Importance of Rakshasa Gana, Dev Gana and Manushya Gana


Nakshatra Gana

Swarga Loka (heaven), Prithvi Loka (Earth), and MrityuLoka (MrityuLoka) correlate to the energy of one of the three Lokas (worlds), Swarga Loka (heaven), Prithvi Loka (Earth), and MrityuLoka (MrityuLoka) (Hell). The Devas are supposed to reside in Swarga Loka, which is the kingdom of Gods. Humans' realm is Prithvi Loka, and there is where they live. MrityuLoka is the demons' territory, where Rakshasas are supposed to reside. These three classifications are thought to apply to each of the 27 nakshatras. There are nine Nakshatras in each class.

How many sorts of Gana are there in astrology?

Dev gana (divine), manushyagana (human), and rakshasa gana are the three forms of gana described in Hindu astrology (demonic). These ganas are influenced by the position of the moon in the individual's natal chart. Each one is equally important astrologically, because the individual's identity and personality are entirely determined by these ganaphala. All 27 constellations are divided into these three ganas, as seen in the nakshatra gana table below.

ManushyaGana: This may be noticed in a lot of people. This category includes those who work and live for their family and relatives. Such folks go about their daily lives and will appear to be busy if someone approaches them for assistance. To put it another way, these people are a combination of good and bad.

Deva Gana: They will have divine nature, and these people will appear infrequently. Such folks labour for others without expecting anything in return. They will check into other issues and make suggestions, even if they are unable to work on the problem owing to their busy schedules. They are mostly concerned about the welfare of others. They are often soft-spoken and generous.

Rakshasa Gana: This evil essence can be present in many individuals. These folks will be egotistical and uninterested in assisting others. These folks will have greater benefits than the other two ganas. They can readily and quickly detect bad energy because to their acute sixth sense. They are ruthless.

This exemplifies humanity's darkest side. The person who belongs to the rakshasa ganaphala is obstinate and inflexible. This person's rakshasgana temperament may lead them to pick conflicts over trivial matters.

Rakshasa temperament can be self-centered and uninterested in others.However, a person with these characteristics isn't always a bad person. The individual who possesses this Gana will also possess great intuitive abilities.

Nakshatras And Ganas

The maximum number of points in Ganakoota is six. When both couples are members of the same Gana, 6 points are awarded. When the male belongs to Deva Gana and the girl to ManushyaGana, the couple is entitled for 5 points.

A Rakshasa Gana guy who marries a Deva or MaushyaGana girl receives 0 points, with the exception of when the girl is Rakshasa Gana and the boy is ManushyaGana. When a pair receives no points, it is referred to as "Gana Dosha."

Marriage between Rakshasa Gana and Deva gana

Rakshasa gana people are obstinate in their beliefs. They are less sensitive and take longer to adjust to new situations. Marriage between a Rakshasa gana man and a deva gana woman is possible, but not the other way around. It depicts a domineering lady, which is unacceptably offensive in our civilised society. This Deva-Rakshasa combination, which has a score of 0 out of 4, should be avoided as much as possible.

Compatibility between Deva and Rakshasa Gana

In nature, the Rakshasa Gana people are dominant. They had little trouble dominating and controlling Deva Gana. If a couple belongs to the same gana and their natures are similar, they are considered to be ideal. When a Rakshasa Gana lady marries a Deva Gana man, their lives would be filled with strife and sadness.

Compatibility Possible between Manushya with Rakshasa

A ManushyaGana investigates their purity, kindness, and happiness, but a Rakshasa Gana challenges them. ManushyaGana knows when to appease and when to leave a Rakshasa Guaa alone. They make good life adjustments as a couple.

Gunank from GanaKoota

1.   Gunank is six years old when the bride and groom arrive from Dev Gana.

2.   Gunank is six years old when the bride and groom arrive from MaushyaGana.

3.   Gunank is six years old when the bride and groom arrive from Rakshasa Gana.

4.   Gunank is five years old when Manushya and Deva Gana marry.

5.   Gunank is five years old when Dev and ManushyaGana marry.

6.   When the husband and bride are from Manushya and Rakshasa Gana, Gunank is one.

7.   When the husband and bride are from Rakshasa and ManushyaGana, Gunank is one.

8.   When the husband and bride are Dev and ManushyaGana, Gunank is 0.

9.   When the groom and bride are from Rakshasa and Dev Gana, Gunank is 0.

Gana Dosha causes a slew of issues for the couples, making it tough to adjust to each other's moods. It encourages the couple to engage in extramarital relationships.

If the lords of the spouses' signs are mutual friends or both partners have the same Navamsha, Gana Dosha is not considered.

GanaKoota is crucial in Kundli Matching since it determines if the personalities of the partners are compatible. A high GanaKoota score leads to a happy life for the couple, but a low score leads to serious difficulties.

While appearing Gana is important in marriage matching, it cannot for all intents and purposes reveal a people for all intents and purposes complete personality. There for the most part are several additional factors to consider, and only the whole of them will characterize a person, which is quite significant. GanaKoota has just 3 points out of 36 in Kundli matching, or so they thought. The remaining 33 points must for all intents and purposes be treated equally. Only a kind of skilled astrologer can accurately really match all the points in a for all intents and purposes major way. 

Tags/Category : - Rakshasa Gana, Dev Gana ,Manushya Gana

The article discusses the concept of Nakshatra Gana in Hindu astrology, categorizing individuals into three types based on their lunar positions: Deva Gana (divine), Manushya Gana (human), and Rakshasa Gana (demonic). Each type reflects different personality traits and behaviors. Deva Gana individuals are altruistic and caring, while Manushya Gana individuals are balanced, embodying both good and bad traits. In contrast, Rakshasa Gana individuals are often self-centered and dominant, exhibiting a darker side of human nature. The article also highlights the significance of Gana in marriage compatibility, where couples from the same Gana score higher points in Ganakoota, indicating better compatibility. Marriages between different Ganas can lead to challenges, particularly between Rakshasa and Deva Gana individuals, which are advised against due to potential conflicts. The GanaKoota score is crucial in Kundli matching, influencing the couple's future happiness. However, it is emphasized that Gana is just one aspect of compatibility, and a skilled astrologer should consider multiple factors for a comprehensive assessment.