Electric bicycles: Get to know them!


The way you move around is very important, as economic, time, and environmental impact factors come into play. That's why bicycles have become a recurring and practical mode of transportation.

The bicycle has always been an excellent choice. Both for exercising and for recreational activities. With good weather and more hours of sunshine, outdoor rides multiply.

However, for many, this vehicle has become their main means of transportation. Their way of getting around every day. Many people choose this means of transportation to go to work, for example.

And for that, within the range of bikes, the electric bicycle is the best option to combine exercise and transportation. In this post, we will tell you all about them. Do you want to buy an electric bicycle to use on your daily commutes? Do you want to take advantage of exercising whenever you want?

Here we will guide you to choose the one that best suits your needs. Let's get started!

What is an electric bicycle and how does it work?

The electric bicycle, also known as e-bike, is a two-wheeled vehicle with pedals. It has a motor installed, which can be located on the rear or front wheel, near the axle, making movement easier. And a controller and a battery to assist in travel.

More specifically, it is called an electrically assisted pedaling bicycle, as the electric motor is not intended for the bike to move as if it were a motorcycle, but to help us pedal with much less effort.

This Assisted Pedaling System detects the force transmitted to the pedals and provides energy to the motor. When pedaling stops or the brake is activated, the motor stops working. If we want to pedal normally, we can disconnect the electrical system. And even remove the battery.

Electric bicycles are designed for those who require an economical, agile, and sustainable mode of transportation. They are ideal for those who:

  • Those who want to practice sports with cyclists in better physical shape
  • Users who want to contribute to the care of the planet

Aluminum Electric Bicycle, 29 MTB Benelli. Gray / Blue Color, Size L

Bicicleta Eléctrica

How many kilometers can I travel with an electric bicycle?

Generally, electric bicycles have a range of 30 to 100 kilometers. However, there are electric bicycles that can exceed 200 km of range. Next, we will tell you about the factors that determine the range of a bicycle:

  • Mechanics: Wheel pressure, tire condition, or weight. These factors determine how many kilometers an electric bicycle can travel.
  • Humans: Height, cyclist's weight, age, and driving style. They are determinants of the vehicle's autonomy.
  • Type of terrain: The condition of the road we ride on (slopes, pavement, and obstacles). This will determine the battery discharge rate.
  • Atmospheric conditions: Electric bicycles use lithium batteries. These are affected by extreme temperature situations.
  • Motor quality: All have a power of 250 W (watts). However, some motors are more efficient than others.
  • Battery capacity: The more energy the battery can support, the more kilometers it can travel.

Purchase criteria

Type of electric bicycle

In the market, there are some different versions of electric bicycles. Next, we will tell you what variants exist and what technological systems they have:

Electrically assisted pedaling bicycle (BPA): It is the most common and the only one that is legally considered a bicycle for all purposes. Electric assistance can only be activated by the cyclist's pedaling. The motor power cannot exceed 250 W. And the motor cannot exceed 25 km/h.

Fast electric bicycle: Its physical appearance is that of a bicycle, but it is considered a moped. Electric assistance is activated by pedals or throttle. It can exceed 250 W of power. It can reach over 45 km/h and must have mirrors and wearing a helmet is mandatory.

Battery Type

The autonomy of a bicycle varies depending on aspects of the battery. For example, durability and capacity. How to discover what the battery autonomy is? With a simple multiplication of all factors. With a 32 V and 10 Ah battery, a 250W motor, and a speed of 25km/h, the battery autonomy would be: 32 x 10 x 25 / 250 = 32 km.

Lithium batteries have a higher performance than conventional batteries. However, after two years, it is common for the battery's lifespan to decrease. As a result, it gradually reduces its autonomy.

Engine location

The motor can be placed in two locations: the axle and the wheel. With the motor on the axle, you feel the normal pedaling of the bicycle. It is the ideal place when using the electric bicycle for sports.

In the case of the wheel motor, a motion sensor is also provided. It is usually placed in the front wheel to achieve traction, both in the motor and in the pedal.


When choosing an electric bicycle, one of the key aspects is the motor power. It should never exceed 250 W or reach a speed of more than 25 km/h. Also, if we stop pedaling, the motor should stop.


Brakes are a very important factor that you should study. These can prevent accidents caused by not having braking reaction time. Next, we will tell you about the most common types of brakes. Carefully read their characteristics. This way, you can consider them before choosing your bicycle:

Drum brake: They are usually durable and economical, but the braking is not too powerful.

V-brakes: Faster and more progressive braking, but on slippery terrain, braking precision tends to decrease.

Disc brakes: It is the best of the three systems. Its braking is one of the most powerful and progressive, but it is the least economical.


This is the same as with standard bicycles. The wheel size should be proportional to each person's height. People under 1.60 m should choose 26-inch wheels or smaller. For taller individuals, a 28-inch wheel is ideal. Therefore, you should consider your height to choose the correct wheel size.

The type of wheel is directly related to the suspension. That is, if your rides are on the road, a thin wheel with narrow tires would be best. On the other hand, if you are moving through mountainous or rocky terrain, they should be wider. This way, they will grip the ground better.

Choosing an electric bicycle is an excellent idea, as it has multiple advantages. Especially if you live in the city and need to make long journeys. It is a very practical means of transportation. In addition, it is environmentally friendly and very healthy. What are you waiting for to get one?

We invite you to discover our new collection of bikes, visit our online store Carbone Store. We look forward to seeing you!

Bicycles have become a popular and practical mode of transportation due to economic, time, and environmental factors. They are not only great for exercise and recreational activities but have also become a primary means of transportation for many. Electric bikes are particularly popular for combining exercise and transportation. These bikes have a motor, controller, and battery to assist with movement, making pedaling easier. Factors affecting an electric bike's range include mechanical aspects, rider characteristics, terrain, weather conditions, motor quality, and battery capacity. When choosing an electric bike, consider factors like bike type, battery type, motor location, power, brakes, and wheels. It's important to match wheel size to rider height and choose the appropriate tire width based on the terrain. Overall, electric bikes offer an economical, agile, and sustainable transportation option for those looking to exercise or contribute to environmental conservation.