Percentage calculators: determine the percentage of a number, apply a discount, an increase, or calculate the rate of change.
Quickly find your net salary from the gross salary (and vice versa) with this gross to net salary converter.
The power calculator helps you find the result of any number raised to a positive or negative power (exponent).
The square root calculator to quickly calculate the square root of any positive number.
The Rakuten fee calculator to calculate the commission charged by the Rakuten sales site.
Volume calculator to simply and quickly calculate a volume in m3, cm3 or mm3.
Surface calculator to simply and quickly calculate an area in m2, km2, or cm2.
Calculate the number of days until a date or between two dates.
Character counter to find the number of characters in a text or a sentence.
Free word counter to instantly calculate the number of words in a given text.
The simple and effective VAT calculator to quickly convert an amount excluding tax to including tax and vice versa.
Calculate your BMI (body mass index) to find out if you are overweight, normal, or underweight.
Convert a speed (km/h) into pace (minutes per km), and vice versa.
Estimate the maximum amount you can borrow for a real estate purchase.
PayPal fee calculator to calculate the transaction fees charged by the PayPal payment service.
The eBay fee calculator to calculate the commission charged by the eBay selling site.
Make every week count. Find out how many weeks you have lived and how many weeks you have left to live.
Simulate your retirement age with the new pension reform, based on your year of birth.