El Nuevo Herald, Wikileaks and who finances the counterrevolution in Cuba


Posted by: mariana50 | December 8, 2010

El Nuevo Herald, Wikileaks and who finances the counterrevolution in Cuba

› USAID and the lost money of mercenaries The Nuevo Herald publishes today on the front page of its digital page an article titled 'Cuban Connection in the Wikileaks Case' that once again exposes the financing received by Cuban counterrevolutionary groups from abroad, either through European countries such as Sweden or from the United States itself.

According to El Nuevo Herald:

Anna Ardin's links to Cuba were highlighted in several digital portals on Tuesday, after Assange was arrested in London on the basis of a Swedish extradition request to face sexual assault charges brought by Ardin and Sofia Wilén. Ardin visited Cuba around four times between 2002 and 2006 as a representative of the Swedish Social Democrats, stated Manuel Cuesta Morúa, leader of the Cuban dissident group Arco Progresista, with a social democratic inclination.

Subsequently, Cuesta Morúa added, Ardin mistakenly alleged that some European funds for Cuban dissidents had been mishandled. The dissident added that he had heard a version that Ardin was born in Cuba but never confirmed this with her.


A 2008 cable from the US embassy in Madrid reported that then-Florida Senator Mel Martínez, visiting Madrid, had met with Cuban dissident Héctor Palacios, who was in Spain receiving medical treatment after five years in prison. 'Palacios said that US assistance was not reaching dissidents,' the cable reported. 'He highlighted the irony of being imprisoned as an agent of US imperialism when the actual amount of USG [US government] funds was minimal.'

'He said they had trouble doing simple things like finding the small amount of money needed to take dissidents from one part of the island to another to attend demonstrations,' the dispatch added.'

Read more:

Published by M. H. Lagarde in Changes in Cuba


The article discusses the financing of Cuban counterrevolutionary groups from abroad, including support from European countries like Sweden and the United States. It mentions the connections of Anna Ardin with Cuba and allegations of mishandling European funds for Cuban dissidents. A 2008 US embassy cable in Madrid highlighted the challenges faced by Cuban dissidents in receiving US assistance, with one dissident mentioning the minimal amount of US funds reaching them. The article sheds light on the difficulties faced by Cuban dissidents in accessing even small amounts of money for basic activities like attending demonstrations.