With Anna in Saigon Ch. 01


Not too long ago, my former favorite student Anna, who was actually named Lam, posted a photo of a painting by Monet on Facebook and added a lovely text. Yes, strolling through the most beautiful museums in Europe with Anna was pretty much the most enchanting idea I could develop about life.

Also, as Europe was in upheaval and one really had to fear the worst by now, I still found the thought of strolling with her through the Ho Chi Minh City Museum of Fine Arts to be dreamy. Anna lived and worked in Saigon, as the largest city in Vietnam was often called.

I was again with my wife and our son 900 kilometers north, in the center of Vietnam, where Anna had gone to school, attended our private English school, and where her family home was. She had a twin sister, Nhung, who looked completely different from her and was also stronger, but probably not entirely trustworthy.

Of course it was absurd to seriously imagine traveling through Europe with Anna: I was, as I said, married, here in Vietnam, and closer to 50 than to 40, while she was just a delicate 21. Twenty-one and a half. And yet we knew about each other that we, well, loved each other: like a favorite student and teacher. Perhaps even a little more.

The two of us had met here, in her hometown, from time to time since she had left for Saigon to attend university four years ago. However, Chinh, a former classmate of hers whose parents were friends with hers, had always been part of the group. Well, as young as Anna was, it probably couldn't have gone any other way.

Anna had kindly commented on my suggestion to at least introduce ourselves, how it would be to pilgrimage together to Paris, under her Monet photo on Facebook and confirmed that she also found the idea beautiful and exciting.

And yes, the story with the Museum of Fine Arts in Saigon could indeed be realized, even though they certainly didn't have a Monet, if I were to stay in Saigon again. However, that happened quite rarely: My passport was still valid until October 2027, and as a family, we also had all the papers together that we needed.

I initially had no excuse to go to the consulate in Ho Chi Minh City. Or? Well, chance came to my aid at some point: in the form of a workshop regarding the new textbook series that we wanted to introduce at the small private English school where I worked for secondary school students.

Since I was currently the only teacher affected, my boss and I agreed that we could share my travel expenses instead of waiting for the publisher's aunt to come to Da Nang again. The course ran from Wednesday to Friday, so I booked tickets from Tuesday to Saturday, as Anna had to work on Saturday evening anyway.

She did something for an advertising agency that cooperated with Zalo, a Vietnamese social media platform. She also had a job from Monday to Friday, where she only had to be present for two hours in the morning and another three in the afternoon, as it sounded.

Whereas the evening job for Zalo probably demanded six days a week from her. Anna couldn't pick me up from the airport, but she told me that we could briefly see each other on Tuesday evening around eight o'clock to make plans for the week together. Yes, that would be the first time that the two of us would be alone and go out together.

Yesterday, in our small town, Chinh had always been there as the proper watchdog, as mentioned, with the two having known each other for a very long time and also getting along well. I also liked Chinh, who was very handsome and had also been one of my students for a long time. I had already met with him without Anna; just not her without him.

As far as I could remember, Anna had lied to her parents when she was 18 or 19, telling them that she would go out for coffee with Chinh in the evening, while he had ultimately taken her to the bar where I was already waiting for the two of them, excitedly smoking. He surely suspected what was going on between Anna and me.

Yes, Anna's mother was quite strict and also called every time around ten to ask where Anna was. Once even her grandmother, who lived in the same house. Maybe that would happen again this time, but after all, there were 900 kilometers between the family, and Anna also had a long lunch break, from eleven to half past two.

And overnight she surely wouldn't be able or willing to stay in my hotel, would she? Of course, I had imagined hundreds of times what it would be like. Even now again, while I was sitting in the new modest terminal of our provincial airport and waiting for the departure.

After all, there was nice food there at very reasonable prices, so I could pleasantly pass the time. Anna had also written to me again that I should pick her up this evening around eight at the next corner from her office. Of course, she didn't want me to wait directly in front of the building where everyone could see me.

Because she would probably have to face the questions of her colleagues the next morning. The check-in went smoothly, just like the flight itself. Since I was sitting in the aisle, I passed the time with memories of Anna: how she often excitedly swayed with her spread, ultra-slim legs under her tight, sporty dress.

For example. And how she had always tried to look at me longer than was generally customary. Anna had also often been slightly annoyed when my wife appeared in the classroom. Nevertheless, I couldn't really imagine that Anna would engage in sex with me. And of course, she did. Relentlessly.

Anna may have still been a virgin, as girls from the upper middle class still considered it their duty. Meanwhile, tectonic shifts were taking place in Vietnamese society and culture, which could only be inadequately explained by the influence of social media.

I had of course not forgotten that I was married, although my wife and I hadn't had sex in ages: We lived together like friends, which wasn't the worst option. She too had remained a virgin until the wedding, although she definitely did not belong to the upper middle class.

Well, almost. After our engagement, petting in the park suddenly became okay, and she also visited me sometimes in the morning at the hotel where I was staying at the time, which was only 150 meters from the restaurant where she worked and where we had also met.

After our son was born, he slept with us in bed until it robbed me of so much sleep that we decided to spend the night better in separate rooms. My wife also liked to go to bed around half past eight, while I worked until just before nine in the evening and wanted to sleep accordingly later. And I could only do that.

Then Covid had come, and our little son had been at home the whole time. Once, when he was sleeping, we had wanted to indulge in sexual pleasures -- until he had stood in the doorway of my bedroom and had begun to cry bitterly. Which had almost broken my heart, at least.

The plane had meanwhile landed, and we now boarded the bus that was waiting for us unimportant provincial passengers on the tarmac. Since I only had carry-on luggage with me, I quickly got out of the terribly crowded airport packed with people and suitcases, but decided to parade past the waving taxi drivers.

To take the city bus, which only cost 25 cents and stopped near the apartment hotel I had chosen on the internet. Of course, I hoped that Anna would at least come up to my place -- even if it was just for a short while in the afternoon. I almost didn't dare to dream of spending the whole night with her.

Since it was illegal for unmarried couples to stay or even spend the night together in a hotel room, some hotels were strict and required identification. However, I lived in the hope that it would be different in the apartment hotel, but I hadn't wanted to boldly ask directly beforehand.

Anna and I hadn't talked about how far we wanted to push the boundaries of our friendship during the couple of days, either backwards or upwards. Such things couldn't be done over electronic communication channels.

The concierge lady was already a bit older, but quite charming and didn't look like she would refuse Anna access to the elevator at one o'clock in the afternoon. If so, maybe a 200,000 Dong bill could help. Which was just under eight euros. With that, one could easily get through the day here in Vietnam.

The room was also nice, although I would have preferred one with a balcony facing south to be able to look at the city center. On the other hand, the north side had the advantage that I could probably sleep with the balcony door open, as the sun would not shine in.

The room itself wasn't bad, as mentioned: it even had a single bed next to the double bed. And everything was bright, inviting, aesthetically pleasing, and modern, without feeling cold. Except for the air conditioning, which was now blowing properly.

Since I had nothing else planned until eight, I took a quick shower after I had quickly sent a message to Anna and my wife. I smoked one on the balcony and then took a nap. When I woke up, the delicate one had not yet replied, but she was working anyway. And so I made my way to the city center.

Of course, everything here was two or even three times as expensive as elsewhere, and I also wanted to go out to eat with Anna afterwards. On the other hand, that was still almost three hours away, so I ended up sitting in an Indian restaurant where I had been years ago with my mother. Later also with a former student of mine.

So ultra-slim as Anna was, she still did not appear gaunt or skinny. Or even haggard. Many young Vietnamese women simply had the right genes. Perhaps she had not quite inherited enough from her not exactly tall mother. As far as I could remember, Anna ate well and did not explicitly try to be slim.

Of course, I would have liked to have her here at the table, but I would see her several times over the next few days. Hopefully. Maybe Anna had a boyfriend by now. That would actually be normal, as beautiful as she was. Although the fairy surely wanted to take a few more years with the wedding and having children.

Wherein there was hardly any room for a baby in her delicate body. Well, maybe she would develop a bit more over the next few years, I had just thought, when the waiter brought me the mixed appetizers, with which I wanted to be modest. However, the plate was almost larger than a main course would have been.

Over there, two tables away, sat a rather slender young woman; with her mother, it seemed. The former vaguely reminded me of Anna, as she also had red-dyed, shoulder-length hair and was wearing a dress. I had always liked that Vietnamese women often wore dresses. Not just adult, older women, but also girls.

The food wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. I might go to the other Indian place I knew with Anna. If it still existed. I ordered a second beer and smoked one in between, which thank God was possible almost everywhere in Vietnam. I noticed how my heart was beating faster, and I looked at the clock on the wall.

I decided to pay, even though I still had more than an hour left. But I would rather walk than take a taxi. Not because I was stingy, but the driver would probably have felt mocked: it was not even two kilometers to Anna's office. And the weather was pleasant too. Tropically warm, clear, but not hot or humid.

Anna's office was near the war museum, where I, although it was already dark, looked again at the captured tanks and helicopters that were standing outside in the open area. On the way, I also passed by the presidential palace and looked through the fence at the two fighter jets and tanks there as well.

I bought myself an ice cream; also, so that Anna wouldn't have to smell the cigarette smoke in my breath, and I noticed that I was as excited as a teenager before or on his first date. Although Anna and I didn't really have a proper date tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Or the day after tomorrow. In the Museum of Fine Arts.

This year I had only seen Anna for a short time at Tet, the traditional New Year's festival in February. Not even for an hour. But with Chinh, of course. He also lived in Saigon. Would Anna drag him along over the next few days? Hoping to pleasantly surprise me? Or would she even bring her sister along?

No, certainly not, because I only knew her casually, and Anna didn't really trust her either, because Nhung, as mentioned, was a snitch. She would report to her -- also: Anna's -- mother in hot detail that Anna is meeting with her married former English teacher several times this week. More or less in secret.

Did they actually have a Monet in the Ho Chi Minh City Museum of Fine Arts? Or other Impressionists? Well, we would find out. Slightly nervous as I was, I ended up smoking one when I arrived at the corner with the huge mango-yellow phone shop, where I was supposed to wait for Anna.

Anna knew that I smoked. And we probably wouldn't kiss anyway; here, in this busy place. Or at all. One didn't do that in Vietnam on the street. Not even when one was married. Especially not then.

Not far from here was the hotel where I stayed back then, more than ten years ago, when I was in Vietnam for the very first time. Only the first four of a total of eight floors had been completed, which was still the case a year later when I met my mother here in Saigon.

There were many more cars by now; just like in our small town. Vietnam did have a luxury tax, which was quite hefty, but that alone could not stop the development. One certainly did not want to seriously stop it either. Of course, the roads were quite congested, as one can imagine.

But not like in Manila or Jakarta. Not yet. Since Anna was still making me wait, I lit another cigarette. I looked at my phone; it was ten past eight. But then I saw her slowly coming towards me through the crowd of people; in the red polo shirt of her company and jeans, as well as light blue canvas sneakers.

We smiled at each other and hugged briefly, pressing my nose into her hair on top. Anna was about a head shorter than me; like pretty much all Vietnamese women. While some, like my wife, were even a whole lot shorter; not even 1.45.

The brown leather strap of her handbag pressed against her small chest until she adjusted it and suggested that we go to a chic new restaurant in a side street. As we turned, I asked her where she lived approximately:

"Not far away. I can walk home later," she said to me.

"I'll take you there," I offered eagerly.

Since Anna knew that I had been in the city for four days, she certainly wouldn't agree to spend a night with me in the hotel today. If at all. After we sat down, we both looked at the small laminated menu, and of course, I admitted that I had only eaten about two hours ago.

"Yes, we can have lunch together tomorrow," she suggested.

I wanted her not to blame me for not waiting with the food. However, it was difficult to admire her in peace since we were sitting next to each other; the place was quite full. At least our thighs touched, and at least I believed I could feel energy flowing back and forth between us.

Slim as she was, Anna hadn't ordered much either, but invited me to try some. We drank cold tea, which must have been a mixture of different kinds and also tasted interesting, with various spices. She seemed in good spirits, but was tired after the long day, for which she now apologized:

"Oh, that's just normal," I comforted her, noticing that she had quickly applied lipstick earlier: "You still look beautiful. As always."

She smiled briefly and nodded, but then immediately took another one of the sushi pieces, and I looked around the store again. Yes, ten years ago there were hardly any trendy stores like this one, but the whole country had been in a proper economic upswing for a long time.

I noticed again that Anna's ears were relatively large, but of course I said nothing. She was perfect anyway. I would probably tell her that again sometime this week. But not now. What could she possibly say in response?! And how could I possibly top that afterwards?!

Not only on her ear, but also on her index finger, she wore a new ring that would surely have disturbed me while typing. But maybe she also placed the jewelry on the desk while working. Anna had meanwhile finished her meal, but of course we wanted to linger a little longer and calmly finish our tea.

"What exactly do you do at your job during the week?" I was curious.

She had told me in detail about the place at Zalo in the evening in February.

„Import-Export-Liaison: We bring together companies that do not really want to settle in Vietnam because of the tax system.

„Because that would be too much effort, too much paperwork?” I asked, and Anna nodded a few times before she reached for her cup and emptied it.

She really summarized everything in one or two sentences. I could have asked her if she often talked on the phone in English, but somehow that didn't seem important at the moment. But since five young people were already standing in the door looking for a table, we got up and went to the counter to pay.

"You certainly want to go home now, right?" I asked her briefly outside, although I could already guess her answer.

I wasn't really concerned about my hotel, but rather about a bar, although I didn't know this area particularly well anyway. Anna just nodded and briefly touched my forearm to prompt me to leave.

"Are you still coming with me to the next corner?" she had asked me, probably more rhetorically.

And so we strolled towards her apartment, which she surely still shared with her twin sister and a mutual friend, as she had told me several times in the past.

"But we better not say goodbye right in front of the house. Someone might see us together. My sister doesn't know that you are here. But she knows you," she smiled up at me.

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Yes, Anna also had a perfect set of teeth. And a beautiful mouth that I definitely wanted to kiss at least once this week. I tried to make out the name of her company, which was stitched on her left breast, but it was too dark here in the side street for that. However, I also didn't want to stare too obviously at her young bosom.

If I had only been in Saigon for this one night: Would I have asked her if she would come with me to the hotel? Or would she have said on her own that she wanted to? Well, since we both knew that we fortunately had more time, we left it at another brief embrace, this time pressing my lips on top of her head.

Gentle. Barely noticeable. Sensitive as Anna was, she surely noticed it nonetheless. That had been my intention. We agreed to write to each other the next morning around eleven and then go have lunch together. Maybe. My seminar only went until half past ten.

"I don't know if the museum is open tomorrow. Thursday might be better. Unfortunately, I have to work a bit more than usual tomorrow," Anna summarized the next plans.

“Yes, of course, I also have to go to my class. In the morning and then again at half past three,” I reminded her.

As I had already walked three or four meters backwards, but she was still standing where we had just briefly hugged, I called out to her Chuc Lam ngu ngon, which meant Sleep well! Anna laughed and waved before turning around and cheerfully walking the last twenty meters to her house with springy steps.

I waited a few more seconds, still walking a few meters backwards to make sure nothing happened to her, and then watched as she turned into the entrance. Anna hadn't turned around again, but I dismissed the thought of wondering what might be going through her beautiful head.

I walked back in the direction of my hotel and briefly stopped by a small pub that only had bottled beer. I smoked a little and sent a message to my wife, but for the most part, I resisted the temptation to imagine the next few days in detail.

Back at the hotel, I took a shower, but I went to bed relatively quickly; the course the next morning started at half past seven, so I had to get up at six. I wrote back to my wife again and mentioned that I had met for dinner with a former student. Which was also true. Well, almost.

My wife knew several of my former students; among them was also Anna, although she probably couldn't really remember her, as she had only met her rarely. There had always been others there as well. When Anna wished me a good night once again, I naturally wrote back to her, but then quickly turned off the light.

Since I didn't want to cloud our meeting with a mountain of crazy, daring fantasies, I distracted myself and wandered a bit through Twitter, thought again about Anna earlier, but then dozed off relatively quickly -- as often on days when I had traveled far.

The next morning I quickly shaved and then looked for a shop that offered fried eggs with Banh mi -- Baguette --. The whole thing always came in a cast iron pan, which for some reason mostly had the shape of a cow; probably because there was a thin slice of fried meat under the eggs, as well as cucumbers and tomato slices.

It always hissed and bubbled when it was served, but I turned the eggs over just to be safe before I sliced the baguette lengthwise and packed everything neatly inside after I had pressed the crumb down and up and sprinkled it with soy sauce.

I could also walk to my seminar; the large office building was only about one and a half kilometers away. In the room sat maybe 22 or 25 people, mostly middle-aged; half Vietnamese and half foreigners. With the women being in the majority.

Almost everyone had a laptop in front of them, but since I already knew that my soul and mind would mostly be occupied with Anna, I had left my computer at home. In any case, a set of copies had been prepared for each seminar participant, which we could also take home on Friday.

The course started just as unexciting as I had imagined. Interestingly, the lady quickly moved on to the additional material available on the publisher's website, which I probably would have found as well. But of course: There were extra videos and plenty of worksheets, which would surely be helpful at some point.

I don't want to speak badly of the course either. The lady spoke very fluently, although with a quite strong accent. I glanced around from time to time and flipped through the pages that had been handed to us. I didn't want to be rude and dig out my phone; especially since I didn't even have the password for the Wi-Fi.

At some point there was a break during which I chatted with two older Swedish women who humorously asked me if we wanted to do something together in the evening. Of course, I politely declined and postponed it to the next day -- although I already knew that wouldn't happen either.

Around half past ten, our morning class was over, with a change of plans: Tomorrow, on Thursday, we would only meet in the afternoon, but already at three. Should I register right away that I already had plans? Well, Anna and I could also go to the museum on Friday, as a highlight of my visit.

Right? When I stepped back onto the street, I decided to go have a coffee first; also because there was good Wi-Fi in every café in Vietnam. The young waitress was quite attractive and talkative; when she finally disappeared again, I asked Anna what the plan for the day was.

I lit a cigarette and smoked it leisurely when the coffee arrived, and then read what Anna had written. She wanted to go home after her morning in the office, take a nap, shower, and change, but then suggested postponing the joint meal to the evening since we had both gotten up early.

Well, I didn't mind that, because I -- like most Vietnamese -- wanted to take a nap today. Of course, I would prefer to do it with Anna, although we wouldn't be able to relax then. Interestingly, the nymph asked me where exactly my hotel was; she would pick me up there between half past one and two:

So you don't have to sit alone somewhere waiting for me, she had added. With a winking smiley. Two of them, even. Well, okay. She would have to work again by three, and then again for Zalo until eight or even half past eight. Well, at least we would probably see each other twice today.

So I strolled back to the hotel, where a different, younger lady handed me the key card today. She also seemed really nice and hardly concealed her scrutiny of me; as if she were toying with the idea of coming up to visit me later when her shift was over.

Yes, middle-aged Europeans were very popular with Vietnamese women; I had never experienced so much attention from women as here in Southeast Asia. Energized by this new vigor, I cheerfully went upstairs, where I took a quick shower and then settled down for a nap.

When I woke up again, the sky had clouded over, although it didn't look like rain was imminent. I got dressed and went out onto the balcony to have a smoke, but then there was a sudden knock at the door. Oh, was that the young lady from the concierge desk downstairs?

No, it was my beloved Anna. She smiled slightly embarrassed as she walked past me into the room, where she set down her backpack and sat on the foot of the single bed:

"Is that okay?" she asked me, but I was still slightly drowsy and perplexed.

I didn't know at all what she meant:

"That you came up? Of course. Always."

„No, that I'm sitting on the bed in my jeans. My mother taught me that you don't sit on the bed with 'street things'," she laughed, painting the quotation marks in the air with both index fingers.

„Oh, I see. Oh, why not?! There's a bedspread on it anyway. You surely don't want to take off your jeans now," I tried to make a slightly suggestive joke before I asked: „We're leaving soon anyway, right?"

Anna shrugged but then stood up to go out onto the balcony. Had she come up so we could finally kiss? Or maybe even more? I followed her and was tempted to stand behind her and place my hands on her delicate, narrow hips. But then she turned around again and said:

"The woman below said I should just go up."

Symbolically perfect, we heard distant thunder rumbling and stepped back into the room, where I planted myself this time in the same spot at the foot of the single bed where Anna had just been sitting. She looked around briefly but then stepped between my knees.

Hesitantly, I reached for her wrists and pulled her ten centimeters closer, noticing that she looked a bit pale, which I also told her. Before she replied, she settled down on my left thigh. My heart raced in my throat as she said:

"The room is pretty."

"Yes, I like it too," was all that came to my mind.

A you are much prettier would have been too clichéd. My right hand had somehow landed on her thigh. For the very first time. Anna had at some point placed her right hand on my left shoulder, and so I asked her once again if she was feeling okay:

„No, well, yes, a little. I just got my period," she laughed somewhat embarrassed and blushed: „But it should actually be the last day, today."

I immediately thought about how she once advertised a kind of menstrual comfort package from the company Kotex on Facebook, just like her twin sister, but said nothing. Later. Maybe.

Looking at the embroidered blue logo of her company, which apparently was called Premium, I watched my hand briefly and only very lightly stroke her flat stomach and then her chest -- well, rather her bra -- and I was startled. Was that too much?

Anna looked at me with a mocking smile, but she covered up any potential awkwardness by ruffling my hair like a boy, laughed and said:

"Oh, Mr. Ben."

Actually, my name was Richard, but that was hard for Vietnamese to pronounce. And so I have been called Ben for ten years here in Vietnam. Nevertheless, I asked Anna -- also because she had so gracefully played along with my little cheekiness -- to call me by my real name from now on. And to leave out the Mr.

Apparently, a new era had just begun.

"Okay," she nodded, but stood up before she gently stroked my short hair with her flat hand one more time.

“Like a mouse,” she said then and stepped out of the triangle of my legs to bend down for her backpack.

Since your short visit was incredibly successful overall, as I found, I also got up so as not to ruin the whole thing with gross rudeness.

"I need to eat something first," I confessed to her: "Are you hungry too?"

"Today I've already eaten," she laughed, alluding to last night.

"When do you have to be at work? My seminar is at half past three."

"At Three."

Also, because many Vietnamese women often did that anyway and thus liked it -- I assumed -- I took her hand before we set off down. She had no objections at all, and I noticed again how light her walk was. Well, Anna really didn't weigh more than 40 kilos.

We greeted the young concierge lady, who nodded at us with a knowing smile, and went outside. Not to overdo it right away, we eventually let our hands go, with Anna quickly noting that the lady must now think that Anna was my young lover.

„Well, that's a nice thought too," I sighed briefly and smiled at her.

But I didn't want us to discuss what attracted us to each other and what we liked about each other. That would show itself over the next few days. However, I already felt pretty great, and Anna also seemed to be doing better already.

When we were at the roundabout, she briefly took my hand again, but then we turned into the first restaurant we saw. I ordered crab soup and fried crab rolls because they were easy to share and I was too lazy to struggle with the crustaceans. That wasn't particularly elegant either. Besides, we didn't have much time anyway.

„Richard, okay, I thought that maybe we shouldn't see each other tonight," Anna suddenly began.

Of course, my heart immediately sank. Well, after we had experienced our first intimate moments and were on a good path?! Was she worried about my marriage? I must have sighed audibly, but now she laughed:

„No, well, I'm not feeling particularly well today. My period, you know ... but I can take a morning off like this once a month. Instead, we will have a nice breakfast tomorrow and then have time until three in the afternoon.'

Of course, a weight was lifted off my heart, but before I could respond, Anna continued speaking:

"We can then go to the museum tomorrow in peace. And it would also be better for my sister. She would tell our mother if I'm out again until ten or half past eleven tonight. She already asked me yesterday where I was ..."

"And: Did you tell her?" I was genuinely curious.

„No, somehow ... I don't know. I actually don't want her to find out that we see each other every day. But tomorrow morning she will think I'm at work," giggled Anna, as if she was happy and proud of herself for coming up with the plan.

"That works out. I don't have a seminar tomorrow morning either. But for you, I would skip. It's not like I wouldn't know what to do in class without the course," I laughed and lit a short digestive cigarette.

Maybe I should go out with the Swedes tonight after all, I thought for a moment, but then I asked for the bill. Anna had to leave first. She had probably ordered an Uber motorcycle, as one does here.

When we saw the young man rolling out the window onto the sidewalk, she placed her hand on my wrist, and we looked into each other's eyes for a relatively long time. We couldn't just kiss here in the restaurant, even though there were no other guests around. It would have been strange since she was already standing while I was still sitting. Like in a wheelchair.

I also had half a beer, and the waitress was only a few meters away. Ultimately, Anna said she would write to me again this evening before she left. Light as a feather. I lingered for a moment in my thoughts and finished my beer before I too set off again.

In the seminar, another lady demonstrated how the publisher envisioned that teachers could make the best of the respective units in the textbook. This lesson also bored me somewhat, and I resolved to come up with an excuse for Friday at least, as to why I could not attend.

Since I suddenly had time in the evening, I joined the Swedes again during the break, who in the meantime had booked a kind of river cruise with dinner. Yes, such a thing could certainly be cheerful, but somehow I wasn't in the mood for it. I had done such things several times before.

So I decided instead to stroll through the city center when the seminar was over, and at some point, I sat down in a bar that also had a menu. At a table sat a few young Australians, but I first wrote to my wife and also to Anna before I amused myself on Twitter again.

One of the Australians came to the bar at some point, and we chatted briefly, but then he went back to the table. I didn't really want to meet people either, but it was still early in the evening. Since I wasn't really keen on burgers and fries anymore, I paid and went back outside, where it had started to drizzle in the meantime.

Since there was a shop above the street that sold Pho, a popular soup, I strolled in there; also, because I naturally didn't have an umbrella. The soup wasn't bad, and I even liked the music that was playing in the background. The shop had deep yellow painted walls, on which a lot of interesting older black-and-white photos were hanging.

As there were only a few people in the restaurant, at some point I even got up and walked slowly, like in a gallery, along the walls, without disturbing the other guests. The owner of the place smiled at me kindly, but in the end, I simply paid -- well, since I was already standing -- and stepped back onto the street.

It had also stopped raining, but I was already walking in the direction of my hotel; hoping to find another bar. When I found one, I drank three beers or so, texted the ladies again, and then made my way home.

I smoked another one on the balcony before I took a quick shower again and then lay naked on the bed. Anna had written that she had just laid down as well, but her sister didn't seem to suspect anything.

We agreed to write to each other again in the morning and then go have breakfast together. Anna knew some shop that she wanted to drag me to, but she wanted to sleep in first and see what the weather would be like. I was fine with that, although I was already quite excited about what the next day would bring.

When I woke up in the morning, I saw that Anna had already sent me two messages: One at a quarter past six, in which she informed me that she was already awake, and a second one shortly after seven, that she was already sitting in a café and having breakfast alone because she had been really hungry.

Well, it was 7:22 AM, and I first went to the bathroom. Hmh, by the time I was done, she would have finished eating, and, where she was sitting, was probably not the nice store she wanted to show me. Before I would get dressed, I lay back on the bed and read that her period was over and she was feeling better again.

Well, come on, she didn't tell me about the period for nothing, did she? Feeling better would have been enough. While I was still thinking about what I could reply to her -- something cheeky, clever? -- the next message from her already came: Should I buy a filled baguette and a coffee and then come back up to you?

Well, that was probably the most exciting variant; also because I liked to waste the first hour of the day anyway. So I just clicked on the raised thumb before I wrote her one or two tender lines and thanked her in advance. I got dressed and went out onto the balcony, where I looked north and enjoyed the beautiful morning light.

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At some point, Anna knocked, and I let her in. Unlike the other two days, she was wearing an embroidered light folk top made of slightly coarse cotton or a linen blend, as well as a rather short skirt. Of course, she looked stunning. She had also applied subtle makeup and was beaming at me while standing in the middle of the room:

"Here is the banh mi," she laughed: "And the coffee. On the balcony?"

She knew that there were two chairs and a table outside and thus placed my breakfast there before she took off her backpack and parked it on the floor next to the balcony door inside. Then she casually fell into the wicker chair and crossed one leg over the other.

"You look crazy," I said to her laughing, before I took a sip of the coffee, into which someone had poured relatively a lot of milk, and first lit a cigarette for myself.

„Well, I can't always just show up to you in jeans and the company's red polo shirt," she laughed back, which was quite sexy.

Under her blouse, I could sense her beige bra, and I noticed how long and straight her light arms looked. But her legs were an absolute poem, even though they were definitely at the lower end of the attractive and healthy spectrum. Yes, how the upper thigh was now squeezed by its own weight was top-notch.

"The woman from yesterday is down again and smiled and nodded again. Just like yesterday," Anna reported to me and giggled sweetly.

"She probably wondered why you didn't stay here overnight," I immediately tried to steer our conversation in the right direction.

"Well, she knows that I'm still quite young," Anna explained.

"But she apparently had no problem with you coming up to me, did she?"

"Oh, it didn't look like that at all. She seemed to be more pleased ..."

Yes, one must also be able to indulge. I had started eating by now and didn't really know what else to respond. So I simply looked at Anna's graceful, elegant figure, which didn't come across perfectly due to the slightly too loose blouse. But her legs, man ...

Anna had also brought herself a tea and now asked me if I liked the baguette. I nodded with a full mouth, but then Anna already had some news again:

"Richard, do you know, we can't go to the museum today."

„Oh, they are closed on Thursdays?” I wondered, but at the same time noticed a slight erection in my pants.

„No, not really. But this week is ... I don't know the exact word, but the whole country is mourning. The chairman of the Communist Party has died."

„State mourning. Ah, yes, I read about that," I nodded.

"What was his name again?" I asked Anna, as that seemed to be the proper thing to do.

Young thighs or not.

„Nguyen Phu Trong.

But now she stood up again; probably to go to the bathroom. Her bluish-gray skirt was probably made of several very thin layers and covered her thighs about halfway. I liked that I couldn't quite tell if she had dressed up or was simply lightly dressed, because it would be 36 degrees again today.

Right now, in the morning, it was still okay; here in the shade on the balcony, while her sight heated me uncomfortably. Well, at the moment she wasn't here at all, but I immediately wondered what we would do with the five hours we had available. Did Anna have a plan?

Shortly after I heard the bathroom door inside, I felt her elegant hands on my shoulders before she ran her flat hand over my hair again. I tilted my head back and looked past her cheeky breasts up into her eerily beautiful face:

"Like a mouse fur?" I asked, and she giggled:

„Well, I've never touched a mouse, but that's how I imagine it,” she laughed refreshingly, and our eyes followed each other again.

Yes, my hair was maybe six or eight millimeters long; I have been cutting it myself for 30 years, with a machine; like with a mini lawnmower. The fewest Vietnamese men wore such a hairstyle.

"Do you want to go somewhere else?" I asked Anna, more as a formality.

„Oh, Richard, when the museum is closed, then nothing else of that kind is open either," she replied softly, before she pushed her two flat hands down further on me, with the left one then getting stuck in my shirt pocket, behind my cigarette box.

I had taken my head forward again and now kissed her hand, which smelled of soap. And tasted. She wasn't wearing her big ring on her index finger today. She also briefly tugged at my chest hair, and I thought I felt her chin on top of my head.

I slightly regretted not being able to see her, because she was standing behind me. On the other hand, what she did was symbolically perfect: She knocked very tenderly. Anna knew that I was married and would not throw herself at or on me. But what she was doing made me know what ... that she wanted it too.

„Richard, you can tell me all the stories from the island in micro ... micro-thingamajig," Anna laughed after she had straightened up behind me.

"Micronesia," I exclaimed happily, as we had found a virtually inexhaustible topic.

I had worked for three years in Pohnpei, at the College of Micronesia, in teacher training.

"Are you standing behind me the whole time?" I laughed: "As beautiful as you are, I want to look at you while doing it."

Anna walked around me and positioned herself between my legs again; just like yesterday. I took her slender wrists again and then rubbed her forearms with both thumbs. We looked into each other's eyes for what felt like half an eternity, but I resisted the temptation to boldly and cheekily reach under her skirt, between her legs.

I could have done it, though. However, today was our first time. Which might have been her very first time. Or did I totally misunderstand the situation? Did she perhaps really just want to be entertained by me with amusing stories? After all the years we had known each other?

Ultimately, I reached around her and grabbed her little buttocks. Anna had a mocking smile on her lips but let me proceed. Of course. Not too big, as Anna was, her young breasts were right in my line of sight, and I was overcome with the desire to envelop her firm, taut fruits with my lips.

And then to tease her nipples with my tongue, which were probably already swelling. She had also started again to stroke my hair with her flat hand. When I looked up past her breast into her immortal beautiful face once more, I saw longing and desire, anticipation and tension:

"Well, come on, let's go inside," I suggested quietly; also because I needed to go to the bathroom.

Completely mundane. She nodded as I stood up, and now we finally kissed. Passionately, but only relatively briefly. We both gasped for air when I realized that I was still squeezing her buttocks, between which I would soon bury my nose.

While I was peeing, I wondered if I should just undress in the bathroom and then approach her naked. Oh, nonsense, I dismissed the thought; we would both slowly shed our clothes in twenty minutes. That would surely be the best. Or?

When I stepped back into the room, Anna was sitting expectantly at the foot of the single bed; probably because she didn't dare to simply lie down on the unmade double bed, in which I had apparently slept the last two nights. This time it was me who stood before her, between her knees, but I only gently pulled her up.

When she stood in front of me again, we kissed tenderly once more before I suggested that we lie down on the double bed.

"In street matters?" she giggled; this time without quotation marks.

"First. And then we slowly undress."

It seemed to be the best solution for you as well. The air crackled, like before a thunderstorm, and I could have thrown myself at her at any moment. But that would have been nonsense, of course. It was much nicer that way.

"Anna, you have no idea how glad I am that it has come to this," I panted excitedly.

"But. It's the same for me," she replied as we finally lay close to each other on the side.

I brushed a strand of hair from her face, which I tucked behind her relatively large ear. She ultimately rested her head on my left upper arm, so that I had my right hand free to glide up and down her hip, while her left hand lay on my ribs and her thumb played piano there.

"Oh, Richard, that's so beautiful," she laughed at me.

At some point, I took one of her breasts in my hand and squeezed it heartily, noticing how soft her bra was as well. No lace, it seemed. But that was completely irrelevant. After a few rounds on her bra, Anna briefly sat up and laughed as she pulled her blouse over her head, before reaching back and snapping her bra open:

"So," she said, as if she wanted to say: Well, there's no turning back.

I found it somehow hot that she still had her bra on. I first took off my pants before I unbuttoned my shirt, but then I lay down next to her again. This moment was just too precious not to fully enjoy it.

"But this isn't your very first time, is it?" I asked her.

Anna almost grinned mischievously and shook her head. She seemed to want to say something more, but maybe she couldn't think of anything. Or she was considering which details of her young sex life she wanted to reveal.

I first slid down her slender girl body and looked at the small, rising and falling landscape of her beautiful torso before I kissed her belly and then, of course, thrust my tongue into her tiny navel.

"I've never had sex properly in daylight," she giggled.

"Yes, and early half past eight is also unusual," I noted.

I was thinking again about the story of the chairman of the Communist Party who passed away last Sunday. Did Anna actually come up with the idea that the museum was closed today, so that we ... so that we had an excuse to indulge in our desires and celebrate them this morning?

The shape and size of her breasts reminded me of the rubber nipple of baby bottles; slightly tapered, like their fruits. Of course, I first suckled heartily on them before I bit into their young, firm, soft flesh, until she pulled me away from her tits, up, so we could kiss again.

"Ah," she sighed lushly, during a pause.

She was still lying on her back, and at some point, we both lifted her skirt up to her belly together. Anna decided to take off her skirt as well; it only had an elastic band at the waist.

When she finally lay down again, I immediately tenderly placed my hand on her clearly prominent Venus mound; slender as she was. I massaged the bulb, which reminded me of half a flower bulb, and believed I could feel that she was already wet.

I was glad to feel her pubic hair under the fabric of her mauve-colored panties, which had some black pattern printed on it; if she had shaved, with her delicate body, she would have looked like a mannequin. As I passed by, I quickly got rid of my underwear, to which she let out a long Ooohh.

Since I also wanted to savor this moment to the last drop, I moved closer to Anna while lying on my side and placed my noodle on the beautiful soft slip, so that my glans was now over her clitoris; only separated by the thin fabric from it. Now it was Anna's turn.

She stuffed a pillow behind her neck so she could see what she was doing and hesitantly reached for my shaft. I massaged her bottle-shaped breasts with my dampened fingers, but we kept looking into each other's eyes the whole time. Until I eventually swung over her chest so my cock was closer to her face.

"Do you sometimes blow too?" I asked Anna, to which she nodded, but initially made no attempt to cover my crown furrow with her famous lips.

I had just wanted to suggest that she could also play with my eggs, but by then she had already taken them in her left hand. Now she weighed them as if she wanted to compare them with the powers of the young men she knew, but said nothing.

"Aren't you daring to go further?" she teased me.

"But. But I find it so beautiful to finally lie almost naked alone with you on the bed."

"Is it yes too."

"And I would also like to leave the initiative to you," I said to her right away.

"Richard, you don't have to hold back. I want it too. Just as much as you do," she replied softly and nodded.

Well, good. So I knelt over her thighs and slowly and with pleasure -- like a magician in the circus -- pulled down the beige-mauve slip along the slender, smooth girl legs. The black pattern turned out to be a kind of Egyptian hieroglyphs, but I had no time for that.

I finally touched her fine brown outer labia, which seemed swollen. Between them sparkled plenty of transparent, viscous nectar, which also rolled down her tiny perineum.

Her inner labia had already separated at the bottom, directly above her vaginal opening. However, looking into the candy opening, I decided not to dive in at all, but gently lay down on my beloved lover.

We would surely do it again, where I would have the opportunity to extensively explore her whole body, including her little treasure. Anna also sighed happily that it was apparently starting now and hugged me before she brushed my back -- like a table that had crumbs on it.

I had my massive upper body supported on my forearms next to her head and now felt the cool juice on my glans. Anna briefly took her hand to help, and I moved up a little more on her. After she had moved her small pelvis accordingly, my glans was almost completely gone inside her.

When I started to push tentatively, she pressed her pelvis against me once more and asked me to try to go further up inside her, as she was so thin and her vaginal opening was quite tight. Interestingly, she was right: the next six or eight centimeters were easier than the beginning had been.

Slim as she was, I eventually placed my legs outside of hers, which seemed to be a novelty for her. She looked at me in surprise as I squeezed the whole arrangement together again, but then grinned as if she had really been hoping for weeks that we would both indulge in lumbar vertebrae together.

"Ooarrh, is that beautiful," I gasped as I thrust leisurely.

"Yes. But you can also go a little faster if you want," she encouraged me eagerly at some point, before she added: "We can do it all very slowly again later. Or tonight," she ultimately laughed.

"Or maybe tomorrow morning," I added.

"Sure. Also tomorrow evening."

"And on Saturday morning," we both laughed at the same time.

After I had perhaps pushed a little faster and harder into her young darling for another two or three minutes and my thick one was really almost completely disappeared in her, I paused again:

"You're not directly laying, are you?" I laughed.

„Richard, your thing is currently inside me. Should I play the shy one now?” Anna asked back giggling: „I was already wet when I knocked on the door this morning. Good thing I had a pad in my panties,” she laughed sweetly, but also almost diabolically.

Yesterday, at this moment, I had for the first time the feeling that the next 48 hours could be quite crazy. Not that she seemed cunning; not even starving. But we knew that we wouldn't see each other again so soon. And in our small town, we probably couldn't repeat what we were just experiencing.

Anna had also whinnied and screamed for a few minutes, and now she bit me in the chest. If I wasn't mistaken, she had even squirted heartily; in any case, my sack felt soaking wet. At some point, I turned with Anna, my legs still outside of hers. And my thick one in her.

No, Anna was neither a nymph nor a child woman. On me lay 40 kilos of beauty and self-confidence. My noodle had of course become smaller again and slipped out of her, although her sheath was already wonderfully tight. Anna giggled again as she stroked my hair before she said:

"Come, Richard, let's make a pact: We'll do it as often as we can, as long as you're here."

Wow. I didn't know at all what I could say:

"In all possible positions?"


"How about some crazier things?"

Instead of answering, she slid up on me so I could suckle at her breast again, which -- as tight as it was -- hardly dangled. Sure, she said at some point again, but left open what that could be. What suited me just fine: It was all much hotter when we didn't discuss it beforehand.

I let my hands roam over her mini buttocks, and Anna was already swinging her hips again as if she wanted to do it once more. Since she knew that this was probably not possible, she eventually lay back down next to me and said that she was hungry again:

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"Yes, sex makes you hungry. We haven't eaten together at all today."

"But already fucked," she giggled quite lustfully.

Gentlemen! Where should this end?!

The narrator reflects on his former favorite student, Anna, who posted a Monet painting on Facebook, sparking dreams of exploring European museums together. Despite the age gap—he is nearly 50 and she is 21—and his marriage, they share a deep affection for each other. Anna lives in Ho Chi Minh City, where she works multiple jobs, while the narrator is in central Vietnam with his family. He plans a trip to Saigon for a workshop, hoping to meet Anna alone for the first time. Their past encounters were always with a mutual friend, Chinh, who was aware of their feelings. The narrator recalls Anna's strict upbringing and their secret meetings, highlighting the tension between their desires and societal expectations. As he travels, he reminisces about their chemistry and the complexities of his marriage, which has become more of a friendship. He arrives in Saigon, eager to see Anna, contemplating the implications of their relationship amidst cultural shifts in Vietnam. The story captures the nuances of love, longing, and the challenges of navigating personal desires within the constraints of societal norms.