銆愮編鍥藉揩閫掋€慤S-EX_缇庡浗蹇閫抇_缇庡浗杞杩愬叕鍙竉娴锋窐杞杩恄缇庡浗娴锋窐浠h喘蹇閫掔墿娴佸叕鍙(US Forwarder)


缇庡浗蹇�閫抣ogo**缇庡浗蹇�閫�(www.us-ex.com)**闅跺睘浜庣編鍥借浆杩愬叕鍙窾S Forwarder Inc锛屾槸涓€瀹堕泦鍟嗗搧閲囪喘銆佷粨鍌ㄣ€佸寘瑁呫€佽浆杩愩€佺墿娴侀厤閫併€佹捣绌鸿揣杩愪唬鐞嗭紝鑸�绌哄揩閫掔殑缁煎悎鎬т笓涓氱編鍥界墿娴佸叕鍙革紝鍦ㄧ編鍥借タ宀哥殑鏃ч噾灞变互鍙婂湪缇庡浗鐨勫厤娑堣垂绋庤喘鐗╃殑淇勫嫆鍐堝窞锛岄兘璁炬湁鍒嗗叕鍙搞€�

Tianjin Jia Rui International Forwarder Inc specializes in air and sea freight forwarding services, providing comprehensive logistics solutions for various industries, such as Air China, Cathay Pacific, Eva Air, FedEx, UPS, DHL, and other major carriers.

On the one hand, the company provides comprehensive services such as logistics, warehousing, distribution, and transportation to deliver goods to various regions and countries. On the other hand, it also offers logistics services to the United States, logistics services to the United States, logistics services to Japan, logistics services to the United States, logistics services to Southeast Asia, logistics solutions, international logistics, and other logistics services. With the rapid development of the economy, the company is committed to providing customers with high-quality logistics services and creating value for customers. The company is located in the logistics park and has a professional team to provide customers with comprehensive logistics solutions.

Tianjin Port Group Co., Ltd. (TPG) is a large-scale state-owned enterprise group, with Tianjin Port Holdings Co., Ltd., Tianjin Port Development Holdings Limited, Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone Investment and Development Co., Ltd., and Tianjin Port Shipping Co., Ltd. as its core enterprises. Tianjin Port Group is a comprehensive enterprise group integrating port operation, modern logistics, trade, and shipping services, with a complete industrial chain... The company's business scope covers port operation, modern logistics, trade, and shipping services.

When you are tired, you can take a break and walk around. It's better to take a hundred steps after sitting for a long time, rather than regretting not walking enough. Also, remember to rest and relax when you are busy, and don't forget to enjoy the beauty of life.

US Forwarder

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US-Ex is a logistics company that specializes in international freight forwarding services. They work with various airlines and shipping companies like Air China, Cathay Pacific, and FedEx. US-Ex offers services such as air and ocean freight forwarding, customs clearance, and warehousing. They provide efficient logistics solutions for businesses looking to transport goods globally. US-Ex also partners with eBay and other e-commerce platforms to facilitate international shipping for online sellers. The company emphasizes customer service and aims to provide reliable and cost-effective logistics solutions. US-Ex's website offers a range of services including air and ocean freight forwarding, customs clearance, and warehousing, catering to businesses of all sizes.