Unexpected Ch. 02


Chapter 2: Learning Your Place

"Are you two lovebirds done yet?" came Mistress K's voice from the stairs.

"Yes, and he was just agreeing..." Sophia started.

"Oh I know, I could hear his pitiful whining from upstairs. Basically begging you to do whatever you want with him. You have quite a toy here Sophia. Regardless, I'm starving and we don't want cold food. Let's see how his kitchen skills hold up."

I felt my chair slowly get slid over to the other side of the table. But what was I going to eat? I had plated two meals and two places on the table. I'm disappointed in the thought of not getting to partake in the meal I worked so hard on. However, it seems in my best interest to not incur any more punishments.

The two girls chatted over dinner for quite some time. Of course taking every opportunity to make sure my dick was still struggling in its confines.

"Mmm god his meat is sublime. Every time I swallow I can't wait to put more in my mouth."

I could hear the smirk on Sophia's face as she said it. Sophia knows how visual I am and absolutely knows I'm now picturing it. God the image is torture. My mind wanders as I take the image I remember of Mistress K from the video and intertwine it with thoughts of Sophia. The three of us just fucking vigorously.

I'm broken out of my imagery when the two ladies stand up. I can hear the two dishes clatter as they are set in the sink and then Mistress K says, "Oh no sweetie relax the maid will get those."

"But, we don't have a..." Sophia stopped realizing what she meant. I was the maid she was speaking of.

Their footsteps approached my chair before someone sat down in my lap. Now to deal with this mess. Another pair of legs wrapped around mine and the person in my lap! One of the two ladies was now sitting in the lap of the other face to face and... They're kissing! God I need this blindfold to be off. Every man's fantasy is happening 3 inches in front of me. Literally in my lap! And I can't see the first bit of it!

"Mmmph," a plea of sadness came through the gag.

"Shut it slut," Mistress K immediately responded with a surprisingly strong smack on my cheek.

"Ya know K, I've been thinking. I think that your training program would be a great fit for him."

Sophia turned in my lap to talk to me as if I could see her. "Mistress K has a fantastic course for worthless toys like you that don't know how to follow directions or control themselves. Really, the course allows for any slaves to enter at any level, and leave the course properly trained. Now of course, we'd take your show of events so far as the entrance exam to the Horny Boys to Proper Slaves course, and well you didn't score so highly. So you'd have to start from course one but I think you'd do well. What do you say? Would you like Mistress K to teach you how to be a proper slut in any kinky little scenario that you imagine up?"

Again I shake my head yes. As a matter of fact I don't think I've stopped shaking my head. I just want them to have their way with me. Stop talking and play with me. Anything you want I'll do it.

"Oh good, cause I've already signed you up for the course anyway, so I'm glad you're on board."

Some papers begin rattling just in front of me at the table.

"We should probably start him here." Sophia said

"No, I think it would be safer to start him here just to make sure we cover the bases. Besides, he should feel proud of his graduation through the course. We wouldn't want to take the first one away from him, as each gets significantly harder."

I wish I could see or input anything in regard to what they are talking about, but still blindfolded I guess I'll find out soon enough. I'm both terrified, and excruciatingly horny at the thoughts of what they might do with me.

"Well, you are the expert on these matters so that sounds great."

"Fantastic. I'll go and get the required materials from upstairs. You can untie him and get him ready for his first lesson."

"Yes, ma'am," Sophia replied.

One pair of footsteps began walking off as my blindfold was removed. After a moment for my eyes to readjust to the light I could finally see Sophia. She was dressed in heels, nylons, a ruffled skirt that barely was long enough to cover her ass, and a stringy halter top revealing her lower waist. Catching the briefest glimpse of Mistress K up the stairs she seems to be wearing latex from top to bottom with a black leather corset around her waist.

Looking around I could see the papers on the table. They were too far away to read the small print, but I was able to read the bolded lettering before Sophia had finished untying me from the chair.

"Lesson One: Knowing your place, earning your voice, and becoming a slave.

Lesson Two: Servicing, and forgetting the word no."

Sophia then pulled me out of my chair and to the ground at the bottom of the stairs.

"When you are awaiting the Mistress, you are to sit like this..." she began moving my limbs around and putting me in position. Sitting on my knees with my arms behind my back, I waited for Mistress K to return. Sitting silently, the clattering of metal echoed from upstairs. What in the world could she be doing up there?

Soon Mistress K came down the stairs carrying a large box seemingly full of items and a crop around her wrist. She set down the box and took out something black and leather.

Wrapping it around my back just below the shoulder blades and around the front she said, "Touch your shoulders."

I dare not question her commands. Remembering that I already have punishment stacked from earlier and that crop does not look like a good time. As I reached back and touched my shoulders the leather binder wrapped around my front and over my arms leaving me with my arms bent still touching my shoulders.

"Step one is learning your place. Learning when to respond, how to please your master, and most importantly how to follow instruction. That is the one you have failed at several times already today."

She clipped an attachment to the choker around my neck and I caught a quick glimpse of the words on the front.

"Pet Slave."

She continued with the other leather binder locking my legs in an identical position forcing me to crawl around on my knees and elbows. I couldn't stand anymore even if I wanted to.

"Now follow."

I crawled across the floor to where Mistress K was next to the chair

"Up." She said pointing at the chair.

"How do I..." I couldn't even finish my sentence before the heat of the crop struck across my ass.

"You speak only when requested and as for how, that's for you to figure out. My demands are to be fulfilled without question or hesitation."

I struggled, but eventually pulled myself over the chair. Now my knees and elbows were dangling over either side of the chair. The extra strap Mistress K then tied over the top of me was completely unnecessary but at least I can't fall now.

Mistress K walked over to her box of things and pulled out a long fluffy tail with a plug on the end of it. Its size immediately caught my attention. It wasn't the largest thing I've had in my ass but it was definitely not small.

"Sophia told me that your ass is no virgin hole, so don't worry, I made sure to bring big enough toys to make you feel like a tight little slut again." She said as she began slowly working the lube inside my ass.

As she pressed the tip of the plug against my hole I unwillingly let out a small moan and my body shifted its weight back into the plug. My cock went rock hard straining against the cage and the pain distracted me from the pleasure of the plug behind me.

"You are such a little slut! Sit still."

"Yes Mistress" I replied abruptly

"Good." She said before sinking the large plug all the way into my ass.

The plug left an immense pressure directly on the right spot. If this was a vibrator I could probably cum just from the plug. I've played with plugs big and small but never been able to get off on just anal play. However, this plug sat directly on the correct spot. I felt the plug begin to slide back out of my ass. Mistress K began to work the plug in and out of my ass. I knew I was leaking like a faucet beneath me as the precum dripped from the cage. I couldn't see the mess I was making but could feel the wetness leaking from me.

As I was being fucked by the plug, Sophia pulled a chair over a couple feet in front of me. She hiked the back of her skirt up and leaned over resting her arms on the chair. I had direct vision of her soaking wet pussy as she backed up to my face. Mistress K stopped fucking my ass for just a moment to reach up and bury my face deeper into Sophia's pussy and ass.

"Clean it up bitch!" Mistress K demanded, "You should be enthralled that you get to even see a pussy or ass for the next year. Let alone service them. If you don't show some enthusiasm I'll make sure you don't see a pussy again for so long that you'll forget what they look like."

Somehow in the position I'm currently in I believed that statement completely. With what little movement I had buried in Sophia's ass, I shoved my tongue into her pussy and lapped up the juices like an animal. It wasn't long before Sophia began to enjoy it and moan. I had the smallest hole of air that I could breathe through but didn't dare stop. On minimal air, with my ass still being fucked by the plug Sophia started to climax. As she did I felt a swift hand at the back of my head, as Mistress K buried my face deep in Sophia's ass. Sophia came hard, and pushed even harder back against the mistress' hand. I couldn't breathe as she came. It felt like minutes I was without air. I screamed and moaned into her backside and she came again. My cries for help were only extending my suffering. Just as I started to get dizzy from lack of oxygen Sophia stepped forward. My face covered in juices I gasped for air.

Mistress K untied the strap tying me to the chair. "Down," She commanded.

Still dazed, catching my breath, and trying to process how to get down with only my elbows and knees, a sudden pain shot through my neck as electricity pulsed out of the collar.

"Down!" she ordered again

I yelped at the pain, and threw my body to the side as fast as I could. I rolled off the chair and onto the ground. I opened my mouth to apologize but before I got the first word out I locked eyes with Mistress K holding a remote up in the air just waiting to press the button. I understood immediately and stopped myself.

"Good. You're learning. Pet slaves don't need a voice to speak. Their only job is to serve on command. Nothing more than an animal, except we get the added benefit of a few additional services you have to offer that an animal does not."

I was completely humiliated, and yet for some reason this power struggle was entrancing. I was completely sold and ready for any demand. However, while I may be learning quickly, my cock definitely was not as it still strained against the steel of the cage.

"Now for a rule that will persist no matter what course you're on. Learn it well. Slaves that make messes, clean up their messes."

Finally returning from the daze of the collar, I could see the huge mess under the chair that I had left. I had been dripping precum the entire time Mistress fucked me in the ass with the plug. Now there was a small pool underneath where I was.

"If you don't enjoy cleaning it, then don't create it," she said as she grabbed me by my hair and dragged my head to the floor. "Now clean it up. I do hope the floors are clean around here. Oh well, if not that's training for another day."

I gave a small whine, hesitant to lap up the amount of precum pooled on the floor. The collar gave a small beep and shocked me hard enough to drop my face to the floor, directly into the pool. I began lapping it up like it was the only sustenance I'd have in weeks.

"Good pet," she said, letting go of my hair. "Sophia, is his supper ready?"

"Yes Mistress," Sophia replied, bringing over a small silver dish with something inside.

"It seems he has finally finished cleaning up his mess and he can wash it down with some real food while we relax for a moment."

I hadn't even noticed that I had completely cleaned the pool of cum and at this point was just licking the ground.

"Here you go, a nice bowl of wieners for you," she said as she set the bowl down. The two ladies gave a slight giggle and proceeded into the other room.

My stomach growled as she set the bowl down on the ground. I immediately dove into the bowl. I'm not gonna turn away food of any kind right now. I'm so hungry. While I began to eat I could just barely hear them talking from the other room.

"You know, I could never get myself to do those things to him. Everything inside tells me that it's not okay to do... but seeing him like that has me so worked up right now."

"Well that's definitely something we can fix"


The voices stopped and I could hear the ever so faint sound of kissing from beyond the walls. My mind began to race with images of the two of them hands running over each other's bodies, tongues intertwined.

I tried to focus on eating. It was difficult to begin with, let alone I was still bound on my elbows and knees. However, at least the plug was beginning to feel more comfortable in my ass. The tail did swing back and forth as I leaned in to take another bite. The soft fur grazing across my legs is enough by itself to keep me aroused.

Soft moans escaped the room next door as I finished my meal. Would I be shocked again if I went in? If I didn't go would they just tire themselves out and leave me like this? As much as I fear being shocked again, I can't take much more of being stuck on my elbows. Even with the soft pads in the suit my arms are starting to get sore. At very least I know I can't speak up to ask them or I'll definitely get shocked. Should I bark? How embarrassing is that? I think that's the only option I have.

I approach the door to the room and give a feint, "woof." God I can't believe I'm doing this. There's no response from the other side of the door. Ok fine we're all in. Trying again louder but careful to not sound aggressive I let out a confident, "woof!"

"Oh, it seems our pet has finished his meal," Mistress K said, "Do be a dear and go open the door for him."

I could hear an audible sigh of disappointment as someone stood up and approached the door. I can tell I interrupted at a very poor moment.

"Take his lead and follow upstairs."

Sophia took the lead she was holding in her hand and bent down to clip it to my collar. As she did I was entranced by Mistress K walking up the stairs. The way the latex hugged every curve of her backside as her hips swayed back and forth with every step up the stairs. God, I wanted to be buried inside of it right now. I've been on edge ever since she arrived and my balls are so full they're starting to get sore.

My assumption that I interrupted something was confirmed by the strength and speed in which Sophia started to pull me up the stairs. It's intentionally too fast for me to keep up, but if I don't she is going to be dragging me up the stairs.

Crawling up the stairs with Sophia in front of me I can see directly up her skirt. Even with the lack of light underneath her skirt, I can see how wet she is. Losing self control for a moment as my cock tightened in its cage, I unintentionally let out a soft whine. Sophia halted on a dime and turned back to look at me. She raised a small black controller out of her pocket and I prepared my neck for what was to come. However I did not prepare myself for the electricity that rocked my prostate from the plug inside me.

"Yipe!" came out as I curled over on the step. My erection fell immediately as the pain went through my backside.

The slightest smirk grew across Sophia's face. "Oh yes I forgot to tell you, Mistress K gave me this controller in case your horniness got out of hand and you tried anything with me while she was not around. Did I give you permission to look up my skirt and fantasize?"

I shook my head, still recovering from the shock.

She stepped back down to the same stair as me and hiked up her skirt. "Is this what you were looking at?" Sophia retorted, "Here why don't you get a closer look?"

She sat down on the stair in front of me, grabbed a fistful of my hair and shoved my face into her pussy. She rubbed her herself up and down my face like it was a towel to dry herself on.

"Stick out your tongue slut! You act like you've never seen a pussy before."

I began licking away as she used my head and face like her personal pleasure toy. After a moment she began to moan. She ripped my head away from her and stood up.

"Now, you have 5 seconds to clean up the mess you just made before I inform Mistress K of the mess you left behind you," she said as she stood up and turned to continue walking.

Looking beneath me, I did leave a mess. Between the shock on my prostate and eating Sophia out I hadn't realized how much I leaked. I feared what Mistress K might do if I left it here and lapped it up as quickly as I could.

"Good boy, now behave yourself."

We continued up the stairs and into the bedroom. Entering through the door, I could see Mistress K sitting on top of a small steel cage at the foot of the bed with the door to it raised open.

"I'm glad you two could make it. Trouble along the way?" she said looking at Sophia.

"A small bit of trouble. I had to remind our pet of the pecking order here, but I think we sorted it out. He cleaned both of our messes up along the way."

"Good, I expect that neither of you finished correct? A slave doesn't deserve to experience that, especially a naughty one like you have here." She said taking the lead from Sophia and pulling me towards the cage.

"No Mistress. I wanted to but stopped myself."

Mistress K released my arms and legs from the binders that they were in.

"You are more than welcome to attempt standing up but if that collar reaches a height above kneeling it's set to go off on the highest setting. Pets are beneath us and shouldn't be walking around. Understood?"

"Ye...Woof!" Correcting myself as I almost spoke. After a brief moment I sighed realizing I barely cut it without getting shocked.

I could see the giggle through Mistress K's stern demeanor as she watched me anxiously await a shock. She pulled on the lead through the other side of the cage and I crawled inside.

The cage was just tall enough for me to crawl inside. Thankfully it had a soft padded bottom. The long front and back are maybe 5' long and made of a mesh pattern. The entry and opposite side are made of vertical beams that have large gaps in between. I'm assuming for access to the person inside. The mesh front seems to have the ability to open as well but is currently shut and locked with a small padlock. The top of the bench was solid and cushioned for sitting, but had a very unique pattern separating the cushions. I don't know why, but I'm sure I'll find out.

About halfway into the cage Mistress K spoke up, "Stop. Now kneel nice and tall."

Nervous of the collar around my neck and also confused as to how I am to 'sit tall' in a 2' tall cage I look up at Mistress K as she removes a small circular piece from the seat above me. Understanding, I sit up and put my head through the hole. A metal collar immediately wraps tightly around my neck. Not tight enough to restrict my breathing, but tight enough I'm definitely not moving, let alone turning my head. The front of the cage clicked open and I could see Sophia lean in. I can feel a cold metal click around my wrists and then they're secured to the floor by what sounds like a metal chain.

As I feel Sophia tightly wrapping something rubbery around my cock cage, Mistress K asks her, "Now where was it you told him to leave the key?"

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The key? What is she talking about? The key to the cuffs? The key to the cage? Fuck! The key to my chastity cage! I was supposed to put it on the table with dinner but I left it in the bathroom when I put the cage on. I whined knowing this means I probably won't get this damn cage off soon.

"Shut it slave!" Mistress K demanded before sitting down on the bench in front of me.

Her latex ass encasing my face. I can't speak or breathe. I struggle trying to find room to breathe but to no avail.

"The more you struggle the longer I stay..."

I stopped moving immediately. I desperately needed air. She had caught me off guard sitting down and I didn't get a breath beforehand.

"Good, now breathe," she said standing up, "1, 2... 3" and she sat back down. "Now where was I?.... Oh yea. Where did you tell him to leave the key?"

"I told him to leave it on the kitchen table with our meal," Sophia replied

"And you didn't happen to see it there did you?"

"No mistress. There was nothing on the table."

"That's very unfortunate for our pet. Well I guess we'll have to make due with what we have. Besides, does he really deserve to feel a warm, tight, wet, pussy?" Mistress K said lingering on every tantalizing word.

My cock throbbed thinking about it but I barely noticed because my lungs burned as they screamed for air.

Sophia has sat on my face before but when it's just skin you can get a little bit of air here and there. Secured against the latex there isn't a chance for the slightest gasp of air.

I gasp for air as Mistress K stands up, "1, 2, aaaand 3," she sits back down.

"And what's that?" Sophia returns to the conversation.

"Why don't you look in that bag over there and pick out whichever one you like."

"Wait, for me or for you?" Sophia responded.

"That's up to you my darling. We can put the one you choose in any hole you wish."

"Oh!?..." a momentary pause before, "I have an idea."

I can hear Sophia approach and light whispers but can't make out any words.

"Oh how devious, I love that very much. Make your selection then." Mistress K responded and stood up. "1, 2, 3." Aaaand back down.

I caught a glimpse of the box on the other side of the room before she sat back down. By box, I mean more like a tool crate of what I can only imagine to be a wide array of toys in all shapes and sizes.

A moment later I could feel Sophia climbing on top of the crate I was in. Mistress K stood up and I inhaled fully waiting for the countdown again but it did not happen. Instead Sophia wrapped her legs around my head the other way. "Tongue out now!" she said. "Warm me up for Mistress," and she tilted her head back, stuffing my face full of pussy.

I didn't hesitate and started working my tongue into her. There are many things I love doing but god did I love her legs wrapped around my head. It's definitely at the top of that list. After a moment I can tell Sophia's really getting into it as she starts rocking into my face.

Mistress K speaks up, "Okay now it's my turn to be warmed up."

Sophia moved back on the bench and the neck brace loosened up just enough that I could turn my head toward Mistress K. In front of my face is 7 or 8" of silicone dildo strapped to her pelvis. "Open up slut," she says as if it's not already 3" into my mouth. With no hesitation she slides the length of the cock down my throat. On the verge of gagging I can barely hold it together. "I hope your ready to see your wife get fucked by a real cock, not that pathetic little thing in a cage."

As little as it was inside the cage it sure as hell was trying to stretch and break out of its confines.

Pulling the cock out of my throat she climbed over the top of my head where Sophia was laying down just inches out of reach. "Open up slut," she mimicked herself as she lowered the cock into Sophia's pussy.

"Ooh yes Mistress."

Inches away from my face I watch as she thrusts into Sophia. My face is covered in cum, sweat, and juices, but I can smell her sex as she vigorously fucks her. I can almost recall the feeling of being inside of her. My balls ache they're so full. I need to cum so badly.

Suddenly, I hear a click and wince in anticipation of a shock, but instead my cock cage starts vibrating. My eyes roll back in my head and I moan out loud.

"If you cum without permission you will not have that cage off until you graduate my course. Then it still might not come off. You have two options: hold your pathetic little orgasm in or you can inform us that you're close and we'll make sure that your little dicky doesn't get off."

Thank god there's an option to stop. I was so close to cumming and I really didn't want this cage to stay on forever. I whined incessantly.

"Sounds like he's about to come. Sophia, be a dear and take care of that would you?"

"Ooh Y y yes Mistress," she could barely get the words out as Mistress K drilled her with the strap on.

Click... beep.

Oh no! Shit! The plug in my ass shot electricity through my ass and prostate again. I immediately lost my erection and went soft. I didn't want to cum before permission, but that's not how I wanted to stop it. I thought she was going to turn the vibrator off. The vibrator?! I realize it's still going and I'm already getting hard again. Fuck me. What should I do? There's no winning here and I can almost feel the smirk on both of their faces because of it. If I cum I'm stuck in this cage, and if I get close I'll get shocked again. Damnit! Maybe if I close my eyes and focus I can stop myself from getting too close.

Only another minute at most went by before I was right on the edge again. Between the quite strong vibrations on the tip of the cage, plug in my ass, and intoxicating smell of Sophia being fucked inches from my face there is nothing I can do to save myself from this torcher. I unwillingly began to whine again as I edged closer to cumming.

Click... beep.

Again I was ripped from my orgasm as electricity flooded through the plug.

It wasn't long before the cycle repeated. As I began to strain in the cock cage, I could hear Sophia verging on cumming.

"Pleeease can I cum Mistress?" Sophia begged her.

I was already edging on cumming listening to her. I was so close. My balls were so full. I needed to cum more than anything.

Without stopping Mistress K spoke, "Here's the deal. Only one of you can cum, your choice. You can cum or you can let your pitiful..."

Click, click, click, click click...

"Good choice."

I couldn't even hear the beeps that followed over our joint screams. Sophia came unbelievably hard and I shrieked as the plug repeatedly pulsed in my ass and the vibrator came to a halt.

By the time I had recovered, I hadn't realized that both ladies had climbed down. My neck had been released from the top of the cage. Still half dazed I'm guided around the cage as the two ladies reposition me. Head through the vertical bars on one side of the cage. Mistress K adds an additional bar to then secure my head in place. Sophia lifts the top cushions off the cage to reveal the metal top, allowing them to see down into it where I am. She then pushes on the rear side of the cage and it slides in shrinking in length. My legs are now sticking out the back of the cage, and my ass is flat pressed against the vertical bars opposite my face. Mistress K has moved to the side and sticks a metal rod through the mesh side just in front of my legs now locking them in place against the back bars. Then a bar slides in across my lower back forcing it to be arched and another just under my armpits. I'm going nowhere.

Apparently the concern was visible on my face as Sophia spoke up. "Don't worry babe, I'm going to make sure your ass feels all better."

I gave a small whine in response.

"And I am going to make sure we don't hear you," Mistress K said as she came around the front and stuffed the strap on into my mouth. I could taste Sophia on it still as it slid deep into my mouth. She slowly began throat fucking me with the length of the dildo, never letting it slide completely out of my mouth and making sure that she went as far as she had length to do so. I have to say that for someone who doesn't have a whole lot of experience with it I'm impressed with myself only gagging a few times.

After a moment I can feel Sophia behind me fiddling with my tail. With a slow but firm pull she slides the plug out of me. Then I feel the tip of something rubbery placed against my ass. With ease it slips inside but it just keeps going.

"Mmmph," is all I manage to get out as it feels like she has 3' of dildo inside me.

"Nah ah ah," Mistress K says, "You don't get to cum until you're taking every inch of both of these."

I get to cum?!?!? Oh god please! Anything. I'll do anything. Fuck me with a tree branch I don't care. I need to cum. I push against the back of the cage with the millimeter of room I have.

"Oh I think he liked that," Sophia said, "Good boy."

I rocked against the cage as if I had any room to move at all. The two ladies thrust deeper and deeper on both sides of me. I was just a hole to play with and it felt so deliciously naughty. They were fucking me so hard I'd swear their cocks were touching somewhere in the middle. Just as I thought I'd come from being spit roasted by these two women the vibrator on my cock clicked on and all I remember is cumming for what felt like an eternity. I came and the fucking and vibrations didn't stop so neither did my orgasm. I screamed and cried in pleasure as the more I came the harder they fucked and the pleasure became unbearable.

When I came to, I was in some sort of sack tightly wrapped around my whole body lying on what I can imagine to be the bed. A fairly small rubber tube in my mouth and holes for my nose to breathe, other than that everything was dark as I shook awake.

"Oh good he's returned out of his orgasm coma," I heard Mistress K's voice say.

I can still feel the tightness of the cage around my cock and the stickiness of the mess all over my face. The light attacked me as the eye cover was removed from the sack I was in.

"You've only been out for a minute or two so we got you ready for bed. Also, we had to wait so you could clean up the mess you made. Open wide." She raised a small glass bowl of what looked like cum up to the top of the tube in my mouth. "You must have really been leaking for quite a while cause this is at least a good cup of cum. Quite impressive as a matter of fact."

I couldn't believe how much cum was in the bowl. Did I really cum that much? I could taste it as the saltiness reached the bottom of the tube, but had no options. I whined as it began to slide down my throat.

Sophia came into vision. "Apart from a few misbehaviors you did fairly well today. You'll be quizzed for graduation to course 2 tomorrow. Sleep well pet."

They both left my vision and a moment later the lights went dark.

Before I heard the door shut Sophia added, "Oh, and I almost forgot every couple hours the vibrator is set to turn on for random intervals. I'd advise not cumming, as to upset Mistress K. We'd hate for you to fail course 1 at the last second. Now good night and get some rest, you'll need it for tomorrow."

As the cum continued to drain into my mouth I swallowed a big gulp with an uncomfortable satisfaction of the day. It scared and excited me to wake up tomorrow. I felt tortured, used, humiliated... and happy. I felt happy and wanted... no, I need more. I closed my eyes to sleep and get to tomorrow faster. Needless to say though, I did not get much rest.

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In Chapter 2 of the narrative, the protagonist finds himself in a submissive role under the control of Mistress K and Sophia. After a brief moment of intimacy, Mistress K interrupts, leading to a dinner where the protagonist is left blindfolded and restrained, unable to partake in the meal he prepared. The two women discuss a training program for him, emphasizing his need to learn obedience and servitude. As the chapter progresses, Mistress K begins the training by binding the protagonist and instructing him on his place as a slave. She uses a leather binder to restrict his movements, forcing him to crawl and obey her commands. The tension escalates as she introduces a large anal plug, which he finds both pleasurable and torturous. Meanwhile, Sophia presents her body to him, demanding he service her while under Mistress K's control. The protagonist is overwhelmed by the sensations and the humiliation of his situation, struggling to breathe as he is forced to please Sophia. The chapter explores themes of power dynamics, submission, and the complexities of desire within a BDSM context.