

  • LCD virtual pager**
  • 1 Year Warranty - AUTO PAGER SYSTEM with LCD - (range of action 1000 m) - Can be installed individually or together with a car-motorcycle-property alarm system
  • Audio warnings

icons for: open door / sensor / attempted start

The set contains:

  • Radio Transmitter Unit - Cable Set with Connectors - Receiver Unit - Installation and User Manual

Installation and Use

For maximum performance, mount the transmitter inside the windshield, preferably at the base, using the double-sided adhesive tape provided in the set. Connect the wires according to the following diagram:


Fir ALBASTRU functie - to put the transmitter on standby.

Alegeti una din cele 3 (trei) optiuni pentru conectarea firului ALBASTRU:

  1. When arming the EXIT alarm (the pager transmitter will become active only when the alarm is armed). 2. At the ACCESSORIES circuit of the ignition switch, which will be grounded when the switch is in the off position (the pager transmitter will become active only when the switch is in the off position). 3. To GROUND through a separate switch (the pager transmitter will become active only when the switch is off).


The BLUE wire must be connected, otherwise the pager zones will not function correctly.

Turning on the receiver: Press the POWER button - the LED will blink, the receiver will beep three times, and symbols will be displayed one by one around the screen.

OPRIREA receptorului: Apasati butonul PORNIT/OPRIT - receptorul va suna de 2 ori.
Buton Resetare: Apasati butonul pentru a opri semnalele acustice cand receptorul a intrat in alarma. LEDul va clipi.
Acest simbol este afisat si insotit de o melodie cu 4 tonuri, iar LEDul va clipi pentru cateva secunde odata ce transmitatorul este activ. Aceasta este confirmarea ca transmitatorul si receptorul comunica. 

This symbol is displayed continuously as long as it is within the check range with the LED flashing indicating that the receiver is within the transmitter's range, starting 15 seconds after arming the vehicle (or after the transmitter's START command). The warning symbol - in range - will automatically stop after 5 minutes and a cycle of 6 symbols.

These symbols are displayed when one of the doors has been opened - the receiver beeps and the LED flashes for 20 seconds.

These symbols are displayed when the motion sensor (shock or ultrasonic) has been activated - a 4-tone melody is generated and the LED flashes for 20 seconds.

This symbol is displayed when the receiver battery is depleted and needs to be replaced - warning signals and the LED flashes. When replacing the battery, observe the polarity.

Procedure for learning the receiver (the system can learn multiple receivers):

The transmitter is in standby. Turn off the receiver, then press and hold the ON/OFF button until a short signal is generated (after about 5 seconds), after which the system will be in learning mode for 20 seconds. Open the vehicle door to activate the transmitter and send the code - the receiver will confirm with 3 signals the acceptance of the code. After this, the receiver will shut down automatically.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT extend, shorten, or cut the attached WIRE/CORD - this is the receiver antenna. Cutting it will dramatically reduce performance. Extending it will not improve performance.


This product is a transmitter/receiver system, made in accordance with the CE (European Community) directive for radio transmissions 1999/5/EC. Due to the low power imposed by the CE directive and the increasing traffic of radio transmissions today, the range of the pager may vary from one area to another. Other radio transmission systems allocated in similar permitted frequencies, with higher powers, may interfere and reduce the range of the pager.

pager lca2000, pager radio autowatch lca200, lca2000, alarma pager lca2000, monitorizare auto pager lca2000, pager lcd lca2000, Electronic Tudor,

The Autowatch LCA 2000 is a car pager system with LCD display and a range of 1000 meters. It can be installed individually or with a car-motorcycle-home alarm system. The system provides audio alerts and icons for open door, sensor, and attempted start. The set includes a Radio Transmitter Unit, Cable Set with Connectors, Receiver Unit, and Installation and User Manual. Installation tips are provided for optimal performance. The system features different options for connecting the blue wire for various functions. The article also explains how to start and stop the receiver, reset signals, and interpret different symbols displayed on the LCD screen. The system can learn multiple receivers, and it is important not to cut or extend the attached wire, as it serves as the receiver's antenna. The product complies with CE directives for radio transmissions, but the range may vary due to radio traffic and interference from other systems operating on similar frequencies.