A Better Life


A story I’ve been nibbling away at for a few years, based on a fragment of erotic fiction I stumbled on somewhere. Do enjoy.

Brenda Simmons stumbled into her apartment, fumbling along the wall next to the door for the light switch. She was drunk and in a foul mood.

She flinched when the lights came on. Holding a shaky hand over her eyes, Brenda staggered to the kitchen and poured herself a drink from the fifth of cheap vodka sitting next to the refrigerator, then slumped against the counter with a sigh.

What a clusterfuck tonight had been. Her so-called “date” had abandoned her at the bar, running off with some teenage skank — leaving her with no one even remotely worth hooking up with. Oh, and no ride home.

She’d had to beg for a ride with an old fat guy, who would only do it if she filled his gas tank. Great, another thirty bucks on the credit card that she could ill afford. At least he didn’t make me blow him, she told herself, shuddering at the thought of it.

Glancing down, Brenda spied a Bloody Mary stain on her top. Her favorite one, too!

Fuck!” she hissed. Gritting her teeth, she tugged the tiny garment off over her head and stood swaying in the kitchen, wearing only a red mini skirt and five-inch heels. Brenda’s dyed blonde hair surrounded her face like an unruly curtain.

She blinked around the living room, then staggered toward the hallway, setting her empty glass on the counter. Time to check on her daughters. She was home early, but they ought to be asleep anyhow.

Approaching the girls’ bedroom, Brenda stopped in her tracks when she heard voices from behind the door. They’re still awake? Frowning, she took hold of the knob and carefully opened it, not wanting to startle her daughters. She peered inside and froze, utterly shocked.

Her nine-year-old daughter Jenny was stretched out naked on the bed, the girl’s thin legs spread wide open. Between them lay her twelve-year-old sister Karen, also nude. She lay on her tummy, nestled between her younger sibling’s thighs.

From the doorway, Brenda could see that Karen’s mouth was pressed against her little sister’s pussy. She began to lick, trailing her tongue through the tender pink cleft and up to Jenny’s clitoris while she pressed a finger into her own cunt.

Jenny cried out, arching up from the bed, pressing her vulva into Karen’s face as she clutched the sodden sheets in her little fists. Karen purred with pleasure as she went down on her baby sister. The thick aroma of sex filled the small room.

Suddenly cold sober, Brenda gaped at the sight, wondering what her next move should be. I have to make them stop this, she told herself, then hesitated.

Daughters or not, she had to admit that the sight of her girls making love was powerfully erotic. Jenny’s flat chest rose and fell as she panted and gasped. Her tiny pink nipples were visibly erect, and sweat glazed her pale skin. The child’s feet were tangled in the bedclothes.

Cautiously drawing closer to the bed, Brenda now had an excellent view of Karen’s bottom. It was the same creamy hue as Jenny’s thighs. When she moved, the twelve-year-old’s cheeks parted slightly to reveal her anal cleft, as well as the crease of her sex.

Brenda enjoyed sex with females too… more than with guys, actually. Much more. But as far as she knew, there were no gay or even bisexual women in her small town, and getting outed would be disastrous for her. For one thing, she’d be certain to lose her waitressing job, which barely covered the bills as it was.

The only way she could satisfy her hunger for lesbian sex was to drive seventy-five miles to the city, where Brenda could usually find a willing partner in one of several gay bars she favored. But money had been too tight of late to spare for such indulgences. She’d had to get the brake pads replaced on the Chevy, and the girls were overdue for a doctor’s visit.

It was a shitty situation, made worse by the realization that she was getting tired of involving herself with men, casually or otherwise. The few half-decent guys in her town was already married, and the rest weren’t worth kicking off the front porch. Which left her with truckers or businessmen, stopping for a drink on their way to the city.

Brenda knew she ought to stop hooking up with strangers. In fact, she regularly vowed to do just that after a particularly depressing night with some full-of-himself jerk, or one of those self-proclaimed studs who got off after five strokes and left her high and dry. But that deep, burning need for sexual release would come calling, and her good intentions went out the window.

If only I could find myself a girlfriend, she often thought. One who really values what I have to give her. But that was a fantasy, one she could never realize without pulling up stakes and leaving this hick town. And how could she ever scare up the means to do that?

But right then, Brenda was focused on her daughters and what they were up to. In fact, she was soaking the skimpy thong she wore, caught up in the sight of her little girls engaged in lesbian lovemaking. Her nipples were erect, and there was a steady throb pulsing beneath her belly. Almost without thinking, she slipped a hand under her short skirt. Her eyes slowly closed as she traced her pussy opening with the tip of a finger.

But as soon as she was no longer watching her naked daughters, the spell was broken. Opening her eyes again, Brenda was confronted by what she should have seen the first time — her underage children, engaging in forbidden sex games.

“Karen! Jenny!” Brenda cried.

Caught completely by surprise, Karen practically jumped away from her sister. Snatching up a pillow, she tried as best she could to conceal her nudity.

As for Jenny, she stared at her mother – then the pretty little nine-year-old broke into a delighted grin. “Hi, Mommy!” she cried.

“What on earth is going on here?” Brenda asked, folding her arms.

“We’re playing sexy games!” Jenny answered brightly. The girl was completely unabashed.

Karen, on the other hand, seemed to understand the gravity of their situation. She sat on the edge of the bed, hugging the pillow to her body.

“Where’s your shirt, Mommy?” Jenny asked.

Looking down at herself, Brenda realized she was still topless, and folded both arms over her breasts. “Never mind that,” she mumbled.

Moving closer to the girls, her head was swimming from more than just the alcohol she’d consumed. The atmosphere of the room was thick with the scent of pussy, and Brenda was alarmed to realize she was still aroused.

“How did this happen? Where did you girls learn to do this?” Brenda was beginning to panic. She brought strange men home with her on a regular basis, usually when they were both drunk, and late at night. Sometimes her partners were gone before she’d even awakened. Had one of these men talked her girls into putting on a sex show?

She’d never seen any evidence of abuse, and had watched for it, but she’d always felt uneasy about the situation. Just not enough to alter her lifestyle.

“Um, from the internet,” Karen mumbled, unable to meet her mother’s gaze. “I… I like girls, Mommy. Jenny does, too. And we really love each other. Please don’t be mad, okay?”

Brenda took a shaky breath, somewhat relieved. At least they didn’t get molested, she told herself. _Not that I deserve any credit for that. Probably just pure luck that I never brought home some creep who likes to fiddle with children. _

This is all my fault, she thought. Too busy chasing men to do right by my kids. She knew her drinking was getting out of hand, but it hadn’t done any serious harm. Or so she’d thought.

Deep down inside, Brenda knew she wasn’t a good mother. She left the girls alone for long periods of time. She fed them as best she could on her salary from the cafe, but their clothes were nearly all second hand, and the apartment was a mess. She hadn’t even been home to tuck them in!

They’re such sweet, beautiful girls. But it’s in spite of me, not because of me. I don’t deserve them. I don’t deserve anything.

“What’s the matter, Mommy?” Jenny asked.

Brenda suddenly realized she was crying, standing in the middle of the girls’ cramped room and sobbing as if her heart would break. She moved to Jenny’s bed and sat on the edge, burying her face in both hands until she felt a warm, light touch on her bare shoulder.

“Mommy?” Jenny asked tentatively. Brenda felt the child’s hand on her knee.

“Oh, baby,” she said, putting an arm around her naked daughter, “I’m sorry. Mommy’s so sorry.” She put her cheek against the top of the nine-year-old’s head. Jenny’s hair felt soft and clean, and smelled like strawberries.

“What for, Mommy?” Karen asked. Brenda reached out blindly to touch her other daughter, letting her palm linger on the twelve-year-old’s thigh.

“Oh, just…” Brenda struggled to find the right words. This alcohol-fueled misery wasn’t making her any more eloquent than usual, but the guilt she felt at that moment cut like a broken razor.  “Just… everything. All this.” She waved her arm vaguely, gesturing around the cramped room in which the girls slept in a shared bed.

Karen and Jenny looked around, not understanding what their mother meant. It wasn’t a luxurious life, but they were content enough, as long as they had one another.

Determined to make her mother feel better, Jenny slid her hand up and down Brenda’s thigh. “Please don’t cry, Mommy,” she whispered. “We love you. We love you lots.”

Without giving it much thought, Brenda parted her legs. Taking that as an invitation, Jenny continued to move her hand, going higher with each stroke.

Karen climbed from the bed to stand in front of her mother. As she moved closer, Brenda opened herself completely, inviting the twelve-year-old to hug her.

Putting both hands on Brenda’s shoulders. Karen gave her mother an adoring smile. “Mommy,” she said, gazing into the woman’s bleary eyes, “It’s okay.”

Brenda stared at the beautiful, trusting face of her older daughter. Acting purely on instinct, she wrapped her arms around Karen’s waist, drawing the naked girl in until their bodies were touching.

Karen felt her mother’s bare breasts against her chest. They were warm and soft and firm. “We don’t want you to cry any more, Mommy. Let us make you feel good.”

Taken aback, Brenda looked into Karen’s eyes, the girl’s face only inches away, her lips parted. Brenda found herself moving forward until their lips met, lightly touching. The kiss lingered, soft and tentative, until Karen’s tongue emerged from her mouth to tease Brenda’s upper lip.

A surge of arousal broke over Brenda like an ocean wave, then she was suddenly returning Karen’s kiss, her tongue slipping into the twelve-year-old’s mouth. She grasped Karen’s waist, pulling her closer.

Meanwhile, little Jenny moved around to kneel on the bed behind her mother, leaning in to kiss Brenda’s neck, then lick a pathway up to Mommy’s ear, which she lightly nibbled.

Brenda moaned when she felt the caress of her nine-year-old daughter’s warm mouth. She could feel her nipples stiffen, and her thong was wet enough to wring out like a washcloth.

Reaching around her mother’s body, Jenny reached around her mother and cupped Brenda’s breasts in her tiny hands, measuring their size and heft.

Gently breaking their kiss, Karen trailed her mouth down her mother’s neck, purring with pleasure.

Brenda whimpered, helplessly caught up in the tender caresses and kisses of her little girls. My God, they’re making love to me. I’m being seduced by my own daughters, and it’s the best thing ever. She’d never felt so loved, so wanted.

As Jenny cradled her mother’s breasts, Karen continued her journey downward to Brenda’s chest, pausing to take a nipple between her soft lips.

The young mother, more drunk on passion than liquor, cooed with delight as her twelve-year-old nursed at one breast while her little girl of nine gently plucked and tweaked the nipple of the other.

Almost before she knew it, Brenda felt the girls gently lay her down, stretching her out on Jenny’s bed.  Her head swam, her heart galloped. How far are they going with this? Are my own kids really about to fuck me? Put that way, the idea seemed crazy, and Brenda couldn’t restrain a nervous giggle.

Her feet now rested on the floor, legs lewdly spread, Brenda stared at her children, wondering what they planned to do next.

She didn’t have to wait long. Karen leaned forward to shower affection on her breasts, while Jenny knelt next to her mother’s head and bent down to kiss her. Brenda’s tongue sparred lovingly with the nine-year-old’s as she eagerly met and matched Jenny’s affection. The little girl’s hand rested on her mother’s breast, lightly brushing the nipple. Karen was kissing her way down the softness of Brenda’s belly, soon reaching the top of her miniskirt.

A choked cry escaped the woman’s lips when she felt Karen lift the hem of the garment, exposing her soaked red thong. Christ, they’re really doing this.

The sight made the preteen’s mouth water. For one thing, these were the smallest panties Karen had ever seen, barely concealing Mommy’s pussy. And they were so wet! She got pretty juicy herself when Jenny and her were doing sexy stuff, but nothing like this!

Then there was the scent of her mommy, so thick and rich. Karen inhaled deeply, allowing the heady aroma to fill her nose. If it smells this good, I wonder how it tastes? She was determined to find out.

Taking hold of the thin waistband with both hands, Karen gave it a gentle tug. This was the moment of truth – would Mommy allow her panties to be taken off?

A wave of excitement coursed through the twelve-year-old when Brenda slowly raised her bottom. Karen quickly pulled the sodden thong down and off, tossing it aside, then stared in awe at her mother’s vulva. Her pubes were a lovely dark red, and the glistening flesh was bright pink. By then, she’d seen plenty of pussies on the internet, but Mommy’s was one of the prettiest. The smell was stronger now, and it seemed to beckon Karen closer. She burrowed between Brenda’s thighs, licking her lips in anticipation.

Brenda moaned into her nine-year-old’s mouth when Karen pressed a kiss into her cunt. Jenny broke away, glancing up to see her big sister licking Mommy.

“Cool!” she murmured. Giving her mother a quick peck on the nose, little Jenny scrambled onto her knees and carefully straddled Brenda’s head, lowering her smooth slit to Mommy’s mouth.

Brenda stared in awe at Jenny’s little girl cunt, now close enough for her to feel its warmth. She knew what they were doing was wrong, but this was far too tempting to refuse. Parting her lips, she took a lick, then extended her tongue to tease open the petals of her daughter’s sex, tasting a little girl for the first time. But it won’t be the last, she told herself.

Still sprawled between Brenda’s legs, Karen thrust her tongue deeper into Mommy’s vagina, moaning ecstatically as the sharp tang of a woman’s pussy filled her mouth. She loved to lick her baby sister, but her mother was even juicier and more flavorful. Karen sucked at the rosy cleft, wanting to get every drop.

Fully surrendering to desire, Brenda licked lustily at her youngest daughter’s slit. She clutched Jenny’s bare bottom with both hands, soon prying the tender globes apart to gently finger the child’s rosebud.

Jenny extended a hand to caress Brenda’s sex, the girl’s fingers nearly brushing her big sister’s mouth. She sought out, then lightly stroked her mother’s clit, the same way Karen had taught her. She must have been doing it right, too, because Mommy moaned into her pussy, which felt amazing.

Encouraged, the nine-year-old rubbed the little bump again, more firmly this time… and before she knew it, Mommy was coming.

Jenny had a hard time keeping her pussy in contact with her mother’s mouth as Brenda thrashed wildly on the bed, a happy prisoner of the fingers and tongues of her children.

Wanting her mother to come especially hard, Karen sank three fingers into Brenda’s juicy hole, rapidly thrusting them in and out. That was when her baby sister gave Mommy’s clit a little squeeze between two fingers.

“Oh, oh, oh my God!” Brenda cried. Her back arched, then she went iron-rigid, tiny tremors rippling through her frame. All the sexual tension she’d spent hours accumulating now seemed to flow out in a geyser of purest ecstasy. She panted and gasped, hugging Jenny’s waist as she continued to lick the child’s bare slit. By then, her finger was buried up to the second knuckle in her little girl’s rectum.

Jenny’s eyes met those of her older sister, whose mouth was still fastened to Mommy’s cunt. Karen raised her face to give Jenny a smile, and the sight of those pussy-coated lips was enough to make the younger girl come. She gasped, then shook all over, her eyes tightly closed. Finally, nearly spent, she dismounted Brenda’s face and lay down beside her mother, blissfully content.

Karen carefully withdrew her fingers from Brenda’s pussy. They were slick with her mother’s thick, fragrant juices. The twelve-year-old offered them to her little sister. “Hey, Jen… want a taste?”

“Yeah!” Jenny piped, and opened her mouth to accept the glistening fingers, sucking them clean. Karen went back for more, sliding them back into her mother’s cunt, working them in and out until Brenda placed a hand on the twelve-year-old’s wrist. “That’s enough, baby,” she mumbled. “I’m kind of tender down there.”

“Oops! Sorry, Mommy,” Karen said, taking her hand back.

“It’s all right, hon,” Brenda lazily replied, then her eyes drifted open. Studying her oldest daughter, she said. “Wait a minute… you haven’t come yet, huh?”

Yeah, she did,” said Jenny. “I licked her pussy about, um, an hour ago. She came pretty hard, too!” The child giggled, hugging herself.

“But you can make me come again, Mommy,” Karen insisted. “I’d like that. I’d like it a lot!”

Brenda sat up. “Then that’s what I’ll do.” She patted the bed. “Here, baby girl. Get on all fours for me.”

“Okay!” The twelve-year-old scooted into place on hands and knees, gazing expectantly at her mother.

Reaching out to caress her daughter’s pert bottom, Brenda said, “God, I have such lovely daughters. So sweet, so sexy… Just you wait, Karen. I’m gonna make you feel amazing.”

Jenny spoke up. “Can I help, Mommy?”

“Of course you can, angel.” Leaning in, she gave her youngest a brief but heated tongue kiss. “Hmmm, let’s see. I haven’t tasted you yet, Karen, so that’s what I want to do. Jenny, why don’t you let me lick your sister for a while, get her warmed up… then when I give you the signal, put your hand down there and rub her clit until she comes.”

“Yeah, I can do that!” Jenny enthused, her sweet brown eyes dancing with excitement.

“Good.” Kneeling behind her oldest, Brenda bent down to nuzzle the girl’s baby-soft buttocks, peppering each cheek with gentle kisses.

“Ooooohh, Mommy,” Karen moaned, a shiver racing through her boyish frame.

Brenda placed both hands on the tender globes, using her thumbs to spread them open. Her pulse raced at the sight of Karen’s pretty pink holes. It was a view to make her mouth water.

I’ve seen them naked so many times, she told herself. _Yet I never noticed how sexy, how desirable my children are. All those nights I spent longing for a lesbian partner, not knowing I had two potential lovers under my own roof. _

Fuck society’s stupid rules about what a mother can or can’t do. I want my daughters, they want me, we love each other… and the sex is amazing. This is happening.

Slowly moving closer, Brenda buried her mouth in the sweet rosy flesh, trailing a warm, slippery tongue up the length of Karen’s slit.

“Oh! Oh yes, Mommy…”

The child tasted divine – similar to her little sister, yet intriguingly different.  Wanting more, Brenda drilled her tongue into the tight but welcoming vagina, seeking Karen’s essence.

“Mmmm, Mommy yes, lick my p-pussy, lick me…!”

Giving Jenny a quick sideways glance, Brenda gave the nine-year-old a nod.

The child all but sprang into motion, quickly kneeling by her sister’s side. “I love you, Karen,” she said, “an’ I’m gonna help Mommy make you feel good.”

“Love you t-too, Jenny,” Karen moaned. “And you, Mommy!”

Reaching between the older girl’s thighs, Jenny felt around for her clit – that special place Karen taught her about, where you could make the best feelings of all happen. Make yourself come. Make other girls come. Even her big sister. Even Mommy!

“Ohhhh!” Karen wailed as Jenny’s fingers found their target.

Feeling especially bold, Brenda had licked a path up to her oldest daughter’s anus, and was now gleefully rimming her. Wonder if the girls have tried this yet?

Apparently, they never had. “Ohhhhhh, Mommy,” Karen blurted, sounding almost alarmed. “You’re – you’re licking my butthole!”

“Whoa,” Jenny whispered. “We never did that before…” She gave her sister’s clit a tweak.

With that, Karen went off like a grenade, hit by an orgasm more powerful than any she’d ever known. She frantically bobbed her head, clutching handfuls of the sheets in white-knuckled fists, her breath hissing through clenched teeth. Jenny continued to stroke her sister’s clitoris, Brenda kept licking her daughter’s rosebud, and Karen shook like a leaf in a gale. Finally, she keeled over onto her side.

Brenda arranged Karen on the bed, laying the limp girl out with her head resting on a pillow, then stretched out by her side. Jenny took the spot to her mother’s right, and they relaxed together.

“We love you, Mommy,” Jenny whispered, nestling into Brenda’s side.

“We do,” Karen agreed, somewhat out of breath.

“Oh, my sweet children… I adore you both,” Brenda murmured, giving each one a kiss. Her head swam from weariness, alcohol, lust… but mostly love.

I found what I was looking for, she mused. Two beautiful lovers who understand me, who want what I want. And they were right under my nose all along. I’ve been a fool… but no longer.

She was already making plans for the future. _When I get up tomorrow, those bottles of liquor are getting emptied down the drain. Then I’m selling those slutty dresses to the second-hand store. After that I’m cleaning up this pigsty of an apartment, top to bottom. _

And I think it’s time to start looking for a better job. It’s time to get my act together; give my girls the kind of home they deserve.

Filled with newfound determination, Brenda drifted into a cozy slumber, a little girl nestled against her on either side.

As she dozed, Jenny and Karen glanced across their mother’s bare body to share a smile, thrilled that their secret wish had finally come true.

The End

The story follows Brenda, a struggling single mother who comes home drunk to find her daughters engaged in a sexual encounter. Brenda is torn between her maternal instincts to stop them and her own arousal at the sight. She reflects on her own unfulfilled desires for lesbian relationships and her dissatisfaction with casual encounters with men. The situation forces Brenda to confront her neglectful parenting and the impact of her lifestyle on her daughters. The story explores themes of guilt, desire, and the complexities of family relationships.