Errai with integration of OpenWebBean| Content Archive (Read Only)


Hi Christian,

this is actually working for our own demo application. I can now simply skip the delegation via JNDI and just use everything the way it was meant to be used.

Might not sound like much but this is completely awesome stuff! Thank you very much!

With the Errai tutorial application I still have a very strange OpenJPA issue under WebSphere. It complains that for automatic id generation there shouldn't be an id or a version set for a detached object.

I debugged into the SessionBean and both values where actually null so I guess it's some WebSphere specific thing. Since we are currently not making use of the client-side EntityManager, I gave up on that for now since our own demo app seems to work fine.

There were also some issues with Reflections under WebSphere Liberty Profile V8.5.5 (I remember having the same issue with Enterprise OSGI .eba and .wba applications using Errai under WebSphere V8.5) because Reflections isn't currently able to handle the wsjar:/ protocol.

The problem is that IBM doesn't explode the enterprise archives in all cases by default so you can end up with URLs like "wsjar:/pathToApp/yourApp.ear!/yourApp.war!/WEB-INF/lib/yourLib.jar!/com.yourcompany" in your scanning path which doesn't seem to be handled currently.

I ended up writing my own rather naive handler similar to errai-jboss-as-support that manually unzips the archive into temporary files. Would you be interested in adding something like this to an official module?



Jörn reports progress on their demo application, successfully bypassing JNDI delegation and utilizing the intended functionalities. He expresses gratitude for the improvements. However, he encounters an OpenJPA issue in the Errai tutorial application on WebSphere, where it incorrectly flags detached objects for automatic ID generation, despite both ID and version being null. Jörn suspects this is a WebSphere-specific problem and has decided to focus on the demo app, which is functioning well. Additionally, he mentions challenges with Reflections in WebSphere Liberty Profile V8.5.5, recalling similar issues with Enterprise OSGI applications. The problem arises because IBM does not always explode enterprise archives, leading to problematic URLs in the scanning path. To address this, Jörn created a basic handler that unzips archives into temporary files and proposes the idea of integrating such functionality into an official module. He seeks feedback on this suggestion.