

This guide (based on Patashu's Guide on Kongregate) is about getting through Antimatter Dimensions as fast as possible. Obviously, in incremental games, you will always eventually get what you want, but there are fast and slow ways. This guide also has some terms that you may not understand (check Terminology for the terms).

Note: If you rather would not use a guide, you don't have to, unless you ever need help in the current state of the game. The game may be updated at some point or another, so information in this guide may be inaccurate, outdated, etc. (or there are some errors).

The Antimatter Dimensions Discord Server can be used for help with the game. It is strongly advised you join the server as it has more up-to-date help in the pins of each progression channel. It is also easier to get help on the Discord over the wiki here.

Also, when sharing saves from the game, it is advised you use as you can quickly and easily transfer saves.

Alternatively, a new guide has been posted here: BubbaCow's Antimatter Dimensions Guide. Check it out!

General Tips[]


AutoHotKey's native GUI is simply a help documentation explorer.

  1. Set up a macro tool such as OP Auto Clicker, and you can use it to hold a key and make progress go faster. If you can't or don't want to use AutoHotkey, you can also use a simple autoclicker (you can set up a hotkey for example F11 to toggle the auto clicker) Link: (You don't need to do this if you can't)
  2. Use the M trick: Hold down M. After an initial delay, key repeat will start and you will spam the Buy max button faster than even an Autoclicker can! (The rate is controlled by Key repeat in the Control Panel.)
  3. Use the Enter trick: After clicking a button, you can hold down Enter to click it as fast as your key repeat delay.
  4. Use the H trick: While holding one or more buttons, you can press H. You can hold down M, D, and G and press H to automate most of pre-Infinity without needing any external tools! This effect will wear off if you press another key.
  5. Run Antimatter Dimensions in Google Chrome, no other browser. On Firefox the enter trick and autoclicker don't work as well. Leave it as the active tab in its window, un-minimized (hidden is ok). If it is considered inactive it will not get as much CPU time and run inefficiently. Turning off the News in options will also help CPU usage. (Note that if your computer has very low specs, you will find it difficult to achieve Challenge times and the fastest Infinity times reported in the guide.)
  6. Export your saves regularly and save them to a text file in some cloud storage (like Dropbox). This way if you need to change devices you can, you can't lose your progress by losing or overriding your save, and if you make a mistake and need to undo it, you can load an earlier save. You can also use Pastebin.
  7. Learn the keyboard shortcuts and automate them. Make sure to turn them on in Options. It is on by default.
  8. On mobile, after reaching infinity for the first time, you permanently unlock the "sticky button" feature. You can hold down a bottom button for a second and it will stay down, as if you were holding the key.


The premise of Antimatter Dimensions is to accumulate, well, antimatter. First Dimensions produce antimatter (the currency you use to buy Dimensions), Second Dimensions produce First Dimensions, Third Dimensions produce Second Dimensions, and so on, up to the Eighth Dimension. All of the above will occur 1.125x multiplicatively faster for each Tickspeed Upgrade owned, by default. Each Dimension will operate 2x multiplicatively faster every time you buy 10 of it by default, and their costs will also jump by a large multiplicative amount.

Finally, by building up the count of your highest dimension, you can Dimension Boost to unlock a higher dimension, up to the Eighth, and multiply all Dimensions up to the amount of Boosts (until 8 Boosts, where it boosts them all) by 2x multiplicatively and finally make an Antimatter Galaxy (increase the effectiveness of Tickspeed upgrades).

Using these powerful Prestige systems reset all progress up until that point, leaving you only with the new upgrade - but they are so powerful at the start of the game that it is mandatory to buy all of them.

One other mechanic is unlocked after 5 Dimensional Boosts - Dimensional Sacrifice. By resetting the generated amounts of all non-Eighth Dimensions, you multiply your Eighth Dimension multiplier permanently depending on how many First Dimensions you previously had. While it seems like it erases all your progress so far, the fact that you keep your dimension multipliers, in addition to the new Eighth Dimension multiplier, effectively multiplies how fast you can redo all of that progress relative to the time it originally took to accumulate those Dimensions.

There is strong offline progression in this game, as all Dimensions continue to produce lower-tier Dimensions and you gain Antimatter. As of the Reality Update, offline progression is now fully simulated with a lower number of ticks, which you can configure in the Options tab, and skip through if you don't want to wait as long. Finally, your autobuyers can work offline!

Antimatter Dimensions can be understood with a physics analogy. Antimatter is distance, First Dimensions are speed (they increase your distance (Antimatter) linearly over time), Second Dimensions are acceleration (increasing your speed (First Dimensions) linearly over time, thereby increasing distance (Antimatter) by t 2 {\displaystyle t^2} {\displaystyle t^{2}} over time) and so on. Continuing like this, we could call the rest of the Dimensions as follows: Jerk, Jounce, Crackle, Pop, Lock, and Drop (using this list). Since every Dimension linearly increases the one below it, we can see that antimatter increases proportionally to t 8 {\displaystyle t^8} {\displaystyle t^{8}} where t {\displaystyle t} {\displaystyle t} is the time elapsed - but it is greater than this since you can spend your ever-increasing antimatter on Dimensions to increase their multipliers, buying Tickspeed Upgrades to further boost Dimension production and so on, which makes your antimatter rise faster than t 8 {\displaystyle t^8} {\displaystyle t^{8}} . However, at the start of the game, it still does not rise exponentially over time (your antimatter rises like t a {\displaystyle t^a} {\displaystyle t^{a}} where a {\displaystyle a} {\displaystyle a} is some constant) - you will need the help of powerful boosts such as Antimatter Galaxies to more closely achieve an exponential Antimatter growth.

Additional formulas can be found in the game's How to Play modal, for the curious.

Also, before proceeding, don't forget that you can figure the game out on your own :)

With active and optimal play it is possible to beat the different sections in significantly less than the time estimates by the way.

10 - 1e130 AM: Introduction Era (5 hours to 2 days)[]

For most of this section, it is optimal to use the H trick: Hold down M, D, and G and hit H to Max All, buy Dimboosts, and buy Galaxies as soon as they're affordable. You will have to use other Hotkeys or click buttons manually for the following reasons, in order of appearance:

  1. Buying exactly one of the highest Dimension available to you (1-8 + Shift key). (Otherwise, it is useless to buy any less than 10 Dimensions at once, because they will be growing so fast from the Dimensions above them that only the 2x multiplier for completing a set of 10 matters.)
  2. Max All prioritizes buying 10 dimensions over equally expensive Tickspeed upgrades. This was not the case before the Reality Update.
  3. Buying the next Dimensional Boost (D) or Antimatter Galaxy (G). Doing this resets all your previous progress, but these upgrades are powerful and currently mandatory for progression. Max All does not buy them, so buy them by hand ASAP. Ensure you are prioritizing Galaxies over Boosts if both require the same amount of 8th Dimensions. (If you can buy a Galaxy and Dimension Boost for the same price, buy the Galaxy, as buying a Dimension Boost is a waste of time as the Galaxy will just reset it)
  4. Doing Dimensional Sacrifices (S). Dimensional Sacrifices are unlocked at 5 Dimensional Boosts, increasing the 8th Dimension's multiplier while sacrificing all the others' generated amounts. Do the first one at x5, and every subsequent one at about x2 as long as you are not approaching the next Boost or Galaxy. The fact that your Dimension multipliers are higher than they used to means that you'll regain all of your previous Dimensions much quicker than you could before, so the time spent regaining production from well-timed Sacrifices is minimal.

The last 2 Boosts before a Galaxy are particularly slow-going. Eventually, you will reach 80 8th Dimensions, and buy Antimatter Galaxy 1. You must do this instead of Boosting as it is more important to get more Galaxies than to get more Boosts (the former resets the latter anyways). You will lose all progress up to the point where you got a Galaxy, but it is more advantageous to have a Galaxy rather than continuing forward with none.

During this section and early in the next section, you will be able to unlock Autobuyers that buy Dimensions and Tickspeed automatically without the player's input, but they cannot be upgraded until later in the game.

1e130 - 1e308 AM: Galaxy Era (3 hours to 2 days)[]

When you get your first Galaxy, at first, things will seem almost as slow as when you had none. However, check out your Tickspeed increase per upgrade - it's now jumped up to x1.145 up from x1.125. What's the difference? With only a +0.02 increase to the multiplier it doesn't seem like much, but remember - each upgrade stacks multiplicatively, so with more upgrades the advantage becomes more apparent. Think about it this way - 58 Tickspeed Upgrades (costing ~1.111e60 antimatter total) used to give you a x926 boost - now it gives a x2574 boost! By the time you're back to 80 8th Dimensions, you have a ~x9.54 bigger multiplier to all Dimensions from Tickspeed, which is an equivalent ~x6.8e7 multiplier to Antimatter! Also, your Achievements are boosting all Dimensions - at this point, it should be around x1.58, as the first row of Achievements is already completed, in which each row completed is a x1.25 multiplicative multiplier, as well as a x1.03 multiplicative multiplier per Achievement. All of this combined is ~x15 to all Dimensions and ~x2.5e9 increase in Antimatter production.

When you are about to get close to reaching 100 8th Dimensions, don't buy until 10 - buy singles to exactly 99 8th Dimensions to earn the Achievement "The 9th Dimension is a lie", which gives 8th Dimensions 10% more production. This will help a bit in reaching 140 8th Dimensions. Once you do, you can immediately buy a 2nd Galaxy.

Galaxy 2[]

Take a glance at the Tickspeed upgrades. It's gone up to x1.165 per upgrade! By the time you get back to 140 Eighth Dimensions, you now have a ~x43 bigger multiplier from Tickspeed compared to when you got there before. Not bad! Now progress will start to feel fast. This is because everything you can buy gives a multiplicative boost, and every cost also increases multiplicatively - so both antimatter produced and Dimension/Tickspeed costs are exponential. If your antimatter produced is rising faster than the costs are, you have super-exponential production, making the game faster, not slower, as your antimatter increases! Again, not bad, huh? However, the only thing stopping you from growing forever is that at 1.80e308 antimatter, which is 100% of the "Percentage to Infinity" bar growing along the bottom, you hit Infinity and have to do a Big Crunch, but this is not the end of Antimatter Dimensions. (In fact, there's a whole lot more content to get through!)

Before you reach Infinity (1.80e308 antimatter, or 100% of the bar that fills along the bottom of the game), make sure to get the following Achievements below: (of course, you can get these Achievements if you missed them after this point, so get them as soon as you can)

  • There's no point in doing that... - Buy a single 1st Dimension when you have over 1e150 of them, making 1st Dimensions 10% stronger. On mobile, you have to hold down the 1st Dimension so it buys in singles or you can set the Autobuyer to buy singles to complete this.
  • The Gods are pleased - Get over x600 from Dimensional Sacrifice in total (keep doing minor Dimensional Sacrifices when you're close to Infinity until the Achievement popup appears in the top right corner), which the reward is that Sacrifice will be slightly stronger (Requires approximately 1e273 antimatter). If you missed this Achievement when you reached Infinity, you can get it later. Note that this is not x600 from a single Sacrifice, but rather x600 in total.

Also if you haven't already, enter the Automation tab and buy the Dimension and Tickspeed Autobuyers.

When you reach Infinity, the world will collapse due to excess of antimatter. Click the large "Big Crunch" button accompanying this message. Things will start over, but with a new Infinity tab available, and a new type of currency called Infinity Points. Big Crunching will give Infinity Points. You also get the Achievement To infinity!, rewarding you with starting runs with 100 antimatter (that includes Boosts and Galaxies). Statistics have also been given a new section, showing past Infinities, and the feature to be able to complete Challenges is unlocked.

This section may take around a few hours to a few days, depending on how you play the game.

1-33 total IP: Early-Infinity (6 hours to 6 days)[]

Now that you have done your first Big Crunch, you can click on the Infinity tab, and in the Upgrades subtab, buy Antimatter Dimensions gain a multiplier based on time played for 1 IP.



Some people recommend getting Multiplier for 10 Dimensions 2x → 2.2x instead. However, the time multiplier upgrade is much more helpful. Why? Because the multiplier applies to all Dimensions immediately. 2x → 2.2x is only a bigger multiplier exponentially for any given Dimension after upgrading that Dimension about 10 times, but this only slightly eases the slowing growth that occurs later on in runs, as Dimension costs rise by very large amounts. Whereas, Production increases over time speeds up the slowest part of runs - the starts. Even though the multiplier may not be a big increase, it will eventually increase with the time you spend in the game.

Here is an important strategy to utilize in Infinities: Go to the newfound Challenges tab, in which there are 11 Challenges available (you automatically beat Challenge 1). Until 6 IP, it is more efficient to do a Challenge 8 (8th Dimension Autobuyer Challenge) run instead of a normal run. Why? Because Challenge 8 has its own super-exponential growth system that, right now, is faster than hitting Infinity normally. Other Challenges can be done later, as they don't have any alternative buffs to them (technically Challenge 3 does but this is not very useful in most cases).

Your Challenge 8 runs will take about an hour each, although the period before unlocking Dimensional Sacrifice is slower. If they were normal runs, they'd take a few hours each. Once you swap back to normal runs with 6 IP under your belt, normal runs will start taking less than an hour each.

In Challenge 8 get to 5 Dimensional Boosts to unlock the prized feature (Dimensional Sacrifice). Since they are massively more powerful, they become your main means of progression. The strategy for optimal Sacrificing is different, so this guide has provided 2 strategies for the Challenge to try, depending on how much you pay attention:

  • Easy strategy: Sacrifice at a set amount that is at least double. You'll see that your Sacrifice multiplier will reach double more rapidly and eventually your benchmark can be raised higher from previous Sacrifices.
  • Optimal strategy: Count how long it takes to reach 1.01x from 1x, wait that length again, then Sacrifice. Eg. If it takes 5 seconds from x1.00 -> x1.01, wait 5 more seconds then Sacrifice.
  • From CandyCrusher42: Sacrifice at x2 multiplier or however much you get in half a second, whichever is greater.

As for the rest of the Challenges and Autobuyers, don't worry about them yet - once you have more IP the Challenges will become more viable.

With your upcoming IP, get the upgrade Increase the multiplier for buying 10 Dimensions 2x → 2.2x for 1 IP, then go down the rest of the second column to get Galaxies are twice as effective. Afterward, start doing regular Infinities (outside of C8), then go down the first column of Infinity Upgrades.

Once you start doing regular Infinities, if you're holding M for them and have Decrease the number of Dimensions needed for Dimensional Boosts and Galaxies by 9, set your 8th Dimension Autobuyer to buy singles. If you're not active, keep it on buy until 10. This would speed up runs slightly since it will occasionally buy the 8th Dimension needed for the next Prestige, instead of having to wait for another OoM of Antimatter just to buy 10 of them (where 9 is unnecessary); a large time loss.

During this section you should be able to get the following Achievements:

How the antitables have turned..

You can get this during the end of a Challenge 8 run. First, get near the end of the Challenge and turn off all Autobuyers. Sacrifice, buy a single 1st Dimension and 10 of the rest of the Dimensions, and then buy 2nd Dimensions in groups of 10 until its multiplier is larger than the 1st Dimension, then do the same for 3rd Dimensions (make its multiplier greater than the 2nd Dimension). Continue in this way until all Dimensions are done. It is worth getting this now, as it becomes nigh-on impossible to get later. You get a reward, boosting Dimensions proportional to tier (from 1st getting +1% to 8th getting +8%).

I don't believe in Gods

Buy a Galaxy without Sacrificing. At this point in the game Sacrificing is still more efficient, but go out of your way once to get this Achievement.

You didn't need it anyway

Reach Infinite antimatter without having any 8th Dimensions. To do this, get 6 IP worth of upgrades, buy as many Galaxies and Dimension Boosts as allowed within the boundaries of Infinity, then instead of Maxing all, Buy Max Tickspeed and buy 10 of all Dimensions except for the 8th. That way you can get a small boost to Dimensions 1-7.

By this point, your fastest Infinity time should be around 10 minutes.

34 - 100 total IP: Challenge Era (2 hours to 3 days)[]

You cannot come up with plans like "I'll save up for this Infinity Upgrade even though it costs a lot more IP" - the Infinity Upgrades can only be purchased from the top to bottom of each column, then when you buy all 16 it will unlock 2 new ones.

So, continue to get IP like before. By this point it is probably already faster to go Infinite on one Galaxy instead of 2; even though the road to Infinity will be considerably slower, you don't have to reset everything to try to get back up again. The game still feels very "active" at this point, but hang in there. Things will become more relaxing soon. You should try to get your best Infinity time down. Aim for 5-minute runs!



When you get the upgrade Bonus for First Dimensions based on unspent IP, you should always keep a few IP on hand, since spending all of it on an upgrade can actually slow Infinity times unless such upgrade is powerful enough to be worth a trade. Keep a minimum IP of 10 or so, but as getting IP becomes easier raise it. Continue to save and export backups of your game data so that if you make a mistake and spend all your IP, you can setback to revert the error.

Finally, once you buy Infinity point generation (based on fastest Infinity) and have at least 10 unspent IP, spend some time to break your Infinity record. Now you earn IPs 10% as fast as you can earn IPs by playing actively! Feel free to close the game to come back to a plethora of progress. Give yourself a pat on the back because now we're about to go to the most fun part of the game for a while, Challenges.

Click on

If it's fun, why do you have to wait so long for it? Because you bring all possible Achievements that you can get and the Infinity Upgrades into your Challenge runs, except for the 4th column. So we are currently at the point in the game, excluding grinding on-hand IP and manually grinding to reach the next part of the game, where there is no easy way to speed up Challenges any further. Here are the Challenges in estimated order from easiest to hardest. Note that Challenges 10, 11, and 12 require 16 Infinities (which you will have at this stage):



Keep in mind that every position in the list is subjective; you may find some Challenges to be harder than others depending on play style.

  1. Automated Galaxies (C11): Trivial; there are no nerfs that affect production, so consider this a normal run. Matter does not rise fast enough to intimidate anyone with even a few Infinity Upgrades, let alone someone in your current state. (Note: this is slightly harder now as the Reality Update made matter rise faster, but still pretty easy at this stage)
  2. Eighth Dimension Autobuyer (C8): Once you boost the first time and unlock Dimensional Sacrifice, keep doing it every time it hits double. After a while, it will hit that super fast, then do the same for higher multipliers. Essentially this is a super-exponential loop, serving a similar but emphasized purpose Galaxy 2 did in your initial run. (If you followed the guide though, this is already complete, so you don't have to complete it again.)
  3. Third Dimension Autobuyer (C3): This is a slightly slower game. With enough unspent IP, your First Dimension multiplier should be well over 100x, negating the Challenge debuff entirely.
  4. Fourth Dimension Autobuyer (C4): You can do this one normally with no special strategy. At this point, you will increase the multipliers so fast that your Dimensions are doubling every second anyway.
  5. Fifth Dimension Autobuyer (C5): Pretty much just a slower game with no special tactics. You might have to get 2 Galaxies to finish this one, even with the Galaxy doubler upgrade.
  6. Seventh Dimension Autobuyer (C7): Trivial, just slower. Once you get at least 5 Dimension Boosts, this turns into an (almost) normal run.
  7. Sixth Dimension Autobuyer (C6): While the first 2 Dimensions cost Antimatter, Third Dimensions cost First Dimensions, Fourth Dimensions cost Second Dimensions, and so on. Other than the fact that buying 1 of each new unlocked Dimension is more important than usual (because it immediately kicks off accelerated production of what it costs), this is just a slower game.
  8. Second Dimension Autobuyer (C2): This challenge is quite slow because the production of all Dimensions goes linearly from 0% to 100% over 180 seconds every time you buy a Dimension or Tickspeed. The best strategy can be to turn off all Autobuyers and only hit 'Max All' every couple of seconds or so (to give production time to build back up a bit).
  9. Automated Dimension Boosts (C10): Very slow Challenge with no special tactics. You'll probably need 3 Galaxies because you only have 6 dimensions meaning no Sacrifice and slower polynomial production. Doing this Challenge fulfills the You didn't need it anyway achievement as you cannot buy Eighth Dimensions anyway. You must get the "All Galaxies are twice as strong" upgrade for this challenge to be possible.
  10. Automated Big Crunches (C12): A significantly slower game with no special tactics. You'll probably need 2 Galaxies. Every odd-tiered Dimension will accelerate production considerably more than even-tiered ones. Note that Dimensional Sacrifice does not take away Seventh Dimensions.

And lastly, the Tickspeed Autobuyer Challenge (C9). This is the hardest out of the 12, and it's strongly recommended you make frequent backup saves because it is very easy to make mistakes - which wouldn't be so bad, except 'Lose a dimboost' takes you back to the start of the previous dimensional boost. It is advised to preserve about 100 spare IP. You should also probably get the “Forever isn’t that long” achievement before starting. If you want, you can skip this challenge until it's trivial. You can complete this challenge after Break Infinity after Reality Update.

Do this:

  • Turn off all Autobuyers, however, keep Eighth and either Sixth or First Autobuyers turned on.
  • Go to options and change your notation to Scientific or Logarithm.

Now understand this: Every time you buy 10 of a Dimension or a Tickspeed Upgrade, its logarithmic cost increases by a certain multiple, for example, '3' means that it will add 3 to the exponent (In Scientific this would be 1e2 => 1e5 and in Logarithm it's the same thing without the mantissa)):

  • Tickspeed: 1
  • 1: 3
  • 2: 4
  • 3: 5
  • 4: 6
  • 5: 8
  • 6: 10
  • 7: 12
  • 8: 15

With this in mind, imagine that you accidentally made Second and Eighth Dimensions cost the same, then proceeding to buy 10 Second Dimensions - suddenly your Eighth Dimensions will cost 1e15x more, which will likely be too expensive to reach and force a reload as it makes it nigh-on impossible to Boost or make a Galaxy.

Because the penalty or cost of increasing a more expensive Dimension is the highest, you should focus on maxing out the highest Dimensions and making sure their costs never line up, while being less careful with lower Dimensions - even if they get as expensive as higher Dimensions, go and upgrade higher Dimensions instead. The lower Dimension will not get so much more expensive, so maxing out higher Dimensions is far more important. Finally, every so often, buy Tickspeeds until it is only an OoM cheaper than the cheapest Antimatter Dimension.

The reason why you can leave either the Eighth and Sixth (and First if desired) Dimension Autobuyers on is that Eighth Dimensions should always be bought ASAP, and the First and Sixth Dimensions never conflict with the Eighth Dimension. Note that First Dimensions conflict with Sixth Dimensions occasionally. 7th Dimension is quite safe, but it can conflict with Eighth Dimensions at 1e54, 1e114, 1e174, 1e234, and 1e294. (1e294 or 1 SpNn is the last Eighth Dimension you can get at this moment)

To be clear, you do not have to play perfectly to clear this challenge, especially with all of your IP and Infinity Upgrades, so long as you do not make any major (or many minor) mistakes.

If this challenge is too tedious for you, you can do it later, but remember to keep buying max Tickspeed until you complete it.



You can't set Dimension Autobuyers to buy singles as buying the 10th of a Dimension counts as buying 10 of a Dimension and the total cost of that set of 10 is the equal cost that will increase. The price of individual Dimensions will still increase.

If you are still scratching your head, try this helper script.

Once you have completed the Tickspeed Autobuyer Challenge and all the others, By this point, you can unlock the following achievements:

  • 'How the antitables have turned..' As a quick recap, get far into Challenge 8, Sacrifice, buy 1 First Dimension then 10 of the rest, then buy a Dimension (starting from Second) until its multiplier exceeds the previous Dimension.
  • 'Faster than a potato' At the end of Challenge 10, it is possible to buy a third Galaxy at 270 Sixth Dimensions while you are close to Infinity. Before reaching Infinity with 3 Galaxies, buy as many Tickspeed upgrades as possible. You can get this one later on though, and the reward is almost negligible anyway.

Nice job! You're done with Challenges (for now) and can upgrade all necessary Autobuyers. But how do they work?

100 - 1e5 Total IP: Autobuyer Era (3 hours to 5 days)[]

Now that you have done the Challenges, you have unlocked every main Autobuyer. Go to the Automation tab, then to the Autobuyers subtab. This is a huge jump in complexity compared to the rest of the game - what do all of these buttons, dropdowns, and input fields do?

Autobuyer Breakdown[]

  • All of the following Autobuyers can be toggled on and off, with the checkbox in the top right corner. If you only want to perform certain actions, you can toggle Autobuyers individually in this way.
  • They also have their interval, which is the time between each attempted purchase. Their intervals are reduced by 40% for every upgrade purchase, but their cost also doubles per purchase.

Dimension Autobuyers: There are 8 for each Dimension tier. By default, it buys its tier at the following rates (for each tier): 0.4s+Dimension number*0.1s, so 0.5 for Dimension 1, 0.6 for Dimension 2, 0.7 for Dimension 3, etc, and 0.5 for tickspeed. If the Dimension can't be afforded when the interval is up, it waits until it can buy it, which buys the Dimension and starts the interval timer again.

  • Mode: Click on the Buys singles button. This changes the Autobuyer buy mode to Buy max. Even though there is a small advantage to buying the first copy of each Dimension, at this point your starting Antimatter and Antimatter growth is so high that you'll be able to buy 1 and buy 10 of the Dimension within the same interval.
  • Finally, there is a button that lets you spend IP to reduce the current interval by 40%, finally capping at 0.1 seconds for around 64 IP (may vary depending on the Autobuyer). 0.1 seconds is the minimum for all Autobuyers, in which essentially a Max All is done for Dimensions.
  • Even after you bring a Dimension Autobuyer to 0.1 seconds, it can be further upgraded differently, although cost scalings will speed up slightly. 2x bulk purchase means that after buying this upgrade, it will try to perform its action a maximum of 2 times at once (Autobuyers that buy singles are not affected by Bulk purchase). Due to how many of each Dimension you can buy before hitting Infinity, the following Bulk-buy levels are the maximum that will have any effect:
    • Bulk-buy x128 for 1-2
    • Bulk-buy x64 for 3-5
    • Bulk-buy x32 for 6-8

Tickspeed Autobuyer: Starts at a 0.5-second interval. You should click its mode button to set it to Buys max. Cool! Once its interval is at 0.1 seconds you won't have to touch it until attempting to optimize some Challenges later.

Automatic Dimboosts Autobuyer: It has two fields - Max Dimboosts (formerly max 8ths used on reset), and Galaxies required to always Dimboost.

  • The first field determines the maximum amount of Dimension Boosts that are auto-bought per Galaxy - You can set this to 4 Boosts, 5 Boosts, 6 Boosts, and so on. You should set this to the lowest value required to reach Infinity. At this point it may be 7, but later it can be lowered.
  • The second field says that, once we have this many Galaxies, ignore the first field and buy as many Boosts as possible. Right now, this isn't helpful, but we will revisit it.

Automatic Galaxies Autobuyer: The only field here is the maximum number of Galaxies to buy - right now this should be at 1. This field can be disabled which will make this Autobuyer buy as many Galaxies as it can. (you should disable this field for unlimited Galaxies after the start of the next section unless specified otherwise)

Automatic Big Crunch Autobuyer: Right now it has no fields, all of which are unlocked later on.

Now that we understand how Autobuyers work mechanically, let's continue our grind to higher and higher IPs.

By the end of this section, you should aim for a minute for your fastest Crunch time. Under the 'Statistics' tab > 'Statistics' subtab, you can view your current record.

Optimizing Infinity Times[]

From this point on, we have choices - we can spend IP speeding up Autobuyers (which will optimize speed), or on buying the 4th column of Infinity upgrades (which will reduce the road to each Infinity). But first, max out our fastest Infinity to maximize the effect of the Infinity point generation Upgrade.

By the start of this section, you should be able to fully automate Infinities. However, it is much slower than holding M. This is why it is called the Autobuyer Era, as you are focusing on upgrading Autobuyers to optimize IP farming. Keep in mind that Autobuyers have a major downgrade while offline, so make sure you are active as much as possible.

We will do so using our Dimension Autobuyers, Automatic Dimboosts (set to 7 max boosts or even lower later. Leave the second field at 2 or more for now as it isn't needed), Automatic Galaxies (set max Galaxies to 1) and Automatic Big Crunch. You will probably hit a wall at 4-6 seconds. If your fastest Infinity is under 6 seconds, you are good.

As usual, go for a fast Infinity by placing your Autoclicker on Max All (or holding M), or using your finger or an object to hold the key if possible, taking it off to Dimension Boosts and for Antimatter Galaxy 1. (You can also do Dimensional Sacrifices, but its boost isn't a significant time save, especially at your current state, so the "I don't believe in Gods" achievement will be trivial) Your Autobuyers for Dimboosts, Galaxies, and Big Crunches will save time by sometimes clicking the buttons for you. As you earn IP, spend them either on making these Autobuyers faster or on buying the 4th column of Infinity Upgrades, based on which is holding you back more severely (the length of the specific phase that it skips, or having to click specific buttons manually), making sure to keep >10 IP on-hand for the First Dimension unspent IP bonus.

After a while of doing this, Autobuyers for Dimensions and Tickspeed will start to become cheap. If you need to take a break, buy them up and you'll only have to turn on your Autoclicker for the ends of runs (from 20 Eighth Dimensions to Galaxy 1, and 20 Eighth Dimensions to Crunch).

Continue to do runs until you start with the Seventh Dimension and the next Dimboost/Galaxy/Big Crunch Autobuyer interval upgrade costs 128 IP. Now save up for the last Infinity Upgrade, costing 300 IP! Give yourself a pat on the back, as this upgrade will save a lot of time. Now set Automatic Dimboosts' Max boosts to 5 - or even 4 - now your fastest Infinity will suddenly drop from 5-6 seconds to 1-2 seconds. By continuing to save up unspent IP and buying Autobuyer upgrades past this point, you will be able to push it below a second!

With every Infinity Upgrade purchased, you get the achievement 'No DLC required' and can now buy levels of Multiply IP from all sources by 2. It starts by costing 10 IP but costs 10x more with each level, with it being endlessly rebuyable. Buying the first 2 levels of this is very quick. Your IP/min rate will be shooting through the roof with all of these benefits combined! There is another Infinity Upgrade for 1,000 IP that will be unlocked that generates IP offline based on your best IP/min without using Max All. Buy this upgrade. Before going offline, remember to stop maxing all, reload the page if you used the H trick, and maximise your IP/min WITHOUT pressing M!

Eventually, you will have to get all current Autobuyer intervals capped at 0.1s. This will be important for the next stage in the game. Once all Dimension Autobuyer bulk buys are upgraded to 512x they will start buying max.

As this will make IP growth much faster, focus on maxing the interval of all Dimension and Tickspeed Autobuyers. Then, try to do it for automated Dimboosts.

Now, save up to 1000 IP to get another IP doubler upgrade -> 8x.

Now you want to focus on upgrading the bulk purchase to 512x (max). Then the game will be much faster while automated (holding M still makes it slightly faster though). Continue to decrease the intervals of the Automated Big Crunch and Automated Galaxies then grind for 1e4 IP, then buy one more IP doubler.

Then, there will be a long grind to max the last 2 Autobuyers, and get the Dimension bulk purchases to their maximum potential. After you max the last 2 Autobuyers, you unlock a feature that will change the game a lot.

1e5-1e7 IP: Breaking Infinity (4 hours-7 days)[]

The requirement for Breaking Infinity is to get the Big Crunch autobuyer to a 0.1-second interval. The cost is 32767 IP in total so it should be left until after you have 'Multiply Infinity Points from all sources by x16 (or higher), Automated Galaxies/Big Crunch at 0.8 seconds or faster (using your Autoclicker/holding M, plus Autobuyers, your fastest Infinity should be ~0.81 seconds), and all Dimension/Tickspeed Autobuyers at 0.10 interval with max bulk buys, and eventually max out all of your autobuyers.

Once you get the Big Crunch autobuyer interval to 0.10 seconds, you can finally be able to change the game. Now is the moment you've been waiting for! You can go click Infinity and click the Break Infinity tab. The Break Infinity tab will now allow you to Break Infinity and get more upgrades. Smash the Break Infinity button, and the nature of the game will change - you can now continue PAST 1.8e308 antimatter, and many numbers can now be greater than 1.8e308. The upside? You will earn more IP on Big Crunch the more antimatter you make. The downside? The cost increases of Tickspeed upgrades and Dimensions start increasing faster and faster past 1.8e308, meaning you will be effectively stuck around 5-6 Galaxies depending on your IP, and by doing a very long run you can push to 7 Galaxies. You will earn the Limit Break achievement by Breaking Infinity.

If Tickspeed Autobuyer Challenge (C9) is still incomplete, you can complete it with following semi-auto strategy:

  1. Buy first 2 Break Infinity Upgrade (1e4 and 5e4 IP)
  2. Set AD6 AND AD8 autobuyer to "Buy max", other AD autobuyers to "Buy singles"
  3. Enter C9, dimensional sacrifice at x2

You can complete it within 5 minutes. According to speedrunners' stats, they complete C9 after Break Infinity. You can find a video proof here.

Breaking Infinity also introduces a new button that will unlock a new type of Dimensions with the first of these new Dimensions unlocking at 1e1100 antimatter and costing 1e8 IP, at the up left corner of the screen. You currently won't be able to get enough antimatter, but you will be able to get it later.

The Big Crunch button now has three lines:

  1. Big Crunch for X amount of IP: Total amount of IP you'd get if you crunched at this moment.
  2. Current IP/min: Current IP divided by the amount of time elapsed so far in this infinity.
  3. Peak IP/min. Displays the highest IP/min reached during this infinity.

Your whole goal in this section is to crunch at Peak IP/min. To find out this value just let your run progress as far as possible (you will hit a wall around 5/6 galaxies) and note the peak IP/min displayed on the Big Crunch button. This is what you should set your auto Big Crunch value to.

You will find that peak IP/min tends to occur at the very end of your run (once you hit your max galaxies and can no longer dimboost). In the interest of getting to that last galaxy as fast as possible, you should limit dimboosts while progressing through the early galaxies (so you're not wasting time buying unnecessary dimboosts) and then uncap dimboosts in later galaxies when you need as many dimboosts as possible to get to the next galaxy. For a starting point try limiting dimboosts to 13, and ignoring the dimboost cap at 5 galaxies. 13 is to make the galaxy 4 -> galaxy 5 transition smooth (you don't want this to be delayed by too low of a dimboost cap), and ignoring dimboost cap at 5 galaxies is because you need 20+ dimboosts to reach galaxy 6, but setting the limit to 20 for all galaxies would be a lot of wasted time. You can lower the dimboost cap as those early galaxy transitions will require fewer and fewer dimboosts to be quick.

Unfortunately, this section is very slow. Upgrades come every several hours, and many of the upgrades do not have a huge impact. Keep at it! Also remember to periodically try to break your fastest infinity time to increase production from the infinity skill.

1e7-1e8 IP: Challenges revisited (2 hours to 4 days)[]

Once you have at least 1e7 IP, buy Multiply infinity points from all sources by 2x128.

Once you have another 1e7 IP, buy Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run. Now it's time for some fun. Remember the challenges? The 4th column of infinity upgrades doesn't work on them, but everything under the Break Infinity tab does. Now we can do them super fast. In fact, so fast some of them won't even need a single boost or galaxy! So do the following:

  1. Enable Automatic DimBoosts autobuyer and set it to 5 max dimbosts and 6 galaxies required to always dimboost
  2. Disable Automatic Galaxies autobuyer
  3. Turn on Automatically retry challenges under Options. On mobile, change Bottom buttons to MAX ALL under Options.
  4. Start the challenge in question, and use the M trick (ie: hold the M key)

The following challenges can be beaten this way:

  • 2nd - 8th dimension autobuyer (first 8 challenges)
  • Automated Galaxies

The following challenges will need 1 galaxy to beat as fast as possible, so enable Automatic Galaxies and set it to max 1 galaxy:

  • Automated Dimension Boosts
  • Automated Big Crunch

Lastly that leaves the Tickspeed Autobuyer challenge. The optimal strategy is to set dimension 8 autobuyer to buy max and the rest of the dimension autobuyers and the tickspeed autobuyer to buy singles, and galaxy autobuyer to 1 max galaxy. click the 4, 5, 6, and 7 keys to quickly do dimension boosts, then buy max tickspeed or dimensional sacrifice whenever you are stuck. You should aim for under 10 seconds.

This should give you a Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run multiplier of around at least 200x. If you put off doing this challenge until now, you now have the Tickspeed Autobuyer and can now automate infinities.

At this point, your optimal strategy for grinding IP/min should be a 6 galaxy run:

Automatic Dimensional Boosts

4 max dimboosts, 10 galaxies

Automatic Galaxies


Automatic Big Crunch


You'll earn ~13000 IP every ~3.7 seconds, for a staggering ~200k IP/min (without macroing). Again, we are not doing any boosts at all - only buying 6 galaxies, waiting a second, then cashing in all of our IP. Dimension Boosts force us to buy every dimension again, and will waste too much time for too little benefit at this point in the game.

Now get the following achievements:

Bulked Up

At this point, your Dimension bulk purchases should be at minimum 128x. With 200k IP/min, this Achievement shouldn't be difficult to achieve, but don't forget to go for it!

Blink of an Eye

Make sure your autobuyers are not buying galaxies/boosts, then hold down M (The M trick is faster than an autoclicker). If it doesn't work, try all performance tips. Getting this achievement will start you with 5e25 antimatter. (sidenote: this achievement will also stop disappearing and reappearing when you obtain it)

How the antitables have turned

If you missed it at the first and second opportunities, this is the last chance you get for a long time. The upgrades further on will eventually make it impossible (or very hard) to get this achievement until later.

Faster than a squared potato

You should get this in the middle of galaxy 6 to big crunch. (lilk0408)

1e8-1e9 IP: First Infinity Dimension (4 hours to 2 days)[]

Your focus right now is to buy all upgrades that cost 1e7 or less IP, then all upgrades that cost 2.5e7 or less IP - except for Generates 5% of your fastest infinity IP/min and Passively generate infinities, which you should only buy when it is relatively cheap.

Once you have 1e8 IP, do not buy anything yet. Instead, set the autobuyers to the following:

Dimension Boost Autobuyer

4/6 (start buying boosts in the 6th galaxy)

Antimatter Galaxy Autobuyer

7 (buy 7 total galaxies)

Big Crunch Autobuyer

off (uncheck the box)

Let the run continue (doing dimensional sacrifices at appropriate moments). The run may take anything from 1 to 300 minutes, depending on what upgrades you have. As soon as you can afford it, you are now able to click/press the button, rather than before:

Get 1e1100 antimatter and 100 M IP to unlock a new Dimension.

Clicking this with enough antimatter will open up a new subtab under Dimensions, which will have an infinite symbol:

Infinity Dimensions will appear under Dimensions, unlocking the ability to get Infinity Dimensions and further increase antimatter dimension multiplier. They will act like regular dimensions, but will cost IP to buy, and in return generate infinity power (giving x^7 multiplier to all antimatter dimensions, where x is Infinity Power). Click the button to spend 1e8 IP to buy 1st Infinity Dimension, and unlock the achievement "A new beginning". Infinity Dimensions will be a very important and powerful type of Dimension as in one second you can already make about 1e150 times more antimatter! After this huge multiplier, keep getting more IP and make more progress. (You can unlock the subtab before getting 1e8 IP, however.)

Now set up your autobuyers like this:

Dimension Boost Autobuyer

4 max dimboosts, 8 galaxies

Antimatter Galaxy Autobuyer


Big Crunch Autobuyer

~120000 (1.2e5)

You should now have runs like this:

The infinity 1 infinities ago took 2.40 seconds and gave 1.20e5 IP. 3.00e6 IP/min

which is about ten times as much IP/min as you were making before! Note: if you use the m trick you can get twice that.

Do everything in Challenges Revisited again with your new super Infinity Dimension powers. You should be able to get every challenge down to 0.69 seconds or lower, bumping Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run multiplier up to at least 4373x. If you are struggling to get challenge times down try turning on Automatically Retry Challenges in Options.

Using your explosive IP/min rate, buy:

  1. Multiply infinity points from all sources by 2 (256x)
  2. Tickspeed cost multiplier increase 7x → 6x
  3. Passively generate infinities based on your fastest infinity

in that order. (Also, now you can buy Generate 5% of your fastest infinity IP/min if you desire.)

Now get the following achievements:

Zero Deaths

Turn off Dimension Boost/Galaxies autobuyer, turn on all other autobuyers, start challenge 10 as it will not make it harder. (You can do this before you have the 1st Infinity Dimension by doing challenge 3 and taking advantage of the exponentially increasing bonus, but it will take about 16 hours of waiting. You can do it even before you break infinity, even as early as just after your first Infinity, but it will take about 24 hours.) (With ID1, you will be able to do it instantly)

Not a second lost

You are able to get this by pushing challenge times down to 0.4 seconds. If this seems difficult to accomplish right now, no worries, you can get it later. - lilk0408

This might cause you to automatically get other challenge related achievements such as "you did this again just for the achievement right" and "this is fine."

1e9-1e10 IP: Second Infinity Dimension (4 hours to 2 days)[]

Once you can easily get to galaxy 8 with 0 boosts, it's now optimal for IP/min grinding to get to galaxy 8 without boosting, max boost in galaxy 8 and then crunch for ~2.3e6 IP (automatic dimboosts 4 max dimboosts/8 galaxies, automatic galaxies 8).

Before clearing Galaxy 7 without boosts, you can also invest in "unlock the buy max dimension boosts autobuyer mode" - this can triple your IP/min to ~8e7IP/min. This will unlock a new field in the dimension boost autobuyer called "buy max dimboosts every X seconds". Set this to 0.2. Because it will automatically buy many dimension boosts at once, dimension boosting is now worth it for IP/min grinding.

At some point though, you're going to have to take the plunge and get the 2nd Infinity Dimension. Do this after buying everything costing up to 1 Billion IP. Set Automatic Dimboosts to 4 max dimboosts and 8 galaxies to always dimboost, Automatic Galaxies to 10 and disable Automatic Big Crunch. Manually perform dimensional sacrifice every time a boost/galaxy isn't immediately bought, and otherwise wait. After 2-5 hours depending on how many upgrades you have, you will have at least 1e1900 antimatter. Spend the antimatter on getting the new Infinity Dimension, and then spend 1e9 IP, to unlock the 2nd Infinity Dimension. You will get more progress from it, and it will produce Infinity Dimension 1, like the regular dimensions.

Here are some details about this long run to unlock ID2. Getting to 9 galaxies is trivial, then it will take some time, like maybe an hour to get 44 boosts while on 9 galaxies. Then the last boost is painfully slow and takes up most of the time of the run. But then getting from galaxy 10 to e1900AM is quite easy. You might want to push and get e2000AM to unlock Infinity Challenge 1. But, you might want to buy ID2 first if that is too slow. Also, it is possible to buy Tickspeed Cost Multiplier Increase 5x -> 4x first, and that will make the run only take about 2 hours.

Here's some fun nerd stats: Before, antimatter was growing polynomially at a t 8 {\displaystyle t^8} {\displaystyle t^{8}} rate, but after unlocking ID1 this is t 64 {\displaystyle t^{64}} {\displaystyle t^{64}} , and after unlocking ID2 it is t 120 {\displaystyle t^{120}} {\displaystyle t^{120}} . This will allow further pushing of antimatter.

Once you have the 2nd Infinity Dimension and the 1e9 'Multiply infinity points from all sources by 2 512x', you should have:

Automatic DimBoosts

4/8 (max boosts/galaxies required to dimboost)

Automatic Galaxies

9 (galaxies)

Automatic Big Crunch

~2.58e7 IP

Expected output

~6.68e7 IP/min (~2.58e7 IP/~23.2 sec)

Now get the following achievements if you haven't already:

Not a second lost

Using ID2 and the M trick, you will be able to get most challenge times to 0.3-0.4 seconds. Challenges 6, 9 and 12 will be slightly slower (0.45-0.7 seconds).

1e10-5e11 IP: First Infinity Challenge (6 hours to 4 days)[]

You should now buy the 5e9 IP upgrade "unlock the buy max dimension boosts autobuyer mode" if you haven't already (gives about a 2x IP boost, but it may depend on how many dimboosts are bought, but you will be able to buy Dimension Boosts quicker). Then, buy the IP multiplier upgrade for 1e10 IP 'Multiply infinity points from all sources by 2 (1024x multiplier)'.

After you have these two upgrades, set your autobuyers up like this:

Automatic DimBoosts

0.2/8 (buy max dimboosts every X seconds/galaxies required to dimboost)

Automatic Galaxies

9 (max galaxies that autobuyer can buy)

Automatic Big Crunch

~2.86e7 IP

Expected output

~2.4e8 IP/min (~2.86e7 IP/~7.2 sec)

Now buy the 3.12e9 IP tickspeed cost multiplier upgrade 'Tickspeed cost multiplier increase 5x -> 4x' and then, when you have enough IP, buy the 1.56e10 IP tickspeed cost multiplier upgrade 'Tickspeed cost multiplier increase 4x -> 3x'. At this point, you should hit 3.5e8 IP/min with your big crunches or higher. You can also buy the 7.81e10 IP tickspeed cost multiplier upgrade 'Tickspeed cost multiplier increase 3x -> 2x' and the 5e10 IP dimension cost multiplier -> 8x upgrade, as the Reality Update made those upgrades a lot cheaper.

Next, buy ID1 level 2 for 1e11 IP. This is a 50x multiplier, and will be important for getting ID3. Note: If when saving up to get that, you leave the game for several hours, you could get 5e11 IP, buy the 50% stronger galaxies upgrade, then doing the rest of this section would be a lot faster. However, it does not really matter which option you decide to do.

Now do a long run for ID3 (3rd Infinity Dimension), which requires 1e2400 antimatter to unlock, and buy it for 1e10 IP, taking about 2 hours. (It would have taken 8 hours if you went for it before ID1 level 2, and gives about a 1.5x multiplier, hence the delay.) By the way, since the Reality Update made the IP upgrades a lot cheaper, pushing to ID3 with all upgrades that cost 1e11 IP or less could take less than 20 minutes, it took 17 minutes for me (YT kerfuffles).

After unlocking ID3, go attempt Infinity Challenge 1. It will take about 5 minutes and it will boost all infinity dimensions by about 1.3x when completed (1.3x multiplier for every infinity challenge completed).

Note: since matter rises faster after the Reality Update, you may have to click the "perform a dimension boost reset but lose a dimension boost" button to reset your normal matter, but your infinity power build up will allow you to beat the challenge.

Buy 'Multiply infinity points from all sources by 2 (for) 2048x' for 1e11 IP, and now with these changes to autobuyers, you can Big Crunch every 9 or so seconds for about 3.8e9 IP/min. (below)

Automatic DimBoosts

0.2/8 (buy max dimboosts every X seconds/galaxies required to dimboost)

Automatic Galaxies


Automatic Big Crunch

~5.8e8 IP

Expected output

~3.8e9 IP/min (~5.8e8 IP/~9.21 sec)

At this point, there will be a long grind to get 5e11 IP for the upgrade of Makes galaxies 50% stronger, which will skyrocket IP profits when you get it. Buying other upgrades may make it take longer to get 5e11 IP, but they may also benefit later. Focus on getting the galaxy upgrade, and then buy other upgrades. Once you buy the 50% stronger galaxies upgrade, progression becomes very very fast.

5e11-1e50 IP: Inflation Era (2 hours-2 days if you follow the guide)[]

When you get enough IP, buy the Break Infinity upgrade Makes galaxies 50% stronger for 5e11. This is an insane tickspeed upgrade multiplier, and you should get this before you buy anything else. After that, you can buy anything else with your profits. You can use:

Automatic Dimension Boost

buy max dimboosts every 0.2 seconds

Amount of galaxies to always dimension boost (this may change based on how many galaxies you can gain without boost):

Automatic Galaxies

turn off the galaxy limit

Automatic Big Crunch


You can now buy lots of upgrades and ID levels quickly, because everything will be very cheap with the galaxy upgrade, as you get more IP when Big Crunching than before.

Also, you should go repeat every challenge - with 0 boosts and 0 galaxies, you should have every challenge time down to 0.12 - 0.20 seconds, even without using the M trick or similar! This should put Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run around at least 15000x.

It may be just easier to disable your crunch autobuyer after 5e11 IP, because your IP will be increasing significantly and you will keep being able to get more and more, which requires updating the crunch autobuyer if it's on, which may be unnecessary to do right now. You don't have to use it with increasing IP profits.

When you get 1e10500 antimatter, you will unlock ID4. Just continue progressing.

Also, at this point you can max out "Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run", because of the amount of infinity power you have from Infinity Dimensions. You should have up to ID3 (2 purchases), and the multiplier from infinity power will be able to complete all normal challenges in less than 0.1 seconds.

Once you are around 1e26 IP, there's a 1-2 hour lull of progress that begins. (this is no longer the case since the Reality Update made stuff a lot cheaper so just buy everything you can in infinity dimensions, IP multipliers and break infinity upgrades, and you'll be good.)

At this point, your production will start exploding again - you'll jump all the way to 1e35 IP in minutes. Keep crunching at higher and higher IP, and try runs between 1-10 minutes to see how much IP you get in those runs (even though you're continuing to increase in IP).

When you finally get 1e45 IP, do the following:

  • Get ID4 (takes 30-60 minutes at this point depending on what upgrades and IP and stuff you have, also will complete NEW DIMENSIONS???, achievement bonus affects infinity dimensions, currently around 24.96x)
  • Complete the first 7 rows of achievements (At this point, you should only need "Error 909" in row 7 - big crunch with only one first dimension on challenge 2: turn off autobuyers and in options switch "buy up to 10" to "buy 1")
    • If your process is more faster, you maybe also lacking "One for each dimention", which requires you to play 8 days in real time. As this is a real time based achievement and there's no way to push it faster, just ignore it and progress forward.
  • Minimize all challenge times (get the lowest time as possible, but this was easy to do a while ago, so you should've done it then)

Continue to crunch for more and more IP and buy upgrades, until you are prepared for IC2.

When you have enough IP (preferably at least 1e45 IP), at least 1e11000 total antimatter and are ready, you can finally begin Infinity Challenge 2. It may take about 2 minutes or less, depending on how much IP and upgrades you have. When you complete it, you will now have the Dimensional Sacrifice autobuyer, which does a dimensional sacrifice at a specific threshold, and Dimensional Sacrifices are MUCH more powerful as well (about from 1e7x -> 1e90x).

Dimensional Sacrifice Autobuyer has a field called "Sacrifice when the multipler is over: x*". Set it to 2x.

By now, it should be faster to push to get more galaxies instead of going with whatever you can get instantly. So, the strategy at the end of the Breaking Infinity section will not really be optimal anymore.

This section should take 2-3 hours.

1e50-1e140 IP: Long Run Era (2 hours - 4 days)[]

When you reach 1e50 IP, you can upgrade the following in order:

  1. 1e50 IP doubler.
  2. ID1
  3. ID3
  4. ID4
  5. ID2
  6. 1e51 IP doubler.

Crunching at galaxy 35 will take about 2-4 minutes and give 1e54 IP for 6e52IP/min.

When you get to buy everything up to 1e56 IP, learn the motto of this section - Long Run Era. If you think your progress is slow, go on runs with 1 more galaxy. In this case, do a 36 galaxy run (takes 4-5 hours) and you will earn ~6.8e57 IP all at once! You may have to do a lot of runs taking a few minutes or more in this section. If you want, you can do another 36 galaxy run, and after buying everything costing 1e58 IP or less, begin Infinity Challenge 3 (may take 1 hour, but you can always grind more IP and then do the challenge. You can finish it in 5 minutes with 1e59IP). The other main thing about this section is that this is where you focus on most of the Infinity Challenges, and also the rewards you get for some of them are OP and help you a lot. The reason why you do long runs is because you have now unlocked 4 infinity dimensions, and these increase the polynomial growth a lot (with 4 infinity dimensions it is now N^232!), giving you more infinity points as runs go on. This was also the case in the last section, as pushing towards another galaxy became much more useful, and continues to as you can buy more tickspeed upgrades for galaxies to make better. Note: It is NOT necessary to do runs that take several hours like that, recommended to do runs for 1-10 minutes as that is generally more efficient, but overnight runs can be useful if they happen to be convenient.

In general, you get more IP/min by pushing to the next galaxy. This section starts at around 1e45-1e50 IP. This property actually starts with inflation era, when you buy the upgrade to make galaxies 50% stronger. (inflation era is fast enough that it is not worth it to wait a long time for the next galaxy, but this section is still very fast)

(Note: the above may be less accurate, because this can be a breeze when you are active. In fact, getting to IC4 really doesn't take long while being active, so this should be updated) (this takes 10 minutes when you are active - e581927j)

Next, buy everything up to 1e68 IP or less, or push a bit further to buy ID2 at 1e69IP and ID4 at 1e70IP, then begin Infinity Challenge 4 (IC4). For this one, it's important to purchase dimensions in the order 8>7>...>1 in order to let each dimension produce as much as possible before moving on to the next. Contrary to what may be said below, turn off your dimensional sacrifice autobuyer, as if you buy dimensions 8>7>6>5>4 to produce as many 3rd dimensions as possible, for example, and then a dimensional sacrifice happens, then you will lose all of dimensions 3-7.

The following strategy may take around 5-20 minutes to pull off:

    1. Set dimensional sacrifice autobuyer threshold to 1e30, bulk boost buy to 10, turn off all dim (NOT tickspeed) autobuyers.
    1. Hold M until progress stops, then let go of M and press restart on last reset.
    1. Press M 3 times. Hold 8.
    1. Then press 7654321, hold 8 and sacrifice. Buy a galaxy/boost (only buy boost if you can't afford a galaxy). If you can, go to step 1. If you can't, restart Step 3. (If you reach the goal, do a big crunch in the challenge.)

Or: Keep all autobuyers intact before the challenge. Start the challenge, and then let your autobuyers work to the maximum galaxy you can get to before you have to do it manually. Then, follow the original strategy as you would have done it. On a new galaxy, turn on autobuyers until you have to lose a reset, and then follow steps 2-3. (this is how I got 4 minutes and 58 seconds in IC4 on the first try - usavictor)

1e68 IP: IC4[]

Infinity Challenge 4:

Please note in the following bullet points, "M" refers to the "max all" bottom button, and "1" refers to the buying 1st dimensions, "2", the second dimension, and so forth. So "press 3" means buy one 3rd dimension, and "hold 8" means hold the "buy 8th dimension" button until you can't buy any more.

    1. In settings, enable the "max all" bottom button. Enable all autobuyers except big crunch. Set sacrifice autobuyer threshold to 1e30 and bulk dimboost buyer to 10. (This is because holding M doesn't buy dimboosts/galaxies, so it's faster to work up your starting point using autobuyers.) Go back to the dimensions screen. Hold M while mashing the "buy dimboost" button with your left thumb. Keep going until progress stops. Then disable all autobuyers except tickspeed.
    1. Hold M until progress stops. Press "Lose a Dimboost, returning to the start of the previous Dimboost".
    1. Press M three times. Hold 8.
    1. Then press 7654321. Then hold 8. If you can buy a big crunch, do so. And congrats! Challenge complete. Otherwise, continue
    1. If you can buy a galaxy, do so and restart from step 1. If you can't continue to step 5.
    1. If you can buy a dimboost, do so and restart from step 2. If you can't, retry step 3.

And remember, don't be scared to use the "Lose a Dimboost" Button if you make a mistake.

(At around ~99.5% completion, try holding 1. It took me straight to 100% - KekesAreCool)

If you followed instruction above, you can make it through within 2 minutes! Here is a video proof made by Jakub "Kajfik" Kajfosz, the author of Android Version.

1e85 IP: IC5[]

Buy everything 1e85 IP or less, then begin IC5, which can prove quite difficult, just like the Tickspeed Autobuyer Challenge, which is why there are multiple strategies on this page for you to use.

  1. Buy everything 1e83 IP or less
  2. Change 1-7 Dimension Autobuyers to buy singles, change 8th Dimension autobuyer to buy max, keep everything enabled
  3. To speed up the process, enable the DimBoost to only unlock new dimensions until around 20-25 galaxies.
  • This takes 5-6 minutes of active playing and was tested around 1e93 IP. (This may be different depending on your save - I tested it with only 1e82 EP and finished in about 3 and a half minutes. Just don't press M at any point and you should be done extremely quickly. - MasterDoge)
  • If you are on web edition and have around 5e86IP, you need ~40 galaxies to complete this challenge.

Completing IC5 will continue the increase of IP, making galaxies 10% stronger and reducing requirements for galaxies and dimensional boosts by 1 8th dimension. This will get you over 1e100 (10 DTg) IP easily as a result, but you are not done with the infinity challenges yet.

The full auto strategy takes 4~5 minutes, it might shorter if you have 1~2 OoM more of IP. Here is a video proof made by Jakub "Kajfik" Kajfosz, the author of Android Version. The video is recorded before Reality Update is released, but that works in Reality Update!

1e102 - 1e140 IP: ICs 6-8 & Others[]

After this, continue to do ~10 minute long crunches and complete each IC as it unlocks. You can do IC6 at ~1e102 IP (Reward is tickspeed affects infinity dimensions with reduced effect), IC7 at ~1e114 IP (reward is 4x multiplier for dimensional boosts, IC7 may take a while), and IC8 at ~1e129 IP (Reward is dimension 2-7 multiplier is increased based on dimension 1 and 8 multipliers).

Error 909: Dimension Not Found Achievement: At around 1e135 IP, disable galaxy autobuyer, dimboost autobuyer, and antimatter dimensions autobuyer. start C2. Buy a single 1st antimatter dimension (press shift+1) then crunch. (you could have done this after getting ID4, but you can definitely do it now while you can, if you didn't get it already). -lilk0408

At 1e140 IP, you will unlock another important factor to your progress, called Replicanti.

This may have taken a few days or less (1-2 days) depending on activity within the game, but the next section will take longer to get past.

1e140-1e308 IP: Replicanti Era (1.5-12 days with timewalls)[]

Progress post replicanti

Example progress after unlocking replicanti.

At this point, you will reach 1e30000 antimatter and can unlock ID5 and Replicanti. Replicanti, now a new factor of progress to the game, will help in making more progress. Replicanti grow exponentially, to a maximum of Infinity, and the more you have, the stronger infinity dimensions get, up to the maximum multiplier that you have at Infinity replicanti. Replicanti normally is also replicated at a slow rate, which can be improved to become faster with more IP, starting with the interval upgrades costing 1e140 IP, replicate chance upgrades costing 1e150 IP. You can also upgrade max replicanti galaxies starting at 1e170 IP.

Replicanti has offline progression (in some cases). Your Replicanti amount resets whenever you Infinity if you don't have the "Is this safe?" achievement (reaching Infinity replicanti in 1 hour, requires e240 IP), or when you're entering challenges. At this point in the game, the longer your run, the more productive it is, because of that you should crunch only when you need to buy upgrades so you don't waste replicanti, and to improve the growth rate/replication percent of replicantis and max replicanti galaxies and ultimately increase progress.

To get to 1e170 IP after unlocking replicanti, keep crunching every 5 orders of magnitude of IP then buying all the infinity dimensions, IP multipliers, and replicanti upgrades. This part takes about 1 hour of active play, but then the game starts to slow down after 1e170 IP.

When you have Infinite Replicanti you can reset them for a free Galaxy, and you can do this as many times as you've bought up to the third upgrade (maximum galaxies). This Galaxy also only lasts until the next Infinity. While it doesn't increase the cost of the next Antimatter Galaxy, it still resets you to the start of a Galaxy. Replicanti galaxies will be slow to get until you start getting more upgrades. Unfortunately, it resets the boost that replicanti gives to infinity dimensions, so antimatter progression will feel very slow for a while (infinity power will be stuck). However, due to the free galaxy, your antimatter still increases by about 1000 orders of magnitude right away. At some point, the pace will pick back up.

Around this point, medium (30-60min) runs are giving you 1-2 OoM more IP and overnight runs are giving you 9-12 OoM more IP. The game has become more focused on being idle when you get to this point and more about Infinity Dimensions, so you may as well set bulk dimboost amount to 1 as all progress is gated by Replicanti/ID growth anyway, but it's up to you if you really want to, since it will make shorter runs slightly longer if bulk dimboost amount is 1 at all times.

At this part of the game, you are basically playing the waiting game to 1e308 IP, as runs are now much slower than before as you have to wait for replicanti to build up. You will eventually get to 1e308 IP (even though the information below may be entirely different for you than in your experience in this section).

Once you reach ~1e165 IP, get the achievement Game Design Is My Passion (complete IC5 in 15 seconds or less) with /u/1234abcdcba4321 strat:

(Since Autobuyer Priorities don't exist anymore at least on some versions, this is very hard even with 1e185) (Since reality, this section is outdated. It's more-so recommended to do this achievement later on. I did it at 1e270~ IP, but it's probably possible earlier. Good luck.)

(It is possible at 1e240~ IP without any strategy.)

Proof of achievement being done with 1e140 is possible.

To proof that achievement is possible right after 1e140 IP.

(There is actually a strategy I found that is possible to get the IC5 achievement right after 1e140 IP, as shown below:

1. Set 1st to 7th dim autobuyers to buy singles and 8th one to buy max.

2. Set dim boost autobuyer interval to 0.01 second and disable the limit.

3. Make sure to turn on auto galaxy and auto crunch.

4. Start the challenge. Hold 6 and 7, then enter the How to Play popup with 'H' or the button in the upper right. Let go of 6 and 7, then exit the popup.

5. Hold 4 and 5.

(Note: it takes about ~31 galaxies to complete the challenge at this point, so aim for buying more than 2 galaxies per second to get it done in under 15 seconds - nella2250)

Dimension Autobuyers

Buy singles (except 8th dimension which is left at buy 10)

Tickspeed Autobuyer

Buy max

Spam max all.

Alternative strategy: set dimension autobuyers 1-7

to buy singles and use the 4 5 6 7 hotkeys to do dimboosts

(I was able to finish in under 15 seconds at 1e193 IP using the strategy below: - DestroyerTBug)

Set autobuyers 1-7 to singles, 8 and tickspeed to buy max, turn off automatic sacrifice. Make sure automatic crunch is enabled, Set Galaxy autobuyer limit to 17 and dim boost interval to 0.002. Spam press 4, 5, 6, and 7 on keyboard until completion. (Note: there are several different methods of spamming 4, 5, 6, and 7, instead of swiping between the 4, I put a finger on each and pressed them simultaneously as fast as I could.)

(The strategy above works at ~1e170. You dont need to buy so many galaxies, 8 or 9 is enough. After the 8 or 9 galaxies, just dim boost with all your new 8th dimensions and it should get you the achievement with a second or two to spare. - twhsaw)

Next, get the achievement Yet another infinity reference in high boost Galaxy 62 (1.8e308x dimensional sacrifice multiplier in one sacrifice), which will be further increasing dimensional sacrifice's power.

Production will look something like this until eternity

Progression will look something like this until eternity if you follow the guidelines here

From this point onwards, just do ~3 hour runs with max RGs to gain ~10 more orders of magnitude of IP . Then, you will reach e308 IP in a few days, unlocking infinity dimensions as you go. What happens to you during this section will vary a lot.

You can use the H trick on the R key to automatically buy Replicated Galaxies as soon as you can afford them!

(not sure if this is what i was supposed to do, but i just waited until i maxed out my replicanti galaxies then big crunched, got 5 to 10 more orders of magnitude of infinity points each time)

If you're playing in Reality, then at around 1e240~ IP, you'll be able to get the "Is this safe?" achievement which will make this section a LOT faster (but still painfully slow). (This achievement saves both replicanti amount and one replicated galaxy on infinity.)

Several runs later, you'll finally have at least 1.79e308 IP, and are now able to Eternity, which is the purple button where the new infinity dimension button would be (but don't do it quite yet). This entire section should have taken 4-7 days, or possibly less depending on the type of person playing (either active or idle).

1e308 IP - 1e17 EP: Eternity (1.5-16 days)[]

Before performing your first Eternity, you should do all of the following:

Get the achievements:

  • 'I brake for NOBODY!' - Big Crunch for 1e250 IP in 20 seconds or less. Trivial, hold down M, and autobuy 25ish Galaxies. [Reality-wise, this is possible around 1e270~ IP. Set Dimboost "until X galaxies" to 50-60, and you'll get it]
  • 'Ludicrous Speed' - This may be hard to get, but eventually with more progress, you can get it by setting Big Crunch to 1e200, getting the most ID upgrades you can, and including Replicanti. You could also do this with macro/autoclicker strategies. Around 1e308 IP this can be reached by setting max Galaxies to 22, Dimboost bulk buy to 0 seconds, and autocrunch to 1e200. These numbers can be tweaked a bit if needed, but they should be pretty close if this configuration alone doesn't work, keep your Replicanti count up just in case.
  • 'Is this safe?' - Gain Infinite Replicanti in 1 hour or less. You'll get this automatically once your Replicanti is upgraded enough. The reward is that Infinity/Big Crunch doesn't reset your Replicanti amount and saves 1 Replicated Galaxy (but it still resets your Replicanti Galaxies).
  • '2 MILLION INFINITIES' - Just wait and turn on your crunch autobuyer and set your update rate to 33ms in options. You should be able to push your fastest Infinity time down to 30-35 ms. You may have to wait a while. If you cannot get this achievement naturally before Eternity by passive Infinities generation, you can also push for it later when you have Time Study 32 which will make it a lot faster, and make sure you have bought sufficient Dimension Boosts before each crunch when doing that. This achievement is not required before Eternity Challenge 4.
  • 'Like jumping on a lego' - Only Dimboost to get new Dimensions, turn on Automatic Big Crunch, then hold M. You should then be able to push IC4 & 8 to 2 seconds, and IC5 to 1 second.

You should also:

  • Minimize Challenge times: Turn off Dimboost and Galaxy autobuyers, turn on auto-retry Challenge (in the options), leave big crunch autobuyer on, use autoclicker + hold 'C' plus spam left clicking on the Big Crunch button. This will get all Challenge times to 0.02-0.06 seconds or less. You should have done this already, but this is the last point in the game where you can minimize Challenge times before you Eternity. (Power up all Dimensions based on slowest Challenge run caps at 30,000x, so you will want to go for the multiplier. The capacity for the multiplier doesn't require very fast times, you can have around 0.06 seconds or less if you want.)
  • Minimize Infinity Challenge times: Same as above, but leave Infinity broken, leave the Dimboost buyer on (just for the first 4 Dimensional Boosts) and spam M. IC4 needs ~8 galaxies, IC8 needs ~13 galaxies.
  • Consider getting at least 1e349 IP, which will earn you a second EP when you Eternity. Note that it is not easy to reach, and it may be faster to simply wait for your second Eternity. (This will also let you get 'Ludicrous Speed' and 'Like jumping on a lego'. You can try getting them at lower IP too, but by now you already can easily get them.) (The recommendation from players on this differs, some recommend getting 1 EP on the first Eternity for a 1st Time Dimension, and some recommend 2 EP for an additional Time Theorem)(In ages before Reality Update, Eternity at 1e349 IP can serve as a fool-proof. If you spend your ONLY 1 EP on Time Theorem and TS 11, YOU CAN'T GET BOOST FROM ETERNITY because you don't have any Time Dimension. After Reality Update, you can't buy Time Theorem without any Time Dimensions.)

Once you have possibly done all of the above things, you can Eternity. You will lose all previous progress (except achievements and statistics, which includes Challenge times) in exchange for Eternity Points (1 EP if you Eternitied with 1.79e308 IP), which increases with more IP. Previous Challenges that you have completed before will have to be completed again until they are automatically completed in later Eternities. You'll find that your Achievements give substantial bonuses, including starting with 5e25 AM each Infinity and 16x IP gain, which has been already seen before in previous Infinities, but now will include the 1st Eternity addition of an IP autobuyer (as for getting the Eternity milestone), which will be automatically buying IP multiplier upgrades, and there will be more quality of life additions as you get more milestones (up to the 1000 Eternities milestone). You will get the "Time is relative" achievement as the reward for doing your first Eternity.

Note: You can get "How the antitables have turned.." in early Eternity, as you start over with no Infinity Upgrades/Dimensions/etc, meaning you can get it by doing Challenge 8 again (it might feel a little different though, so be aware of that). No other sections in Eternity have been tested for this achievement, but there may be late-game opportunities for this.

There is still a way for late-game to get "How the antitables have turned.." after Eternity:

  1. Disable ALL autobuyers including IP-related ones (such as ID, RG) before your antitable eternity run.
  2. Eternity and respec your Time Study Tree. This can be done with a single eternity.
  3. Buy some Antimatter galaxies and DimBoosts manually.
  4. Perform some Dimensional Sacrifice to further increase AD8 multiplier.
  5. Manual buy ADs carefully to make AD7 multiplier slightly smaller than AD8 multiplier, AD6 multiplier slightly smaller than AD7 multiplier, etc,
  6. You can get it when buying AD2.

Eternity has also introduced a new type of Dimension, Time Dimensions. Go to Dimensions > Time Dimensions. Spend your first EP on the 1st Time Dimension. Time Dimensions generate Time Shards, which are translated into Tickspeed upgrades. You must spend the 1st EP on the 1st Time Dimension to buy Time Theorems with EP, as this was an issue in the earlier versions of the game.

Now look at the Eternity tab. The Time Studies tab is a skill tree that has the currency of Time Theorems (costing Antimatter, IP, or EP) that you can buy Time Studies, or respec (reallocate TT for other Studies) every Eternity. The Eternity Upgrades tab lets you spend EP to boost Infinity Dimensions based on unspent EP, the amount of Eternities, and the sum of Infinity Challenge times, or to affect Time Dimensions with more multiplier, or to gain more EP. The Eternity Milestones tab shows milestones that unlock more automation and quality of life stuff just by doing more Eternities, up to 1000 Eternities.

PRO TIP: At certain points in this guide, Time Studies will be referred to by number or by path. Open the Time Study number display in Options (or hold the 'Shift' key when you are playing on an older version) and view the Time Studies tab to view the Time Study numbers and path names. On Android, select "Time Study numbers ON" in Options.

When you Eternity, you will gain EP based on the log10 (IP), that is, the exponent of the IP when you Eternitied. You need 308 for 1 EP, 349 for 2, 426 for 3, 481 for 4, 524 for 5 and so on. (For more details, see this spreadsheet.) There is also an EP multiplier which gives more EP. Unlike the IP multiplier, you do not need all Eternity Upgrades to buy the multiplier. There are also EP multipliers from Time Study 61, 121, 122, and 123.

Post-Eternity IC4/IC5 strategy: 1) M/D/G until you get stuck. 2) Go to Autobuyers, disable bulk buy, and set Dimensions 1-7 to singles. 3) Restart from the last reset. In IC4, spam 87654321 and occasionally hit M. In IC5, hold 8. Do manual Boosts if you get stuck and eventually the Challenge will succeed. If it's still too slow, get more IP first.

After doing ICs, check out the Time Studies tab and buy Time Theorems with AM and IP, Spend them on the left side.

A detailed guide by Ninjatsu can give you some useful strategy in Time Studies from your first Eternity (1 EP) to your first Eternity Challenge (130 TT).

For the 2nd Eternity, gain 3 EP (requires 1e426 IP and Replicated Galaxies), and buy TTs up to e80000 antimatter and e400 Infinity Points. Spend them on the left (21) path. RESPEC YOUR TIME STUDIES. Spend your EP on Time Theorems.

You now have 11 total Time Theorems, so get Time Study 42. Get e500 IP on this run, then Eternity for 4 EP, getting 1 TT for each currency. Get Time Study 51 now. At some point, do a longer run for Study 61 to get more EP.

You don't need to bother to unlock Replicanti for short runs to 1 EP, but eventually, they will unlock automatically, due to one of the milestones.

After this, do a bunch of quick runs for Eternity Milestones. Set the Dimboost autobuyer to 0/0/0.05, Galaxy autobuyer to a very large number, and Big Crunch autobuyer to 1e40x last crunch. After this, you will probably have ~e3 EP and have reached the first 3-way split of the Study tree.

Once you've arrived at the first 3-way split start going down the AD path (11,22,32,42,51,61,71,81,91,101|0). After this invest TT into the extra Studies at the start of the tree (21, 31, 33, 41) until you have a total of 40TT. Once you do, respec into the ID path (11,22,32,42,51,61,72,82,92,102|0). Again, invest extra TT into the Studies at the start of the tree until you have a total of 45 TT. Once you do, respec back into the AD path and get TS 111 (11,22,32,42,51,61,71,81,91,101,111|0).

Make sure to turn every ID autobuyer and Replicanti autobuyer on.

Alternate grinding EP/min and doing long runs for more TTs. Continue down the Time Study tree.

While doing this, you can complete the following achievements (these are just the ones you need something special for):

  • "Do you really need a guide for this?": To avoid getting multiple Infinities per crunch, (1) respec out of Time Study 32, and (2) set the crunch autobuyer to 4.9 seconds to disable the "2 MILLION INFINITIES" (achievement 87) bonus. It may also help to turn off automatic Dimboosts so you will not be in the middle of a reset, so you gain IP and make the most of those 10 Infinities. You can get this achievement in Eternity Challenge 4x3, 4x4, 4x5 because all Infinity multipliers and generators are disabled in EC4. You can effortlessly get this with Time Study 181.
  • "We COULD afford 9": Turn off Replicanti upgrade autobuyers, and wait for your Replicanti amount to hit 9, then Eternity. Without Replicanti upgrades, you should have enough time to do this. You might get lucky and get this achievement in earlier Eternities. (you can get this as early as ID1 autobuyer, i just waited until ID3 autobuyer) -Justin1209
  • "Never again": You need to get a sum of IC times of 0.75 seconds or less. To do this, do all ICs at higher amounts of IP to Big Crunch in these Challenges in a very small interval. You should get the smallest time records possible and minimize your record times. (You may need to activate the 'Automatically retry Challenges' and disable automatic Dimension Boosts for better results.)
  • "8 nobody got time for that": Turn off Dimension autobuyers 1-7 and Eternity. You need the 30 Eternities milestone for this because you’re forced to buy Dimensions 1-7 to Eternity.

You have now reached the 2nd 3-way split of the Time Study tree. Here is when to use each path:


Use the Passive (middle) path when farming EP. You can also do this for long TT runs, if you cannot afford Study 131/132/133. Set your crunch autobuyer to an appropriate amount x last crunch.


Use the Active (left) path when doing longer runs for TT if you can afford Time Study 131/132/133. Say hello, the H trick is back! Before doing it, set your Eternity autobuyer to 1 (or hold E and hit H), do 10 quick Eternities (To max Study 121, at 60 seconds of total time in the 10 past Eternities), then choose the Active (left path), and then do the run. Hold R (or hold R and hit H) during the run to get your RGs. You can also use this path for farming EP, it might be more efficient than using Passive but requires a lot more game managing than using Passive at this point.


After you have Study 171, switch to Time Dimensions + Active/Idle path, as these are now more useful and Passive is less because of the 10% difference in RG strengths between the row 13 Time Studies. Set the Big Crunch autobuyer to 1e50x last crunch, and wait. Do a single long run with Idle path while AFK, not multiple. Use Active or Idle for EP and TT runs.

After the 2nd 3-way split, get Study 151, then 161 (162 later), then 171. After this, switch to Time Dimensions + Active. When you can, fill in 21, 31, 41, 33, and 162, in any order. You should now have e15 EP and be close to the end of this section.

Grind Eternities, you need a minimum of 20,000 to unlock your first EC1 and can go up to 110,000 to reach the softcap of Eternity Upgrade 2. Later on in the game, you will have to grind more for Time Study 193, which caps at 1,000,000 Eternities, but wait until you have an EC10 completion to do that. Method: Set Automatic Eternities to 0, Big Crunch to 1e77 X times highest (or any value you found to work better), and use Infinity Dim + Active on the tree, possibly putting something to hold down the M key overnight. These should take less than .5 seconds each and drop as you go along. Possibly getting the "Eternities are the new infinity" achievement, which doubles Eternity gain. You can also make use of the 200 Eternities milestone, farming Eternities with both offline ticks and offline passive Eternities gain.

Also make sure you turn off your Dimboost autobuyer, as that can reduce your Eternity times by up to 50%.

Note that when you cant get "how the antitables have turned" achivment , when you unlock EC1 , do the following: Respec tree, disable all autobuyers, buy stuff until EC1 and enter EC1. There you can follow the usual manual buying until multiplier is bigger than previous dimension. If next dimension gets expensive just buy tickspeed.

Finally, buy everything costing 1e16 EP or less - by this time you should have 10 rows of achievements done, giving your TDs an effective 99.1x multiplier. This TD multiplier helps a lot, so buy everything costing 1e17 EP or less, then you can buy your first Eternity Challenge.

Achievements you should have gotten by this point:

  • At ~e11 EP: "Do I really need to infinity" - Respec Time Study tree, DON'T get Study 32 and continue buying other Time Studies as normal without Study 32/33. You should also use the Active Path and get Time Study 161. You must get enough IP (at least 1.8e308) to Eternity in 5 seconds, with which setting the Big Crunch autobuyer to 1.8e308 or higher (X times last crunch, as you will have to restart it every time you fail otherwise) and have Eternity autobuyer on at 0 EP. Getting 1.8e308 IP in a single Infinity in under 5 seconds will get only 1 Infinity and performing Eternity after that will get the achievement. (Sort of like the "Do you really need a guide for this" achievement, but you need to do it with 1 Infinity). Getting this achievement will give a multiplier to IP based on Infinities. You can effortlessly get this with Time Study 181.
  • When you can somewhat quickly reach e4000 IP in a normal Eternity (might have to do some ECs first): "Yo dawg, I heard you liked Infinities" - Set your crunch autobuyer to 1.8e308 times last crunch, you should get it quickly

This section may take over a week, so you should be active frequently to make progress. It can be done quickly if you do it correctly, but it might not be fast on your first attempt as you may need to learn

1e17-1e50 EP: Early Eternity Challenges (1-25 days)[]

Study Tree Recommendations[]

This is the Study Tree for eternity challenges (made by E308.25):

Bold: need, can't change or else impossible to start/complete (or study access to challenge)

Italic: recommended, can change/remove but may make completing challenge more difficult

Underline: can add in later challenge (and complete easier)

*After EC5x1 you will have access to TS62

Eternity Challenge 1, at least 130 Time Theorems.

11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61, [72,82,92,102], 111, [121,131,141], 151,162,161,171

Eternity Challenge 2, at least 135 Time Theorems. (using 161 instead of 162 because 162 is useless due to IDs being disabled).

11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61, [73,83,93,103], 111, [123,133,143], 151,161,171

Eternity Challenge 3, at least 140 Time Theorems.

11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61, [71,81,91,101], 111, [122,132,142], 151,162,161,171 (3x1)

11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61, [72,82,92,102], 111, [121,131,141], 151,162,161,171 (3x2 and onward)

Eternity Challenge 4, at least 148 Time Theorems. (To unlock Eternity Challenge 4 you'll need 100,000,000 infinities, this can be done by getting some quick IP with all Time Studies in the challenge set up to TS132 and setting the Big Crunch interval to 5 seconds after buying TS133 and other Time Studies below)

11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61, [73,83,93,103], 111, [123,133,143], 151,162,161,171 (EC4x1-4)

11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61, [73,83,93,103], 111, [123,133,143], 151,162,161,171,181 (EC4x5, requires 370 TT and TS181 due to the nerf)

Eternity Challenge 5, at least 147 Time Theorems.

11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,[_73,83,93,103],_111, [123,133,143], 151,162,161,171

Eternity Challenge 6, at least 163 Time Theorems. (May need TS151 or else EC6x1 would be very hard to complete)

11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,62, [72,82,92,102], 111, [121,131,141], _151,_162,161,171

Eternity Challenge 7, at least 171 Time Theorems.

11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,62, [71,81,91,101], 111, [121,131,141], 151,161,162,171

EC7x5 is only possible after EC10x1, with:

11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61, [71,81,91,101], 111, [121,131,141], 151,161,162,171,181,193|7

Eternity Challenge 8, at least 176 Time Theorems.

11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,62, [73,83,93,103], 111, [**123,**133,143], 151,162,161,171

Warning: DO NOT buy ts133 and lower studies until you get infinity replicanti and max RGs

Eternity Challenge 9, at least 515 Time Theorems. (TS171 is useful in this challenge, after e60 EP time dimensions path will become very powerful.)

11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,62, [73,83,93,103], 111, [121,131,141], 151,162,161,_171,_181


11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,62, [73,83,93,103], 111, [123,133,143], 151,162,161,_171,_181

Eternity Challenge 10x1, total 840 Time Theorems. (IMPOSSIBLE without TS31)

11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,62, [71,81,91,101], 111, [121,131,141], 151,161,171,181

For each EC, just experiment with the time studies. This is just a recommendation. :)

EC time study guidelines[]

Which dimension path do I use?

In eternity challenges 7, 10 and 11, the antimatter dimension path is best because infinity and time dimensions are either disabled or heavily nerfed. In the rest of eternity challenges, use the time dimension path, HOWEVER time dimensions are much weaker in challenges that directly inhibit galaxies which means tickspeed upgrades are nerfed so time dimension multipliers are less useful. This means that in ECs 1, 5 and 6 the infinity dimensions path is better than the time dimensions path. Generally the time dimension path is a lot more useful with TS171 than otherwise.

Which pace split path do I use?

Active usually, idle if active loses IP multiplier too fast (idle is most useful in EC11 for example), passive is best in EC12 only due to the nature of EC12 (see late eternity challenges)

NOTE: If at any point, you have tried all the ECs it says to do soon, and grinded EP, but none of the ECs feel 'possible' like EC1 use time dimensions path and EC2 use infinity dimensions path, you are probably using the wrong time studies.

AD EC - Picturemap v2

ECs chart by Ninjatsu

"Quick interruption: here's a super awesome chart made by Ninjatsu, it helps to summarize all the Eternity Challenges (click it to view it full size). It might be good to supplement your reading with that picture. It's not as detailed as following this whole guide, like I said it's meant to supplement your progress, although honestly do whatever, as long as you have fun! The spreadsheet, along with other helpful Eternity guidelines, can be found here."


General Guide[]

At this point, you should be able to start Eternity Challenge 1. Eternity Challenges are a new type of challenges that are similar to Infinity Challenges, but the goal is to reach a specified amount of IP with a condition, then eternity. The rewards for finishing the Eternity Challenges will help in how much EP and progress you make. In addition, each EC can be completed up to 5 times, with each one being more difficult than the last- generally having higher IP goals, but the rewards are higher as well up to the 5th time you beat the EC. You could beat an EC more than 5 times, but there will be no reward and no change to the difficulty. If you had bought eternity challenges and respec your time studies when you eternity, you don't need to get the required resources for the challenge, but on the web version you cannot have 2 EC unlocked at the same time, so pick wisely for which challenge you will buy. NOTE: Due to one of the post-reality balance changes the note to EC11x5 is incorrect, as the required OoM needed to complete the challenge was reduced by 50, your EC11x5 will be quite a bit faster than 2hrs 45mins if done at the recommended time.

EC guideline v4

EC's chart from Divine_ICBM

The advice at this point is to get more Time Theorems to be able to get more Eternity Challenges to complete for more bonuses. Some can be done at this time with partial upgrades as the Eternity Challenges can cost a lot, but as you progress further, you won't have to have partial upgrades for the challenges, as you'll end up being able to buy more Time Theorems, and get more EP with more time studies. Within this era, you can do ECs in any way you want, but there is a recommended route to complete all the ECs.

When you're ready for EC1, you'll find your first completion requires 20,000 eternities and most likely you don't have that many. In order to get your eternities, we need to take advantage of the 200 milestone reward - While offline, gain Eternities at 50% the rate of your fastest real-time Eternity (Currently n/K per hour) - to get our eternities. Remember the H trick? We're going to use that for buying Max All and Tickspeed Upgrades. Hold T and M then press H then let go when the helper screen pops up. Then close it. Don't switch tabs or close your device or the trick will be ruined. Then turn off the Dimboost Autobuyer like mentioned before to minimize the amount of time for our eternities. Set your big crunch autobuyer to X times highest IP and set it to 1.00e283 then set Limit Antimatter Galaxies to 60. This should take your fastest eternity time from whatever it was to at least 250ms. Now your 200 milestone reward will generate at least 40K eternities every hour while offline. Now you can go offline for 3 hours and come back and be able to attempt EC1x1-5 when the guide says so meaning you don't have to stop, grind, then come back again to actually complete EC1! -potask

On your first completion of EC1, you may not be able to afford a full tree - this is okay. Just use ID/idle or ID/active paths (depending on your preference, either an idle player or active player, I recommend using active path for extra infinity dimensions multiplier - E308.25) and cut out things that aren't required to reach time study 171 based on how many TT you have, which you must have to purchase the challenge for 30 TT. Also, while you're doing EC1, go to the infinity challenges tab and start an IC of your choosing - this gets you the achievement "I wish I had gotten 7 eternities" - and then exit the IC.

After doing EC1, you can do EC2 with TD path and active path. After that you might push, then do EC1, completion 2, with a full tree or very nearly so, and then do EC3, with AD and Passive path.

By then, you're ready for EC4. This is probably the most annoying and long part of unlocking challenges, by far. What you have to do to unlock it is to set your crunch autobuyer to at least 5 seconds, and make sure you have time study 32. You'll earn something like 200,000 infinities every 5 seconds, so in 40 minutes to an hour you'll have the 100 million infinities you need. However, on PC, the game window must be open while doing this. (Get used to it now - you'll have to get more infinities for the challenge later.) Fun fact: You would have to keep the window open while doing this, prior to the Reality update. The new Offline Progression system eliminates this need. For EC4, you'll want TD/idle paths, as that's what lets you push the furthest. At 100,000,000 infinities and 70 spare TT, you can buy EC4x1 and can attempt it. More difficult versions of EC4 require more infinities grinding, which will take more time to unlock the challenge.

However, before attempting EC4 "for real", you should fail it at least once. To do this, keep crunching until the message pops up that says you failed. This will get you the achievement "You're a mistake", which doesn't really do anything, but just for completing row 11. (This and EC12 are the only challenges that can be failed, and you can't get EC12 until much later.)

While doing ECs, you'll sometimes want to do a long run for more TT. Generally, a good rule to follow is this: If you can't do anymore ECs, you probably should buy more TT and other upgrades. If you can't buy any more upgrades/TTs, you probably need to do more ECs, or grind for more progress and TT if some ECs may be difficult. Since ECs vary in difficulty, you will have to use different paths in the tree and different strategies.

For the order of ECs, follow this EC guideline chart. Progress may be slow around e22 EP, as the ECs 1-4 have weak rewards.

After EC4, you should be able to do EC1x3, and then do EC5. for your first completion of EC5, you'll be very, very short on studies, but this is not a big deal. A benefit of doing this is that after completing your first EC5 you will be able to purchase time study 62 which speeds up replicanti growth significantly.

(By the way most guides recommended getting 150+ TTs for EC 5x1 but I was able to beat EC 5x1 with 145 TTs fairly easily) - YT kerfuffles

After EC5, you should be able to do both EC2, completion 2, and EC3, completion 2. After these two, you should be able to do EC6. For EC6, you are forced to take the active path due to the challenge's location in the tree, and you should also take the ID path. (You should get as much time studies as you can, and get all active time studies and study 62) Doing ec6 is slow at first, as you get replicanti galaxies very slowly, but do not give up too quickly. When you speed up you're basically gonna have to fight TS141 for the completion. After doing EC6, you should then be able to do EC4, completion 2, unlocking it in a similar way to EC4 the first time. (Note: If you have a few extra time studies, but are impatient at the moment, you can do EC4 x2 before EC6 x1. I even went for EC1 x4 in the meantime! -BCMGF1137)

Afterwards, you should be able to do EC7. For the challenge, it is recommended to take the AD path, but if you are having trouble reaching the required antimatter amount, you can switch to TD path, respec, and still purchase the challenge (and then switch back to AD and buy EC7). EC7x1 should be quite easy to beat.

By this point, you will have around 1e25 EP. Progression will speed up a little, especially if you do very long idle runs a lot.

After EC7, you should be able to do EC3, completion 3, followed by EC1, completion 4. After this keep going - you should be able to do EC5, completion 2, followed by EC6, completion 2, both fairly easily, followed by EC2, completion 3, and EC1 completion 5, and EC7 completion 2.

After this, you can try EC4x3 (with more grinding for infinities), and then EC3x4.

From this point, more challenges should follow: The first completion of EC8 (with TD/Idle) should be easy (you may not even need to buy IDs or replicanti upgrades at all), however, it will take a while and future completions will require more waiting (you should get used to this now). You then should be able to do EC5x3, followed by EC3x5, EC2x4 and EC6x3. Eventually, you'll be able to finish EC5x4, and EC2x5, and EC5x5, then EC7x3 (If you do EC7x3 earlier on you will cap very steeply at ~e3000 IP) (You can do EC8x2 at this point as well, and you could do EC7x4 a little later on) and then EC4x4 and EC6x4. By this point, you'll have passed e40 EP and have all of ECs 1, 2, 3, and 5 complete.

1e40 EP: Time Study 181[]

When you reach the point where you can get EC4x5, you will eventually need to grind for more TT, as EC4x5 can only be beaten with studies up to study 181 (Gain 1% of IP gained on crunch each second, 200 TT). This is sort of an important thing to do, because after study 181 is more expensive time studies (and endgame), which will require more EP and other resources. Study 181 is very powerful, as you will get a lot of IP very fast without having to Big Crunch, which is why it is required for EC4x5. There is a point where the IP starts slowing down in production (probably after a few minutes of the infinity) with close to 1% of the IP on big crunch, but it will depend. (When you first get TS181 (about 1e40 EP), you won't have enough TT to buy EC4x5, so you have to grind before you can buy it. EC9 will be another challenge that will have a problem with TS181 when you first buy it, but that will be explained later on. Also, you can complete EC6x5 before/after this point.

With this time study, you can be able to easily beat challenges and make more progress faster. This will be important for getting to 1e50 EP. Study 181 is also important for getting the achievement "Like feasting on a behind" (as explained later in the guide). The 200 TT cost may be too much for you right now, but it will not matter as much as other expensive studies later on. (You may want to not buy Study 181 in some cases, like saving up TT for a challenge)

Like feasting on a behind - Using Time Study 181, you must disable all autobuyers and macros used to buy dimensions, and don't press M (max all) at all. You will have to wait long for 1e90 IP, which is over an hour, and without doing anything. At exactly 2 hours and around 11 minutes of idling with no dimensions/infinities (usavictor's experience) with this time studies tree layout of 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,62, [73,83,93,103], 111, [123,133,143], 151,162,171,161,181 you will finally get the achievement, at 1e90 IP. Also, turn on the eternity autobuyer at 0 EP and go offline, to allow the 200 eternities milestone to give you several thousand free eternities while you wait.

For those curious, the way the achievement works is that beating the challenge usually gives 1 IP, but this is multiplied by all your IP multipliers, which will be TS51 * Repeatable IP multiplier * TS143 (idle path is best so that TS143 increases over time, this total multiplier needs to get to about 1e90, and TS181 will give the IP) (Other IP multipliers later in the game make this achievement a lot easier by the way)

OR: To get the achievement, turn off AD autobuyers, start a new eternity, and enter Automatic Big Crunches challenge (C12). Purchase a 2nd, 4th, 6th or 8th dimension (preferably the highest even dimension), and with Time Study 181, you will get the achievement in 1 hour (If you use this trick in Android version, you can get the achievement in SECONDS. -GSUI5051). Since 1st dimensions are not produced by the 2nd dimension, you can meet the requirement. You still need to wait for an hour since antimatter is capped at 1.8e308. (I tested this after "Celebrate Android Reality Update" Update, it works and I removed the strikeline. Here's the proof. -GSUI5051) No longer works as of the reality update, however it now unlocks at 1e90 IP, saving a lot of time. Don't forget to purchase the IP multiplier infinity upgrade. The IP multiplier infinity upgrade autobuyer should be on as it is very important for this achievement.

The reward, however, is similar to Time Study 143. If you are going to use the waiting method, it is time consuming, so you should choose the Automatic Big Crunch challenge to complete the achievement, as it is faster and requires less waiting. After you complete this achievement, you can do other things, like grinding for EP. (grinding should be preferably done right away after you get study 181, as well as the achievement - usavictor) This achievement may take longer than this duration, as it depends on the achievements you already have (which this experience had 11 rows of achievements already completed) and IP multiplier.

Other Achievements:

  • "Long lasting relationship" - It can be a tough achievement, but if you put timing into when you should buy a infinity dimension, with enough IP, you can achieve it, although at some point it will guaranteed happen automatically, so unless you really want the achievement, just don't bother with it. Here's how to force it though: First, you should get at least 1e1000 IP (to be safe), and turn off all ID autobuyers (Alternatively, you can let ID2-8 autobuyers stay on, and buy only ID1 manually (you should turn off tickspeed autobuyer because you may get a dimension boost of galaxy and production drop instantly to make the counter reset; this may work better for some players). If you do not turn off ID autobuyers, since the autobuyers will buy the maximum amount of ID's possible, attempts for getting this achievement will not work. You should also only buy ID1, as other IDs can cost higher IP than your IP balance, and ID1 only has a IP increase of 3 zeroes, while other ID's cost increment are bigger than that. You can buy an ID around a half second, and you should keep this going for at least 60 seconds. If Marathon2 (the infinity power exceeding production variable found in the console) is at 60 or over 60 (seconds), you get the achievement. If you are lucky, this can be done at any point over 1e19 IP. You can also get this as you progress, so you may not have to worry about doing it manually. If you have already beaten EC7, then your only hope is to attempt this achievement in EC1. Otherwise, the automatic ID production from time dimensions will prevent you from getting this achievement. (this one is possible in about 1e16 EP) NOTE: One player was able to get this achievement at around e650 IP (I was able to get It with ~480IP using this method) just by turning BC, tickspeed, & ID autobuyers off, manually buying ID1 2-3 times a second until it was unaffordable, then switching to ID2 and tapping that a little faster. Was much easier than trying to reach e1000 IP without IDs!

(Alternatively, in the Reality Update, get offline for 100k+ ticks, then press “Skip” to get the achievement.)

  • "IT'S OVER 9000" - Self explanatory, as at some point, you will have enough antimatter/dimensions (buying enough dimensions/having around 1e4800 IP by that point (around 1e939,000) - usavictor) After getting this achievement, waiting for 2x multiplier won't be efficient and important anymore than it was than the 1st time you finished IC2 (since dimensions don't get reset by sacrifices anymore with this achievement). You can now set the sacrifice autobuyer threshold to 1.01 or 1. (this one is possible in about 1e22 EP)

You should still follow the order of the Eternity Challenges to increase power, and try to achieve some achievements in row 12. You can get the 1e40 EP Time Dimension upgrade that multiplies TDs by TT, and the 1e50 EP Time Dimension upgrade that multiplies TDs by days played (could be powerful depending on the amount of time you spent on the game) later on.

When you're leaving this section, you should have:

  • All row 11 achievements, some row 12 achievements (maybe only 1 or 2)
  • EC1-EC6 completions (5 times for each challenge), some EC7/EC8 completions (at least 2)
  • Over 400 TT, 110,000+ eternities, total antimatter made is over 1e2,500,000, and can get over 1e12,500 IP. Challenge times don't really matter anymore, as there may not be much of any purpose for them after this point.

1e50-1e400 EP: Mid Eternity Challenges (1-22 days)[]

When you hit the 1e50 EP mark, you should have already obtained achievements up to "IT'S OVER 9000" (completed achievements up to row 11), with row 12 achievements yet to be claimed (or partially some achievements in row 12). Additionally, you should have completed the first six eternity challenges 5 times, and you should also have at least 2-4 completions of EC7 and 2 completions of EC8. There should also be at least 400 time theorems bought.

When you reach 1e50 EP, you're initially doing the long haul. Keep trying to get as much EP as you can on a single run, and it should gradually be an increasing income. The paths TD/Active may be powerful for grinding EP, at some point that it will increase EP faster than TD/Idle (depends on the person/their preference), but each path will be important in how you will progress. Once you reach this point, the game will get a little faster (it will eventually get to the speed of the initial inflation era). Note: Remember to increase your maximum automatic galaxy autobuyer.

EC8 strategy for 8x3 - 8x5 (or just all EC8 completions):

  1. Buy all time studies up to Study 123, don't buy Study 133, buy EC8 and start EC8 (you can buy EC8 while on a regular run, then you can buy up to TS123 and then buy EC8 and start EC8).
  2. Get the most IP you possibly can, and buy only ID1 for the 50 purchases.
  3. Replicanti: Buy 9% replicate chance, 4-10 galaxies (possibly 0 galaxies for EC8x5), the rest of available purchases in interval.
  4. Wait until you have maximum replicanti galaxies (about 1 hour), then buy every possible time study you can, including Study 133, and your IP will increase, hopefully reaching the goal.
  5. If IP reaches goal, you beat the challenge.

Row 12 achievements in this margin (only some, varying in difficulty):

  • Popular music (Possible at about 1e150 EP w/active path ... instantly at 1e190 EP w/ TD+Active Path) - At least 1 normal galaxy required, and will be able to get eventually with more EP and TT, just involves management with replicanti galaxies (180 of them to be exact). Getting 1 normal galaxy and 180 replicanti galaxies is the easiest way to get this achievement, with use of the active path. This achievement reward will have replicanti galaxies divide replicanti by Infinity (1.80e308) instead, rather than resetting replicanti to 1. This is only useful for uncapped replicanti, as there is no difference with capped replicanti. Note that you can use galaxies in the process of getting this achievement - get your max RG to 180, turn off the galaxy autobuyer, and infinity. EC11 would be much slower without this achievement.
  • Can you get infinite IP? (Possible after EC10x1) - You will get this at high EP, and other multipliers to dimensions that will get very high IP. The achievement will be earned at 1e30008 IP, which will be acquired after beating EC10 and getting some of the time studies after it.
  • 5 more eternities until the update - In practice, you'll get this when you finish EC10x5, because you cannot really beat EC11 or EC12 before getting more TT.
  • But I wanted another prestige layer... - You will also eventually get this achievement, before/after 5 more eternities until the update. You get this at 1.80e308 EP. However, you don't stop at 1.80e308 EP, and there is more content after 1.80e308 EP.
  • What do I have to do to get rid of you - Reach 1e22000 IP with no time studies (This will be easy with a few completions of EC11). This gives a reward of TDs being multiplied by the number of Time Studies you have. This also has to do with enough progression and EP. Don't forget to crunch a couple of times!

As usual, as you grind, you will eventually be able to do challenges, either for a faster completion or completing it right away when you can unlock it. The suggested EP and TT are sort of required for when you can finish the challenge, but if you ever can beat it with lower EP and TT than the suggested amount, the suggestions should be updated (post in comments). To grind for more EP, you will have to occasionally change the time study tree (find out which combination of time studies works best).

Eternity Challenge 8, completion 3 (1.06e56 EP, 482TT, you could even do it at 8.71e55 EP, 474TT, done with 5 galaxies at these numbers) (Goal: 1e3100 IP): No replicanti galaxies needed, simply have your points allocated to generating replicanti rather than the galaxies. (There are different approaches as to how you beat EC8x3, either use replicanti galaxies or focus on replicanti itself. Focusing on replicanti itself takes a while, but you will be able to beat 8x3 that way.)

Eternity Challenge 9 (2.37e63 EP, 535TT | Goal: 1e1750 IP) can be attempted as soon as you can access it. Should be grabbed within 2 minutes with TD/Active (without TS181, you can't afford it right now). You can complete it's second run (Goal: 1e2000 IP) via TD/Idle around e69 EP (30-60 minutes), and the third run (Goal: 1e2250 IP) with TD/Active (2.51e78 EP, 669TT). May require a lot of timeshard grinding and runs that barely multiply IP at all, but trust me, it IS possible.

Eternity Challenge 8, completion 4 (9.72e73 EP, 621TT) (Goal: 1e4000 IP): You only need one replicanti galaxy, as that likely provides a boost of e40+ IP, and should be enough to bring you to the quota. (or you can just do a 13 RG run and wait for IP)

EC8x5 (EP: 5.15e79, 676TT | Goal: 1e4900 IP) Past techniques for EC8 will not work here, so you need to do a new technique for the fifth completion. In this technique, you have to buy around or at least 12-13 RGs to complete it. For the rest of your purchases, buy replication chance upgrades up to 9% and the rest in interval, if possible. ID purchases should be on ID1. This can be done way before 1e100 EP, although it takes time to complete. (Doing it this early spends a lot of time, but you most likely can complete with 0 RGs with a bit of pushing after eternity challenge 9 completion 4, you don't have to wait for all those galaxies)

Eternity Challenge 9, completion 4 (5.40e87 EP, 749TT (around 740TT is fine) (Goal: 1e2500 IP): At this point, you have enough to get TS181 along with the challenge. Clearing this challenge should also be easy, even if there's a small wait.

Now, the game has reached the speed of the long run era. Progress will move noticeably faster now. Each eternity run with TD+Idle should take 5-10 minutes and give 2-4 more OoMs of EP, just like the Long Run Era before.

1e100 EP: Eternity challenge 10[]

1. Use TS 191, 212, 211 - requires total of 992 TT

2.a At 300 TT, respec to 191, 212, 193, 214 - requires total of 1292 TT

2.b - Get 211 (120 TT) then 213 (200 TT)

3. At 530 TT, respec to 193, 214, 228, 234 - requires total of 2142 TT

4.a At 130 TT, respec to 191, 212, 223, 232 - requires total of 2272 TT

4.b - Get 211 (120 TT)

5.a At 300 TT, respec to 191, 212, 223, 232, 193, 214 - requires total of 2692 TT

5.b - Get 211 (120 TT) then 213 (200 TT)

6. At 530 TT, respec to 191, 211, 212, 223, 232, 192, 193, 214 - requires total of 3542 TT

7. At 170 TT, respec to 191, 211, 222, 212, 224, 232, 193, 214 - requires total of 3712 TT

8.a At 213 TT, respec to 191, 212, 223, 232, 192, 201 (use TD/ID) - requires total of 3925 TT

8.b - Get 211 (120 TT) then 193 (300 TT) followed by 214 (120 TT)and finally 213 (200 TT)

You can beat EC9x5 at ~e100 EP.

When you hit 1e100 EP, the purchases for the eternity multipliers start to slow down, as they have increased in price. However, you likely are in the period where you can clear EC8x5 without breaking a sweat. Effectively, you will cap out at 5e111 EP, thus you will need to try cracking one of the last challenges before continuing. Your next step would be to complete EC10:

EC10x1 (EP: 1e101, 857TT | Goal: 1e3000 IP): Enter the challenge and set your Big Crunch automator to 5.1 seconds. You need at least 160,000,000 infinities to get the required amount of IP, and it will take some time to do so. Note: Banked infinities are useful for future completions of this challenge, go grind banked infinities and (not banked) eternities if you haven't, and you don't have to complete EC10 in one fell swoop (You don't have to do all the completions, you can do it later at e200 EP or higher. You could do it now, but it will take long). Your main focus here is to grind more EP, as of right now.

After beating EC10 once, you get access to the 3rd 3 way split on the Time Study Tree, which leads to the endgame, and has more Time Studies. These Time Studies are very powerful, as it will help make more progress (more Antimatter, IP and EP) and allow you to get access to row 12+ achievements.

At this point, you should begin to get a lot of Time Theorems. Uncapped Replicanti (TS 192) is one of the time studies, costing 730 Time Theorems, and allows you to get past 1.8e308 Replicanti, with an increasing period of ticks (when Replicanti replicates) as you get more Replicanti past 1.8e308 (It's like Breaking Infinity, but now on Replicanti). (This study will not help you much unless you're in a situation where studies 225 and 233 better than their dark counterparts, or when TS201 is good enough to justify spending over 1600 Time Theorems on)

Refer to this Study Trees Path Recommendation after EC10 collecting Time Studies

  • after EC10: [TS 193,214]
  • after 992TT: [TS 191,211,212]
  • after 1292TT: [TS 191,193,212,214]
  • after 2142TT: [TS 193,214,228,234]
  • after 2272TT: [TS 191,212,223,232]
  • after 3925TT: [TS 191,192,201,212,223,232] (with Infinity Dims tree)

NOTE: this is just recommendation, so there may be better one.

To the left of TS192 is TS191, where 5% of Infinities on Eternity become Banked Infinities (and can help increase EC10's reward and other Infinity factors permanently), and to the right is TS193, Antimatter Dimension multiplier based on Eternities, with the maximum being 1e13000x multiplier (around 1,012,680 eternities).

If you wish to max out TS193, you will have to grind Eternities, but you will be able to get a larger boost from it, taking from at least few hours to a few days. Setting update rate to 33 ms, and making a setup for grinding Eternities will be important. You can grind for Banked Infinities and Eternities (it's possible, but Banked Infinities will increase in increments of hundreds or possibly thousands, but mostly from 10-100 Banked Infinities per eternity.)

Once you reach the maximum amount of Eternities required for the multiplier, you can finally stop grinding. (There is not a purpose for grinding for Eternities after this point)

EC7x5 (EP: 1e120, 1,159TT | Goal: 1e4120 IP) should be done after completing EC10 once, since it is sort of really difficult to get enough IP before EC10. Previous attempts to complete EC7x5 only could reach around 1e3920 IP. The eternitied multiplier from TS193 on antimatter dimensions will allow you to beat EC7x5. (According to the EC guideline chart)

EC10x2 (EP: 9.12e207 2.13e135 (can definitely be lowered, and requires at least 1e120 EP), 1,897 1,216TT | Goal: 1e3300 IP): Grind for ~500,000,000 infinities and check to see if you can reach the goal, along with preparing enough EP. You may only need a little more infinities than the last EC10 completion, depending on how much EP you have (if you have a lot of EP, then this will only take barely a minute). Also grinding a few banked infinities is good for easier beating of ec10s, as well as taking advantage of its reward. Study setup used: 11,21,22,31,32,33,41,42,51,61,62,71,81,91,101,111,121,131,141,151,161,162,171,181,193,191,211,214|10

EC10x3 (EP: e220 1.40e144 EP+ (At least 1e140), at least 1,280TT (2,100+ TT) | Goal: 1e3600 IP) can be completed when you can first unlock uncapped replicanti with the challenge. In this case, it can become a waiting game when with the Idle track, although you may want to disable auto-galaxy for the challenge. Remember to still build up the infinities stat, if you're struggling (or build up banked infinities)

By this point, it’s worth mentioning that if you do long runs, you will get more Eternity Points and Time Theorems, which will make future EC10 completions easier. This is also why the requirements have a massive gap here.

EC10x4 (EP: e230 5.71e202 EP+ (At least 1e160), 2,173TT 1,839TT (you can complete this challenge with less TT (2100+ TT)) | Goal: 1e3900 IP) Time Study 213 and 214 will make this completion very easy, which the increase of replicanti growth and larger sacrifice boost for 8th dimension will help get enough IP. The importance of grinding infinities in this challenge is decreasing, so you don't need a lot of infinities. All you need is TS192 and TS213, but TS211 is optional.

Around beating EC10x4/EC10x5, having over 2400TT gets you all the possible time studies, up to 214. Reaching 1.8e308 EP is easy, however, the cost for TDs and EP multiplier has increased yet again, and you won't be able to buy them until later on, but the cost will still be reasonable. Buying TT with EP is still normal. The possible only way to progress faster is to utilize study 201 to your advantage (900 TT). Utilizing 2 paths from the 1st split will become very powerful, resulting in a major progress boost, as you get more TT and EP. Note: at this point switch to the active path as having the ID path with the TD path will mean that TS102 synergises with getting more replicanti galaxies, so more RG becomes better than stronger RG, and remember to hold R to get your RGs.

Eventually, you will have to change some time studies for more progress in exchange for TT, but you can get the progress needed for the studies back eventually. You can use this setup if you have enough TT (over 3,300 TT), but it will work in getting more TT.(11,21,22,31,32,33,41,42,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,121,131,141,151,162,161,171,181,192,191,193,212,223,232|0)

If you can't afford (over 3100TT) use this setup to get a very quick boost in TT and EP.


Basically get study 232 as soon as you can afford it as it is very powerful.

1.8e308 EP[]

At 1.8e308 EP you will unlock an achievement and TD and EP multiplier costs will jump again.

EC10x5 (7.20e316 EP, 2884TT (you can definitely do this with much lower EP: 1.07e252 EP, 2314TT 2.22e240 EP, 2,175TT) (Goal: 1e4200 IP, you will get "5 more eternities until the update" achievement here): You don't have to grind infinities here. You need TS192 and TS213, and then it only involves waiting. Don’t buy Replicanti galaxies; they remove a lot of progress. After you beat this, you're ready for the next section, as the only thing currently important to do is to grind EP (and eternities). You can also get some row 13 achievements before you get to the next section, which are:

  • No ethical consumption: Grinding infinities with TS191 will eventually get you this achievement (Get as far as you can progress in an eternity, and then big crunch after every 5 seconds. Make sure you have dimension boosts before you big crunch).
  • When will it be enough?: TS62 and TS213 should be bought. When you are ready, turn off replicanti galaxy autobuyer and don't buy any replicanti galaxies manually. Eventually, after about 9 hours, you will reach 1e18,000 replicanti and get the achievement. You can also grind banked infinities while doing this achievement, which should land you close to No ethical consumption depending on how much EP and TT you have.

These achievements will appear later, as a reminder of what to get. If you cannot progress any further, try tinkering with your time study setup and experiment with the 900TT and 500TT studies. If you can afford one, it can definitely increase EP gain (in the 22X studies/23X studies), and for the 500TT studies, 232 and 234 are the best. The new studies you attain can definitely continue the rate of fast EP gain.

EC11 and EC12 cannot be accessed until you beat EC10 (and get the time studies necessary for EC11/12). You will have to continue to grind EP for the ECs. At this point, you're probably only a few eternities away from 1e400 EP (depends on when you beat EC10x5), and by that time you will have enough TT to get enough EC11/EC12. From there, fast progression continues...

When leaving this section, you should have:

  • More than 1e300 EP, around at least 3,000 to 4,000 TT, and at least 1,012,680 eternities (if you want to grind for them, but is recommended that you at least have a decent amount of eternities)
  • EC1 to EC10, with 5 completions for each challenge.
  • All achievements up to some or all of row 12, and possibly some row 13 achievements.

1e400-1e1300 EP: Late Eternity Challenges (0.5-18 days)[]

At 1e400 EP, you are now near the end of Eternity Challenges (and can be considered the second "inflation era"). At this point, there is only 2 more challenges left to be completed, EC11 and EC12, each with their own unique quirks.

At this point, you should have most of the challenges done (5 challenges of the past 10 eternity challenges), and up to some or all of the row 12 achievements. You can continue grinding for EP, but at some point you will have to do the other challenges (as told in the last section). There will be some sort of difficulty in trying to make setups that let you push. (you will need to change up the setups a little)

When you first start this section, you will need some changes to your time study tree. You need to have a setup like this: 11,21,22,31,33,32,42,41,51,62,61,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,161,162,171,181,191,211,212,223,232,221,193,213,214|0 (3912TT setup).

There are some other possible setups for this point, but some of the setups may not work for getting more EP.

Setups from the discord server:

Production: 11,21,22,31,32,33,41,42,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,121,131,141,151,161,162,171,181,191,193,212,223,232,213,226,214,211|0 (3912 TT)

11,21,22,31,32,33,41,42,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,121,131,141,151,161,162,171,181,191,193,211,214,212,223,227,232,234|0 (4212 TT)

11,21,22,31,32,42,41,33,51,62,61,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,161,162,171,181,192,201,72,82,92,102,191,212,223,232,193,214,211|0 (4465 TT)

11,21,22,33,32,31,41,42,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,121,131,141,151,161,162,171,181,191,192,193,201,72,82,92,102,211,212,214,223,232,213|0 is OP for production but requires ~e450 EP. (4665 TT) Note: If you feel like you hit a wall close to 5565, swap out 213 for 222 for a quick progress boost.

11,21,22,31,32,41,42,33,51,62,61,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,162,161,171,181,192,201,72,82,92,102,193,191,211,212,213,214,224,232,222|0 (5565 TT)

11,22,21,33,31,32,42,41,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,162,161,171,181,192,201,72,82,92,102,191,193,214,213,212,211,224,232,222,228,234,226|0 (7865 TT)

Long Runs: Use 225 instead of 226. Above e1200 EP and before Dilation: use 227 instead of 228 in all production runs.

11,22,21,33,31,32,42,41,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,162,161,171,181,192,201,72,82,92,102,191,193,214,213,212,211,224,232,222,228,234,225|0 (long runs) (7865 TT)

11,22,21,33,31,32,42,41,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,162,161,171,181,192,201,72,82,92,102,191,193,214,213,212,211,224,232,222,227,234,226|0 (above e1200 EP) (7865 TT)

Challenges: Here is a summary of some builds that work for EC11/12 as you progress; read further to see finer details about each step of the process.

EC11x1-3: (AD Path/Passive): 11,22,21,33,31,32,42,41,51,61,62,71,81,91,101,111,122,132,142,151,161,162,171,181,191,192,193,213,212,211,222,231,223,225,233|11 (5916 TT)

EC11x4-5: (AD Path/Idle): 11,22,21,33,31,32,42,41,51,61,62,71,81,91,101,111,123,133,143,151,161,162,171,181,191,192,193,213,212,211,222,231,223,225,233|11 (5916 TT)

EC12: (TD Path/Passive): 11,22,21,33,31,32,42,41,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,122,132,142,151,162,161,171,181,191,193,211,212,213,214,228,234,224,232,222,226|12 (6213 TT)

EC12 Post-Reality: (TD Path/Idle):


EC11 has all dimension multipliers disabled except from Infinity power and dimensional boosts, and EC12 "makes" the game perform at a 1,000 times slower rate (with each second counting as a thousandth of a second), but really only affects the numbers of the game. EC12 has a fail condition: If you cannot get enough IP in a certain amount of time, you fail the challenge.

EC11 and EC12, however, cost only 1 time theorem, unlike the other challenges you've faced before. They are still tough to conquer, with their own difficult parts of the challenge.

You may do EC11 first in this section (Goal: 1e450 IP) with the EC11 setups (if you've got enough TT), and may take a few hours to complete EC11 entirely (5 completions), especially the last two, which at best take 30min and 2h respectively.

If you get stuck at 1e430 EP, respec to get Time Study 232 (Galaxies are more effective based on non-replicated galaxies) at the expense of Time Study 213 (You gain replicanti 20 times faster). Then when you reach 1e546 EP, remove 'You gain replicanti 20 times faster' again to get 'Dimensional boost costs scale by another 2 less' and change TS223 to TS224 because you may get 14000 or even 16000 boosts will make TS224 stronger than TS223. Later, you can get all of the time studies after EC10 with more time theorems.

EC12 is the last eternity challenge, with the difficulty being the part where "the game is 1,000x slower" (but actually affects production). You can only use the TD path (and since the RGs take longer to get), you have to use the passive path (middle path). This is because you will not have time to get max RGs, so getting 50% more is no good, and the idle path makes them 10x slower which is obviously not good. This challenge can be completed at higher EP if you cannot currently beat EC12 (1e1250-1e1300 EP is enough for 12x5).

EC11x1: (EP: 7.20e421, TT: 4,164 | Goal: 1e450 IP): Using the setup 11,22,21,33,31,32,42,41,51,61,62,71,81,91,101,111,122,132,142,151,161,162,171,181,191,192,193,213,212,211,222,231|11, with some time, you will be able to get to 1e450 IP in a minute. Replicanti galaxies and replication speed are important as well. (NOTE: Due to the QoL update to TS132, Passive is now better than Active in the first 3 EC11 completions with the x1.5 Replication Speed, since it synergies with TS225 and TS233, giving you more RGs.)

At around here you might have trouble farming more TT ~570EP. Refer to the Production builds above for a boost.

EC12x1 (EP: around e570 EP, TT: 6,942 TT (using the below TS tree, can probably be lowered) | Goal: 1e110,000 IP within 1 second (1,000 seconds real time)): When you get to 12x1, you should be able to get "When will it be enough?", making EC12 runs faster. You can definitely get that achievement now, it just requires waiting for replicanti to grow (~6 hours). Once you've done that, replicanti galaxies are faster to get. (Using the setup 11,22,21,33,31,32,42,41,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,122,132,142,151,161,162,171,181,191,192,193,211,212,213,214,222,224,226,227,232,234|12. (active only 1x replicated galaxies effect, idle gain 10x less replicated galaxies, YOU NEED STUDY 213 TO POSSIBLY COMPLETE, these will gain 20x more replicated galaxies)

EC11x2 (EP: 3.01e572, TT: 5,664 | Goal: 1e650 IP): Runs will get longer with each completion, and thus you should get used to taking some time to complete these challenges. Replicanti galaxies will be much more of an important thing here, and you should definitely get some EC12 completions. Also, if you don't have the achievement "Popular music" yet, you may want to get it at this point, because without that achievement, replicanti galaxies will reset replicanti amount to 1, and thus reset the effect of TS233, making EC11 completions take much longer.

EC11x3 (EP: 4.34e667, TT: 6,581 | Goal: 1e850 IP): (You don’t need Study 214 and the study below them as all of them are completely useless in EC11) Wait for about 6 minutes to reach the goal. I found it was faster with the idle path. (EC11x4 and EC11x5 can be completed with the same setup, and doing them right after EC11x3 would save time the most, because later progression will not further speed up EC11 completions. However, it is possible to beat some EC12 completions before EC11x4, so you can delay later EC11 completions if you are impatient)

EC12x2 (EP: 1.39e706, TT: 6,958 | Goal: 1e122,000 IP within 0.8 seconds (800 seconds real time)) (there's not really anything else to say at this point, all you need to do is grind and get enough IP)

EC12x3 (EP: 1.39e706, TT: 6,958 | Goal: 1e134,000 IP within 0.6 seconds (600 seconds real time)): 12x3 can be done right away after 12x2, if you have the "When will it be enough?" achievement. Otherwise, you might want to do EC11 completions first.

By this point, you will start to be able to afford a full tree. Go for TD + ID + Idle or Active, and with the light/dark always choose the study on the right. Again, refer to the Production section above.

EC11x4 (EP: at least 1e1000, TT: 9,000-10,000 (or more) | Goal: 1e1050 IP): Now use 11,22,21,33,31,32,42,41,51,61,62,71,81,91,101,111,123,133,143,151,161,162,171,181,191,192,193,213,212,211,222,231,223,225,233|11 since this requires more patience with the Idle path, but you will eventually reach the goal. Same goes for 11x5.

EC11x5 (EP: 6.62e1018, TT: same as above) | Goal: 1e1250 IP): This is the same as for 11x4, just requires even more patience (you'll eventually get enough replicanti and IP to reach the goal). This last completion takes 2-3 hours.

EC12x4 (EP: probably between e900-e1000 EP, TT: 9,000+ | Goal: 1e146,000 IP within 0.4 seconds (400 seconds real time)): Completions of EC12 are getting harder, which the last completion limits you to only 0.2 seconds (200 seconds real time). You are most likely not to get under 200 seconds (you'll have to grind to 1e1300 EP for it).

EC12x5 (EP: 2.66e1210, TT: 11,924 | Goal: 1e158,000 IP within 0.2 seconds (200 seconds real time)): 12x5 will most likely be the last eternity challenge competion you will have to get. As you are required to get 1e158,000 IP within 200 seconds with a 1,000x slower production penalty, you will most likely fail if you don't have enough IP to start with (you're going to have to grind for EP for a small period of time before getting 12x5). Once you beat this challenge, you won't have to worry about these challenges again (until Reality).

If you're having trouble with EC12x5, go ahead and obtain the "When will it be enough?" achievement (if you haven't already), to double your production of how fast you generate replicanti galaxies during the challenge (16 seconds to 8 seconds per galaxy).

To do this, start like you normally would in a Production run, but once your initial progress slows down (~15-20 minutes in), switch to doing 5 second auto-crunches with auto-replicanti galaxies disabled. Since this will take about 6 hours, you might also be able to complete "No ethical consumption" (with TS191), knocking out 2 row 13 achievements.

You can also get "No ethical consumption" by going as far as you can in a production run and turn on Big Crunch autobuyer to every 5 seconds, like in the previous paragraph, but to maximize infinitied stat per crunch, you would want to use Active and hold down R since it autobuys you Replicanti Galaxies. You can automate the pressing of R or you can do it yourself, and you will get max RGs in that 5 seconds between crunches. Doing so will earn around 3~7 million infinitied stat per crunch, amounting to 150,000~350,000 banked infinities when you eternity. Having "When will it be enough?" also helps since it doubles replicanti growth below 1.79e308 replicanti and will guarantee that you will have max RGs in the 5 seconds. Although when you have more than 260 max RGs (counting extras since you're using the Active path), you might wanna adjust the Big Crunch autobuyer from 5 seconds to 5.5~7 seconds since you might not be getting dimension boosts in the 5 seconds since you're still getting the RGs you need.

After you beat EC12x5, you should have over 1e1300 EP (you actually don't need this much to beat EC12x5, but you should eventually get 1e1300 EP). You also should have all achievements up to row 12 and some in row 13, and 5 completions of ECs 1-12. When going to the next section, you will see that you will not have enough TT for Time Dilation (feature), so you have to grind for EP for a short period of time.

1e1300-3e4444 EP: Time Dilation (7-28 days)[]

Once you reach 1e1300 EP, TD prices and EP multiplier prices skyrocket to over 1e1400 EP, and you cannot really get to that amount of EP yet. However, there is a new way to make progress after 1e1300 EP, requiring that you've completed everything before this point.

If you want to keep doing progress, import this build in Time Studies tab: (At this point, you should have a time studies setup like this)


There is a new feature that will continue your progress after 1e1300 EP, called Time Dilation. Getting Time Dilation is deemed necessary to continue progress, which without it will cause you to be stuck at around the 1e1300 EP mark.

Time Dilation costs 5,000 Time Theorems (which are taken away permanently) and any necessary time studies up to that point. You must have completed Eternity Challenges 11x5+12x5 before you can unlock Time Dilation, and you must have at least 12,900 TT in total (around ~e1300 EP). Once you do finally get to unlock Time Dilation, you get a new section in the Eternity tab, and are presented with a new screen of upgrades, and are able to dilate time (which are new features).

Once you dilate time for the first time, you will get a new achievement in the row 13 of achievements ("I told you already, time is relative"). The exponent of Dimension/ID/TD and tickspeed multipliers are reduced to ^0.75 of the normal values while you are dilating time. However, you receive a new currency called Tachyon Particles which produce dilated time. Getting enough dilated time will give Tachyon Galaxies (another overpowered source of progress) and also allows you to purchase new upgrades that will progress you further. Because of that, you will need to dilate time for tachyon particles every now and then.

Recommended study tree setup for first dilated run is AD/ID + Idle (Active loses IP multi too fast) + 222, 223, 225, 228, 232 and 233. Just import this:


Whatever you use for dilated runs after this is up to you, but idle will have more progress than active in the long run (for getting the maximum tachyon particles possible). If you have over 900,000 eternities, it would be possible to complete the first dilated run with Active path due to TS193 bonus, but you will need to crunch a bit at the end.

The first dilated run should take 15-30 minutes.

Due to dilated time being a currency produced by a constant source, which upgrades you spend your dilated time on first isn't a massive deal, but buy those upgrades whenever you get access to them, and I'd recommend buying the galaxy threshold multiplier decrease last for the sake of speed, so that you do not waste any dilated time and any possible dilated time upgrade. Don't forget to go for another dilated run each time you buy a x3 tachyon multiplier, as well as focusing on normal runs every now and then for more EP, which will help you a lot when you go back to dilated runs.

The order of upgrades should go like this: 3x TP upgrade (if possible, but recommended) -> Double dilated time generation -> Galaxy threshold multiplier decrease (to prevent wasting dilated time, as it will reset).

do not forget to remove the study 201 after purchasing the time dilation improvement 7. -ERROR1545

At a certain point, you will be able to get your replicanti upgraded enough that it will be much more advantageous to use the Active path. Once you get to this phase of the game, the IP and EP multipliers from these paths don't really matter because you're getting so many OoM so quickly, so therefore the big difference in the 2 paths is the replicanti production rate, as well as the greater replicanti multiplier due to the synergy between the Active and TS102/103. You will have a lot of replicanti galaxies that benefit the Active path more than the Idle path. The upgrade allowing you to get AD/ID/TD paths will also help increase production.

After getting 1e9 DT upgrade, it will be more useful to do long runs with the active path. This upgrade will push you to about e1600 EP.

At this point and from here until reality, the fastest way to increase EP is to eternity every 10-20 orders of magnitude of EP.

Some of the dilation upgrades, especially the huge IP multiplier, will boost your progression and allow you to get all the achievements except 132, 137 and 138. The IP multiplier dilation upgrade will push you to e2100 EP very quickly. However, unfortunately you have now hit the TD5 wall. You will have ~e13 DT and ~e2300 EP.

E2300 EP wall

e2300 EP wall

Assuming your state is like the image on the right, you should keep getting repeatable upgrades.

Once you have e2350 or more EP (should be doable with the eternitying every 10 OoMs of EP strat), 1e14 DT on hand for the IP multiplier and every dilation upgrade costing 1e14 DT or less, you will be able to get "Unique snowflakes" (don't get RGs) and "Now you're thinking with dilation!". These will help a lot with DT gain (x2 while dilated), and will make the grind to get 1e15 DT a bit less bad.

1e2350 EP and 1e15 DT: New Time Dimensions[]

When you reach 1e15 dilated time, you can get access to an upgrade that allows you to passively generate Time Theorems, based on the amount of tachyon particles. You unlock TD5-8 after a long time of waiting for TT. You will gain a few hundred orders of magnitude of EP with each new TD and that is it. Wait a while for each new TD and eventually you will reach Reality. At this point, buying TT individually will only make a negligible difference, as you produce more than you can buy, eliminating the need to buy TT.

Row 13 achievements:

  • No ethical consumption: Get 2,000,000,000 banked infinities. All you have to do is farm for infinities until you get enough banked infinities (can take at least 40,000,000,000 infinities), which will take from hours to days. When you get this achievement, you can get more banked infinities from it. You could have done this earlier, right when you were able to get banked infinities, but you can do it at this point as well.
  • Unique snowflakes: Progress related achievement. Disable auto replicanti galaxies, and buy regular galaxies. Galaxies gained from Dilated Time are allowed to be used (but do not count towards the total number of galaxies you need), making this an easy achievement in this stage of the game. The trick is to do a normal run (possibly without Time Studies 225 and 226 TS225/226 CAN be used for the achievement), but disable auto replicanti galaxies, and wait a bit until your Galaxies get back up to more than 569.

Android: "The guide was made before the mobile version was released so it doesn't reflect the changes adapted to mobile from the web Reality update. One of those changes is the change to the "Is this safe?" achievement which now lets you keep 1 RG on Infinity. Coupled with TS 33 it makes you always keep 2 RGs on Infinity. This means you need to do the "Unique Snowflakes" achievement without buying any RGs. That's why we also lowered the requirement for this achievement from 630 to 569 Antimatter Galaxies."

  • I never liked this infinity stuff anyway: You must not buy any IDs or IP multipliers, but the IP multiplier dilated time upgrade will be enough to help get enough IP up to 1e200,000 IP. The reward is not to be confused with the 7 eternity milestone, as it unlocks the infinity challenges right away, which saves 1 tick. The reward is unlike the 7 eternity milestone, instead of completing ICs when unlocked, it unlocks them forever.
  • When will it be enough?: This is a very simple achievement, an achievement that may have been already achieved if you were far into the lategame of April 2018, although you could get this achievement way before that. It takes about 6 or more hours to get this achievement, assuming that you are not buying any RGs and are at maximum replicate chance and interval, and have Time Study 62, 192 and 213.
  • Faster than a potato^286078: Progress related achievement. You will eventually get enough IP/EP to get 1e8,296,262 ticks per second, but it will take some time to get it.
  • Now you're thinking with dilation!: Progress related achievement, which with enough EP multiplier and other progress factors, you will get this achievement. You need 1e260,000 Antimatter in dilation under 1 minute to get this achievement.
  • This is what I have to do to get rid of you.: Progress related achievement (Possible with about e3100 EP and 4e17 dilated time on hand and TD7 unlocked, used to be possible earlier), respec time studies and go into dilation. With enough IP multiplier from dilation, you can get this achievement. (You need IP dilation upgrade to possibly complete) This achievement will cause idle/active time study path downsides to be removed (meaning no more holding R).

After a long time of waiting for time theorems and eternitying every 10 orders of magnitude of EP, you will get the 5th time dimension (e2350 EP), then the 6th (e2650 EP), then the 7th (e3000 EP) then the 8th (e3350 EP). These time dimensions will help with production, but unlocking each one will be slow due to having to wait for EP and TT. After unlocking the 8th time dimension and getting all achievements, just keep trying to increase EP so you can get 1e4000 and unlock Reality.

1e4000 EP: Preparing For Reality (~2.5 days)[]

Reality is the 3rd Prestige Layer in the game, and you want to minimize the manual time in between realities, so it doesn’t feel like a normal run. To comfortably go through the next Reality, it's recommended to get 4 Reality Machines, which will take an extra 2.5 days, because the requirement for 4 is about 3e4444 EP. You could go for more RM, but 4 RM should be efficient to complete the first reality in 5 days.

Before you reality make sure you do the 'Yo dawg, I heard you liked reskins...' achievement (143):

  • Disable autobuy/remove the time studies and buy 1 AD1 for the first eternity to minimize it then slowly improve those as you require bigger and bigger eternity. (this can be done at ~e4000EP or earlier, but It's much easier to do this at the end of the second reality, the trick is to start with a high EP as the achievement says "have your last 10 eternities be 1.8e308x higher EP than the previous one", NOT "have your last 10 eternities be 1.8e308x higher EP than your highest EP", so if you start with e4100 EP, then eternity for e1000, e1310, e1620, etc. for 10 eternities, you will get the achievement. It's easier with higher starting EP, which is why it can be a good idea to wait until reality 2). Disable most autobuyers to get a low EP at first without overshooting. After first few you can reenable all aside of dimension/galaxy boosts and only do those manually.
  • To ensure you eternity at correct values: always have 'auto eternity' enabled and make sure it's set at your previous eternity *e310(to be safe).. with dynamic amount turned off, MAKE SURE IT DOES NOT ETERNITY TWICE AT THE SAME EP. Since you have most autobuys off it should never reach your previous eternity record without your input anyway.
  • Another strategy is use the AG limit as the main control. Do the first three resets with AGs fully disabled. At e990, enable Sacrifice+AD1-8+ID1 for e1300, then IP Multiplier+ID2 for e1610. Now all autobuyers except AG should be one, start adding small amounts of AGs but enable the limit of the AG auto buyer. This can get you to very precise EP resets. At e4150 total EP the author got e1930EP:11AG, e2240EP:130AG, e2550EP:236AG, e2860EP:346AG, e3170EP:453AG, e3480EP:562AG, completing the chain at e3790EP:665AG. Each auto-reset getting within 0.1 EP of the target.

Should be pretty easy even with minor fails near end of pre reality. It's a big speedup to early part of first few realities as galaxies don't reset dimension boosts.

There's a foolproof guide for 'Yo dawg, I heard you liked reskins...' achievement (143). You can find a video proof here.

Preparation and Important Notes

  1. Reach 1e4000 EP, recommend 1e4150 EP or just before your 1st Reality. You need 15~30 minutes to get it.
  2. Disable AD & ID Autobuyer, Disable Auto-Sacrifice, Set "Limit Antimatter Galaxies to:" as 1. Don't re-enable auto big crunch!
  3. Enable "Respec Time Studies on next Eternity". Eternity to empty your Time Study Tree.
  4. After completing each following eternity, enable "Respec Time Studies on next Eternity" first to make sure you can EMPTY your Time Study Tree after an eternity, or you will screw up at ETERNITY TWICE AT THE SAME EP. (This is the most important step!)
  5. After switching "Respec Time Studies on next Eternity" on, go to "Statistics-Past Prestige Runs", check your EP on last eternity, multiply that number to 1e309 or 1e310. Fill the multiplied number to "Eternity at:" in Auto-Eternity. If you get 1e990 EP in last eternity, you can fill 1e1310 in Auto-Eternity.
  6. Do 10 valid eternity Runs for Achievement 143 as following. Don't forget the 5 notes above!

10 Valid Eternity Runs for Achievement 143 at 1e4150 EP

  • Eternity #1: Buy 10 AD1, Big Crunch, Eternity. You can get ~1e990 EP.
  • Eternity #2: Enable Auto-Sacrifice, AD & ID Autobuyer. Big Crunch manually since you don't have TS181. You can get 1e1300~1e1310 EP.
  • If you can't get required EP with all these autobuyer enabled, buy some Time Studies until (auto-)eternity. You can get required EP only with Time Studies and CARE.
  • Eternity #3: Enable Auto-Sacrifice, AD & ID Autobuyer. Buy some Time Studies until (auto-)eternity and get an empty Time Study Tree. If you don't have TS181, Big Crunch manually. You can get 1e1610~1e1620 EP. HANDLE WITH CARE!
  • Eternity #4 to #10: Buy Time Studies as many as possible. Gradually increase the value in "Limit Antimatter Galaxies to:" until (auto-)eternity and get an empty Time Study Tree. If you don't have TS181, Big Crunch manually. HANDLE WITH CARE!

You can get Yo dawg, I heard you liked reskins...' achievement (143) after some realities with improved Eternity autobuyer.

If you still don't have "How the antitables have turned..(43)" before Reality, do following steps, or you can't access Reality because you don't have first 13 rows of achievements COMPLETELY.

  1. Disable ALL autobuyers including IP-related ones (such as ID, RG) before your antitable eternity run.
  2. Enter Time Dilation and respec your Time Study Tree. This can be done with a single Eternity. Entering Time Dilation isn't a must, but debuff in Time Dilation can make it easier.
  3. Buy some Antimatter galaxies and DimBoosts manually.
  4. Perform some Dimensional Sacrifice to further increase AD8 multiplier.
  5. Manual buy ADs carefully to make AD7 multiplier slightly smaller than AD8 multiplier, AD6 multiplier slightly smaller than AD7 multiplier, etc,
  6. You can get it when buying AD2.

Tables61's guide to glyphs & pre-reality (from reddit)[]


A generally strong pick that entirely affects ADs. As you'll be producing antimatter from start to end of Realities, these end up being a good all-arounder Glyph that doesn't have too many specific niche uses, but also is usually going to be worth slotting 1-3 in fairly often.

Antimatter Dimension Power +X [⠄ ] (always appears on Power Glyphs) - This provides a small exponent bonus on all of your ADs after all other multiplications are applied, similar to how the IC4 reward works. It may look basic but it's a surprisingly strong effect, and is a big part of why Power Glyphs are often recommended.

Recommended for: Linguistically Expand. Generally a good all-arounder effect that fits well into everything.

Antimatter Dimension multipliers ×X [⠁ ] - Great early on and will make pre-eternity phase much quicker. Falls off later into Realities usually, so outside of your first few Realities this is usually the least desirable Power Glyph effect.

Recommended for: Innumerably Construct, Pre-Eternity phase

Dimension Boost multiplier ×X [ ⠈] - Another generally solid bonus. You will be dimboosting regularly from start to finish. Helps a bit more post-break than before. One nice thing this does help with is speeding up EC11, since dimboost multipliers still apply there (the other three Power Glyph effects are negated by EC11's restriction).

Recommended for: Faster EC11 clears, general all-around use.

Increase the bonus from buying 10 Antimatter Dimensions by X [ ⠠] - Yet another solid bonus, useful from seconds into a Reality. As this is a multiplicative bonus it stacks well with the other buy 10 bonuses you will already have (+0.1 from r141, up to +3.6 from EC3 and x1.1 from infinity upgrade). Speeds up the early phases more than later, but it's a nice bonus always.

Recommended for: General all-around use, pre-break phase.


Probably the most niche of the five glyphs, especially in the pre-Cel1 phase of Reality. Infinity glyphs are okay to use for RMs if you happen to roll a particularly good one or you haven't gotten anything better yet, but generally you won't want to use them for long unless you need an effect for a particular upgrade.

Infinity Dimension power +X [⠄ ] (always appears on Infinity Glyphs) - Similar to the AD power effect, this provides a bonus to IDs instead. Usually this is just weaker than the AD power effect, since the AD power effect will apply after ADs are multiplied by IDs anyway. But it is still a nice bonus.

Recommended for: Cosmically Duplicate, General use if you have nothing better.

Multiply Infinity gain by X [ ⠠] - A good "utility" bonus. Before getting the ECR perk you will need to grind infinities a few times for EC4 unlocks, and this effect speeds that up to almost nothing. You may want to grind up binfs for r131 and this effect also helps a lot with that. And in general more infs means a better bonus from EC10, so essentially this is an indirect TD multiplier bonus later in each Reality. Finally, this effect is extremely valuable for The Boundless Flow.

Recommended for: The Boundless Flow, EC4 requirement.

Infinity Point gain ×X [ ⠈] - More IP is always nice, but the values on this aren't all that high. Fortunately it's still enough to obliterate the pre-break phase and generally speed up a lot of things pre-EC10, such as making ECs easier, letting you get more EP per eternity and push for more TTs quickly etc.

Recommended for: Pre-eternity and pre-break phase especially, EC clear speed

Infinity Power conversion rate: 7 > 7 + X [⠁ ] - This effect unfortunately kinda sucks at this point in the game. While it does help make IDs a bit stronger, the overall impact from this effect is pretty small.

Recommended for: Nothing particular


A generally solid Glyph which has four quite different effects. Replication Glyphs can be quite different from one another depending on their specific effects so make sure to check carefully and consider how useful any Replication Glyphs you are offered will be to you in your current context.

Replicanti multiplier power +X [⠁ ] - This effect increases how much Replicanti affects IDs (and after Dilation, TDs). It can have quite a significant impact, but it depends on several other factors such as having TS192 for uncapped Replicanti, replication speed and similar. Usually this effect is fairly minor in early Realities, but as you approach Cel1 this can be a strong effect to consider adding to your builds for increased RM gain.

Recommended for: Pushing RM once you have 4+ rows of upgrades

Multiply Dilated Time by log10(replicanti)×X [ ⠈] - This is a bit of a confusing description, in short this gives a DT multiplier that scales linearly with your Replicanti exponent. More Replicanti = bigger bonus. The multiplier from this is generally smaller than the DT multiplier from a Dilation Glyph, though it's still pretty solid. More DT is good for several things - it speeds up Dilation significantly, and will let you push for higher EP as well. Of course it won't have any impact until you unlock Dilation.

Recommended for: speeding up Dilation, pushing RM, Glyph level

Multiply Replication speed by X [⠄ ] - probably the most obvious Replicanti glyph effect, though I'll note that unlike Power, Infinity and Time Glyphs, it is NOT a guaranteed effect. Faster Replicanti has a lot of bonuses - it means quicker progress through the eternity phase and in many ECs (notably, in EC11), it means a much quicker Replicanti phase pre-eternity, and it means getting far more Replicanti post TS192 for bigger ID and TD multipliers. It also synergizes very well with all three other Replicanti Glyph effects, making all of them stronger.

Recommended for: early Realities (speeds many slow sections up including EC11, pre-eternity and Dilation), empowering other effects from Replication Glyphs.

Replicanti factor for Glyph level: 0.4 > 0.4 + X [ ⠠] - This is THE Glyph level effect. It makes your Glyph level on Reality improve more than usual based on max Replicanti. It doesn't help speed up your runs at all, so it may not be worth seeking out until you can Reality in a reasonably quick timeframe or you really need higher level Glyphs, but getting better Glyphs is always going to be good.

Recommended for: Improving your future Glyphs, Glyph Sacrifice value, Measure of Forever


Time Glyphs are focused around the eternity phase and time based effects. All of their effects are useful, but are also quite different from one another and help in different situations, so it is worth keeping an eye out for Time Glyphs with effects you currently do not have. Be aware that they are of limited value pre-eternity.

Time Dimension power +X [⠄ ] (always appears on Time Glyphs)- The Time Dim equivalent power effect. Generally pretty solid, as Time Dims are good. Gets relatively better the later into a Reality you are, at least until the post 300,000 tickspeed upgrade scaling starts taking effect (it's still strong after that, though).

Recommended for: General use, Temporal Transcendence.

Eternity Point gain ×X [ ⠠] - This effect is extremely helpful to get early in the Reality phase. Even just a modest EP multiplier will catapult you through the early Eternity and EC phase of the game, only really falling off post EC10. It also helps for several upgrade requirements. Well worth grabbing at least one, and perhaps multiple.

Recommended for: General use, especially for eternity and EC phase, The Paradoxical Forever, The Knowing Existence

Multiply Eternity Gain by X [ ⠈] - This helps a ton with the eternity phase, making EC1 requirement trivial and letting you power up EU2 and TS193 to max with ease. But asides from those and getting The Eternal Flow it doesn't do too much. Once you have Measure of Forever it does help improve Glyph level slightly.

Recommended for: Early use to speed up eternity grinding, The Eternal Flow, possibly glyph levels if you have nothing better.

Multiply Game Speed by X [⠁ ] - This speeds up everything by a small percentage. Generally, it's a good all-around effect because no matter what slow section of the game, this will help a bit, but it's also not specialised for anything. Automatic Achievements are also sped up, which is helpful. Bear in mind a few things use real-time and not game-time, such as the PEC perks for auto EC clears, and autobuyer/automator speed.

Recommended for: General use to help with everything. Parity of Singularity. Avoid for Replicative Rapidity (faster game speed makes the goal harder to reach).


Dilation Glyphs are quite specialised, mostly only affecting Dilation. Fortunately that's a section of each Reality that tends to benefit a lot from some support, but unfortunately there's only a few notably strong effects on Dilation Glyphs.

Antimatter Dimension power +X while Dilated [ ⠠] - I'll be honest. I've never found this effect useful at any point. It helps you get a little extra TP from your dilation runs, but since the power applies during dilation it's way less good than you may first think. Plausibly it could help speed up your first dilation of each Reality a decent amount.

Recommended for: Speeding up first dilation (maybe).

Generates X Time Theorems/hour [ ⠈] - the only Dilation Glyph effect which applies pre-dilation. This effect is great if you're often AFK, or run your black hole at the start of a Reality. A few extra TTs really smooths out the early eternity phase a bit, but there are better options for that usually.

Recommended for: AFK/idle players

Multiply Dilated Time gain by X [⠄ ] - The most obvious Dilation glyph effect, this is a very strong and useful bonus. Asides from making Dilation much quicker in general, it also lets you push your DT significantly higher in the same timeframe and gets you better Glyph level. So generally just a really nice effect.

Recommended for: Faster Dilation phase, better Glyphs, more RM, The Telemechanical Process

Tachyon Galaxy threshold multiplier ×X [⠁ ] - The other very good Dilation glyph effect, this helps push your TG total up significantly higher than it otherwise would be. No other Glyphs really help you get more galaxies directly, so this can be a very nice effect for pushing EP and RM.

Recommended for: Cosmic Conglomerate, pushing RM.

Glyphs post Cel1[]

This will be a brief section as it is beyond the scope of the guide, but some advice for players going forwards with regards to Glyphs:

Different effects will scale more or less well into Cel1, at which point your Realities should be considerably quicker, probably approaching the sub-1 minute real time mark (especially with both black holes running). As a result it is much easier to experiment with different Glyph setups. Replication Glyphs become increasingly important during Teresa, but this will change again going forward - keep trying different things out, as often which Glyphs work best will shift and flow over time. Things I mentioned are bad in this guide might become good and things I said are good might become bad, so keep testing different Glyphs if you think things are going slowly.

3e4444 EP - 100 RM: Early Realities (20-40 days)[]

Early realities are all about balancing RM gain and perk gain. Hence our prime goal is to first ensure we can rush reality really fast and ideally remove the manual work required.

The reality 1>2 run will take ~1.25-5 days depending on activity assuming you started with 4 RM. (IMO 3 RM is best so you can get tachyon particle and replicanti upgrades)

Reality 4+ should take under a day. And it won't take long until your reality run drops to ~2 hours if you are active.

RM recommendation[]

Get 4 RM (e4444 EP) - Minimum TG amount is 96. This allows you to get tripled replicanti speed, tachyon particles and dilated time, which helps speed up the slowest parts of Reality. If you gained less than 4 RM, spend it like so:

  • 3 RM: 3x DT and 3x TP.
  • 2 RM: 3x DT and 3x Rep.
  • 1 RM: 3x DT.

First perk: START

For the second reality, just follow the rest of the guide (but faster!)

Start of 2nd Reality[]

Upon reaching the 2nd reality, you will obtain a Power Glyph (Rarity 20%) with an AD power effect. The impact will be visible farther during late eternity, dilation, and post-e4000 EP. Innumerably Construct is the only Reality Upgrade you can focus in unlocking here due to the requirement being easy (1st Infinity, maximum of 1 AG). Generally, Running C8 in your 1st infinity is faster. You keep 2 achievements that boosts AD restricted only in challenges.

Because you have 4x IP from achievement 141, the entire Pre-Eternity phase will be faster. You do C8 on your first two infinities and you beeline the infinity upgrade that doubles your galaxy strength, costing 7 IP total. Turn on "Automatically Retry Challenges" and enter C11. From there, buy all the remaining infinity upgrades, then you can turn the option off and start doing infinities normally.

It is not recommended to unlock Reality Upgrades like Cosmically Duplicate, Paradoxically Attain, and Existentially Prolong. These upgrades all cost 15 RMs each. Construct is excluded because it is very easy to get, it does not hinder progression. Linguistically Expand is impossible as you do not have a level 3+ glyph.

The rest of your progression will remain the same as the guide for them before reality.

RM goal: 1st Reality RM + 2nd Reality RM = 9 RM

  • This means your two realities should be a sum of 9 RMs. If you had 3 RMs in your 1st reality, you get 6 in your current.
  • Spend your RM on the top row of upgrades (this will be the Boundless and Eternal amplifiers, as well as any of the previous ones you may not have been able to purchase).

Perk: Highly recommended - EU1 (Speeds up early eternity)

  • At a casual glance it might look like there are better picks (either individually or as part of a perk tree) that will save more time in pre-eternity portion of each reality. However if you follow the guide then in reality 4 you will get an upgrade called "Existentially Prolong" that lets you completely skip everything that comes before 100 eternities. At which point EU1 is the best choice. Both individually and through the perks it unlocks.
  • Because a Time glyph with an EP multiplier can also speed up early eternity, if you got one already you might not want to get EU1 immediately. But you will want to get EU1 when you have Existentially Prolong, as explained in the 4th Reality part below. However, EU1 is a generally very good perk to have, so even with an EP multiplier Time Glyph, you should opt to buy it.

Glyph picking: Realities 2 - 21 have better odds with glyph choices. You want to aim for a glyph that can speed up a portion of your progress. Power glyphs are usually the main pick for glyphs. A Time glyph with an EP multiplier is highly recommended if you ever get it as it boosts early eternity and allows you to get more TT that you can have a higher recommended TT amount on the ECs. Infinity glyphs with an IP mult is decent for boosting pre-eternity, unlocking Existentially Prolong, speeding up ECs (especially EC11), and faster completion of the 1st dilation. Dilation and Replication glyphs are not impactful early on with low level glyphs, usually they can be chosen once they're at least level 4 or 5.

Glyph Level Target: Level 1

Start of 3rd Reality[]

RM goal: 15 RM (1.32e5568 EP)

Reality Upgrade Goal: Unlock Paradoxically Attain. As soon as you start this reality, go to the Achievements tab and turn off Auto-Achievements. Play normally until you reach Eternity and after you unlock it, you can turn Auto-Achievements back on.. (Side note; The other 2 upgrades will often be too difficult to obtain at this point, so it is advised that you do not try to go for them at this time.)

Perk: EU2 - Autobuys the 2nd row of eternity upgrades e10 lower than their original price. This means you can get the 4th upgrade at 1e6 EP, and get the 5th upgrade before ECs where you'd usually get it.

  • As you can see, this path is headed into DILR. DILR is a very good perk that allows you to unlock dilation without needing to finish EC11 and EC12.

Glyph Level Target: Level 2

Start of 4th Reality[]

RM Goal: 60+

  • Spend your RM on Paradoxically Attain. The highest TP multiplier you should get from it is at least 20x TP, which will allow you to receive a higher gain in both RM and Glyph Level. You can push for a lot of RMs now and possibly get another upgrade on the 1st row, or even black hole in future realities. Save 30 RMs for Cosmically Duplicate and Linguistically Expand, as once you unlock them, you can buy them right away.

Reality Upgrade Goal: Existentially Prolong

  • Existentially Prolong is a great QoL that allows you to instantly start at Eternity instead of Pre-Infinity phase. You no longer need to do any of the Normal and Infinity challenges. IDs are automated, Replicanti is both unlocked and automated, and you start with eternity milestones until 100 Eternities (which also means with the help of EU1, you have the 1st row of eternity upgrades and you also have a starting ID boost from the 100 eternities towards the 2nd eternity upgrade). Remember, If you don't have EU1 yet, this upgrade will only significantly speed up the sections before ~e40 IP (because you will have all infinity and break infinity upgrades), after ~e40 IP there will only be some QoL (You don't need to do the ICs) and the Replicanti phase won't be sped up significantly.

Perk: DAU - Allows you to automate the repeatable Dilation upgrades (DT, TG Threshold, and TP)

Glyph Level Target: Level 3 (About 5e6313 EP). Recommended for it to be a power glyph (Time glyph with EP mult is the best if it's the first level 3 time glyph received).

  • If the glyph ends up being a Time glyph with EP mult or a Power glyph, unequip all your glyphs and only equip the level 3 glyph, then do a run for Linguistically Expand. (Side note: you can re-equip your glyphs after e4000 EP.)

Start of 5th Reality[]

This is where the path gets split. This reality is dependent on whether or not you have a choice to have a run with unlocking Linguistically Expand from the glyph you get. If you have the recommended glyph, the remaining row 2 unlocks are Cosmically Duplicate and Linguistically Expand. If you don't have a good glyph for it, it is best you only unlock Cosmically Duplicate and do Expand in the 6th reality when you have a better glyph. for the unlock.

It should be known that the requirement for Expand is to Eternity for e4000 EP. Once you unlock it and you have 15 RMs, you can purchase the reality upgrade and equip your optimal glyphs so you can continue pushing in the 5th reality with 4 glyphs used.

There is no longer a goal for RMs anymore. You can push as much as you want in your future reality runs. Balance the speed of your reality to the amount of RMs you'll gain. You can start pushing for Black Hole.

Perk: DILR - Removes the requirement to unlock dilation (No need to fully complete EC11 and EC12, no more TT requirement, only purchase for 5000 TT)

  • This perk may lock you in dilation if you do it wrong, so there is a strategy made so that you don't mess up with DILR:
    1. Finish EC11 until 11x3
    2. Farm TT so that you can unlock dilation while you have access to buying the full tree
    3. Start your 1st dilation while you have the advantage of the full tree (it is better to have at least close to 1M / 1e6 Eternities so it's instant with the Active path).
    4. After your 1st dilation, complete 11x4 and 11x5, these should be instant now that you have Tachyon Galaxies.

As you push through with your realities, you will need other perks in order to make your realities faster. These perks include (in order):

  1. ECB - Allows you to bulk your completions, allowing you to finish all 5 tiers of an EC with 1 attempt if possible. the perk before this, ECR, removes the requirements and restrictions of an EC, allowing you to enter them instantly as long as you have enough TT for it. Take these from ACT route, as active path will be your main route throughout reality and allows you to unlock another path.
  2. ACHNR - Allows you to keep all your achievements upon making a new reality. You instantly start with all achievements up to row 13 along with their respective achievement rewards, allowing a faster progress in reality. The perks before ACHNR will reduce the cooldown of Auto-Achievements (Keep in mind that this is based on game-time. Black Holes speed up game-time and allow you to speed up achievement completions).
  3. TTS - Allows you to autobuy TT. This is heavily required for the Automator to work properly as it cannot buy TT. TTF, the perk after this, will stop using AM, IP, and EP in buying TT. your resources will be spread out less due to this and have more upgrades on needed ones.
  4. TP4 - Allows you to get the amount of TP that you would receive if you were to buy the 3x TP upgrade. This means you no longer need to sit in dilation to get your TP. You still have to do the 1st dilation and do at least 1 or 2 more short 3 ~ 5 second dilation runs as AM will still give you TP even after the 3x TP upgrade. it is better to start this from TGR (from DAU) as this perk removes the DT reset that happens each time you buy the 2nd dilation upgrade (lower TG threshold).
  5. ATD - Allows you to automate post-dilation to reality. DU1, DU2, and ATT automates the non-repeatable dilation upgrades, ATD automates TD4 ~ 8 unlock. You can grab REAL if you don't want to go to the time study to unlock reality each time you reach e4000 EP.
  6. All Automation Speed-up Perks: DAS, REPAS, IDAS
  7. Finish the SAM Tree, unlock ANR to stop staggering progress in eternity phase.
  8. PEC perks (these are interchangeable with other perks only if you are really playing idle)
  9. The exact perk order is START -> EU1 -> EU2 -> DAU -> DILR -> EC5R -> ACT -> PASS -> EC1R -> ECR -> ECB -> ACH1 -> ACH2 -> ACH3 -> ACH4 -> ACHNR -> TTS -> TTF -> TTM -> SAM -> ANR -> TGR -> TP1 -> TP2 -> TP3 -> TP4 -> DU1 -> DU2 -> ATT -> ATD -> REAL -> DAS -> DAB -> SIP1 -> IDAS -> SIP2 -> REPAS -> SEP1 -> SEP2 -> SEP3 -> STP -> IDL -> PEC1 -> PEC2 -> PEC3 -> EC2R -> EC3R -> IDR

Side note: Going for just TTS after unlocking ACT is not a bad choice, as it helps with the automator and is a generally very good QoL perk.

100-500 RM: Black Hole (3-7 days)[]

Once you reach Black Hole - Everything runs faster:

  1. Because you have DILR, you don't need to use the black hole in EC11x4 and 11x5. You can instead use this in dilation.
  2. When using it in dilation, make sure this isn't the 1st dilation you're activating it on. Instead, do it on the 2nd and the future dilations. Utilize achievement 137, the achievement that doubles your DT and TT gain while you are dilated.
  3. Black hole can boost the Auto-Achievements timer.
  4. Black hole can boost everything that relies on game time - therefore, some features are locked out of the benefit and use real time instead, and in some instances (e.g. Replicative Rapidity) you will want to minimize game time, which may increase the amount of real time you need to spend in that scenario.

Reality upgrades[]

At this point you should have all of the reality upgrades in the 2nd and 3rd row. Try to reach the requirements to buy the ones in row 4, as these will help a lot with glyphs.


Glyphs become king now. As previously - more effects is nearly always better. With +50% for extra effects you now have chance to get 3 out of 4 effects on glyph (Unlocked from Duplicity of Potency).

NOTE: The number of glyph effects a glyph can have are based on Glyph level and Rarity. The max number of effects you can get on this stage is 3. This is why you may notice some glyphs getting an extra effect mid-Reality.

Ideally you want to have 1 time glyph with EPx, 2 dilation glyphs and 1 replicanti glyph with replication speed buff.

  • In dilation - the TT per hour is not as useful (it will be useful later when you have an upgraded Black Hole). Dilated AD power also isn't very impactful but can be used as a 3rd effect. Ideally you want DTx and TG threshold.
  • In replicanti - you want to get replicanti bonus to glyph level increase as one of effects for glyph level farming, and replication speed for other purposes.

During this section you need to finish row 3 upgrades and possibly start unlocking some row 4 ones.

If you still don't have Yo dawg, I heard you liked reskins...' achievement (143), you can get it with improved Auto Eternity.

  1. ATT and ATD is recommended for fewer manual buying. Automator is not a must for this.
  2. Set your Auto Eternity to 1e309 or 1e310 times highest EP, but don't enable it.
  3. In FIRST Time Dilation of a reality, Enable Auto Eternity.
  4. Manually perform a Eternity. After that, DON'T DO MANUAL ETERNITY OR ENTER/EXIT ANY EC.
  5. Wait a while and get the achievement. EP Mult Glyphs can help it a lot.

Row 4 (based on when you usually unlock them) - Duplicity of Potency (50% more effects, 3 max effects) > Disparity of Rarity (better rarity odds in glyphs) > Measure of Forever (Eternity Count added into the Glyph Level Factors) > Scour to Empower [30 realities] (Unlocks Glyph Sacrifice)

  • Parity of Singularity can be unlocked in any time the moment you have black hole unlocked, this might be the 1st or last row 4 upgrade you will unlock, as it is based on the frequency of your black hole times speeding up game time. More black hole upgrades can make this unlock faster.

500-1e5 RM: The Automator (7-21 days)[]

Around the point you unlock automator you want to make sure you rush the following perks:

  1. ECB - heavily lessens the amount of lines the automator needs to read, making realities faster.
  2. TTS / TTF / TTM - Heavily required to autobuy TT.

Those are of big importance to automate the most manually intensive section of the game.

The Automator is likely confusing to you unless you are used to making bots/macros. Conceptually, it's simple - it can't even do arithmetic or set variables, it's basically a glorified flowchart, you just write down what you'd do in order - but the nuances of making sure it doesn't get stuck in unexpected states can take a few hours to work through. If you don't feel like making your own automator from scratch, you can use the scripts provided in this guide.

Here are some automator scripts, most of them are made by Ninjatsu:

  1. Ninja PreECR v3.1: - From Automator unlock until 29 or 30 Realities. (requires EC5R and possibly ACHNR)
  2. Ninja GlyphSac v3.1: - From 29 Realities until e9RM when BH2 is active for 60%+. Glyph setups at end of script.
  3. Ninja e9 to e60 v3: - From e9RM and 60%+ BH2 until Celestial 4 Reality. Glyph setups at end of script.
  4. Ninja Cel4 v3: - From unlocking Celestial 4 Reality until unlocking Celestial 5. Glyph setups and Challenge order at end of script.
  5. Ninja Cel5+ v3.2: - From the start of Celestial 5 until the end of the game. Glyph setups at end of script.
  6. Ninja RealFast v3: - Perk Point farming for perk shop or fast reality for Cel5. But it would slow progression slightly. You can use the Progression Script for this.
  7. Reaver-glyph (Modified version of Reaver built for Cel2-Late Cel4 glyph farming. TT/hr effect and glyph filter required.)
  8. Ninja Cel1 v3: - Glyph farming after Cel2 with Effect Score.
  9. Ninja PPFast v3: - Perk Point farming for perk shop or fast reality for Cel5. But it would slow progression slightly. You can use the Progression Script for this.
  10. Ninja Gliffy v3.1: - Glyph farming after Cel2 with Effect Score.
  11. LSF Scripts: A set of scripts made by GSUI5051, designed under "a script for all Cels" guideline. You can use only 2 scripts from Automator unlock to Final Celestial's Reality.

If you're weaker than an automator script expects you to be, you may need to edit it to infinity/eternity slower, so that it completes all ECs and farming periods. Conversely, as you get stronger, you can edit it to infinity/eternity faster. There are also rumors of bugs where the automator skips a line of code - if this is happening to you frequently, try adding a pause 0.05s before the line you think it's skipping (I actually think that this may be a timing issue).

To 'use' this - copy paste the thing, click 'extended data transfer' button in automator script and then use 'import button' and paste the code.

You should eventually reach a point where your runs only take ~15-30 minutes real time and your glyphs are strong enough to beat EC11 without the black hole help quite fast.

At this point you want to switch your runs to only 'one' Black Hole at the end of your run. Working towards TP4 and DAS is very important.

The way you use your one Black Hole is to spend ~half on dilation > go out of dilation for one short fast push to push your EP much higher after which let the remaining time flow until the end.

The automator is mandatory and even if you think you can ignore it for now - it becomes virtually impossible to remotely match the speed of what even simplistic automator can do quite soon. So you need to either copy builds OR figure out how it works.

1e5-1e6 RM: RM Row 5 grind (12 hours-3 days with the right glyph builds)[]

Before you start working towards the last row of reality upgrades - you should have finished row 4, at least glyph sacrifice.

Glyph Sacrifice in particular is a huge power spike. The second Black Hole initially seems weaker and more expensive BUT it multiplies the first Black Hole's power, resulting in ABSURD boosts when you finally get both going at same time.

Continue using the automator, modifying infinity/eternity timings as needed.

One small change to EP push build[]

Instead of full dark change 226 to 225. At this point it should be giving more value already. This one is only better for long push with BH, full dark is still better for 'fast pushes'.

A short 'glyph guide' to pick good glyphs[]

  1. 3 effects is bare minimum you should bother looking at for glyphs you plan to use unless you want to do 'something specific' like full power/EP point gain when rushing reality fastest run and such... but this shouldn't be too important for now.
    • Effects > rarity in most cases. Rarity is however 2nd most important factor.
  2. The ideal set with 4 slots is IMO: 1 Replication, 1 Power, 1 Dilation, 1 Time. This is a balanced set that provides bonuses across all phases starting from Eternity phase (Because you have Existentially Prolong) up to Post-Dilation phase.
    • Other sets may include 1 Time, 1 Power, 2 Dilation / 1 Time, 1 Replication, 2 Dilation / 1 Time 3 Dilation / 1 Time, 2 Replication, 1 Dilation
  3. Glyph effects that are priority / possible viability / need to avoid
  • Infinity is not useful in this point of progression, therefore it will not be mentioned.


  • Priority: 1 guaranteed, 2 viable, 1 avoided
    1. AD power [⠄ ] - Always the guaranteed 1st effect. A direct exponential increase on ADs. It is additive when stacked.
    2. Dimboost mult [ ⠈] - Weak at the start, becomes stronger the farther you are (completely relies on your ability to have dimension boosts). It is multiplicative when stacked.
    3. AD "Buy 10" mult [ ⠠] - Self-explanatory, increases the multiplier on buying 10 ADs. Unlike Dimboost, the boost of this one is static, but it is decently strong across all points of progression. The effect is multiplicative but it is additive when stacked.
    4. AD multiplier [⠁ ] - this is the effect that should be avoided when you're still in this RM progression. It is a flat multiplier to your AD, this is only ever good if you are early in reality (before Existentially Prolong) and is immediately lost in mere moments after.


  • Priority: All of them are viable
    1. Replicanti speed [⠄ ] - 1st priority, 2nd best factor for glyph level, faster EC completions. Overall, it boosts Eternity phase and above. It is multiplicative when stacked (It is preferable that you don't use this as a solo effect. This effect can synergize with all the other 3 replication effects that will be listed below).
    2. ×DT by X per e10,000 Replicanti [ ⠈] - 2nd priority, best paired with Replicanti Speed, provides a multiplier to DT based on your Replicanti amount (DT is the best factor for glyph level). It is additive when stacked (+ logarithmic).
    3. Replicanti pow. for level [ ⠠] - 3rd priority specifically for glyph levels. It is an additive to the replicanti formula in the glyph level factors so that you can obtain a higher glyph level. It is additive when stacked.
    4. Replicanti mult. power [⠁ ] - 3rd priority specifically for RMs. It is not as strong when used early, better off having on a high glyph level to take effect as IDs are not as strong as ADs or TDs until later on. It is additive when stacked.


  • Priority: 1 guaranteed, 1 viable, 2 situational
    1. TD power [⠄ ] - Always the guaranteed 1st effect. A direct exponential increase on TDs. It is additive when stacked.
    2. EP multiplier [ ⠠] - 2nd Priority, gives a static increase to your EP gain, massively speeds up eternity phase (You need this especially with your Automator currently unlocked, the Knowing Existence reality upgrade is unable to carry your EP mult until way later)
    3. Eternities multiplier [ ⠈] - Situational effect, for the row 4 grind, this is good to use when you have Measure of Forever (adds Eternities formula into the glyph level factors, totaling 4: EP, DT, Rep, Eternities).
    4. Game speed multiplier [⠁ ] - Situational effect, overall it speeds up the important productions: AM, Replicanti, and DT.
      • Say that you have the effect at 1.154x, it shows that you have a 15.4% faster production that is not slowed down by the autobuyers (autobuyers are based on real time).


  • Priority: 2 viable, 2 situational
    1. DT multiplier [⠄ ] - 1st priority, direct multiplier to DT. It is multiplicative when stacked.
    2. TG threshold [⠁ ] - 2nd priority, needs DT multiplier to benefit. It is multiplicative when stacked.
    3. TT/hr [ ⠈] - Situational Effect, gives an amount of TT per hour before Dilation's TT generator. The situational part is that it is based off of game time, therefore can be affected by the black hole. It is additive when stacked.
    4. Dilated AD power [ ⠠] - Situational Effect, increases AD power but only when you are dilated. Becomes unused after TP4 and the situational part is only if you want to use this over TT/hr. It is additive when stacked.

Row 4 upgrades cost 1e5 but at this point your ~10 minute runs should give you at least ~2e4 at the very worst and this will quickly improve with BH upgrades.

It's likely you will start getting 1e5 per run before you can get most row 4 upgrades unlocked.

The upgrade 'challenge' requirements grind[]

Replicative Rapidity (Reality in 15 minutes) - easy with script above, just don't use BH and ideally don't use a time glyph with the 'game speed' effect. Upgrade itself is pretty useless for a while. Caps at 180x at 5s game time. Power glyphs can carry faster real-time realities.

Effortless Existence (1e11111 EP) - You will reach it passively as you get stronger. Mostly not too useful until you are ready to fully automate realities which shouldn't be the case yet, it's better to semi manual for now.

Synthetic Symbolism (5000 RM (5e3) without glyphs) - (Requires 9.12e8931 EP) a good time for this is approx when you farm 1e5 reality machines with your glyphs and have everything costing 5e4 RM or less. Glyph sacrifice bonuses should have at least 30k (3e4) to 50k (5e4) on each glyph type. Simply remove glyphs at that point, might need to do the run manually since script will likely be too wonky. An extra slot of glyphs is incredibly powerful!

  • It will likely require you to have a 'double Black Hole' push or 2 to finish the run.
  • With 5 slots I usually use 1 of each type glyph unless one falls behind too much (by the way this unlocks achievement 148).
  • Builds after this will either be 2 replication 3 dilation / 3 replication 2 dilation / 2 replication 2 dilation 1 time

Temporal Transcendence (1e28000 time shards) - One time glyph is enough, you can use your optimal build for the rest of the glyph slots. Needs an activation of the black hole and uses TS221 to reach the time shard requirement faster. TS227 might be a good idea, but TS228 does allow more EP and therefore more TDs, so you may switch between these. The bonus from this one is very powerful with good Black Hole upgrades, and in just a day or two of Black Hole upgrading it'll be easily passing 1e100x.

Cosmic Conglomerate (2800 galaxies) - It is preferred that you have Synthetic Symbolism bought for this, though it is also possible without 5 slots, not recommended though. you can simply use 3 dilation 2 replication / 3 replication 2 dilation. With higher uptime with your black hole, TS225 is generally better than TS226 and this should be in your main TS tree preset now. This upgrade specifically uses TS233 in order to obtain more Replicanti Galaxies. Requires Black Hole activation.

1e6-1e14 RM: Teresa unlock (2-7 days)[]

(Side note - this Guide is not all-knowing anymore and I highly recommend using it in conjunction with the pins in the AD Discord.)

Teresa is the first celestial you unlock after finishing all non repeatable RM upgrades. What unlocks is a way to 'pour' your RM to get RM multiplier and rewards for certain milestones.

Now, go back to the Automator section for a new script.

The only important toggleable is IMO on the line 41 - I have set EP to reset on each 1e50 but the stronger you are - the more you can put to need less eternities early on. Shouldn't take long before you want to put 100-150 there.

With the build above you don't need to do much beyond checking game from time to time to upgrade your stuff.

Priority goes on cheapest upgrades and always having 1+ of your usual run worth in the Teresa pour approx. If you are close to some milestone you want - you can rush pour more.

The closer your black holes are to being permanent (permanent happens at e19 RM by the way) - the less runs you will 'waste'.

An additional info regarding glyphs[]

Farming glyphs becomes much faster now, hence here is some advice on how they work.

First of all - rarity is increasingly important the higher it is. While it's small difference at first - the closer it is to 100% the more huge the gap between rarity and levels becomes.

So your new dream is getting 70%+ rarity(or at least 60%+ if lazy) with 3 good effects. If you get one - it will likely take a LONG time to improve it.

An ~lvl 50 with 70% will be somewhat stronger than level 150 with ~30%. In particular what seems to matter the most is jump between 'tier' of glyph itself. Uncommon, rare, epic, legendary etc.

Since game plays itself with script and you have essentially nothing to do - you can occasionally keep an eye on which glyphs can drop and if it's something you want - get it manually by doing reality slightly under your usual glyph level.

Replicative Rapidity/I am speed[]

Having a 'record' reality is important for 'replicative rapidity' bonus. It might seem small at first but the lower the time is the faster bonus increases in power, so redo it every OoM or two of RM until it maxes at 5 seconds.

The main difference is that you can't use any 'game time' modifiers or you will only make your run 'worse' since you need 'game time' as your record. So turn off your black holes... and abuse EC12, where game time passes slower. Use these automators by HELLOPERSON depending on your RM amount:

~22.6 seconds at e10 RM:


~4.1 seconds at e14 RM:


You can also go back to the Automator section and get Ninjatsu's RealFast script.

Glyph build: ppppp (all with flat x AD and dim boost, or similar if you don't have exactly that).

Also, farm 100 glyphs for achievement 152. Achievement 155 will happen naturally sooner or later.

Your goal is now to reach ~e11 at which point your Black Holes are very close to being permanent(90-95%)

This allows you to more or less safely change automator into a far superior and essentially 'final' build which should be used for nearly everything with small changes. (TODO: Compare to Rift)


This build is basically faster than previous and uses the most optimal builds for pushing when accounting for black holes. Updated to include eternity presets and a 30 sec pause timer before committing to reality for choosing glyphs. Be sure to back up your eternity presets just in case. (Script broke for me, especially offline -proffish) (fixed the script, yipee! -goober53k)

Your next goal with this build is reaching e14 RM pour.


Our usual hybrid glyph build now 'sucks' and does essentially nothing. Instead you want 2 different builds:

1. Glyph level build[]

You use this build to improve your glyphs. You want to be active during this farm for best result.

x4 Replication: 3 of them are speed/DT per replicanti/glyph level. 1 without glyph level (should be higher rarity than most others and also used for RM build)

x1 Dilation - TT per hour (it's finally useful), DT time gain, galaxy threshold.

Glyph farm process:

  • Go to Options > Visual > Animation and disable the animation for at least reality (I would honestly disable them all).
  • The automator above works just fine BUT OPTIONALLY - CHANGE LINE 10 TO 3 seconds (if you are using the build in this guide). This lowers time you need to wait for glyphs to appear but requires you to react/disable automator faster.
  • Dilation glyph TT per hour is what allows you to skip early game so this one is mandatory. The rest of the bonuses help with glyph level increasing. And if they are slightly wrong - still use them until you get better ones.
  • Once glyphs appear - click reality button, if there is anything that is decent - wait until leveling of glyph starts to slow down and disable automator by pressing U. This will let ooze out a few extra levels at good speed.
  • Unless you get some crazy rarity(80%+) - don't bother waiting for levels too long.(30-60 second on decent glyph is enough) If you do however get something with over 80% - make sure to spend a bit longer since it will take LOADS of levels to beat this value on lower rarity.
  • If there is nothing you are interested in - reality instantly not to waste time.
  • Your first priority is to improve your glyph farm build itself - any rarity with correct stats is a good start. Maximizing rarity is not too important for now.
  • Once you have a makeshift build for glyph farm - work towards glyphs you need for RM farm build.

2. RM farm build[]

  • Once you are done getting good glyphs - use this build to maximize RM gain. A great build is - 1 Replicanti (all aside of glyph level), 2 Infinity (ID power, Infinity COUNT, IP power conversion), 2 Power (AD power, Dimension Boost multiplier, buy 10 multiplier). Your glyphs should be around level 450.
  • You can also use 5 power glyphs to grind RM up to 1e14.
  • I would also keep 3 more any 3 effect power glyphs to occasionally try and improve reality speed record.

3. Teresa reality build[]

  • Teresa reality is the new and final type of 'challenge' you will get with every celestial.
  • The glyphs to use will be discussed in the next section!

1e14-1e21 RM: Teresa Reality to Effarig unlock (5-14 days)[]

Once you reach it - assuming you followed my advice you technically should be ready to tackle it from get go.

BUT before you do - update your reality time (check reality record section above), I managed to lower it to 20 seconds here.

The optimal glyph build for a first time Teresa is: 2 rep (rep mult, rep speed, xDT), 2 time (TD pow, maybe xEP), and then finally a third rep (but a good pow, inf or time is only slightly worse). If you use the right glyph effects, then even GL200 trash, e7-e8 sac e14 RM can work! The stronger your glyphs, the more leeway you have in using 'wrong' glyphs. Hell, you can even reality with an empty glyph slot at GL500.

Because of your increased game speed, the optimal strategies in Teresa's Reality are NOT the same as your first Reality! Especially, TS143 and TS192 is MUCH more powerful than normal.

Now let's enter Teresa's Reality. The first 10 challenges should be instant, but they can be rough, Time Glyph xEP helps. For time studies, you should be using Idle path instead of Active. (You have so much game speed due to black hole, and the IP/EP multipliers are much more important than Active's better replicanti galaxy effect.) Additionally, instead of all dark time studies, take 225 and 233. EC11x5 should be pretty fast. EC12 is much harder than usual, so get it up to EC12x3 or so.

Basically, in Teresa’s Reality, you want this setup:


At this point, you should have 7.1k TTs. Instead of waiting to have 5k TTs spare on top of a complete build, do a 'dash' to unlock dilation buying only the minimum studies required. Don't forget to dilate afterwards!

After reaching dilation, swap your time studies to Active (the better replicanti galaxy effect is more important than the now insignificant xIP/xEP) and 234 (also outscaled) and you should reach e4k EP. If you get stuck after dilation, either you forgot to change your studies or your glyphs aren't strong enough. It should take less than 10 minutes to finish.

Beating this gives a HUGE multiplier to glyph sacrifice. After you do this - start farming RM and sacrificing whatever glyphs you get.

You should skyrocket to ~e18 pretty fast as you sacrifice each glyph a few times and upgrade stuff and farm glyphs again (go for level 500 at least). I would now give lowest priority to interval/cooldown of BH since you likely cover way over 99% of your time already, making it near permanent so you don't get much from it.

Pouring e18 unlocks EP passive generation. This makes it much simpler to do a fast reality (turn off all eternity autobuyers in the automator).

It's now time to upgrade to a shiny automator script! Meet Flore's Reaver, an automator script built with EP generation in mind:


I am speed - if you still don't have this achievement turn off black hole, import this automator and you should get a ~3.5 second real time run without even EC12 cheese, gets you 2.5 seconds with black hole too:


Glyph build: ppppp (all with flat x AD and dim boost)

Getting 5 seconds should be enough to cap out the bonus from reality record (YAY!)

Do a cycle of: Glyph grind > RM farm.

During glyph farm - simply update the glyphs you already use into better ones if possible. Don't waste too much time min maxing. Your glyph level goal should be ~1k unless it's a super high rarity one. (75%+)

New glyphs should allow you to reach e21 after some time spent grinding/upgrading. Shouldn't take longer than a few hours with RM/min optimised. If you buy repeatable dilation upgrades manually your RM/min should increase as the autobuyers work quite slowly at the moment.

1e21-1e29 RM: Effarig unlock[]

Now that you have gotten to e21 pour on Teresa you unlocked Effarig. Effarig gives increased rarity to glyphs via new currency that is farmed passively - Relic Shards. Relic shards can be spent on new QoL glyph features. To get more relic shards we need to use a royal flush build - 5 different glyphs with 3 effects (rarity and level do not matter).

Replicanti (no glyph level as that's useless for relic shards) / infinity (ID power + conversion rate + doesn't matter what else) / power (anything) / time (game speed+TD power+anything) / dilation (any)

So basically your first goal is refarming all glyphs. You should have ~+4% rarity which is neat.

I also recommend grinding extra glyphs for Teresa rechallenge. Some good builds for Teresa in this era: rrrrd, rrrrr, rrrrt, rrrtt, rrrtd

Took me only a minute with this setup and yielded ~e2.1e9 antimatter, resulting in almost e14 sacrifice multi.

Now do a relic shard farm, setting your reality autobuyer to when relic shards/min peaks - you should reach 3e9 pretty fast for all glyph QoL.

QoL for glyphs[]

1. Glyph level weight explanation[]

  • This is the most important feature and allows you to essentially get more glyph levels!
  • Glyph weight is how much in proportion each of the 4 factors affecting glyph levels give. By default it's 25% each. But as you will notice - something is likely giving much more value.
  • The end result is the result of multiplication of all values so you can't remove too much from others. By adjusting weights based on which factors are bigger, you should end up around 15/31/39/15 as optimal.

2. Glyph Filtering:[]

Allows you to select modes to either only get certain glyphs (and sacrifice rest) or auto sacrifice all of them. NOTE: The tab you've currently selected is the mode that's active! The settings in all other modes will not apply!

Sacrifice mode:

  • Will always pick a sacrifice glyph you 'have least' of. Good for farming glyph sacrifice.
  • Does NOT sacrifice stuff you pick manually, no need to worry about that.

Number of effects:

  • Always selects the most effects/rarity. A good 'lazy mode' if you don't want to configure advanced ones.

Rarity mode:

  • Minimum rarity - any rarity below this will be autosacrificed.

Specified effect:

  • Best semi lazy mode filtering method if you want to farm glyphs overnight (not too recommended, it's best to farm glyphs actively, BUT an idle option is an idle option).
  • Set minimum rarity/amount of effects and if you want - also select effect types they MUST have.
  • A good setup for overnight is something like 3 effects, 40-60+ rarity (up to you), specific effects if you are certain about you needing ONLY something that includes those effects.
  • Reality manually if you see that none of the glyphs are good and are playing actively
  • Along with ~10-15 seconds delay on line 10 in automator (if you use the script provided).

Effect score:

  • The glyph will always be picked based on Rarity percentage + score value. You can do -999 to essentially 'sink' the glyph if it has this effect, basically not choosing it. Nothing will be filtered. Too complex to bother with IMO.

Now once you are back to ~5e9-1e10 relics for ~+5% rarity chance - you can go farm glyphs yet again, but this time you can use 'weight' to boost the amount of levels you can get further. (As a reminder, 15/31/39/15 should be about optimal.)

This allowed me to get ~1.6k glyph levels quite easily. Don't bother going this far unless glyph rarity is good enough though. 1.4-1.5k is just fine otherwise.

Once your way far behind glyphs are updated - it should be good enough to this time farm RM yet again.

Your goal is now unlocking perk shop for pouring e24 RM.

This can take a few hours but you can mostly idle and only do upgrades from time to time.

Perk shop - as you might have guessed is yet another progression layer.

All stuff in it is very useful. The cap for everything is not too high - you will only need ~1e4 perk points to max everything out.

To gain perk points as fast as possible, here's a Perk Points automator script by HELLOPERSON:

auto eternity off studies purchase 11,22,32,42,51,61,71,81,91,101,111,123,133,143,151,161,171,181 start EC10 eternity studies purchase 11,22,32,42,51,61,71,81,91,101,111,123,133,143,151,161,171,181,181,193,214,228,234 unlock dilation studies purchase 11,22,32,42,51,61,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,161,171,181,162,21,31,41,33,62,191,211,222,212,224,232,192,201,72,82,92,102,193,214,228,234,213,226,71,81,91,101 reality

Use the glyph build drrrr (dilation has all but dilated AD pow, replication have all but level). As you upgrade autobuyer speed and bulk in the perk shop, you should be getting at first 500ms realities and soon as quick as 300ms realities!

You will likely skyrocket to ~e27+ RM just with whatever you currently have by boosting RM gain really fast which you should certainly do. Once RM gain starts slowing down it's time to move on.

Be aware the game might lag when not focused and or in some of the menus. If you plan to leave it idle overnight - have it as main tab and statistics page open, otherwise runs can sometimes lag spike and become 1.5-1.6 seconds.

How you progress from here kinda depends on what you were doing.

You could have farmed glyphs/farmed RM/farmed reality count + perks.

I will assume you have spent 1 night (or ~4-6 hours semi idling if you are active) on reality farming right after unlocking perk shop and farming to e27 RM with it. If you are semi active - the most important purchase becomes autobuy speed x2 which lowers the time required for reality. My first one lowered run time 1.3>1s and 2nd one lowered 2s>1s.

Assuming you have done so - you should have ~20-40k reality count and fully max out perk shop. Your line 10 automator timer should only require ~2-3 seconds from now on because of auto purchase timer.

I recommend to aim for the Effarig Reality requirement at 5e11 relics with 5 different glyph/3 effects setup we used before (Royal Flush). It should only take ~1 hour at most.

With all autobuyers and you overall becoming stronger - this setup is almost as good for RM grind anyway as the usual RM setup we had. So you will quickly update your RM to almost your up to date values. (will reach e29 quite fast)

While you are waiting on this - I recommend looking at Effarig Reality strategy and setting up the glyphs filtering via 'specified effect' tab for glyphs with those effects.

1e29 RM: Effarig Reality to Nameless[]

Effarig strategy:

The challenge itself consists of 3 layers. You can complete 2 layers for now but will instantly be able to complete layer 3 with new mechanics from the next Celestial.

Effarig Layer 1[]

  • Layer 1 glyph levels are capped at 100, so only rarity matters on those, level doesn't matter too much. This layer is completed once you perform an Infinity.
  • Layer 1 strat: 5p (with AD x) or 4p1d (TT gen)
  • Go AD path. I think the former build is slightly better but the latter also works. Try to have all legendaries - if you don't, spam GL100 runs with an appropriate filter to get them. It should complete very quickly if you did it right.
  • NOTE: On the power glyphs, You need flat AD mult, not buy 10 mult! (But it's okay if you have it also.)

Effarig Layer 2[]

  • Layer 2 glyph levels are capped at 1500 but you can make do with ~1200-1300 and rarity ~60-70 just fine, is a bit faster if you get lucky with better ones but not worth extending grind for. This layer is completed once you perform an Eternity.
  • Layer 2 strat: 1 AD glyph with flat AD multiplier, 1 Dilation glyph with TT/hour, 1 ID glyph with IP gain and x infinities, 2 Rep glyphs with multiplier power. (other effects can be anything)
  • NOTE: a xIP glyph is MANDATORY. If you don't have one, go farm it now! You can reality at GL1500 since that's the cap.
  • Try to have GL1500 legendaries, but an epic or two might work. Completion speed is based on rarity (all epics = 1 hour, legendaries/epics mix = 7-15 minutes, legendaries/mythicals mix = 2 minutes).
  • Get ID/Idle path (other paths are ~50% slower) and TS181 and then wait. You'll get big boosts when you can buy ID7 (e250 IP) and ID8 (e280 IP) which will get you past the finish line. The second best build is DIIPR, which is ~50% slower. If you want to optimize further, you can turn off autobuyers while approaching ID7/ID8 then turn them back on.
  • If you want to understand WHY this is the solution, open Statistics > Multiplier Breakdown. Notice that while various xIP sources are capped, Base Infinity Points continues to grow because your glyphs are growing it very effectively. Also note your Replicanti Mult is buffing IDs.
  • First 2 layer rewards are Infinities giving you more max repli/galaxies and Eternities generating Infinities.
  • You also unlock the next Celestial one of mechanics from which you will need to finish layer 3.

Achievement note: Wasn't too sure where to put it before - but you can easily get "College Dropout achievement" with dilation glyph which gives TT passively/hour by simply disabling the autobuy of TT.

Nameless unlock[]

Effarig Layer 3[]

Before I explain anything - let's complete Effarig Layer 3.

The Nameless Ones have added a Charge Black Hole button. This turns off the Black Hole's effect and instead stores the amount of time the Black Hole would have passed. Later, you can click Discharge and pass this amount of time in a single tick. Effectively, we can smuggle game speed from when it's higher into a Reality when it's lower.

What made layer 3 impossible was not being able to complete Eternity Challenge 10, and therefore not being able to reach the bottom half of the Time Study Tree. However, note the following: Effarig's Reality dilates game speed, but does NOT ban Black Hole charging. So we can charge the Black Hole, enter Effarig's Reality, enter Eternity Challenge 10, discharge it, brute force its completion, and then beat it trivially.

You also have a second button, Store real time. This completely stops the game, storing real time at 70% efficiency. Later you can 'amplify' a reality, simulating repeated runs of it and multiplying its rewards. This is a way to use idle time more productively - if you can't play the game actively, you can store real time instead. Then, when you can play the game, you do a quick burst of activity to get up to speed, and then instantly grind one thing in a single amplification (e.g. RM, GL, Perk Points, Relic Shards). If you're feeling spicy, you can use stored real time to amplify a run you've discharged in?! Is that even legal??

You can also now use the savescum approach to farm for Glyphs, as follows: Store real time, export save, amplify a GL reality, and look at what Glyphs you got. If you don't like them, import save, do 100-500 realities, and try again. This works because Glyphs are seeded by the number of realities performed, and because we can now do realities extremely quickly starting from different seeds until we get our desired result. Alternatively, use a sufficiently quick glyph farming script.

GOTCHAS: Make sure to not have your Black Hole accidentally charging when it's not relevant. Also, note the bottom right button: Offline used for production/Offline time stored. This affects what the game will automatically do with offline time, but don't later be confused if you forgot what state you left it in.

Effarig Glyph[]

Black Hole charge is what allows us to purchase the next set of upgrades. The effects of it you have already seen - you disable Black Hole and store it for later. Mostly useless outside of some specific circumstances.

The most important unlock is ironically the new Glyph and the reason we skipped grinding Glyphs for a while.

The new Glyph is called Effarig and has 7 possible effects (but 2 of them - xRM and Glyph instability, are mutually exclusive) - you can only use ONE of these Glyphs at the same time so you will need to farm different ones.

  • RM multiplier - an obvious candidate for when you are farming RM. Separated from Glyph instability.
  • Glyph Instability starting level - an obvious candidate for Glyph grind.
  • Game speed - a passive upgrade to essentially every build, not always the best option though.
  • 3 multipliers: achievement/buy 10/all dimension multi - all of those multiply whatever they are told. The best depends on the situation.
  • Antimatter production exponent - yet another possible improvement to antimatter production itself.

A summary is that Glyph instability is only for farming Glyphs, RM multi is only for farming RM... and game speed is mostly for improving all farm builds.

Those 3 are not required for any 'hard' content.

This makes it much less complex than it might seem.

Changes to Glyph builds[]

First of all your first major goal is to improve your Glyph build:

Glyph Farm build[]

  • The new Glyph farm build is: Dilation (TT/hour + dilated time + galaxy threshold), repli x3 (DT time gain/repli speed/Glyph level), Effarig (Glyph instability and game speed super important, the rest don't matter as much)
  • errrr can also work. It might be slightly worse, but in later channels, it will be slightly better.
  • The most important aspect is to get instability as one of your Glyph effects. After that, you should start getting massively better Glyphs.
  • Oh and Glyph weight approx ideal for me was 14/30/40/16.
  • Once you get Glyph instability - you should be getting ~3.3-3.5k Glyph levels with line 10 being 3s.

RM farm build[]

  • Repli x3 (no Glyph level), Time (eternities/game speed), Effarig (Game Speed/RM multi/AM prod/all dimensions)
  • An alternative build is eprrt, with Effarig having RM/game speed/AM prod/buy 10. (Generally, buy 10 is much better with power Glyphs, all dimensions is much better without them.)
  • For Effarig I would say RM multi/Game Speed matters most and the rarity of Glyph matters more than having exactly those 2 other options.
  • The reason why Repli are so important now is because of the Effarig bonus rewards.

Time farm[]

  • This is the build to maximize what you can 'store'. Effarig (only game speed matters), Time (only game speed matters)

Do a quick RM farm once you got some minimal value setup ready, don't stall too long as it's a big boost.

It only took me a few minutes to jump from ~e30 RM to ~e40 RM. Don't spend much longer and let's do Teresa Rechallenge

Before starting the challenge - store time in etttt for a few seconds. You will be slower during the challenge.

Once your Automator has finished Teresa, you can discharge the stored time to reach your final AM amount.

I think the optimal build is errtt, with Effarig having game speed/AM prod/buy 10/all dimensions. If you can't find the perfect Effarig Glyph, dropping buy 10 or all dimensions is OK.

Back to Glyph farming now

With our new e40 RM and updated sacrifices you should be now getting ~3.9k level Glyphs with our old set and bump it to ~4-4.1k as you improve the set.

Your main goal is now updating RM set and finishing a 'time' set. errrr and errrd should be optimal Glyphs for GL right now.

Selected effect filtering is IMO best. I have put 3 effects minimum on everything, 70+ rarity on stuff I need, and 100 rarities on stuff I don't need.

For repli, I selected speed + DT since those are always required effects.

Around this point, your Glyphs will have some chance for Glyphs to become 4 effects. The chance scales from 0% at GL3k to 100% at GL10k. For now, just consider yourself lucky if you got one, I will not account for them just yet.

Here comes LSF-4FX by GSUI5051, a script designed for farming 4 effect glyphs:


Use Effect score mode (Mode 5) in Glyph Filter, Settings:

5 Basic: all 10, Threshold=Rarity%+40

Effarig: Game speed 11, others 9, Threshold=Rarity%+38 (Game speed always have highest priority)

Once you are done preparing the 'time' build - let's start with a quick RM farm.

I would spend around ~10 minutes. Should allow you to buy up to e42 start upgrades

Now swap to 'time build' and start 'storing time'!

Should only take a few minutes at most to reach e35 and purchase the 'bonus' for tickspeed. This is another huge boost.

Back to RM farm and you should now finish up to ~2e46 RM (or if it starts slowing down too much earlier for you).

Time to refarm Glyphs now.

~4.4-4.5k Glyph levels are now easily achievable with the old set. As you upgrade set - you should keep getting more and more up to ~5k Glyph levels.

And if you get super lucky with rarity on Effarig with Glyph level/speed - you might even reach ~5.2k Glyph levels.

Use specified effect filters: Power 4 effects/80+ rarity, Infinity 4 effects/90+ rarity, Repli 3 effects/80+ rarity and repli speed/DT selected, Time 3 effects/80+ rarity/game speed, Dilation 4 effects 90+ rarity, Effarig 3 effects/80+ rarity

With this, you will filter quite a lot and won't need to check often.

This section is a bit RNG heavy. With some luck, you might get 4 effect Glyphs too, which are a boon.

The dream is getting 4 effect power/time/repli and a good Effarig with Glyph + Gamespeed and RM + Game Speed.

Also an Effarig with 4 effects and no RM/Glyph.

I spent ~2 hours farming and got everything I wanted aside from a good no RM/Glyph Effarig. Overall had ~ level 5k Glyphs and plenty of 4 effects.

I managed to reach e50 Black Hole upgrades before it slowed down for me.

Teresa rechallenge time: Same build as last time (though your Glyphs should be better now). Once again, use Black Hole discharge to get a stronger reward.

I managed to get 3e18 sacrifice. I lacked a good Effarig Glyph (had a no AM exponent 3 effect only) but had everything else.

Make sure you reality instantly after discharge, otherwise, you will lose the multiplier!

Now it's time for another trick.

Set a new Glyph record. I managed ~5.4k.

Now go to Teresa's Perk Point Shop and start buying the music Glyphs. You can click the button and hold enter or use an autoclicker.

Click 'Purge Glyphs' and repeat until you sacrifice ~5-6 full inventories. This pushed me to ~5e29 sacrifices. Music Glyphs can also be a substitute if you're looking for a specific Glyph and don't need it to be at maximum strength, you just need to have it period - you can get them faster than GL runs.

If you feel like you are far behind on time Glyphs - feel free to farm Glyphs for a bit, but you should be ready to proceed.

Look into preparation for the Nameless Reality section to see what Glyphs to prepare.

Go into the time build now and gather e40. Took me ~15 minutes.

Note: you can attempt to get the Perfectly Balanced achievement at this point if you have a strong enough Glyph build for grinding levels, thus getting its rewards sooner. It's recommended that your glyphs have 85%+ rarity and be at level 5000+ while also having all Replicanti/Dilatation Glyphs involved have all 4 effects and an Effarig Glyph with Glyph Instability and Game Speed effects. You can have a couple that are still at around 4500 as long as the rest are at the recommended level and they all have the recommended effects.

1e50 RM: Nameless Reality to V unlock[]

Preparation for The Nameless Ones' Reality[]

This Reality is more like a puzzle than an actual challenge, so a solution makes it pretty easy.

  • ~1e38 years stored, there will be a time you will need it.
  • Glyph levels ~5300, rarity ~80%+
  • The required Glyph set is 2 power/3 time. All want to have 4 effects. Effarig/2 power/2 time also works. Almost nothing else will work or will require a much stronger Glyph set.

Progress of the challenge[]

The Active path is better unless you need Idle for a challenge. You can export the save if you want, and import it back if you messed up.

  1. In the Time Studies tab click on the space to the right of Time Study 11 for +100 TT.
  2. Go to Infinity tab > Break Infinity and click 'Feel Eternity' (This buffs the reward of EC1 and TS123).
  3. Notice that entering C10 is good for IP/AM production! The reason is that in The Nameless Ones' Reality, you can't get 8th Dimensions, but in C10 you can get Galaxies just based on your 6th Dimensions.
  4. EC1 can be completed infinitely, you might want to rechallenge it if you get stuck somewhere.
  5. To progress meaningfully you need to enter EC6 then enter C10 inside of EC6. This is good for EP/IP/AM production. You can use this to buy Time Studies and become strong enough to beat other ECs. If you get stuck in any other EC, try C10 inside of it. Your Time Study Tree for farming should be: Time, Active, 191 > 212 > 223 > 232 > 213 > 226 > 233 > 221
  6. This gives you enough TT to enter Dilation (remember that you don't need to beat EC11/12) - you can skip them and use the shortest route to buy Dilation directly.
  7. Revisit EC1, with all 3 paths/Active/222, 223, 231, 226, 233, 228
  8. Revisit EC6/C10 to jump in EP again, I got to ~e1.7k: 221, 224, 232, 226, 233
  9. Beat EC11 - should be instant now.
  10. EC6/C10 yet again to jump in EP again > do EC1 again to push them further. You should get V unlocked via Achievement 151 once in EC6/C10 and ultimately will get pushed to e2k+ EP.
  11. Finally, enter and discharge your Black Hole in EC1/C10. You should get dozens more completions. Swap to EC6/C10 one last time and you should reach e4.8k EP or so. (You can export your save before doing this in case it doesn't work. EC6/C10 discharge can also work, but I believe it to be weaker. It's also possible to win without discharging at all if your Glyphs are very good.)

Overall shouldn't take longer than ~15 minutes if you are following this guide. Most of the time will be tinkering with Time Studies.

V unlock[]

Now that you are done with The Nameless Ones, it's time to move on as usual.

Your new mechanic is 'Tesseract' which increases the Infinity Dimension caps, which is not too strong and you are in for a slog to do anything in V. You should be able to buy one instantly and this should push you to ~e53 RM upgrades pretty fast.

But your ultimate goal is far away - 1e60 RM.

As you might have guessed you need to Glyph grind again... yep... How fast this section will go depends on how easily you get better Glyphs.

I recommend the selected filter: all Glyphs want 90%+ rarity and 4 effects. Keep Effarig as 3 effects since technically for Glyph grinding you don't need much beyond game speed/Glyph level.

Reminder on Glyph builds:

  • All Glyphs want to have 4 effects and 90%+ rarity at this point to be counted as 'something'. Ideally 100% rarity.
  • Effarig CURRENT overall 'power' stats are game speed > antimatter exponent > dimension power > buy 10 > achievement mult.
  • Yep, achievements are meh for now but become the best stat later.

Glyph farm: errrr (errrd is still good though)

  • Effarig should have game speed + Glyph level + ideally 2 of the better other stats (check above). As a reminder, if you're struggling to get the perfect Effarig, you could make your filter more lenient (maybe you don't NEED 100% rarity) or you can use the savescum approach to farm for Glyphs, as follows: Store real time, export save, amplify a GL reality, and look at what Glyphs you got. If you don't like them, import save, do 100-500 realities, and try again.

RM build: errpt (Effarig RM mult/game speed/antimatter exponent/buy 10) or errrt (Effarig RM mult/game speed/antimatter exponent/dimension power).

  • Remember that Effarigs with buy 10 want a build with a power Glyph in them, Effarigs without it don't. If your Effarig is slightly suboptimal try both. It's better to have a low rarity/level optimal effects Effarig Glyph than to have a high rarity/level suboptimal effects Effarig Glyph in general.

Time build: Effarig with the best time (either from RM build or Glyph build) and 4 time Glyphs. Now it's only useful to build up and discharge for a small push.

Teresa Rechallenge - wants RM build + Effarig which has 4 non-RM/Glyph effects, antimatter exponent being one of them is a must.

At this point, you should be getting Glyph levels of ~5500. More importantly - you can do 2 achievements and complete Row 15 of achievements:

  1. Achievement 153 (More like "reallydoesn'tmatter") should be the last achievement you need in Row 15. You could have gotten it at e53 RM, but it should be even easier now. How to get it:
    1. You need a Dilation Glyph with TT generation, other than that Glyphs shouldn't matter (but four others).
    2. Disable all AD autobuyers. Play manually and rush EC10 and proceed to dilate time and Reality. For studies, use pre-Dilation studies (Idle not Active, 225 not 226, 233 not 234). No matter what do NOT enter EC7 or you will fail this achievement. (Note: This achievement is possible as early as e43 RM, I tested it. You can find a video proof here. I later pushed this achievement down to e34 RM with GL3800 and 1e26 sac. - How does post-300000 free tickspeed scaling work?)
  2. Click 'reset weight' and you should still get a Glyph level of 5k+ unlocking Achievement 165 (Perfectly balanced) which will auto-adjust 'optimal' weight for you - don't forget to turn it on.

Recommended filters:

  • 'Specified effect' mode: 4 effects/90% rarity for everything.
  • Aside from stuff for your other builds you want: 3 power Glyphs and 3 dilation Glyphs. It will be required for V later.

As you might notice - the biggest challenge is getting Effarig Glyphs with a good stat combo. Other stuff shouldn't be a problem in the long run.

A good point to stop the Glyph grind is when you have everything for all builds at ~5.5-5.6k Glyph levels and 90%+ rarity. Teresa rechallenge Effarig does not need to be perfect but it needs to have at least antimatter exponent, it's fine even if it's only 3 effects total.

Assuming you have 15 rows of achievements and Glyphs I mentioned at their levels/rarity - you should have no problem reaching ~e57-58 RM upgrades.

Once you do - time for Teresa. You should be able to improve into ~e19 or maybe even more, I didn't luck out with a good Effarig Glyph, so 2e19 was my limit. Do the usual BH store with time Glyph trick and unleash it and reality super fast afterward.

Now that your RM is ~e57-58 upgrades and Teresa is updated you should set a new Glyph level record (~5.7k) and buy 600 music Glyphs for sacrifice. At this point, I was at 1e58 upgrades completed with ~4e58 RM/minute in my RM build. This is good enough to finish it.

With this much, I got to 1e59 RM/minute with e59 upgrades so it only took 10 minutes to reach e60 from there. Once you are at 1e60 it's time to unlock V.

1e60 RM: V Reality to Ra unlock[]

  1. Do a time build to store Black Hole for 3e40~2e41 years (roughly 5.6k GL ~ 6k GL)
  2. Use this glyph build: drrtt
  3. Discharge Black Hole. If it didn't work, undo the last equipped glyph to get your Black Hole time back, store more Black Hole time, and try again.

Why this works: You're basically 'smuggling' Black Hole time into a build that otherwise gets Eternities and Dilated Time well, and the Eternities generate Infinities.

(Alternate V unlock build: errdi. It requires about 5x as much stored Black Hole time but can 'idle' to finish because it has an Effarig glyph in the build, so it's more intuitive to find.)

Once you unlock V, you will notice how it's structured. You have 6 'challenges' with 6 completions each. This celestial is extremely active, and can almost be done as fast as you can figure out how to achieve things - 6 hours is a good completion time to expect.

Your reward is Space Theorems (ST) which allow you to buy Time Studies that were previously mutually exclusive. As you gain STs, modify your presets or Automator constants ('automator predefined constants' is the book icon in the top right if you can't find it) to include the new studies you want. V-Achievements also give you 6 upgrades.

The following lists are adapted from the Discord server pins by Sir Kill-a-Lot:

Tips and Tricks[]

  • You never need to use Perk Points to reduce a goal.
  • In Young Boy, you only get 2 dimension paths. If you load a preset with all 3, it may buy left to right and buy Normal first. You may need to manually buy Time and Infinity or edit your preset/Automator so Time and Infinity are listed first.
  • In Young Boy, it is correct to have Game Speed on your Effarig - even though it does nothing in EC12, it helps you build up Time Shards before you finally enter EC12.
  • In Matterception, 221, 231, and 224 are useless. Swap 224 for 223, and get 226. If you have spare ST, you can get 227 or 233.
  • In loadouts with Power glyphs, the Effarig Buy 10 bonus becomes much more important, definitely surpassing All Dimension power.
  • If you get stuck during the suggested order, you can try to do V-Achievements slightly out of order, stop and farm now, use more Black Hole charge, spend Perk Points to lower the requirement, or you might need a better or different Effarig glyph. V is pretty freeform and this is just the suggested path.
  • When farming for Effarig glyphs, don't be a perfectionist - a low-level/rarity Effarig glyph with the right 4 effects can beat the pants off of a high-level/rarity Effarig glyph with the wrong 4 effects. Use the 'Specified Effect' glyph filter to search for specific Effarigs. You can also savescum glyphs with the following trick: Store a bunch of offline time, export save, and amplify a glyph level run. If you don't get the glyph you wanted, import save, do 500 (or however many Realities were simulated) quick Realities to advance the RNG, export save, and repeat. You can also use music glyphs - click the 'Receive a Music Glyph' button in Teresa's tab, hold down enter, and occasionally purge glyphs, repeat until you find the Effarig you need. It will be low-level, but you can use this to fill gaps in your Effarigventory until you find them naturally.

Effarig Glyph Effect Priorities[]

  • Priority for the fourth effect, in general, is AM Prod > All Dim > Buy 10. The difference between the 1st best and 2nd best Effarig for a given build is usually close. However, if your glyph build have power glyphs, the 4th effect priority is AM Prod > Buy 10 > All Dim.
  • Before 16 V-Achievements: No change
  • After 16 V-Achievements: Achievement Mult becomes 3rd priority on Glyph Level Effarigs.
  • After 30 V-Achievements: Achievement Mult is 3rd priority on RM Effarigs and 2nd priority on Celestial Effarigs. Your Game Speed build of etttt should now have a Game Speed/Ach Mult Effarig since Ach Mult now increases game speed! However, keep an all-but-Achievement Mult Effarig around for Matterception 6!

Space Theorem Priorities[]

  • 4-7 ST: Use Active path. For ST, get 221 or 226. They're close in most respects, but 226 is better for Matterception, AntiStellar, and Se7en deadly matters.
  • 8-9 ST: 221 and 226. Drop 221 for 227 (or 233 with 9 ST) in Matterception. Drop 221 for 223 in Se7en deadly matters.
  • 10-13 ST: 123 and 133. Use the Idle path. Having multiple Replicanti Galaxy multipliers at once is a MASSIVE boost! This is a good time to push RM, and with that extra RM push, you can go for some better glyphs.
  • 14-19 ST: Same as 4-9, but with the Idle RG study.
  • 20-23 ST: 121, 131, 122, 132. You now have ALL THREE Replicanti Galaxy multipliers for another MASSIVE boost! Again, push some RM and glyph levels.
  • 24-31 ST: Same as 4-9 but with Active and Passive RG studies.
  • 32 ST: Pick up 223.
  • 33-35 ST: Swap 223 for 233.
  • 36 ST: You can now buy every study at once, congrats! Change all your Automator variables and presets.

Order Pt 1: GL5700[]

  • Glyph Knight 1-4 (dr)
  • AntiStellar 1-2 (erddd)
  • Se7en deadly matters 1 (epppp or epddd)
  • Matterception 1-3 (epddd (or eppdd if you're stuck))
  • RM Farm ~ Use new idle path to gain RM
  • Eternal Sunshine 1 (errrt)
  • Matterception 4
  • Se7en deadly matters 2-4
  • AntiStellar 3
  • Eternal Sunshine 2
  • Glyph Knight 5 (r) (you may need to use a minimal TT Dilation unlock tree)
  • Young Boy 1-2 (etttt)
  • RM Farm
  • Eternal Sunshine 3-4
  • Se7en deadly matters 5-6
  • AntiStellar 4 (A short charge can be helpful)
  • Young Boy 3-4 (If you're struggling, you can postpone it until you have done the RM/Glyph/Teresa farm)

Order Pt 2: GL6000[]

  • A Time glyph-boosted Black Hole discharge becomes very important at this point. You can try without, but you should be using it for the fastest completions.
  • Short RM/Glyph Farm/Teresa Run
  • Matterception 5
  • RM/Glyph Farm (~e82 RM)
  • Eternal Sunshine 5
  • Young Boy 5-6
  • RM Farm
  • Glyph Knight 6
  • AntiStellar 5
  • Eternal Sunshine 6
  • Matterception 6
  • RM Farm
  • AntiStellar 6

Small achievement note: If you have 10 V-Achievements, pause the Black Hole, and have an Effarig glyph with the Achievement bonus multiplier effect, you can get Achievement 163 ('Actually, super easy! Barely an inconvenience!'). The only non-obvious achievement out there.

1e95 RM: Ra unlock to 1e1000 RM[]

When you complete all V-Achievements, you will unlock Ra. Ra consists of 25 memories of 4 previous Celestials for a total of 100. Think of those as 'levels'; at certain levels, you will get 'perks'.

Ra's Reality works in a way that you simply sit in it and generate Memory Chunks which in turn generate Memories for leveling passively. This celestial is a timewall, probably designed to let you chill after how active the previous Celestials were.

  • NOTE: If you're storing offline time in The Nameless Ones' tab, you won't generate memory chunks. Make sure to set the button to Offline time used for production! There won't be much reason to amplify realities from now on.

(Information in this section adapted from Discord pins by BsonHK and asw!)

Immediately enter Ra's Reality, to reach Teresa Level 2. Use a combo of:

  • Teresa's Memories: eirrp -> eirpp (Teresa 2) -> eppii (Teresa 4) -> epiii (Teresa 12) -> eppii (e43 sac) -> epiii (18/15/13/11 memories or sooner?)
  • Effarig effect priority inside of Ra: Buy 10 > AM Prod > ALL > Game Speed > Achievement

While in Ra's Reality, you generate Memory Chunks for each Celestial based on its corresponding resource - Teresa's is EP, and time/dilation glyphs are weak here.

One thing of note though - notice how there are buttons 'Teresa's Recollection' and 'Teresa's Fragmentation' to the left of the level bar - you always want to use those ASAP unless the level up which gives you something big in value is super close. For example, Teresa Level 3 is mostly useless by itself (it does buff Charged Infinity Upgrades slightly)

Fragmentation > Recollection if the price is the same/close unless you're not farming memory chunk for that Celestial and won't soon.

Oh, remember how I promised you a new Automator once we reach Ra? Well, here it is.

This is Flore's Tear (modified to buy Triad Studies - you'll see what those are soon). It can handle everything until the end of the game, though after V Level 1 and later Teresa Level 25 you might find a simpler Automator more pleasant to look at.


(You can also use Ra Perk Points for farming Perk Points (thanks to HELLOPERSON), though don't worry too much about it - if you put it off, there will be big multipliers to Perk Point gains and even automatic Perk Point generation later on.)


Perk Points glyph build: deprt Effarig must have game speed and achievement power. Gets 200ms Realities at the start of Ra, and 100ms at the end.

Once you reach Teresa Level 2 you unlock Charged Infinity Upgrades, a major upgrade. You get one every 2 levels of Teresa.

To upgrade those - go to the Infinity Upgrades tab and click on any of the upgrades you have. You can reset the choice on reality swap, works kinda like glyphs - click a button up top and it will reset the next reality.

Row/Column list of priorities for charged Infinity Upgrades:

  • Ra's Reality: 11, 13, 23, 21, 22, 31, 32, 12, 33, 42, 41, 43
  • Pre-Level10 Effarig RM, GL, Teresa Rechallenge: 41, 43, 11, 13, 23, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33, 12, 42 (Before 7-effect Effarig glyphs, RM gen is the second best choice. It gives current RM/sec. This means take your buildup time 5-8s x the multiplier x the Black Hole Discharge for a HUGE bonus.)
  • Post-Effarig Level 10 RM, GL, Teresa Rechallenge: 41, 11, 13, 23, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33, 12, 42, 43 (Once you have a good 7-effect Effarig glyph the charged upgrades play off it so well that having another AD boost upgrade is way better. Plus the RM gen multiplier falls off hard.) (Upgrade 43 is stronger again after Teresa Level 18 (xe5.5).)

Every 2 Teresa levels grind RM for a few minutes before returning to Ra.

Glyph builds to use in this channel outside of Ra:

  • RM: eprrt (errtt) -> erppi (Teresa 8) -> eppii/epppi (Teresa 10) -> epppi (Teresa 12/e43 sac). NOTE: The optimal RM Effarig has changed! In particular, xRM is still good but no longer the most important effect. Optimal RM Effarigs are 'Game Speed, Achievement, AM Prod, one more' (Buy 10 > ALL > xRM). The second best is 'Achievement, Buy 10, AM Prod, one more'. If your luck is bad, use what happens to work best for you.
  • GL: errrr. NOTE: The optimal GL Effarig is currently 'GS, Instability, Achievement, one more' (AM Prod > ALL > Buy 10 but it's extremely close).
  • Teresa: errtp -> erppp (Teresa 10) -> epppp (Teresa 16). (Untested: Use your best RM Effarig that doesn't have xRM?)
  • Sac: Buy music glyphs and sac them, same as always.

Do RM/GL/Teresa/Sac when you unlock a new reward, charged Infinity Upgrade, or useful alchemy resource. You can ignore GL until Effarig Level 10 when it becomes MUCH better.

Now swap back to Ra's Reality and start farming until ~Teresa Level 5.

Don't forget the charged Infinity Upgrade changes, I won't remind you to change those on RA/RM/Glyph farm anymore. We don't want to bother with glyph farming for now as we need more Ra progress to get any meaningful improvements.

When reaching Level 4 - don't forget you get an extra charged Infinity Upgrade, I won't remind you again about such level-ups, they are every 2nd level.

At Level 5, you may want to do another cycle of RM farming to increase the boost to memories.

At Teresa Level 8, you unlock Effarig's Memories:

  • Effarig's Memories: epirt

At this point, you'll want to switch your glyphs to level up Effarig to unlock Alchemy. This allows you to refine glyphs for Alchemy resources that provide various boosts which means you'll want to go back to glyph farming for a while. Use fast realities to fill up Alchemy resources, while longer runs increase the Alchemy resource caps. Don't forget to go back to Ra every so often for more memory chunks.

Teresa Level 10 unlocks additional boosts to glyphs that are added upon reaching certain sacrifice thresholds, so you'll also want to rechallenge Teresa every so often as well.

Effarig Level 8 unlocks Nameless' Memories.

  • Nameless' Memories: rrrtt

Nameless Level 2 makes charging and discharging the Black Hole faster than just leaving it on. If you're playing actively, charge the Black Hole and click discharge regularly. If you can't remember to discharge, turn off charging until you can.

Edit: Alternatively, you can add the following lines to the end of your automator script, then leave charging enabled:

while 1 > 0 { store game time use pause 0.1s }

Around here the other important levels are Teresa Level 15, which increases Perk Point Shop caps, and Effarig Level 10, which allows you to get Effarig glyphs with all 7 effects, greatly simplifying your glyph builds.

Nameless Level 8 unlocks V's Memories.

  • V's Memories: iiirr (again, make sure you're charging and discharging BH!) -> rrrrr (1e43 sac) -> rrrri (1e1000 RM)

V Level 6 unlocks Triad Studies, additional Time Studies that unlock every 6 V levels, and Hard V-Achievements to allow you to get more Space Theorems to buy the Triad Studies and buff V reward 2 (Antimatter Dimension power). Each Triad Study is better than the last, in general. Nameless Level 10 unlocks Black Hole pulsing, which is equivalent to toggling charge/discharge rapidly, giving you the bonus game speed constantly.

Hard V strat: (adapted from BsonHK's Discord pin!)

Requirement format: (Teresa lvl, Effarig lvl, Nameless lvl), RM, GL, Alchemy cap, Glyph sac. You might still be strong enough if you're slightly missing something. Use the GL Charged Infinity Upgrades.

V Level 6:

  • Requirement: (15,12,10), e300, 7700, 3400, 1e36
  • Requiem for a Glyph 1-2: ccet (c is cursed)
  • Stuck?: Make sure you have bought TS301, enter any EC to respec studies, and buy a minimum tree to unlock Dilation.
  • Shutter Glyph 1: errrr

V Level 10:

  • Requirement: (18,15,12), e600, 9500, 8500, 1e43
  • Requiem for a Glyph 3: cccet
  • Stuck?: Enter any EC to respec studies, and buy a minimum tree to unlock Dilation.
  • Shutter Glyph 2: errrr

V Level 12:

  • Requirement: (20,16,15), e950, 10400, 11000, 1e45
  • Requiem for a Glyph 4: cccce
  • Stuck?: Enter any EC to respec studies, and buy a minimum tree to unlock Dilation.
  • Post-destination 1-5: errpt
  • Stuck?: Make sure you have TS302. Make sure you click the 'Invert BH' button, verify your Game Speed has been divided, then enter V's Reality. Make sure you don't enter EC12 manually or via Automator (there's no longer a reason to do this anyway)

At some point, your RM production will explode. When you hit 1e1000 RM, a strange new resource and tab will unlock.

1e1000 RM: iM Generation to Lai'tela unlock[]

RM is capped at 1e1000 and you now improve your Imaginary Machines (iM) based on how much RM you would have generated if there was no cap. Your actual amount of iM approaches your cap with exponentially diminishing returns - mousing over each Imaginary Upgrade will tell you how soon you can afford it (if at all). So, continue to do occasional iM/GL/Teresa/Sac cycles to improve your power, and spend the rest of your time progressing Ra.

If you don't have it yet, prioritize Effarig 25 ASAP. With the addition of Reality Glyphs (denoted by y in glyph builds), many Glyph builds have been updated. You can also sacrifice Reality Glyphs to generate more memory chunks in Ra to finish it faster. Glyph builds used in this section:

  • Ra: Teresa = epiii, Effarig = epirt, Nameless = rrrtt, V = rrrri -> rrrii (2e5 iM) -> rriii (Tesseract 6)
  • RM/iM: epppi -> yettp/yettt (Reality glyph) -> petty (Recollection of Intrusion)
  • GL: errrr -> yerrr (Reality glyph)
  • Teresa: yettp/yettt-> Same as RM (Reality glyph)
  • Game Speed: etttt -> e(anything but reality) (Nameless 25). Nameless 25 makes Game Speed runs less relevant but it can still give a small push for runs that use reality glyphs, and a big push for runs that use less than 5 glyphs or are in Realities that dilate game speed.
  • Perk Points: deprt -> derpy
  • Sac/Alchemy: For active play, while Perk Points is running, click 'Fill all empty slots in your inventory with Music Glyphs' and hold enter. For idle play, GL and reality every 133-166ms
  • Relic Shards: tripe -> piety

At V Level 24 or sooner, finish Hard-V. Use errpt for Post-destination and yerrr for Shutter Glyph. Now that Ra is finished, you can use the funniest baby Automator, which just buys (nowait) all studies, dilates if TP <= 10, buys all studies, and chills:


Don’t forget to sacrifice a Reality glyph for Achievement 171 “The god is delighted” and complete Achievement 172 “Hitchhiker's Guide to Reality” by removing charged Infinity Upgrades, Glyphs, and Triad Studies (might wanna do that after you reach 1e1000 RM). You’ll also get achievement 173 “Cet accomplissement n'existe pas III” and achievement 175 “The First Antihistorian” without much effort.

Before you maxed out your Alchemy resources, you probably have already jumped to 1e1000 RM. At this point, you’ll begin generating Imaginary Machines (iM) instead, which can be used to purchase Imaginary Upgrades. The Imaginary Upgrades are similar to the Reality Upgrades, with certain upgrades locked behind requisites.

If you get stuck: There are a lot of moving parts at this point in the game and missing just one thing can grind you to a halt, so here's a checklist for this and the next section you can refer back to:

  • Finish Ra, Hard-V, Alchemy (all resources 25k and filled, and a level 25k Reality glyph)
  • Grind iM/GL/Teresa/Sac cycles. If you still want something to do, Sac can be grinded for slow diminishing returns forever. You can also do Relic Shards briefly to improve Sac growth (the two decimal places rounding is just visual).
  • if you ever hit a BACKSLIDE:
    • Ensure glyph level factors are set to auto
    • Check that none of your autobuyers have turned off or started buying singles and that your dimboost and galaxy autobuyers aren't accidentally capped. Also, check that Auto Eternity Challenges is on. (These are all especially important since many Imaginary Upgrade requirements make you turn things off!)
    • Check that you've bought all Charged Infinity Upgrades.
    • Check that you're buying all studies, including Triad Studies.
  • You can wait for Momentum (the Alchemy Resource) to build to a max of ^1.2.
  • Check that your Black Hole is on, charging, and pulsing.
  • Teresa 25 doesn't work in Celestial Realities so your Automator should dilate if TP <= 10.
  • Check that in The Nameless Ones you have 'Offline time used for production' and in Options you have 'Offline progress on' (unless you don't want it to be).
  • Read Imaginary Upgrades requirements carefully. Don't, for example, enter Effarig's Reality instead of Ra's. (In general, reading new things carefully is a good idea.)
  • If all else fails, try doing a GS run to bank BH time.

Now it’s just a matter of grinding for better glyphs (at least Lv 17k glyphs) and a higher iM cap until you can purchase Lai’tela and other Imaginary Upgrades.

Hold shift to check costs of Imaginary Upgrades that are locked. Attempt them when affordable. Finishing Ra will help a lot but you might be able to get started before then. A good order for row 3 is left to right. Fabrication of Ideals will always be done last. If you're stuck, double-check that you understand the requirement carefully, execute it correctly, and that you didn't miss anything, or maybe just grind or wait for Momentum to build.

  • Suspicion of Interference: Same as Relic Shards (should take less than an hour).
  • Consequences of Illusions: yertp. Doesn't matter which factor you change to 100, because what matters is the boost from Relic Shards.
  • Transience of Information: yettt. Remember all The Nameless Ones' Reality tricks (EC1 is infinitely completable, Enter C10 while in EC6, Black Hole discharge, Feel Eternity), and don't forget to dilate.
  • Recollection of Intrusion: ytttt/yettt. Make sure you wait for a second between equipping glyphs and entering EC5 to build up Time Shards.
  • Fabrication of Ideals (Lai'tela): yettt. Before the Reality, turn off auto-EC (Challenges tab)/ID autobuyers. Reality, then enter EC2, then turn on auto-EC/ID autobuyers. Requires Ra completed, Cosmic Filament purchase, 1.16+ Momentum (Alchemy), e67+ Sac. Turn autobuyers and Auto-EC on after!

1e9 iM: Lai'tela unlock to Pelle[]

Glyph builds to use in this section:

  • RM/iM: yettp -> yetip (2e74 sac+tesseract 7) -> yeiip (e77 sac) -> yeiii (Total Termination) -> epiii (achievement 177)
  • GL: yerrr -> yerrd (1e75 sac+1e5 singularities) -> yerdd (2 active dimensions in Lai'tela's Reality) -> yerrd (5.8e14 iM)
  • Teresa: Similar to RM (Reality glyph) -> yeddd (1e72 sac) -> yepii (achievement 177).
  • Game Speed: e(anything but reality). Banking BH time can strengthen challenge and buff runs. Turn off pulsing until you're ready to use the stored time.
  • Perk Points: yedrp. Only exists for optimal glyph sac since you passively generate Perk Points/Realities thanks to Alchemy now. You should be able to hit a 66ms Reality, and even 33ms Reality if your automator instantly buys all studies and only dilates if TP <= 10.
  • Glyph Sacrifice: For active play, while Perk Points is running, click 'Fill all empty slots in your inventory with Music Glyphs' and hold enter. For idle play, GL and Reality every 133-166ms
  • Relic Shards: ipyte. The Glyph Sacrifice bonus is visually rounded to 2 decimal places but is actually continuous, so you can do one Relic Shard run every so often to update it. Example values: ^1.095 sac at 3e79, ^1.1 at 1e100, ^1.105 at 8e125, ^1.108 at 1e147
  • Lai'tela's Reality: yeddd -> ydddd (5e69 sac) -> yeddd (5e73 sac) -> ydddd (Existential Elimination) -> yeddd (Planar Purification+Absolute Annulment)
  • Dark Matter/Dark Energy Buff: Certain Singularity Milestones buff DM/DE based on resources this Reality. Swap to the next build each milestone: iiiii (Infs, 3e3 singularities) -> yddii (TTs, 3e9 singularities) -> yeddi (GS, 8e22 singularities) -> edddd (DT, 8e33 singularities)

Upon unlocking Lai’tela, you get a Dark Matter Dimension (DMD). DMDs generate Dark Matter (DM), which gives you more purchases from your ADs (or Continuum, as they’re now called) based on the highest amount had at once (so occasionally you'll want to stop buying to improve your peak, then go back to buying), and Dark Energy (DE), which can form Singularities (more on that later).

Lai’tela’s Reality is different from the previous Realities in that the goal is not to reach Reality but to destabilize the entire operation. When you’re in Lai’tela’s Reality, antimatter generates entropy, and when you reach 100% entropy, the Reality is destabilized.

Destabilizing Lai’tela’s Reality gives you a boost in DM multipliers. If Lai’tela’s Reality is destabilized within 30 seconds, the next time you challenge it, the highest active dimension gets shut down, but the rewards become stronger. When challenging this Reality, do not Reality as that won’t count as destabilization.

It should be pretty easy to destabilize Lai’tela’s Reality twice already (but remember to dilate time as the auto dilation based on sqrt of best antimatter only applies in non-Celestials), while purchasing the DM dimension upgrades along the way. After that, grind for a bit until you can afford the 2nd DMD (Massless Momentum). Then rechallenge Teresa and sacrifice glyphs until you reach 1e71 (glyph level: low 18k). That should be just enough to destabilize Lai’tela thrice.

Hopefully, throughout all this, you’ve been keeping an eye on your Singularity generator. Singularities are formed by condensing 200 DE, but if you have more than 200, the rest won’t be carried over to form the next Singularity. Singularities are accompanied by Singularity Milestones (SM) which give you buffs like lowering DMD upgrade costs or multiplying your DE and DM production.

Later on, when you get 8 Singularities, you unlock a Singularity autobuyer. The Singularity autobuyer only activates upon reaching a threshold above the cap, however, so manual buying is preferred if you want the best Singularity gain rate. Then when you reach 10 Singularities, you unlock Singularity bulk-buying. You can increase the Singularity cap to buy multiple Singularities at once.

The "Increased Singularity gain per cap increase" milestone gives you more Singularites at a higher cap than at a lower one, so increasing the cap is recommended. Anything that gets you the most around an hour or so is good enough, as you can get multiple milestones at once that way (plus there's no use rushing it). Beware when decreasing the cap though, because if you have more DE than the previous cap and have auto Singularity on, doing so will auto-condense your DE for fewer Singularities, wasting the rest of it.

Bulk buy Singularities until you get 50 of them, then AUTO bulk buy 22 Singularities, which will allow you to unlock and buy the 3rd DMD (Chiral Oscillation).

Around 1k Singularities/e35-e36 DM, you'll be offered the option to Ascend a DMD for the first time. This multiplies its DM/DE by x700 but also multiplies its interval by x1200. So, it's not a benefit until you can get 11 more interval upgrades. It is suggested that you not ascend DMD 1 until you have e37 DM. Later on, there's a milestone that reduces Ascension's downside and you'll be gaining OoMs of DM faster. Active players can micro-optimize delaying Ascend, idle players can just automatically Ascend.

Around 1.5e10 iM, 1e74-1e75 sac, 50-52% continuum purchases, and e198-e199 black hole years, you can use the Lai'tela build (ydddd) to get 80k galaxies and unlock the 4th DMD purchase (Dimensional Symmetry). To unlock the Imaginary Upgrade for the 4th DMD, use 4 dilation glyphs + reality glyph to optimize for galaxy gain. If you're close, try increasing sac or black hole time. If you're far, focus on Continuum mult/Singularities. After having all 4 DMDs, you should be able to successfully destabilize Lai'tela for the 4th time.

One rule about the locked Imaginary Upgrades is that if you can afford them, you can most likely unlock them. So until your iM cap reaches the price, you don’t have to worry about it or the related strategy. Press Shift to view their costs. Another thing of note is that you'll probably spend a lot of time waiting for SMs. Here's what I like to do in between:

  1. Reach New SM(s)
  2. Rechallenge Lai'tela
  3. Get better Glyphs
  4. Increase iM cap
  5. Rechallenge Teresa
  6. Sacrifice Glyphs
  7. Redo 2-6 (optional)
  8. Wait for new SM(s) in DM/DE Buff build

At about 1e10 Singularities and Lv 20k Glyphs, you can unlock Annihilation by beating Deterministic Radiation. Glyph build: epiii. Turn off the Automator, use TS tree 11,21,31,41,51,61,72,82|0, and since you don't have TS181 remember to Crunch! If you're still stuck, you forgot to turn Auto-EC or ID autobuyers back on after Fabrication of Ideals! Annihilation resets your DM and DMD count, but you also get a permanent multiplier on your DMDs.

How to use Annihilation optimally: At first, do 2-3min annihilations. Once you hit 1e60 DM instantly, spam annihilating every other tick, occasionally doing long runs for DM. If you can't annihilate every tick but think you should be able to, try turning auto-ascend off. Don't forget to turn auto-ascend back on afterward. Getting an OoM or two more mult is a good goal to aim for. Ultimate goal is x2e8-2e9 mult.

Around 1.6e14 Singularities, your Auto Singularity cap threshold drops to x1.00, meaning you can now automatically get Singularities without wasting any DE. With around 4.7e15 Singularities and Lv 21.8k Glyphs, you can destabilize Lai'tela for the 5th time. At 4e18 Singularities, you unlock an autobuyer for Annihilation. The auto Annihilator has a text box where you type in a value, and it adds that value to your Annihilation multiplier once it reaches it.

Within 5e22 Singularities, you will have unlocked all the DMD-related autobuyers, plus their speeds will have gone down to "instant". At Lv 24.2k Glyphs, you can afford the Imaginary Upgrade Vacuum Acceleration, which should've unlocked itself earlier on with all that progress you made on the DMDs. Vacuum Acceleration allows you to automatically buy repeatable Imaginary Upgrades, so the whole thing becomes a lot easier.

You should be able to successfully destabilize Lai'tela for the 6th time around 2e25 Singularities, 2,000 - 3,000 Annihilation, and Lv 25.5k Glyphs. With around 9e27 Singularities and Lv 27.2k Glyphs, you can unlock the Imaginary Upgrade Existential Elimination. Glyph build: yeidd or RM. Press the "Continuum" button in the AD or Autobuyers tab to disable Continuum. Don't forget to turn it back on afterward! Existential Elimination improves your Annihilation multiplier gain, so this is a good time to do spam instant annihilations.

Around Lv low 31k Glyphs, you can try unlocking the Imaginary Upgrade Total Termination. Glyph build: ccccd (c is Cursed Glyph), then enter Effarig's Reality. Total Termination increases the Glyph sacrifice totals to 1e100, where the effects get capped. Relic Shards/Teresa/Glyph Sac is now useless. You should be able to destabilize Lai'tela for the 7th time around this point.

Around Lv 37k Glyphs, you can try unlocking the Imaginary Upgrade Planar Purification. Glyph build: cyer, then enter Ra's Reality. Equip the Cursed Glyph first to prevent your Glyph count from going over 0. Next, unlock the Imaginary Upgrade Absolute Annulment. Glyph build: epiii, then fully invert (1/1e300 and make sure to click the Invert BH button) your Black Hole, then enter Ra's Reality. With these two upgrades, you will trivially destabilize Lai'tela for the 8th time, taking only a few seconds.

From now on, all Dimensions are disabled while in Lai'tela's Reality, and rechallenging it no longer improves your DM multiplier. The only way to improve your DMDs (and the rest of the game) is to wait for the rest of the SMs. Your goal is 2.5e45 Singularities when you'll have completed every SM at least once (Achievement 177 "This mile took a celestial"). This seems like a timewall after you have 1e308 Dark Matter, but there are several things you can do to speed it up by a factor of 2x:

  • After doing that, push iM/GL, then repeat until you hit diminishing returns.
  • Sit in the optimal Dark Matter/Dark Energy buff build (edddd or edddi, no game speed buff setup needed since it's optimal for game speed already).
  • Click Show all milestones, click the leftmost button until it says To Milestone: Auto time, then increase/decrease the singularity cap until the remaining time for milestones is optimized.

After Achievement 177 (actually, you can do it before but there's no point because you won't have enough iM to buy it), you can get Omnipresent Obliteration. Equip d and enter Lai'tela's Reality. Wait 10-15 minutes for e4k EP (your goal is to Reality, not to Destabilize).

Do one last iM/GL/Teresa/Sac grind if you need to, and unlock Pelle. If you feel sentimental, back up your save, and then Doom Your Reality.

1.6e15 iM: Pelle to END[]

Once you have completed all Achievements available up to this point and unlocked and bought the last Imaginary Upgrade, you will be able to face the final Celestial by Dooming Your Reality. Doing so will reset most of the game and disable many prior upgrades and mechanics, essentially forcing you to play a modified version of the entire game, excluding most of the Reality stage of the game.

Once you Doom Your Reality, you are stuck in it for the rest of the game, though you can "Armageddon" to reset the Doomed Reality in exchange for Remnants that produce Reality Shards used to purchase Pelle Upgrades. The first Remnant can be obtained with just under 1e9 antimatter, which allows you to gain 10 Reality Shards per second, so feel free to Armageddon then.

One of the biggest differences in Doomed Reality is that most quality-of-life features such as autobuyers that aren't outright disabled can only be obtained by purchasing Pelle Upgrades. There are also repeatable upgrades that boost your production, which you'll need to compensate for the nerfs introduced by the Doomed Reality.

(This section is adapted from asw's Discord pins!)

Under 1e308 Antimatter[]

Firstly, don't go into c8 yet. It's not worth it until you reach 75x on your first Pelle rebuyable. You want to stay outside of c8 so that you can get dimboosts which allows you to get AM thus remnants faster. While you are still not at 75x, armageddon to get more remnants until you reach 75x.

When you have 75x, you want to go into c8 and reach infinity in it. DON'T CRUNCH yet. Armageddon when you can crunch using the z hotkey to get your last bit of remnants for a while. Then do another c8 run and crunch.

Infinity to Break Infinity[]

Upon your first Infinity, you encounter a Strike. Strikes give you penalties, making the game harder, but also rewards, usually a Rift. Rift 1 is your replacement for the IP multiplier Infinity Upgrade. Fill it when you can make substantial progress on the Rift, leave it idle otherwise.

Reading the effect of the strike, you will realize that you shouldn't armageddon for a while as otherwise getting back to infinity is very difficult. To be more exact you shouldn't armageddon again until you have reached a 1e10x multiplier on the first Pelle rebuyable, which should be very easy with the 117/118 remnants you have. (Note: This guide will not contain much information on when to armageddon, but the general idea before eternity is that you should armageddon when the cut down on time to the next Pelle Upgrade is significant)

It should be very easy to farm IP as you can just hold m, d, and c (no need to buy galaxies). Remember to keep your first bar on as you do so, though you may need to disable it to push for an upgrade. It shouldn't take long until you can Break Infinity as the first rift is pretty powerful early.

Break Infinity to 5e11 IP (Replicanti)[]

You should be setting up your autobuyers to get max IP/min and buying the Break Infinity Upgrades, similar to 5e11 IP before Reality. Galaxies are starting to have a useful impact on your IP/min so you should start holding M and G until you unlock the 5-8 dim, tickspeed, and galaxy autobuyers.

It shouldn't take you long before you unlock the first milestone on your first rift. Once you do, equip your power glyph, that's going to be the best glyph for a while. Continue optimizing your IP/min while buying break infinity upgrades. IDs will come naturally when you have bought certain Pelle rebuyables, there is no reason to push for them as you probably can't reach them.

When you buy the 5e11 IP upgrade, you should have gotten the second milestone on bar 1 and unlocked replicanti.

5e11 IP to Eternity[]

Now you should have just gotten your second strike and rift (Decay/Collapse/Disarray). The second rift drains Replicanti to fill. If you're playing idly, leave it on at all times. If you're playing actively, turn it on briefly whenever it makes a large amount of Rift progress, the same as for Rift 1.

This is where Cel 7 becomes a Pelle rebuyable timewall. Without enough rebuyables, it will be impossible to progress beyond where you are supposed to be able to reach. Crunch when you can afford another ID/replicanti upgrade. Remember to unlock IDs and complete ICs. IC strat will be similar to pre-Reality. Keep on getting remnants and Pelle rebuyables to progress, there isn't much else to do until you eternity. You will want to eternity with a full second bar. (if you reached eternity before a full second bar, you will want at least e1800+ replicanti filled.)

Eternity to ECs[]

Follow the Celestial 7 Eternity - Dilation guide (with FAQ), made by BsonHK:

Once you Eternity, you would have gotten your third strike and rift (Chaos/Disorder/Impurity). It might look scary, but if your Rift 2 is at 100%, turn the third Rift on. You'll reach the 9% milestone when Rift 2 hits 10%, and this makes Rift 2 always act like it's filled, so you can now leave Rift 3 permanently filling (unless you need to fill 2 other Rifts simultaneously). Increasing Rift 3 has a second effect - it makes Rift 2 larger and thus requires more replicanti amount to fill, making Rift 3 100% a long-term goal.

Continue progressing and attempt to get all Eternity Milestones. When you go and look at the Time Studies tab, you will realize that some studies are struck through. Those studies will still be required to be bought to buy the studies further down, however, they will have no effect.

Once you get all Eternity Milestones and can afford TS22, you will want to wait for e3k replicanti to get the second milestone on bar 3. Once you get that milestone, you will want to start juggling glyphs. Dilation isn't useful yet, but the other four glyphs all have a specific purpose thanks to the Pelle-specific effect:

Power: Best at AM (for TT and Remnants)

Replicanti: Best at Replicanti amount (for Rift 2 -> Rift 3)

Infinity: Best at IP (for Rift 1, TT, and Remnants)

Time: Best at EP (for TT and Remnants)

(Note- When farming EP, change your eternity autobuyer mode from 0.7 to 1s after you gain the extra glyph effect, as the time glyph effect may mess up your autobuyers due to buying TDs)

Cycle through glyphs, spending different amounts of time on them based on what you need and their diminishing returns. (For example, you can always spend twice as long in EP to get one more TT, and Replicanti requires as long a run as your last Replicanti run to make progress unless your Rift 1 has become a lot stronger). If you're saving up resources for a particular goal, you can turn off other autobuyers/rifts (for example replicanti galaxies if you're building replicanti or time dimensions if you're building up EP) to ensure you achieve it as fast as possible.

You will get Strike/Rift 4 (Recursion/Dispersion/Destruction) at 115 total TT. It's impossible to have done any ECs by now, so it's a pure upside, but also a warning for what the future of Eternity Challenges holds: Pain and suffering.

For Time Studies, in the Dimension split, you will never want IDs, you always want ADs over TDs until TS171 as IDs are terrible. At TS171, you will want to switch to TDs, as that's when TDs overtake ADs. For the pace split, you will always be using Idle as the max RG from bar 2 is not affected by TS131, so TS133 is significantly better than TS131, even after you have EC8 completions.

ECs to after EC10x1[]

Starting at 143 TTs, you can do ECs again! You should already have ECs being permanent through Armageddon, so this is the last time you'll ever do them. You can start with as low as 136 TTs (skip TS162), but since you are timewalled by the e27 AD multiplier RS upgrade anyways, there's no point in starting with 136 TTs unless you already have it.

In particular, EC1 is no longer the easiest first challenge - EC3 followed by EC2 is! Depending on your strength, it may be a long wait to finish, but ECs will get faster after that.

Use Infinity for all ECs, except EC9 (Time), EC10 (Power), EC11 (Power), and EC12 (Rep).

If you feel hard when doing ECs, try to fill the first rift. Although it's weakened in ECs by the fourth strike, it still has a pretty strong effect.

Continue to juggle glyphs when not doing ECs. After TS181, the Power glyph is obsoleted by Infinity for AM/IP. EC8 in particular will be difficult - refer to the guide to do it optimally.

EC10x1 to Dilation[]

This is where you go through the inflation stage of dark and light studies. You won't need to juggle glyphs a lot in this section. Progress will be very fast here. Just buy all dark studies (exceptions: 223 in EC11, 225 in EC12), fill your rifts, do EC11x1-5 before EC12x1-5 and you'll be back at dilation in no time. Note that entering Dilation is another point of no return, so max your remnants (3.8e7 required), Rift 1, Rift 3, and get as much Rift 4 as possible before dilating.

Dilation to END[]

Once you dilate, you will receive your 5th and final strike and rift (Paradox/Contradiction/Fallacy). Together with that, your EP and best-ever IP and AM in Cel 7 will be reset to 0, and the remnant gain formula will be changed. This is the final stretch, you will be using dilation glyph mostly, but sometimes you might still want to juggle. You will very rarely need to disable Rift 5, so just keep it on, unless you can't reach another dilation upgrade. The second row of rebuyables is all better than the first row, so prioritize those. There also isn't much to do other than armageddoning and buying dilation upgrades as they come up. At e55 DT, your DT will begin skyrocketing until around e100 DT, when you'll unlock the Galaxy Generator. There is a cap to it, and it requires you to drain rifts to increase the cap. Draining rifts remove all rewards gained from them, but don't worry, as extra galaxies are MASSIVELY overpowered, and will push you to the end. Just buy its upgrades and drain the rifts until you uncap the generator and beat the game.

This guide provides strategies for efficiently progressing in the incremental game Antimatter Dimensions. It emphasizes that while players will eventually achieve their goals, there are faster methods to do so. The guide includes various tips, such as using macro tools like OP Auto Clicker, employing keyboard tricks (like holding 'M' for rapid purchases), and running the game in Google Chrome for optimal performance. Players are encouraged to join the Antimatter Dimensions Discord server for real-time assistance and to regularly back up their game saves. The game revolves around accumulating antimatter through a series of dimensions, each producing the next, with mechanics like Dimension Boosts and Dimensional Sacrifices enhancing progression. The guide also explains the offline progression feature, which allows players to continue earning antimatter even when not actively playing. It likens the game's mechanics to physics concepts, illustrating how each dimension increases production in a linear fashion, ultimately leading to exponential growth with the right upgrades. Overall, the guide serves as a comprehensive resource for both new and experienced players looking to optimize their gameplay in Antimatter Dimensions.