Hey everyone! I am Bailey Sheather owner of Your Home of Gaming and a lot More!
I welcome each and everyone of you to my website, socials and YouTube Channels. back in 2017 I was always fascinated with editing and content creation, while back then I was too young for a YouTube channel I'd still watch YouTube A LOT, my top pick would've been the YouTuber DanTDM who now doesn't spend as much time as he used to, originally owned a YouTube channel in 2022 which has now been deleted.
But anyway thank you for reading and have a good day:)
- 2/06/2024
"As an avid gamer, my preference leans heavily towards battle-centric games, immersing myself in the thrill and strategy they offer. The mobile platform is my go-to for gaming, as it affords me the flexibility to play anytime, anywhere, aligning perfectly with my on-the-go lifestyle. I'm not one for extensive conversation; I let my gaming do the talking. Additionally, I have a fondness for Umbreon, the dark-type Pokémon known for its sleek design and mysterious aura. My passion extends to content creation, where I manage a YouTube channel named UmbreonYT."
25/04/2024 -
Discord Server Head Admin
@damechaboi is a temporary Head Admin until umbreonyt returns
(Now unobtainable because CreaPro was discontinued April 24th 2024)
@thebailzonyt (Founder, Owner and OC Maker)
@umbreonyt (Founder)
@insurging (Member)
@.scarlettroses (Former Member, Founder)
@luxurious_meanie (Former Member,, OC Maker)
More memberships can be found on the Our Team page of The Bailz Channel Collaborative Productions which you can find here.
The Bailz Channel is a YouTube channel that started on the 13th of February 2023, since then it has grown in popularity and sprung with a community of people!