Sd Moses Home Lotts and ye Sd Moses is therewth satisfied & Contented and ordered this to be recorded Aprill ye 18:1694 John Newman Record' MuschetaCove ye 14th of Jenewary 1681 W e e The propriators of ye Lands of muschetaCove undar writ- en within ye Towneshipe and pattent of oyster Baye doe B y These Presants grant Alinate and make over for Ever unto Sam- uell pell Shipwright,now an Inhabytant and seated Amongst us, A sartin peece or parsell of Land,whare he now Inhabits and builtuponforA homeA Lott,tenAccarsasweshallLayeout Joyneing to his now dwelling house ffurther granting Alowing and Confirming twenty Accars of upland more to him as ittmaye ffalleto him by devition in draught with Ephraim Carpenter moses mudge and willam Thornychrafftt,After Layde out By us with A quarter part and privilidge within oure Commans wrights A quarter part of graseing and ttimbar, for his use, for building of vesells or ye Like Any whare upon oure Comans unLayed out or improved haveing noe further previlidge in rights off Lands B y votting giveing and granting,the which previlidge we reserve to oure selves, and oure hayres for Ever, But as to ye ten Accars firstExspresed,and ye twenty Accars,secondly By devition and ye previledges of graseing and timbar as Above Exsprestt wee doe Comfirme,to ye foresaide Samuell pell,his heyres Exsexetors Administrators or Asignes for Ever,from us or Any of us oure heyres Exsexetors Administrators and Asignes to have and to hold poses and inioye as his owne proper right titells and intrest from us or Any from By or undar,us for Ever,as wittnes oure hands and seales Daye and date Above written, ttests Tho :Townsend henry Townsend Junior Joseph Carpenter O Robart Colles Memorandum that on ye Consideracon that ye abovenamed prietors have Given me a new Deed for ye above recited Lands & previledges wth some additions of Land I do by these p❜sents Declare yt this above written Deed is forever void Null and of no effect to wch I sett m y hand and seal the 20th Day of January Anno Dni:1693: witnes John Newman Record Ephraim Carpenter SamuellTillear O (fol.25)-Muschetacove tthe 14th of Jenewary 1681 W e e ye propriators of the Lands of muschetacove under writ- ten within the towneshipe and pattent of oyster Baye ,doe B y these presants grant Alinate and make over for Ever,unto Ephraim Carpenter,now An Inhabytant and seated Amongst us,A sartin nickolas Simkins daniell Colles nathanell Colles O Appendix 639 peece or parsell of land whare he now Inhabits and Builtt,upon for A home Lott,Joyneing on ye East side of ye highwaye,Be- twene his saide lott, and moses mudges Land being ye westt Boundar, and ye Rocky hollow his north Boundar, and ye head of killbuck swomp his East bounder, and ye hollow yt Butts downe to killbuke swomp his south Boundar,including within ye Aforesaide Bounds more or Less allso wee give him A sartaine peece of swomp as it is in quantety more or Less,and as itt is now within fence, further granting and Alowing twenty Accars of uplands more to him as itt maye fall to him by devition in draught with Samuell pell shipwright,moses mudge and william Thornychrafft, after Layde out by us, with A quarter part and previlidge, within oure C o m m a n Rights, Being understood with one of us propriators Rights a quarter part of graseing and tim- bar for his owne use,and not otherwise,after all Lands is Layed out to us five propriators,which previledge we reserve to oure- Selves,Allwayes Also Exsepting ye neck of Land to ye reare of oure home lotts,and Lewis morises lands,as Exsprest in oure records,the which sayde grant of Lands and previledges as above granted Exspres and inserted,wee doe make over,to ye sayde Ephraim Carpenter to him his hayres Exsexetors or Asignes for Ever, to have and to hold posses and inoye for Ever, haveing reseaved A valuable Consideration for ye Same,as witness oure hands and seales daye and datte Above written Signed sealed and delevered daniell Colles in presanc of us nickolas Simkins ttestes Tho:Townsend nathanell Colles Robart X godfree his mark Joseph Carpenter O Robart Colles Wee The propriators of muschetaCove underwritten & sub- scribed doe By tthese presants grant Alynate and make over for Ever unto william ThornyChrafftt, now Inhabyting and seated Amongst us,A sartin peece or parsell of Land whare hee now Inhabitts,and Builtt upon for A home Lott as within fenc All- redy InClosed, Lying and being on ye south side of oure mill streme, Against ye mill, further Ading to his sayde home Lott on ye west side of ye high waye,to Littellworth soe Called,a sartin peece of upland from ye swomp and soltt medowes westt bounder,and ye highwaye ye East Bounder,and ye soltt Crick ye north Boundar including within ye sayd bounds and limit more or Less, further wee granting and alowing twenty Accars offwoodlandsmoretohissaydeAlotmentasitmaye falltohim By devition with Samuell pell,moses mudg and Ephraim Carpen- ter After Layd out by us, with A quarter partt and previlidge within oure Commons Rights,Being understood with one of us propriators Rights, A quarter part of graseing and timbar for his owne use and not otherwise,after all lands is Layd out to us 640 Appendix five propriators, which previlidges wee reserve to oure selves and oure heyres for Ever,Also wee further exsepting ye neck of Land to ye reare of oure home Lotts and Lewis morises Lands as Exsprest in oure, Records, the which abovesayde grant of land and previledges as Above granted Exsprest and inserted, w e doe Confirme to ye sayde william_ThornyChraftt, to him his hayres Exsexetors or Asignes for Ever,from us or Any of us oure heyres Exsexetors or Asignes to have and to hold poses and Inioye without lett hinderance or molestation from us or Any from by or under us for Ever,as witnes oure hands and seales in muschedacove this 14th of Jenewary 1681 Signed sealed and delevered in presanc of us highwayes Alwayes Exsepted notwithstanding A n y thing to ye Contrary inserted, ttestes Thomas Townsend henry Townsend Junior Joseph Carpenter O nickolas Simkins daniell Colles Robart Colles nathanell Colles (fol.26)-muschedacove ye 28th of desembar 1682 Then Layd out unto Samuell pell moses mudge and Ephraim Carpenter the land menshoned in there deedes, Being twenty Accars A man Acording to there deedes,begining by ye line as recorded from ye great, rock northward, to Coro Lues moris Lands,the first bounds of there lands begining By ye sayd line at a saplin ranging north 80 rod,to three Chestnutt treese stand- ing to getther markt from thence East upon A line one hundred and twenty rod to A black oake tree marked,and from thence south 80 rod to A small white oake marked, from thence west upon A west line to ye saplin tto ye first bounder, further,to be understood yt If Sd north bounders of there three lotts of lands as Above sayd hapen to falle or be within ye lines or limmits,of ye lands belonging to Coro Lewes moris,that then what Is want- ing in length shall be made up in Breadth on ye East side or End southward this order recorded me Tho Townsend (In margin the following) In devition ye first lott, Moses Mudg,west;second sam pell;thirdEphraim Carpenter,east. ffebrewary 15th 1682 Then ordered and agreed that the high waye from Joseph Carpenters Dwelling house now standing, to ye waterside betwene his home lott and nath- anell Coles home Lott, shall be ttwo rod, wide, from ye sayd Josephs house to ye watter side and by ye Cove or watter side, on ye north side of ye Cove,to ye mouth of the Cove,to be Alowed,and staked out A highwaye of six rod wide as shall be layd out or staked out by Joseph Carpenter,Sr :and Robart Coles, being found by them,most Conveniant,and sutable,and recorded, thisperorder me Tho:Townsend Appendix Muschedacove,the 13th of febrewary 1682 641 BeittknowneuntoallChristionpeopletowhome thisdeedof Convayeance maye Come or Any wayes Consarne know yee,that I Joseph Carpenter Sen : of muschedacove, Above saide upon good Considerations moveing me hereunto have granted given, and by these presants doe grant give Allinate and make over for Ever unto John williams Cordwindar,now Residing on ye same place foure Accars of Land,Bounded lying Being on ye north sideofthehighwayeAgainstmy now dwellinghouse,Buttingto ye high waye at ye south End,and Joyneing on ye west side to daniell Colles home lott,being sixtene rod wide in ye front to ye streete south End, and reare north End ye same Breadth, and in length by ye sayd daniell Colles lott fortty rod,Containe- ing within ye sayde bounds as Above inserted foure Accars more or less,the which I ye abovesayde,Joseph Carpenter,doe grant Asigne,Confirme Alinate and make over,from me my hayres Executrs Administrators or Asignes for Ever,unto ye Abovesaid John williams his hayres Execut : Administrators or Asignes to have and to hold occopy poses and inioye for Ever without lett hinderance or molestation from me or Any from me or Any from me,or Any from by or under me,haveing Reseaved satesfacktion for ye same as wittnes m y hand and seale daye and date Above- written further to be understood ye sayd Land If to be sould at Any time after ye date hereof ye sayd Joseph his hayres or Asignes to have ye first refusall, Sealed and delevered and signed in ye presance of us Tho : Townsend Isack doughty tthis Entred order m e Joseph Carpenter Tho:Townsend (fol.27)-Bee ittknowneuntoallmenwhom thismy deedeof sale maye Any wayes Consarne,yt I Joseph Carpenter,of mus- chedacove within ye Collony of his Royall Highnes Jeames duke of york,haveing made A purchase of A sartaine trackt of Land liing and Being at Muschedacove,as by deede maye Appeare,ye sayd deede Bareing date ye 24th maye in ye yeare off oure Lord 1668,I ye Aforesayde Joseph Carpenter doe owne and acknowl- edge,to have frely sould from me my hayres and Asignes,unto Tho :Townsend,to him his hayres and Asignes for Ever,ye one fifteparttof Lands,and allother whatsumEver previledges,doeth or shall A n y wayes belong, unto ye Abovesaide spesified deede or by vertue of ye same,ye sayde fiftt partt of Lands timbar feeding or Any other previledge whatsomEver,which maye or shall Any wayes belong by vertue of my purchase made ye 24th daye of maye inthe yeare of oure Lord 1668:I doe frelly owne to be Tho: Townsends of oyster Baye,to be his hayres and Asignes for Ever to have and to hold for Ever, without Lett 642 Appendix ttrobleormolestation,byme orAny frombyorunderme,have- ing reseved from ye sayd Tho : Townsend full satisfacktion to my Content,foryesaydfifttparttofLandsandpreviledgethere- unto belonging,I have hereunto as my free and Reall acktt,sett to my hand,& seale,in muschedacove this sixth daye of march in ye yeare of oure Lord one thousand six hundred and seventy, and in ye 23th yeare of ye Raine of oure Soveraig Lord and king Charles ye second, king of England scotland france & Ireland, &c- Signed sealed and delevered in presants of us nathanell Colles mathyas Harvye Joseph Carpenter O Asigned by me Tho : Townsend of oyster Baye this Above written deed,unto nickoLas simkins of muschedacove,I haveing reseved from ye sayde Simkins,full sattesfacktion to m y Content, doe make over the abovesaide,written deed from me my hayres and Asignes,to ye sayd nicholas simkins,to him his hayres and Asignes for Ever,as wittnes m y hand and seale,this 6th of march 1670 and in ye 23th yeare of ye Raine of our Soveraine king Charles ye second, king of England Scottland france and Ire- land &c- signed sealed and delevered in presanc of us mathyas harye nathanell Colles Tho:Townsend oyster Baye this 10th daye of July 1670 This Instrament of writting declareth to all or A n y parson to whome Itt maye any wayes consarne yt whareas I Tho : Town- send of oyster Baye in ye north Riding of new yorkshare,had an Equall Right of land and Comans with Joseph Carpenter at mus- chedacove as upon artecalls exsprest datted muschedacove ye 30th daye of novembar 1668,I doe by these presants Asigne and make over all m y right titell and Intrest in this Above sayde Right of Land and previledge unto nickolas simkins of muschedacove to him his hayres or Asignes for Ever to have and to hold as his or t h e r e o n e p r o p e r titell a n d i n t r e s t , f r o m m e m y h a y r e s A d m i n i s t : or Asignes for Ever,haveing Reseaved for Itt full satesfacktion as wittnes my hand daye and date Above written and in ye 22th yeare of ye Raine of king Charles ye second king of great Britten france and Ireland & c - and in presance of us Samuell weeks John weeks ffebrewary ye 17th 1682 Tho:Townsend The(n) Agreed and ordered By Consent to be Recorded,yt Joseph Carpenter Sen :hath Exchanged,with nickolas simkins,ye Appendix 643 lands menshoned As followeth,which Isto be understood,Record- ed for ye prevention of aftter ttrobles or Contentions yt maye Arize,for ye futter,Viz :the sayd Joseph Carpenter haveing by ye firstdevitionofyefiftyAcarLottstotwofiftyacarLottsLaydout onyeEastsideofyemillriverswomp,asBy devitioninnomber foure,and nine as stands Recorded,by ye sayd Joseph doe Ex- change ye sayd first fifty Accor lott nombar foure,with nickolas simkins for his fifty Accor Lott as Layd out upon ye south side of ye cove, as by Alottment, and stands Recorded, to nickolas simkins ye third share in devition further to Explaine,the tru Exchange of lands as Above sayd,I Joseph Carpenter doe Asigne a n d m a k e o v e r f o r E v e r , f r o m m e m y h a y r e s o r A s i g n e s , all m y right titell and intrest in ye first sayd fifty Accar lott nombar foure,to ye sayd nickolas simkins his hayres or Asignes for Ever, In Consideration whareof I nickolas simkins Above menshoned, doe Asigne and make over for Ever unto Joseph Carpenter his hayres or Asignes all m y right titell and intrest of and in m y fifty accar lott,on ye south side of ye Cove,as stands recorded in nombar three as wittnes our Confirmation,by Interchangably subscribing our hands ttestes T h o : T o w n s e n d , R e c o r d e r , JosephCarpenter O nicolas Simkins (fol.28)-ffebrewary ye 17th in yeare 1682 Recorded by order and Consent,yt whareas william tthorny- Crafft was by his deed from us,to have twenty Ackars of land layd out with samuell pell moses mudge and Ephraim Carpenter, But haveing since Exchanged ye previledge or twenty Acars as by deed to be layde out,with his father in law Joseph,Carpenter, and by request we doe grant and order,and give leave to ye sayd Joseph Carpenter his hayres or Asignes,to take up ye Abovesayde twenty Accars of Land,by hemsted harboure side soe Caled,and being a vacant pece of land on ye west side, of his fifty Accar Lott being ye first lott in devition on ye south side of ye Cove, tthis Entreed order m e Tho:Townsend Recorder 2ly ye same daye Agreed and ordered to be Recorded an Ex- change of Land Betwene Joseph Carpenter and william Thorny- Chraftt,the Contents whareof being and is as followeth Viz:to be understood that whareas william ThornyCraftt was to have twenty accars of Land Layd out to him as by his deede Inserted, to be in devition with samuell pell Ephraim Carpenter and moses mudge,he ye sayd william doth Asigne and make over ye sayd twenty Accars of Land unto his father in Law Joseph Carpenter his hayres or Asignes for Ever, for and in Consideration of fifty Accars of Land in hand and reseaved,of his father Joseph Carpenter on ye south sidee of the Cove, which was formerly 644 Appendix by devition nickolas simkinses, and Being ye third share, by Alottment,and to ye tru performance hereof we have hereunto sett, tto oure hands ttestesTho:Townsend william his X ThornyChrafftt Recorder mark Joseph Carpenter June ye 6th 1685 Then agreed upon by the propriators of Muschedacove to Give & grant & by these p'sents wee ye Sd propriators Doe give & grant unto Joseph Carpenter a piece of Land adjoyning to the Dwelling house of ye Sd Joseph being wthin ffence & Jouning to ye land of William Thornycroft being by estimation two Acres or thereabouts be it more or less to have and to hold to him ye Sd Joseph his Heires or Assignes for ever This entred by the order of the Ppriators John Newman record T o all people w h o m e this m a y any wise concerne or Appertaine Be itknown that IWilliam Thornycroft of Muskedacove within the bounds of the township of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island for and in ye consideration of full Satisfaction already received before ye sealing & Deliv'y hereof have Bar- gained Sold & confirmed & by these presents I ye Sd william Doe Bargaine Sell & confirme unto Joseph Carpenter of ye same place a parcell of land being in ye rere of ye home Lott of ye Sd William & Joyning to ye Land given to ye Sd Joseph as before is recited bearing Date wth this being by estimation one Acre be it more or less to have & to hold to ye Sd Josep his heires Exe- cutors Administrat: or Assignes for ever ye Sd Joseph having p ' s e n t p o s s e s s i o n a n d it s h a l l & m a y b e l a w f u l l f o r y e S d J o s e p h his Heires executors Administrators or Assignes to Occupie pos- sess & enjoy all ye p'mises wthout ye Lawfull hindrance or Inter- uption of m e ye Sd William or of any of m y Heires Executors Administrs or Assignes or any other person or persons Lawfully claiming for by or under us or any or either of us by meanes of any former grant Bargaine or sale wtsoever in witnes whereof I have hereunto Set m y hand & seale the Sixth Day of June in ye yeare of our Lord 1685 Signed sealed & D d : in ye p'sence of us John Newman,recordTM Robert Coles the marke of William X Thornycroft O (fol.29)-Muskeeto Cove:December ye tenth:1692: The purchasers and priet's of this place being Nathaniel Coles Robert Coles and Nicholas Simkins being ye Major t and Sd priet's have this Day Surveyed & laid out a Neck of Appendix 645 Land Lying on ye Rere of their Home Lotts;wch Neck of Land is Mentioned and Demonstrated in their Booke of Records page 21 & 4th Article,in Maner as ffolloweth wth ye Consent of ye Overseers & Administratrs of ye Deceased Joseph Carpenter and Daniel Coles ffirst- The whole Neck in Length, Breadth & Quantity wth ye Additions thereunto isfrom ye Cleft Rock North to Morris his Land,one Hundred thirty Six rod;ffrom thence West to Morris his Corner Tree ffifty two Rods,Thence West to ye Sea Two Hundred eighty Rod,Thence South one Hundred thirty Six Rod, Thence south one Hundred & twenty Rod, Thence East one Hundred & Sixty Rod :And itisDivided into Lots as ffolloweth The ffirstbeginneth at ye Cleft Rock aforeSd and So Ranging North to Morris his Line one Hundred thirty Six Rod,and West byyeHighwayatyeRereofourHome LottsEightyRod Second Lot Lying on ye West Side of ye ffirst being ye same Length & Breadth Third Lott Lying on ye West Sid of ye Second and of ye Same Length and Breadth ffourth Lott Lying on ye West Side of ye Third and of ye same Length and ye Breadth thereof Westward home to ye Sea: ffifth Lott Lying on Sd Neck Joyning to Daniel Coles Home Lott,begining at ye Highway Leading to ye Milstone Spring at ye Waters Side;Thence by ye Waters Side Southward,one Hun- dred & Twenty Rod ; Thence Eastward to ye Rere of Samuel Tillers Home Lott home to Daniel Coles Home Lott aforeSd, Thence Northwardly to ye Highway aforeSd- It isto be understood yt ye ffifth Lott hath no addition Allowed to it,but ye four first Lotts hath Addition as ffolloweth; The Addition of ye ffirst Lott is ffifty five Rod in ffront & Rere, Ranging north to the Sea on ye West Side of Morris his Land ; The Addition of ye Second Lott is Thirty Rod in ffront and Rere Ranging ye same Course to ye Sea ; the Addition of ye third Lott is Sixty Rod in ffront and Rere Ranging ye same Course to ye Sea; The Addition of ye ffourth Lott is all ye Remaind of Land between ye Addition of ye Third Lott,and ye Sea, A n d all these Additions Joynes to ye Lotts in Pticular as they belong,unto in some place or other.Day & yeare,above written the Ppriet's abovementioned this Day being Mett to- gether and agreed each man or woman to take their Lotts of Land aboveSd as itffellto them by Lott:and so ye Lotts were Drawn as ffolloweth as witnes our hands & Seales Day & Date above written In p'sence of us John Newman : The ffourth Lott The marke and seal of The mark of Ann (A ) Carpenter William X Thornicraft The Third Lott John Townsend : Nathaneil Coles 646 The marke of Samuel (S C ) Coles : the Second Lott Nicholas Simkins The first Lott Robert Coles The ffifth Lott The mark & Seal of Appendix O Mahah Shalal Hasbaze Coles O Articles of Covenants & Agreements had made & Concluded on by & between ye Ppriet's of Muskeeto Cove Viz.Joseph Car- penter, Nathaneel Coles, nicholas Simkins, Daniel Coles, and Robert Coles,Concerning Rectifying Some fformer Orders,and of a ffurther Division or Laying out of their Lands December ye 27 : 1692 : as ffolloweth Imp'mis that whereas in ye 21th page & 5th Article of ye Booke of Records for Muskeeto Cove Lands there is Mention made of Nine Lotts but upon a Stricter Survey there is but eight Lotts ffound,the fifth Lott being wanting,it is now Laid o u t a t y e e n d s o f y e first t h r e e L o t t s , T h e n o r t h B o u n d ' t h e r e o f isye Highway Leading from Muskeeto Cove to Matenacock,and ye South bound' is ye Highway Leading from Muskeeto Cove to Oysterbay,and from ye Rere of ye fore Sd Lotts westward to Range as ffar as to make up one Hundred Acres it being Nathaniel Coles his Lott,as ismentioned in Sd Book,And fur- ther ye Sd Ppriet's have all agreed that whareas ye Sd Lotts were formerly Laid out one Hundred Rod Long & in quantity ffifty Acres,they have agreed to make them two Hundred rod in Length & in quantity one Hundred Acres,that isto Say ye eight Lotts aforeSd, And whereas ye Highway was ordered to be between ye second & third Lotts it is now to be between ye third & 4th 2dly The Sd Ppriet's have laid out a piece of their Land Lying between ye fresh meadow & Littleworth Line to each man a Lott as ffolloweth ;A n d whereas Joseph Carpenter Did formerly allow William Thornicraft Twenty Acres out of his ffifty Acre Lott The Ppriet's have agreed in Liew thereof to allow him ye Sd Joseph thirteen Rod in Breadth and to begin at ye South Side of Muskeeto Cove Bounds and Ranging west to Littleworth Line and East to ye ffresh Meadows,And next adjoyning to this Is Joseph Carpenters Lott being ye first in numb & ranging east & west & being in Breadth fifty Six Rod,The second Lott Twenty Eight pole in breadth being Robert Coles Lott, The third Lott Twenty Eight Rod in Breadth being Nathaniel Coles Lott,The ffourth Lott ffifty Six Rod in Breadth being Nicholas Simkins his Lott;The ffifth Lott ffifty Six rod in Breadth being Daniel Coles Lott, all these Lotts abutting against Littleworth Line and ye ffresh Meadows as aforeSd,And whereas Robert Appendix 647 Coles & Nathaneill Coles Lotts being ye second & third Lotts abovementioned are but twenty eight Rod in breadth and So of Less quantity than ye other three, The Ppriet's D o all agree to allow ye Sd Nathaniel & Robert as an Addition to Sd Lotts all ye undivided Land Lying Joyneing to their ffifty Acre Lotts mentioned in ye eighth Article of ye one & twentyth page of their Booke of Records that is to say all ye Land yt Lyeth between ye Highway yt Leadeth to Hempsteed and ye Mill swamp or Run- 3dly Whereas ye Home Lotts of Nathaniel Coles & Nicholas Simkins were at first Laid out Less in quantity then ye other H o m e Lotts as Doth appear in ye Booke of Records in ye one & twentyth page & second Article,the Ppriet's Do all agree yt they ye Sd Nathaneil & Nicholas Shall have as an Addition to SdHome LottseachofthemtenAcresofLand,thatistosay Nathaniel Coles to take up his ten Acres on ye North side of Rattlesnake hollow, and Nicholas Simkins to take up his ten Acres on ye South side of Rattle Snake Hollow so called but not to Bar nor stop Cattel from watering nor Highwayes 4thly Whereas in ye one & twentyth page & Sixth Article of ye Booke of Records Daniel Coles hath seventy Acres of Land and Thirty Acres of Land ordered to him:The Ppriet's now Do ord yt he ye Sd Daniel Shall have as much Land els where as will make up Sd Seventy & Thirty Acres to be two Hundred Acres to be taken up between Morris his Land and ye Highway Leading from Muskeeto Cove to Matenacock,But ye true mean- ing of this is that ye Seventy Acres hath by another Survey been made up sevenschore acres and so he ye Sd Daniel is to take up as much Land at ye place aforesaid as will make up ye Sd Sevenschore & thirty Acres two Hundred In Witnes whereof ye Execut & Overseers of Joseph Carpenter and ye Execut & Overseers of Daniel Coles wth ye rest of ye Ppriet's above said have sett their hands & Seales ye Day & yeare above written Signed sealed & D d : The marke and sealof in presence of us Ann (A) Carpenter John Newman Nathaniel Coles Jarvis Mudge Nicholas Simkins The Marke of Robert Coles Ichabod (I) Hopkins The X marke of MahahShalalHasbazeColes O (fol.30)-May ye8th1730 Derick Albertson The marke of William X Thornecroft O Then Run a Straight line from ye Clump of Wallnutts so Called at ye North East Corner of Musketocove patten to ye 648 Appendix South East bounds thereof which is from ye Sd Wallnutts South 3 degrees East wanting about 5 Minets R u n m e Geo: Townsend Be it known to all men by these presents that whereas I Nathaneel Coles of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island in ye Collony of N e w Yorke have and Alotment of Land at Muskeeto Cove in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforeSd which Lott is Mentioned & plainly Discribed in ye Book of Records of Mus- keeto Cove Lands in ye 21th page and 8th Article, and ye ffifth Lott in Number Lying between Robert Coles Lott and ye Mill Swamp ; And that I Robert Coles have also another Alotment of Land at Muskeeto Cove aforeSd wch ismentioned & discribed in ye Book of Records aforeSd in ye 21th page & fifth Article & of Number two & in Quantity ffiftyAcres in Sd Booke:But by another Agreement made ye 27th Day of December Last it is made ffull one Hundred Acres :N o w wee ye Sd Nathaneel Coles and ye Sd Robert Coles for good Considerations moving us there- unto Do by these presents Do agree to make an exchange of these our Sd Lotts that isto Say Iye Sd Nathaniel Do Yield up all m y Right title & Interest in m y Lott before Mentioned with. all Additions belonging thereto unto ye Sd Robert Coles to hi.m his Heires & Assignes forever: And I ye Sd Robert Coles Do LikewiseYieldupallmy Righttitle& Interestinmy Lottbefore- mentioned wth allAdditions belonging thereto unto ye Sd Nathan- eel Coles to him his Heires & Assignes forever; In Witnes whereof wee have hereunto Sett our hands & Seales the Twenty Eighth day of December one thousand Six hundred Ninety two Signedsealed&Dd: NathaneilColes O in p❜sence of us John Newman Nicholas Simkins Robert Coles Entred In Oysterbay Records In Libr C page 58 (fol.31)-Articles Covenants and Agreements had made and Concluded on by and Between us the Major pert of the Propria- tors of Musketacove that whereas the propriators Did make an addition on ye west End of the Nine Lotts Lying on ye East side the Mill River or ffresh Meadows on the 27th of December 1692 therefore we the Major pert of ye Propriators as aforesaid Do make a second Addition on the west End of the aforesaid Nine Lotts that is to say that Every Lott shall range west the whole Breadth of the Lotts so ffar as William Carpenters n o w Dwelling House and also the Lott that Lyes Between the Highway to MatenaCock and the Highway to Oysterbay to have and addi- tion of the same Quantity of Land as the other Nine Lotts have all which additions of Land to be and remaine unto the owners of the aforesaid Lotts according as they was Laid out to them Appendix theire Heires and Assigns ffor Ever In witness whereof we have hereunto sett our hands and ffixed to our seals this 6th Day of January Annoq Domini 1698/9 Nathaneill Coles Nicholas X Simkins O Samuel (SC) Coles O his marke Robert Coles Ser O Entred by the order of the parties abovementioned me John Townsend Clerke and is also Entred In Oysterbay In Libro C page 57 (fol. 32)- K n o w all men by these presents that we whose Names are Underwritten the owners and propriators of Musketa- cove Lands Have Given Granted Allienated Infeoffed Assigned made over and Confirmed and by these presents Do Give Grant Alienate Infeoffe Assigne Makeover and Confirme unto William Carpenter of Musketa Cove aforesaid In the Township of Oyster- bay In Queens County on ye Island Nassaw In the Collony of Newyorke as our ffree and proper Gift a Certain Percell of Land Lying and Joyneing on ye Northside of his own Land beginning at ye Northwest Corner of his owne Land and ffrom thence to Range North so ffar As to Come three Rods Northward of his now Dwelling house and ffrom thence to Range Eastwardly upon a Strait Line to the East Corner of his own Land be It in Quantity More or Less Together withall our Right title Interest Claime and Demand Whatsoever which we the said propriators now have or which any or Either of our Heires Executors Ad- ministrators or Assignes m a y hereafter have of to or In the said Granted Land withall ye profitts and previledges belonging there- unto Belonging to Have & to Hold unto him ye Sd Willaim Car- penter his Heires and Assignes all and singular ye said granted Land and premises ffor Ever Without the Lawfull Lett or Mol- lestation of us the said propriators or Either of our Heires or Assignes and the same to ye said William Carpenter his Heires & Assignes ffor Ever to warrant and Defend according as before Is Expressed In Witness whereof W e have hereunto set our hands and ffixed to our seales this 27th of March Annoq D o m : 1699 signed sealed and Dilivered Nathanell Coles Sen O nicholas Simkins Robert Coles sen the mark (S C) of Samull Coles me John Townsend Clarke In ye presence of us John Townsend the (S) Marke of Samuel Weekes Entred his marke William Carpenter 0 649 650 Appendix Know all men By these presents that we whose Names are underwritten the propriators of Musketacove Have Given & Granted unto Samuell Weekes of Musketa Cove aforesaid three Acres of Land Joyning on ye south side of his own Land begin- ning at ye East End of his own Land being a gore and to range westwardly to ye E n d of his o w n L a n d taking in Just three Acrees of Land to Have & to Hold unto him the said Samuell Weekes his Heires and Assignes the said granted three Acrees of Land with ye previledges belonging thereunto fforEver ffrom us the said propriators or any or Either of our Heires or Assignes and ye same to ye said Samuell Weekes his Heires and Assignes fforEver to Warrant & Defend according as before Is Expressed As Wittness our hands and seales this 27th of March 1699 In ye presence of us John Townsend William Carpenter Entredbyme John Townsend Clerke NathaneillColessen O Nicholas Simkins Robert Coles sen the mark (S C ) of Samuell Coles (fol.33)-Know all men by these presents thatt we whose Names are hereunder Written the Propriators of Musketacove ffor and In the Consideration yt Robert Coles Doth by these presents Give & Grant unto us ye Said propriators ffree Liberty to D a m against any pert of His Land Joyning to ye Mill stream with ye priviledge of Diging Earth and Carting from his Land for ye D a m to us and our Heires and Assignes ffor Ever ffor which Consideration we Do Give Grant & Confirme unto ye said Robert Coles all the Land & swamp Joyneing to his salt Meadows on ye south side ye Mill Creek he ye said Robert Coles not to hinder nor prejudice the Highway to Hemsteed or ye way to ye head of ye Cove or any Watering together with all our R i g h t s a n d titles w h i c h w e h a v e t o y e S d g r a n t e d L a n d & s w a m p e to have & Hold unto him the said Robert Coles his Heires and Assignes ffor Ever ffrom us our Heires Executors or Assignes ffor Ever ffree & Cleer ffrom all Mollestations whatsoever as though itwas worded In Every Respect according to Law and to ye Confirmation whereof we have hereunto sett our hands and seales this 27th of March Annoq Domini 1699 signed sealed & Dilivered In ye presence of us John Townsend Clarke Samuell (S)Wekes his marke Robert Coles sen Nathaneill Coles sen Nicholas Simkins William Carpenter the mark (S C ) of Samuell Coles This abovewritten in Entred among the Land Evidences of Oysterbay In Libro C page 57 me John Townsend Town Clark Appendix 651 (fol. 34)- A t the request of Capt Jacob Valentine Barak Sneathing and John Hawkins I have Surveyed the Land Di- scribedintheunderwrittenfigureLyingtheWest SideofMorris his pattent and Between itand John weekes his Land and where- as there Being an agreement Some time Last year made Between the parties about Settling the Bounds Between the Lotts and there then Being a Dispute Between them and Justice Wool- sey Concerning their Bounds and the agreement had refferrence to an Arbitration then depending between Said Ben woolsey and Jacob Vallentine Viz before micajah Townsend Solomon Smith and Isaac Smith and the Said Solomon Smith and Isaac Smith the major part of them having Settled the Line as is Described on the East Side of the Easterly Lott So that it Takes out of that Lott about 10 acres three roods 30 rods of Land which was agreed to be Lost in proportion to what Each man had in possession: and according to that proportion I have Run the Land out and Setled the Bounds according as the Lines is figured in this annexed map which was delineated by me Samuel willis April ye 26th 1776 Laid down by a Scale of 20 rods to an inch (The map isspread over both pages of the folio) (fol.35)-Be Know toallpersonsWhome itmay Concern that W e Jacob Valentine Barak Sneathing and John Hawkins all of Masketicove patent in the Bounds of Oysterbay in queens County & Being possesed of Certain Lotts of Land Lying Be- tween the patent formerly obtained By Coll Lewis Morris and the Land now of John Weekes : and Whereas we the persons aforesaid not having our partition Lines Setled Between us By reason that a Dispute has Long Subsisted Between the owners of Easterly Lott of Land and the possessors of Morris his pat- tent and as Justice Benjamin Woolsey the present possessor of that part Joyning to the Easterly Lott he the Said Justice woolsey and Capt Jacob Vallentine Did Some time Last year reffer the matter in Dispute to Arbitration and did agree With Each other that In Case the Arbitrators Should award any Land to the Westward of a Right Line from the mouth of Morris his Brook to a white oak Dead tree reputed to be Coil morris his South West bounder that in Such Case that the parties above named Should Loose Each their proportional part of the Same in pro- portion that Each had Land in their possession: And it is ap- pearent that the Arbitrators had awarded a line to run West- ward in an Elboe forme so as to Inclose about 10a 3r 20′ of Land to the westward of the Said Straight or right Line so that In pursuance to the Said Agrrement we have Settled the Bounds. and Lines Between the Lotts and run the Lines according to the Courses and Distances mentioned and discribed in the map on the other Leafe of this Book So that Each of us Beares the Loss in proportion as the Survey and Lines run Between the 652 Appendix Lotts Therefor we do Confirm the partition Lines that are run already according to the Said map and we Do agree Each of us for our Selves respectively and for our heires and assignes that the Lines So run Shall be a Constant and Lasting Bounder Between Each Lott without removall or alterations forEver In witness hereunto we have Set to our hands and fixed our Seals this Twenty Sixth day of April in the Year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Six 1766 Signed Sealed and Delevered In the presence of William Bennet Samuel Willis Jacob Vallantine O (ADDITIONAL RECORDS IN THIS PROPRIETORS BOOK on various pages, mostly not numbered) (p.10)-Memerandom for going to york for the Porfecying: <?perfecting) of the Syal right of our land -01-00-00 and allso to agree with the Gov for the payment -00-15-00 for Entertay(n)ing the Survare -00-05-00 (The difficult word might also be read as "Portousing," i.e., ?producing. "Syal" may mean either "soil" or "seal." This is of interest in connection with the order of the Governor to the T o w n Meeting to send certain deeds to him in order to perfect theirtitles. See p.33;also p.271,wherein Henry Townsend Sr. and Justice Thomas Townsend are selected to take the Patent and Indian deeds to the Governor for that purpose. See also Folio 1, Book B , (to be published in our second volume) and the Court of Assize records, in this Appendix, regarding this matter.) Family Record of Robert Coles I was maried the first of January 1670 The Age of my Childern Nathan Coles was Born the 18th of of march 1671 Tamer Coles was Born the 18th of may 1673 Dorkis Coles was Born the 15th of may 1675 Robert Coles was Born the 9th of Aprill 1677 John Coles was Born the 15th of november 1678 Charls Coles was born the 4th of march 1679 ffreegiuft Coles was born the 12th of June 1682 ffreegift Coles Desesed the 8th of agust at night 1683 Mercy Coles was born the 24th of march on monday 1683/4 Mary Coles was :born the 30th of november 1686 m y dafter Tamar was mearyed the 5th of november 1690 m y son nathan was mearyed the 21th of february 1691 Dorkis Coles Desesed the 19th of fabury 1698 Robart Coles Sen' desesed April ye 16 day 1715 John Hawkins Barak Snethen O Appendix m y wife Mercy desested the 21 of october 1708 Robart Coles Sen':desesed April ye 16 day 1715 653 The Age of William Thornycrafts and Mary Thornycrafts Children Thomas Thornycraft born ye 28th January 1708 William Thornycraft born ye 8th November 1710 Phebe Thornycraft born ye 1st March 1712 Charles Thornycraft born ye 2d July 1715 Mercy Thornycraft born ye 25th Septbr 1717 Mary Thornycraft born ye 3d November 1721 Joseph Thornycraf born 26th February 1723/4 In the name of god amen I Robert Coles being in perfect memary doe Comit my body tothedustfromwhenceitwastakenandmy souletogodthat gave it I also despose of m y asteat as folowes : first I bequeath all m y land and meadowes unto m y fore Sones nathan Robert John and Charles Coles to bee Equally devided amongst them onely m y Eldest son nathan is to have his first Choyes when devided : I resarving for m y wife there mother m y houes and orchard be low the high way or Street with the land and meadow aioyning thereunto for her ues duering her widowhood and no longer: after to return to m y sones as afore menshoned I also give unto each of my sones one Cow and two yeues when they Come of Age and if any of my sons dy without iseu then his parttofalltothesirvivers:alsoIbequaveuntomy wifemercy Coles all m y moveble Estat to distrubt among m y dafters as m y sayd wife shall see case only m y neger boye to fall to m y sones aftermy wifesdethorwidowhood:asalsotheCows and Sheep abovementioned m y sons must have when thay come of age m y millIgivetomy sonesalsoamongthemasaforesaydmy wife shall have the ues of all the esteat tell m y Chrildren shall C o m toageforthebringingofmy Childrenupthatistosayduring her widowhood and not other wayes I desier my Cozen John Townsend m y sister anns son and m y Cozen nathaniell Coles m y brothers son : with m y wife to se this m y will proformed acording to the tenner thereof this above wreten I doe owne A n d ecknowlidg to be m y last will and testement as witeness m y hand and seale In Musketacove this 17th of march 1689/90 Robert Coles O Signed Sealed in presents of us moses mudg John Newman George Codner memarandom thatIRobertColesthewithinwrettenmy Last will and testament do make and appoynt m y eldest son nathan Coles and m y wife to be the whole Executors of this the within 654 Appendix wreten m y Last will and testament and that John Townsend and nathaniell Coles m y Overseres named in this m y within wreten testament shall have full power to divide m y land according as I have Given it to m y Childeran in this m y within wreten will and this I declare to be a part of this m y within wreten will as witeness my hand and seal the 17th of march 1689 Signed and Sealed in presents of us Moses Mudg John Newman George Codner Robert Coles O Family Record of Nathan Coles. Nathen Coles was borne march ye 18 day in the yr 1671/2 Rachall Coles wife to Nathan Coles was Bornd 12 day April 1672 The a Bove Said pasens was mared 21 day of faberway in yr 1691 my dafter Ann Coles was Bornd desambar 3 day 1692 m y Dafter Charaty Coles was Bornd Saptamber 1 day 1695 m y Dafter Daberah Coles was Bornd Janawary 11 day 1697/8 m y dafter Contant Coles was Bornd April 25 day 1700 m y dafter Rachell Coles was Bornd Jenawary 15 day 1703/4 m y dafter matha Coles was Bornd novembr 4 day 1706 my Grand Son Coles mudg was Bornd July 10 day 1711 my GrandSonmichilmudgwasBorndAugst30day1713 Benjamin Cheeseman Born on ye 15th November 1716 Samuel Cheeseman Born on ye 23d January 1719 Thomas Cheeseman Born on ye 15th January 1721 Family Record of Joseph Carpenter Joseph Carpenter Sen'was Bornd October 16 day 1685 m y wife mary Carpenter was Bornd Saptamb2 21 day 1691 Joseph Carpenter and mary Carpenter was mared the ninth day of famuray In the yeare 1709 Carpenter Gen. gives Feb. 29, 1709) Willett Carpenter Son to Joseph and mary Carpenter was Bornd the aight day of June in ye yer 1719 Joseph Carpenter Son to Banjaman and macy (Mercy) Car- penter W a s bornd Saptambar 15 day 1705 Hanah and E (li)zebath Carpenter was Bornd Augst 17 day 1708 Bamjaman Carpenter was Bornd novamber 3 day 1712 Ann Carpenter was Bornd mach the 21 day 1715 Ann desed 2 day of Aril inth yere 1715 David Valentine born M a y 1689. Charity Valentine Born September ye 1st 1695 Charity Valentine Born Aprill ye 30th 1717 Jacob Valentine Born December ye 22nd 1718 Mary Valentine Born July 17th 1721 Appendix Sarah Valentine Born October ye 11th 1725 Phebe Coles (grandaughter) Born April ye 4th 1735 Charles Valentine Born September ye 30th 1742 David Valentine Born September ye 27th 1745 Susannah Valentine Born November ye 22nd 1748 In the name of god amen the twenty fiveth day of July 1712 I Robert Coles of Muskeetocove in the bounds of oyster bay in Queens County in the Colony of Newyork being very sick in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto god for it therefore Calling unto mind the mortality of m y body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye do make and ordaine this m y last Will and testament that is to say princi- pally and first of all I give and Recommend my soul into the hands of god that gave it and m y body I Recomend unto the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the decretion of m y Executors nothing doubting but at the general resurection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of god and as touching such Worldly Estate Where With it hath pleased god to bless me With in this life I give demise and dispose of the Same in the following manner and form I give and bequeath to all m y Children nathen John and Charles Coles teamer Car- penter marcy Carpenter and mary Thorny Craft all my hole real and parsonel Estate to be Equeally devieded amungst m y Children above named to them there hieres and assignes for Ever of the m y Debtts or all paid and Exsepting the bed and furnature there unto belonging and a Chest Which my Wife deciered in her Will for her doughter marcy Carpenter and a trunck where in all m y Writtings are I give thatt unto m y son nathen and I liekewise Constitute make and ordaine my son nathen Coles and John Coles to be m y Hole Executors of this m y last Will and testament and I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disanul all and Every other former testaments Wills legacies and bequests and Executors by me in any Ways before named Willed and bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be m y last Will and testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set m y hand and seal the day and year above Written Signed sealed and delivered in ye presence of Derick Albertson Caleb Peck Joseph Carpenter RobertColes O Musqueto Cove November 11th 1786 An Account of the Landholders with the number of Acres each possesses within the Patent:And also the Sums annexed that they are to pay as Quit-rent for fourteen Years past and fourteen years to come which is to be a final payment Viz : 655 656 Acres£sd James Townsend 279 0 5 7 Morris Carpenter William Hyde Appendix Acres£s d 1500 4 1100 3 200:0 4 0 7501 6 6201 3 4801 0 Prior Townsend Jacob Coles Noah Townsend's Est. 30 0 0 8 11400 4 Coles Carpenter's Est. Mordecai Beedel Daniel Albertson John Butler William Frost 19 0 0 4 Benjamin Coles & Daniel Kirby 153 0 3 1 John Weeks Jacob Carpenter Jesse Coles 10002 0 10202 0 William Hopkins Thomas Hopkins 8001 8 140 0 2 10 2000 5 80 0 1 8 8001 8 Caleb Coles 125 0 2 6 Benjamin Coles 100 0 2 0 Jacob Valentine 277 0 5 6 Coles Mudge 8001 8 JordonColes 1900 4 James Bennet 300 1 Charles Thorn 19 0 0 4 Joseph Woods 12002 5 Joseph Craft's Est.147 0 2 11 Jeromas Bennet George Bennet Thomas Pearsall's 190 0 3 10 Albert Coles Hervey Colwell 600 2 Derick Coles Abraham Probascho 1 0 0 5 William Coles 40 0 0 10 44 0 0 11 Est. 100 0 2 0 Isaac Coles 19 0 0 4 Daniel Coles 120 0 2 5 Ananias Downing 156 0 3 2 122 0 2 5 Silas Downing (The following certificates,though in the Quaker form,were not under the care of a Friends'Meeting.) (p.8)-Whereas Richard Udall son of Thomas Udall (de- ceased) and Susanna his Wife of the Township of Huntington, County of Suffolk,& State of New York,and Deborah Powel, DaughterofWilletPowel& CatharinehisWife,oftheTown- ship of Oyster Bay,County of Queens,& State aforesaid;having for some time intended marriage with each other,& having con- sent of their surviving Parents to their said intended Marriage, Now these are to certify whom it may concern,that for the full accomplishing their said intended Marriage,on the third day of second Month in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & one,they the said Richard Udall and Deborah Powel appeared in a Meeting of the subscribers held at the dwelling- house of the said Willet Powell, and the said Richard Udall taking the said Deborah Powell by the hand, did in a solemn manner openly declare that he took her the said Deborah Powell to be his Wife,promising with the Lord's assistance,to be unto her a loving & faithful Husband until Death should seperate them ;And then,& there,in the said Assembly,the said Deborah Est. 18503 9 CharlesFrost 300 1 John Frost 300 1 William Bennet Est.6 0 0 2 Henry Mott 2600 6 Thomas Kipp's Est. 6 0 0 2 Benjamin Craft 7301 6 Solomon Craft 60 0 1 3 Appendix 657 Powell did in like manner declare that she took him the said Richard Udall to be her Husband,promising with the Lord's as- sistance, to be unto him a loving & faithful Wife until Death should seperate them ;And moreover they the said Richard Udall & Deborah Powell, (she according to the custom of marriage assuming the name of her Husband) as a further confirmation thereof,didthen& theretothesepresentssettheirHands:And w e whose names are hereunto subscribed, being present at the solmnization of said marriage & Subscription, have as Witnesses hereunto,set our hands the day & year above written Richard Udall Jun' Ann Merritt Ann Willets Oliver Smith Elizabeth Seaman Henry P : Havens Abigail Hicks Abraham Whitson Sally Wickham Phebe Carman Townsend Valentine Dorothy Weeks George Valentine Phebe Powell Frost Valentine Elizabeth Valentine Richard Willets Susanna Valentine Daniel Willets Phebe Willets Joshua Willets Rachel Underhill Elijah Seaman 壟 斷 Recorded Deborah Udall Willets Powell Catharine Powell Jacob Seaman Susanna Seaman Sarah Udall Charles Udall Jacob Willets Theodosia Valentine Sarah Valentine Alice Powell Jonathan Seaman David Valentine (p .12)- W H E R E A S George Valentine,son of David Valen- tine & Hannah his Wife,of the Township of Oyster Bay,County of Queen's,& State of New York;and Mary Frost,Daughter of Stephen Frost & Sarah his Wife,of the Township,County & State aforesaid, having with consent of Parents & Parties con- cerned,previously engaged themselves to each other in a Con- tractofmarriage NOW thesearetocertifyallwhomitmay concern,that for the full accomplishment thereof,this twenty- second day of the second Month,inthe Year eighteen hundred & three,they the said George Valentine & Mary Frost appeared in a Meeting of the Subscribers, at the House of the abovesaid Stephen Frost ; and he the said George Valentine, taking the said Mary Frost by the hand,did,in a solemn manner,openly declare, that he took her to be his Wife ; promising, through Divine assistance,to be unto her a faithful & loving Husband until death seperates them, or words to that effect; & then the said Mary Frost did in like manner, declare, that she took the said George Valentine to be her Husband, promising through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful & loving Wife,until Death seperates them, or words to that import ; AND MOREOVER theythesaidGeorgeValentine& Mary Frost (she according to the custom of Marriage assuming the 658 Appendix N a m e of her husband) as a further confirmation thereof, did then to these presents set their hands ;and we whose names are hereunto subscribed, being present at the solemnization of said Marriage & subscription, have as Witnesses thereunto, set our hands the day & Year above written Deborah Townsend Sarah Udall Rosannah Cock Jun Hannah Townsend Clarinda Cock Phebe Frost Latitia Townsend Dinah Cock DavidValentineJun Refine Cock Daniel Valentine Isaac Frost Charles Thorn Jun❜ Ambrose Cock Charles Udall George Valentine Mary Valentine Jacob Seaman David Valentine Charles Cock Hannah Valentine CharlesFrostJun' StephenFrost Elizabeth Frost Mary Frost Ann Cock Mary Cock Isaac Smith Jemina Smith Robert Mitchill Baxter Frost Valentine Hannah Baxter Lewis Valentine Isaac Valentine Sarah Frost Charles Frost Charles Valentine Jun Rosanna Cock Susanna Valentine Sarah Valentine Susanna Seaman Recorded (End of Musketo Cove Book) David Valentine THE COURT OF ASSIZES The following extracts relating to this Township from the records of the Court of Assizes, are from the copy formerly in the T o w n Clerk's possession, but which has been for m a n y years in the possession of the N e w York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Mr. GeorgeW. Cocksprocuredtheloanofthemanu- script in 1898 to make this copy. This text is of greater impor- tance since the records of the Court for the early English period were destroyedby thefireinthe State Library at Albany,in 1911. The Court of Assizes was established at the beginning of the English regime, and consisted of the Governor, his Council, the High Sheriff of N e w Yorkshire and the Justices of the Peace of the three Ridings. It existed until 1684. It was the highest tri- bunal in the Province,with the supreme power of making,altering and abolishing laws,but was in no way representative of the peo- ple,itsmembers being wholly dependent on the Governor's will.It Appendix 659 metonceayear,intheautumn. ItwasthisCourt,dominatedby the "Commander in Chief" representing the absent Governor, whichrefusedthepetitionoftheTownsin1681,asshown onp. 245-247,though the Justices of the Court had met three months previous, and adopted a similar petition. See Brodhead, Hist., II., 351, et seq. At a Gen Court of Assizes held in ye Citty of New Yorke beginning on ye 3d day of November by his Maties authority in ye 21th yeare of ye raigne of or Soveraigne Lord Charles ye Second by ye grace of God Great Brittaine France & Ireland King De- fend'of ye Faith &c Annoq Dni.1669. Whereas it hath beene Rep'sented to this Cort that ye tyme appointed for houlding ye T w o Corts of Sessions each yeare is very Inconvenient to be so neare one anoth'as June isto March, & so longe from June to March againe,untill wch tyme if ye sume be above Five pound & under Twenty no person can recover his rightatLaw The Courtdothord'thatforthisyeareensueingye T w o Sessions for ye North & West Rydings shall be held in De- cembr & June & none inye month of March,The second wednes- day in December to begin for ye North,& ye Third Wednesday for ye West Ryding,The East Ryding to continue as before,un- lesse they shall desire ye like alteration or some Inconvenience shall appear. By ord of ye Governor & Cort of Assizes. Matthias Nicolls Sec T o ye Justices of ye Peace of ye North Ryding to be published. Several Ord's made & Confirmed at ye Gen" Court of Assizes held in N e w Yorke beginning on ye 5th & ending ye 8th day of Octoberinye22thYeareofhisMatiesRaigneAnnoq Domini 1670. Ordered 1st Whereas Complaint hath been made that Severall Indians at ye East end of Long Island do truck for & buy horses of Christians for their owne use wch in tyme may prove very dan- gerous & prjudiciall to his Maties Subjects in those ts, It is ordered by this court,That no Indians wthin this Governmt shall be mitted to buy or Keep any horses & if any have beene for- merly bought by or Sould to them,The Officers of each respective Towne & Plantation more Pticularly those at ye East end of Long Island are to make Inquiry thereof,& cause such son or Psons as have sold any horse Mare or Colt unto ye Indians to take them back againe & give oth'satisfaction to them Equivolent wth their Contract. And ifanyoneshallhereafter.p'sumetobreakthisOrd'ye Horse Mare or Colt so sold as aforesaid shall be forfeited to ye sonthatshallfirstgiveinformation,& makeproofthereof,& 660 Appendix ye son offending shall pay as a fyne to his Maties ye Sume of Ten pounds over & above his Retorning Satisfaction to ye Indian or Indians to whome he sold them. 2. Whereas It hath beene Rep'sented to this Court that ye breed of Horses upon Long Island is much fallen to decay by reason of ye great numbers of Small undersized horses that R u n i n y e w o o d s , I t is o r d e r e d , T h a t y e L a w m a d e i n t h i s C o r p o r a t i o n touching ye breed of horses upon ye Manhatans Island be Recom- mended to ye severall Townes upon Long Island & that likewise as soone as Conveniently it can be put in Execution. 3. That ye Fees of Constable & Overseers in Towne Courts be Regulated by ye Lawes in such Cases Established. 4. ThatyePricesofCornetobepaidinyeRates,doremaine for this yeare ensueing, as they have beene ye T w o p'ceding yeares,for that a due Estimate cannot be made of what is requi- site to be done therein untill ye Old & N e w High Sherrifs have brought in & fected their Accounts, ye wch they are hereby strictly required to do wth out any furth' or longer delay. 5. Whereas It is appointed in ye Laws Establish't wthin this Government, That all wills & Admcons upon ye Estates of ye Decd haveing been first proved & admitted in ye Court wthin whose Jurisdiction ye son doth happen to dye,shall be retorned into ye Office of Records in ye ffort at N e w Yorke,& being there Recorded, Certificate thereof to be made It is ordered that ye Lawe in that Case provided be attended & observed as well wthin yeCittyofNewYorkeasoth' tsofyeGovernment,anyoth Custome to ye Contrary notwithstanding. 6. ThatyeLawforRecordingofDeedsbeputtinExecution undr ye penalty of loosing ye benefitt of Priorty,if a latter Deed shall be first Recorded. 7. That ye Ordr Concerning Transportation of Deere Skins made at ye last Court of Assizes,do remaine in force tillye tyme lymitted do expire & no longer. 8. ThatyeLawsconcerningmarriagebestrictlyobserved,ye breach whereof ye Officers in each respective Towne are to take notice,& retorne and Account to ye Courts on wch they depend & if any son hath already beene or hereaft shall be fyned for Contempt or disobedience herein, ye fynes are forthwith to be levyed by ye Sheriffe,who hath hereby sufficient authorytye to do ye Same. 9. W h (e)reas at ye Gen" Court of Assizes held in ye yeare 1666,Itwasordered,ThatallTownesorprivate sonswhoheld Lands or houses within this Government,by graunt or Patent from ye West India Conpany or any of ye Dutch Governor or upon p'tences of purchase or Patent from any oth" son (o)r sons,wheth Indians or others should have them removed or Appendix 661 Confirmed by ye Governor und'ye Authoritye of his Royall High- nesse wthin a certaine tyme p'scribed under penaltye in ye Said Law sett forth, In obedience whereunto all Townes on Long Island have had new Patents,Except ye Townes of Southampton Southold & Oysterbay who upon some Nicetyes or p'tences have hitherto delayed to do ye same,this Court doth order that ye said Three Townes do give in their Reasons to ye Governor in some short tyme upon what Account they do refuse or delay to do ye Same Contrary to ye Gen Rules & Orders Establish't & in ye meane tyme that all their Deeds of purchase Graunts or Patents not Confirmed as aforesaid be look't upon as Invalid to all In- tents& purposesasisinyebookofLaw Specyfyed. 10. ThatyeOfficersofyeSeverallTownestowhome warrants shall be issued forth by ye High Sheriffe to bringe in the valua- tions of their Estates by a Certaine tyme do duely observe ye Same,und'ye penalty of a fyne to be imposed upon them by ye next Court of Sessions or Assizes. 11. That ye Military Lists of ye respective Townes wthin ye Government be retorned in by ye Military Officers to ye Governor once every yeare,ye tyme to be at or before ye 29th of May und' ye penaltye of a Fyne to be Imposed by ye next Court of Ses- sions or Assizes. 12. That ye Traynings be likewise observed as in ye L a w is required, of wch an Account is to be given to ye Court of Ses- sions and undr ye like penaltye. 13. ThatyeLawforPambulationofyebounds&Lymittsof ye Townes be dilligently attended und' ye penaltye in ye said Lawes p'scribed,of wch an Account isto be given to ye next Cort of Sessions. 14. Whereas Divers Complaints have beene made of ye great abuse of bringing dead hoggs & Porke into this Citty & it being not discernable h o w long they have beene killed by reason to often been brought frozen & so not Capable of p'serving by Salt,wch tends much to ye disreputation of that Comoditye when sent abroad,& of ye Merchants who expose itinto warmer Clymates, For ye Reasons aforesaide, it is ordered that henceforth no hogge or Hogges shall be brought dead to this place eother for sale or payment of Debts,Except it shall be in Caske well Salted & Pack't according to ye L a w otherwise Smoak't or dryed of wch all sons are to take notice as they will Answer the Con- trary at their Pill (peril). 15. Whereas ye works & Pallisadoes about ye ffort in this Citty are very much fallen to decay, & it is found requisite & necessarye for ye safety of ye place & Government Some R e a - tions shall be made thereupon in ye Spring,It is ordered That A Contribution or levy be risen towards ye effecting thereof in each of ye Rydings upon Long Island,And ye Justices of ye peace at 662 Appendix ye next Court of Sessions are to considr both of ye proportion & manner of Rateing it,whereon they are to make report to ye Governo 16. Whereas Severall of ye Townes upon Long Island have made Complaint by W a y of Adresse to this Court, desiring a Regulation thereof,That some sons who have lotts of Land in theirTownes,domakeSeveralldivisionsthereof& sellyeSame to divers poor inconsiderable sons who though they have but a Small Pte of a Lott yett Expect to give their votes in Towne Courts equall wth ye best freehold there, ye wch in tyme m a y prove to ye distruction of ye place,its that (thought) it will come to be Governed by ye worst & least concerned of ye Inhabitants, this Court doth thinke fittto ord That each respective Towne so agrieved as aforesaide do make their Applications to ye Sev- erallCourts of Sessions,to ye wch they do belong,who are hereby Impowered & authorized to give remedye herein. By Ord.of ye Governor & Court of Assizes. Orders made at.ye Gen : Court of Asizes held in N e w Yorke beginning on ye 4th & ending on ye 7th day of October in ye 23th yeare of his Maties Reigne Annoq Dni 1671. Whereas diverse Applicacons have been made unto this Court from ye Inhabitants of severall Townes upon Long Island repre- senting ye great Abatem1 that hath happened in ye price of Horses & MaresbetweenyetimesytyeLaws werepromulgatedatHemp- stead when ye first Assessmt was ordered & their Vallue at this p'sent time Horses & Mares n o w yielding not above halfe soe much as they were worth then & yett they are still Rated alike Concerning ye wch they Crave some redress. The Court haveing taken ye p'misses into Consideracon doe Ord In regard ye val- luacons according to ye L a w being already brought in & noe pro- vision made to supply ye Deficiency of ye Sume wch by conse- quence will be wanting ifan Abatemt according to ye p❜sent vallue of Horses & Mares should be allowed that ye Rate for Horses & Mares as well as other Matt's shall for this p'sent yeare continue a s h e r e t o f o r e : b u t i n y e m e a n t i m e T h i n k fitt t h a t s o m e P r o p o s a l l s be p'pared against ye severall Courts of Sessions to be held in ye Month of June next how to make ye Rate equivalent ifthe Peti- con'sRequestshallbegranted:& yeJusticesofyepeacemakeing Reporte thereof to ye next gen" Court of Assizes there shall be such Order taken therein as will be thought most Requisite tend- ing to ye Good & Welfare of ye Governmt 2. Whereas severall Peticons have been p'sented to ye Gov- ernor as well from this City of New Yorke as many parts of Long Island Requesting that ye Prohibicon for ye Exportacon of Corne might be taken off & that they might have Leave to send & dispose thereof at their pleasure for their best Advantage ye Appendix 663 wch was recomended by his Honor to ye Justices of ye severall Courts of Sessions held in June last to Enquire into & give their Judgm's concerning ye probability of plenty or scarcity of Corne this p'sent yeare (ye uncertainty whereof was ye primary occa- sion of ye Prohibition) ye wch was accordingly done & Reporte thereof made unto ye Governor very satisfactory as to ye great hopes & Expectacon of a plentifull Harvest :Yet notwithstanding it being since experimentally found that retayning such Graine wthin ye Governmt will prove to a Generall good inviteing Strangs with Shipping in for Bread & Floure & ye price of Wheat noe way abased but ye rather Augmented soe consequently can be noe predjudice to ye Inhabits The p'misses being seriously debated & maturely taken into Consideracon : The Court doth Ord'that ye Prohibition for ye Exportacon of Wheat in Grayne as also of Meale as it comes from ye Mill doe Continue untill ye next Gen" Court of Assizes:And also that noe persons within this Governm doe p'sume to Exporte any Wheat in Grayne or Meale undrest as it comes from ye Mill as aforesaid (without ye Governors speciall Lycense under his Hand and Seale for ye same ) Vnder ye Penalty of Confiscation of such quantity of Wheate or Meale as shall be mett withall soe transporting and noe Mast of any Ship Sloope Boate or Vessell shall take in any such Loading under ye penalty of Confiscation of ye said Load- ing as also of ye said Ship Sloope Boate or Vessell soe Trans- gressing. 3. Whereas many Complaints have been made That notwith- standing ye publique Ordrs of the Governmt that all Vessells or Boates loaden wth Goods or Merchandize should make Entry of their Vessells & Loading & pay such Customes as are settled by Authority of his Royall Highness & payable upon Customable GoodsthewchOrdrsareduelypractizedinthisCity:butneglected els-were It is Ordered that all Boats Sloopes or Vessells comeing into or goeing out of any of ye Portes upon Long Island as well at ye East end thereof as in any other part doe make Entry of there Vessells or Loading & pay ye Customes due (as ye Ordгs from ye Governor doe direct) unto such Officer or Officrs as from time to time shall be appointed by ye Governor or ye Chiefe Offics of ye Customes in this place to take cognizance of & receive ye same:And that under ye penalty of forfeiture and Confiscation of such Boate Sloop or Vessell whensoever they can be mett with according to ye lawes & Customes in such Cases provided . 4. Whereas great Complaints have been made as well to ye Governor as unto this p'sent Court of Assizes That many of ye Constables upon Long Island & ye Clarkes of ye severall Court of Sessions Notwithstanding ye Strictness of ye Lawes in such Cases provided as also of severall Orders from ye Governor re- inforcing ye same nevertheless divers of them have Neglected to 664 Appendix make up their severall Accots with ye respective High Sherriffs who successively have been in that Employmt Insoemuch as to this day they are thereby hindred & Disenabled from makeing up & cleareing_their Accots as the L a w doth require wch proves a very great Dissatisfaction to the Country in Gen" as well as in particular to those who have according to their Duty performed their Trusts yet lye under ye same Imputation : It is therefore ordered that ye Constables of the severall Townes of ye North and West rideings doe before ye next Court of Sessions to be held in Decemb' cleare their Accots wth ye Sherriffs or at ye said Cots of Sessions & ye Constables of ye East Rideing doe ye like before ye Court of Sessions to be held in March next under the penalty that (in default thereof) their Estates so distreynd upon for ye same:And in case any of them be dead & have not left wherewithal to give Satisfaction then according to ye L a w That ye Townes to wch they did belong doe make payment in their S t e a d : A n d it is l i k e w i s e O r d e r e d t h a t y e C l a r k e s o f t h e r e s p e c t i v e Courts of Sessions doe also Cleare their Accompts wth ye Sher- riffs aforesaid by the time p'fixt or at ye said Cots under the penalty of loosing their Employments & being distreyned upon for what they shall bee in Arreare. ByOrd'ofyeGovernor& CortofAssizes. Matthias Nicolls.Sec It is ordered by the Governor that the Courts of Sessions to bee held in ye North & West Ridings this next month of Decemb shall bee for the North on the first Wednesday & for the West on the second. Matthias: Nicolls.Secr Orders made at the Gener [Court] of Assizes held in New York begins the 6th and ending on the 13th do in the 27th yeare of his Maties Reigne Annoq Domini 1675 V p o n Consideracon of the Mischief that to frequently happens in carrying Liquors and Goods to trade with the Indyans at their Plant where in case of Disorders or Abuses small Reliefe can be expected amongst them ; It is Ordered That through out the Governmt there be no Trading upon any Accot wth the Indyans at their Plantations That the L a w bee likewise Observed which prohibitts Selling Liquors to the Indyans in York-shire upon Long Island and de- pendencies A n d that pursuant to the L a w the Constable of the severall Towns have care noe Powder or Lead bee sold to the Indyans but by their order or by their Consents. The Proclamacon sett forth by the Governo'about Block houses being approved of Its Ordered strictly to bee Observed V p o n a Proposall whether it will not bee convenient that (? at) this period of time of the Indyan Disturbance to the Eastward to Appendix 665 bringall[canoes]totheNorth-sideofLong IslandtothisPlace or to have them all [seized] to prevent any Intercourse wth the Indyans on the Maine & our [order is] that those Canooes bee brought to the next (i.e.nearest) Townes & Secured by the [constables.] It's Resolved That all Canooes whatsoever belong- ing to Christians or Indyans on the North-side of Long Island to the East of Hell-Gate [shall] within three dayes after the publicacon bee brought to ye next [Towns and] delivered into theConstablesCustodytobelaidup& securedby [themin]their Block-Houses : A n d that whatever Canooe Shall be found [on the] Sound after that time bee distroyed. (This order and the next were based on a rumor that the Indians were plotting to attack the English as far west as Greenwich. Brodhead, Hist. II.,289.) That the Indyans at Mr John Pells on Ann-Hooks Neck (be) Ordered to remove within a ffortnight to their Usuall Winter Quarters in Hell-Gate upon this Island ;during which time Loaden Canooes which shall have Certificates from the Magistrates of the Place from which they come Expressing whither they are goeing shall bee permitted to pass along the Shoare except out of the Governmentwhichin[thatcaseshallnot]beallowed[ (nearly a whole line worn away) [ ] Weights & Measures is Ordered that [ ? three] months after the Publication thereof the same shall be putt in [effect] in this City Long Island and parts adjacent And in six months [in all] other parts throughout the Governmt And that whosoever shall in that time presume to use any other Weights or Measures shall [lose] that (i.e.what) they shall soe sell & bee lyable to such further punishmt [therefor] as the Case shall require The time of the Proclamacons prohibiting the Ex- portacons of Corne and also that of Flour &c:being expired:· The same being taken into Consideracon and the present Scarcity: It is Ordered That the Prohibitions for the Exporting of Corne or Floure doe still Continue in force for the Terme of six months after the Date hereof. The payment in the Rates for Horses and Horse-kinde being recommended from the Towne of Southampton & other Townes at the East end of Long Island to be considered of whether not to high It being soe much above the present Value :Ordered that the Rates doe Continue as they now are: And that all Persons who have Horses upon Long Island doe within the space of six months prove their Horses before the Constable and Overseers. or Chiefe Officers of the respective townes to wch they do belong: A n d such as shall bee found unmarkt according to L a w shall bee forfeited one halfe to his Royall Highness the other halfe to the ] 666 Appendix towne to which he shall bee brought A n d that noe person p'sume to mark any Horse [kind] but before the Constable & Overseers or Chiefe Officer of the Place Ordered that all Persons upon Long Island who have Estates from the value of twenty pounds to one hundred pounds m a y keep one Breeding mare and noe more ; and soe proportionably for every hundred pounds one :But may have as many Working Geldings or Horses of Size according to L a w as he shall have Occasion of and double the Number in the Woods That every single Person though but of twenty pounds Estate may keep Gelding or Horse at home and in the Woods propor- tionably Vpon Complaint of the great Abuse at the East end of Long Island [about] their Oyle Čask & c:It is Ordered That there bee a Sworne Gager & Tapper of Oyle in ye respective Townes where theWhalingDesigneisfollowed.And uponthePetition& Compl of severall Coopers in these parts Concerning the making of Oyle Caske & great deceipt used by strangers Coopers ; It is likewise Ordered that noe Cooper shallbee Admitted to make Caske with- out the Consent of the Magistrates & Officers of the respective Townes And that the Sworn Gagers and Packers chosen and Au- thorized according to L a w shall have the same Inspection of Oyle Cask & viewing of Oyle as for Beefe Porke &c:& to have the same Allowance and the Defaulters to [pay] And that every Towne whome itdoth or may Concerne (ifnot now so provided) d o f o r t h w i t h m a k e a ffitt C h o i c e f o r a G a g e r a n d P a c k e r [ 1 as before according to Law In default whereof to Answer at your perills The Church Affayres being taken unto Consideracon [for] the Maintenance of the Ministry It is Ordered That tow [ards the main]tenance of the Ministry beside the Usuall Country Rate a Double Rate (be) levyed upon all those Townes that have not [provided] already presant Maintenance for A Minister. (See p.679 for the Town's attitude toward this matter. See also Volume 2.) Upon Proposall of haveing a ffayre and Markett in or near this City It is Ordered That after this Season there shall yearely be kept a Fayre and Markett at Brucklyn neare the Ferry for all Grayne Cattle & Produce of the Countrey To be held the first Munday Tuesday and Wednesday In November and in the City of N e w Yorke the Thursday ffriday & Saturday following. Ordered That in case there should happen a Warre wth the Indyans in this Governmt (which God firbidd) for the better carrying on of the same one or more Rates shall be Levyed ac- Appendix 667 cording as there shall be occasion A n Accot whereof to be given to the following Court of Assizes. Ordered That in all Cases the Majistrates through the whole Government are required to doe Justice to the Indyans as well as Christians. That by reason of the Separacon by Water,Staten Island shall have a Jurisdiction of itselfe;to have noe farther dependence on the Courts of Long Island,nor on their Militia. By Ord'ofthe Genil Court of Assizes. Matthias ; Nicolls Sect'y (The following matter is incomplete, a page or more of the original having disappeared. It appears to be an extension in detail of the Duke's Laws, providing, in effect, a Town Law. The date does not appear, but internal evidence seems to indi- cate 1678.) [ ]inoneyeare.The firsttobeginonthefirstsecond& thirdWednesdayesinMarch. The latter on the first second & third Wednesdayes in June be- ginning in the East Riding as formerly & so to goe on to the North& Westridings.AndtheGenerallCourtofAssizesishere- aftertobeginuponthelastWednesdaye inOctobr To the end there may bee an orderly way of empannelling of Juryes in any of the Cort of Sessions where the High Sheriffe cannot bee present, It is therefore ordered, that the Clarkes of each Sessions shall bring a List of what Causes are entred for Tryall by Juryes,three dayes at least before the Sessions is to bee held,to any two of the Justices of the Peace of ye same Riding who under both their hands are empowered by warrant with equall Capacity as if the said Warrant were signed by the High Sheriffe (to sumon a sufficient Jury or Juryes( ) > to attend the publick service in the said Sessions That in all Cases to be tryed by Juryes at the Generall Court of Assizes the number of Jurors shall bee twelve,but at the sev- erall Corts of Sessions the same number is sufficient as already in the L a w is sett forth. That the number ofthe Overseers in each Towne shall,before the first Tuesday in Novembr next bee reduced to foure And whereas Election hath been already in the Respective townes of foure new Overseers for this present yeare,two of them onely shall continue in their places,& the other two shall bee dismis't,In like manner two of the old Overseers shall bee dismis't,& ye other two shall continue,which choice of those who shall keepe in,or bee discharged of the Employment, shall be determined by the Vote of the Major part of the Inhabitants of each Towne. That the Constable & foure Overseers shall for the time to come have to all Intents & purposes,the same power & priviledge 668 Appendix to act & to doe in all matters relating to their Towne affayres,as heretofore was in the Lawes allowed to the number of Eight,A n d that in Towne Courts,the Constable & any two of them have power to heare & decide all such matters as come within their Cognizance as formerly the Constable & foure of them might have done. That at the time prescribed in the lawes for Election of Con- stables & Overseers the two old Overseers (at present continued) shallbedismis't,& twonewonesaretobeechoseintheirstead; And that from henceforth ye Election both of Constables & Overseers,in each Towne,shall bee by the vote of the Major part of the Inhabitants. That in each Towne it bee left to the vote of the Major part of the Inhabitants whether at the Admission of the Overseers intotheirplaces,theyshalltaketheOathesinyeLawes enjoyned. Alwayes provided That if any person of the Towne or stranger having a Cause or suite depending to bee tryed in that towne Court where the Overseers are not sworne- In such cases that person may have a lawfull objection against their proceedings, Vnlesse the Overseers excepted against,do first take their Oathes, which the Constable hath liberty to administer unto them. (The letter from the Constable, Thomas Townsend, to Com- mander Brockholls,in March,1678,and the subsequent action of the Court of Sessions in June,in making the concession for this Town (see p. 681) indicates that the above legislation was at theautumn meeting of the Court of Assizes,1678.) That the publicke Rates shall hence forth bee payable at one certaine Time of ye yeare which is to bee at or before the last day of Decembr & the Constables having already sufficient au- thority in the L a w to make Distresse for non-paymt They shall bee lyable to make good the Rates in their Towne if any part shall bee in Arreare,or unpayd after the Time prescribed. That the arreares of the former yeares Rates shall bee payd into the Constables in Every towne,without further delay in the moneth of December next with the present yeares Rate. That the payment of the Rates for publick charges shall bee made in Corne,Beefe or Porke at the price herein mentioned. That is to say Wheate not exceeding five shillings the Bushell, Rye & Pease foure shillings Indyan Corne three shillings,& Oates two shillings & six pence, Beefe at three pence & Porke foure pence per pound,And no other payment shall bee allowed of. That whosoever shall omitt or refuse to bring in the Valuacons of their Estates to the Constables as is required,The Constable and Overseers shall put a value thereupon according to their Dis- crecons,& distreyne for the same accordingly. Appendix 669 That whosoever shall neglect or refuse to obey a special War- rant under the Governors hand & seale, hee shall bee lyable to such a ffine at (as) the Court of Sessions or Assizes shall adjudge according to ye merritt of the Default. That whosoever shall reproach or defame any Person or Per- sons who have or shall act in any publicke Employment either in Corts or otherwise,or shall vilify their proceedings who serve the publicke inthe Government by Authority under his Royall High- nesse the Duke of Yorke :or whosoever hereafter shall anywayes detract or speake against any of the Deputyes signing the Ad- dresse to his Royall Highnesse that (? at the Generall Meeting at Hempsteed they shall bee presented to the next Cort of Ses- sions,& ifthe Justices shall see cause they shall from thence bee bound over to the Assizes there to answer for the slander upon plaint or Informacon. Whereas in the Amendments of the Lawes formerly sett forth under the head (Marriage) Its said that all persons are to bee accounted of fittage to marry,when the Man hath attained to the Age of one and twenty, and the Woman to eighteene yeares, It is to bee understood of such Persons as are under Guardianshipp & (yt) it is not in any wise to take off the naturall Bonds of Duty, and Obligacon which Children owe to their parents. That the payment of Jury-men shall bee by abatements in their Rates in the Townes where they inhabitt which upon Cer- tificate of their service from any of the Clarkes of the Corts of the Assizes or Sessions shall bee allowed them by the Constables. Whereas divers Complaints have beene made that notwith- standing the penalties in the L a w sett forth severall persons doe presume to sell Liquors to the Indyans, (whereby oftentimes great disorders are comitted) but what is done by them in that kind is acted so privately that seldome any other proofe thereof can bee made,thenby some ofthe Indyansthemselves;Itistherefore ordered,that although the Testimony of Heathen against Chris- tians may not altogether be alowed,yet when it meets wth any other apparent Circumstances, such as may bee sufficient as to convince a Jury, In such Cases the Indyan Testimonies shall bee admitted as good proofs against the Persons accused. T h e Cort having taken notice of the Defect & faylings of both townes & particular Persons in not bringing in their Graunts or Patents to receive a Confirmation of them or not coming to take out new Graunts when they are defective, or where there are none at all according to former Directions in the Law ;As also taking into their Serious Consideration That severall Townes & Persons wthin this Governmt as well English as Dutch, doe hold their lands & houses upon the Condicon of being subjects to the 670 Appendix states of the United Belgick Provinces,wch is contrary to the Al- legiance due to his Maty, They do Order That all Graunts or Patents whatsoever formerly made, shall bee brought into bee Confirmed or renewed by authority of his Royall Highnesse the Duke of Yorke,And all such as have no Patents shall likewise bee supply'de therewth by the first day of Aprill next after ye date hereof,after which time neither Towne or private person whether English or Dutch shall have liberty to plead any such old Graunts, Patents or deeds of purchase in L a w , but they shall bee look't upon as invalid to all Intents & purposes. B y order of ye Governor & Court of Assizes Matthias Nicolls Secr SOME ANCIENT DOCUMENTS N o t recorded in the T o w n Records (with the exception of the First Purchase Deed),but of importance to the history of land titlesintheTown,andtoitspoliticalhistory. Thosefrom orig- inaldocuments,unlessotherwisestated,were copied,in1898,by George W . Cocks. (The following is the actual text of the First Purchase Deed, stillpreserved in the Town Clerk's office. It is reproduced as a frontispiecetothisvolume. AnancientcopyispastedintoBook B,anditwasalsorecordedinthatBook. Seep.334andp.354. The original is much faded and considerably worn. In order to make this a perfect copy it was necessary to have the original photographically enlarged. J. C., Jr.) Anno Dni one thousand Six hundred & fifety th[ree] This writing witnesseth yt Asiapum alias Mohenes haue sold vnto Peter wright,Samuell Maio,William Leuerich,Their heyrs Ex- ecutors administrators & assignes all his Land Lyeing & Scituate upon Oyster Bay & isbounded by oyster Riuer to ye east side,& Papaquatunk riuer on ye west side with all ye woods, riuers marshes uplands, ponds & all other the appurtenances lying betweene the bounds afore named,wth All ye Islands Lying to ye Sea ward excepting one Island Comonly Called Hog Island & bounded neere Southward by a point of trees called Canteaiug. In Consideration of wch bargaine & sale he is to receaue as full satisfaction six Indian Coates,sixe Ketles,sixe fathom of wam- pum,sixeHoes,sixeHatchetts;three ofstocking[s]thirty Appendix 671 Auln-blades or Muxes (heads for eel spears), twenty Kniues, threeshirts,& asmuchpeage(blackwampum)aswillamountto ffoure pounds sterling In witnes whereof he hath set to his marke in ye p'sence of William Washborne Asiapum or Anthony Wright Mohenes X his Robert Williams mark (O n the back is the following> we withinnamed Sam:Maio.Peterwright,& williamLeuerich, doe accept of as ioynt purchasers with o'selves ye sons under specified to the like right vileidgs as we have o'selves in ye Lands purchased of Asiopum & Pticularly mentioned in ye write- ing made & subscribed by himselfe & other Indians respectively interessed & in the names of such as were absent acted by him &yemall: witnesofhands: William Leuerich Samuell: Mayo joynt purchasers wth vs Mr Washbourne Tho:Armitage D a n : whitehead Anth:wright Rob:williams. Joh : washbourne Ric: Holbrooke. Recorded in the office at N e w Yorke this 27th day of March 1667 By mee Matthias Nicolls Secr RecordedinOysterbayinLibrB:page:57:& Examinedbyme John Newman Recorder. (The Dutch Council Minutes,27 Jan.,1655,show (Col. Doc., X I V ., 3 1 1 ) t h a t t h e y , h e a r i n g t h a t t h e E n g l i s h w e r e p l a n n i n g t o take the whole of Long Island from them "nolens volens," de- cided that) as soon as the waters are free from ice and the land from snow some members of the Council with one of the Magis- trates of the City shall go to Long Island and where else it may be necessary to inquire civilly and secretly into the matter,using as a pretext a visit to Oyster Bay in the limits of N e w Nether- land to order the withdrawal from this jurisdiction of the English- men,who have settled there during the troubles of last year,and in case of refusal to protest against them in due form. ( T h e f o l l o w i n g f r o m C o l . D o c . I I ., 1 6 0 , i s t h e p r o t e s t a b o v e referredto.) Copy of a Protest served on Johan Levereth (William Lever- ich) who hath settled on Marten Gerritsen's bay,by him called Oyster bay. 672 Appendix Cornelis van Tienhoven, in quality of Fiscal of the Province of N e w Netherland and legal conservator of authority and juris- diction by commission of the High and Mighty Lords States- General of the United Netherlands and Honble the Directors of th Incorporated West India Company, Lords and Patroons of New Netherland,given and granted to the Right Honble Petrus Stuyvesant,Director-General,and the Supreme Council of New Netherland. Being instructed by the aforesaid Director-General and Council to repair to you,William Levereth,here and to notify and make knowntoyouandallwhom itdothconcern,thatyouhavesettled within the limits of N e w Netherland,on land named Marten Ger- rit's bay,purchased from the natives,the right owners and pro- prietors,and paid for and long possessed by the Netherland na- tion and by the subjects of N e w Netherland. Therefore do I, in the name and on the behalf of the said High and Mighty,the Lords States-General,and of the Honble Directors of the Incor- porated West India Company,warn you,on these aforesaid,our long since purchased,possessed and paid for lands,not to proceed with building, clearing, cattle-feeding or hay-mowing, or what- ever appertains to agriculture or farming,but that,within thirty days after the service hereof,you do depart beyond the jurisdic- tion of N e w Netherland with your people,servants or slaves, fur- niture, implements, and every article of property you and your nationbroughtthither,on pain,ifyou orany ofyours,afterthe expiration of the time aforesaid, be found to have acted con- trary hereunto,of my being compelled,against you and whom- s o e v e r it m a y c o n c e r n , t o p r o c e e d a s c i r c u m s t a n c e s m a y r e q u i r e . Meanwhile I protest against all damages,injuries,mischiefs and losses which may arise herefrom,whereof I declare,before God and the world,our innocence. This 24 April,1655,in New Am- sterdam,New Netherland. (Signed), Cornelis van Tienhoven. (Thefollowing,from Col.Doc.,XIV.,384,isperhapsthe earliestdocumentissuedbythelittlecommunity. No replyfrom Governor Stuyvesant appears to be extant.) Letter from Inhabitants of Oysterbay To Stuyvesant,concern- ing the Title to that Part of Long Island. Honered Syr. Synce your last beeinge att Oysterbay,wee have reseued Nether Lyne nor Leter from you,wee dout not but you styll beare in Mynd the proposyshons then mayd,namly,that yould ether make oute the Ryght and Tytele of the place to be youres or give vs vnder youre hand to free vs from Insuing Damige of a Leter sent from gouernor Eyeton (Eaton) whych leter was produced and parvsed by Mytr Leveryge at youre being there, and since. that tyme wee have Reseued noe more it is not oure desyre to Appendix 673 Lyue from vnder gouerment iftherefore itmay in meshure stand wyth your worshypes pleshure to manifest what you Intend Con- cernying the playce wee shall wyth a wyllinge Redines atend your worshype wyth our ansquers soe not further to Trubele at p'sent wee humbly take our leaue and Reste youre Ever loueinge frendes from Oysterbay the 23th of January 1657. T o the Ryght worshypfull Thomas Armatag, Pieter Steavenesant Dy- Peter Wright, rektor gouerner of the Nicholas Wright, N e w netherlands these Anthony Wright. present. DanielWhythead, Roberd Wylliames, Nycklast Symson, (Nicholas Simkins) John Dickinson. These in the name of the Rest. (The letterfrom theTown officialstowhich thefollowing (Col. D o c ., X I V ., 5 7 4 ) is a n a n s w e r , d o e s n o t a p p e a r e x t a n t .) T h e Governors Letter to the Constable & Overseers of Oyster Bay. I received yors of the 18th Instant,signed by & inthe Name of the Constable & Overseers of Oyster Bay, in behalfe of the Towne, and shall never bee unwilling to manifest the openness both of m y Eares and heart,to ye meanest man in the world,who can object to mee the least oppression upon him,either in Tem- poralls or Spirituals;fforthe last,you cannot desire more Liberty than is contrived for tender Consciences in the Lawes, for ye first,you may all know that I have put the country to no charge, for which I might have drawne Presidents from all the Colonyes in N e w England,and his Maties Letters Patents would have war- ranted the same ;However the common charge must be defrayed by a Publicke Rate,and upon a late view of both,I found that ye charge exceeded the Rate of 200 lbs Ann,besides that,the ffractions of every Townes Account would have proved more difficult to reconcile,then you could possibly imagine. Therefore well knowing that the Trust committed to mee by his Maty is a sufficient Warrant for such necessary alteracons,and well weigh- ing that the charges must be paid by Rates and that all those ac- counts are to bee cleared in the face of the country, at the As- sizes,where every man may see,wherefore hee payes his Rates, I say,U p o n full and due consideracon of the necessity and equity thereof,I have Ordered (for the good and benefitt of the whole) That ye Rate bee made and collected at the value of one penny per pound for this yeare,that ye Publique Debts may not runne into Arreares,or men (who bestow their time and paines for ye Publicke) complaine that they must stay two yeares for their Payment. 674 Appendix Gentlemen,You see how ready I am to satisfy your scruples, andtherefore,Icannotbutexpectyourcomplyancetomy direc- tions,whose dayly meditacon itis,which way I can best serve the country, and without any other expectacon of benefit from them,then a good name,and no such peevish dispositions,which may render them refractory to his Maties Government. I must not forgett to remind those that thinke the 200 lbs.was so fully concluded, as not to bee exceeded, for it was then apparent e n o u g h , t h e R a t e w a s t o o s m a l l f o r t h e c h a r g e , B u t it w a s c o n - cluded that in that case, a second Rate should be levyed for ye defraying thereof. I count my selfe ill rewarded for all ye charge and Paines I have taken,to finde my diligent inspection into the Publique Affaires,brought into Question by those from whom Iexpectno Proffitt,And ifanyman shalldisputemy Com- mission,or the Power I have derived upon ye as Towne Officer, inputtingtheLawes,ormy specialWarrantsinExecution,you maybeassured,IwillJustifymy selfeandactions,andyours also in conformity to them,before God and the world,when ye most forward and perverse will wth shame acknowledge their error;This isthe full Answer to your Paper,from Your very Loving ffriend 21th March,in ffort James.(1665/6) Rich Nicolls. Memorand. That on the 19th day of Octobr 1666 Mr John Hicks & Mr Richard Gildersleeve in the name and behalfe of the Towne of Hempsteed, did before the Governor disclayme any Title or Interest to a certaine parcell of Meadow Ground adja- cent to Matinicocke lands,And that as the Towne of Oysterbay n o w doeth so for ever hereafter they m a y quietly enjoy the S d Meadowes without any molestation or disturbance of any person or persons clayming a right thereunto from by or under them. Entred in the office of Records at N e w Yorke the day & yeare above written (From original) Matthias Nicolls. Secr (Thefollowing,from Col.Doc.XIV.,592,isofinterest.) A Letter to the Constable and Overseers of Oyster Bay. Gent". The Governor hath recd yor Peticon, In Answer to which, I have Order to acquaint you,That hee did suppose ye matter con- cerning the fourth Neck of Land,was Long since at an Issue, and determined by the Order of the Genall Court at Hempsteed ; In pursuance whereof,there hath beene a view of the severall Necks,and they are found to bee but three,as hath beene Certi- fiedunder the hands of Capt.Topping and Mr Wells;yet ifit shall appeare upon further enquiry,that there are foure Necks, according to the former Order,that which lyes next yo' Towne, Appendix 675 will belong to it,Notwithstanding the Patent wch the Towne of Huntington hath obtain'd;I have by his Honors Order Written to the Constable and Overseers of Hunting,to send you a Copy of the Certificate, given by Capt Topping and Mr. Wells, to which,ifyou have any Lawfullobjection,upon notice thereof,the Governor will Endeavour to regulate the Matter betwixt yo Towne ;This is all at p'sent from (1666/7) Your Loving ffriend, Mathias Nicolls. (The three following documents from Huntington Town Rec- ords,VolumeI,relatetothiscontentionatthesouth. Presumably Contention Neck was this one, and received its name from the l i t i g a t i o n b e t w e e n t h e T o w n s .) Conference between Huntington men and the Messepegue Sa- chem concerning South Neck. No date. Between 1664 and 1667. The afermation of John Ketcham,Thomas Brush and Thomas powell being sent by the Inhabitants of huntington with an In- dian called Chickeno too The south meadowes according to the orderofthegenerallasemblyathempsted. When we cametothe south to our meadows wee went ovar too neckes to our naybours who had called massapeege Indians About the number of twentie, whoe opoased us about the space of an ower and would not suf- fer the Indian too goe and shew us the marked tree,then wee shewed the sachem the writing to which hee had set his hand which was our acquitance and yet hee would not sufferthe Indian to goe,when wee see nothing would prevaile,wee tooke our leave of them and said wee should carry backe this anser to them that sent us:but they not willing that wee should,tooke up the matter as wee did apprihend,spake to the Indians whoe after gave leave to the Indian who was Chickemo to goe and shew us the tree, many offmassapauge Indians went with us. Thomas Brush went before and not taking notise off the tree went past it then a mas- sapauge Indian called him backe and shewed him the tree before Chickenoe came neare it.when Chickenoe came to the tree hee saidthatwasthetreeheemarked,ashismasterCommanded him. Massapauge sachem said by his Interpriter that hee told mun- taulke sachem that hee was grived at his hart that hee had sould that necke upon which then wee was,but muntalket sachem tould h i m t h a t it w a s s o u l d a n d it c o u l d n o t b e e h o p e d a n d t h e r e f o r e b i d him goe and Receve his paye and soe hee said hee did:and alsoe massapauge sachem owned his Land and that hee had Receved the goods : Recorded in the office at N e w Yorke the 2a day of November 1667. Matthias Nicolls, Secr. 676 Appendix Chickinoe's affirmation concerning the South Necks. 7:Oct. 1665. The day and yeare above said,wee undersubscribed,being in Huntington where Chickinoe came and Instified (? justified) the matter following in relation to ye reference or order made at Hympsted Generall meeting,touchinge three necks of meadowe wh.Huntington had formerly purchased of Muntaukatt Saichem, and he informs true properiety as also in responsion to Oyster Bay inhabitants,who lay a claime to part of the said three Necks,say- ing thare are fouer necks & one thereof belongs to them,the said Chickinoe now did playnely and cleerly demenstrate before us that the Tree he first marked by his Master Muntakett Sachems order,and hath a second tyme denied according to order,is noe other but that wch ought justly to be owned by him and so marked as aforesaid,and comprehends only Huntingtons just Purchase of three Necks of M e d o w and in truth is three necks of m e d o w e & not four according to the present relation of Chickinoe,* Thos.Topping Will Wells. *Nearly, perhaps quite all the beaches and meadow described in this deed are now in the limits of the town of Oyster Bay, the Marsepague Indians occupying territory farther west than Hunting- ton as well as in Huntington. It was along this shore of the Great South Bay in Oysterbay town,where Capt.John Underhill and his soldiers,about the time of the first settlement attacked and massacred nearly the whole Marsepague tribe and destroyed their villages on slight provocation. C. R. S. (Charles R. Street, editor of Huntington Town Records.) Indian Deed of Meadows,South Side,by Capt.Opassum. 1683,Sept. 17. Be itknown unto all Christian People to whom this my Deed of sale may come or any ways concern know ye that I, Capt. Opasum, alias Osaways, an Indian, and son unto Takapausha, Sachem,formerly of Massapage,and now Inhabitantupon Cow Neck,haveing a Privilege given me by my Father,Takapousha, of allthe meadow,fresh and salt,lying and being on the south side of Long Island and joyning to the Beach from the Great Gut, commonly called Massapage Gut,west or therabouts tothe West gut, commonly called and known by the name of Merreek Gut, have upon good consideration and for a Reasonable Value of money in hand Received,have bargained,sold,alienated and in present Passession Delivered,allthe meadow,fresh and salt,lying and joyning to the Beach between the two Guts as above said,and the Hammock or Broken Meadow any where,or in what nature soever lying,being between Oyster bay Meadow and the Beach above said,the Previlege of the Beach Included,to the salt sea, unto Adam wright,Job Wright,John Wright,Thomas Weeks and Thomas Townsend all Inhabitants of Oysterbay, to them, the above said five Persons their heirs,executors Admms and asigne Appendix 677 forever,to have and to hould Occupy,Passess and enjoy,as all or either of their propper Right, title or Interest that they m a y now Possess,from me my heirs,exm Adm".or Assigns or any other person English or Indian laying claim to any parcel thereof, forever as firmly unto all Interests and purposes as might or could be written or Drawn by any Deed of sale or conveyance Whatsoever Acording to Law,engage to Defend them or any of them,ther heirs or assigns,in Peaceable Possession & Injoyment ofthePremisesforever,asWitnessmyhand& seal,inOyster- bay,the 17th Day of September 1683. Sealed and delivered In Presence of James Wick his John X mark Capt Opassum,alias X Oraway mark Signd over to his Son in Law,Thos.Jones,Fort Neck,Paten of Oysterbay, 14 Sept. 1713/14. Inst Thos.Townsend. then to Frelove Jones, 18 Feb. 1913/14 (?1714/15) Saml Seaman John Clemment Thos.Weeks Entered 14 July, 1715, John Smith Clk from Records Queens County Clks office Lib.E. page 60 & 61 Compard Whited Hicks Clk. (The following plain speaking statement of one of the oldest inhabitants, relates to the claim of Hempstead to the Musketa Cove region,and the language isperhaps more vigorous because of a dispute between the Indians and the Hempstead purchasers.) Killing Worth this 22 of march 1667 upon the day and date aforesaid I tackapouchie Sechem of massepeage doe acknolege and declare that hemsted men lyes that (say) mattiniCocke landes comes no furder West then musCeta- Cofe.I all wayes oWned the Said Cove to be matiniCock land andthatmy landneverWent furder(w)estthantheCreeckthat Runneth into the head of hemsted harber and all to the east of the Creck to Oysterbaye bounds I owne and ever Will it to be matiniCock and Will prove it by many more Indians then hear have testified W h o knowe if then these that are not good Wit- nesses. this testimony aforemenshoned I doe o W n e to be the truth under my hand and mark in presents of us hose names are heare unto subscribed the mark X of tacpouchs John Underhill Wee sayeandknowthisto Henry Redocke be treu the shachem have William Simson under Written and John dier WeetestefietheSamethemarkeX ofpamelaci (See p.695) the marke X of nimhai the marke X of Womtapan 678 Appendix I SoskeCock say hemsted men lyes if they sayd I told them that matiniCocke land W a s but a bit of land but I say and ever Will as the Sachem and the rest have testified that it is from the said Creeck to oysterbay bounds Wittnes m y the mark X of ShoskCock a tru Coppi of an atestation by taCapouCha Sachem by me Joseph Carpenter musceatacove this 18 of the 2 month 1671 (From original) (The following letterfrom the Secretary of the Province,is from the original document. See Col. Doc.XIV.,596,for a slightly differing copy. It also replies to a letter from the Matinecock settlers, whose proposed name may have been Kill- ingworth. See also p.695.) Capt. Vnderhill N e w Yorke Aprill 19th 1667. The Generall having received yor letter & with the inclosed from those at Matinicocke hath given mee Order to write this in answer both to you & to them : That hee is very glad to heare of the friendly & quiet Agreement & Complyance of those In- dyans for the continuance of those familyes already settled upon. their land,wherefore hee thinkes it very reasonable that the per- sons concerned should joyne together in makeing the Indyans some Guift or Gratuity by way of Requitall, since they never recd any pay for their Land That if (as they alleadge) they have already paid their Neighbors at Hempsteed for the Sd Land Its right the moneys or goods should bee returned backe to the E n d the Indyans m a y be satisfied. That as to the buisnesse of Samuell Daytons having of foure Lotts & his exposing them to sale upon his Removall,Its thought fitt hee should have one either to enjoy or otherwise to dispose thereof,but no more the other three may bee reserved for the Encouragement of other familyes to come & settle upon them A n d for the proposall of the Inhabitants of giving a N a m e to the place, The Governo doth approve of what they shall doe therein as well that no person shall bee forced upon them without his Approbation. What the Indyans have given to Robert Wil- liams may bee confirmed to him as likewise the severall Lotts to the Inhabitants when the Bounds shall bee layd out & certainly knowne,to prevent future Cavill about it. This is all I have in charge to deliver to you at present,which you'l please to impart to the Rest, So I conclude being Yor loving ffriend Matthias Nicolls. (Thefollowingletterisfrom Col.Doc.XIV.,599. Theletter from the Town to which it refers,does not appear extant,nor does the reply the Town made to this letterfrom the Secretary. Governor Richard Nicolls'letter,following this,appears ante,p. Appendix 679 35,andthesturdyreplyoftheTown thereto,appearsante,p.33. The Patent,which they did not accept tillten years later,appears on p.307.) A Letter written to ye Magistrates of Oyster Bay. Loving ffriends. Yor Lre,(letter) inthe name,and on the behalf of yo'Towne, dated the 30th day of September, came to m y hand ; Soone after which, I acquainted the Governor with the contents thereof, in answer to that p'te of it,where yo" endeavor to shew yo'particu- lar Reasons,why you have made no application to his honor for a Patent, within the time prescribed, as all other Townes have done,in Obedience to an Order made at the last General Court of Assizes ; Hee hath commanded mee to give you notice that at this next Court of Assizes,beginning the 30th day of this instant month,you are to shew unto the Court by what Title yo' Towne p'tend to hold their Land,and that then and their,you or some other Persons appointed by yo'Towne,bee ready to justify and defend the same,otherwise the Court will take such Order there- in,as the Lawes shall direct;Thus much I had in charge to de- liver you,which is all at p'sent from Your Loving ffriend Octobr 10th 1667. Mathias Nicolls. (The following,from Col. Doc.II.,581,is of interest in con- nection with the struggle for civil and religious liberty maintained by this and other Long Island towns. It was addressed to the Dutch, who regained and held the Colony for several months in 1673. Per ibid,p.638,a Town Meeting at Oysterbay,between the 1st and 19th of October,1673,took the oath of allegiance,the adjoining towns refusing, but no evidence of it appears in the T o w n records.) At a Meeting of the Commanders and Honble Council of W a r , holdeninFortWillemHendrik,23dAugustA°1673. Present— Commander Cornelis Evertsen, Junior, Commander Jacob Benckes, Captain Anthony Colve. The Delegates from Oysterbay appearing, handed in the fol- lowing Petition: Now inas much as wee have answered yo'Requierings,who wereneverunderyo'Governmt,andthereforeneverhad occasion to make any agreement wth yo1 nation,about Rights & priviledges given or allowed,because divers in or towne Schruple in takeing of an Oath or training, or to be forced to maintaine a Minister not of their Judgement and therefore we desire Liberty in such Casses Relating to Concience & to Civil things as you have Prom- issed;there shall be no Respect to Nations itt is sum satisfaction to us who do Expect you will performe as you have promissed, and ismanifested by yor honn's to New towne flushing,Jamaica, Hemsted & oisterbay. 680 Appendix The Delegates from Oysterbay delivering the above Petition to the Commanders and adjoined Council of W a r and the same being taken into consideration,their Petition aforesaid was con- sented to and allowed. Dated Fort Willem Hendrik,23 August, 1673. (The scruples as to the oath and training above mentioned are explained by the following,from p.11a of the earliest Quaker records in the Province. Though it was dated at Flushing the signers were mostly from Oysterbay. See Minutes of the Execu tive Council, II, 699 et seq.for the call for contributions, etc.) To ye Governor of new Yorke &c Whereas it was desired of ye Country yt All who would willingly contribute towards Repairing ye ffort of new Yorke would give intheire Names & Summes,And wee whose Names are Underwritten not beeing found in that List Jt was since de- sired by ye High Sheriff & Justice Lovelace, That wee would Give of Reason unto ye Governour why wee did not Paye, or contribute upon yt account Jt is not Unknowne to ye Governo howwilling& readieweehavebeenetopayourCustomsCountry Rates,& needfull Towne charges &c How wee have behaived our sellves peaceably & quietly Amongst or Neighbors, & are r e a d i e t o b e e s e r v i c e a b l e i n a n y :t h i n g w c h d o t h n o t i n f r i n g e u p o n or tender Consciences ; But being Jn measure Redeemed out of warres,& strifes wee cannot for Conscience-sake bee concerned in uphouldeing thinges of that Nature ; as you_yor sellves well Knowe Jt hath not beene or Practice Jn ould England or else- where since wee were a people,And This Jn meeknesse wee De- clare Jn behaulf of our Sellves,& or ffreindes,having Love,& goodwilltoThee,& To AllMen John Tillton fflushingye 30thof John Bowne ye 10th Mo :comonly Sam" Spicer caldDecembr 1672. Sam"Andrews Sentye2dofye11thMo Wm Story) Mathew Priar John Underhill John Richardson John ffeke (The following,from Col. Doc.,XIV.,741,shows somewhat ofthepoliticaltroublesofthecitizens. Seealsoante,p.253,on the same matter. The oaths for Constables and Overseers, to which they objected, are given in Colonial Laws of N. Y., I., 67-68) Letter from Thomas Townsend to Commander Brockholls. Honored Sir. The Condition of our Towne in Respect of ye derections in y L a w for ye choyce off Constable & overseares being prety strictly bound up to such and no other but one of ye two old overseares must be chosen Constable,proves with oure inhabytants very hard by reason many doth scruple to take an oath and so are exsemted Appendix 681 or not admitted to ye plase,whearby ye burden hath these many yeares lyen heavy upon sum ffew persons,our humble request is that youre honnor would be pleased to grant oure inhabytants ye priviledge of haveing a ffre voat in choyce of Constable and over- seares of A n y ffre holder not haveing relation to that clause in ye Law,that Any other person who hath not bine an overseare If chosen Constablle maye stand or be liable to Answere his fine Acording to ye L a w , which will give ye inhabytants greater con- tent,then as it tis at present stated, so I humbly desiar youre honnors Answere by the barer hereof Caleb Wright by reason ye Choyce for this insewing yeare draweth nere, so craving youre honnors pardon herein,I rest and remaine your honnors servant. Oyster baye ye To Command 25th of March 1678 Thomas Townsend. These for the Governor. Endorsed by Secretary Nicolls:For the Assizes. (A footnote adds) The next Court of Sessions held at Jamaica the 12th, 13th & 14th of June following, decided that Oyster bay might choose another Constable "by free choice of the towne." (See p.668 for action of Court of Assizes on this subject.) (The following document (Col. Doc.,XIV.,731) isthe Gov- ernor's license to purchase land, which the T o w n requested, p. 234 and 235. See also p.113,for committee to purchase these lands,and Indian deed,p.331.) By the Governor Whereas Henry Townsend Sen'& Capt Thomas Townsend of Oyster Bay being employed by the said Towne have requested that they may have Licence to Purchase some Lands of the In- dyan Proprietors adjoining to their Meadows on the South & allso on the North so much of the Land commonly called Matinicock lands in their bounds,Not already sold or disposed of,if they can agree for and Purchase the same : I doe hereby give m y consent & licencesotodoProvidedithathnottalreadybeeneImproved or granted to any one,they makeing Returne of what they shall so purchase and bringing the Indians to consent & be pd affore mee ffor ye same. Given under m y hand in N e w Yorke this 18th Octobr 1677. E. Andros. UNRECORDED DEEDS Killenworth this 20th of febrewary 1667 wee the Ingon propriators of matenecok whose names are here- unto subscribed do by these presants Acknowledg to have given and frely granted and made over unto John undrell senior of the plase Aforesaid in ye County of new yorkshare and under ye Rioll patronage and protecktion of his hines (Highness) Jeames 682 Appendix duke of york A sarten trackt of land Containing A hundred and fifty acors more or les lying betwene Corne Crik and ye mark tre bounded by us suthardly thence ranging with ye lot of nathan burchallaslaidoutbyhemstedmenwithA smallnoukeofmedoe lyingbetwene oke nek medowes and racoune swomp bounded wes- ward with three Rocks lying in ye said medow with all preveliges of Commoneg for timber and grasesing fishing fouling hunting with all benofits of mineralls According to law for him ye said John his ayres suksesors or Asinges pesably to poses or inioye forever fre from all molestation from us our ayres sucksesors : adminestrators and Asines and do by these presants Ingage to make good ye promeses to him ye said John his ayres & Asines Aforesaid Against allpleyes or pretenses whatsumever we have- ing Reseved full satesfacktion from him ye said John for all ye priveleges and benefits as before menshoned as wittnes our hands day and date Aboue written and in ye nintenth yeare of ye kings Raine sined seled and delevered in ye presans of us Robert Williams Matthew Pryar Henry Reddocke The mark of X Aseton The mark of X Arumpas The mark of X Sehar The mark of X Nothe The mark of X Pametamock The mark of X Shoskene The mark of X Matares Recorded in ye Office at New Yorke,the 13 day of March 1667/8. Matthias:Nicolls Secr (From original) Killenworth this 22th of June 1667 we the Indian proprietors of matenecok whose names are heer unto subscribed Doe by these presents Acknoledge to have givin and freelygranted and made over vnto Robert Williams of oister- bay in the County of N e w yorkshire and vnder the Royall patron- age and protection of his hynes James Duke of yorke a certaine Iland lying at the north sea and a small peece of medow adioyn- ing to the Island being the Eastermost of the two Comonly Called Matinecok Ilands as also fower Acres of vpland more or lesse lying over against the said Iland with free Comonage of grasing and timber with all right and tytell in the seventh part of our vndisposed medowes- fresh and salt with Crik thach with the benefit of all Mineralls according to law with the benefits of the Criks and Coves with free hunting fishing and fouling the said bounds begining from Rackoun S w a m p or the foure rocks lying in John Vnderhills Medow from thence west to Musketo Cove with all medowes Cricke thach broken lands lying and being within the said bounds and Coves and my proportion of medow and Crickthach being the seventh part to be allotted me in the Cove adioying to the Iland where I shall Chuse which said bene- Appendix 683 fitts and priviledges lands and medowes as before exprest we the said proprietors Doe acknoledge to have given freely granted and mad over vnto him the said Robert Williams his heirs successors or assygnes from us our heirs sucsessors or assygnes peacably to possesse and Injoy forever free from all molestation from us our heirs executors and Asygnes and doe by these presents ingadge to make good the premisses to him the said Robert Williams his heirs or assygnes aforesaid against all pleas or pretences what- somever we haveing received full satisfaction from him the said Robert for all priviledges and benefitts as before mentioned as witnes our hands Day and date above written in the nynteenth yeere of the Kings Reigne this 10 of march 1667 witnes The mark of X aseton John Vnderhill The mark of X Arumpas John Vnderhill iuner The mark of X Sehar John Feke The mark of X Nothe The mark of X Pametamock The mark of X Shoskene The mark of X Matares The marck X of Thomb О Recorded in the Office at N e w Yorke the 13th day of March 1667/8 Matthias Nicolls.Secr (From original) Kelenworth this 22th of June 1667 W e e ye Ingon proprietors of matenecok whose names are here- unto subscribed do by these presants Acknowledge to have fully bargend and sould and made over unto nathan Burchall of ye same plase Aforesaid in ye County of newyorkshare ;and under ye Rioll Patronage and protecktion of his hines Jeames duke of york : A parsell of land Containing Sixty Acors of woodland as bounded by us north and South acording to ye former bounds Ranging est to ye bounds of Capten John undrells land with fre comenage of grasing and timber with all wright and titell in ye seventh part of our undesposed medowes fresh and salt with crik thach with ye benofits of ye criks and cofes with fre hunting fishing foulling with ye benofit of all minoralls Acording to law ye said bounds begining from Rackwone swomp or ye foure Rocks lying in John undrells medow from thenc west to musche- dacove with all medowes Crick thach brocan lands lying and be- ing within ye said bounds and Cove : exsepting three or fore Acors of m e d o w more or les belonging to Robart williams Aioyn- ning to ye said Iland of him ye said Robart which said benofits and prevoliges lands and medowes as before exsprest we the said proprietors do Aknoledg to have sould unto him ye said nathan hishayresSucksesorsorA Sines:fromusourayressucksesors adminestrators or A Sines for him and them pesably to posses and inJoye forever fre from all molestation from us or any of oures intrested in ye said lands and do ingage to defend ye said 684 Appendix nathan his ayres Sucsesors and Asinges Against all pleyes or pre- tenses whatsoever and Acknoledg to have reseved full satesfack- tion as wittnes our hands day and date Abovewriten sined seled and delevered in ye preseanc of us in ye ninetenth yeare of ye kings raine the Interlyne wass at the Sining and Seling here of the 10 of march 1667 witnes John Vnderhill John Vnderhill iuner John Feke The mark of X Aseton The mark of X Arumpas the mark of X Sehar The mark of X Nothe The mark of X Pametamock The mark of X Shoskene The mark of X Matares (From original) Be it known by these p'sents yt I Nathan Burdsall ye wthin Named in the wthin written Deed wch beareth Date ye 22th day of June in ye year 1667 Do Assigne make over & Confirme this wthin written Deed wth all ye Lands Meadow Comonage wth all other previledges whatsoever mentioned in Sd Deed unto m y two Sons Steven Burdsall and Henry Burdsall To have & to hold unto them ye Sd Steven & Henry & to ye only proper use & be- hoofe of them ye Sd Steven & Henry their heires & Assignes f o r e v e r A n d t h a t it s h a l l & m a y b e L a w f u l l f o r t h e m y e S d S t e v e n & Henry theire Heires & Assignes quietly & peaceably to Occupy possess & enjoy all & Singular the Land Meadows_Comonage & whatsoever els is mentioned in this wthin written Deed with all myrighttitle& InterestwchIyeSdNathannowhaveorwch any or either of my Heires Execut.or Assignes may hereafter have thereunto to them their Heires and Assignes fforever as ffully& amplyasitismadetome byyewithinnamed Pprietory Indians,and that ye Sd Steven & Henry my Sd Sons have paid & Satisfiedme foryesametomy ffullContent& satisfaction,As witnesmyhand& SealthetwentySecondDayofffebruaryin ye Year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Ninty three Signed Sealed & D d : in ye p'sence of us John Newman John ffeke Samuel Underhill nathanBirdsall O Recorded in ye office at New Yorke,the 14th day of March 1667/8 Matthias : Nicolls. Secr (F r o m original) To all Christian Peoplle,or any others,to whome this p'sent writting shall come.Coll ffrancis Loveland Send greeting,Now Knowyee,ytICollffrancisLoveland,forgood& valuableCon- sideration to m e in hand paid,befor ye Sealeing & delivery heere- of have given Granted Sold,Assigned & Transported unto Ma- thew Pryer,of Kilingworth one Long Island & of ye Countie of Appendix 685 New York Sheerethetwo lottsorTowne Ships,which,Mr John Richbell Sold unto Major Gotherson,to geather,with all & Sin- gular ye Appurtunances, & p'mises, theare unto belonging T o have and to hold,ye said Percels of Lands,and p'missis,with all Grantes,and writting cuncuring the Same,to him ye said Mathew Pryer, his heires and Sucsessors, in as full and ample maner as Major Gotherson did, or might have dun by vertue of ye said sale of m Richbell,with warranty against all or any maner of persons that shall,or may Clayme any Propriety,therein or there unto, from by or under mee, or ye said Major Gotherson, or any other,person or persons. Inwitnesswhareof,Ihaveheereuntoputtomyhand& Seale thefiftdaye of May,inye twentith yeare of ye Reinge,of Our Soveraigne Lord Charles ye Seacond,by ye Grace of God,King of England Scottland ffrance and Ireland,Defender of ye faith, &c Annoq Domini 1668. It is Intendid,& understood by both parties,yt the two aboveSd lotts,with ye medoes are in & within ye bounds of ye Towne of Oyster Bay SealedandSubscribed in ye p'sence of us Tho Lovelace ffra. Lovelace Fran.Lovelace O (From original. See also p.72. Lovelace was High Sheriff.) Dated the 24th of November 1668 wee the Endion propryators whos nams are hereuntoe sub- scribed Doe by these presents acknowledge toe have sould and freely granted and made over vntoe matthew pryer Liveing and inhabyting vpon a necke of land knowne by ye name of mateny- coke neare oyster bay vpon Long Island and in the County of new yorkshire and under the royall patronage and protection of his highness Jams Duke of yorke one small neacke ore parsill of land being part of and Lying upon the foresayd neacke bounded one the south with Corne Creeke and one the weast with Nathan Burchams Line toe his marked tree one the frount and upon a straight Line beeyonde the said tree over a littell swampe the commone Lying & bounding one the north side and meadows one the Easte:wee have allsoe sould and freely granted untoe the abovesayd matthew pryer grassing and free Common- ege att Large for his Cattill upon the foresayd neacke as allsoe wood and timber for his use all which Lands bennyfites and pre- viledeges beefore Expressed wee the sayde propryators doe ac- knowlidge toe have sould granted and made over untoe the sayde matthew pryer his heyers sucksessers ore asignes : from us our heyres sucksessors ore asignes peaceably toe posses and inioy for Ever free from all mollistation from us our hayers Ex- secitors ore asigns:and doe by these presents ingage toe make good [ye sd] premises for him the sd matthew pryer his hayers sucksessors ore asigns aforesayd against all pleas ore pretences 686 Appendix what soe ever: wee having received full satisfaction from him the sayd matthew for all previledges and benyfits as beefore mentioned;as witness our hands the day and date above written and in the twentieth yeare of our kings raygne Charles the sec- ond Witnessed by us in whose presents this was signeed sealled and delivered Richard Townsend Robert Williams the marke of X Aseton the marke of X Arumpas the marke of X Seahar the marke of X Nonthe the marke of X Pametamok the marke of X Shoskene Entred in the Offise of Records at N e w Yorke the 14th day ofDecemb.1668byme.Matthias:Nicolls.Sec (From original) (The original of the following document is in possession of Miss Emily Cock,of Oyster Bay. A large part of this land was held under this deed for nearly 240 years before being again con- veyed by deed, being occupied by eight generations of the Cock name.> Oyster Baye this 29th of M a y 1669. This presant deed of Sale witnesseth yt wee ye Indian pro- priators of Matenacock hose names are hereunder subscribed have bargened,sould and made over unto Jeames Coke of Oys- ter bay in ye North riding of N e w Yorkshare, A. sartin trackt of land lying and being as here bounded Joyning on ye south end to mathy priar's bounds,and on ye West side with ye fut way and ye east side with ye solt medows and so to run upon an even breadth to ye solt medow on ye north end which we gave to Capt.John Underhill:wee ye above said Indians do here own to have sould this before mentioned land with other previlidges thereunto belonging as timber and Comonig ;with all other bene- fits as fishing and foulleing, hookeing, huntting and Minneralls According to law,to ye Abovesaid Jeames Coke his Ayres,or Asings as his or theres to have and to hold forever as there proper Intrest, from us our Ayres, sucksessors Administrators and Asignes for ever :and further Ingage yt ye said Jeames Coke shall have pesable possession of ye abovesaid land : and to Inioy it free from molestation by us or from any after us and to our untmost endeavor to defend it Against all claims whatsumever, having reseved Full Satesfaction for itas upon this exprest. As witness our hands day and date above written and in ye 21st yeare of ye Kings Raine. The abovesaid certified to be punctially according to the bar- gain between ye Indians and ye said Jeames Coke,I being their interpreter as witness m y hand Robert Williams. Sined,sealed and Delivered in presence of us this 27th day of December 1669 ye mark of X Aseton ye mark of X Arumpase ye mark of X Seahor Appendix Henry Townsend Gedion Wright James Townsend Indian Witnesses ye mark of Weerow ye mark of Shongomuck ye mark of Rogger ye mark of Guwarow 687 ye mark of X Nothe ye mark of X Soometamok ye mark of X Shoskene ye mark of X Matares (The following isfrom p.1 of the earliest volume of Quaker recordsonLongIsland. Onp.2ofsamevolumeisthecontract for the house, 1672, which Samuel Andrews and John Feake were to build,for £20. On p.76,a committee was appointed, 26thof6thmonth (Aug.),1693,totakedown,sellordisposeof the meeting house at Oysterbay as they shall see meet. A second meeting house was built later. See p.201 for Alice Crabb's deed forremainderofthisfarm. J.C.Ïr.) [Know all men that I] Anth[ony Wright,of Oysterbay upon] Long Island [in the Colony of New York,have given and do give] and bequeath [to Alice Crabb, Hannah Wright, Samuel Andrews and Mary Andre]ws and to each [of them o]r Ev[ery one who here] In are [named all that ce]rtaine parc[el of land being] Six poles [square in the northeast corner] of that parte ofmy Ground [belong]ingtomy n[ow]DwellinghouseinOys- terbay [aforesaid] for and to the Vse and behoofe of m y well [beloved friends] Ales Crabbe Hannah Wrighte Samue [1 An- drews]Mary Andrews andtheRestofthepeo[ple]inthisplace called Quakers for a B [urial place] as allsoe fortie footes square of the Southeast] Corner of my whome Lott next and Ad- jo[ining the Highewaye for to Builde Vppon itt a m [eeting house] for them,and allsoe such that heare a[bouts join] them in the same faith and profession [ ] of Christ Jesus to have hould posesse [and enjoy] perpetuallie as their owne propp[erty for the] Ends Vse and Vses as affore said wit[hout any] hindrance molestation or desturbance by [me or] through mee or by m y meanes att any time whatsoever and this is m y will and pleasure [as] wittnesse m y hand and Seale this fifteenth [day of] the eighte mounth Anno One thousand six [hundred and] Seaventie twoe: Acknowledged Subscribed A n d Sealed in the p'sence of us John Tilton Sen John Bowne :Sen Anthonie Wrig[ht] Samuell Deane This is a true Coppie agreeing with the Oridginall. T o all Christian people to w h o m this p'sent deed of Sale shall C o m e greeting K n o w yee that I Nathaniel Vnderhill living in 688 Appendix the Town & County of West Chester in the Province of New york and Mary my wife ffor and in Consideration of the Sume of Eighty pounds Currant money of this province to us in hand paid by John Vnderhill of Metenicok in Township of Oyster Bay on long Island in Queens County in the province aforesaid at and before the Ensealing & delivery of these p'sents the Re- ceipt whereof the said Nathaniel Vnderhill & Mary his wife do hereby acknowledge & of Every part & parcell thereof Do acquitt Exenorate Release & Discharge the said John Vnderhill his Heires & Assignes for ever Have given granted Bargained sold Enfeoffed Released & Confirmed,And by these p'sents Do fully clearly & absolutely Give grant bargaine sell Enfeoff Re- lease & Confirme unto the said John Vnderhill his Heirs & As- signs forEver Allmy Housing and Land both Upland & Meadow lying & being at Metenicok in the Limitt and bounds of Oyster bayeaforesaidwhichistheLandthatmy fatherJohnVnderhill Sen. Lived upon with forty Acors of Land lying in the Woods which I Bought of the Indians Being butted & bounded as is here after Exspresed (that is to say) on the West by James Cocks land & on the East by Nathan Burchams land & on the South with Musketo Cove path Togather with the previlidges & appurtenances thereunto belonging with all & Singular the Woods trees timber ffencings Waters Rivers Brooks Runns Pas- turs feedings Causeways or shere of Causewayes thereunto be- longing or in any wise appertaining with the Reversion & Rever- sions Remainder & Remainders proffits beneffits & advantages whatsoever of all & Singular the before Recited misses To have and to hold the aforesaid Bargaine mises with all and Every of their Appurtinances unto the said John Vnderhill his Heirs & Assigns for ever,to his and their own proper Uses and behoofs And that it shall and may be lawfull for the said John Vnderhill his heirs & Assigns from hence forth and for ever To have hold use Occupie possess and Enjoy the said Bargained missess free & clear freely & clearly acquitted and discharged ofandfromallmannerofformer& otherGiftsGrantsBargaines Sales Mortgages Debts Dues & Incumbrances whatsoever And that the said Nathaniel Vnderhill & M a r y his wife their Heirs Executors Administratrs shall & will for Ever warrant & defend the said Bargained misses unto the said John Vnderhill his Heirs & Assignes against all & Every other son or sons law- fully claiming any Right Tittle Intrest or Demand whatsoever of or into the said Bargained mises or any part or parcell thereof In Wittness whereof the said Nathaniell Vnderhill & Mary his wife have hereunto put to their hands & fixed their seals the two and twentith day of March Annoq D o m : 1686/7 and in the third year of his Majestys Raigne Appendix Signed Sealed & delivered in p'sents of us Joseph pallmer Edward Collier 689 Recorded in the Sectys office for the province of N e w Yorke inlibNoBbegun1685 John:Knight Westchester the 22th day of 1 mo march 1686/7 Then Ap- peared before mee Nathaniell Vnderhill the Pty within named A n d did acknowlidg this Instroment to be his Reale act & deed W m Richardson Justice of peace Enterd in the Register of Queens County Page 91. & 92. the 22thofJune1687. Ex: Will:NicollsReg. (From original) Be Itt,knowne to All people to whome this deed of giftt maye Consarne, that I Tho : Townsend of Rhoadisland doe freely give And bequeave,unto nathan Coles soon to Robert Coles of muschedacove, within ye township of Oyster baye, a sartaine slipe or pece of redy medow upon ye west neck at ye south being by Estymation About one Accar next to ye Crick at ye north East Corner of my share of medow,as shall be bounded out by m y order which sayd pece of m e d o w after soe bounded out shall be to the sayd nathan Coles his hayres & Asignes for Ever from m e m y hayres Executors or Sucksessors as firmly as m a y be given by Any deed of giftt worded Acording to Law,as wittnes m y hand & seale in oyster baye this first daye of June 1687 witnesJohnNewman Tho:Townsend O (From original) To All Christian people to whome this p'sent writing Shall c o m e o r i n a n y w i s e A p t a i n e , B e it k n o w n y t I D a v i d U n d e r h i l l of Oysterbay in Queens County on Long Island now Called Nas- saw in ye Collony of N e w Yorke for & in ye Consideration yt John Underhill (and Daniel Underhill) of Matenacock in ye Bounds of Oysterbay aforeSd have Granted and Confirmed unto me a Certaine Tract of Wood Land in Exchange for other Lands & Meadow by me hereafter to them Granted as by a Deed under their hands & seales bearing Date wth these p'sents may at Large be seen (see p.597) & for other good causes & Considerations me ye Sd David especially Moving Have Given, Granted, alienated. Infeoffed, Sold & Confirmed and by these p'sents I ye Sd David Do Give Grant, Alienate, Infeoffe, Sell & Confirme unto Jacob Underhill Brother to ye Sd John and Daniel all that of a Sertaine parcell of Meadow Land wch was fformerly m y ffathers John Underhills Deseased Lying & being in Matenacock Meadows and Bounded on ye South side by John ffekes Upland on ye west end by John Underhills Land Deceased on ye North side wth ye Sd John Underhills Nathaniell vnderhill the mark Mary (M ) Vnderhill O 690 Appendix L a n d & M e a d o w , a n d o n y e e a s t b y y e C r e e k e a n d it is o n e s h a r e of Meadow & about one Acre & halfe of Upland Containingin Quantity seven Acres or there abouts be itmore or Less Together with all ye right Title & Interest, Claime & D e m a n d w'soever wch I ye Sd David now have or which any or either of my Heires executors or Assignes may hereafter have of to or in ye Sd Meadow & Upland or any t or cell thereof wth fits, Issues,Timber Trees,or wtsoever els to ye same of right belongs. or Aptaines To have To to hold unto him ye Sd Jacob Under- hill his Heires & Assignes all & singular ye forementioned Mea- dow & Upland wth the apptenances thereof to ye only use & behoofe of him ye Sd Jacob his heires & Assignes ffor ever, And ye Sd David hath put ye Sd Jacob into Lawfull & peaceable possession of ye Sd Meadow & Upland by ye dilivery of Turfe & Twigg & by ye Dilivery of these p'sents And ye Sd David doth hereby for him selfe his Heires, Executors & Assignes ffurther Covenant & agree to & wth ye Sd Jacob yt it shall & may be Lawful for him ye Sd Jacob Underhill his Heires Executors or Assignes quietly & peaceably to have, hold, Occupy possess & enjoy all & singular ye Sd Granted Meadow & Upland forever without ye Lawfull Lett hindrance or Molestation of him ye Sd David His Heires,Executors or Assignes or any other son or sons Lawfully Claiming for by or under him or any or either of them Notwithstanding any former Gift, Grant, Mortgage or sale wtsoever,And ye Sd David doth hereby bind himself & his Heires to warrant & defend ye Sd Meadow & Upland to ye Sd Jacob Underhill his Heires & Assignes ffor ever against all Just Claimes yt shall hereafter be made to ye same In Witnes whereof I have hereunto sett m y hand & Seal ye Second day of December in ye year of our Lord one Thousand Six hunderd ninty three Signedsealed& Dd:inp'senceofus davidunderhill O John Newman John ffeke John Cock (From original) whearas Their was Given to me mary vnderhill wife to John vnderhill of metenicok late Deceased a pasture adjoyning to m y husbands land wch was formerly given to m e B y m y ffather Mat- thew Pryer and the Sd pasture Adjoyning to m y Brother John Pryers m e d o w I do with the Consent of m y husbands executors upon Agrement made Give to m y Sd Brother such a peece of the Sd pasture as we have agreed upon Adjoyning to the Sd medow aboveSd for him his heirs Executors and Asings to injoy forEver as wittness m y hand and Seale this 21 day of August Singed seald and dill:presence of us John Dewsbury Joseph Weeks nathaniel Burdsall Mary X vnderhill O (From original) Appendix (The following,from Doc.Hist.N. Y.,II.,306,isofinterestin showingtheprincipalinhabitants,andtheirrelativewealth. See otherlists,ante,1671,p.217,218;1677,p.232;1678,p.130.) A List of the Estates of ye Inhabitants of Oyster Baye for a Contry Rate,this 29th of Sept 1683. Imps .lb. Samuell Andrews 100 Josias Latting 080 mathy prior 100 William Hudson 077 John prior ... 040 Aron furman:Jr 080 Joseph Carpenter 100 Tho : furman 039 John ffrost 030 Simon Cooper 100 John Robins ... 040 040 Aron furman : Sr Job Wright 060 Adam Wright 040 Samuell furman 050 Henry Townsend : Sr.... 050 Robort Colles 080 Joseph dickinson 038 nickolas Simkins 060 John ffeexe John underhill John Wright John Townsend Georg douning John Wood Teams Townsend Isack dotty . Samuel dickinson .130 William willson 020 159 John williams 040 073 Samuell pell 040 082 william Crafftt 090 ...080 Richard harcutt 080 040 050 040 039 Tho : youngs 090 Jeams weeks 066 franses weeks 078 Tho:weeks 050 Caleb Wright 058 Joseph Ludlam 050 Abraham Äling 032 Georg Townsend 050 Edward wright 020 John weeks 040 Samuell tilliar 020 william buttlar • 030 John dauis 040 Gideon wright 040 Joseph Eastland 040 Alce Crab .. 100 Ephraim Carpenter ... 050 Isack hornor 040 moses mudge 030 henry Townsend Jr 040 John Roger 058 nathanell underhill 030 Jeams Cok 100 Ben Birdsall ... 050 Daniell harcutt 079 will: hoackshurst 030 nathanell Colles 070 Samuel weeks 040 mary willits 220 Joseph weeks 040 Richard willits 090 John Colles 020 Edmund wright 060 Larance mott 018 hope williams 100 william frost 100 John T ownsend 090 Richar Cirb dy 090 John Williams .. ...050 John ffry 040 Th :willts oi ... 0 90 Tho:Cok 040 John Townsend : Jr .... . 050 Jeames Bleving 020 daniell Colles 100 John newman 020 The Inhabytants being at this time sikly and not sending in there lists,According to order,the ouersears,ye Constable being 691 692 Appendix Absent at roadislond did laye A valewation upon Euery mans Eastate to ye best of there vnderstanding According to law. A true list me Edmund wright,deputy Constable Endorsed. "Oyster Baye Publique Rates. 1683." (W h a t this general sickness was, at so healthful a period of theyear,Ihavenotlearned.) (The following interesting light on the First Purchase is from the Townsend Memorial,p.12,where itisstated that the original was found among the papers of William M. Hewlett. Another affidavit, pertaining to the same subject, will appear in the text of our second volume.) Oyster Bay, 20th of December, 1683. I, Nicholas Simkins, now an inhabitant of Musketocove,aged fifty-six,or thereabouts, do declare that I, being at the first settlement of Oyster Bay, which was inthe year 1653,Peter Wright,William Leverich,and Samuel Mayo,they being the three first purchasers,as by the grand deed from the Indian Sachem,and they being mentioned in the deed as purchasers,condescended to the others,to make a did accept settlement of the said purchase,and for of William Washbourne,and his son John Washbourne,Thomas Armitage,Daniel Whitehead,Robert Williams,and Richard Hol- brook,as equal purchasers with them,and forthwith indorsed the same upon the back side of the bill of sale;that being done and agreed upon,they immediately proceeded to the laying out allot- ments ; but first they laid out all the highways in the T o w n ,by jointconsent. Secondly,beginningattheMillRiver,from,and so eastward to the harbor side,they laid out upward of twenty lots,granting equal privileges to every lot;and next year,Will Smith and old John Titus,with several others,were accepted of as inhabitants,and had their allotments laid out to them,by Peter Wright,by the consent of the purchasers. But so it happened, that the purchase-money being not paid,the Indians began to be very unruly and dissatified;whereupon the purchasers with the rest of the inhabitants then settled, desired William Smith and John Titus to prepay for the goods,to pay the Indians,which they did,to Mr. Briant, of Milford, and paid it in beef, and I killed the cattle and paid the debt ;and when we came to levy the rate for the purchase, it came to eighteen shillings and ten pence. And,tomy knowledge,Samuel Mayo was attwo Town Meetings, at the first settlement of the place, and was always forward in joining and granting of allotments to each one that was free to settle amongst them, as far forth as any of the rest of the pur- chasers,or people settled;and this I can give upon oath,and much more,if thereunto called or required,as witness my hand. R i c h a r d H o l b r o o k w a s t h e first m a n , a s a p u r c h a s e r , t h a t g o t u p his house,in Oyster Bay. To which I subscribe my hand. Nicholas Simkins. Appendix 693 (The following is the Patent for what is now Lloyd's Neck. See p.19.) The Patent to Nathaniel Sylvester, Thomas Hart and Latimer Sampson for Horse Neck neare Oysterbay. Richard Nicolls & c.Whereas there is a certain Parcel or tract of Land in the North Riding of Yorkshire upon Long Island, Lying and being in a Neck on the north side thereof streaching out in the Sound or East River comonly called and known by the name of Horse Neck,bounded to the West with Oysterbay to the east with Cowe Harbour,towards the North with the sound and towards the south with a Beach extending to the head of a certain creek which parteth or divideth the bounds of the town of Huntington and the said neck which said parcell or tract of land hath been heretofore purchased of the Indian proprietors and due satisfaction given for the same and whereas John Rich- bell late of Oysterbay in the foresaid North Riding, Merchant, did make good proofs of his title to the said Hors Neck at the generall meeting held att Hempsted in the beginning of the Month of March 1664 against John Conkling on the behalf of his wife and some orphans who lay claim thereunto and also at the general Court of Assizes held in this City in the month of Sep- tember 1665 against the inhabitants of the T o w n of Huntington and hath since sold and conveyed the said premises together with a neck of meadow called the fort Neck lying upon the South side of Long Island and belonging to the Town of Oysterbay unto Nathaniel Sylvester of shelter Island,Thomas Hart of the Island of Barbadose and Latimer Sampson of Oysterbay on Long Island aforesaid Merchant. N o w for a further confirmation unto the said Nathanel Sylvester Thomas Hart and Latimore Sampson in their possession and enjoyment of the premises K n o w ye that by virtue of the commission and authority unto us given by his Royal Highness thee Duke of York I have ratified confirmed and grant- ed and by these presents do ratify confirme and grant unto the said Nathanill Sylvester, Thomas Hart and Latimer Sampson, their heirs and assigns all the afore recited parcell or tract of land called Horse Neck aforesaid togather with all woods beaches marshes,meadows,pastures,creeks waters,lakes,fishing,hawk- ing, hunting and fowling and all other profits comodities and imoluments to the said parcell or tract of land belonging and next or appertaining with their and every of their appertnances and of every part and parcell thereof and in regard of the distance of the plantations settled or to be settled upon the said Neck from any T o w n the persons inhabiting or that inhabit thereon shall be excused from ordinary attendance at trainings and other such ordinary duties in the T o w n but in matters ef assessment public 694 Appendix rates and the like they are to be taxed by the officers of Oysterbay to which T o w n they are adjudged to belong and they are likewise to give due obedience to all such warents as shall be sent from any Justice of the Peace or executions granted by any of the Courts of judication which shall be served by the sheriff or his deputies. To Have and to Hold the said parcell or tract or Neck of land with the Neck of Meadow afore mentioned and premises with all and singular the previlege and appertenances to the said Nathanill Sylvester,Thomas Hart and Latimer Sampson,their heirs and assignes to the proper use and behoofe of the said Na- thanill Sylvester,Thomas Hart and Latimer Sampson their heirs and assigns forever as free Land of inheritance. Rendering and paying as a quit Rent for the same the Value of four bushell of wheate yearly upon the 29 day of September,if Demanded unto his Royal Highness the Duke of York and his heirs or such Gov- ornor and governours as shall from time to time be appointed and sett over them. Given under m y hand & seal at Fort James in N e w York on Manhatans Island the 20 day of Nov. in the 19 year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles the second &c.Annoy Dom in 1667. Exam'in by J. Spragge,Lieut. (The reference in thisPatent,on p.694,to "his wife and some orphans" is evidence additional to what I have already found, that John Richbell had no children, the three daughters of his wife being by a previous husband,named presumably Redmond orRedman.) ( T h e f o l l o w i n g , f r o m C o l . D o c . X I V ., 4 3 5 , i s t h e D u t c h p a t e n t forHogIsland. Seep.297wherethesegranteessellittothe Town.) Patent for Land on Long Island. Petrus Stuyvesant, Director-General, etc., and the Council testifyand declare,that to-day date underwritten,we have given and granted to Govert Loockermans,Cornelis van Ruyven and Jacobus Backer a piece of land, situate on Marten Gerritsen's Bay,in the Indian tongue called Matinneconcq alias Hogs Neck or Hogs Island, being a small island at high tide, with the de- pendencies thereof, as the said Loockermans bought it from the natives inthe year 1650:with the express condition and stipula- tion,etc. Done at Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland,the 23d of April 1659. (The legislation as to geese,p.268,is explained by the follow- ing from the Huntington Town Records, where the Constable and Overseers,23 Feb. 1681/2 declared geese "very prejeditiall to ye Towne ;Becaus ye sheep as hath been observed do not keep in ye streets as formerly,but Run into ye woods whereby they are ye more exposed to be devowered by wolves ;becaus they can- Appendix 695 not abide to feed where ye geese doe keep ;which is in ye cheife places both for watter and common pasture in our Towne. And also meny people of this towne doe take of ye watter of ye brook for their familie use." It was made lawful for any one to kill them, and the order was confirmed by the Court of Sessions. Hempstead Town Meeting,5 May,1682,passed a similar order.) (The explanation promised, on p. 303, of the remarkable power of attorney given to his wife,by Samuel Andrews, one of thewealthiestmen ofthecommunity,isthatheandIsaacHorner were about to remove to Springfield,N e w Jersey,and he probably hoped for a sale of his land here during a preliminary stay there. T h e first volume of Quaker records shows the following) The 13thofye8thm°85: At this mans meeting of friends have made choyce of Matt. prier & Henery Wilis to see yt a deed of assignment from Sam- uell Andrews) & Is:Horner be maid and assined unto John Vnderhill & John ffeake & Rich : Wilits be fore they goe from hence (The letter from Capt. John Underhill to Governor Nicolls, referredto on p.678,brought forth,firstthe following reply, (Col.Doc.XIV.595),and,amonthlater,thatonp.678. See also p.674 and 677.) Capt Undehill. I have received some writings from the Indians of Matinicock, wherein I find that they are not disposed to sell their lands to theTowne ofHempsteed,butsaytheywillwithallciviltyrespect the seven families already settled there: I understand likewise that they have given you that part of their land which was spoken of before mee,when Mr Hicks & Mr Gildersleeve and those Indyans were here;I shall bee ready to confirme ye same,upon condicon that the said Indyans doe give assurance that those seven families shall quietly and peaceably enjoy what they have, untill the said Indyans can bee induced for their owne conven- iency to admitt of a greater number of families. I have written to this purpose to those of Hempstead. In answer to yor letter wherein you desire to bee discharged of yor military employment, by reason of yor yeares,& other cares that attend you :I do allow of your excuse,and leave you to your owne Liberty being N e w Yorke Yr lo: friend, M a r : 14th, 1666/7. R. Nicolls. (The following from Book E ,relates to the missing half page of Book A. See p.254 and 255.) (fol.20)—These Are To Sceartyfe All Passons To W h o m itt M a y Concarne that there Is a cartain acedant Hapned to one of the Books of Records of oyster bay itt Being In the Book A 696 Appendix So called ye which Sd : Acedent is that Where as there is part of A leafe Appears by Vieue to be Coutt out or Taken out of ye Sd:Book by Some wayes or Meains but how or which way or meains itt Cannot as yett be found outt, butt Noways Sus- pecting that Samli Underhill the present T o w n e Clark or A n y of his famley Did Cutt or Deface ye Sd : Record butt one the Contrary itt Thought & Sopsed he ye Sd Samuel Underhill and his fameley is holey Cleare of ye Same & As for ye AforeSaid part of the afore Sd Leafe yt Is Gone or wanting is in ye Book A page 207 & one the other Side Is in page 208 & that in page ye 207 there Is A Survay of Twenty Six Acres of Land More or Less that is Taken or gone out of ye book that W a s formerly Suerveid And Laid out to Liydia Wright by Thomas townsend and Nathaniel Coles Surveayed ye 9th Day of September in ye yeare 1682 as itt Doth plainly Appear By A true Copy of the Same Cartifed Under the Hand of Sam Underhill ye present Towne Clark who Hath this Day Attested to the Same & on the other Side of ye afore Said Leafe there is part of A twne Grant to James Cock Gone or wanting ye wch Sd grant to James Cock was one 4thDay of September 1682 to Take Up Ten Acres of Land one Oack Neck adjoyning to ye freish pond as itt Ap- pears by what is Remaing of the AforeSd grant În ye a fore Sd page 208 Therefore as there is Nothing as yet Can befound of the Afore Sd Survey & ye AforeSd : Towne grant W e hose names are here Under writen Trustees & proporiartors of the old purchas Heare present D o for A further Confirmation of ye : Surveay & grant aforeSd: Do Unanimosly agree that ye Śd: Copy of Lydie wright Survay Shall be Entered in ye Record of oyster bay & to Stand be and r(e)main in full force & Virtue as ye origenall might or Could ife itt had bind in ye- turn over- Record present & all so ye Remaining part of ye Sd grant to James Cock to & be & Remaine in full force as ife it had Never bine Cutt out or Defaced As aforeSd :In Witness Where of W e Have Here Unto Sett our hands This Fifth Day of June In ye fourth yeare of his Majestys Reigne annoq domini one Thou- sand Seven hundered & Thirty one W e the Subscribers D o order S a m" Underhill the T o w n e Clark to Enter ye above Written In ye Towne Records N o w this is ye Copy of the Survey Samuel Macoon September ye : Ninth 1682 Geo:Townsend Then Laid out to Lydie Wright A william Wright Cartain Tractt of Land one ye East Sid wright frost of Beaver Swamp So Called ye ffirst Matthew Parish bounds Whereof begins att ye River att matthew Priar Samuel Andrews South west bounder & Sam" Dickinson So to Rune Up the hill Eastwardly by Wright frostJun ye Sd : Andrewes Land twenty foure Zebuland Dickinson pole or Rods from thence to rune or Benjamin Smith Appendix 697 Raing by ye hill Side South west or Penn Townsend there abouts one hundered and Twenty Simon Cooper Rods and Thence to the River twenty John Weekes Jun' foure rods Upon A west North west JosephWoolsey Line or there abouts To The River or Wright Coles Streme to her West bounder and ye William frost aforeSd: bounders her North & East John Dickinson and South bounders Including Within the Said bounds of the Upland and Swampe twenty Six Acres More or Less As Excepted by her which Land Is Laid out Unto her by Virtue of her house Lott and Priviledge Willed to her by Richard Crab Deceased and Surveyed Daniel Burdsall Joshua Cocks mark Josias Latten his Peter Underhill by us Thomas Townsend Nathaniel Coles. ERRATUM The date "The first day offebruary,1661," in the 25th line ofpage4,pertainstotheparagraph whichfollowsit. INDEX Arrangedasasinglealphabet,withallgroupsand sub headings placedintheirproper sequence. Besidesusualabbreviations,thefollowingareused: aff.for affidavit and affirmation assig.for assigned and assignment atty.for attorney app.forappointed b.for born bro.for brother ch.forchildren com.forcommittee confirm.forconfirmed and confirmation consid forconsideration C. of A. for Court of Assizes d.fordied dau.for daughter def.for defendant est.forestate ex.forexecutor exch.forexchange fr.forfrom hy,forhighway m .for marriage or married M k .for Matinecock M C.prop.forMusketoCoveproprietors ment,formentioned pl.for Plaintiff s.forson t.c.forTown Court t.g.forTown grant t.m .fortown meeting dep.fordeputy The distinctive numerals given in parenthesis to certain names under Grantees and Grantors are those given to them in the published genealogies of those families and will be useful to the title searcher. ABSALOM(Indian),receiptfr.,forpay for South meadows, 1659, 350; signs Tackapousha's receipt for same, 350. A D A M S , John, t. g. for grist and saw AGRICULTURALimplements,265(see also Furnishings). ALBERTSON, Daniel, 656. Derick, deed to, fr. W m . Lynes, 584; mill, 249. ment. 399, 430, 434, 579, 607, 620, 647, ADDRESS,to Gov. Nicolls regarding pat- 655. ent,33,34;toGov.astorepairingfort ALLEN,Alen,Alling,Abraham,(Sr.)t.g. at N. Y., 680; to Duke, at Hempstead, as blacksmith, 109; t. g., 114, 130, 231, signersnottobedefamed,669;toGov. 241, 353; deed fr. Henry Townsend, Sr., Andros, re "just liberties eclipsed," 125; fr. W m . Thornecroft, 522; fr.John 245-7 (see also Petition). Rogers,523;fr.Wm.Buckler,524;deed ADMINISTRATION,est.ofThos.Thorni- tosonAbm.,Jr.,492;tosonThos.,491; croft, 378; of estates, to be admitted in ment. 264, 393, 691. local court and returned to Office of Rec- Abraham, Jr., deed fr. father, 492; ordsinN.Y.,660. ment.491. ADOLF,Peter,579. ADOLIVESON,Peter,517. AFFIDAVIT,of Moses Mudge,re trans- fer by "livery of seisin," 238; of John Ketcham,Thos.BrushandThos.Powell, resouthmeadows,675;ofSoskecock,re extent of Mk. land and Hempstead's claim thereto, 678; of Tackapoucha to same, 677; of Nich. Simkins, re First purchase,692;ofThos.Armitagereson Manassah's claim, 591. AGREEMENT,Henry Townsend,miller, with Town, 40; John Thompson, smith, withTown,43;hisattys.withTown,82; Hog Island prop.with keepers,72,123-5, 210; with Town, 270; re Hog Island fences, 248, 249, 279; re Hog Island swine, 248; with Hempstead re line, 107, 309, 356; with Rob. Williams re line, 272; re division of meadow, 116; John Fekes and Thos.Miller,161;Rob.Wil- liams with Town, re Lusum, 168; re Horse Neck by owners, 190; re Sam. Forman's est., 592. Thomas,deed fr.father,Abm.,491. AMMUNITION, sale of to Indians pro- hibited, 664. AMORY,Joseph,108. ANCIENT Documents,some,670-696. Purchase (see First purchase). ANDREWS, Andrass, Andrus, Mary, power of atty. fr. husband, Sam., 303; signs his deed, 317, 321, 322, 338, 585; as trustee for Quakers, deed fr. Anth. Wright, 687. Samuel, aids widow Crocker, 4; as prop. of Horse Neck, agrees it shall be part ofthe Town,19;t.g.Oak Neck,35; t.g.Hog Island,100;t.g.53,130,153, 208, 218, 219, 352: deed fr. Anth. Wright, 42; fr. Indians, 152; et al fr. Indians, 347-9; as trustee for Quakers, fr.Anth.Wright,687;fr.Anth.Wright, 159; fr. Rich. and Josias Latting, 166; etalfr.Wm.andJos.Croker,168;deed to Adam Wright, 150; to Jos. Ludlam, 170,448,585;to Sam.Ketcham,299;to Mary Jessup, 317; to Nath. Coles, 320; 699 700 ASSESSORS ANDREWS-Continued (notsocalled)tomeet with to John Townsend officers to levy rates, Fry,338 , Jr., 322; to John 1683,268; C. 235;three chosen, ;to John Feke,499 ; exch. with of A. directs that Corea- ble and Overseers Matt.Harvey,126;Surveyor Coles actassuch,668;Rob. Shipwright, 585; Overseer , 119, 208; . John Townsend, Sr., and , 212; Con- Underhill John stable, 226 com. to lay out necks,217;on south ASSIAPUM chosen, 268; (see Tar ). , 218; def. vs. Thos. Towns- , alias Mohenes, First pur- end,224;vs.John Gates chase from,1653,334,354,670; atty.towife,303, ,226;powerof ceased now de- 695;removaltoN.J. ,355;ment.629 and new trustee ASSIZES,Court of ,671. app. in his place , 695; importance , records of, 658-670 of this copy ; m14e2n,t.15482 and functions , 658; personnel 232, 236 ,,26101.-29183,12150, ,15606,517,0,551,735,62,0599 of, 658; jurisdiction of, , 249, 254, 262, 266 658; its refusal of petition 318,341,377,379 ,268,295, Towns,1681,246;clerk for L. L , 380, 423, 435, 447, of 1666 of, 669; session ment. and legislation reaffirmed. 471, 478 696. ANDROS ,97. William after , Andras, Gov. tomeetin Edmund,hisli- 667;paymentofjurymen for, October,667;jurys censetopurchaseIndianlands 667 ,howarranged, petitionto,re ,174,681; ;marriage,lawre civil liberty; his patent O. B. inhabitants , interpreted, 009; for M. C., 309, 635; patent 679; to prove titles before bay, 307 for Oyster- ; agreement before, ton before vs. Hunting- suit of John Richhell , re Hemp- , 693; directs patents stead line, 356; ment. 142 in to be renewed, brought 200, 201 , 630. , 171, 199, 669; fixes large fees ANN-HOOKS ASUR ,659;ment 271,652. for informers ANTHONY'S 665. NECK, (Indian), . BRIDGE,512;Brook .Williams, deed to Rob , 585; Island,313,580,581 ATmTenOtR.N9E4.Y,power of, APPENDIX . siahClark Sam.BurrtoJo- APPLEGAT,E623-697 ,Daniel.,deed to , 244; inson, 509 Sam. Dick- Townsend John Mayhue to Thos , 250; Sam. Andrews . , 511; to Isaac Doughty , 515; 303, reason to wife, Tompson make for, 695; attys. of John meJnoth.n596 , t.,g5.98. agreement 263;deedfr.Thos.Towns- 82;bond with Town, end,314;in Mk.purchase tosame,83;receiptfrom 316,437 ,333;ment. assig.to,84 ,84; , 515, 525, 577, 585 APPLES ,598. ; deed from, 85. AUCTION (see , one peck yearly Outcry). for 500 years, APPLE and peach530. in Indian lease, APPRENTICE trees, nursery of, BADCOCK, Joseph, 461, , indenture 128. of, Hallelujah 609. 463, 574. 608, Fisher,17;Edmund Pangborn, 145; edu- B A N B E R Y Bayley). BAILEY,Baily (see , Edward, 463. ARBITRATION of,146. cation and pay seers,97;evidence and Over- , by Constable BANKS , Samuel, 362. BARBADOS,Island line, 107; accts. ,Hempstead line to run in,98;reHempstead BARBEACH of,193,693. Newman ofRob.StoryandJohn 107,309;in from, , 137; Wm. Frost Hempsteadline,356 Coles, boundary and John BARNES ,357. ,117;Wm.Frost and ,Samuel,161. BARNSTABLE Sam Wrig.ht Tillier , boundary, 271 ; John BATES , M a s s ., 6 2 8 . and bro. Gideon, re meadows t. g. 3; aids t. g. (forfeited) 2: ,Batts,John, 290;John Robins and , widow Crocker,4;ment.41 Sam.Tilliar,248; BAXTER . Sam. and Jos. Weeks , George, 19. 429;app.byCourt ,boundary,428, Hannah of Sessions re farm Robert , 658. Mitchell, 658. line, 120. ARMITAGE,Armintage Thomas,628. , Hermitage B A Y A R D , Nicholas, Sec. of Province signs ,Ann, Samuel,deed ,85. husband'sdeed,591. toSam.Youngs,548 Manassah, 591. BAYLEY,Bailey,Joseph,56. Martha, 591. Thomas, in First Richard, 108 t. g. 7 purchase, 355 ;deed fr.Nich ,671; BEAVER Swamp . . Wright 159,175,186,,2,57,59,140 John Townsend,591; ,3;to 203, 246 ,141,15 301,314,318,327, 265,280, ,254, 3, Ann Lillestone pre-nupt. deed to 366, 380, 402, ,7;deedtoJohn 447,449,475, 405, end, 591; his 3 Towns 590, 596, 597. wives and son; aff dispute, 591; in letter .re to Stuyvesant, Hollow,604. Creek,28,63,157,197,327,362. ARNOLD .16,41 673; ment ,Isaac, ,63,64, 400 , Meadows J.P.,180692. ,442, 236,277 ;asex 445,515,,303,363 ,405,4212, 11, Sylvester . Nath. 556,600. , , deed to Jas. Loyd, 188-190 ; BECKER,57,104 River ,Backer,126,175 patent , et35a5l., , Barker,,198,327 Jacobus , for Hog Island, 694; they sel , 538, 572, 624, 680 , 687, 691, 660; session 1671, of 662; 1675 1669, 659 ,664;? ;1670, 1678,667 659: ; here ment. 194 . ARRASQUAUNG ARUMPAS (see river,307,348,351. ASETON under Grantors). sametoTown,297 ;ment.624. ASH (seeunderGrantors) BEDELL,Mordecai,656 SWAMP,tobelaid . Davis,209 outtoNich. BEEF,priceof, ,326. BEDIENT,MORDECAI. ;grantedtoThos.Townsend ing,668; 274;priceof,inratepay he to keep an ordinary, 237 , killed and sold in Milford to , 238; ment. A S4.S E20M4B L Y provide First purchase pay . ,General,influence BELGICProvinces ,692. Town in its of this BELL,Henry ,United,670. creation, 246-7; represen- gift ASSESSMENTS bydelegates,267. purchase,333;sells ,313;inMk tatives to,to be chosen of land fr. Indians 268; , m . to Jane (Indian), , to be sent in it to John Newman, officers by Town 333; deed to Nathan Burdsall ,661(seeTar). ,385. Index Index BELL-Continued Jane (Indian), m . Henry Bell, 268; ment. 313. BENCKES , Jacob, 679. BENNETT,Bennet,George,656. James, 656. Jeromas,656. William, 656. BERTON,Peter,421,576. BICKLEY,Bikley (see Buckler). BILIINGTON,Joseph,73. BIRCHALL,Burchell(seeBirdsall). BIRD,John,def.vs. Rob.Williams,224; 701 BIRTHS -Continued Thornycraft, Charles, Jos., Mary, Mercy, Phebe, Thos., William, 653. Townsend, Deborah, Esther (wife of Penn), Esther, Jr., 606; George, 603; Judith, Penn, Rose, 606. Underhill,John, 548. Valentine,Charity (Sr.),Charity (Jr.), 654; Charles, 655; David. 654; David, 655; Jacob, Mary, 654; Sarah, Susan- nah, 655. "BIT OF MOUTH" (onlyuseofterm), 550. pl.vs.Thos.Willis;pl.vs.Edw.Titus, BLAGGES,Benj.,159. 224; def. s. John Gates, 225; pl. vs. BLACKSMITHS, John Tompson, agree- John Wright, 226; pl. V's. Edmond ment with,43;1668,205;Abm.Alling, Wright,226;pl.vs.Anth.Wright,226; getst.g.,109;1677,231;John Gates, pl. s. Rich. Harcott, 226. 230; shop ment., 204, 585. BIRDSALL,Burdsall,Birdsell,Birchall, BLEVIN,Bleving,Ann,signshusband's Burcham, Beniamin, with bro. Steph. deed,437. Indian deed,280;in Mk.purchase,333, James, with John Rogers, t. g., 114; 476; deed to John Cock, 469; with wife deed fr. same, 114; t. g. (void) and an- Mercy, agreement re her father's est., other granted, 115; assig. his half to 592;ment.320,479,691. John Rogers,126;latterassig.same back, Daniel, 697. 126; t. g., 241; with wife Ann, deed to Henry,etal,deed fr.John Feke,501; John Townsend, 436; ment., 264, 309, father assig. Indian deed to him and 416, 440, 601, 691. bro.Stephen,684;ment.291. BLOCK Houses,C.ofA.directsthatlaw Mercy,agreement with husband,Benj., rethembeenforced,664. reest.offather,Sam.Forman,592. BLOCKISLAND,629. Nathan (Sr.), deed fr. Mark Meggs, 26; share, Oak Neck, 35; in agreement to divide meadow, 116; condemned lots on Hog Island sold him at t. m. by Sam. Shrimpton, atty. 121; t. g. 130; Indian deed, 277, 502, 683; deed fr. Adam Wright, 342; fr. Caleb Wright, 365; assig same to Henry Townsend, Jr.,366;deed fr.latter,383;fr.Henry Bell.385;assig.sametosonSam,386; toWm.Frost,395;inMk.purchase, 476; assig. Indian deed to sons, 503, 684; ment. 21, 78, 138, 139, 140, 142, 297, 298, 303, 324, 338, 407, 429, 444, 455. 504, 629, 682, 685. N a t h a n , J r . , d e e d t o b r o . N a t h ., 3 1 0 ; with bros. Sam. and W m . assig. of In- dian deed by father, 503. Nathaniel, deed fr. bro. Nathan, 310; ment. 690. Samuel, in M k . purchase, 333; assig Henry Bell's deed by father, 385; deed to David Underhill,421;to Jos.Ludlam, 455; grants W m . Frost highway to his fulling mill, 474; deed fr. Sarah For- man,501;withbros.Wm.and Nathan, Jr., assig. of Indian deed fr. father, 503; fr.David Underhill,504;ment.311,320, 396,457,489. BLYETH,Daniel,deed fr.Gideon Wright, 47;cancelled,214;having leftTown,in- ventory of est., 55; creditors and amounts, 55; settlement, 214; t. g., 209; def.vs. Matt.Harvey,213;def.vs. Sam. Forman, 213; def. vs. Gideon Wright, 213; ment., 614. BOAT BUILDER, John Newman, 242. Y a r d , t . g ., t o J o h n N e w m a n f o r , 2 4 2 (see Canoes and Vessels). BOOKA,13-275;descriptionandpream- able, 13; explanation of pagination, 202; not all transcribed, 13; reverse end be- gins,202;partofleafcutout,254,255; restored from Book E , 695 (see also In- t r o d u c t i o n ) . BOOK E,lostmatterfr.BookA recorded in,255; extract of same from,695. BOOK OF MARKS, 91 (see also Pref- ace). BOOK OF PURPOSES, 1-12; damaged state of 1 (see also Introduction). BOSTON,Mass.,silvermoney of,ment.as late as 1685, 302; ment., 143, 189-92, 278, 302, 380, 447, 561, 624, 628. BOUDE.John,withwifeSusanna,deedto Rob.Cooper,614;fr.Alex.Forman,614; ment., 600, 602. Stephen, with bro. Benj., deed fr. In- Susanna,signs husband's deed.615. dians, 280; in Mk. purchase, 331, 333; BOUNTY,for wolves,3,204,236,253; etal,deedfr.JohnFeke,501;withbro. for foxes,228,236. Henry,assig.ofIndiandeedbyfather, BOWNE,JacobT.,1. 684. John, with Rob. Story, as attys. of William,with bros.Sam.and Nathan, Thos. Hart, deed to Simon Cooper, Jr., assig. of Indian deed by father, 503. Hart's partnership with Latimer Samp- BIRTHS, Carpenter, Ann, Benj., Eliz., son and Nath.Sylvester,142;with Rob. Hannah. Joseph, Joseph (s. of Benj.), Story, agreement re Horse Neck, etc., Mary,Willet, 654. 190;chosen Co. Treas.,269,270;ment., C h e e s e m a n , B e n j ., S a m ., T h o s ., 6 5 4 . 3 9 , 7 8 , 2 7 6 , 2 8 1 , 2 8 2 , 6 1 3 , 6 8 0 , 6 8 7 . Coles,Ann,Charity,654;Charles,652; BRADENHAM,John,192. Content,Deborah,654;Dorcas,Freegift, BRADFORD,William,printer in N. Y., John,652;Martha,654;Mary,Mercy, deedfr.JobWright,523. Nathan,652;Nathan,654;Nath.,205; BRADSTREET,Gov.Simon,448. Phebe,655;Rachel(Sr.),Rachel(Jr.), BRANDING,ofcattleandstocktobe 654; Robert, 652; Roseannah, 603; done by Constable (see Cattle). Tamar, 652. BREWSTER,Nathnaniel,83. Mudge,Coles,Michael,654. BRIANT,Mr.,of New Milford,692. 702 Index CARPENTER-Continued Ann,b.,654;d.,654;ment.412,645, BRICK kiln,the old,78,141;brickyard, 585. BRIDGES, at Beaver Swamp, 57; the 647. three,cost of,levied,9. Benjamin,and wife Mercy,family rec- BRIDGMAN,Matthew,Town Clerk,1661, ord, 654. 41;ment.5,26,31,36,470,582. Benjamin,Jr.,b.,654. BRIGHTMAN,Henry,108. BRINDLEY,Francis,ofNewport,noteto fr. John Dewsbury and John Rogers, for Coles, 656. Elizabeth and Hannah,b.,654. Ephraim, deed to Thos. Weeks, 122: wool, 278, 280. t.g.,130;m.SusannahEngland,235; BRINLEY,William,180,190. dep. constable, 241; in Mk. purchase, BROADCLOTH,price of,162. 333; deed to John Townsend, Sr., 3/1; BROCKHOLLS,Anthony,Capt.,Comman- fr.Dan.Harcott,386;fr.Wm.Frost, der in Chief, 246, 326, 680. BRODHEAD'S history quoted, 659. BROOKING,Brookins,Jacob,t.g.,130; assig. same to Thos. Townsend, 131; ment. 82, 122, 309, 466, 530, 630, 635, 636. 387;fr.M.C.prop.,638;landlaidout, 640; ment. 157, 246, 283, 290, 294, 295, 305,306,392,393,487,521,609,637, 638, 643, 691. Ephraim, Jr., deed to John Newman, 575;fr.Wm.Simkins,576;ment.463. BROOKHAVEN,82-85,90. Hannah and Eliz., b., 654. BROOKES,Thomas,401. Jacob,656. BRUSH,Thomas,aff.re South Meadows, John,5,270. 675. Joseph, deed to Abiah Carpenter, 42; BRUSH,twodayssetforcutting,220, deedfr.same,49;toRob.Coles,65; 226;tobecutbyHy.Overseers,273. to Dan. Coles, 66; to Nath. Coles, 67; BRUSHY PLAINS,181,498. onCom.tobuyIndianlands,113;app. BUCKLER, Butler, William (descendants by Court of Sessions to arbitrate line use latter form), share Oak Neck, 35; dispute,120;oncom.toreceivedeedof deedfr.JohnDickinson,72;withJos. UnquaNeck,129;t.g.,130;assig.same Ludlam,bondtoattys.ofJohnTompson, toThos.Townsend,131,641;Townpat 83,84;withsame,deedfromsame,84; entee,307;M.C.patentee,309;deedto assig.backtoattys.,85;deedfr.Josias Moses Mudge,323;inMk.purchase, " Latting,92;fr.sameby"turfandtwig,' 334;deedfr.JohnWilliams,483;to 96;deedtoJohnRogers,96;fr.James same,641;confirm.ofM.C.purchase, Cock,99;fr.AdamWright,360;toWm. Frost,396;to Abm.Alling,524;in Mk. purchase,333;def.vs.JohnGates,225; pl.vs.AdamWright,225;ment.44,113, 174, 177, 183, 228, 232, 239, 362, 365, 392, 426, 427, 460, 476, 523, 539, 540, 603. BUCKSKINS,twoperyear,asrent,52; (see Deerskins). BULL,Henry,Gov.,402. John,448. BURCHAM,Burchell (seeBirdsall). BURDSALL (see Birdsall). BURIAL Ground, of Quakers, 201; deed for, 687; new trustees for, 695; one on Francis Weeks' farm, 88; the Town's, 318,447,471. BURR,Samuel,ofHartford.suesby atty., re est. of Chris. Crow, 243-5. BUTLER, Butlar (see also Buckler), John, 656. William,ment. 104,241,242,246,256, 262, 425, 491, 493, 691 (see William Buckler). CANDLE,trialby,242. CANOES, C. of A. directs that all be seized, because of Indian disturbance, 1675, 665. CANTIAGUE, Cantiag alias Ciscascata, Hempsteadlinetorunfrom,107;ment. 272, 307, 334, 354, 356, 357, 625, 626, 670. CAPE COD,628. CAPTAINS, military, Thos. Delavol, Rich. Morris; Thos. Topping; Thos. Townsend;John Underhill. CAPTAINS sca,John Dickinson; David PetersendeVries. CARMAN,John,200. Phebe, 657. CARPENTER,Abiah,deed fr.Joseph Car- penter,42;deedtosame,49;ment.630, 631, 632, 639. fr.Gov.Nicolls,629,630;exch.with Nich. Simkins, 642; exch. with son in law, W m . Thornycraft, 643; grant fr. M.C.prop.,644;fr.Wm.Thornycraft, 644; d., 645; ment. 118, 139, 140, 151- 156, 226, 248, 412, 434, 464, 620, 631- 638, 640, 646, 655, 678, 691. Joseph,Jr.,Sr.(sonofJoseph1st),b., 654; m ., 654; children's births, 654. Joseph (son of Benj.), b., 654. Mary,b.,654;m.,654. Mercy (wife of Benj.),654,655. Morris, 656. Tamar,655. Willett, b., 654. William, deed fr. M. C. prop., 649; ment., 564-566, 648, 650. CARPENTERS (mechanics),John Adams, 249; Samson Hawxhurst, 555; John Pratt, Jr., 555; John Townsend, Sr., 345;Edw.White,164(seealsoJoiners). CARTWRIGHT, George, Royal commis- sioner, 39; proclamation left at O. B. by, 40. CATTLE, not to be brought in without consentofTown,12;inpre-nupt.agree ment, 8; as consid. in deed, 27, 32, 80; prices of, 68, 251; fine fixed for any left onHogIsland,202;nottobeleftatlarge there, 210; oxen or horses there to be yoked or fettered, 220; to be kept off the streets, 227; to be branded as per law, in presence of Constable, warning as to misbranding, 220. CALF, pasture, on Hog Island, to be fenced, 249; as consid. in payment of debt, 243. CEDAR POINT,77,167,522,565. Swamp, 185, 287, 288, 305, 313, 331. 335, 337, 359, 367, 373, 402, 405, 414, 441, 443, 477, 506, 509, 511, 513, 518, 526, 542, 544, 545, 558, 567, 579, 596, 598, 599, 601. Index CELLEM (Kellam),Robert,deed fr.Hope Williams, 148. CENTRE ISLAND, (formerly Hog Is- land,which see). CERBY,Cirby (see Kirby). CHAGECHAGEON, Chagechegeing (see Quarapin). Brook, 290. River, 141, 175. Swamp, 141, 175. CHAMPION,Champon,John,195,275. CHATTEL Mortgage,Geo.CoppentoRob. Godfry, 122. CHECONOW (Indian), 350 (see Chicke- noe). CHEESEMAN,Benj.,b.,654. 703 COCK-Continued Werah, 154; t. g., 204; Constable, 1668, 204;t.g.,205,206,209;Overseer,210; exch. t. g. for another, 215; t. g., 218, 250,254;arbitrator on farm line,271;in Mk.purchase,331,333,476;t.g.,353; deedtosonJohn,467;anothertosame, 525; deed fr. 7 Indians, 1669; held 240 years by descendants, 686; t. g., 696; ment.,19,28,31,32,58,78,89,94,117, 141, 153, 169, 178, 180, 197, 223, 231, 246, 295, 324, 376, 377, 388, 408, 429, 440, 468, 479, 555, 568, 688, 691. James,(5),withbro.John (8),assig. of Samson Hawxhurst's deed by John Pratt, Jr., 557. Samuel, b., 654. James (19), joins mother. Dorothy, Thomas,b.,654. and bros. in deed to John Priar, 480. CHEPEYCONAWS (seeChippie). John (5),inMk.purchase,334;deed CHESAPEAKE BAY, Peter Wright fr.father,467;fr.Mary Underhill,467; drowned there,629. CHESHIRE,Mehitabel,560. Thomas, deed fr. Thos. Youngs, 505; fr. Sam. Dickinson, 506; ment. 513, 560. CHIPPIE, Chippy, Chepous, Chepye, Che- peyconaws (see Grantors). CHIPPIE,Will,joinsfatherindeed,595. CHICKENOE (Indian), concerned in Huntington line dispute, 675; aff. con- cerning it. 676; ment. 350. CHRONOLOGY, Old Style and New Style (see Introduction). CHURCH,used forTown Meeting,1743, 14; affairs of, C. of A. directs double rate for maintenance of ministers, 666 (see Quakers, and Liberty). CIDER,suitoverabarrelof,229;def.in t.c.ordered to pay a barrel of.236;in pavment of debt,243;price of,229. CIRBY,Cerby (see Kirby). CISCASCATĂ, Kiscascutta (see Canti- fr. Benjamin Burdsall, 469; to Mary Underhill, 478; fr. father, 525; with bro. James (8), assig. of deed by John Pratt, Jr., 557; ment., 481 ; 584, 598, 689. John (15),joinsmother,Dorothy,and bros.in deed to John Priar,480. Joshua, 697. Josiah, 481. Mary,658. Refine, 658. Rosanna,658. Rosannah , Jr., 658. Samuel,480,481. Thomas (3),t.g.,239;in Mk.pur- c h a s e , 3 3 4 ; m e n t ., 1 4 2 , 1 8 2 , 4 0 1 , 6 9 1 . COCKS, George W., historical sketch by, 623; his assistance in this work, 1, 631, 658. 670. COCKRAN,Mungo,595. CODDINGTON,Gov. William,190. CODNER,Codnor,George,317,342,355, ague). 363, 369, 370, 437, 465, 466. 653, 654. CIVILandreligiousliberty(seeLiberty). COE,John,receipttoAliceCrabb,appar- CLAPBOARDS, not to be taken out of ently satisfaction of mortgage by Rich. Town,2. Crabb,recordedatNew Haven,243. CLARK.Josiah,asatty.forSam.Burr,pl., COKE,George,ofN.Y.,pl.vs.John VS. John Townsend, Sr., and Job Wright,reest.ofChris.Crow,243-5. CLEFT,the,114,127,375. Davis,225. COLD SPRING,calledbyIndiansNacka- quatack, 626; t. g. for grist and saw Rock, 633, 645. millat,249;ment.23.25,196,207,234, Swamp,125,209,314. 251,259,261,272,307,592;river,4; CLEMMENT,John,677. bay,7;headof,355;calledOysterriver, C L E R K , added to several early signatures, 626. appearssometimestobemeantintheold COLES,Colles,Colls,Albert,656. s e n s e o f a n e d u c a t e d m a n , a n d n o t al- ways Town Clerk (see Town Clerk). A n n , a b o u t t o m . W m . L i n e s , d e e d t o son Solomon, 178; b., 654; ment. 653. COATS,as consid.in First purchase deed, Benjamin,656. 670. Caleb,656. COBDEN,George,298. Charity,b.,654. COCK,Ambrose,658. Charles,b.,652;ment.,653,655. Ann,658. Content, b., 654. Charles, 658. Daniel, deed fr. Jos. Carpenter, 67; Clarinda, 658. fr. Matt. Harvey, 67; quit claim to lat- Daniel (16),with bros.John,Hezekiah ter, 68; deed to bro. John, 68; fr. bro. and James,join mother in deed to John Nath., 110; t. g., 130; assig. same to Priar, 480. Thos. Townsend, 131: constable, 1667, Dorothy, with sons, John, Daniel, 203; in agreement re Hog Island fences, Hezekiah and James,deed to John Priar, 210;M. C. patentee,309:in Mk.pur- 480. chase, 334; deed to bro. Nath., 341; d., Emily, 686. 645;ment.32,33,43,178,205,232,464, Hezekiah, 480. 617, 630, 632-5, 637-41, 646, 656, 691. James(1),t.g.,7;deedfr.JohnDick- Deborah,signs husband's deed,546; inson,28;deedtoJohnPlatt,29;share b.,654. ofOakNeck,35;exch.withJohnTomp- Derick, 656. son,50;deed to Henry Townsend,53; Dorcas,b.,652;d.,652. toWm.Buckler,99;t.g.onHogIsland, Freegift,b.,652;d.,652. 100;deed to Henry Townsend,104;t.g., Isaac,656. 109;t.g.,130;deed fr.Suscaneman and Jacob, 656. 704 Index COLES-Continued COLES-Continued 133; with W m . Thornycraft Jesse,656. Nich. Simkins , deed fr. John,on com.to buy Mk.lands,12 ; ,156;fr.bro.Nath.,Sr., deed tr.Thos.Francis,48 167; fr. Alice Crabb, 198 Wright,91;arbitration ;deedtoEdw. electfirstRepresentatives;delegateto with W m . Frost chosen , 267; Lieut., as to boundary, 117; t. g., 130; pl Assessor and Commissioner, Jas.Pitnie,204 . vs. Indian deed, 282; assig 268; ,205;t.g.,353;b.,652; Downing . same to Geo. ment andRich.Kirby,283;M.C.pat- 258,272,653,655,691. ,71,149,155, . 60, 61, 67, 68, 70 entee deed to Sam.Weeks, ,333;t.g.,353; ,309;inMk.purchase Jordon, 656. 429; deed fr. Nich MahahShalalHasbaze, Simkins grant fr. M. C. , 431; fr. same, 432 Weeks ; fr. Sam. prop., 645, 646; ment , 433: assig. of Jos. Carpenter's Martha,b .647. ., 654; d., 205; ment., 276, deed, by Moses of Mudge, 434; assig. 406,470. Sam. Andrews Mary Dole ' deed by John and Mercy (Sr.) .655. Mary,b.652;ment ,435;assig.ofRob.Godfrey's , signs husband's deed, deed,byJos .,Jr.,and Eliz.Sutton 430;again, 6 assig.sametoJohnDavis ,465: 46 ;d.,653;ment.,655. Nich. Simkins , 465; assig. N a t h a n , b ., 6 5 2 . Mercy (Jr.) ' deed to Moses Mudge (son of Rob.),deed fr.Thos. 5 2 7 , ; assig. John Davis' deed to W m . Townsend, 377; another Thornycraft, 567; grant fr. M. 654; m ., 652 , 689; b., 652, ,654;children'sbirths,654 645; exch. with bro C. prop.. ; M. C. .Nath.,648;grants prop.dam rights,etc.,in exch.for ment., 653, Nathaniel 655 land , 650 30, 31, 222 line, ,on.com.re Huntington ; family record, 652; will ment. (some items may , 653; ;deedfr.JosCarpenter 44 beforRob.,Jr.), t. g., 100; deed , 67; , 45, 51, 110, 184, 212, 246, 265 deed to fr. Jos. Sutton, 109; 276, 284, 295, 297, , 270, John Townsend, 110; to 298, 302, 357, 377. Dan., 110; arbitrator bro. 379, 389, 439, 464, 591, re Hog Island.123-5;t . , 137, 138; on com 630-35, 637-40, 644,646,647,649, R o b e r t , J r . 6 5 0 , 6 8 9 , 6 9 1 . bro. Rob., 167; deed fr. . g ., 1 3 0 ; d e e d t o , b., 652; will, 655; ment 177; assig Jacob Young, . same to 653 . uncle Chris. Hawx- Roseannah,b .,Sr.). (see also Rob .,603;m.Geo.Townsend , hurst,177; Surveyor,1668,205 696; Overseer ,227,258 ,1667,203,265;t. , 604. t.g.with Matt.Harvey g.,204; Samuel,393 225; on , 208; Constable, 650. , 566, 576, 620, 646, 649, com.to lay out Hog t.g.,228;exch Island,227; another,260;t.g Weeks,259; .with John Solomon,deed fr.mother,178. .,260;t.g.withMatt. .,655. Tamar,b.,652;m.,652;ment William,656. deputy 259; Harvey, chosen Treasurer, to choose Co 268; deputy, . Treasurer, 268; M. C. quit rent,310 , 307; pays 270; M. C. patentee ;deedfr.Sam.and Mary Andrews, 320 331,333 ;in Mk.purchase, ;deed fr.John Coles,341 353; deed to John Townsend ;t.g., , 378 ;as COLLECTORS,Caleb Wright ,697. Wright and Josias J. P. receives his own 379; Indian acknowledgment, deedofgiftforlayingout COLVE,Anthony,679. lands,545;assig.sametoAdamWright COLWELL,Harvey,656 546; deed fr. latter , ment.546 ,R.I. COWESSETT . ;deedto COMMANDER ,606. in Chief, answer of Town W m . Thornycroft, 566; to 567; grant fr. M. Jos. Ludlam, C. prop., 645; exch. to, re civil rights, 247. with Rob.Coles.648 COMMANDER and Council of War 32,52,67,85,87, ;ment.,22,29,30, (Dutch 121,123,143,149, 91,101,114,115,118 , COMMISSION,King's ,679. ), petition to, 1673 153, 159, 173,199, 202,231,232,234 201, ,236,239,242,245 who will not submit ,to expel foreigners 251, 253, 260, 262 ,249, to English rule, 1664, 39; request O. B. , 268, 270, 271, 274 inhabitants to 276, 280, 286, 287 , 302,304,316,322 , 293, 295, 298, 301 meet them , COMMISSIONERS,Town at Gravesend,39. , 326, 329, 330, 336 345, 347, 357, 359 , , chosen, 1683, 395, 402 , 372, 374 , 383, 392, COMMON, each 268. , 404, 406, 421, 422 inhabitant to sow 447, 451 , 424, 445, on,2; regulations seed , 453, 458, 463, 464, 470, 490 500, 501, 503, 505 , dispute re cattle and swine, 2; with Hempstead about 521,535 , 509, 515, 518, 519, , 9; each , 548, 562, 564, 580, 582,584 inhabitant to have 20 acres of, 10 599,603,608,609 ,591, ,615,618,630,631,633-5, Beaver Swamp meadows : path, 23; to to remain, 11; 637-40, 642, 644, 646, 647, 649 be laid out to Townsmen, , 650, 653. revoking former orders, 1668, 206 654,691,697. Nathaniel days set for ; two , Jr. ment. 2 42, cutting brush 424, 505 , b., 205; on, 226; cer- , 564, 570, 573, 612 tain land . except a plot for perpetual, reserved, 1677, as Town house, 232; free- Phebe, b., 655. Rachel (Sr.),b.,654;m.,654. holders must take up shares, Rachel (Jr.), Robert, (1st b.,654. part of,to be perpetual 1682, 258; , d. 1654 and does not 20 ,262;ment ,26-29,32,36,38,44, .3,15, appear in these records). CONFIRMATION 46,54,57,58. Robert (Sr.) (son of DEED,1685,fr.Indi 9;deed Rob.1st),t.g., ans for lands previously fr.Rob.Williams,45;fr. sold,and selec Carpenter, 65; exch Jos. tion of 3 . with John Towns- chiefs to sign future deeds. end,Sr.,110;app.byC.of 283. Sessionsar- CONGEMOW bitrator in line dispute , signs Tackapoucha's deedfr. ,120;t.g.,130; nullifi- Rogers John Townsend. 133; fr. John CONIUME . cation, 521 , 133; to John Townsend, Sr., -KANICK,(seeGrantors). COLLES.Colls (see .s Latting app.1683,268 Cole ). COLLIER,Edward,689. COLONEL John . 190. , Lewis Morris, (see Morris ). Index CONKLING,John, Suit of John Richbell against, 1664, on behalf of latter's wife and orphans,693. CONSIDERATION in deeds,not generally stated, 3, 25, 27, 30, 36, 52, 122, 130, 146, 161, 162, 164, 166, 167, 179, 193, 199, 201, 280, 285, 286, 288, 299, 301. 302, 304, 305, 316, 318-21, 323, 324, 331, 334, 335, 338, 339, 342, 346-8, 354, 359, 361-4, 366, 367, 373, 374, 376, 377, 379, 381,383,391,394,396,405,406,408,413, 416, 420, 424, 426, 427, 431, 434, 435, 437, 440, 442, 447, 448, 451, 455, 457, 462, 469, 470, 472, 474, 476, 477, 480, 482, 484, 491, 499, 501, 503, 505, 515, 516, 521, 524, 526, 529, 530, 532, 533, 535, 542, 544, 548, 551, 555, 556, 558, 561,563,564,566-9,572-5,577,579,581, 584,590,592,594,596,598,602,605,606, 610, 611, 614, 615, 617, 618, 621, 670, 688, 692. 705 COOPER-Continued S y l v e s t e r , 1 4 2 - 4 ; t . g ., 2 4 3 , 2 5 5 , 2 5 7 , 3 5 3 ; late deceased, 612; ment. (Sr. and Jr.) 153, 160, 165, 179, 232, 249, 260, 264, 297, 319, 322, 344, 418, 420, 421, 438, 445, 451, 456, 497, 506, 511, 548, 691. Simon, Jr., with bro. Rob. join mo- ther in confirm. to Jos. Ludlam, 451; joinsmotherindeedtobro.Rob.,613; ment.(seeSimon,Sr.). Thomas, 191. COOPERS, C. of A. prohibits any to be admitted in L. I. Towns without consent of Magistrates, 666; Joseph Ludlam, 30. COPPING, Coppen, George, chattel mort- gagetoRob.Godfrey,122;ment.95,105, 225. CORDWAINERS,Cordwinders,Rob.Kel- lam, 595; Peter Pangborn, 145; John Robbins, 127; John Williams, 483; (see also Shoemakers). CONSTABLE,hispowertocollecttaxes, COREY,John,300. 9;withOverseers,levytaxforhireof CORN,inTownrecordsappearsalwaysto FortNeck,1667,204;sellsforfeitedland mean maize. In C. of A. records it at outcry, 227; a deputy to be appointed means grain. Subscribed, for widow foreachplaceinTown,235;meetingof, Crocker,4;onebush.pershareforkeep- withOverseers,255;feesestablishedfor, ingHogIslandfences,210;firstmen- 660;oathsmadeoptionalfor,1678,681; tionedasIndianCorn,3;prices,20, not obliged to administer oath to Over- 52, 55, 63, 68, 161, 274; price fixed, seers, 668; negligent in their accounts, for rate paying, 660, 668; export of 663;penaltiestherefor,664;must make (grain)prohibitedbyC.ofA.,662;peti- good any rate not collected, 668; to be tion for its removal, 662; not allowed, hereafter elected by Town vote, 668; 663; prohibition continued, 665. with Overseers,horses and other stock CORNBERRY NECK,111. tobebrandedbeforethem,666;letterto, CORN CREEK,44,71,142,478,628,682, fr. Gov. Nicolls, 673; C. of A. directs 685. them to see that no ammunition is sold CORNELL, Cornhill, Richard, 248, 284, toIndians,664;C.ofA.directsthemto 329,330.332,360,503,546. seize Indian canoes during disturbance to CORONER'S jury, 1672, in a case of eastward, 665; power to collect taxes. 9; drowning, 221. electionof,1667,203;1668,204;1669, CORTLANDT,Stevanus,191. 212; 1673, 222; 1675, 225; 1676, 226; COUNTY TREASURER, deputies to 1677, 234; 1681, 240; 1682, 253; 1683, choose,268;John Bowne chosen,269. 265;chosen,Sam.Andrews,226;Jas. COURTOFASSIZES(seeAssizes). Cock,204;DanColes,203;Nath.Coles, General,atHempstead,674,675,676. 225;JonasHalstead,27;Rich.Harcott, Town (seeTownCourt). 210,222;Matt.Harvey,230;Sam.Shaw, Of Sessions,time of holding changed, 14;Nick.Simkins,230;Henry Town- 659;actionastooaths,668;allowsO.B. send, Sr., 207; Thos. Townsend, 204, to elect Constables "by free choice," 220,222,692;FrancisWeeks,204;John 681;makesitlawfultokillgeesenot Weeks, 264; Thos. Weeks, 131; Caleb kept confined, 695; ment. 664, 669. Wright, 240; Edmund Wright, 692; COURTS,ofL.I.,StatenIslandtohave Nich. Wright, 204. no further dependence on, 667; payment Deputy, to be app. for each place in Town, 235; Nich. Simkins for M. C., 230; Eph. Carpenter for M. C., 241; Edmund Wright, 692. CONTENTION NECK,confirm.to Town by Gov. Nicolls, 674; origin of name, 675; dispute with Huntington concerning, 674-7; ment. 349, 387. CONTRIBUTION,to aid widow Crocker, ofjurymenin,669;arbitratorsapp.by, 120; ment. 244, 326. COVE,the,241,242,259,344,426. 427, 614;roadto,640;(seeOysterBayCove). Neck, 3, 16, 36, 56, 123, 143, 193, 255,256,259,260,613;Creek,123,242, 610. Swamp, 123, 228, 257, 260-62, 473, 610,611,613. 4;orderedbyC.ofA.torepairfortin COW,asconsid.inpaymentofdebt,243; N.Y.,661;replyofQuakersthereto, andhorse,asconsid.indeed,579;(see 680. COOKE,George,323. John, 94. Cattle). COW HARBOR,inHuntington,693. COW NECK,in Hempstead,107,356,516, COOPER, Mary, with sons Simon and 576,584. Rob.,confirm.toJos.Ludlam,451;deed COX,John,Jr.,670,687. toson Rob.,612;ment.,276,420. COYE,Matthew,132. Robert,withbro.Simon,Jr.,joinsmo- CRABB,Alice,t.g.,7;deedtosonGid- ther in confirm. to Jos. Ludlam, 451; eon Wright, 42; deed fr. Nich. Simkins, deedfr.Dan.Harcott,610;fr.Wm. 57;t.g.onHogIsland,100;withhus- Frost,611;fr.mother,612;fr.John band,Rich.,assig.ofdeedtosonAdam Boude,614;ment.276,427,584. Wright,106;fr.Nich.Simkins,106;to Simon, deed fr. Rob. Story and John Bowne, of Thos. Hart's share of pur- chase with Latimer Sampson and Nath. John Underhill, Jr., 141; to son Adam Wright, 149; to same, 157; schedule of land rights devised her by Anth.Wright, 706 Index CRABB-Continued 159;confirm.to dau.Lydia Wright,171; to Rob. Coles, 198; to Isaac and Lydia Horner,200;tosonAdamWright,201; her children, 233; receipt fr. John Coe, apparently satisfaction of mortgage of Rich. Crabb, recorded at New Haven, 243; t. g., 352; as trustee for Quakers, deed for house lot and burial ground,fr. Anth.Wright,687;deathofherhusand, Peter Wright, 629; ment. 44, 58, 98, 164, 232, 243, 249, 271, 291, 295, 298, 327,414,436,446,580,691. Richard, t. g., Oak Neck, 35; deed fr. Matt. Priar, 70; deed to same, 71; re- ceiptfornegroboyfr.LewisMorris,83; t.g.,100;t.g.on Hog Island,100; joins wife Alice in assig. her deed fr. Nich. Simkins, to son Adam Wright, 107; t. g., 130; as atty. of John Tomp- son, collects debts fr. Greenwich men, 208; his mortgage at New Haven, satis- faction of, 243; with Anth. Wright and John Week "Warwick," deed to Jas. Townsend, 372; ment. 5, 16, 36, 57, 60, 69,87,106,132,142,149,157,160,211, 213, 232, 295, 318, 344, 374, 418, 697. CRAFT (formerly Thornycraft,which see), Benjamin, 656. Joseph,656. Solomon, 656. William,691 (see also William Thorny- craft). CREEK,the great,in Matinecock,71. Salt, 69. CROCKER,Croker,Crooker,Crucker,Ann (widow of William, and later wife of John Rogers), subscription of corn, to assist her, 3; deed to Rich. Latting, 5; toNich.Wright,37;arbitrationby,97, 98; to have the house and land she lives on,205;ment.166,168,206;asRogers, 94,95. Joseph,with bro.W m .joins in deed of mother and stepfather, to Thos. Towns- end, 105; deed to Thos. Gitchell, 115; with bro.W m .confirm.to Rich.Latting, JosiasLattingandSam.Andrews,168; t.g..230;ment.72,241,242,425. William,Sr.,168,218;(seealsoWm., Jr.). William (Jr.), with bro. Jos. joins in deed of mother to Thos. Townsend, 105; with Isaac Doughty,7 year lease fr.Rob. Godfrey,161;withbro.Jos.confirm.to Rich. Latting, Josias Latting and Sam. Andrews,168;t.g.,263;t.g.,264;in Mk. purchase, 333; deed fr. father in law,John Rogers (void),486;fr.same, assig.of Isaac Horner's deed,486;assig. alllandbacktoJohnRogers,487;ment. 37, 97, 98, 113, 218, 355, 385, 501, 511, 540. CROMP,Crompe,Crumpe,Thomas,pl.vs. Rob.Williams,226;ment.70,96. CROW,Crowe,Christopher,suitreest.of, 243-5; ment.393. CURTISS,Joseph,120,608. CUSTOMS,protest against avoiding,by vessels landing in harbor, 8; C. of A. or- ders them collected at L. Í. ports, 663; Collectors to be app. 663. DAVIS-Continued John, agreement as keeper of Hog Island, 72; deed fr. Moses Forman, 86; withwifeHannah,deedtoAaronFor- man,101;sameresignedback,107;t.g., 130;Indiandeed,137;another,151;fr. Jos. Eastland, 198; def. vs. Geo. Coke, 225; t. g., 353; with wife Martha, deed to W m . Frost, 394; to Aaron Forman, Jr., 406; deed fr. Rob. and Sarah God- frey, 463; deed to same ment., 463; assig. of Rob. Godfrey's deed by Rob. and Mercy Coles, 465; deed fr. John Wright, 466; with wife Mercy, deed to John Wright, 530; fr. Rob. Coles, 579; with Nich.Simkins and Henry Towns- end,Sr.,deedtoWm.Frost,619;ment. 82, 136, 150, 172, 182, 490, 516, 517, 600, 619, 691. Marthye (prob. Mercy), signs hus- band's deed,395. Mercy, signs husband's deed, 532 (see above). Nicholas, t. g., 1668, with liberty to build wharf, 209; t. g. made void, 222; his wife ment., 222; his land to be sold at outcry, 227; ment. 4. Samuel, 222. D A Y T O N , Dayten, Doyten, Samuel, deed fr.Abm.Smith,22;deed to Henry Red- dough, 22; his swamp and cellar, 149, 155; having removed, must forfeit all but one lot,by order of Gov.,678. DEANE,Samuel,687. DEATHS:Carpenter,Ann,654. Coles, Dorcas, 652; Freegift, 652; Martha, 205; Mercy, 653; Robert (Sr. and Jr.), 652, 653. Townsend,Freelove,606;Penn.Jr., 606;Rose,606. DEEDS,(seeGranteesandGrantors,see Confirmation deed),to be sent in to Gov., to be recorded, 34; all to be brought in for record, 1668, 205; C. of A. requires law for recording, to be put in execu- tion, 606. DEER Skins,legislation re transportation of, 660, (see Buckskins). DEFAMATION,ofpublicofficials,orof deputies at Hempstead, to be punished, 669. DELEGATES,fr.Town,to Dutch,with petition, 1673, 179; fr. L. I. Towns to Gov. and C. of A. re civil rights. 1681, 245-7; to elect County Treas., 268; to elect members of first Gen. Assembly, 267; (see Deputies). DELAVOL,Thos.,Capt.,J. P.,presides at Town Court,219,220. DEMEE,Hester,sightdraftonJas.Lloyd, for,112;her receipt for same,112. DENNIS , Dennes, George, deed fr. John Underhill, 32; fr. Rich. Harcurt, 108; withAdam Wright,t.g.,116:t.g.,130; deed to gr. son, Dennis Wright, 158; mortgage to Edw. Griffith of London, 159; power of atty. to Thos. Townsend, 163; property sold by latter, 164; satis- faction of mortgage,165;t.g.,211;exe- cution on est.of,by sheriff.251; receipt to John Townsend, Sr., 267; t. g., 353; ment.87,88,99,214,215,226,232,539, 578, 602. DENTON,Daniel,358,489. DARTMOUTH,Mass.,108,605. DEPTFORD,R.I.,488. DAUGHTY (seeDoughty). DAVIS, Hannah, signs husband's deed, 101; deed fr. father, Rich. Latting, 73, 101;ment.394. DEPUTIES,toassistinmakinglawsand assessments,34;to go to Gov. for patent, 107; two to be chosen by each Town, 269,270;thosesigningaddresstoDuke, Index 707 DEPUTIES- Continued DICKINSON-Continued at Hempstead, not to be defamed, 669 Samuel,t.g.,263,264;in Mk.pur- (see Delegates). chase, 331, 333; deed to John Townsend, D E R B Y , Darby, Doreby, Eleazar, Eleizer, 437-9; with wife, Lydia, to Thos. deed fr. Isaac and Lydia Horner, 317- Cheshire, 506; fr. Dan. Applegate, 509; 319;with John Reed,deed to John Rog- deed fr. mother, 511; confirm. fr. bro. ers, 380; with wife Mary, deed to John Jos., 512; fr. David Underhill, 513; fr. Rogers, 447; ment. 276, 326, 345, 471. same,518;deedtosame,596;anotherto Mary, signs husband's deed, 448. same,598;ment.178,303,347,400,451, "DESIRE," the sloop, brings First pur- 467, 516, 539, 560, 570, 691, 696. chasers, 628. Zebulon, 485, 696. DISBROW, Disborah, Disborough, Des- DESBOROWES (see Disbrow). borowes, Henry, t. g., 3; his former lot, DE VRIES, David Pietersen, discoveries 28; deed to John Dickinson, Sr., 162; on L. I., 624; extract fr. his journal, 624. ment.4,40,41,162,350. DISCLAIMER of Hempstead to land in DEWSBURY, John, with John Rogers, Oyster Bay, 674. note to Francis Brindley of Newport, for DISEASE, inhabitants reported sickly, wool, 278; receipt fr. John Rogers for 1683, 691. hispart,280;inMk.purchase,333;deed DISTRAINT, Chris. Hawxhurst's horse toJohnNewman,572;assig.ofdeedfor swamp at Anthony's brook, by Job sold for Town rates, 235; of horse fr. Isaac Horner, for not training, 241. Wright, 586; assig. of deeds fr. Henry DOCK,the,26,211,212,231,262,518- Townsend, Sr., 586-9; deed fr. John 585 (see also Wharf). Sibley, 590; Indian deed, 604; assig. same to Henry Townsend, Sr., 605; DOCUMENTS,Some Ancient,670-696. DOLE,John,with wife Mary,assig.Sam. ment. 202, 289, 291, 312, 362, 363, 390. Andrews'deed to Rob.Coles,435;deed 392, 400, 408, 417, 423, 429,436,437,443, fr. Adam and Mary Wright, 457; fr. 460, 557, 558, 571, 613, 616, 690. overseers of father in law's est., 459; DIAR (seeDyer). DICKINSON, Dickason, Dickenson, Dige- son, Elizabeth, confirm. to John Under- hill, 478; deed to son Sam., 511; will, 559; ment. 178, 179, 414, 438, 507, 512. deedtoThos.Miller,569;toJohnNew- man,573;mortgagetobro.inlaw,Hope Williams, for land conveyed by latter to son John, 608; shoemaker, 458; ment. 276, 539, 571, 572. Hannah, 178, 507, 513, 560, 561. John, Jr., deed fr. uncle, Hope Wil- Jabez, Jabiz, Jebus, 178, 179, 559, 560, liams, 460; another, 462; another, 608. 561. Mary, signs husband's deed, 435; deed James, 178, 405, 560, 561. fr. mother and bros., 458; ment. 459, John,t.g.,4;aids widow Crocker,4; 460. t.g.,9;deedtoJas.Cock,28;toMoses DONGAN,Gov.Thos,patenttoRunasuck Forman,33;fr.John Finch,46;t.g., (aliasSuscaneman),519;ment.285,520. 56; description of his lands, 58; deed to DORBY,Doreby (seeDerby). Wm.Buckler,72;toJohnUnderhill,79; DOUGHTY (improperlygivenDoty,Dotty, t. g., 100; t. g. (void), 114; deed to son Dottie, etc., but is distinct from Doty); Jos., 127; t. g., 130; deed, fr. John Elias, 246, 247. Hincksman, 162; fr. Henry Disbrow, Elizabeth, signs husband's deed, 535; 162; fr. Mary Willets, 166; to Capt. ment. 108. Rich. Morris and Co., 176; will, 178; Isaac, t. g., with Jas. Townsend, 79; sellssharehehadofJohnFinchto etal,deedtoJohnRogers,96;withJas. Thos. Townsend, 203; to keep gate Townsend, deed fr. Anth. Wright, 102; and bars (on highway), 203; t. g., toJohnWood,125;t.g.,130;assig.t.g. 206, 217, 218; Overseer, 226; in let- to Thos. Townsend, 131; Indian deed, ter to Gov. Stuyvesant, 673; ment. 3, 135; with W m . Croker, 7 year lease fr. 41,53,57,98,103,123,207,212,220, Rob.Godfrey,161;inagreementreHog 223, 228, 232, 239, 258, 295, 315, 319, Island fences, 210; t. g., 221, 233, 261; 344, 365, 375, 418, 419, 438, 443, 444, accused of horse stealing, but cleared by 452, 478, 507, 511, 512, 560, 610, 628, t. m., 274; Indian deed, 328; in Mk. 697. purchase, 331, 333; deed fr. Dan. Apple- Joseph,deed fr.Matt.Harvey,126;fr. gate,515;fr.Jonathan Wood,516;with father,John,127;t.g.,130,229,233, wifeEliz.,toJohnWood,535;ment. 258; deed fr. Jos. Ludlam, 279; Indian 108, 232, 246, 281, 285, 304, 312, 330, deed,304;another,305;in Mk.purchase, 339, 357, 365, 378, 418, 445, 528, 529, 331,333;t.g.,352,353;deed to Henry 553,566,636, 641,691. Townsend, 405; to bro. Sam., 512; DOWNING,Douning,Ananias,656. withwifeRose,toherbro.JohnTowns George,t.g.,130;assig.sametoThos. end, 526; fr. Thos. Weeks, 558; fr. Townsend, 131; with Rich. Kirby, assig. Samson Hawxhurst, 562; fr. Nich. Sim- of Indian deed, by Rob. Coles, 283; in kins,shareofsawmill,563;toSamson Mk.purchase,333;ment.239,246,309, Hawxhurst,581;ment.97,119,178,179, 323, 518, 635, 691. 232, 246, 259, 313, 325, 411, 418, 436, Robert, 630, 636. 507, 560, 561, 605, 691. Silas, 656. Lydia, signs husband's deed, 507; ment. 178, 560. Mehitabel,178,560. Rose (wife of Jos.), 126; with bros. John and Henry Townsend, fr. father, 400; assig. of land by father, 419; signs husband's deed,527. DROWNING,Coroner'sjuryinacaseof, 221. DRUMMER Ramerock (Indian),348. DUCK COVE,609,610. Swamp, 529. DUFFELS (cloth),112. DUKE'S Laws,an extension of,667. 708 DUMBY SWAMP,549. Index FEKE-Continued 333;t.g.,353;oncom.topurchaseun- soldMk.land,474;deedfr.Sam.An- drews, 499; fr. David Underhill, 499; assig. same to 6 grantees, who grant him DUTCH,smugglingtobaccoto,forbidden, 8; patent for Hog Island, 1650, 694; protest against First purchasers,671,672; Council minutes, extract from, re Oyster Bay,1655,671;rule,inhabitantswilling ahighway,501;deedtoWm.Frost,618; toliveunder,1657,672;petitionto,fr. ment.81,90,142,150,152,156,198, Town, for civil and religious liberty, 290, 386, 412, 413, 469, 480, 504, 598, 1673, 679; allowed, 680; oath of alle- 621, 680, 683, 687, 689, 690, 691, 695. gianceto,1673,679;patentsfrom,C.of Robert,deed to Dan.Hopkins,484; A. directs they be renewed, 670; con- yeoman, 484. cessions to the five English towns on FENCE,Mill River meadows to have,2; L. I., 679. for cornfields and house lots, 2 ; a three- DYER,Dyar,Diar,John,withWm.Sim- railed,161;acrossHog Island,tobefin- son,deedfr.Sam.Dayton,21;toRich. ished,203;sixholepostsfor,203:John Latting,80;Indian deed,80;assig.same Dickinson to keep gate and bars, 203; to Rich. Latting, 80; deed fr. Thos. pasture and water,of Hog Island,to be Francis,81;assig.sametoRich.Latting, completed,220,222;roundthesouth 82;quitclaimofhisright,byWm.Hud- side of Town,with street gates,to be re- son,82;ment.48,101,394,677. paired, 227; water, to be repaired, 227; EARLIEST document issued by Town, 672. EARMARKS, John Wright's, 302 (see viewers, 2, 210, 225, 231; Hog Island, 210, 270; to be 5 ft. high, 211. FINCH,John,deedtoJohnDickinson,46; his share transferred to same, 203; ment. Preface). 41, 58, 73, 127, 578. EAST CHESTER,244. EAST GREENWICH, Eng., tenure FINES, for selling liquor to Indians, 2: of for stock left on Hog Island, 1666, 203; landsinTownpatent_sameasin,308. EAST GREENWICH,R.I.,488. for not completing Hog Island fence, EAST ISLAND,patent for,ment.,630. 203; for Town officers, 661. EASTLAND,John,deed ofgiftfr.Henry FIRE ladders, every householder to pro- Townsend,Sr.,306;ment.587. vide, 216. Joseph, Indian deed, 155; t. g., 197; FIRMAN (see Forman). deedtoJohnDavis,198;t.g.,236;ment. FIRST house,builtby Rich.Holbrook, 692. 82, 149, 306, 475, 600, 691. EATON,Gov.Theophilus,ofConn.,let- FIRSTPURCHASE,OldPurchase,de- ter fr. ment., 672. scription of, Indians' dissatisfaction at EATON'S NECK,221. delayed payment,how paid,and amount, EDUCATION,ofapprentice,146;offirst inNich.Simkins'aff.,692;Dutchpro- settlers, (see Introduction and School- test against, 671, 672. master). Deed, actual text, 670; copies, 334, E D W A R D S , Richard, 245. 354; statement of W m . Leverich, 1663, EEDES,Nicholas,59. astoimportof,356. EELCREEK,256. FISH, Samuel, 562, 582. EEL SPEARS,for Indian use,671. F I S H E R , Hallelujah, his indenture trans- ELLISON, Elison, Thos., pl. vs. Ex. of ferred on his removal to Maryland, 17. John Reducks,228. FISHING CREEK,256,517. ENGLAND,Josiah,bondfr.HughPar- FIVEHundredYearlease,at1peckof sons, 108. apples yearly, 530. Susanna,wifeofJosiah,108;m.Eph. FLATPOND,537,615(seealsoFrost Carpenter, 235. ENGLISH Towns,thefiveonL.I.,Dutch concessions to. 679. ENSIGN,Jas.Weeks,253. EVERTSEN,Cornelis,Jr.,679. EXECUTIVE Council minutes, extract from,680. EXEMPTION, fr. oaths, 679, 680; fr. church rates, 679; fr. training, 693. Pond). FLEET,Capt.Thomas,246. FLINT, Martha B., her "Early L. I.," 624, 625. FLOUR, price of, 191; exportation pro- hibited,665. FLUSHING, Flishing, Vlishing, patent, 624;ment.89,142,190,269,281,324, 679, 680. FORCE,Forsse,Henry,pl.vs.Wm.Sim FAIRFIELD, Conn., 46. son, 224; ment. 94. FAIR,yearly,C.ofA.directs,tobekept FOREIGN invasion,made an exceptionin at Brooklyn and in N. Y., 666. deed, 1684, 195. FALSE news from N. Y.,John Rogers FOREIGNERS,tobe expelled,fr.King's fined for, 1672, 221. American domains,39. FAREWELL,George,309. FOREST,Henry,agreementaskeeperof FARMS,the,230,256,261,301,372; HogIsland,72. highwayto,264;(seeHighways). FORMAN,Firman,Furman,Aaron (St.), FAVEWELL,George,309. t.g.,35;resignstoJohn Davisthedeed FEATHERS,suitre,int.c.,224. of land bought of him, 107; arbitration FEES, of Constable and Overseer, estab- with Moses re line dispute, 120; t. g.. lished by C. of A., 660; large, for in- 130; fence viewer and highway inspector, formers,fixedbyC.ofA.,659. 231; chosen Overseer but released at his FEKE,Feake,Feaxe (laterFeeks),Henry, desire,234;t.g.,352,353;deedtoson 70. Aaron, Jr., 407; to Thos. Youngs, 426; John,t.g.,130;Indiandeed,148; inMk.purchase,476;ment.87,88,196, settlement with indentured servant, 230, 240, 241, 246, 253, 272, 341, 365, Thos.Miller,161;inMk.purchase,331, 382,394,419,473,490,577,610,691. Index FORMAN-Continued Aaron,Jr.,deed fr.W m .Hudson,194; t. g., 228; fr. John Davis, 406; fr. fa- ther, 407; ment. 116, 425, 691. Alexander,deed to John Rogers,381; signs deed of Aaron, Sr., 408; deed to John Boude ment.,614;ment.226. Anna, signs husband's deed, 488 (she was widow of Sam. Bennett, of R. I., andm.,3d,Jos.Weeks). Dorothy, signs husband's deed, 408. Hannah, in Mk. purchase for son Moses, 333. Johanna, inventory of her est., 68; 709 FORT AMSTERDAM,694. FORT JAMES, in N. Y., 35, 307, 674, 694. FORT NECK,sold,1667,by John Rich- bell to Nath. Sylvester, Thos. Hart and Latimer Sampson,693;levy for hire of, 204;shares laid,349;Indians massacred there by Capt. John Underhill, 1653, 676; ment. 1, 87, 88, 123, 218, 349, 370, 386,388,472,511,513, 518. FORT WILLEM HENDRIK,679,680. FOUR ROCKS,the,81,682,683. FOXES,bounty for killing,228,236. FRAMPTON,William,191. ment. 23. FRANCIS,Thomas,deedtoRich.Latting, John, 253. 47;toJohnColes,48;toJohnDyer,81; Judith,deed fr.son Zebulon,488. ment.139,140,394,407. Mercy,93,253. FRANKLIN,Henry,deed fr.Nath.Un- Meryam,Miriam,ex.ofhusband'swill derhill, 324; same declared void. 480. void),93;widowofSam.,252;m.Rich. FREEHOLDERS, list of those having Harcurt, 195; ment. 214. rightsonUnquaNeck,1678,130;listof, Moses,aidswidow Crocker,4;deed fr. 1677,232(seeTownsmen). father,Rob.,4;t.g.,7;withbro.Sam., FREEMAN,John,557. deedfr.father,23;tobro.Sam.,25;fr. FRESH POND,nowFrostPond,261,696 John Dickinson, 33; to Thos. Marting, (see also Flat Pond). 49; exch. with Jos. Weeks, 56; deed fr. FRIENDS,Society of (see Quakers). Thos. Marting, 68; to John Underhill, FROST, Abigail, 196. 79; to John Davis, 86; his mother, 87; arbitration with Aaron re line dispute, Benjamin,deed fr.Sam.Weeks,593. Charles, 656, 658. 120; t. g., 130, 208; in agreement re Charles,Jr., 658. Hog Island fences, 210; pl. vs. Rich. Elizabeth, 658. Harcott, and counter suit by same, 217; t.g.,240,257;hismotherjoinsin Mk. George, 277. Isaac, 658. purchaseforhim,333;t.g.,353;deedto dau. Sarah Forman, 488; ment. 55, 65, John, assig. of deed by W m . Thorny- craft and Rich. Kirby, 96; t. g., 118, 123, 196, 214, 215, 221, 223, 232, 257, 121, 130; deed fr. Thos. Miller, 195; 260, 261, 501, 504, 577, 614. t. g.. 241; sight draft on, by John Robert, aids widow Crocker, 4; deed Wright, for hats, 248; t. g., 352; ment. to Nich. Wright, 5; t. g., 5; deed fr. 239, 263, 577, 656, 691. Nich. Wright, 5; t. g., 7; deed fr. Rob. Williams, 23; to sons Moses and Sam., Joseph, 499. 23; to son Moses, 24; wife ment. 24, Mary,m.cert.,657. 25; deed to son Sam., 25; fr. Nich. Phebe, 658. Wright, 25; exch. lots with Benj. Hub- Samuel,deedfr.bro.Wm.,498;yeo- bard, 26; having lost Rob. Williams' bill man,498. of £20,now owns to payment thereof, Sarah, 657, 658. 47; deed fr. Rob. Williams, 47; his Stephen, 657, 658. William,t.g.,35;deed fr.Matt.Har- markedtree,109;will,196;t.g.,203, vey,71;assig.IndiandeedtoWm.Sim- 207, 217, 218 ; ment. 16, 19, 20,24,26,36, 38, 41, 55, 99, 120, 140, 209, 211, 213, son, 90; bond to same, 90; et al, agree 214, 430, 614. menttodividemeadows,116;linearbi- tration with John Coles, 117; t. g., 130; Samuel, deed fr. father, 25; fr. bro. Indian deed, 148; another, 151; t. g., Moses, 25; t. g., 79; will (void), 92; 260,261;line arbitration with Sam.Til t.g.,130;hiswidow'saff., 195;pl.vs. lier,271,272;Indiandeed,284;inMk. Dan. Blyeth, 213; pl. vs. Josias Latting, purchase, 331, 333; t. g., 352; deed to 213;settlementofsuit,213;t.g.,219; Eph. Carpenter, 387; fr. Jos. and Eliz. d., 252; inventory of est., 251; settle- Ludlam, 389; fr. John Underhill, 390: m e n t o f e s t ., 2 5 2 ; t . g ., f o r c h i l d r e n , 2 6 1 , fr.John and Martha Davis,393;assig.of 262;t.g.,264:t.g.,353;ment.16,37, Thos. Rushmore's deed by Moses 55, 196, 221, 223, 232, 409, 419, 691. Mudge,393;assig.Abm.Allen's deed by Samuel, Jr., t. g., 247. Henry Townsend, Sr., 393; fr. Nathan Samuel (another),in agreement to di- Burdsall, 395; fr. W m . Buckler, 396; vide father's est., 1731, 592. fr. Caleb, John and Edmond Wright, Sarah, deed fr. father, 488; to Sam. 390, 392; disclaimer of all other south Burdsall, 501. meadows,397;Sam.Burdsallgrantshim Sarah (another), in agreement to di- highwaytohisfullingmill,474;oncom. vide her father's est.,1731,592. to purchase unsold M k . land, 474; deed Susanna, with husband, Aaron, deed fr. Edmond Wright ment., 496; deed to fr. father, 408; she and son Jacob assig. bro. Sam., 498; yeoman, 498; deed to same to Jas. Tillett, 409; assig. of land Rob. Cooper, 611; fr. Nich. Simkins, by_father, 419 ; ment. 93, 253, 300. 615; fr. Caleb, John and Edmond Thomas,t.g.,240,263;deedtoThos. Wright,616;fr.Nich.Simkins,617;fr. Youngs,577;ment.246,332,409,691. John Feke, 618; fr. Henry Townsend, Zebulon, deed to mother, Judith, 488. Sr., Nich. Simkins and John Davis, 619; fr.Rich.Harcott,620;fr.David Under- FORT,in N. Y., fallen to decay, 1670, 661; contributions for repairing it asked hill, 621; ment. 93, 172, 178, 182, 232, by Gov., 680; address of Quakers 276, 339, 371, 537, 656, 691, 697. thereon, 680. Wright, 696. 710 FROST-Continued Wright, Jr., 696. FROST POND (see Fresh Pond and Flat Pond). FROSTS'HOLLOW,121. FROSTS'MILL,276. FRY,Frey,Frye,John,deed fr.Rob.Wil- liams, 181; fr. Sarah Williams, 181; fr. Sam. and Mary Andrews, 338; shoe- maker,538;exch.withEdw.White,538; mortgage fr. Adam Wright, 539; deed fr. Dennis Wright (by endorsement of mortgage), 539; deed fr. Mary, Thos. and Rich. Willits, 540; assig. of land by Adam Wright, 542; fr. Jas., Geo. and Dan. Townsend, 542; fr. Job Wright, 543; fr. Peter Wright, 602; fr. Dennis Wright, 602; ment. 188, 276, 320, 537, 691. William, 537, 542. Index "GOING OVER," the, frequently used, meaning the crossing of a shallow water; typical instance, 259. GOTHERSON, Maj. Daniel, his land seized for debt to Matt. Priar, 27; his lots sold by Sheriff, 685; ment. 69. GOULD,Daniel,asex.ofNath.Sylvester, joinsindeedtoJas.Loyd,188. GOVERNOR,orderfr.,toexamineandap- prove will of - 85; com. to go to, for patent, 107; agreement re Hemp- steadline before,107;again,309;again. 356; address to, on sending in patents anddeedsforrecord,371;encroachment of powers of, 246; declaration of, at Gravesend,34 (see also Andros,Dongan, Lovelace, Nicolls). (GRANTEES) FUILLATT,Jacques,190. ADAMS,John,t.g.,1681,forgristmill FULLING Mill (see Mill). and saw mill at Cold Spring,249. FURNISHINGS,Household,tools,etc., ALLEN,Alling,Abraham,t.g.,1677,231; 61,68,69,265,412,559. GALL,Abel,431. GAI PIN,Jeremiah,474. GATCHELL (see Gitchell). GATE,or bars,to be kept on abandoned highway, 243. GATES,Gattes,John,pl.vs.John Bird, 225; pl. vs. W m . Buckler, 225; pl. vs. Sam.Andrews,226;def.vs.Matt.Har- vey, 228; Blacksmith, 230; pl. vs. John Williams, 230. GAUGER,sworn,requiredbyC.ofA.for each L. I. Town where whaling is car- riedon,666:alsoforbeefandporkbar- rels, etc., 666. GEESE, any found in streets or common after fixed date to be forfeit to any per- son killing them. 268; legislation con- cerning, explained by extract fr. Hunt- ington records, 694; very prejudicial, 694; killing made lawful by C. of Ses- sions, 695. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (see Assembly, General). GENERAL MEETING,atHempstead,ad- 1678,109;another,114; 1679,130;1681, 241: another, 353; fr. Caleb Wright, 1682, 167; fr. W m . Thornycraft, 1688, 522;fr.JohnRogers,1692,523;fr.Wm. Buckler, 1695, 524. Abraham, Jr., fr. father, Abraham, Sr., 1698, 492. Thomas, fr. father, Abraham, Sr., 1698, 491. ANDREWS,Mary,with3others,astrus- tees for Quakers,fr.Anth.Wright,1672, 687. Samuel,with 5 others.fr.Tackapoucha and Chepeyconaws, Massapequa mead- ows,1658,347,351;fr.Rich.andJosias Latting, 1661, 166; t. g , 1668, 208: fr. Anth. Wright, with confirm. fr. Nich. Simkins,1668,42;t.g.,1669,53;t.g.. 1671, 218; another, 219; with 3 others, as trustees for Quakers, fr. Anth. Wright,1672,687;t.g.,1676,100:an- other, 295; t. g., 1679, 130; exch. with M a t t . H a r v e y , 1 6 8 0 , 1 2 6 ; t . g ., 1 6 8 1 , 3 5 2 ; fr. Suscaneman and Werah, 1682, 152; t.g.,1682,153;withRich.andJosias Latting, confirm. fr. W m . and Joseph Croker, 1682, 168. dresstoDukesignedat,669. APPLEGATE,John,t.g.,1683,263:fr. GEORGACURAN,sonofsisterofSus- caneman and Chippie, and their heir to unsold lands, 267. GERRITSEN,Martin,hisbay,now O. B. West Harbor, 623, 624, 628, 671; Mat- thew Garritson's bay, 624. GIBB,Gibbs,Andrew,pl.vs.Jos.Ludlam, 235. Thos.Townsend,1685,314;fr.3Indi- ans,1685,508;in Mk.purchase,1685, 333. ARMITAGE,Thomas,in First Purchase, 1653, 355, 671; fr. Nich. Wright, ?1660. 3 : t . g ., 1 6 6 3 , 7 . BACKER,Becker,Jacobus,with2others, patent for Hog Island, fr. Gov. Stuyve- GILBERT,Samuel,245. sant. 1659, 694. GILDERSLEEVE,Rich.,674,695. BATES,John,t.g.,?1660,3. GILL,Anthony,surveyoroffences,2;his BELL,Henry,withwifeJane,fr.2Indi- formerlot,122. ans,1684,313;in Mk.purchase,1685. GITCHELL, Gatchell, Thomas, deed fr. 333. Jos.Crocker,115;deedtoRich.Harcutt, BIRDSALL,Burdsall,Burchall,Burcham, 424:ment..115,241,242,426. Benjamin,fr.7Indians,1667,683;fr. GLENCOVE,631(seeMusketoCove). G O D F R Y , Godfree, Robert, chattel mort- gagetr.GeorgeCoppen,122;t.g.,130; deeds same to Thos. Townsend, 131: 7 year lease to Isaac Doughty and W m . Crooker,161;deed to Jos.Sutton,326;in Mk.purchase,333;with wife Sarah,to John Davis, 463; deed fr. same ment., 463; ment. 125, 239, 309, 465, 466, 579, 630,635,636,639. Sarah, consents to husband's deed, 326. Suscaneman,1684/5,280:in Mk.pur- chase,1685,333,476;fr.John Cock (not recorded),1693,463;withwifeMercy, fr. Dan. and Susannah Townsend and Sarah Forman, 1695, 592. Henry, with bro. Stephen, assig. of Indian deed fr. father, Nathan, 1667, 684; with 5 others, fr. John Feke, with road easement, 1696/7, 501. Mercy,with husband Benj.,fr.Dan. and Susannah Townsend,and Sarah For- man,1695,592. Index 711 Grantees Continued Grantees- Continued CARPENTER- Continued BIRDSALL-Continued Nathan,fr.Mark Meggs,1666,26;fr.7 Indians, 1667, 683; et al, agreement to divide meadow, 1678, 116; t. g., 1679, 130; fr. Sam. Shrimpton, atty., con- demned lots on Hog Island, 1679, 121; t. g., 1681, 353; fr. Suscaneman, 1681, 277; fr. Suscaneman et al, 1684, 502; in Mk. purchase, 1685, 333, 476; fr. Adam Wright, 1686, 342; fr. Caleb Wright,1686,365;fr.Henry Townsend, Jr.,1686,383;fr.Henry Bell,1687,385. Nathan,Jr.,withbros.Sam.andWm., assig. of Indian deed by father, Nathan, 1693, 503. Nathaniel, fr. bro. Nathan, 1690, 310. Samuel,in Mk. purchase, 1685, 333; assig. of Henry Bell's deed by father, Nathan, 1687, 385; fr. Sarah Forman, 1688, 501 ; with bros. W m . and Nathan , Jr., assig. of Indian deed by father, Na- than, 1693, 503; fr. David Underhill, 1694, 504. Stephen, with bro. Henry, assig. of Indian deed by father, Nathan, 1667, 684; with bro. Benj., fr. Suscaneman, 1684/5,280;in Mk.purchase,1685,333; with 5 others, fr. John Feke, with road easement, 1696/7, 501. William, with bros. Samuel and Na- than, Jr., assig. of Indian deed, by fa- ther, Nathan, 1693. 503. BLEVING,Blevin,James,t.g.,1678,115; void, and another granted, 115: with John Rogers, t. g., 1678, 114; half t. g. fr. John Rogers, 1678, 114; t. g., 1681, 241; assig. of half t. g. back to John Rogers, 1682, 126. BLYETH, Daniel, t. g., 1668, 209; fr. Gideon Wright,1668,47;cancelled,1669, 214. BOUDE,John,fr.Alex.Forman (not re- corded), 614; fr. Anth. Wright (not re- corded), 614. BRADFORD, William, fr. Job Wright, 1698, 532. with Nich. Simkins, 1682, 642; exch. with son in law W m . Thornycraft, 1682, 643; grant fr. M. C. prop., 1685, 644; fr.Wm.Thornycraft,1685,644;inMk. purchase, 1685, 334; fr. John and Tam- sun Williams, 1686, 483. William, fr. M. C. prop., 1699, 649. CHESHIRE, Thomas, fr. Thos. Youngs, 1688,505;fr.Sam.and Lydia Dickinson, 1692, 506. COCK, James, (1), (The distinguishing numerals refer to Cock-Cocks-Cox gen- ealogy, 1914); fr. John Dickinson, 1662, 28;t.g.,1663,7:1667,204:1668,20 ; another,209;exch.withJohnThompson, 1669,50;fr.7Indians,1669,686;t.g., 1 6 7 1 , 2 1 8 ; 1 6 7 6 , 1 0 0 ; a n o t h e r, 2 9 5 ; 1 6 7 8 , 109; 1679, 130: 1681, 353; fr. Suscane- man and Werah, 1682, 154; t. g., 1682, 250;another.254;another,696;in Mk. purchase, 1685, 331, 333, 476. James, (8), with bro. John, assig. of Samson Hawxhurst's deed by John Pratt, Jr.. 1697, 557. John,(5),in Mk.purchase,1685,334; fr.father,James,1687; 467;another, 525; fr. Mary Underhill, 1693, 467; fr. Benj. Burdsall,1695,469;with bro.James,Jr., assig. of Samson Hawxhurst's deed by John Pratt,Jr.,1697,557. Thomas,(3),t.g.,1680/1,239;inMk. purchase. 1685, 334. COLES, Daniel fr. Matt. Harvey, ?1666, 67; fr. Jos. Carpenter, 1668, 66; with Matt. Harvey, t. g., 1668, 208; fr. Jos. Carpenter, 1670, 66; fr. bro. Nath. Coles, 1678,110;t.g.,1679,130;in Mk.pur- chase,.1685, 334. John, fr. Thos. Francis, 1669, 48; fr. bro. Dan. 1671, 68; t. g., 1679, 130; t.g.,1681,353. MahahShalalHasbaze, grant fr. M. C. prop., 1692, 645, 646. Nathan, fr. Thos. Townsend, 1687, 377; again, 689. BROOKINS,Brookings,Jacob,t.g.,1679, Nathaniel,fr.JacobYoung,1665,177; 130. BRYAND,Alexander,fr.Dan.Whitehead, 1660. 2. BUCKLER,William,fr.John Dickinson. 1669,72;with Jos.Ludlam,fr.attys.of John Tompson, 1673, 84; fr.Josias Lat- ting, confirmed by wife Sarah, 1675, 92; fr. Josias Latting, by livery of seisin, 1675,96;fr.Jas.Cock,1676,99;t.g., 1681,353;in Mk.purchase,1685,333; fr. Adam Wright, 1686, 360; (see But- ler, which spelling was used by descen- dants). BURCHALL (see Birdsall). BURDSALL (see Birdsall). BUTLER,William,t.g.,1679,130;(see Buckler). CARPENTER,Abiah,fr.Jos.Carpenter, 1668, 42. Ann,grant fr.M. C. prop.,1692,645. Ephraim,t.g.,1679,130;fr.M. C. fr. Jos. Sutton, 1665, 109; t. g., 1667, 204; fr. Jos. Carpenter, 1670, 67; t. g., 1676, 100; another, 228; share, 1676, 295; t. g., 1679, 130; 1681, 353; 1683, 260; exch. with John Weeks (Warwick) 1683, 259; again, 260; with Matt. Har- vey,t.g.,1683,259;in Mk.purchase, 1685, 331, 333; fr. Sam. and Mary An- drews, 1685, 320; fr. Dan. Coles, 1685, 341; fr. 3 Indians, 1685/6, 545; fr. Adam Wright (not recorded) 1687, 546; grant fr. M. C. prop., 1692, 645; exch. with Rob. Coles, 1692, 648. Robert, t. g., 1662, 9; fr. Rob. Wil- liams, 1668, 45 : fr. Jos. Carpenter, 1670, 65: exch. with John Townsend, Sr., 1678. 110; t. g., 1679, 130; 1681, 353; fr. John Rogers, 1681, 133; fr. John Townsend, Sr., 1681, 133; with W m . Thornycraft, fr. Nich. Simkins, 1682, 156;fr.bro.Nath.Coles,Sr.,1682,167; fr. Alice Crabb, 1684, 198: fr. Suscane- man and Werah, 1684, 282; fr. Nich. Simkins. 1685, 432; in Mk. purchase, prop.,1681,638;inMk.purchase,1685, 333; fr. Dan. Harcott, 1687, 386; fr. John Townsend (not recorded), 1693, 371;fr.Wm.Frost,1693,387. 1685,333;assig.ofRob.Godfrey'sdeed Ephraim, Jr., fr. W m . Simkins, in form of unsatisfied mortgage, 1693, 576. Joseph,fr.Abiah Carpenter,1669,49; on com.to receive Indian deed of Unqua Neck, 1678, 129; t. g., 1679, 130; exch. by Jos.Jr.,and Eliz.Sutton,1687,465; fr. Nich. Simkins, 1687, 431; fr. Sam. Weeks, 1687, 433; assig. of Jos. Car- penter's deed by Moses Mudge, 1687, 434; assig. of Sam. Andrews' deed, by 712 Grantees- Continued COLES- Continued Index John and Mary Dole, 1690, 435; exch. Joseph, t. g., 1676, 229; 1677, 233; with Nath. Coles, 1692, 648; grant fr. 1679, 130; fr. father, John, Sr., 1680, M.C.prop.,1692,645,646;fr.M.C. 127;t.g.,1681,352;another,353;fr. prop., 1699, 650. Matt. Harvey, 1682, 126; t. g., 1682, Solomon, fr. mother, Ann, 1683, 178. 258; fr. 3 Indians, 1684, 304; fr. Sus- COOPER,Robert,fr.Dan.Harcott,1690, caneman, 1684, 305; fr. Joseph Ludlam, 610; fr. Wm. Frost, 1691, 611; fr. 1685,277;in Mk.purchase,1685,331. mother, Mary Cooper, 1692, 612; fr. 333; fr. Thos. Weeks, 1689, 558; fr. John Boude, 1697, 614. Samson Hawxhurst, 1692, 561; confirmed Simon,t.g.,1681,353;another,243; byWm.Hawxhurst,1692,562;fr.Nich. fr. Rob. Story and John Bowne, rights Simkins, 1695, 563. of Thos. Hart in partnership with Lati- Rose, with bros. John and Henry mer Sampson and Nath. Sylvester, 1681, Townsend, fr. father, Henry Townsend, 142; t. g., 1682, 255; another, 257. Sr., 1688, 400; assig. of part of Rob. COUNCIL and Director of New Nether- William's deed by father 1688. 419; land, fr. Mechowodt, 1639, 623. assig. of part of Sarah Williams' and CRABB,Alice,t.g.,1663,7;fr.Nich. sons'deed,by same,1688,419. Simkins, 1669, 106; fr. same, 1669, 57; Samuel, t. g., 1683. 263; with W m . with 3 others as trustees for Quakers, Croker and Thos. Miller, t. g., 1683, fr.Anth.Wright,1672,687;t.g.,1676, 264; in Mk. purchase, 1685, 331, 333; 100; share, 1676, 295; t. g., 1681, 352; fr. Dan. Applegate, 1688, 509; fr. same, mem. of land rights devised her by John Applegate's share, 1688, 511; fr. Anth. Wright, recorded in N. Y., 1681, mother, Elizabeth Dickinson, 1688, 511; 159. confirm. fr. bro. Joseph, 1692, 512; Richard, fr. Matt. Priar, 1669, 70; fr.David Underhill,1694,513;fr.same, share, 1676, 295; t. g., 1679, 130. 1695, 518. CROCKER,Croker,Crooker,Ann,widow, DIRECTOR and Council of New Nether- t. g., 1668, 205. land,fr.Mechowodt,1639,623. Joseph, t. g., 1677, 230. DISBROW, Disboragh, Desbrow, Henry, William, t. g., 1683, 263; with Thos. t. g., 1660, 3. Miller and Sam.Dickinson,t.g.,1683, DOLE,John,fr.Adam and Mary Wright, 264;in Mk.purchase,1685,333;fr. 1687,457;fr.SarahWilliamsandJohn father in law John Rogers, 1687 (void) Bowne, 1692, 459. 486; assig. of Isaac Horner's deed, fr. John, Jr., fr. uncle Hope Williams, John Rogers, 1688, 486. 1693,460;fr.same,1694,462. DAVIS, John, fr. Hog Island prop., as Mary, fr. bros. Hope and John and keeperthereof,1672,72;fr.Moses For- mother Sarah Williams, 1689, 458. man, 1673, 86; deed to Aaron Forman DOUGHTY,Isaac,t.g.,1672,221;with resigned by latter, 1677, 107; t. g., James Townsend, t. g., 1672, 79; with 1 6 7 9 , 1 3 0 ; t . g ., 1 6 8 1 , 3 5 3 ; f r . 3 I n d i a n s , same fr.Anth.Wright,1675,102;t.g., 1681, 139; fr. Suskaneman and Werow, 1677,233;1679,130;fr.Suscaneman and 1681, 137; fr. same, 1682, 151 ; fr. Joseph Werow,1681,135;t.g.,1683,261;fr. Eastland, 1684, 198; in Mk. purchase, 3 Indians,1685,328;in Mk.purchase, 1685, 476; fr. Rob. and Sarah Godfry, 1685, 331, 333; fr. Dan. Applegate, 1688, 1687, 463; assig. of Rob. Godfry's deed by Rob.and Mercy Coles,1687,465;fr. 515; with Job Wright and John Town- send, Sr., fr. 9 Indians, West Neck, John and Mary Wright, 1688, 466; fr. Rob. Coles, 1694, 579. 1690, 357; fr. Jonathan Wood, 1694, 516. Nicholas,t.g.,1668,4;another,209. DOWNING,George,t.g.,1679,130;with D A Y T O N , Samuel, fr. Abraham Smith, Rich. Kirby, assig. of Indian deed by 1666, 21. Rob. Coles, 1684/5, 283; in Mk. pur- DENNIS,George,fr.John Underhill,1667, chase, 1685, 333. 32; fr. Rich. Harcurt, 1667/8, 108; t. g., DUTCH of New Netherland, fr. Mecho- 1669, 211; with Adam Wright, t. g., wodt, 1639, 623. 1674, 116; t. g., 1679, 130; 1681, 353. DYER,Diar,Dier,John,withWm.Sim- DERBY, Doreby, Eleazer, fr. Isaac and son, fr. Sam. Dayton, 1666, 21: fr. 7 Lydia Horner, 1685, 317. Indians, 1667, 80; fr. Thos. Francis, DEWSBURY,John,fr.3 Indians,1685, 604; in Mk. purchase, 1685, 333; fr. HenryTownsend,Sr.,1688.586;assig. ofdeed(3dassig.)byJobWright,1690, 586; assig. of deed from same, 1692, 587; another (3d assig.) fr. same, 1692, 588; another (2d assig.) fr. same, 1692, 589;fr.John and Hannah Sibley,1695, 590. DICKINSON,John,Sr. (Capt.),fr.John Hincksman, 1659, 162; t. g., 1660, 3; another, 4; fr. Henry Disbrow, 1661, 162;t.g.,1662,9;fr.John Finch,1665, 46; t. g., 1668, 206: 1669, 56; 1671. 217, 218; fr. Mary Willits, 1675, 166; share,1676,295;t.g.,1676,100;t.g., 1678 (void), 114; 1679, 130; description ofhislands(nodate)58. 1667, 81; fr. W m . Hudson, quit claim of his right, 1684, 82. EASTLAND,John,fr.HenryTownsend, Sr., 1688, 306. Joseph, t. g., 1677, 236; fr. Suscane- man and Werah, 1682, 155; t. g., 1684, 197. FEKE, Feake, (later changed to Feeks, which see in future volumes), John, t 1679, 130; t. g., 1681, 353; fr. 3 Indians, 1682, 147; with John Underhill and W m . Frost, unsold M k , land fr. 3 Indians, 1685, 474; in Mk. purchase, 331,333;fr.Sam.Andrews,1688,499; fr.David Underhill,1693,499;fr.Henry Birdsall and 5 others, road easement, 1696/7, 501. FIRSTPURCHASE deed,1653,670. Grantees- Continued DICKINSON-Continued Index 713 Grantees- Continued Grantees-Continued FROST- Continued FOREST, Henry, fr. Hog Island prop. in consideration of keeping the Island, 1672, 72. FORMAN,Furman,Firman,Aaron,Sr., fr. John and Hannah Davis. 1676, 101; t. g., 1679, 130; 1681, 352; another, 353;inMk.purchase,1685.476. Aaron, Jr., t. g., 1676, 228; fr. W m . Hudson,1684,194;fr.John Davis,1687, 406; fr. father, Aaron, Sr., 1687, 407; with wife Susanna, assig, of Jas. Cock's deed by father in law, Henry Townsend, Sr. (no date), 408. Hannah, in Mk. purchase, 1685, for son Moses, 333. Judith,fr.son Zebulon Forman,1727, 488. Moses,t.g.,1663,7;with bro.Samuel, fr. father, Robert, 1665, 23; fr. same, 1666, 24; fr. John Dickinson, 1667, 33; t.g.,1668,208;exch.withJos.Weeks, 1669, 56; fr. Thos. Marting, 1672; dis- claimed by latter. 68; t. g., 1680/1, 240; 1681,353 withFrancisandSam.Weeks. t. g., 1682, 257 ; in M k . purchase 1685 by his mother, Hannah, 333. Robert, fr. Nich. Wright, 1661. 5; fr. same, 1661, 25; t. g., 1661, 5; 1663, 7; exch. with Benj. Hubbard, 1663, 26; t. g., 1666, 203; fr. Rob. Williams, 1668, 47:t.g.,1668,207;1671,218;fr.Rob. Williams (no date),23. Samuel,(Sr.andJr.),withbro.Moses, fr. father, Robert, 1665, 23; fr. bro. Moses.1666,25;t.g,1671,219;1672, 79:1679,130;1681,247:another353; 1683, 264; fr. father, Robert (no date), 25. Samuel'schildren,t.g.,1683,261;an- other, 262. Sarah.fr.father.Mosesandmother, Anna Forman, 1687/8, 488; fr. Benj. and Mercy Burdsall.Dan.and Susanna Townsend, 1695, 592. Susanna, assig. of part of Rob. Wil- liams'deedbyfather,HenryTownsend, Sr., 1688, 419; assig. of part of Sarah Williams'andsons'deed,bysame,1688, 419;withhusband,Aaron,fr.father(no date), 408. Thomas,t.g.,1680/1,240;1683,263. FRANKLIN, Henry, fr. Nath. Underhill, 1685. 324: made void, 1694, 480. FREEHOLDERS.(see Town). FROST, (The distinguishing numerals re- fer to Frost genealogy, 1912), Benj. (8), fr.Sam.Weeks,Jr.,1731,593. John. (bro. of William; removed to New Haven), assig. of deed by W m . Thornycraft and Rich. Kirby, 1675, 93; assig.of Thos.Townsend's deed by same, 1675,96;t.g.,1679,118;another,121; another, 130; t. g., 1681, in exch. for former one, 241; another, 352. Samuel (6),fr.bro.Wm.,1729,498. 393; with John Underhill and John Feke, unsold Mk. land fr. 3 Indians. 1685, 474;fr.John Underhill,Jr.,1686,390; fr.Jos.and ElizabethLudlam.1687,389; fr.Caleb,Edmond and John Wright, 1687, 390;fr.same,392;assig.of Abm.Allen's deed by Henry Townsend, Sr., 1687, 393; fr. John and Martha Davis, 1687, 394;fr.John Feke,1687,618;fr.Henry Townsend, Sr., Nich. Simkins and John Davis, 1687, 619 ; fr. Rich. Harcott, 1687, 620; fr. Nathan Burdsall, 1688, 395; fr. W m . Buckler, 1688, 396; fr. David Un- derhill,1690,621;fr.Caleb,John and Edmond Wright,with disclaimer of mea- dows, 1691, 397; another, 616; fr. W m . Simkins, 1691, 615; fr. Nich. Simkins, 1692, 617; fr. Sam. Burdsall, road ease- ment, 1701, 474; fr. Edmond Wright (ment). 496, 497. FRY,John,fr.Rob.Williams,1679,181; fr. Sarah and Hope Williams, 1683/4, 181; fr. Sam. and Mary Andrews, 1686, 338;exch.with Edw.White.1689,538; fr.Mary,Thos.and Rich.Willits,1689, 540; fr. Adam Wright, 1690, 542; fr. James, George and Daniel Townsend, 1690, 542; fr. Job. Wright, 1690, 543; fr. Peter Wright, 1690, 602; fr. Dennis Wright by endorsement of mortgage, 1694. 539; fr. same, 1694, 602. GITCHELL,Gatchel,Thomas,fr.Jos. Crocker, 1678, 115. GODFRY, Robert, t. g., 1679, 130: in Mk.purchase,1685,333;fr.JohnDavis (not recorded), 463. GRIFFITH,Edward,of London,mortgage fr.George Dennis,1681,159;satisfied, 1681, 165. HAGEMAN,Peter,fr.JacobHaff,1736, 552. HALSTEAD, Holstead, Holsteed, Jonas, t. g., 1663, 7. Joseph. t. g., 1663, 11. HARCOTT, Harcutt, Harcurt, Harker, Daniel, fr. father, Richard, 1679, 123; t.g..1679,130;t.g.,1683,262. Miriam,in Mk.purchase,in behalf of her children, 1685, 333. Richard, fr. Mark Meggs, 1660, 36; again,200;t.g.,1662,9;1666,203;fr. Jonas Halstead, 1667, 16; again, 36; t.g.,1668,206;another,209;1669,56; 1671, 217, 218; 1672, 78; share, 1676, 295;fr.Thos.Townsend,1679,122;t. 8, 1679, 130; fr. son in law, Thos. Youngs,1679,300;t.g.,1681,352;an- other,353:in Mk.purchase,1685,333; fr. Thos. Gatchell, 1687, 424. HARRISON,Isaiah,assig.of John Davis' deed by John and Mary Wright, 1688, 532. HART, Thos., with Nath. Sylvester and Latimer Sampson, patent for Horse William (1), fr. Matt. Harvey, 1671, Neck, 1667, 693; with Latimer Sampson, 71;assig.ofIndiandeed,fr.Wm.Sim- quitclaim,fr.Nath.Sylvesterofhis son,1674,90;fr.Suskaneman,1677,148; shareinpartnershipinHorse Neck,etc., inagreementtodivide meadow,1678,116; 1668,192-4. t.g.,1679,130;1681,352;withWm. HARVEY,Harvie,Matthias,fr.Markand Hudson. fr. Suscaneman and Werah, Avis Meggs. ?1661, 623; t. g., 1663, 7; 1682,151;t.g.,1683,260;another,261; fr.John Richbell,1664,17,18;t.g., boundaryarbitrated,1684,271;fr.Caleb 1668,207,208;with Dan.Coles,t.g., Edmund and John Wright,1684/5,392; 1668,208;t.g.,1668,209,215,216;fr. fr.3Indians,1685.284;inMk.pur- Dan.Colesquitclaim,1671,68;t.g., chase, 1685, 331, 333; assig. of Thos. 1671, 218; 1676, 100; share 1676, 295; Rushmore's deed by Moses Mudge, 1685, 1679, 130; exch. with Sam. Andrews, 714 Index Grantees- Continued Grantees-Continued HARVEY-Continued LATTING-Continued 1680, 126; t. g., 1681, 352; with Nath. Coles, t. g., 1683, 259. HAWXHURST, Hauxhurst, Hoackshurst, Christopher, in agreement to divide meadows, 1678, 116; t. g., 1679, 130; fr. Suscaneman and Werah, 1682, 153; assig.ofJacobYoung'sdeedfr.nephew, Nath. Coles, 1683, 177. Samson,fr.Adam Wright,1690,579; fr. Jos. Dickinson, 1691, 581. William, in M k . purchase, 1685, 476; with 5 others, fr. John Feke, 1696/7, 501. 295;fr.W m .Hudson,1678/9,238;t.g 1679, 130: fr. 3 Indians. 1681, 138; fr. same, 1681, 139;fr. 2 Indians, 1681. 135;fr.John Wright,1681,141;t.g.,1681. 353; fr. 2 Indians, 1682, 150, with Rich.Latting and Sam.Andrews,fr.W m . and Joseph Croker, 1682, 168; t. g. 1683,260;exch.withJohnRogers,1683/ 4, 269: fr. 2 Indians, 1684, 292; exch. with John Pratt, 1684. 292; assig of Indian deed, by John Pratt, 1684, 294; in M k . purchase, 1685, 333, 476; assig. of Indian deed by Edmond Wright, HOBART,(seeHubbard). 1688,494;anotherassig.bysame,1688. HOLBROOK,Richard,inFirstpurchase, 495;assig.ofJohnRobin'sdeedtoSam. 1653, 671. HOPKINS,Daniel,fr.Rob.Feke,1733, 484. H O R N E R , Isaac. t. g., for fulling mill, 1678, 237; reaffirmed 1682 (void) 1684, 237; fr. 3 Indians, 1682, 146; t. 8., 1682, 254; with wife Lydia, fr. her mother,AliceCrabb,1684,200;fr.Matt. Harvey, 1684/5, 281; fr. Matt Harvey, warranty for lands previously sold him, 1684/5, 281; assig. of deed of by Jos. Ludlam, 1685, 303; assig. of Sam. Andrew's deed, by Jos. Ludlam, 1685, 585. Tiller, by Edmond Wright, 1688, 496; fr.Edw.White,1692,497. Richard, fr. Ann Crocker, 1660, 5; fr. Rich. Painter, 1666, 20. 77, 202 ; fr. John Dyer, 1667, 80; fr. Rich. Painter, 1668, 202; fr. Thos. Francis, 1669, 47; fr. Rich. Harcut, 1669, 73; exch. with Benj.Hubbard,1669,75;assig.ofIn- dian deed, by John Dyer, 1669, 81; assig. of Thos. Francis' deed by John Dyer,1669,82;fr.Joseph Weeks,1670. 74; with Josias Latting and Sam. An- drews,confirm.fr.W m .and Jos.Croker, 1682, 168. Lydia,with Isaac,fr.her mother,Alice LEVERICH, Leveridge, William, with Crabb, 1684, 200. Peter Wright and Samuel Mayo, 1st HUBBARD,Hobart,Benjamin,t.g.,1663, purchase, 1653, 670. 7;1668,209;exch.withRich.Latting, LILLESTONE,Lillyson,Ann,fr.Thos. 1669, 75; t. g., 1671, 218; fr. Nich. Armitage. pre-nupt. deed (no date), 7. Wright, 16- . 31. LITTLEWORTH proprietors,confirm.of HUDSON,William,assig.ofJohnDyer's patent, by M. C. prop., 1681. 636. deed, by Rich. Latting, 1671, 80; in LOCKERMAN,Loockermans,Govert,with agreement to divide meadows, 1678, 116; Cornelis van Ruvven and Jacobus t.g.,1679,130;fr.3Indians,1681, Backer,patentforHogIsland,1659,694. 139;t.g.,1681.353;withWm.Frost, LOYD,Lloyd,James,fr.ex.ofNath. fr. 2 Indians, 1682, 151. Sylvester, Horse Neck, 1683/4, 188. JESUP,Jessup.Mary,fr.Sam.andMary LUDLAM,Ludlum,Joseph,t.g.,1668, Andrews. 1685. 317. 204; fr. Thos. Powell, as atty., for JONES, (The distinguishing numerals To Thos. Matthews, 1669, 56; fr. Thos. fer to Jones genealogy, 1907), Freelove, Townsend,1670. 57;fr.same,1671,298; (II. 3), assig. by father Thos. Jones, with W m . Buckler, fr. attys. of John 1714, 677. Thompson. 1673, 84; fr. same. W m . John,t.g.,1677 (void),233. Buckler's interest therein,1673,85;t.g., Thomas (I. 1),assig.by father in law Thos. Townsend of his share in south 1677,234;fr.Sam.and Mary Andrews, 1678, 584; t. g. 1679, 130; fr. Nich purchase, 1714, 677. Wright, 1680, 298; t. g., 1681, 353; fr. KELLAM,Cellem.Robert,fr.Hope Wil- Sam. Andrews, 1683, 170: fr. Adam liams, 1682, 148; fr. Old Chippie and Wright,1684,30;assig.of Alice Crabb's Will Chippie, 1691, 595. deed by Adam and Mary Wright,1684/5, KETCHAM,Samuel,fr.Sam.Andrews, 1685, 299. 202; fr. Thos. Townsend 1685 (not rec orded), protested and made void, 278; KIRBY,Cirby,Richard,withWm.Thorn- protest made void, 278; assig. of Matt ycraft, fr. Thos. Townsend, 1672, 70; same, 1672, 95; t. g., 1679, 130; with Harvey's deed by Isaac Horner, 1685, 457; fr. Sam. Andrews, 1687, 448: con- George Downing, assig. of Indian deed byRob.Coles.1684/5,283;inMk.pur- firm.fr.Mary Cooper (widow of Simon, chase. 1685, 333. Sr.), with sons Simon and Rob , 1691, LATTING, Lattin, Latten, Hannah, assig. 451;fr.John Pratt,1692,449;fr.John oflandbyRich.Latting,1671,73. Townsend, 1694, 452: fr. Anth. Wright, 1695,453;fr.Sam.Burdsall,1695,455; Josias,Sr. (?and Jr.),t.g.,1667,204; fr. Anth. 1696, 456; fr. Nath. Coles, Sr., fr. father, Rich. Latting, 1667, 76; t. g., 1697, 567. 1668, 206; another, 207; fr. Beni. Hub- bard,1669,54;et al,assig.Thos.Francis deed by Rich.Iatting.1671. 73;assig. of Rich. Harcut's deed by father Rich. Latting,1671,74;assig.ofJos.Weeks' Ideed by Rich. Latting, 1671, 75: assig. of Rich. Painter's deed, by Rich. Lat- ting, 1671. 78; with Caleb, John and Edmond Wright, t. g., 1674, 256; t. g., 1676, 100; another, 228; share, 1676, LYNES,Lines,Loines,William,fr.Derick Albertson (no date),584. MARTING, Martin, Thomas, fr. Moses Forman. 1669, 49. MAYO,Samuel,with Peter Wright and W m . Leverich, in 1st purchase, 1653, 670. MEGGS,Mark,fr.JacobYoungandwife Kath.,1665,18;fr.John Plott,1666,19. Index 715 Grantees- Continued Grantees- Continued MILLER,Thomas,t.g.,1681,353;1683, PRIAR-Continued 263; with W m . Croker and Sam. Dick- Wright's deed; fr. same, 1671, 60; in inson,t.g.1683,264;fr.JohnFrost, agreementtodividemeadow,1678,116; 1683/4,195;fr.John Robinson,1690, 568;fr.John Dole,1696,569. MITCHELL,John,withJohnRobinson, fr. Thos. Hicks, 1677, 111. MORRIS, Col. Lewis, to have part of meadows,1678,117;fr.2 Indians (void), 1683, 172; quit claim fr. Thos. Town- send,1683 (void),174;assig.ofIndian deed by Thos. Townsend, 1684, 183. Capt. Richard and Co., fr. John Dick- inson, 1671, 176. M O T T , John, assig. of Indian deed from Adam Wright by father,Lawrence Mott, 1698, 341. Lawrence,fr.2 Indians,1682,154;in Mk. purchase, 1685, 333; assig. of In- dian deed by Adam Wright, 1686, 340. MUDGE,Gervis,with Moses Mudge,fr. 3 Indians, 1693, 527; 500 year lease fr. Suscaneman and Werah, 1695, 529. Moses, fr. Jos. Carpenter, 1674, 323: t. g., 1679, 130; fr. Thos. and Martha Rushmore, 1680, 392; t. g, 1681, 352: fr. M. C. prop. 1681, 637; assig. of Nich.Simkins'deedbyRob.Coles,1688, 527;with Gervis Mudge,fr.3 Indians, 1693. 527. MUSKETO COVE propriators, patent, 1677, 309, 635; confirm. of same by Indians, 1678, 635; fr. Rob. Coles, dam right, etc., 1699, 650. NEWMAN,John,t.g,forboatbuilding yard (void), 1681, 242; for house lot, 1681,242;in Mk.purchase,1685,331, 333; fr. Henry Bell, 1685, 333; fr.John Robinson,1690,511;fr.John Dewsbury, 1690,572;fr.John Dole,1690,573;fr. Henry Townsend, Jr., 1693, 574; fr. Eph. Carpenter, Jr., 1694, 575. PALMER, Ephraim, t. g., (void), 1677, 2 3 3 . PANGBORN, Peter, fr. John Rogers (void), 1682, 144. PELL, Samuel, fr. M. C. prop., 1681, 638, made void, 1693,Ly Samuel Til- lear, 638. PLATT,Plott,John,fr.JacobYoungand wife Kath., 1665, 18; fr. James Cock, 1666. 29. PRATT,John,fr.Hog Island prop.1680, 124; exch. with Josias Latting, 1684, 292; fr.2 Indians.1684,293;in Mk.pur- chase, 1685, 333; assig. of Indian deed, by Henry Sr., Henry Jr., and Jolin Townsend, 1689, 554; fr. Samson Hawx- hurst, 1693, 555; confirm. of same by W m . Hawxhurst, 1693, 556; fr. David Underhill, 1693, 556; assig. fr. John Townsend (not recorded), 439; fr. t.g.,1679,130;1681,353;inMk.pur- chase,1685,333,476. QUAKERS,trusteesof,fr.Anth.Wright, 1672,687. R E D D O C K , Reddough, Ruddock, Henry, fr. W m . Yates, 1666, 21; fr. Samuel Dayton, 1666, 22. RICHBELL, John, with 5 others. fr. Tackapoosha and Chepeyconaws, Massa- pequa meadows, 1658, 34/; similar deed, 351;t.g.,1660,1;another,3;fr.town, 1660, 4; made void, 4; fr. Daniel White- head, 1660, 1; fr. W m . Leveridge, 1660, 1;t.g.,1662,9;exch.withRob.Wil- liams, 1667, 38: t. g. (now Rich. Har- cut's), 1671, 218; fr. First purchasers (void), 4. ROBBINS,Robins,John,t.g.,1667,204; fr.Josias Latting and wife Sarah,land in Huntington, 1670, 76; assig. of land by R i c h . L a t t i n g , 1 6 7 1 , 7 3 ; t . g ., 1 6 7 9 , 1 3 0 ; fr. Rob. Williams, 1679, 134; fr. 2 Indians, 1681, 136; t. g., 1681, 353; in Mk. purchase, 1685, 333; fr. Henry Townsend,Sr.,1688,508. ROBINSON,John,t.g,1676,228;t.g., for mill, 1677, 234; with John Mitchell, fr. Thos. Hicks, 1677, 111; assig. of his s h a r e b y J o h n M i t c h e l l , 1 6 7 8 , 1 1 1 ; t . g ., 1681, 247. ROGERS,Ann,(widowofWm.Crocker), with husband, John Rogers, fr. Thos. Townsend, 1673, 94. John, with Ann, fr. Thos. Townsend, 1673, 94; fr. John Townsend, 1675, 94; fr. Caleb, John, Edmund and Job Wright, Henry Jr., and John Townsend, Isaac Doughty and William Buckler, 1676, 96; fr. Thos. Weeks, 1676, 101; t . g ., 1 6 7 7 , 2 3 0 ; a n o t h e r , 2 3 3 ; 1 6 7 8 , 1 1 4 ; with James Bleving, t. g., 1678, 114; t. g., 1679, 130; assig. by James Bleving ofhisshare,1681,126;t.g.,1681,353; fr. 2 Indians, 1682, 173; exch. with Josias Latting, 1683/4, 269; in Mk. purchase,1685,333;fr.3 Indians,1685, 477; fr. Isaac Horner, 1686, 346; fr. John Townsend Sr., 1686, 379; fr. Ele- azer Derby and John Reed, 1687, 380; fr. Eleazer and Mary Derby, 1689, 447; assig. of all deeds, by son in law, W m . Crooker, 1693/4, 487; fr. Alex Forman, 1695, 381; assig. of Sam. Dickinson's deed, by David Underhill, 1695, 347. RUNASUCK, (see Suscaneman) and__rest of Indians, granted patent by Gov. Thos. Dongan (conditioned not to sell), 1687, 519. Jos.Ludlam (not recorded),450. SAMPSON,Latimer,t.g.,1659,349;with PRIAR, Prier, Prior, Pryer, John, fr. Nath. Sylvester and Thos. Hart. patent sister, Mary Underhill, wid. of John fr. Gov. Rich. Nicoll for Horse Neck, 2d(nodate,butafter1689),690;with 1667,693;withThos.Hart,quitclaim 5 others,fr.John Feke,1696/7,501;fr. Jos.Priar,1719,482;fr.Dorothy,John, Daniel, Hezekiah and James Cock, 1729, 480. Matthew,exch.with John Platt,1666, 29; fr. High Sheriff, Francis Lovelace, Major Daniel Gotherson's lots,1668,684; fr. 6 Indians, 1668. 685; fr. Rich. Har- curt,1669,69;fr.Rich.Crabb,1669,71; assig.of Rich.Harcurt's deed fr.John Tompson, 1671, 59; assig. of Gideon by Nath. Sylvester of his share in Horse Neck,1668,192;t.g.,1676,100; share. 1676, 295; t. g., 1679, 130. SIMKINS , Nicholas, fr. Eleazer Leverich, 1658,40;t.g.,1663,6;1668,208,209; exch. with John Underhill, Jr., 1670, 58; assig. of Jos. Carpenter's deed by Thos. Townsend 1670. 642; assig. by same of his own right, 1670, 642; t.g.,1671,218;fr.3Indians,1678,112; t. g., 1679, 130; 1681, 353; exch. with 716 Grantees Continued Grantees- Continued SIMKINS-Continued TOWNSEND-Continued Index Jos. Carpenter, 1682, 642; fr. M. C. prop. 1692, 645, 646. William,fr.uncleNich.Simkins,1689, 537. SIMSON,William,withJohn Dyer,fr. Samuel Dayton, 1666, 21; fr. 7 Indians, 1667, 89. SMITH,Josias,assig.ofdeed(2dassig.), by Henry Townsend, Sr., 1691, 605. inlawJohnandRoseWeeks,1685,334; in M k . purchase, 1685, 334. Henry (seealsoSr.andJr.),confirm. of J. Richbell's deed by Dan. White- bead(nodate),42;t.g.,forMill(in O. B. village), 1661, 40; t. g., 1662, 9; 1663, 6; fr. John Richbell, 1664, 42; another,169;t.g.,1668,207;fr.James Cock, 1669, 53; fr. same, 1669, 104; t. SUTTON,Joseph,t.g.,1663,7;another g.,1669,216;1671,217,218;1672,79: 11; in Mk. purchase, 1685, 334; fr. Rob.Godfry,1685/6,326. SYLVESTER,Nathaniel,with Thos.Hart and Latimer Sampson, patent fr. Gov. Rich.Nicolls,forHorseNeck,1667,693. THOMAS,John,withJohnTompson,at- tys for John Thompson, (blacksmith), fr. W m . Buckler, 1673, 85. THOMSON,(seeTompson). THORNICRAFT, Thornycraft, Thorny. croft (later changed to Craft, which see in future volumes), William,with Rich. Kirby, fr. Thos. Townsend, 1672, 70; same fr. same 1672, 95; t. g., 1679, 130; 1681,353; fr. M. C. prop.,1681,639; with Rob.Coles,fr.Nich.Simkins,1682. 156; exch. with father in law Jos. Carpenter,1682,643;in Mk.purchase, 1685, 333; fr. Nich. and Eliz. Simkins, 1689, 564; confirm. deed fr. John Jr. and Thos.Townsend,1690,565;fr.Nath. Coles, 1693, 566; assig. of Nich. Sim- kins deed by Rob. Coles, 1696, 567. TILLEAR, Tillier, Tiller, (See also Til- lett), Samuel, fr. Nich. Simkins, ty livery of seisin, as per aff. of Moses Mudge,1678,238;fr.John Robins,1680, 127, assig. Indian deed by John Robins, 1c81, 136: boundary arbitration, 1684, 271;in Mk.purchase,1685,333. TILLETT (see Tillier), James, assig. of her father's deed by Susanna Forman and son, Jacob, 1725, 409. TOMPSON, Thomson, John, t. g., and agreement as blacksmith, 1668, 43; t. g., 1668, 205, 206, 208; fr. Gideon Wright, 1668,60;exch.withJas.Cock,1669,50; t. g., 1669, 211 ; fr. Rich. Harcurt, 1670, 59. T O W N , inhabitants of; First purchase, 1653, 670; confirm. fr. Wiamdaneh, for Massapequa meadows, 1659, 349; fr. Dan. Whitehead, Oak Neck, 1660, 354; fr. Anth. Wright, 1660, 3; fr. Peter Wright,1660,2;fr.Govert Lockermans, Jacobus Becker and Cornelis van Ruy- ven, Hog Island, 1665, 297; their pat- entforsame,1650,694;fr.Tackapoucha and Chepye, 1678, 129; Town patent, 1677, 307; M. C. patent, 1677, 309; Horse Neck patent, 1667, 693: Hog Is land patent, 1650, 694; (see Nick. Sim- kins, aff., 692). TOWNSEND, Daniel, in Mk. purchase, 1685, 333; with wife, Susanna, fr. Benj. and Mercy Burdsall, and Sarah Forman, 1695, 592; fr. David Underhill, 1698, 533. Dinah,quitclaim,fr.bro.JohnTown- send, 1686, 345. Elizabeth, fr. Nich. Simkins, 1669, 592;t.g.,1676,100;again,295. George, t. g., 1679, 130; 1681, 352; fr. Suscaneman and Werah, 1682, 183; boundaries defined, 1683, 184; fr. bro. fr. Matt. Priar, 1672, 103; t. g., 1673, 223; t. g., of timber forever on Pine Island and other commons for his saw- mill, 1673, 249; t. g., 1676, 100; share, 1676,295;fr.AdamandMaryWright, 1685,302;fr.JohnTownsend,Sr.,1686, 363; assig. of Gideon Wright's deed by David Underhill, 1695, 405; fr. Joseph Dickinson, 1697, 405. Henry, Jr., (see also Sr. and above), assig. of James Cock's deed by father, Henry Sr. (no date), 104; t. g., 1677. 230; 1679, 130; 1681, 352; fr. father Henry Sr., 1683, 169; with bro. John and father, fr. 2 Indians, 1683, 174; with bro. John (Mill) t. g., 1683, 264; with bro. John, assig. fr. Lewis Morris of his right in Capt. Rich. Morris's pur- chase, 1683, 177; assig. of Sam. Andrew's deed by father, 1683/4, 171; fr. father 1683/4, 180; fr. 3 Indians, 1685, 288; fr. Thos. Townsend, 1685, 316; in Mk. purchase, 1685, 331, 333; assig. of Indian deed by John and Thos. Townsend,1685,401;fr.Adam Wright, 1686, 362; assig. of Caleb Wright's deed by Nathan Burdsall,1686,366;fr.father ?1686, 367; fr. parents and bro. John, 1686, 368; fr. Thos. Townsend, 1687. 400; with bro. John and sister Rose. fr. father, mills, 1688, 400; assig. of part of Rob. Williams' deed by father, 1688, 419; assig. of part of Sarah Wil liams and sons' deed, by same, 1688, 419; fr. father, 1692, 578; exch. with bro.John (Mill),1694,403;ratification by John Townsend, 1694, 402; fr. Jas Townsend, Sr., 1694, 402. Henry, Sr. (see Henry and Henry Jr.), fr. Hope and John Williams, with mother, Sarah, ?1675, 187; fr. Rob. Williams, 1679, 118; fr. Abm. Alling. 1679, 125; t. g., 1679, 130; 1681, 240; again, 352; fr. 2 Indians, 1682, 186: with sons Henry Jr. and John, fr. 2 Indians, 1683, 174; fr. Francis Weeks, 1687, 415; fr. son John, 1687, 416; fr. son Rob. by will, 1687, 417; assig. of Indian'sdeedbyJohnDewsbury,1688, 605. James, with Isaac Doughty; t. 8. 1672, 79; with same, fr. Anth. Wright, 1675, 102; fr. bro. John, 1675, 372; t g., 1677, 233; fr. Anth. Wright, Rich. Crabb and John Weeks,1678,372;t.g., 1679,130;fr.John Underhill.Jr.,1681, 132; t. g., 1681, 352; fr. Suscaneman and Werah, 1682, 184; same void, 1685, 185; t. g., 1683, 259, 264; t. g., with roadeasement,1683,267;fr.3Indiana 1685, 359; in M k . purchase, 1685, 331, 333; fr. George Townsend, 1688, 373: fr.Henry Townsend,Jr.,(not recorded), 402. John, (several of this name, also dis- tinguished at different times as "Sr." and Index 717 Grantees- Continued Grantees- Continued TOWNSEND-Continued TOWNSEND-Continued Townsend Lineage at p. 365 Benj.and Mercy Burdsall and Sarah "Jr." See Genealogy,1914,for of Cock-Cocks-Cox Forman, 1695, 592. elucidation). Thomas, exch. with John Underhill, John, "Mill," fr. father, Henry, Sr., Sr., 1667, 29; fr. John Underhill, Jr., (no date), 105; fr. same assig. of James 1667, 53; assig. of John Finch's share Cocks' deed (no date), 105; fr. Jonas of meadow, by John Dickinson, 1667, Holsteed, 1661, 582; confirm. of same, 203;fr.bro.John,1668,44;t.g.,1668, to his widow by Rob. Williams, 1670, 206, 209; fr. Joseph Carpenter, 1670, 582; fr. Daniel Whitehead, 1663, 463; 641; t. g., 1671, 217, 218; 1676, 100; t. g., 1669, 216; 1671, 217, 218; 1676, share, 1676, 295; on com. to receive 100, 295; fr. Nath. Coles, 1678, 110; fr. Indian deed of Unqua Neck, 1678, 129; same, 1678, 378; t. g., 1681, 353; fr. t. g., 1679, 130; shares of 12 others on 2 Indians, 1682, 401; with bro. Henry UnquaNeck,assignedhim,1679/80,131; Jr. and father, fr. 2 Indians, 1683, 174; assig. of Rob. Godfry's share, 1680/81, with bro. Henry, Jr., assig. of Capt. 131;t.g.,1681,352;fr.2 Indians,1681, Rich. Morris' deed by Lewis Morris, 185; fr. 3 Indians, 1682, 147; fr. 2 Indians, 1683, 182; receipt from Sus- 1683, 177; with bro. Henry, t. g., Henry, Jr., assig. caneman and Werah for pay for same, of Sam.Andrew's deed by 1683, 264; with bro. father, 1683/4, 173; with Thos Weeks, and Adam, Job 171;aff.astohisland,byMeryamHar- and John Wright fr. Opassum, 1683, curt,1684,195;inMk.purchase,1685, 676; quit claim fr. W m . Hudson, 1684, 331,333;fr.John,Jr.,and Mary Under- 82;inMk.purchase,1685,333;fr.John hill, 1685, 320; fr. Adam Wright, 1686, and Ann Rogers with her sons Joseph 361; fr. bro. Henry Jr., 1686, fr. 369; with and W m . Croker (no date), 105. Thomas, (Jr.) fr. uncle, Thos. Town- John, Caleb and Edmund Wright, Rich. Harcurt and wife Miriam, 1686, send, 1685, 288. 374;fr.JobWright,1686,435;fr.Jas. Widow (Eliz., of John), t. g., 1668, and Ann Blevin, 1686/7, 436; fr. John liams, 1670, 582; t. g., 207; 1669, 215; 1671, 217, 218. confirm., by Rob. Wil- Robins, 1687, 383; with bro. Henry Jr. and sister Rose, fr. father, mills, 1688, UNDERHILL, David, in Mk. purchase, Dickinson, 1690. 1685, 476; fr. SJaomh.n and Dan. Under- 596;fr.ne5p9h7e;wsfr.Sam.Dickinson,1694, hill, 1693, 1694, 599; 598; fr. Samson Hawxhurst, John Townsend, 1694, 601; fr. John fr. Wright,1694,311;fr.Sam. anddsEadllm,un1d694, 421; fr. Henry Town- Bur exch. for assig. of deed, send, Sr., in Samson Hawxhurst, 1696, 31 16 39 .5 , 4 0 5 ; f r . John,Sr.,exch.withsonJohn,1660, Jacob,fr.bros.JohnandDaniel,1693, (not recorded), 44; confirm. of same by 597; fr. uncle David Underhill, 1693, widow, Eliz., 1668, 44; t. g., 1661, 4. 689. fr.7 Indi- John (son of John, Sr., also called John (Capt.),t.g.,1w6i6t3h,T7h;os.Towns- "Jr." and "Sr."), exch. with father, ans, 1667, 681; e2x9ch;.exch. with Francis 1660, (not recorded), 44; confirm. of end, Sr., 16674,6. same by mother, Eliz., 1668, 44; t. g., Weeks, 1668, also "Jr." and "Sr." 1663, 6, 7; fr. Rob. Williams, 1668, 4o5n; John (2d, calle.d, 1664, 11; fr. father. exch. with Rob. Coles, 1678, 110; See below), t. g with Nich. com. to receive deed of Unqua Neck, 1667, 36; exch. John, Sr., Samuel Weeks, 1678, 129; t. g., 1679, 130; fr. 1R6o8b3,. Simkins, 1670, 58; fr. Gideon Wright, Coles, 1681, 133; t. g., 1681, 352; 1670, 58; exch. with 1673, 79; Dickinson, 264;fr.Sam.and Mary Andrews,1684/5, 1671, 59; frF.orJmoahn, 1673, 79; fr. Rich. 321; in Mk. purchase, 1685, 333; fr. fr. Moses 79 t.g.,1676,100;share John Rogers, 1686, 376; fr. 2 Indians, Harcott, 1673, ; Priar, 1678, 142; on Little Neck, 1686, 370; fr. Henry Town- 1676,292r;ecfer.ivMeatItn.dian deed of Unqua send, Jr., 1686, 377; with Job Wright com. to g., 1679, 130; fr. andIsaacDoughty,fr.9Indians,West Neck,1678,129;t1.41;fr.JamesTown- Neck, 1690, 357; fr. Eph. Carpenter, Alice Crabb, 1680,132; t. g., 1681, 353; send, Sr., 1681, 1693, 371. fr. 2 Indians, 1682, 156; confirm. fr. J o h n , ( s o n o f R i c h a r d ) , ? t . g ., 1 6 7 9 , Eliz. D i c k i n s o n , 1 6 8 4 , 4 7 8 ; i n M k . p u r - 130. Feke chase,1685,331,u3n3s3o;ldwitMhk.Jolhand.fr. John ( unidentified), fr. Thos. and and W m . Frost, Ann Armitage, 1663, 591; t. g., 1679, Indians, 1685, 474; assig. Indian deed 130; fr. 2 Indians, 1682, 185; (made by John 3 Rogers, 1685, 477; fr. bro. void)), 1685, 186. Nath. and wife Mary, 1686/7, 688. Richard, fr. Matt. Priar, 1669, 50; 400; assig. of part of Rob. Williams'. deed, by father, 1688, 419; assig of part of Sarah Williams Samuel and sons' deed, by same, 1688, 419; fr. Dickinson,1688,437;fr.John Pratt, Sr., 1689, 439; fr. John Rogers, 1689f,at1h2e7r;, fr. Joseph Ludlam, 1690, 440; fr. 1692, 441; exch. with bro. Henry, Jr., 1694,403;fr.brother in law and sis5t2e6r., Joseph and Rose Dickinson, 1698, Mary, fr. John Cock, 1693, 478. fr.Rob.Williams,1669,51;t.g.,1669, Nathaniel, fr. Suscaneman, 1682, 197; 212. inMk.purchase,1685,476. Robert,inMk.purchase,1685,331, VAN RUYVEN,Cornelis,with Govert 333; fr. Job and Rachel Wright, 1686, Loockermans and Jacobus Backer, pat- 367; assig. of Adam Wright's deed, by ent for Hog Island, fr. Gov. Stuyvesant, bro. John, 1687, 362; assig. of Job Wright's deed by bro. , John 1687,436. Susanna, with husband, Daniel, fr. 1659, Jane, fr. husband, 694. WALLACE, Wallas, Thomas, 1689, 399. 718 Grantees- Continued WALLACE-Continued Thomas,fr.Wm.Wilson,Sam.Tiller, and Nich.Simkins,and their wives,1687, 397. WASHBORN, Washbourne, Washburn, John, in 1st purchase, 1653, 671. William, in 1st purchase, 1653, 671. WEEKS,Weekes,Wickes,Daniel,t.g., 1662, 9; 1663, 11; fr. father Francis, 1673,99;t.g.,1683,263;inMk.pur- chase, 1685, 331, 333; fr. Job Wright, 1685, 335; assig. of Isaac Horner's deed by Job Wright, 1686, 337; fr. John Wright, 1687, 410; fr. father, 1688, 412; fr.Adam Wright,1689,414. Index Francis,t.g.,1661,5;1662,9;1663, John,fr.cousin Hope Washborn,1679, 6, 7; exch. with John Underhill, 1668, 120; t. g., 1679, 130; 1681, 352; fr. 46; fr. Rob. Williams, 1668, 98; t. g., JosephCarpenter,1682,641;inMk.pur 1668, 208; 1671, 217, 218; 1676, 100; chase, 1685, 333. share, 1676, 295; t. g., 1679, 130; with Robert. fr. Pugnipan and 3 others, Sam. and Moses Forman, t. g., 1682, 1648, 625; in First purchase, 1653, 257; t. g., 1683, 263; fr. Henry Town- 671;patent fr.Gov. Rich.Nicolls,1666, send Sr. (not recorded) 1687, 409; fr. 626; exch. with John Richbell, 1667, 38; same (not recorded),1687,415. fr. 8 Indians, 1667, 682; Mary Willits James, fr. father, Francis. 1673, 88; holds him harmless, 1667, for fand they t. g., 1676, 228; with bro. Thos., t. g., and bro. Hope Washborn had bought, 1676,229;t.g.,1677,233;1679,130; 39; t. g., 1679, 130 ; 1681 , 353. 1683,261;inMk.purchase,1685,333. Sarah, exch. with son Hope, 1682. John (son of Francis, see also John 160. "Warwick"), with bro. Jos., fr. father, WILLIS (seealsoWillits,Willets),Mary, Francis (not dated),33;t.g.,1668,206; t.g.,1679,130;1681,353. with bros. Sam. and Jos., t. g., 1672, Thomas, t. g., 1679, 130. 79;withsamefr.father,1673,87;exch. WILLITS (seealsoWillets,Willis)Hope. with Nath. Coles, 1683, 260; in Mk. assig.of Nich.Wright's deed,by Jos. purchase,1685,333;fr.bro.Sam.for Ludlam,1680,299;withRich.andThos.. loterroneouslyenteredinlatter'sname, assig.ofThos.Townsend'sdeed,byJos 1687, 343. Ludlam, 1685, 298; fr. John Townsend, John, "Warwick" (see also John, 1688, 521. above),tg.,1679,130;1681,353;1683, Mary, fr. bro. Rob. Williams, 1667, 38 ; 259; exch. with Nath. Coles, 1683, 259; t. g., 1679; 130; 1681, 353. t. g ., 1 6 8 4 , 2 7 3 . Richard, with bros. Hope and Thos. Joseph, with bro. John, fr. father, assig. of Nich. Wright's deed, by Jos Francis, (no date), 33; t. g., 1668, 206; ephLudlam,1680,299;withsame,assig exch. with Moses Forman, 1669, 56; of Thos. Townsend's deed, by Joseph with bros.Sam.and John,t.g.,1672,79; Ludlam, 1685, 298; in Mk. purchase, with same fr. father, Francis, 1673, 87; 1685, 333; fr. mother, Mary Willits, in agreement to divide meadow, 1678, 1689, 550; with bro. Thos. fr. Job 116;t.g.,1679,130;in Mk.purchase, Wright, 1691, 606; fr. James Town 1685, 333, 476; with 5 others fr. John send, 1695, 551. Feke, 1696/7, 501. Thomas, fr. Rob. Williams, 1673, 93: Samuel, fr. Rich. Harcott, (not dated), t. g., 1679, 130; with bros. Hope and 33;t.g.,1668,207;with bros.Joseph and Rich. assig. of Nich. Wright's deed, by John, t. g., 1672, 79; with same fr. Joseph Ludlam, 1680, 299; fr. Hope father, Francis, 1673, 87 ; t. g., 1676, 100; Washborne, his right at Lusum, 1684, share,1676,295;inagreementtodivide 168;withbros.assig.ofThos.Town- meadow,1678,116;t.g.,1679,130;with FrancisandMosesForman,t.g.,1682, 257;in Mk.purchase,1685,333,476;fr. Rob.Coles,1687,429;fr.bro.Thos., 1692,430;with5others,fr.JohnFeke, 1696/7,501;fr.M.C.prop.,1699,650. Thomas, t. g., 1672, 221; fr. father Francis, 1673, 87; t. g., 1676, 229; with bro.James,t.g.,1676,229;t.g.,1679, 130; fr. Ephraim Carpenter, 1679, 122; t.g.,1683,261,262:withThos.Town- send,and Adam,John and Job Wright, fr.Opassum, 1683, 676; fr. father, 1684, 470; in Mk. purchase, 1685, 333; fr. John Rogers, 1688, 470; fr. 4 Indians, 1692, 472; fr. bro. Samuel, 1695, 473; fr. bro. Samuel, (not recorded), 430. WHITE,Edward,fr.Thos.Townsend,at- ty.forGeorgeDennis,1682,164;t.g., 1683, 260; fr. Grissel Sylvester, 1683/4, 179; exch. with John Fry, 1689, 538; fr. send's deed by Joseph Ludlam, 1685, 298;inMk.purchase,1685,333;with bro. Rich. fr. Job Wright, 1691, 606; assig.ofhalfofIndiandeed,byJames Townsend,1695,609. WILSON,Sarah,fr.father,Nich.Sim- kins, 1682; (void) 144. W O O D , James, with bros. John, Jere. Jonathan and W m . gift fr. Rich Willits, 1693, 536. Jeremiah,with bros. (see above),gift fr. Rich. Willits, 1693, 536. John (Sr.), fr. Isaac Doughty, 1680, 125; fr. 3 Indians, 1685, 329: in M k. purchase, 1685, 331, 333; fr. Isaac and Eliz. Doughty 1688, 535. John (Jr.), with bros. James, Jere. JonathanandWm.,giftfr.Rich.Willits, 1693, 536. Jonathan, with bros. (see above) gift fr. Rich. Willits, 1693, 536. Grantees- Continued WHITE-Continued Josias Latting, (not recorded), 1692, 497. WHITEHEAD,Daniel,inFirstpurchase, 1653, 671; fr. Josias and Roger (Indians), 1658, 11; another fr. sane 1658, 354; with 4 others fr. 2 Indians, Massapequa meadows, 1658, 347; similar deed, 351; t. g., 1660, 1; fr. Rob. Wil liams,(ment.)2;inMk.purchase,1685, 333. WILLIAMS, Hope, exch. with mother, Sarah Williams,1682,160;in Mk.pur- chase,1685,333;fr.cousin Hope Wash born, 1891, 607. Index 719 Grantees- Continued Grantees Continued WRIGHT Continued WOOD-Continued William, with bros. (see above), gift f r . R i c h . W i l l i t s , 1 6 9 3 , 5 3 6 . WRIGHT,Adam,withGeorge Dennis,t. g., 1674, 116; fr. Uncle Anth. Wright, gift,1674,116;assig.ofNich.Simkins' deed,by mother,Alice Crabb,and step- father, Rich. Crabb, 1675, 106; t. g., 1677,233;1679,130;1681,352;fr.Sam. Andrews, 1681, 150; fr. mother, 1681/2, 149; fr. same, 1682, 157; with bros. Job and John and Thos. Weeks and Thos. Townsend, fr. Opassum, 1683, 676; fr. mother, 1684, 201; fr. 3 Indians, 1685, 285;fr.estateoffather,Peter,1685, 315 in Mk.purchase,1685,333;fr.3 Indians, 1685, 339; fr. Job and Rachel Wright,1686,337;assig.ofIndiandeed by Nath. and Deborah Coles, 1687, 546; fr. Dan. Weeks, 1689, 544; fr. nephew, Anth. Wright, 1694, 547. Anthony, (Sr.), his lands described and acknowledged by Town, (no date), 57; in 1st purchase, 1653, 671; with bros. Peter and Nich. and John Rich- bell, Dan. Whitehead and Sam. An- drews, fr. 2 Indians, Massapequa mea- d o w s , 1 6 5 8 , 3 4 7 ; s i m i l a r d e e d , 3 5 1 ; t . g ., ?1660, 3; 1662, 9, 1663, 6; fr. Nich. S i m k i n s , 1 6 7 0 , 1 5 8 ; t . g ., 1 6 7 1 , 2 1 7 , 2 1 8 ; 1672, 79: 1676, 100; share, 1676, 295; t. g., 1679, 130. 1676, 295; t. g., 1679, 130; 1681, 353; t. g ., w i t h e a s e m e n t o f b a r s , 1 6 8 3 , 2 6 6 . Hannah,with3others,astrusteefor Quakers fr. Anthony Wright, 1672, 687. Job,fr.uncle,Anth Wright,1667, 102;t.g.,1677 (void)231;1677,231;t. g., 1678, 114; 1679, 130; 1681, 287, 353; confirm.fr.mother,AliceCrabD,1683, 171; with bros. Adam and John, and Thos. Townsend and Thos. Weeks, fr. Opassum,1683,676;fr.3 Indians,1685, 286; fr. estate of father, Peter, 1685, 315; fr. Isaac and Lydia Horner, 1685, 319;inMk.purchase,1685,331.333; assig. deed (2d assig.) by Isaac Horner, 1686, 586; fr. bro. Adam and Mary Wright, 1686, 443: fr. Henry Sr. and Anna Townsend, 1687, 442; with John Townsend, Sr., and Isaac Doughty, fr. 9 Indians, West Neck, 1690, 357; fr. nephew, Anth. Wright, 1694, 444; par- tition deed fr. nephew Anth. Wright, 1695, 445. John. (two persons), t. g., 1667, 204; 1668, 206, 207; with bros. Gideon, Ed mund and Caleb,t.g.,1672,79;with bro. Edmund, 1672, 79; with bros. Edmund and Caleb, and Josias Latting, t. g., 1674, 256; fr. father, Nicholas. 1675, 1 1 3 ; t . g ., 1 6 7 9 , 1 3 0 ; f r . J o s i a s L a t t i n g , 1681, 140; t. g., 1681, 353; with bros. Anthony,(Jr.),fr.uncleAnthony,Sr., AdamandJob,andThos.Weeksand gift,1667,102;t.g.,1681,353;parti- Thos.Townsend,fr.Opassum,1683,676; tion deed fr. uncle Job Wright, 1695, 445. Caleb, with bros. Gideon, Edmund and John, t. g., 1672, 79; with bros. John and Edmund and Josias Latting, t. g., 1674, 256; t. g., 1679, 130; 1681, 353;withbros.JohnandEdmund,fr.2 Indians, 1684/5, 301; in Mk. purchase, 1685, 331, 333; with bros. John and Edmund and John (Mill) Townsend fr. Rich. Harcott, and wife Miriam, 1686, 374. Dennis, fr. gr. father, Geo. Dennis, 1682, 158; fr. father, Adam, 1682. 158. Edmund. Edmond, with bros. Gideon, CalebandJohn,t.g.,1672,79;withbro. John, t. g., 1672, 79; with bros. Caleb and John and Josias Latting t. g., 1674, 256;t.g.,1679,130;1681,353;assig. of Indian deed, by Sam. Tiller, 1684, 495; another assig. by same, 1684, 496; with bros.Caleb and John,fr.2 Indians, 1684/5,301;fr.2Indians,1684/5,494; in Mk. purchase, 1685, 331, 333, 476; fr. James Townsend, Sr., 1686, 364; with bros. John and Caleb and John (Mill) Townsend, fr. Rich. Harcott and wifeMiriam,1686,374;fr.Josiasand SarahLatting,1688,490;withbro.John fr. David Underhill, 1694; 311: with bro.Johnassig.ofSam.Burdsall'sdeed by David Underhill, 1694, 422; with bro. John and nephew W m . fr. Joseph Ludlam,1696,423;scheduleofhislands (nodate),365. (SeeEdward.below.) Edward,(seeEdmund),fr.JohnColes, 1674,91. Gideon,fr.Joseph Halstead,166 ,27; fr.Nich.Simkins,1666,28;fr.mother. Alice Crabb, 1668, 42: t. g., 1668, 207; exch. with John Underhill, Jr., 1671, 59;withbros.Edmund,CalebandJohn, t.g., 1672,79;t.g.,1676,100;share, with Caleb and Edmund, fr. 2 Indians, 1684/5, 301; fr. Isaac and Lydia Hor- ner,1685,325;in Mk.purchase.1685. 331, 333; with bros. Caleb and Edmund and John (Mill) Townsend, fr. Rich. Harcott and wife Miriam,1686,374;fr. DanielWeeks,1687,417;fr.John and Mary Davis,1688,530;fr.Edw.White, 1692,420;with bro.Edmund,fr.David Underhill,1694,311;with bro.Edmund, assig.ofSam.Burdsall'sdeed,byDavid Underhill,1694,422;with bro.Edmund and nephew W m ., fr. Joseph Ludlam, 1696, 423; schedule of his lands (no date). 418. Lydia, (see also Lydia Horner), t. g., 1682, 254; another, 696; confirm. fr. mother, Alice Crabb, 1682. 160. Mary,assig.ofpartofRob.Williams' deed by father, Henry Townsend, Sr., 1688, 419; assig. of part of Sarah Wil liams'and sons'deed,by same,1688,419. Nicholas,with bros.Anth.and Peter, and John Richbell,Daniel Whitehead and Sam.Andrews,fr.2 Indians,Massapequa meadow, 1658, 347; similar deed, 351; t. g., 1660, 3; fr. Ann Crocker, 1667, 37;t.g.,1668,207;1671,217,218;1676, 100;share,1676,295;t.g.,1679,130; 1681, 353. Peter,withSam.MayoandWm.Lev. erich, First purchase, 1653, 670; with bros. Anth. and Nich. and John Richbell, Sam. Andrews and Dan. Whitehead, fr. 2 Indians, Massapequa meadows,1658,347;similardeed,351; t.g., 1660,2;1671,218. Peter (son of Gideon), fr. estate of gr.father,PeterWright,1685,315. William, with uncles John and Ed- mund.fr.Joseph Ludlam,1696,423. YOUNG,Jacob,t.g.,1663,11. Samuel,fr.Sam.Bayard,1733,548. 720 Grantees- Continued YOUNG-Continued Index 1680/1, 239; fr. father in law, Rich. Harcott and wife Miriam, 1685, 279; in sannah Townsend,1695,592. Henry, with 5 others, to John Feke, Mk.purchase,1685,333;assig.ofThos. roadeasement,1696/7,501. Gatchell's deed, by Rich. Harcott, 1687, Mercy, joins husband Benj., in deed 426; fr. Aaron Forman, 1687, 426, fr. (see above). Thos. Forman, 1690, 577; fr. Thos. Nathan, assigns Indian deed to sons Weeks,1693,427. StephenandHenry,1667,684;inagree- (GRANTORS) ALBERTSON,Derick,toWm.Lynes (no date), 584. ALLING,Abraham,Sr.,toHenryTowns- end,Sr.,1679,125;tosonThos.,1698, 491;tosonAbm.,Jr.,1698,492. ANDREWS, Mary, signs deeds of hus- band, Sam. (see below). Samuel, with wife Mary, to Joseph Ludlam, 1678, 584; exch. with Matt. Harvey,1680,126;toAdamWright, 1681,150;to Jos.Ludlam,1683,170;to John Townsend, Jr., 1684/5, 321; to Sam. Ketcham, 1685, 299; with wife Mary, to Mary Jesup, 1685, 317; with wife, to Nath. Coles, 1685, 320; with wife, to John Fry, 1686, 338; to Jos. Ludlam, 1687, 448; to John Feke, 1688, 499. APPLEGATE,Daniel,to Sam Dickinson, 1688, 509; to same, John Applegate's share,1688,511;toIsaacDoughty,1688, 515. ARMITAGE,Ann,with husband Thos.,to John Townsend, 1663, 591. Thomas, to Ann Lillestone, pre-nupt. deed(nodate),7;withwifeAnn,toJohn Townsend, 1663, 591. ARNOLD,Ísaac,assoninlawandexecu tor of Nath.Sylvester,Sr.,to Jas.Loyd, Horse Neck, 1683/4. 188. ARUMPAS,with6others,toJohnDyer, 1667,80;with6others,toWm.Simson, 1667,89;with 6 others,to John Under- hill, 1667, 681; with 7 others, to Rob. Williams, 1667, 682; with 6 others, to Nathan Birdsall, 1667, 683; with 5 oth- ers, to Matt. Pryer, 1668, 685; with 6 others,toJas.Cock,1669,686;with 2 others,to Nich. Simkins, 1678, 112. ASETON, with 6 others, to John Dyer, 1667,80;with6others,toWm.Simson, 1667,89;with6others,toJohnUnder- hill, 1667, 681; with 7 others,to Rob. Williams, 1667, 682; with 6 others, to Nathan Birdsall, 1667, 683; with 5 oth- ers,to Matt. Pryer, 1668, 685; with 6 others,to Jas. Cock, 1669, 686. ASSIAPUM, alias Mohenes, First Pur- chase,toPeterWright,Sam.Mayo and W m . Leverich, 1653, 670. ATTORNEYS,of John Tompson,to Jos. Ludlam, 1673, 85; of Thos. Hart, to Simon Cooper, 1681, 142; (see below). BACKER, Becker, Barker, Jacob, with Govert Lockerman and Cornelis van Ruyven, to the Town, Hog Neck (Is- land), by atty., C. van Ruyven, 1665, 297. BAYARD,Samuel,to Sam.Youngs,1733, 548. BELL,HENRY,to John Newman,1685, 333; to Nathan Birdsall, 1687, 385. BIRDSALL,Burdsall,Benjamin,toJohn Cock, 1695, 469; with wife Mercy, to ment to divide meadows.1678,116;assig. Caleb Wright's deed to Henry Townsend, Jr., 1686, 366; assigns Henry Bell's deed to son Sam., 1687, 385; to W m . Frost, 1688, 395; to bro. Nath., 1690. 310; assig.of Indian deed to sons Sam., W m . and Nathan, 1693, 503. Samuel,to David Underhill,1694,421; toJos.Ludlam,1695,455;toWm.Frost, road easement,1701,474. Stephen, with 5 others, to John Feke, road easement, 1696/7, 501. BLEVING,Blevin,James,assignshishalf of t. g. to John Rogers, 1681, 126; to John Townsend,1686/7,436. BOUDE,John and Susanna,to Rob.Coo- per, 1697, 614. Susanna, signs husband's deed (see above). BOWNE,John,withRob.Story,asattys. of Thos. Hart of London, to Simon Cooper, all of Hart's claim in partner ship purchase with Latimer Sampson and Nath. Sylvester, 1681, 142. BROOKINS,Jacob,assignst.g.,toThos. Townsend, 1679/80, 131. BUCKLER,Butler,William (children and descendants used latter spelling, and he signed with mark),to John Thomas and John Thompson (attys. to John Thomp son the smith), 1673, 85; with 7 others, to John Rogers, 1676, 96; to W m . Frost. 1688.396;toAbm.Allen,1695,524. BURCHALL,Burcham,(seeBirdsall). BUTLER, (see Buckler). CARPENTER, Abiah, to Jos. Carpenter, 1669, 49. Ephraim,to Thos. Weeks, 1679, 122; to John Townsend, Sr., 1693, 371. Ephraim,Jr.,to John Newman,1694, 575. Joseph, to Abiah Carpenter, 1668, 42: to Rob. Coles, 1670, 65; to Dan. Coles, 1670, 66; to Nath. Coles, 1670, 67; to Thos. Townsend, 1670, 641; to Moses Mudge,1674,323;assig.t.g.,to Thos Townsend, 1679/80, 131; to John Wil- liams, 1682, 641; exch. with Nich. Sim- kins, 1682, 642; exch. with son in law, W m . Thornycraft, 1682, 643. CHAGECHAGON (see Quarapin). CHEPEYCONAWS,Chepve,Chippie (also called Old Chippie),with Tackapoosha. to Anth., Peter and Nich. Wright, John Richbell,Dan.Whitehead and Sam.An drews, Massapequa meadows, 1658, 347; similar deed, 351; with same, to Free- holders, Unqua Neck, 1678, 129; with Secahconick,toJohnTownsend,Sr.,Lit tle Neck, 1686, 370; with 8 others, to John Townsend, Sr., Job Wright and Isaac Doughty, West Neck, 1690, 357; with Will Chippie (prob. son), to Rob. Kellam, 1691, 595; with 3 others, to Thos.Weeks,1692,472. COCK (the distinguishing numerals refer to Cock-Cocks-Cox Genealogy 1914). Daniel (16) with bros. John, Hezekiah Grantors- Continued BIRDSALL-Continued Thomas,t.g.,1676,227;1679,130; sisterSarahForman,andDan.andSu- Index 721 Grantors- Continued Grantors- Continued COCK-Continued CRABB, Alice (widow of Peter Wright, and Jas., and mother Dorothy, to John and wife of Rich.Crabb),to son Gideon Priar, 1729, 480. Wright, 1668, 42; with husband, Rich., Dorothy,withsonsJohn,Dan.,Heze. assig.ofNich.Simkins'deedtosonAdam kiahandJas.,toJohnPriar,1729,480. Hezekiah (18), with bros. John, Dan. and Jas., and mother, to John Priar, 1729,480. James (1st), to John Platt, 1666, 29; exch. with John Tompson, 1669, 50; to Henry Townsend, 1669, 53; to same, 1669,104;to Wm.Buckler,1676,99; to son John, 1687, 467; to same, 1687, 525. James (19), with bros. John, Dan. and Hezekiah, and mother, Dorothy, to John Priar, 1729, 480. John (5), to Mary Underhill, 1693, 478. John (15), with tros. Dan., Hezekiah and Jas., and mother, Dorothy, to John Priar, 1729, 480. COLES, Ann (widow of John),to son Solomon, 1683, 178. Daniel, quit claim to Matt. Harvey, 1671, 68; to bro. John, 1671, 68; assig. t.g.,toThos.Townsend,1679/80,131; to Nath. Coles, 1685, 341. Deborah, with husband, Nath., assig. Indian deed to Adam Wright, 1687, 546. John,to Edw.Wright,1674,91. Mercy, with husband Rob. (see Rob- ert). Nathaniel (Sr.), to John Townsend, Wright,1675,106;toJohnUnderhill, Jr., 1680, 141; to son Adam Wright, 1681/2,149;to same,1682,157;confirm. todau.Lydia Wright,1682,160;confirm. to son Job Wright, 1683, 171; to Isaac and Lydia Horner, 1684, 200; to Rob. Coles, 1684, 198; to son Adam Wright, 1684,201. Richard,to Matt.Priar,1669,71;with wife Alice,assig.of Nich.Simkin's deed, tohersonAdam Wright,1675,106;with Anth. Wright and John Weeks (War- wick),to James Townsend,1678,372. CROCKER,Crooker,Croker,Ann (widow ofWm.,laterm.JohnRogers),toRich. Latting, 1660, 5; to Nich. Wright, 1667, 37. Joseph, with bro. W m . father John and mother Ann Rogers,to Thos.Towns- end (no date), 105; to Thos. Gitchell, 1678, 115; with bro. W m ., confirm. to Rich. Latting, Josias Latting and Sam. Andrews, 1682, 168. William, with bro. Jos. and mother Ann Rogers, to Thos. Townsend (no date), 105; with bro. Jos., confirm. to Rich. and Josias Latting and Sam. An- drews, 1682, 168; assig. back to father in law, John Rogers, all deeds, etc., fr. him, 1693/4, 487. 1678,110;to bro.Dan.Coles,1678,110; toJohnTownsend,1678,378;tobro. DAVIS,Hannah,withhusbandJohn,to Rob. Coles, 1682, 167; assig. Jacob AaronForman,1676,101;resignedback, Young's deed to uncle Christopher Hawx- 1677, 107. hurst,1683,177;exch.withJohnWeeks John,with wife Hannah,to Aaron (Warwick), 1683, 259; exch. with same, Forman,1676,101;resigned back,1677, 1683,260;withwifeDeborah,assig.In- 107;withwifeMartha(Mercy),toWm. diandeedtoAdam Wright,1687,546; Frost,1687,394;toAaronForman,Jr., exch. with bro. Rob. Coles, 1692, 48; 1687,406;with Nich.Simkins and Henry to W m . Thornicroft, 1693, 566; to Jos. Townsend,Sr.,toWm.Frost,1687,619; Ludlam, 1697, 567. with wife Mercy, to John Wright, 1688, Robert (2d, sometimes called Sr.), 530; to Rob. Godfry (not recorded), exch. with John Townsend, Sr., 1678, 463. 110; to John Townsend, 1681, 133; Mercy, with husband John, to W m . assig. of Indian deed to Geo. Downing Frost, 1687, 394; to John Wright, 1688, and Rich. Kirby, 1684/5, 283; with wife 530. Mercy,toSam.Weeks,1687,429;with D A Y T O N , Samuel, to W m . Simson and wife, assig. of Rob. Godfrey's deed, to John Dyer, 1666, 21; to Henry Red- John Davis,1687,465;assig.Nich.Sim- dough, 1666, 22. kins'deedtoMosesMudge,1688,527; DENNIS,George,mortgage,toEdw.Grif- exch. with bro. Nath. Coles, 1692, 648; fith of London, 1681, 159; satisfied, 1682, toJohnDavis,1694,579;assig.ofNich. 165;togr.son.DennisWright,1682, Simkins' deed to W m . Thornicraft, 1696, 158;to Thos.Townsend,power of atty., 567;toM.C.prop.,damrightandearth 1682,163;hispropertysoldbysaid for same,1699,650. CONFIRMATION,of M. C. Patent,by Arumpas, Suskaneman and Werough, atty.to Edw.White,1682,164. DERBY,Doreby,Eleazer,withJohn Reed, toJohnRogers,1687,380;toJohnRog. 1687, 635. ers, 1689, 447. CONFIRMATION, of Matinecock lands, DEWSBURY,John,assig.Indiandeed,to by Indians, 1685, 283. HenryTownsend,Sr.,1688,605;toJohn CONIUME-KANICK, Conjume-Kanick, Newman,1690,572. with8others,toJohnTownsend,Sr., DICKINSON,Elizabeth (widow ofJohn Job Wright and Isaac Doughty, West 1st), confirm. to John Underhill (2d), Neck,1690,357. 1684,478;to son Samuel,1688,511. COOPER,MARY (widowof Simon,Sr.), John (1st),toJas.Cock,1662,28;to with sons Simon and Rob., confirm.to Moses Furman, 1667, 33; John Finch's Jos.Ludlam,1691,451;withsonSimon, meadow,toThos.Townsend,1667,203; tosonRob.Cooper,1692,612. toWm.Buckler,1669,72;toCapt.Rich. Robert,with_bro.Simon,joinsmother Morris&Co.,1671,176;toJohnUnder- in confirm.to Jos.Ludlam,1691,451. hill, 1673, 79; to son Joseph, 1680, 127. Simon, Jr., with bro. Rob., joins mo- Joseph, to Samson Hawxhurst, 1691, therinconfirm,toJos.Ludlam,1691, 581;confirm.tobro.Sam.,1692,512;to 451. Henry Townsend, 1697, 405; with wife 722 Grantors- Continued DICKINSON- Continued Rose,toherbro.JohnTownsend,1698, 526. Lydia,withhusbandSam.,toThos. Cheshire, 1692, 506. Rose, with husband Joseph, to bro. John Townsend,1698,526. Samuel,toJohnTownsend,1688,437; toDavidUnderhill,1690,596;tosame, 1694, 598; with wife Lydia, to Thos. Cheshire, 1692, 506. DISBROW,Desborough,Disborah,Henry, toJohnDickinson,Sr.,1661,162. Index DOLE, John, with wife Mary, assig. of Sam. Andrews' deed, to Rob. Coles, 1690,435;toJohn Newman,1690,573; toThos.Miller,1696,569. GOULD,Daniel,assoninlawandex.of Mary, with husband John, assig. of Sam.Andrews,deed,toRob.Coles,1690, 435. D O N G A N , Gov. Thomas, patent to Runa- suck and the rest of the Indians, 1687, 519. DOUGHTY,Elizabeth,withhusbandIsaac, toJohnWood,1688,535. Isaac,with7others,toJohnRogers, 1676,96;assig.t.g.,to Thos.Townsend, 1679/80,131;toJohnWood,1680,125; withwifeElizabeth,toJohnWood,1688, 535. DOWNING,Douning,George,assig.t.g., to Thos.Townsend,1679/80,131. DYER,Diar,John,to Rich.Latting,1667, 80; assig. of Indian deed, to Rich. Lat- ting, 1669, 81 ; assig. Thos . Francis' deed, to Rich. Latting, 1669, 82. EASTLAND,Joseph,toJohn Davis,1684, 198. FEKE,Feake,Fexe,laterFeeks,John,to W m . Frost, 1687, 618; to Stephen and HenryBurdsall,JohnPriar,Wm.Hawx- hurst, Sam. and Jos. Weeks, with road easement, 1696/7, 501. Nath. Sylvester, to James Loyd, Horse Neck,1683/4,188. HAFF, Jacob, to Peter Hageman, 1736, 552. HALSTEAD, Holsteed, Jonas, to John Townsend, 1661, 582; to Rich. Harcott, 1667, 16; to same, 1667, 36. Joseph,toGideonWright,166[].27. HARCOTT, Harcote, Harcut, Harcurt, Harker, Daniel, assig. of t. g., to Thos. Townsend, 1679/80, 131; to Eph. Car- penter, 1687, 386; to Rob. Cooper, 1690, 610. Miriam, with husband Rich. (see Rich- ard). Richard,to Sam.Weeks (no date),33; to Matt. Priar, 1669, 69; to Rich. Lat- ting, 1669, 73; to John Tompson, 1670, 59; to John Underhill, 1673, 79; to George Dennis,1677/8,108;to son Dan., 1679, 123; with wife Miriam, to son in law Thos. Youngs, 1685, 279; with same, to John, Caleb and Edmond Wright, and John "Mill" Townsend, 1686, 374; assig. Thos. Gatchell's deed to Thos. Youngs, 1687,426;toWm.Frost,1687,620. Robert,to Dan.Hopkins,1733,484. HART,Thomas,by attys.,to Simon Coo- FINCH,John,toJohnDickinson,1665,46. per,Hart'sshareinpurchasewithLati FORMAN,Furman,Formen,Aaron,Sr., merSampsonandNath.Sylvester,1681, resigns John Davis' deed back to him, 142. 1677,107;tosonAaron,Jr.,1687,407; HARVEY,Harvie,Haruye,Matthias,to to Thos.Youngs,1687,426. Dan. Coles, ?1666, 67; to W m . Frost, Anna, with husband Moses, to dau. 1671, 71; exch. with Sam. Andrews, SarahForman,1687/8,488. 1680,126;toJos.Dickinson,1682,126; Alexander,to John Rogers,1695,381; to John Boude (not recorded), 614. Moses, to bro. Samuel, 1666, 25; to Thos.Marting,1669,49;exch.withJos. Weeks, 1669, 56; to John Davis, 1673, 86;toJohn Underhill 1673,79;with wife Anna, to dau. Sarah Forman, 1687/8, 488. Robert,tosonsMosesandSam.,1665, 23;tosonMoses,1666,24;tosonSam. (no date), 25. Sarah,toSam.Burdsall,1688,501;to Benj.and Mercy Burdsall and Dan.and Susanna Townsend,1695,592. Susanna, with son Jacob, assig. of fa- ther's deed, to James Tillett, 1725, 409. Thomas, to Thos. Youngs, 1690, 577. Zebulon, to mother, Judith Forman, 1727, 488. FRANCIS,Thomas,toJohnDyer,1667, 81; to Rich. Latting, 1669, 47; to John Coles,1669,48. FREEHOLDERS (see Town). to Isaac Horner, 1684/5,281; warranty for same, 281. HAWXHURST, Hauxhurst, Hoackshurst, Christopher, in agreement to divide meadows,1678,116;assig.t.g.toThos. Townsend, 1679/80, 131. Samson,toJos.Dickinson,1692,561, confirm.bybro.Wm.,1692,562;toJohn Pratt, Jr., 1693, 555, confirm. by bro. William, 1692, 556; to David Under- hill, 1694, 599; to same, 1696, 313. William, confirm. of bro. Samson's deed,toJohnPratt,Jr.,1693,556;con- firm. of bro. Samson's deed to Jos. Dickinson, 1692, 562; with 5 others, to John Feke, road easement, 1696/7, 501. HICKS,Thomas,to John Robinson and John Mitchell,1677,111. HINCKSMAN,John,to John Dickinson. 1659,162. H O B A R T (see Hubbard). HOG ISLAND Proprietors,to Henry For- est and John Davis,they to act as keep- FROST (the distinguishing numerals re ers of the Island, 1672, 72. fertoFrostgenealogy,1912),John(bro. HOLSTEAD,Holsteed(seeHalstead). Grantors- Continued FROST- Continued ofWilliam1st),toThos.Miller,1683/4, 195. William (1st), in agreement to divide meadow,1678,116;to Rob.Cooper,1691, 611;to Eph.Carpenter,1693,387. William (4),tobro.Samuel (6),1729, 498. FRY,Frey,Frye,John,exch.withEdw. White, 1689, 538. GATCHELL, Gitchell, Thomas, to Rich. Harcutt,1687,424. GODFRY, Godfree, Robert, to Thos. T o w n s e n d , t. g ., 1 6 8 0 / 1 , 1 3 1 ; t o J o s . S u t - ton, 1685/6, 326; with wife Sarah, to John Davis,1687,463. Index 723 Grantors- Continued Grantors- Continued HORNER,Isaac,withwifeLydia,toEleazer LUDLAM-Continued Derby, 1685, 317; with same, to Job 1690, 440; to John, Edmond and W m . Wright,1685,319;withsame,toJohn Wright,1696,423;toJohnPratt(not Wright, 1685, 325; assig. of Matt. Har- recorded), 450. vey'sdeed,toJos.Ludlam,1685,457; MAMME,with8otherIndians,toJohn to John Rogers, 1686, 346; assig. deed Townsend, Sr., Job Wright and Isaac (2d assig.) to Job Wright, 1686, 586. Doughty,West Neck,1690,357. Lydia,withhusbandIsaac(seeabove). MAOMIE (prob.sameasMamme),with HUBBARD,Hobart,Benjamin,exch.with 3others,toThos.Weeks,1692,472. Rob.Forman,1663,26;toJosiasLatting, 1669,54;exch.with Rich.Latting,1669, 75. H U D S O N , William, in agreement to divide meadows, 1678, 116; to Josias Latting, 1678/9, 238; quit claims John Dyer's right,"givenbymyfatherLattingto John Robbins, but recorded as mine,' 1684, 82; to Aaron Forman, Jr., 1684, 194. JONES,(Thedistinguishingnumeralsre- fer to Jones genealogy, 1907), Thos. (I.1,) assig. Indian deed (2d assig.), to dau. Freelove Jones, 1714, 677. MARTING,Martin,Thomas,disclaimerof Moses Forman's deed,1672,68. MATARES (Indian), with 6 others, to John Dyer, 1667, 80; with 6 others, to W m . Simson, 1667, 89; with 6 others,to John Underhill,1667,681;with 7 others, toRob.Williams,1667,682;with6oth- ers,to Nathan Birdsall,1667,683;with 6 others,to James Cock,1669,686. MATTHEWS,Thomas,byattyThos.Pow- ell,toJos.Ludlam,1669,56. MECHOWODT (Indian),to Director and Council, 1639, 623. JOSIAS, with Roger (Indians), to Dan. MEGGS, Avis, with husband Mark, to Whitehead, Oak Neck, 1658, 354. Matt. Harvey, ?1661, 32. KIRBY,Cirby,Kirbe,Richard,withWm. Mark, to Rich. Harcutt, 1660, 36; to Thornycraft, assig. of deed to John same,1660,200;with wife Avis,to Matt. Frost, 1675, 93; with same, assig. Thos. Harvey, 1661, 32; to Nathan Birdsall, Townsend's deed to John Frost, 1675, 1666, 26. 96;assig.t.g.,toThos.Townsend, MITCHELL,John,assig.shareinThos. 1679/80, 131. Hicks' deed, to John Robinson, 1678, 111. LATTING,Josias,with father Rich.,to Sam.Andrews,1661,166;withwife MORRIS,Lewis,assig.rightinCapt. Sarah, to John Robbins, land in Hunt- Rich. Morris' deed, to Henry, Jr., and ington,1670,76;toWm.Buckler,1675, JohnTownsend,1683,177. 92;toWm.Buckler,byliveryofseisin, MOTT, Lawrence, assig. Indian deed 1675, 96; to John Wright, 1681, 140; (assig. him fr. Adam Wright), to son exch. with John Rogers, 1683/4, 269; John Mott, 1698, 341. exch.withJohnPratt,1684,292;with MUDGE,Moses,assig.Thos.Rushmore's wife Sarah, to Edmond Wright, 1688, deed, to W m . Frost, 1685, 393; assig. 490;toEdw.White(notrecorded),1692, Jos.Carpenter'sdeed,toRob.Coles, 497. 1687, 434. Richard,withsonJosias,toSam.An- MUSKETO COVE Proprietors,to Moses drews,1661,166;tosonJosias,1667,76; Mudge,1681,637;to Sam.Pell,1681, exch.with Benj.Hubbard,1669,75; 638;lattermadevoid,1693,bySam.Til assig.ofThos.Francis'deed,toJosias lear,638;toEph.Carpenter,1681,638; Latting,JohnRobbinsandHannahLat- toWm.Thornycraft,1681,639;toWm. ting,1671,73;assig.Rich.Harcut's deed, Carpenter, 1699, 649; to Sam. Weeks, to son Josias, 1671, 74; assig. Joseph 1699,650;to Rob.Coles,Sr.,1699,650; Weeks' deed, to son Josias, 1671, 75; division of lots, 646-9. assig.Rich.Painter'sdeedtosonJosias, NANAMORROUAS,with3others,toRob. 1671, 78; assig. John Dyer's deed, to Wm.Hudson,1671,80. Williams,1648,625. Sarah, with husband Josias, to John Robbins,1670,76;confirm.deedofhus- band, to W m . Buckler, 1675, 92; with husband, to Edmond Wright, 1688, 490. LEVERICH, Leveridge, Levereth, Elea- zer, to Nich. Simkins, 1658, 40. LOCKERMAN,Loockermans,Govert,with Jacob Becker and Cornelis van Ruyven, Hog Neck (Island), by atty. C. van Ruyven,toFreeholders,1665,297. NEPONHEW (Indian),with 3 others,to Rob.Williams, 1648, 625. NICOLLS, Gov. Richard, patent to Rob. Williams, 1666, 626; patent for Horse Neck, to Nath. Sylvester, Thos. Hart and Latimer Sampson, 1667, 693. NOTHE (Indian),with6others,toJohn Dyer, 1667, 80; with 6 others,to W m . Simson,1667,90;with6others,toJohn Underhill,1667,681;with 7 others,to LOVELACE,Col.Francis,sheriff'sdeed Rob.Williams,1667,682;with6others, of Maj.Gotherson's lots,to Matt.Pryer, 1668, 684. L U D L A M , Ludlum, Elizabeth, with hus- band Joseph (see below). Joseph, assig. Nich. Wright's deed, to Thos., Rich. and Hope Willits, 1680, 299; assig. Thos. Townsend's deed, to Thos., Hope and Rich. Willits, 1685, 298;toJos.Dickinson,1685,277;assig. -'s deed to Isaac Horner, 1685, 303; assig.Sam Andrews'deedtoIsaacHor- ner, 1685, 585; with wife Eliz., to W m . Frost, 1687, 389; to John Townsend, to Nathan Birdsall, 1667, 683; with others,to Matt.Pryer,1668,685;with 6 others, to James Cock, 1669, 686. O P A S S U M , Opesum, Opison, alias Ora- way, to Adam, Job and John Wright, Thos.Weeks and Thos.Townsend,1683, 676; with 8 others, to John Townsend, Sr., Job Wright and Isaac Doughty, WestNeck,1690,357;nowdeceased,his father Tackapoucha and 3 others nullify hissalesofnecksandbeaches,1693,520; Thos. Townsend disclaims his rights therein, 1696, 521. 724 Grantors- Continued PAINTER, Richard, to Rich. Latting, 1666, 20; to same, 1666, 77; to same, 1668,202. PLATT,Plott,John,toMarkMeggs,1666, 19; exch. with Matt. Priar, 1666, 29. POCIPUPON (Indian),with3others,to Rob. Williams, 1648, 625. POOMETAMOK (Indian),with 6 others, Index toJohnDyer,1667,80;with6others,to Townsend,1689,127;toAbm.Allen, Wm.Simson,1667,90;with6others,to 1692,523. JohnUnderhill,1667,681;with7oth- RUSHMORE,Thos.,withwifeMartha, ers,to Rob.Williams,1667,682;with 6 to Moses Mudge,1680,392. others,to Nathan Birdsall,1667,683; SAMOS,Samous,Samose,with Suscane- with 5 others,to Matt.Pryer,1668,685; man, to Edmond Wright, 1684/5, 494; with6others,toJas.Cock,1669,686. withSuscaneman and Quarapin,toJos. POWELL,Thomas,asatty.forThos.Mat- Dickinson,1684,304;toWm.Frost, thews,toJos.Ludlam,1669,56. 1685,284;to Adam Wright,1685,285; PRATT,John (Sr.),exch.withJosiasLat- tosame,1685,339;toJobWright,1685. ting,1684,292;assig.ofIndiandeed,to 286;toHenryTownsend,Jr.,1685,288: Josias Latting,1684,294;to John Towns to Isaac Doughty, 1685, 328; to John end,1689,439;toJos.Ludlam,1692, Wood,1685,329;toJohnRogers,1685. 449;with5others,toJohnFeke,road 477;toJas.Townsend,1685,359;to easement, 1696/7, 501. John Applegate, 1685, 508; to John John, Jr., assig. Samson Hawxhurst's Dewsbury, 1685, 604; to 20 grantees, deed,toJohnandJames,Jr.,Cock,1697, unsold Mk.land,1685,331;to Adam 557. Wright, 1685, 339; to John Underhill, PRIAR, Prier, Prior, Pryer, Joseph, to John Feke and Wm.Frost,unsold Mk. bro. John, 1719, 482. land, 1685, 474; to Nath. Coles, 1685/6, Matthew,to Rich.Townsend,1669,50; to Rich. Crabb, 1669, 70; to Henry Townsend, 1672, 103; in agreement to dividemeadows,1678,116;toJohn Un- derhill, 1678, 142. PUGNIPAN,with 3 others,to Rob.Wil- liams,1648,625. 545. SACKAMICK, Secahconick, Schohconick, with Chippie, to John Townsend, Sr.. LittleNeck,1686,370;with8others,to John Townsend, Job Wright and Isaac Doughty,West Neck,1690,357;with 3 others,to Thos.Weeks,1692,472. QUARAPIN,aliasChagechagon,withSus- SEHAR,Seahar,Seher,Sehor,with6oth- canemanandSamos,toJos.Dickinson, ers,toJohnDyer,1667,80;with6oth- 1684,304;toWm.Frost,1685,284;to ers,toWm.Simson,1667,90;with6 Adam Wright,1685,285;toJob Wright, others, to John Underhill, 1667, 681; 1685, 286; to Henry Townsend, Jr., with 7 others, to Rob. Williams, 1667. 1685,288;to Isaac Doughty,1685,328; 682;with 6 others,to Nathan Birdsall, toJohnWood,1685,329;toJames 1667,683;with5others,toMatt.Pryer, Townsend,1685,359;toAdamWright, 1668,685;with6others,toJas.Cock, 1685. 339; to John Applegate, 1685. 508; 1669, 686; with Arumpus and Suskane- toJohnDewsbury,1685,604;toJohn man,toNich.Simkins,1678,112;with Rogers,1685,477;unsoldMk.land,to SuscanemanandWerah,toJosiasLat- 20grantees,1685,331;toJohnUnder- ting,1681,138;1681,139;toJohnDavis, hill, John Feke and W m . Frost, unsold 1681, 139; to W m . Hudson, 1681, 139: Mk.land,1685,474;to Nath.Coles, toThos.Townsend,1682,147;toJohn 1685/6, 545. Feke, 1682, 147; to Isaac Horner, 1682, REED,John,withEleazerDerby,toJohn 146;toMosesandGervisMudge,1693. Rogers, 1687, 380. 527. RIANCOMBAND, son of Tackapoucha, SHOSKEENE,with6others,toJohnDyer, confirm.offather'sdeed,1659,350. 1667,80;with6others,toWm.Simson, RICHBELL, Richbill, Ridgebill, Rickbell, Ann,withhusbandJohn (seebelow). John,with wife Ann,to Matt.Harvey, 1664, 17; to Henry Townsend (Sr.), 1664,42;to same,1664,169;exch.with Rob. Williams, 1667, 38. ROBBINS,Robins,John,to Sam.Tillier, 1680, 127; assig. Indian deed, to Sam. Tilliar, 1681, 136; to John Townsend, 1687, 383. 1667,90;with 6 others,to John Under- hill,1667,681;with 7 others,to Rob. Williams, 1667, 682; with 6 others, to Nathan Birdsall, 1667, 683; with 5 oth- ers, to Matt. Pryer, 1668, 685; with 6 others,toJas.Cock,1669,686. SIBLEY,Hannah,withhusband,John (see below). John, with wife Hannah, to John Dewsbury, 1695, 590. ROBINSON,John,toThos.Miller,1690, SIMKINS,Nicholas,to Gideon Wright, 568;toJohn Newman,1690,571. 1666, 28; confirm. of Anth. Wright's ROGER,withJosias(Indians),toDan. deed,toSam.Andrews,1668,42;to Whitehead,1658,11;to same,Oak Neck, Alice Crabb, 1669, 57; to same, 1669, 1658,354. 106;to Eliz.Townsend,1669,592;exch. ROGERS,Ann(formerlywidowCrocker), withJohnUnderhill,Jr.,1670,58;to with husband John (see below). Anth.Wright,1670,158;to Sam.Tilliar, John,withwifeAnn,andherch.Jos. byliveryofseisin,1678,asperaff.of andWm.Croker,toThos.Townsend(no witness,238;todau.SarahWilson,1682 date), 105; to Jas. Bleving, 1678, 114; (void), 144; to Rob. Coles and W m . toRob.Coles,1681,133;assig,backto Thornycraft,1682,156;exch.withJos. Jas. Bleving,half t.g.assig.him by Blev- Carpenter, 1682, 642; with wife Eliz., ing,1682,126;toPeterPangborn,1682 toRob.Coles,1685,431;same,tosame, Grantors- Continued ROGERS-Continued (void), 144; exch. with Josias Latting. 1683/4,269;assig.Indian deed,to John Underhill,1685,477;toJohnTownsend, Sr., 1686, 376; to son in law, W m Crooker,1687(void),486;assig.Isaac Horner's deed to W m . Crooker, 1688, 486;toThos.Weeks,1688,470;toJohn Index Grantors- Continued SIMKINS- Continued 432; with John Davis and Henry 1687, Townsend, Sr., to Wm. Frost, 1687, 619; Sam. Tiller, to with Wm. Wm. Wilson and Thos. Wallace , 1687, 397; to neph. wife Elizabeth, Simpkins, 1689, 537; with 1689, 564; to Wm. to Wm. Thornicraft, Frost, 1692, 617; to Joseph Dickinson, 1695, 563. Frost, 1691, 615; to William, to W m . unsatis- Eph.Carpenter,Jr.(informof fiedmortgage),1693,576. Indiandeed, SIMSON,William,assig.of 725 Jr., 1685, 288; to Isaac to John Wood, 1685, Doughty, 1685, 328; 329;toJas. Townsend 1685, , 359;to 20 grantees, Mk. land, 1685 331;to unsold , 1685, 339 ; to John - Under Adam Wright, Applegate, 1685, 508; to John Dewsbury, 1685,477;toJohn 1685,604;toNath. others,to Na- Coles,1685/6,545;with 5 than Birdsall, 1684, 502. Joseph, S U T T O N , Elizabeth, with husband Jr. (see below). Jo seph, to Nath. Coles, 1665, 109. Joseph, Jr., with wife Eliz., 1687, assig. Coles, Rob. Godfry's deed to Rob. 465. Doughty, West Neck, 1690, 357; Nath., Isaac 472. S YLVESTER, Giles, et al, as ex. of 1683/4, with 3 others, to Thos. Weeks, 1692, Neck, as Sr., to James Loyd, Horse STORY, Robert, with John Bowne, Hart of London, to Si- 188. Thos. White, 1683/4, 179; attys., of Grissel, to Edw. share in purchas e Nath., Sr., to . Jas Loyd, mon Cooper, Hart's Syl- et al,asex.of with Latimer Sampson and Nath. 1683/4, 188. et al, as ex. of Nath. vester, 1681, 142. patent for Nathaniel, Jr., STUYVESANT, Gov. Petrus, to James Loyd, 1683/4, 188. Govert Loockermans,Cor- Sr., Hog Island,to Backer, Nathaniel, Sr., quit claim, to Thos. nelis van Ruyven and Jacobus Hart and Latimer Sampson, of his share 1659, 694. Horse Neck, etc., 1668, 192. SURROCKAINGE (see Sruckan). TACKAPOUCHA, in Tackapoosha,with Chip- Suskaneman, alias Runa- Ant Peter and Nich. Wright, SUSCANEMAN, explana- pie,to h., WhiteheadandSam. suck,toWm.Frost,1677,148; JohnRichbell,Dan. 1658, reFirstPurchase,1678,355; Massapequa meadows, tory deed 357; to Na- Andrews, 351; to Freeholders, protestagainstsame,1692, Nath.Un- 347;similardeed, Unqua Neck, 1678, 129; with 8 others, than Birdsall, 1681, 277; to derhill, 1682, 197; to Jos. Dickinson, John Townsend, Sr., Job Wright and to Doughty, West Neck, 1690, 357. 1684 305;toBenj.and Stephen Birdsall, THOMB (Indian) th Isaac wi 7others,toRob. 1684/5, 280; with 112; with Arumpas andWSeerhaohr, toNich.Simkins,1678, to W m . Frost, 1674, 90. SMITH, Abraham, 21. to Sam. Dayton, 1666, Surrockainge, wit h 8 others, SRUCKAN, Wright and to John Townsend, Sr., Job Doughty, 1681, 135; to Josias to Isaac Robins, Latting, Sr., 1681, 135; to John Williams, 1667, Thornycroft (descend- 682. THORNICRAFT, 1681,136;toJohn Davis,181568;1,to137J;ohtno Thos. Townsend, 1681, Latting, Townsend, 1682, 401; to Josias William, with Rich. ants spell it Craft, John Frost, Kirby, assig. of deed,to assig.Thos. 93; with Rich. Kirby,Frost, 1675, T1o6w75n,send's deed to John 1682, 150; to John DaHvuidss,o1n6,821,68125,11;5t1o; W m . Frost and W m . Chris. A n d r e w s , 1 6 8 2 , 1 5 2 ; t o to Sam. Jas. Cock, Hawxhurst, 1682, 153; to 96; exch. with father inJolsa.w,CJaorsp.enCtaer-, 1682, 154; to John to Henry Towns- Townsend,1682,185; (made void),1685,186; Mott, end, Sr., 1682, 186; to Lawrence 1682, 154; to Joseph 156; to John Eastland,1682,155; to John Underhill, 1682, Townsend, Rogers, 1682, 173; to Geo. boundary of same, 1683, 184; toJas.Townsend,1682, 1682, 183; 184 (made void), Townsend,Sr.,and sons Henry, Jr., and John, 1685, 185; to Henry 1683, 174; Morris, 1683 (void), 172; to Col. Lewis parcel), 1683, to Thos. Townsend (same latter for pay for same, 182; receipt to Josias 173;toRob.Coles,1684,282Pr;atot1684, Latting, 1684, 292; to John , 1684,313;toCaleb, John and Edmund Wright, 293;toHenryBell, 1684/5,301; to Gervis Mudge, 500 year lease, 1695, Sehor and Werah, to Josias 529; with to John Davis, 1681, Latting, 1681, 138; to W m . Hudson, 1681, 139; to 139; Townsend, 1682, 147; to John Thos. IsaacHorner,1682, Feke, 1682, 147; to 146; to Moses and Gervis Mudge, 1693, Samos, to Edmond Wright, 527; with Samos, 1684/5,494;with 1684,304;to . Quarapinand Wm to Jos. Dickinson, Wright, 1685, Frost, 1685, 284; to Adam 285;toJobWright,1685,286;toHenry 1687, 397. exch. with Jas. Cock, TOMPSON, John, deed, assig. Rich. Harcott's Priar, 1669, 50; 1671, 59; to Matt. to Matt.Priar, and 1671, 60; attys.1673, 84; ratification of,to Jos.Ludlam of W m . Buckler, atty's. Town Grants), to John deed, 1673, 86. T O W N (see also made void,4. Richbell,1660,4; Anna, with hus- Tounsen, TOWNSEND, seebelow). band, Henry, Sr. ( Geo., to Daniel,with bros.Jas.and 542;withwifeSusanna, John Fry, 1690, Benj. and Mercy and Sarah Forman,to Birdsall, 1695, 592. Elizabeth, confirm. of deed of late hus- Sr.,to son,John,1668,44. band,John Townsend, 1688, George, andDan.,toJohnFry, to bro. Jas. 373; with Jas. 1690, 542. Cock's deed Henry, Sr., assig. Jas. son Henry (no date), 104; to toson assig.Jas.Cock's John ( son John (no date), nodate),105; 105;to deed to in law, Aaron dau. Susanna and son Grantors- Continued SUSCANEMAN-Continued Townsend, Wm. Frost, unsold hill, John Feke and John Rogers, land, 1685, 474; to Mk. penter, 1682, 643; to 1685, 644; Samuel, t o A b m . A l l e n , 1 6 8 8 , I5 n2 d2 i. a n TILLIER,Tillear,Tiller, assig.to deedtoJohnRobbins,byhimEdmund Tillier, by latter now assig. to 495; with W m . Wilson Wright, 1684, to Thos. Wallas, and Nich. Simkins, 726 Grantors- Continued TOWNSEND-Continued Forman (no date), 408; to son Henry, Jr., 1683, 169; to sons Henry, Jr., and John,1683/4,171;tosonHenry,Jr., 1683/4, 180; to same, ?1686, 367; with wife Anna and son John,to son Henry, Jr.,1686,368;assig.Abm.Allen'sdeed, to W m . Frost, 1687, 393; with wife Anna, to Job Wright, 1687, 442; with Nich. Simkins and John Davis, to W m . Frost,1687,619;to Francis Weeks,1687 (not recorded), 409; to same (not re- corded), 1687, 415; to John Eastland, 1688,306;to sons Henry,Jr.,and John and dau. Rose Dickinson (mills), 1688, 400;assig.Rob.Williams'deed,to daus. Mary Wright,Susanna Forman and Rose Dickinson, and sons, Henry, Jr., and John, 1688, 419; assig. Sarah Williams, and sons' deed, to same grantees, 1688, 419; to John Robins, 1688, 508; to John Dewsbury, 1688, 586; assig. son John's deed, to John Dewsbury, 1692, 587; as- sig.deed(3dassig.),toJohnDewsbury, 1692, 588; assig. another (2d_assig.), 1692, 589; with sons Henry, Jr., and John, assig. Indian deed, to John Pratt, Jr., 1689, 554; assig. deed (2d assig.), to Josias Smith, 1691, 605; to son John, 1692,441;to son Henry,Jr.,1692,578; to David Underhill, in exch. for assig. of deed,1695,405. Index Grantors- Continued TOWNSEND-Continued Henry,Jr.,with7others,toJohn 183;toJos.Ludlam,1685(notrecorded). Rogers, 1676, 96; to bro. John, 1686, 369; to uncle John Townsend, Sr., 1686, 377; to Nathan Burdsall, 1686, 383; withbro.Johnandfather,Henry,Sr., assig. Indian deed, to John Pratt, Jr., 1689,554;toJohnNewman,1693,574; exch. with bro. John, 1694, 403; to James Townsend, Sr. (not recorded), 402. protested and made void, 278; protest made void, 278; to neph. Thos. Town- send,1685,288;to John Applegate,1685, 314;toHenryTownsend,Jr.,1685,316; to Nathan Coles, 1687, 377; to Henry Townsend, Jr., 1687, 400; to Nathan Coles, 1687, 689; with bro. John Jr., confirm.toWm.Thornicroft,1690,565; with bro. John, Jr., father's estate to bro. and sisters, 1694, 583; disclaimer of right to land sold him by Opesum, 1696,521;assig.tosoninlaw,Thos. Jones, his share, in south purchase, 1714,677. James, (Sr.), to John Underhill, Sr., (2d), 1681, 132; makes void the deed (1682)fr.SuscanemanandWerah,1685, 185;to Edmund Wright,1686,364;with bros.Geo.andDan.,toJohnFry,1690, 542;toHenryTownsend,Jr.,1694,402; UNDERHILL,Daniel,withbro.John,to to Rich. Willits, 1695, 551; assig. half of Indian deed, to Thos. Willits, 169$5, 609. John, (several of this name, also dis- tinguished at different times as "Sr." and"Jr." SeeTownsendLineageatp. 365 of Cock-Cocks-Cox Genealogy, 1914, for elucidation). John, "Mill" (son of Henry, Sr.), joinsfatherindeedtobro.Henry,Jr., 1686, 368; assig. of Adam Wright's deed to bro. Rob. 1687, 362; assig.Job. Wright's deed to bro. Rob. 1687, 436; to father, 1687, 416; with bro. Henry, Jr., and father, assig. Indian deed to John Pratt, Jr., 1689, 554 exch. with bro. Henry, Jr., 1694, 403. John, Sr.,exch.withsonJohn,1660, (not recorded), 44; confirm. of same by widow, Eliz. 1668, 44. John,called also "Sr." (son of John), tobro.Thos.1668,44;toJohn Rogers, 1675,94;to bro.Jas.1675,372;with others, to John Rogers, 1676, 96; exch. with Rob.Coles,1678,110;to Rob.Coles, 1681,133;makes void deed of Suscane- man and Werah, 1685, 186; to Henry Townsend, Jr., 1686, 363; to John Rogers, 1686, 379; with bro. Thos. con- bro. Jacob, 1693, 597. David, to W m . Frost, 1690, 621; to John Feke, 1693, 499; to John Pratt, Jr., 1693, 556; to neph. Jacob Under hill, 1693, 689; to John and Edmund Wright, 1694, 311; assig. Sam. Burd- sall'sdeed,toJohn and Edmund Wright, 1694, 422; to Sam. Burdsall, 1694, 504; to Sam Dickinson, 1694, 513; to same, 1695, 518; assig. Sam. Dickinson's deed, to John Rogers, 1695, 347; assig. Gid- eon Wright's deed,to Henry Townsend, 1695,405;to Dan.Townsend,1698,533. John, Capt., exch. with Thos. Town- send, 1667, 29; to Geo. Dennis, 1667, 32; to son John, 1667, 36; exch. with Francis Weeks, 1668, 46. John (son of Capt. John), to Thos. Townsend, 1667, 53; exch. with Nich. Simkins, 1670, 58; exch. with Gideon Wright, 1671, 59; to Jas. Townsend, 1681, 132; with wife Mary, to John Townsend, 1685, 320; to W m . Frost, 1686, 390; with bro. Dan. to uncle David Underhill, 1693, 597. Mary (widow of John, 2d), with hus- band,toJohn Townsend,1685,320;to bro. John Pryer, (no date, but after 1689), 690; to John Cock, 1693, 467. firm. to W m . Thornicroft, 1690, 565; with bro. Thos., all father's estate to bros.andsisters,1694,583. John (son of Thomas), with father, assig. Indian deed to Henry Townsend. Jr.,1685,401;ratifies (on reaching majority), 1694, 402. John (son of Richard), quit claim, to sister, Dinah Townsend, 1686, 345. John (not identified),to Hope Willits, 1688, 521; to Eph. Carpenter, 1693 (not recorded),371;toJosephLudlam,1694, 452; to David Underhill, 1694, 601; to John Pratt, Jr., (not recorded), 439. Robert, wills land to father, Henry, 1687, 417. Susanna, with husband, Daniel, to Benj. and Mercy Burdsall and Sarah Forman, 1695, 592. Thomas (son of John), exch. with John Underhill, Sr., 1667, 29; to Jos. Ludlam, 1670, 57; assig. Jos. Carpen- ter's deed, to Nich. Simkins, 1670, 642; to Joseph Ludlam, 1671, 298; to W m . Thornycraft, and Rich. Kirby, 1672, 70; to same, 1672, 95; to John and Ann Rogers,1673,94;to Rich.Harcutt,1679, 122;asatty.forGeo.Dennis,toEdw. White, 1682, 163-5; quit claim, to Col. Lewis Morris, 1683 (void), 174; assig. Indian deed to Col. Lewis Morris, 1684, Index 727 Grantors- Continued Grantors- Continued WERAH-Continued UNDERHILL-Continued Mary (wife of Nath.), with husband (see below). Nathaniel, to Henry Franklin, 1685, 324; made void, 1694, 480; with wife Mary, to bro. John, 1686/7, 688. VAN RUYVEN, Cornelis, with Govert Lockerman and Jacob Becker, Hog Is- land,to Freeholders,1665,297. WALLACE,Wallas,Thomas,towifeJane Wallas, 1689, 399. WASHBORN, Washborne, Washbourne, Hope, to cousin John Williams, 1679, 120; to Thos. Willits, 1684, 168; to cousin Hope Williams, 1691, 607. WAUMIHAS, with 8 others, to John Townsend, Sr., Job Wright and Isaac Doughty, West Neck, 1690, 357. WEEKS,Weekes,Wicks,Daniel,to John Wright, 1687, 417; to Adam Wright, 1689, 544. 185;made void,1685,186;to Col. Lewis Morris, 1683 (void), 172; receipt to Thos.Townsend for pay for same,1683, 173; to Thos. Townsend, 1683, 182; to Henry Townsend, Sr., and sons, Henry Jr. and John, 1683, 174; to Rob.Coles,1684,282;to Josias Latting, 1684, 292; to John Pratt, 1684, 293; to Henry Bell, 1684, 313; to Caleb, John and Edmond Wright, 1684/5, 301; to Gervis Mudge, 500 years lease, 1695, 529; with Suscaneman and Sehor, to JosiasLatting,1681,138;toJohn Davis, 1681,139;to Wm.Hudson,1681,139; to Thos. Townsend, 1682, 147; to John Feke,1682,147;toIsaacHorner,1682, 146; to Moses and Gervis Mudge, 1693, 527; with 8 others, to John Townsend, Sr., Job Wright and Isaac Doughty, West Neck, 1690, 357. Francis,tosonsJohnandJos.(nodate), WHITE,Edward,exch.withJohnFry, 33; exch. with John Underhill, 1668, 46; to son Thos., 1673, 87; to sons, S a m ., J o h n a n d J o s ., 1 6 7 3 , 8 7 ; t o s o n , James,1673,88;toson,Dan.,1673,99; to son, Thos., 1684, 470; to Henry Townsend,Sr.,1687,415;toson,Dan., 1688, 412. James,assig.t.g.,to Thos.Townsend, 1679/80, 131. 1689, 538; to Josias Latting, 1692, 497; with wife Mary,to John Wright, 1692, 420. Mary,withhusbandEdw.(seeabove). WHITEHEAD,Daniel,to John Richbell, 1660,1;confirm.ofJohn Richbell'sdeed to Henry Townsend (no date), 42; to Alex. Bryand, 1660, 2; to Town, Oak Neck, 1660, 354; to John Townsend, John (Warwick), with Anth. Wright 1663, 463. andRich.Crabb,toJas.Townsend,1678, WIAMDANEH,confirm.for Massapequa 372; exch. t. g., with Nath. Coles, 1683, 259, 260; with wife Rose, to bro. in law, Geo. Townsend, 1685, 334. Joseph, exch. with Moses Forman, 1669, 56; to Rich. Latting, 1670, 74; in agreement to divide meadow, 1678, 116; assig.t.g.,to Thos.Townsend,1679/80, 131; with 5 others, to John Feke, road easement, 1696/7, 501. Rose, with husband, John (Warwick), to bro. Geo. Townsend, 1685, 334. Samuel, to John Underhill, Jr., 1670, 58; in agreement to divide meadow, 1678, 116; assig. t. g., to Thos. Townsend, 1679/80, 131; to bro. John, 1687, for lot erroneously entered in grantor's name, 343; to Rob. Coles, 1687, 433; to bro. Thos., 1695, 473; with 5 others, to John Feke, road easement, 1696/7, 501. Samuel (son of above), to Benj. Frost, 1731, 593. Thomas, to John Rogers, 1676, 101; assig. t. g., to Thos. Townsend, 1679/80, 131; to Jos. Dickinson, 1689, 558; to bro. Sam., 1692, 430; to Thos. Youngs, 1693, 427. meadows, 1659, 349. WILLIAMS, Hope, with bro. John and mother,Sarah,to Henry Townsend,Sr., 71675, 187; to Rob. Cellem (Kellam), 1682,148;exch.withmother,1682,160; confirm. mother's deed to John Fry, 1683/4, 182; with bro. John and mo- ther,to sister,Mary Dole,1689,458;to neph.JohnDole,Jr.,1693,460;tosame, 1694, 462. John, with bro. Hope and mother, Sarah,to Henry Townsend, Sr., ?1675, 187;withwifeTamsun (Thomasine),to her bro. Joseph Carpenter, 1686, 483; with bro. Hope and mother, to sister, Mary Dole, 1689, 458. Robert, to Dan. Whitehead (ment.), 2; to Rob. Forman (no date), 23; exch. with John Richbell, 1667, 38; to sister Mary Willis, 1667, 38; to John Town- send,Jr.,1668,45;to Rob.Coles,1668, 45;toRob.Forman,1668,47;toFrancis Weeks, 1668, 98; to Rich. Townsend, 1669, 51; confirm. to John Townsend's widow, 1670, 582; to Thos. Willets (Willits),1673,93;to Henry Townsend, Sr., 1679, 118; to John Robbins, 1679, WERAH,Werow,Werough,Wigrow,with 134;toJohnFry,1679,181. Suscaneman,to Isaac Doughty,1681,135; Sarah (widow of Rob.), with sons toJosiasLatting,Sr.,1681,135;toJohn John and Hope,to Henry Townsend, Robins,1681,136;toJohnDavis,1681, Sr., 1675,187;exch.withsonHope, 137; to Josias Latting, 1682, 150; to 1682, 160; with son Hope, to John JohnDavis,1682,151;toWm.Hudson Fry,1683/4,181;withsonsJohnand and W m . Frost, 1682, 151; to Sam An- Hope to dau. Mary Dole, 1689. 458. drews,1682,152;to Chris.Hawxhurst, WILLITS,Mary,to bro.Rob.Williams, 1682, 153; to Jas. Cock, 1682, 154; to 1667, 39; to John Dickinson, Sr., 1675, JohnTownsend,1682,401;toLawrence 166;withsonsThos.andRich.toJohn Mott, 1682, 154; to Jos. Eastland, 1682, 155; to John Underhill, 1682, 156; to John Rogers, 1682, 173; to Geo. Town- send,1682,183; boundaries of same,1683, 184;toJas.Townsend,1682,184;made void, 1685, 185; to Henry Townsend, Sr.,1682,186;toJohnTownsend,1682, Fry, 1689, 540; to son Rich. 1689, 550. Richard, with bro. Thos. and mother, Mary,toJohnFry,1689,540;toJohn, Jas., Jere., Jonathan and W m . Wood, gift, 1693, 536. Thomas, with bro. Rich. and mother, Mary,toJohnFry,1689,540. 728 Index Grantors- Continued WILSON,William,with Sam.Tiller and Nich. Simkins, to Thos. Wallace, 1687, 397. W O O D , Jonathan, with wife Mercy to Isaac Doughty, 1694, 516. Mercy, with husband, Jonathan (see above). WRIGHT, Adam, to son Dennis, 1682, 158; to Jos. Ludlam, 1684, 30; with wife, Mary, assig. of Alice Crabb's deed,to Jos.Ludlam,1684/5,202;with wife, to Henry Townsend, 1685, 302; assig.Indian deed,to Lawrence Mott, 1686, 340; to Nathan Burdsall, 1686, 342; to W m . Buckler, 1686, 360; to John Townsend, 1686, 361; to Henry Townsend, Jr., 1686, 362; with wife, Mary, to bro. Job Wright, 1686, 443; with same, to John Dole, 1687, 457; to Grantors- Continued WRIGHT-Continued Willits, 1691, 606; partition deed to neph. Anth. Wright, 1695, 445; to W m . Bradford, 1698, 532. John, with 7 others, to John Rogers, 1676, 96; to Josias Latting, 1681, 141; with bros. Caleb and Edmund, to W m . Frost, 1684/5, 392; same to same, 1687, 390; to Dan. Weeks, 1687, 410; with wife, Mary, to John Davis, 1688, 466; with wife,Mary,assig.John Davis'deed, to Isaiah Harrison, 1688, 532; with bros. CalebandEdmund,toWm.Frost,1691, 397; with same to same, 1691, 616; with same, to David Underhill, 1694, 311. Mary, with husband, Adam assig. of AliceCrabb'sdeedtoJos.Ludlam,1684/ 5, 202. Nath. Coles (not recorded), 1687, 546; Mary, with husband, John, to John to Dan.Weeks,1689,414;to John Fry, Davis, 1688, 466. 1690, 542; to Samson Hawxhurst, 1690, Nicholas, to Benj. Hubbard, 16 , 31; 579. • to Thos. Armitage, ?1660, 3; to Rob. Anthony, Sr., to Town, 1660, 3; to Forman, 1661, 5; to same, 1661, 25; to neph. Anth. Wright, gift, 1667, 102; to son John, 1675, 113; to Jos. Ludlam, Sam. Andrews, confirmed by Nich. Sim- 1680, 298. kins,1668,42;toQuakers,houselotand Peter, (1st), to Town, 1660, 2; hav- burial ground, gift, 1672, 687; to neph. ing died intestate, his sons Adam and Adam Wright, gift, 1674, 116; to Jas. Job, and gr. son Peter, partition his Townsend and Isaac Doughty,1675,102; lands, 1685, 315. with Rich.Crabb and John Weeks (War. Peter, (gr. son of above), to John wick), to Jas. Townsend, 1678, 372; Fry, 1690, 602. schedule of land rights devised to Alice Rachel, with husband Job (see Job). Crabb,1681,recordedinN.Y.,159;to John Boude (not recorded), 614. Anthony (Jr.,nephew ofabove),to uncle Job Wright, 1694, 444; to uncle Adam Wright, 1694, 547; partition deed, to uncle Job Wright, 1695, 445; to Jos. Ludlam, 1696, 456. Caleb, with 7 others, to John Rogers, 1676,96;to Abm.Alling,1682,167;to Nathan Burdsall, 1686, 365; with bros. EdmundandJohn,toWm.Frost,1684/ 5, 392; same to same, 1687, 390; same tosame,1691,397;sametosame,1691, 616. Dennis,to John Fry (by endorsement of mortgage), 1694, 539; to same, 1694, 602. YATES, William, to Henry Reddough, 1666, 21. YOUNGS,Young,Jacob,withwifeKath. to John Plott and Mark Meggs, 1665, 18; to Nath. Coles, 1665, 177. Katherine, with husband Jacob (see Jacob). Thomas, to father in law Rich. Har cott,1679,300;to Thos.Cheshire,1688, 505. (END OF GRANTORS). GRAVESEND, Gov. Nicolls' declaration at, 34; O. B. inhabitants to meet Royal commissioners there, 39. GREAT GUT, the, or Massapequa, 676. GREAT SUCCESS, in Hempstead, 568, Edmund, Edmond, with 7 others, to 571. JohnRogers,1676,96;withbros.Caleb GREENE,James,Jr.,449. and John, to W m . Frost, 1684/5, 392; same to same, 1687, 390; assig. Indian deed to Josias Latting, 1688, 494; assig. Sam.Tiller'sdeed,tosame,1688,495; IndiandeedtoJohnRobbins,byhim assig.toSam.Tillerandbylatterto Edmund Wright, now assig. to Josias Latting,1688,496;withbros.Caleband John,toWm.Frost,1691,397;sameto same, 1691, 616; to David Underhill, 1694,311;toWm.Frost(ment.),496, 497. Gideon, to Dan. Blyeth, 1668, 47; cancelled,1669,214;toJohnTompson, 1668, 60; exch. with John Underhill, 1671, 59. Job, with 7 others, to John Rogers, 1676, 96; to Dan. Weeks, 1685, 335; assig. of Isaac Horner's deed to same 1686, 337; with wife Rachel, to bro. Adam Wright, 1686, 337; with wife to Rob. Townsend, 1686, 367; to John Townsend,1686,435;toJohnFry,1690, 543; assig. deed (3d assig.) to John Dewsbury,1690,586;toThos.andRich. GREENWICH,R. I.,208,515,665. GRANTS,C.ofA.directstheybebrought in to be renewed, or they will be void, 669. GRAPEVINESwamp,the,428. GRIFFITH,Edward,ofLondon,mort- gage fr. Geo. Dennis, satisfied, 163-5; mortgagefr.Edw.White,165. GRINDLESTONE, grindstone, John Tompson's, 208. GRISTMill,(seeMill). GUARDIAN, app. for Sarah Reddough, 224. GUERNEY,theship,39. GUT,the,where the tide ebbs and flows toMk.,523;(seeGreatGut). G U W A R O W (Indian), 687. HADLOCK,James, 276, 516, 517, 605. HAFF, Jacob, deed to Peter Hageman, 552, yeoman, 552. HAGEMAN,Peter,deed fr.Jacob Haff, 552; yeoman, 552. HALF NECK, in Hempstead, 521, 595. HALL,William,108. Index HALSTEAD,Holsteed,Jonas,aids widow Crocker, 4; t. g., 7; deed to Rich. Harker, 16; to same, 36; £6 due him, 1667, for rent of Fort Neck, 204; deed to John Townsend, 582; Constable, 27; ment., 19, 26, 27, 41, 59, 73, 123, 542, 610. 729 H A R V E Y , Harvy, Harvie, Franklin, 277. Matthias, t. g., 7; deed fr. Mark and Avis Meggs, 32; t. g., 35; Town Clerk, 49, 73, 75, 80, 82, 84-6, 96, 223; deed to Dan. Coles, 67; quit claim fr. same, 68;deedfr.Wm.Frost,71;withFran- cis Weeks to lay out lots, 79; t. g., Joseph, t. g., 11; deed to Gideon 100; Surveyor, 119, 208; exch. with Wright, 27; ment. 26, 47, 59, 60, 614. Sam. Andrews, 126; deed to Jos. Dick- HARBOR, the, shipping that enters, 8; inson, 126; t. g., 130; on arbitration ment., 260. com.137,138;Recorder,208;t.g.,208, HARBOR HILL,629. 209; Overseer, 210, 225; pl. vs. Dan. Blyeth, 213; t. g., 216; on com.to lay HARCOTT, Harcutt, Harkote, Harker, out south necks, 218; t. g., 218; pl. vs. Harcurt, Harkors, (other variants OC- Jos. Ludlam, 223; pl. vs. W m . Hudson, cur. Original possibly Harcourt), 223; chosen Town Clerk, 1673, 223; Daniel, deed fr. father, Richard, 123; pl. US. John Tompson, 224; pl. vs. t. g., 130; assig. same to Thos. Town- John Gates, 228; Constable, 230; with send,131;t.g.,262;deedtoEph.Car- Nath. Coles, t. g., 259; deed to Isaac penter, 386; to Rob. Cooper, 610; ment., Horner,281;t.g.,352;ment.,4,20,22, 232, 259, 276, 691. 27, 29, 33, 37, 42, 43, 47-50, 52, 53, 55- Meryam, Miriam, (wife of Rich. and 7, 60, 61, 66-71, 74, 75, 77-9, 87, widow of Sam. Forman), aff. re John 90, 91, 93, 98, 104, 107, 110-13, 119, Townsend's land, 195; signs husband's 123, 128, 129, 133, 135-7, 143, 144, deed,279,375;inMk.purchaseinbe- 146, 157, 163, 205, 208, 209, 211, 220, half of children, 333. 221, 223, 232, 235, 238, 241, 247, 249, Richard, t. g., 9; deed fr. Jonas Hal- 250, 262, 270, 272, 295, 297, 302, 341, stead, 16; deed to Sam. Weeks, 33; fr. 389, 405, 610, 632, 642. JonasHalstead,36;fr.MarkMeggs,36; HARVEY'SSPRING,297. t.g.,56;deedtoJohnTompson,59;to HATTER, John Wright, 248. Matt. Priar, 69; to Rich. Latting, 73; H A T S , sight draft to pay for, 248. t.g.,78;deedtoJohnUnderhill,79; HAVENS,HenryP.,657. t. 8, 100; deed to Geo. Dennis, 108; HAWKINS, John, loses portion of land fr. Thos. Townsend, 122; to son Dan. in arbitration, 1766, 652. 123;oncom.reHogIslandkeeper,123; Mary, m . John Whitacer, 237. t.g.,130;deedfr.MarkMeggs,200; HAWXHURST,Hauxhurst,Hoackshurst, Surveyor, 202; t. g., 203; Overseer, 203; Christopher, in agreement to divide mea- t. g., 206, 209; Constable, 210; fence dow,116;t.g.,130;assig.sametoThos. viewer, 210; pl. vs Moses Forman and Townsend, 131; Indian deed, 153; assig. counter suit by same, 217; t. g., 217; of Jacob Youngs' deed fr. neph. Nath. oncom.tolayoutsouthnecks,217;pl. Coles,177;horsedistrainedforTown vsRich.Latting,220;oncom.reHunt- rates,235;ment.,32,78,89,154,173, ington line, 222; def. vs John Bird, 226; 429, 526, 555, 629. on com. re Hog Island, 227; Highway Mary, m . Geo. Townsend, 271; ment., inspector,231;deedtosoninlaw,Thos. 88, 89. Youngs, 300; Town patentee, 307; in Samson, assig. Jos. Dickinson's deed Mk.purchase,333;t.g.,352,353;with toDavidUnderhill,313;deedtoJohn wife, deed to John, Caleb and Edmond Wright,and John "Mill" Townsend,374; deed fr.Thos.Gatchell,424;assig.same toThos.Youngs,426;toWm.Frost, 620; ment., 31, 41, 55, 60, 63, 69, 79, 98, 101, 107, 126, 166, 211, 213, 214, 219, 220, 226, 232, 236, 241, 244, 246, 249, 251-3, 261, 262, 265, 268, 270, 277, 288, 293, 295-7, 343, 359, 384, 386, 387, 415, 453, 506, 560, 578, 593, 610, 612, 691. HARNET,Jonathan,595. HARRISON,Isaiah,assig.ofJohn Davis' deed,by John Wright, 532. John, 487. HART,Thomas,withLatimerSampson, draft on Jas. Loyd by Nich. Simkins, for disbursements on their land, 112; of London, 1681, deeds by atty, all his claims to Simon Cooper, 142; his attys. John Bowne and Rob. Story, agree with Jas.Loyd,reHorseNeck,etc.,190;Rob. Story receipts to Jas. Loyd for pay, 191; with Latimer Sampson, quit claim by Nath. Sylvester of his share in part- nership, 192; of Barbadoes, 1667, with Nath. Sylvester and Latimer Sampson, patent for Horse Neck, etc., 693; ment., 118, 192. William, pl. vs John Rogers, 231. Pratt, Jr., 555; to Jos. Dickinson, 561; to David Underhill, 579; fr. Adam Wright 579;fr.Jos.Dickinson,581;son inlawofJohnTownsend,601;ment., 408, 535, 578. William, in M k . purchase, 476; et al deed fr. John Feke, 501; confirms bros.' deed, 558; again, 562; ment., 408, 691. HAYSEED,to be sown on common,1660, 2. HEALTH, Inhabitants reported sickly, 1683, 691. HEATH , John, 488. HEATHEN,IndianssocalledbyC.ofA., but their testimony allowed in liquor cases, 669. HEMPSTEAD,path,5;Highwayto,7; letter to men of, re mowing disputed meadows,9;line dispute,9;Jonas Holds- worth, clerk of, 24; John James, Clerk of, 24; General Court at, 33; deputies of Towns to be sent there to make laws, 40; pretensions to central plains, 107; agreement as to line, 107; Rob. Williams' tree a point in line, 107; ex- tracts fr. records of, 246; agreement as to line with Rob. Williams, 272; com. to define line, 274; agreement re line, 309; again, before Gov., 356; joint com. to run line, 357; letter fr. Town Clerk of,reline,356;patent,624;records of, 730 HEMPSTEAD HIGHWAYS 624; - Continued cart path - Continued Highway fr.,to Huntington 261;old nearSam.Andrews ordeCr.landfr. re claims ; M. ,626 129 cartway,266; 'mill, 258 to, , 630;Gov., to ;Isaac promulgated Highway Doughty's Indianfootpath, Carpenter to at, 1664 to 650; laws path, 285; fr , Gov. signed by , 662; address to near the the Cove, 640 . Jos. Meeting deputies at wood edge, ; footpath at, 669, 693; , 669; Gen. 582;on Unqua 674; Gen. Assembly Gen. Court of at , 676 at, HINeck LL ,astoO.B. ;disclaimer ,,S3a5m2uel . Andrew's,258 Harbor east land HIL CKSMAN HINLMAN . to part bounder , 674; Hempstead ofMk.land ,677;claim of , Josiah , John ,132 , d . eedtoJohn Dick- John , letter fr. Gov. of, HOBIE 23,24 Underhill to inson, ,30,47, on,695;me HOG ,162 ISLAND, of Greenwich John . 120, 203, 224, 109, 111, , 75,77,80, nt., 3, 21 Island , Hog Neck, , 208. 393, 228, 307, 119, ),sold,1639 (now Centre 398, 412, 469, 310, 331, 392, toMatt. ,byEarl Sunderland of Stirling 521, 569, 592 470, 483, 516, for,to ,224;Dutch , , 625, 626, 629 519- Govert Lockerman patent 682; (see , 630, 679, Harbor, also Highways 694; sale by et al, 1659, east bounder ). agreement them to Town, of Hempstead 227; shareswith 1665, 297 677; ment 528, 529 357, 519, , to lay , 100, 72, 123 laid okuetepers, ; .,107 ,624 out remainder 295,296, 210, ,135, ,629, 282,307,633, 635 removed ,227;cattle;com. 309,356, , from, 202, to be 248; pasture l2a7t0ions , 2 ,9 7 2;10; regu- 10 fyenacres a,g2r2e0ement , 222, of248 ow,n2e4r9s, , HERMITAGE 643 . HEWLETT , (see Armitage). , William HICKS 692 ,. M., Abigail , 657 . 270 , 36 ,44,47 65 ,16 53, ,67, ,19 54, ; ment. 49, 50, 176 , 126, 30, 32, 60, 73-7, 104 , 27, 28, 56, 59, ,202,276, 143,167, 33, 341, 281, 292, 311 170, 343, 354 , 327, 409, 415 , 374, , 365, 367 334, , 418, 384, 403, 441, 449 421-3, 429, 434 504 , 450, 453, 455 , 439, , 554, 567, 568 , 456, 488, 501 , 574, 624, 670 , , 694. Benjamin , 409 . Isaac, 409, John, , (Capt. , 485, Thomas 480, 483 son and , 695. to John . 111, 674), deed 489, 595 John Mitchell Robin- , 111; ment., 21 , 283, 284, 409 HIGHWAYS . Whitehead , (general be cut , 677. ), trees except in not to laidoutby byabutting HOG NECK ). (See Highways HOGS ,(seeHog scription First purchasers owner, 6; , (see also Island). of, 692 ; to , 1653, de- Pork), prices cost, 235; two be cleared at local HOLBROOK of 69, 83. , 55, , Richard 68, and cutting days set for brush mending HOLDShiWsOtRheTH 671; , in First p direction in, 217 ; width first urchase , of several and , Johnoausse built , Town, 582, 692 Clerk of sweivdetrhal , ordered, 1669, 211 ,fi6xedrods ; Hempstead abandoned ,262wide ; 5, HOLSTEAD 24; HOPKINS , ment , with ro1d4s9,w2i1d1e conditions ,257 264, ;2o5n8e; , (see , Daniel ,deed ). Halstead ., 40. abandoned ,243; another fr. Rob. Feke, Inspectors, 256; cartway chosen,1677 easement,267 484; yeoman, 484. chosen, , 231; ; 273; Littleworth Overseers Ichabod, Thomas patentees letter fr , k6e4e7.per of al- .sons Hog at ProvidenceIsland, 227; lowed to order their own, re his est., ment.,7 70,91,92 58,60,63, 238, 239; 289, 294; settlement 108, , 18, , 94, 113-6, 40,41, 100,101 294, , Thomas 295,Jr., of est., 289, 290 , 140 ,123 ,52 118, 45, 46 , 106, , 143, 147 , 133,,56- 119 ,51 305.letter fr. re father's , 149-55, 157 136- 197 175, , 160, , 159 290, 294 est. William 305; ment , 164, 200 179-81 , letter fr ., 656. 169, 201 , 183-86 .re father's 215, 173,,204, 206-9, , 216, 211 HO29R4N,ER est.290, 221-3 , 212 238,239, ,232,234 , 228 . wife .,I6n5d6ian 305,; Isaac ment, ,Lydia, . deed,146 296, 247, 258-62, 266 , 235, deed fr. her ; with 305, 313, 314, , 281, 282, Crabb, 200; t mother, Alice 355,365, 318,322,330 371, 374, , 346, void,237; .g.,forfulling 409, 410, 375, 380, 385 ing, 241; horse distrained mill, , 401, trial by for not 237; train- 474, 475, 418, 425, 438, 444, 447 bought by candle, 242 477, 501, John Rogers ; horse 573, 578, 522, 533, 535 , 450, 581, 597, 614, , 571- with bill and given 637,639,645, fr. Matt of sale, 241; back Harvey,281 t.g.,254;deed 653(.particular (See St)re,ets Jos. ; assig Ludlam, ,ofdeed 1663,6; so)u.thofSagamore Hill, toEliezar 303;withwife by head on Hog Island Job Derby, Lydia,deed of dock, 231 , 100, 296; over Wright, 317; with wife dock, 262 ; 21⁄2 rods wide Wright 319; with wife , to ; over to the to the , 325; with , to John B. to the beach, 241; 473; to Lusum Farms, O. John Wright, wife, mortgage, 346 344; deed to , 287; O. 264;to Jericho ; assig. toJohn Rogers, B.,to,, deed , 430 Ludlam Matt. Harvey's M. C. deed by . of Sam. 457; assig toJos. Jos.Ludlam Andrew's ,585 ;assig.same to path,O. B. 688; 147, to Mk 99, 586, 604;to Hempstead 148, .,590 249,540, 542 261, ;to 273, Huntington , 633, 646 ,648, worth 428, 577, , 118 , , 3 0 4 , 4 7 9 ; M . 612; , 226 t o L i t t l e -, C. to Plains, 286, Job Wright new ;on trustee , 586 app. removing in his to N. J. p l a c e b y Q u a k e r 287, 331, 483, 359, 509, 401; to 528, 529; Lusum to Hempstead 337, , 336, to 647,648 646, Huntington, 650 ,519 478, ,647 Mk ; to , Lydia 572, , 590 with, 691 bury, 551 ; Jerich.o, 494, 526 husband . , 552; Hempstead to West-; Alice Crabb ,deedfr.mother ton, 23, 626; South , 200; signs husband's , Street (not to Hunting- HORSE3S20, 345; 319, deed, named), , exchangmednt., 499, colored, 122; for 560. land,3;mouse distrainedforrates,235 : 585; Beaver Swamp 604 ; Cedar Swamp,4 rods wide, Hollow,288 266, ; Old M1 e7 e5 t i n g , 182,,69158;6,me18n8t 276, 297 ,,210520,160 ,.,119492 , 298 , 309, 381 4, 248,21765 , 418, 443, 447 , Index Index 731 HORSES-Continued HUNTINGTON-Continued distrained for not training, 241; sold 226, 257-62, 299, 349, 428, 595, 624, by"inchofcandle,"242;asconsid.in 626,629,656,693(seealsoHighways). deed, 3, 8, 25, 32, 575, 579; excepted in list of acceptable commodities, 128; prices of, 68; price greatly reduced, 662;menaccusedofstealing,butcleared by t. m., 274; breed on L. I. deterior- ated, improvement sought by C. of A., 660; C. of A. prohibits L. I. Indians HUSBANDMEN (seealsoYeomen),Jonas Halstead, 16; Rich. Harker, 16; Rob. Forman, 24; Moses Forman, 25; Sam. Forman, 25; Jos. Halstead, 27; Jas. Cock, 29; Thos. Powell, 55; John Dyer, 80; Rich. Latting, 80; Jos. Croker, 115; John Rogers, 145; Nich. Simkins, 156; owning, heavy penalty for selling to HYDE,William,656. them, 659; rates for, to continue, 665; to be brought before Constable for INDIANS,sellingliquorto,forbidden,2; branding, 666; number of breeding mares limited, 666. gone to war, when needed to settle Hempstead line dispute, 9; com.to pur- HORSE NECK (later Loyd's, Lloyd's, chase Mk.lands of,12,235;excluded Neck), early titles to, 624; John Rich- fr. bounty for wolves, 236, 254; unsold bell proves title to, 1664, 693; sale fr. land of to be purchased, 113; pay for M k . land to be distributed by Suscane- latter to Nath. Sylvester, Thos. Hart and Latimer Sampson, 1666, 143, 693; man yearly, to all Indians, 182; state- ment of Suscaneman and Werah as to their patent for, 693; exemption fr. their successors in selling land, 267; training, 693; to be a part of O. B., 19, 694; deeded to Jas. Loyd by ex. of deeds fr., sent in to Gov. for record, Nath. Sylvester, 188, 190, agreement 271; agreement of Mk. Indians as to as to division of, 190; Thos. Hart deeds two chiefs to sign future deeds, 283; m. of Indian woman Jane to Henry all claims to Simon Cooper, 142; reason for change of name, 188; transferred Bell, 313; their gift of land to same, to Huntington, 1886, 188. 313; part of Narragansett nation, 313; HORSE Stealing, prominent Townsmen deedforallunsoldlandof,atMk.,331; accused of, but cleared by t. m ., 274. 9chiefssellWestNeck,357-9;giveland HOUSE, first in O. B. built by Rich. for friendship, typical cases 401, 545; Holbrook, 582, 692. patent to, fr. Gov. Dongan, 519; sale of south beaches and necks, formerly H O W E , "Old," his landing, in Hemp- stead, 624. made by Opesum nullified by his father HOWLEY,Robert,158,159. Tackapoucha et al, 520; confirm. of M. HUBBARD, Hubbart, (later Hobart), C. patents, 635, 636; C. of A. prohibits Benjamin, aids widow Crocker, 4; t. g., with heavy penalty, selling horses to, 7; exch. with Rob. Forman, 26; deed 659; selling liquor to, 664, 669, selling ammunition to, 664, trading at their fr.Nich.Wright,31;t.g.,35;deedto Josias Latting, with possession after plantations, 664; C. of A. directs all former's death, 54; exch. with Rich. canoes of, on north side of L. I., to be seized, 1675, owing to disturbance to Latting, 75; t. g., 209; pl. vs. Rich. eastward, 664; directs that those at John Latting, 215; t. g., 218; fence viewer, Pell's on Ann Hooks Neck be ordered 225; ment., 20, 41, 57, 65, 74, 77, 81, to remove to winter quarters at Hell- 82, 84-6, 92, 95, 105, 106, 108, 162, gate, 665; directs that those on L. I. 166, 167, 256, 269, 272, 374, 423, 450, be allowed no intercourse with those 490, 582, 591, 592. Joseph, 31. ontheMain,665;directsratelevied,in Josiah, 246, 247. case of war with, 666; directs Magis- HUCKLEBERRY POINT, 7, 114, 230, trates to do justice to, 667; calls them 523. heathen, but allows their testimony in liquor cases, 669; First purchase deed HUDSON,Hutson,William,assig.ofJohn from,670;dissatisfiedatdelayinpay- Dyer's deed by Rich. Latting, 80; quit ment and how paid, 692; massacre at claims John Dyer's right "given by my Fort Neck, 1653, 676; of Massapequa, father Latting to John Robbins, but re- 595, 675; amity between settlers and cordedmine,"82;inagreeemnttodivide (see preface); friendly spirit of, some meadow, 116; t. g., 130; Indian deed, gratuity to them advised, 678; friendly 139; another, 151; deed to Aaron For- to settlers,695;letter re fr.Gov. Nicolls man, Jr., 194; def. vs Matt. Harvey, to John Underhill, 695; genealogy of, 213; pl. vs. Rich. Latting, 223, 224; and heirship of unsold lands, 267; field, Overseer, 230; deed to Josias Latting, the old, 5, 528, 529; lad, sold as slave, 238;t.g.,353;ment.,117,139,172,182, 107;leasefrom,500yearsforayearly 246, 272, 293, 629, 691. peck of apples, 530; deeds from, 11, 80, HUNTINGTON,linedetermined,30,31; 89, 112, 129, 135-40, 146-8, 150- patent, 675; patent, not to infringe or 156, 172-4, 182-6, 197, 277, 280, crossO.B.,40;warningto,toforbear 282,283,285,286,288,292,293,301, mowingourneck,49;landindeededby 304,305,313,314,328,329,331,334, Rich. Latting, Sr., to son, Josias, 76; same deeded by Josias and Sarah Latting to John Robbins, 76; app. of delegates to assemble at, 1681, re "just liberties eclipsed," 245; extract fr. records of, 245-7,675,694;line,joint com.to settle, 222, 307; com. to defend, 274; dispute, 674-7; suit of John Richbell against, re Horse Neck, 693; ment., 5, 38, 40, 47, 55, 56, 118, 148, 166, 193, 207, 211, 339, 347, 349, 350, 351, 354, 355, 357- 359, 370, 401, 472, 474, 477, 478, 494, 502, 509, 520, 527, 529, 595, 604, 623, 625,636,670,675,676,681-83,685,692; ment.,23,24,79,80,89,131,623,625-30, 635, 660, 670, 675-8, 681-6, 692; see individuals under the following: Absalom,Aseton,Assiapum,Asur,Arum- pas, Chagechagon, Chickenoe, Chippie, Chepeyconaws, Congemow, Coniume- 732 Index INDIANS-Continued JONES-Continued Kanick,Georgacuran,Guwarow,Joseph, John,t.g.,233;ment.,130,132,150, Josias, Kachpoher, Katanome, Ketach- 232. quawars, Mame Escoe, Mannittung, Morgan,432. Manockeamicoke, Mashacur, Matares, Thomas, assig. by father in law, of Mattacaman, Mechowodt, Merock Nim- his share of south purchase, 677; assig. rod, Mohenes, Mungo Cockran, Nama- same to dau. Freelove, 677. morrouas,Nassaconset,Neeck-Coe,Ne- JOSEPH,(Indian),340. ponhew,Nimhai,Nothe,Nyounckanup, JOSIAS,(Indian,seeGrantors). Ogro,Opsaaum,Oraway,Pamelaci,Pame- JURYMEN,paymentof,arrangedbyC. tamak, Pamun, Pathunk, Pechegin, Per- of A., 669. awes,Piscamoc,Pocipupon,Ponannegan, JURYS, empanelling of, for C. of Scs- Pugnipan,Quakanuske,Quarachche,Quar- sions,667;forC.ofA.,667. apin,Ramerock Drummer,Rasaocume, JUSTICE'SCourt,entriesof,inOldBook Riancomband,Roger,Rohussah,Runa- A,nottranscribedintoNewA,14;(see suck, Secahconick, Samonce, Samos, Sashamosse, Sawmes, Schy-guy, Seahor, Shewo-Nonnick, Shoskene, Soskecock, Surrockainge, Suscaneman, Swoname, Tackapoucha, Thomb, Wattewochkeouw, Waumihas, Werah, Wetafasson, Wiam- daneh,Wompatan,Wow-house,(seealso Interpreters). INDIAN FIELD,the (see Old Planting Field). INDENTURE, of apprentice, Hallelujah Fisher, on removal to Maryland, ratifies transfer of, 17; Thos. Miller, settlement of, with John Fekes, 161. INFORMERS,large fees for,fixed by C. ofA.,659. INN (see Ordinary and Tavern). INN-KEEPERS, Thos. Townsend, 237; Caleb Wright, 268. INTERPRETERS, Adam Wright, 286; Rob. Williams, 686. INTESTATE estates, Rich Townsend, 61; Sam. Mayo, 63; John Townsend, 583; widow Johanna Forman, 68; Sam. For- man,252. INVENTORY, of Dan. Blyeth's est., 55; of widow Forman's est., 68; of Sam. Forman's est.,251. IRELAND, Ierland, Thomas, ment. as having claim on Mark Meggs land, 1666, 27; his lot, 36. ISLAND Swamp river, 152. JACKSON, family, their ownership of south beaches, 630. John, 270, 454, 571. Robert, 107, 356. Town Court). JUSTICES of the Peace (not elected), the following ment., Nath. Coles; John Pell; W m . Richardson (in Westchester Co.), David Seaman, (1742); John Townsend, Sr., Penn Townsend; Thos. Townsend;Dan.Whitehead;Ben.Wool. sey; Nich. Wright. KABLE,Thomas,409. KACHPOHER,joins Mechowodt,in deed to Dutch, 1639, 623. KATARROME,signsconfirm.deed,284. KECHAM (seeKetcham). KEEPERS,of Hog Island,which see. KELENWORTH, (see Killingworth). KELLAM,Cellam,Robert,deed fr.Hope Williams, 148; Indian deed, 595; Cord- winder, 595. KETACHQUAWARS, joins Mechowodt, in deed to Dutch, 623. KETCHAM,Kecham,John,aff.re south meadows, 675; ment., 80. Samuel, deed fr. Sam Andrews, 299; ment., 90, 278. KILLBUCK SWAMP, 639. KILLING time, payment to be made at, 251; (see Slaughter). KILLINGWORTH, origin of name, 678; approved by Gov., 678; ment., 32, 50, 58, 59, 69-71, 78-80, 82, 88, 89, 96. 117, 128, 132, 141, 142, 235, 629, 677, 681, 682, 684; (see also Highways). KING,his name not being mentioned in warrant, latter not accepted, 217. KIPP,THOMAS,656. KIRBY, Cirby, Cerby, Daniel, 656. Elizabeth, 306. JAGER,John,of Stamford,183. Richard,withWm.Thornycraft,assig. JAMAICA,200,219,244,267,268,326, Thos.Townsend'sdeedtoJohnFrost, 679. 93; with W m . Thornycraft, deed fr. "JAMES,THE," ship,628. Thos.Townsend,95;assig.sametoJohn JAMES,John,Town Clerk of Hempstead, Frost, 96; t. g., 130; assig. same to 24. Thos. Townsend, 131; receipt fr. Nich. JANSEN,Maurits,624. SimkinsforLittleworthland,269;with JARVISS,Stephen,158,159. Geo. Downing, assig. Indian deed to JENKES,Joseph,306. Rob.Coles,283;inMk.purchase,333; JENKINS,David,120. ment.,239,246,289,290,294,306,309, JERICHO,23,276,430,462,473,484, 550, 551, 569, 604, 608, 609; Hollows, 51; plains, 593; (see Highways). JERUSALEM,in Hempstead,469,592. JERUSALEM,N. J.,577. JESUP,Jessup,Mary,widow,deedfr. Sam.and Mary Andrews,317. JOHNSON, William, 349. JOINERS,Wm.Wilson,145;John Rob- inson, 228, (see also Carpenters). J O N E S , family, their ownership of south beaches, 630. David, 499, 550, 554. Freelove, assig. deed fr. father, Thos. Jones, 677. 466,630,635,636,691. KNIGHT,John,689. LANE,Simon,16,24,25,28,37,55,214, 572. LARKIN,James,receiptforquitrent, 285. LATTING, Latten, Latin, Latine, Han- nah,assig.oflandbyfather,Rich.Lat- ting, 73; former wife of John Davis, 101, 394, (see Davis). Josias, deed fr. Benj. Hubbard, with possession after latter's death, 54; assig. of land, by father, Richard, 73; assig. of Rich. Harcut's deed, by father, 74; Index 733 LATTING- Continued LEE,Joseph,deputy sheriff,executionby, assig. of Jos. Weeks' deed, by father, 251. 75; with wife Sarah, deed to John Peter, 401. Robbins, land in Huntington, 76; deed LEETE, Lette, William, Gov. of Conn., 245. fr. father, 76; deed to W m . Buckler, 91; wife confirms same, 92; sells "by L E V E R I C H , Leveridge, Levereth, Eleazer, turf and twig" to W m . Buckler, 96; deed to Nich. Simkins, 40; ment., 538, assig. of Rich. Painter's deed, by father, 575. 78; t. g., 100; on com. re Hog Island William (Rev.) with Peter Wright and keeper, 123-5; t. g., 130; Indian deed, Sam.Mayo,Firstpurchasers,1653,670; 135; another, 138; another, 139; deed to protest of Dutch against his settlement, John Wright, 140; deed fr. same, 141; 671; statement re First purchase, 356; Indian deed, 150; with father, deed to ment., 1, 40, 355, 628, 629, 692. Sam.Andrews,166;etalconfirm.fr. LIBERTY,civilandreligious,"eclipsed," W m . and Jos. Croker, 168; t. g., 204, 245; assembly of L. I. Towns regarding, 206;t.g.next his father,Nich.Wright, 2 4 5 , 2 4 6 ; s t r u g g l e f o r , b y L . I. T o w n s , 207; def. vs Sam. Forman, 213; Over- 679; address to Dutch concerning, 679; seer, 225; t. g., 228; deed fr. W m . Hud- addresstoEnglish,rewar,680;address son, 238; with Caleb, John and Edmond re oaths, 680; scruples of divers Towns- Wright, t. g., 256; t. g., 260; Collector, mentomaintainingaminister,679;con- 268; exch. with John Rogers, 269; In- ceded by Dutch, 1673, 680; C. of A. dian deed, 292; exch. with John Pratt, directs a double rate for maintenance 292; in Mk. purchase, 333; Town pat- of ministers, 1675, 666; (see Vol. II). entee,307;t.g.,353;in Mk.purchase, LIQUOR, sale to Indians forbidden, 2, 476;deedtoEdmondWright,490;assig. 664, 669; not to be retailed by quart, Indian deed fr. Edmund Wright, 494; pint or half pint, 237; Indians' testi- another assig. fr. same, 495; assig. deed mony allowed by C. of A. in prosecu. (2d assig.) fr. Edmund Wright, 496; tions against selling to Indians, 669; deed fr.Edw.White,497;deed to same (see also Rum and Ordinary). ment.,497;ment.,55,63,152,164,167, LILLYSTONE,Lillestone,Lillistone,Ann, 178, 221, 226, 227, 231, 232, 241, 246, pre-nupt. deed fr. Thos. Armitage, 7; 248, 249, 265, 270, 295, 297, 365, 394, ment., 591. 407, 409, 410, 450-2, 544, 548, 616, LINES, Lynes, (?Loines or Lyon), Ann, 178. 691, 697. Mary,55,213. Williamabouttom.widowAnnColes, Richard, deed fr. Ann Crocker, 5; in 178; deed fr. Derick Albertson, 584; suit vs Mark Meggs, 19; deed fr. Rich. ment., 619, 620. Painter, 20; his lot ment., 40; fr. Thos. LION, Lyon, (see also Lines), Elhanan, Francis, 47; life lease fr. Benj. Hub- 448. bard, 52; assig. Thos. Francis' deed to son Josias, dau. Hannah and John Rob- LIST, of Dan. Blyeth's creditors, 55; of Hog Island division, 1676, 100; of those bins, 73; deed fr. Rich. Harcott, 73; having rights on Unqua Neck,1678,130; assig. same to son Josias, 74; deed to of Townsmen, 1671, 217, 218; of Free- same,76;deed fr.Jos.Weeks,74;exch. holders, 1677, 232; of estates in Town, with Benj. Hubbard, 75; assig. Jos. 1683, 691. Weeks' deed to son Josias, 75; deed fr. LITTLE ISLAND,aneckonMk.,(per- Rich. Painter, 77; assig. same to son Jo- haps Anthony's Island), 112, 145, 397, sias, 78; deed fr. John Dyer, 80; assig. 399, 580. sametoWm.Hudson,80;assig.ofIndian deed, fr. John Dyer, 81; assig. of Thos. LITTLE NECK, between Latting's and Francis' deed, fr. John Dyer, 82; deed Unqua Necks, 218, 298; the, between to dau. Hannah Davis, ment., 138; with Fort and West Necks, 217; sold by In- son Josias, deed to Sam. Andrews, 166; dians to John Townsend, Śr., 370; laid et al, confirm. fr. W m . and Jos. Croker, out, 349; ment., 388. 168; deed fr. Rich. Painter, to be re- LITTLE NECK BAY,623,624. corded, 202; pl. vs Henry Soper, 211; LITTLE PLAINS, 597. protestagainstt.c.,213;def.vsBen. LITTLEWORTH, (see also Newwork), Hubbard,215;def.vsWm.Hudson,223, included in Indian deed for M. C., 630; 224; def. vs John Robbins, 223, 224; purchased by 4 props., 630; patent for ment., 41, 139, 140, 194, 214, 215, 375, 394, 407. Sarah, nee Wright, 76; signs deed of husband, Josias, 49, 392, 495, 496; con- firms his deed, 92. LATTING'S NÉCK, Latten's, Latine's, 100, 199, 218, 276, 298, 498, 501, 521, 593, 607. LATTING'S SPRING,296,450. LAUGHTON, Laughtone, (see Lawton). LAWRENCE,Lawrens,William,Scoute, confirmed by M. C. prop., 636; line, 646; ment., 269, 276, 280, 289, 302, 304, 306, 536; (see Highways). LIVERY of seisin (see seisin). LOCKERMAN,Loockermans,Govert,with Jacob Becker and Cornelis van Ruyven, patent fr. Gov. Stuyvesant for Hog Is- land, 1659, 694; with same, deeds it to Town,1665,297;ment.,624. LOCKRAM,as consid.in deed,350. LOCKWOOD,Gershom,m.widowEliz. 89. Wright, 515; ment., 241. LAWTON,Laughton,John,11,86,162, LOINES,(seeLinesandLion). 354. LONGMEAD,Longmed,John,158. LEASE,life,byBen.Hubbard,toRich. LONGtenure,ofland,byCockfamily, Latting, 52; seven year, Rob. Godfrey 686. to Isaac Doughty and W m . Croker, 161 LOUNSBERRY,Richard,608. five hundred year, Indians, at annual LOVELACE,Loveland,Col. Francis,High quitrentofonepeckofapples,530. Sheriff,680;givessheriff'sdeedofMaj. 734 LOVELACE-Continued Gotherson's lots to Matt. Pryer, 684; Gov. 520. Thomas, Judge of Assizes, t. m ., held by his order, 221; ment., 685. L O Y D , Grissel, wife of Jas., 188. James, sight draft on, fr. Nich. Sim- kins for disbursements on Sampson and Harts'land,112;deedfr.fatherinlaw, Nath. Sylvester, Horse Neck, 188-90; agreement with John Bowne and Rob. Index MAOMIE (seeMame),with2others,deed to Thos. Weeks, 472. MAP, draught of Town limits sent to Secy. Nicolls, for recording patent, 40: of Town (at end of this volume). MARCEAR,452. MARKET,Yearly,C.ofA.directs,tobe kept at Brooklyn and in N. Y., 666. MARKS,Bookof,91,(seepreface);Rec- order of, 91; horses to be brought be- fore Constable for branding, 665; those Story re Horse Neck, etc., 190; receipt unmarked to be forfeited, 665, 666. fr. Rob. Story, 191, 192; promise of MAROSSEPINCK, L. I., 623. Nath. Sylvester, Sr., to deed back MARRIAGES,those in Old Book A not Horse Neck, etc., previously assig. to same, 192; ment., 143. LOYDS,Lloyds,Neck,(seeHorseNeck). L U D L A M , Ludlum, Elizabeth, signs hus- band's deed, 390. Joseph,deed fr.Adam Wright,30;fr. Thos. Powell as atty, for Thos. Mat- thews,56;fr.Thos.Townsend,57;with W m . Buckler, bond to attys. of John Tompson, 83; another, 84; t. g., 130; deed fr. Sam. Andrews, 170; assig. Alice Crabb's deed, fr. Adam Wright, 202; t. g., 204; relieved of condition of t.g.,bybuildingonlotpurchased,217; def. vs Matt. Harvey, 223; t. g., 234; def. vs Andrew Gibb, 235; Overseer, 253, 265; deed to Jos. Dickinson, 277; deed fr. Thos. Townsend, 298; assig. s a m e t o T h o s ., H o p e a n d R i c h . W i l l i t s , 299; assig. deed to Isaac Horner, 303; t. g., 353; with wife Eliz., deed to W m . Frost, 389; deed to John, Edmond and W m . Wright, 423; to John Town- send, 440; fr. Sam. Andrews, 448; fr. John Pratt, 449; deed to same ment. 450; fr. John Townsend, 452; fr. Anth. Wright, 453; fr. Sam. Burdsall, 455; fr.Anth.Wright,456;assig.ofMatt. Harvey's deed fr. Isaac Horner, 457; fr.Nath.Coles,567;fr.Sam.and Mary Andrews, 585; assig. same to Isaac Hor- ner, 585; Cooper, 585; ment., 30, 108, 140, 164, 232, 247, 249, 276, 278, 339, 365, 380, 384, 404, 405, 439, 471, 538, 691. L U N N , John, 551. LUSUM (aliastheFarms,laterJericho), Rob.Williams'agreement with Town re settling6familiesat,168;ment.,45,47, 51,61,87,88,93,98,110,118,133,134, 136, 148, 160, 166, 180, 187, 195, 216, 226, 239, 241, 264, 273, 287, 301, 317, 333, 338, 345, 360, 363, 365, 370, 372, 373, 376-379, 401, 418, 435, 457-61, 486, 536, 540, 550, 569, 573, 582, 606, 607. (see Highways). LYNN,Mass.,625. LYON,(seeLionandLines). MAPES,Mabbes,Thomas,38. MACOUNE,Samuel,313,549,696. MADNAN'S NECK, 111, 326, 398, 463, 483. MAGISTRATES, (see Justices). MAME ESCO, Mamme, (see Maomie), signs confirm. deed, 1685, 284; with others, deed for West Neck, to John Townsend, Sr., Job Wright and Isaac Doughty, 357-9. MANNING, Capt. John, High Sheriff, t. m ., held, 1672, by order of, 221. transcribed in New A, 14; C. of A. directs that laws concerning, be rigidly enforced, 660; C. of A. interprets law regarding, 669; legal age for, 669; Hen- ry Bell and Jane (Indian), 268: Eph. Carpenter and Susannah England, 235; Jos. Carpenter and Mary 654; Nath.Coles,and - 652;Rob.Coles and Mercy Wright, 652; Tamar Coles andNath.Carpenter,652;GershomLock- wood and Eliz. Wright, 515; Geo. Townsend and Mary Hawxhurst, 271; Geo. Townsend and Roseannah Coles, 604; Jas. Townsend and Jane Reddough, 234; Penn Townsend and Esther 606;Rich.Udall,Jr.,and Deborah Pow- ell cert., 656; Sam Underhill and Han- nah Willits, 604; Geo. Valentine and Mary Frost, cert., 657; John Whitacer and Mary Hawkins, 237. MARSHALL,feesof,fixed,byt.c.,223. MARTIN GERRITSEN'S BAY (see Gerritsen.) MARTING, Martin, Thomas, deed fr. Moses Forman, 49; disclaims same, 68: ment., 75, 93, 96, 214. MASHACUR, (Indian), 626. MASSAPEQUA,Massapage,Massepeago, sale of land at, by Opesum, nullified by his father, Tackapoucha et al, 520; Thos. Townsend disclaims rights in same, 521; ment., 349, 350, 351; purchase of Mea- dows on, 1658, by 5 men, on behalf of Freeholders, 347-9; similar deed, 351; receipt for pay for same, 350; gut, ment., 676; hills ment., 463; kills ment., 378;Neckment.,358,472;Sachemof, conference with, 675; (see also Indians). MATARES,(seeGrantors);ment.,90. MATINECOCK, com. to purchase, land, 12; petition to Gov. to purchase, 234, 235; Indians of, agree as to heirs to unsold lands, 267; purchase of unsold lands of, 331, 333; disclaimer of Hemp- stead to lands of, 674; extend fr. creek at head of Hempstead Harbor to O. B. bounds, per Tackapoucha's aff., 677; let- ter fr. settlers of, to Gov. ment., 678; his reply, approving their proposed name (?Killingworth), 678; letter fr. Gov. Nicolls to John Underhill, re Hempstead claim thereto, 695; Indians of, friendly to the 7 families settled there, and not disposed to sell to Hempstead, 695; their writings to Gov. Nicolls ment. 695; Sus- caneman impowered to sell lands of, and promises to distribute yearly part of pay to all Indians, 182; ment., 1, 2, 9, 11, 12, 16, 21, 22, 26, 30, 31, 36, 44, 48, 69, 71, 80, 87, 89, 91, 107, 109, 112, 127, 132, 134-6, 139, 141, 143, 146-51, 153, 156, 172-5, 182-6, 194, 197, 215, MANNITTUNG,(Indian),626. 223,225,226,241,269,271,277,280 MANOCKEAMICOKE, of Sequetague, 282-6, 288, 292, 293, 301, 304, 310, 348. 735 MATINECOCK-Continued Continued 328,330,337,339, MILL- Frost's,472; 313, 314, 316, 324, 365, 367, erect, at M. C., 630; W m . 340, 346, 354, 356, 357, 401, 390, 391, 393-6, ment., Henry Townsend gets 254. 376, 385, 389, 421, 426, 428, 429, Saw, at O. B., 406, 408, 412, 413, , 474, 476- g , of timber for, 223, 249; Jos. and 463, 464, 467-9 509, t. . Dickinson deed her share in grist 441, 455, 497, 499-504, Rose Mill" Townsend, 527; 483, 490, 494, 496, 527, 531, 545, and,to bro.John " to erect one, 511, 519, 520, 523, 526, 590, 594, M. C., Jos. Carpenter 548, 555, 615, 618, 619, 621, 558, 562, 579, 582, 625, at 341, 342, 563, 631, 630, 634; ment., 323, 598, 604, 611, 684, 685, 646-8, 681, 682, 634. M. C., 648, 650. 628, 629, MILL CREEK,in 57,100,157,204, 694,see (see Waumihas). Highways). M I L L RIVER,2,4,40, 580, MAUMIHAS 688, , 689, ( 512, 313, 322, 507, MATTHEWS,Samuel,57. 258, 262, 263, fenced, 2 by Atty. Thos. Powell, deed meadows,tobe 63,114, 581, 692; mention); Swamp, Thomas, 57. (frequent Ludlam,56;ment., to Jos. Waumihas). 566, 647; Hollow, 273 (many MA N M I H A S , (see Commissioner, references 206, ). MAVERICK,Samuel,Royal 306, 405, 416, 445, Neck, 159, 267, 39. John, "so called" 491,493,523,525. properly Mill RIVER (in M. C. MAYHUE,Mayhew, Thos. MILL Mayo), power of atty., to Creek). settlement of his inden- Townsend, 250; (see ment.,446. MILLER,Thomas, 161; deed fr.John Samuel, Joseph, 274. 159. ture,with John Feke, ; deed fr. John Robinson, Frost, 568; fr.John Dole, 195; t. g., 263, 264, 353 569; M A Y O , Mayeo, Wright and Wil- Samuel, with Peter purchasers, 1653, liam Leverich, First present at ment., 276, 358. Townsend, 345; John 670; his est. in allotments, appraised, 63; 692; MILLERS, Henry Adams, 249; Jos- m . and joining 692. Robinson, 234; John 630; W m . Frost, 472. t. 355, 624, 628, 629, 2; regula- eph Carpenter, 409. MEADOWS, frequentr ment., all to be fenced, eferences MILLIKEN, Josiah, MILLSTONE SPRING,the, 645. tions re mowing, 11 ( Towns- MINISTERS, 679;concededtoby scruples of divers to). Chief Sachem, deed to men re maintaining, M E C H O W O D T , A. directs a 1639, 623. Director and Council, 674, Dutch, maintenance of, 1673, 680; C. of 1675, Dutch General, at Hempstead, double rate for MEETING, Gravesend, 34. B. 666. Michell,John,with 675,676;aHtOUSE,Quaker,in O. MITCHELL, Mychell, Thos.Hicks, MEETING down;sec- Robinson, deed fr. village, deed for, to be torn John share to John Robinson, house built, 687. husband's 111; assig. his ond MEGS, Avis, signs 111. see Assiapum.) MEGGS, deed,32. 18;fr. MONEUSSCUSSETTBeach, MOHENAS, Mohenes, ( Mass.,Anth. fr. Jacob Young,Latting, land at, to Jas. Town- Mark,deed insuitvs.Rich. Wright conveysDoughty,102. John Plott, 19; Birdsall, 26; with MONTAUK,Montacoute, send and Isaac Wiamdaneh, Sa- 19; Matt. Harvey, deedtoNathan 31;toRich. wifeAvis,to 200;ment.,16,28, chem of,349,675, 676. Harcote,36;tosame, Crabb's re- 98 203,217,218,281. MOORE, Lewis, Rich. Samuel,500. 36, , Richbell,1; Sam.An- MORRIS,Col. MERCHANTS,John 56; Rob. him for slave, 83; t.g.,117; ; Thos. Matthews, ceipt to 172; assig. same to Thos. drews, 19 Griffith,159;Geo. Den- Indian deed, rightofCapt.Rich. Story,142;Edw. 189. Townsend,183;assig. John Town- nis,159;Jas.Loyd, Henry Jr.,and Indian), 284. Morris to and patent, 309, MEROCK, Nimrod ( Hempstead, 470. send, 177; his land 309; ment., 173, 647, 182, MEROCK, Merrick, in Hempstead,676. 335,2 398,574, 633;histree, 637,640,645, MERRICK GUT,in 192, 93, MERRITT,Ann,657. 651. MESSENGER, Samuel, 59. MIDDLEBOROUGH, 82-85. Lewis, Jr., 83. deed fr. John Mass.),2;Alex. Richard,andCo., by Lewis MILFORD (?Conn. or ? Capt. 176; same assig. Dickinson, Henry, Jr., Town- Bryan,of,2. of A. directs,to be Morris to John and MILITARY lists, C. 661. send, 177; ment., 83. sentinbymilitary village, Henry MORRIS' also ChattelMortgage) officersofTowns, BROOK,651. , grist, at O. B. likethat MORTGAGE,(see MILL, 1661,to build, Tillier to John Robins, 1680/1, Townsend, t. g., Main, 40; toll to be Sam. Geo. Dennis to Edw. atNorwalkonthe betrue,41; 128;satisfied,129;Edw.WhitetoEdw. one-tenth, 41; toll diswhortko on, to have Griffith, 1681, 159; satisfied, 165; Rich. all who have done and charge Griffith, recorded in 1682, 165; New rightson common, 11; work every 243; levied on all, 9; Crabb 1646,satisfaction of, to John Coe, about, to be help repair trench, 212; Haven about Townsman to about, 419; ment., Thos. John Wright, 1680, Miller to John Frost, 1683/4, 274; t.g.,for work done Jacob security for debts on Brookins to Sprsianwg, Coles, Horner to J7o9h,n1A80d,a2m0s7,,ge2t1s1,t.2g1.2,;foarJtogsrCi.osltCdarnpdenter, s3a01me;,N3a0t2h;. Isaac and34L4y;disatisfied, 345; 249; at M. C., built by forever to M. C. John Fry, 1689, 539; Wright, 1685, 634;to be toll free 419, 639. Adam Wright to John Simkins,to Eph.Car- prop.,634;ment.323,365, for, satisfied,539;W m . John Dole to bro.in Fulling,t.g. Jos.Carpenterto to Isaac Horner penter,1693,576; 1694,608. 237;made void, 237; law, Hope Williams, Index 736 Index MOTT,Henry,656. NEW HAVEN,mortgageofRich.Crabb John, assig. fr. father, Lawrence, of to John Coe of, about 1646, satisfaction Indian deed assigned latter by Adam of, 243. Wright,341. NEW LONDON,Conn.,163. Lawrence,Indiandeed,154;pl.vs NEWMAN,John,arbitrationofhisac- Nath.Coles,203;inMk.purchase,333; assig. of Indian deed by Adam Wright, 340;assig.sametosonJohn,341;ment., 149, 691. M R ., as a term of social distinction, not applied to O. B. inhabitants, except by outsiders,as C. of A.,246. M U D G E , Coles, b. 654; ment., 656. Elizabeth, signs husband's deed, 393; Jervis, Jarvis, Gervis, Garvis, with Moses Mudge, Indian deed , 527; 500 year lease fr. Indians, 529; ment., 277, 389, 647. Michael, b. 654. Moses, t. g., 130; aff. of, re transfer " by "turf and twig,' 238; deed fr. Jos. Carpenter, 323; t. g., 352; deed fr. Thos.and Martha Rushmore,393;assig. sametoWm.Frost,393;assig.Jos.Car- penter's deed to Rob. Coles, 434; with Gervis Mudge, Indian deed, 527; assig. of Nich. Simkins' deed by Rob. Coles, 527; deed fr. M. C. prop., 637; his land laid out, 640; ment., 21, 123, 133, 203, 229, 246, 376, 377, 437, 512, 550,576,638,639,643,653,654,691. MULBERRY FIELD,the,209. MURPHY, Henry C., 624. MUSKETO,Musketa,Cove,patentfor, 309,635;eastlineofpatentresurveyed, 1730, 647; survey of a portion of, 1776, bySam.Willis,651;agreementofprop. and record of their entries, 631; prop. riator's Book,631-658;miscellaneous rec- ords in same, 271, 652; deputy Consta- ble for, 241; quit rent; one bushel ofwheat,310;receiptfor7yearsrent, 310; quit rent commuted, 1786, 655; landholders, account of, 655; mills at, 341, 342, 563, 630, 634, (see also Mills and Highways), ment., 42, 49, 58, 65-7, 81, 89, 96, 110, 112, 133-5, 144, 147, 156, 167, 173, 183, 185, 197, 199, 223, 224, 226, 228, 229, 235, 238, 277, 282, 285, 288, 292, 294, 295, 301, 302, 305, 306, 323, 324, 330, 333, 341, 342, 359, 371, 376, 377, 381, 386, 387, 392, 398, 401, 429-35, 468, 473, 475, 483, 494, 503, 509, 519, 526-9, 535, 537, 545, 555, 564, 566, 567, 575, 576, 579, 584, 615, 617, 619, 629-31, 636-42, 644-51, 655, 677, 678, 682, 683, 689, 692. MYCHELL,Michell(seeMitchell). NACKAQUATACK,or Oyster River,626. NAMAMORROUAS, joins Pugnipan in deed to Rob. Williams, 1648, 625. NAN'S HOLLOW,449. NASSACONSET (Indian),349. "NATURAL" brother or son, not a stig- ma,310. N E C K S , at the south, Constable and Over- seers to use utmost endeavors to pur- chase,1672,221;(seeContention,Fort, Lattings, Ltttle, Unqua and West Necks). NEECK-COE (Indian), 521. NEGRO,boy called Owah,slave to Rich. Crabb, to be freed at age of 31, 83; woman named Mary,250;slaves,ment., in Rob. Coles' will, 1690, 653. countswithRob.Story,137,138;t.g.. for boat building yard, and for home lot,242;in Mk.purchase,331,333; deed fr. John Robinson, 571; fr. John Dewsbury, 572; fr. John Dole, 573; fr. Henry Townsend, Jr., 574; fr. Eph. Carpenter,Jr.,575;Recorder,127;Town Clerk, 168; ment., 200, 277, 280, 283, 292, 295, 300, 306, 308, 310, 312, 313, 319-22, 325, 326, 336, 337, 340,342-5,347, 353,357,360-2,364-72,374-8,380-87,389, 390, 392, 393, 395-7, 399-407, 410-13, 415, 416, 418-28, 430-32, 434, 435, 439- 441, 444, 445, 447, 449, 451-4, 456-8, 461, 463, 464, 467, 469-71, 473, 474, 476, 480, 486, 487, 491, 495, 496, 498, 500, 502-08, 510-13, 515, 516, 518, 520, 522-7, 529, 530, 532, 537-40, 543, 545, 546, 548, 552, 555, 556, 559, 560- 570, 576, 578, 580, 582, 584, 586, 587, 589, 591, 593, 597-600, 602, 603, 605, 607, 609, 611, 612, 615, 616, 618, 620, 621, 638, 644, 645, 647, 648, 653, 654, 671, 684. William, 23. NEWPORT,R. I.,107,278. N E W STYLE and Old Style dates (see Introduction). NEWTOWN,225,679. NEWWARK,NewWork(Glenwoodlocal- ity), 535; also, 328, 330, 516, 517, 536. NEW YORK,cityandprovince,(frequent- ly occurring, but not indexed). NICHOLS , Thomas, of Newport, bill of sale for Indian lad sold to Job Wright, 107. (see Nickols). NICHOLSON,Joseph,63. NICKOLS, John, 488, (see Nichols and Nicolls). NICOLLS, Matthias, Secy. of Province, signs Hempstead agreement, 107; letter fr. re Huntington line dispute, 674; let- ter fr. to John Underhill, 678; letter, to magistrates, 679; ment., 34, 308, 310, 352, 355, 520, 626, 635, 659, 664, 670, 671, 674, 675, 678, 679, 681-4, 686. Richard, Gov., letter fr. received, 33; et al, Royal Commissioners, their prom- ises not kept, 1664, 39; patent to Rob. Williams, 626; confirm. of Jos. Carpen- ter's purchase, 630; letter to Town re tax rate, 670; petition to re Huntington line dispute, 674; letter to, fr. magis- trates,ment.,678;patent for Horse Neck, 693; letter to Capt. John Underhill re Hempstead claim to M k . land and allows latter to retire fr. his military services, 6 9 5 ; m e n t ., 3 3 - 5 , 5 2 0 , 6 2 9 , 6 3 0 , 6 3 7 . William, 519, 546, 689. NIMHAI (Indian),677. NIMROD Merock,(Indian),284. NOBB'S,Nob's,Hill,on Hog Island,404, 450, 451, 568. NORWALK,North Work,Conn.,Henry Townsend's mill, 1661, to be like that at, 40; ment., 318, 380. NOTHE,(seeGrantors). NURSERY, of apple and peach trees, 128. NYOUNCKANUP, (Indian), 350. NEPONHEW,joinsPugnipanindeedto OAK NECK,deedfr.JosiasandRoger Rob. Williams, 1648, 625. to Dan. Whitehead, 1658, 11; again rec- Index 737 O A K N E C K - Continued O W A H , Negro boy, slave, sold by Rich. orded, 354; sub-division of meadows, 35; Morris to Rich. Crabb, to be free at age laid out, 1666, a share to each inhabi- of 31, 83. tant, 202; ment., 1, 7, 11, 36, 46, 50, O W E N , Thomas, of Maryland, takes in- 53, 58, 70, 79, 80, 103, 104, 132, 142, denture of Hallelujah Fisher, fr. John 206-08, 211, 250, 254, 372, 373, 383, Scott, 17. 390,392,408,499,565,629,682,696. OYSTERBAY,(seealsoTown,FirstPur- OATH, of allegiance to Dutch by Town, chase, Freeholders), definition of, dis- tinction between Oyster Bay and, 624; 1673,679;optionalwitheachTown,for First Purchase, 670; earliest document Overseers, 668; scruples of divers Towns- men thereto, 679; conceded by Dutch, issued by, 672; first settlement described, 1673, 680; for Constables and Overseers, 692; dissatisfaction of Indians at delayed objected to, 1678, 680, 681; made op- payment,andhowpaid,692;firsthouse in,692;oneofthe3L.I.Townswhich tional for this Town, 681. had not taken out patents under the law O'CALLAGHAN, Edmund B., reference, of 1666, 661; ordered to do so, 1670, 627. 661; patent, 1677, 307; quit rent for, OCCUPATIONS,(seeunderBoatbuilder, 285; inhabitants sickly, 1683, 691; lists Carpenter, Cooper, Cordwainer, Hatter, of inhabitants, 100, 130, 217, 218, 232, Innkeeper, Miller, Planter, Sailor, School 691; ment, (on nearly every page, but Master, Shepherd, Shipwright, Shoemak- not here noted). (See Highways). er,Surgeon,Surveyor,Tailor,Tanner, OYSTERBAYCOVE,577;(seeCove). Weaver, Yeoman). Harbor, 626. OFFICE of Records, in N. Y., wills and West Harbor, 624. administrationstoberecordedthere,660; OYSTER RIVER,272,334,354,670. ment. 159. OGDEN,Richard.5, PAINTER,Paynter,Penter,Richard,deed OGRO (Indian),350. to Rich.Latting,20;another,77;same OIL CASKS, C. of A. orders a sworn gauger for, in each L. I. Town where toberecorded,202;ment.,30,75,352. P A L M E R , Pallmer, Pallmore, Ephraim, t. whaling is carried on, 666. g., 233; ment., 72. OLD PLANTING FIELD, (Indian Field), Joseph, 689. 7,223,266,367,374,416,435,461,532. PAMELACI, (Indian), 677. OLD PURCHASE, (see First Purchase). РАМЕТАМАК, (Pametamock, Poometa- OLDandNewStylechronology,(seeIn- mok,with6others,toJohnDyer,81; troduction). OLIVER,Samuel,608. OPASSUM, Opesum, Opison, alias Ora- way, et al deed to John Townsend, Sr., Job Wright and Isaac Doughty, 357-9; to Adam, Job and John Wright, Thos. Weeks and Thos. Townsend, 676; now deceased, his father, Tackapoucha, nulli fies certain deeds, 520; ment., 676, 677. with 6 others, deed to W m . Simson, 90; with 6 others, to John Underhill, 682; with 7 others, to Rob. Williams, 682; with 6 others, to Nathan Birdsall, 683; with 5 others,to Matt.Pryer,685;with 6 others, to Jas. Cock, 686. P A M U N , signs confirm. deed, 284. PANGBORN, Pangbourne, Edmond, in- dentured as apprentice by father, to OPSVEN, Capt., 284, (perhaps Opossum, John Rogers, (void), 145. also styled Capt.). Peter, deed fr. John Rogers, (void), 144; indentures son to John Rogers, ORAWAY,aliasOppassum. void,145;ment.,250. ORDINARY,or Inn,Thos.Townsend to PAPAQUATUNK RIVER,334,354,670, keep, 237; Caleb Wright app. to keep, (see map). and others warned against tapping at PARISH,Matt.,696. retail, 268. PARKER,J.Fred,192. OSBORN,William,246,247. PARSONS,Persons,Hugh,bond toJosiah OUTCRY, forfeited land sold by, 227; England, 108. distrained horse sold by, 235. PATENT,correspondence with Gov. Nic- OVERSEERS, chosen, 1667, 203; 1668, olls re, 33-35; willingness to receive, 204; 1669, 210, 212; 1673, 222; 1675, 1668, but those of Rob. Williams and 225;1676,226;1677,234;1681,240; ofHuntingtonnottoinfringe,40;Capt. 1682,253;1683,265;app.Thos.Town- JohnUnderhilldeputedtoobtainit,40; send to repair to Gov. with petition for com. to go to Gov. for, 107; com. to Mk.purchase,234;feesfor,established, buyalllandinour,113;t.m.ordersit 660;tobereducedto4ineachTown, tobesecured,1667,203;com.toobtain, 667;tobeelectedbyvote,668;oathof, 234;Indiandeedsand,sentintoGov. optional with each Town, 668; oath of for record, 271; receipt, 1684, of quit optionalinO.B.onpetitionofTown, rentfor,285;forTown,307;mem.of 681; Jas. Cock, 204, 210; Nath. Coles, expense for obtaining, 652; tenure of as 203, 265; John Dickinson, 226; Rich. in East Greenwich,Kent,Eng., 308;for Harcott, 203; Matt. Harvey, 210, 225; M. C., 309, 635; pressure of Gov. to W m . Hudson, 230; Josias Latting, 225; get tenure of, changed, 520; English, Jos.Ludlam,253,265;Henry Townsend, required for all Towns and properites, Sr.,204,210,221,226;John Townsend, 1666,reaffirmed 1670,661;Town toshow Sr., 203; John (Mill) Townsend, 240; reasons why it has not applied for, at Thos. Townsend, 204, 210, 222, 225, C. of A., 1667, by order of Gov., 679; 227; Francis Weeks, 203; Jas. Weeks, C. of A. directs they be brought in for 253;JohnWeeks(Warwick),253;Thos. record,669;Dutch,toberenewed,670; Weeks, 230; Thos. Willits, 240; Adam to Rob. Williams, for plains, 626; to Wright,264;Edmund Wright,265;John same for East Island,630;to the South Wright,234;Nich.Wright,222,225. beaches,630;forHorseNeck,693. 738 Index PATHUNK,(Indian),284. PAWPANAWIS RIVER,358. PAWTUXET, R. I., 42. PEACE,Justices of (see Justices). PEACH and Apple trees,nursery of,128. PEAGUE, as consid. in First purchase deed,670;(seeWampum). PEARSALL, Nathaniel, Town clerk of Hempstead, 356, 357. Thomas, 656. PEAS, price of, 668. PECHEGIN, (alias Quarapin,which see). PECK, Caleb, 655. PEPPERIDGE tree, 254. PELL,John,177,665;J.P.,234. Samuel, shipwright, 638; deed fr. M. C.prop.,638;landlaidout,640;ment., 393, 634, 639, 643, 691. William, 393. PERAMBULATION of Town bounds re- quired by law, 661. PERAWES, (Indian), 626. PERSONS, (see Parsons). PETITION, to Gov. re purchasing Mk., 234; of Littleworth patentees re order- ing their own highways, 238; same granted,239;ofL.I.Towns,245-7,659; to Gov. re Huntington line dispute, 674; to C. of A. re prohibition of export of grain, 662. PETTET, Moses, 82. PHILADELPHIA,Pa.,462,608. PHILLIPS,Theophilus,195,275. Thomas,def.vs Wessell Wessells,230. PINE HOLLOW,211,221,490. PINE ISLAND,much pine timber lately cut on, to be forfeit unless removed at once, only this small neck to trust to, 236; ment., 53, 80, 104, 206-8, 354, 565, 629. PINHORNE, William, execution on Geo. Dennis' est. for, 251. PIPEstaves,nottobetakenfr.Town,2. PIPINGROCK,604(seemap). PISCAMOC,joins Mechowodt in deed to Dutch, 1639, 623. PITNIE, James, def. vs John Coles, 204, 205; def. vs John Treadwell, 204, 205. PLAINS, the, Rob. Williams' deed for, 625; patent for, 626; (see Highways). PLANTERS, Sam. Andrews, 303; Thos. Armitage, 7; John Bowne, 142; Richard Townsend, 345; Thos. Townsend, 164; Rob. Williams, 23; Jacob Young, 18. PLANTING FIELD, (see Old Planting Field). PLATT,Plott,Capt.John,deed fr.Jacob Young, 18; deed to Mark Meggs, 19; deed fr. Jas. Cock, 29; exch. with Matt. Priar, 29; ment., 32, 38. Isaac, 246. POCIPUPON,joins Pugnipan,in deed to Rob. Williams, 625. POLLARD, Pollord, 109. PONANNEGAN, 626. POOMETAMOK, (see Pametamak). PORK,toolongkilled,broughttoN.Y., POWELL- Continued Phebe, 657. Thomas, on Huntington com. to run line, 1684, 31; as atty. for Thos. Mat- thews, deed to Jos. Ludlam, 56; aff. re south meadows, 675. Willet, 656, 657. PRATT,John,late fr.R. I.,keeper of Hog Island, 123-5; granted land there, 124; exch. with Josias Latting, 292; Indian deed, 292; assig. same to Josias Latting, 293; in Mk. purchase, 333; deed to John Townsend, 439; assig. of land by same ment., 439; ment., 296. 297, 384, 451, 452, 504. John, Jr., assig. of Indian deed by John and Henry, Jr. Townsend, 554; deed fr. Samson Hauxhurst, 555; assig. same to John and Jas. Jr. Cock, 557; deed fr. David Underhill, 556; Carpen- ter, 555. PRE-NUPTIAL deed, Thos. Armitage to Ann Lillestone,7. PRIAR,Prier,Prior,Pryer,John,inMk. purchase, 476; deed fr. Dorothy Cock and her 4 sons, 480; with 5 others, fr. John Feke, 501; fr. sister Mary Under- hill, widow of John 2d, 690; ment.. 475, 575, 691. John, 2d, (son of John), deed fr. bro. Joseph, 1719, 482; yeoman, 482. Joseph, deed to bro. John, 1719, 482; weaver, 482. Matthew, Maj. Gotherson's land seized for debt to, 27; exch. with John Platt, 29; t. g., 35; deed to Rich. Townsend, 50; assig. of Rich. Harcott's deed by John Tompson, 59; assig. of Gideon Wright's deed by same, 60; deed fr. Rich. Harcott, 69; deed to Rich. Crabb, 70; deed fr. same, 71; fr. Henry Town- send, 103; in agreement to divide mea- dow,116;t.g.,130;deed fr.John Un- derhill,Jr.,142;inMk.purchase,333, 476; t. g., 353; deed fr. High Sheriff Lovelace, for Maj. Gotherson's lots, 684; Indian deed, 684; ment., 53, 78, 223, 249, 250, 254, 408, 409, 423, 481, 629, 680, 682, 686, 690, 691, 695, 696. PRICES, agricultural implements, 251: beef, 274, 668; broadcloth, 162; cattle. 68, 251; cider, 229; corn, 20, 52, 55, 63, 68, 161, 274, 660, 668; flour, 191; furnishings, 251 (see also furnishings); horses, 68; (see also horses); peas, 668; pork, 55, 68, 69, 83, 128, 129, 191, 274, 668; rum, 244; rye, 161, 668; train oil, 165; wheat, 52, 63, 68, 128, 161, 274, 278, 280, 310, 668; wool, 279; various commodities, 55, 64, 68, 69, 251. PRINTER,Wm.Bradford,ofN.Y.,523. PROBASCHO,Abraham,656. PROBATE of Wills, of Nich. Wright, 326; of administrations and wills, to be in local court, and then sent to N. Y. for record, 660, (see Wills). resultingininjurytocommerce;legis- PROCLAMATION,ofKing'sCommis- lation against, 661; price of, in rate paying, 668; (see prices). PORTSMOUTH,R. I.,108,424,583. PASSAIKAS, Indian name for West Neck, 358. POUND,to be built,2. P O W E L L , Alice, 657. Caleb, 558. Catharine, 656, 657. Deborah, m. cert., 656. missioners, 1664, 39. PROHIBITION, of selling liquor to In- dians, 669; of export of grain, 662; same continued, 665. PROTEST, of Dutch against First pur- chasers,671;again,672;ofTown against John Richbell's deed to Latimer Samp- son, 50; against Suscaneman's explana- tory deed, 357. PROVIDENCE plantation, 629. Index 739 PUBLIC officials,defamationof,tobe RED,orTahquamesbrook,472. punished, 669. PUBLIC RATES,inTown,691,(seealso Tax). PUGNIPAN,sachemofMk.with3others, deed to Rob.Williams,1648,625;ment., 626. PURCHASE,(seeFirstpurchase,Matine- cock, etc.) PURITAN stock, eastern L. I. settled by, 246; (see Introduction). QUAKANUSKE,(Indian),350. QUAKERS, extracts fr. early records of, 241,680,687,695;addresstoGov.by, 680; burial ground and meeting house, Anth. Wright's deed for; 687; reserved, in Alice Crabb's deed, 201; meeting house, contract for building, 687; same torn down and second house built, 687; trustees for property of, 695; Peter Wright and others, drowned, 629; mar- riages, 656, 657. QUANATUCKQUAS RIVER, 370. QUARAPIN,Quaropin,(aliasChagechagon and Pechegin; see Grantors); ment., 283. QUARACHCHE, with 7 others, confirm. deed, 284. QUARRY,a,ment.,in deed,21. QUIT Rent, two buckskins per year, 52; for Town patent, 308; paid, 285; for M. C. patent, 309; paid, 310; for M. C. commuted 1786, 655; effort to increase, 519. QUORUM,Justice of,322. QUAIL POTHAM,N. J.,610. RACCOON SWAMP, 81, 89, 277, 682, 683. REDMAN, 694. REDMOND,John,349. 694. REED,John,withEleazerDerby,deedto John Rogers, 380; ment., 471. REEDY Ponds,the,375,453. RELIGIOUS and Civil Liberty, (see Lib- erty). REYNOLDS, Rennolds, Jonathan, of Greenwich, 208. RICHARDSON,Francis,339. John, 680. William, J. P., in Westchester Co., 689;ment.,144,613. RICHBELL, Richbill, Rickbell, Ridgbell, Ann, signs husband's deed, 18; ment., 143, 188, 193. John, deed fr. Dan. Whitehead, 1; t. g., 3; aids Widow Crocker, 4; t. g., 4, 9; deed to Matthias Harvey, 17; as owner of Horse Neck agrees that it be a part of Town, 19; exch. with Rob. Williams, 38; deed to Henry Townsend, 42; deed to Latimer Sampson (not re- corded) protested against by Town, 50; deedtoHenryTownsend,Sr.,169;t.g., of, now Rich. Harcott's, 217, 218; his Cove Neck lands sold to Latimer Samp- son, ment., 255, 257; et al, deed fr. Tackapoucha and Chepey, 347; similar deed,351;receiptforpayforsame,350; his suit vs John Conkling on behalf of wife and orphans, 1664, cited, 693; similar suit vs Huntington, 693; his wife's children not his, 694; ment., 17, 41, 73, 143, 160, 170, 171, 188, 193, 212, 445, 497, 685. RAMEROCK, Capt., (Indian), 348, 371. RIDER, Robert, Surveyor, 272, 636. RASAOCUME (Indian),626. RIONCOMBAND, confirm. of deed of RASKABAKUSH RIVER,358. father, Tackapoucha, 350. RATE,3farthingsperpound,269;one RISBIE,Risby,William,49,53,74,105, penny per pound, 673; doubled by 221. C. of A. for maintenance of min- RIVER Arrasquongue, 348, 351. ister, 666; hereafter payable once a year, Quanatuckquas, 370. 668; Constables to make good what they Senix, 370. do not collect, 668; arrears of, to be Warrasketuck, 348, 351. nowpaid,668;ConstablesandOverseers ROADS,Jeremiah,keeper of Hog Island, to assess valuations, if not brought in 227. by owners, 668; to be paid in corn, ROADS, (see Highways and Streets). beef or pork, at prices stated, 668; for ROBERTSON,James, 126, 144. this Town, 691; levied for First pur- ROBINS, Robings, Jeremiah, 552. chase, 692; horse distrained for non- John, assig. of land fr. Rich. Latting, payment of, 235; assessors to assist of- 73;deedtoSam.Tillier,127;mortgage ficers in levying, 235; on horses, re- fr. same, 128; payments on same, 129; duction refused by C. of A., 662. t. g., 130; deed fr. Rob. Williams, 134; RATTLESNAKE HOLLOW, 647. Indian deed, 136; assig. same to Sam. RECEIPT,fr.beginningofworldtodate, Tilliar, 136; t. g., 204; arbitration with 267;forM. C.quitrent,310;forTown Sam.Tilliar,248;in Mk.purchase,333; quit rent, 285. t. g., 353; deed to John Townsend, 383; RECORDER,Town,Thos.Townsend,122 deed fr. Henry Townsend, Sr., 508; to 268; of Marks, 91; of Hempstead, ment., 48, 70, 136-8, 151, 211, 214, 120; Matt. Harvey elected, 1668, 205; 221, 394, 407, 452, 494, 616, 691. fee of,205;John Newman,127. John, Jr., 247, 498. R E C O R D S , office of, in N. Y., 159, 660. REDDOUGH,Reddock,Ruddock,Rudick, ROBINSON, John, with John Mitchell, Rurick, Elizabeth, 88, 89. Hannah, 88, 89. Henry, deed fr. William Yates, 21; fr. Sam. Dayton, 22; settlement of est. of, 88; ment., 78, 429 629, 677, 682. deed fr. Thos. Hicks, 111; assig. fr. John Mitchell of his share, 111; t. g., 228,234,247;deed to Thos.Miller,568; toJohn Newman,571;ment.,171,174, 176, 276, 281, 282, 440, 555, 572. Jane,Geane,m.Jas.Townsend,234; ROCKAWAY,349,470,623. ment.,88,89. ROCKS,thefour,81,89. John,est.ofdef.vsThos.Elison,228; ment.,49,55,213,214. Mary, 88, 89. Sarah,choosesJos.Weeks,asguard- ian, 224; ment., 88, 89. ROCKY SPRING,the,314,525,565. ROGER, (Indian, see Grantors), ment., 629, 687. ROGERS,Ann,(widowCroker),withhus- band John,deed fr.Thos.Townsend,94; 740 ROGERS-Continued another, 105;'t. g., to, while a widow, 95; ment., 94, 95. Henry, 83. John, deed fr. John Townsend, 94; with wife Ann,fr.Thos.Townsend,94; fr. 8 men, 96; with wife, arbitration withFrancisWeeks,97;deedfr.Thos. Weeks,101;withwifeandherch.deed to Thos.Townsend,105;t.g.,114;with Jas.Bleving,t.g.,114;deedtosame, Index 114;latterassig.hishalfoft.g.,126; SAWMES,(Indian),521. assig.samebacktoJas.Bleving,126; SAWMill,(seeMill). deed to John Townsend, 127; t. g., 130; SCHOOL Master,Thos.Webb,235. deed to Rob. Coles, 133; to Peter Pang- SCHY-GUY, (Indian), 350. born(void),144;Indiandeed,173;tried SCOTT,John (transfersindentureofHal- and fined, 1672, for false news, 221; lelujah Fisher to Thos. Owen, 17. pl. vs Nich Simkins, 228; same, 229; Joseph, 24. def.vsWm.Hart,231;app.towarnfor Lewis A., 627. each t.m.,231;t.g.,233;sellsdistrained SCHOUTE,Scoute,Skoute,the,85;set- horse by outcry, 235; bill of sale of tlement of est. to be confirmed by, 88, Isaac Horner's horse back to him, 241; 89. exch.with Josias Latting,269; with John Dewsbury, note to Francis Brindley, of SCHOUT'S BAY, (alias Sintsinck), 623, Newport, for wool, 278; receipt to John SCUDDER,Thomas,542. Dewsbury, for latter's share, 280; deed SEAMAN,family,theirownershipofsouth fr. Isaac Horner, 346; in M k . purchase, beaches, 630. 333; t. g., 353; deed to John Town- Abraham, 554. send, Sr., 76; deed fr. same, 379; fr. David, J. P., 1742, 14; to certify Eleazer Derby and John Reed, 380; fr. New BookA,15;ment.,554. Alex.Forman,381;deedfr.Eleazerand Elijah, 657. Mary Derby, 447; deed to Thos. Weeks, Elizabeth, 657. 470; Indian deed, 477; assig. same to Jacob, 657, 658. JohnUnderhill,Sr.,477;tosoninlaw, John,Capt.,107,246,247,270,356, 357. Wm. Crooker, (void), 486; assig. Isaac Horner's deed to W m . Crooker, Jonathan, 657. Samuel, 677. 486; latter assig. back all deeds, 487; to Susanna, 657, 658. Abm.Allen,523;ment.,115,116,125, SEARING,Saring,Sim 162, 187, 195, 220, 232, 246, 276, 297, on, 357. SEAHCONICK, with Chippie, deed for 305, 314, 316, 317, 385, 401, 437, 448, Little Neck to John Townsend,Sr.,370; 590,601,691. with2others,deedtoThos.Weeks,472. ROHUSSAH,(aliasJames,Indian),371. SECOTAGUE,Sequetague,348,623. ROUND SWAMP,38,119,216. SECRETARY, of the Province, Matt. R U M , quart of, to settle suit, 231 ; 5 pints Nicolls; (see Nicolls). expendedinsettlingestate,244;price SEHOR,Sehar,Seahor,(seeGrantors). of, 244; (see also liquor and Ordinary). ment., 329, 330, 332, 340, 546. RUMNEY,Timothy,397. SEISIN,liveryof,JosiasLattingtransfers RUNASUCK, (alias Suscaneman). RUNS,the three,114,264. RUSCOE,Samuel,187,433,487. RUSHMORE, Rushmur, Martha, signs husband's deed, 392. Thomas, with wife, Martha, deed to Moses Mudge, 392; ment., 17. RUYVEN,Cornelisvan,etalconfirm.re- ceipt for Hog Island, 297. RYE, (see prices). SACKANICK, (see Grantors). SAGAMORE HILL, 5, 28, 267, 368; (see Highways). SAILOR, James Blevin, 436. SALKES,Wallen,350. (seeSalter). SALTER,Walter,hislotment.,36;ment., 16, 103, 217, 218, 233, 247, 350, 408. SANDWICH,Mass.,102,628. SANDY HOLLOW,490. SAMONCE, (Indian),521. SAMOS,Samous,Samose,Samouse,Sam- use,sonofTackapoucha,283,339;(see SHELTER ISLAND,179,188,190,693. Grantors). SHEPHERDS'house,on Hog Island,439. SAMPSON,Latimer,Latemore,town pro- SHERIFF,High,execution on Geo.Den- tests against John Richbell's deed to him, nis, by, 251; warrant fr. for choosing 50; t. g., 100; with Thos. Hart, sight delegates for Representatives, 267; sells draft on Jas. Loyd, by Nich. Simkins, Maj. Gotherson's lots to Matt. Pryer, for disbursements on their land, 112; 685; ment., 680. t. g., 130; with Thos. Hart, quit claim SHEWO-NONNICK, (Indian), 521. fr.Nath.Sylvester,192-4;def.vs.Nich. SHIPPEN,Shipeing,Edward,191. SAMPSON- Continued Simkins, 224; his Cove Neck land, bought of John Richbell, ment., 255; t. g., 349; ment., 58, 142, 143, 188, 215, 232, 295. SANDFORD,Sanford,John,192. Gov. Peleg, 189, 192. SANDS,James,527. SANTEN,Lucas,receiptforM. C.quit rent, 310. SASHAMOSSE,ofRockaway,349. by, 96; Nich. Simkins transfers by, 238. SENIX River,370. SERGEANT,John Wilker,241. SERVANT, indentured, (see Apprentice). SESSIONS,Court of,jurys for,667;de cides that O. B. may elect Constable, 681; legalizes killing geese, 695; clerk of, 97, 196. SETAUKET,Setalcot,28,47,82,84,85, 90, 224, 394. "SEVEN Purchase Deeds," the, 629. SEVEN Year covenant in deeds, typical example, 417, 442. SHAKERLY,William,194. SHARP, John, 177. S H A W , Samuel, Constable, 1742, 14, 15. SHEEP,pastureon Hog Island,249,270; to avoid geese, run in woods, and so more exposed to wolves, 694; one lamb, yearly quit rent for Town patent, 308; paid, 285. Index 741 SHIPPING, that comes into O. B. Har- bor, 8. SHIPS,the "Desire," 628;the "Guerney," 39; the "James," 628. SLAVERY,saleofIndianlad,107;negro woman named Mary, 250; ment., 83, 653. SLOOP,"Desire," brings First purchasers, SHIPWRIGHTS, Sam. Andrews, 585; 628. Wm.Frost,149;John Newman,242; SMITH,Abraham,deedtoSam.Dayton, Sam. Pell, 638. 21. SHOEMAKERS, John Dole, 458; John Benjamin,56,306,463,696. Fry, 181; Gideon Wright, 291; John Daniel, 578. Townsend, 345; (see also Cordwainers). Isaac, 403, 527, 651, 658. SHOSKENÉ,(seeGrantors). Jemina,658. SHREWSBURY,N. J.,142,515. SHRIMPTON,Samuel,hisatty.sellscon- demned lots on Hog Island, at t. m ., to Nathan Birdsall, 121. S H U , Shoe, Shoue, Show, the, 79, 186, John, 348, 521, 677. Joseph, 11, 56, 354, 463. Josias, assig. of deed, (2d assig.), by Henry Townsend, Sr., 605; ment., 557, 576. 237, 254. Oliver, 657. SHU BROOK,590. Solomon, 651. SIBLEY, Hannah, signs husband's deed, Thomas,25,200. 591. William, 2, 692. John,withwife,Hannah,deedtoJohn SMITHERS,William,2. Dewsbury,590;ment.,419,420,516, 622. SMITHshop,the,(seealsoBlacksmiths), 204, 585. SICKNESS, general, 1683, 691. SNEATHING, Barak, arbitrates land dis- SIMKINS,Elizabeth,signs husband's deed, pute, 1766, 651, 652. 399, 432, 433, 565; ment., 412. SOPER, Henry, def. vs. Rich. Latting, Nicholas, t. g., 3, 6; deed to Gideon 211. Wright,28;deedfr.EleazerLeverich, SOSKECOCK,aff.reextentofMk.land 40; confirm. of Adam Wright's deed to and Hempstead's claim thereto, 678. Sam. Andrews, 42; to Alice Crabb, 57; SOUTHAMPTON,oneoftheL.I.Towns exch. with John Underhill, Jr., 58; to refusing new patents, 661; Wetafasson, Alice Crabb, 106; Indian deed, 112; Sachem of, 349; ment., 84, 164, 165, draft on Jas. Loyd, for disbursements 349, 575, 665. on land of Sampson and Hart, 112; t. SOUTH BEACH, 595. g., 130; deed to dau. Sarah Wilson, SOUTH meadows,Hempstead warned not (void),144;to Rob.Coles and Wm. tomow,9;purchased,1659,349;aff.re Thornycraft, 156; to Anth. Wright, 158; 675; license fr. Gov. to purchase, 1677, Surveyer, 202; t. g., 208, 209, 218; pl. 681; ment., 1, 20, 29, 30, 32, 36, 58, vs Latimer Sampson, 224; def. vs John 87, 188, 190, 193, 205, 307, 317, 327, Rogers, 228; same, 229; Constable, 230; 356, 365, and frequently thereafter. transferstoSam.Tilliarbyliveryof SOUTHNECKS,conferencewithIndians seisin, 238; receipts pay for Littleworth re, 675; dispute with Huntington re, land, to Rich. Kirby, 269; M. C. pat- 674-7. entee, 309; t. g., 353; with wife, Eliz., SOUTHOLD, one of the L. I. Towns Wm.WilsonandSam.Tillierandwives, refusing new patents, 661; ment., 180. deed to Thos. Wallace, 397; with wife, SPECIALCourts,nottobeheldinfuture, to Rob. Coles, 431; another, 432; to 225. neph.Wm.Simkins,537;toJos.Dick- SPENCER,Henry,305. inson, share of saw mill, 563; to W m . John, 108, 488. Thornycraft,564;toEliz.Townsend, SPICER,Samuel,144,680. 592;toWm.Frost,617;withJohn SPRAGUE,Spragge,John,309,694. DavisandHenryTownsend,Sr.,toWm. SPRING,Harvey'sorLattings,inHog Frost, 619; assig. of Jos. Carpenter's Island, 297. deed by Thos. Townsend, 642; same SPRINGER,James,483. grantor assig. his own rights, 642; exch. SPRINGFIELD, N. J., removal of Sam. with Jos. Carpenter, 643; grant fr. M. Andrews and Isaac Horner to,695. C.prop.,645;inlettertoGov.Stuy- SPRINGFIELD,inO.B.,383,508,539, vesant, 673; aff. re First purchase, 692; ment.,37,41,57,77,98,149,202,206, 223, 232, 246, 276, 277, 338, 388, 412, 414, 457, 464, 527, 572, 573, 575, 597, 615,630,632-5,637-40,644,646-50,691. William, deed fr. uncle, Nich. Sim- kins, 537; deed to Eph. Carpenter, 576; to W m . Frost, 615; ment., 575, 617. SIMONS,Symons,John,246,247. SIMON'S NECK,358. SIMSON, Catharine, 81, 82. 543, 602. SPRING HILL,N. J.,448. SRUCKAN, 359; (see Surrockainge and Surrukunga). STATE Library,firein,658. STATEN ISLAND, Jonas Halstead re- moved thereto, 16; set off as a separate jurisdiction, 1675, 667; ment., 36. STAVES, none to be transported fr. Town,236. STEVENSON, Thomas, 270. STEWART,John,361. STICH.Richard,521. STICKLING,John,landment.,38. William, with John Dyer, deed fr. Sam.Dayton,21;Indiandeed,89;assig. sametoWm.Frost,90;bondfr.Wm. Frost,90;def.vsHenryForce,224; STIRLING,Earlof,sellsHorseNeckto m e n t ., 4 8 , 7 8 , 8 0 , 2 7 2 , 6 2 9 , 6 7 7 . Matt. Sunderland, 1639, 625. SINTSINCK, (alias Schout's Bay), 623. STORY, Robert, arbitration of accounts SKIDMORE,Jeanne,wifeofDan.White- withJohnNewman,137,138;withJohn head, 592. Bowne, as attys. of Thos. Hart of Lon- Thomas,pl.vsJosiasLatting,211. don,deedtoSimonCooper,allofHart's SLAUGHTER time,328;payment at,251. partnership with Latimer Sampson and 742 STORY-Continued SYLVESTER-Continued Index Nath. Sylvester, 142-4; with same, agree- Nathaniel, Jr., as ex. of father, joins ment with Jas. Loyd, re Horse Neck, indeedtoJas.Loyd,188;ment.,192. 190; receipt to Jas. Loyd, 191; ment., Patience, 190. 179, 243. Peter, 180, 190. William, 680. SYMONS, John, 246, 247. STRATFORD,Conn.,607,608. STREET,Charles R.,676. TACKAPOUCHA, Tackapoosha, Tacka- STREETS,sheep driven fr.by geese,and powsha, sachem of Massepequa, 677, their greater danger fr. wolves, 684; fatherofSamos,339;aff.resizeofMk. (see Highways). land, and Hempstead claim thereto, 677; STUYVESANT, Gov. Petrus, letter_fr. (see Grantors), ment., 182, 284, 328, Town to, 1657, 672; patent for Hog 329, 330, 331, 332, 340, 546. Island,694;ment.,624,672. TAHQUAMES,or Red Brook,472. SUNDERLAND, Matthew, buys Horse TAILOR,Thos.Gatchell,115. NeckandHogIslandfr.EarlofStirling, TANNER,JohnTownsend,345. 624. TAVERN, (see Ordinary). TAX,levyof,forwolfbounty,3,204;3 SURGEON,Simon Cooper,142. SURROCKAINGE, et al deed for West Neck,357;deedofSouthmeadows,473; (see Surrukunga and Sruckan). SURRUKUNGA,son of Suscaneman,and his heir to unsold lands, 267; (see Sur- rockainge and Sruckan). SURVEYORS,to lay out ash swamp,4; to have 6 pence per acre for laying out, 6, 10, 202, 227; to lay out common for every inhabitant, 10; to lay out Hog Island, 203; Sam. Andrews, 119; Nath. Coles, 205; Rich. Harcott, 202; Matt. Harvey,208. Rob.Rider,636;Nich. Simkins,202;Geo.Townsend,648;Hen- ry Townsend, Sr., 6; Jas. Townsend, 217; Thos. Townsend, 258; Francis Weeks, 6; Sam. Weeks, 217; Nich. Wright, 6; Sam. Willis, 651. SUSKOE, Suckscoke, Suckscake, Sucksal, Suckscall, his wigwam, 79, 254, 264, 355, 466, 531. SUSCANEMAN,Suskaneman,aliasRuna- suck, in agreement to distribute yearly to all Indians pay received for Mk. lands, 182; in agreement as to heirship of unsold lands, 267; explanatory deed toTown,reFirstpurchase,355;protest against same, 357; patent to, fr. Gov. Dongan, 519; in 500 year lease, 529; (see Grantors); ment., 173, 276, 483, 629. SUTTON,Ambrose,19. Elizabeth, signs husband's deed, 465. Joseph, (Sr.), t. g., 7, 11; deed to Nath. Coles, 109; his wife_consents, but does not sign, 110; fr. Rob. Godfrey, 326; ment., 74, 110, 111, 378, 484. Joseph, Jr., with wife Eliz. assig. Rob. Godfry's deed to Rob Coles, 465; ment., 74, 110, 111, 378, 484, 326, 378, 465, 484, 579. SWINE, none to be brought in without consent of Town, 2; not to be put on Hog Island, 210; to be killed if found there after fixed date, 249; not to feed in streets, 227; (see Pork). SWONAME,signsconfirm.deed,284. SYLVESTER, Giles, as ex. of father, joins in deed to Jas. Loyd, 188-190; ment., 192. Grissel, deed to Edw. White, 179; as widow and ex. of Nath., deed to Jas. Loyd, Horse Neck, 188-190; ment., 188. Nathaniel, (Sr.), with Thos. Hart and Latimer Sampson, patentees of Horse Neck, 693; quit claim of his share, to partners, 192; promises to deed back to Jas.Loyd,the right assig.fr.latter,192; ment. 142, 143, 188, 191. farthings per pound, 269; 1 penny per pound, 673; levy of, for hire of Fort Neck, 1667, 204; refusal of, till repre- sentation isgranted,246,247;list,1683, 691; (see assessment, quit rent, rate and contributions). TELLE, (see Tillier). TERRY, Thomas, 629. TESTIMONY, of Heathen against Chris- tian not generally allowed by C. of A., but permitted in liquor cases, 669. THOMAS,John,ofBrookhaven,atty.of John Tompson, 82, 86. THOMB,(seeGrantors). THOMPSON'S History, 39. T H O R N , Thorne, Charles, 656. Charles, Jr., 658. Joseph, 457. Mary,457. Thomas, 485. THORNYCRAFT, Thornicroft, Thorne- c r a f t ( l a t e r C r a f t ) , C h a r l e s , b ., 6 5 3 . Joseph, b., 653. Mary, b., 653; ment., 655. Mercy, b., 653. Phebe, b., 353. Thomas, b., 653; d., 378. William, with Rich. Kirby, deed fr. Thos. Townsend, 70; they assig. same to John Frost, 93; with Rich. Kirby, fr. Thos. Townsend, 95; t. g., 130; with Rob. Coles, deed fr. Nich. Simkins, 156; in Mk. purchase, 333; t. g., 353: receipt to admin. of father's est. 378; deedtoAbm.Allen,522;fr.Nich.Sim- kins, 564; Confirm. fr. John, Jr., and Thos. Townsend, 565; fr. Nath. Coles, 566; assig. of Nich. Simkins deed by Rob. Coles, 567; fr. M. C. prop. 639; exch. with father in law, Jos. Carpen- ter, 643; deed to same, 644; family rec- ord, 653; written as Craft, 691; ment. 290, 294, 305, 306, 433, 491, 493, 637-40, 644-7. William, Jr., b., 653. THREE Rocks,the,535,682. THREE Runs,the,180,204,577;Swamp. 231. TILLIER,Tilliar,Tiller,Tillet,James,as- sig. of Henry Townsend's deed, by his dau.Susanna Forman and her son Jacob, 1725, 409. Mary, dau. of Nich. Simkins, 145; signs husband's deed, 399. Samuel, deed to John Robins, 127; mortgage to same, 128; payments on same, 129; transfer by seisin fr. Nich . Simkins,238;arbitrateslineswithW . m Frost,271;inMk.purchase,333;arbi- trates line with John Robbins, 248; with Index TILLIER-Continued W m . Wilson and Nich. Simkins, and their wives, to Thos. Wallace, 397-9; assig. Indian deed to Edmond Wright, 495;assig.himanotherdeed,496;ment. 145,172-4,178,182,494,595,645,691. TILTON,John,Sr.,680,687. TIMBER,nottoberemovedfr.Town,2; 236; (see also Pine). TITUS,Titas,Abial,onHuntingtonCom. 743 to run line, 1684, 31. 217. 9 May, 1672, John Tompson's Edward,hislandment.,1,3;def.vs case,219. 3June,1672,Rich.Harcott John Bird, 224; ment., 9, 397. John, "Old," at First settlement, 692; ment., 5, 25, 26, 200. Mary, 460. TOBACCO,protest against smuggling it throughTowntoDutch,8;ground,the, 461. TOMLINS,Tomlyns,Capt.Edw.,625. Timothy,625. vs Rich. Latting, 220, (see also the t. m . held 23/9 mo., 1672, by order of High Sheriff and Judge of Assizes,to try JohnRogersforfalsenews,221). 3 June,1673,Wm.ButlervsAdamWright, 225. 2Aug.,1673,Wm.Hudsonvs Rich. Latting; John Robbins vs Rich. Latting; fees of Marshall fixed, 223. 17/9mo.1673(nobusiness),223. 29 Dec., 1673, Matt. Harvey vs Jos. Lud- lam; same vs W m . Hudson, 223. 2 Feb. 1673/4, judgment in re Hudson vs Latting, 224. 2 Mar., 1673/4, Nich. Simkins vs Latimer Sampson, 224. 29 Mar., 1674, Henry Force vs W m . Sim- son,224. 30 Mar.,1674,Rob.Williams vs John Bird, 224. 10 Apr., 1674, TOMPSON, Thomson, John, blacksmith, late of Stamford, agreement and t. g., 43; exch. with Jas. Cock, 50; deed fr. Rich. Harcott, 59; assig. same to Matt. Priar, 59; deed fr. Gideon Wright, 60; assig. same to Matt. Priar, 60; now of Brookhaven, letter of_atty., 82; agree- ment of attys. with Town, 82-4; deed ofattys.toJos.LudlamandWm.Buck- guardianapp.forSarahReddough,224. ler, 84; W m . Buckler assig. back his share,85;t.g.,205,206,208,211;his grindle stone, 208; his atty. Rich. Crabb. collects debts fr. Greenwich men, 208; notified to resign his t. g., 219; promises at t. C. more peaceable behavior, 219, 220;havingdesertedtheTown,allt. gs. made void, 224; ment., 44, 47, 49, 54,55,68,72,214,440,632. John, of Middleborough, kinsman and atty. of John Tompson, blacksmith, 82- 6. TOPPING, Capt. Thomas, 674-6. TOWN,records extantbegin 1660,1; votes money to Capt. Underhill for his labor and pains, 1668, 208; petition to Gov.forpurchasingMk.,234;delegates to choose Representatives to first Gen. Assembly, 267; agreement with Rob. Williams re line, 272; patent, 307; quit rent paid, 285 ; military list of,to be sent toGov.onceayear,661;assessmentlist tobesentin,661;this,oneofthethree on L. I. which had declined patents, 661; some, on L. I. complain to Gov. re poor people settling, 662; not obliged to require oath of Overseers, 668; letter to Gov. Nicolls ment. 678; to show titles and give reasons why a patent has not been applied for, at C. of A., 1667, 679; license fr. Gov. Andros, to purchase south meadows and M k . lands, 687. Clerks, Matt. Bridgman, 1661, 41: Thos. Townsend , 1667-1675, 94; 102, 104, 105, 226; Matt Harvey chosen, 1673, 223; Job Wright, chosen, 1677, salary 1 shillingaman,234;Thos.Webb chosen, 1678,salary 40 shillings,235;John New- man, frequently ment. (see Vol. 2 for election). Collector, Caleb Wright, app. 268; Jo- sias Latting, app. 268. TOWN COURTS:(Thefirstnamedparty is the plaintiff.) 6 June, 1666, Mark Meggs vs Rich.Latting,19. [ ] Dec. 1666,Lawrence Mott vs Nath Coles,203. 3 Feb., 1667, John Tredwell vs Jas. Pitnie, 204, 205; John Coles vs Jas. 12 Apr., 1674, Matt. Harvey vs John Tompson,224. 17Apr.,1674,(nobus- iness),224. 14May,1674,JohnBird vs Thos. Willis; same vs Edw. Titus; W m . Hudson vs Rich. Latting; Nath. Coles vs Rich. Latting; Nich. Simkins vsLatimerSampson,224. 2Apr.,1674, (1675),John Gates vs W m .Buckler,225. 12 Jan., 1674/5, special court, Thos. Townsend vs Sam. Andrews, with bill ofcosts,224,225. 1Feb.,1674/5,Geo. Coke vs John Davis, 225. 2 Mar., 1674/5,Thos.Townsend vs Edw.Wright, 225. 4June,1675,JohnGatesvsJohn Bird,225. 6June,1675,Wm.Buckler VS Adam Wright, with bill of costs; John Gates vs John Bird, with bill of costs; no special courts to be held in future; plaintiff to enter declaration 4 days previous, 225. 7 Dec., 1675,John Bird vs Edmond Wright; same vs John Wright; same vs Anth.Wright; same vs Rich. Harcott, 226. [ 1675, Thos. Cromp vs Rob. Williams; John Gates vs Sam Andrews, 226. 23 Dec., 1676, Matt. Harvey vs John Gates; John Rog- ers vs Nich. Simkins; Thos. Elison vs ex. of John Reddough, 228. 1 Jan., 1676/7, bounty for foxes; John Rogers vsNich.Simkins,229. 2Feb.,1676/7, John Gates vs John Williams; Wessell WessellsvsThos.Phillips,230. 5Feb., 1676/7, judgment in re Gates vs. Wil- liams,230. 30Apr.,1677,Wm.Hart vs John Rogers, 231. 7 May, 1677, judgment in re Hart vs Rogers, each to bear his costs but def. to buy a quart of rum, 231. 31 Dec., 1677, (though styled a t. c., the business is that of a t.m.,seeTownMeetings),235. 11 Feb., 1677/8, Andrew Gibb vs Jos. Lud- lam,with billof costs,235,236. 18 Feb., 1677/8, Thos. Webb chosen clerk of courtbyt.m.,235. 4Mar.,1677/8(t. c.andt.m.,seeTown Meeting),237. 7 Feb., 1680/1, aff. of Moses Mudge re transfer by livery of seisin, 238. 29 Jan., 1681, special court, Josiah Clark, TOWN COURTS-Continued Pitnie, 204, 205. 23 Dec., 1667, Coles vs Pitnie, 204. 8 July, 1669, Rich. Latting vs Henry Soper of Huntington, 211. 4Oct.,1669,Thos.Skidmorevs JosiasLatting,211. 4Dec.,1669,Matt. HarveyvsDan.Blyeth,213. 20Dec., 1669,settlement of Dan.Blyeth's est., 213. [ ] 1670, Moses Forman US Rich.Harcott;countersuitbyHarcott, 744 TOWN COURTS-Continued atty. for Sam. Burr, of Hartford vs John Townsend, and Job Wright, in re est. of Chris. Crow, 243-5. TOWN GRANTS:Adams,John,1681,for grist and saw mill at Cold Spring, 249; Alling,Abm.,1677,231. 1678,114;1681, 241, 353. Andrews, Sam., 1668, 208; 1669,53;1671,218,219;1674,35;1681, 352; 1682, 153. Applegate, John, 1683, 263. Armitage, Thos., 1663, 7. Bates,John,1660,3;Birdsall,Nathan, 1674,35;1681,353. Bleving,Jas.,1678, 115;void and another granted,115;with John Rogers, 1678, 114; 1681, 241. Blyeth,Dan.,1668,209. Buckler,Wm., 1674,35;1681,353. Cock, Jas., 1663, 7; 1667, 204; 1668, 205,206,209;1671,218;1674,35;1678, 109, 1682, 295. Cock. Thos., 1680/1 239. Coles, Dan., with Matt. Harvey. 1668, 208. Coles, John, 1681, 353. C o l e s , N a t h ., 1 6 6 7 , 2 0 4 ; 1 6 7 6 , 2 2 8 ; 1 6 8 1 , 353; with Matt. Harvey, 259, 260. Coles,Rob.,1662,9;1681,353. Coop- er, Simon, 1681, 243; 1681, 353; 1682, 255, 257. Crabb, Alice, 1663, 7; 1681, 352. Crabb,Rich.,1674,35. Crooker, Ann, 1668, 205. Crooker, Jos., 1677, 230. Crooker, W m ., 1683, 263; with Thos. Miller and Sam. Dickinson, 1683, 264. Davis,John,1681,353. Davis,Nich., 1668, 4; 209; made void, 1672, 222. Dennis, George, 1669, 211; with Adam Wright,1674,116;1681,353. Dickin- son, John, 1661, 4; 1662, 9; 1668, 206; 1669, 56; 1671, 217; 1678 (void), 114. Dickinson, Jos., 1676, 229; 1677, 233; 1681,352,353;1682,258. Dickinson, Sam., 1683, 263; with W m . Croker and Thos.Miller,1683,264. Doughty,Isaac 1672, 221; 1677, 233; 1683, 261. E a s t l a n d , J o s ., 1 6 7 7 , 2 3 6 ; 1 6 8 4 , 1 9 7 . Feke, John, 1681, 353. Forman, Aaron,1674,35;1681,352,353. For- man, Aaron, Jr., 1676, 228. Forman, Moses, 1664, 7; 1668, 208; 1680/1, 240; 1681,353;with Francis and Sam Weeks, 1682, 257. Forman, Rob., 1661, 5; 1664,7;1666,203,1668,207;1671,218. Forman,Sam.,1671,219;1672,79;1681, 353; 1683, 264; his ch., 1683, 261, 262. Forman,Sam.,Jr.,1681,247. Forman, Thos.,1680/1,240;1683,263. Frost, John, 1679, 118, 121; 1681, 241, 352. Frost, W m ., 1674, 35; 1681, 352; 1683, 260. 261. Halstead,Jones,1664,7. Halstead, Jos.,1663,11. Harcott,Harcurt,Dan., 1683, 262. Harcott, Harcurt, Rich., 1662,9;1666,203;1668,206,209;1669, 56; 1671, 217, 218; 1681, 352, 353. Harvey,Matt.,1663,7;with Dan.Coles, 1668, 209; 1668, 207, 208, 209; 1669, 215, 216; 1671, 218; 1674, 35; 1681, 352; with Nath. Coles, 1683, 259. Horner, Isaac, 1678 for fulling mill, re- affirmed. 1682, made void, 1684. 237; 1682, 254. Hubbard, Ben., 1663, 7; 1668,209;1671,218;1674,35. Hud- son, W m . 1681, 353. Jones, John, 1677 (void), 233. Latting, Josias, 1667, 204; 1668, 206, 207; with Caleb, John and Edmund Wright,1674,256:1676,228;1681,353; 1683, 260. Ludlam, Jos., 1668, 204; 1677, 234; 1681, 353. Index TOWN GRANTS—Continued Miller, Thos., 1681, 353; 1683, 263; with W m . Croker and Sam Dickinson, 1683, 264. Mudge, Moses, 1681, 352. Newman,John,forboatbuildingyard, (void), 1681, 242; 1681, 242. Palmer, Eph., 1677 (void), 233. Priar, Matt., 1674, 35; 1678, 130; 1681, 353. Richbell, John, 1660, 1; 1660 (void), 4; 1662, 9. Robins, John, 1667, 204; 1681,353. Robinson,John,1676,228; formillatCold Spring,1677,234;1681, 247. Rogers, John, 1677, 230, 233; 1678, 114; with Jas. Bleving, 1678, 114; 1681,353. Sampson,Latimer,1659,349. Sim- kins, Nich., 1663, 6; 1668, 208, 209; 1671, 218; 1681, 353. Sutton, Jos., 1663, 7, 11. Thornycraft,Wm.,1681,353. Tomp- son,Thomson,John,1668,43,205,208; 1668 (several parcels), 206; 1669, 211; all made void, 1672, 222. Townsend, Eliz., 1676, 295; Townsend, Geo., 1681, 352. Townsend,Henry,Sr.,formill,1661, 40; 1662, 9; 1663, 6; 1668, 207; 1669, 216; 1671, 217, 218; 1672, 79; 1673, 223; timber forever for saw mill, 1673, 223;1674,35;1677,230;1681,240,352; timber forever,1681,249;with bro.John "Mill' Townsend, 1683, 264. Town- send,Henry,Jr.,1681,352. Townsend, Jas.,with Isaac Doughty,1672,79;1674, 35; 1677, 233; 1681, 352; 1683, 259, 264,267. Townsend,John,Sr.,1661, 4; 1663, 6; 1669, 216; 1671, 217, 218; 1674,35; 1676,295; 1681,352,353; 1683, 264. Townsend, John, Jr., 1663, 7. Townsend,John "Mill," with bro.Henry, 1683,264. Townsend,Rich.,1669,212. Townsend,Thos.,1668,206,209;1671, 217, 218; 1674, 35; for an ordinary, 1677/8, 237; 1681, 352. Townsend, widow, 1668, 207; 1669, 215; 1671, 217, 218. Townsman , each, 1663, 10; 1666, 202; 1668, 202; 1671. 217; no more to be given except by unanimous vote, 1672, 222; shares of Oak Neck, to 23 men, 1674, 35: shares on Hog Island to 22 men, 1676. 100;tobegrantedonlyatregulart.m.. 1677,232;share on Unqua Neck to each freeholder, 1679, 130; same laid out, 1681,352;tobeonlyfor26acres,ex- cept to freeholders, 1681,248. Underhill, John, (Capt.), 1664, 7: 1674, 35. Underhill, John, Jr., 1664, 11; 1681, 353. Weeks, Dan., 1662, 9; 1663, 11; 1683, 263. Weeks, Francis, 1662, 9; 1663, 6, 7; 1668, 208; 1671, 217, 218; 1674, 35;with Sam.and Moses Forman,1683, 263. Weeks, Jas., 1676, 228; with Thos.Weeks,1676,229;1677,233;1683, 261. Weeks,John,withbro.Joseph, 1668, 206: 1674, 35. Weeks, John "Warwick," 1674, 35; 1681, 353; 1683, 259;1684,273. Weeks,Jos.withbro. John, 1668, 206; 1674, 35. Weeks, Sam., 1668, 207; with bros. Jos. and John, 1672, 79; with father Francis Weeks and Moses Forman, 1682. 257. Weeks,Thos.,1672,221;1676,229;with bro. James 1676. 229; 1683, 261, 262. White, Edw. 1683, 260. Whitehead, Dan.,1660,1. Whittecar.John,1676, 226. Williams,John,1681,252. Wil- Index TOWN GRANTS-Continued liams,Rob.,1681,353. Willis,Mary, 1681, 353. Willits, Thos., 1691, 168. Wright, Adam, with Geo. Dennis, 1674, 116; 1677, 233; 1681, 352. Wright, Anth.,1660,3;1662,9;1663,6;1671, 217,218;1672,79;1674,35;1681,353; lands described and acknowledged, no date, 57. Wright, Caleb, with bros. John and Edmund and Josias Latting, 1674,256;1681,353. Wright,Edmund, with bros. Caleb and John, and Josias Latting,1674,256;1681,353. Wright, Gideon, 1668, 207; with bros. Caleb and John, 1672, 79; 1674, 35; 1681, 353; 1683,266. Wright,Job.,1677(void), 231 ; 1677, 231 ; 1678 , 114 ; 1681 , 287 , 353 . Wright,John,1667,204;1668,206,207; with bro. Edmund, 1672, 79; with bros. Edmund and Caleb, and Josias Latting, 1674,256;1681,353. Wright,Lydia, 1682,254,695. Wright,Nich.,ment., 25; 1668, 207; 1671, 217, 218; 1674, 35;1681,353. Wright,Peter,1660,2; 1671, 218. 745 Young, Jacob, 1663, 11. T h o s ., 1 6 7 6 , 2 2 7 ; 1 6 8 0 / 1 , 2 3 9 . Youngs, 1668, many t. g., 206. 29 [ ] 1668, t. g., 209. [ 1668, levy to pay Capt. John Underhill, for his labor and pains, 208. 12 Jan., 1668/9, twelve months more allowed some who had not built in specified time; t. g., 215. 17 Mar. 1668/9, t. g., fire ladders required, 216. 5Apr.,1669,elections,210. 22June, 1669, agreement re Hog Island, 210. Last of July, 1669; fence viewers for Hog Island, 210. 7 Oct., 1669, high- ways,t.g.,211. 13Nov.,1669,t.g., 212. 15 Nov., 1669, every Townsman tohelprepairmilltrench,212. 4Dec., 1669,Overseerelected,212. 7Nov., 1670, two days set for brush cutting; constable's warrant, not mentioning King'snamenotaccepted,216,217. 3 July, 1671, Surveyors chosen; com. to lay out West Neck and Little Neck, 217, 218. 14 July, 1671, shares on WestandLittleNecks,217. 28Aug., 1671, t. g., John Tompson's t. g., re- voked,219. 6Jan.,1671/2,Constables and Overseers to use utmost endeavors to purchase necks bordering south mea. dows,221. 6Jan.,1671/2,t.g.,no more t. g. except by unanimous vote of Townsmen, 222. 3 Feb., 1672, t. g. given and made void, 222. 23/7 mo., 1672,Overseerchosen,221. 23/9mo., 1672,held by order of High Sheriff and Judge of Assizes to fine John Rogers for falsenews,221. 2Apr.,1673,election of Constable and Overseers; regulations re Hog Island, 222. 19 May, 1673, joint com.to settle Huntington line,222. 24/9mo.,1673,t.g.,oftimberforever, for Henry Townsend's saw mill, 249. Between 1st and 19th of Oct., 1673, oath of allegiance to Dutch (not re- corded),679. 29Apr.,1674,subdivision of Oak Neck meadows, 35. 3 May, 1675, Constable, Overseers and Fence Viewerschosen,225. 5July,1675,two days set for cutting brush on common, 226. 16Aug.,1675,atownhouseto be built, 226. 1 Apr., 1676, Constables and Overseers chosen;Town fence to be repaired; Hog Island common to be divided;t.g.,226,227. 9Dec.,1676, Surveyorschosen;t.g.,227. 2Apr., 1677, Constable and deputy, and Over- seerschosen,230. 7May,1677,John Rogers to warn for all t. m .; Fence Viewers and Highway inspectors chosen; causewaytobemadeatdock;t.g.,231. 21 May, 1677, list of freeholders; com- monlanddefined;t.g.,231. 3Dec., 1677, Job Wright chosen Town Clerk, for one shilling a man, 234. 31 Dec., 1677,deputies fr.each place to meet with officers for levying rates; highways to be cleared at local cost; deputy constable tobeapp.ineveryplace,235. 11Feb., 1677/8, bounty for wolves and foxes; pine trees lately cut on Pine Island to be forfeit unless removed at once; no vessel over 3 tons to be sold out of Town;t.8.,236. 18Feb.,1677/8, Thos. Webb chosen clerk, for 40 shil- lings per year, 235. 18 Feb., 1677/8, t. g., for fulling mill, 237. 4 March, 1677/8, t. g. to Thos. Townsend, for keeping an Ordinary, 237. 10 Feb., 1678,com.topurchaseIndian landswithin patent,113. 4 Sept.,1678,t.g.,to A b m . (not named) 1679, 118. TOWN HOUSE,tobebuilt,1675,size,etc., com. to expedite it, 226; ment., 1684, 273; 1742, 13, 14. TOWN LAW,established,667. TOWN LINE,com.re,totreatwithwidow Williams, 273; freeholders to run, be- tween Rob. Williams and Town, 273; com. to defend, in differences, 274; agreement re, with Hempstead, 107; dis- pute re, with Huntington, 674-677; dis- pute re with Hempstead, 674, 677, 678; (see also Hempstead and Huntington). TOWN MEETINGS,13 Dec.,1660 (not sonamed),grants,1. 1Feb.,1661, dues for wolf killing, subscription for widow Crocker, t. g., 3. 24/1 mo. (Mar.), 1661, warning and protest re smuggling,8. 16Sept.,1661(notso named),grantandcontractformill,40. 13/6 mo., 1662, grants, 9. 1662, public work re mill, bridges widow's house, letter to Hempstead re meadows, 9. 3/7 mo., 1663, 20 acres, ofcommontoeachinhabitant,10. 14/7 mo., 1663, Surveyors app., warning re ordinances; t. g., to all who worked on mill; meadows at Beaver Swamp and CoveNecktobeforevercommon,6,10, 11. [ 1663,trees in highways to be cut only by adjoining owner, 6. 21/10 mo.,1663,t.g.,11. 25/1mo.,1664, grant,11. 2/3mo.,1664,com.app.topur- chaseMk.land,11. 23June,1665, Horse Neck to be part of Town, 19. 30 Nov., 1666, Oak Neck and Pine Neck tobelaidout,202. Dec.,1666,t.g., 202. 17Feb.,1667,bountyforwolf killing, 204. 8 Apr., 1667, election; patent to be secured, 203. 19 Apr., 1667, t. g., 203. 11 Dec., 1667, levy for hire of Fo rtNeck;t.g.,204. 2 9 Jan., 1667/8, t. g., 4. 8 Apr., 1668, election,204. 15July,1668,t.g.,204. 27 Sept., 1668, 202. 10 Oct., 1668, election; all to bring deeds to be rec- orded,t.g.,205. LastofNov.,1668, former orders, previous to 1664, which prevented taking up land within a mile of town, revoked; swamps and meadows to be laid out; t. g., 206. 1 Dec., TOWN MEETINGS-Continued 7/8 746 TOWN MEETINGS-Continued Alling,blacksmith,109. 22 Nov.,1679, saleofcondemned lotson Hog Island, 121. 2 Apr.,1681,constable,deputy and over- seers chosen; Unqua Neck to be laid out,240,241. 9Apr.,1681,t.g.,241. 15 Apr., 1681, t. g., 242. 16 May, 1681, t. g. of abandoned highway, with gate easement, 243. 26 Nov., 1681, highways; t. g., 247. 28 Dec., 1681, t. g., for saw and grist mill at Cold Spring,249. 4July,1682,t.g.,250. 4 Sept., 1682, Overseer chosen; bounty onwolves;t.g.,253. 27Jan.,1682/3, t.g.,255. 12Feb.,1682/3,highway abandoned,256. 5Mar.,1682/3,Sur- veyors chosen; freeholders warned to take up shares, 258. 26 Mar., 1683, perpetualcommonfixed;t.g.,262. 2 Apr., 1683, Constable and Overseers chosen,264. 29Sept.,1683,delegates to elect representatives to first Gen. As- sembly,267. 29Dec.,1683,Assessors and Commissioners chosen, 268. 31 Jan., 1683/4, Town Treasurer chosen; deputies to choose Co. Treasurer, 268. 9 Feb.,1683/4,deputies chosen,270. 30 June, 1684, freeholders to meet at sun- rise to run line between Town and Rob. Williams; Highway overseers chosen; t.g.,273. 23July,1684,com.totreat withwidowWilliamsreline,273. 26 July, 1684, each freeholder to have 5 acres near Huntington cartway, 273; com. app. to defend Town in line dis- putes,274. 11Oct.,1684,IsaacDough- ty and John Williams accused of horse stealing,butclearedbyt.m.,274. 20 Mar., 1685/6, joint com. to run Hemp- stead line, 357. 12 May, 1692, pro- test against Suscaneman's explanatory deed of 1678, 357. 21 Jan., 1742/3. com.to transcribe Old Book A; report its completion, 14. 1 Feb., 1742/3, Certification of New Book A, 15. Apr., 1743, New Book A legally estab- lished, 15. Index Ordersof,transgressorstostandjudg ofmillstosonsanddaus.400;assig. ment, 10. of Gideon Wright's deed fr. David Un- Patent, (see Patents). derhill,405;deedtosame (notrecorded) Rates, (see Rate). 405; fr. Jos. Dickinson, 405; to dau. Recorder, (see Recorder). Susanna and son in law, Aaron For- Treasurer, Nath. Coles, chosen, 1683, man, Jr., 408; to Francis Weeks, 409: 268. deed fr. same, 415; fr. son John, 416; TOWNSMEN,listsof,(seeList). heirbywillofsonRob.417;assig.Rob. TOWNSEND,Ann,63-65,653. Williams'deed to sons and daus.,419; Anna, signs husband's deed, 368, 443. assig.Sarah Williams'deed to same,419; Daniel,deed fr.David Underhill,533; to son John, 441; to Job. Wright, 442; with bros. Jas. and Geo., to John Fry, 542; in Mk. purchase, 333; ment., 30, 63,64,171,180,374,379,407,410,416, 428, 431, 474, 492, 494, 510, 573, 616, 618. Deborah, b., 606; ment., 658. Deliverance, 62. Dinah, quit claim fr. bro. John, 345; ment., 61. Elizabeth, (wife of John), confirms husband'sdeedtosonJohn,44;division of husband's est., 63. Elizabeth, (wife of Richard), division of husband's est., 61; ment., 345. Elizabeth, (unidentified, one of the above), t. g., 100, 295; deed fr. Nich. Simkins, 592; ment., 99, 140, 232, 295, 583. Elizabeth (dau. of John and Eliz.), wife of Gideon Wright, 64. to John Robins, 508; with sons Henry and John, assig. Indian deed to John Pratt, Jr., 554; to son Henry, 578; to John Dewsbury, 586; assig. 3 deeds to same, 587-589; assig. of Indian deed by John Dewsbury, 605; assig, same to Jos- ias Smith, 605; et al, deed to W m . Frost, 619; ment., 8-10, 18, 28, 31, 39. 46, 51, 55, 58, 61, 63, 65, 74, 78, 83, 87, 88, 94, 98, 99, 106, 107, 116, 157, 166, 177, 184, 185, 196, 212-214, 232, 236, 241, 247, 249, 256, 266, 270, 272, 277, 284, 286, 291, 295, 297, 304, 305, 315, 316, 322, 345, 349, 351, 356, 362, 366, 383, 400, 403, 404, 412, 413, 420, 429. 436, 452, 463, 532, 562, 586, 597, 601, 604, 656, 681, 687, 691. Henry,Jr., (son of Henry,Sr.) et al deed to John Rogers, 96; assig. of Jas. Cock's deed fr. father, 104; t. g., 130; TOWNSEND-Continued Esther, 606. Esther, Jr., b., 606. Freelove, d., 606. George, t. g., 130; Indian deed, 183; boundaries defined,184;m.Mary Hawx- hurst,271;inMk.purchase,334;deed fr. John and Rose Weeks, 334; t. g., 352;deed to Jas.Townsend,373;with bros.Jas.and Dan,toJohn Fry,542;Sur- veyor, 648; ment., 30, 63, 64, 183, 184, 246, 249, 277, 279, 288, 301, 305, 316, 344, 347, 364, 366, 376, 380, 401, 402, 411, 412, 428, 431, 444, 452, 471, 474, 478, 490, 498, 522, 538, 559, 573, 586, 597, 611, 618, 691, 696. George (2d), b., 603; m. Roseannah Coles, 604; birth of ch., 604. George, (3d), b., 604. Hannah, 52, 62, 521, 658. Henry,Sr.,aidswidow Crocker,4;t. g.,6,9;Surveyor,6;t.g.,35;t.g.,for mill,40;deed fr.John Richbell,42;fr. Jas. Cock, 53; t. g., 79, 100; deed fr. Matt. Priar, 103; fr. Jas. Cock, 104; assig. same to son Henry, 104; assig. Jas. Cock's deed to son John, 105; with Capt. Thos. Townsend, to go to Gov. for patent, 107; deed fr. Rob. Williams, 118; t. g., 119; deed fr. Abm. Alling. 125;t.g.,130;deedtosonHenry,169; fr. John Richbell, 169; assig. same to sons Henry and John, 171; with sons, Henry Jr. and John, Indian deed, 174; license fr. Gov. to purchase Indian lands, 174; deed to son Henry, 180; Indian deed,186;Constable,1668,207;t.g., 207; Overseer, 210, 221, 226; t. g., 216. 217,218;oncom.tolayoutWestNeck, 217; t. g., timber, 223, 249; on com. to petition Gov., 234; t. g., 240, 264; on com. to take patent and deeds to Gov. for record, 271 ; deed to John Eastland, 306;Town patentee,307;t.g.,352;deed to son Henry, 367; with wife Anna and sonJohn,tosonHenry,368;assig.Abm. Allen's deed to W m . Frost, 393; deed Index 747 TOWNSEND-Continued father, 169; with bro. John, and Thos. deed fr. fr father, dying intestate, and sisters, sons John Andrew'sdeed . est. to brothers assig.of Sam. Indian deed, deed all otherJohns), 171; with bro. and father, assig. of Capt. 583;ment.(seealsounder 232,246-8, 28, 41, 44, 135, 419, 423, 430, 148, 203, 174; with bro. John, Morris, 177; Morris' purchase, by Lewis 230; deed fr. 284, 295, 345, 357, 375, 530, 541, Indian deed, 180; t. g., Wright, 302; fr. Thos. 432, 434, 444, 459, 486, 521, Adam and Mary purchase, 331, 542, 565, 586. Townsend, 316; in Mk. (of Lusum,son of John 1csotn)-, Adam and Mary John,Jr. Crocker, 4; t. g., 6, 7; 333; t. g., 352; fr. 363; assig. of aids widow of previous deed Wright, 362; fr. fatherN,athan Burdsall, firm. by mother Eliz., Thos 44; fr. Caleb Wright's deed by father, 367; fr. parents by , Coles, 110; father44;deedtobro. ., 366; deed fr. bro. John, 369; Rob. Mary An- Williams, 45; fr. Nath. and bro. John, 368; to Townsend, Sr., 377; to Nathan g.,130;deedfr.Sam.and t. purchase, 333; with toJohn Townsend,400; drews,321;inMk.brothersandsisters Burdsall, 383; fr. Thos. father, bro. Thos., deed to see also withbro.JohnandsisterRose,fr. Thos. all est. of father, 583; ment.61(-3,65-7, Indian deed fr. 400; assig. of fr.Jas.Town- under 122, 123, 125, 126, other Johns), 41, 49, 52, and John Townsend, 401; John, 403; 94, , 99 114, 115, 181, 183, 184, send, 402; exch. with bro. with bro. John 132-4, 140, 141, 169, 180, 233, 235, 241, 244, 246, assig. fr. Indian deed to John father, 419; 226 , 230, 232, 277, 288, 291, 295, , 297 and father, assig. Newman, 574; 270, 272, 276, 319 332, 334, Pratt, Jr., 554; to John 298, 306, 311, 315, 316, , 382, 383, father, 578; ment., 114, 168, 169, 303, 361, 367, 372, 377, 378, 420 fr. 285, 297, 298, 301, 356, 400, 405, 408, 413, , 232, 246, 271, 373 390, 416, 386, 387, 393, 306, 327, 330, 338, 372, , 422, 450, 492, 494, 505, 511, 524, 533, 494, 503, 582, 609, 417, 441, 444, 453, 475, 477, 638, 640, 535, 546, 563, 565, 572, 578, 508, 509, 524, 561, 604, 637, 620, Henry), deed to 645, 649, 650, 653, 654, 691. 691. 35; t. g., John ("Mill," son of James,(sonofJohn),t.g., Rogers,94;etal,tosame, 96;t.g., Doughty, 79; with same, fr. John 105; with bro. with Isaac g , 130; deed fr. 100; deed fr. father, Sam. Andrews' Anth.Wright,102;t. . Underhill, Henry, Jr., assig. of same,assig.by John Townsend,132;to John by father,171;with deed, 184; Surveyor, 1670, deed of his right in Capt. Rich. 132;Indian Mk.pur- LewisMorris g., 233, 259, 267; in Morris' purchase, 177; t. g.,216,217, 217; t. Jane Reddough, 234; chase,331,333;m. 351;t.g.,352; Overseer, 253; Over- deed to Rich. Willits, 218;refusestobe Mk.pur- seer, 240; t. tanner and shoemaker g., 264, 295; in , Edmond Wright, 364; fr. Anth. deed to and John Weeks chase, 331, 333; 361; assig. Wright, Rich. Crabb 372; fr. 345; deed fr. Adam Wright, father in Warwick," 372;fr.bro.John, bro.Robert,362;joins " Townsend, 373; deed to Henry same to Jr., 368; deed fr. Geo. deed to bro. Henry, Townsend,Jr.,402;with bros.Jas.,Geo. deed fr. assig. Henry, Jr., 369; et al, of to John Fry, 542; and Dan., deed Thos. Willits, bro. Miriam Harcott, 374; aff. half of Indian deed to Rich. and lands, 195; Miriam and Mary Underhill, 320; Harcott, as to his 64, 65, 114, 141, 183, 609; ment., 63, 291, 314- 232, 256, 264, 277, 287, deed fr.John John Robins, 185, 383, 445, 459, 490, fr. assig. same to Nath. Coles, 378; fr. 316, 321, 342, 345, 544, 551, ; Indian deed, 401; Henry, 504, 509, 514, 515, 529, 535, 383 Jr., 401; with bro. 656, 687, 691. bro. Henry, Jr., and sister Rose, deed fr. father, 557, 596, 607, Henry, Jr., James, Jr., 567. mills, 400; exch. with bro. Jane ( wife of James, Sr.), m ., 234; 416; assig. of land 403; deed to father, fr Job Wright, ment ., 597. dis- father,419;deed . John(severalofthisname,aaslso"Sr." by assig.sametobro.Rob.,436;Jdoehend tinguished at different times 435; Blevin, 436; fr. Townsend Lineage, at p. fr. Jas. and Ann 440; and "Jr.," see Ludlam, Genealogy, 1914, deed fr.Sam.Dickinson,437; Pratt, fr. Sr., 439; fr. Jos. father, 365 of Cock-Cocks-Cox Townsend Memorial, 1864, for elu- fr. and Consult all mentions under this Jos. Ludlam, 452; deed 441; deed to Dan. Whitehead, cidation. same, ment., 452; fr. in law, heading). Jr.,and deed fr. sister and bro. 1st, Sr. (father of John 463; Joseph Dickinson, 526; with John, 4, 35; exch. with Rob. Rose and Thos.), t. g., purchase Indian bro. Henry, Jr., and father, assig. In- Jr., 554; fr. Coles, 110; on com.to Rogers, 127; deed to John Pratt, 113; deed fr. John lands, Indian deed of Unqua Jonas Holsteed, dian 582; confirm. of same to Williams, 582; deed oncom.toreceive toRob.Coles, hiswidow,by Rob. 129;t.g.,130;deed h David Underhill, 601; ment. (see Neck, same, 133; def. vs Josia 133;deed fr. to John, Sr., and John, Jr.). Clark, atty , re est. . of Chris. Crow,243; under Richard), quit claim to of Dennis, 267; delegate to John (son Dinah Townsen 345;t.g., Assessor sister d, 353; receipt fr. Geo. Represen , tatives 267; see under other elect first M k . purchase, carpenter, 345; ment. ( Commissioner, 268; in and deed to Henry Johns). and Justice 333; t. g., 352, 353; Eph.Carpenter, John (called "R. I. John" Townsend, 363; deed fr. John Jo son of Thomas), and wife ment. Rose, 37;deed to bro. Townsend, Jr., Jas., 372; deed fr. their hn,children's births, 605, 606; Rogers, 376; fr . Henry (ee to John Rogers, 379; as J. P., s other Johns). 377; deed acknowledgment, 380; Judith, b., 606. receives his own with bro. Latitia, 658. deed to Thornicraft, Hope Willits, 521; 565; Leah, 61. Thos., deed to W m . Mary, 62, 335, 425, 461, 574. TOWNSEND-Continued 748 TOWNSEND-Continued TOWNSEND-Continued Index Memorial, extract from, 692. presentatives, 267; deputy to choose Co. Micajah,651. Treasurer, 268; to meet deputies of Noah, 656. other Towns at Jamaica for County bus- Penn,J.P.,1742,14;tocertifyNew iness,270;withHenryTownsend,Sr.,to Book A , 1743, 15; b., 605; m . Esther 606; birth of ch., 606; ment., 697. P e n n , J r . , b ., 6 0 6 ; d ., 6 0 6 . Prior, 656. Richard, deed fr. Matt. Priar, 50; fr. Rob. Williams, 51; division of est., 61; t. g., 212; planter, 345; ment., 45, 46, 64,65,133,606,686. Richard, Jr., 61. Robert,in Mk.purchase,331,333; take patent and Indian deeds to Gov. for record, 271; arbitrator re farm line. 271; deed to nephew Thos. Townsend, 288;to Jos.Ludlam,298;Town patentee, 307; to John Applegate, 314; to Henry Townsend, Jr., 316; in Mk. purchase, 333; t. g., 352; to Nathan Coles, 277; to Henry Townsend, Jr., 400; for his friendship, Indians give land to son, John, 401; disclaims his right to lands boughtofOpassum,521;withbro.John, assig.ofIndiandeedfr.bro.John,362; Jr.,confirm.toWm.Thornicraft,565; fr. John and Rachel Wright, 367; wills with bro. John, to bros. and sisters, all land to father on eve of journey, 417; est. of father, 583; fr. cousins for land assig. of Job Wright,'s deed fr. bro. in R. I., ment., and guaranty of title for J o h n , 4 3 6 ; d e c e a s e d , h i s w i l l m e n t ., 5 8 8 ; s a m e , 6 0 6 ; f r . J o s . C a r p e n t e r , h a l f r i g h t , ment.,169,277,304,384,393,429,509, 641;assig.same to Nich.Simkins,642; 586, 590, 620. assig. own right to same, 642; letter to Rose (wife of John), 605. Commander Brockholls, 668; et al, deed Rose(dau.ofJohnandRose),b.,606. fr.Opassum,676;assig.tosoninlaw, Rose(dau.ofPenn),b.606;d.,606. Thos.Jones,share in south purchase, Rose (wife of John Weeks "War- 647; letter to Brockholls requesting that wick"),signshusband'sdeed,335;ment., oathsofTown officersbeoptional,680, 6 3 , 6 4 , 4 0 0 ( s e e D i c k i n s o n ) . 6 8 1 ; d e e d t o N a t h a n C o l e s , 6 8 9 ; m e n t ., R o s a n n a h , b ., 6 0 4 . 3 0 , 4 6 , 5 0 , 5 5 , 6 3 , 6 5 , 6 9 , 7 3 - 5 , 7 8 , 8 0 , 8 4 , Samuel, 549. 85, 87, 91-3, 100-3, 107, 113, 115, 116, Sarah, 27, 63-5, 101. 118, 121, 123, 125, 128, 129, 134-7, 139- Solomon, 276. 141, 144, 146-8, 150-3, 155-7, 160-2, 165, Susanna, with husband, Daniel, in 167-9, 171, 175, 177, 179, 180, 182-7, agreement re father's est., 592. 195,198,199,201,202,208,213,229-32, Thomas (Capt., son of John 1st), 234, 235, 238-58, 265, 269, 270, 273, 274, exch. with John Underhill, Sr., 29; on 277, 279, 281, 283-7, 289, 290, 292-5, com. to run Huntington line, 30, 31; 297, 299, 301, 303-5, 309, 314, 328, 335, t.g.,35;deedfr.bro.John,44;deedto 352, 356, 357, 359, 363, 375, 425, 470, Jos.Ludlam,51;fr.John Underhill,Jr., 475, 477, 478, 495, 496, 503, 504, 509, 53; to W m . Thornicraft and Rich. 515, 568, 571, 572, 585, 592, 604, 610, Kirby, 70; quit claim fr. W m . Hudson, 616, 630-2, 634, 636, 637, 639-41, 643, 82; continued as recorder of marks, 91; 644, 652, 697. Town Clerk, 1667-1675, 94, 102, 104, Thomas,Jr., (son of John,Jr.),deed 105,226;deedtoJohnandAnn Rogers, fr. uncle, Thos. Townsend, 288; ment., 94; to W m .Thornycraft and Rich.Kirby, (see above). 95;t.g.,100;fr.JohnandAnn Rogers Widow, (prob. of John, Sr.) t. g., andhersons,105;withbro.Henry,to go 207, 215, 217, 218; ment., 57, 256. to Gov. for patent, 107; Captain, 115; on William, b., 604. com.tobuyIndianlands,113;J.P., TRADESMEN,lotleftfor,1668,206. 115, 185, 196, 200; deed to Rich. Har- cutt, 122; Recorder, 126, 127, 132, 133, TRADING with Indians at their planta- tions prohibited by C. of A., 664. 145, 160, 169, 171, 174, 176, 268; TRAINING, distraint for refusing, 241; on com. to receive Indian deed of Un- to be observed according to law, 661; qua Neck, 129; t. g., Unqua Neck, 130; scruples against, 680; exemption from, 12othersharesassig.him,131;onarbi- in Horse Neck patent, 693. trationcom.,137,138;Indiandeed,147; TRAIN OIL,price of,165. atty. of Geo. Dennis, 163; letter fr. TREASURER, (see under County and Gulian Verplanck, atty. for Edw. Grif- Town). fith, 163; sells Dennis'land, 164;li- TREDWELL,John,pl.vsJas.Pitnie,204, cense fr. Gov. to purchase Indian lands, 205. 174; quit claim to Col. Lewis Morris TREE, Rob. Williams', 356; (see Cantia- for same (void), 174; Indian deed, 182; gue); Rob. Forman's, 109; great chest- assig. same to Col. Lewis Morris, 183; nut, "blone up by ye rootes," 229; Surveyor, 197, 258, 696; Constable, 204, those in highway to belong to abutting 220,222,692;gets John Dickinson's share owner, 6. ofmeadow,203;t.g.,206,209;inagree. TRIALbyCandle,saleofdistrainedhorse mentreHog Island,210;Overseer,210, by, 242. 222,225,227;oncom.tolayoutWest TRIPTREE, Edward, 46. Neck,217;t.g.,217,218;on com.to TROTT,Richard,347. layoutsouthnecks,217,218;pl.vs TUCKER,John,552. Sam.Andrews,224,225;pl.vsEdw. TURBARY,onlyinstanceof,inthisvol. Wright, 225; on com. to settle Hunting- ume, 550. ton line, 222; sent with Henry Town- TURF and Twig (see Livery of Seisin). send,Sr.,toGov.withpetitionrepur- TWELVEmonthandaday,(seeyear). c h a s i n g M k ., 2 3 4 ; t . g ., i n c o n s i d . o f keeping an Ordinary, 237; atty. of John Mayhue, 250; delegate to elect first Re- UDALL,Charles,657,658. Deborah, m . cert., 656. Index 749 UDALL-Continued UNDERHILL-Continued Richard, Jr., m . cert, 656. Sarah, 657, 658. Susanna, 656. Thomas, 656. UNDERHILL,Daniel,with bro.John,deed tobro.Jacob,597;ment.,481,557,575, 689. David, deed fr. John and Edmond Wright,311;fr.Samson Hawxhurst, 313; assig.Sam.Dickinson'sdeed toJohn Rog- ers, 347; assig.Gideon Wright's deed to Henry Townsend, 405; deed fr. Sam. Burdsall, 421; assig. same to John and Edmond Wright,422;in Mk.purchase, 476;deedtoJohnFeke,499;toSam. Burdsall, 504; to Sam. Dickinson, 513; anotherment.,518;toDan.Townsend, 533; to John Pratt, Jr., 556; fr. Sam. Weeks, 596; another, 598; fr. Samson Hawxhurst, 599; fr. John Townsend, 601; to W m . Frost, 621; to nephew JacobUnderhill,689;ment.,276,324, 382, 441, 455, 480, 556, 567, 568. Elizabeth, 78, 81. Nathaniel, deed fr. Suscaneman, 197; deedtoHenryFranklin,324;samemade void,480;in Mk.purchase,476;with wifeMary,deedtobro.John,688;ment., 78, 277, 468, 691. Peter, 483, 697. Rachel, 657. Samuel,(sonofJohn2d),m.Hannah Willets, 604; ment., 276, 386, 483, 499, 684. Samuel, (1742), on com. to transcribe Book A, 13-15; Town Clerk, 1731, 695. U N I T E D , Belgic Provinces, patents under, illegal, 670. UNQUA NECK,Indiandeedfor,129; list of rights thereon, 130; to be laid out,241;laidout,352;ment.,122,125, 127,131, 133,157,160,199,218,251,281, 298-300, 335, 342, 349, 370, 373, 376, 377, 389, 391, 395-7, 413, 497, 498, 501, 593, 616, 618-21. UNRECORDEDDeeds,hereingiven,681- 690. URQUHART,John,311,533. Jacob, deed fr. bros. John and Dan., 597; fr. uncle David Underhill, 689; VALENTINE,Charity,b.,654. ment., 548. Charity (Jr.), b., 654. John, (Capt.), t. g., 7; deed to Geo. Charles, b., 655. Dennis,32;exch.withThos.Townsend, Charles, Jr., 658. 29; t. g., 35; deed to son John, 36; Daniel, 658. deputedtoobtainTown patent,40;exch. David, b., 655; ment., 657, 658. withFrancisWeeks,46;will,78;Town David, Jr., 658. pays for his labor and pains, 208; his Elizabeth, 657. massacre of Indians at Fort Neck, 676; Frost, 657, 658. letter to, fr. Sec. Nicolls, re M k . settle- George, m . cert., 657. ment, Hempstead's claim thereto, and Hannah, 657, 658. approval of name, 678; Indian deed, Isaac, 658. 681; letter to Gov. Nicolls replied to, Jacob, Capt., b., 654; loses land in 695;ment.,17,18,19,24,30,42,44, 70, 76, 677, 680, 683, 686, 688, 689. arbitration, 1766, 651, 652; ment., 656. (see also John unidentified). Lewis, 658. Mary, b., 654; m . cert., 657. John, (2d called "Sr." and "Jr." son Sarah, b., 655; ment., 657, 658. ofCapt.John),t.g.,11;deedfr.father, Susannah,b.,655;ment.,657,658. 36; deed to Thos. Townsend, 53; fr. Theodosia, 657. Sam.Weeks,58;exch.with Nich.Sim- Townsend, 657. kins, 58; exch. with Gideon Wright, 59; VAN BEBBER,Matthias,533. fr.Moses Forman,79;fr.John Dickin- VAN ELSLANT,Claes,628. son,79;fr.Rich.Harcurt,79;t.g., VAN RUYVEN,Vanroven,Cornelis,et 100;oncom.tobuyIndianlands,113; al,deedsHogIslandtoTown,297; on com.to receive deed for Unqua Neck, patent to same fr. Gov. Stuyvesant, 694. 129;t.g.,130;deedtoJas.Townsend, VAN TIENHOVEN,Cornelis,624,626, 132; fr. Alice Crabb, 141; fr. Matt. 628, 672. Priar,142;fr.2Indians,156;delegate VANWYCK,Theodorus,553. toelectfirstRepresentatives,267;As- VERPLANCK,Verplank,Gulian,atty.of sessorandCommissioner,268;withwife Edw.GriffithofLondon,163-5. Mary, deed to John Townsend, 320; in Philip, 549. Mk.purchase,331,333;t.g.,353;deed VESSEL,protest against any landingin to W m . Frost, 390; on com. to buy harbor to avoid duty, 8; none over 3 unsoldMk.land,474;confirm.fr.Eliza- tonstobebuiltforsaleoutofTown, bethDickinson,478;deedfr.bro.Nath., 236;(seealsoBoat,ShipandCanoe). 688; ment., 51, 78, 81, 90, 689, 691; (see also under John unidentified). W A L L A C E , Wallas, Jane, deed fr. hus- John, (3d, son of John 2d), with bro. band, Thos., 399. Dan., deed to bro. Jacob, 597. (see also Thomas, deed fr. W m . Wilson, Sam. John unidentified). Tiller, Nich. Simkins and their wives, John, (son of Jacob and Mary), b., 397-9; deed to wife Jane, 399. 548. WAMPUM,whiteandblack,asconsid.in John, (unidentified), ment., 81, 89, 90, First purchase deed, 670; (see Peague). 94,95,110,141,170,197,249,270,272, WARRANT, special, fr. Gov., fine for 276, 284, 286, 287, 290, 295, 297, 324, neglect of, 669. 359,367,385,408,441,468,469,477, WARRASKETUCK river,307,348,351. 480,499,500,504,527,557,587,589, WARWICK,R. I.,John Weeks of (see 604, 613, 621, 622, 683. Weeks); ment., 253, 334, 373, 606. Mary,(wifeofJohn2d),signshus- WASE,John,192. band'sdeed,320;again,689;deedto WASHBORN,Washbourne, Washburn, John Cock, 467; deed fr. same, 478; to Hope, referred to in release of sister John Pryer, 690; ment., 548. Mary Willits, 39; deed to cousin John 750 WASHBORN-Continued Williams, 120; deed to Thos. Willits of rights at Lusum, 168; to cousin Hope Williams, 607; ment., 24, 277. John, "old," in First purchase, 355, 671; his lot, 18; ment., 625, 692. Index William,wit.Firstpurchasedeed,and Forman,56;deedtoRich.Latting,74; accepted in same, 335, 671; ment., 692. with bros. Sam. and John, deed fr. W A L T E R S , Anthony, Clerk of Sessions, father, 87; in agreement to divide mea- 97, 196. dow,116;t.g.,130;assig.sametoThos. WATTEWOCHKEOUW,joinsMechowodt Townsend,131;chosenasguardianby in deed to Dutch,623. Sarah Rudick, 224; in Mk. purchase, WAUMIHAS and 8 others,deed for West 333; arbitration with bro. Sam., 428-9; Neck, 357. in Mk. purchase, 476; et al, deed fr. WEALTH,relative,asshownintaxlist, JohnFeke,501;ment.,54,72,89,155, 691; (see also Tax and List). 232, 327, 341, 365, 412, 456, 690, 691. WEAVERS, Joseph Priar, 482; John Rose, 373. Weeks,343. Samuel, deed fr. Rich. Harcut, 33; WEBB,Thomas,TownClerk,109-13,116- t.g.,35;deedtoJohnUnderhill,Jr., 19, 121-23, 125, 130, 149, 235, 238, 239, 253. WEEKS,Ann,412. Daniel, t. g., 9, 11; deed fr. father, 99;t.g.,263;inMk.purchase,331,333; deed fr. Job Wright, 335, 337; fr. John Wright, 410; fr. father, 412; fr. Adam Wright, 414; to John Wright, 417; to Adam Wright,544;ment.,337,345,364, 368, 382, 444, 447, 470, 545, 546. Dorothy, 657. Elizabeth (wife of Francis), signs hus- band's deed,434;ment.,88,89,99,412. Francis, aids widow Crocker, 4; t. g., 5, 6, 7, 9; on com. to purchase Mk. lands, 12; deed to sons John and Jos., 33; t. g., 35; exch. with John Under- hill, 46; with Matt. Harvey to lay out lots, 79; deed to sons Sam., John and Jos.,87;tosonThos.,87;tosonJas., 88; arbitration with John and Ann Rog- ers, 97; deed to son Daniel, 99; t. g., 100; t. g., 130; Overseer, 1667, 203; Constable, 204; Surveyor, 6, 205; t. g., 208; fence viewer, 210; t. g., 217, 218, 257, 263; deed fr. Henry Townsend, Sr., 409;will,411;deedtosonDan.,412;to HenryTownsend,Sr.,414;tosonThos., 470;ment.,2,41,55,56,78,79,83, 158, 204, 208, 209, 211, 214, 232, 243, 248,249,253,257,267,271,272,295, 297, 365, 375, 384, 403, 404, 419, 430, 452, 522, 574, 691. Hannah,88,89. James,deed fr.father,88;t.g.,130; assig. same to Thos. Townsend, 131; t. g., 228; with bro. Thos. t. g., 229; t. g., 233; being Ensign, refuses to be Overseer, 253; t. g., 261; in Mk. pur. chase, 333; ment., 99, 247, 383, 412, 587, 589, 613, 677, 691, 58; with bros. Jos. and John, t. g., 79; with same, deed fr. father, 87; t. g.. 100; in agreement to divide meadow, 116; t. g., 130; assig. same to Thos. Townsend, 131; t. g., 207; Surveyor, 1670, 217; in Mk. purchase, 333; deed to bro. John, 343; arbitration with bro. Jos., 428-9; deed fr. Rob. Coles, 429; deed fr. bro. Thos., 430; deed to Rob. Coles,433;to bro.Thos.,473;in Mk. purchase,476;etal,deed fr.John Feke, 501; deed to Benj. Frost, 593; deed fr. M. C. prop., 650; yeoman, 593; ment., 60, 71, 89, 94, 232, 249, 257, 295, 379, 412, 439, 473, 592, 642, 649, 691. Thomas, deed fr. father, 87; deed to John Rogers,101;t.g.,130;assig.same toThos.Townsend,131;Constable,131; t.g.,221,229;with bro.Jas.,t.g.,229; Overseer, 230; t. g., 261, 262; in Mk. purchase, 333; deed to Thos. Youngs, 427; to bro. Sam., 430; deed fr. same, 473; fr. father, 470; fr. John Rogers, 470; fr. 3 Indians, 472; to John Dick- i n s o n , 5 5 8 ; e t a l f r . O p a s s u m , 6 7 6 ; m e n t .. 107, 179, 232, 238, 318, 336, 337, 340, 380, 387, 412, 447, 494, 572, 677, 691. WEEKS'NECK,partofFortNeck,1692, 472. WEIGHTS andMeasures,C.ofA.directs law concerning to be put in force, 665; Henry Townsends' toll dish to be true, 41. WELLS,William,674-76. WERAH,Weragh,Werogh,Werow,Wig- row,withSuscaneman,inagreementwith their sisters, as to their heirs to unsold lands,267;with Suscaneman and Seahor, 500 year lease, 529; (see under Grantors). John, (son of Francis; see also John WESSELS,Wessel,pl.vs Thos.Phillips, "Warwick"), on com. to run Hunting- 230; ment., 149. ton line, 30, 31; deed fr. father, 33; W E S T , Weste, John, 159, 327, 328. t.g.,35;withbros.Sam.andJos.,t. WESTBURY,inHempstead,550,551;(see g., 79; with same, deed fr. father, 87; also Wood Edge, and Highways). onarbitrationcom.137,138;t.g.,206; WESTCHESTER,Town of,688,689. exch.with Nath.Coles,260;Constable, WEST HARBOR,624,628. 264;in Mk.purchase,333;deed fr.bro. WEST India Co., 623. Sam.,343;ment.,30,54,56,62,100,101, WEST NECK,Possaikas,Indiannamefor, 132, 147, 148, 161, 167,177,232,246,262, 265, 274, 293, 294, 309, 312, 379, 400, 401, 412, 582, 592, 642, 651, 656, 691, (see also John "Warwick"). 358;laidout,217,218;ment.,87,88, 199, 371, 377, 387, 388, 497, 536, 559. 582, 584, 617, 689. WEST ROCK,276. John"Warwick,"t.g.,35;t.g.,130; WETAFASSON,SachemofSouthampton, Overseer, 253; t. g., 259; exch. with 349. Nath.Coles,259;t.g.,273;withwife WHALING,C.ofA.directsthatL.I. Rose, deed to bro. in law, Geo. Town- Towns where it is carried on have sworn send,334;t.g.,353;with Anth.Wright gaugers, 666. WEEKS-Continued and Rich.Crabb,toJas.Townsend,372; ment., 232, 373; (see also John, son of Francis). John,Jr., 697. Joseph, t. g., 35; exch. with Moses Index 751 WHARF,Nich.Davistobuild,1668,4; WILLIAMS-Continued to be at the ash swamp, 1668, 209. Mary Dole, 458; with wife Tam- WHEAT,asquitrent,310;priceof,fixed, sister,deedtoJos.Carpenter,483;re- in rate paying, 668; export of, pro- sfusne,s offer of bro. Hope, for mother's hibited,662;petitionforremovalofpro- orchard, ; 608 fr.Jos.Carpenter,641; hibition, 662; not granted, 663; con- cordwinder, 483, 641; ment., 135, 181, tinued, 665; (see Prices). 304, 330, 460, 550, 606, 691. WHEELER, Samuel, 168. WHILLER, ?Wheeler, John, 180. Joseph, 306. Whitehead, 1; WHITE, Edward, deed fr. Thos. Town- Robert,Foderemdant,o2D3;ane.xch. with John send, as atty. for Geo. Dennis, 164; tRoichRboelbl., 38; to sister Mary Willis, 38; mortgage to Edw. Griffith, 165; deed fr. patent not to infringe or cross Sylvester, 179; t. g., 260; with wife Mary,deed to John Grissel Wright, 420; Town's, 40; deed to John his Townsend,Jr., Coles,45;to Rob.Forman, exch.withJohnFry,538;deedtoJosias 45;toRob. Townsend,51;toThos. Latting, 497; deed fr. same, 497; ment., 47; to 9R3i;chd.eed fr. Asur ment., 94; to 276, 382, 404, 410, 444, 448, 453, 515, Willits, Weeks, 98; his marked tree a Francis 567, 571, 615. point in Hempstead line, 107, 216, 272, John, 595. Townsend, Sr., WHITEHEAD,Daniel,t.g.,1;deedto 307, 356; deed to Henry Robbins, 134; John Richbell,1;t.g.,3; confirmation of 118; t. g., 130; to John re settling 6 families at Lu- John Richbell's deed to Henry Town- agreement deed to John Fry, 181; pl. vs send, 42; in Mk. purchase, 333; et al sum,1B6i8r;d 224;def.vsThos.Cromp, fr. Indians, 347-9; similar deed,a351; John , with Town re line, 272, deed of Oak Neck to, 1658, 354; ssig. 226; agreement274; his bounds and tree, same to Town, 1660, 354; J. P., 433; 273; his hpeliarnst,ation, 327; t. g., 353; his Townsend, 463; called son line, 355, 603; confirm. to 307; his John Towns- deed to John Armitage, 591; his of Thos. or Ann plains, 610; Indian deed, mother, 592; in First purchase deed, end, 582; his plains, 625; patent 670; in letter to Gov. Stuyvesant, 673; 1648, 625; patent for East Island, 630; in First purchase ment., 56, 97, 170, 200, 270, 502, 629, deed, 671; for in letter to Gov. Stuyvesant, 692. confirmed by Gov.,678; David, 97; (see Daniel). 673; his purchaseEast Island, 682; inter- Jeanne, wife of Daniel, 592. Indian deed for WHITSON,Abraham,657. preter in Indian deed, 686; ment., 24, Whittecar,Whitacer,John, 46,57,61,70,81,87,88,90,95,112, WHITTAKER, leav- 116,119,121,133,134,183-5,187,212, t. g., conditional on his not shortly 216, 223, 317, 398, 401, 419, 449, 460, ing, 226; m . Mary Hawkins, 337; ment., 228. 539, 629, 671, 683, 692. Sarah, 608. Mary, m., 337. Monta- Tamsun, Thomasine, signs husband's WIAMDANEH, Great Sachem of coute,confirm.deed for Massapequa mea- deed, 484. WILLIS, (confused with Willits), Henry, dows, 349; ment., 675, 676. WICK,Wickes,(seeWeeks). 144, 339, 695. W I C K H A M , Sally, 657. Mary, (see Willits). Samuel, on com. to transcribe Book W I E A R, William, 484. 1742, 13-15; Surveyor, 651; descrip- WIGROW,(seeWerah). tionofhissurveyofcertainlandat A, M. WILKES, Wilckes, John, sergeant, 241. WILKINS Names , Obadiah, 144. WILLETS,Willetts (see Willits. of Rob. Williams' C., 651; his survey Plantation, (see Map). confused, but apparently those W i d o w , 47, 212. William, 307, 339. Han- inthisvolumeare WILLITS,(seenoteunderWillets), frequently mostly properly "Wil- lits"); Ann, 657. nah,m.Sam.Underhill,604. Daniel, 657. Henry, 144, 339, 460, 541, 695. Jacob, 657. Hope, with John bros. Thos. and Rich. Joshua, 657. deed fr.Jos.Ludlam,298;deed fr. Phebe, 657. Townsend, 521. WILLIAMS, Henry, 168. Mary, deed fr. bro. Rob. Williams, Hope, deed to Rob. Kellam, 148; 38; refers to bro. Hope Washburn, 39; exch. with mother, 160; signs her deed 130; to John Dickinson, Sr., 166; to John Fry, 182; with bro. John and t. g., Thos. and Rich., t. g., 353; with sons mother, to Henry Townsend, Sr., 187; son, Rich., deed to John Fry, 540; to in Mk. purchase, 333; with bro. John 550; ment., 63, 93, 460, 542, 691. and mother, to sister, Mary Dole, 458; Richard, with bros. Hope and Thos., to nephew John Dole, Jr., 460; another, deedfr.Jos.Ludlam,298;inMk.pur- cousin Hope Washburn, 607; chase, 333; deed of gift to the 5 sons 462; fr. for his mother's orchard re- his offer fused by bro. John, 608; mortgage fr. bro. in law John Dole, 608; deed to John Dole, Jr., 608; ment., 167, 277, 317, 460, 574, 691. ofJohnWood,536;withbro.Thos.and mother to John Fry, 540; fr. mother, 550; fr. Jas. Townsend, 551; with bro. Thos., fr. Job Wright, 606; ment., 24; 167, 246, 484, 569, 602, 613, 625, 657, 691, 695. Thomas, deed fr. Rob. Williamsb,ur93n;, t. g., 130; deed fr. Hope Wash 168; t. g., 168; def. vs John Bird, 224; John, deed fr. cousin, Hope Wash- burn, 120; t. g., 130; with bro. Hope and mother, to Henry Townsend, Sr., 187;def.vsJohn Gates,230;accusedmof horse stealing, but cleared by t. ., 274;in Mk.purchase,333; t.g.,35t2o; with bro. Hope and mother, deed Richard, Jr., 540. Overseer,240;withbros.HopienaMnkd.Rpiucrh-. deed fr. Jos. Ludlam, 298; 752 WILLITS-Continued Index chase,333;withbro.Rich,joinsmother interpreter,285;withwifeMary,deed indeedtoJohnFry,540;withbro.Rich. toHenryTownsend,302;joinsinparti- deedfr.JobWright,606;assig.halfof tioninghisfather'slands,315;inMk. Indian deed fr. Jas. Townsend, 609; purchase 333; deed fr. bro. Job and ment.,161,166,244,246,373,419,550, Rachel Wright, 337; Indian deed, 339; 551, 604, 606, 691. assig. same to Lawrence Mott, 340; to Sarah, exch. with son Hope, 160; deedtoJohn Fry,181;withsonsJohn and Hope,deed to Henry Townsend,Sr., 187;withsame,todau.Mary Dole,458; com. to treat with re Town line, 273; ment., 462, 550. WILLS, John Underhill, Sr., 78; Sam. Forman (void),92;John Dickinson,Sr., 178; Rob. Forman, 196; Gideon Wright, 290;Nich.Wright,327;FrancisWeeks, 411;Eliz.Dickinson,559;Rob.Coles, 653; Rob. Coles, Jr., 655; to be proved in local court and returned to the Office of Records in N. Y., 660; (see also Intestate estates and Probate). WILSON,Willson,Sarah,deed fr.father, Nich. Simkins (void), 144; signs hus- band's deed, 399. Thomas, of Eaton's Neck, drowned, and Coronor's jury called, 221. William, with Sam. Tillier and Nich. Simkins and their wives, to Thos. Wal- lace, 397-9; ment., 145, 691. WINTHROP, Gov. John, 625. WOLF,Wolves,trap,the,10;pit,the, or Job Wright's well, 258, 264; bounty for killing, 3, 204, 236, 253; great mis- chief done by, 253; sheep much exposed to, 694. WOLF SWAMP,the,219. WOMTAPAN, (Indian),677. WOOD EDGE,(Westbury),88,582. WOOD,James with 4 bros.deed of gift fr. Rich. Willits, 536. Jeremiah, with 4 bros. deed of gift fr. Rich. Willits, 536; ment., 21. John, (Sr.), deed fr. Isaac Doughty, 125; in Mk. purchase, 331, 333; fr. Isaac and Eliz. Doughty, 535; his 5 sons given land by Rich. Willits, 536; ment., 56, 153, 246, 555. John, (Jr.), with 4 bros. deed of gift fr. Rich. Willits, 536;,ment., 691; (see also John, Sr.) Jonas, 98, 196. Jonathan, with wife, Mercy, deed to Isaac Doughty, 516; with 4 bros. deed of gift fr. Rich. Willits, 536. Joseph, 656. Mercy, signs husband's deed, 518. Thomas, 613. William, with 4 bros. deed of gift fr. Rich. Willits, 536. W O O D S , sheep running in, exposed to wolves, 694; (see Pine). W O O L , purchased fr. Newport, 279, (see Mill,Fulling). WOOLSEY,Benjamin,Justice,651. Joseph, 697. WOW-HOUSE,ofMassapequa,349,350. WRIGHT, Adam, deed fr. Jos. Ludlam, 30; assig. of Nich. Simkin's deed fr. stepfather and mother, 106; t. g., with Geo. Dennis, 116; t. g., 130; deed fr. mother, Alice Crabb, 149; fr. Sam. Andrews, 150; fr. mother, 157; to son Dennis, 158; fr. mother, 201 ; assig. same toJos.Ludlam,202;def.vsWm.But- ler, 225; t. g., 233; Overseer, 264; Indian deed of gift for assistance as Nathan Burdsall, 342; t. g., 352; to Henry Townsend, Jr., 362; to Dan. Weeks, 414; to bro. Job, 443; partition deed to same, 445; with wife Mary, to John Dole, 457; mortgage to John Fry, 539; deed to same, 542; deed fr. Dan. Weeks, 544; assig. of Indian deed fr. Nath. Coles, 546; deed fr. same ment., 546; fr. nephew Anth. Wright, 547; to SamsonHawxhurst,579;etal,deedfr. Opassum,676;ment.,116,132,138,163, 173, 174, 184, 185, 223, 232,247,251,259, 305, 317, 319, 325, 344, 367, 395, 418, 435, 445, 539, 545, 570, 572, 573, 585, 602, 603, 691. Ann,settlement of est.of,265;widow of Nich., made ex., 327. Anthony, (elder), t. g., 3; deed to Town, 3; aids widow Crocker, 4; t. g., 6, 9, 35; deed to Sam. Andrews, con- firmed by Nich. Simkins, 42; his lands described and acknowledged, 57; t. 8. 79, 100; deed to Jas. Townsend and Isaac Doughty, 102; to nephew Job Wright,102;giveslandtonephewAdam Wright, 116; t. g., 130; deed fr. Nich. Simkins, 158; assig. same to Sam. An- drews,159;mem.oflandrightsdevised to Alice Crabb, 159; t. g., 217, 218; def. vs John Bird, 226; his bounds not withbros.Peterand runsover," 266: being found, his t. Nich. et al, Indian deed, 347-9; similar deed, 351; t. g., 353; in First purchase deed. 670; with Rich.Crabb and John Weeks "Warwick," deed to Jas. Townsend, 372; in letter to Gov. Stuyvesant, 673; deed to Quakers, for meeting house plot and burial ground, 687;ment.,9,11,18,25,30,36,40,41, 55, 58, 83, 103, 104, 106, 132, 157, 171, 199-202, 206, 214, 220, 223, 224, 226, 232, 272, 295, 317, 360, 365, 374, 400, 415, 419, 446, 449, 580. Anthony, (younger, son of Gideon and nephew of Anthony, elder), deed to uncle Job. Wright, 444; partition deed to, and fr. same, 445; to Jos. Ludlam, 453; another, 456; to uncle Adam Wright, 547; ment., 291, 456, 515, 518, 519, 556, 567, 593, 600, 602, 609, 614; (see also under Anthony, elder). Caleb, t. g., with bros. Gideon, Ed- mund and John, 79; et al deed to John Rogers, 96; t. g., 130; deed to Abm. Alling, 167; Constable, 240; with bros. and Josias Latting, t. g., 256; app. to keep an Ordinary, 268; Collector, 268; with bros., Indian deed, 301; in Mk. purchase, 331, 333; t. g., 353; deed to Nathan Burdsall, 365; et al, deed fr. Rich. Harcott, 374; with bros., deed to W m . Frost, 390; another, 392; another, 397; with bros., deed fr. W m . Frost, 616; ment., 42, 58, 106, 118, 123, 138, 170, 204, 211, 221, 232, 243, 246, 251, 252,265-7,297,325,327,328,365,423, 453, 490, 491, 493, 531, 559, 605, 691. Dennis, deed fr. gr. father, Geo. Dennis, 158; fr. father, Adam Wright, 158; to John Fry (by endorsement of mortgage), 539; to John Fry, 602. WRIGHT-Continued Index WRIGHT- Continued Edmund, Edmond, t. g., 79; with bro. John, t. g., 79; et al deed to John Rog- ers, 96; t. g., 130; def. vs John Bird, 226; with bros. and Josias Latting, t. g., 256; Overseer, 265; with bros., Indian d e e d , 3 0 1 ; w i t h b r o s ., t o D a v i d U n d e r - hill, 311; in Mk. purchase, 331, 333; t. g., 353; deed fr. Jas. Townsend, 364; schedule of his lands, 365; et al deed fr. Rich. Harcott, 374; with bros., to W m . Frost, 390; another, 392; another, 397; with bro. John, assig. Sam. Burd- sall's deed fr. David Underhill, 422; withbros.,fr.Jos.Ludlam,423;inMk. purchase, 476; fr. Josias Latting, 490; Indian deed, 494; assig. same to Josias Latting, 494; assig. of Indian deed fr. Sam. Tillier, 495; assig. same to Josias Latting, 495; assig. an assig. deed to Josias Latting, 496; with bros., deed to W m . Frost, 616; deputy Constable, 692; ment.,103,104,177,183,211,232,257, 262, 265-7, 271, 291, 325, 327, 328, 390, 405, 442, 453, 455, 506, 525, 531, 691. Edward, deed fr.John Coles, 91; def. vsThos.Townsend,225;ment.,89,691. Elizabeth, wife of Gideon, 64; signs husband's deed, 392; widow, m . Ger- shom Lockwood, 515. 753 Gideon,deed fr.Jos.Halstead,27;fr. Crabb, 160; t. g., 254, 696; (she m . Nich. Simkins, 28; t. g., 35; deed fr. Isaac Horner). mother, Alice Crabb, 42; deed to Dan. Mary,(wifeofAdam),signshusband's Blyeth, 47; cancelled, 214; exch. with deed, 202, 303, 392, 444, 457, 467, 532; John Underhill, Jr., 59; to John Tomp- a s s i g . o f l a n d f r . f a t h e r , 4 1 9 ; m e n t ., 5 4 8 . son, 60; with bros., t. g., 79, 100, 130, Nicholas, t. g., 3; aids widow Crocker, 207;pl.vs Dan.Blyeth,213;on com.to 4; Surveyor, 6, 204; deed to Rob. For- lay out south Necks, 217, 218; t. g., man, 5; another, 25; to Ben. Hubbard, 266;will,290;arbitration with bro.John, 31;t.g.,35;fr.Ann Crocker,37;t.g., 290; Town patentee, 307; t. g., 353; 100; deed to son John, 113; t. g., 130; ment., 57, 64, 65, 87, 113, 116, 197, C o n s t a b l e , 1 6 6 8 , 2 0 4 ; t . g ., 2 0 7 , 2 1 7 , 2 1 8 , 212, 223, 226, 232, 295, 315, 328, 363, Overseer, 222, 225; settlement of est. 368, 405, 415, 446, 453, 456, 568, 614, 265; deed to Jos. Ludlam, 298; Town 687, 691. patentee, 307; will, 327; probate of will, Gideon,Jr.,291;ment.,(seeabove). 326; et al, Indian deed, 347-49; similar Hannah(dau.ofPeter),astrusteeof deed,351;t.g.,353;inlettertoGov. Quakers, deed fr. Anth. Wright, 687. Stuyvesant,673;ment.7,17,20,26,41, Job, et al, deed to John Rogers, 96; 42, 46, 47, 51, 57, 58, 69, 76, 77, 80, 83, deed fr. uncle Anth.Wright, 102; bill 85, 87, 88, 92, 98, 106, 141, 170, 207, ofsalefr.Thos.Nicolls,forIndianlad, 212,220,223,232,241,246,258,266, 107; t. g., 114; t. g., 130; confirm. fr. mother, Alice Crabb, 171; t. g., 231; Town Clerk,234;def.vsJosiahClark, atty.reest.ofChris.Crow,243-5;his well, called the wolf pit, 264; t. g., 287;Indiandeed,286;joinsinparti- tioningfather'slands,315;deed fr.Isaac and Lydia Horner,319;in Mk.pur- chase, 331, 333; deed to Dan. Weeks, 335; to bro. Adam Wright, 337; t. g., 353; with wife Rachel, deed to Rob. Townsend,367;to John Townsend,435; fr.HenryTownsend,Sr.,442;fr.bro. Adam,443;fr.nephew,Anth.Wright, 444; to W m . Bradford, 532; to John Fry, 543; assig. of Jos. Ludlam's deed, by Isaac Horner, 586; assig. same to John Dewsbury, 586; deed to Thos. and Rich.Willits,606;with bros.Adam and John, et al, deed fr. Opassum, 676; ment., 109, 113, 119, 133, 134, 149, 199, 232, 246, 252, 276, 283, 291, 301, 303, 311, 315, 319, 325, 340, 343, 357, 359,367,369,371,372,376,380,381, 390, 403, 415, 417, 435, 441, 464, 467, 471,473,486,492,494-96,502,503,518, 521, 526, 527, 529, 530, 532, 535, 543, 272, 277, 295, 312, 365, 391, 392, 405, 415, 419, 430, 473, 490, 560, 582, 591. Peter,(elder),deedtoTown,2;t.g., 2,218;withSam.MayoandWm.Lev erich, First purchase deed, 670; in let- tertoGov.Stuyvesant,673;drownedin Chesapeake Bay, 629; his sons partition est.,315;ment.,3,4,18,57,102,159, 162, 196, 223, 291, 337, 343, 355, 443, 444, 446, 542, 544, 607, 628, 692. Peter, (gr.son of Peter above),joins in partitioning gr. father's lands, 315; deedtoJohnFry,602;ment.,291,603. Rachel,(wifeofJob),signshusband's deed, 338, 367. Silvanus, 276. Sarah,intended wife of Josias Latting, 76; (see under Latting). William, with uncles, John and Ed- mund,deed fr.Jos.Ludlam,423;ment., 696. YAMANS,(prob.Yeomans),Christopher, 162. YATES,Yeates,William,deed to Henry Reddough, 21. WRIGHT- Continued 545, 546, 548, 560, 561, 580, 602, 606, 636, 691. John, with bro. Edmund, t. g., 79; etalt.g.,79;etaltoJohn Rogers,96; deed fr. father, 113; t. g., 130; deed fr. Josias Latting, 140; deed to same, 141; t. g., 204, 206, 207; def. vs John Bird, 326; Overseer, 234; draft on John Frost re hats, 248 ; et al, t. g., 256 ; arbitration w i t h b r o . G i d e o n , 2 9 0 ; w i t h b r o s ., I n d i a n deed, 301; earmark, 302; with bro. Ed- mund,to David Underhill,311;fr.Isaac and Lydia Horner,325;in Mk.purchase, 331, 333; mortgage fr. Isaac and Lydia Horner, 344; t. g., 353; et al, fr. Rich. Harcott, 374; with bros., to W m . Frost, 390; another, 392; another, 397; another, 616;toDan.Weeks,410;fr.same,417; schedule of lands, 418; fr. Edw. White, 420; assig. of Sam. Burdsall's deed_by D a v i d U n d e r h i l l , 4 2 2 ; w i t h b r o s ., f r . J o s . Ludlam, 423; to John Davis, 466; fr. John and Mercy Davis, 530; et al, deed fr. Opassum, 676; ment., 72, 91, 107, 115, 121, 125, 147, 186, 198, 201, 202, 212, 221, 232, 238, 239, 246, 248, 265, 266, 270, 297, 319, 327, 328, 367, 378, 443, 444, 453, 455, 474, 491, 495, 508, 516, 548, 558, 618, 691. Lydia, confirm. fr. mother, Alice 754 YEARandaday,typicalmentionof,109, 233. Index YEOMEN, Sam. Andrews, 299; Rob. Thomas, t. g., 130, 227, 239; deed fr. Coles, 282; Rob. Feke, 484; Sam. Frost, father in law, Rich. Harcott, 279; an- 498; W m . Frost, 498; Peter Hageman, other, 300; receipt to for quit rent for 552; Dan. Hopkins, 484; John Priar, patent,285;in Mk.purchase,333;assig. 482; Sam. Weeks, 593; Adam Wright, of Thos. Gatchell's deed, fr. Rich. Har- 30. cott, 426; fr. Aaron Forman, 426; fr. YOUNGS, Young, Jacob, t. g., 11; on Thos. Weeks, 427; to Thos. Cheshire, com.topurchaseMk.lands,12;deedto 505;ment.,83,118,228,262,375,621, John Plott and Mark Meggs, 18; to Nath. Coles, 177; ment., 562. John, 190, 194. Joseph, 549. Katharine, (wife of Jacob), signs hus- band's deed, 19. YOUNGS-Continued Samuel, deed fr. Sam Bayard, 548. 691. -, John, witnesses with mark, sur- name not given, 677. William, witness, surname worn away, 111. finis. 1 1999 StanfordUniversityLibraries 3 6105 013 718 551 129 .098 .085 v.1 STANFORD UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES CECIL H. GREEN LIBRARY STANFORD,CALIFORNIA 94305-6004 (415 ) 723-1493 All books may be recalled after 7 days DATE DUE i3 A U G 3 3 1939 SEP0110012001 SEP

Tóm tắt
The article discusses a historical deed from 1686, in which Isaac Horner of West New Jersey sells a tract of land and swamp in Oyster Bay, Queens County, New York, to John Rogers. The deed outlines the boundaries of the land, which includes specific landmarks and measurements. Horner guarantees that Rogers will have peaceful possession of the land without interference from any claims, including those from Indigenous peoples. The document is signed and witnessed, affirming its legitimacy. Additionally, it mentions a subsequent assignment of the deed by David Underhill to Rogers in 1695, confirming the transfer of rights and interests in the property. The article highlights the importance of such documents in understanding land ownership and transactions during that period, reflecting the interactions between European settlers and Indigenous communities. It also notes the preservation efforts for historical texts, emphasizing the significance of making such information accessible to the public.