Electronic system for purchasing activities


The law on the procurement of goods, works, and services with state and local property (revised version) states in section 11.8 of article 11 that "The criteria for the combined assessment of quality and price shall be applied only to the procurement of medicines and medical devices." Accordingly, we are seeking proposals for the draft documents of the tender for the procurement of medicines and medical devices through a general contract.

Төсөлтэй танилцаж холбогдох саналаа 2024 оны 09 дүгээр сарын 01-ний өдрийн өмнө Сангийн яамны Хууль, эрх зүйн газрын Худалдан авах ажиллагааны бодлогын хэлтэс, 267648, 267416, [email protected] хаягт ирүүлэхийг хүсье. Click here танилцана уу.



The Ministry of Finance is seeking feedback on the draft tender documents for the procurement of medicines and medical supplies through a general agreement, as stipulated in Article 11.8 of the revised law on the procurement of goods, works, and services using state and local property. This article specifies that the criteria for combined quality and price evaluation will only be applied to the purchase of medicines and medical supplies. Stakeholders are invited to review the draft and submit their comments to the Procurement Policy Department of the Legal and Regulatory Division of the Ministry of Finance by September 1, 2024. Interested parties can access the draft document through the provided link. The announcement was made on July 30, 2024, by the Ministry of Finance.