

Cookie settings

Yandex uses technical cookies to ensure the site/app functions properly. However, we would also like to use optional marketing, analytics, and other types of cookies. These cookies help Yandex improve services, your experience, and ad relevancy. For more information about cookies, please read our Cookie Policy

These cookies are necessary for crucial web browsing functions, such as authorization or navigation. They are essential to the service's functionality, so they are used by default.

These cookies improve the quality of Yandex services. They remember preference settings, anonymously analyze website traffic, and help displaying relevant ads.

These cookies are non-essential. They help to improve the experience of working on Yandex services and websites. They help to restore web page sessions, remember preferred regions, save personal preferences, and more.

Allow selected cookies

Allow essential cookies

Yandex uses technical cookies for site/app functionality and offers optional marketing, analytics, and other cookies to enhance services and ad relevance. Essential cookies are necessary for browsing functions, while non-essential cookies improve service quality by remembering preferences, analyzing traffic, and displaying relevant ads. Non-essential cookies enhance user experience by restoring sessions, remembering regions, and saving personal preferences.