The great nanometer chip race


TAIPEI -- The year was 2009 and the chip industry knew it had a problem. Chiang Shang-yi, then head of research and development at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., thought he had a solution. 

Instead of squeezing more transistors onto progressively tinier chips, the conventional way of making them more powerful, he suggested to his boss, TSMC founder Morris Chang, that they explore a less advanced part of the chipmaking process known as chip packaging.

In 2009, the chip industry faced significant challenges, prompting Chiang Shang-yi, then head of research and development at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), to propose a novel solution. Rather than continuing the traditional approach of increasing transistor density on smaller chips to enhance power, he suggested to TSMC founder Morris Chang that the company should investigate chip packaging, a less advanced segment of the chipmaking process. This shift in focus aimed to address the limitations of existing technologies and improve overall chip performance.