Unfortunately, 2025 opens with the tragic news of the disappearance of one of the most iconic voices of NWOBHM. This is Russ North, long-time singer of the historic CLOVEN HOOF.
Ne ha data la notizia il leader della band Lee Payne, con un post sulla sua Facebook page:
“I just received tragic news: unfortunately Russ North has passed away. His fantastic vocals on ‘Dominator’ and ‘A Sultans Ransom’ will never be forgotten and will always be a testament to his enormous vocal talent. Condolences to his family in this sad time. God bless Russ, you were world class! Lee.”
Russ North was born in 1965 and was part of CLOVEN HOOF from 1987 to 1990 and then again from 2006 to 2009. With the band, he recorded ‘Dominator’ in 1988 and ‘A Sultan’s Ramson’ in 1989. A couple of times he returned to the band for very short periods, but did not record anything official. He also lent his voice to TREDEGAR and their only self-titled album from 1986, led by former Budgie Ray Phillips and Tony Bourge.