Úlfhéðnar & Skjǫldrinn


Úlfhéðnar entered a treaty in 748 CE, known as the Skjǫldrinn Covenant of 748, unifying all three subspecies of Úlfhéðnar, consequently also formally forming an alliance with Jǫtnar, and bringing all Berserkir serving with Úlfhéðnar under the protection of the order.

Skjǫldrinn is the original military order. It has been alternatively under control of Úlfhéðnar from three Norwegian royal blood lines, namely **Sverreættin (**Sverreætten in modern Norwegian, House of Sverre in English), Harðráðiættin (Hardrådeætta in Norwegian, Hardrada Dynasty in English), and Hárfagriættin (Hårfagreætta in modern Norwegian, and Fairhair Dynasty in English), as well as one Danish royal blood line, namely Knýtlinga (House of Cnut in English)

It is currently under the control of the heir of Sverreætten, Áskunnr hinn gullúlfr Bjǫrnsson (also unofficially known as Hákon VI), and soon his son(s), with this royal house more recently being referred to as Áskunnrættin (House of Áskunnr). 

Next in line is Harðráðiættin, Knýtlinga, and Hárfagriættin. All by consensus (secured through a lot of fighting and subsequent treaty).

The Blendingr and Úlfheðinn who controls Skjǫldrinn also controls all direct and indirect aspects of the order, and traditionally associates his blood line war banner in all aspects of the organization’s operations. Skjǫldrinn being under the control of Áskunnr hinn gullúlfr Bjǫrnsson currently (Áskunnrættin, formerly Sverreættin), his blood line war banner is therefore prominent throughout the organization. Including Norðsherstjórn (NHS) or Northern Troops Command currently.

Norðsherstjórn (NHS) is in command of Jómsvíkingar (JK), which is the contracting operation in modern times as it was historically, also acting as main troops for the protection of the homeland as required. Væringjar (VG), the Varangian Guard and the Tier One group within Jómsvíkingar. Finally, Ásjárstjórn (AS), or Protection Command, also acting as security and police force.

There is also Áskunnr & Brœðr, the more mainstream outfitting operations, not listed as kept separately for many reasons. Traditionally, trading and commercial operations not related to martial stuff have used a blue banner. This is still the case.

In 748 CE, the Úlfhéðnar entered the Skjǫldrinn Covenant, unifying its three subspecies and forming an alliance with the Jǫtnar, thereby protecting all Berserkir associated with Úlfhéðnar. The Skjǫldrinn is the original military order, historically controlled by various Norwegian royal bloodlines, including Sverreættin, Harðráðiættin, and Hárfagriættin, as well as the Danish Knýtlinga. Currently, it is led by Áskunnr hinn gullúlfr Bjǫrnsson of the Sverreættin lineage, now referred to as Áskunnrættin. The order's leadership is determined by consensus among the royal lines, often through conflict and treaties. The Blendingr and Úlfheðinn oversee all aspects of the Skjǫldrinn, with Áskunnr's war banner prominently displayed. The Norðsherstjórn (NHS) commands the Jómsvíkingar, the modern operational troops, while the Væringjar serve as an elite group within this structure. Additionally, Ásjárstjórn functions as a security and police force. Áskunnr & Brœðr manage mainstream outfitting operations, traditionally using a blue banner for non-military trade activities.