Challenge for Uninstlar - Macecraft Software


I highly appreciate your effort, and you fulfilled your promise of updating the program on this Thursday. So i thought the unable to detect programs issue was fixed, turns out it is partly fixed. In version 2.1, i planned to test the power of Uninstlar, so i downloaded multiple apps from a company that's famous for making bundle ware and apps that are very difficult to uninstall, apps from . But Uninstalr was unable to detect them, i waited until the 2.2 update and tried it again, Uninstlar is still not able to detect it. So i tried another infamous bundle ware company: . Uninstlar was able to detect and uninstall, but lots of remaining files can be found in programs files(x86).

Note: these 2 company make security and computer monitoring softwares, so they have very high privileges to control Windows, that might be the reason Uninstlar was unable to clean it completely. I used a virtual machine to test Uninstalr, that might also be the reason why Uninstlar wasn't able to detect some apps. And i highly recommend you to use virtual machine, as the above 2 is infamous is no joke, you won't want to try it on your actual computer. It's just a little challenge i give to Uninstlar, to test the uninstalling power, i don't expect a mandatory fix or improvement made just to uninstall the above 2.

The author appreciates the program update on Thursday but found that the issue of being unable to detect programs was only partly fixed. They tested the Uninstlar program on apps from two infamous bundleware companies, and Uninstlar was unable to detect the apps from even after the 2.2 update, while it could detect and uninstall apps from but left behind many remaining files. These companies make security and computer monitoring software with high privileges, possibly affecting Uninstlar's ability to clean completely. The author recommends using a virtual machine to test Uninstlar due to the risks associated with these companies. They view this as a challenge to test Uninstlar's uninstalling power, not expecting a mandatory fix for these specific companies.