

Stop overpaying for analytics


236d uptime


180d uptime

Data refreshes every 10 seconds

Because our operational costs are low, while most analytics services in the market are expensive and beyond what indie hackers can afford.

We're not interested in the data itself - what drives us is seeing the growing traffic numbers we can support. We're proud to have provided analytics for over 500 websites across more than 100 indie hackers.

Data collected from various websites of 哥飞的朋友们

We only show aggregate statistics. Individual website data is private and never sold.

The article promotes a cost-effective analytics service designed for indie hackers, highlighting its low operational costs compared to expensive alternatives. The service boasts impressive uptime statistics, with two active instances showing 236 and 180 days of uptime, respectively, and data refreshes occurring every 10 seconds. The focus is not on the data itself but on supporting the growth of traffic for over 500 websites managed by more than 100 indie hackers. The service emphasizes privacy, stating that it only provides aggregate statistics and does not sell individual website data. This approach aims to make analytics accessible and affordable for smaller developers and entrepreneurs.