Why Travel Makes You Hungrier — And How to Combat It


It’s no secret -- when you travel you’re hungrier than normal. As a result, you may be more prone to eat more food (and indulge in more libations) than usual.

If you’ve ever wondered why you feel hungrier when you travel as opposed to when you’re home, here’s why:

Travel Makes You Hungry

#1 Hormones

Hormones are tightly regulated by our physiology. While they are modulated by our bodies and lifestyles, disruptions in their modus operandi can have an effect. By that we mean that hormones can be altered by upsets in our typical nutrition, workout patterns, sleep habits or happenings of everyday life.

In fact, research shows that being stressed as well as sleep deprived can have significant effects on two hormones to control how much food we eat -- leptin (the satiety hormone) and ghrelin (the hunger hormone).

What’s more, just a single night of poor sleep can lead to increased calorie intake, particularly in late-night snacking.[1,2] Travel only adds to the chances of having poor sleep due to disruptions in your circadian rhythm -- the master “clock” that regulates your sleep-wake cycle. At the heart of circadian rhythm is the hormone melatonin.

To try and keep your melatonin levels in check while traveling, make sure to stick to your typical schedule as much as possible -- eat meals at the regular time you typically do (e.g. if you eat breakfast at 9AM while at home, try to eat breakfast around 9AM in the new time zone you’re in while traveling), get exposure to sunlight early in the morning, avoid blue light at night, etc.

It may also be helpful to use a sleep supplement, such as Beauty Dream PM and Recharge PM -- both of which contain a research-backed dose of melatonin along with other natural ingredients to help the body relax, unwind, and achieve the much-needed sleep and recovery you need.

#2 Dehydration

Consuming enough water is essential for cellular function, performance, recovery, focus, productivity, and so much more. Most individuals struggle to consume enough fluids at home, let alone when traveling. Not being hydrated enough can leave you feeling groggy, foggy, and hungry.

One way to stay hydrated when you travel is to make sure you pack your favorite water bottle or shaker and make sure to sip from it throughout the day, just as you would when you’re at home.

#3 Temptations Abound

Walking through airports, traversing aisles at convenience stores, and simply hanging out at granny’s house inundate the senses with a cascade of enticing aromas and sights that tempt you constantly. Presented with a seemingly endless bounty of goodies, many of us abandon our healthy eating plans, and end up hundreds and hundreds of extra calories. Research demonstrates that individuals consume over 20% more calories when presented with a greater variety of foods within a meal compared to when only one food is available.[3]

To get around these temptations, pack some healthy meals/snacks (protein bars or protein muffins for example), make sure to consume enough fluids, and choose healthy meals when going out to eat. This helps you to maintain stable blood sugar, consistent energy levels, and stay on track with your transformation challenge.

Also keep in mind that the occasional indulgence isn’t going to completely derail your progress, cause you to gain fat or lose muscle. Treat yourself to what you want. Just be mindful of what you’re eating as well as how much you’re eating. This way you can stay on track with your nutrition plan and continue to get the results you want!


  1. Nedeltcheva A.V., Kilkus J.M., Imperial J., Kasza K., Schoeller D.A., Penev P.D. Sleep curtailment is accompanied by increased intake of calories from snacks. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2009;89:126–133. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2008.26574.
  2. Spaeth A.M., Dinges D.F., Goel N. Effects of Experimental Sleep Restriction on Weight Gain, Caloric Intake, and Meal Timing in Healthy Adults. Sleep. 2013;36:981–990. doi: 10.5665/sleep.2792
  3. McCrory MA, Burke A, Roberts SB. Dietary (sensory) variety and energy balance. Physiol Behav. 2012 Nov 5;107(4):576-83. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2012.06.012. Epub 2012 Jun 21. PMID: 22728429.
Travel often increases hunger due to several factors. Firstly, hormonal changes play a significant role; disruptions in sleep and stress levels can affect leptin and ghrelin, hormones that regulate hunger and satiety. Poor sleep, common during travel, can lead to increased calorie intake, especially late-night snacking. To mitigate this, travelers should maintain their regular eating schedule and consider melatonin supplements to support sleep. Secondly, dehydration can contribute to feelings of hunger, as many people struggle to stay hydrated while traveling. Carrying a water bottle can help maintain fluid intake. Lastly, the abundance of tempting food options while traveling can lead to overeating. Research indicates that individuals consume more calories when presented with a variety of foods. To counteract this, packing healthy snacks and making mindful food choices can help maintain energy levels and blood sugar stability. While occasional indulgences are acceptable, being aware of portion sizes and overall intake is crucial for staying on track with nutrition goals. Ultimately, understanding these factors can help travelers manage their hunger and maintain healthy eating habits on the go.