Lesson Plan Introduction, Practice, and Activity Examples for Basic Sentence Patterns and Minna no Nihongo



Here we introduce learning from beginner level, dividing it into introduction, practice, and activities for each lesson. The printouts are available at the link for each lesson. Aligned with 'Minna no Nihongo 2nd Edition'. This website introduces teaching plans, materials, and course concepts for Japanese teachers.

Details of individual lessons for training Japanese language teachers by the site administrator can be found here

Details of private lessons for Japanese teacher training by the site administrator can be found here

Summary of useful articles for beginners

Here is a list of pages that may be helpful when creating lesson plans.

【Image】Summary of "~Form" +1 How to create forms such as "te-form," "conditional form," and "causative verb" in one-shot with images

List of 9 basic particles usage teaching method with practice problems in images Summarizing the usage of particles learned at the beginner level with images

List of Verbs Minna no Nihongo 2nd Edition<br>It's fun to create example sentences while looking at verbs. Adjectives are here.

Beginner lesson plan

The key to teaching is here, for newcomers click here, and for how to write lesson plans, there is a compilation of articles here, so please take a look if you are struggling.

Lesson 0 Survival Japanese

Survival Japanese Greetings Classroom Terms Numbers and More

Lesson 1 N1 is N2

  1. N1 is N2 2. N1 is not N2 3. Is N1 N2? 4. N1's N2 (affiliation) 5. N also
  1. ~san is ~ years old

Lesson 2: This/That/That (over there)

  1. This is N 2. Is that N1 or N2 3. N2 of N1 (content) 4. That is N of <person> 5. That is <person>'s
  1. This N belongs to <person>

Lesson 3 Here/There/Over there

  1. Here is <place> 2. <place> is here 3. N is <place> 4. <place> is here 5. Country/Company/University is ~ 6. N1 of N2 (Country of origin)
  1. This N is 〇〇 yen

Lesson 4 Time/Day of the Week, First Verbs

  1. It is now # o'clock # minutes 2. N is on # day 3. N is from # o'clock to # o'clock 4. At # o'clock, I will V 5. I will V from # o'clock to # o'clock 6. I V every day / I V yesterday
  1. V masu/V masen/V mashita/V masen deshita

Lesson 5: Going/Coming/Returning

  1. Go to <Place> 2. Go to <Place> by <Means> 3. Came to <Place> with <Person>
  1. Return to the <place> at <time>.

Lesson 6: NをVます、Vませんか/Vましょう

  1. N wo Vmasu 2. Nani wo shimasu ka 3. <Place> de N wo Vmasu 4. Issho ni Vmasen ka
  1. Let's V

Lesson 7 Using <Tools/Language> to V, give/receive (Giving and Receiving 1)

  1. Use <tool> to V N 2. Use <language> to V N 3. "~" is "~" in <language> 4. I give N to <person> 5. I receive N from <person>
  1. Have you V'ed already?

Lesson 8: I-Adjectives / Na-Adjectives (Present Tense)

  1. N is Adj. 2. Na adj. is/ is not/ I adj. is/ is not
  1. It is a na-adjective + na noun / i-adjective + i noun

Lesson 9: Likes/Good at/Understand/Have

  1. I like N 2. I am good at N 3. I understand N 4. I have N (possession)
  1. ~from, ~

Lesson 10: Arimasu / Imasu

  1. N exists 2. There is <person> 3. Preposition 4. N is located at <location>
  1. <Person> is at <Location>

Lesson 11: Counters (つ、枚、台、人) and Duration

  1. N has <counter> 2. N <counter> V 3. <person> has 〇 people 4. 〇 times V in <period> 5. <period> V
  1. It takes ○ hours by <vehicle>

Lesson 12 Nouns and Adjectives (Past Tense), Comparison

  1. N1 was N2/na adj./i adj. 2. N/na adj. was/were N/na adj./was not/were not N/na adj./was/were i adj./was/were not i adj. 3. N1 is more adj. than N2 4. Which one is more adj., N1 or N2? N is more adj.
  1. Is <question word> the most Adj. in N?

Lesson 13 N desu/V tai desu, V/N ni ikimasu

  1. I want N 2. I want to V 3. I want to V / I don't want to V
  1. Go/come/return to V[place]/N

Lesson 14 Verb groups, V-Te form, V-Te kudasai, V-Te imasu

  1. V-te form 2. V-[te]-kudasai 3. V-mashouka
  1. Now V[Te]imasu (in progress)

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Lesson 15: Vてもいいですか、Vてはいけません、Vています

  1. V[te] mo ii desu ka 2. V[te] wa ikemasen 3. V[te] imasu (kekka no joutai)
  1. V[te]imasu (habit/work)

Lesson 16 VてV, VてからV, Haga construction, Adjective/Noun (て-form)

  1. V1 [Te], V2 [Te], V3 2. From V1 [Te], V2 3. N1 is Adj. N2
  1. I adj. [te] / Na adj. / N [te]

Lesson 17 V-Nai Form, V-NAI de Kudasai, V-Nakereba Narimasen, V-Nakutemo Ii Desu

  1. V nai form 2. V[nai]naide kudasai 3. V[nai]nakereba narimasen 4. V[nai]nakutemo iidesu
  1. Topicalization of the object (using 'wa' for emphasis)

Lesson 18 V Dictionary Form, N/V can do, my hobby is N/V, before V/N

  1. V dictionary form 2. N/V can do [dictionary] (ability/possibility) 3. N/V can do [dictionary] (situation possibility) 4. Hobby is N/V to do
  1. V1 [Dictionary]/N before the period, V2

Lesson 19 V-Form, V-ta koto ga arimasu, V1 tari V2 tari shimasu, ~ku/~ni narimasu

  1. V-Form 2. V[Ta] koto ga arimasu 3. V1[Ta] ri, V2[Ta] ri shimasu
  1. Becomes Adjective / Becomes Noun

Lesson 20 Common Form, Common Form

  1. Polite Form and Plain Form
  2. Sentences in Plain Form, Conversations

Lesson 21 - ~I think, ~I say, ~right?

  1. ~ I think (speculation) 2. ~ I think (opinion) 3. ~ said
  1. ~, right?

Lesson 22 Noun Modification (Verbs)

  1. Noun modification (V+N) 2. N is V+N 3. V+N is ~ desu/masu 4. V+N wo ~ masu 5. V+N ga ~ desu
  1. V + N (time/appointment/engagement) is/is not available

Lesson 23 - When, Whenever

  1. When V[Dictionary]/V[Not], ~ 2. When V[Dictionary], ~ / V[Ta], ~ 3. When I-adj. -i/Na-adj. -na/N, ~
  1. V [Dictionary] and, ~

Lesson 24 Giving and Receiving: Receiving, Giving, and Offering (Giving and Receiving 2)

  1. kuremasu 2. <person> ga kuremashita 3. V[te] moraimasu 4. V[te] kuremasu
  1. V[Te]agemasu

Lesson 25 - If/When, Even if

  1. ~tara/~temo 2. ~tara, ~ (hypothetical condition) 3. ~tara, ~ (definite condition)
  1. ~te mo, ~

Lesson 26 - ~n desu, Vte itadakemasen ka, Vtara ii desu ka

  1. ~n desu 2. ~n desu ka (kakunin/jouhou motome) 3. doushite ~n desu ka (setsumei motome/riyuu motome) 4. ~. ~n desu (riyuu no tsuika) 5. V te itadakemasen ka
  1. Question word + V-tara ii desu ka

Lesson 27 Potential Verbs

  1. Potential verb 2. I N can V [potential] 3. Can see / Can hear 4. N was able to (from a state of not being able to a state of being able) 5. Only N V
  1. Contrastive 'wa'

Lesson 28 While doing V, do A, do B, do C

  1. V1 [masu] while V2 2. V [te] imasu (habit) 3. ~shi, ~shi, (sore ni) ~ 4. ~shi, ~shi, (sore de) ~
  1. ~shi, ~kara.

Lesson 29: Transitive and Intransitive Verbs, Vてしまいました

  1. N is V[te] (state of a result) 2. N is V[te] (state of a result) 3. V[te] shimaimashita/shimaimasu (completion)
  1. V[te] I'm done (unfortunately)

Lesson 30 Vてあります、Vておきます

  1. N has V[Te] at <place> 2. N is at <place> V[Te] 3. V[Te] is prepared 4. V[Te] is taken (post-action)
  1. V[Te] okimasu (Houchi)

Lesson 31 Intentional Form, Plan, Schedule

  1. Volitional form 2. V[intention]. (plain form) 3. I think I will V[intention] 4. I haven't V[te] yet 5. I don't intend to V[dictionary]/V[not]
  1. V[Dictionary]/N is planned

Lesson 32 - It's better to, I think, It might be

  1. It's better not to V/Not V 2. ~I think.
  1. ~maybe

Lesson 33 Command Form, Prohibition Form

  1. Imperative form, prohibitive form 2. Imperative sentence 3. Written/pronounced as '~' 4. Means '~' 5. Was saying '~'
  1. Could you please convey this to ~?

Lesson 34 As V/N, after V/N, Vて/Vないで~

  1. As V[Ta]/N, ~ 2. After V[Ta]/N, ~ 3. Without V[Te]/V[Nai]~ (Incidental circumstances)
  1. V[Not] without, ~ (choose one of two)

Lesson 35 Conditional Form, Nara (Topic)

  1. Conditional form 2. If V, then... 3. If not V, then... 4. If it is an i-adjective or na-adjective, then... (condition) 5. Can I V with a question word?
  1. If it's N, then ~ (topic)

Lesson 36 Vように (Volition/Involition)

  1. V[dictionary]/V[not] so that, ~ 2. V[dictionary] will become 3. V[dictionary]/V[not] are being careful
  1. V[Dictionary]/V[Not] Please avoid

Lesson 37 Passive Verbs

  1. Passive verb 2. I am V[passive] by <person> (direct passive) 3. I am V[passive] <object> by <person> (possessive passive) 4. N is V[passive] (thing passive) 5. N is V[passive] (thing passive - topicalization)
  1. N is being V[passive] (passive voice for things or habits)

Lesson 38: V no wa, V no ga, V no o

  1. V[dictionary] is Adj. 2. V[dictionary] is Adj. 3. I forgot V[dictionary]. 4. Do you know V[plain form]?
  1. The one that is N

Lesson 39 - Using ~て/で (reason), Nで (cause), ~ので

  1. ~te/de, ~ (reason) 2. N de ~ (cause)
  1. ~, ~

Lesson 40 - Whether or not, if, trying to V

  1. <question word> -ka, - 2. -ka douka, -
  1. V[te]mimasu

Lesson 41 Saying Grace, Receiving, and Giving (Giving and Receiving 3)

  1. I received N from <person> 2. <Person> gave me N 3. I gave N to <person> 4. Received V[te] 5. Gave V[te] 6. Did V[te]
  1. V[Please]くださいませんか

Lesson 42 - For, In Order to

  1. V[dictionary]/N, for the purpose of, ~ 2. V[dictionary] of/N, ~ (purpose/evaluation)
  1. V [Dictionary] / N <Quantity> ~ (Required)

Lesson 43 - So desu (immediately before/expectation/state), V-te kimasu

  1. V[masu] sou desu (chokuzen/yosou) 2. I adj./Na adj. sou desu (yousai)
  1. V[te] kimasu

Lesson 44 - Excessive, Easy/Difficult, Make It Adjective/Verb

  1. V[masu]sugimashita/I-adj./Na-adj.sugimasu 2. V[masu]yasui desu/nikui desu (yōi・kondan) 3. V[masu]yasui desu/nikui desu (seishitsu・keikō) 4. I-adj.-ku/Na-adj.-ni shimasu
  1. N

Lesson 45 - Situations and Despite

  1. ~ If ~ 2. ~ Although ~

Lesson 46 - ~tokorodesu, ~bakaridesu, ~hazudesu

  1. V[dictionary]/V[te]iru/V[ta]tokorodesu 2. V[ta]bakaridesu
  1. ~ should be

Lesson 47 - Sou desu (hearsay), you desu

  1. ~soudesu (hearsay)
  2. ~youdesu

Lesson 48 Causative Verbs

  1. Causative verb 2. Make someone V[causative] (forceful/intransitive) 3. Make someone do N (forceful/transitive) 4. Let someone V[causative] (permission/allowance/intransitive) 5. Let someone do N (permission/allowance/transitive)
  1. Would you like to receive [Te]?

Lesson 49 Honorific Language

  1. Respect verbs 2. <Person> uses V[respect] 3. Becomes o + V[masu] 4. Special respect language 5. <Person> uses [respect language]
  1. o + V[masu] + kudasai / go + N + kudasai

Lesson 50 Keigo (Humble Language)

  1. o + V[Masu] + shimasu 2. go + N + shimasu 3. Special humble language 4. (I) [Humble language]
  1. Humble Language II (Polite Language)

N1et Paid Content

On this site, 'Japanese Language Teacher N1et (hereinafter referred to as N1et)' provides useful information for Japanese language teachers for free, but through the site note, it offers some information for a fee. For details on the differences between paid and free content, click here.

Paid beginner activities

Differences in paid beginner grammar patterns and how to teach them

The article provides a detailed breakdown of beginner-level Japanese language learning, including introductions, practice, and activities organized by lesson. It follows the 'Minna no Nihongo 2nd Edition' textbook. The website introduces teaching plans, materials, and course concepts for Japanese teachers. It also offers individual lessons for Japanese teacher training. Additionally, the article includes useful resources for lesson planning, such as verb lists, adjective lists, and teaching tips for beginners. It covers various lesson plans for different topics like survival Japanese, greetings, numbers, and classroom terms, each with specific objectives and content to be covered.