If there’s something cat lovers can all agree on, it’s that kitties are just cute and naughty at the same time. They’re mischievous and know that with just a cute stare and a cuddle, they will be forgiven immediately. Just like Haryanto Pherwirra Ramadhani’s 8-month-old cat, who likes to play, and sometimes... destroy things.
One time, he left his earphones on his bed and the curious little kitty played with them. After biting and scratching them for a while, he inevitably broke them. When Haryanto saw the cable torn in half, he got really angry and scolded the kitty, who immediately ran away.
Later on, the cat came back with his own peace offering: he caught a snake and offered it as a gift to Haryanto to replace the cable he had ruined. Snakes are scary even when they’re as tiny as an earphone cable, but the little cat probably thought his human would have been happy to have one to replace the cable he destroyed. If this isn’t the most wholesome thing ever, I don’t know what is.
Haryanto was surprised by his kitty’s gift, and felt bad for scolding his furry friend. Snakes are rare in his neighborhood, so the cat must have put a lot of effort in finding something to ‘replace’ the earphones. Obviously, Haryanto forgave his little friend, since it’s the thought that counts, especially for kittens, and the wholesome post he wrote about the whole situation on an Indonesian group went instantly viral.