Central Standard Time - Current Taiwan. Taipei Time


Central Standard Time - Current Taiwan. Taipei Time (also known as National Standard Time)

On Friday, March 1, 2024

Central Standard Time allows you to instantly check the current standard time in Taipei, updated every second, giving you the most up-to-date time

Time difference between Taiwan and other major regions

  • Tokyo is one hour ahead of Taiwan Central Standard Time
  • Los Angeles is fifteen hours behind Taiwan Central Standard Time
  • Seoul is one hour ahead of Taiwan Central Standard Time
  • London is seven hours behind Taiwan Central Standard Time
  • There is no time difference between Singapore and Taiwan

To inquire about the Central Standard Time, besides using this website, you can also dial 117 to get real-time Central Standard Time.

National Standard Time (NST), also known as Taiwan Time, Taipei Time, formerly known as Chungyuan Standard Time (CST), is the standard time adopted by the Republic of China, which is eight hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time.

Chungyuan Standard Time was originally the time zone of the Central Plains during the Republic of China era, which was UTC+8. Currently, it belongs to the same time zone as Beijing, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Macau. Although the Taiwanese government does not actively promote Chungyuan Standard Time, many people still use it. Chungyuan Standard Time is also known as Taiwan Time, Taipei Time, with its English name being Chungyuan Standard Time (CST), adopted by the Republic of China, which is eight hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time.

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is an international standard time system used to unify time across different regions worldwide. UTC is based on the second of atomic time and closely approximates Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). It is widely used in various fields globally, including science, aviation, navigation, computer networks, and communications.

The basic principle of UTC is to use the Earth's rotation as a reference, ensuring the accuracy of time through the International Atomic Time and the irregular leap second mechanism. International Atomic Time is a time standard measured by high-precision atomic clocks such as cesium atomic clocks, providing extremely stable time signals. However, due to the uneven rate of the Earth's rotation, continuous adjustments are needed to match the actual situation of the Earth's rotation to meet the time standard.

In order to maintain the consistency between UTC and the Earth's rotation, a leap second is inserted into UTC whenever the Earth's rotation rate changes. The insertion of leap seconds aims to keep the difference between UTC and Coordinated Universal Time (UT1) within 0.9 seconds. The specific insertion time of leap seconds is determined by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS).

UTC is widely used and can be applied in many fields. In the scientific field, UTC is used as a time standard for precise measurements and experiments. In aviation and maritime navigation, UTC serves as a global unified time standard to ensure flight safety and navigation accuracy. In the field of computer networks and communications, the Network Time Protocol (NTP) uses UTC to synchronize the time of computers and devices.

Daylight Saving Time (Daylight Saving Time) is a time zone adjustment system designed to maximize the use of daylight hours, extend evening daylight hours, and save energy and improve convenience. The basic principle of Daylight Saving Time is to advance the clock by one hour in the summer to maximize the use of daylight hours.

The concept of daylight saving time originated in the late 19th century in the United States, proposed by American inventor Benjamin Franklin. He suggested that people wake up early in the summer to make use of the morning sunlight and save on candle usage. However, the actual daylight saving time system began in the 20th century when many countries around the world started to adopt this system.

The principle of daylight saving time is to adjust the clock forward by one hour on specific dates, usually at the beginning and end of the summer. This makes it seem like there is an extra hour of daylight each day. For example, when daylight saving time starts, 2 a.m. local time becomes 3 a.m. This means that both morning sunrise and evening sunset times are relatively later, allowing people to enjoy natural light for longer in the evenings.

Daylight saving time has multiple applications. For example, it helps save energy consumption, especially in lighting. When the evening daylight hours are extended, the demand for home and commercial lighting decreases, leading to energy savings. Additionally, daylight saving time provides more daylight hours, making it convenient for people to engage in outdoor activities in the evening. This has a certain level of economic impact on industries such as tourism, catering, and retail.

The English translation of 中原標準時間 is: Chungyuan Standard Time (CST), also known as National Standard Time, abbreviated as NST.

Other Time Zones


The article discusses Central Standard Time, also known as National Standard Time in Taiwan, which is 8 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). It provides information on the time difference between Taiwan and other major regions like Tokyo, Los Angeles, Seoul, London, and Singapore. The article explains the concept of UTC, its use in various fields like science, aviation, and computer networks, and the insertion of leap seconds to maintain accuracy. It also introduces Daylight Saving Time, its origins, principles, and applications in saving energy and extending daylight hours. Additionally, the article mentions other time zones like Japan Time, Singapore Time, Thailand Time, South Korea Time, Vietnam Time, Malaysia Time, and Philippine Time. Central Standard Time is also referred to as Chungyuan Standard Time (CST) or National Standard Time (NST) in English.