I [Just] Conducted an Exit Interview for an Unhappy Gen Z. She Confused Me Big Time.


Are we genuinely doing such a bad job in the workplace? Photo by Natalie Heathcoat on Unsplash

Every interview is unique.

Hiring interviews can be positive and fun. Promotion interviews are competitive and may involve unspoken fist bumps. Exit interviews can be explosive.

Yes, you read that right. Explosive.

And what upsets a recent outgoing Gen Z… confused me.

This is surprising.

I am sure we have mentorship programs. Team leads, and managers are also told to spend more time with the juniors so they can assimilate into the company fast.

We don’t leave them alone to perish at a desk by the far corner.

To hear this feedback in an exit interview is shocking.

This is the last thing my HR Director wants to know. His laments ring loudly in my head.

“Come on, you assh0les! No one will groom the youngsters in your charge on your behalf!”

And because this is surprising [to me], I zipped my lips and paid close attention to the words entering my ears.

The article discusses the surprising feedback received during exit interviews, particularly from Gen Z employees, regarding the lack of mentorship and support in the workplace. Despite the existence of mentorship programs and directives for managers to spend time with junior employees, some individuals feel neglected and unguided. The author reflects on the HR Director's frustration at the revelation and emphasizes the importance of providing proper guidance and support to younger employees in the workplace.