History (Lucis Trust)


The Lucis Trust was established by Alice and Foster Bailey as a vehicle to foster recognition of the universal spiritual principles at the heart of all work to build right relations. The Trust  was incorporated in the State of New Jersey, USA, on April 5, 1922. A separate limited company, Lucis Trust Ltd. was established as an educational charity and incorporated in the United Kingdom in 1935. And in 1951 Lucis Trust was established as a legal entity in Switzerland, with an office in Geneva. 

A publishing company, initially named Lucifer Publishing Company, was established by Alice and Foster Bailey in the State of New Jersey, USA, in May 1922 to publish the book, Initiation Human and Solar. The ancient myth of Lucifer refers to the angel who brought light to the world, and it is assumed that the name was applied to the publishing company in honour of a journal, which had been edited for a number of years by theosophical founder, HP Blavatsky. It soon became clear to the Bailey’s that some Christian groups have traditionally mistakenly identified Lucifer with Satan, and for this reason the company’s name was changed in 1924 to Lucis Publishing Company.

The Arcane School started in 1923, World Goodwill was established in 1932 and Triangles in 1937.

Over the years headquarters offices in New York, London and Geneva have moved locations a number of times. The New York office is located in a building overlooking the United Nations. In London the office is close to Trafalgar Square in one of the city’s most architecturally distinctive buildings, Whitehall Court. And after many years in a building close to the United Nations, the Geneva Headquarters is now located on Rue Stand in the business district, close to the lake.

Unfinished Autobiography

The story of the founding of the Trust and its early history is well described in Alice Bailey’s Unfinished Autobiography which can be read online.

In 1919, during the month of November, I made a contact with A.A.B. (Alice A. Bailey) and asked her to do some writing for me and also to undertake the publishing of certain books which -- under the sequential giving out of truth -- were due to appear.

There are comments on the World Wide Web claiming that the Lucis Trust was once called the Lucifer Trust. Such was never the case.

Background and framework to the Master Djwhal Khul's work with Alice Bailey

The Lucis Trust, founded by Alice and Foster Bailey, promotes universal spiritual principles for building right relations. Established in 1922 in the USA, it expanded to the UK and Switzerland. Initially named Lucifer Publishing Company, it was later changed to Lucis Publishing Company due to misconceptions about the name. The Trust also established the Arcane School in 1923, World Goodwill in 1932, and Triangles in 1937. Headquarters are in New York, London, and Geneva. The Trust's history is detailed in Alice Bailey's Unfinished Autobiography. The Trust clarifies that it was never called the Lucifer Trust. The Trust's work with Alice Bailey and the Master Djwhal Khul is explained on their website.