With Anna in Saigon Ch. 02: Annanass


"I'll just warm up one of those soups," Anna said rather prosaically in the end, pointing with her chin at the pile of cookies and Japanese ramen noodles in the kitchenette: "Come on, let's put some water on already."

"You could just pee on my feet," I suggested.

She was briefly perplexed before she said: "You too."

Ultimately, she even took my cock and swung it over her belly and bush, while she again giggled refreshingly. Ultimately, I started to gently lather Anna on top while she absentmindedly played a bit with my noodle, which of course had shrunk again:

I have never really been able to look at a penis properly," she explained to herself and grinned.

Since it was such a beautiful, bucolic scene, I didn't want to overanalyze it and interrogate Anna, but merely suggested that she could now wash the piston for me. I took my time with her small, firm breasts before I reached around her and went on an exploratory journey with soapy fingers in her tight butt crack.

"Does anything hurt?" I asked at some point.

She hugged me and pressed her cheek against my hairy chest before shaking her head. Well, that wasn't entirely convincing, but - as I said - the moment was too moving to insist on details or the truth. So I caressed her slender upper body and her incredibly beautiful face once more before we rinsed off.

"Well, come on, let's eat first," she commented as we stood next to the bed again, freshly dried off.

I had somehow hoped that she would stay naked for dinner, but then her little sweet butt would stick to the seat. Yes, Anna first put her panties back on before she put her bra back on and also put on her skirt. But it was hot without a blouse, although I associated beige bras more with older women.

But no, the stretchy little piece was already chic; especially on her enchanting young body, and even the simple act of boiling the instant noodles on her part was elegant and graceful. An aesthetic experience.

At some point, I stood behind her and placed my hands on her narrow hips before kissing her hair and placing my hands on her chest. She absentmindedly stirred her noodles - the we would share as she had said - when I reached under her skirt again and silently removed her panties.

Anna giggled as I bent down so she could climb out of the pretty, soft, fragrant part again. Carefully, she poured some of the water out of the bowl before she cut open the two small bags of freeze-dried vegetables and the spice oil and added everything.

"Are we eating here in the room or outside, on the balcony?" she then asked me.

"Right here, isn't it? I don't feel like getting dressed," I replied, before quickly grabbing a towel for the chair.

Anna had meanwhile placed the bowl with the soup on the table and sat down, so that I leaned forward while still standing and kissed her reddish hair, which was already black at the roots again. She turned her head and smiled at me before I sat down right next to her and gathered her skirt up in front.

“I think I've never sat anywhere in a skirt, but without panties,” she giggled.

“Oh, that's pretty,” I said softly, as I played with her soft pubic hair and then twirled her tiny clitoral pearl that was nestled between my thumb and index finger.

"I've always done it in the dark so far," laughed Anna, as she continued to eat a little more before she pushed the bowl over to me.

Well, such instant noodles weren't particularly tasty, but the baguette in the morning hadn't been exactly plentiful either. So I took the chopsticks that Anna had been holding out to me for 20 seconds, and started eating.

"At your home?" I asked her while I chewed.

„No, only once or twice there. My sister, you know ... no, rather at parties.'

"Do you all actually sleep in one room?" I was curious.

After the parties I would inquire about it later. Or tomorrow.

"Yes, we have a double and a single bed, like here," Anna replied, nodding her chin over to the two beds.

In the middle of the larger one, we could still see the damp, fragrant spot that Anna had caused earlier in her divine delirium, but then there was a sudden knock. Because I was naked, I quickly disappeared from view, into the bathroom, and left Anna - also because she spoke Vietnamese - to the door.

'That was surely just the cleaning lady. Or had the two concierge ladies from the reception surprisingly decided to drive Anna out of paradise?! Together with the police? Standing in the bathroom door, which was not visible to the person outside, I asked Anna who it was:'

"The woman wants to clean. She asks when she can come back."

"In an hour and a half, when we are having lunch?"

"Hmh, by then she actually wanted to be done."

"In a quarter of an hour?"

The two chatted briefly, but then Anna closed the door. We sat down next to each other at the table again, as before, and I picked up the thread of the conversation again:

"So, in your apartment: Who sleeps together in the double bed? You and your sister?"

„No, she's sleeping over there on the single bed. At home, I share the bed with her, but here ... I don't know. It turned out differently. Nhi, my girlfriend, is really sweet too," Anna added after I had pushed the soup back over to her.

I wondered whether the two, Anna and Nhi, occasionally indulged in sensual pleasures before falling asleep - or even in the morning - but I didn't want to be too curious. As I knew Anna, she would probably peu a peu share more spicy details with me - if there were any.

Because Anna probably already suspected that I wanted to go smoke first, she took her phone out of her backpack and lay down on the bed while I quickly put on my shorts and grabbed a cigarette and my lighter. Standing outside on the balcony, I noticed that it wasn't too hot and was also a bit windy.

I looked at the bed, where Anna was lounging like a fish out of water and found it casual that she hadn't put her panties back on; as if she was expecting another round of sex. On the other hand, we were threatened by the visit of the cleaning lady, and I could still use a recovery phase anyway.

When I went back in, I freed myself from my pants and sat down next to Anna, who placed her phone on the nightstand and settled onto her back. She grinned smugly as I folded her skirt back up to her belly so that I could enjoy her young pussy, which she didn't even cover with her thigh.

Of course, she immediately took off her bra as well, and we were almost naked again, except for her skirt:

"My sister just asked if we want to go have lunch together," she giggled. "But I told her that I already have plans."

"But won't she become suspicious?"

„Oh, no. I sometimes go out to eat with my colleagues. She doesn't know them either. So, she won't check if I lied to her,” she grinned mischievously.

I now lay down at a right angle to Anna's upper body so that I could blow gentle kisses on her flat stomach and her wonderfully cheeky breasts, and I also poked my tongue into her navel again. Anna seemed to be breathing excitedly and had her eyes closed.

At some point, I placed my hand heartily between her legs, which she promptly opened, but then she opened her eyes and reminded me that we should get dressed and go eat:

"The soup wasn't much either."

I had seen on her phone earlier that it had been half past ten; so we still had almost three hours.

"Do you want to go to the crab restaurant again?" I asked her as we got dressed.

Interestingly, her slip was still on the single bed where I had thrown it earlier. Anna nodded and also combed her hair without having put it on. When I had already opened the door, she grabbed her underwear - but only to stuff it into her backpack. Probably because of the cleaning lady.

We grinned at each other, and Anna said laconically:

"I want to try that out."

Well then. Anna knew that I would not only approve of the cheeky step but also appreciate it, and we both suspected what would happen again in an hour up in the room. When we stepped out of the elevator downstairs, we took each other's hands and walked by, nodding politely to the older lady who was now on duty.

She also nodded kindly again when I handed her the chip card, and then we stepped outside. Anna without panties. Hot. With bouncing steps, she walked beside me, but even this moment was too beautiful to talk it to death. Instead, I lit a cigarette, and so we walked forward, to the large roundabout, where there were several restaurants.

Since we already knew the crab restaurant, but Anna hadn't really eaten here yet, we returned there, this time sitting upstairs, which was open to the street. On a Thursday during the state mourning, there wasn't much going on, and we ordered fried rolls and crab soup again.

"Sometimes I don't have enough strength to crack the crab shells," Anna had laughed while we were studying the menu, to which I told her that I, in turn, was inexperienced in that and probably not particularly skilled either.

Crabs were also relatively expensive. And did not fill us up further. And we would surely be too distracted in our infatuation to specifically take care of crustaceans.

"And: how is it, with no panties?" I asked my young lover slyly, although my wife had just asked me what I was doing at the moment.

I would have given anything if I could have written to her that the most beautiful girl in the world was sitting next to me in a relatively short skirt without panties. Anna giggled right away, but only said:

"So far, so good."

We sat at a right angle to each other at the corner of the table, so that I now placed my right hand on her bare left thigh and squeezed it, under her skirt, but without going any higher. Although I certainly would have been allowed to do that. On the other hand, the waitress was just approaching with the drinks and the soup.

The stupid thing was that I now had to eat the soup with my left hand. But: What doesn't one do. Now the fried crab rolls also arrived, which could at least be eaten well with the left hand.

Anna and I looked at each other happily from time to time, and I wondered what we could talk about: Her tender relationship with her friend Nhi, with whom she had been sharing a bed for some time? Or the parties where Anna sometimes had sex? Well, we didn't always have to talk about the same topic.

As great as my three years in Micronesia had been, I still had no desire to start talking about my time in the South Seas at that moment - also because I could now feel Anna's soft pubic hair on my little finger. She immediately looked around; probably because she feared that someone might be watching us.

But there was no soul; we had wisely planted ourselves in a corner so that no one could approach us from behind. Anna was again sitting with her back to the other currently empty tables and was looking at the street, which today, probably due to the state day of mourning, also seemed to be less busy.

So I gently tugged at her freshly washed, not too long pubic hair, which Anna also enjoyed and grinned at me cheekily:

"Richard, we're going up to you again for an hour, right?"

"Sure," I nodded: "We still have until half past two or so."

Anna nodded, but then said that if she showed up at the office a little earlier today, we would have more time tomorrow.

"But we'll see each other again tonight, right?" I asked her.

Anna nodded again: "When I sit at the computer this afternoon and then again on Zalo, I will definitely feel like it again. And you too, in your course ..."

I had by now arranged the fabric of her skirt under the table in such a way that I could see Anna's pitch-black pubic hair when I leaned back a little. She had also slightly opened her legs - as if she had completely forgotten where she was.

As I turned my right hand now to tease Anna's clitoris with two fingers from under her awning, my young, dreamily beautiful lover sighed, and I became aware that a few centimeters lower, viscous nectar was rolling out of her:

"Richard, that's so beautiful. Come on, let's get going," she suggested when we had finished eating.

As she watched me lick my fingertips, she smiled slightly mockingly again:

She laughed: "Well, do you want to try that tomorrow? We don't have any ..."

"Sure," I laughed: "If it comes up."

We had meanwhile called for the bill, which now lay before us. Anna wanted to pay first, but I reminded her that she had already taken care of breakfast. She took a small paper napkin and casually dabbed herself under her skirt for a moment, so that her divine juice wouldn't stain the fabric at the back.

Dizzy from the whole situation, we stood up and took each other's hands again before strolling down. I asked her now - so we wouldn't lose momentum - how deep and close Anna's relationship with her friend Nhi was, with whom she shared the bed:

"Do you sometimes have sex?"

"Hmh, no. Not really. But we cuddle often. And stroke each other while doing so ..."

"But only if your sister is not in the room, right?"

"Yes, rather in the afternoon, when we take a nap. But sometimes also at night, when Nhung is sleeping. She has probably noticed it at some point. But she has never said anything. At least not to me," Anna finally laughed.

Ah, was that wonderful, to stroll back to the hotel next to the lively, life-loving young woman in a miniskirt; knowing that she wasn't wearing any panties and was already wet again. Funny enough, Anna also glanced sideways down at my pants once, as if she wanted to check whether my erection had also developed.

I still intended to write back to my wife in the room first. If that was somehow possible. At the reception, we grabbed the key card for the door upstairs as we passed by, but when we were finally alone in the elevator, there was no stopping:

However, there were cameras here, so we hurried down the hallway, frantically swiped the chip card through the box on the door frame, and entered the room, where we immediately kissed passionately once again.

„Richard, I think my pussy needs a break,” Anna laughed, beaming all over her face: „I’ll give you a nice one instead,” she offered right away, to which I told her that I actually wanted to lick her nicely for a long time:

"We haven't done that yet."

When Anna remarked that she needed to pee first, my alarm bells immediately rang, and I told her that I wanted to taste it. I was a bit startled myself, but, young and tender as she was, it just seemed obvious to me. Infatuated as I was with her. How we were intertwined.

As much as we thirsted for each other. Since that was difficult to do on the bed without lengthy preparations, we quickly undressed and dashed into the bathroom, where I spread a larger towel on the floor and then lay on my back:

"Come, sit on my chest!" I suggested laughing.

Anna hesitated briefly because she had probably never done that before, but it wouldn't cause her any harm. Maybe she was already considering whether she wanted to be pissed off by me afterwards, but that didn't matter at first. And I would never have insisted on it in my life. What she surely also knew.

Equal. Since it apparently wasn't urgent yet, she moved very close to my mouth so that I could first explore and lick her divine little pussy. The mauve-colored, shimmering, pumping flesh naturally tasted delicious: fresh, a little salty, and only slightly sour.

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Anna looked down at me happily and freed, laughing, while I continued to hold her now almost round pussy with both thumbs and enjoyed licking from bottom to top in long strokes.

“If you can, try to pee in bursts so I don't choke,” I asked her, to which Anna nodded and said:

"I'll try it."

At some point, the first thick drops, which tasted rather fresh and anything but unpleasant, jumped in my direction. We had only drunk lemonade - and no beer - earlier, and I believed I could taste the sweetness and the citric acid - filtered through Anna's divine young body. Oh, how wonderful that was!

Yes, Anna had now stopped again and watched me swallow her divine lukewarm lemonade, but then it overcame her once more, and she let go again. Casually, she had rested her hands on her thighs and now pushed her young narrow hips in my direction once more.

I suddenly thought of my wife, who had never done that with me - I had and would never have asked her to - but then I was hit by another charming, yellowish wave, once again accompanied by Anna's fresh, bubbling laughter:

"So much do you love me then?" she scoffed, with the question probably being more rhetorical.

"I just want us to always stay connected, Anna. This is much nicer than watching you sit banal on the toilet," I defended myself: "Urine is full of messenger substances ... and, directly from your body, it has nothing repulsive at all," I panted.

„So, as long as you are here in Saigon, I can no longer go to the bathroom, but should instead pee in your mouth?” asked the rascal now and giggled wonderfully.

Too bad that the joke with 'Annanass' didn't work in English.

"You can gladly," I let her know immediately and drank from the fourth wave.

"But I don't know if I can do that too," she admitted.

"You don't have to. We'll quickly hop in the shower and, if you want, you can serve my noodle again and paint your belly while you're at it," I laughed.

I had already rinsed my chest as well as my head and was now watching Anna as she looked at my half-erect cock. She had already pushed back the foreskin, but then she also mentioned that she didn't want to wash her hair because she had to be at the office by half past two:

"That's okay." I replied quietly, but then she asked me to maybe pee in bursts.

What I could hardly do. Whatever. I let it go for now, while Anna immediately pulled the stream up to her cheeky breasts. She was already giggling wonderfully again as she swung my shaft over her entire upper body. When the stream was almost running out, she really went to her knees and held her hair back with one forearm in front of her forehead.

The article describes an intimate and playful encounter between two characters, Anna and the narrator. It begins with a suggestive scene where Anna, in a flirtatious manner, engages with the narrator. They share a moment in the shower, where playful banter leads to a light-hearted exchange about bodily functions. The atmosphere is filled with humor and a sense of exploration as they wash each other and enjoy their physical connection. After showering, they prepare instant noodles, with Anna maintaining a playful demeanor, even as they discuss their living arrangements and past experiences. The narrator is curious about Anna's life, particularly her relationship with her sister and a friend named Nhi. The scene is set in a casual, relaxed environment, with the characters enjoying each other's company while navigating the boundaries of their relationship. The article captures a blend of sensuality, humor, and the complexities of young adult interactions, all while hinting at deeper connections and potential future encounters.