Special Investigative Report: Curing Diabetes Naturally and Holistically



Sarah C. Corriher

November 30, 2013

Chronic diseases such as diabetes are becoming more prevalent. Diabetes diagnoses are increasing at a steady rate of 5% annually in the U.S., and there is no sign of either a cure or a preventative from the medical establishment. The total cost of treating diabetes was approximately $245,000,000,000.00 ($245 billion) in the United States alone for the year 2012, according to the American Diabetes Association. Until very recently, type 2 diabetes did not occur in children, so it was formerly known as "adult onset" diabetes. Now, type 2 diabetes occurs in children as young as two years old. Meanwhile, the medical establishment refuses to acknowledge that diseases could be caused by artificial foods that are manufactured by the chemical industry, its own drugs, and by overall toxicity. Therefore, the victims will continue to get younger.

The average American consumes 100 to 160 pounds of toxic, inflammatory, chlorine bleached, chemically-refined sugars every year, and this is one of the primary reasons for diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Additionally, a large percentage of American foods are artificial. The chemical industry has entered the kitchen, and every processed food now contains a variety of chemical compounds. Just like prescription pharmaceuticals, these foods have serious side effects, and they include all of the modern epidemics. The Big 3 chronic diseases were once rare, but they are now a routine part of modern life; thanks to the capitulation of governments, the food industry, the chemical industry, and now, the nuclear industry.

The massive amount of refined sugars that we eat each year destructively inflames the pancreas, kidneys, and liver. When these organs finally become dysfunctional from such abuse, people develop a condition known as carbohydrate intolerance. Carbohydrate intolerance is a condition in which a body can no longer properly metabolize carbohydrates and sugars. Most Americans somewhat already have this pre-diabetes condition, and this is why the carbohydrate-free diets seem to work so well, for a human body places compounds that it cannot process into fat storage to shield itself. This explains both the effectiveness of carbohydrate-free diets, and why diabetics tend to have such terrible weight management problems. The dramatic loss of weight that some diabetics experience stems from a completely different cause that is related to kidney stress. Carbohydrate intolerance is a precursor to diabetes, but most people remain undiagnosed until full-blown diabetes begins disrupting their lives.

The Top 15 Symptoms of Diabetes

  • Frequent or excessive urination
  • Unusual thirst
  • Extreme hunger (usually type 1)
  • Unusual weight loss (usually type 1)
  • Unexplained weight gain (type 2)
  • Extreme fatigue and irritability
  • Frequent infections
  • Blurred vision
  • Cuts and bruises that are slow to heal
  • Tingling and numbness in the hands or feet
  • Recurring skin, gum, or bladder infections
  • Swollen, tender or bleeding gums
  • Intense cravings for sweets
  • Impotency
  • Kidney pain

Manufacturing Diabetics

The medical industry is known for producing full-blown diabetics out of pre-diabetics by prescribing synthetic insulin. Synthetic insulin poisons the pancreas, which eventually stops producing its own insulin. The pharmaceutical itself creates diabetics, who will conveniently be dependent upon the system thereafter. This is by design. The F.D.A. now refuses to provide approval for natural animal insulins, which are cheap, unpatentable, non-addictive, and do not cause full-blown diabetes to develop.

The best natural insulin available in previous times was a mixture of beef and pork insulins. Less of the natural insulin was needed to achieve optimal blood sugar. It was absorbed slower, which led to greater stability in blood sugar levels. Its U.S. production halted in 1998, when Eli Lilly suddenly stopped producing it; without providing an explanation. The company was ready with its patented "insulin" that could be produced in its chemical factory for much less cost, and yet it is sold at a much higher price. The F.D.A. soon after declared that there were no longer any approved animal insulins, and it officially banned them from entering into the United States, unless a doctor officially petitions the F.D.A. in writing for permission, and then only on the basis of the animal insulin being "essential for treatment". Of course, doctors who wish to keep practicing medicine in the U.S. do not write such letters; so the F.D.A. had politically maneuvered to ban the animal insulin without officially banning it. Due to the patent of the only legal synthetic insulin, and the corroboration of F.D.A. cronies, Eli Lilly has been exclusively given a lucrative medical monopoly in diabetes treatments. There were no scientific reasons for it, for the natural insulin was safer, more effective, and cheaper. It was about money, power, destroying natural alternatives, and ensuring addiction. To maintain a facade that the diabetes market is open and full of competition, the F.D.A. allows Eli Lilly to market its insulin under a variety of different names, in order to convince the American public that it has multiple products to choose from.

Type 2 Diabetes

Insulin is a hormone designed to pull sugar into cells. "Insulin resistance" and "type 2 diabetes" are actually the same condition. It is believed that the aggravated cells of a person who is suffering with type 2 diabetes resist insulin, whereby his body rejects its own natural insulin to cause an excess of blood sugar. A vicious chain reaction begins when the pancreas creates too much insulin to compensate for the low insulin absorption of the cells, which in-turn causes even more cellular inflammation, which then causes the cells to become even more resistant to insulin.

The pancreas will continue to produce excessive insulin, because very little sugar gets into the cells to provide energy. When the amount of insulin becomes excessive enough, it will sometimes completely overrun the cellular resistance, causing unnaturally rapid absorption of sugars into the cells, which then creates hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). This stimulates the production of additional hormones, especially from the adrenal glands, as a body will try to right itself with emergency energy reserves. These hormones increase the blood sugar level temporarily, but over time, this process stresses the adrenal glands. When the standard sugar-laden diet is continued, the adrenal glands eventually start malfunctioning, resulting in overall imbalanced hormones. In the most extreme cases, a person experiences adrenal failure, adding yet another diseased state to his already full platter. Regardless of whether full adrenal failure happens, the constant flood of otherwise unnecessary hormones, and the over-driven adrenals can eventually lead to vision loss, kidney failure, and such poor circulation that amputation of the feet or legs may be required.

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes occurs when there is a failure of the pancreas, whereby it loses its ability to produce insulin. The body cannot properly utilize sugars as a result. The subsequent excess sugar in the blood can cause damage to the nervous system, leading to a variety of other disease states. The medical system has no explanation for type 1 diabetes, so it rationalizes its ignorance by predictably reporting that diabetes must be genetic, and therefore not preventable. It has also periodically reported that type 1 diabetes may be caused by a mysterious virus, or that it is an autoimmune disease (caused by a malfunctioning immune system). At no point do they ever suggest that the malfunctioning immune system might be due to dietary issues, lifestyle, environmental factors, and above all, they never mention that their own pharmaceuticals often have diabetes listed as a known side effect. They also refuse to acknowledge that this man-made disease was a rare condition throughout most of history. The human race did not suddenly adopt a new type of DNA beginning with the industrial revolution of the twentieth century, when chemical fertilizers, chemically-laced tap water, and pharmaceuticals became the norm. Ignoring these facts, while gratuitously placing the guilt upon genes is the epitome of bad science, so often expressing itself in the politics of promoting biotechnology that is supposedly needed to fix the 'bad genes'. They are actually correct in their statements about diabetes constellating amongst certain families, but so does lifestyle, family doctors, and environmental factors. These things do cause diabetes. The often ignored evidence shows that type 1 diabetes is caused by an onslaught of chemicals, usually at an early age, followed by a poor diet. Some parents will notice diabetic symptoms shortly following vaccinations.

Curing Diabetes

When we consider that 85% of Americans suffer from parasitic infections, it is easy to conclude that a diabetic almost certainly has parasites, due to his less than ideal diet and lifestyle. Poor diets are equally conducive to parasitic invaders. Therefore, we strongly recommend a parasite cleanse for all who suffer from diabetes or pre-diabetes. Some readers will ponder why a candida flush is not being suggested, but it should not be necessary with the diet being recommended.

Juice fasting is an extremely important step to curing diabetes. Juicing is a quick and tasty way to consume large amounts of fruits and vegetables each day. Two weeks should be long enough for most people. It is generally wise to also eat one small, pure protein meal each day (e.g. organic white meat or organic eggs). While a blender is the only necessary appliance for juicing, an actual juicer will remove excess pulp. For those who can tolerate pulp, it provides plenty of helpful fiber. While a raw produce diet can cure diabetes, we feel that getting some protein, especially from white meat, is important for the adrenal glands, which are already stressed in the body of a diabetic. Eating only raw (uncooked) plant-based foods will generally be impossible for those who have to attend the workplace or conduct everyday activities.

Moderate exercise is recommended during the juice fasting period and beyond. Exercise is not being recommended for weight loss, even though weight loss may be a welcome side effect. Most diabetics will nevertheless begin losing weight after adjusting their diets, with or without exercise. In the process of curing diabetes, exercise has a benefit of much greater importance. Exercise helps toxins to get expelled through the sweat glands. So exercise is vitally important, especially for anyone with the life-long habits of using aluminum-containing anti-perspirants, metal-laden cosmetics, processed foods, or pharmaceuticals. Otherwise, toxins that are stored inside fat cells will simply get re-released into the blood during the period of weight loss, where they will again exacerbate health problems. Exercising is a wise choice that will lead to greater long-term health, and exercise is the only way that toxins are removed from the lymph nodes.

Sweet cravings occur often in those with diabetes. It is possible to eliminate these cravings without turning to something unhealthy. On many occasions, fruits and fruit juices will eliminate sugar cravings, but always remember moderation. At other times, a patient may supplement with small amounts of organic evaporated cane juice crystals. It is truly organic sugar that has usually been sun-dried. It is sugar before it has been bleached and chemically refined, and amazingly; it will actually help to cure diabetes if periodically taken in tiny amounts. We recommend holding one teaspoon of it in the mouth for about 15 seconds, and then swallow. Use as needed throughout the day. Sugar, in the way that God made it, is not usually harmful in moderation. If you have full-blown diabetes (either type) then of course, monitor your blood sugar levels for dangerous spikes. Be aware that the effects of this sugar intake will vary greatly as your health improves, and the sugar must be exactly the type specified: organic evaporated cane juice. Products with similar names, such as "evaporated sugar" are not be the same thing. People with especially bad cases of diabetes may need to instead use only small amounts of all-natural (100% pure) fruit juices in the beginning. The process will be different for every individual, and results will vary. Beware of juice cocktails, and juices from concentrates, because they are always impure and contain processed sweeteners. Begin the process slowly and on a small scale, and monitor with appropriate safety precautions; like having a partner in the beginning, and being sure that he is ready to intervene with insulin in the event that things go too fast. This process literally retrains a person's body to accept that natural sugars are not toxic. The consumption of poisonous sugars has typically done just the opposite over a period of many years, in exactly the same way that vaccines train a body to overreact to certain substances. In fact, vaccines are a primary reason for infantile diabetes. Sugar is the energy of life, so this retraining process is absolutely vital for curing diabetes.

Dietary and Supplemental Suggestions

Alpha lipoic acid is the most effective supplement for helping to remedy diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy is a painful condition, whereby nerves are damaged by excessive sugar in the blood (hyperglycemia). The condition typically manifests with sudden pains that are intensely sharp; like electric shocks. It also produces random tingling sensations, numbness, and on rare occasions, the feeling that bugs are crawling upon one's skin. Alpha lipoic acid can reverse nerve damage, thus eradicating or reducing neuropathy. The typical dosage is 300 mg., which is spread throughout the day, but it has been studied at dosages of 600 mg. with no ill effects. People may need to experiment to get the ideal dosage for their needs. Take care to not confuse alpha lipoic acid with alpha linolinic acid, which is also abbreviated as A.L.A.

Diabetics virtually always have a dysfunctional pancreas, which is the organ that is responsible for insulin production, and other important hormones. Digestive enzymes, sometimes known as "pancreatic enzymes", are supplements that contain many of the compounds that are made by the pancreas. These enzymes help in the digestion of foods, especially meats and fats, which are the most difficult foods for a body to digest. Taking digestive enzymes alongside meals will alleviate much of the pancreas' burden, allowing it to perform its other tasks more efficiently, and give it an opportunity to heal. A diabetic cannot be cured until his pancreas is repaired, and the damage to his pancreas is most often the primary cause of his diabetes. Whenever a pancreas is malfunctioning, it prevents a body from being able to properly digest its food, so diabetic patients subsequently become malnourished, which slowly causes other failures throughout a body over time. This explains how diabetes seems to be able to attack anything and everything, and why digestive enzymes are such a critical therapy.

Evidence suggests that a lack of vitamin E provides an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Studies have demonstrated a benefit from vitamin E for blood flow into the kidneys, and for repairing kidney dysfunction; both of which are known issues for type 2 diabetics. Most importantly, vitamin E helps to correct insulin and glucose tolerance.

Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine) reduces insulin resistance and is required for the proper breakdown of glucose. Further, most diabetics are deficient in it.

Cinnamon should be added to foods whenever possible, and one may even wish to take it in a convenient capsule form that is available. Cinnamon is remarkably effective at lowering the blood sugar, and many diabetics are starting to use it as a replacement for metformin, the most common diabetic pharmaceutical.

Supplementation with B vitamins is practically essential for recovery. Many diabetics suffer from vitamin B-12 deficiencies, in particular. This is exacerbated by the fact that metformin, a drug commonly used for the treatment of diabetics, is known to destroy B-12. Vitamin B-12 has been shown to be very helpful in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy. Vitamin B-12 should always be purchased in the form of methylcobalamin, instead of cyanocobalamin.

Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine) is also used for diabetes. While there is lots of B-6 found naturally in grains, the process of modern milling removes it, by eliminating the shells. A vitamin B-6 deficiency has been associated with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, as well as gestational diabetes (diabetes which starts during pregnancy). Vitamin B-6 is known to normalize the blood sugar, to help prevent diabetic neuropathy. The use of oral contraceptives will increase the need for vitamin B-6.

The Linus Pauling Institute recommends biotin for both types of diabetes. Biotin is a B vitamin which has been shown in studies to lower the blood glucose levels by gently stimulating insulin, and it has also been shown to prevent diabetic neuropathy.

Chromium supplements can decrease glucose tolerance in people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, by increasing sensitivity to insulin. Chromium works best in conjunction with small amounts of niacin (vitamin B-3). Diabetics should not exceed 100 mg. of niacin daily, because high doses of niacin can make the blood sugar level unstable.

Diabetics almost always suffer from a deficiency in magnesium, a critical nutrient. Many in the medical profession believe that a deficiency in magnesium both decreases the production of insulin and increases insulin resistance of the cells. Magnesium absorption is hindered by caffeine and nicotine, so limit these whilst trying to cure diabetes. The best food sources of magnesium are: almonds, cashews, and spinach. Despite the bad reputation of spinach's flavor, the vegetable is flavorless until it is cooked, so it can be added to a salad or a juice easily, without any unpleasant taste. Organic baby spinach is even more nutrient dense than regular spinach is. We strongly recommend making custom salad dressings, due to the toxic ingredients found in virtually all commercial salad dressings. The hormone-disrupting properties of the soy and canola oils, which are the main ingredients of most commercial salad dressings, are enough to make recovery impossible.

Synthetic insulin reduces the amount of potassium in the body, and potassium is needed by the body to reduce insulin resistance. Potassium can be found in oranges, lemons, tomatoes, and bananas. Readers may be surprised to learn that an 8 ounce glass of orange juice has more potassium than a banana. There are other sources of potassium. For example, salt substitutes are often made with potassium chloride instead of sodium chloride. These can be used as a potassium supplement, but carefully check the labels for impurities. Also remember the rule of moderation in all things. Excessive potassium can lead to blood clots, especially for women who are taking birth control medications.

We strongly recommend stopping all hormone-effecting medications during the diabetes curing process, such as birth control pills. Patients may continue these pharmaceuticals at their own risk, but we warn about them being dangerous during this process, and they greatly impede progress.

Natural insulin is stored inside a zinc crystal that resides in the pancreas. Thus, zinc plays a critical role in insulin delivery. The staff of the Linus Pauling Institute believes that a deficiency in zinc could be one of the initial causes for diabetes, and zinc supplementation could definitely help to reduce the epidemic. This position has been supported by other studies. Always take zinc on a full stomach. The preferred type of zinc for supplementation is zinc orotate. Healthy food sources for zinc are: cashews, almonds, kidney beans, flounder, and eggs.

L-taurine is an amino acid which is depleted in people with diabetes. This deficiency is believed to be one of the key reasons for kidney failure and liver problems. It can be found in all protein-rich foods, and it can be purchased as a dietary supplement. Taurine helps to stabilize the blood sugar and the pulse rate. Sometimes it can even save a person from a heart attack, especially when it is combined with cayenne pepper and magnesium. A rarely known benefit of taurine is that it neutralizes MSG. We recommend purchasing a supplement to obtain higher concentrations of taurine.

Studies have shown that diabetics have very low vitamin C levels. Vitamin C lowers sorbitol, a type of sugar that is known to accumulate in type 1 diabetics to damage the eyes, nerves, and kidneys. Recommended supplementation varies from 1000 mg. to 3,000 mg. (1-3 grams) based upon the body weight of the individual. Sorbitol is a sugar that is made in the body, but it is not properly metabolized because of the adjuvant reaction of the vaccines containing it, causing a hyperimmune response to the sugar that can last for a lifetime. This is another link between diabetes and vaccines.

Diabetics should decrease their intake of carbohydrates (bread, cereal, rice, and potatoes). If a juice fast is undertaken, then simple carbohydrates should be completely avoided during the duration of the fast. Only whole wheat, whole grains, and unprocessed carbohydrates should be consumed. Acceptable carbohydrates include: whole wheat bread, brown rice, organic potatoes, and perhaps evaporated cane juice for when sugar is needed. Other truly natural sweeteners are fine, such as fruit juices and honey.

The single most important aspect of a diabetic cure plan is diet. Diabetes cannot be cured without a change of diet to natural, wholesome foods. Diabetes is purely a disorder of malnutrition and poisoning. Juicing is a stupendous start for curing it, but then the individual must transition to a long-term diet of healthier foods when the juice fast finishes. Nutritious foods (especially organic) taste much better, and they are much healthier too. We would never recommend a permanent vegetarian diet, and we wish to make it clear that a long-term vegetarian lifestyle is foolishly unhealthy. A diabetic should eliminate all processed foods, white foods (white bread, white flour, white sugar, white rice), artificial sweeteners, tap water, artificial additives, and begin to cook wholesome foods for himself. He should replace table salt with sea salt. When people begin to cook real food, using real ingredients; they have more energy, feel better, and they even look better. The tastier home-cooked meals eventually become addictive. We recommend drinking spring water, or using a Berkey water filter. Americans should get the anti-fluoride attachments with Berkey filtration systems.

Kidney Stress

Both diabetes and excessive supplementation can weaken the kidneys, and thereby cause health consequences. Indications of kidney stress include fatigue, muscle cramping, vision problems, bleeding gums, leg problems that are caused by swelling, excessive urination, and thirst. Kidney stress can result in imbalanced electrolyte salts, especially potassium, which will cause fluid retention or loss throughout the body. While strengthening the kidneys, the use of other supplements and pharmaceuticals should be limited as much as possible. The following supplements strengthen the kidneys:

  • Dandelion (500 mg. for every 100 lbs. of body weight)
  • Licorice (500 mg. for every 100 lbs. of body weight)
  • Taurine (170 mg. per 50 lbs. of body weight)
  • Vitamin E (133 I.U. per 100 lbs. of body weight)
  • Vitamin C (500 mg. for every 75 lbs. of body weight)
  • Rhubarb
  • Carrots
  • Astragalus
  • Chlorophyll

What To Expect

When first starting this plan, many people will feel low on energy. If the body is especially toxic or effected by candida, then there may even be some minor flu-like symptoms indicating that toxins are being moved (flushed), and that there is stress upon the immune system. This is completely normal when the body is healing itself. Energy eventually returns, and the skin becomes visibly healthier. Those who are on diabetes medications, or insulin, should monitor their blood sugar throughout the program, and they should be able to gradually remove those medications. It is recommended that diabetics ask their loved ones to help monitor them, in case the withdrawal is done too quickly.

Both types of diabetes have been cured many times, but the media refuses to cover these politically-incorrect stories. An entire industry has been developed to ensure that people are never free of the pharmaceutical cartel, but real freedom exists for the taking.

Recommended Recipes For Juice Fasting

The juicing experience can be an enjoyable one. Feel free to experiment with different combinations, and search for additional recipes. Try to ensure that most of the ingredients are organic, because conventional produce contains pesticides and is significantly less nutritious. Constant fruit juice can be too high in sugar for some diabetics, so they should place emphasis on vegetables.

The Green Drink

  • 4 carrots
  • 1 celery stalk
  • 1 box baby spinach (5 oz.)
  • 1 bunch parsley
  • 2 organic Granny Smith Apples (4 if conventionally grown)* 1 cup pineapple juice
  • Spring water (to thin)

Tangy Delight

  • 1 mango
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 granny smith apples
  • 7 strawberries
  • 1/2 cup orange juice

Juices such as this one, which contain lots of fruits, can be used intermittently to quell sugar cravings.

Tomato Combo Juice

  • 1/2 cup baby spinach
  • 2 cups cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup diced carrots
  • 1 stick celery
  • 1/4 lemon
  • 1 apple

Sugar Regulator

  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1/2 green apple
  • 1/2 bitter melon
  • 1 stick of celery
  • 1/2 red bell pepper
  • Small handful of baby spinach

This is known for being particularly helpful for regulating the blood sugar.

Tasty Spinach Juice

  • 1 bunch baby spinach
  • 2 apples
  • Juice from 1/2 lemon

A very good tasting, yet nutritious juice. This is good for people who are new to juicing.

Yummy Fruit-Vegetable Blend

  • 1 avocado
  • 1 whole peeled orange
  • 1 banana
  • 1 celery stalk
  • 1/2 apple

Super-Nutrient Combo

  • 1 green bell pepper
  • 3 carrots, peeled and sliced
  • 1-2 stalks of celery
  • 1 beet, cleaned, peeled and chopped
  • 2 dozen baby spinach leaves
  • 1 bunch of parsley

Asparagus Swirl

  • A handful of parsley
  • 1/4 cucumber
  • 1 or 2 asparagus stalks
  • 4 carrots

Sweet Zucchini

  • 1/2 zucchini
  • 4 carrots
  • 1/2 apple

Garden Tonic

  • Handful of baby spinach
  • 3 stalks of celery
  • 2 stalks of asparagus
  • 1 large tomato

Produce Delight

  • 8 carrots
  • 1/2 large beet
  • 1/2 turnip
  • 1/2 parsnip
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1/4 rutabaga
  • 1/8 head red cabbage
  • 5 radishes
  • 1 large apple
  • 1 cup cranberries (optional)

V Dinner

  • 2 large carrots
  • 3 stalks celery
  • 1/2 cup parsley
  • 3/4 cup baby spinach
  • 1/2 beet root
  • 1/2 cup alfalfa sprouts

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The article discusses the increasing prevalence of diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes occurring in children as young as two years old. It highlights the role of toxic, inflammatory sugars in causing diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. The medical industry is criticized for creating full-blown diabetics by prescribing synthetic insulin, which leads to dependency on the system. The article explains the mechanisms of type 2 and type 1 diabetes, attributing them to insulin resistance and pancreatic failure, respectively. It also suggests that lifestyle factors, environmental toxins, and pharmaceuticals play a significant role in the development of diabetes. The article recommends a parasite cleanse and juice fasting as steps towards curing diabetes naturally and holistically. It emphasizes the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle in managing and preventing diabetes, rather than relying solely on pharmaceutical interventions.