WEF 2015 - WEF without critics


At the World Economic Forum in Davos, there will be no demonstration for the first time in ten years. And the WEF counter-summit Public Eye is taking place for the last time. The interest of globalization critics in the Davos Forum is waning.

Author: Gianluca Galgani

16.01.2015, 08:15

The green Davos politician Rolf Marugg has been organizing the Davos demonstration for around ten years. Since he was recently elected as the President of the Davos Cantonal Parliament, Marugg has decided not to organize the anti-WEF demonstration this year. As a result, the demonstration is unlikely to take place. Marugg: 'I find it regrettable. However, the effort is very high, and participation has been decreasing for years.'

Public Eye leaves Davos

Other critical voices will be missing in Davos next year. The WEF counter-summit 'Public Eye' will no longer be held in 2016. According to Oliver Classen, spokesperson for the Declaration of Bern and co-organizer of Public Eye, the WEF has lost political significance. 'Davos has always been the most inappropriate place for political demands. Davos is as illegitimate as it was in 2000 when Public Eye first appeared with the demand for more transparency.' Nothing has changed in the last ten years.

Popular initiative for corporate responsibility

The organizers of Public Eye want to focus their resources in Bern instead of Davos in the future. Already on Monday, a popular initiative for more corporate responsibility is expected to be launched in Bern. Classen: 'The issue of corporate responsibility, which we have launched in Davos in recent years, is now moving to the political level.'

The initiative, according to Classen, calls for more due diligence for Swiss companies abroad. It is supported by around 50 non-governmental organizations.

WEF not concerned

WEF Director Alois Zwinggi rejects the criticism from Public Eye. The WEF still has great political significance. This is also demonstrated by the high number of participants in 2015. 1500 business representatives, 300 government representatives, and 40 heads of state will participate in the WEF this year. Zwinggi: 'In terms of representativeness, we have a very good group of participants. I believe in this sense the criticism point refutes itself.'

The World Economic Forum in Davos will not have any demonstrations for the first time in ten years, as interest from globalization critics is declining. The Davos Demo organizer, Rolf Marugg, will not be organizing the anti-WEF demonstration this year due to his new role as Davos Landrat President. Additionally, the WEF counter-summit 'Public Eye' will no longer be held in Davos in 2016, with organizers shifting their focus to Bern. They plan to launch a popular initiative for more corporate responsibility, demanding greater diligence from Swiss companies abroad. Despite criticism, WEF Director Alois Zwinggi maintains that the forum still holds significant political importance, citing high participation numbers in 2015 as evidence of its relevance.