

Hello everyone, I am Sun Ce, familiar old friends should know that I have been focusing on offline customer acquisition in recent years;

In the field of online customer acquisition, we have achieved top nationwide results, leading hundreds of circle friends to make money in this field, with many earning tens of thousands or even millions.

In 22, I once again deeply rooted in the same city track, helping local entities with in-store sales, increasing traffic, in just 4 months, the company's monthly revenue exceeded one million.

23 years to polish the entire model, even the chain brand, a single chain brand brings the company profits of over 2 million;

24 years to start nationalization, incubation mode started in April, incubation cooperation with 5 or 6 money-making friends, opening two cities, monthly revenue close to 1.4 million, 70% gross profit margin,

Looking at so many entrepreneurial friends, those who have achieved great results are nothing more than those who can earn a large amount of money by delving deep into a certain industry. For many friends, it is still necessary to choose a relatively long-term track, slowly improve their own abilities, and also have the opportunity to build a large team. In the short term, there is simply no way to build a large team. Slow may not really be slow.

The obvious dividend of the Internet has peaked, and various traffic arbitrage opportunities are becoming fewer. If you persist in short-term traffic arbitrage, you will still be a leek, a leek, and another leek.

Many people also want to find a long-term and less winding track, and Tongcheng is one of them. Tongcheng is a rare traffic oasis where ordinary people can seize a great opportunity.

Competition is small, there are only a few competitors, defeating local opponents can dominate the high ground of this city;

There are many benchmark cases, mature local businesses nationwide, placed in your own city, with a high probability of success.

Copyable, run through several cities, replicate nationwide, aiming for tens of millions, hundreds of millions;

Whether a business is successful depends on whether people around you have achieved results. In this system, many friends have already achieved results.

Circle friends, this summer, earned 300,000 in 3 months, accumulated earnings of 1 million, and have now joined the incubation team​

Circle friend, Lin, joined the incubation team in April, with a personal monthly income of tens of thousands.

Local physical sales, is to help local physical merchants use a mature business system, build traffic and conversion systems, complete tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of payments in-store in a week, because I used to do offline customer acquisition before, helping Taobao, Alipay to drive traffic, so logically, I entered the business of local physical sales, so if you have done offline promotion work before, you naturally fit this business.

Sun Ce, a well-known figure in the industry, has achieved success in offline customer acquisition, leading hundreds of peers to earn significant profits. He has since focused on helping local businesses with in-store sales and traffic growth, achieving monthly revenues exceeding one million within four months. By 2023, he expanded to chain brands, generating over 2 million in revenue from a single chain. Sun Ce emphasizes the importance of long-term strategies and building one's capabilities to establish successful teams. He highlights the potential in the local market as internet opportunities diminish, with fewer competitors and room for growth. Sun Ce's approach involves assisting high-end local businesses like yoga studios and educational centers with traffic and conversion systems, addressing their lack of foot traffic and conversion skills. This business model targets businesses that rely on external traffic sources and require assistance in optimizing conversion rates for maximum utilization of traffic.