House Approves Short-term Funding to Avoid Shutdown


House Approves Short-term Funding to Avoid Shutdown

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The House of Representatives voted 320-99 today approving a short-term funding bill to avoid a partial government shutdown. The bill will extend funding into March, allowing Congress more time to negotiate differences on spending bills.

Republicans were split on the vote, with 113 voting to approve the funding and almost half voting against it.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) posted a joint statement on X:

“We are in agreement that Congress must work in a bipartisan manner to fund our government.

“Negotiators have come to an agreement on six bills: Agriculture-FDA, Commerce-Justice and Science, Energy and Water Development, Interior, Military Construction-VA, and Transportation-HUD. After preparing final text, this package of six full year Appropriations bills will be voted on and enacted prior to March 8. These bills will adhere to the Fiscal Responsibility Act discretionary spending limits and January’s topline spending agreement.

“The remaining six Appropriations bills — Defense, Financial Services and General Government, Homeland Security, Labor-HHS, Legislative Branch, and State and Foreign Operations — will be finalized, voted on, and enacted prior to March 22.

“To give the House and Senate Appropriations Committee adequate time to execute on this deal in principle, including drafting, preparing report language, scoring and other technical matters, and to allow members 72 hours to review, a short-term continuing resolution to fund agencies through March 8 and … 22 will be necessary, and voted on by the House and Senate this week.”

After the bipartisan funding bill passed, Representative Juan Vargas (D-Calif.) said House Democrats stepped up to extend funding, stating on X, “House Democrats have worked time and time again to keep government open and critical services up and running. This week, we are once again stepping up to lead in a bipartisan manner to extend government funding and pass responsible funding legislation.”

Representative Chip Roy (R-Texas) stated his opposition to the spending bill, stating on X, “This spending bill is “going to continue to fund the OPEN BORDERS that have led to the DEATH of Americans!”

The House of Representatives approved a short-term funding bill by a vote of 320-99 to prevent a government shutdown. The bill extends funding until March to allow for further negotiations on spending bills. Republicans were divided on the vote, with 113 in favor and nearly half against. House Speaker Mike Johnson outlined a plan to finalize appropriations bills by March 8 and March 22. Representative Juan Vargas praised House Democrats for extending funding in a bipartisan manner, while Representative Chip Roy criticized the bill for funding what he called 'open borders.' The bill passed with bipartisan support, aiming to keep the government running and essential services operational.