Minimum Funding Policy for PhD Students



Effective September 2024 onward, all full-time students who are offered admission to begin a UBC-Vancouver PhD program in September 2018 or later must be provided with a minimum funding package equal to $24,000 for each of the first four years of their PhD. The funding package may consist of any combination of internal or external awards, teaching-related work, research assistantships, and graduate academic assistantships.


A UBC graduate education challenges students and requires their full attention. As a central element of their education, graduate students also contribute significantly to UBC research, as well as to the education of our undergraduate students. Other work or financial commitments can be a major obstacle for graduate students which is why scholarships and financial support are a key priority for UBC. The majority of the Ontario universities provide a minimum funding package for doctoral students, as do many top universities around the world. It is expected that most PhD students will receive more than the minimum level of funding, as they do currently.

The minimum funding policy supports PhD students and thus enhances UBC’s research enterprise and educational goals. The funding package recognizes the important contributions that PhD students make to the University, and provides needed resources for the students to cope with living in the most expensive city in Canada. Funding has a substantial impact: PhD students with insufficient funding have longer completion times, greater likelihood of attrition, and lower satisfaction regarding their graduate student experience.

The minimum funding policy took effect in September 2018, with the minimum funding amount set at $18,000 per year. From the outset, the policy envisioned future increases to the minimum, and an increase from $18,000 to $22,000 was approved effective September 2021. Another increase from $22,000 to $24,000 will take effect in September 2024. The increased amount applies to all students in years 1-4 who are covered by the minimum funding policy, i.e., enrolled since September 2018.

Funding Policy

All full-time UBC students (domestic and international) newly admitted to start a PhD program of the Vancouver campus since September 2018 will be provided with a Minimum Funding Package equal to $24,000 for each of the first four years of a PhD as of September 2024. In many cases, PhD students will receive more than the Minimum Funding Package (PhD students at UBC-V currently receive an average of $31,000 per year). This funding can be used to pay for university-related expenses (e.g., tuition, books) as well as general living expenses. The funding package may consist of any combination of internal or external awards, teaching-related work, research assistantships, graduate academic assistantships. If a student receives additional funding (e.g., a scholarship) or other income that elevates their package above the minimum funding package, his/her support from on-campus funding sources may be reduced.

At the request of the student, other part-time employment in the field of the student’s research may be considered part of the funding package, whether the work occurs on or off campus (e.g., a PhD student continues part-time nursing practice to maintain professional skills and to understand current research needs in that setting). In such cases, if the student’s work and financial situation were to change, the Department and supervisor will make their best effort to provide a Minimum Funding Package, but this might not be possible as funding is pre-planned well in advance.

The Minimum Funding Package is inclusive of vacation pay and benefits, as well as external awards or third-party sponsorships, if applicable. It does not include the International Tuition Award or funding that Indigenous students receive from their band or nation. Students must apply for scholarships as required by their graduate program to continue to qualify for the Minimum Funding Package. Students may be required to disclose their sources of university or scholarship funding, as well as other income sources to their graduate program and must inform their program immediately of new funding sources.

As with all graduate student award funding at UBC, any funding paid through the Student Service Centre (SSC) (ie. award funding) would apply to and pay for UBC tuition and fees (ex. UPass fee) each term first before excess funds are paid to the recipient’s bank account.

The Minimum Funding Package does not apply to students enrolled in a part-time PhD program or those enrolled in EdD or DMA programs. The Minimum Funding Package is contingent on satisfactory academic progress (see UBC calendar for definition of satisfactory progress).

When the student completes their program (or withdraws without completing) while receiving financial support through the Minimum Funding Package, this support may be subject to repayment or pro-rating for the remainder of the term.

Students transferring from a UBC master’s to a PhD program without completing the master’s will be eligible for the Minimum Funding Package effective the date of transfer to the PhD program, provided the transfer date is September 2018 or later. Consistent with UBC academic policies, the start of the PhD program for these transfer students will be the date of first registration in the master’s program. Hence, a student who transfers to a PhD after one year of master’s study will be provided with a Minimum Funding Package for the next three years.

The student may decline all or part of the package after acceptance of an offer of admission without any prejudice to his/her admission. The student should not feel pressured in any way to decline the package. Where the student declines all or part of the minimum funding package at any time, the program must submit a written statement to G+PS, signed by the student and acknowledging the University has met its obligations. If the student requires a funding package in the future due to a change in situation, the Department and supervisor will make their best effort to assemble a Funding Package, but this might not be possible as funding sources may be fully committed.

The Minimum Funding Policy will be reviewed annually by the Graduate Council. Any annual increases will apply to both new and current eligible doctoral students.

Students who do not receive the funding they anticipated under the Minimum Funding Policy should first discuss this with their supervisor. If the issue is not resolved, they should then speak with their Graduate Program Advisor. The Graduate Program Advisor may need to consult with the Department Head or Dean of their disciplinary Faculty for a solution. If no solution is found, the Graduate Program Advisor, as well as the student, can consult with the Associate Dean of Funding in G+PS.

UBC has established a minimum funding policy for full-time PhD students starting from September 2018, ensuring a minimum funding package of $24,000 per year for the first four years of their program starting from September 2024. This funding can come from various sources such as awards, teaching, or research assistantships. The policy aims to support students in their academic pursuits and living expenses in an expensive city. Students may receive more than the minimum amount, with the average currently at $31,000 per year. The policy also allows for part-time employment related to the student's research to be considered as part of the funding package. The funding package includes vacation pay, benefits, and external awards, but not certain specific types of funding. Students must maintain satisfactory academic progress to qualify for the funding, and any excess funds are first applied to tuition and fees. The policy does not apply to part-time or certain specialized programs, and students transferring from a master's to a PhD program may be eligible for the funding package.