Analysis of the ofbiz directory traversal to code execution vulnerability (CVE-2024-32113) - Knownsec Community


Apache OFBiz is an e-commerce platform for building multi-tier, distributed e-commerce applications for large and medium-sized enterprises that are cross-platform, cross-database, and cross-application server. In May 2024, the official release of a new version fixed the CVE-2024-32113 Apache OFBiz directory traversal leading to code execution vulnerability, allowing attackers to craft malicious requests to control the server. It is recommended to promptly fix the vulnerability.

0X02 Groovy Execution Analysis


412-416 lines

<request-map uri="ProgramExport"> <security https="true" auth="true"/> <response name="success" type="view" value="ProgramExport"/> <response name="error" type="view" value="ProgramExport"/> </request-map>

You can see it is of view type

652 lines write the corresponding configuration location

<view-map name="ProgramExport" type="screen" page="component://webtools/widget/EntityScreens.xml#ProgramExport"/>


74-96 lines

<screen name="ProgramExport"> <section> <actions> <set field="titleProperty" value="PageTitleEntityExportAll"/> <set field="tabButtonItem" value="programExport"/> <script location="component://webtools/groovyScripts/entity/ProgramExport.groovy"/> </actions> <widgets> <decorator-screen name="CommonImportExportDecorator" location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}"> <decorator-section name="body"> <screenlet> <include-form name="ProgramExport" location="component://webtools/widget/MiscForms.xml"/> </screenlet> <screenlet> <platform-specific> <html><html-template location="component://webtools/template/entity/ProgramExport.ftl"/></html> </platform-specific> </screenlet> </decorator-section> </decorator-screen> </widgets> </section> </screen>

You can see the call


56-82 lines

parameters.groovyProgram = groovyProgram } else { groovyProgram = parameters.groovyProgram } // Add imports for script. def importCustomizer = new ImportCustomizer() importCustomizer.addImport("org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue") importCustomizer.addImport("org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelEntity") def configuration = new CompilerConfiguration() configuration.addCompilationCustomizers(importCustomizer) Binding binding = new Binding() binding.setVariable("delegator", delegator) binding.setVariable("recordValues", recordValues) ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() def shell = new GroovyShell(loader, binding, configuration) if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(groovyProgram)) { try { // Check if a webshell is not uploaded but allow "import" if (!SecuredUpload.isValidText(groovyProgram, ["import"])) { logError("================== Not executed for security reason ==================") request.setAttribute("ERROR_MESSAGE", "Not executed for security reason") return }

Obtain parameters from groovyProgram, and perform blacklist check with SecuredUpload.isValidText.

Get the blacklist by calling getDeniedWebShellTokens();

You can see that there is no filtering for execute().

Directly use execute() command, or directly Unicode encoding.

0x03 Directory Traversal Analysis The official vulnerability point has been identified,




You can see that using httpRequest.getRequestURI() to get the URL, there are two ways to bypass it. "../" and ";" are used to bypass filter processing by truncation.

Come and see the repair method,


equals for judgment, throw directly if inconsistent.


Replace ".." or ";" in the URL with empty, then compare.

The whole vulnerability point is very simple, bypass the filter.

0x04 Reproduction

Here directly use the 18.10 environment, too lazy to download.

Replace directly with 18.13's framework/webapp/src/main/java/org/apache/ofbiz/webapp/control/

You can see that using ";" truncation can bypass detection.

Finally, success is achieved.

0x05 Repair Suggestions

Upgrade to the latest version on the official website.

Apache OFBiz is an e-commerce platform for building large and medium-sized enterprise-level, multi-tier, distributed e-commerce applications across platforms, databases, and application servers. In May 2024, a new version was released to fix the CVE-2024-32113 Apache OFBiz directory traversal leading to code execution vulnerability, which could allow attackers to control the server. It is recommended to promptly patch the vulnerability. The article also discusses Groovy script execution analysis and directory traversal analysis in Apache OFBiz, providing details on the vulnerabilities and their fixes in different versions. The directory traversal vulnerability could be exploited by using "../" and ";" to bypass filter processing. The suggested mitigation is to upgrade to the latest version available on the official website.