The article revolves around the prestigious Tinh Hai Cup, a major painting competition held in City A, featuring a high-stakes prize and a panel of esteemed judges, including the legendary Yang Mingzong. The competition is fierce, with ten finalists, all exceptionally talented artists, vying for the top spot. Among them is Khang Khai, whose artwork catches Yang Mingzong's attention due to its remarkable quality, enhanced by subtle modifications made by his friend, Hứa Thịnh. Despite the rules allowing collaboration, Yang Mingzong's keen eye recognizes the distinct differences in technique within the painting. The narrative highlights the admiration and respect for Yang Mingzong in the art community, as well as the camaraderie between Khang Khai and Hứa Thịnh, who reflects on the implications of the competition and the potential for future academic pursuits. The story captures the intensity of the competition, the significance of mentorship, and the aspirations of young artists navigating their paths in the art world.