Hi! I'm AJ, maker of Carrd and ... after 2.5M sites, $1M ARR, and a funding round, probably time for an AMA!


Hello again, IH! I'm AJ (@ajlkn on Twitter/elsewhere) and the maker of Carrd (carrd.co), a one-page site builder for pretty much anything. Since my first AMA over 3 years ago, Carrd is now:

  • Home to 2.5M sites (created by some 1.6M users)
  • Earning over $1M ARR
  • Growing by over 10k new sites daily
  • Its own company (Carrd Inc)
  • Partly VC-funded (preeeety sure there will be some questions about this :)
  • Entirely on AWS (as of earlier this month)

... and basically still just me (on dev/product) and Doni (on operations) -- for now :)

Mentioned some of this on Twitter recently and promised I'd elaborate so happy to do just that (or answer, well, anything because AMA).

PS: And of course, thank you Courtland for allowing me to do this!

AJ, the creator of Carrd, shared updates on the platform's growth, including hosting 2.5M sites by 1.6M users, earning over $1M ARR, and adding 10k new sites daily. Carrd is now its own company, partly VC-funded, and entirely on AWS. AJ and Doni handle dev/product and operations, respectively.