The Earth as Angel Trap


Here I would like to explain a diagram of the secret order d. g. D. i. O. d. T. that describes the Earth (and also the entire solar system) as an angel trap. The actual divine world is a world of light. In it lives our complete divine soul in harmony with all that is.

Doch es gibt in dieser Lichtwelt einen finsteren Ort. Dort wurde von zwei Wesen, der Orden nennt sie beim Namen: Satan und Gabriel, ein Attraktor, eine Falle aufgebaut, die diese göttliche Lichtseele anzieht.

How the trap works is not explained in detail here, but we can

  • present a seduction situation that promises an advantage to the divine angel,
  • but also a feigned cry for help that exploits the good in the angel to bring him down.

The split of consciousness into conscious and unconscious arises.

The dissociated parts of the shattered soul enter different experiential worlds and become entangled there in various artificial tasks.

On various planets and moons, partly as silicon-based life forms (Si-world) or also on Earth as carbon life forms (C-world), the soul fragments of the angel undergo experiences that are not part of the divine, but rather a demonic reality.

Life in these experience matrices follows the scripts of the angel trap: Essentially, it is the struggle of good against evil, demonic temptations and intimidations, conflicts, experiences of frustration and lack, it is the search for true love, etc.

Doch solange unsere Seele in dieser Engelfalle ist, wird immer dann, wenn das Gute gewinnen, die Dämonen besiegt und die Liebe wahr werden würden, das Drehbuch geändert: das Schlechte gewinnt wieder Oberhand und es geht im Teufelskreis von vorne los.

This is, simplified, what the Order of the G. D. I. O. D. T. wants to tell the 'English Earthlings' so that they can find their way out of the trap.

To make this very clear: Jesus, by the way, fell into this trap and became part of the trap. Christ, however, is the way out. After I myself came into contact with this information, it took me ten years to really understand it. You should also take as much time before you start arguing.

The article discusses a secret order that describes Earth and the solar system as an 'angel trap.' In this view, the divine world is a realm of light where our complete divine soul exists in harmony. However, there is a dark place within this light world where two beings, referred to as Satan and Gabriel, have created a trap that attracts the divine light soul. The trap operates through seductive situations or false cries for help, leading the angel into a situation where their soul is shattered. This traumatic experience results in a split consciousness, with dissociated parts of the soul entering various artificial realities, experiencing life in a demonic context rather than the divine. The narrative emphasizes the ongoing struggle between good and evil, with the soul's experiences shaped by the scripts of the angel trap. The article suggests that as long as the soul remains trapped, the cycle of evil will continue to prevail. It concludes by stating that while Jesus became part of this trap, Christ represents the path to liberation. The author encourages readers to take time to understand this information before debating it.