Google Bard PDF Processing: Ultimate Guide 2024 |



With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, Google Bard, the latest AI chatbot launched by Google, has attracted much attention for its application prospects in many fields.

Google Bard is based on a large language model and can understand and generate natural language, which makes it perform well when processing text information.

Especially in processing PDF files, Google Bard shows its unique advantages. As a widely used document format, PDF files often contain a large amount of text and data.

Google Bard can not only understand the content in PDF files, but also perform operations such as content extraction, information summary, and key information annotation. These functions greatly facilitate users' work in document management, content review, and information retrieval.

Introduction to Google Bard

Google Bard is an experimental conversational artificial intelligence service developed by Google.

It is developed based on large-scale language model technology LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications).

Bard is designed to combine the breadth of world knowledge with the powerful intelligence and creativity of large language models.

The tool helps users develop their potential, expand their curiosity, and increase their productivity in a new, more imaginative way.

In other words, Google Bard and chatgpt are the same type of product.

We know that chatgpt supports pdf, so Google Bard also supports pdf.

google bard home page

Features and Benefits


  • Information updates: Bard can provide updated information based on the latest data, including real-time stock market prices and news headlines.
  • Human-like dialogue: Combined with natural language understanding, the communication interaction provided by Bard is more natural and intuitive.
  • Advanced generation capabilities: Including text generation, translation, programming, Q&A, etc.
  • Voice command support: Interaction through voice commands makes it more convenient to use.
  • Integration with Google products: Bard can be integrated with multiple Google products (such as Google Docs, Google Sheets, etc.) to further improve productivity and creativity.

The combination of Google Bard and pdf is one of the special features!


  • Based on the latest model (PaLM): Based on PaLM2, this model has the characteristics of improving multi-language, coding capabilities and reasoning capabilities.
  • Provides real-time information and web access: Helps researchers or anyone who needs to collect information provide up-to-date and accurate results.
  • Plug-in extension: Bard supports extension to other applications or websites through plug-ins.
  • User-friendly: The user interface is simple, which is helpful for Google users to get started quickly.
  • Translation function: Bard can translate more than 100 languages, helping people communicate smoothly or read content in other languages.
  • Voice Command Compatible: Bard can handle voice commands, giving it an advantage over other tools.

By mastering these functions and advantages through Google Bard, users can get help in different areas. Whether they want to obtain instant information, conduct natural language communication, or need to integrate content into other Google products, Bard can provide strong support.

These will greatly help improve users’ work efficiency and innovation capabilities.

How to access and use Google Bard

To get started with Google Bard, you need to visit its homepage. Here are the steps to access:

  1. On your device, open the URL using a supported browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, or Edgium).
  2. If you are not logged in yet, you will need to log in using your Google account.
  3. After logging in, you can enter your questions or tips in the chat window and wait for Bard's reply.

restriction of visit

  • Account Requirements: You need to have a personal Google account, or a Google Workspace account with Bard access enabled. Currently, accounts managed by Google Family Link or Google Workspace accounts at educational institutions (designated for users under 18 years of age) cannot access Bard.
  • AGE REQUIREMENT: In the European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland and the UK, you must be 18 years or older to use Bard. In other countries, you must be at least 13 years old or older. If you are under 18 years old, you can currently only use the English version of Bard.
  • Geo-restrictions: Bard will initially launch in the US and UK, and will gradually expand to more countries and languages.

Usage Precautions

When using Google Bard, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Bard's responses should not be construed as medical, legal, financial or other professional advice.
  • Bard’s response does not represent Google’s views and should not be attributed to Google.
  • Information generated by Bard may be inaccurate or inappropriate. Your feedback makes Bard more helpful and safe.

Step1: Upload PDF files to Google Bard

As of now, the latest version of Google Bard does not allow direct upload of pdf files, but it has a better way, which is that it can call all files in Google, such as @gmail, @drive, @docs

Google Bard workspace extensions

Upload steps and techniques

  1. First visit
  2. Then open the Google Bards Workspace extensions function

turn on Google Bards Workspace extensions

  1. Then access your Google Bards Workspace, such as google drive or google docs.

Below I will use Google Drive as an example:

Google Drive home page

  1. Just use Google Drive to upload files.
  2. Click the button "New" and then select your "file upload" to upload. Then your local folder will pop up to select a pdf file you need to use.

file upload on Google Drive

  1. After the upload is successful, your file will appear in Google Drive.

ok, so far, you have uploaded the pdf to Google Drive, and you have also enabled the Google Bards Workspace plug-in function in Google Bard, so you can use it now Google Bard pdf function now.

Step2: Use Google Bard pdf

  1. Open and create a new chat

create a new chat

  1. First, let Google Bard find your pdf file by describing the action intention. Through the Google Bard command @, you can use different Google Family Bucket products.

I am relatively simple and crude here. I just ask Google Bard to help me find the pdfs in my Google Drive and list them.

If you have a lot of pdf files, you can accurately query them.

@Google Drive tell me the pdf list

@Google Drive tell me the pdf list

  1. After seeing the pdf I need, then tell it what you think, for example, I need Google Bard to help me summarize the pdf

summarize the pdf

  1. If you are in the same session, you can directly let it continue to understand the pdf in depth

continue to understand the pdf in depth

~~Step3: Use Google Bard to read online pdf~~

~~Use Google Bard to read online pdf~~

the new Solution is : Support online pdf file reading

Google bard file format support, not just pdf

Not only pdf, but also other common file formats are supported. I consulted google bard about this, and I answered directly:

Q(me):What file formats can you process, such as editing, summarizing, data analysis, and file merging?edit

A: (google bard)

Absolutely! I can help you format, edit, summarize, and even merge your PDFs in various ways:


  • Change font, size, and color: Make your text visually appealing and readable.
  • Fix layout: Correct spacing, margins, and alignment for a professional look.
  • Add headers, subheaders, and lists: Organize your content for easy navigation.
  • Create tables and charts: Present data clearly and concisely.


  • Correct grammatical errors and typos: Ensure your writing is polished and professional.
  • Improve style and flow: Make your text engaging and clear.
  • Conciseness: Remove redundancies and streamline your writing.


  • Extract key points and takeaways: Condense the main ideas into a concise overview.
  • Bullet points and numbered lists: Highlight important information for quick scan.
  • Different summary lengths: Choose from various formats like executive summaries, abstracts, or key points.


  • Combine multiple PDFs: Merge sections from different documents into a single file.
  • Reorder content: Organize information from different sources in a logical sequence.
  • Insert your own text and elements: Add your own insights or commentary to existing content.

To help me assist you effectively, please specify:

  • What specific formatting, editing, summarizing, or merging tasks do you have in mind?
  • What format are the original PDFs in?
  • What format would you like the final document to be in?
  • Are there any specific instructions or guidelines I should follow?

The more information you provide, the better I can help you achieve your desired results.

double verified by Google Search

But it is worth noting that Google Bard’s responses have been double verified by Google Search, which means they will automatically be compared with the latest Internet information for verification.

In other words, the accuracy of Google Bard will be relatively higher!

Token length and file size limit

Because large AI models have token length limits, so far, chatbot’s token limit is 2048 tokens

In artificial intelligence models, "Token" usually refers to a unit in text processing, which can be a word or a part of text. The number of tokens is a factor that limits the amount of text the model can process at once.

Q(me): do you have a token limit?

A: (google bard)

I do have a token limit, but it depends on how you interact with me:

  • In this chatbot interface: There is a combined limit of 2048 tokens for your input and my response. This means your question and my answer together cannot exceed 2048 tokens. You can see the token count displayed at the top of the chat window.
  • Direct API interaction: Depending on the specific API endpoint, the token limit can be different. It's typically between 2048 and 4096 tokens for the total request (prompt + completion).

The reason for these limits is technical: it ensures that I can efficiently process your request and provide the best possible response within the available resources.

While there are techniques to handle longer interactions, keeping them within the limit generally leads to smoother and more efficient communication.

If you ever encounter the token limit, you can try:

  • Shortening your input: Rephrase your question or request to be more concise.
  • Breaking down your question into smaller parts: Ask it in two or more separate queries.
  • Using the API with larger token limits: If using the chatbot interface, explore the API options and choose the endpoint with the appropriate limit.

I hope this clarifies my token limitations! Feel free to ask if you have any further questions.

We know that openai’s chatgpt 3.5 can now support 4k tokens, which is relatively stronger than Google Bard. (Everyone is free)

there be a loss of accuracy for summarize pdf

So in that case, I asked Google Bard more deeply

Q(me): A pdf is 10M in size, can you also summarize it? Will there be a loss of accuracy?

A: (google bard)

Whether I can summarize a 10M PDF and the potential for accuracy loss depends on several factors:

1. Content type: I'm best at summarizing text-based documents, particularly factual and informative ones like articles, reports, or research papers. If the PDF contains mostly images, complex design elements, or code, accurate summarization might be challenging.

2. PDF structure: Well-structured PDFs with clear headings, subheadings, and text formatting (e.g., paragraphs, lists) make it easier for me to identify key points and extract relevant information. Unstructured or scanned PDFs pose a greater challenge.

3. Summary length: You can specify the desired length of the summary. However, a very short summary for a large document might lead to significant information loss.

4. Access to full text: Ideally, I need access to the full text of the PDF to generate an accurate summary. Some tools can extract text from PDFs, but the fidelity might not be perfect.

Therefore, while summarizing a 10M PDF is technically possible, there's a higher risk of accuracy loss compared to smaller documents. To assess the feasibility and potential accuracy, I would need more information about the PDF content, structure, and your desired summary length. Additionally, knowing the purpose of the summary (e.g., getting a general overview, finding specific information) would help me tailor the summary for your needs.

If the accuracy of the summary is crucial, consider alternative options like reading the original PDF or using dedicated PDF summarization tools with specialized algorithms for handling large and complex documents.

Feel free to share more details about the PDF and your summarization needs for a more accurate assessment.

It gave me some insights. The content analysis and summary of a pdf actually does not entirely depend on the token processing length.

There are also some content recognition and content structure issues that need to be paid attention to. Therefore, sometimes the summary is not in place and cannot be completely blamed on AI.

Q(me):A pdf is 10M in size, can you also summarize it? Will there be a loss of accuracy? (I only pay attention to the loss of accuracy caused by your token length being insufficient)

A: (google bard)

If the sole concern is potential loss of accuracy due to my token limit, then yes, there's a chance summarizing a 10M PDF could lead to some information loss. Here's how:

  • My token limit is around 2048 tokens for the combined prompt and response. For a 10M PDF, even extracting the most relevant sections might easily exceed this limit.
  • I prioritize summarizing the most important parts of the document first. This means less important or peripheral information might get truncated if the length constraint kicks in.
  • I may miss subtle connections or nuances within the text. Analyzing longer passages and their interrelationships can be challenging within the token limit.

However, depending on the nature of the PDF and your desired level of detail, the accuracy loss might not be significant. Here are some potential mitigations:

  • Provide context about the PDF: Knowing the topic, source, and intended audience can help me prioritize information and focus on the most relevant aspects.
  • Specify your summary goals: Are you looking for a general overview, specific details, or key arguments? Tailoring the summary to your needs can help me extract the most relevant information within the limit.
  • Break down the PDF into smaller parts: If feasible, summarize sections or chapters individually instead of the entire document at once.
  • Use alternative tools: For highly critical summaries of large documents, consider dedicated PDF summarization tools with higher token limits and specialized algorithms for extracting key information.

Ultimately, whether the token limit significantly impacts accuracy depends on the specific PDF and your expectations. If you're unsure, feel free to share more details about the document and your summary goals, and I can assess the feasibility and potential risks further.

Since it is unavoidable, some methods are still provided :

  1. Provide context about the PDF
  2. Specify your summary goals
  3. Break down the PDF into smaller parts

Sharing and permission settings

It comes with built-in export of Docs and Gmail draft, making it more convenient to send emails.

Sharing to gmail and docs

Google Bard opens up all google products Extensions

You can access all Google series products at the same time when using them. It is really very convenient.

You can access all the content with a simple @, without having to paste and upload each other.

@ show the google products Extensions

These functions rely on their Extensions.

all of the google products Extensions

You can look up information on YouTube while reading the PDF, which is really convenient.

reading the PDF and call youtube 1

reading the PDF and call youtube 2

Improve the reading experience of PDF files

A: (google bard)

Before you read:

  1. Identify your goals: What do you want to achieve by reading this PDF? Are you looking for specific information, a general understanding, or to generate new ideas? Having a clear goal helps you direct your reading and utilize Bard effectively.
  2. Preview the PDF: Quickly skim through the document, paying attention to the introduction, table of contents, headings, and keywords. This gives you a broad sense of the content and helps you identify potentially relevant sections.
  3. Target keywords: Brainstorm key terms or concepts related to your reading goals. Ask Bard to refine these keywords and potentially suggest additional ones based on its understanding of the PDF content (through the URL or previous summaries).

While you read:

  1. Focus on key sections: Use the information from the preview and targeted keywords to identify sections most relevant to your goals. Use a PDF reader with keyword highlighting to visually emphasize these sections.
  2. Ask focused questions: Use Bard to answer specific questions about the text you're reading. This helps you extract key information, clarify confusing points, and gain deeper insights. Examples include:
  • "Summarize the author's main argument in Chapter 3."
  • "List the steps involved in the methodology described on pages 5-7."
  • "Compare and contrast the findings of studies A and B presented in the results section."
  1. Take notes with Bard: Capture key points, quotes, and your own interpretations as you read. Bard can help you organize your notes and identify recurring themes or connections between different sections.

After you read:

  1. Ask for a broader understanding: Once you've grasped the key information, ask Bard to connect the dots across different sections or offer a broader perspective on the author's message. This helps you synthesize your understanding and gain a holistic view of the content.
  2. Challenge your interpretations: Ask Bard questions that challenge your initial understanding of the text. This encourages critical thinking and ensures you're not missing any important nuances.
  3. Explore further: Use Bard to brainstorm new ideas inspired by the PDF's content or suggest related resources for further research. This can open new avenues for learning and creative exploration.

Additional tips:

  • Combine Bard with other tools: Use PDF readers with advanced features like highlighting, annotation, and text extraction alongside Bard.
  • Visualize the information: Create mind maps, diagrams, or other visual representations of key points and relationships to solidify your understanding.
  • Adapt your approach: Adjust your strategies based on the type of PDF you're reading and your specific learning goals.


The emergence of Google Bard has completely changed the way we process PDF files. It can not only understand the text content in PDF, but also provide advanced functions such as content extraction, information summary and key information annotation, which greatly improves the efficiency of document management and information retrieval.

Through integration with Google Workspace, Bard enables users to easily leverage its powerful AI capabilities across a variety of Google products to achieve unprecedented convenience in document processing.

In addition, Bard's real-time information updates and multi-language support functions provide users with a cross-language and cross-cultural communication and learning platform, further broadening the application scenarios of PDF files.

Looking to the future, with the continuous advancement of AI technology and the continuous optimization of Google Bard functions, we can foresee that its application in PDF processing will be more extensive and in-depth.

Bard may introduce more customized processing tools to adapt to the special needs of different industries and individual users. For example, it may develop more sophisticated content analysis capabilities to help users quickly extract key information from large amounts of data, or provide smarter document editing and formatting suggestions.

At the same time, with in-depth learning of user behavior and preferences, Bard may become more personalized, able to predict user needs and proactively provide help. In addition, with the further development of voice interaction and natural language processing technology, Bard's interactive experience when processing PDF files will also be more smooth and intuitive. In short, Google Bard heralds the arrival of a new era of more intelligent and efficient PDF file processing.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Google Drive does not support fuzzy matching search files

Google Drive does not support fuzzy matching search files

Resource link

Official resources:

  • For the introduction and experience of Google Bard, please visit the official website 1. You can understand the basic functions of Bard and try to use this tool. If you're located in the US or UK, you can sign up to try Bard directly.
  • Detailed usage tutorials and FAQs for Google Bard can be found in the Google Help Center.


  • Google Bard Tutorial Channel on YouTube provides relevant usage videos and tutorials to help you learn how to use Bard more intuitively.
  • To learn how to use Google Bard, you can read detailed step-by-step guide provided by Simplilearn, which includes the registration process, How to ask questions, get feedback, and more.
  • W3Schools provides a Bard tutorial with a step-by-step guide on how to write AI prompts to get the best results from Bard. Learn how to reduce misinformation and biased results with the right tips.
  • Zapier's blog also provides Instructions for using Google Bard, which includes how to retrieve information, summarize articles and web content , as well as guidance on how to brainstorm and generate content ideas.
  • There is a Google Bard Community on Facebook that you can join to share tips, tricks, news, and meet other users.

top 20 frequency ask question of Google Bard's PDF at 2024

Google Bard is an AI chatbot developed by Google based on a large language model, LaMDA. It can understand and generate natural language, making it useful for processing text information, especially in PDF files. Google Bard can extract content, summarize information, and annotate key details from PDF files, enhancing document management and information retrieval. The chatbot offers features like real-time information updates, human-like dialogue, advanced generation capabilities, voice command support, and integration with Google products. Users can access Google Bard by visiting and logging in with a Google account. While the latest version of Google Bard does not directly support PDF uploads, users can access PDF files through Google Drive or other Google products. By leveraging Google Bard's capabilities, users can improve work efficiency and innovation. Usage precautions include not considering Bard's responses as professional advice and being aware of potential inaccuracies in generated information.