2023 Year-in-Review: $100K in AI Micro-SaaS

2023 年回顾:100K 美元的 AI 微型 SaaS


This year, I moved out of my VC job to start a micro products studio: 1811 Labs.

今年,我离开了风险投资工作,开始了微型产品工作室:1811 Labs。

The idea was to assemble a group of builders and hackers who would come together to ship fun products very quickly. We have shipped a total of six products:


  1. Avatarize,
  2. AIPickUpLines,
  3. VisualizeAI,
  4. HeadlinesAI,
  5. Audionotes, and
  6. Podnotes.
  1. 头像化,2. AI搭讪台词,3. 视觉化AI,4. 头条AI,5. 音频笔记,和6. 播客笔记。

1. Early failures and a ray of hope

1. 早期失败和一线希望

Inspired by Pieter Levels, we started off with an Avatar Generator App - Avatarize. Took some time to figure out the tech and finally launched just before the start of the year.

受 Pieter Levels 的启发,我们开始开发了一个头像生成器应用 - Avatarize。花了一些时间来摸索技术,最终在年初之前推出了这款应用。

At the same time, we were playing around with GPT-3 and ended up building out a Pick Up Lines Generator - AIpickUpLines.com. It sort of went viral and we got to ~50-60K monthly visits.

同时,我们也在尝试 GPT-3,并最终开发出了一款搭讪语生成器 - AIpickUpLines.com。它在一定程度上变得火爆,我们每月的访问量达到了约 5-6 万次。

We could barely touch the surface with Avatarize in terms of Revenue and failed to capitalize on the Avatar wave. While we were lucky to sell AIPickUpLines on acquire.com for a small amount of money.

我们在 Avatarize 的收入方面只是触及到了表面,并未能充分利用 Avatar 浪潮。虽然我们很幸运地在 acquire.com 上以一小笔钱出售了 AIPickUpLines。



  • Avatarize: Bubble, Stable Diffusion 1.4/2.1 hosted on AWS
  • AIPickUpLines: Vercel, NextJS, Supabase, OpenAI APIs
  • Avatarize: Bubble, Stable Diffusion 1.4/2.1 托管在 AWS
  • AIPickUpLines: Vercel, NextJS, Supabase, OpenAI APIs

2. The golden goose and a half-baked viral product

2. 金色的鹅和一个半熟的病毒产品

In March, we built out VisualizeAI (www.visualizeai.pro), a controlnet-based visualization tool for Interior designers. We hit a few thousand in revenue within three months and found a buyer by the end of June. VisualizeAI was acquired for $30K.


Around April, we were looking to build a mega GPT tool - a tool that would solve a lot of smaller use cases at one avenue. This led to HeadlinesAI (www.headlinesai.pro), a headlines, hashtags, and description generator for Videos and Blogs. HeadlinesAI has had 345K Visits and 190K+ Signups till date, with again a few thousand dollars in revenue. We sold it just a few days ago, again for a small amount.

四月左右,我们希望打造一个超级 GPT 工具 - 一个可以解决许多小用例的工具。这导致了 HeadlinesAI(www.headlinesai.pro),一个用于视频和博客的标题、标签和描述生成器。截至目前,HeadlinesAI 的访问量达到了 345,000 次,注册用户超过 190,000 人,收入再次达到了数千美元。我们几天前以较小的金额出售了它。

Stack (VisualizeAI):


  • Bubble,
  • ControlNet and Stable Diffusion hosted on Replicate
  • Bubble,
  • ControlNet 和 Stable Diffusion 托管在 Replicate

Stack (HeadlinesAI):

Stack (HeadlinesAI):

  • V1: Bubble, OpenAI
  • V2: NextJS, Supabase, Vercel, OpenAI APIs
  • V1:Bubble,OpenAI
  • V2:NextJS,Supabase,Vercel,OpenAI APIs

3. Building complex products and growth

3. 构建复杂产品和增长

In May, we were playing around with Whisper (OpenAI's speech-to-text model) and thought of building out a cool voice-first note-taking app - Audionotes (https://www.audionotes.app). We launched the first version in May only to find out that a competitor who had already gone viral existed.


We shipped two iterations of the tool to make it stand out and we finally started getting traction in September. But we also saw a copycat tool come up (who ripped us off in terms of design as well as bought the .ai domain for the same name). We kept on shipping and growing the tool to hit ~$24K in Revenue. We are super bullish on the product and are actively working on growing the product to a sizeable revenue.

我们发布了两个版本的工具,使其脱颖而出,最终在九月份开始获得了关注。但我们也看到了一个模仿的工具出现(在设计上抄袭了我们,并且购买了相同名称的 .ai 域名)。我们不断发布和发展工具,收入达到了约 24,000 美元。我们对这个产品非常乐观,并正在积极努力将其发展成一个可观的收入来源。



  • Bubble,
  • Whisper,
  • GPT-4,
  • GPT-3.5,
  • APIs on Digital Ocean
  • 泡泡,* 耳语,* GPT-4,* GPT-3.5,* 数字海洋上的API

4. A spin-off and the AppSumo deal

4. 衍生作品和AppSumo交易

In June, we built out Podnotes (https://www.podnotes.app), a sister product of Audionotes. On the same platform as Audionotes but serves Podcasters. Audionotes can record notes up to 50 mins without total recording limits whereas Podnotes can transcribe as big a file with monthly minute transcription limits. We launched Podnotes on AppSumo and crossed $23K in 5-6 months. At present, we are rolling out an all-new version (based on user feedback) and moving to a MRR-based model. Early leads look very promising. We have crossed $500 in recurring revenue.




  • Bubble,
  • Whisper,
  • GPT-4,
  • GPT-3.5,
  • APIs on Digital Ocean
  • 泡泡,* 耳语,* GPT-4,* GPT-3.5,* Digital Ocean 上的 API

5. What we couldn't ship and one last simple summary tool

5. 我们无法发货的物品和最后一个简单的总结工具

We failed to ship two products which could have been big but that's how it is :). We also shipped a simple summarization tool (for any file type) called Summarify (www.summarify.me), which has generated ~$350. We also revamped Avatarize (www.avatarize.club) just for fun.

我们未能推出两款本可能会很受欢迎的产品,但事情就是这样 :) 我们还推出了一个简单的摘要工具(适用于任何文件类型),名为 Summarify(www.summarify.me),已经产生了约350美元的收入。 我们还为了好玩对 Avatarize(www.avatarize.club)进行了改版。



  • Vercel,
  • NextJS,
  • Supabase,
  • OpenAI APIs
  • Vercel,
  • NextJS,
  • Supabase,
  • OpenAI APIs

6. What's next?

6. 接下来呢?

Our focus is to grow Audionotes & Podnotes and reach bigger revenue milestones quickly as we continue to make the products better.

我们的重点是在不断改进产品的同时,快速增长 Audionotes 和 Podnotes,并实现更大的收入里程碑。

We are also working on a couple of more exciting products.


Our Idea is simple - Build products, Build Distribution, and Hit those amazing Revenue Milestones while building in public so that a lot more people can get inspired to build.

我们的想法很简单 - 制造产品,建立分销渠道,实现惊人的收入里程碑,同时公开建设,让更多人受到启发。

We are a floating team of five. Each one of our projects may have a different team and some of us work on individual projects as well. Of those, I am super excited about Spark Social (www.sparksocial.io) and an FPL Fantasy tool that is being built by my amazing co-builders.

我们是一个由五个人组成的浮动团队。我们的每个项目可能都有不同的团队,我们中的一些人也会参与个人项目。其中,我对Spark Social(www.sparksocial.io)和由我的出色合作者打造的FPL Fantasy工具感到非常兴奋。

The $100K Breakdown:

10 万美元分解:

  • Acquisitions: ~$50K (AiPickUpLines, VisualizeAI & HeadlinesAI)
  • Audionotes + Podnotes Revenue: ~$50K
  • HeadlinesAI + Avatarize + VisualizeAI Revenue: ~$10K
  • 收购: extasciitilde$50K(AiPickUpLines、VisualizeAI 和 HeadlinesAI)
  • Audionotes + Podnotes 收入: extasciitilde$50K
  • HeadlinesAI + Avatarize + VisualizeAI 收入: extasciitilde$10K

Aiming to 10x these numbers in 2024, Wish us Luck ❤️


If you want help in building out your AI MVP, hit us up 🙌

如果你想在构建你的AI MVP方面得到帮助,请联系我们 🙌

今年,我离开了风险投资工作,开始了一个微型产品工作室:1811 Labs。我们迅速推出了六款产品,包括Avatarize、AIPickUpLines、VisualizeAI、HeadlinesAI、Audionotes和Podnotes。通过这些产品,我们取得了一些成功和一些失败,但总体来说,我们取得了一些收入和一些产品被收购。我们的重点是发展Audionotes和Podnotes,并计划在2024年将收入增加到10倍。