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本帖最后由 FleTime 于 2024-1-30 18:16 编辑
原始文件来自Dr-FarFar,感谢分享。 我做了什么? 对二次打包的安装包进行了解包,与官方原版Demo版进行了对比,删除了广告文件, 除主程序与授权文件外,皆与Demo版相同,主程序数字签名有效。 下载链接
ThemIDA [] (15-Jan-2024) [+] Improved detection of false strings in STR_ENCRYPT protection macros [+] Improved protection in Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_PROTECT_OVERLAY" [+] x64: Improved support for try/catch inside virtualization markers [+] Added Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_REMOVE_DLL_CAN_MOVE" [+] Added Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_ACTIVE_ANTIMONITORS" [+] Improved restoration of GUI windows positions when a monitor has been disconnected [+] Added an .ini option "DisableMacroScanning" to skip parsing of the file for searching protection macro markers [!] x64: Fixed bug in "CAT_BLACK VM" [!] Fixed compatibility issue when inserting via MAP file and instruction after the last one is a JMP [IAT]
[!] Fixed random exception when parsing specific applications when searching for strings to encrypt