Mourning for the policeman from Mannheim: Rouven didn't make it


Mannheim - The days-long battle for hero policeman Rouven L. (†29) - on Sunday afternoon at 5:03 PM, his heart stopped beating forever.

The 29-year-old was attacked with a knife by Sulaiman A. (25) during the brutal knife attack at Mannheim Market (Baden-Württemberg) and was severely injured in the head. Only then could another officer stop the attacker with a gunshot.

"Our brave police officer Rouven L. officially passed away today at 5:03 p.m. as a result of his injuries from a terrorist attack. My deepest sympathy to his family, friends, and all colleagues in the police," said Thomas R. J. Franz (58), State Chairman of the Weisser Ring Baden-Württemberg, to BILD.

Nach der Attacke hält sich der Polizist am Kopf – der Attentäter (l.) wird mit einem Schuss niedergestreckt

After the attack, the police officer holds his head - the attacker (l.) is shot down

Zum Mord fest entschlossen: der Angreifer mit seiner Tatwaffe

Determined to commit murder: the attacker with his weapon

According to BILD information, the knife blade had penetrated the skull and injured an important vessel and likely a vein in the brain.

The colleagues of the young police officer are shocked: 'Rouven was everywhere in recent years where it was burning. He always gave his best and was therefore also promoted. He was committed and straightforward. We can't believe we lost him.'

At the crime scene on Sunday, there was a mourning ceremony where colleagues of the deceased paid their respects.

Polizisten haben sich am Tatort versammelt, gedenken in aller Stille ihres toten Kollegen Rouven L.

Police officers have gathered at the crime scene, quietly commemorating their deceased colleague Rouven L.

The seriously injured Michael Stürzenberger commented on his Facebook profile on the death of Rouven L.: 'A terrible news: The police officer who was stabbed twice in the neck by the Afghan knife attacker on Friday in Mannheim unfortunately did not make it. My thoughts are with his family and his police colleagues who could always rely on him, as reported (...) He also did his best in Mannheim on Friday. May Rouven L. rest in peace.'

In a statement, Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (76, Green Party) told BILD: 'The news shakes me to the core. All our thoughts are with the family, relatives, and colleagues. The pain of such a cruel loss out of nowhere is hard to fathom. This terrible act painfully reminds us all of the often incalculable risks that police officers face every day. Therefore, I also want to express my deepest sympathy to all policewomen and policemen in Baden-Württemberg. Today, we are all united in deep mourning with you.'

Der Moment des Attentats: Der Angreifer sticht auf den Polizisten Rouven L. ein, der Beamte in der Mitte schießt ihn einen Moment später nieder

The moment of the attack: The attacker stabs the police officer Rouven L., the officer shoots him down a moment later.

Der Angreifer stürmt auf sein Opfer zu, hat ein Messer in der Hand. Der Mann links mit der Kapuze versucht als Erster, den Täter zu stoppen

The attacker rushes towards his victim, holding a knife in his hand. The man on the left with the hood tries to be the first to stop the assailant.

In addition to the attacker and Stürzenberger, four other men were injured. All were taken to hospitals.