Conflictolysis - Germanic Medicine® according to Dr. Hamer


Welcome to - a portal that puts the revolutionary New Medicine, discovered in 1981 by Dr. med. Mag. theol. Ryke Geerd Hamer, at the center. 'Health is the harmony within myself with my environment' - these words reflect the core of our mission: understanding and harmonizing the interplay of psyche, brain, and organ. The New Medicine is a strict natural science based on five Biological Laws and represents a crucial departure from conventional medical hypotheses. It acknowledges that the moment of shock is the cause of all conceivable diseases - a profound psychological truth that goes beyond physical conditions.

On this page you will find comprehensive knowledge about Germanic Medicine®, translated into 77 languages. This knowledge is not a 'pill to swallow', but requires understanding and conscious action. In Germanic Medicine, the key to healing lies within yourself - there are no universal remedies, but the possibility of spontaneous healing through understanding and resolving the causes.

We invite you to explore, understand, and apply this knowledge. Your participation and support in translating and disseminating this important information are essential. Together, we can build a movement of enlightenment and health where nothing stands between you and your health - no medication, no doctor, just you and your understanding of the harmony within you. For further insights, we recommend the free audio/video seminars by Helmut Pilhar and Dr. Hamer's "Legacy of a New Medicine, Part 1".

The website focuses on the revolutionary New Medicine discovered by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer in 1981. It emphasizes the harmony between psyche, brain, and organs based on five biological laws, diverging from traditional medical hypotheses. According to this approach, the shock moment is the root cause of all diseases, highlighting a profound psychological truth beyond physical conditions. The Germanic Healing Knowledge® is presented as a key to self-healing, emphasizing understanding and resolving underlying causes rather than universal remedies. The site offers extensive information on Germanic Medicine translated into 77 languages, promoting active engagement in exploring, understanding, and applying this knowledge. Encouraging participation in translating and disseminating this vital information, it aims to build a movement of enlightenment and health where personal understanding of harmony plays a central role in healing. Visitors are invited to explore free audio/video seminars by Helmut Pilhar and Dr. Hamer's 'Legacy of a New Medicine, Part 1' for further insights.