28 JavaScript One-Liners every Senior Developer Needs to Know


This one-liner uses array destructuring to swap the values of a and b without needing a temporary variable. It's a neat trick that makes your code cleaner and more concise. The [a, b] = [b, a] syntax swaps their values by destructuring the array on the right-hand side and assigning it to the left-hand side.

2. Object Destructuring for Easier Data Access

Here, object destructuring is used to extract name and age properties from an object directly into variables. This approach simplifies accessing object properties and enhances code readability.

3. Cloning Objects in a Snap

The spread operator (...) is utilized to create a shallow clone of originalObj. This technique copies all enumerable own properties from the original object to a new object.

The article discusses different techniques in JavaScript for manipulating data structures. It explains how array destructuring can be used to swap values without a temporary variable, object destructuring for easier data access by extracting properties directly into variables, and the spread operator for cloning objects quickly by creating a shallow copy of the original object.