Using 'Up Next' for Tasks | Help Center


Reclaim auto-schedules time for heads-down work on your Tasks according to how long you said you need, the priority you set for the item, and it's due date.

You can also take control of which Tasks you want to work on next with ‘Up Next’ functionality, even if they are lower-priority or have a later due date. Here's how you can leverage the Up Next feature to schedule specific Tasks ASAP.

When to use Up Next

Up Next was designed to let you take control over what Tasks you want to work on now.

While Reclaim intelligently blocks time for your Tasks on the calendar before deadlines, there might be situations when you want to focus on something that isn't due for a while or might be set as a lower-priority item on your to-do list. Moving a Task to Up Next will tell Reclaim to schedule it ASAP.

Up Next Tasks override priority settings of the rest of your Task list, even if items are set to Critical (P1).

You can use Up Next for specific instances when you need to prioritize an urgent Task and let Reclaim's smart scheduler manage the rest, or choose to manage all your Tasks in Up Next to leverage stack-ranking controls to prioritize your to-dos.

How to add Tasks to Up Next

You can use Up Next from the Reclaim app, in Google Calendar if you have the add-on installed, as well as using the Slack integration.

Up Next in Planner

In the Planner, the Up Next field is located in the right-hand sidebar under the 'Tasks' tab, marked with a dashed outline.

To move a Task to Up Next from the Planner, simply drag-and-drop the item into the dashed field, or click the 'upward arrow' icon ↗ on the Task.

Up Next on Priorities page

To move a Task to Up Next from the Priorities page in the Reclaim app, simply click the 'upward arrow' icon ↗ on the Task.

Up Next on Tasks page

On your Tasks page in the Reclaim app, the Up Next field is located at the top of your task list, marked with a dashed outline.

Just like in the Planner, you can drag-and-drop Task items to Up Next, or click the 'upward arrow' icon ↗ on a Task to move it to Up Next.

Up Next in Google Calendar

To move a Task to Up Next from Google Calendar, make sure you have the Reclaim add-on installed. Then:

Up Next in Slack

To move a Task to Up Next in Slack:

You can also move a Task directly to Up Next when creating a new Task. Simply click the 'upward arrow' icon ↗ before hitting Create on your new Task item.

If you want all new Tasks to be automatically added to Up Next, you can update this your Default Task settings by navigating to Settings > General > Default Task settings > Priority.

Click '↗ Send to Up Next' to toggle the setting.

How to remove Tasks from Up Next

To remove a Task from Up Next, simply drag-and-drop back into your regular task list, or click the 'downward arrow' icon ↘ on the Task currently in Up Next.

This will move the item back into your task list and automatically resume auto-scheduling by Reclaim.

Related Articles

The article discusses how to use the 'Up Next' feature in Reclaim to prioritize specific tasks for immediate attention, even if they are lower-priority or have later due dates. Users can move tasks to Up Next from the Reclaim app, Google Calendar, and Slack, allowing them to control their task scheduling. The Up Next feature overrides priority settings and allows users to focus on urgent tasks. Tasks can be added to Up Next by dragging and dropping or clicking an arrow icon. To remove a task from Up Next, users can drag it back to the regular task list or click a downward arrow icon. The article also provides guidance on using Up Next in different platforms like Planner, Priorities page, Tasks page, Google Calendar, and Slack, as well as how to set default task settings to automatically add new tasks to Up Next.