Shiva Mantra


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Lord Shiva or Mahadev is one of the most popular and worshiped gods of the Hindu religion and is one of the three gods of the Trimurti, alongside Brahma and Vishnu. He is considered a complex character, who represents protection, benevolence, and goodness. Shiv is considered to be the most magnanimous and altruistic god of the Hindu religion, and also called Bholenath, who has a heart of gold and gives away blessings with the smallest of devotion and love. He is also associated with time and is the creator and destroyer.

According to Hinduism, it is believed that the universe works in a cycle, and regenerates every 2,16,00,00,000 years. Lord Shiva is the one to destroy the universe every cycle and creates a new one with a fresh beginning. Lord Shiva is an abstainer and does not indulge in any kind of pleasures of the world, and only meditates to find complete happiness. Along with being the most important and powerful god of all, lord shiva is also the leader of darker elements of the universe, such as evil spirits, ghosts, ghouls, and thieves and robbers.

There are many names that the Shaivites like to use while worshiping and praising lord shivas, such as Shambhu( Benign), Shankara ( beneficent), Mahesha ( great lord), and Mahadeva(Great God). There are various forms in which lord shiva is represented, in a pacific mood, with happiness apparent on his face, along with his consort Parvati and children Ganesha and Kartikeya, in the cosmic dancer Nataraj form, as a beggar or Yogi, as an untouchable, accompanied by the dog Bhairava, as an ascetic meditator, and in many occasions in the half male half female form, representing him and his other half (Ardhanarishvara). He is both the abstainer and the symbol of fertility, and the master of both the poison and the medicine, considering his ambivalent power over snakes. There are many more forms and powers that lord shiva has, and each one is just as sacred as the rest.

Lord Shiva is the god of destruction and creation at the same time and is a symbol of mercy and grace. There are many ways in which lord shiva is worshiped to appease him, and it is very easy to please lord shiva and get his blessings. Some rituals and pujas are held, dedicated to him, which include recitation of different mantras, through which the devotees get successful in life.

With the regular chanting of shiv mantras, one becomes extremely strong from within, and their spirit becomes like an iron fist, which cannot be broken by any mishap. Those who chant shiv mantras with a pure soul can fight any battle in life, and come out of it being a better and stronger person. These mantras also help to cleanse the body and soul of any negative energy that could be inside the person or around them and fills their life with positive energy.

How to chant Shiva Mantra

  • Just like most mantras, shiv mantras should also be chanted early in the morning, after taking a bath and wearing clean clothes.
  • Shiv mantras can be chanted anytime of the day, but it is best to chant shiv mantras at the time of sunrise and sunset.
  • But even if someone misses the correct time to chant, it is believed that shiv mantras can be chanted anytime or prahar (a unit of time in Vedic Astrology, approximately three hours long) of the day.
  • Monday’s are dedicated to lord shiva, and to pray and chant Shiva mantras during that day is very beneficial as lord shiva is easily impressed during Mondays.
  • Shiv mantras should begin after performing a Puja for lord shiva, and after offering prayers to him, for the best results.
  • Reciting the shiv mantras 108 times at a time is considered to be the best way as that brings the best outcomes. Shiv mantras Chan be chanted aloud or in mind.

Important Shiv Mantras

1. Panchakshari Shiva Mantra

Mata Parvati was the consort of lord shiva and incarnated as Maa Kali and Maa Durga. Mata Parvati was the reincarnation of Sati, or Dakshayani, the daughter of Daksha. Daksha was one of Brahma’s sons and was given the responsibility to populate the human world. He did not approve of lord shiva as Sati’s husband and arranged a sacrificial ritual where he did not invite lord shiva. Upset with her father’s decision, she asked her husband to let her go to the ritual and make her father understand that what he is doing can be destructive to the world. But instead of understanding, Daksha went ahead and insulted lord shiva more, which infuriated sati. Because of her father’s disrespect towards her husband and her increased hatred towards her father Daksha, she threw herself into the sacrificial fire. It is also believed that she self-destructed herself or the human body with the power of Shakti, which was her true self.

ॐ नमः शिवाय ||

Om Namah Shivaya

Meaning - I bow to Shiva

Benefits of chanting Panchakshari Shiva Mantra
  • The meaning of this mantra is the performer is bowing to shiv. Shiv here is the supreme reality or the inner self. So chanting this mantra is to provide and pray for the inner self.
  • Those who are trying to build their confidence and make a name for themselves should chant the panchakshari shiva mantra. Chanting this mantra increases inner potential and strength.
  • If someone is feeling unsafe about their surroundings and is seeking protection, chanting this mantra will give them the feeling of safety. The person will be surrounded by positive energy.

Best time to chant the Panchakshari Shiva Mantra

Early morning, mondays

Number of time to chant this mantra

108 times

Who can recite the Panchakshari Shiva Mantra


Chant this mantra facing

North and east

2. Mahamrityunjaya mantra

After sati, Lord Shiva’s first consort self-destructed herself by jumping into the Agni Kund, lord shiva could not control his anger. Reacting to this tragedy, he created two demons ( veerabhadra and rudrakali) and their main purpose was to end Daksha. They wrecked the sacrificial event and beheaded Daksha infornt of everyone. Shiva, on the other hand, put the lifeless body of Sati on his shoulders and started roaming all over the world, lamenting the loss of his beloved wife. All the gods came together to calm him down and convince him to end the violence. Finally calming down, he brought Daksha back to life, but with the head of a goat. This is a representation of Daksha’s pride to end, and a symbol that pride is the bane of everything in life, and to live happily, one has to end their pride.

ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम् |

उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात् ॥

Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam

Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat

Meaning - Om, We Worship the Three-Eyed One, Who is Fragrant, Increasing the Nourishment. From these many Bondages similar to Cucumbers (tied to their Creepers), May I be Liberated from Death (Attachment to Perishable Things) So that I am not separated from the perception of Immortality (Immortal Essence pervading everywhere).

Benefits of chanting Mahamrityunjaya mantra
  • One of the most, if not the most powerful mantra, the mrityunjay Mantra if chanted religiously with complete faith has the power to change fate.
  • Although, one should be careful when and how to chant mrityunjaya Mantra, as there is some restriction that is involved while chanting this mantra.
  • Reciting this significant mantra brings strength and courage to those that are feeling weak and powerless and makes them aware of ways to come out of a problem.
  • The word “mahamrityunjay” itself means “ victory over death”. This suggests that if someone is stressed because of the fear of death or has someone they love who is very ill and is standing between life and death, chanting this mantra will help a lot, mentally and physically.

Best time to chant the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

Early morning, during yagnas

Number of times to chant this mantra

108 times

Who can recite the Mahamrityunjay Mantra


Chant this mantra facing

North and East

3. Shiva Rudra Mantra

Shiva is depicted by everyone in paintings and sculptures as white, because of bhasma (ashes from incineration) covering his body, blue throat, because of the poison he drank to save everyone, dreads in hair, with a top knot adorned by the moon and the holy river Ganga, as it fell from heaven, and a skull adorning his neck. The skull is one of the five heads of Lord Brahma, which Lord Shiva cut off. The head stuck to him until he reached Varanasi, where it fell off. From then on, Kapala- Mochana was established there, where the head fell off, where all forms of sins can be washed off. Lord Shiva also has a snake, known as Naag Raj around his neck, because of a blessing that he gave to the king of snakes.

ॐ नमो भगवते रूद्राय।

Om Namo Bhagwate Rudraay

Meaning - I bow and pray to the almighty lord of rudraksha.

Benefits of chanting Shiva Rudra mantra
  • This is a very short and simple shiv mantra that can be chanted anytime. It is a form of shortcut to please lord shiva, with very few rituals to follow.
  • The Rudra mantra is chanted to appease lord shiva as his other name is lord Rudra.
  • Reciting the Rudra mantra fulfills every wish, as lord shiva is known to be the most benevolent god of the Hindu religion and it is very easy to please him.

Best time to chant the Shiva Rudra Mantra

Early morning

Number of times to chant this mantra

108 times

Who can recite the Shiva Rudra Mantra


Chant this mantra facing

North and East

4. Shiva Gayatri Mantra

With Mata Parvati, lord Shiva had Ganesha, who was created by Mata Parvati, as lord shiva was not home, to keep her company and guard the door while she was taking a bath. In her absence, Lord Shiva returned and inquired about Lord Ganesha’s identity. He was aware of mata parvati’s creation and thought of lord Ganesh as an intruder. And since l, Ganesha did not let him get through the door, which was an order from his mother, to not let anyone in while she was inside, it infuriated Mahadev more. In anger, he called his bhuta ganas, who were the demons that were devoted to Lord shiva, and ordered them to kill the intruder.

They fought a very long battle until one of the demons created a Maya to distract him and cut his head off. As Mata Parvati got to know about it, she became so angry that she threatened to destroy the universe if her son was not returned to her. The only solution to bring back lord Ganesh was to attach his body to a different head. And at the time, they could only arrange the head of a baby elephant. So with his power, lord shiva, along with other gods attached Ganesha’s head back and brought him back to life. Ever since Ganesha became the elephant-headed god of the Hindu religion.

ॐ तत्पुरुषाय विद्महे महादेवाय धीमहि तन्नो रुद्रः प्रचोदयात ।

Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Mahadevaya Deemahi Tanno Rudrah Prachodayat

Meaning - Om, Let me meditate on the great Purusha, Oh, greatest God, give me higher intellect, and let God Rudra illuminate my mind.

Benefits of chanting Shiva Gayatri mantra
  • Gayatri mantra, no matter dedicated to it, is known to be the most powerful mantra. Similarly, the shiv Gayatri mantra can be chanted to get benefits in life.
  • To get peace, chanting the shiv Gayatri mantra can be very beneficial as it stabilizes a restless mind and makes it calm.
  • Chanting this mantra helps to gain control over one’s senses and it helps to govern one’s mind eventually.

Best time to chant the Shiv Gayatri Mantra

Early morning, from before sunrise to after sunrise, evening, from before sunset to after sunset

Number of times to chant this mantra

108 times

Who can recite the Shiv Gayatri Mantra


Chant this mantra facing

East and North

5. Shiva Dhyan Mantra

Devi Ganga is personified as River Ganges, which is considered the holiest river on earth, according to Hinduism. There are numerous stories and tales describing how Ganga got her place on Lord Shiva’s hair, and how she descended on earth. Among them is the story of Bhagirath. Bhagirath was the son of Anshuman and was given the task by his father, to bring Ganga to earth. In doing so, he would be able to clear the sins of his ancestors who were cursed by Sage Kapil because of misbehaving. Anshuman could not please Lord Brahma to let him bring Devi Ganga on earth, but when he gave the task to Bhagirath, he succeeded in convincing Lord Brahma. Bhagirath then ordered Devi Ganga to follow him to earth, which angered Ganga, as it was insulting to her that Bhagirath would dare to give her orders.

In anger, she decided to land on earth with her full force, which would surely destroy bhumi Devi (earth). Realizing his mistake, Bhagirath went to lord shiva to ask for help, because he was the only one who could withstand the power of Devi Ganga. As she was descending on earth, lord shiva held her in his hair locks, so that it reduced the force of the landing. In doing so, lord shiva divided the Ganga into seven streams, namely Bhagirathi, Janhvi, Bhilangana, Mandakini, Rishiganga, Saraswati, and Alaknanda. This is how Devi Ganga got the place on Lord Shiva’s head.

करचरणकृतं वाक् कायजं कर्मजं वा श्रवणनयनजं वा मानसंवापराधं ।

विहितं विहितं वा सर्व मेतत् क्षमस्व जय जय करुणाब्धे श्री महादेव शम्भो ॥

Karacharana Kritam Vaa Kaya Jam Karmajam Vaa

Shravannayanjam Vaa Maansam Vaa Paradham

Vihitam Vihitam Vaa Sarv Metat Kshamasva

Jay Jay Karunaabdhe Shri Mahadev Shambho

Meaning - Ode to the Supreme One to cleanse the body, mind, and soul of all the stress, rejection, failure, depression, and other negative forces that one faces.

Benefits of chanting Shiva Dhyan Mantra
  • Shiva dhyana mantra is the most appropriate mantra when someone is trying to ask for forgiveness and mercy from lord shiva.
  • Chanting this mantra eliminates all the negative energy from the surroundings and makes everything quiet and silent, outside and within. It calms the soul and opens up the inner consciousness.
  • This mantra should be chanted while meditating as it requires a lot of focus and concentration to get the most benefit. It is chanted to seek forgiveness for the sins done in the present life or a past life.

Best time to chant the Shiva Dhyan Mantra

Early morning after Bath

Number of times to chant this mantra

108 times

Who can recite the Shiva Dhyan Mantra


Chant this mantra facing

East and North

6. Ekadasa Rudra Mantra

There are 11 Ekadasa Mantras in total each, a tribute to the 11 forms of Lord Shiva. They are:

_Kapali–** ॐ हम्हं सत्रस्तम्भनाय हम हम ॐ फट_**

Om HumHum Satrustambhanaya Hum Hum Om Phat

_Pingala–** ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं श्रीं सर्व मंगलाय पिंगालय ॐ नमः_**

Om Shrim Hrim Shrim Sarva Mangalaya Pingalaya Om Namah

_Bhima–** ॐ ऐं ऐं मनो वंछिता सिद्धायै ऐं ॐ_**

Om Aim Aim Mano Vanchita Siddhaya Aim Aim Om

_Virupaksha –** ॐ रुद्राय रोगनशाय अगाच च राम ॐ नमः_**

Om Rudraya Roganashaya Agacha Cha Ram Om Namah

_Vilohita –** ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं सं ह्रीं श्रीं शंकरशनाय ॐ_**

Om Shrim Hrim Sam Sam Hrim Shrim Shankarshanaya Om

_Shastha –** ॐ ह्रीं ह्रीं सफाल्यायै सिद्धायै ॐ नमः_**

Om Hrim Hrim Safalyayai Siddhaye Om Namah

_Ajapada –** ॐ श्रीं बाम सौं बलवर्धनाय बालेश्वराय रुद्राय फूत ॐ_**

Om Shrim Bam Sough Balavardhanaya Baleshwaraya Rudraya Phut Om

_Ahirbudhnya –** ॐ ह्रं ह्रीं ह्रीं हम समष्ट ग्रह दोषा विनशय ॐ_**

Om Hram Hrim Hum Samastha Graha Dosha Vinashaya Om

_Sambhu –** ॐ ग्रं ह्लुआं श्रौं ग्लौं गाम ॐ नमः_**

Om Gam Hlum Shroum Glaum Gam Om Namah

_Chanda –** ॐ च्हं चण्डीश्वराय तेजस्यै च्युं ॐ फुत_**

Om Chum Chandishwaraya Tejasyaya Chum Om Phut

_Bhava –** ॐ भवोद भव संभाव्यै इष्ट दर्शना ॐ सॅम ॐ नमः_**

Om Bhavod Bhava Sambhavaya Ishta Darshana Om Sam Om Namaha

Benefits of chanting Ekadasa Rudra Mantras
  • These mantras are specifically made to pay tribute to lord shiva in his 11 forms, his Rudra forms.
  • Each mantra is specific to a particular month. So chanting this mantra according to their allotted month is the most beneficial, as one gets the most from doing so.
  • Usually, these Ekadasha Shiva mantras are chanted by devotees during the Mahashivratri, when they are holding fast and performing rituals, or during a Maha Rudra Yagna.

Best time to chant the Shiv Ekadasa Mantra

Early morning, during Maha Shivratri, Rudra Yagna, Each specific to its month

Number of times to chant this mantra

108 times

Who can recite the Shiv Ekadasa Mantra


Chant this mantra facing


Overall benefits of chanting Shiva Mantras

  • The Shiv Mantras are very beneficial for those who are trying to build their confidence and make something out of their life. Regular recitation of this mantra increases inner potential and strength.
  • Reciting Shiv Mantras brings strength and courage to those that are feeling weak and powerless about themselves, and make them aware of ways to come out of a problem.
  • Reciting the Shiv Mantra fulfills every wish, as Lord Shiva is known to be the most benevolent god of the Hindu religion and it is very easy to please him.
  • Chanting these mantras eliminates all the negative energy from the surroundings and makes everything quiet and silent, outside and within. It calms the soul and opens up the inner consciousness.
  • If someone is feeling unsafe about their surroundings and is seeking protection, chanting these mantras will give them the feeling of safety. The person will be surrounded by positive energy.
  • Each Ekadasa Mantra is specific to a particular month. So chanting this mantra according to their allotted month is the most beneficial, as one gets the most from doing so.

Learn and embrace the benefits of timeless spiritual chants

Lord Shiva, a central figure in Hinduism, embodies creation and destruction, representing protection and benevolence. Known as Mahadev, he is revered for his altruism and is associated with the cyclical nature of the universe, destroying it every 2.16 billion years to allow for regeneration. Shiva is depicted in various forms, including as a cosmic dancer and an ascetic, symbolizing both abstinence and fertility. Worshiping Shiva involves chanting mantras, which are believed to empower devotees, cleanse negative energies, and enhance inner strength. Key mantras include the Panchakshari Mantra "Om Namah Shivaya," which fosters confidence and safety, and the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, known for its power to overcome death and bring strength. Chanting is most effective early in the morning or on Mondays, ideally 108 times, and should follow a puja ritual. Devotees can chant these mantras at any time, but specific timings enhance their efficacy. Overall, the practice of chanting Shiva mantras is a spiritual tool for personal growth and protection.