Scarlet King Legend《System》


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  • The author does not necessarily have 100% knowledge and sufficient play experience in this work. Please kindly point out any errors in the comments.
  • The content written in the article is based on the situation at the time of posting and the author's understanding, and may not necessarily be the same as the current situation or the author's understanding. Thank you for your understanding.

The basic windows used in this game (hereinafter referred to as "windows") are the following five types.

Let's first start with the basic operations of the window, and we will explain the important parts for each window later.

Click the blue "↓" mark in the upper right corner of the window to minimize that window. The minimized window can be restored by clicking the icon.

Click the red "↑" mark to maximize that window (however, each window has a maximum size, so other than the battle window, it will not be displayed in full screen).
Click the red "↓↑" mark on the maximized window to return the window to the size you have set.

The size of the window can be freely set by "right-dragging" the corners around the window. The part labeled "<1>" at the bottom right of the window allows you to change the units displayed in that window by clicking "<" or ">".

It is very difficult to understand, but there are three types of marks on the right side of the window. Since the marks are hard to describe, I will explain them by color: "Green"... Open a new "Combat Window" for the unit set in that window. "Blue"... Open a new "MAP Window" for the unit set in that window. "Red"... Open a new "Status Window" for the unit set in that window.

Clicking will execute a function like this.

The article provides an overview of the basic windows used in a specific game, detailing their functions and operations. It emphasizes that the images and content belong to their respective copyright holders and that the author may not possess complete knowledge or experience with the game. The article outlines five types of windows, explaining how to manipulate them, such as minimizing, maximizing, and resizing. Users can click on blue and red icons to change the window's state, and the size can be adjusted by dragging the corners. Additionally, the article describes how to switch the displayed units in the windows and introduces three types of icons on the right side of the windows, which allow users to open combat, map, or status windows for the selected units. The author encourages readers to provide gentle corrections for any inaccuracies and notes that the information may not reflect the current state of the game or the author's understanding.